Palm Beach Zoo Impact Report 2020

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Saving wildlife in wild places.

Raya and King Louie Siamang Endangered

A DV E N T U R E AWA I T S From Our Board Chairman....................................3 From Our President & CEO...................................6 It’s a Jungle in Here!................................................8 Persevering Through a Pandemic........................9 Human-Nature Connection................................ 12 Not on Our Watch................................................. 13 World-Class Animal Care and Wellness......... 16 Discover the Wonder............................................ 17 Zoo Lights Wild Nights........................................ 20 Tropical Safari Gala............................................. 22 Baby Boom.............................................................. 23 Stars with Stripes!................................................. 25 A Year in Review.................................................... 27 Conservation Efforts Around the Globe and Close to Home.. .............................................. 30 Financials................................................................ 35 Summary.................................................................. 36 Board of Directors.. ............................................... 37 Wildlife Heroes...................................................... 39

COVER “Heart”/Cahaya Malayan tiger Critically endangered


Dear Wildlife Heroes, In the defining year of 2020, we learned the true meaning of strength, support, inspiration and connection. Although we may be eager to move past this time, it is important to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, and there is so much of which to be proud. Together, we rose up from the lowest valley, closing our Zoo to the public; and simultaneously met our greatest joy, the births of new baby animals. The pandemic also resulted in dramatic budgetary shifts for the Zoo that led to greater financial sustainability. We quickly shed $7.5 million of debt and pushed ourselves to operate on earned revenue. This enables us to dedicate philanthropic giving to innovative habitats that bring visitors closer to animals. Today, the Zoo is open and full of guests who we inspire daily. We transform the people who come through our gates into a greater force for wildlife and wild places. That’s our purpose. Our visitors, supporters, staff and animals make our mission possible. Our prism is the health of the planet, and nature is at risk. Species are disappearing, and the natural world is in trouble. Support for your Zoo bolsters local and global efforts to preserve our planet’s most threatened species and habitats, and helps us create the Zoo of the future for generations to come. Our path forward can only be described as strong and purposeful. We are well-positioned in 2021 to expand conservation programs, create more room to roam for animals in the Zoo and enhance the world-class guest experience. Thank you for your extraordinary support. On behalf of the Board of Directors, stay fierce, courageous and generous and help us continue our mission to connect people with wildlife, save species and protect the wild world.



Fiona Jaguar Near threatened


Pegasus Caribbean flamingo Near threatened

Dear Wildlife Friends, 2020 revealed what is truly important to this Zoo – our community! While it was a very difficult year for everyone, you believed in us and came through for us. Your generosity not only helped us survive, but you lifted our spirits making it possible to actually thrive. As we weathered the sea of uncertainty in 2020 and with our gates closed for 75 days, we learned to be resilient and adaptable. Our dedicated Board of Directors, generous donors and loyal friends continued to provide support while our tireless staff never wavered in world-class care for our animals and each other. We experienced togetherness though apart, heartbreak and loss and an emboldened commitment to conservation as we reimagined the future of our Zoo. We emerge from this pandemic changed. We are stronger, smarter and more determined than ever to engage our visitors in the quest of saving wildlife in wild places. COVID taught us many things; the most obvious is how much we need to have real experiences in real places with real living beings! Our visitors are coming back to the Zoo in record numbers as it is revitalizing to be immersed in nature and inspired by wildlife. Imagine yourself on a path surrounded by nature. Sunlight warms your face and green fronds tickle your arms as you venture deeper into the jungle. The tropical air renews your peace of mind and provides a sultry setting for the animal whistles, chuffs, howls and squeaks – the real calls of the wild. Tiger cubs, siamang, howler monkey babies and young otters enjoy the very same habitat you journey through. That is our Zoo. That is you in our Zoo! Outside the Zoo, we continued to focus on conservation of Florida species providing muscle and expertise on initiatives including deploying zoologists for the Path of the Panther, tracking swallow-tailed kites and the endangered snail kite, diving deep into coral reef rescue, breeding endangered Perdido Key beach mice for release and collecting data on local populations of frogs, which are great indicators of the quality of our environment. As we focused on our mission of causing our guests to fall in love with nature while not faltering in our conservation efforts, we also kept a sharp eye on the Zoo’s financial health. We shed our debt, tightened our belt and are experiencing a record-breaking year. We made it through a pandemic because you believe in us. We’ve navigated the storm and are now rebuilding in 2021. I promise it will be a new grand adventure, and we are grateful to have you alongside as supporters and friends of wildlife.



