JUN 2018 - International Aquafeed magazine

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International Aquafeed - Volume 21 - Issue 06 - June 2018

- Mycotoxin management in livestock production: A model for aquaculture? - The value of single cell protein in aquafeed - The control of parasites and pathogenic bacteria using UV irradiation - Technology showcase: Biomass monitoring systems - Expert topic - Crayfish Proud supporter of Aquaculture without Frontiers UK CIO

June 2018


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Hola! - welcome

abundance surrounding these islands am writing this editorial from washed down with rich Spanish wine. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, On other matters, it is interesting Canary Islands having last been to hear that having achieved ISEAL here 20 years ago. My reason is associate membership in Brussels last the same as before to attend the month, IFFO RS Ltd will further support International Symposium on the marine ingredients industry drive Fish Nutrition and Feeding. towards sustainability in promoting Again, there is a great opportunity these very important ingredients for to engage with leading scientists Professor Simon Davies aquaculture feeds. from all over the world to discuss the Editor, International Aquafeed Also, we all now know about the latest developments in the science and importance of cleaner fish in the technology fields of specialisation mitigation of the sea lice issues affecting pertaining to fish and shrimp mainly. farmed salmon. So, we welcome a new book by Jim Treasurer, So much has happened in the last 20 years since the eighth editor of the first ever review of the use of wrasse, lumpsuckers and symposium where so many of my PhD students attended with other cleanerfish species on salmon farms setting a good platform me under the blue sky of these beautiful Spanish administered to build our science and expand the use of these invaluable fish islands. Much has changed since then, and we will assemble friends to maintain good quality Atlantic salmon for the future. for the 18th venue to celebrate over 40 years of research and There are new developments in the use of single cell organisms’ development in aquaculture nutrition with a new generation of high value proteins for fish to include in a new generation of scientists, student and industry representation that has grown aquafeeds with trials being launched with salmon in Norway as widely due to much closer commercial interactions these days. well as more scale- up potential for insect meal with insect larvae I am fortunate to be accompanied by several of my former fed on various organic substrates. We are truly entering exciting students and we will have no doubt much to discuss over the territory for fish nutrition and feeds that will continue well into session. There are are many new and timely additions such as the 2020s. a workshop on the role of yeast as a potent feed additive and Aquaculture now plays an increasing part in our lives and being with health benefits in fish species. There will be talks covering recognised at last by governments in many countries. essential fatty acid (Omega-3) requirements of fish as well as In this respect, I will be attending a meeting in the Houses presentations on dietary carotenoids in salmon and novel feed ingredients such as terrestrial plant proteins, insect derived meals, of Parliament in June to discuss aquaculture in the context of transparency of the food chain, human health and well- being and single cell proteins. with a select committee panel including MP’s, members of the This conference is very important and I will be noting it House of Lords and some celebrity chefs, food scientists and further in a future edition to elaborate on the many views and nutritionists. developments being advocated. It will be a time of ‘catch-up’ Please keep sending in your news and reposts as well as the and the meeting will be held in the Auditorio Alfredo Kraus de quality features and articles that give us the cutting- edge in this Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. We will have the usual conference field. dinner and hopefully samples of the very fine sea food that is in



PROTEIN: FeedKind - Trials continue to show value of single-cell protein in aquafeed page 30

UV: Lighting up the oceans: The control of parasites and pathogenic bacteria using UV irradiation- page 40



FEED: Investing in feed production capabilities - page 4

EXPERT TOPIC: Crayfish - page 34 Aquaculture’s biggest dilemma that has recently burst onto the front pages of mainstream media: The challenges of sea lice and their effects upon both farmed and wild salmon.


Perendale Publishers Ltd 7 St George’s Terrace St James’ Square, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 3PT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 267700 Publisher Roger Gilbert rogerg@perendale.co.uk Editor Prof Simon Davies sjdaquafeed@gmail.com

June 2018 Volume 21 Issue 06



International Editors Dr Kangsen Mai (Chinese edition) mai@perendale.co.uk Prof Antonio Garza (Spanish edition) antoniog@perendale.co.uk Erik Hempel (Norwegian edition) erik@perendale.co.uk Editorial Advisory Panel • Prof Dr Abdel-Fattah M. El-Sayed • Prof António Gouveia • Prof Charles Bai • Dr Colin Mair • Dr Daniel Merrifield • Dr Dominique Bureau • Dr Elizabeth Sweetman • Dr Kim Jauncey • Dr Eric De Muylder • Dr Pedro Encarnação • Dr Mohammad R Hasan Editorial team Zasha Whiteway-Wilkinson zashaw@perendale.co.uk Vaughn Entwistle vaughne@perendale.co.uk Alex Whitebrook alexw@perendale.co.uk International Marketing Team Darren Parris darrenp@perendale.co.uk Tom Blacker tomb@perendale.co.uk Latin America Marketing Team Iván Marquetti Tel: +54 2352 427376 ivanm@perendale.co.uk New Zealand Marketing Team Peter Parker peterp@perendale.co.uk Nigeria Marketing Team Nathan Nwosu nathann@perendale.co.uk Design Manager James Taylor jamest@perendale.co.uk Circulation & Events Manager Tuti Tan tutit@perendale.co.uk Development Manager Antoine Tanguy antoinet@perendale.co.uk


Industry News

34 Expert Topic - Crayfish 48 Technology showcase

50 Industry Events

60 The Market Place

62 The Aquafeed Interview 64

Industry Faces

COLUMNS 6 Ioannis Zabetakis 11 Dr Neil Auchterlonie

©Copyright 2017 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. More information can be found at www.perendale.com Perendale Publishers Ltd also publish ‘The International Milling Directory’ and ‘The Global Miller’ news service

12 Clifford Spencer

FEATURES 16 Algae revolution 18 Mycotoxin management in livestock production: A model for aquaculture? 22 Slashing mortality and boosting production profits 24 Committing to sustainability 28 “Algae when you need it” - Instant algae concentrates 30 FeedKind - the value of single cell protein in aquafeed

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY 40 Lighting up the oceans

THE BIG PICTURE Cargill Animal Nutrition was established in 1893. In October 2015, Cargill acquired EWOS, one of the world’s largest suppliers of feed and nutrition. This gave Cargill access to the expertise and knowledge base in salmon feed that EWOS was renowned for, and gave EWOS access to a global footprint, wider nutrition expertise, new ingredients, global supply chains, and greater market insight. See more on page 24

42 Profile chain, connectors and components for the aquaculture industry 44 Disposing of unusable aquaculture stock

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Investing in feed production capabilities


ioMar Group decides to invest in additional capacity for the factory in Denmark. The new line will be highly specialised and dedicated to fry and RAS feed production enabling the factory to increase flexibility, quality and production performance. During the last years the business unit in Denmark (located in Brande) has experienced a significant growth in volumes sold as well as an expanding customer base, now leading to the decision of expanding the capacity. The factory delivers feed to farmer across most of Europe and has a very strong foothold in the eastern European countries. “BioMar has experienced a solid growth in market share on our core markets in Europe and the factory in Brande has through the last years been expanding capacity

by removing bottle necks and optimising operational processes. We foresee that the growth will continue and we need to take a significant leap forward to make sure we can deliver on the future demands from the customers” explains Carlos Diaz, CEO BioMar Group. The new line is expected to be ready in Q2 2019 with a budget of DKK 90 million. The factory in Denmark will, after the capacity expansion, be able to deliver 150.000 tons of feed per year. It is BioMar’s largest production unit in Europe outside the salmon markets. The factory is designed for agility with a flexible production set-up. It delivers mainly feed for species such trout, eel, sturgeon and salmon in RAS; however in total the factory produces feed for more than 40 species. “We are already recognised in the market for the high quality and performance of our fry and RAS feed from the factory in Denmark and the factory is often delivering feed to support other business units. This is simply a step making sure we stay in front, delivering a market leading customer value proposition in terms of agility, quality and performance.”

Aquaculturists blog named in “Top 20 aquaculture blogs and websites to follow in 2018”


aily blog “The Aquaculturists” has been named as one of “Top 20 aquaculture blogs and websites to follow in 2018”. Website “Feedspot” explained, “The best aquaculture blogs from thousands of aquaculture blogs on the web using search and social metrics. These websites are actively working to educate, inspire and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information.” Feedspot describe the processing structure as being based on the following criteria:

• Google reputation and Google search ranking; • Influence and popularity on Facebook, twitter and other social media sites; • Quality and consistency of posts; • Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review. The Aquaculturists was named as number three on the list, having been live since July 2010. With a frequency of between 15-20 posts a week it is followed by 1,997 Facebook users and 4,989 twitter users. You can visit the Aquaculturists blog through this link; 4 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

www.theaquaculturists.blogspot.com You can view the full list here – www.blog.feedspot.com /aquaculture_blogs

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Ioannis Zabetakis Inflammation, not cholesterol, is a cause of chronic disease

ince the Seven Countries Study, dietary cholesterol and the levels of serum cholesterol in relation to the development of chronic diseases have been somewhat demonised. However, the principles of the Mediterranean diet and relevant data linked to the examples of people living in the five blue zones demonstrate that the key to longevity, and the prevention of chronic disease development is not the reduction of dietary or serum cholesterol but the control of systemic inflammation.

Cholesterol levels: Demonising a risk factor but not the causative mechanisms of chronic diseases According to the ‘cholesterol hypothesis’, high blood cholesterol is a major risk factor, while lowering cholesterol levels can reduce risk. Dyslipidaemias (i.e., hypercholesterolaemia or hyperlipidaemia) are abnormalities of lipid metabolism characterised by increased circulating levels of serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and decreased levels of serum HDL cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol and nonHDL cholesterol have been associated with cardiovascular risk, while other cholesterolrelated serum markers have been proposed as additional significant biomarkers for CVD risk factors to add to the standard lipid profile. HDL cholesterol has been considered as the atheroprotective ‘good’ cholesterol because of its strong inverse correlation with the progression of CVD. Dyslipidaemias have been ranked as significant modifiable risk factors contributing to prevalence and severity of several chronic diseases including aging, hypertension, diabetes, and CVD. High serum levels of these lipids have been associated with an increased e: ioannis.zabetakis@ul.ie

risk of developing atherosclerosis. Dietary and medical guidelines (i.e. use of statins) have focused on the reduction of cholesterol and lipid levels as the best way to prevent chronic diseases such as CVD. Statins are used in order to reduce the levels of cholesterol; however, numerous side effects have been reported, including the development of other chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Moreover, specific dietary strategies for reducing cholesterol intake are the mainstay of management in most cases of dyslipidaemia, prior to, or simultaneously with, the initiation of a lipid lowering agent. Dietary fats, cholesterol, and the levels of serum cholesterol in relation to the development of CVD have been somewhat demonised.

Revisiting the lipid hypothesis

Today, there is a plethora of scientific evidence supporting that inflammation, not cholesterol is a cause of CVD and chronic disease. Therefore, we suggest that we need to reevaluate our medical and dietary guidelines. We need to remember that Nature has provided us with a wide range of dietary weapons, which, if appropriately combined in dietary patterns such as the Med-diet, can beneficially contribute to improving our quality of life, health, and life expectancy by equilibrating the inflammatory milieu to normal levels and thus preventively reducing the risk of inflammationrelated chronic disorders. Let us not forget the words of Hippocrates of Kos (460-377 BC), who is universally recognised as the father of modern medicine, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

Further reading

“Inflammation, not cholesterol, is a cause of chronic disease” http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/10/5/604


Currently working on Food Lipids at the University of Limerick, Ireland, focusing on feeds, food and nutraceuticals against inflammation, Ioannis is a co-inventor in two patents, has edited a book on marine oils, and has published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles (h-index 19). He is currently writing a book on "The Impact of Nutrition and Statins on Cardiovascular Diseases" for Elsevier. 6 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

25th Annual Practical Short Course “Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition and Feed Management”


one-week Practical Short Course on Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition and Feed Management will be presented on August, 26-31, 2018 at Texas A&M University by staff, industry representative and consultants. This programme will cover information on designing new feed mills and selecting conveying, drying, grinding, conditioning and feed mixing equipment. Current practices for preparing full-fat soy meal processing; recycling fisheries by-products, raw material, extrusion of floating, sinking, and high fat feeds; spraying and coating fats, digests and preservatives; use of encapsulated ingredients and preparation of premixes, nutritional requirements of warn water fish and shrimp, feed managements and least cost formulation are reviewed. Practical demonstration of sinking, floating, and high fat aqua feed, are demonstrated on four major types of extruders - (dry, interrupted flights, single and twin screw), using various shaping dies. Other demonstrations include: vacuum coating and lab analysis of the raw material for extrusion. Reservations are accepted on a first-come basis. For more information, programs and application forms, contact: Mian N. Riaz, Ph.D, CFS, Telephone: 979-845-2774.

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International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 7

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Three in five livestock producers expect to use more phytogenic feed additives this year


any in the livestock industry expect to increase their use of phytogenic feed additives (PFAs) in 2018. According to a recent survey of more than seven hundred agribusiness professionals, a full 60 percent of respondents reported that their PFA use would increase over the next 12 months. Plant-based feed additives – specifically essential oils, plant extracts, herbs and spices – are known to have a range of biologically active properties that can be applied to modern animal production. These include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and digestion enhancing effects. “We continue to see strong demand for PFAs from all sectors of the animal protein industry,” commented Michael Noonan, Global Product Line Manager Phytogenics at Biomin. “As the awareness and understanding of the benefits of scientifically tailored PFAs such as Digestarom® is growing, their commercial application becomes more widespread.” Scientific findings underscore the fact that phytogenic feed additives can reduce the microbial threat and promote intestinal health, which is imperative for optimal performance and profitability. Furthermore, reported results of market research in various countries suggest that consumers look favourably on the addition of phytogenic feed additives to animal feed.

These industry expectations, coupled with consumer acceptance, indicate the strong growth in demand for phytogenic feed additives for farm animals globally, in line with projections that the PFA market will reach the US$1 billion threshold by 2023. The upcoming Biomin Phytogenic Feed Additives Survey builds on similar work published in 2017. “As a leading global supplier of PFAs, we are in constant contact with clients, researchers, valued distributors and our skilled sales and client support teams throughout the globe,” noted Mr Noonan. “Through discussions with clients, trials and scientific research, we are continually highlighting the advantages that PFAs offer to the feed and livestock industries,” explained Mr Noonan. Biomin has conducted hundreds of trials with phytogenic feed additives over the years. “Our scientific knowledge of PFAs and on-the-ground customer support throughout the world provide us the means to help our clients achieve the best outcomes,” Mr Noonan concluded. More than 700 nutritionists, business owners, veterinarians and consultants located in over 80 countries provided their views on the use of phytogenic feed additives in livestock in the recent Biomin Phytogenic Feed Additive survey. The full results will be published in June 2018.


