Rally Recipes 2024

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Rally Recipes from

the 2024 Pacific Rally

Rally Recipes

From the beginning of our passage planning food was a main consideration - what to take, what can you buy there, how to use local food...

As we navigated the seas and enjoyed our new lifestyle and friendships it was often shared meals that brought us together. I was frequently amazed by the food people created in their often tiny and limited galleys.

This Rally Recipe book contains ideas contributed by the 2024 Pacific Rally participants, and I hope it provides a lovely memory of that time, as well as being of use to future cruisers. Thank you for your incredible recipes!

Aubergine/ EggplantEggplant Stew p 15


BBQ Eggplant/ Aubergine and Zucchini p.15

BananasBanana Bread p 22

Bella Vita Banana Loaf p 34

Chocolate Banana Muffins p.31

BeansBlack Bean Chilli p 21

Gusto! Tuscan Beans p 14

BreadfruitBreadfruit Chips p.9

Breadfruit Pikelets p 11

BreadsBanana Bread p.22

Bella Vita Banana Loaf p.34

Focaccia p 17

Gluten-free Bread p 18

3 Seed Toast p 18

ChipsBreadfruit p 9

Plantain p 9

CoconutCheaters Rourou p.10

Coconut Chilli Margarita p.26

Coconut Dumplings p 8

Coconut Bacon p 8

Palusami p 9

Courgette/ ZucchiniBBQ Eggplant/Aubergine and Zucchini p 15

Pumpkin Zucchini Slice p 25

CurryJohn’s Tropical Green Curry p.27

EggsBella Vita Bacon & Egg Pie p 34

How to Boil an Island Egg p.29

FishNummus p 8

Ota Ika/Kokoda p 28

FruitNilla’s Biosecurity Jam p.24

Galley Gadgets p.5

Greens/VegesBella Vita Easy Sprouts p 33

Indian Spiced Greens p 13

Palusami p 9

Sausage & Veg Tray Bake p 20

Manioke/CassavaManioke Man Gnocchi p 23

Muesli p 40

Muffins & BunsChocolate Muffins p 16

Chocolate Banana Muffins p 31

Cinnamon Buns p 42

FruitFallado Tropical Smoothie p 12

Ice cream p 12

Kumquat Marmalade p 11

Roasted Papaya p.38

Passage PlanningPassage Snack Box p.34

Quick and easy Passage Meals p.36 & -37.

PastaBella Vita Bolognese p.35

Andrew’s Aglio Olio p.32

Manioke Man Gnocchi p.23

Spaghetti p. 7

PumpkinPumpkin Zucchini Slice p.25

Thai Pumpkin Soup p.30

Viani Bay Pumpkin p.41

Recipe Book & Website Ideas p 4

TaroPalusami p 9

Quick and Easy Passage Meals #1 p 36

Yoghurt p 5 & 6

W o n d e r f u l W e b s i t e s

A High Country Life & Websites

Sarah/ BrisaI love this one. She’s a high country station cook, so cooks with fairly basic/longlife ingredients. Most recipes also on her website.


Meredith/Tieton - I use Pressure Perfect and my Instant Pot. The Boat Galley is a great resource. https://theboatgalley.com/ R e c i p e B o o k s &

Anne/ Curiosity, Allrecipes

https://www allrecipes com/ Recipetineats

https://www recipetineats com/recipes/

he Boat Galley & Pressure Perf

Susan/Opal Lady - The Boat Galley by Caroline Shearlock, I don’t think there is a cabbage recipe known to boaters that isn’t in this book.

Fred/Iria - The Boat Galley, Their blog posts are great on storage and what does and doesn’t need to be refrigerated .

Me’a Kai & Supergood

Caroline/Giselle - Me’a Kai is a gem that explains local food from Tonga, Fiji and more, describing the food, the region, provides recipes and plenty of cultural knowledge Supergood has a few excellent go-to plant based recipes

One-Pot Wonders & Tradewinds and Tucker

Fred/Iria, My all time favourite boat cookbook is one called One Pot Wonders by a Canadian chef and sailor, some great recipes that are easy in a small boat galley. Great sense of humour in the writing style too.