Lemur Island Palm Beach Zoo

IT’S A JUNGLE IN HERE! Welcome to Palm Beach Zoo, a lush, tropical 23-acre adventure with rare and exotic wildlife around every turn. Enjoy up-close and personal, nose-to-whiskers encounters. Trek the shaded, art-lined pathways. Connect with nature and be inspired to help save wildlife in wild places.



CARING NEVER CLOSES Palm Beach Zoo’s mission and deep caring carried us through this unprecedented time. With our Zoo closed for 75 days and a lean staff at the ready, we never wavered in providing expert animal care to our residents.

PIVOT TO VIRTUAL We brought our mission to life virtually through the creation of PBZ-TV for social media, Call of the Wild animal cameos and Virtual Zoo education programs. These virtual video experiences helped keep K-8 students and our community connected to the Zoo and caring about wildlife.

BEAUTIFYING OUR ZOO We took advantage of the downtime and applied an “all hands on deck” approach. From admin to zoologist, all were recruited to do the extra work, as we proudly welcomed back our guests.

FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY We made changes to create more financial sustainability. Now free from all long-term debt, our organization has been restructured to operate on earned revenue, and we reallocated philanthropic giving to capital investments. Gabriel Golden lion tamarin Endangered


Nature is very important to our family, and we want to make sure our son loves it too. Getting a chance to feed and touch the tortoises was a thrill for all of us. A M A N DA K A N A B E & SON SURIN ZOO GUESTS

Monk Aldabra tortoise Vulnerable

H U M A N – N AT U R E CONNECTION By providing a real connection with wildlife, we foster an extraordinary visitor experience at Palm Beach Zoo. We know the transformative power that meeting these animals has on our guests, both inside and outside the gates of the Zoo.


NOT ON O U R WAT C H Nature is “love it or lose it.” We are facing a mass extinction of wildlife that seems daunting to slow down, let alone stop. At Palm Beach Zoo, we connect visitors to wildlife, engage in local field work and support our international wildlife partners. We make the conservation link locally that can lead to a global impact. It is our mission to save the natural world, so species won’t “wink out” on our watch.

Swallow-tailed kite Credit: Jim Gray


Joey Baird’s tapir Endangered

WORLD-CLASS ANIMAL CARE AND WELLNESS We provide the gold standard of care for the animals who call the Zoo home. They even learn to participate in their own wellness by extending a paw or tail for a routine blood draw, presenting a hip for cold laser therapy and relaxing through a sonogram – all voluntarily. The trusting relationships our zoologists foster translate to some of the happiest animals on the planet.


D I S C OV E R THE WONDER Your Zoo’s education team connected more than 35,000 people to nature and wildlife on and off Zoo grounds in 2020. Similarity and respect for all living things are pathways to connectedness, and our Zoo programs take visitors down this path. During the pandemic, we pivoted from in-person education programming to online experiences, such as PBZ-TV, Call of the Wild and Virtual Zoo! Our after school enrichment programs reached more than 4,785 underrepresented K-8 students, where our professional educators provided engaging STEM learning experiences in support of the academic learning in the school day. Education at the Zoo is supported by Prime Time of Palm Beach County Inc., which receives significant funding from the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County.

Ollie & Luna North American river otters

Palm Beach Zoo raises the horizons of young people, changing the way they view the world and getting them to understand ‘the art of the possible.’ JULIE & MIKE CONNORS

Hino Great horned owl


Florida Wetlands Palm Beach Zoo

ZOO LIGHTS WILD NIGHTS Holidays at Palm Beach Zoo are WILD! Zoo Lights presented by FPL ® featured more than 1 million eco-friendly LED lights illuminating the Zoo during select nights over the holiday season. The Palm Beaches’ favorite new holiday tradition included Santa and Mrs. Claus, decadent treats, music and holiday charm. In addition to Zoo Lights, members and visitors attended many other events including Boo at the Zoo.


We had much to celebrate at the Gala, from steadfast Zoo supporters and Gala Stewardship Award recipients Lillian and Luis Fernandez to the future groundbreaking of The Candy and William Hamm Education and Conservation Center and significant advancements toward the protection of endangered species. Tropical Safari represents our community’s connection and commitment to our Palm Beach Zoo. MICHELE KESSLER

T R O P I CA L S A FA R I GALA: AN EVENING FOR WILDLIFE More than 400 guests attended Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society’s annual Tropical Safari Gala on January 31, 2020, on the grounds of Palm Beach Zoo. Michele Kessler and Thomas C. Quick served as Chairmen of the Gala that raised a record-breaking $1.8 million for the Zoo. Honorary Chairmen were Greg, Julie and Mike Connors. Lillian and Luis Fernandez were recognized with the Gala Stewardship Award. The evening featured wildlife encounters, haute cuisine, a lively auction and dancing in a space that was transformed into a Florida Everglades paradise. Premier fundraising events like Tropical Safari and Do at the Zoo raise critical funds for animal care, wellness, habitats and conservation.



