SEP 2022 - International Aquafeed magazine

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-9Issue-25Volume-AquafeedInternationalSeptember2022 THE NORWEGIAN SALMON EYE: A floating exhibition devoted to -aquacultureSustainable fish ingredients: How cereals are being valourised & repurposed for aquafeed - Algal carotenoids as pigments for salmonids - Extruded aquafeed: A new technology for improved quality control - Shrimp farming: Developing an easy to manage & predictable technology package SEp TEMbER 2022Proud supporter of Aquaculture without Frontiers UK CIO FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY

Following closely on the heels of this event was the inaugural Global Shrimp Forum which took place in Utrecht, Holland from September 6-8, 2022 and present 118 speakers!

Our international offering this month

And this month’s range of aquatic events is not over as we go to press - there is still the European Aquaculture Society’s Aquaculture Europe 2022 coming up in Rimini, Italy from September 27-30,2022 and at which International Aquafeed will be exhibiting.

The focus is on fish and IAF is here to bring you the best selection of developments taking place in our industry. It is unlikely that we will see a decline in activities around the dissemination of high-quality, science-based information.


At the beginning of this month DSM invited customer representatives to attend its ‘Aquatic Days 2022’ in Vienna, The three-day event attracted some 150-plus attendees who learned about its latest work it has been undertaking and the results achieved.

From our perspective aquaculture is gathering increased of attention as evident from the hosting of events, conferences and company activities which have been held since covid-related travel and meeting restrictions have been relaxed.

It is through her internationalism and her work with the Commonwealth in particular, that has given many companies, such as ours, the confidence to engage positively with other countries, especially outside Europe, in the transference of information and technologies – and UK aquaculture has been no exception.

The stability and confidence our Queen has provided over her seemingly endless reign cannot be understated. She represented the best that is British and being British is not just about the country’s traditions, sport or its industrial mettle in the eyes of the rest of the world, but also about many other things including our agricultural prowess. And in more recently times from agriculture to aquaculture.

In this edition our case study examines the viability of pea protein and seaweed as new protein sources in the production organic seabream & rainbow trout production by Alicia Estévez from IRTA in Spain and Phelly Vasilaki of Irida SA in Greece.

Increased attention

It was extremely commiserative to see the high regard in which she was held outside the UK.

- was a very special and historic day for all connected with the UK, no matter where we were or where we reside, when we witnessed either in person on via television the State Funeral for Queen Elisabeth II.

We are very proud to be a UK publication which sees the world as a global community and is happy to provide knowledge that will help all countries meet their populations’ nutritional needs. All of us at International Aquafeed, both in the UK and abroad, pass our sincere condolences to the Royal Family at this time. May King Charles III continue Queen Elizabeth II’s valuable international work. Long live the King!

Our Industry leader interview is with Pierre Pienaar, President –World Packaging Organisation.

During oat flour production, by-products, also known as side-streams, are created. This article looks at how the EIT Food Nordic Cereals project repurposes the side streams. Examples of these by-products include oat fibre and oat dextrin that are both rich in carbohydrates and these can be valorised into aquaculture feed.

In mid-September Space, the French agriculture exposition held in Rennes, and which attracted one of its largest attendances ever, hosted a one-day conference on aquaculture and promoted the 100plus exhibitors who had indicated products and services aimed at the growing aquaculture industry.

A further submission, by Frederic Baron and Delphine Weissman from USA based ADM Animal Nutrition, provides a detailed description of the science behind early-stage nutrition for freshwater fish, namely nursery feed for tilapia.

This event was a dedicated, executive level meeting for the warm water shrimp Industry and was attended by over 400 executives representing the complete range of groups involved in shrimp production from farmers, feed companies, technology and service suppliers to exporters, importers, wholesalers, retailers and other industry stakeholders.

The list of aquafeed features includes an assessment of how one company is valourising and repurposing for aquafeed by Laura Elphick and Cameron Davies of EIT Food based here in the UK.

I was abroad in Italy returning from a business trip, but fortunate to see the complete service and procession through London on a giant video screen in Milan’s Malpensa Airport while waiting for UK’s Heathrow Airport to receive our flight which had been held due to security surrounding the funeral and the transfer of the coffin from London to Windsor Castle, which will be her final resting place.

Publisher – International Aquafeed and Fish Farming Technology

Roger Gilbert

Yesterday – Monday, September 19, 2022

An Australian national, Mr Pienaar holds a double professorship in Packaging Engineering.

It appears that research and development around the production of farmed fish, in terms of nutrition and feed production, did not go into hibernation during the disruption of the past two-and-a-half years and the difficulties faced by employees to meet and work together. A good example of one company overcoming the challenges brought about by the Covid pandemic is DSM. Its acquisition of Biomin, the Austrian feed additive company that focuses its attention on a wide range of plant-based feed additives and ingredients. and which has a special focus in addressing aflatoxin contamination in our raw materials, has gone a long way in integrating that company into its operations globally, especially around aquaculture.

The authors go on to describe how maintaining a competitive aquaculture production requires complete feeds adapted to each species at each life stage. They also add that nursery feeds must be customised with the correct nutritional requirements, including physical pellet quality, feed intake and nutritional efficiency.

At a more modest level, we have also seen publications hosting oneday conferences at expositions - this included our own Aquatic Asia 2022 event which was held on the day prior to the opening of the colocated Victam Asia 2022 and the inaugural VIV Animal Health and Nutrition 2022 event at Impact in Bangkok, Thailand.

The DDG story is also very applicable given the escalating costs of grain globally. There is some relief that an agreement has been reached thanks to Turkey in allowing shipment of wheat from Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea for major export routes to the Middle East, Europe. Africa, Asia and China.

No doubt fish and shrimp and may other ocean delights will be on the menu in Bangkok and I will certainly be sampling the sea food on offer – with aquaculture no doubt having played a significant contribution for many of the species.

Welcome to my September editorial for International Aquafeed, which this month has a very health and nutrition feel to it –keep reading to find out why!

I have recently been involved with trials with many fish species and we can most certainly credit their suitability to mitigate the use of more traditional and less sustainable raw materials, such as those from the marine environment and even terrestrial sources such as soybean meal which is under pressure.

By virtue of the miracles of modern technology, I am writing this editorial from 38,000ft above central Europe in a Airbus A380, on my way to the VIV VICTAM sponsored meeting in Bangkok along with my Perendale colleagues Tuti Tan and Roger Gilbert.

It is commodities like lupins, beans and pulses that may hold the key as well as insect meal production and SCP’s. Of course we have reported here on numerous occasions the use of algae, bacterial and fungal proteins like yeasts as well as the very timely work being undertaken on then various forms of insect meals.

4 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Turning back to Thailand, the VIV/VICTAM meeting will bring together numerous stakeholders from across the aquafeed nutrition and health domain. Many people will be gathering in the first face-to face meetings of the commercial sector and with academia on such a large scale.

I am scheduled to be a keynote presenter, as well as having assisted in the organising of our Aquatic Asia one day conference. My topic is on the circular bioeconomy and the specific focus on the use of co-products like new generation distillers grain products for aquaculture feeds. These are next generation high protein materials and reflect much change and advancement in the bioethanol sector.

The trade show will be an invaluable showcase for the industry and Bangkok is a central staging post for aquaculture given the expansion in SE Asia. It will be a weeklong visit and much to see in this very friendly country.

The world is going through a major upheaval at the moment and with geopolitical events in the Ukraine causing much disruption in the feed supply chain and escalating costs, we are well aware that in aquaculture this will be a cause of concern. This is especially true in nations importing their feed ingredients for fish and shrimp culture.

Another factor has been the major period of drought in many parts of the world. Notably in Europe we have seen very dry conditions leading to record drops in our reservoir levels and ground water. Rivers have seen low flow rates and where we have trout farms and other species dependent of good water supplies, we see constraints toTheproduction.veryhot temperatures exceeding 30℃ have exacerbated the situation. This is because water contains far less oxygen at elevated temperatures, which disables the efficiency of metabolism and the efficiency of nutrient assimilation. As a consequence, feed conversion ratio will be affected adversely and growth rates seriously supressed leading to very inferior production.

without doubt loss of fish and shrimp farms too have resulted.

On the contrary, well above average monsoon activity in Pakistan with heavy rainfall is another extreme weather event. Floods with over one third of the nation covered in water have been disastrous. Deaths of humans and animals, loss of property, crop damage and

There was once some criticism regarding the diversion of such products based on fermentation for ethanol production away from direct use of corn and wheat, but modern technologies have improved the quality of spent grains with novel extraction and removal of fibre from co-products to yield higher value concentrated protein rich ingredients that can be fed to monogastric animals such as swine, poultry and fish.

Professor Simon Davies Nutrition Editor, International Aquafeed

After the effects of Covid we need to be more aware of dangers and catastrophes. As a fish nutrition scientist and feed technology expert focusing on aquaculture, I see the need for much resilience in the future and a synergy with the environment.Wemustexpect the unexpected and secure our fish and shrimp farming future and build our independence in terms of feed supply. One means will be to rapidly develop RAS facility roll out to avoid external pressures and to maximise the use of precious water reserves.

I am most definitely looking forward to making my contribution seeing old new friends along the way. I have kept room in my suitcase for any brochures and product specification material to take home with me. I find these to be most helpful in learning about the new technologies at hand.

The extreme weather is indeed a reality to most scientists and those who experience the direct consequences. Aquaculture and the associated feed sector are going to feel this with increasing severity in the years to come.

Enjoy our late summer edition and please keep up with your stream of news items, articles and technical features and advertising.

I have also been advocating RAS systems for many years through my own research and teaching at several universities. I also support the development of novel feed technologies and the potential of more sustainable ingredients that are of local source near production facilities and being cheaper and of high quality.

Although DDG has been used in such compound diets for many years, these new types offer better digestibility, palatability and are a superior source of available protein and essential amino acids.

International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 5

Aquaculture technology has developed enormously over the past decades, and innovations and technical finesses are still being introduced at an increasing tempo. It may be difficult to keep track of these developments. That is what we have the exhibitions and conferences for.

Next year, I am going to the Aqua Nor exhibition in Trondheim once again. I am sure there will be many would-be investors there, too. I only hope that some of them will have read what I have written here before they commit their funds to an aquaculture development project.


Cobia is once such species. It grows fantastically fast, has a nice white flesh and a mild taste. It looked like an excellent candidate for large-scale, modern aquaculture. It soon became evident, however, that the fish was not very well known in the market.

Knowledge is the most important part of a successful investment project. But unfortunately, most investors know very little about the nuts and bolts of aquaculture. They just know that some people – for example in Norway – have become billionaires investing in fish farming. And of course, that is alluring. Why not put some money in aquaculture?

At the end of August, I attended the Nor-Fishing exhibition in Trondheim, Norway. This exhibition focuses on fisheries technology, while its sister exhibition Aqua Nor, focuses on aquaculture technology. Even so, several aquaculture technology suppliers were present as exhibitors. And many investors, in both fisheries and aquaculture, were also present.

Finally, patience is also an important aspect of aquaculture investment. It takes years to make the investment pay off. There are no quick fixes. No quick returns. I don’t know a single fish farming billionaire who has got rich quick. It has taken years of diligent, hard work and attention to detail.

The enormous success of Norwegian salmon farming has naturally drawn many investors to these shows. Investments in aquaculture seem to be popular at the moment. Land-based aquaculture projects like Atlantic Sapphire in Florida, and other ventures elsewhere, are getting a lot of attention and wetting the appetite of investors, whether they know anything about aquaculture or not.

Sports fishermen knew this fish and liked it because it gave them a good fight. But who bought cobia? Very few. One producer in South East Asia spent a lot of money trying to make the fish known in the market. But he had only limited success. Introducing a new species to the market takes time and a lot of money. Choosing the right technology is another stumbling block. Investors who look to the Norwegian salmon industry often think that the most common salmon farming technology is the right one also for other species. So they copy it. With limited success. What is right for salmon is not necessarily right for tilapia, for example. The important thing is to adapt the technology to the species you are growing.

biologists get excited about the possibility to farm a certain species when they have cracked the secrets of biology and control the entire life cycle, and they forget to estimate the market before they start. But if there is no market for the particular species, then why produce it?

Erik Hempel The Nor-Fishing Foundation

Over the years, I have seen numerous investment projects in this field. And I have seen numerous failures. The most typical mistake is underbudgeting and underestimating the cost of technology. Investing in modern, large-scale aquaculture requires massive amounts of money. For the technology needed is not cheap. Nor is technology just ‘hardware’ like floating cages, nets, pumps feeders etc. Even more important is the ‘software’ aspects of aquaculture technology. That requires training over time, and it may involve buying external expertise during the initial periods. Many investors approach aquaculture with limited knowledge. I recall what an aquaculture expert told me as we were evaluating a shrimp farming project in East Africa more than 30 years ago: “This investor knows just enough about aquaculture to be dangerous. He is going to lose his shirt!”

Knowledge about the market, the biology and the technology is crucial. The market is perhaps the most important. Many


Prof Dr Abdel-Fattah M. El-Sayed

Tuti Tan Tel: +44 1242

Dr Allen Wu

India T.D. Babu tdbabu@aquafeed.org9884114721


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3 Roger Gilbert 4 Professor Simon Davies 5 Erik Hempel 66 Industry Faces 64 The Aquafeed Interview 60 The Market Place 11 Antonio Garza de Yta 12 Brett Glencross September 2022 Volume 25 Issue 9 52 Industry Events 46 Technology showcase 48 Organic seabream & rainbow trout production

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IN THIS ISSUE FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY ©Copyright 2020 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. More information can be found at ISSN 1464-0058 REGULARCOLUMNSITEMS 8 Industry News The Aquaculture case study Perendale Publishers Ltd 7 St George’s Terrace St James’ Square, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 3PT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 267700 Publisher Roger Managing Editor Joy (Jyothsna) International Editors Dr Kangsen Mai (Chinese edition) Profmai@perendale.comAntonioGarza(Spanish edition) erikh@perendale.comErikantoniog@perendale.comHempel(Norwegianedition) Editorial Advisory Panel

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THE BIG PICTURE FEATURES Algal carotenoids as pigments for salmonids - Developing a realistic and more sustainable alternative for aquaculture See more on page 26 FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY 36 The Norwegian Salmon Eye: A floating exhibition devoted to aquaculture 40 Shrimp farming: Developing an easy to manage & predictable technology package 44 Precision fish farming: Disease prevention with next gen microbiome analytics 16 Sustainable fish ingredients: How cereals are being valourised & repurposed for aquafeed 22 Nursery feed for tilapia 26 Algal carotenoids as pigments for salmonids: Developing a realistic and more sustainable alternative for aquaculture 30 Extruded aquafeed: A new technology for improved quality control

To this day, Regal Springs' Lake Toba tilapia farm is still ASC certified, along with more of their tilapia farm sites in Honduras and Mexico.

The tilapia farm's certification came two years after ASC's initial founding. At the time, only two types of farms could be ASC certified – tilapia and pangasius. As of 2022, there are now ASC standards for 11 species groups, meaning that farms harvesting these species can aim for ASC certification. These species groups include abalone; bivalves (clams, mussels, oyster,

“Overall,Indonesia.ASCcertification helps us communicate our sustainability and best practices to our stakeholders and customers in an organised and clear way.”

