Youth and Islamic Awakening

Page 111

International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening heroism from the issue of Palestine. One the one hand, increasing oppression and bullying on part of the Zionist regime and collaboration of some despotic and corrupt rulers and US puppet-gloves with Tel Aviv, and on the other hand, the emergence of the courageous resistance of Palestinians and the Lebanese and the miraculous victories of the Palestinian and Lebanese youths' victories in the 22day and 33-day wars were among the key factors that made rough the apparently calm seas in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other regional nations. That is a fact that the armed-tothe-teeth regime of Israel, which claims being invincible, suffered a humiliating defeat from the clenched fists of the pious and brave Mujahedin in Lebanon and later tested its blunt sword in the face of the rock-hard and innocent resistance in Gaza and once again suffered failure. " Of course, this identity and honor is only gained through relying on Islamic principles and beliefs: "The hoisting of Islam's flag allover the world gave Muslims a feeling of identity. It gave them self-esteem. Later, our noble Imam stood up in front of the world nations after long years of attempts to trample on Islamic identity. Then, all nations felt they have identity, prestige and origin. This caused the signs of Islamic Awakening to turn up in the east and west of the Muslim world. Religious democracy One of the most fundamental problems of the societies involved in the Islamic Awakening has been the long-ruling ideological and nationalist tyrannies or kingdom families. This has been one of the reasons behind the popular protests. Therefore, call for democracy, participation in


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