Infinity October / November 2014

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Pursue the Secret

Chambers of Eternal Health

Fall Inspiration Season of Harvest

The Importance Of Ideals

Being Thankful Living with Gratitude Oct / Nov 2014 A Health & Wellness Publication Magazine Vol. 58 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine

L etter from the editor Dear Readers,

Autumn’s wind creates a halo of leaves as they fall and lay scattered on the ground. There is a train in the distance, it is coming down the tracks, it is gaining momentum and it wont be going back. It is the train of life full of adventure with no particular destination but thankful for the journey. There are sudden stops and people coming aboard and people leaving, some with familiar faces and some not, but it is curious just the same. On this train, there is the glimmer of sunlight that filters through the window, it is the light of your soul. On a clear day, you can see for miles and other days it is a little foggy and you can’t see at all, so you travel on blind faith to stay on track. The train is very powerful with precision timing, always moving forward, venturing into unknown territory. With every turn, the train can appear to almost derail from the tracks, but it never does, it just stays the course. All Aboard! Be prepared for crossroads and delays with discoveries along the way, sit back, relax and take it all in, treasure precious moments and enjoy the ride of life! Yours in health,

Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher

On the cover: Autumn Leaf Splendor Discover the beauty of the season with the brilliant and vibrant display of colors. Autumn brings crisp fresh air, plenty of pumpkins, hay rides, and many Fall festivities and events. Enjoy all that the season has to offer!

Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s Oct./Nov. issue. This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve one’s quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich, enhance and create a healthy lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. The Infinity staff would like to thank all our readers, writers, and supporters that make each issue possible. Have a safe Halloween, Friday, Oct. 31st and a wonderful Thanksgiving, Thurs. Nov. 27th

MISSION STATEMENT Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.

Contacting Infinity 866-243-6900 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036

Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Executive Assistant to the Editor Michael McAdams Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Associate Graphic Designer Debbie Limpach Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005

Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.

Contents 4 Moving Out of the Shadows by William Molitor 6 Inspiration Is All Around Us! by Kathy Vaske 7 Increase Core Exercises by Lisa Gerard 8 What on Earth is Happening? by Charmian Redwood 10 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 12 Happy New Year by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 14 Reconnecting with Your Mastery – Using Subtle Sound Energy by Jill Mattson 15 Women’s Hormone Health by Dr. Paul F. Fulk 16 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice for the Real World by Sage Woman 18 Parsnips A Vegetable to Root For! 19 Recipes 20 The Importance of Ideals by Kevin J. Todeschi 22 We Show You the Way by Michael McAdams 24 On Being Thankful... by Cynthia M. Brown 25 The Legend of Halloween 26 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 26 After 20 Years, Just 8 Months to Happiness by Brian Eastman 28 Bi-monthly Horoscopes by Mary Bauer 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes

Signature Profile In Memory of Dr. Paul F. Fulk D.C., F.A.S.A.

The staff of Infinity would like to dedicate this issue to Dr. Paul F. Fulk, an amazing Doctor, friend, colleague and regular writer for Infinity magazine. Our beloved Dr. Fulk passed away just a few short weeks ago, he has been a writer for us several years and he will be sadly missed by thousands of people. Dr. Fulk shared with us his incredible knowledge and wisdom of the human body and strived each and every day to educate us all on how to live a healthier life. Through his writings he demonstrated that it is possible to prevent or end disease with examples of his experience first hand with patients that suffered with the most rarest of illnesses, he showed us how a person could become healthy again and guided us with steps to avoid disease or treat a simple virus. Dr. Fulk was a graduate of Palmer Chiropractic College, he was the owner of Valley Chiropractic Center. He made a huge impact on those who were fortunate enough to be one of his patients with his compassion and care he gently guided them back on track to better health. With his extensive research he often held workshops to help people learn how to take better care of their health promoting longevity and implementing a lifestyle designed to live a life free of illness and pain. With a heavy heart we would like to express our gratitude for all that this brilliant, gentle man did for so many and for our magazine. He was unselfish and kind, a devoted family man, he made the world a better place for us all. He is a legend in time and will live forever in our hearts.

Moving Out of the Shadows “Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking”

by William L. Molitor, BCH, CI Imagine how different your life would be if you were comfortable speaking in public or could take opportunities to give a presentation? What if you were able to feel calm and at ease while at an important interview? Imagine being able to be in any public situation such as a company or church function, a party, a fundraiser, a concert or even just out with new friends and not having to deal with that nagging feeling of anxiety or fear that you may be asked to say something. The fear of public speaking in all of its various forms is the most common phobia in the United States. It has other names such as stage fright and performance anxiety. The fear of public speaking has a negative impact on anyone who experiences it regardless of the size of the audience that they find themselves facing. I use the terms stage fright and performance anxiety interchangeably with the term of “fear of public speaking”. It is important to emphasize that an audience can be just one person or hundreds of people. When you feel fear or anxiety associated with what you are doing when you have an audience you fall into the “Fear of Public Speaking” category. The good news is these fears and phobias can be dealt with in many ways. At our Hypnosis Center, I use a hypnotherapeutic process to help my clients overcome any fear in normally two sessions. The first session teaches your subconscious mind how to quickly change the thoughts, which are creating the anxiety into thoughts that support your goals, such as conducting an interview or giving a presentation. The second session reinforces your success and strengthens the changed subconscious patterns. A client came into our office to overcome her fear of public speaking. She was a well educated professional with years of experience in her field. Her current position with this company often required that she


conducted interviews with individuals that were applying for a position of employment in her area of expertise. She reported that nearly every time that she was interviewing someone she would experience very strong feelings that she described as a feeling of fear. She would become unable to stay focused on a conversation and would sometimes not even be able to find the words to ask simple questions. She also stated that because of this fear she had avoided opportunities for advancement because it would have required her to give more public presentations. She had recalled that even as a college student she went out of her way to avoid classes that required any type of presentations. During her first session we used a hypnotherapeutic process developed and perfected at the Tri-State Hypnosis Center. She discovered that her fears were based on an event that occurred at a young age causing her to be embarrassed in front of her class mates during a school presentation. Through this process she was able to evaluate and change her subconscious programming. Those thoughts that in the past had connected public speaking with fear were changed to new subconscious thoughts that established a feeling of confidence and reward in connection to public speaking. Only days after the very first session she said that she could already feel the change in herself. She reported that she had conducted several important interviews with little or no feeling of anxiety. Without her normal panic attacks she was inspired to volunteer to give a presentation that was scheduled to be conducted in about a month. She noted that even after she volunteered to give this presentation the feeling of fear and anxiety which she was used to experiencing did not come up. She said that normally she would have had anxiety attacks daily just over the thought of having to present anything. Two weeks after her second session she went to a job fair and went to every interview that she was able to attend. She reported that her confidence was “off the charts”. Within the six months of her second session she had

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received two promotions and was planning to take another promotion that would require her to move to a new city that she had always dreamed of living in but was afraid that she would not be able to fit in because of her fear of public speaking. Using hypnosis to teach my clients to tap into the unlimited resources of their own minds, I have taught artists such as actors, singers and dancers - both students and professionals alike - how to conquer “stage fright�. Hypnosis has helped countless professionals overcome their public speaking fears and create both professional and personal advancements, and has helped individuals with strong social anxieties become free to travel and enjoy their lives. As hypnosis continues to become better understood by the public, more people are finding ways to move out of the shadows of their fears and into the light of a more productive and enjoyable life quickly and easily.