In the decade since, more than 1700 aquaculture farms around the world have met the ASC standard to become ASC certified. That currently represents nearly 2.5 million tonnes of seafood and seaweed harvested per year – and a vital, ongoing transformation toward environmental and social responsibility for the aquaculture industry.

World’s first ASC certified fish farm celebrates 10th anniversary of award

“At Regal Springs we are very proud to have been a pioneer here. We naturally extended the certification we started in Indonesia to Honduras and Mexico,” says Petra Weigl, Regal Springs' Managing Director for Europe.


which we share transparently through ASC audits and reporting; improved traceability, from feed to harvest, with the coming ASC Feed Standard that will drive even more improvements in feed sourcing at our farms, as well as continued improvements in social responsibility internally and with external parties,” adds Rudolf Hoeffelman, Managing Director Regal Springs

en years ago, the first fish farm in the world to earn certification from the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) – Regal Springs' Lake Toba tilapia farm in Sumatra, Indonesia, was revealed.

“ASC certification brings us a host of benefits, including well-organised data,

8 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed News

“When the first farm in Indonesia was certified back in 2012, it sent out a ripple of effect to all stakeholders from farmer-producers to markets around the world. We are happy to see this shift towards responsible aquaculture and this strengthens our commitment to scale up our impact massively over the next 10 years,” he concludes.

scallop); flatfish; freshwater trout; pangasius; salmon; seabass, seabream and meagre; seriola and cobia; shrimp; tilapia; and tropical marine finfish. There is also a joint ASC-MSC standard for all kinds of seaweed.

ASC standards for 11 species groups

“Every journey begins with a single step. Today, August 15, was an important milestone in our journey of transforming the aquaculture industry,” comments Chris Ninnes, CEO ASC.

Jefo Protease The solution to REDUCE FEED COSTS Contact our Aquaculture Specialists Increases Protein Digestibility Enhances Intestinal Health Promotes SustainabilityEnvironmental

No matter how one arrives in Rome, the city does not disappoint and makes visitors fall in love or fall in love again with it on each trip.However, the history of COFI is different.

Fundamental issues for the sector were then discussed, such as the reduction of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, actions necessary to combat climate change, the importance of maintaining biodiversity in fishing and aquaculture – in addition to the recommendations of the aquaculture committee.

Currently, due to these health restrictions, very few employees go to work every day, as are still able do so from home, with this situation seen as an opportunity to renovate large sections of the building.

Despite everything, the few FAO staff who are allowed to attend the event do so with enthusiasm and dynamism, the rest have to watch the event from their homes or offices virtually. No matter how hard I try, I think I will never get used to this modality that is

Antonio Garza de Yta

I believe that the deactivation of the Shanghai declaration significantly delays the Blue Transformation and the consolidation of aquaculture worldwide.

Now, for reasons related to the pandemic, you do not arrive at a vibrant and full of life FAO headquarters, but you are received in a building that still lives Covid protocols, which feels soulless and sad.

International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 11 News

Antonio Garza de Yta, PhD in Aquaculture from Auburn University, President of Aquaculture without Frontiers, WAS President and creator of the Certification for Aquaculture Professional (CAP) Program. He is also the Spanish Editor of International Aquafeed Magazine and founder of the International Center for Strategic Studies for Aquaculture. He is currently Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the State of Tamaulipas.

Having put the Shanghai Declaration in the freezer in the last subcommittee on aquaculture, for whatever reasons, which were not technical, has deprived us of the opportunity to imagine a world where aquaculture is a priority, where its objective is to get families out of poverty through well-paying jobs, and not be the last option for many.

Regardless of the reason, one feels isolated and the opportunities to interact with our colleagues around the world are greatly diminished.


I know that I am probably a single voice in the desert, but today I want to call on all my scientific friends, decision makers and aquaculture professionals to join forces and take up many of the points of the Shanghai Declaration that must be implemented as soon as possible.

As the years go by, one gradually loses the capacity for wonder, it is a sad fact, but it is true that what has been lived before is not relived with the same emotion and intensity. Maybe that's what happened to me with COFI or things have just changed a bit, but underneath all the glamor that these Committees represent, or used to represent, a little vision and passion is missing.

Personally, I believe that the FAO did its job and for reasons beyond its control, a years-long effort could not materialise. It is us, and no one else who should hold the reins and regardless of nationalities, creeds or ideologies, our commitment to humanity requires that we push for aquaculture to enter the agendas and, above all, the budgets of all our countries. Let us all continue moving towards the blue transformation.

All of them very significant, but from my very personal point of view, not as a representative of any organisation, I think that is not enough.

in Rome to attend a Committee on Fisheries (COFI) for the fifth time with great expectations of what could happen in this thirty-fifth edition of COFI, although with a lump in my throat for not wanting to let my son continue to grow for a week, without me being there to see it.

I think it is very important, fundamental, that we have a very clear perspective of the aquaculture that we see, all of us, in 20 or 30 years. Perhaps this vision will not be the same by region or by country, but we must also know that.

When in Rome…

The hybrid event allows progress in an agenda that is dominated by the celebrations of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, and where, as usual, praise rains down on all participants.

These protocols also mean that not all participants are in the same section, the delegates (two per country) are invited to the plenary room, while those delegates who exceed the number allowed have to sit in the red room, while the observers (myself included) all stayed in the green room.

here to stay.

Figure 1: Global warming potential of different diets formulated using the same raw material “basket” with the formulation cost (USD) shown above and the formulation profile of each shown as the different colors (*Salmon STD: a standard European formulation for a 40Pro (34 DPro):30Lip (20 MJ DE) salmon grower diet; GWP=2000: same salmon formulation, but with GWP constrained to 2000 kg/tonne CO2-eq; GWP=1800: same salmon formulation, but with GWP constrained to 1800 kg/tonne CO2-eq; GWP=1600: same salmon formulation, but with GWP constrained to 1600 kg/tonne CO2-eq; Shrimp STD a standard SEAsian shrimp formulation for a 40Pro:8Lip diet; PIG: A standard pig grower formulation; CHICKEN: A standard chicken grower formulation). All data from diets formulated based on GFLI ReCiPe Economic allocation to products based on RER (European Sourcing) or GLO (Global Sourcing) values, except Herring By-Product meal which uses data from Dr Richard Newton, University of Stirling.

12 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed News

Both BioMar and Skretting mentioned about using innovative approaches to address this challenge. BioMar clearly indicated that through addressing one perceived issue of marine resource use, its feeds were pushed into a direction that increased its carbon-footprint.

The other notable observation from that exercise was the change in raw material use as I went from a high to low carbon footprint. Here it could be clearly seen that there was a push to reduce plant-proteins and increase marine ingredients, with a notable drive to include the by-product fishmeals.

Brett Glencross

In reading the various responses, it made me think about what a comparative lifecycle assessment (LCA) approach for comparing different aquaculture feeds might actually look like against each other and against something like a poultry or pig feed. At least in terms of the raw material usage.

Now there are various caveats to such an exercise, but what I observed was that a standard salmon grower diet (formulated as a 34% digestible protein and 20 MJ digestible energy) has a GWP (carbon-footprint) of around 2250 kg CO2-equivalent per tonne of feed.

As far as the range of formulations I explored went, the Salmon STD diet* was quite high compared to those of a standard shrimp, pig, or chicken formulations. Though we need to be mindful here that the pig and chicken feed conversions are treble and double that of salmon respectively.

So, all this, to my mind at least, raises a clear question; what really constitutes a sustainable ingredient? Clearly carbon-footprint is only one such dimension in that story, but it is quite a prominent one in the 21st century, and one that is only likely to increase in prominence.

Indeed, pig and poultry formulations were remarkably low in their footprints, driven mostly by the low footprint of wheat in these examples. But the exercise also showed that we could build in constraints to force that carbon-footprint lower.

Not surprising perhaps, as several studies have clearly indicated that more than 90 percent of the footprint in aquaculture is linked to feed use. So, it was interesting to come across a recent article that reported on some of the efforts of the big salmon feed companies to address their carbon-footprints [].

So, with that in mind, I updated my formulation database to include global warming potential (GWP), otherwise known as carbon-footprint, using the GFLI data, and went about

Dr Brett Glencross is the Technical Director of IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation. Over the past 25 years he has worked in various academic, institutional, and industrial roles across Australasia, the Middle East and Europe.

So, it was interesting to read that they saw their future direction as one of circularity and avoiding products that had direct-human-consumption (DHC) potential, with the use of things like novel single-cell protein sources. Skretting on the other hand were comparatively clandestine in their response, stating that “they know their hotspots are linked to plant-proteins... and are working on a plan to help achieve reductions,” but did not elaborate much further.

What drives the depth of the ‘footprint’ of feeds?

The great thing about using such an LCA approach to assessing the sustainability of an ingredient, is that it provides a clear point of objectivity to the process, something that unfortunately seems all too absent in much of the sustainability story.

Additionally, with access to resources like that of the Global Feed Lifecycle Assessment Institute (GFLI) database, it becomes a relatively straight-forward feed formulation exercise, with just the need for the inclusion of some additional parameters.

formulating a series of aquaculture, poultry, and pig-feeds (Figure 1).

In fact, it was not that difficult, nor that costly to reduce the carbon footprint from 2250 kg CO2-equivalent per tonne down to 1600 kg CO2-equivalent per tonne of feed. This constraint only increased the formulation cost by US$53 per tonne, or 3.2 percent of the Salmon STD cost.

While aquaculture appears as one of the better sustainability options in terms of global animal production, the sustainability of the feeds used in the sector appears to be maintaining its prominence in the media of late.

The company aims for System 03 to be in operation in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch near the end of summer this year.

AUTUMN EDITION FEEDS The Autumn Edition promotes feed intake and modifies fish body cells for optimum functionality during the wintering period. Efficient preconditioning of fish for wintering period. Improved cell functioning through addition of Efficientphospholipids.utilization of fat storages for stable energy supply. WWW.ALLER-AQUA.COM LET’S GROW TOGETHER Temperature Adapted FeedsTM International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 13 News


Two offshore vessels will be pulling the net between them. The net will clean up an area the size of a football field every 15 seconds, with potential to be cleaning the equivalent of 6000 football fields a day.


Working cooperatively with Dutch non-profit organisation The Ocean Cleanup, they developed a prototype in 2021 that proved to be highly successful and has collected large amounts of plastic in the Pacific Ocean.

is three times the size of System 002 and has been specially designed and tailored for the purpose of cleaning up plastic. It measures four metres deep and is designed as a funnel with an opening at the bottom to ensure fish and other marine life aren’t trapped when trawling for plastic.

The Ocean Cleanup develops and scales technologies to clear the world’s oceans of plastic. A new, improved version is under development in a project titled ‘System 03’ for which Mørenot was the chosen supplier.

Following on from the testing of System 002 in harvesting plastic, it has highlighted key areas where System 03 can improve related to overtopping – referring to when plastic rides waves and evades capture – as well as challenging conditions at sea, requiring consideration of timing extractions and

According to CEO of Mørenot, Arne Birkeland, the company can lend their expertise in the aquaculture industry to the project.

“With more than a century’s experience from the fisheries and aquaculture industry, it’s great that we can now use our technology and know-how to help The Ocean Cleanup develop System 03, which is three times as big the previous system,” he explains. “We’re really enthusiastic about the project and are proud to be a part of Systemit.”03

“Around one to two million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean each year, posing an immense threat to all marine life,” adds Mr Birkeland. “As part of an industry that depends on the ocean, this project is extremely important to us, and we will always continue to challenge ourselves to do even more to protect the oceans as an important food source for future generations.”

of capturing much larger quantities of plastic at a lower cost per kilogram on a year-round basis. Costs for The Ocean Cleanup are related to support vessels, so by expanding the size of the system to remove more plastic per vessel and employing a rotating third vessel allows for the company to drive down anticipated cost per kilogram of plastic removed.

System 03 component production in Lithuania at Mørenot.

an effort to tackle what it calls “one of the most pressing environmental problems of our age,” Mørenot is currently involved in a project to develop a 2.5km-long ocean clean-up system to clear the ocean of marine plastic.

choosing where to deploy the system.


In addition to being three times the size of System 002, it is also capable

Why is traceability so important?

- Internationally agreed on benchmarks for verifying data validity

The pre-competitive Dialogue aimed to produce an aligned global framework for seafood traceability based on four pillars:

- Technical specifications for interoperable traceability systems, along with standard legal and business formats facilitating business-to-business information exchange

The organisation will highlight how innovative traceability has worked for them and why it is important, with additional talks on the importance of traceability from Francisco Aldon CEO of MarinTrust and a global perspective from the Global Dialogue for Seafood Traceability's (GDST) Secretariat Frank Terzoli. A Q&A with the panel of speakers will enable active participation of audience members.

MarinTrust will hold a Full Traceability workshop on October 24, 2022 in Lima, Peru, prior to the start of the annual IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation Conference.

The workshop will focus on the path towards full traceability, with presentations from feed producer Vitapro SA and MarinTrust Certificate Holder Pesquera Centinela SAC that have recently undertaken pilots with MarinTrust to implement GDST.

Register before October 17 by sending an email to standards@

14 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

- Internationally agreed key data elements (KDEs) to be routinely associated with seafood products


a Full Traceability workshop

Traceability is the ability to fully trace a product from the point of sale back to its point of origin, with information available about all transactions and movements in between.

The answer is that traceability is vital for food safety, to prove legality and to verify responsible sourcing. With seafood the most globally traded food commodity, all three aspects are vital, yet until the formation of the Global Dialogue for Seafood Traceability (GDST) in 2017, there were no international standards related to documentation and record keeping nor to tracking protocols.

To finish the event and highlight the benefits of collaboration, Eva van Heukelom, Partnership Manager at the Global Seafood Sustainability Initiative (GSSI) will introduce their programme.

They have also been endorsed by global initiatives and standards, most recently MarinTrust, as the new MarinTrust Chain of Custody (CoC) standard follows GDST standards and materials enhancing the traceability of marine ingredients in value chains. However, success towards full traceability requires collaboration between supply chain actors and a greater understanding of how and why traceability can be achieved.

Subsequently GDST Standards have been developed and are now adopted by more than 80 leading international seafood companies, who have stated their intent to implement these standards over time and recommend their widespread adoption and implementation by the entire seafood industry globally.

- Harmonisation of business-smart national regulations to help reduce compliance burdens

The event will take place in Salon Cusco 1 at the Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center, Calle Las Begonias 450, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru. OUR OBJECTIVE:

To support our customers to combine sustainability and economical performance

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The findings of the project should also provide a foundation for future developments in aquaculture and feed production that could have influence across the industry.

Why are commercial fish feeds unsustainable?

by Laura Elphick, Communications and Engagement Manager, EIT Food, UK
 & Cameron Davies, Communications Intern, EIT Food, UK

The EIT Food Nordic Cereals project repurposes the side streams produced during the processing of cereal grains into feed for aquaculture production. During oat flour production, by-products, also known as side-streams, are created. By-product examples include oat fibre and oat dextrin that are both rich in carbohydrates and these can be valorised into aquaculture feed.