Sue/ Eudora, She explains all the different fruit & vegetables, what they are called in each language and how to use them. It is specific to the South Pacific. By a NZ cruiser


a l

l e y G a d g e t s

Omnia Oven

The omnia oven cooked this beautiful birthday cake among other items including roast veggies, pasta bakes and casseroles

Cara/Taurus - I love my omnia oven for stovetop cooking and bakingwe don’t have an oven!

Sue/Eudora - Silicon oven mitts, handpull blender from Kmart and the Sodastream


Colette/Iria - The wonderbag is basically a non-electric slow cooker

This link has recipes and Australian purchase info The WB can also be used for yoghurt making and chilling food

Woody/Brisa - Our breadmaker has seen a bit of action this trip

Quarter Acre Pot & Instant Po

Caroline/Giselle - An honorable mention goes to the Quarter Acre Pot. The function is similar to a wonderpot but in a pot not a bag. We had delicious QAP scones aboard Fallado. Highly recommended if you can source one.

Meredith/Tieton - I now leave my Instant Pot on the counter because I use it so much https://instantpot com

Caroline/Giselle - My pressure cooker has been useful for quick hearty meals

Yoghurt Making

Meredith/Tieton provides a recipe for thermos yoghurt using milk powder. To make yoghurt using a mixture of yogurt sachets and milk powder, Sue/Eudora and Nola/Masterplan recommend 2 heaped tablespoons of yoghurt powder mixed with 1 5 cups of milk powder, making about 6 pots from one sachet The Wonderbag, a thermos, a yoghurt maker, a warm engine bay or a blanket can be used to incubate the yoghurt Boat Galley Yoghurt Making tips - https://theboatgalley com/yogurt/

The Boat Galley has lots more hints. T H E R M O S Y O G H U R T

Heat a 3 cup thermos with boiling water.

Combine 1 1/2 cups powdered milk with 1/2 cup water.

Pour water out of thermos.

Fill thermos close to the top with milk mixture and a combination of hot and cold water to arrive at a temperature between 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit. I get closer to 120. Hotter will kill the cultures.

Add a couple tablespoons of yoghurt with live cultures.

Put thermos cap on and let sit for 4 hours or more.

Store in another container, not thermos.

Mine is thick like Greek yoghurt.

It might take longer than four hours if you don't have a good load of culture.


1 pound/500g ground/minced beef/chicken/pork

Small jar spaghetti sauce

8 oz/250g rigatoni pasta (use pasta with curls to hold sauce)

1/2 c dehydrated veggies (optional)


Parmesan cheese

1) if using vegetables, soak with 3x water for 1/2 hour

2) brown ground beef in Instant Pot. Stir in vegetables, pasta and enough water to almost cover pasta

3) top mixture with spaghetti sauce (don't stir or sauce will burn)

4) cook at high pressure for 4 minutes. Release pressure immediately and stir. Rest 10 minutes to allow pasta to absorb water.

5) serve with Parmesan

Note: the same cooking method can be used with chunks of chicken for Chicken Cacciatore type dish.

Skylark Recipes #1

Coconut Dumplings

Mix fresh coconut water and diced coconut meat with flour, sugar and some spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, mixed spice. Form into a stiff ball.

Boil in water or coconut water until cooked through. Breakfast treat.

Coconut Bacon

Something we have enjoyed (recipe is not mine, can’t remember who shared it with me- apologies).

Meat from a fresh brown coconut, shaved into wide slices.

Marinate in a dash of soy sauce, finely chopped ginger and chilli (flakes or fresh).

Pan fry until crispy or thereabouts. Eat as a sandwich filler instead of/with protein options and a salad.

Small diced fresh fish (tuna, mackerel, mahi-mahi etc), finely chopped ginger, red onion, chilli & garlic, salt and pepper. Liberal amounts of fresh lime juice and dash of white wine vinegar.

Massage fish in the mix - you should see the meat curing, if not, add more lime and vinegar - and allow to sit for 4+ hours/overnight.

Eat with crackers, salad etc.


Skylark Recipes #2

Taro leaves, washed and de-veined. Coconut milk.

Protein of choice: tofu, prawns, chicken, corned beef..

Spices: ginger, chilli, garlic

Diced carb: pumpkin, cassava, taro, yam, potato...

Lay out four taro leaves on a sheet of foil and add the combination of filling with a slurp of coconut milk.