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Biorigin promotes MacroGard for tilapia at Aquishow, Brazil


iorigin was an exhibitor at Aquishow, a Brazilian aquaculture event that gathers all the links of the productive chain, which will take place in Santa Fé do Sul, São Paulo, May 15-18, 2018. During the event, Biorigin presented MacroGard as a natural solution for fish health. Source of purified beta 1,3/1,6 glucans, MacroGard balances the natural defences contributing to a more efficient protection against the challenges caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites, assuring the resistance and the performance. “The intensive breeding systems are stressful to animals. High stocking densities and problems resulting from improper handling make the animals more susceptible to diseases. Regarding tilapia breeding, the Streptococcus agalactiae bacteria brings huge losses to the producer. In this perspective, the MacroGard is a natural alternative to strengthen the fish immunity and reduce the mortality in challenging situations”, says João Fernando Albers Koch, Doctor and Aquaculture Researcher at Biorigin. The company used the event to launch the Biotide Extra, a source of high concentration nucleotides, which optimises the cell renewal, mainly of the intestinal mucosa and the immune system. Its inclusion is low, providing more space in formula and better cost-effectiveness compared to less concentrated products. Other natural solutions that meet fish nutritional and health requirements will also be highlighted, “Biorigin has a complete portfolio of natural solutions with high concentration of proteins, functional carbohydrates and nucleotides, as well as prebiotic, organic selenium and mycotoxin adsorbent, which contribute to the performance and health at various stages of life, improving the productivity and profitability of the fish producer”, adds Dr Koch.


Dr Neil Auchterlonie Focussing on the fishmeal factory

quafeed International is focused on a specific segment of global protein supply, being the farming of aquatic animals, but sometimes it is interesting to take a step back and view the broader perspective within which aquaculture sits. The growth and success of certification programmes is very apparent in all food sectors, and especially in aquaculture. A growing number of standard holders and certification auditors is testimony to the importance that these schemes have in quality and safety assurance. Aquaculture is particularly well served, with standards encompassing production such as, for example, Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA)’s Best Aquaculture Practice, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), Friend of the Sea, and even standards for farmed fish welfare such as the (UK) RSPCA Assured (Freedom Food) scheme. The raw material supply into fishmeal production is also served by schemes such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) The global fishmeal industry is no exception to this trend, where fishmeal occupies a small but very important niche in global protein production, and a critical point in the supply chain. The IFFO Responsible Supply scheme (IFFO RS) was developed in 2009 as a standard that focuses on the fishmeal factory as the unit of certification, thereby including another important element in the supply chain. The scheme has grown in success since the first (third-party audited) certification was granted in 2010, to the extent that it now encompasses a significant proportion of annual global fishmeal supply. IFFO RS predicts a volume of 51 percent of this year’s production to be certified. It has been a great success story, much needed and wellrecognised in the feed and aquaculture industries, and by retailers. In this regard, there was some important news towards the end of April for IFFO RS. The IFFO RS team has been working very hard on an application for membership to the ISEAL Alliance. ISEAL, or the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance, has a mission “to strengthen sustainability standards systems for the benefit of people and the environment”, and IFFO RS has now been accepted as Associate Members of ISEAL. ISEAL is of importance to certification standards because it acts as a global membership association for standards that allows members to demonstrate credibility and accessibility via a process of transparent robust systems and continuous improvement. Achieving ISEAL membership consists of checks of compliance with ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice, which ensure that standard-setters have well-functioning systems in place that embrace credibility and effectiveness. ISEAL also adopts a learning pathway which ensures that there is a framework for continual improvement in place. There is much work to do in moving from Associate Membership to Full Membership of ISEAL by mid-2019, but this news is important for IFFO RS as it effectively brings the standard alongside other well-recognised standards in the ISEAL membership, a true recognition of the quality and importance of the standard. It is a validation of the hard work of Andy Jackson and his team since before the IFFO RS standard was developed and the first certification was granted in 2010 and is another great contribution to this fascinating and important global industry. As Andy mentioned in the recent IFFO RS Press Release, “This is an important and useful way in which we can show measurable environmental improvements through an open, rigorous and accessible certification system”. That, in itself, is clear indication of the continual progress the fishmeal industry is making in securing the quality and supply of the product for now and the future. Dr Neil Auchterlonie is the Technical Director at IFFO. He has managed aquaculture and fisheries science programmes in both public and private sectors. Academically he holds a BSc in Marine and Freshwater Biology from Stirling University, a MSc in Applied Fish Biology from the University of Plymouth, and a PhD in Aquaculture (halibut physiology) from Stirling University.

11 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


Clifford Spencer Encouraging support through global and government connections

It was very interesting listening to the various presentations made by Hull’s considerable research staff during the visit, and even areas such as the potential for integrating marine aquaculture into the increasingly developed marine wind farms, of which Hull’s North Sea hosts and is developing the largest and most efficient in the world. The host of ground-breaking technologies (from communication to monitoring to farming) that are now already available to assist smallholder aquaculture enterprises through their use in developing countries, is huge. These technologies took on a whole new meaning as the current situation of inland fisheries and aquaculture in continental Africa was explained by the visitors and discussed with the NAC’s directors with the support of Hull University based experts. The fact that for instance virtually all subsistence aquaculture in Africa is unrecorded (L-R) Estherine Lisinge Fotabong - Director of Policy and Programme was emphasised and with that the enormous Implementation and Coordination, NEPAD, the development agency of the reliance of local populations on the output of this African Union. Clifford Spencer – Trustee and Chairman of Aquaculture without indigenous small-scale aquaculture. Frontiers. Lord John Prescott – UK House of Lords. Hamady Diop – Head of Natural Resource Governance, NEPAD, the development agency of the African Union. The fish, often consumed whole, provide a currently irreplaceable healthy diet and source of high quality protein to the huge populations close to its production. The potential to do real harm, and the real harm already occurring when for instance major hydro-electrical power schemes are used for renewable energy schemes without proper consideration for inland fish life was described in detail. Conversely, the power to do real good using properly researched, designed and considered schemes was enormous. The NAC is receiving support from UK regional government and also encouragement from the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in the UK national government. So great was the interest in our African visitors, that Lord John Prescott, previously Deputy Prime Minister of in York in the UK. the UK joined our visiting party and gave details of work he The capacity to trigger research of direct relevance to the was currently performing with Hull University in developing national aquaculture needs of developing countries, will be a countries based around establishing new low carbon economies. key asset for AwF in the capacity and services of the NAC. This work was designed to establish such economies without In this respect the NAC’s official academic partner Hull saddling these countries with dealing with the cost associated University has global skills as held in their own Hull with repairing the damage caused by industrialised nations in International Fisheries Institute and separate Institute of their historical and current carbon emissions. Coastal and Estuarine Studies. Only this week the university Different fish and crustacean species from around the globe hosted a visiting delegation to the NAC from the African were viewed in the university’s research tank facilities, some Union’s own development agency NEPAD, to discuss of which will now transfer to the NAC site at Grimsby for aquaculture and the surrounding so called blue economy. t has been a very busy month for Aquaculture without Frontiers in the UK. Much activity has been centred around the UK’s new National Aquaculture Centre (NAC), that is co-owned by the UK AwF and for which activity is increasing as the centre’s establishment continues at the Humber Seafood Institute on Grimsby’s Europarc. The other co-owner of the NAC is the GBTF a UN Foundation mandated, not for profit organisation, interested in technology transfer to developing nations. Currently discussions and efforts are taking place around the NAC’s important future IT capacity which is will be run by the GBTF’s David James. David is the holder of a double first in Mathematics from Cambridge University and his previous posting was as IT manager at global giant Nestle’s head office

Currently Mr Spencer leads the Global Biotechnology Transfer Foundation (GBTF), which is dedicated to promoting the potential for biotechnology to support sustainable, long-term, socio-economic development. He is also Chairman of Trustees for Aquaculture without Frontiers UK. 12 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

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A one day short course for aquafeed processing professionals 11th of September 2018 Taking part as part of SPACE, Rennes, France

International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 13

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increased development under the watchful eye of AwF. Technology to model flood plains, sedimentation, tides and currents in marine and freshwater locations as well as to identify fish from their DNA in the surrounding water were showcased. Mobile phone technology was suddenly making this considerable technology all available to local operators in-situ to communities on the ground. This together with social science skills gained around the world will be used to assist AwF working closely with local communities to deliver what they want in a meaningful form for their local use and future prosperity. So great was the national interest in all of this activity that the BBC sent a film crew to report on the activities and that evening we all sat down to watch a news report that described the national need and prospective international use of the NAC’s output through AwF in developing countries. The health effects of lack of fish in the UK diet is considerable and puts massive strain on the National Health Service with diseases such as diabetes rampant in the UK as well as heart and brain medical problems e.g. dementia associated with longer life on a poorer diet. These are certainly problems that the work of AwF in developing countries is keen to avoid and indeed it is very keen to bolster the essential health effects of well-planned and supported aquaculture particularly in boosting the health of pregnant mothers and young children. The UK AwF is now in contact with the other AwF’s in the US, South America and Australia to offer these substantial facilities of the NAC for AwF’s global use in assisting the practice of aquaculture in developing countries.

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Dr Eckel receives EU funding for major research project ustainable, climate-friendly and animal-friendly food production is one of the major challenges of modern agriculture. The state of RhinelandPalatinate has approved extensive funding for the development of a new product by the medium-sized family business. Dr Eckel Animal Nutrition, company based in Niederzissen, Germany, has been working towards more efficient feed use and improved animal welfare for more than twenty years. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), more than 800 milli on people are still threatened with hunger. Meanwhile, about 30 percent of all resources worldwide—raw materials, soil, water and energy—go to waste, because food still rots in the fields, spoils due to mould or pests, gets damaged in transit or is destroyed. At the same time, extensive farming and intensive animal husbandry cause further problems such as soil over-fertilisation, drinking water pollution and climatewrecking gas emissions. Policymakers, consumers, traders and producers are equally answerable for solutions to these global challenges. Dr Eckel Animal Nutrition is committed to developing solutions, thus driving innovation, in the area of feed additives. The company is currently investing around €700,000 in a new research and development project, for which it is receiving funding from the European

Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the scope of the InnoTop programme of the state of RhinelandPalatinate. The aim of the project is to develop a sanitising multifunctional additive for animal feed that can be used globally and that should help make valuable resources and animal feed more durable in accordance with FAO guidelines. Dr Eckel’s development team is collaborating with external partners, both local and foreign, on new combinations of active ingredients, measurement methods and production technologies to achieve this ambitious project goal. Tilman Wilke, Product Development Team Manager, and Dr Michael Wilhelm, Technical Sales Team Manager, are very pleased and proud of the funding approval, both departments have put a lot of effort into thoroughly preparing for this project, achieving this success. For Dr Bernhard Eckel, Head of Business Development and Sales, funding is not only an important tool for planning and implementing such large research and development projects, “Of course, funding provided by the Investment and Economic Development Bank of Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) is a major risk buffer. However, this approval primarily confirms our commitment to contributing innovative solutions pertinent to our area, namely: resource-efficient and sustainable food production suitable for humans, animals and the environment.”

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14 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

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Image courtesy of ©Veramaris

Algae revolution


Progress on revolutionary marine algae project in Nebraska

eramaris, the DSM and Evonik joint venture that will revolutionise aquaculture with its sustainable omega-3 oil from natural marine algae, has celebrated a major milestone in the construction of its new production site in Blair, Nebraska. In the presence of Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Mike Foley, the management of Veramaris and the two parent companies Royal DSM and Evonik, a toppingout ceremony was held on June 4, 2018 in Blair, Nebraska. The construction of the US$200 million facility is progressing on-time and according to plan. Commercial quantities of algal oil will be ready for delivery in mid-2019. Pilot-scale quantities are already being supplied to selected feed producers and farmers for market development. “Our algal oil is the response to the industry’s call for a sustainable source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The known provenance of all the raw materials used in our process makes the product fully traceable,” Veramaris CEO Karim Kurmaly said. The initial annual production capacity of the Nebraska plant will meet roughly 15 percent of the total current annual demand for EPA and DHA by the global salmon aquaculture industry.

Image courtesy of ©Veramaris

Veramaris uses locally sourced sugar in its fermentation process. The algae strain, Schizochytrium, which is applied, has the advantage of producing the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA and the resulting oil has a concentration exceeding 50 percent. The production site will be entirely waste-free. Veramaris’ highly concentrated algal oil will, for the first time, enable the animal nutrition industry to keep up with the increasing demand for these two essential omega-3 fatty acids without any reliance on fish oil obtained from wild fish stocks. “The raw material for this disruptive Veramaris technology comes from the heart of American agriculture - from Nebraska. Nebraska corn helps conserve marine life in the ocean. This is a wonderful story and I wish Veramaris all the best in making aquaculture more sustainable,” Nebraska Lt. Governor Mike Foley said. Until recently, the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA added to animal feed have been almost exclusively from marine sources. Currently, a total of 16 million metric tonnes of wild fish are caught for the production of fish oil and fishmeal. With the help of natural marine algae, Veramaris contributes to closing the supply-demand gap for omega-3 EPA and DHA, while helping to conserve marine life and biodiversity in the oceans. The successful product and process development was only possible thanks to the complementary competencies that Evonik and DSM bring to the collaboration: DSM has expertise in

16 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


Image courtesy of ©Veramaris

key players in aquaculture to raise Atlantic salmon on the cultivation of marine organisms including algae and longariculture, Inc. | 2018 Advertising | Theme: The Plankton Peopleenabled Ad | Design: A | Version: 1

diets totally free from marine ingredients, using Veramaris’ algal established biotechnology capabilities in development and t: International Aquafeed magazine | Size: | Dimensions: 190mm 132mm oil as a X complete replacement for fish oil. operations, whilst Evonik’s focus hasHalf been Page on developing The existing Evonik site in Blair was chosen for the production industrial biotechnology processes and operating competitively of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA to take advantage large-scale manufacturing sites for fermentative amino acids. of Evonik’s decades of operational experience for large-scale To drive a positive change in feed production and food biotechnology operations. The company has been operating a consumption, Veramaris is extensively working with all facility there for the fermentative production of Biolys® - the stakeholders along the value chain, including feed producers, farmers, retailers and NGOs. Pioneering collaborations have amino acid L-lysine - for almost 20 years.


