2023 Fall

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JamaicanAmerican Club Newsletter

Entrepreneur: Machiavellian Style

There is a reason why a pamphlet that was written in 1400 is still relevant today: it works. How you obtain and keep stays the same. Only the characters are different. All leaders read the book and memorize its tactics. Entrepreneurs are natural leaders and should pay attention to how your product or service will remain viable.

1. Be a leader. Never walk in someone’s shadow. Whether it is an overbearing parent or ego driven boss, move from under their shadow in a timely manner. If you don’t, they will always get the credit for what you do. Plus you will have to do double the work and still get half the reward.

2. Remove the leader and their followers will scatter. Most people follow a social order where you have a hierarchy in place; you see this in your personal and professional life. The best way to get the public on your side is to topple the leader of the pack. If you don’t, people will succumb to their influence. Nullify their influence as soon as possible.

3. Feelings and perception is everything. Long before you buy, a positive vibe had to be in place and that is what the leader is cognizant of before the consumer. Coercion never works because the person will turn on you in your moment of weakness. Seduction is the best route. That way they become loyal to you without negativity. Soften up their resistance.

4. Defuse and irritate with the mirror effect. Mirrors will do two things: disarm and diffuse the issue. Your opponent or competitor will not figure out your strategy. By holding up the mirror to their psyche, you seduce them with the illusion that you share their values – they become disarmed and trust is invoked.

5. Preach the need for variation but never alter too much at once. We humans are a creature of habit so too much too fast can back fire. If you are an outsider coming in, be sure to show that you are respectful for the past but gently show how your way will be bigger and better for their selfinterest.

6. No one likes a show off. Envy creates silence enemies. Presentation is everything. Occasionally admit to harmless vices to show you are just a human as they are which is why they can trust your brand.

7. Don’t go past the mark, learn when to stop. One of the biggest icon photos is Ali punching out Forman. Ali had more in him but he stopped, which is why that photo is so memorable. Don’t be a bully. The public will turn on you even though you won.

8. Adopt Shapelessness. Everything changes and you can’t be a solid object set in stone. Your competitors will learn how to take a hold of you for their agenda. If you are formless, they have nothing to grasp, which gives you the upper hand. Entrepreneurs must have a backup plan, so be flexible.

Milk River Bath is known to be the most radioactive mineral spa in the world.
BUSNAME Entrepreneur: Machiavellian Style 1 Trivia 1 9 ways to grow 2 A Successful Entre- 3 Book Club 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2023 Fall

9 ways to grow and sustain your business

Entrepreneurs are creative people. What are the tricks of the trade? If you are in business, follow these steps. If you want to go into business again I say follow these steps. No longer can you depend solely on your 9-5 as your only source of revenue.

1. Everybody needs money and capital. Some sources are SBA, www.Kabbage.com , www.Lendingtree.com, www.AccionNews.org

2. Be flexible to change. What is your credit rating?

3. Abrand can create multiple streams. For example, Brand X can create t -shirts, eBooks, online seminar and host events in exotic places. Can we say Jamaica?

4. Money can be tight at times; therefore, you might have to negotiate with your vendors and client. Remember you don’t get what you want; you get what you negotiate in life.

5. Watch your cash flow. Never let your invoice go past 30 days. Know what and when your money is coming to you.

6. Always focus on your customer’s needs. You might be the best in your field but someone else can and will do it better. You must be on point and take nothing for granted.

7. Current customers are the best referrals for future customers.

8. Market your company or brand continually on social media as well as other outlets.Attend conferences and seminars.

9. Learn trends; remember you are always a student.

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ASuccessful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are a unique breed. They have decided to charter their own course instead of following the templet set out in front of them. So, what are the keys to their success? Why are they unique? If you would like to be a successful entrepreneur, here are some suggestions that should be in your mindset:

1. Put yourself in the game. You can’t win if you are on the sidelines.

2. Don’t wait to be rescued; build your own raft. No spouse, no friend or parent can help you do the work. If you want a flat stomach, you will have to do the daily sit ups.

3. Don’t wait for someone to give you the answers. How do you know what they are telling you is right for you and not their agenda? Create your own blueprint and be your own hero.

4. Take the risk. Many will ask why you would do that. Don’t live your life by what others think. You will limit yourself for other people’s happiness and their comfort zone.

6. Don’t spend, invest. Going to network events, conventions and seminars will cost money. However, look at the rewards. You might meet a good mentor, clients and many other opportunities that you never considered. For what you purchased, look at what you gained.

7. Believe in yourself and worth. Many disconnect with yourself because you don’t know your power. It is not unusual; to see elephants being led by a small person or a domesticated lion is being pushed around in animal sanctuaries. A long time ago someone trained these large beasts to be grateful and dependent. Is that you?

8. Say yes to your desires. Don’t say no or maybe. When will you get up and live your life of abundance? When someone says no, don’t be ok with that. No one should settle for crumbs or scraps from the table. Leave that scarce mentally alone.

9. Always have integrity. Practice what you preach. If you don’t, that very person you messed up will not be silent and your misbehavior will impact future clients. Don’t mess up your future by not following through. The world is small and the internet is large.

10. Connect with the bigger purpose. Yes, you want a nice paycheck but everything has a price and your happiness will cost you. Why price are you willing to pay? Always try to be ethical and have values. Now ask yourself: “how committed am I to get what I want?”

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