ISB Viewbook

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WE DEVELOP ADVENTURERS Creative collaborators and intellectual risk takers who are inspired to think critically and seek answers.

Creamos RepresentantES Comunicadoras y comunicadores apasionada(o)s conectados activamente con su comunidad y el resto del mundo.

Nous formons des leaders Des innovateurs et des innovatrices enthousiastes, prêt(e)s à relever des défis et à explorer de nouvelles idées.





International School of Brooklyn (ISB) is an independent, non-profit school that is known for its innovative and robust Nursery-8th Grade program. The ISB learning experience is that it is driven by six core principles: inquiry-based learning, diversity, global curriculum, language immersion, community, and international mindedness. Dedication to these values enables ISB to develop each student’s creativity, critical thinking, global citizenship, and intercultural understanding.


ISB students are also part of a vibrant and varied locally-grounded international community. We believe that a learning environment that is both culturally and socioeconomically diverse enriches each student’s experience and creates more opportunities to promote inclusion and awareness in our community.



“International School of Brooklyn is a unique place because it fosters the very best in every child and has allowed my two daughters to just ‘BE’. Be fluent French speakers. Be the best academically. Be fearless. Be willing to raise their hands when they are unsure of the answer. Be willing to be the only girl on the basketball team. It is academically rigorous and forges a relationship with the entire family, parents included, from Day 1. We are all happy to BE part of the ISB family.” Kim Barrington Narisetti, ISB parent



A ISB, l’instruction bilingue dispensée à travers des contextes authentiques par des enseignants de langue maternelle permet aux élèves une véritable acquisition culturelle et linguistique du français ou de l’espagnol. En ISB, la enseñanza bilingüe a través de contextos auténticos, impartida por profesores nativos en la lengua, permite a nuestros estudiantes desarrollar fluidez lingüística y cultural en francés o español. At ISB, bilingual instruction given in authentic contexts by native speakers of the target language ensures that students acquire true linguistic and cultural fluency in French or Spanish.

From Nursery to 8th Grade, ISB’s curriculum exposes students to new cultures and experiences that enhance their educational journeys. This inspiring learning environment produces well-rounded, multilingual leaders ready to take risks and driven to succeed.

ISB students are encouraged to: Think independently Be self-motivated learners Become more culturally aware Engage with people outside their own culture and nationality

Where Critical Thinking Opens New Worlds 5

ISB was founded in 2005 to create an intimate and multicultural setting with a balanced and challenging academic program. ISB’s curriculum pairs the interdisciplinary and inquiry-based International Baccalaureate (IB) framework with an innovative French and Spanish language immersion experience. This unique program features a blend of best practices from the U.S. education system combined with the French National Curriculum and curricula from Spanish-speaking countries.

Develop authentic bilingualism Connect with their own potential and responsibility


A JourneY of Academic Achievement & Excellence ISB’s academic program provides a stimulating and challenging learning environment that evolves as students’ thinking skills and creativity develop. ISB students begin in the Lower School (Nursery to 5th Grade), then move up to the Middle School (6th to 8th Grade).

The ISB learning experience: Instills international mindedness, starting with students’ culture and life experiences Emphasizes critical thinking skills through inquiry and reflection Teaches independence, cooperation, creativity, and adaptability Grows students’ creative skills, enabling them to produce high quality work Builds critical communication skills through writing, research, and use of technology Exposes students to many environments where their academic, social, physical, linguistic, and emotional needs can be met Enhances students’ collaborative skills, teaching them how to work effectively with others

El mayor beneficio del enfoque de ISB es el impacto que ejercen a largo plazo sus metodologías en un contexto de inmersión lingüística y enseñanza basada en la investigación, las cuales fomentan el amor por el aprendizaje y curiosidad intelectual en nuestros estudiantes. Dans un contexte d’immersion linguistique totale, nos pratiques d’enseignement par investigation ont pour bénéfice d’encourager le désir d’apprendre et la curiosité intellectuelle dès le plus jeune âges. ISB‘s greatest benefit is the long lasting impact of its language immersion and inquiry-based teaching methodologies, which foster a continued love of learning and intellectual curiosity in our students. 7