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International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 17


Mycotoxin management in livestock production:

A model for aquaculture?


by Rui A. Gonรงalves, Scientist at Biomin

ncreasing awareness of mycotoxin-related issues in aquaculture is confirmed with the trend toward using plant-based ingredients in feeds. Future growth and sustainability of the industry depends on the ability of the sector to identify economically viable and environmentally friendly alternatives to marine-derived ingredients. The industry has been concentrating efforts on finding alternative sources of protein to substitute fishmeal in aquafeeds. Consequently, many new alternatives are available, e.g. insect meal, macroalgae meal or single-cell protein. However, high costs and limited availability are still challenges to overcome. Plant-based meals seem to be one of the most promising and viable solutions but a common problem that arises from the use of plant ingredients is the presence of mycotoxins.

Mycotoxin occurrence

The first big difference between livestock and aquaculture production is the level of knowledge about mycotoxin occurrence and co-occurrence in the plant feedstuffs used to make the diets. Only recently has interest about mycotoxin contamination in aquafeeds started to grow, so knowhow about mycotoxin occurrence in aquafeeds is still being accumulated. In the past, small amounts of plant meals were included in the diets of carnivores and herbivores, which seems to have brought about some resistance to mycotoxins.

Due to the novelty of the topic, and contrary to the livestock industry, the contamination of aquaculture feedstuffs with mycotoxins is, in general, often neglected. There is a growing awareness of mycotoxin contamination in aquafeeds, however, we are still far from having solid knowledge of the mycotoxin contamination patterns in aquafeeds, and how the type of plant meal used influences it.

Tip #1: Survey your plant meals for mycotoxins to avoid any possible risk

Wrong information may lead to employing the wrong strategies One of the main misconceptions deeply entrenched across the aquaculture industry is that the majority of mycotoxin issues result from poor storage conditions leading to aflatoxin contamination. It is true that poor storage conditions can lead to the growth of Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp., which can ultimately lead to the production of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A. However, Biomin has observed that most of the mycotoxins found in aquaculture finished feeds are from Fusarium spp., i.e., resulting from field contamination of the raw materials used to produce aquafeeds. In this case, we are talking mainly about deoxynivalenol and fumonisins. In some cases, aflatoxins continue to represent a challenge, especially in tropical countries and/or when storage conditions are inadequate.

Figure 1. Photographs illustrating classic clinical signs of mycotoxin ingestion in livestock and aquaculture production. Photographs i-iv show easily identifiable mycotoxicoses in poultry and swine. Photographs v and vi show animals fed deoxynivalenol (DON) at considerably high doses with no macroscopic signs of disease except anorexia (which could be attributed to other causes in a field situation).

18 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


Tip #2: Correctly identify the mycotoxin(s) in your diet or raw material in order to implement the correct management plan

How do I know if my fish/shrimp are being exposed to mycotoxins? Mycotoxins are structurally very diverse. This characteristic generates a wide range of symptoms in mycotoxin-affected animals, ranging from decreases in production efficiency to increases in mortality. In aquaculture, symptoms are generally unspecific, which makes accurate diagnosis difficult. The diagnosis of mycotoxicoses in farm animals is further complicated two ways. First, the synergistic effects of multiple mycotoxins in feeds creates a different pattern of symptoms. Second, mycotoxins are responsible for suppressing the immune system, which allows opportunistic pathogens to colonize, prompting the display of secondary symptoms in the host. Sensitivity to mycotoxins varies greatly between species and is dependent on several factors that can modify the expression of toxicity including age, gender, nutritional and health status prior to exposure, and environmental conditions. The situation is already very complex, but in addition to this we must consider the 138 different fish species and 38 shrimp species (FAO, 2011), with different feeding behaviours (herbivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous) and inhabiting different environments (freshwater, brackish water, marine). This high number of variables tends to dilute scientific output from all aquaculture research, not only in the field of mycotoxins. The low number of experts working with mycotoxins in their research compounds the problem, making it more difficult to have comprehensive diagnoses on the effects of mycotoxins in the main species. Some reports describe clinical signs for the most common

Figure 2

Figure 3

mycotoxins (Anater et al., (2016)), however, most of them are generalist parameters and can be attributed to any diverse pathologies or challenges e.g. anti-nutrition factors or lectins in the diet, or environmental changes (bacteria, environmental toxins). Some of the parameters referred to above include

International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 19


reduction in growth performance, alteration of blood parameters (erythrocyte/leucocyte count), changes in blood enzyme levels (Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Transaminase (AST) or Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)), alterations to the liver or the suppression of immune parameters. Two notable exceptions are aflatoxicosis (yellowing of the body surface, (Deng et al., 2010) and ingestion of fumonisin (alteration of the sphinganine to sphingosine ratio, sa/so, (Tuan et al., 2003). Only aflatoxicosis can be visually identified so to correctly diagnose a change in the sa/so ratio, blood or haemolymph samples need to be collected and analysed. Compared to livestock, there are a lack of any clear, clinical signs of mycotoxin ingestion in aquatic species (Figure 1i-v).

Tip #3: Keep a detailed and up-to-date record of your farm activities The lack of any clear clinical signs of mycotoxicoses makes it very important to have a rigid mycotoxin management plan and a good record of farm activities. For example, an up-todate record of environmental parameters (salinity, temperature, N-compounds, oxygen) and feed management (feed intake, identification of feed batches) could be fundamental to identifying the causes of a sudden decrease in feed intake or growth performance or an increase in mortality. While analysing environmental and feed management parameters, you may also consider mycotoxin contamination depending on the success of your mycotoxin management plan.

Impact of mycotoxins: Are my contamination levels critical?

In aquaculture, it is common practice to study the impact of


Figure 4

anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) present in the plant meals and try to overcome these limitations. However, mycotoxins are often overlooked as ANFs. It is not yet common practice in academia to evaluate the raw materials used to formulate test diets for the presence of mycotoxins. As a result, when comparing to livestock species, much less is known about the effects of mycotoxins in aquaculture species. The efforts of the aquaculture scientific community are even more diluted when taking into account the much higher number of aquaculture species compared to the number of livestock species. As reported previously, sensitivity to mycotoxins varies greatly between species and is dependent on several factors which can modify the expression of toxicity including age, gender, nutritional and health status prior to exposure and environmental conditions. However, for some species we can already provide some advice. The figures show some of the tested dosages (minimum and maximum) of deoxynivalenol. www.biomin.net


JUNE 20-22

WORLD EXPO FROM FEED TO FOOD WWW.VIV.NET 20 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


Slashing mortality and boosting production profits

by Hugo Magne Kjelseth, Europharma Sales & Marketing Director, Norway


oor smolt quality used to account for about 40 percent of the mortality in Norwegian salmon production. That is changing, as SuperSmolt FeedOnly is fast becoming the preferred method of smoltification. 74 million smolt where produced in Norway using SuperSmolt FeedOnly in 2017. In fact, use of the method has increased steeply every year since 2013, when the technology was used on less than 10 million smolt in Norway. According to Europharma, supplier and owner of the global patent rights to the revolutionary technology, the big break came as a result of the successful launch of SuperSmolt FeedOnly. New discoveries through extensive R&D efforts made it possible to smoltify the fish using SuperSmolt feed alone, and not in combination with mixed-in additives in the production water, as was the case in previous years. Since we acquired the SuperSmolt rights back in 2008 we have been convinced in the exceptional value of this technology. It has great benefits both in terms of fish health, growth, production flexibility and profitability. SuperSmolt FeedOnly makes it significantly easier to achieve these benefits, and allows the technology to be utilised in all types of freshwater salmon production, including loch production. We are now seeing companies saying ´this is how we smoltify our fish now´, and designing their production facilities and production plans accordingly, says Jim-Roger Nordly, owner and Head of Europharma AS, as well as their sister companies in Chile, Canada and Scotland. The SuperSmolt technology is based on the find that smoltification can be induced and controlled by stimulating the calcium receptors in the fish through feed and/or natural additives in the production water. The method effectively eliminates the negative issues related to traditional smoltification through light control. SuperSmolt allows the fish to smoltify under constant light, which means that it grows faster and may be transferred earlier or significantly larger than traditional smolt. Another huge benefit is the fact that SuperSmolt fish do not desmoltify. That makes it

easy to produce totally homogenous fish groups where every fish has solid saltwater tolerance at the time of transfer. This is of course hugely significant in terms of fish health and welfare. It is no surprise that the increase in Norwegian smolt produced by SuperSmolt FeedOnly correlates with a significant national drop in mortality during the first three months at sea. Moreover, the health of the fish that survive is even more important. Solid smolt status makes the fish eat well and grow fast. If parts of the fish group struggle, then feed factor suffers, growth suffers and the risk of disease increases, says Nordly. He sees a big difference in the way many Norwegian salmon companies now view the technology. Many fish farmers used SuperSmolt first to “rescue” poor performing fish groups. They now see that the benefits relating to fish health, production flexibility and economy greatly exceed the cost of the product, which makes the whole thing a no-brainer. The ability to reduce the production time as much as a month has massive effects on profitability, says Nordly. In addition to the Norwegian market, SuperSmolt FeedOnly is widely used in all major salmon producing countries. 10.5 million smolt in the UK was produced using SuperSmolt in 2017. www.europharma.com

22 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

Jim-Roger Nordly, owner of Nordly Holding (Europharma is a subsidiary of Nordly Holding AS).

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by Ian Carr, Strategic Marketing Director, Cargill Aqua Nutrition; and Dave Robb, Sustainability Manager, Cargill Aqua Nutrition

argill Animal Nutrition was established in 1893. In October 2015, Cargill acquired EWOS, one of the world’s largest suppliers of feed and nutrition. This gave Cargill access to the expertise and knowledge base in salmon feed that EWOS was renowned for, and gave EWOS access to a global footprint, wider nutrition expertise, new ingredients, global supply chains, and greater market insight. EWOS is the primary go-to-market brand for Cargill’s aquafeed for fish and shrimp; however, some feed is also distributed under the Purina and Provimi brands in certain markets. Sustainability is a word on the lips of many major companies these days, although some are only paying lip service to the idea. Contrast that with agri-giant Cargill, which in April 2018, issued a report detailing the company’s bold and ambitious commitment to sustainability across its entire supply chain. The report came about as the result of a sustainability summit attended by 40 representatives of Cargill and their customers, as well as representatives of other important stakeholders in the food and feed supply chain. International Aquafeed Magazine sat down with a representative from Cargill to find out more about this forward-thinking initiative:

So which came first? Did consumer demand drive Cargill’s decision to focus on sustainability? Or did Cargill’s commitment to sustainability drive consumer demand for its products?

It’s hard to say which came first, but Cargill recognised that smart companies invest in ensuring the sustainability of their operations to remain relevant to an increasingly informed consumer base. We believe in supply chain transparency as a means to build trust amongst all stakeholders that are involved in or benefit from global food systems. One of the good side-effects of this is that sustainability is a key driver of innovation and we see many opportunities to continue to innovate in different and interesting ways. For example to remain compliant in a world where the regulatory landscape can change fast. To look beyond the direct impact of your own operations and become more involved in the upstream and downstream supply chains. And through designing and developing products and services that appeal to consumer preference for eco-friendly offerings. Feeds based on the ‘1990’s diet formulations could not be made in such high tonnages and at such prices – there simply is not enough fishmeal and oil to satisfy the needs of today. Back then, it was not unusual to find salmon feed that comprised twothirds of marine ingredients from fishmeal and fish oil, but these days the formula contains two-thirds of plant proteins (mainly soya) & plant oils (such as rapeseed or soya oils) in addition to micronutrients. A significant proportion of these plant materials

24 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


are by-products themselves, upgrading waste streams into valuable nutrients. In some markets, animal byproducts such as poultry meal might be included in the formulation. And we are increasingly seeing novel raw materials like algae, insects or single-cell proteins being considered as alternatives. Micronutrients are routinely used to support the physiology and quality of the animals being fed. Synthetic amino acids can be used to balance the amino acid profile of the feeds to meet the needs of the fish more accurately, reducing the need to add extra protein sources or for the fish to eat more feed to obtain the amino acids they need. Beyond the usual vitamin and mineral premixes that are included to ensure a balanced diet, certain functional ingredients might also be added to deliver a nutritional benefit and support the health and welfare of the animals. We have introduced a portfolio of feeds like BOOST, ROBUST, ALPHA and BACTER to support fish immunity and help fish recovering from clinical symptoms of disease along with a highly palatable base pellet to support any medicinal treatments that may be required. These innovations have been well received by the market and have become important tools for fish farmers to use in combination with best husbandry practices.

Why are the ASC standards so important to Cargill?

Demand for independent certified seafood products is growing, with three major organisations active in different markets: Global GAP covers 1.6 million tonnes salmon and 94kt shrimp; ASC covers 42 salmon farms, 28 tilapia and 24 shrimp farms; GAA BAP covers 725kilotonnes salmon, 185 kilotonnes tilapia and 170 kilotonnes shrimp. Given the extent of this movement, we believe that we as a leading aqua nutrition business must continue to support customers wishing to produce certified fish and shrimp, according to ASC or any other reputable standard. ASC feed standards




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are not yet published, but already Global GAP certifies mills with 7.9million tonnes and GAA BAP with 4.3 million tonnes aquafeeds globally. Therefore, we think it’s important to ensure that CQN businesses are ready to support and supply customers with feed products that meet third party feed standards.

Sustainability is important to the aquaculture industry. What forms of commercial fish feed currently in use are not sustainable?

In many countries where aquaculture is developing, knowledge of the nutrient requirements for fish and how to supply them are not well known. Better feeds can be developed through R&D and best practice manufacturing, and then working with farmers to ensure that they are used optimally in the field. Through its broad outreach, Cargill Aqua Nutrition supports such developments, helping to expand the sustainable production and use of aquaculture feeds.

Why is Cargill’s fish feed solution sustainable?