However, the increasing demand for soy is leading to deforestation. In Brazil, the world’s largest producer of soy, 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has already been deforested, and the Amazon is in danger of becoming a source of carbon emissions rather than a carbon sink (Animal Equity, 2021).

As such, the destruction of tropical rainforest for feed is driving climate change. It is also threatening food security by undermining terrestrial crop production and by increasing ocean acidification, which damages aquatic life.

Soybean meal

to reduce overfishing and depleting ocean resources. However, to feed aquatic species on aquaculture farms, there is currently a reliance on commercial fish feed. This includes soybean meal and fish meal and the demand for both of these feed ingredients is growing. Yet, soybean and fish meal have been criticised for being unsustainable ingredients used in feed production.

“Our project will have considerable impact on resource use with an observable economic and environmental concern,” comments Elísabet Eik Guðmundsdóttir at the Icelandic R&D biotech company Matís.

Using cereal grains in aquaculture feed could have economic and environmental benefits, such as providing an affordable and environmentally sustainable alternative to other feed ingredients such as soy.

Fish meal

Soybean meal can be used to feed both terrestrial livestock and aquatic species. It is often produced in tropical rainforests which are essential to regulating our climate and biodiversity.

The overarching challenge of our food system is to feed a rising

16 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Sustainable fish ingredients How cereals are being valourised & repurposed for aquafeed

an EIT Food co-funded project has found. EIT Food is the world’s largest food innovation community that is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

Using fish meal for feed involves extracting wild fish from the ocean. Fish meal is sometimes used to feed livestock, however, over 69 percent of fishmeal and 75 percent of fish oil production

Currently, the project is testing how to convert these side streams into materials that can be developed into feed. The complex carbohydrates (Starch and beta-glucan) gathered from the side streams are not directly useful as feed, so they must be further broken down.

Creating a sustainable feed ingredient

Catching and processing fish into feed is resource intensive and has led to some species of forage fish, such as anchovies and herring, being overfished, with some populations having collapsed. Also, the demand for fish meal and fish oil could surpass the supply of small (Nature, 2018), by as early as 2037 (The Conversation, 2020). Therefore, commercial feed is not sustainable at an industrial scale in the long

The small sugars are subsequently utilised by microbes such

Specialist in the design and build of installations for the grain-processing and compound feed industry Ottevanger Milling Engineers is supplier of machines, installations and complete process lines for the compound feed industry and grain processing Ourcompanies.expertise in project management, engineering and production ensures the successful realization of machines, process lines and complete installations Fane Valley, Ierland | 60tph Scan the QR-Code for more information International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 17

The Nordic Cereals project will offer an alternative to soybean and fishmeal as feed ingredients. The feed ingredient being developed is derived from oat fibre and oat dextrin which are carbohydrate-rich side streams from cereal

is used to feed farmed fish (Compassion in World

Enzymes play a fundamental role in this transformation. The complex carbohydrates are turned into available monosaccharides and di-saccharides (Glucose and maltose, for example) by enzymatic hydrolysis.

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Using different combinations of enzymes determine which sugars are mainly produced. This allows the process to be tailored towards producing specific enzymes in more specific quantities.

The project focuses on promoting a circular approach to food production. For example, the ‘take-make-dispose’ model to production involves the creation of lots of by-products that usually go to waste. The Nordic Cereals project increases the circularity of aquaculture production by using fewer resources and by re-purposing waste during the process.

Multiple different enzymes can be used to saccharify (turning the starch into sugars) the oat fibre fraction, increasing

Please see below some examples of the initial findings from the EIT Food Nordic Cereals project.



demonstrate the potential of the Nordic Cereals project to produce aquaculture feed flexibly and effectively. As such, there is potential for more complex and specified feeds to be developed in the future.

Aside from developing a sustainable feed ingredient

The project focuses on the productivity and the wellbeing of fish in aquaculture. Farmed fish need specific nutrients that help to improve gut health and reduce mortality. The Nordic Cereals project aims to deliver the right feed formulas that will reduce mortality and the need for antibiotics, thereby improving the overall productivity of aquaculture.

Multiple yeast strains can grow on this hydrolysed material, including strains that have potential as aquaculture feed additives. The sugar concentration in supernatant form from oat hydrolysis is at least equivalent to a typical yeast culture medium. This suggests that the sugars being produced are sufficient to be used as potential feed and no additional carbon source is

Fish welfare & circular food production

The aquaculture industry will continue to grow to help to increase the amount of nutritious food available for human consumption and decrease pressure on essential ecosystems like the ocean.

The future of aquaculture

for the aquaculture industry, the Nordic Cereals project is addressing other food system challenges.

Project findings

with multiple enzymes has found that using a mixture of two-to-three enzymes produces a higher yield than using single enzymes.

as yeast and lactic acid bacteria that serve as single cell proteins. These bioproducts will be the core elements of the finalised feed product.

International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 19

This demonstrates that there is potential for different types of feed to be developed from side streams, which may have applications beyond aquaculture feed.

Delta Futuro: Developing a shellfish juvenile production system that reduces seed supply fluctuation for farmers.

Next Tuna: Reproducing Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in a land-based, eco-friendly recirculating aquaculture system.

BREEZE: A revolutionary and environmentally friendly concept for fish health management.

Nordic Cereals is a multidisciplinary project involving a wide range of international stakeholders in business and academia. The consortium includes: Lund University (Sweden), Matis (Iceland), University of Helsinki (Finland), Laxa Fishfeed (Iceland), Läntmannen (Sweden) and ImmuneBiotech, (Sweden).

About EIT Food

form of food production. Explore some of EIT Food’s aquaculture innovation projects below.

SustainFeed: Developing novel sustainable feeds for marine fish that use low carbon and zero waste Toingredients.learnmore at:

- AGAPE: An AI-based collaborative platform that supports the transition of aquaculture into a regenerative and circular form of food production.

Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, it invests in projects, organisations and individuals that share our goals for a healthy and sustainable food system.

EIT Food is the world’s largest food innovation community, it accelerates innovation to build a futurefit food system that produces healthy and sustainable food for all.

Sustainable Seafood Processing: Developing novel processing technologies that extend the shelf life of seafood, but do not rely on additives or heat treatment.

Not only that, the Nordic Cereals project demonstrates that the aquaculture feed industry will become more flexible. For example, the findings around the roles of different enzymes and how they can impact yield, suggests that feed formulation will become more varied and complex in line with further scientific discovery.

EIT Food is committed to driving aquaculture into a sustainable

About the project consortium

EIT Food innovation in sustainable aquaculture

20 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Alternative feed sources will continue to be developed, due to the limited supply of the soybean meal and fish meal and the ecological damage they cause to the environment. The Nordic Cereals project believes that alternative protein sources like microbes will have a key role in the future of food, especially as microbes have the ability to transform waste materials into valuable feed ingredients.

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This can create a challenge for nursery feed formulators as they adapt formulas to combine the right quantity of nutrients in pellets of varying sizes to ensure complete nutrition for fish species. Adapting feed formulas for growth and performance helps ensure that fish receive the nutrients they need the most, including dietary protein/energy, lipids, minerals, vitamins, functional additives and digestive enzymes.


Investing in proper feed at the nursery phase helps support fish performance, including how to better cope with external stress and potential health challenges throughout their entire lifecycle.

Therefore, producers and researchers have high interest in focusing nutrition solutions on the early stages of fish to maximise growth and performance – as well as the farmers’

The science behind early-stage nutrition for freshwater fish

Additionally, nutrient utilisation in aquatic animals depends on physiology that changes during fish growth, making it necessary to develop feed formulations that are suitable for fish of different sizes.

economic success with grow-out stages.

by Frederic Baron, Global Aquaculture Nutritionist, ADM Animal Nutrition & Delphine Weissman, Global Aquaculture Research & Application Manager, ADM Animal Nutrition, USA

Maintaining a competitive aquaculture production requires complete feeds adapted to each species at each life stage. Nursery feeds must be customised with the correct nutritional requirements, including physical pellet quality, feed intake and nutritional efficiency.


Adapt Formulas for Precise Nutrition

Figure 2: Young Tilapia daily growth vs ratioDP/DE

It’s crucial for formulators to understand characterisation of raw materials and nutritional requirements of freshwater fish to develop feeds with highly digestible nutrients.

22 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Figure 1: Young Tilapia

Dietary Protein (DP) & Dietary Energy (DE) ratio


By incorporating an adequate quantity of specific minerals, vitamins and key functional additives into high quality feeds, young fish are better supported to combat these stressors during a critical stage of life and beyond.

each age group has varying digestive enzyme activity, fish also have different nutritional requirements during growth, making it a necessity to develop feed formulations that are suitable for different sizes of fish.

Nevertheless, cell multiplication occurs during the nursery phase, creating a need for phospholipids to complete the lipidic profile of a nursery diet. Phospholipids are important during the nursery phase and contain structural constituents of biomembranes needed for fish development.

Furthermore, the precise ratio of digestible protein to digestible energy in the diet formulations optimised growth and prevented nitrogenous discharges that pollute aquatic environments (Figure 2). Check out our references: “By building some of the cells one above the other, the maximum flexibility has been raised to an even higher level.” STORE SMART STORE SQUARE Moudon,Location: Switzerland GrainsProduct:and seedsCapacity2.600m³51Bins 32Heightm7,5Widthm19,9Lengthm International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 23

Adequate dietary supply of macro- and micro- minerals for farmed fish remains essential for proper somatic and skeletal growth, as well as health and flesh quality. Young fish are exposed to a variety of stressors – including handling, vaccination, transferring between culture systems/farms, mixing of populations, density and water quality – that can affect their morphological structures and growth at a time when both the immune and digestive systems are still immature.

Freshwater species do not have the same nutritional dependence on highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA; Omega 3) compared to other marine species. This gives them the ability to desaturate and elongate the C18 essential fatty acids chain to a longer HUFA.

Minerals, vitamins & functional additives

Digestive Enzyme Activity

Figure 3: Fingerlings red tilapia mouth size. Source: Technical team, ADM Asia

Feed efficiency for maximised growth in animals depends on nutrition profile and ability to consume, digest, absorb and metabolise nutrients from feed. Nutrient utilisation in aquatic animals depends on digestive enzyme activity, which changes as fish


Determining the digestibility of dietary protein helps identify how efficiently ingested proteins can be utilised by fish fry. In fact, ADM’s research and development facilities in Vietnam conducted research trials and compiled a meta-analysis that clearly show the effects of digestible protein intake on young tilapia and freshwater fish growth (Figure 1).

Above: Figure 4: Nursery extruded feeds from 0.5 – 1.0 – 1.5 – 2.0 mm pellet size under microscope X20 times. Source: Technical team, ADM Asia

Furthermore, the company’s new Nanolis Guard feed provides optimal care for fingerling well-being and supports fingerlings through challenging phases of the production cycle to ensure survival, reduce stress and overcome health challenges. Farmers that invest in quality feed for early life stages help ensure their fish achieve growth and performance targets in nursery stage and beyond.

Fish fry grow extremely fast and need to be fed multiple times a day. Feeding the fry with quality raw materials is critical to providing attractants and essential nutrients to the fish early on. Attractants and feed intake can further be increased by using potent stimulants, like free amino acids or small peptides, during food search, detection and recognition.

ADM applies two technologies to produce its quality nursery feed range. First, the company applies the marumerisation technology for 0.2-, 0.3-, and 0.5-mm pellet sizes (Figure 4). This marumerisation technology includes both cold extrusion and spheronisation processes – enabling colder temperatures to prevent proteins from being denatured, improving digestibility, as well as growth performance.

Specifically, its Ocialis brand offers Nanolis P, a complete feed that contributes to resilient freshwater fry and fingerlings, targeting high performance under intensive nursery conditions, and Nanolis Go, supporting cost-efficiency approach for semiintensive nursery conditions.

Disclaimer Not all products are available in all regions. ADM and its brands make no representation or warranty, whether expressed or implied, as to the reliability, or completeness of the information.Theusesand claims should be adapted to comply to the current local/ regional regulatory environment. This information does not imply any express recommendations for the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. Engineering your feed solutions - Follow us EXCENTIALon SELENIUM 4000 The new generation of organic selenium All selenium isin the most effective (=L-Selenomethionine)organicform SELENIUM 4000 “Excential selenium 4000 gives fish farmers the opportunity to cope with decreasing selenium levels in plantbased diets” Find your specialist at 24 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

To provide complete nutrition to fish fry and fingerlings, feed pellets are produced through our unique nursery feed technology. High-quality pellet structures need to be stable enough to prevent the particles from disintegrating after water immersion.

Right: Figure 5: Advanced technologies produce quality nursery feeds

Supporting a cost-efficiency approach

Unique nursery feed technology

ADM’s aquaculture experts understand the nutritional requirements of fish at all life stages, and they leverage a vast portfolio of ingredients as well as sophisticated technologies to create precisely designed nursery feeds.

Additionally, the spheronisation of the feed creates evenly rounded pellets and improved water stability of the particles (FigureSecond,5).ADM applies the micro-extrusion for 0.6-, 1.0-, 1.5-, and 2.0-mm pellet sizes (Figure 4), which produces floating feeds that are well-adapted to fingerling behaviours and meet farmers’ expectations and demands for quality feed (Figure 6).

Feed Intake Stimulation

Above: Figure 6: Demonstration of micro-extrusion technology

Pellets with good stability maintain their retention of hydrosoluble micronutrients and limit overall water pollution. They should also be accessible to fingerlings and have an appropriate shape and diameter – preventing excessive nutrient leaching and achieving good digestibility and particle homogeneity.


by Dr Nick Wade, Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia & Dr Xugan Wu, Director of Department of Aquaculture Nutrition and Feed, Shanghai Ocean University, China

In a recent trial (Wang et al, unpublished) under commercial conditions, rainbow trout were grown from 0.6 kg to over 2

Developing a realistic and more sustainable alternative for aquaculture

Through years of culture innovation, Yunnan Alphy has been able to produce up to 160 tonnes of algal biomass annually at an Axn content of 3-5 percent. After optimising and expanding algal biomass during the green growth phase, stressful conditions such as strong sunlight, water chemistry and temperature, cause the algae to produce Axn as a way for the cell to protect itself against the ‘tough’ environment.



and carotenoid compounds (Ambati et al 2019). The freshwater microalga Hematoccocus pluvialis shows great potential as a source of natural pure Axn. It can be grown from pure flask cultures to vast expanses of enclosed photobioreactors (Figure 1) for use in the nutraceutical, cosmetic, and food industries.

26 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

In aquaculture, synthetically derived Axn is the predominant source included in aquafeeds due to the lower cost of production.

Scalable and cost-effective production of algal carotenoids

Specifically, they are known to reduce the risk of inflammation, heart disease, and cancer, type 2 diabetes, chronic eye and macular diseases, obesity, and neurodegenerative disorders (Sathasivam et al 2018).

This causes the algae to change from green to red. The Axn accumulation period is around 15 to 22 days depending on the season with production conducted throughout the year. The product holds many production and safe food certifications such as organic and EU novel foods. Such scale of production and Axn content now makes algal carotenoids a realistic alternative for aquaculture.