LANGUAGE TRACK OPTIONS Lower School (Nursery-5th Grade) Spanish or French Middle School (6th-8th Grade) Spanish or French 6th - 8th Grades

Native speakers of French or Spanish are encouraged to apply at any grade and will

Native or near-native

receive support in English if necessary.

target language (French or Spanish) students: full

Bilingual students may apply at any grade.

immersion (30% in

Applicants will be given a language assessment during the application process.

1st - 3rd Grades

Monolingual students (i.e., those who are not fluent in French or Spanish) are eligible to apply for Nursery, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade (limited number), and 6th-8th Grade.

Nursery & Pre-K 100% core

Middle School applicants will be given a language assessment to determine each student’s appropriate level within the French or Spanish track - beginner to bilingual.

instruction in French or Spanish (target


75% core

90% core


instruction in the target language and 10% in

in the target language and 25% in

4th - 5th Grades 50% core instruction in the target language and 50% in English

the target language, 60% in English, 10% in a third language) or customized language bridge program. Students with little or no prior experience in the target language (Spanish or French):


20% in the target language, 80% in




Monolingual students are eligible to apply to Nursery-1st Grade and 6th-8th Grade.


Bilingual students and native French or Spanish speakers may apply at any grade. Bilingual applicants will be given a language assessment during the application process.




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During ISB’s annual Cultural Week, our community comes together to celebrate its rich diversity. Parents, staff members, and local businesses engage with our students by leading hands-on workshops related to art, food, games, language, crafts, dress, music, and dance representing cultures from around the world.


Students act both locally and globally as part of our commitment to service. In addition to service projects that impact the local community, every year our students take action to help children in other parts of the world. One ISB Global Community Service Day project, Walk for Water, raises money for clean drinking water in South Sudan. Another, The Flying Library, gives children living in Thailand access to books and educational material. These fun and enriching events instill in our students empathy for others and a passion for taking action and giving back.


At ISB, it is important that students and teachers take action to live out our values. For example, teachers promote awareness of and respect for the environment by recycling, repurposing materials for class projects, and spearheading school-wide efforts through the sustainability task force.


Fifth Grade culminates with the PYP Exhibition, a student-led unit that requires students to take charge of their own learning by applying all of their inquiry and communication skills to researching and presenting on a new topic. The students choose a central idea, perform individual and group research on different lines of inquiry, and finally present their findings to their parents and teachers both in English and in the target languages. We are always impressed by the learning and growth that happen during this six week unit, and it is truly a highlight of the Lower School experience.

“Nous avons évidemment d’abord été attirés par la structure académique du programme de l’ISB. L’éducation bilingue proposée, avec suivi individualisé selon le niveau de chaque enfant, était parfaite pour nous en arrivant de Londres. Nous nous sommes ensuite très vite rendu compte de quelle chance nous avons eue de rejoindre cette communauté internationale, ouverte et passionnante.” Sophie Panchal, ISB Parent




STANDING OUT IN A CROWD ISB’s dynamic and goal-oriented learning environment provides students with the skills to take on any challenge and to achieve any goal. Through ISB’s progressive educational program, students become driven explorers whose unique skills open up options for them in high school and beyond.

Self-Motivated Achievers Through assessments, students connect with their own potential and responsibility, enabling them to take charge of their learning process.

Tomorrow’s Leaders Students investigate ideas and issues that have both local and global significance. They learn to act with integrity and honesty, with a sense of fairness and respect for other individuals, groups, and communities.

Risk Takers ISB’s curriculum encourages students to be explorers, to tackle unfamiliar situations fearlessly, and to seek out and analyze new ideas.

Creative Problem Solvers Students are motivated to be resourceful and imaginative in dealing with everyday challenges and finding strong solutions.