We start with assessing the needs of our customers for feeds – looking at what products are required and how they will be applied. This enables us to use our nutritional skills to determine what should be in the feeds, developed from R&D and years of commercial data. By designing the correct feeds for the need, we will reduce waste of feed in the field, reducing environmental impact at the farms. To be able to meet these needs, we work with our supply chains to develop raw materials, which can supply these nutrients. We also work with them to ensure that they are produced sustainably – focussing on social and environmental criteria. Our suppliers have all agreed to work to meet our Supplier Code of Conduct, which has a key focus on labour issues in the supply chain, as well as product quality. For key raw materials, such as marine ingredients, soy and palm oil, we apply further criteria, relating to the potential environmental impacts they can have and setting a bar and a

direction for further development in the future.

Different species of fish require different formulations of feed. How does Cargill’s fish feed satisfy these needs?

The Cargill Nutrient System (CNS) brings together all of Cargill’s knowledge of the nutrient requirements for each of the species we feed and combines that with our knowledge of the raw materials that we use in our feed formulations. This powerful and comprehensive database is integrated with our formulation systems to ensure that our formulators, wherever they sit in our global network of factories and facilities, are connected to the most advanced and most up-to-date information we have. We are developing a range of Technical Application Centres (TACs) associated with our regional operations, where we can test and further develop the feeds in conditions which are close to those that our customers will experience, but which are under our controls to ensure scientific integrity. Experiences of such TACs in Norway, Chile and Vietnam have shown their importance to be able to develop solutions applicable to our customers, to help their fish have thriving growth.

Cargill is a global company with hundreds of raw material suppliers. They have all signed Cargill’s code of conduct, but how will Cargill ensure compliance?

Control of our supply chain relies on our Responsible Raw Material Sourcing Policy, cascading through our Supplier Code of Conduct and verified by supplier audits. The audits are riskbased and for example in 2017, we carried out 32 supplier audits. Suppliers in breach of basic ethical standards can be rejected as a supplier of CQN and can be disqualified from future tenders. Moreover, while every case is different, if CQN determines an existing supplier to be non-compliant with our standards for ethics or corporate social responsibilities, we will first seek to work with the supplier to develop an acceptable solution, but if necessary we may terminate the supplier relation.

26 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


What inspired Cargill to develop its promote range of multi-species feed additives?

Feed additives and functional feed play an increasingly important role in animal nutrition as livestock producers seek new sustainable and natural ways to enhance performance, improve gut health, optimise feed conversion, reduce and replace antibiotic growth promoters in feed, and address consumer demands. The PROMOTE additives have their origin in the Provimi business that was acquired by Cargill in 2011 and we are now strengthening our micronutrition business with the recent acquisition of Diamond V, leaders in unique microbial fermentation products for animal nutrition and a strategic partnership with Delacon in the field of phytogenics. As a result of Cargill’s sustainability summit, the company has announced some ambitious targets for many areas of its operations: Safety, sustainability, etc. How are you achieving those goals? Cargill has a strong commitment to safety and we have many initiatives to improve safety through infrastructure and behaviour throughout the corporation. Sustainability has been highlighted as a core capability to be developed in Cargill. The legacy of EWOS has helped to develop a sustainability strategy for our aquaculture feed operations, but now the corporation in general is also developing a sustainability strategy. This has led to a central hub focussing on sustainability being setup in the Corporation which links to the different interests in the business operations. Our aquaculture sustainability manager is now part of this hub, which strengthens our position and our ability to work through our value chains to improve our sustainability activities.

What drove the raw material sourcing policy for Cargill’s EWOS brand, which produces aquafeed?

EWOS had operated a raw material sourcing policy for some years prior to the Cargill acquisition. This helped us to promote our vision to our supply chain, so that they could develop in the same direction. But it was also the requirement of certain thirdparty certifications for feed production. Following the acquisition, we needed to update the policy, which was carried out at the end of 2016. With the much larger CQN operation, this policy helps us to set goals for the future, enabling us to navigate the needs of different markets and arrive at a common position in the future. Cargill has initiated a raw material sourcing policy for all its animal feed suppliers. Were there any special considerations that needed to be kept in mind when it came to fish feed suppliers – such as regional versus global considerations? The aqua feed policy reflects the different market requirements that we see between salmon and other aquaculture products. Salmon producers have focussed on developing sustainable farming and feed criteria for some years. This has led to an investment by a significant proportion of the industry in feeds with certain criteria, which are specified in our policy. By contrast, other aquaculture industries have little, if any, requirements for their feed and raw materials. To impose stringent criteria on raw materials with no lead time would distort our competitiveness in the current farming systems. We have therefore set longer term goals for these sectors, to enable us to work with our supply chains to develop price competitive solutions and with our customers to be able to value the new feed International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 27


“Algae when you need it” INSTANT ALGAE CONCENTRATES


by Eric C. Henry, PhD, Research Scientist, Reed Mariculture Inc.

eed Mariculture has produced its Instant Algae product line of longshelf-life microalgae concentrates for more than 20 years, providing to hatcheries the microalgae that are essential for their operations. Instant Algae concentrates are used in commercial and research hatcheries in more than 80 countries around the world for fish, shrimp, and shellfish larviculture, as well as in public aquariums and hobbyist reef tanks.

Microalgae are essential for hatchery operations

Microalgae are required for creating greenwater for finfish larviculture, and they are the natural and most effective food for culture of rotifers and copepods, essential first-feeds for larval fish. Microalgae are also first-feeds for many crustaceans and are the irreplaceable feed throughout the life cycles of bivalves. A supply of Instant Algae at the hatchery eliminates the need for on-site microalgae production, which can consume up to one-third of

hatchery budgets and requires specialised labour and constant management, always with the risk of culture failures that can jeopardise the success of the entire hatchery. Instant Algae concentrates can also supplement on-site microalgae production to cover seasonal or unexpected peaks in demand, or interruptions of on-site production.

What are Instant Algae concentrates?

Instant Algae products are formulated from pure, highly concentrated, phototrophically grown marine microalgae. The algae are mass-cultured at Reed Mariculture’s inland facility in a recirculating synthetic seawater system. No pathogen vectors such as finfish or shellfish are allowed at this facility, and no pathogens have ever been detected by regular product testing. The algal cells in Instant Algae are non-viable but intact, retaining all their nutritional value. Instant Algae concentrates provide all the advantages of live algae without the large investment of infrastructure, time, and skilled labor required to grow algae. Thanks to Instant Algae, there is now no need to worry about the threat to hatchery phytoplankton culture crashes. Instant Algae concentrates have long shelf-lives so they are always available when you need them—no worries about planning schedules of phytoplankton production to coincide with your zooplankton or larvae production schedule. Instant Algae concentrates are very easy to use because they disperse instantly in water. The concentrate can be pumped directly into your zooplankton culture system, or simply add concentrate to a bucket of water, stir, then add to your zooplankton culture system or greenwater tank manually.

Instant Algae: Not just “algae”

Instant Algae concentrates are feeds: Highly concentrated liquids that are ready-to-use. They are ideal for automated feeding by dosing pump. This convenience contrasts with dry feeds, which must be subjected to carefully controlled highenergy blending before they can be used. It can be difficult to fully disperse dry feeds, and particles that remain clumped can be too large to be ingested by bivalves and zooplankton, resulting in inefficient feeding and fouling of culture tanks. Dry feeds are also susceptible to leaching of water-soluble nutrients when they are re-hydrated. 28 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


Choosing the right algae

The Instant Algae product line offers the range of algae most highly prized for use in aquaculture. Each strain provides particular benefits, depending on such characteristics as nutritional content, cell size, palatability, and digestibility: Nannochloropsis—Provides high EPA, ARA, and cholesterol. Although it lacks DHA, so it cannot impart to rotifers the full nutritional value required by many larvae, it is a nearly ideal feed for mass-production of rotifers. Its small size (1.5-2 µm) and robust cell wall also enable it to persist in suspension for use as “greenwater” to provides beneficial turbidity and prevent depletion of the energy reserves of rotifers in larval tanks. Tetraselmis—Provides high EPA and cholesterol. Tetraselmis is very unusual among microalgae in containing significant taurine (ca. 10% of amino acids). Its relatively large cell size (10-12 µm) makes Tetraselmis an efficient feed for late larval and post-larval bivalves. Isochrysis “T-Iso” (Tisochrysis)—Provides no EPA but very high DHA, making it one of the most widely-used algae in aquaculture. Used as a component of bivalve larviculture and zooplankton grow-out diets, as well as supplemental DHAenrichment protocols for rotifers and Artemia. Pavlova—Provides a balanced EPA : DHA ratio and a variety of sterols, some of which have been shown to stimulate setting of bivalve larvae. Can be difficult for hatcheries to produce reliably. Thalassiosira weissflogii—Provides both EPA and DHA (many diatoms lack DHA), and so is one of the most widely used diatoms in aquaculture. Particularly valuable for shrimp larviculture because the large cell size (long dimension up to 15+ µm) facilitates extension of the algae feeding period until the end of the PL stage. Thalassiosira pseudonana—Similar to T. weissflogii, provides EPA and DHA, but its smaller cell size (long dimension 6-10 µm) is more suitable for earlier larval stages of shrimp and bivalves. Different Instant Algae products are optimized for a variety of different applications. Some single-species products are suitable for use alone for certain specialised purposes, but in general a combination of species provides more balanced nutrition. Users can combine products to create their own custom mixes, or they may prefer to use our combination products to provide optimal nutrition for bivalves (Shellfish Diet) or zooplankton (RotiGrow Plus, RotiGrow OneStep, and N-Rich products). https://reedmariculture.com/product_instant_algae.php 29 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


FeedKind Trials continue to show value of single cell protein in aquafeed


by Allan LeBlanc, Senior Director and FeedKind Product Manager, Calysta

n just a few short years, the hunt for a sustainable protein that matches the nutritional value of fishmeal has gone from a pipe dream to reality. Aquaculture has grown significantly over the last decade, but it has done so in spite of limited growth in protein availability, especially animal derived proteins. The market has effectively allocated this scarce resource, and cost pressures have driven significant reductions in marine ingredients across many applications. Removing the natural resource bottleneck is essential to aquaculture’s growth. But as consumers pay increasing attention to how their food is produced, sustainability has become critical. Calysta’s FeedKind® protein offers the aquaculture supply chain a solution to this challenge. FeedKind is a sustainable feed that requires no animal or plant matter in its production, very little water use and requires no greenbelt land, contributing to global food security. In addition, it helps keep fish healthy and can improve growth rates, with full traceability, making it one of the most exciting new products to come to the aquaculture market.

Originally developed in Norway for the Atlantic salmon industry, FeedKind Aqua protein is a non-GMO single cell protein produced via natural fermentation. It is approved for use in organic systems in the UK and listed on the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials. Highly traceable, FeedKind also contains a unique elemental profile that persists in the feed and in the final product; meaning a fish fed on FeedKind can be differentiated from a fish fed other diets with a simple test. At Calysta’s market introduction facility operating in Teesside, UK, sample quantities of FeedKind have been produced and are being shipped across the world. Studies have shown FeedKind Aqua is an ideal high-protein feed ingredient for several areas of aquaculture, including salmon, trout, shrimp and warm water finfish. Trials have shown promising results measured by growth rate, feed conversion, palatability, and gut health.

Performance in salmonids

With a nutrient density and amino acid profile comparable to fishmeal, FeedKind Aqua protein can easily be incorporated into

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Figure 1

Figure 2

Leiber® Beta-S – β-glucans for:

Figure 3

salmonid diets at all life stages. Using material from Calysta’s UK facility, Calysta has carried out a trial in Rainbow Trout with Pontus Research Ltd. The trial included a reference diet with 45 percent superprime fishmeal, and three treatments with 10, 20 and 35 percent FeedKind protein, each with corresponding reduction in fishmeal. Feeds were formulated by Pontus and manufactured by Sparos as extruded floating 2.5mm pellets. Juvenile fish with an average weight of 62 grammes, +/- 4.0 grammes, were randomly assigned into groups of 30 individuals, each in 200 litre tanks maintained at 14oC. All fish were acclimatised for one week on the control diet then grown to a final weight of 187 grammes on the control or test diets, fed five times daily to satiation with feed intake monitored. Over 49 days, all groups had comparable growth rates ranging from 2.2 to 2.3 percent of body weight per day. No statistically significant difference was found between treatments. In addition, the distribution of individual growth rates was relatively narrow across all treatments, with the margin for error ranging from 0.05 to 0.08 percent.

Improvement of the cellular & humoral defence mechanisms Support of immunological competence in larval & juvenile stages Improvement of feed conversion


International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 31


The control diet yielded a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.09. This fell to 1.01, 1.00 and .99 in the 10, 20 and 35 percent treatments respectively (see figure 1). All treatment groups were statistically significant from the control diet, with FCR improved by eight to nine percent. In addition to its value as a nutrient, FeedKind Aqua protein can help maintain a healthy gut in salmonid species. When single cell protein was part of the diet, studies have reported that soya-induced enteritis in Atlantic salmon is not seen, and inflammation markers in gut epithelial cells are reduced. Anti-nutritional factors present in soybeans and other crops are easily managed by terrestrial digestive tracts but cause significant issues for fish that have never seen these compounds before. Major feed companies in Norway are currently evaluating FeedKind protein, and a larger scale trial growing Atlantic salmon to market weight is scheduled to begin in early 2019 with Nofima.