About the author: William L Molitor BCH, CI, is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis Instructor, Hypnotherapist, and the Director of the Tri-State Hypnosis Center, a full service Hypnosis Center and an Ohio State Registered School for Hypnosis and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training located in Cincinnati Ohio. He is certified by and is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). For information or to contact William Molitor, call (513) 943-1444 or email

Subscribe to Infinity - $15 a year Check, Visa, MC, Disc accepted Infinity Magazine 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 or Call: 1-866-243-6900

Inspiration Is All Around Us! by Kathy Vaske

Time we quit looking for inspiration and be inspiring this season. Take a look around at all the fall colors and maybe incorporate them into our fall clothing we will be wearing. Listen for music playing in the background where ever we are, that uplifts us and makes us feel glad to be alive. Pay attention to those special extra sunny, warmer days that makes us want to freeze that moment in time forever. When we catch a wonderful memory of someone we love that maybe has been passed over for many years, know that they are reaching out to us even then, to encourage and inspire us to be the best we can be in life. We all have a parent or a child that maybe needs a little more help these days than they did before, we can be there for them and be hopeful for them, until they can see their way clear to being hopeful once again for themselves. We can show them the positive side of life, in how we handle our own daily lives. We can be their cheerleader and encourage them to risk


doing new things and meeting new people. We can find fun and interesting things to do with them this fall, that creates the bonding time they may need with us. We can talk about what they want to talk about or have an interest in, to get them started talking and sharing with others again. We can all work on being the inspiration for others that really makes their day. Some of the simplest things we do for others has a way of finding it’s way back to us and causing our day to be blessed as well. Life need not always be about the hardships or the pain people are facing at the time but about looking for that kernel of inspiration that can grow in each of us as we learn to take the inspiration we each find in each day and pay it forward to others that we come into contact with wherever we go. Need a little inspiration and insight yourself this Fall season? Visit your local psychics and have them share some of their inspiration and insight with you or come join in the fun at The Victory of Light Expo

Oct / Nov 2014

in November at Sharonville Convention Center. It’s a great way to kick off the holidays and get some great education for your spiritual path training. Psychic readings by appointment daily both in person and by phone with Kathy Vaske, psychic and angel clairvoyant.

Increase Core Exercises by Lisa Gerard

I have been asked how one could tone muscles and increase strength without having to use heavy weights. Here are a few tips for adding more to your core exercises to tone muscles using your body weight. When beginning to tone your muscles use your own body weight. Chin ups, pull ups, plank holds, sit ups, crunches, squats, lunges, heel raises, floor push-ups, wall push-ups, and wall sits are just a few exercises that can be performed without the use of weights. Increase reps then gradually add weights or bands for resistance. Don’t forget to add walking or running to your routine. Twenty minutes a day is all it takes to stay in shape, tone, increase strength, increase brain productivity all the while decreasing stress. Exercising is the easy part to staying healthy. Starting out with walking and basic core exercises will help your mind and body become stronger. The fact is, the foods you eat play a huge roll in your fatigue and lack of motivation to exercise. Changing to a healthier way of eating will give you the motivation you need to continue on your path to a healthier life physically and mentally. I’m excited to hear people are benefiting from my tips. I work with all ages from 18 months through all adult ages. I know what works for one may not work for someone else. There is no one true workout that everyone can do at any age. There are, however,


exercises that will fit each person’s individual needs. Going back to the basics in any exercise routine is a good place to start and gives you a great foundation to build upon. Once you begin a routine that fits your unique person, stay with it, add to your exercises what you can, and change it every week or two. Don’t want to be alone when you exercise? Go to a gym, dance studio, gymnastics club, martial arts club, or yoga class, just to name a few. All of these places have ways to help you reach your goals or just feel better physically, and it’s a great way to meet people. Senior centers are now offering many of the same classes. What are you waiting for? Get active! You will be glad you did. By the way, there are groups that use laughter as a core exercise. Just thought I would mention that laughter is one exercise I personally recommend doing as often as possible. Laugh often, Lisa Gerard About the Author: WAG Gymnastics Conditioning Instructor/Coach, 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Core Instructor/personal coach, Liift Practitioner. Email Lisa Gerard at: Or call 513708-0563

Kathy Vaske

Try something different for entertainment for the evening out with the girls. Try an all message circle. Each person in your group gets a mini psychic reading set up as a group Nationally known Psychic, demonstration. Angel Clairvoyant, & CHT

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Buy a 1 hour psychic reading at regular price & get a FREE hypnosis session that keeps you from being hungry while you drop the pounds! Must mention this ad when booking appointment. Not good with any other offer. Expires Nov. 30th, 2014 For info or to book an apt. call (513)218-8448

Contact Kathy for spiritual path guidance, psychic readings, or hypnosis for change.

Located in Kenwood, OH

Call (513)218-8448 7

What on Earth is Happening? by Charmian Redwood

The Earth has been experiencing a huge shift of energy this Fall, we have been operating with the planet at only 30% light quotient. A surge of energy from the end of July until October 2014 will bring it to the tipping point of 50%. All of the negative programs that we have accumulated through eons of density are being released now and people are feeling more fragmented, discouraged and overwhelmed than ever before. We as light workers have been holding the energy, holding the Light and taking responsibility for everyone and everything. It is our devotion and dedication that has brought about this incredible change that the Earth is now ready to make. We are used to being the leaders, being the one who everybody looks to when everything is falling apart. We had to be strong just to remain on the planet through unbelievable suffering and pain. Now it is almost that the strength we developed to be able to remain here is now working against us. We have been pillars of strength for the many at the expense of ourselves. Now we need to learn to be vulnerable, to allow our “ humanity”, to surrender and to ask for help. It is a complete shift from always being the one in charge, the one in control, keeping the people alive, to being the child and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. It is not a comfortable feeling, fears arise. “ What if I let go of control, everything will go into chaos, who will take care of me? What will happen to the child?” Just embrace the child within that is frightened and is venturing into new territory. Be very gentle with yourself, nurturing you and letting yourself choose the experiences or be with the people that are nurturing for you. We came to Earth from our homes on many other planes because we knew the Earth was in trouble, we knew it would be dangerous going down, we would be forgetting each other and forgetting ourselves once the veil was crossed. We were very clear and confident. We had no idea how difficult passing through the veil of forgetting would be or else we probably would not have been so cavalier about rushing in here to bring the light. We have all been traumatized, we got here, the veil separated us from our light source and we


couldn’t get back. Then it was ‘Oh my God, what have I done?” We have been trapped here for eons, holding the light, being crucified over and over, many of us are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed. We have got used to being the lone voice in the wilderness and have forgotten to either ask for or to receive help when it is offered. I would like to share two hypnotic journeys I did this recently which throw light on this situation. Journey # 1 I am sitting on a throne all by myself feeling responsible for everybody, many lifetimes as a High Priestess or a Queen being responsible for keeping people alive and solving all of their issues and disputes. Not as power over the people but being in service to them. At the time my strength was a blessing and necessary. Now it prevents me from asking for help or from receiving it when it is offered. I have to realize that I am not doing this alone anymore, there are many awakening now who will share the task so I can get off the throne. I asked “ Does that mean I have to give up the throne?” The answer was “No.” I just need to give up feeling responsible for anyone else. I can be sovereign to myself and to no other. Those whom we have been teaching and taking responsibility for are now ready to take their own thrones, we have prepared them, trained them in many lives of service in the great temples of Light, now we need to let them fly. So I saw myself handing out thrones of blue light to all the people in my life I have been taking responsibility for “ Fixing.” I got off the throne put a note on it that said “ Gone on vacation, the answers you need are all within you.” I went to get a makeover, had all my worry lines removed and when I came back to my throne it was an equal, I placed empty thrones next to me and invited those who would come into my circle as equals and to help one another, to come and sit on them. I realized that I haven’t been leaving room for partners or others to come in to support me because of this belief that it is my job to” Fix” everybody. So I