Alternative sources of carotenoids from bacteria, yeast or algae have been under development for decades but have not been widely adopted, largely due to increased cost. As natural antioxidants, carotenoids neutralise free radicals and in humans have been shown to prevent or slow down chronic diseases, cellular damage and aging.

Considerable progress has been made in the production of carotenoids from algae, encompassing multiple algal species

Comparison of pigment sources in trout

provide the intense red colouration of salmonid muscle through the dietary inclusion of the synthetic pigment astaxanthin (Axn).

kg on diets that contained 30 mg/kg Axn from different sources: Synthetic Axn (Carophyll Pink); Yeast Axn – Phaffia rhodozyma; Algal Axn – H. pluvialis; No Axn – no additional supplementation.


Improved digestibility of algal carotenoids in Atlantic

Results showed that Axn source did not affect weight gain, somatic indices or flesh pigmentation, demonstrating that each carotenoid source had no effect on production performance or product of fish fed algal carotenoids had significantly increased total antioxidant capacity, while total lipid content was significantly increased in the muscle.


account Experts in Smart FeedSolutionsIndustryforProduction Fully automated process control from order to product High quality product output with less operator actions Interaction with ERP, Formulation and warehouse software Track & Trace and Contamination module included Reporting services & KPI Dashboarding Turnkey projects including MCC cabinets, IT equipment and 24/7Fieldinstallationremotesupport keeps you feedmill up & running Scan the QR-Code for more information International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 27

These results suggest that there could be additional benefit of algal Axn during periods of increased environmental stress. All carotenoid sources represent viable commercial options for producing healthy fish with high quality fillet attributes.

Typically included at 50-60 ppm, dietary Axn can

OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition® helps feed animals with the right amounts of high-quality vitamins appropriate to their life stage and growing conditions, while supporting sustainable animal farming


Check and adjust vitamin levels for more sustainable farming.

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Irreplaceable and essential, vitamins are key nutrients to optimize immunity, health and performance in fish and shrimp. But achieving the right balance of vitamins in aquaculture feed is not as easy as it may sound. There are multiple factors that can affect and ultimately reduce the level of vitamins within feed. That’s why we at DSM are proud to be a continuous innovator by developing specialized tools like the new OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition® guidelines 2022 that helps fish and shrimp producers to find the right balance for the animals.


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In summary, the inclusion of algal biomass as a source of natural Axn combined with the inclusion of MUFA rich oils such as canola can lead to significant improvements in the utilisation of dietary Axn, and therefore the more cost-effective production of high-quality Atlantic salmon.

Courtot, E., D. Musson, C. Stratford, D. Blyth, N. A. Bourne, A. N. Rombenso, C. J. Simon, X. G. Wu and N. M. Wade (2022). Dietary fatty acid composition affects the apparent digestibility of algal carotenoids in diets for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Aquaculture Research 53(6): 2343-2353.

for up to 25 percent of the cost of diet. However, overall retention in the muscle often less than 10 percent. The digestion, absorption and deposition of Axn is affected by factors including Axn source, dietary inclusion level and the ingredient composition of the diets.

Axn from algae is esterified, a natural modification where a fatty acid is attached to one or both ends of the carotenoid molecule, which can also impact digestion. In a study on Atlantic salmon (Courtot et al 2022), apparent digestibility (AD) of algal Axn was shown to be significantly higher than synthetic Axn.


Sathasivam, R., & Ki, J. S. (2018). A review of the biological activities of microalgal carotenoids and their potential use in healthcare and cosmetic industries. Marine drugs, 16(1), 26. Wang L, Long X, Sun W, Li Y, Wang X, Zhang Y and Wu X (2022). Effects of three different sources of dietary Axn on the growth performance, coloration, and antioxidant capacity of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. under review

Ambati, R. R., D. Gogisetty, R. G. Aswathanarayana, S. Ravi, P. N. Bikkina, B. Lei and Y. P. Su (2019). Industrial potential of carotenoid pigments from microalgae: Current trends and future prospects. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59(12): 1880-1902.

International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 29

This led to the finding that Axn digestibility was significantly positively correlated with dietary MUFA content, especially 18:1n-9cis as one of the main fatty acids in canola oil. This result provides evidence that the type and composition of oil provides significant improvement of algal Axn digestibility, which is expected to lead to improved utilisation and muscle retention.

Furthermore, the AD of Axn was shown to be enhanced by the dietary inclusion of canola oil rather than poultry oil or tallow (Figure 3). These oils differ markedly in their fatty acid composition, with canola oil enriched with mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), while tallow was enriched with saturated fatty acids (SFA).

Table 1. Prediction model - Extruded feed quality related to different aquatic species

DG 78.78 + 5.31 x κ² - 8.51 x γ²

Sturgeon Temperature 4 x κ + 78 Moisture Content 0.8 x γ + 32.6

That means much more time, labour and energy investment and a lot of material and water waste in trials.

Figure 1: FAMSUN H Series Twin-Screw Extruder (彩色的照片) 30 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Feed Variables Equation

Before launching a new product onto the market, skillful extruder operators must take lots of trial and error to develop the

Feed Response Equation

benefits.Thatis a big challenge for the aquafeed industry. For most existing aquafeed mills, the quality control of products and the adjustment of processing parameters always depend on the skill, knowledge, and experience of extruder operators.

The diversified feed demands, teamed with precision farming trends call for more future-fit aquafeed production technologies. At Famsun, researchers have a big assumption: If a group of reliable mathematical models is available to predict the product

DG 68.6 + 2.35 x κ - 7.35 x γ + 9.05 x κ² - 2.25 x γ²

With the awareness of productivity, cost, animal health and well-being, and environment sustainability increase, aquaculture farmers today pay much more attention to such feed quality as bulk density, oil/fat content, water durability and the leaching of oil and other nutrients in water. They ask for feed with more ‘precise’ or ‘customised’ nutritional and physical quality to grow their products and aim for more economical and sustainable

Moisture Content 0.8 x γ + 22.6

DG 78.95 + 1.91 x κ + 4.82 x κ² - 5.91 x γ²

WSI 12.43 + 0.675 x κ² - 0.54 x γ²

Moisture Content 0.4 x γ + 22.8

Extruded aquafeed

Sea Bass Temperature 6 x κ + 122

DG 68.65 + 6.47 x κ - 6.01 x γ

WAI 175.74 - 15.19 x κ² + 21.59 x γ²

A big if

Catfish Bulk Density 355 - 4.2 x γ - 5.8 x κ² +14.2 x γ²

WSI 11.72 - 0.41 x κ² - 0.795 x γ² - 0.3725 x κ x γ

Moisture Content 0.8 x γ + 29.6

Sea Bass Bulk Density 378 - 19 x κ + 19.5 x γ - 29 x κ² + 23.5 x γ²

As we all know, some processing parameters in extrusion, such as water addition amount, temperature, pressure, and screw speed have a direct and critical effect on the quality of extruded products. These parameters determine the starch gelatinisation level of feed melt in the extruder, the shearing effects on it, the expansion ratio of floating pellets, the viscosity and cohesiveness of the sinking ones, and their bulk density and water durability.

Table 2. Prediction model - Comparison for Temperature and Moisture Content

Sturgeon Bulk Density 621 + 20.83 x γ - 22.5 x κ² +37.5 x γ²

WAI 96.95 + 16 x γ + 30 x κ² + 26 x γ²

most suitable production solutions for the new formula, including the parameter adjustment practices of extruders.

Cray Bulk Density 640 - 2.5 x κ + 10.8 x γ - 12.5 x κ² + 32.5 x γ²

by Dr Yang Chen, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Famsun, China

Catfish Temperature 2 x κ + 124

Cray Temperature 4 x κ + 78

A new technology for improved quality control

GEPRO has developed into a constant and successful player in the aquafeed and the petfood industry for more than 50-year history and always meet challenges with innovative solutions.

quality of an extrusion system, the costly trial production will not be a necessity anymore, and producers will be able to find the best processing parameters to produce their new products efficiently as soon as the new formulas created.

The regression models were proven to be able to predict extruded product quality precisely and reliably in FAMSUN partners’ feed mills. The quality parameters of the product produced by the extruder are the same as that predicted according to the actual processing parameters.

On the other hand, by inputting the product quality requirements, the backstage database will calculate the recommended prediction models automatically and provide the best proposal on start-up parameters for new productions. The quality prediction models allow feed manufacturers to respond to


Figure 3: Gelatinisation level of sea bass in relation to temperature and moisture content

The prediction models are classified and stored in Famsun’s quality prediction model database according to feed formula, screw configuration, and the diameter of the die hole. As more data on the best aquafeed-production practices are used in model creation, the database grows and benefits more Famsun extruder users.

In 2021, Famsun R&D experts successfully developed a group of mathematical regression models based on solid statistical theory and rich experience in the application of big data technology.

Figure 2: Bulk density of sea bass in relation to temperature and moisture content

Our head office and production site is located in Diepholz, Lower Saxony - in the immediate vicinity of the largest poultry production and processing facilities in Germany.

In addition to our headquarters in Diepholz, GEPRO has other locations around the world for your best possible service. Consistency and a high degree of reliability are essential.

The only thing to do is to define the quality parameters for the new products. With the quality prediction models, producers will be able to accelerate the pace of new products onto the market, become more flexible with different (customised) formulas, and achieve the best Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Yield (YE) for their aquafeed mills as well.

The experts used the ANOVA multi-parameter coupling method to perform regression on the processing parameters of the FAMSUN twin-screw extruders. Combined with quality indicators such as bulk density, gelatinisation level, and water durability, researchers obtained many mathematical models to predict the quality of extruded aquafeed produced by the twinscrew extrusion system.

Already some years ago our logo appeared in a new design. This is now also incorporated in our product portfolio. Consistency, innovation and a high degree of reliability are Want An PerUS$1,000ExtraHectare? 77719601 International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 31

All prediction models are classified and stored in the database according to feed formula and die holes. For new productions, once the targeted product quality is defined and input, the backstage database will calculate the recommended prediction models and provide the best production control proposal on melt temperature in extruder and steam and water addition amount in conditioning, which ensure aquafeed production in a high-efficiency, low-consumption, and less waste way.

So far, there have been over 100 sets of H Series extruders creating success stories in the company’s customers’ feed mills in Vietnam, Thailand, South America, and other main aquaculture markets of the world.


customer demands quickly and target excellence in operation.

The collaboration between Famsun and H series extruder users on the research, tests, trials, and application of the aquafeed quality prediction and control technology now has achieved its first-phase goals. The researchers worked out many regression models by using the ANOVA multi-parameter coupling method to test the quality data of extruded products and the corresponding processing parameters, and by taking an influencing factor of p<0.05 and its coefficient.

Extruder Automatic Control System

Quality control practices

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Launched in 2018, Famsun H Series Twin-Screw Extruder (see Figure 1) is highlighted by excellent production stability, outstanding formula adaptability, and simple operations.

Figure 4: Database searching and recommended start-up

With MATLAB contour surface graph, the relationship between feed quality and extrusion processing parameters is described visually. For critical quality indicators such as bulk density, gelatinisation level, water durability, and water absorption capability, the regression process is performed separately, and the regression model only describes the relationship between an individual quality indicator and the processing parameters.


A visualised relationship

The quality prediction and control database is now available in Famsun Extruder Automatic Control System. With this function, operators can have the proper processing parameters to produce qualified products as soon as possible, avoiding losing production time in trials and such demanding quality tests as water absorption capacity and water durability.

Proper processing parameters

For the starch gelatinisation level, it is negatively correlated with melt temperature first then positively correlated, and its relationship with moisture content presents the opposite situation (see Figure 3).

Table 1 shows a group of quality prediction models of the Famsun H series extruder that FAMSUN researched, tested, and verified in cooperation with an aquafeed mill in Zhejiang, China. The feed mill produces feed for four kinds of aquatic species.

It is obvious the relationships of gelatinisation level with melt temperature and moisture content are opposite to that of bulk density with melt temperature and moisture content, which verifies the extrusion expertise that a high gelatinization level always results in a high expansion ratio and low bulk density of the extruded product.

Formula first

Melt temperature and bulk density show a positive correlation first and then a negative one. While moisture content of conditioned feed mash shows a negative correlation with bulk density first and then a positive correlation.

The x and y parameters represent the melt temperature in extruder and moisture content of feed in the conditioner respectively, the value is (-2: 0.05: 3), and the corresponding processing parameter of temperature and moisture content are shown in Table 2.

In addition, the intelligent function helps reduce the dependence on experienced operators and promotes scientific and economical production in feed mills.

Visit our new website International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 33

After defining the targeted quality such as bulk density, gelatinisation level, water absorption capacity, water durability, etc, the backstage program will calculate automatically according to the recommended prediction models and output proposal on start-up parameters for the extruder (see Figure 4)

It helps to simplify operations and provide the producer with powerful capability, flexibility, and efficiency to meet farmers' demands today and tomorrow.

By combing intelligent quality prediction and control technology with high-level automatic control based on state-of-the-art extruders, Famsun aquafeed extrusion solutions allow quick startup, full-automatic steam-water addition, and high-performance quality control in aquafeed extrusion.

Phileo’s probiotics and active yeast fractions are designed for hatcheries and growing farms to support health, feed efficiency and growth performance . Our sustainable solutions bring innovative responses to fishmeal reduction stakes and environmental challenges. with nature for animal care.

It is available in three or four quality prediction models for each specie that cover quality indicators of bulk density, gelatinization level, water absorption capacity, and water durability, taking an influencing factor of p<0.05 and guaranteeing the R2>0.95.

All prediction models are classified according to formula first, and then formulas for the same fish species are further classified according to the die holes. With MATLAB calculation, the database will search for the recommended models automatically according to product quality parameters.

Join the fish revolution

With MATLAB 3D contour surface graph, the visualised relationship between the bulk density of sea bass and the processing parameters of melt temperature and moisture content is shown in Figure 2.

Dibaq AquaSafe® - an internal quality seal for high-value products

Dibaq Solutions are specific programs designed to offer customers a range of services that only a leader in aquaculture can: nutrition for every need, continuous follow-up of fish quality not to mention technical and commercial assessment. All of this is the outcome of our international experience.

By only using the highest quality raw materials, micronutrients and functional components, Dibaq Aquaculture is a well respected company that specialises in the manufacture of specifically tailored products.

As a result, we have managed to go further and improve the quality of these products with this new seal, which will help our clients to achieve the maximum performance in their own production.

Therefore, Dibaq AquaSafe is not only supporting and focusing on the safety of the planet - but on the health of its fish too.

Visit us:

The AquaSafe concept also prioritises sustainability and the water safety of planet earth, as well as the health of the fish fed, stimulating their immune system, improving growth performance and protecting them against internal and external parasites.

The Art of Nutrition &Growth

To inform & inspire the world

Recently unveiled in the middle of the Hardangerfjord, Salmon Eye is Norway's new Forum for innovations in sustainable seafood production.


Tech update

35 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

“Now the real work will begin. We will inform and inspire the world to utilise the resources in the sea in a better way, so that the world's growing population has access to good, healthy and sustainable food that does not destroy the planet,” says Sebastian Torjussen, Salmon Eye Managing Director.