Fold in first leaf, and another slurp of coconut milk, fold in second leaf etc. Wrap in foil to make a parcel. Cook in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. Delicious.

Breadfruit/ Plantain (Vudi) Chips

Option A- Peel unripe plantain and cut into thin slices.

Option B- Unripe breadfruit- Cut skin off, slice lengthways into 1/4s and remove core and seeds. Cut into thin crosswise slices.

Season slices with salt, pepper, cumin, turmeric chilli... Pan fry in a little oil until golden. Eat!! Try to stop at one...

Breadfruit tip- If it goes ripe and soft make thin patties and treat the same way to season and cook. If very ripe, add plantain & breadfruit to your cakes.

Cake tip- Banana cakes leave skins on (remove the ends) and blitz into cake. Sweeter, saves waste and makes more cake! RecipesdonatedbyClairefromSkylark


(Spinach in Coconut Milk)

A dish similar to the Fijian Rourou or Dalo leaves cooked in the earth oven “Lovo”


1 medium to large onion

1 large bag of spinach

1 tsp jeera/cumin Seeds

1-2 green chili (optional)

1 500g canned coconut milk

3-4 medium sized garlic cloves (or to taste)

2 tablespoon oil

Salt to taste


Chop onion finely.

Crush the garlic.

Heat oil in a pan and once it's hot turn the stove to low.

Add cumin first. Once it starts to sizzle and change color add garlic and stir a couple of times so it doesn’t stick to the pan. Add onions and chili a few seconds after that because we don’t want garlic to burn, as they tend to do so very quickly. It should just release its flavor in the oil.

Let the onion brown lightly and add spinach. Allow spinach to cook slightly before adding salt because it reduces in size as it wilts once softened. This way you can add the right amount of salt Cook for about 15-20 mins on low heat.

Now add coconut milk* and cook for another 5 minutes until done.

* Note: for thicker Rourou, reduce the amount of coconut milk



1 ripe/ ‘overripe’ breadfruit, peeled (or scooped out if that’s easier) and central seedy bit removed.

1 egg, beaten lightly Pinch of salt.

About 1/2 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder (or 2 tsp baking soda).

1-2 tsp ground cinnamon, ginger or a dash of vanilla essence.

Sugar or a dollop of honey (optional).

Puree the breadfruit using a potato masher or stick blender and work in the other ingredients until the mixture is a smooth, thick consistency (similar to normal pikelet mixture but a bit slimier) 1

Heat a little oil of your choice in a non-stick pan or skillet and drop in spoonfuls of the mixture. 2

Turn after a few minutes when bubbling a bit and turning golden brown

Nice with kumquat marmalade


Squeeze the fruit and use the juice to make cordial by adding sugar.

Chop up the skin and pith, cover with water and leave overnight.

Boil for about an hour before adding one cup of sugar for each cup of pulp.

Sprinkle a few tablespoons of gelatine or a packet of lemon & orange jelly to help with setting (and save gas).

Heat again until the sugar dissolves, skimming off any scum that forms on the surface. Heat clean jars and their lids in the oven or with boiling water.

Ladle in the marmalade and seal while still hot

Recipe donated by Jan from Fallado


Frozen banana (~2cm chunks)

Additional frozen fruit (optional- eg papaya or mango or berries )

Cream or coconut cream or yoghurt

Add frozen fruit to food processor or blender

Pulse to break up a bit then add cream a little at a time, just enough to blend to a thick creamy consistency.

Add a little honey or similar to sweeten if required. Eat immediately.


Banana, papaya, pineapple, ginger, lime juice, coconut water Best to have some of the fruit frozen in chunks.

I generally have at least frozen bananas in the freezer, (or add some ice cubes).

Use all or some of above ingredients according to taste and what is available

Add fruit to blender ~ 1/2 full.

Add coconut water to cover and blend to required consistency. Enjoy!


Here is a side dish for a curry plus its another way to eat cabbage.�� Not my recipe but we've enjoyed it a few times.