Oct / Nov 2014

have been attracting those who need fixing especially in my relationships. Journey # 2 I am a little point of light swimming in the void deciding what to be. I chose to be born from the void as a star, shooting across the heavens. I landed on the Earth and got stuck. I had to climb a golden ladder to get back where I came from, back up to heaven. At the bottom the ladder was dense and heavy but as I got higher which took many lifetimes it became more light and golden. When I got almost to the top of the ladder angels reached down to help me up the last part. They said” You didn’t have to stop being an angel to live on the Earth.” I see that they are pulling the whole Earth up the ladder, closer and closer to heaven. I am on the Earth flapping my angel wings really hard trying to lift it up, they said ”Don’t work so hard, there are lots of us helping.” I had been wearing myself out thinking I had to lift the Earth up all by myself. There is a great polarization going on with the planet now, the frequencies are lifting some of us so high and yet others choose to remain where they are, stuck in there negativity, victim, blame, judgement, whatever it is. The gap is getting wider and it is getting increasingly difficult to be in both worlds, the old and the new. Density and negativity are holding us down and the light is lifting us up. We need to let go of people or situations that hold us back or those we have been carrying. We need to be with people of the same frequency so that we can lift each other up. So there is a lot of movement right now, jobs being removed, relationships ending, families being estranged. There is a settling as each one finds their own level. The mud stays on the bottom, the old beliefs, old judgements and the clear water rises to the top. We must each choose where we want to be. In the long run all will be lifted up but we need to separate from them now in order to do our job when we undertook this mission and that is to lift the Earth into the light. Those who choose to stay in the mud, with their rigid beliefs we must leave them there to come in their own time or not, we can’t keep swimming down to the mud trying to life them up. Each one has to choose the light of their own free will. There is a separation and everyone is finding their


own level, people that are bringing us down because of their frequency we have to let go of. Often these include family members and partners so it is not easy but we need to be with those who have a harmonious resonance with our frequency so that we can lift the planet with the love and the grace which we are. I am seeing the Old Earth dropping away so it is important that we release those who are weighing us down, who are weights on our wings. Invite instead those who will be the wind beneath our wings, who will help us to fly. So how can we support ourselves and our bodies to be in two opposite worlds? Firstly be careful of our diet, eat more higher vibrational foods, more vegetables, fruits, especially green vegetables. Also stay grounded, increase your water intake as water is the conduit that will carry the frequency of light, especially alkalinized water. PH water helps us to stay grounded and to speak to each other, our signals will be stronger. That is one of the problems right now, our signals are weak and we can’t reach each other. We are looking for one another and it is time for our soul groups to come together. Being in nature, walking barefoot as much as possible, will resonate with Mother Earth. You will feel her through your feet and she knows that you need that connection. Many lightworkers are feeling very depleted right now, the energy is ramping up and our bodies are tired. Beloved Ones, remember this is not the time to walk alone, reach out to one another. I see a spiral path leading up a high mountain, we are all crawling up it, often on our hands and knees, we reach back to help each other saying “ Come on. You can do it. Just a little farther.” Then we are at the top of the mountain and one by one we just jump off and fly home. We are angels flying back home, we flew down here and now we need to go back but we are bringing the Earth with us. It has been unbelievably difficult, we have all been traumatized, but we are almost at the top of the mountain and nothing can stop us now. (continued on pg. 10)


(continued from pg. 9)

I honor and celebrate each one of you. We are one. – Message from Mother Mary July 20th 2014 This is a very critical time upon the Earth. The choices that are being made now will determine whether the New Earth is born in grace and ease or in turmoil and conflict. It is most important for each human being upon this planet to choose the Way of Love. This is the Way our Beloved Master Yeshua taught us, it was His whole purpose in taking a human form. It is time for the children of the Earth to hear this message, to take it up and to become “ love in action” which means finding the love in every situation. This means even in the smallest ways in every day life not just the great and grandiose ways but in the small ways to become a beacon or an ambassador of love. By your own interactions with one another through the heart with love gradually the quotient of love as opposed to conflict will become the dominant aspect on the Earth. So we ask each one of you in every situation to look into your heart and ask ” What would love do now? “ What would love say now?” “Where is the Love in this situation?” Sometimes love means saying “ No.” It is not always condoning behavior that is causing conflict and pain to another. As with a parent who must sometimes restrain the child that is causing disruption and hurt to another, so it is that sometimes with those around us the loving action is to say, “ No, this is not acceptable, this is unworthy of you, there is a higher place for you to reach here.”


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BTestimonial aker Chiropractic After Failed Treatments Elsewhere, My Daughter is Finally Free from Hip Pain, Back Pain and Knee Pain

Brooke Tartar and Dr. Patrick Baker I reluctantly made an appointment with Baker Chiropractic and Wellness for my 12 year old daughter due to hip pain, back pain and knee pain she had been experiencing for about one year. Although we had sought chiropractic care elsewhere, months prior to our first appointment with Dr. Patrick Baker, Brooke’s pain continued and actually got worse over time. I had also taken Brooke to see a specialist at Children’s Hospital for a pricey exam and x-rays. The doctor at Children’s Hospital explained to us that Brooke was suffering from “Growing Pains.” Not the case! The chiropractic treatments she was receiving from previous chiropractors seemed to help for a temporary time, but always resurfaced shortly after her treatments. This is why I was not optimistic about seeking additional chiropractic care for my daughter… because the treatments previous to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness were not successful or long lasting. Much to my surprise, we walked into Dr. Patrick’s office and after one visit, I was feeling like we were finally in the right place! Not only because Dr. Baker and his ENTIRE staff were warm, friendly, caring,

Oct / Nov 2014

knowledgeable, and accommodating, but because they had such a comprehensive system in place to truly assess the patient’s issues and aggressively solve those issues!

cheered or tumbled. Brooke is now pain free and is walking, cheering and tumbling with great success and pleasure, thanks to Dr. Baker and his wonderful staff!

I felt comfortable about their plan because they educated us on how chiropractic care works and how they were planning to help us. There was no mystery or uncertainty after they explained their approach and plan. I also felt comfortable asking Dr. Baker and all of the staff members any questions I may have had. The only surprise was how quickly my daughters pain was relieved after only a few visits.

Baker Chiropractic and Wellness truly cares about their patients. My daughter looks forward to seeing Dr. Patrick for each visit, not only because he alleviated her pain, but also because he is so kind and gentle. He and his staff do whatever it takes to help her and I appreciate their professionalism and attentiveness! I have total faith and confidence in Dr. Baker and his staff and I am grateful to them for improving my daughter’s quality of life!

Brooke was examined, x-rayed and weighed on the scale by Dr. Patrick. As it turns out, my daughter weighed 11 pounds more on her left side than her right due to hip placement issues! I was shocked. She also had alignment problems with her spine and neck. I am grateful to say she weighed only 3 pounds more on her right side after only 2 months of treatment! And after about 8 months of treatment she is pain free and fully mobile and flexible!

In short … they really know what they are doing and they do it well! Thank you, Dr. Baker and thanks to your competent staff. Betsy Tartar If you or someone you know suffers from hip pain, back pain, knee pain or any other type of pain, contact us by calling (513) 561-2273. We will help!

Before Dr. Patrick treated her, Brooke was complaining daily of pain when she walked through Kings Island,

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Happy New Year

by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

September has arrived. Labor Day has passed. The Fall Equinox will mark the end of summer. I’ve heard that Nature considers the Fall Equinox as the first day of the New Year. At first, I thought this was a little strange as we generally celebrate the start of a new year when the calendar changes to the 1st of January. The calendar is a human invention and not Nature’s. After all, to keep the calendar as close to the accurate as possible, we have to add an additional day every 4 years. Nature, however, flows with the cycles of the earth and the planets and marks the New Year on the day in the Fall when the hours of daylight and night are equal. After pondering that for a while, and checking in with Nature, it came to make sense to me that when the abundance of harvest is full and the storing of the energy of that harvest away for winter is occurring that the New Year would start then. This got me thinking that the time to plant seeds for New Year Resolutions would be at the Fall Equinox rather than in the middle of winter. I wonder if Resolutions


put in place with the support of the timing of Nature will be more successful than without it? So, I began ponder what resolutions I would want to make. I began to think that as the daylight hours shorten, kids head back to school. It is a beautiful time of year as the trees begin to change color. However, busyness seems to become the norm. It is easy to forget to appreciate the abundance that harvest time brings. I began to feel myself bracing for the cold weather to come. While thinking of everything that needs to get done before winter sets in, I began to feel overwhelmed. How could I think of adding a New Year’s Resolution to all that needs to get done now? I thought of how squirrels run around, squirreling away seeds, with no time to rest before winter. Just then, I looked out onto my front porch. A squirrel sat on the top of the railing. Busy, busy, busy… As soon as this thought occurred to me, the squirrel turned her head to look at me. She then deliberately stretched