These positive findings include that they had eliminated the

by Shannon Parsons, International Aquafeed magazine

“The innovations for the future do not stop with Watermoon’s innovations, and that’s why we need a place like Salmon Eye to push the industry, government authorities and NGOs even further,” states Sondre Eide.

“We face major challenges globally, but the answer is not to give up. The answer is to roll up our sleeves, work together to get the job done, and make sure the world is fed and a better place tomorrow than it is today,” says Sondre Eide.

With record-breaking size, the beautiful structure was designed and constructed to provide inspiration, education and experience regarding sustainable fishing. Guests were taken on a viewing boat to witness the unveiling, which was followed by a roundtable discussion afterwards. It is the Eide family’s hope that this new facility will provide a sustainable form of fish farming to the world.

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY 36 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

The unveil

With an increase to the population of an estimated two billion by 2050, the UN estimates a needed 56 percent food increase to coincide. However, to meet the Paris Agreement goals, Salmon Eye is an also attempt to combat climate change and cutting global carbon emissions in the fish farming industry.

With the biggest kabuki-drop ever done at sea, Salmon Eye will clarify the footprint of aquaculture, inspire discovery and creativity globally and showcase innovative solutions for sustainable marine food production to better feed the planet.

Norway has constructed the largest floating enterable exhibition to date. Named Salmon Eye, the structure is situated to the North of Kvinnherad Municipality, in Hardanger Fjord, the second longest fjord in Norway.

At the unveiling, it was announced that there were positive results from the tests performed by Watermoon’s pilot plant in close containment aquaculture, with these outcomes revolutionary for aquaculture while having produced zero negative impact in the marine environment.

A floating exhibition devoted to aquaculture

On September 2, 2022, Salmon Eye was unveiled to the masses both physically and digitally through a live stream at 12:15 (CET). With Norway being the second largest seafood exporter worldwide, primarily in salmon, CEO for Eide Fjordbruk, Sondre Eide and the Eide family conceived, initiated and funded the entirety of Salmon Eye.

Salmon Eye is the hopeful inspiration to other farmers to encourage them to follow in Eide Fjordbruk’s steps. Researchers led by Erlend Eide (Sondre’s brother) have developed new technology and are soon to be run in a large-scale pilot plant which enables farming of fish in closed containments below the surface in the world. The vision for this technology is for it to be to the global food production platform what Tesla is to the mobility industry.

As part of Eide Fjordbruk’s Watermoon technology division, the goal for Salmon Eye is to better the seafood industry and to help find ways to increase produce while staying as sustainable as possible.

Sustainable farming

The Norwegian Salmon Eye

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY AquaculturewithKAESERreliableasthetides 37 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

With the appearance taking on that of a ‘salmon eye’ (hence the name), the structure was built using 9250 ‘scales’, each one

Development & structure

lice problem for fish, optimised fish welfare environment and fish growth, reduced the need for energy use versus land base agriculture, and the removal of waste for value-added uses on land.

Eide Fjordbruk’s innovation aims for the seafood production in the world to be a large step to achieving what the UN recently has required in their Sustainable Seafood Report and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Mr Torjusen says regarding the building that; “It has been both very nice and very demanding. This is a project that no one has done before. No one has seen anything similar before, so we have to do many things for the first time. It is both rewarding and difficult. But I am sure that it will give us a cool result that we and hopefully the audience will be satisfied with.”

The targets set by the UN for the increase in population can be met now with this new technology, while the climate footprint is dramatically reduced and the negative impact on nature is removed.

Taking on the position of Managing Director and CEO for Salmon Eye in October 2020, Sebastian Torjusen worked with Danish firm Kvorning Design & Communications and Estonian conglomerate Marketex Marine to design and develop Salmon Eye.The structure is 14.55 meters tall on four levels (above and below water); 1000.6 square metres; weighing 1256 tonnes; floating with a depth of at least 250 meters and able to withstand four-meter-high waves.

fabricated by Marketex Marine in Tallinn, Estonia. The timespan of cutting the first steel plate until Salmon Eye was fully outfitted took 13 months.

Eide Fjordbruk

A world leader in sustainable seafood production, Eide Fjordbruk is a fishing company that has been passed down for three generations. Current CEO Sondre Eide took over his role at 28 years old when his father, Knut Frode Eide passed from cancer. At the time, Sondre held an MBA as well as a law degree and had earned a silver medal from the World Championships in Biathlon for juniors.

He and his father have a saying, “We never stop running, until the task is done.” Now at 32 years old, Sondre alongside his brother Erlend, have worked together to improve the company and the fish farming industry.

The Eide family fully funded the whole construction for Salmon Eye with the intent for it to become a non-profit. The plan is to have it be independent and autonomously governed by an advisory board, which includes representatives from environmental movement, government authorities, independent researchers and experts.

They became the first company to not only present their environmental accounts for the business but are also the first to produce carbon-neutral salmon. They have additionally lessened their climate emissions, lessened the negative impact that the company made on nature and the environment, and use AI and modern technology to ensure better fish welfare.

“There have been multiple challenges along the way related to manufacturing a double-curved ellipsoid structure like this. In combination with a lot of curved and non-standard solutions the project has called for a lot of custom work,” said Torjusen.

To read more about this project, go to: https://aqfeed. info/e/1592

Post the unveiling, a roundtable discussion was held consisting of the participants from the government, internal organisations, world-leading research institutions and more. Amongst the speakers were Norwegian Minister of Fishers and Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Climate, Bjørnar Skjæran and Sigrid Hagerup Melhus.

Other speakers include Tom Rivett-Carnac, one of the main architects of the Paris Agreement and co-founder of Global Optimism, an organisation he founded with Christina Figueres after they left the UN together in 2016; and Scott Lindell, a specialist in marine culture research at MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the United States.

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Funding & profits

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Following the completion of five years of intense research and development in shrimp farming, Local Ocean is much closer to developing a unique shrimp farming hardware & software package.

optimises the growth process using AI; business process and the water chemicals parameters to mimic oceanic Pacific Ocean waters.

by Christophe Legrande, blue Ocean, Lithuania

As a starting point Local Ocean was a company designed to be a shrimp farm, but taking stock that Local Ocean alone would not be capable of supporting the European need for the 400 thousand tonnes it imports from Asia and consumes each year, and the software and technology background of its founders (not marine biology), Local Ocean has shifted to developing an easy to manage, predictable technology package to help other farmers

Currently, the Local Ocean system support the growth of 130kg of shrimps/month (with a FCR of 1.8:1) over a 40m2 footprint and using just 3KwH of electricity and set itself a target of 200kg of shrimp per month over the same footprint.

Currently at the TRL6 stage of development, the package will be ready to be licensed to other shrimp farmers within two years once fully developed and stressed tested. Prototypes are already operational and produce shrimps to supply the Lithuanian domestic market via supermarket market chains Maxima and Rimi and also HoRecA distributor Bidfood.

Developing an easy to manage & predictable technology package SHRIMp FARMING

By merging and adapting low-cost shrimp production methods from outdoor biofloc pond farming and indoor RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) fish aquaculture technology best practices, a fully sustainable, low cost, high yield shrimp production solution on a small footprint will be created.

A unique multi-tank architecture

Local Ocean’s hardware has a unique multi-tank architecture specially developed for shrimp growth acceleration and is managed by its bespoke software that controls and constantly

The result will be achieved by ultimately increasing the shrimp survival rate (currently at 50%) through a more refined management of the process but also by collaborating and partnering with other involved parties like hatcheries to develop better genetics and also feed manufacturers to increase growth rate, water stability and reduce the FCR in Local Ocean systems.

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY 40 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

Easy to install

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY Syrena® Boost – your soFISHticated solution in aquaculture. Learn more: Visit us at Aquaculture Europe 2022 Let your fish and shrimp grow naturally 41 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

grow shrimp more efficiently in any type of location though licensing of its technology.

By always having the same standardised product in operation, you should also expect always the same results. Local Ocean clients with their installed hardware will pilot autonomously their farm using its software telling them what operations need to be performed to keep water and shrimps in optimal condition.

This is without necessarily having degree in aquaculture: all water chemical balancing equation, feeding protocol adaption according to water status or shrimp growth stage are constantly calculated by the software and the operator only sees the ‘to do’ list! This will reduce potential errors from operators as well as saving valuable operating time.

Local Ocean, as a core, intend to pursue Research and Development to improve yield, production stability and feeding protocols from its system and will use its cloud software architecture to automatically upgrade its client’s farming protocol in real time for the benefit of their own operations.

Improving yield, production stability & feeding protocols

The standalone system is easy to install in any type of building and does not require legacy engineering work: it’s plug and play. So, whether you have a 1000m2 or a 50,000 m2 shrimp farm project, the only thing that changes, is the number of stand-alone units you can place in that space!

The Local Ocean method also come with a zero chemical and zero waste as standard as the water it uses is constantly reused in new cycles and its sludge waste is transformed into biogas and soil fertilizers as well. A true game changer for the industry.

It is no wonder then that the Local Ocean project has received political support from the Ministry of Agriculture and of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, has participated to the Blue Invest and Invest horizon accelerator programs funded by the EU in 2021 and made the 2022 list of the top 50 startups for climate change in Central and Eastern Europe.

Local Ocean intend to change that industry by allowing indoor shrimp farming in any location through licensing its technology to any shrimp farm project.

Shrimp is big business with a global production output of 4.7 million tonnes per year and a total value of US$45bn. This business is here to stay and is actually facing growing demand (5%YoY) as shrimps are an excellent source of proteins and is currently a cheap product to grow due to current mostly unregulated methods of production.

Think of the indoor shrimp industry is today what was salmon farming was 20 years ago. European shrimp farming is a long way away from reaching critical size! Using local Ocean system in its current state of development it would require the building of some 800 farms of 20,000m2 in Europe, each running some 300 of its systems to replace its yearly imports by locally produced shrimps.

Local Ocean is then in need for financial support from organisations and individuals that want to change the world for the better and that can wait seven to ten years before seeing the amazing prospects of development to realise and make this vision come to fruition.

It is no secret that traditional outdoor shrimp farming is highly destructive of our environment with some 700 thousand football pitches worth of mangrove, one of the most eco system of our planet, have been bulldozed over the past 30 years to make place to shrimp ponds. It has been on Greenpeace red list for over 20 years for eco system destruction, human labour abuses and water pollution.

But worst the offender still is the wild shrimp fishing industry using trawlers. That method of fishing shrimps currently hold the worst by-catch ratio of the global fishing totalling some 30 percent of the total fish bycatch of the whole industry.

Local Ocean is well placed to obtain further funding from various EU grant programs but still require private capital to leverage EU’s effort to support what Local Ocean is doing.

Shrimp trawling have a by-catch ratio of 5.7:1, meaning that for each kilo of shrimp caught, 5.7kg of other marine (mostly unwanted for human consumption) species are caught as well.

So, if you are interested in participating to this venture, do not hesitate to contact me (Christophe Legrand, CEO, Local Ocean) directly at

Receiving political support

Local Ocean is now joining the Blue Bio Value program and the CIVTech Alliance to further increase its reach. But not all is picture perfect, as for all long-term commitment to ultimately changing what we put in our mouth, a great deal of investment is required before achieving the development of its final

Indoor shrimp farming means products are cultivated close to consumers reducing import dependence as well as the ability to supply the product fresh instead of frozen and shipped from the other side of the world.

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY ai1659709269130_IRIDA_PRINT_AD_05-08-22_OUT_102.5x280_ENG.pdf 1 05/08/2022 5:21 pm 42 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

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Almex offers a wide range of single screw extruders and expanders which are used for different applications.

The robust and simple design of the Almex machines guarantees years of economical and trouble free production.


Extruder AL300

This is not only a complete wipeout a farmer’s livelihood, but also a secure protein source for hundreds, if not thousands of people. When a farmer loses his stock due disease, it’s not only a loss for the farmer but also for humanity.

Once disease takes hold, it can be both frustrating and devastating (not to mention expensive). Oftentimes, disease seems to come out of left field, with little or no warning. As in the case of pathogen outbreaks, once you see lesions or White Spot, it’s far too late to prevent the problem, and the operation must move into defense strategies, trying to mitigate the loss as

But regardless of the many differing factors that can trigger an outbreak, there will always one sure-fire event that must occur and virtually guarantees a pathogen outbreak: a fatal disruption to the microbiome community. Once the microbiome tips into what’s called a dysbiotic state, or an unbalanced state, a void is created. And as the old adage goes: Nature hates a vacuum.

As the world population grows, the pressure on aquaculture to meet our protein needs will only increase. But the pandemic caused global supply chain disruptions has only compounded the pressure.

But pathogen outbreaks don’t just happen. Always present in low harmless numbers, pathogens are crafty opportunists, lying in wait for the right conditions so they can switch into proliferation mode. These ‘right conditions’ can include a drop in oxygen saturation, chemistry imbalances, an accumulation of ammonia, nitrites, or solids such as dissolved organic matter.

After two years of battling the global pandemic, governments and the public alike are finally coming to the conclusion that zero Covid state is


much as possible and save what they can.

Onset of Disease: Preventable or Uncontrollable

44 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

Pathogens are everywhere, and they’re here to stay.

Coupled with disease outbreaks, this trifecta of problems has triggered alarm in places like India, where the Chief of CP has called for an urgent need of innovation.

“We’ve sequenced hundreds if not thousands of samples from the high seas to untouched coral atolls to tanks and ponds all around the world, and we’ve never seen a sample that was pathogen free,” Rachelle Jensen, CEO of Luminis Water Technologies says.

pRECISION FISH FARMING Disease prevention with next gen microbiome analytics

The aquaculture industry loses an estimated US$72 billion on disease and water qualityrelated problems annually. Shrimp farmers routinely suffer losses of 50%, 75%, and sometimes even 100% of their stock due to pathogen outbreaks alone.

by Luminis Water Technologies, Singapore

Pathogen management

The Singapore-based tech firm, Luminis Water Technologies, seeks to take the aquaculture industry to a new level of efficiency by offering a range of Next Gen microbiome analytical solutions.

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY 45 | September 2022 - Fish Farming Technology

Pathogen Management in aquaculture can be thought of in much of the same way. Pathogens are here to stay. We must learn how to effectively manage them so that they are rarely, if ever, given the opportunity to grow.

The secret to disease prevention is to foster conditions that encourage beneficial bacterial growth by seeding appropriately with probiotics and NOBs and AOBs (nitrite and ammonia oxidising bacteria), maintaining system chemistry, maximise carrying capacity, and monitoring for fatal breakdowns in the microbiome. Crucially, Next Gen microbiome analytics allows operations to spot imbalances in their system and take steps to rehabilitate the microbiome before it’s too late.

Next gen snapshots of health

AquaGENius provides insights into seven key areas: microbiome imbalances, pathogens, cyanobacteria, algae, biodiversity, probiotics, and biofilter bacteria.

Once this matrix of microbes is destabilised or killed off, pathogens are given a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card and they waste no time taking advantage of the new conditions.

X-Ray vision for water

The challenge is tricky because both good and bad forces in the battle for water health are both bacterial. Treating water with antibiotics to combat pathogens also kills off the beneficial bacteria that are critically important for water quality and stock health. While operations achieve a reduction in the pathogen load, they also kill off their staunchest allies.