1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tsp cumin seed

1/2 tsp mustard seed

1/2 tsp tumeric

1/2 tsp ground coriander

1- 4 green chillies finely chopped

Large piece grated root ginger

500g shredded greens (eg.cabbage, kale, brussell sprouts or any other)

100g peas

1-2 tbsp lemon juice

Small bunch fresh coriander roughly chopped

2 tbsp desiccated coconut

Heat the oil in large pan or wok. Sizzle the cumin & mustard seeds for 1 min then add chilli, ginger and tumeric. Fry until aromatic, then add the greens, a pinch of salt a splash of water and the peas. Cover the pan and cook for 4-5 mins until the greens have wilted. Add the lemon juice, ground coriander, half the fresh coriander and half the coconut. Pile onto a serving dish and scatter with remaining fresh coriander and coconut. (4-6 servings)


This recipe is like a sophisticated / upmarket version of baked beans. Easy to make from your provision stores. In the island I swap out dried herbs for fresh and use pesto in place of fresh basil For meat lovers and to ‘beef’ them up I add chopped up cooked quality sausage or salami, prosciutto Serve with prepared mashed potatoes on passage for a hearty meal

1 onion, diced


3 cloves garlic, minced

2 tbs olive oil

2 large eggplants, diced into ¾” cubes

1 red capsicum, diced into ¾” pieces (optional)

1 tspn chilli powder

1 tspn cinnamon

2 tspn cumin

1 can tomatoes, chopped

1 can chickpeas, drained

1 cup vegetable stock

Heat oil in a large fry pan or pot, over a medium heat.

Add garlic and onion. Fry for 2 minutes (until soft, not dark).

Add chilli, cinnamon and cumin. Fry for 2 minutes.

Add eggplant, stir to coat with the mix and fry for 2 minutes.

Add remaining ingredients. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.

I often use it from the freezer as the base for poaching fish fillets or eggs when we ’ re in a hurry for a meal (think Spanish Shakshuka style, but with a Middle Eastern flavour). Get the stew to simmering in a fry pan and then make little divots in it for the fish or to break eggs into.

Cover and continue to simmer until the fish or eggs are cooked.

BBQ Eggplant/Aubergine and Zucchini

Slice eggplants into 1cm thick slices (thinner for a quicker cook, but you ’ll really need to watch them). Coat in olive oil, salt and a lot of pepper. Cook on BBQ until they look like they are just beginning to burn, turn and cook the other side the same.

Recipefrom: https://wwwrecipetineatscom/choc olate-muffins/



7g active dry yeast

2tsp. honey

(625 g) all-purpose flour

5tsp. Seasalt or 1 Tbsp. kosher salt

6Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more for hands

4Tbsp. unsalted butter, plus more for pan

Flaky sea salt

2–4garlic cloves

Step 1

Whisk active dry yeast(about 2¼ tsp.), 2 tsp. honey, and 570ml lukewarm water in a medium bowl and let sit 5 minutes (it should foam or at least get creamy.

Step 2

Add the all-purpose flour and salt and mix with a rubber spatula until a shaggy dough forms and no dry streaks remain.

Step 3

Pour 4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil into a big bowl that will fit in your refrigerator. Transfer dough to bowl and turn to coat in oil. Cover with a silicone lid or plastic wrap and chill until dough is doubled in size (it should look very bubbly and alive), at least 8 hours and up to 1 day. If you're in a rush, you can also let it rise at room temperature until doubled in size, 3–4 hours.

Step 4

Generously butter a 13x9" baking pan, for thicker focaccia that’s perfect for sandwiches, or an 18x13" rimmed baking sheet, for focaccia that's thinner, crispier, and great for snacking. The butter may seem superfluous, but it’ll ensure that your focaccia doesn’t stick. Pour 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil into center of pan. Keeping the dough in the bowl and using a fork in each hand, gather up edges of dough farthest from you and lift up and over into center of bowl. Give the bowl a quarter turn and repeat process. Do this 2 more times; you want to deflate dough while you form it into a rough ball. Transfer dough to prepared pan. Pour any oil left in bowl over and turn dough to coat it in oil. Let rise, uncovered, in a dry, warm spot until doubled in size, at least 1½ hours and up to 4 hours.

Step 5

Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 230°c. To see if the dough is ready, poke it with your finger. It should spring back slowly, leaving a small visible indentation. If it springs back quickly, the dough isn’t ready. Lightly oil your hands. If using a rimmed baking sheet, gently stretch out dough to fill the pan. Dimple focaccia all over with your fingers, creating very deep depressions in the dough (reach your fingers all the way to the bottom of the pan). Drizzle with remaining 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil and sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Bake focaccia until puffed and golden brown all over, 20–30 minutes.