Oct / Nov 2014

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herself out on the railing and rested there perfectly still. (We see squirrels on our deck frequently. They come looking for birdseed. But I have never before seen a squirrel rest as this one was.) I decided to ask this squirrel if she had a message for me. This was the message from the squirrel: “Don’t let the fact that you see squirrels busy all day give you the impression that busy is all we do. Our seeming increase in busyness at this time of year is because food is really abundant. There is so much bounty! Walnuts aplenty! So we eat. And we store away for the coming cold weather. And we eat. And we play. And we store away. And we rest. And we enjoy. You humans are always so busy. It doesn’t matter the time of the year to you. Take time now to pause. Stretch out and enjoy the abundance of the season! Be in the moment. Don’t let planning ahead prevent you from enjoying today. Now is the time to really appreciate all the abundance that Nature offers. Now is the time to store away the seeds for winter. Now is the time to store away for the coming of spring. Enjoy!” As the squirrel rested there, I thanked her for speaking with me. She stayed for another minute or two. Then, she went on her way. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and abundance of the Fall Season. What “New Year seeds” will you tuck away this fall that will blossom in the spring?

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Reconnecting with Your

Mastery – Using Subtle Sound Energy by Jill Mattson

Our voice changed many times throughout our lives - reflecting physical, mental and emotional metamorphoses. Our voice at two years old was different than the voice we possessed when we were ages 17, 40 or 80. Our voice is also much different when we are depressed, in love or after we land that big contract at work. When in a meditative or calm state - imagine a time in the past. How did your voice sound then? Say your name aloud, while still pretending that you are in the past. For example, “I am Jill”, and I vividly imagine being at a picnic when I was eight years old. I listen, feel and grasp the emotions in my words. I can rekindle within myself the energy of that free spirited little girl – with all of her enthusiasm and excitement… before life’s trials set in. Now select another memory, recreate the situation in your imagination. Say your name. How does it feel? Does it sound differently than the earlier voice? There are many advantageous applications of this simple process. Here are some examples: What was the best moment of your life? What did your voice sound like? If you recreate the voice, then you recreate the energy of that moment. If you continue to express this energy in your voice today, you continue to experience the uplifting energy. When have you felt the closest to God? What did your voice sound like then? Recreate that voice and you’ll go to that space - feeling the same, close divine connection! When you remember a scene from childhood and completely submerse yourself into the memory, you can speak and hear your child’s voice. If you go back early enough you will hear innocence and purity in


your voice. You can bring back some of those beautiful qualities by speaking as you did then. Recall a painful time, when your voice was full of negative emotions. While you are imagining you are back reliving this event, you can talk in an uplifting and positive voice. This changes your memory and its associated feelings, recreating a more positive memory. This can also facilitate an emotional release of the stored negative energy associated with this situation. Our various voices contain the energy that we experienced at different times in our lives. Listen to the sounds of your voice during power spiritual moments, times of great success and experiences of happiness. Recreate these sounds to gather and maintain the “successful” energy. About the Author: Jill Mattson has spent the past 20 years researching Vibratory Sound Energy for healing and a wide array of other remarkable uses (available in 3 books). She specializes in Sound Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Mattson composes and produces her own CD’s employing numerous Sound Healing techniques & energies + her original musical score. & www. Free SoundHealing Mp3s Paint your Soul CD, harmonize with nature, Fibonacci and Solfeggio tones - enhance consciousness. Star Dust, heavenly music - sounds of stars - converted into twinkling tones! Harmonize with the heavens. Healing Flower Symphonies literal sounds of flowers embedded in delightful music! Clear negative emotions - build positive feelings! Receive at:

Oct / Nov 2014

Women’s Hormone Health by Paul F. Fulk, D.C.,


In understanding the female physiology there is no other statement than to say there is a lot of confusion as to how the female chemistry operates and what happens when a woman goes into menopause. Ladies bear with me when I say that over the last thirty-even years I have had the experience that sometimes is a mystery and other times was very gratifying Sometime I had answers of what was happening with the female emotions and what was happening with their chemistry. With the medical community, there are some hard and fast rules, but nothing exact as to what was happening with the female hormones and emotions. When a female starts their monthly menstrual periods, emotions can be predicted with a very calculated science of what the female moods are going to be. However, things like the diet can upset this predictability. Chemistry of the blood can change based on what their dietary intake has been. Cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, birth control pills, sugar can all change the body chemistry. All of these variables can alter the body chemistry and moods. All of these factors do not seem to concern the medical community. My back ground in endocrinology leads me to believe these biochemical influences do make a difference in a lady’s personality. While the never-ending controversy surrounding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the female body may be confusing, the controversy follows just one hormone that is estrogen. Not generally understood is that even after menses ceases, hormones still continue to be very important. To a lesser degree they influence the female chemistry, but they are still important. It is true that progesterone has a different function as well as estrogen as a lady goes into menopause. The body will go through some major changes physiologically. The majority of medical doctors have a difficult time understanding what hormones to support in a monthly cycle. The female continues to have her cyclic hormone changes just as though she was having her monthly menses. This happens, but to a lesser degree. What I have seen and witnessed is that estrogen is less produced than progesterone. Both hormones rely on the DHEA that is produced by the adrenal glands. Stress can have a


big influence on the adrenal glands and the production of both of these hormones. Interesting, is the fact that the pineal gland, which is in the center of our head, has a direct connection to the ovaries and the production of the hormones. This connection circumvents the fact that the pineal gland controls the hypothalamus, which tells the anterior pituitary what to do and this gland in your head, controls all but two of the hormones. Magnesium plays a very important role in the function of the anterior pituitary gland. A good source of magnesium are nuts that are grown on trees, not in the ground. Many doctors use blood tests to help women with their hormone balance which is very difficult to do by doing blood tests. The problem with this is that it may vary from day to day. Muscle testing is also the same situation, but can be performed every day to find out exactly which hormone is needed to satisfy the needs at the time. I have instructed many ladies on how this is done. There are products that provide estrogen and products that support the production of progesterone. These can be used to get through the menopause period. Generally the estrogen use is shorter, but the progesterone is used for a longer time. Every lady is different and must be treated that way. Each woman knows when it feels “right.”The use of bioidentical hormones every day of the month does not fit every woman. I have examined women who are taking both hormones at the same time which created a inbalance. Their bodies did not know what was supposed to be happening. They were grossly confused. So please don’t let this happen to you. Some of these steroids produced by the pharmaceutical companies can cause the immune system to be shut down by allowing candida albicans to be transported into the blood stream. This will wipe out the red blood and white blood cells. and will, according to Dr. Simoncini of Rome, Italy causes cancer. We certainly don’t want this to happen to you. Hormones are a mystery sometimes but don’t let them upset you because there is an answer. Copyright 2014 Paul F. Fulk, D.C.,F.A.S.A.


ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice

for the Real World with Sage Woman

Sage Woman is an Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess and Spiritual Life Coach. She is also a gifted writer and author. In a busy world, we all struggle at some point to find balance and to heal from old wounds. Let Sage answer any question you might have to help guide you along your path of self discovery and healing. Email your question to or send a letter to Infinity Magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. You may remain anonymous if you wish. Infinity will print Sage’s answers in the upcoming issues. Not all advice is applicable to all situations. Infinity has the right to refuse any information that would not be in accordance with our Mission Statement and the standards of our publication. Our next issue is December/January, the deadline to participate and ask your question is December 10th. Dear Sage, My family has been struggling for the last few years with multiple obstacles: loss of job, foreclosure on our home, age discrimination, relocating, state and federal bureaucracy and the list could go on and on... I feel like there is a constant source of negativity and fear surrounding my family. I work hard at trying to stay upbeat and find the blessings in life. Even so, I believe my family needs a cleansing of some kind, however, my husband does not believe in spiritual intervention. Is there a ritual or an affirmation practice I could do for my family without my family’s knowledge? An effort, which would clear the bad stuff out and generate positive energy in our home and send prosperous and productive blessings our way? Your help in this matter would be great appreciated. Sincerely, Desperate for Guidance


Dear Desperate for Guidance, Thank you for sharing with me and our readers. I am certain many of us, myself included, can relate to your situations. There are two essential concepts to remember: First, our inner world creates our outer world. Second, we can only control ourselves, not anyone or anything outside of us. We can take responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions. Here we are free to change the way we react to those outside factors. When I take full responsibility for where I am in my life, and look at each situation as it shows up in the material world, I reflect on how they may have roots in some of my own past thinking or doing. The best part about discovering our own role is from that moment on, one can redirect his or her choices. The Universe does not play favorites; it simply brings to us what we focus on. I have found it very helpful to examine any of my limiting beliefs, bringing them out to the light of day, and then, consciously release them. When we align ourselves with the Law of Abundance, we move into its oneness. Within the oneness, the only thing that limits you: beliefs in lack and limitation, fade away. The Law of Abundance is an abiding principal within the universal laws. It is the simple fact that there is an unlimited Source of everything we could ever need or want. The great abundance is already ours, infinitely available to all of us all times. Our connection to Source, God ~ Goddess, is what determines our flow with abundance. When we walk through our feelings of doubt, fear, unworthiness and old patterns of lack, remember, with faith and trust, we may change anything we desire.

Oct / Nov 2014

When we are involved in a relationship, we must remember we are not responsible for the other person’s beliefs. Once we truly work on ourselves and adjust our thoughts and actions from lack to abundance, it will have a profound influence on us and all we come into contact with.

noon from 2-3 pm. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email

Our experiences of abundance and prosperity or the seeming lack of it, determines where we focus our attention, what we accept and believe we deserve, and our experience or inexperience in opening and receiving.

Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield

There is an overall illusion on our planet that focuses on lack instead of abundance. One person at a time will begin shifting the illusion, as each of us chooses to step into the power residing in are every thought, word, and action. This is a conscious daily practice. It requires staying in the present, being aware of our thoughts and consciously making decisions and choices from an empowered place. As a gift, I would like to offer you an energy session with me. Please contact me by email if you feel drawn to this experience. One thing you can start today is being in gratitude. Sit down and make a list every morning of ten things that you are in gratitude for and why. Do this every day and you will begin to see a shift both in and outside of yourself. Begin finding gratitude in the things you consider to be negative or limiting. Find in them the silver lining, the lessons, and stay in thankfulness. Love and gratitude can move mountains. Blessings, Sage Woman

About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. She is also the co-host of Inner Divinity: Empowering your True Self on WAIF Cincinnati, 88.3 fm, every Wednesday after-


“A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.


Visit us at DivinitySpiritual. All services are archived and available 24/7.

Every Sunday Service starts at 11:30 AM

SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Take a journey with Sage Woman and discover a path of healing and self empowerment. To schedule an appointment, call 513-490-4693



A Vegetable to Root For!

Parsnips are a root vegetable related to carrots and parsley. They are still being discovered by some people who have not tried them. This exotic vegetable is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Rich in copper, potassium and magnesium, parsnips provide many benefits to keep bones, muscles, blood vessels and nerves healthy. Parsnips also contain calcium, iron, selenium, manganese and zinc. The fiber content in parsnips make it an excellent choice for people who want to burn fat, lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. For the Fall and Winter season, adding parsnips to your diet can be very helpful in many ways. They relieve congestion caused by colds or flu because of their anti-inflammatory properties.


Parsnips also add protection against swollen and stiff joints when cold weather can begin to effect some people who suffer with these common symptoms. Parsnips should be firm like a carrot for cooking and peeled the same way. Their unique taste makes them perfect for a variety of dishes, since they add an extra element of flavor. The best way to store parsnips is in a perforated plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer, they will stay fresh up to three or four weeks. Roasting parsnips for Thanksgiving dinner would be a wonderful and healthy way to begin a new tradition every year. The amazing benefits provided by serving this delicious vegetable makes it definitely worth trying!

Oct / Nov 2014

Parsnip & Ginger Soup

Baked Parsnip Fries



• 2 carrots

• parsnips

• 2 celery stalks • 2 medium onions

• olive oil • salt

• 1 3/4 pounds parsnips


• A thumb-sized piece of fresh root ginger

Preheat your oven to 375.

• 2 cloves of garlic

Scrub your parsnips clean and lightly peel them (you don’t have to peel them if yours are really clean). Slice into thin strips.

• 1 3/4 quarts chicken or vegetable broth, preferably organic • Olive oil • 4 sprigs of fresh cilantro • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper DIRECTIONS: To make your soup: Peel and roughly slice the carrots. Slice the celery. Peel and roughly chop the onions, parsnips, and ginger. Peel and slice the garlic. Put the broth in a saucepan and heat until boiling. Put a large saucepan on a medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add all your chopped and sliced ingredients and mix together with a wooden spoon. Cook for around 10 minutes with the lid askew, until the carrots have softened but are still holding their shape, and the onion is lightly golden. Add the boiling broth to the vegetables. Give the soup a good stir and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes with the lid on. Pick the cilantro leaves and discard the stalks. To serve the soup: Season with salt and pepper. Using an immersion blender or liquidizer, pulse the soup until smooth. Divide between your serving bowls and sprinkle over the cilantro leaves. Serves 6 - 8 Selected from ©Jamie’s Food Revolution, by Jamie Oliver


Toss with a drizzle of olive oil and a few good pinches of salt. Bake until golden brown, flipping halfway. (15-25 minutes depending on the size of your cuts) Remove from oven and serve immediately, they’re best hot.

Parsnip & Potato Mash INGREDIENTS: • 2 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cut into large dice • 1 1/2 pounds parsnips, peeled and cut into medium dice • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tablespoon kosher salt DIRECTIONS Place the potatoes and parsnips in a large saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are fork tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat, reserve 1/4 cup of the cooking liquid, drain, and return vegetables to the saucepan. Add reserved cooking liquid, olive oil, and salt and coarsely mash ingredients together. Stir until evenly combined and serve.


The Importance of Ideals by Kevin J. Todeschi At different periods in life, all of us struggle with finding our purpose; searching for something, yet unsure what it is. One of the most frequently mentioned concepts in the Edgar Cayce readings is “ideals” which provides an approach to answering this inner call. From his psychic trance, Edgar Cayce made it clear that working with ideals should become a frequent activity in our lives—one in which we’re challenged, encouraged, and even prodded to begin a soul level masterpiece. Ideals help us manifest the very best we have to offer our world, our God, and ourselves. In simplest terms, an ideal is the motivating influence of our lives—the why behind what we do. While a goal is something attainable, an ideal always keeps challenging and stretching us. It’s a pattern that guides our lives. Everyone works with ideals, even if it’s done unconsciously. A reading for an engineer explains: “Each individual entity, whether aware of same or not, sets before self an ideal in the material world, in the mental world, in the spiritual world.” (Reading 1011-1) Since ideals shape who we’re becoming, they must be extremely important. But as Cayce told a female railroad clerk: “…the most important experience of this or any individual entity is to first know what is the ideal—spiritually.” (Reading 357-13), it’s the most important. Working with ideals is more than an intellectual exercise; we’ve got to be ready to act. Even though our sense of an “ideal situation” or “ideal relationship” may include changing conditions or another person, Cayce emphasized that self-change is the key: “First, know your ideal... Not so much as to what you would like others to be, but what may be your ideal relationships to others!” (1998-1) The Cayce readings frequently stated “Spirit is the