In one drop of water, there are millions of microbes that forms the very foundation of health in all aquatic settings, including tanks and ponds. This community of microbes includes a lot of good bacteria, some bad bacteria, algae, yeasts, diatoms, viruses, phages, and much more. Much like the human gut microbiome, these invisible life forms work together to underpin health and well-being of both water and stock.

“The use of new technologies based on Next Gen sequencing, AI, and IoT are the future for aquaculture,” says Dr. Giana Gomes, Head of Marine

Think of the microbiome as a complex matrix that forms an invisible veil between stock and pathogens. When this matrix is encouraged to thrive, it serves as a barrier between pathogen growth while at the same time driving essential services like water quality and improving the growth and appetites of stock.

This is an astute observation because as carrying capacity increases, the chance of a fatal breakdown in the microbiome also increases.

Biotechnology at Temasek Life Sciences.

futile. Covid is here to stay, and now we must figure out how to best manage it.

“Pond carrying capacity is more important in grow out than technique or technology. Pond health is 80 percent and shrimp rearing, 20 percent,” says Dr Sharma.

Luminis proposes a different paradigm when it comes to pathogen management: harness the power of microbiome analytics.

Next Gen sequencing and analysis offers more than just known or unknown pathogen ID. By harnessing the power of microbiome analytics, fish and shrimp farmers can capitalise on a crucial window of opportunity that lies between imbalances and a full-blown disease event.

The range of AquaGENius microbiome field sampling kits are simple and easy to use. Operations can sample water, guts, lesions, biofilm, and find parasites in the water through the environmental DNA kit. Once the samples are sent back to Luminis sequencing lab, they undergo Next Gen sequencing and data matching through the Luminis proprietary database which matches sequences down to the species-level.

Not only can analytics provide a crucial window of opportunity when it comes to saving stock from disease outbreaks, but Luminis Water Technologies also offers unprecedented “snapshots of health.”

Other uses include: screening quarantined stock for parasites and pests such as leeches, track feed and probiotics efficiencies, identifying causative agents that lead to reduced water quality, and verifying if a treatment actually killed all the pathogens or just reduced the load.

Understanding “who” is in any sample and “what” they are doing leads to better, more precise and targeted decision making, which ultimately leads to the smarter and more sustainable use of water resources.

About Luminis Water Technologies

But perhaps the most important benefit is the ability to make informed targeted decisions that can lead to decreased operating expenses and increased yield.

Luminis Water Technologies is dedicated to providing datadriven and actionable solutions that will help tackle some of the most pressing problems in water management and the aquaculture industry today.

The microbiome holds the key

Today’s oceans pH sensors use optical sensors that use a variety of technologies that are large, expensive, or require annual recalibrations and corrections for depth and salinity. ANB’s sensors avoid all of this.

Currently, the company has the OC series and AQ series, with the latter designed specifically for aquaculture and freshwater monitoring. Features of the AQ series include low maintenance, easy storage, quick and simple autostart measuring and onboard temperature measurement. Further features include a pH range of 2 –10, operational temperature of -5 –40°C and power consumption of 110mA.


By combining high accuracy and high-speed grading at an affordable price, the Helios 40 from Faivre is a grader specifically produced and designed by Faivre to meet the requirements of fish Infarmers.addition to its capacity to grade both trout and salmon ranging from 10g to 1kg, the Helios 40 has three sorting channels, with a sorting capacity of 25,000 fish weighing at 200g per hour. Their main advantages include a grader fitting with performing Sps technology for high-speed grading without injury, being made out of made of high quality AISI 304L or 316L stainless steel (sea water), easy adjustment owing to its lifting jack and a working out watering system fitted with adjustment gates.

ANB Sensors offers a range of pH sensors of varying size and specifications for monitoring of oceans and water ways. Using ANB’s patented technology, the sensors calibration free and are mechanically robust and can be stored wet or dry, requiring minimal user intervention.

In this month’s Product Showcase we address water quality in aquaculture, which is particularly crucial in RAS facilities, including a drain waste collection system, a smart monitoring system and a UV disinfection system, all to improve water quality in fish farming. If you would like your product or service to appear in this section in a future edition of International Aquafeed and Fish Farming Technology magazine, then please contact us at

September 2022

SmartEye Modular from AKVA Group

Other notable features are its robust housing design, autoadjusted colour balance and a new light module which can be added to view even the darkest and deepest environments.

The SmartEye Modular camera system is fully configurable to meet the operator’s current and future needs. It has easy to use software combined with robust wireless video transmission. The camera comes with built-in depth and temperature sensors which can be combined with one of the winch systems.

Innovations this month

The SmartEye Modular is an advanced, double feeding and inspection camera which provides the operator with images in HD Operatingquality.

as a light sensitive camera, it runs bespoke firmware to optimise operation in an underwater environment, with a 360° view of the pen. In doing so, it delivers high quality underwater video images even when operating in deep and dark pens.

The AQ series from ANB Sensors

TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY Check out our website dedicated to fish farming technology

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The series also comes with electric motors which can handle pressures up to 15bar. The benefits of using the environmentally friendly models is that they work well in environments where quiet and exhaust-free conditions are required.


Its advantages include rapid deployment to any location, as the small compressors weigh approximately 200kg and are therefore easy to load, provide user-friendly controls and are intuitive to operate, and rotation sintered PE enclosures which provide optimal noise and impact protection.

valve by RiaWatech

Based on RiaWatech’s over 35 years of experience in aquaculture comes a new product, their Ria Flow Guide 3-way valve. Easy to install and manoeuvre, the radius of the bend in the core is designed to reduce damage to fish and the HDPE lip has optimised thickness for pressure in RAS. It includes a mechanical position

indicator, so the operator is able to see the position of the core and avoid misalignment, with a stainless precision cam that ensures correct reading. Designed with rounded internal edges, the valve is created to decrease damage to fish, thereby leading to greater output and more profitability for the farmer. It comes with support brackets with lifting eyes and legs with fixating plates, ensuring a quick easy installation to lower costs.

Small compressors by Kaeser Versatile, reliable, and easy to transport, Kaeser Compressor’s small compressors take up minimal loading space and, being equipped with high-qualtiy motors and impact-resistant PE enclosures, are ready for Theanything.smallcompressors can deal with maximum pressures from 7 up to 15bar, with the 15bar version being well suited for trenchless laying of fibre optic cables.

International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 47


According to EUMOFA (2022) total organic aquaculture production in the EU reached 74032 tonnes in 2020 (6.4% of total EU Aquaculture production) with mussels being the main species produced (41936 tonnes) followed by salmon (12870 tonnes), trout (4590 tonnes), carp (3562 tonnes), oyster (3228 tonnes) and European seabass/gilthead seabream (2750 tonnes).

48Greece|September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Organic seabream & rainbow trout

Aquaculture case study

FM from timmings 47.5 33.0 19.0 51.3 38.5 25.6

These barriers include separation of organic production from conventional production, availability and high cost of organic feed, availability of organic certified juveniles, management of parasites and the use of lower fish density for organic than for conventional farming, which ended in higher production costs that are not compensated by the price premium.

Organic wheat 13.7 12.1 12.4 14.4 11.0 12.8

Choline 50% 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

Organic premix (vit + min) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

Monosodium phosphate 0.7 1.95

Due to the limited demand from the market and the technical difficulties in production, production of organic finfish has not increased. Several barriers related to difficulties to comply with EU regulations (EU 2018/848) in terms of animal welfare have been identified by stakeholders.

FM/FO 47.5/14.3 33.0/15.0 19.0/15.6 51.3/8.7 38.5/9.4 25.6/10.0

by Alicia Estévez, Researcher, Institute of Agriculture Research and Technology (IRTA), San Carlos de la Rápita, Tarragona, Spain & Phelly Vasilaki, Irida SA, R&D Management, Nea Artaki Evia,

Structured around 23 actions, the plan provides the sector with the right tools and enhances the role of organics in the fight against climate change and sustainable resource management, contributing to healthier and biodiverse ecosystems.

Organic yeast 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Seaweed 2.0 2.0

Testingproductiontheviability of pea protein and seaweed as new protein sources

10%PEA 21.5%PEA

Natural antioxidant 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

The European Commission published (2021) an action plan to accelerate the development of the organic sector. The plan aims to boost the production and consumption of organic products, in order to reach 25 percent of agricultural land under organic farming by 2030, as well as a significant increase in organic aquaculture, as set in the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies.

Enhancing the role of organics

Table 1: Formulation (% inclusion) and FM/FO ratio of the feeds used in the ongrowing of rainbow trout and gilthead seabream under organic conditions.

Organic soybean meal 24.0 24.0 24.0 25.2 25.2 25.2

RainbowTrout GiltheadSeaBream

Ingredients (%) CTRL CTRL 8.5%PEA 19%PEA

FO from trimmings 14.3 15.0 15.6 8.7 9.4 10.0

Organic pea protein 10.0 21.5 8.5 19.0

IRTA and Irida have carried out a trial, part of the New Tech Aqua Project (H2020, Project 862658), to study the use of a certified organic pea protein and seaweed as new ingredients for the on-growing of organic rainbow trout and seabream. The feeds were formulated and prepared by Irida using two different inclusion levels of pea protein, while reducing the amount of fish meal included (Table 1).

The action plan for the development of the organic sector puts forward actions structured around three measures:

Thus, in order to improve organic marine fish production new, and cheaper, protein sources are needed to reduce production costs without reducing growth and food utilisation by the fish and assuring a good quality product at the end of the on-growing stage.

Reducing the amount of fish meal

1. Boosting consumption while maintaining consumer trust

2. Increasing production

The experimental diets were fed to juveniles of rainbow trout (60g) and gilthead seabream (145g) twice daily for a period of 60 days controlling the feed given to calculate the feed conversion rate. The fish were kept during the trial under the conditions indicated in EU2018/848 regulation, that is open flow system, no oxygen addition, low density (max. 25Kg per m3).

3. Improving the sustainability of the sector even further

At the end of the trial all the fish were weighed to calculate relative growth (RGR, %) and specific growth (SGR) rates. Five fish per tank were sacrificed and the liver and viscera dissected to calculate the viscerosomatic (VSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI) indices. Samples of dorsal muscle and liver were used for biochemical analysis: protein and lipid content and fatty acid profile.

Table 2: Growth indices (SGR: Specific growth rate, RGR: Relative growth rate) Feed conversion rate (FCR), sometic indices (HSI: Hepatosomatic, VSI: Viscerosomatic) and fillet yield (%) of gilthead seabream fed the experimental diets including organic pea protein at 8.5 and 19% inclusion. Different letters indicate significant differences. Sea Bream SGR RGR FCR HSI VSI Filletyield Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD CTRL A 0,68 0,05 a 53,08 4,34 a 2,58 0,26 2,13 1,26 8,44 4,13 29,63 12,96 PEA 8.5% B 0,62 0,05 b 47,45 4,68 b 2,79 0,34 2,74 1,25 10,75 5,22 32,90 15,64 PEA 19% C 0,59 0,00 b 45,35 0,42 b 3,05 0,82 2,51 1,50 10,74 5,40 32,67 15,60 ANOVA P<0.001 <0.001 0.19 0.623 0.532 0.873 CS International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 49

Further reading

quality in terms of both protein and fatty acid content was also very high and healthy, giving an added value to the fish in the market. The reduction of the inclusion levels of fish trimmings will also contribute to reducing the high levels of phosphorus and reduce the cost of the feeds.

In the case of seabream (Table 2), all the indices (somatic and feed conversion) showed no differences between feeds whereas in rainbow trout (Table 3) the best conversion was obtained with the feed containing 10 percent organic pea protein whilst the fish fed 21.5 percent of pea protein showed the highest VSI indicating a higher perivisceral fat accumulation.

The composition of the fillet (Table 4) in both species showed a higher protein content when the fish were fed the highest

2.362 a

European commission. 2021. New action plan will boost organic agriculture and aquaculture in Europe. Directorate-General for Maritime Affairsand Fisheries.


PEA 10% B 1.75 0.025 a 67.34 0.526 a 1.18 0.03 c 1.43 0.32 13.07 2.26 b 25.89 1.89

PEA 21.5% C 1.62 0.071 b 64.57 1.637 b 1.98 0.14 a 1.65 0.32 16.33 1.57 a 25.07 2.17

Lipids (%) 12,81 0,25 12,88 0,54 10,87 0,48 12,01

CS 50 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed


The fatty acid composition in rainbow trout showed that low inclusion of pea protein (10%) in the feed produced fish with similar composition to the control both in the fillet and the liver.


Protein (%) 60,25 1,04 59,89 0,89 66,71 3,89 59,17



In both trials fish fed the control diet showed the highest growth rate both in terms of SGR and RGR. In rainbow trout the fish fed the low pea protein content diet showed a non-statistically different growth rate when compared to the control group.

Similar growth rates

ANOVA P<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.107 <0.001 0.659 0,35 71,90 0,29 72,45 0,18 2,22 62,97 3,93 70,26 1,78 0,17 0,07 8,37 0,11

Table 3: Growth indices (SGR: Specific growth rate, RGR: Relative growth rate) Feed conversion rate (FCR), sometic indices (HSI: Hepatosomatic, VSI: Viscerosomatic) and fillet yield (%) of rainbow trout fed the experimental diets including organic pea protein at 10 and 21.5 % inclusion. Different letters indicate significant differences. Rainbowtrout SGR RGR FCR HSI VSI Filletyield Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD CTRL A

Table 4: Protein and lipid content (% dry weight) of rainbow trout and gilthead seabream fillet at the end of the feeding trial. RAINBOWTROUTFILLET SEABREAMGILTHEADFILLET CONTROL ORGANIC10%PEA 21.5% ORGANICPEA CONTROL 8.5% ORGANICPEA ORGANIC19%PEA Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Av SD Water (% ) 70,92 0,32 71,99 0,07 73,18 0,34 71,38

inclusion level of pea protein, lipids were also the lowest in the fish fed the highest content of pea protein.


EUMOFA. 2022. Organic Aquaculture in the EU. Current situation, drivers, barriers, potential for growth,48 pages. WWW.EUMOFA.EU

In conclusion, the inclusion of certified organic pea protein alone or together with seaweed protein produced a growth rate similar to that obtained using a commercial organic feed used as control. Feed conversion in both species, trout and seabream, was also similar to that obtained with the control especially using the lower inclusion of pea

In the case of seabream, the fish fed with the lowest pea protein (8.5%) showed the highest docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and total omega-3 fatty acid content in the fillet, while the liver showed the highest content of omega-6 and monounsaturated fatty acids reflecting the fatty acid composition of the feed.

All references are available on request 1.81 0.115 68.48 1.31 0.12 1.37 0.18 12.49 1.65 25.29 1.77

The Packaging Group GmbH Gerberstraße 50 · 51789 Lindlar, Germany · IF YOU CAN THINK IT WE CAN PACK IT Watch our sustainable packaging solutions at:

2023 World29-1May

Aquaculture27-30 Europe 2022 Rimini, www.aquaeas.orgItaly

Status updates for industry events amidst global effects of COVID-19

Agriweek 2022 Taipei, Taiwan

Ildex9-11 Indonesia 2022 Jakarta, www.ildex-indonesia.comIndonesia

EuroTier15-18 2022 Hannover, www.eurotier.comGermany

Industry Events


2022 December13-15AlgaEurope 2022 Rome, https://algaeurope.orgItaly America 2023 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Nonthaburi, www.vivasia.nlThailand Aquaculture 2023 Darwin, www.was.orgAustralia www.vivturkey.comTurkey



This show will provide an opportunity to introduce aquaculture and/or processing technology to Turkey and its neighbouring countries, and also buy high quality seafood products or sell alternative seafood.