3 S E E D T O A S T


2 teaspoons instant dry yeast

2 cups lukewarm water

1 teaspoon sugar

2 cups of high-grade flour (1 cup can be wholemeal flour and oats combined but this will make the loaf denser)

1 teaspoon flaky salt or table salt

4 tablespoons olive oil

2/3 cup flaxseeds

2/3 cup sunflower seeds

2/3 cup pumpkin seeds

To make a sweeter date loaf, substitute the seeds listed above with 1-2 ripe bananas and 2/3 cup chopped dates. You can add more or less seeds as you wish.


1. Gently mix yeast, water and sugar, leave for 20 minutes.

2. Pour liquid mixture into the flour, add salt and fold together.

I use an ice-cream container and its lid to hold the mixture.


3. Pour olive oil over the top of the mixture and tightly cover (use the lid). Leave to rise in a warm place (the Pacific air is perfect) for approx. 2 hours, until it has almost doubled in size.


4. For the second rise, fold in the seeds into the mixture.

5. Pour the mixture into 2 loaf tins with olive oil in the base (or you can use baking paper) and cover the top of each loaf mixture with olive oil again.

6 Cover each loaf tin so it is close to air tight You can use wrap bags for this

7 Wait for the second rise (approx 1 hour)


Bake at 180 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes Check at 20 minutes to ensure the loaves don’t burn


Freeze the loaves, then slice thin slices for toast, toasting each side in a fry pan

The photo includes 2 loafs from this recipe and ciabatta instant loafs – delicious!

Sausage and Veg Tray Bake


2 cans black beans (drain one)

1 can corn (drained, large or small)

1 can crushed/chopped tomatoes (preferably Mexican style)

Add salsa if you can't find Mexican style, or a finely chopped chili pepper (add to your taste)

Left over cooked meat or TVP (textured vegetable protein)

Add all to a pot and heat.

Note- adding garlic and onion powder IS allowed



2 Eggs

2 Cups Flour

1 t Baking Soda

1 t Baking Powder

1/2 t Salt

3-5 Bananas

(ripe, use more if lady finger size or less large ones).

Should be approx 1 1/2 cups mashed bananas

1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil (mild flavour - not olive)

1 Cup Brown Sugar (I use less though and still tastes good)

Mix mashed banana, oil, eggs and sugar together. Then add remaining dry ingredients and stir with a spoon until completely mixed.

Bake in oven until cooked (approx 45mins in ours).

Leave in tray to cool for 10 mins before slicing.

I’m sure everyone already has a good banana bread recipe, but this one has worked well for us every time. Our oven doesn't have a temperature reading so it's just guesswork.

No butter banana bread (saves the butter to add as topping ��):




Manioke Man Gnocchi


1 egg

1 cup flour

1Tbs olive oil


500gm cassava (called manioke in Tonga)

Chop then cook the manioke until very tender. Should look almost translucent.

Mash. Mix in all the ingredients. Knead until it feels right, (it kinda binds).

Roll long, 1cm sausages, then use a fork to cut at 1 cm intervals and squash each gnocchi into a pillow.

Bring a big pot to the boil and drop the gnocchi in. When they rise to the surface they’re cooked.

You can have them with olive oil and salt or a tomato based pasta sauce. I like to add bacon too.

Must be made by a bloke or it’s not authentic!


500g mango

500g papaya

300g pineapple

400g brown sugar

1/2 tsp Tahitian vanilla paste

1/2 tsp chipotle flakes or chilli

80g ginger

Chop everything small and boil for 30 minutes. So yummy good!

P U M P K I N / Z U C C H I N I S L I C E

This is a take off of the zucchini slice.

We had pumpkin from New Zealand and also it was easy to purchase in Tonga and Fiji, so I replaced the zucchini with pumpkin. It's a great passage meal for lunch and also to snack on.

5 eggs

1 cup flour

1 tsp Baking powder

1 cup grated pumpkin/ or zucchini or both

1 cup grated cheese

3 slices bacon if you have it

1 chopped onion

1/4 oil

Salt and pepper

Beat eggs in a large bowl.

Add flour BP S+P and mix together.

Add the rest of your ingredients and mix together.

Grease a lamington dish and pour in the mixture. I add tomatoes sprinkle some Italian herbs and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake 30 to 40 minutes.