Life; Mind is the Builder; and Physical is the Result” which suggests a three-prong approach to ideals. To develop your ideal in each area, divide a page into three columns and label them: My Spiritual Ideal; My Ideal Mental Attitudes; and My Ideal Physical Activities. The dynamic feature of working with ideals in the Cayce tradition is that as time progresses, we change and the words and phrases we use will also evolve. A spiritual ideal is the highest “spiritual” quality or attainment that we could hope to have motivating our life right now. The connotations of “spiritual” reflect viewing life from more than just a materialistic perspective. For some, it is most closely associated with the pattern for living set by Jesus. Others may see it as the quality of love, kindness, or forgiveness. For some, it is useful to choose an attribute missing in their own lives or relationships. Mental attitudes are states of mind and ways of thinking that build a spirit of forgiveness into relationships with others and with self. For example, we may want to work toward an attitude of compassion in a frustrating relationship wanting openness and patience with another or ourselves. The physical ideals column is the most detailed. Here we write the physical activities we’ll do in relationship to specific individuals or situations. These entries should be linked to the mental attitudes to which we’ve just made a commitment. Our ideals chart should list the key people in our lives with whom we need to exercise this spiritual ideal we are working to manifest. This second column will list the positive mental attitudes which are stepping stones toward fully realizing our spiritual ideal. For each ideal attitude and important relationship, we can list the physical activities which can map out ways to bring the spiritual ideal into the material world. We’ll know that progress has been made with our spiritual ideal when the mental attitude on the ideals sheet becomes our usual state of mind and

Oct / Nov 2014

the physical activity listed becomes our automatic and natural response. As we really begin to work with ideals, making them a part of who we are, we can then choose a more challenging direction—a brighter North Star toward which we can point our lives. By working with our ideals, we’ll discover new responses to the situations where we find ourselves. Life is purposeful. Setting and applying ideals is the best way to uncover that purposefulness. Although each of us might have different ideas, plans, or goals about how things should be done, the readings advise that—in spite of all our differences— we can share a common why. Even during the turmoil and international chaos of the 1930s, the readings gave a “prescription” that could serve to bring all of humanity together. In spite of the fact that each nation had different ideas, Cayce suggested the world could share a common ideal.

the entity; physically, yes; mentally, to be sure; but above all spiritually.” (2428-1) Not only is it very important, it is the most important thing we can do.

About the Author: Kevin J. Todeschi, MA, is Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. and Atlantic University. A popular conference presenter, he is the best-selling author of Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Edgar Cayce on Vibrations, and Edgar Cayce on Auras & Color. To learn more about working with ideals, visit

“The world as a world ... has lost its ideal. Man may not have the same idea. Man—all men—may have the same ideal! ... that can only come with all having the one ideal; not the one idea but ‘Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thine heart, thy neighbor as thyself!’ This [is] the whole law, this [is] the whole answer to the world, to each and every soul. That is the answer to world conditions as they exist today.” (Reading 3976-8) The readings encourage us to become aware of what we are building within ourselves. Ultimately we’ll have the chance to meet it! As we work with ideals, our direction will become clear. An ideal is like a personal tapestry that we create one stitch at a time. Each of us has the opportunity to consciously decide who we wish to become as well as how long it takes us to get there. “Thus the warnings that there be the sureness in self as to what is the ideal—not merely from a religious…standpoint, but according to what is your ideal of home, home life, friends,… relationships with individuals, and the conditions as may surround


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We Show You the Way by Michael McAdams

The foundation that sustains us in these troubled times is the strength of our faith. Those individuals that seek a closeness with God and His direct representatives are given the strength to cope with life and all the lessons we must learn as we are here to advance, achieve, and overcome. What doesn’t kill us truly does make us stronger. Messages and teachings available from our angels, spirit teachers, and God’s direct representatives guide our path and light our way in this existence. Avail yourself of the guidance and direction available from those beings of love and light that show us the way. Their greatest joy is seeing us happy and successful in life. Allow yourself the opportunity to incorporate their leadings and teachings into your thought system. Our spirit teachers endeavor to communicate with us no matter how long it takes. They are with us for this lifetime and beyond this life unto our next destination. The messages and teachings received directly from spirit teachers dictated through Wilma Jean Jones over a twenty two year period are unlike anything you will ever read. The depth and quality of these teachings are profound while employing the simple message that aligning our will with the will of our Heavenly Father and a recognition of the spirit teachers available willing to work upon our behalf brings confidence and a perspective to life that allows us the freedom to fulfill all that we may be in this existence. Many of the messages and teachings that have been received offer general teachings that resonate on a personal level with readers of this material. Others were given specifically as personal messages to Wilma and to Michael. The insight, guidance, and direction received in these messages and teachings relate and resonate on such a personal level that you are compelled to believe that these spirit teachers share a perspective in real time of that which we experience in our daily lives and do truly have our best interests at heart. Some of these messages and teachings were extremely personal reflecting issues and life lessons that both Wilma and I were experiencing. Because of the personal nature of many of these messages I have not included this material in the articles I have


written for Infinity. I share this personal message given for me with you now. Your spirit teachers, angels communicate with you in much this same manner. Open your mind, establish your filter of protection, drop down in level, and allow yourself to move into a receptive state. Once the connection is established the easier it becomes to maintain a continuous stream of guidance, direction, encouragement, and support. Incoming thoughts carry information that you will recognize as being given from a high source. Test the spirit. They do not mind and welcome the opportunity to prove themselves to us as their view encompasses more than our view is allowed to comprehend. Accept this guidance made available for your benefit and the benefit of others as you share the insight received and your experience with this divine connection will enhance and comfort your being as you make your way in this existence. From the collection of messages and teachings received directly from spirit teachers/angels that compose Wilma Jean Jones’ upcoming book “An Angel Told Me So” comes this personal message dictated and given for Michael. Note the references by these spirit teachers’ to themselves as “we”, “our”, and “us”. This message was received by Wilma on Friday evening, September 23, 1977. Michael, “Consider this. You are entitled to the choice between influence and persuasion and abilities to perceive truth. When you are given directions, know that by this very act there are those behind you who are consciously aware of your being and your purpose and your need of their correct instructions. We come to you bearing good tidings. There are difficult explanations. We will do our best to be understood. Complex situations present themselves. Divinities now appear. There will be great teachers and instructors. Now we heed the call. Calm follows the storm. Perplexities cease. Obvious circumstances control your being. Exact statements will be given. Tact must be incurred. Possible solutions are now in sight. Power is available. Initiative prevalent.

Oct / Nov 2014

Light revealed. Conscious awareness open to enable insight now being revealed. Stipulate your intentions. Consider all alternatives. Revelations will come. Forward progress will avail much. Teach. “Reconcile your thoughts to enable you to use that which has been given to you tonight. You are able to now walk over the threshold that awaits you and enter into a dimension that will enable you to become great beings and great interpreters of divine endeavors with divine instructors and to travel with those who have walked beside you all along; to enter now into that place which holds many great wonders and revelations that will thrill your very being and enable you to liken yourself unto those who lead you. “While you remain in this state of mind let us remind you that complications are soon to be ended. Know that there lies ahead great experiences. This is just a beginning for you. “We acknowledge your interest and concern for those with whom you are working now. There will be a happening that will encourage you to know that knowledge that has been given you will now find an outlet whereby you may utilize that which has been given you and your ability to do this will summon to you those great teachers who stand ready to fill you with the necessary power when you are asked to deliver this message of which we speak. Let there be a quiet calmness when you are asked interpretations and meanings as you will be given the proper explanation at that time.

life and to know and to realize that there lies before you much in the way of great expressive relationships and meaningful experiences that will enable you to acknowledge that these were given to you in return for all the sacrifice that you felt was necessary and did so in the way of showing us your good intentions. Little do you realize how much we make note of. Go now. Rest and walk in contentment. We wait for your call.” L.Z.