BABY BOOM New life at the Zoo is a beautiful thing, especially in the midst of a pandemic. The births of a baby black howler monkey, a baby siamang and three Malayan tiger cubs brought a renewed sense of hope and a steeled resolve for our mission of saving wildlife and wild places. These animals represent the rare, threatened and endangered species and their wildlife cousins we serve to protect. Many of our animals are part of a global population in great zoos around the world. Through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan ® (SSP), we do our part to make sure we have genetically healthy populations to ensure that the species persist over time.

Katie von Howler & Tia Black howler monkeys


S TA R S W I T H STRIPES! Roars were heard throughout the kingdom when Palm Beach Zoo announced the birth of three Malayan tiger cubs. Beloved Malayan tiger Api gave birth to three healthy cubs. Api and her mate, Kadar, are part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan® (SSP). The SSP® ensures a genetically healthy population of animals in managed care. The birth of rare Malayan tiger cubs is a tremendous milestone for Api, Kadar, Palm Beach Zoo and the Malayan tiger subspecies. It is cause for a global celebration. At this age, the members of the trio were easily identified by the unique stripe pattern over each cub’s right eye: a heart, a flower and a trident.

“Heart”/Cahaya, Triton, Api & “Flower”/Mawar Malayan tigers Critically endangered



FALL 2019








Boo at the Zoo Halloween Event

Do at the Zoo Donor Event

Premiere of Zoo Lights Holiday Event

Tropical Safari Gala Donor Event

Dr. Kathleen Woodie joins as Director of Animal Care and Wellness

March 18, 2020 - Palm Beach Zoo closes due to the pandemic









Pivot. Launched PBZ-TV & Digital Outreach

Api gives birth to three healthy Malayan tiger cubs

June 1, 2020 - Palm Beach Zoo reopens to the public

Hurricane Isaias Zoo closed for 5 days

Kids Free leads to record attendance

Malayan tiger cubs make habitat debut

“Flower”/Mawar Malayan tiger Critically endangered


Sassy Florida panther Endangered

Credit: Carlton Ward, Jr.

C O N S E RVAT I O N E F F O RT S A R O U N D T H E G LO B E Palm Beach Zoo is committed to protecting wildlife and the wild heritage of this beautiful state and beyond. Conservation starts by connecting you with rare, endangered animals at the Zoo. Your visit helps power our field work locally and supports the Zoo’s renowned wildlife partners across the globe.

Perdido Key beach mice Endangered

Staghorn corals Critically endangered

Malayan tiger Critically endangered

Jaguar Near threatened

Swallow-tailed kite

Queensland koala Endangered


C O N S E RVAT I O N C LO S E TO H OM E In 2020, the Zoo’s local conservation initiatives focused on fieldwork in our corner of the planet. South Florida’s backyard wilderness thrives in part due to projects benefiting coral reef restoration, the Florida panther, Swallow-tailed kites, Key beach mice and more.

CORAL REEF RESEARCH We care for animals on land and in water! Our team dove deep into the Florida Reef Resilience Program (FRRP) by surveying a portion of Florida’s Coral Reef (FCR) off Palm Beach County and documenting the number of corals affected by bleaching and disease. This is invaluable data for the interagency collaboration working together to protect the FCR.

Associate Curator Nancy Nill collected data on coral.

PATH OF THE PANTHER The Florida panther has a special place in all of our wild hearts, as it is a critical apex predator needed to keep Florida’s ecosystem healthy. Our carnivore team assisted in collecting data and maintaining the remote-camera traps as part of the “Path of the Panther” project led by renowned National Geographic ® photographer and explorer Carlton Ward Jr. This fieldwork led to valuable legislation being passed to protect the wildlife corridor in Florida.

Carnivore Supervisor Sherry Currens set up a field camera to track and report panther sightings.