This can also be cooked on a weber bbq as shown in my picture.

I add any left over cooked vegetables, mushrooms, capsicum, chopped up ham or left chicken.

Happy cooking everyone.



Here is the coconut chilli margarita. Key is getting the coconut infused water right. I use fresh young coconut juice.

Infused Coconut Water:

Harvest the green coconuts that are just starting to ripen. Heat the water up with half a chilli excluding the seeds. Add sugar (and some honey if you like) to make this sweet. If you want more coconut flavour add some coconut flesh. Heat to near boiling and then strain and cool in the fridge.

The best tequila to use is 1700 coconut tequila. If you don’t have this then ordinary white tequila is fine.

Making The Margarita:

Mix some coconut sugar (or white sugar) with some salt and a little chilli powder

Rub the rim of the glass with a lime and dip into the mix of sugar/salt/chilli powder so you have a nice 2-3mm of the powder sticking to the rim. Mix the margarita ingredients as per the attached ratios.

Shake with ice and enjoy.

Recipe donated byJohn from Elina

J O H N ’ S T R O P I C A L


I have a go to favourite that everybody loves It my style of green curry I call it John’s tropical green curry

Fry up two chopped onions until they go translucent.

Add six cloves of finely chopped or grated garlic and a couple of Tbs fresh or crushed ginger

Add two heaped tablespoons of Thai green curry paste and 1/2 a chilli without the seeds ( or to taste) and cook for five minutes

Add some chopped and partly boiled green string beans.

Add some chopped green papaya and a chopped red capsicum or any other vegetable to add some colour, (what ever is in season at the markets)

Cook another 5 minutes and then add a cube of fish stock and a tin of coconut cream (if you do not have fish stock you can use fish sauce)

Bring to the boil and then remove from the heat

Squeeze the juice of two local limes Stir and taste

Balance the acidity of the limes with some sugar and add additional stock or some salt if it needs more seasoning The flavour should be quite intense and taste of lime and Thai green curry.

Put aside Cook some rice

Chop your freshly cooked fish into 2-3 cm cubes

Bring curry back to the boil, add the fish and stir in

Take off the heat and let it sit for a few minutes so the heat of the curry cooks the fish

Do not leave on the heat as you want the fish to be just cooked Serve with a sprinkling of freshly chopped native coriander on the top and a nicely chilled glass of white wine If you do not have fish then this can be substituted with chicken and chicken stock I make the base curry sauce up and freeze for a passage meal

Just add coconut cream and fish and serve with microwaved rice

Viki, ‘Add six hungry yachties and stir well’.


O T A I K A / K O K O D A

Ota ikaorKakoda-catchawalu(Spanish mackerel)orotherfirmfleshfishlike wahoo/trevaly/pacificbarracuda. Cutinto1cmcubes.

Squeezeabunchoflocallimesandcoverthefish withlimejuice.


Drainthelimejuice,addfinelychoppedred onion,1/2afinelychoppedlocalchilli(seedsare optional).

Pouratinofcoconutcreamoverthemixand stir.

Addsugartotaste(balancetheresidualacidity fromthelimejuicestillinthefish). Finelychopsomeothercrispvegetableorfruit forcolour.

Iliketouse1/2aredpepper,1/2greenpepper andalsosomegreenpapaya.

Putinthefridgeovernighttomature. Tasteandbalancewithmaybealittle moresugarorsaltandsomecracked pepper.






Half fill a pan with water.



Tap the end of each egg repeatedly on the counter top, until you hear a crack sound from inside

(The eggshell shouldn’t crack, what you are doing is separating the membrane inside the shell to make the egg easier to peel).

Put each egg into the pan of water. Carefully discard any eggs that float (Gas inside makes them float and that means they have gone off. Do not crack them as they will smell BAD).

Lift the eggs that sank to the bottom of the pan and put into a bowl.

Boil the water (big bubbles).

Turn down the heat so the water goes back to simmering (small bubbles around the outside of the pan).

Gently put the eggs into the simmering water (a slotted spoon or spaghetti tongs works well for this).

Raise the heat to get the water boiling again.

Put the time ON and ¾ fill the bowl with cold water.