About the author: Michael offers a set of his own writings called Spiritual Parchment Prints as a fundraising item for youth groups, churches, and to the public. He and his mother, Wilma Jean Jones, worked closely together as she received these messages and teachings dictated from spirit teachers over a 22-year period. This collection of messages and teachings is being published as the book “An Angel Told Me So.” Michael owns Starpath Satellite, performs satellite and digital off-air antenna service, and owns Aqua “Doc” Spa and Pools. Learn more about Michael’s work and view Wilma Jean Jones television interview at

“Preserve your knowledge. It will be of use to you one day. Let there be an affirmation within yourself that you are indeed called upon to perform feats that will require certain amounts of knowledge that you have been able to retain and conceive in that you have been able to see beyond what was written and able to comprehend its meaning where others might find it impossible to even comprehend its basic meaning. What you are given has much depth to it. We regard you very highly. We trust you with much. Never fear. We walk ever so closely beside you, behind you, around you, and cover you with our protective blessing and shower you with the light of God’s love and enable you to rise above the mundane experiences of this



On Being Thankful... by Cynthia M. Brown

Fall is approaching. The air begins to cool. Evenings are chilly and mornings misty. Here on Peach Mountain we begin to prepare for the winter. We stock the wood shed and the pantry. We re busy with programs and putting away the harvest. We have the great fortune of local farmers who sell and give us produce to preserve for the winter for our guests’ meals. We have put away homemade pasta sauces, tomato paste and mixed berry jams. Soon we will harvest apples and make applesauce, apple butter and pie fillings for the winter. In my own life, I have much to be thankful for. My father has survived two broken hips in 18 months and my mother is again in remission as she battles stage four ovarian cancer. My sister is stronger than ever after suffering a stress-induced heart attack last January. I continue to enjoy good health and a healthy and happy relationship with my partner and our son who recently survived his 21st birthday.


Gratitude is easy when we have so much to be grateful for. I have many acquaintances who practice making a list of things for which they are thankful each day. I don’t do that. I want to do something else. The native people say that each day when we rise, we have been given the ultimate gift; that we have no right to expect more than this gift of life and that we choose how to spend it. I want to try and remember that. I want to try and remember that in all things I am choosing. I do not have to go to work; I choose to do so. I do not have to wash my clothes or cook for myself; I choose to do so. I think sometimes our lives are so stress filled because we feel as if we do not have any freedom or any choices. The truth is we make choices every minute of every day. I believe if we can really spend some time thinking about our lives and what we spend time and energy on and really ask ourselves why we are choosing this or that activity, we will find we do have more choices and more freedom.

Oct / Nov 2014

I can choose to work because I want the things money provides. I can choose the kind of work I do. I can choose where I spend my money. I can choose how I heat my home; how I consume resources. I can choose NOT to participate in practices that violate my own principles. I can choose not to use personal transportation; not to shop at big box stores; not to buy things that are made where fair wages are not a principle and practice. I can choose to buy foods that are clean and grown in ways that do not damage the environment. I can choose to support farmers rather than international food production companies. Each day, I can choose life-the amazing gift I am given when my eyes open in the morning. I can be mindful of my choices throughout the day. I can really slow down and remind myself that I am alive; that this day is a gift and that my choices do matter. For the gift of this knowing and this opportunity to truly reframe my perspective, I am truly grateful. May you find your season of thanksgiving filled with pleasing and meaningful choices and the freedom that making real choices provides.

The Legend

of Halloween

Halloween is one of the oldest celebrations in the world, dating back over 2000 years to the time of the Celts who lived in Britain. Halloween is also known by other names: All Hallows Eve, Samhain, All Hallowtide, The feast of the dead, The day of the dead. The Celts celebrated their New Year’s Eve on Oct. 31st. It was celebrated every year with a festival called Samhain (pronounced ‘sow-in’), that marked the end of the “season of the sun” (summer) and the beginning of “the season of darkness and cold” (winter). The beginning of the Celtic New Year is on Nov.1st. After the Roman invasion, Samhain also became a harvest festival. They honored the goddess Pomona who ruled fruits and garden. The Romans pictured


her as a beautiful maiden, her arms filled with fruit, a crown of apples on her head. Nuts, fruits and apples were part of the ceremonies Apples were considered to be sacred and lucky. It is thought that the colors of orange represented harvest and black was associated with death. ]ackO’Lanterns were made from turnips to welcome home the souls of the dead. Today, Halloween in America is celebrated with carved pumpkins, trick or treat with plenty of sugared delights and festive parties for children and adults. Halloween is second only to Christmas in spending. Consumers will spend over $2.5 Billion during Halloween. That is a lot of candy, costumes, decorations and party supplies.

See Raven at theVictory of Light Expo! Offering Spiritual Readings through Mediumship

Call Raven for a Life Changing Experience! Raven is a Psychic Medium with experience in: •Psychic Readings •Hypnotherapy Healing Sessions •Spiritual Counseling •Group Parties Available

Call for a private appointment


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Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads

Living Their Soul Purposes: Interviews With 25 Healers by Doris Schnetzer Quote From The Book- “Why create a book like this? First, I intend to raise awareness of some healing methods that are not well known in the mainstream- though many are becoming popularand to provide examples of the effectiveness of these particular healing arts. Second, I devoted a chapter to people who are doing work related to healing the earth. Doris Schnetzer taps into the healing energies of 25 amazing people in this guidebook. Each healer interviewed reflects on their own personal journey, a true inspiration to read about their true passion in life and how they live by fulfilling their soul purpose. Doris shares with the readers her extensive research by covering various healing modalities from a to z, yoga, acupuncture, massage, tai chi, sound healing, sustainable farming and so much more. These healers can be found in the Greater Cincinnati area and their websites are provided in the book for your convenience. There are tips for healthy living and a glossary that gives a definition of many healing modalities which is very informative and can be a helpful reference tool. This recommended read, Living Their Soul Purposes:


Interviews With 25 Healers by Doris Schnetzer can be purchased through About the Author: Doris Schnetzer has worked for National Public Radio stations, she contributes to newspapers and magazines where she has gained journalism experience. She enjoys writing poetry, non-fiction and likes to practice tai chi and dance.

After 20 Years,

Just 8 Months to Happiness by Brian Eastman

“You’re done! Finished!” I told her. “We’ve got all that damage cleaned out.” “Jennifer,” my client, smiled. “I’m not surprised,” she said. “The last couple of sessions it felt like I was just cleaning out the left-overs. And I’m so happy and smiling all the time now. I’m even happy when I’m home by myself!” Jennifer is a LIIFT success story, about how you can heal years of abuse faster than ever before. When someone told Jennifer about LIIFT, she’d just quit after twenty years of counseling that seemed to have given her little relief from the emotional pain of her rough childhood. She was feeling helpless to heal, hopeless that she’d ever stop feeling scared and alone all the time. Jennifer called me seeking information about LIIFT. I had explained that LIIFT heals emotionally damaged lives quickly using very simple concepts. I also explained that LIIFT’s healing process is so different that you need to experience a LIIFT healing to understand it. I gave her my usual offer: “Come on

Oct / Nov 2014

in for a no-charge Introductory Healing Session to discover how to LIIFT your life to a happier place.”

healed their issues with their mothers. Jennifer, above, lost weight by healing emotional damage.

One of the nice aspects of LIIFT healing is, you never have to talk about what happened. LIIFT just heals the damage.

In each situation, though, the client was committed to achieving emotional wholeness. The physical healing came along for the ride.

So when Jennifer experienced the Introductory session, she did not tell me about her past. In fact, after the 8 months of bi-weekly LIIFT sessions which erased Jennifer’s damage I still don’t know details about her past. But, I have been lucky enough to see Jennifer blossom and become radiantly happy. That last session we had, when she finished her healing, Jennifer did tell me something I had not known. She told me about a side effect of the healings she had accomplished. “All my life,” she told me, “I had a weight problem. I’ve tried about every diet you can find. Nothing seemed to work. I came to you to heal my childhood. And I’ve dropped 40 pounds without even thinking about my weight!” **** Does LIIFT claim that everyone will heal in eight months? No. One person completed his healing in just four sessions – healed the damage from his abused childhood and went from failure to success in his career. Another client has been with me a year and still has work to do. But in most cases LIIFT clients complete their healing in months rather than years. Does LIIFT claim to create weight loss or to effect other physical healings in clients? No. But I do know that when a person heals their emotions, physical healings can occur as well. The Simontons demonstrated it with cancer patients. I have witnessed two genetically-based lactose-intolerant people become able to eat ice cream – after they had


About the Author: For over 25 years, Brian Eastman collected information about methods for helping people heal from damaged emotions, trauma and abuse. Using the insights he gained, he created the LIIFT process for emotional healing. He welcomes clients seeking emotional healing. He has trained LIIFT Practitioners who are practicing in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee and California. He trains healers weekly in Cincinnati. He also offers 2-day training seminars in cities throughout North America and by video-skype. For additional information on training, or to make an appointment for an Introductory LIIFT healing session contact or phone 513 708 0563.