SAVING SWALLOW-TAILED KITES The Zoo partnered with the Avian Research and Conservation Institute (ARCI) and Environmental Resources Management (ERM) to track Swallow-tailed kites, an “umbrella species;” their health indicates the overall health of the ecosystem. We equip the kites with tiny solar backpacks funded by our partner, Florida Power and Light Company (FPL). The information gathered from these raptors helps us protect their breeding grounds as they summer in South Florida and understand their migratory patterns on their treacherous winter journey to South America and back.

ARCI Partner Gina Kent and Zoologist Callie Carpenter inside the blind prepared to outfit the kites with telemetry backpacks.


Katherine and Oz Queensland koalas Near threatened

KOA L A R E S C U E AND REHAB In 2020, the Zoo’s Queensland koala residents, Katherine and Oz, helped localize the story of the Australian bushfires that ravaged the natural habitats of their wild cousins. Palm Beach Zoo provided emergency funds to rescue koalas and other wildlife in Australia affected by the wildfires. One dollar of every paid general admission ticket and all of the proceeds from the Zoo’s popular Koala Experience were directed to rescue and rehabilitate Australian wildlife. The Zoo collected funds online that were directed to the Zoos Victoria Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund. 34


FY 2020 USE OF FUNDS TOTAL: $7,077,300

SUMMARY As our world navigated remarkable circumstances, Palm Beach Zoo continued to provide our community and visitors with a way to connect with nature and with one another.

• D espite a 75-day closure, we welcomed more than 263,000 visitors, 38% who came from outside Palm Beach County.

• Attendance was down 27% compared to Fiscal Year 2019, and with several Zoo attractions remaining limited or suspended beyond our re-opening, our earned revenues were down 38% year over year.

• I n order to balance expenditures with our reduced revenues, we quickly and aggressively reduced operating expenses including the difficult decision to reduce staff by 32%.

• D uring Fiscal Year 2020, the Zoo paid off $7.5 million in long term debt and was able to maintain four months in operating reserves, despite the challenges of COVID.

Satu Komodo dragon Vulnerable


B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Michele Kessler, Chairman Luis J. Fernandez, Vice Chairman Gary E. Krieger, Treasurer Daniel J. Comerford III, PhD, Secretary Ruth Baum Maura Ziska Christu Guillermo Perez-Vargas Mitchell Quain Matt Valle

MEMBERS Kane K. Baker Marilyn Beuttenmuller, Esq. Whitney Wood Bylin Julia B. Connors Dale Coudert Robert B. Dunkin II Mei Sze Greene Susanna P. Hager Candy Hamm George F. Merck Carole Moran Stephen Myers Thomas C. Quick Sandra Rooney

ZOO EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP Margo McKnight, President/CEO Casey Coy, COO/CSO Kathleen Breland, CFO Karen Carr Heubbers, CDO

Dot Squirrel Monkey

The work and mission of Palm Beach Zoo is strongly rooted in wildlife conservation. The Zoo provides world-class animal care and ensures the wildlife population thrives as well. LUIS FERNANDEZ


T H A N K YO U, 2020 WILDLIFE HEROES! $450,000+ Barbara A. Mundford Estate & Trust

$250,000+ Anonymous | Michele & Howard Kessler

$150,000+ Anonymous | Board of County Commissioners Lillian & Luis Fernandez

$100,000+ Eileen & Jack Connors | Florida Power & Light Company Candace Hamm | Judith & Leonard Lauder Claire Levine | Milly & Patrick Park Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. Suffolk Cares | Betsy & Wally Turner

$75,000+ H. E. Ambassador Meshal Al-Thani The Batchelor Foundation, Inc. Division of Cultural Affairs, FDOS JoAnna & Stephen Myers

$50,000+ Greg Connors | Julie & Mike Connors Deborah & Philippe Dauman | Florida Crystals Corporation JP Morgan Chase | Josh McGraw | Frances G. Scaife

Mufasa Ring-tailed Lemur Endangered


T H A N K YO U, 2020 WILDLIFE HEROES! $25,000+ Bank of America | Ruth & Ted Baum | Braman Motorcars Palm Beach Kim and Rolla Campbell Charitable Foundation Whitney & Jonathan Clay | Marvin Davidson | Caroline & Thompson Dean The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. | Jane Grace | Jeff & Mei Sze Greene Ann & Charles Johnson | Carole & John Moran | The Jim Moran Foundation Sharon & Mitchell Quain | Ann & Christopher Quick | Thomas C. Quick Sandy & Pat Rooney | Margaretta Taylor | Noreen Zanft

$20,000+ Anonymous | BallenIsles Charities Foundation, Inc. Schacknow Family Foundation, Inc. | Sharkey Family Foundation, Inc.