Empathetic Thinkers ISB students are authentically connected to a diverse group of classmates, speakers, and events.

Global Citizens ISB students become fully academically and culturally bilingual or trilingual, which gives them the skills necessary to engage with others in our dynamic, globalized world.



BUILDING COMPASSIONATE LEADERS ISB’s learning environment is designed to develop the whole student — both in and out of the classroom. This approach extends beyond the classroom through an active community service program that helps those in our local neighborhoods and the world. Through ISB’s core values, students develop into compassionate and empathetic leaders who have deeper bonds with their learning experiences.

En partageant leurs expériences, les élèves absorbent la richesse des diversités d’ISB, développant une véritable ouverture culturelle et créant des relations profondes avec leurs camarades.

Al compartir sus experiencias, los alumnos de ISB pueden explorar la riqueza y la diversidad de la comunidad de ISB, construyendo un mejor conocimiento cultural y profundizando sus conexiones con otros estudiantes. By sharing their life experiences, students can explore the rich diversity of the ISB community, building greater cultural awareness and deepening their connections with fellow students.



A PASSION FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING ISB teachers are energetic, experienced educators who


are open-minded and deeply invested in their work. Teachers use culturally authentic materials to create open dialogue and thought-provoking

Native speakers in their language of instruction

learning environments for their students. Our teachers reflect our mission: they are adventurers and caring communicators who strive to make the world a better place.

“Giving students the opportunities to create, inquire, and take action is every teacher’s dream. I can honestly say I am able to be a part of providing these opportunities each day at ISB. The overall fulfillment in my work is endless.” LAUREN CANTOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE COORDINATOR AND HEAD TEACHER, 5TH GRADE ENGLISH

Always seeking to further the ISB educational experience through their creativity and commitment to finding new and exciting learning opportunities for their students From diverse cultural backgrounds

Class Sizes Nursery & Pre-K: 15-18 students per class

Enthusiastic life-long learners


“Me encanta trabajar en ISB porque está formado por educadores y compañeros con gran talento y pasión por su trabajo, por familias encantadoras siempre dispuestas a colaborar con el colegio y con la educación de sus hijos, y por supuesto, por lo más importante, por nuestras alumnas y alumnos siempre llenos de curiosidad, energía, motivación y con unas ganas inmensas por aprender”

“J’aime enseigner à ISB car, via le programme du Baccalauréat International, j’éveille mes élèves à des problématiques mondiales et les invite à faire preuve de tolérance. Par la communauté scolaire, je m’épanouis personnellement et professionellement au travers de stages et évènements qui nous encouragent à embrasser différentes perspectives et à entretenir notre ouverture d’esprit.”





Committed to their development as educators, participating regularly in educator conferences, networks, and training

Kindergarten 8th Grade: 20-22 students per class

US and international undergraduate and graduate degree recipients


HELPING ENRICH STUDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE All ISB community members serve as important role models for our students. Through the involvement of highly active and engaged families and community members, ISB can further enrich our students’ educational journey. Whether they are helping to organize Cultural Week or sharing their life experiences with students in the classroom, our vibrant community members are central to the ISB experience.

“ISB es un colegio maravilloso que permite a nuestros hijos disfrutar de su aprendizaje en un ambiente que no sólo es diverso, sino también multicultural. Para nosotros siempre ha sido una prioridad ser una familia bilingüe y ISB ha sido fundamental para hacer que esto suceda.” Lulu Hall, ISB Parent



We invite you to walk our hallways, speak to our teachers, see our students’ work proudly displayed, and find out more about ISB’s exceptional Nursery-8th Grade educational experience.

To schedule a tour or to apply, please visit our website: ISBROOKLYN.ORG

If you have questions, please contact ADMISSIONS@ISBROOKLYN.ORG or call +1 718-369-3023

Mailing Address - 477 Court St., Brooklyn, New York 11231 Main Entrance and Admissions Reception at 192 Luquer Street +1 718-369-3023 •

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