☑ See The International Aquafeed team at this event 52 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

World29-2 Aquaculture Singapore 2022 www.was.orgSingapore

Aquaculture22-23 New Zealand Conference 2022 Nelson, New

2022 Ho Chi Minh City, www.vietstock.orgVietnam


S13-15pACE 2022 Rennes,

New Zealand’s Aquacultural Association, Aquaculture New Zealand, is organising their 2022 Conference from 5-6 October at Rutherford Hotel in Nelson, New Zealand. Focusing on innovative technology and targeted research to help build resilience, improve performance, advance infrastructure, and strengthen productivity within the industry, The New Zealand Aquaculture Conference is widely celebrated as New Zealand's best primary sector Withconference.Covid-19


causing the two previous conferences to be cancelled, the colloquium would be bringing the industry and stakeholders together for a two-day in-person gathering full of inspirational speakers, thought-provoking discussions, unparalleled networking opportunities. Along with this the Aquaculture New Zealand Conference also aims to have more discussions on biosecurity practices, developing a flourishing workforce and inviting Māori tribal investment.

Aquaculture6 Innovation Forum London, aquacultureinnovationforum.comUK

Fish4-6 International 2022 Bremen, https://fishinternational.deGermany

The 10th International Fair for Fish Imports/Exports, Processing, Aquaculture and Fisheries Future Fish Eurasia, has been organised for November 3-5, 2022, at the Fair Izmir Centre, Turkey.

2023 VIV8-10MarchAsia 2023

AFIA9-11 Equipment Manufacturers Conference 2022 St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

At this event organised by Eurasia Trade Fairs, over 200 local and international brands of the industry will display their latest products and services in seafood products, aquaculture, fish processing and fishing equipment.

Seagriculture7-8 USA 2022 Portland, Maine, https://seagriculture-usa.comUSA

2022 November3-5FutureFish Eurasia Gaziemir –https://eurasiafairs.comTurkey

2023 June8-10VIVTurkey Istanbul,

As Turkey's only fair for the industry and the leading event of the region, Future Fish Eurasia is the gateway to new/ emerging markets. The dynamic structure of Turkish aquaculture and Future Fish Eurasia form a perfect platform for those in the fish business.

2023 2023 February23-26Aquaculture

Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2022 Conference Sponsors Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University National University of Singapore, James Cook University Republic Polytechnic 3rd International Symposium on Perch and Bass Associate Sponsors Aquaculture Engineering Society International Association of Aquaculture Economics & Management WorldFish WorldSingaporeAquaculture2022WA2020Partner @WASingaporeWASAPC@WASAPC The Annual International Conference & Exposition of World Aquaculture Society Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2022 – Annual Meeting of Asian Pacific Chapter, WAS Hosted by Singapore Food Agency WAS Premier Sponsors Singapore EXPO Convention & Exhibition Centre and MAX Atria Sustainable Aquaculture for Two Oceans HOTEL RIU PLAZA Panama City, Panama April 18-21, 2023 The annual meeting of LATINAMER CAN&CARIBBEA N RETPAHC Get our meeting mobile app Hosted by Latin American & Caribbean Chapter/World Aquaculture Society -WAS LACC@laccWas LACC World Aquaculture Society Premier sponsors @LACC_WAS Conference sponsor Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2023 February 23-26, 2023 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans, Louisiana Aquaculture America Associate Sponsors World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association Aquacultural Engineering Society Aquaculture Association of Canada Global Seafood Alliance International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management Latin American Chapter WAS • US Trout Farmers Association SPONSORED BY: Food For The Future 2023 WAS Premier Sponsors For details: | | AUG. 15 - 18, 2022 ST. JOHN’S CONVENTION CENTRE ST. JOHN’S NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR, CANADA For More Information Contact: Conference Manager | P.O. Box 2302 | Valley Center, CA 92082 USA Tel: +1.760.751.5005 | Fax: +1.760.751.5003 | Email: | Trade Show Contact: WA 4 show AD 26 x 33.6 cm.indd 1 4/5/22 12:56 PM

The digital service allows us to reach people who for various reasons cannot come to Trondheim for the physical event. Many had problems because of the Covid pandemic, even in 2021, when we held our other exhibition, Aqua Nor.

The programme starts with a full-day conference, which is held on the day before we open the actual exhibition, and it includes a series of seminars that are held during the exhibition. We also have a number of debates on current topics. These debates can have participants from all over the world who are connected through the Internet.

54 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

And then I should not forget to mention the Student Day, which is held on the last day of the exhibition. We run a special programme and invite students from all over to visit companies that are exhibiting. This has become very popular. This year we had 730 students registered.

In 2021 only Nordic citizens were allowed into Norway, and we normally have some 70 – 75 nationalities at the Aqua Nor exhibition. But just as important is the fact that the digital version

Nor-Fishing 2022, one of the largest fisheries technology exhibitions in the world, was held in Trondheim, Norway, in August 2022.

A new ‘hybrid’ platform Nor-Fishing

The reason we did the digital event back in 2020 was that we felt it was important that we were actually present. We were a bit afraid that we would be forgotten. We had talked about adding a digital service for some time, but the Covid pandemic forced us to speed up our plans.

Our concept is rather complex and includes not only the digital exhibition, where each exhibitor has a ‘home page’ that can be visited. Visitors can also book one-on-one meetings with the exhibitors, and they can follow a live stream, which during the exhibition runs for five hours every day.

What were the considerations going into the decision to move to a hybrid exhibition rather than just a physical one?

What exactly does the hybrid platform consist of?

Yes, this is something we have been able to establish with the help of two scientific institutions in Trondheim: SINTEF and the Norwegian Technical University, (NTNU).

In the wake of that, the Board of the Foundation decided to move to a new ‘hybrid’ platform, which culminates in an offering that includes a digital event, in addition to the old-fashioned physical exhibition.

is left on the net and is accessible for a full year after the actual exhibition has closed.

You also have a rather big professional programme, with lots of presentations etc.

In addition, we use various social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. to reach our audience.

It must take a lot of people to operate such a complex show?

We only have two full-time employees, but we have a number of part-time helpers, and we use professional TV producers for the live stream and a lot of other temporary technical and journalistic help.

This was the first time since 2018 that a physical exhibition was held. In 2020, the organiser, the Nor-Fishing Foundation, chose to have a purely digital event, which was a great success.

In order to establish whether this new format has been deemed a success by its organisers, International Aquafeed magazine recently spoke to Kristian Digre, CEO of the Foundation.

In fact, we only had three months to develop the new platform, but with the help of really good professionals, we managed to have it ready in time.

What do you see as the advantages of having a digital service in addition to the traditional exhibition?

How did the exhibition go this year? Were you satisfied?

Kari Steinsbø and Kristian Digre, Nor-Fishing.

Kristian Digre (centre) and colleagues receive an award for contributions to the cultural fabric of Trondheim.

Industry Events International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 55

I understand Nor-Fishing is one of the oldest fisheries technology exhibitions around. How long have you been operating?

Yes, there are five different halls, and we try and assemble exhibitors in specific fields together. For example, in one hall we focus on electronics, which is a growing field. In another we have shipbuilders, and so on. And then we have our outdoor exhibitors, including exhibitors on the water in the Trondheim harbour, which is only a ten-minute walk away from the exhibition hall.

Yes. We open it up free of charge for the general public two weeks after the show, and it stays on the internet through July 31, 2023. You can find it on our web site:

The actual exhibition hall consists of several halls, doesn’t it?

You mentioned that the digital version will be accessible for a whole year. Does that mean that I can access it through the Internet now?

Well, it started in 1960, when the first exhibition was held. Then the next one was in 1965. Since 1972 we have held Nor-Fishing exhibitions every other year, and since 1979 it has alternated with our other exhibition, Aqua Nor, which focuses on aquaculture technology. And would you believe that this year, we had one exhibitor who has attended every show since 1965, which was the second show we held. At the time, he was 13 years old and accompanied his father, who was an exhibitor.

Yes indeed. In spite of the fact that we had fewer physical visitors than in previous years (about 15,000), the exhibitors have expressed their great satisfaction with the quality of the visitors. And of course, we were, as usual, blessed with the most fantastic summer weather during the whole exhibition.

Dr Loc Tran from Vietnam described health management and nutritional approaches to achieve more robust shrimp. This was also a theme I picked up at my second talk. Dr Noratat Prachom spoke of the possibilities a bio-circular green economic model for

VICTAM2022 Industry Events 56 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Creating a circular bio-economy

We were most privileged to also have Dr Ram C Bhujel from AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) with his extensive experience of the Thai aquaculture domain and gave us a very positive view of the future. Lukas Manomaitis representing USSEC Aquaculture Technical programme contractor presented an upbeat reassessment of the use of soybean meal as a responsibly resourced core ingredient for aquafeeds.

Co-located event showcases the future of sustainable aquaculture and aquafeed manufacturing solutions

The resultant calcium rich deposits also possess a spectrum of trace elements that could offer a highly bioavailable source of nutrition for fish and shrimp within the feed, or by augmenting the aqueous environment within production ponds and supporting primary and secondary growth of trophic food webs. The larger more familiar companies were also present such as DSM, Evonik and Trouw with information on their specific and well known animal feed additives and supplements.

Interesting interactions

This was held September 7-9, 2022 and attracted a large number of stakeholders in the animal feed industry sector across Asia and globally. The meeting is a real showcase for the technology of feed production such as milling and grinding equipment, as well as various types of pelleting machinery.

It is something we have reported on numerous occasions from a variety of commercial enterprises. I was also taken by the new company originating in Ireland called Celtic Minerals, an organisation that has developed by-products from harvesting material from the seabed from degrading seaweed biomass.

There is considerable scope for utilisation of corn or wheat fermented protein in fish and shrimp feeds and development of their functional, as well as their nutritional properties. Other colleagues spoke on the aquafeed potential in Thailand in relation to a wide range of species local to Asia such as pangasius, snakehead, tilapia, grouper and sea bass. Tilapia is a very important fish for this region.

by Professor Simon J Davies, Editor-in -chief, International Aquafeed magazine, UK

Health & Nutrition Asia

On display was an array of products – ranging from simple steam conditioned pelleting machines, right up to advanced single and double screw extrusion equipment for the manufacturing of animal production diets, pelleted pet food and of course aquafeed.

I report from the Victam Asia Health and Nutrition venue held at the IMPACT Exhibition and Trade Center in Bangkok Thailand.

There was special representation from those promoting novel post extrusion conditioning processes, such as spray coating and vacuum coating of emulsions, oils and stabilisers. These included solutions for top dressing feeds with sensitive feed supplements and additives such as vitamins, pigments and medicinal agents. The drying technology is also very significant, with consideration of optimal conditions and energy costs.

Dr Eckel’s Viktor Eckel made a really impacting impression of their products in terms of how phytogenic feed additives can really address aquatic animal production health with focus on tilapia and shrimp survival following pathogenic challenge tests with data from experimental work on functional immune related modulators.

At the trade show there was much to be seen with aquaculture connections. I was very interested in the stand from the Netherlands hosting the Insect Engineer and Insect School, which offers training into the production of Black Soldier fly for their larval based meal powder.

sustainable aquaculture and aquafeed manufacturing using case studies in Thailand.

Likewise, Dr Octavio Castro gave a highly informative talk of how Phileo has been advancing the mitigation of how pathogens interact with the intestine, and how their yeast based products can address this balance to significantly elevate the health of fish and shrimp in practice.

I was also able to catch up with colleagues from France just close to the end of the Channel tunnel near Calais. Soprapeche was once a much focused specialist in marine ingredients such

Of course, my particular focus was on the aquaculture sector and we had on the 6th September Aquatic Asia, which was organised as a special separate session under VIV that overviewed some of the defining key areas of fish and crustacean nutrition research and development.

I was delighted to be the key-note speaker and also hosting with Roger Gilbert and Tuti Tan from our Perendale Publishing Ltd. I spoke on the latest vision for creating a circular bio-economy and provided an example of my own research into fermented wheat protein derived from bioethanol production; either from the biofuel or beverage industries such as breweries and potable alcohol companies.

During the conference we had a meeting with senior Famsun officials from China, where we discussed their agenda as leading manufactures of milling and extrusion equipment, which concerns all aspects of grain and processing, animal feed technology and of course – possesses a strong relevance to aquafeed production. International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 57

They are really the frontiers of hydrolysed protein concentrates that have known functional properties of considerable potential in aquaculture for fish and shrimp. Additionally, I had productive discussions with Impextraco the Belgian company specialising in minerals, pigments, amino acids and antioxidants in farm animal diets and also now testing their products on fish and shrimp.

I was impressed by presence of several Asian based companies now developing health products, which are associated with good nutrition in the form of organic supplements, immune-stimulants and various bespoke prebiotic and probiotic products. This is an active area for my own research focus, and I found their openness to discuss the potential of such products to be quite refreshing and opportunities for me to support their vision.

future. The venue offered many side meetings with innovation awards being given to key success stories.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to do so for their kindness and sympathy.

See the photo album from VICTAM Asia

The buffet was excellent with local Thai and Asian dishes –with a selection of wine and beers also available.

Leading manufactures of milling & extrusion equipment

The challenges of both technical and world commerce formed the core of discussions, with much positive thinking about the

Industry Events

as a high grade fish meal and hydrolysates. Now they have expanded their portfolio and address a vast range of plants and other terrestrial specialist high quality animal by-products for the lucrative petfood market.

To be back at face to face meetings was indeed a nice experience and made it all worthwhile. There will no doubt be more visits to similar meetings in the year and certainly in 2023.

Another very interesting interaction was my long chat with Eurofeed Technologies based in Italy with their portfolio of feed additives.

A pleasant & warm experience

The weather was mainly pleasant and warm but after a major drought in Europe I was pleased to experience the very tropical thunderstorm and heavy rain on one night – it was odd for me to see a flooded road.

Towards the end of my visit, being a British citizen, I received many expressions of condolence following the very sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The AFTAN Animal Feed and Nutrition and GRAPAS awards are much coveted and highlight enterprise as well as innovations. As a VIP attendee I was delighted to participate in the evening reception function and an opportunity to meet others in a more relaxed setting.