$15,000+ Anonymous | Marilyn & Donald Beuttenmuller & Gunster | Whitney & Eric Bylin Maura & Eric Christu & Kochman & Ziska, PLC Ambassador Mary Dawkins & Brigadier General Peter Dawkins Rebecca & Randell Doane | Gary Goldring | Darlene & Gerald Jordan Martha & Kenneth Kessler | The Polk Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley Wendy & Paul Raether | The Ritchie Family Trust | Diane & John Sculley Kitty & Stephen Sherrill | Pauline Pitt & Jerry Seay | Dorothy & Steven Zavagli

Harpo Blue & yellow macaw


T H A N K YO U, 2020 WILDLIFE HEROES! $10,000+ Mary & Kane Baker | Margaret S. Bilotti Samuel M. and Alma Catsman Foundation, Inc. | Matthew Dengler The Alice Busch Gronewaldt Foundation, Inc. Sidney Kohl Family Foundation & Lori & Bruce Gendelman Gay & Lars Henriksen | Vicky & Samuel Hunt | Ellen & Robert Jaffe The Lattner Family Foundation | Jo Carole & Ambassador Ronald Lauder Gretchen & Ambassador Howard Leach | David Martinelli | Janis & Alan Menken The David Minkin Foundation | Pauline & William Nutting | Mary & Robert Simses Split Rock Charitable Foundation | Eddy & John Taylor | Susan Taylor Lynne Wheat & Thomas Peterffy

$7,500+ Paula & Robert Butler | Joan Lazarus | Romph & Pou Agency, Inc. Betsy & Paul Shiverick | Beatrice Stern & Jamie Niven | Susan & Robert Wright

$5,000+ Anonymous | Kathleen Anderson | Jessie, Rand Araskog & Julie Araskog Cynthia & Theodore Berenson | Noelle Bivens | Cynthia R. Boardman Bridge Family Foundation | Ambassador Nancy Brinker & Michael Zinner Kim & Ray Celedinas | Mark Cook | Dale Coudert & The Coudert Institute Diana & E. Llwyd Ecclestone | Sandy & Paul Edgerley | Emilia & Pepe Fanjul Sr. Jodi & Allen Gast & Gast Construction | Virginia & John Gildea Diana & Peter Gonzalez | Nancy & Melvin Goodes

$5,000+ Cont. Janet Pleasants & Michael Reiter & GRAFF | Kenneth Griffin The W. Bradford Ingalls Charitable Foundation Trust Hans Kertess | Cheryl & Alvin Krongard | Francis L’Esperance Marmot Foundation | Carol McCracken Katherine & William McKnight | Myers Auto Group | Betsy & Gary Nabel Margo & James Nederlander | Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Sallie Phillips | Postage Stamp Farm Foundation Wilder & Jason Regalbuto | The Leighton A. Rosenthal Family Foundation Victoria & Sean Smith | Robert Spiegel | Maureen & Wayne Squibb Amanda & Charles Schumacher & Tree of Life Foundation International

$2,500+ Christine & Bill Aylward | Bernard & Pamela Barbash Family Foundation Kathie & Dan Comerford | Stephania Conrad | Susan & Christopher Cowie Christina Dennis | Discover the Palm Beaches | Debbie & Robert Dunkin East Coast Zoological Society of Florida, Inc. Kenneth Elias & David Veselsky Rosemary & Carlos Ferrer | Kyle Fisher | Renate Franco Joan & David Genser | Gehring Group | Kristi & Richard Gibbs Elizabeth & John Gorski | Jeannie & T Grant | Diana & William Gray Laura & Joshua Gross | Audrey & Martin Gruss | Carole & Rod Hartless Merrill G. & Emita E. Hastings Foundation | John A. Hufty | Cathy & William Ingram Judy & Stanley Katz | Kaufmann de Suisse & Monica Kaufmann Kate & Hashem Khosrovani | Joyce Kjellgren | Phyllis & Richard Krock Constance & Peter Lacaillade | Deborah & Troy Maschmeyer Carolyn & Eugene Mercy | Monkey in Paradise Premium Vodka | Gail & Barry Morris Cecilia & Guillermo Perez-Vargas | Emilia & Brian Pfeifler | Andrea Phipps Daniel Ponton | Regal Press | Joan & Alan Safir | Priscilla & Richard Schmeelk Heidi & Scott Schuster | Christine & Robert Stiller | Charlot Taylor | Jennifer & Matt Valle Theodore and Renee Weiler Foundation | Kendall Wheeler | Jan Willinger