Performance in shrimp

To assess the beneficial effects of FeedKind protein in shrimp specifically, a trial in Pacific whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was conducted in partnership with Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and Auburn University. Growth response and survival in juvenile shrimp fed graded levels of FeedKind was evaluated relative to a fishmeal-containing reference diet. Nutritionally complete diets were prepared at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and compared in an indoor, eight-week growth trial, at the E.W. Shell Fisheries Research Station, Auburn University, Alabama. Juvenile shrimp were stocked into replicate treatment tanks of ten juveniles per tank at an average weight of approximately 0.1 grammes. Treatment tanks were connected to a recirculating aquaculture system to maintain water quality factors. Feeds comprised of a basal control diet of 15 percent fishmeal and five diets of increasing concentrations of FeedKind to replace fishmeal, at 1.5 percent, 3.8 percent, 7.5 percent, 11.3 percent, and 15 percent of total feed. Diets also included marine-based attractants that were kept constant in all diets. The average weight at termination was eight-10 grammes per animal. The mean survival of all diets was 93.5 percent over the eight-week period, indicating AAT18_Milling & Grain Ad-W210xH148mm_May.pdf 1 2018/4/13 下ĺ?ˆ 03:42:26









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conditions were adequate for shrimp growth. Survival rates varied from 84 percent for the control diet to 97 percent for the diet with 100 percent fishmeal replaced by FeedKind protein with all test groups, except the 3.8 percent group, showing statistically significant (p<0.05) improvement relative to the control. Additionally, the 1.5 percent and 3.8 percent diets showed statistically significant improvements in aggregate shrimp weight. A follow-up trial was performed at the Texas AgriLife Mariculture Research Facility outside Corpus Christi, Texas. Shrimp at an average weight of 1 gram were stocked into 10 replicate 30-litre tanks at a density of four animals per tank. Nutritionally complete diets were formulated using a commercially representative control formulation comprising 20 percent fishmeal with the remainder of the protein provided by soybean meal and soy protein concentrate. Increasing levels FeedKind were added as a direct replacement for fishmeal at 0.5 percent, 1.5 percent, 10 percent, and 20 percent of total feed. All diets included two percent krill meal as an attractant. The trial was terminated after four weeks and harvested at a weight of 13-14 grammes. Survival across all diets ranged from 92.5 percent to 97.5 percent (see figure 2) with no significant differences across any diets. Similarly, final weights ranged from 13 to 14 grammes with no significant differences (see figure 3). These data supports the ability of FeedKind to completely replace fishmeal in diets for whiteleg shrimp. The improved growth and survival of shrimp with low levels of FeedKind protein inclusion indicate that performance of FeedKind diets may even be superior to fishmeal under certain conditions.


FeedKind Aqua has shown to be an effective feed ingredient for use across several marine species at all life stages. As noted above, Calysta has partnered with Nofima to carry out large-scale trials in Atlantic salmon beginning early next year to determine how the ingredient performs in real-world conditions, with further studies to take place with shrimp, trout and warmwater finfish species. www.calysta.com


& Extrusion Treats Conference

21 June 2018, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, The Netherlands Pet food and treats are growing rapidly all over the world due to the sharp rise in pet humanization and with increasing disposable income. According to one report, U.S. pet food market was valued at over USD 24.60 billion in 2016, is expected to reach above USD 30.01 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of slightly above 3.36% between 2017 and 2022, and global pet care market sale was reached US $110 billion in 2017 (Pet food Industry.com).

Pet Food Extrusion Trends - Dr. Mian Riaz, Head Extrusion Technology Program, Texas A&M University, USA Extrusion of Pet food and Treats with Single and Twin Screw Extruder - Spenser Lawson- Wenger Mfg., Inc Advanced Single Screw Extrusion for Companion Animal Food, Specialty, Treats, and Supplements – Will Henry - Extru-Tech, Inc.

Extruded Petfood Quality Management; Relations between Technology and Extruded Petfood Quality - Thomas Ellegaard Mohr, ANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel Pet Food Quality Optimization and Palatability - Geoffroy Berthe - Kemin Industries

bit.ly/petfoodextrusion Organised by

Supported by

International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 33




“Crayfish or crawfish?” The term is interchangeable, and its use most often reflects regional preferences, although the name crayfish is more popular than crawfish. Other names include: crawdads, crawldads, freshwater lobsters, mountain lobsters, mudbugs or yabbies’. By whatever name they are called, crayfish are fresh water crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are related taxonomically. Crayfish are the only large decapod crustaceans (decapods are animals with ten legs) to occur in freshwater environments. There are more than 640 species in three different families: Astacidae, Cambaridae and Parastacidae. The highest diversity occurs in North America (more than 330 species in nine genera). There are seven species in two genera in Europe while the Japanese species is endemic to the region. The Madagascan species and Australian species are endemic to those regions, and it would be important to know that there are more than 100 species distributed in Australia. Crayfish breathe through feather-like gills. Some species are found in brooks and streams where there is running fresh water, while others thrive in swamps, ditches and paddy fields. Most crayfish cannot tolerate polluted water, although some species such as Procambrus clarkia, are hardier. Crayfish feed on animals and plants, either living or decomposing and detritus. Crayfish tend to copulate in autumn, although copulation may occur throughout the year in some species. Male crayfish immobilise the female by grabbing her large chelae on walking

by Vaughn Entwistle, Features Editor, International Aquafeed leg 1 with his large chelae and rolling her onto her back. Sperm, in the form of a spermatophore or sperm plug, are transferred via a modified pair of pleopods (called gonopods) located on the first abdominal segment. Females may carry a spermatophore for several months before oviposition occurs the following spring. When releasing eggs, females secrete a sticky substance called glair that is used to attach the eggs to her pleopods. Once a female has released all of her eggs and the glair has hardened she is said to be ‘in berry’. The number of eggs a female can carry while in berry is a function of body size, egg size, and species. Females will carry eggs for several weeks; the duration of this period depends on the species and is also influenced by water temperature. Crayfish exhibit direct development; there are no free-living larval stages and the young crayfish that hatch from the eggs look like small adult crayfish. When the eggs hatch the young crayfish initially remain attached to the female. The young will undergo three molts during this period. It is at this stage that the young leave the female and become free-living. They are approximately one cm long (total length). Young crayfish are highly vulnerable to a wide range of predators and tend to aggregate in habitats in which they are the safest, e.g., shallow water habitats. During their first summer they molt several times and increase in size considerably. By the end of their first summer they may have quadrupled in size. With their increased size they have outgrown many of their potential aquatic predators with the exception of large fish and adult crayfish. The lifespan of crayfish varies from species to species. Most species found in surface waters live two–four years. However, some species that live at higher latitudes may live seven–10 years.

34 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


The University of Limerick (UL) is a rapidly growing, modern university. UL is a young, energetic and enterprising university with a proud record of innovation in education, and excellence in research and scholarship. We take great pride in attracting students who are seeking a supportive learning environment to help nurture and achieve their personal and professional dreams. UL is highly regarded for conducting leading-edge research in key areas such as biological sciences, information and communication technologies, materials and surface science, environment & bioengineering and humanities & social sciences. Limerick is in western Ireland, an ideal starting point to explore the Wild Atlantic Way. Shannon International airport is only 24km away with frequent bus connections. Limerick, with an urban and hinterland population of over 200,000, has something to oer everybody thanks to its many cultural, historical, architectural, sporting, shopping and business activities. With almost 50 per cent of Limerick’s population under the age of 30, it is a vibrant, living, cosmopolitan city.


International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 35

We have the largest work placement programme of any university in Ireland, with a network of over 1700 employers Amazing academic and sporting facilities on a stunning campus Graduate employment rates that are 18% above the Irish average





Farmed Crayfish


rayfish are low on the food chain, which makes them very easy to look after and stock in small aquaculture systems. They can be easily grown at low densities. There is a long history of freshwater crayfish farming worldwide, particularly in the United States and Europe with more recent industrial development in Australia.

American crayfish species

In America, the most commonly farmed species are the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and the white swamp crayfish (P. acutus). These are both indigenous species to these areas but they have been exported (alive) to many other continents, where they are now produced. The crayfish industry is the largest commercial crustacean aquaculture industry in the United States with an annual harvest exceeding 45 million kg. The predominant commercial species is the red swamp crayfish. In the southern USA, red swamp crawfish and the white swamp crawfish are cultured in shallow ponds with a water depth of 300 to 600mm. Deeper ponds are sometimes used in very hot areas. Although total production remains quite small Redclaw aquaculture has been established for more than 25 years. This despite many projections that it would become a significant aquaculture species worldwide, and possibly a rival of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). There is no hatchery production. Redclaws are reared directly in juvenile ponds where it obtains the bulk of its food from decaying matter and associated microbes contained in the pond bottom mud. Commercial crayfish pellets are available and have proven to be effective. A feeding frequency of once per day is adequate, preferably at dusk when crayfish are active.

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UK crayfish farming

There are about 80 crayfish producers in the UK and supplies are available from July to October, the crayfish “season”. Several types of production system exist, the most popular being extensive ranching or semi-intensive systems. Ranching is favoured if crayfish farming is only an addition to


a mainline enterprise. The ponds only need to be stocked and the crayfish breed and multiply naturally with the surplus crayfish harvested. Semi-intensive or intensive production systems exercise more control over the aquatic environment, feeding, etc. and the labour requirements are higher (much higher construction and management costs).

Containerised Mills outputs 3 - 45 ton/h

All components reliable and tested Assembled and checked in factory before dispatch Container sized support frame included All electric components included Low freight costs and easy handling Saving on civil & building cost Minimum installation time on site Proved concept with many outstanding references

Modular solutions for: › Compound feed production › Pet food › Aqua feed › Cereal processing plants › Soybean processing › Premix / concentrates plants Type: C30-15-15


International Aquafeed - June Aquafeed 2018 | 37 37 | June 2018 - International

A Triott Company

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The enterprise is more suited to southern England than most of Scotland and has yet to be proved to be a viable commercial enterprise on a long-term basis.

Australian Crayfish Species

Australian marron (Cherax tenuimanus) is a species commonly grown both inside and outside of Australia. It is a spiny, nonburrowing freshwater crayfish found naturally in Western Australia. It is the highest valued freshwater crayfish farmed in Australia. Another Australian crayfish that has also received some attention from growers worldwide is the yabbie (Cherax destructor). Care has been taken not to import the yabbie into other countries (like South Africa) because it is an aggressive burrower and could become an ecological problem (invasive species) under local conditions, though marron is farmed commercially in that country. “Herax quadricarinatus, referred to popularly by its Australian synonym ‘redclaw’, is a tropical species native to the rivers of north-west Queensland and the Northern Territory in Australia. Although well known to the local inhabitants of this isolated region, it remained effectively unknown to the rest of the world until the late 1980s, when it was trialled for aquaculture. Redclaw proved to be well suited to cultivation, and the redclaw aquaculture industry was born, developing quickly and spreading throughout northern Australia, and soon afterwards overseas. Redclaw benefits from a host of physical, biological and commercial attributes that make it an excellent candidate for

aquaculture. It is physically robust with broad geographic potential, has a simple life cycle and straightforward production technology, requires low protein diet and is economic to produce. Its texture and flavour compare very favourably with commonly eaten marine crustaceans and, having the appearance of a lobster, is positioned at the premium end of the crustacean market spectrum.

New Zealand species

In New Zealand freshwater crayfish have been farmed since the 1960s, although crayfish aquaculture is still in an early development stage with no farm currently producing large volumes of saleable stock. Moreover, differences in environmental conditions suggest that Australian or American intensive farming systems may not be suited for New Zealand conditions; (e.g., warmer water temperatures and crayfish that mature in one year).

Asian Crayfish farming

Despite Asia being a leading farmer of shrimp and prawn (another crustacean), crayfish farming is only just emerging, with most crayfish being imported from the USA and other countries. The reason for the slow entry into crayfish farming is understandable. Crayfish have long been the scourge of rice farmers, as crayfish burrows undermine rice paddies and render them unfarmable. However, countries such as China are currently experiencing “Crayfish mania,” as the small red lobsters have become a favourite cuisine.

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38 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed



Maximize capacity, conditioning, and control. WENGER’S AQUAFLEX XT HIGH CAPACITY EXTRUDER When maximum volume matters, the Wenger AQUAFLEX XT High Capacity Aquafeed Extruder is the choice, processing up to 12,000 kg/hour. Equipped with either our High Shear Conditioner (HSC) or High Intensity Preconditioner (HIP), the AQUAFLEX XT is ideal for aquatic feeds as small as 0.5 mm. Precise control of finished product density delivers either high capacity floating or sinking feeds. Know more about the industry-changing designs and customized options of AQUAFLEX. Email us at info@wenger.com today.










VIV China 2018 September 17-19, 2018 | Nanjing, China

International trade show from Feed to Food for China WWW.VIV.NET International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 39



Lighting up the oceans

The control of parasites and pathogenic bacteria using UV irradiation by Duncan Ockendon, atg UV Technology, UK

Duncan Ockendon of atg UV Technology sheds some light on the microbiological problems of aquaculture.

Photo courtesy of ©Krüger Kaldnes

Life on Planet Earth began in the sea, but it is only quite recently that we have begun to understand just how important the marine environment is to life on the land. Centuries of industrial pollution and over-fishing have left our oceans in a parlous state: poisoned by microplastics and unable to absorb the carbon dioxide generated by burning fossil fuels. All this at a time when we are intensifying aquaculture to feed an ever-increasing population. If fish farming is to be profitable in the long term it has to be sustainable, and that means healthy fish in a healthy environment. We are living in an aquacultural revolution whose impact will be every bit as great as that of the agricultural revolution in the 18th century. The key to fish health and the minimisation of mortality is the control of parasites and pathogenic bacteria, and farms and hatcheries are particularly vulnerable. Fish farms are often located in close proximity, so effluent discharges from one can pose a significant threat of contamination to another. Chemical disinfection of wastewater prior to discharge prevents this type of cross contamination but does not address the problem of fish health within the farm. One solution is the use of specific medication like antibiotics and de-lousing agents such as diflubenzuron and teflubenzuron, to treat disease once it has been detected, but consumers increasingly demand chemical and antibiotic free products. In any case prevention, by eliminating the pathogens that cause disease, is better than cure. Disinfection by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has proved to be an effective, chemical-free treatment for both water supply and wastewater discharges, safeguarding brood stock, egg production and fry growth. The process, which acts directly on cell DNA to prevent reproduction, is effective against a wide range of microbes including viruses, bacteria and protozoans and, unlike treatment chemicals, it is impossible for resistant strains to develop. This is particularly important in indoor recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) where the only water replacement is the water lost to evaporation and cleaning, so bacteria are retained in the system for long periods. This means that resistant strains will multiply, with numbers doubling every twenty minutes, and build up in biofilms in pipework which are very difficult to remove. Ozone was widely used to control microbes in many older RAS farms, but it is expensive in both capital and operating costs. It is also hazardous and toxic so needs careful control both in the water and the atmosphere. Transporting fish between onshore and offshore farming facilities in well boats can expose fish to a wide range of infections. Once again, UV can replace conventional chemical disinfection systems for intake, discharge and recirculating water used during fish transportation, protecting fish, minimising vaccinations and increasing stock yields. atg UV developed their ultra-compact WF range of UV units specifically for this application, and it recently gained Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) approval based on 45 weeks of field-testing on board a Norsk Fisketransport well boat used for the transport of live salmon from sea cages and for de-lousing operations as a service to fish farms on the Norwegian coastline. Water samples were collected weekly for heterotrophic bacteria and Vibrio species analysis which showed an average 2.5 40 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

FISH FARMING TECHNOLOGY Photo courtesy of ©Krüger Kaldnes

UV systems allows the performance to be monitored remotely via an Ethernet connection. Erling Lorentzen of Norsk Fisketransport was impressed with the UV equipment, “We used the UV systems during smolt transport and, despite the demanding conditions on the vessel, the UV systems maintained the required UV dose”, he said, “We will use these systems in the future on our boats.” Disinfection by UV is gaining rapid acceptance in the aquacultural sector because it satisfies a number of important criteria. Firstly, it is a highly effective biocide but also meets consumer pressure for chemical free production. The equipment is robust enough to meet the challenges of the marine environment and its low energy consumption contributes to low operating cost and sustainability. All in all, the future for UV is bright.