Remove the eggs and put into the bowl of cold water when they have reached the hardness you need:

Soft/Firm 6 mins- For smushing on toast, or salads

Firm 8-10 mins- The egg for travelling

Hard Boiled 12 mins- For curried eggs, or Kedgeree

Leave to dry, then use a pencil to mark the cooked eggs and store in the fridge until needed.

Ihaveattachedmy'howtocookanislandegg'instructionsthatIleftformyboys whentheywerelookingaftertheboat-theyneededtheinstructions.


2 tbsp olive oil

1 bunch shallots/spring onions or 1 onion, chopped

1-2 cloves garlic, crushed and finely chopped (optional)

2 heaped tspn red curry paste

1 kg pumpkin, chopped into 2” pieces

1-2 cups chicken stock or equivalent in stock cubes or vegetable stock

½ bunch coriander, roughly chopped

1 small bunch basil, roughly chopped

1 tin coconut cream

The other ½ bunch coriander, roughly chopped


Heat the oil in a large pot, over a medium heat

Fry onion (and garlic) for 2 minutes, but do not let get too dark

Add red curry paste and fry for 1 minute

Add pumpkin and coat with mix Fry for 1 minute

Add stock, ½ bunch coriander, basil and coconut cream

Simmer until the pumpkin is very soft Use a potato masher or stick blender to mash the pumpkin in the pot

Then continue to simmer uncovered until the soup is reduced to your preferred consistency.

Stir in the remaining coriander.

For passages we reduce the soup to a puree consistency that is thick enough to stick on your spoon.

Freezes better without the last ½ bunch fresh coriander. T H A I P U M P K I N S O U P


Finely dice heaps of garlic & chilli - I’d use nearly a whole bulb of garlic to serve 4. Remove seeds from chilli’s. Use 2-3 large mild chilli’s. Adjust chilli’s based on availability & scoville score. Cook diced garlic & chilli in oil in a small frypan over low heat until fragrant - be careful not to overcook or burn. Use enough oil to cover the garlic & chilli, but not too much to make the dish too oily. When fragrant, add plenty of salt to the cooked garlic & chilli oily goodness - salt really makes this dish pop

Cook your pasta of choice - traditionally spaghetti or linguini.

Finely chop some parsley - Italian or curlywhatever, it’s more for looks/colour than flavour. Drain pasta, saving some pasta water

Return pasta to the pot, add the garlicky, chilli, salty, oily magic, tip in parsley - and maybe even some grated Parmesan. Mix and serve.

Add more Parmesan, salt & pepper to taste. Best served with good company, and an agreeable beverage

Bella Vita Easy Sprouting for Extra Vitamins


Bella Vita Passage Food

Bella Vita Bacon & Egg Pie

Pastry, eggs, bacon - done

Bella Vita Banana Loaf

Bananas, flour, egg, walnuts, 1.5 cups flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, oil or butter to combine it together. Bake

Passage Snack Box

-For munching on at night or when hanging out in the galley isn’t appealing - hard boiled eggs, biscuits, crackers, fruit, snakes (essential), chocolate, muesli bars, peanuts, little juice boxes, chewing gum - for when brushing teeth is hard work.

Add from fridge: salami sticks, carrots, cheese slices, yogurt or fruit pouches.

Optional add on - separate box - sunscreen, wipes, moisturizer, seasick tablets, panadol.

Bella Vita Bolognese

Ingredients: Mince, Oil, Veggies & Beans & Spices


Add mince, grate up all the remaining fresh veggies in the fridge, then split out half the mixture, and also make a chilli con carne with the other half by adding some beans and spices.

Freeze - serve the bolognese with pasta or rice, or corn chips with the chilli.


Quick and Easy Passage Meal #1

If you like palusami and are in Tonga or Fiji you can buy tinned Palusami and cornbeef at any supermarket



Corned beef


(or carb of your choice)


While cooking your carb or rice put the two unopened cans into a pot of water and heat for pprox two minutes once boiling 1

Use tongs or an oven mitt to remove and open cans. 2

Serve onto rice

Serves two If you have more on board, buy more cans.

NOTE: your pot of clean hot water can then be used for dishes If you have a microwave even easier- open cans, pop into a bowl and heat.

Quick and Easy Passage Meal #2

Another go to quick and nourishing passage meal when it is rough and cold is Udon Noodles!