SÃONEW!PAULO BRAZIL LATIN AMERICA’S LARGEST DEDICATED EVENT FOR THE ANIMAL FEED AND GRAIN PROCESSING INDUSTRIES WHY EXHIBIT? Brazil is the third producer of animal feed in the world with 1.600 feed mills and a production of 90 million tons per year and 4th largest grain producer in the world Meet (potential) customers from all over Latin America High quality visitor profile within your industry Meet delegates from various trade missions from surrounding countries Elaborate conference program and the possibility to present your own technical seminar The platform to launch your innovation for maximum exposure Victam LatAm will be a bi-annual event so the next opportunity to exhibit will only be in 2025 WHEN AND WHERE: October 3 - 5, 2023 Expo Center Norte, Red pavilion, São Paulo, Brazil. CO-LOCATION VICTAM LatAm is co-located with GRAPAS LatAm, the event for the grain milling and processing industries and with GEAPS, the biggest and best show in the grain industry! BRAZIL São PauloNEW! in 2023 • Animal Feed • Agua Feed • Pet food • Poultry feed • Flour milling • Grain processing, handling & storage Since 1965 – Victam International Since 1993 – Victam Asia Since 2021 – Victam EMEA MORE INFORMATION envelope NICKMOUTHAAN@VICTAM.COM � +31 6 2126 4398 � WWW.VICTAMLATAM.COM 3-5 OCTOBER 2023 COMPANIESFOUNDING Industry Events

Providing a ‘one-stop’ solution

Virtual & on-site models

Industry Events International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 59

With the new date, they expect to attract 15,000 domestic and foreign professional buyers from more than 30 countries to visit the shows. In addition, the in-person event, the online exhibition will also be held from October 29, lasting for 31 days.

Furthermore, in conjunction with the ‘Taiwan SMART Agriweek,’ the Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show is the only fishery B2B trade show in Taiwan. These two exhibitions aim to provide a one-stop solution and help all

The intelligent transformation of the agricultural, fishery and livestock industries in Southeast Asian countries has created strong market demand. As Taiwan shares the same high temperature and humidity, Taiwan's technologies and products in agriculture, fishery, and livestock are capable of being used in the region.

Taiwan SMART Agriweek & International Fisheries and Seafood Show

Even though they were undergoing an endemic adverse situation, both events attracted exhibitors from 36 countries, and the number of visits reached 11,000. The event also made a remarkable weekly transaction of US$36.32 million.

The perfect communication platform

enterprises and companies in Southeast Asia.

Set to be held from September 29 to October 1, 2022, at 4/F, Tainex Hall 1, Taipei, the Taiwan SMART Agriweek & Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show has already invited buyers from Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and other countries to participate in the matchmaking successfully.

"The technologies and equipment of Taiwan's agricultural, fish, and livestock industries align with Southeast Asia's environment and climate conditions. The cooperation with AMB Tarsus Group will definitely create more cooperation between buyers and sellers and promote Taiwan's related industries to the globe," says Irene Liu, General Manager of My Exhibition Co, ltd.

Therefore, the 30-day online show of ‘Taiwan Smart Agriweek’ and ‘Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show’ is the perfect communication platform to demonstrate the complete industrial chain ranging from genetics, seeding, breeding, planting, nutrition antibiotic farming to cold chain transportation of Taiwan to the region. With the business network and the professional overseas marketing static from AMB Tarsus Group, the exhibitions will penetrate agricultural

Despite the pandemic threat last year, the organisers smartly applied virtual and on-site models to the exhibitions. Mass Digital Marketing and International media broadcasting boosted international exposure and provided various business opportunities for the agriculture and aquaculture industry.

‘Go Smart, Grow Together’ is the core vision of Taiwan Smart Agriweek. The exhibition will have four pavilions: AGI Tech, Agri Livestock, Agri Plus+ and Agri Foods to showcase the latest technology about intelligent agriculture, sustainable & circular livestock, eco-friendly farming, smart livestock farming, precision livestock farming, nutrition and health, agriculture, cold-chain, food processing & integration service.

parties in the industry to have a seamless smart transformation.Duringtheexhibition, there will be online/offline matchmaking meetings, dozens of professional forums, cooking shows, lucky bags distribution and many other activities. To continue the upsurge of the exhibition, the organisers will hold the ‘Animal Precision Nutrition Forum OMO’ in Tainan from October 26 – 27, 2022.

This year, they will continue the successful OMO exhibition model to offset any personnel movement restrictions during the endemic and strive for more cooperation opportunities for exhibitorsFormore information visit the Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show website:

Founded in Washington, MO, in 1982, Romer Labs have over the years become a leading provider of diagnostic solutions for the agricultural, food and feed Today,industry.Romer Labs offers a broad range of innovative diagnostic solutions covering mycotoxins, food pathogens, food allergens, gluten, GMO, veterinary drug residues, and other food Furthermore,contaminants.they operate four accredited, fullservice laboratories in Austria, UK, US and Singapore. Using cutting-edge technology in the fields of chromatography and immunological analysis, their labs offer services for the analysis of mycotoxins, food allergens, meat speciation, VDR and GMO. Romer Labs is at the forefront of diagnostic technology and are constantly expanding their product and service portfolio to meet your continuously evolving demands.


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Bulk storage Silo Construction & Engineering +32 www.sce.be51723128 PROFILE: Silos Cordoba +34 957 325 www.siloscordoba.com165 +34 91 726 43 www.symaga.com04 +31 543 www.tsc-silos.com473979 PROFILE: Conveyors Cablevey Conveyors +1 641 673 https://cablevey.com8451 PROFILE: Vigan Enginnering +32 67 89 50 www.vigan.com41 Colour sorters Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 www.buhlergroup.com11 PROFILE: Satake +81 82 420 www.satake-group.com8560 Computer software Inteqnion +31 543 49 44 www.inteqnion.com66 PROFILE: 60 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed Welcome to the market place, where you will find suppliers of products and services to the industry - with help from our friends at The International Aquafeed Directory (published by Turret Group)

Romer Labs +43 2272 www.romerlabs.com6153310

Aerators Faivre + 33 3idah 81 84 01 32 PROFILE: Air products Kaeser Kompressoren +49 9561 www.kaeser.com6400 PROFILE: Additives Dibaq +34 921 574 https://dibaqacuicultura.es286 PROFILE: DSM +43 2782 www.dsm.com8030 PROFILE: Evonik +49 618 www.evonik.com1596785 PROFILE: Jefo +1 450 799 https://jefo.ca2000 PROFILE: Liptosa +34 902 www.liptosa.com157711 PROFILE: ORFFA +32 479 50 09 https://orffa.com08 PROFILE: Phibro +972 4 629 www.phibro-aqua.com1833 PROFILE: SAS Laboratories Phode +33 5 63 77 80 www.phode.com60 PROFILE: Analysis R-Biopharm +44 141 945 www.r-biopharm.com2924



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Silos FAMSUN +86 514 www.famsungroup.com85828888 PROFILE: TSC Silos +31 543 www.tsc-silos.com473979 PROFILE: Vacuum Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 www.dinnissen.nl3555 PROFILE: Yemmak +90 266 733 83 www.yemmak.com63 PROFILE: Weighing equipment Ottevanger +31 79 593 22 www.ottevanger.com21 PROFILE: Yemmak +90 266 733 83 www.yemmak.com63 PROFILE: Yeast products Leiber GmbH +49 5461 www.leibergmbh.de93030 PROFILE: Phileo (Lesaffre animal care) +33 3 20 81 61 00 PROFILE: For more information about our market place - please view or download our 2023 media 63 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

nutrition is fundamental to healthy, sustainable animal protein. Their Essential Products provide vital nutrients for an animal’s healthy growth and development — delivered to the customer in the most flexible, tailored way.

Going forward, which aspects of packaging would you like to see addressed and why?

Where do you think the packaging industry will be in 2050?

In almost all the cases that I have been involved in these past 35 years in the industry, once an explanation is given and a better alternative solution is offered the client understands and accepts. We have too many non-qualified people making key decisions when they simply do not have the science and technology knowledge to make an informed decision to increase protection.

In addition to a Master of Science Degree (Packaging Engineering/ Technology) from Brunel University, UK, he also has a Master of Manufacturing and Production Degree from University of Hertfordshire, UK.

The point is that all of us have to play our part and not leave it to the superpowers of the world, or the advanced economies, or only some countries.

We need to educate more people around the world about the relevance of packaging. In particular about doing the right thing with the packaging once we have removed its contents. In many countries there is a mindset or even a culture that exists about packaging when it comes to recycling. It is always difficult to change a culture or a mindset.

He has lectured in the technology and science of packaging at various universities and institutions around the world for the past thirty years and he is regularly called to be an expert witness in court cases, due to his extensive experience in packaging science, packaging engineering and the technology thereof.

He is the current National Education Director, Past National President of the AIP and past Vice President of the World Packaging Organisation (WPO), responsible for global packaging education.

The solution which we address globally is toe train more people in packaging about material science, packaging engineering and packaging technology.

Mr Pienaar is a packaging engineer in his own global packaging consulting business, PackTech Solutions Pty Ltd and has extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and food and beverage packaging industries with over 35 years of experience in the field of packaging science and engineering as well as its related subject matter.

Sustainability is a big buzz word currently, but I would prefer to define this in a packaging context.

However, if those which environmentalists are suggesting we do, are implemented across the globe with immediate effect, we can be back on track and living within our means on planet earth, with a balanced net effect on our natural Changeresources.will

Pierre Pienaar, President – World Packaging Organisation

So, I believe we need to commence by educating the little ones, the Grade 1,2 and 3’s. This is an impressionable age that can be changed in bringing them to understand what to do with packaging and how best to ensure that all is recycled and not simply left in the streets, the waterways, the beaches and thus destroying our landscape.

A registered Certified Packaging Professional in over 60 countries, Mr Pienaar also holds a double professorship in Packaging Engineering and is the current President of the World Packaging Organisation (WPO).

The rate at which we are currently using up our world’s natural resources is requiring almost two planet Earths. If we do not make any of the sustainable changes that we are suggesting across the world plus do not recycle all packaging materials, then along this current trajectory we will require almost three planet Earths by 2050.

64 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Having studied pharmacy, Pierre Pienaar’s interest in packaging started in 1984 when soon after joining a large pharmaceutical company, he became concerned about a number of packaging-related issues in the pharmaceutical world.

This I believe is true sustainability in packaging and it works. It will take time, but we need to commence somewhere, and the sooner the better as there is no plan B to an alternative planet earth.

Environmentally there is a need to reduce the amount of non-biodegradable plastics. What is the industry doing to minimise plastics entering the environment?

We need more countries getting involved in reducing the amount of non-biodegradable plastics. Currently it is in the ‘too hard basket’ for many developing countries. In addition, it will initially cost revenue plus for many of these developing countries they by their own admission tell me that they have more important issues, for example, feeding their people is higher on their agenda than packaging issues.

There are also developed countries making the same mistakes, and for them it is a question of simply stop postponing the inevitable and make the change. They all are fully aware that it is the right thing to do but in many cases are waiting for legislation to enforce the change.

As we educate the younger generation, they will influence their parents and grandparents to do the right thing with packaging. Over the ensuing years we develop a new culture across the world. I have personally seen this work as I have been doing this in my home country for the past 16 years and have seen the change.

There is no doubt in my mind that the ‘wheels of change’ are starting to turn, more so in some countries that others. However, generally we are all aware that the future is bleak if we do not change, practically all governments around the world are aware of this.

happen, the question is more a matter of how soon all will realise that the decisions that we make now will affect the generations of 2050 and beyond. These affects will be real for all to experience within the next 10 years, but currently it is all talk and not seen to be ‘real’ enough for the general population to realise the ramifications and the future outcomes of not actioning sooner.

the interview

Over packaging often receives negative publicity yet given needs to protect foods from contamination or deterioration during transportation and delivery. What are some of the things the industry is doing to address issues of over-packaging while keeping foods safe? This is something that we specifically teach in our training courses across the globe. Often it is a lack of technology understanding of packaging. We have numerous cases where material has been ‘beefed’ up to enhance barrier, or to increase protection of the contents, where it has been completely superfluous.

International Aquafeed - September 2022 | 65

“We are delighted that Peter has joined our growing team here in Denmark,” says Jarl Knudsen, COO at biomega. “With his wealth of experience in managing large-scale technical projects, he will play a key role in ensuring the new factory is up and running quickly with minimal downtime.”

Inspection-class underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) company VideoRay has appointed Brad Clause as account manager for its offshore wind renewable energy, aquaculture and shipping markets. He brings to the company more than 20 years of experience with subsea ROV Priormissions.tojoining

Biomega appoints new Technical Manager of its Denmark biorefinery

With experience from working with automation at sequential systems, general PLC and HMI programming, Kristoffer Slettehaug has been hired as an automation engineer. He joins from Siemens Energy where he worked with automation and control systems for safety on offshore installations, all related to making hardware work as efficiently as possible.

“Brad’s experience leading teams working in harsh subsea environments and his customerfirst mindset match our company philosophy. He is an ideal fit, and we are happy to have him aboard,” says Chris Gibson, vice president, sales and marketing.

One of the experts on sludge treatment in aquaculture, Blue Ocean Technology AS, are growing rapidly with an increasing number of projects on land and at sea at home and abroad – and are expanding their staff again.

Blue Ocean is scaling as they hire a new COO

Blue Ocean Technology AS, a company that is growing rapidly with increasing numbers of projects on land and at sea at home and abroad – and are expanding their staff again. Thomas Tveiten Lewis has been hired as COO – and has taken up the position.

Mr Slettehaug will be responsible for further development of all automation in line with Blue Ocean Technology's goal of being a leader in the sludge area: Systems for collecting and reporting data, analysis and reporting (ESG).

VideoRay hires Subsea ROV expert

Leading biotechnology company biomega has appointed Peter Krüger as its technical manager for the company’s new biorefinery, which is located at the Port of Hirtshals, Denmark.

“Jillian is an excellent addition to our team, bringing a wealth of experience in terms of sustainable skills development. This role is crucial to matching the needs of the sector with new talent starting careers in aquaculture,” adds Heather Jones, CEO of SAIC.

As head of production/COO at Blue Ocean Technology, Mr Tveiten Lewis will have overall responsibility for all production of systems for customers at home and abroad.

66 | September 2022 - International Aquafeed

Blue Ocean adds automation engineer to its team

VideoRay, Mr Clause worked for Oceaneering International And C-Innovation. He has extensive experience in client focused ROV operations specialising in offshore renewable energy applications.

In her new role with SAIC, Ms Couto-Phoenix will oversee the innovation centre’s training, leadership and sector engagement programmes. She will work closely with aquaculture professionals, colleges and universities on skills initiatives as well as the development of SAIC’s support for internships, graduates and master’s students.

Mr Krüger joins biomega from Royal Greenland, where his position was a technical manager at a shrimp and halibut factory in Greenland, and at its Danish head office in Aalborg. His responsibilities were in operational maintenance, machine optimisation analysis alongside various construction and project management roles.

“The new factory at Hirtshals presents a fresh challenge for the company and I’m truly honoured to become a key part of its circular journey,” concludes Mr Krüger.

SAIC bolsters team with new appointment

The Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has appointed Jillian Couto-Phoenix as its new head of skills and talent, to lead its range of career development programmes and help attract the next generation of talent into the sector.

His previous work experience includes time spent with Rolls Royce Power Systems/Bergen Engines within the areas of project management and system design, and most recently for Greensight (part of Greenstat ASA) as project manager and energy advisor.

“I’m excited to join SAIC and apply my experience to the innovation centre’s training and skills programmes,” says Ms Couto-Phoenix.

“One of the things I’m most excited about is VideoRay’s global reputation for personalised customer support and how I can contribute to that commitment,” says Brad Clause.


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