About atg UV Technology

log reduction. The WF range was designed to be compact enough to fit into the limited space available on well boats and similar marine vessels and provide a high level of disinfection for intake, discharge and recirculating water used during fish transportation. The minimum required UV dose of 25 mJ/cm2 is ensured by varying the lamp power proportionally to the measured UV intensity in the lamp chamber and the flow rate. The medium pressure lamps used in the units are low in operating cost, and a low UV dose alarm function is provided which can be interlocked with overboard valves to ensure that no untreated water is discharged into the sea. For on-shore aquaculture sites, the Data Stream feature on the

The company has over 35 years’ experience in UV disinfection covering industries from oil and gas to food and beverage and pharmaceuticals. atg UV, established in 1981, are industry experts in the design, production and maintenance of ultraviolet disinfection/treatment systems and are recognised as a market leader for the supply of high-quality UV equipment and services. With thousands of installations worldwide, a strong commitment to research and development and an ongoing validation programme, atg UV offers a wealth of industry experience, specialised knowledge and expertise. www.atguv.com Contact: atg UV Technology, Genesis House, Richmond Hill, Pemberton, Wigan, Lancashire WN5 8AA Tel +44 (0)1942 216161 info@atguv.com https://atguv.com/atg-uv-applications/aquaculture/

AQUACULTURE WITHOUT FRONTIERS (UK) Aquaculture Without Frontiers (AwF) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that promotes and supports responsible and sustainable aquaculture and the alleviation of poverty by improving livelihoods in developing countries.

Registered charity No. 1165727

aquaculturewithoutfrontiers.org.uk International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 41


#2 Crosby Europe is expanding its top-performing Trawlex range to meet the specific needs of the aquaculture industry

Profile chain, connectors and components for the aquaculture industry by Crosby’s Trawlex

Crosby’s Trawlex range of profile chain, connectors and components has had an important footprint in the fishing industry since 1971 and a long track record of producing high-quality hardware, designed to withstand the rigors of heavy use in the fishing industry. While many components of Crosby’s Trawlex range were already in use in the aquaculture industry as well, the company has now expanded the brand offering with a full range of hardware designed specifically for aquaculture. Crosby Trawlex Aquaculture range is completely certified to highest standard NS9415 by DNV GL, as demanded by the aquaculture industry. The new aquaculture product range of steel fittings and equipment is now launching its first phase exclusively in the North Sea/ Atlantic region, developed for cage mooring systems that are in widespread use in the Faroe Islands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Scotland. Later this year it will launch globally. “The new range includes shackles, profile chain, connector plates, and masterlinks. There are standard items that Crosby Trawlex already had in its product range, but there is also new equipment, such as the new mooring shackles and mooring plates that have been designed specifically for these applications,” said Rob Van Put, Regional Director at Crosby Europe. “We’re confident that the world-famous Crosby red-pin shackle, with its proven track record, has a great future among this comprehensive new range of aquaculture mooring products,” said Ashley Hall, Crosby Europe’s Trawlex specialist. The company’s special steels and heat treatments are the key to developing super strength capabilities in its products, Hall said, while the heat treatment also ensures that ductility is retained, and the effects of stress are reduced, providing outstanding resistance to wear and corrosion in the marine environment. “The strength and durability of our mooring system components including the possibility to size down the Trawlex Profile Chain will lead to lower operating costs for our end-users,” Rob Van Put said. “We have looked at the challenges users face and have incorporated innovations to make handling easier for them, such as the unique fin on the mooring shackle, which allows one person to assemble the shackle’s nut and bolt without any difficulty.” aquaculture@thecrosbygroup.com

42 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


Double Shaft Paddle Mixers (DPMA) The Wynveen double shaft paddle mixers, realizes high mixing capacity with a relative small mixer content. The mixer has a mixing time, depending on the product type and quantity, from 30 to 60 seconds. Features • Capacities available from 500 to 20.000 liters • Mixing accuracy of 1:100.000/C.V. < 5% • Short mixing time of approximately 30-60 seconds • Minimum filling degree will be 25% of the nominal content • Extra wide bomb doors.

www.wynveen.com International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 43


#3 Fish die. Whether it is through disease or adverse weather, or even bad luck. Either way, it is very important to have the right tools/technology to dispose of the unusable stock appropriately. In the best circumstances this waste can then be used or recycled to become aquaculture feed and sold on.

Disposing of unusable aquaculture stock by Zasha Whiteway-Wilkinson, Production Editor, International Aquafeed

Zero waste – aquaculture animal by-products: The Scottish Government website talks about the disposal of dead fish and aquatic animal by-products (ABPs), describing them as covered by the Animal Byproducts (Enforcement) (Scotland) Regulations 2013. “Any business generating material of aquatic origin which is not intended for human consumption needs to be aware of how these regulations apply to their business” they explain. They reference three categories of aquatic ABP; Category 1 (few aquatic animals would fall into this category) “Aquatic animals containing certain prohibited substances above specified levels or unacceptable levels of environmental contaminants (for example fish contaminated with fuel from an oil spill or fed contaminated feed)”. Category 2 (mortalities would fall into this category) “Fish or aquatic animals which die from a notifiable disease - such as infectious salmon anaemia (ISA), Aquatic animal products containing unacceptable levels of residues of veterinary drugs and higher than specified minimum levels of certain contaminants, fish or parts of fish that die, other than being slaughtered for human consumption, including fish killed for disease control purposes. This includes all mortalities occurring during the production cycle in aquaculture, including fish that die from disease, third country imports that fail to comply with veterinary requirements for their importation into the community” and; Category 3 (processing waste would fall into this category) “Carcasses (heads, frames) and parts of slaughtered fish, which are fit for human consumption but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons, carcasses and parts of slaughtered fish, which are unfit for human consumption, but derive from carcasses that are fit for human consumption i.e. viscera; internal organs containing parasites, carcases and parts of carcases of slaughtered fish, which are rejected as unfit for human consumption, but which do not show signs of disease communicable to humans or animals, fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in open sea for the purposes of fishmeal production or bait, by-products from fish plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption and shells from shellfish that contain soft tissue or flesh.” Where the product is made up of more than one category, the highest category applies (category 1 being the highest).

Disposal methods

Retailers, distributors or manufacturers can send up to 20 kg of raw or partially cooked fish or shellfish to landfill every week; this is a weekly limit not an average limit over a number of weeks. Although allowed, this method is not particularly friendly for the environment, not to mention imagining what that would smell like! RedUnit industrial grinder, Vogelsang


Whilst at Aquaculture UK 2018, there were many methods of waste disposal on show, including an animal incinerator by “International Leaders of Incineration Solution” Addfield. Based in the UK, Addfield have over 35 years’ experience designing and manufacturing solutions for all solid waste management needs. At the show the company had a miniature model of a “Thunder 1000 (1000kg)”, an aquaculture incinerator. Other models available include; fish farm, fish wholesalers, marine and large fish. As you can see in the photo it has a very basic but efficient design with a compartment for the waste of which are sold in a number of different tonnage capabilities, including; 250kg, 350kg, 500kg, 750kg, 1300kg and 2000kg, as well as a smoke chute to release the fumes. 44 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed


The three ABP categorys: Individual disposal methods

Referring to the Scottish Government mandated ways of appropriately disposing of aquatic ABP, each of the previous categories mentioned can be processed in a number of different ways. Category 1: • Incineration or co-incineration at an ABP approved plant; • Pressure sterilisation; • Using them as fuel for combustion at an ABP approved combustion plant. Category 2: • Incineration or co-incineration at an ABP approved plant; • Pressure sterilisation; • Using them as fuel for combustion at an ABP approved combustion plant. Category 3: • Incineration or co-incineration; • Sending them to landfill after they have been processed; • Processing them, if they are not decomposed or spoiled, and using them to make feed for farm animals; • Processing them and using them to make petfood; • Processing them and using them to make organic fertilisers / soil improvers; • Using them in composting or anaerobic digestion; • Using the Fish Silage Processing Method (ensiling followed by heat treatment) - same as Category 2 method; • Using them as a fuel for combustion.

Thunder 1000 (1000kg), Addfield

Using an incinerator means that you are able to dispose of fallen stock quickly and with controlled access to your grounds. Using this method is considered especially sustainable as it does not leave a surplus in waste once the fish have been destroyed; it probably smells better than it does in landfill you would imagine also. Disposing of fish in this manner (which is not necessarily possible with a grinding machine and this article will go into shortly) also means that you destroy disease. Eliminating a lot of the risk of the possibility of spreading disease, which may have killed the stock in the first place. This range of marine waste incinerators are all DEFRA approved, comply with EU Animal By-products Regulation, (EC) No 142/2011 and pass international standards. The machines are portable, and purpose built for aquaculture. They include many additional features, ensuring extended durability, and an ability to cope with harsh environments, the company describes them as “extremely robust and built to last”.


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On display at the exhibition in Aviemore, Scotland was a RedUnit machine, as displayed by Vogelsang, manufacturers of pumps, maceration, spreading and biogas technology, supplying technology to a number of industries including aquaculture and agriculture. The RedUnit is the grinding and pumping combination from Vogelsang. It has many different advantages compared to the separate products, e.g. its compact design and low electricity consumption. “With our engineering department we design every RedUnit industrial grinder specifically customised to the needs of every customer and his specific application. It is developed as a complete engineering unit, including an advanced control system to maximise the efficiency of the complete system. The industrial grinder can be produced in stainless steel for demanding applications.” Vogelsang explain. The RedUnit offers a high availability thanks to the quick and easy concept of its individual components: the grinder XRipper XRL, the RotaCut RCX macerator, a progressive cavity pump of the CC series and/or a rotary lobe pump of the VX series. The RotaCut, is a cutter with an integrated heavy material separator and can be used in a wide range of industrial applications. This cutter offers direct contact between the blades and cutting screen, which allows it to deliver defined cutting performance, which is a major advantage for processing fibrous materials. Moreover, as it simultaneously homogenises the medium, it offers much more than merely pump protection for downstream systems. Medium that has been disintegrated in this manner an also be easily used in additional processes.

In industrial applications, it is usually used together with other Vogelsang products, such as rotary lobe pumps, progressive cavity pumps or other cutters, such as the XRipper. For example, in applications involving food wastes, not all materials are suitable for being pumped onward directly after an initial shredding step. Fish, meat and vegetable waste, in particular, often contain coarse fibrous materials that are separated in a heavy material separator. Two RotaCut models in particular have proven themselves effective in industrial applications: The RotaCut RCX is used in abattoirs as part of the RedUnit in order to meet the requirements of the EU directive on hygiene. Thanks to its compact design and reliable shredding performance, the RotaCut MXL is used on tankers to protect the pumps from foreign matter. The benefit of grinding fish matter means that the resulting product can be made into a number of different things, including organic fertilisers/soil improvers or processing it if not spoiled to make feed or petfood for animals and farmed fish.


Aquaculture is lucky in that as an industry it has so many smart innovators out coming up with solutions that you didn’t even know you needed. So whether you choose incineration or grinding or nothing inbetween it is a fundamental part of the production process of fish farming and aquaculture, like the western worlds toilet and sanitation system, disposing of your waste properly is not a choice – it’s a necessity. You can find out more about aquatic ABP here: www.gov. scot/Topics/farmingrural/Agriculture/animal-welfare/ABPs/ aquacultureABP

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46 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

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BIOMASS MONITORING S Top aquaculture technology

BIOMASS MONITORING SYSTEMS A new and exciting technology being introduced to aquaculture, biomass monitoring systems automatically provide real time fish measurements in terms of numbers, size, appetite, and fish behaviour in operational salmon net pens. Currently there are a number of competing technologies being offered by different companies. Some systems use acoustic technology to monitor and assess aquatic habitats. Others employ advanced camera systems linked to 3D modelling systems to estimate the number, size, and health of fish swimming in a net pen. The following are just a sampling of biomass systems on show at Aquaculture UK 2018.

Ace Aquatec Biocam 3D From the award-winning supplier of predator defence systems and humane fish stunners. Biocam 3D uses revolutionary new underwater time of flight technology to accurately measure the biomass of farmed fish in three dimensions. All images are processed in real time and accurate biomass readings are recorded over the life cycle of your fish. Specifications include: • 3D underwater camera; • Precise biomass readings; • Cloud interface. www.aceaquatec.com

Bio 3000 Biomass Estimator From the award-winning supplier of predator defense systems and humane fish stunner, iTec Solutions. Biocam 3D uses revolutionary new underwater time of flight technology to accurately measure the biomass of farmed fish in three dimensions. All images are processed in real time and accurate biomass readings are recorded over the life cycle of your fish. Specifications include: • Measures biomass in cage; • High precision; • Measures up to 1000 salmon per hour; • Bio3000 does not disturb the salmon; • Windows platform; • Simplet report generator; • Cloud interface. www.bio3000.no

Vaki Biomass Daily With a Vaki frame fish are continually measured with pinpoint accuracy. Data is transmitted wirelessly to the shore base or feed barge. For every site and every cage, the daily overview of average weight, size distribution, condition-factor and fish growth are available 24 hours. Specifications include: • Total overview of all cages; • Daily size measurements from each cage; • Larger samples give more accurae weight, size distribution and condition factor; • Daily growth over selected time period; • Automatic reporting of data and system status via Vaki based report and email; • Better information—motivation for operators; • Automated sampling, more time for other things; • Real-time comparisons between cages and sites. www.pentairaes.com

48 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed



AkvaVision This camera is a fully-automated biomass estimator, based on cutting edge camera technology with high measurement accuracy. The patented biomass estimator constantly generates 3D models of the fish from the images taken by the AkvaVision. Our software calculates the average size of the fish in the cage based on the 3D models. AkvaVision gathers, without considering cage size and fish density, a massive date base, providing accurate average weight in a short amount of time.