Per packet of udon:

1 cup of boiling water

1 sachet of instant miso (I prefer the paste)

1 egg


Add noodles to boiling water, boil for three minutes

Take off the heat. Add miso paste and break in raw egg.

Mix well (the heat of the water and the noodles cooks the egg)

Serve in bowls.

To serve 2 adults we usually serve 3 packets of udon)


Here is the roasted Papaya recipe. It goes with pretty much everything.

Serves 4 -6


3 cups papaya chunks

I onion sliced

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

4 cloves garlic thinly sliced

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon fresh ginger strips

Coriander/ cilantro leaves

Fresh thyme (I couldn’t find this where we were so left it out)

Juice of 1 fresh lime

Add the papaya,onion,sugar and vinegar to a medium saucepan. Bring to a simmer and cook uncovered until the papaya is soft and the liquid has reduced slightly. 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat and cool completely over a bowl of crushed ice.

Stir in the garlic, olive oil, ginger, cilantro, thyme and lime juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve. Works equally well with meat as with fish.


L O ’ S C R A B C U R R Y

Maybe you ’d like to add Los’ (from Los teahouse at Blue Lagoon) crab curry? She made this to order for us and had the boys deliver to Mintaka on anchor in Nanuya. Don’t have her recipe but great meal option.


Muesli is a cruising staple for us. I use a mixture of locally sourced ingredients and ships stores, meaning that each batch is different. Lovely to eat with any local fruit, yoghurt and any sort of milk or juice. Based on a Chelsea Winter recipe. I vary the dry goods ratios depending on what is on board.


Put 7.5 cups of mixed seeds, nuts, oats, buckwheat, shredded and sliced coconut etc. into a roasting pan. I usually put in 1 cup of oats. at the most. Toast for approximately 20 minutes in the oven until the coconut starts to brown, turning 2 or 3 times.

Heat 2 Tbsp peanut butter with about 1/3 cup of sweetener- honey, maple syrup and stir well through the muesli until everything is coated.

Add 1.5 cups of dried fruit - raisins, dates etc

Mix thoroughly and cool fully before storing.

Viani Bay Pumpki

First eaten from a lovo in Viani Bay, Fiji, this pumpkin dish went straight to my heart (and tummy).


Pumpkin of any sort- crown or gourd shaped ones from the Savusavu market as I’ve used here.

1/2 an onion or more or less according to taste.

One capsicum.

A clove or two of garlic chopped or crushed. Can of coconut cream or make it fresh.

Salt to taste.

Options- Add other veges or fish or chicken as you choose.


Cut the top off the pumpkin in a way that it can be added back on as a lid, eg for a crown cut through in a hexagonal shape as though for a jack-o-lantern. For these little ones I have laid them on their side and sliced off the top.

Deseed the pumpkin and put the chopped onion, chopped capsicum, salt and garlic into the pumpkin.

Add coconut cream to above three quarters full. Bake in a medium oven until the pumpkin is soft and smells amazing, about an hour or so.

Delicious with rice, salad, chicken or as it is!

J A N E T ’ S S T I C K Y



Anchored off Big Mamma’s in Nuku’alofa

Tongatapu, we were invited to a ‘bring your own pizza’ gathering aboard Wendy and Shane’s GENIET LEWE. My pizza dough recipe made much more than we needed so I wrapped the extra in plastic wrap and popped it into the fridge.

The next morning I pulled it out and decided to turn it into cinnamon buns!


Mix together brown sugar, a pinch of salt, and cinnamon to taste

Roll the dough into a rectangle about 1 5 cm thick on a lightly floured surface

Spread butter generously over the dough Sprinkle all over with the sugar mixture.

Begin rolling the rectangle on the long side to form a long ‘log’

Cut the log into 2 or 3 cm length's based on your preferred for how large you want your buns to be, (they will expand/rise about 50%).

Prepare a buttered baking dish.

Select the size based on how much dough you have. Place the buns into the pan with space between them.

Let rise about 30 minutes.

Bake about 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from oven when they look nicely browned.

Let cool 5 minutes.

Turn onto a plate or cooling rack.

Bon appétit!!

Rally Recipes

This recipe book is dedicated to our Island Cruising Director, the knowledgeable, vivacious and inspirational Viki Moore!

Compiled by Caroline Lockyer Edited by Caroline Gault 2025

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