$1,000+ Khooshe Aiken | Sharada Shankar-Alducin & Donald Alducin All Birds, Cats, Dogs & Exotics Animal Hospital | Kate Arizza Mashi & Mitch Azmudeh | Eva & Herbert Balsmeier | Stacey & Peter Baytarian The Benevity Community Impact Fund | Bermil Foundation | Lisa & James Bertles Roberta & Stanley Bogen | Shelley & Daniel Boyce | Chantelle Brown Mark E. Bryant Charitable Trust | Brenda Callaway | Minou & Frank Cammisa Kathleen Cerasaro | Yi-Hsin Chang | Susan & George Cohon Coltman Family Foundation | Gita & Mark Costa | Mazie Cox | Wendy & Howard Cox Kevin Crowley | Susan Daniels | Mary & Thomas Dorrian | Mitge & Kevin Dougherty Hank Dow | Barbara & Karlo Duvnjak | Gaye & James Engel | Gail & Alfred Engelberg Tina Fanjul | Nancy & Donald Farry | Lynn & Arnold Feld | Stephanie & Lawrence Flinn Gillian Fuller | Janellen & David Gerstein | Jeffry Giangrande Phyllis Goldblatt | Peggy & Richard Greenfield | Barbara & Michael Greenwald Danielle & Buckley Griffis | Jacquelyn Grimm | Allison & Stuart Haft Alexia Hamm Ryan & Baird Ryan | Alice Hanley | Melinda & Thomas Hassen Cathleen & Dale Hedrick | Carolyn & James Hellauer Susan Furman-Holuba & Robert Holuba | Lynn Honderd | Carol & Scotty Howell Karyn & Roger Janssen | Irene & Jim Karp | Tracey & Mark Keegan Jorie Kent & Atwater Kent Foundation | Henni & John Kessler | Kelly Klein Patricia Kolber | Leonard Korman | Sandra Krakoff | Sandy & Gregory Kriser Karyn & Kevin Lamb | Elaine & Kenneth Langone | Ellen & H. Irwin Levy | Jeffrey Libert Ellen Liman | Sondra & David Mack | Hildegarde Mahoney | Beth & Carmine Martignetti Wendy & Matthew Maschler | Zelda Mason | Karen & Anthony Mauro Irving May & Edith H. May Foundation | James Meany & First Republic Bank Mestal Foundation, Inc. | Mary Jane Hovanec & Howard Miska | Katherine Moore Elayne Mordes | Alicia & Tim Mullen | The Natural Science Center of Greensboro Lynn & Mickey Nolen | Palm Beach Round Table Scholarship Fund Sally & Richard Phelps | Mathias Piskur | Blanca Luaces & Steven Pliskow Lynn & John Pohanka | F. Lyon Polk III | Afsy & Carter Pottash | Maura Powers Ashley & Michael Ramos | Robin Roshkind & Irvin Saltzman | Lyn M. Ross Jennifer & Joe Rudick | Charleen & Jeffrey Sabin | Brooke Samples & Lloyd Schiller Jean Sharf | Eve Short | Linda & Donald Silpe | Lainey & Beryl Simonson | Michael Singer Mary & Daniel Stanton | Andrea & John Stark | Ellen Stern | Barbara & Fred Tepperman Sandra Thompson | Bridget & Mark Towey | Deadria & Beau Van Metre Marion Wainer | Angela Whitman | Paula & Paul Wittmann Clelia & Thomas Zacharias | Maria Zoullas-Kaufman

BECOME A FORCE FOR WILDLIFE Wildlife at the Zoo depends on you. Your donation will give iconic species expanded, innovative habitats, so you and your family can get even closer to tigers, jaguars and siamangs. Your legacy gift to the Zoo ensures sustainability of our mission to save wildlife and the wild places in which they roam. With your meaningful support, the Zoo will continue to be a cultural cornerstone of the Palm Beaches now and into the future. To donate online, please visit or contact Karen Carr Huebbers, Chief Development Officer, by calling (561) 533-0887 ext. 222 or emailing

Red-eyed green treefrog


For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it. J A C Q U E S -Y V E S C O U S T E A U

1 3 0 1 S u m m i t B o u l e v a r d | We s t P a l m B e a c h , F L 3 3 4 0 5 - 3 0 3 5 5 6 1 . 5 4 7 .W I L D ( 9 4 5 3 ) | w w w . p a l m b e a c h z o o . o r g

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