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Industry Events Events listing JUNE

03 – 05/06/18 - PIX/AMC 2018 Australia WEB: http://pixamc.com.au 04 – 06/06/18 - 7th International Dietary Fibre Conference The Netherlands WEB: www.dietaryfibre.org/en 06 – 09/06/18 - Bio Brazil Fair / Biofach America Latina Brazil WEB: www.biobrazilfair.com 19 – 21/06/18 - Seafood Summit 2018 Spain WEB: https://www.seafoodsummit. org 20 – 22/06/18 - VIV Europe The Netherlands WEB: www.viveurope.nl/en/ Bezoeker.aspx


03 – 05/07/18 - Seawork International 2018 UK WEB: http://www.seawork.com 04 - 06/07/18 - Indo Livestock 2018 Indonesia WEB: http://www.indolivestock.com

LACQUA18 speakers announced The Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2018 - LACQUA18 to be held with the VIII Colombian Congress of Aquaculture - VIII CCA in Bogotá, Colombia at the Ágora Convention Center brings more and more surprises. The organisers of LACQUA18 are pleased to announce the confirmation of the participation of Drs. Alejandro Flores and Sara Patricia Bonilla in the opening plenary of the Congress. Dr Flores is an Aquaculture Engineer from the Mar Technological Institute of Veracruz, Mexico with a Master’s degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Administration from the Institute of Aquaculture of the University of Stirling in Scotland, where he also completed his PhD in Aquaculture Sciences, oriented to the limnobiological characterisation of epicontinental water bodies for aquaculture and sectoral development planning. During his time in the academy, he generated more than 65 scientific articles and books and trained human resources, currently represented by independent researchers in various areas of knowledge that affect aquaculture. He worked as an international consultant in aquaculture, in the Program to Support the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Central American Isthmus (PRADEPESCA) of the European Union; He has also been an expert of the International Cooperation of Mexico in countries of Central America and Cuba. He joined the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in 2009, where he has been Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Team for South America, as well as FAO representative in Argentina and Chile. He currently serves as Senior Officer of Fisheries and Aquaculture for Latin America and the Caribbean. In this work he has conducted processes such as the formulation of National Plans and Policies for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. In FAO, he has led regional processes such as the creation of the Aquaculture Network of the Americas and the Forum of Parliamentarians of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Latin America

09 – 13/07/18 - Freshwater Crayfish 2018 USA WEB: www.freshwatercrayfish.org 11 – 13/07/18 - Fi Asia China 2018 China WEB: https://www.figlobal.com/ fi-asia-china 15 – 18/07/18 - IFT 18 USA WEB: https://www.iftevent.org 26 – 28/07/18 - Livestock Taiwan 2018 Taiwan WEB: http://www.livestocktaiwan. com


21 – 24/08/18 - Nor Fishing Norway WEB: http://www.nor-fishing. no/?lang=en 24 - 26/08/18 - China International Fishery and Seafood Exposition 2018 China WEB: www.chinafishex.com 25 - 29/08/18 - Aqua 2018 France WEB: https://www.was.org/ meetings/default.aspx?code=Aqua18

and the Caribbean, mechanisms to promote the sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries; It has also conducted a regional program to strengthen the capacities of aquaculturists with limited resources, for their self-sustainability and inclusion in markets beyond their communities. Dr Sara Patricia Bonilla is a Business Administrator of the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, specialising in Innovation, Technological Development and Transfer of International Technologies in Germany and Master in International Relations at the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana in Colombia. Since 2004 her professional career has been developed in the area of aquaculture. ​​ She was Executive Vice President of Acuanal, a guild of shrimp producers in Colombia. She worked in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as National Technical Secretary of the Aquaculture Chain, while serving as advisor to the Colombian Federation of Aquaculture, FEDEACUA, a guild of which she is the Executive Director since 2012. As Executive Director, she leads the most important Quality Program in the Aquaculture sector in Colombia, which aims to implement Good Practices in Aquaculture, which has had favorable results for the Colombian fish industry, reflected in the increase in Colombian exports, positioning the country as the second supplier of fresh tilapia fillet in the United States. Likewise, she leads the research group AQUASOST, recognised by Colciencias and a new formalisation challenge for small Colombian fish producers.

For more industry event information - visit our events register www.aquafeed.co.uk 50 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

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Industry Events

Alex Whitebrook, Events Co-ordinator for International Aquafeed headed to the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center located in the heart of the Brasília, to learn about the current state and future plans for global water management

World Water Forum:


ater management, especially waste water management, will have an enormous impact on the success of the aquaculture industry in the years to come. As a precious resource that is undergoing crisis, Perendale looked in to the state of the water sector by attending the largest international event on water – the World Water Forum. Arriving in Brasilia for the 8th World Water Forum, the intense heat and dry environment immediately brought the scarcity of water to mind. As a city that has long dealt with its own water issues, the Forum brought a sense of irony to mind. The Forum itself was an interesting experience. Unlike the World Water Congress, an event that occurs every two years between the larger World Water Forum, disorganisation was evident at every turn. Many delegates and speakers were unable to attend due to visa issues, there was limited variety in public and private representation, there was no public Wi-Fi, and worst of all – there was very little availability of water! However, participants were not there to complain about the organisation but to engage each other in assessing the international state of the water sector. The Swiss delegation was certainly one of the most active stakeholders at the forum, promoting their cleverly branded policy of ‘Blue Peace’ to facilitate the open discussion of transboundary water management issues. This reflected the generally political atmosphere of the Forum – another point of contrast to the World Water Congress. Despite the politicised environment, and thanks to the Forum being the water industry’s foremost event, there was considerable private sector representation. One company to take note of brought a fresh perspective to the Forum; Suez was present to promote protections of the ocean. Preservation of the oceans, though it is an important issue, was not a huge concern of the majority of forum-goers. Suez highlighted their position as vitally important private-player in the water industry, especially in dealing with water treatment for the protection of our oceans. They propose a circular system of waste treatment in cities and offered policy solutions for water management at many levels. On the public front many governments were represented, though fewer than you might think. The big players in the water industry such as the Dutch had a massive presence, as did those behind massive water infrastructure like the Chinese, and even those in extremely water scarce regions, such as Morocco. Sadly, many countries were not represented, such as Ethiopia that is currently realising an enormous achievement in the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, whilst

also creating new conflicts as consequence. Those that were present however, were very active. One of the largest pavilions to take note of the Forum was that of the Senegalese, who have been given the task of hosting the next World Water Forum. All through the week representatives of Senegal could be heard carrying out cultural activities such as drumming performances, and presentations on the capabilities of the Senegal water sector. The delegates of Senegal put their best foot forward to gather excitement for the 9th World Water Forum in three years' time. One can only hope that it will be better organised and have an even wider array of public and private representation compared to Brasílía. With the aquaculture industry growing faster than ever and being massively dependent on the good management of water resources, this topic will be an interesting one to come back to.

International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 52

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Industry Events









International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 53



nce again, beautiful Aviemore, Scotland was the venue of choice for this biannual show. Aquaculture UK has grown with every year since its debut in 2001, but 2018 was the largest show to date, with 2394 visitors, 190 exhibitors and a 50 percent increase in floor space over 2016. More importantly, the show has evolved from being a regionally-focused show concentrating on aquaculture in the UK into a truly international affair featuring companies from the world’s foremost aquaculture nations.

The ribbon cutting

The 2018 show was opened by Scotland’s Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing whose opening remarks took the mainstream media to task for their shallow and uniformed reporting on aquaculture, and stressed the huge leaps the industry has made. Especially in just the last few years, which have seen major advances in fish welfare and fish farm productivity while simultaneously addressing issues such as water quality and sea lice infestations. Secretary Ewing stressed how technology and research 54 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

and development are helping to create a sustainable aquaculture for the 21st century and beyond. After Secretary Ewing cut the ribbon, people filed inside faster than bargain-shoppers at an Ikea sale. What awaited them inside was an amazing display of cutting-edge technology and research-driven advances in every aspect of the aquaculture industry from fish feed to fish cages, camera and sonarequipped ROVs, genetic sampling, and software systems that monitor underwater conditions and can even forecast changing martiime conditions. Here were just a few highlights of the event:

Big Boy’s Toys

The show began before visitors could even enter the show venue, as displayed on the parking lot outside were exhibits too huge to fit under the big white tent, including a variety of feed barges and workboats. Akva even thoughtfully loaned visitors a sledgehammer and encouraged them to take turns walloping the side of their workboats to dramatically demonstrate their boats’ tough and resilient plastic hulls. (Very therapeutic). Some impressive ROVs were on display, including a net-cleaning ROV from Norwegian company MPI (Multi Pump Innovation), and Scottish company UCO who fielded a brace of novel, mort-removing ROVs. (We hope to have an article on these soon)

Technology under the Big Top

Once inside the big white tent there was a lot to look at and only two days to take it all in. Scottish company, Gael Force equipped their large stand with a virtual reality simulator. Users donning the VR headset got to experience a virtual reality walkthrough of the company’s new barge design, International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 55

from the generators and blowers, under the silos, and up through the accommodation areas.

Not a louse in the house

Many aquaculture companies are aggressively working toward the goal of placing sea lice on the endangered species list. Many novel solutions were on display, ranging from feeder fish to special water permeable net skirts that screen out sea lice while allowing water to flow through.

Water, water, everywhere . . .

Water quality is another hot button issue in aquaculture and there was plenty of hardware on display designed to handle all aspects including oxygenation and filtration to disinfection all the way to full-blown RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems).

ROVs and remote systems

Advances in ROV technology continue apace as aquaculture moves toward increasing automation and the remote control and monitoring of fish farms. ROV manufacturer Deep Trekker even had a hands-on exhibit that allowed show-goers to try piloting one of their small ROVs around a Perspex tank. (Great fun, although it took them a while to pry the controller from my hands.)

Fish health and welfare

Fish Health was another major focus with stands showing inoculation systems for fish, manufacturers touting the health/parasite resistance properties of their fish feeds while 1 2018/5/14for 下午 12:18:14 otherAQ18_Aquafeed companies Ad-W210xH148mm_Jun.pdf offered full genetic screening fish farms

56 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

to avoid inbreeding and help select hardy stock.

Conference call

As at every Aquaculture event there were many conferences. These were all very well attended. In fact, most were standing-room only with conference goers spilling out of the doors.

Precision Fish Farming

Precision farming is becoming the buzzword in agriculture, but aquaculture already embraces precision in nearly all of its processes. Moreover, the industry is getting increasingly precise. Advanced camera and acoustic systems provide biomass measuring to precisely count fish numbers inside a net pen and assess their body mass (through 3D modelling) to determine the optimum time for harvesting. ROVs can inspect and clean nets, and remove morts remotely—without the need to put a diver in the water. If it can be measured, monitored, calculated or controlled, there is now a system out there to do it, and many of the companies driving these innovations were showing at Aquafeed UK 2018. I cannot wait to see what amazing innovations will be on display at Aquafeed UK 2020.  Next page: The Aquaculture UK Awards  Next issue: Aquaculture UK technology on display we take a in-depth look at some of the new technology that was on display at the event

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Aquaculture Supplier of the Year Winner – Stuart Cannon, Kames Fish Farming

Best Aquaculture Company Winner – Marine Harvest (Scotland) Ltd.

Shell Fish Farm Manager, Winner Robert Lamont, Loch Ryan Oyster Fishery Company Ltd.

Fin Fish Farm Manager Winner – Sarah Last, Scottish Sea Farms

Aquaculture Seafood Product of the Year Winner – Moules Frites, Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group Ltd.

Innovation Winner – Enviro Nets for circular pens, as a means to tackle gill health issues, Marine Harvest (Scotland) Ltd


And the winner is . . . On Tuesday evening the MacDonald Aviemore Highland Resort hosted a black tie dinner during which achievement awards were presented to a stellar line up of the best of the best in aquaculture. The winners, in twelve separate categories, were as follows: Aquaculture Seafood Product of the Year Winner – Moules Frites, Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group Ltd. Shell Fish Farm Manager Winner Robert Lamont, Loch Ryan Oyster Fishery Company Ltd. Fin Fish Farm Manager Winner – Sarah Last, Scottish Sea Farms Innovation Winner – Enviro Nets for circular pens, as a means to tackle gill health issues, Marine Harvest (Scotland) Ltd Community Initiative Winner – Marine Harvest (Scotland) Ltd – Isle of Rum development initiative Stewardship & Sustainability Winner – National Lobster Hatchery – Lobster Grower 2 Rising Star Winners – Lynne Frame, Scottish Sea Farms and Scott MacKay, AKVA group Scotland

Moules Frites, Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group Ltd.

Stewardship & Sustainability Winner – National Lobster Hatchery – Lobster Grower 2

Business Development Winner – AKVA group Scotland Aquaculture Supplier of the Year Winner – Inverlussa Marine Services Business Development Winner – Stewart Graham, Gael Force Group People's Choice award Winner – Stuart Cannon, Kames Fish Farming Best Aquaculture Company Winner – Marine Harvest (Scotland) Ltd.

Rising Star Winners – Lynne Frame, Scottish Sea Farms and Scott MacKay, AKVA group Scotland

58 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

Outstanding contribution to Industry Winner: Stewart Graham, Gael Force Group

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Welcome to the market place, where you will find suppliers of products and services to the industry - with help from our friends at The International Aquafeed Directory (published by Turret Group) Air products Kaeser Kompressoren +49 9561 6400 www.kaeser.com

Westeel +1 204 233 7133 www.westeel.com

Evonik +49 618 1596785 www.evonik.com Liptosa +34 902 157711 www.liptosa.com Nutriad +32 52 409596 www.nutriad.com Sonac +31 499 364800 www.sonac.biz

Analysis Laboratorio Avi-Mex S.A. de C.V +55 54450460 Ext. 1105 www.avimex.com.mx R-Biopharm +44 141 945 2924 www.r-biopharm.com Romer Labs +43 2272 6153310 www.romerlabs.com

Amino acids Evonik +49 618 1596785 www.evonik.com

Bags Mondi Group +43 1 79013 4917 www.mondigroup.com

Bag closing Cetec Industrie +33 5 53 02 85 00 www.cetec.net

Bulk storage Bentall Rowlands +44 1724 282828 www.bentallrowlands.com Chief Industries UK Ltd +44 1621 868944 www.chief.co.uk Croston Engineering +44 1829 741119 www.croston-engineering.co.uk Silo Construction Engineers +32 51723128 www.sce.be Silos Cordoba +34 957 325 165 www.siloscordoba.com Symaga +34 91 726 43 04 www.symaga.com TSC Silos +31 543 473979 www.tsc-silos.com

Elevator & conveyor components 4B Braime +44 113 246 1800 www.go4b.com


Additives Chemoforma +41 61 8113355 www.chemoforma.com

VAV +31 71 4023701 www.vav.nl

GMP+ International +31703074120 www.gmpplus.org

Enzymes Ab Vista +44 1672 517 650 www.abvista.com

Conveyors Vigan Enginnering +32 67 89 50 41 www.vigan.com

JEFO +1 450 799 2000 www.jefo.com

Colour sorters A-MECS Corp. +822 20512651 www.a-mecs.kr Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 11 www.buhlergroup.com Satake +81 82 420 8560 www.satake-group.com

Computer software

Equipment for sale ExtruTech Inc +1 785 284 2153 www.extru-techinc.com

Extruders Almex +31 575 572666 www.almex.nl

Adifo NV +32 50 303 211 www.adifo.com

Amandus Kahl +49 40 727 710 www.akahl.de

Format International Ltd +44 1483 726081 www.formatinternational.com

Andritz +45 72 160300 www.andritz.com

Inteqnion +31 543 49 44 66 www.inteqnion.com

Brabender +49 203 7788 0 www.brabender.com

Coolers & driers Amandus Kahl +49 40 727 710 www.akahl.de Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 11 www.buhlergroup.com Clextral +33 4 77 40 31 31 www.clextral.com Consergra s.l +34 938 772207 www.consergra.com FrigorTec GmbH +49 7520 91482-0 www.frigortec.com Geelen Counterflow +31 475 592315 www.geelencounterflow.com Muyang Group +86 514 87848880 www.muyang.com Wenger Manufacturing +1 785-284-2133 www.wenger.com Yemmak +90 266 733 83 63 www.yemmak.com

Elevator buckets Alapala +90 212 465 60 40 www.alapala.com

60 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

Buhler AG +41 71 955 11 11 www.buhlergroup.com Clextral +33 4 77 40 31 31 www.clextral.com Ferraz Maquinas e Engenharia +55 16 3615 0055 www.ferrazmaquinas.com.br IDAH +866 39 902701 www.idah.com Insta-Pro International +1 515 254 1260 www.insta-pro.com Ottevanger +31 79 593 22 21 www.ottevanger.com Wenger Manufacturing +1 785-284-2133 www.wenger.com Yemmak +90 266 733 83 63 www.yemmak.com Zheng Chang +86 2164184200 www.zhengchang.com/eng

Feed and ingredients Aliphos +32 478 210008 www.aliphos.com

PAYPER, S.A. +34 973 21 60 40 www.payper.com

Aller Aqua +45 70 22 19 10 www.aller-aqua.com APC +34 938 615 060 www.functionalproteins.com Jefo +1 450 799 2000 www.jefo.com

Silos Denis +33 2 37 97 66 11 www.denis.fr

Pellet binders

Muyang +86 514 87848880 www.muyang.com

Akzo Nobel +46 303 850 00 www.bredol.com

Tornum AB +46 512 29100 www.tornum.com

Pipe systems

SPAROS Tel.: +351 249 435 145 Website: www.sparos.pt

Jacob Sohne +49 571 9580 www.jacob-pipesystems.eu

TSC Silos +31 543 473979 www.tsc-silos.com

Used around


all industrial Plants sectors.

Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 3555 www.dinnissen.nl

Yemtar +90 266 733 8550 www.yemtar.com

BinMaster Level Controls +1 402 434 9102 www.binmaster.com

FAMSUN +86 514 87848880 www.muyang.com

FineTek Co., Ltd +886 2226 96789 www.fine-tek.com

Ottevanger +31 79 593 22 21 www.ottevanger.com

Moisture analysers

Wynveen +31 26 47 90 699 www.wynveen.com

CHOPIN Technologies +33 14 1475045 www.chopin.fr Doescher & Doescher GmbH +49 4087976770 www.doescher.com

Yemmak +90 266 733 83 63 www.yemmak.com

Hydronix +44 1483 468900 www.hydronix.com

Yemtar +90 266 733 8550 www.yemtar.com

Seedburo +1 312 738 3700 www.seedburo.com

Zheng Chang +86 2164184200 www.zhengchang.com/eng

NIR systems Probiotics

Biomin +43 2782 803 0 www.biomin.net

Packaging CB Packaging +44 7805 092067 www.cbpackaging.com

A-MECS Corp. +822 20512651 www.a-mecs.kr Cetec Industrie +33 5 53 02 85 00 www.cetec.net Ehcolo A/S +45 75 398411 www.ehcolo.com

Agromatic +41 55 2562100 www.agromatic.com

Training Aqua TT +353 1 644 9008 www.aquatt.ie/aquatt-services


Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 3555 www.dinnissen.nl

Level measurement


Andritz +45 72 160300 www.andritz.com

Clextral +33 4 77 40 31 31 www.clextral.com

Reed Mariculture +1 877 732 3276 www.reed-mariculture.com

Mondi Group +43 1 79013 4917 www.mondigroup.com

Aqualabo +33 2 97 89 25 30 www.aqualabo.fr

Buhler AG +41 71 955 11 11 www.buhlergroup.com

Hatchery products

Cetec Industrie +33 5 53 02 85 00 www.cetec.net

Amandus Kahl 40 727 710 www.akahl.de

Visit us! www.pipe-systems.eu+49

Yemmak +90 266 733 83 63 www.yemmak.com

NIR-Online +49 6227 732668 www.nir-online.de


Fr. Jacob Sรถhne GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Tel. + 49 (0) 571 95580 | www. jacob-pipesystems.eu

Lallemand + 33 562 745 555 www.lallemandanimalnutrition.com

Ridgeway Biologicals +44 1635 579516 www.ridgewaybiologicals.co.uk

Vacuum Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 3555 www.dinnissen.nl Wynveen International B.V. +31 26 47 90 699 www.wynveen.com Yemmak +90 266 733 83 63 www.yemmak.com

Weighing equipment Parkerfarm Weighing Systems +44 1246 456729 www.parkerfarm.com Ottevanger +31 79 593 22 21 www.ottevanger.com Wynveen +31 26 47 90 699 www.wynveen.com Yemmak +90 266 733 83 63 www.yemmak.com

Yeast products

Research Imaqua +32 92 64 73 38 www.imaqua.eu

Safety equipment Rembe +49 2961 740 50 www.rembe.com

Second hand equipment Sanderson Weatherall +44 161 259 7054 www.sw.co.uk

International Aquafeed - June 2018 | 61

ICC, Adding Value to Nutrition +55 11 3093 0753 www.iccbrazil.com Lallemand + 33 562 745 555 www.lallemandanimalnutrition.com Leiber GmbH +49 5461 93030 www.leibergmbh.de Phileo (Lesaffre animal care) +33 3 20 81 61 00 www.lesaffre.fr

the interview Eduardo Goycoolea, President, IFFO

Mr Eduardo Goycoolea took over as President of the IFFO commencing January 2018. This is not the first time he has been President of the organisation, which is an international trade organisation that represents and promotes the marine ingredients industry, such as fishmeal, fish oil and other related industries, Mr Goycoolea was a founder and one of the first Presidents of the organisation. Following his appointment, IFFO President Eduardo Goycoolea commented, “I look forward to leading such a well renowned and important organisation. I have worked closely with IFFO for decades and watched it become the networking heart of our industry, while also being a driver for change. Working with our Management Board and the IFFO Secretariat, I hope to continue its vital work to ensure that as an industry we remain ahead of the curve.” Mr Goycoolea, a Chilean citizen, has worked since 1992 until his retirement in 2015 as Sales and Marketing Director of El Golfo and later Blumar, a company with worldwide sales over US$500 million, and activities in wild fishing, fishmeal, fish oil, frozen pelagics and surimi, as well as salmon, scallops and mussel’s aquaculture. He holds an engineering degree with post graduate studies in top management and finance. He has been acting as President of the Fishmeal Exporters Organisation (FEO) in 2001. He led the merging of FEO with IFFOMA and created IFFO whilst being its Co-President for the first year. He has also been involved in the Sustainability and Responsible Sourcing standards development, including IFFO RS, and has acted as a board member for more than a decade in the International Groundfish Forum, the global organisation for the whitefish industry. He is a board member and Vice-President of Exapesca, the south Chilean fish oil producers, marketing and sales organisation – since its creation, until its dissolution. His degree is in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Católica de Chile (Catholic University of Chile). He has vast experience in high management positions, both in local and multinational companies, including four years as an expatriate executive at Exxon’s Latin American headquarters in the United States.

What is it about Aquaculture that impassions you? And how are you bringing this passion into your role at the IFFO? Aquaculture is fabulous as it creates life.

Even more, it creates food for men and women, while being healthy and very efficiently produced. Fishmeal and fish oil are critical and the best ingredients that aquaculture feed can use. We need to reinforce this concept to all IFFO members and have them be proud of the products that we produce as an industry.

How do you think that the IFFO could work to change the media and general public’s perception that aquaculture as an industry is not sustainable and is in some ways a negative concept?

IFFO has to be proactive in delivering our message that aquaculture and the production of fishmeal and fish oil are sustainable. We have to refute the myth that our production is going down and not sustainable.

Where do you see the future going for fish feed? What do you think of the research for algae becoming a viable feed source? Could the protein levels be equal to that of fishmeal, or as sustainable as perhaps vegetable-based feeds? How does the quality compare between the three?

Fishmeal protein is the best protein available on this planet. All these new alternative proteins are needed to support the growth of farming industries, both land animal and fish farming, but will never replace fishmeal as they will never be as good and efficient as fishmeal.

What is your key objective as IFFO President?

I look forward to communicating to the world that our products are excellent quality, sustainable, responsibly produced, and that most of the attacks our industry receives are generally based on arguments that are not true and have no proven evidence to support them. Let’s bring down the myths, it’s not good for any of us.

Fishmeal and oil production have been quite stable over the last decade with some fluctuations only during El Niño events. Industry can rely on our products and be sure that we bring fish protein to men and women in the most efficient way, using fish that are commonly not desired for direct human consumption.

How important do you think aquaculture will be in the mission to create a sustainable food future globally, and how do you and the IFFO fit into this?

How has your career led you to where you are now?

IFFO members and aquaculture producers are and will be married forever.

That’s a difficult question for me to answer. I have been in the fishing and aquaculture industries for more than 25 years and have witnessed the wonderful evolution of the industries. I have been committed and involved in these industries during all these years and I am what I am now due to this commitment.

As said before, the best use for our fish is aquaculture, and aquaculture is the future for human food creation.

62 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed

THE INDUSTRY FACES Nutriad appoints country manager, China


iza Fan has been announced as Country Manager China for Nutriad.

Liza Fan holds a degree in Biotechnology from East China University of Science and Technology and a degree in Business Administration and Management from China Europe International Business School.

Liza Fan

She has more than 20 years of experience in the feed industry in China and worked for several international companies. “I am excited and honored to be joining Nutriad. Even though the company is a world leader with sales in more than 80 countries, our presence in China is still limited when looking at the size of the market. I am convinced that the practical solutions for feed intake, gut health, mycotoxin control and feed & food safety that Nutriad offers will quickly gain market share in China,” she commented.

New CEO announced by Nutreco

N Knut Nesse

utreco CEO Knut Nesse will leave the company on October 1, 2018, after leading it for the past six years. Knut has decided to move back to Norway with his family after having lived abroad for many years. His career at Nutreco has spanned more than 23 years. Under the leadership of Knut, the company now has a solid foundation for growth and a clear strategic direction for the coming years. “It’s been fantastic to work in the growing agriculture and aquaculture industries and a real pleasure to work with so many great people across the company,” Knut says. “I wish everyone in Nutreco all the best for the future.” With effect from August 1, 2018, Rob Koremans will join Nutreco and will take over from Knut as CEO of Nutreco on October 1 2018. Rob is a Doctor of Medicine from RSM Erasmus University, the Netherlands, and has an MBA from Babson College, USA. Over the past 30 years, he has held different managerial and executive roles, mainly in the pharmaceutical industry including Serono (part of the Merck Group), Grünenthal and Sanofi-Aventis in The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic and Switzerland. He was most recently President and CEO Global Specialty Medicines and a member of the Executive Committee at Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. We welcome Rob to Nutreco and wish him every success in his new role.

Diamond V research team adds food safety and quality Expert Dr Bucky Gwartney


iamond V’s research team recently welcomed Dr Bucky Gwartney, who has joined the company as Director, Protein Food Safety Research. “I am happy to announce Bucky has joined Diamond V,” says Dr Don McIntyre, Director, Global Research & Technical Service for Diamond V. “In his new role, he will be responsible for global meat quality and food safety research across all food animal species and protein groups.”

Dr Bucky Gwartney

Dr Gwartney received his BS in Agriculture, Food Industry from Oklahoma State University before earning his MS and PhD from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Prior to joining Diamond V, he worked for the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service. He was a member of the agency’s Standardisation Division in Washington, D.C. where he helped to develop meat and livestock standards for the red meat industry.

Delacon appoints Gina Medina as Sales Group Leader Asia


ina Medina is new Delacon Sales Group Leader for Asia. She is now leading the entire sales team in the region. Within the last five years, Asia has become an important business for Delacon, having strong growth rates. Interest in phytogenic feed additives increases, and it shows: Profitability is not the only reason anymore to use them, consumer preferences matter today.

Gina Medina

The animal nutritionist Gina Medina joined Delacon as Regional Technical Manager in 2010. She soon became a Regional Sales Manager and has initiated several business development projects and activities. In her new position as Sales Group Leader, Gina Medina is responsible for sales growth development and profitability. Moreover, she will implement business strategies and manage the Sales Country Managers, Regional Sales Managers, and distributors in Asia. “Gina is an important talent of the company. I believe her leadership will strengthen our business and will bring more success stories in Asia,” says Markus Dedl, CEO.

64 | June 2018 - International Aquafeed













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