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Astrology by Mary

Libra September 22 – October 23

Libra, you are charming, beautiful and gracious to the max in the beginning of this period (which you usually are anyway), but now your ruling planet Venus is also in Libra, along with the sun and Mercury in Libra as well. Mercury will be going retrograde on October 5 while still in Scorpio, but moves back into Libra for a good month. So there will no doubt be some reviews of the quality of your relationships, and since Scorpio is showing up in your pocket book, that typically means an accounting of the finances. On the fun side, Jupiter expands and Mars energizes lots of fun time with friends, and groups of like minded individuals. Some of you still have some parent issues to resolve, but much of it is beyond your ability to orchestrate.

e Scorpio

October 23 – November 21

This beginning period could entail some issues coming from a work environment, or possibly health situations which point to loved ones. Whatever the issue, there is likely to be a change of procedure, because the time has come to move forward with the problem at hand. A lunar eclipse early October will show this problem, and the new moon eclipse on Oct. 23 will no doubt set the new action in motion. On a happier note, matters in houses of love, creativity, and self expression bring a very welcome note, and early Scorpios are realizing that they can open up and embrace much easier the awareness and inspirations that they are feeling. Maybe you can put a bit of that guard down, and take time to smell the roses!


Sagittarius November 22–December 21

Sag, this time frame is a complex mix of excitement and some serious concerns. It starts with the lunar eclipse on Oct 8 bringing to a head some great action regarding love life, future trends, a very likely mix of travel, and big plans unfolding. However, in the background, there appears to be a lot of “cleaning up” to do, and that may be actually physical activity, or emotional and mental clearing the slate and looking for a new agenda. There appears to be quite a bit of emotional drama when it comes to home, parents or dwelling place. But all in all, you appear to be setting a great new plan in motion, so take advantage of what


Jupiter, your ruling planet, has in store for you. It is time to reach out and grab that brass ring and hold it close!


Capricorn December 21 – January 19

For you, Capricorn, there is a rather sudden or unexpected drama going on at home base, which will be obvious by the time the lunar eclipse comes in on Oct 8. All of this seems to demand that you must go through some kind of personal overhaul. The time has come to change a plan, and your ruling planet, Saturn, is busily at work writing up the script which will tell you what comes next on the plate. One rather odd piece of the puzzle could mean that you are shifting home base (rather suddenly), and that you either get good money for something you sell, or are willing to spend good money for what you want. All of this is truly necessary, for Capricorn, you are slow to change, but you realize the time has come, and it is now or never. You have lots of good karma piled up, so cash in on some of it, and go have yourself a ball!


Aquarius January 19 – February 18

You, Aquarius, a master of embracing anything new, will have a great time with some new learning projects and/or trips, and the lunar eclipse on Oct. 8 will focus on this. At the same time, and possibly because of the surprising situations, you are still required to complete some old karma which may be addressing the work place. Possibly there is a sense of insecurity about money matters, but you may be filling in there with some new spiritual talents. A very interesting note is the opportunity coming in the house of significant others, which has lots of excitement there. The new moon at Thanksgiving gives a cheer for good times coming.


Pisces February 18 – March 20

You early Pisces are still adjusting, we hope, to the fact that your gifts are expanding, slowly but surely, and you are becoming more aware of others like you. The solar eclipse on Oct 23 will give a whole new starting point for working with your talents, and by the full moon on November 6, you will have the courage to say ‘YES” to what is happening. Jupiter is bringing more work

Oct / Nov 2014

to your doorstep, and asking you to step up to the plate, which you will do, and you also will be basking in the delightful feeling that you have talents that increase your self worth. The lunar eclipse on Oct 8 will bring this awareness to your consciousness, and therefore give more structure to your new found abilities. Don’t let the fear of being out in full view of everyone hold you back. Take a deep breath and just “go for it”.


Aries March 20 – April 19

For you, Aries, there is an exciting new beginning here, as there is a lunar eclipse in your sign, and since it is a full moon, it means that the excitement is already in place and anticipating lots of fun and games. Jupiter (planet of luck) is in your house of recreation, and romance, and it is leading the pack, and there does seem to be a lovely significant other who is enjoying this whole process. A solar eclipse coming late October will occur in your major money house, and can register as a “price to pay” which is often literal for events that are unfolding. Saturn in a money house is always demanding that you take a careful look at finances, and be as thorough as possible. Even so, there is lots of enjoyment, happiness and excitement here for you in this time table, and we know you will not miss a minute!


Taurus April 19 – May 20

Your ruling planet, Venus, is very busy in your house of work and health patterns, which may keep you a little more active than is comfortable for you, but perhaps there are health issues here that do need to be addressed. The full moon eclipse on Oct. 8 will highlight this issue, meaning that the matters are coming to a head, and will demand some attention from you. Depending on your status in life, if you are employed, it will probably deal with that area, and for many others, it shows up as health. On a happy note, there will be a solar eclipse in your house of partners which opens the door to new activity there. For some, it looks as though the home is growing and expanding and there could be lots of effort to make it lovely, which is a natural talent for you.


Gemini May 20 – June 21

Mercury, your ruling planet, is going retrograde in early October, and will back up into Libra, a sign of fun, recreation, and romance. This is very compatible with Gemini and could show up as lots of fun in October. But it is retrograde, so don’t expect long term conditions to prevail. As if comes forward, and moves into November, there will be a major emphasis on work and health patterns, much of which will need revamping and reviewing. There is a real overhaul showing up here, and will be introduced by a solar eclipse on Oct. 23. So, let the good times roll, but do save time, effort (and money) which will demand a great deal of attention in this time frame.


Cancer June 22-July 22

Since you are ruled by the moon, then the lunar eclipse on Oct


8 should leave an impact on you, which shows up in the house of career and/or status in life (i.e .parent, or boss). There is bound to be some activity which could easily be surprising, and if related to career, may mean a change in boss or company. For some it will very likely result in more money in your pocket! Hurrah! In the area of your chart which deals with romance, love, and creativity, there are several factors all coming to a head, or being resolved in some way. And some of the luckiest of you (early Cancers) there could be romance blooming, and/or along with that, a sense of journeys (real) or imagined, as in hoping and planning for future events.


Leo July 22 – August 22

Leo, you seem to have a myriad of aspects this time frame, and most importantly, you have Jupiter in your sign, which is good news no matter what else is going on, for Jupiter is considered very fortunate. Houses of schooling, education, travel, etc. are in lovely aspect for you early on in this period. Then comes November, and there appears to be some serious issues here, perhaps with health of a parent or maybe re-designing home base. Much of this activity is not new, but has been in the mill for while, and now the time has come for the truth to out. In that case, you are handling it like a pro, with much awareness of the obligations involved. A bit more money may be going out, but there are no choices here, for you are giving gladly from the heart.


Virgo August 22 – September 22

The area of significant others is especially important for you, Virgo, and especially for early Virgos, as you look at Neptune which can represent he, she, they is a “dream come true”. Just be aware that the dream may come with a price tag, and that could be literal. Perhaps there is someone who truly needs your help, and you are willing to go that extra mile. Just be aware that early on in this period there are several planets that seem to be helping themselves to your financial picture, and there is a sense of something unexpected going on when it comes to owing monies or giving monies. Planets in the sign of travel, long distances are seen to be affecting your home base, and perhaps you go away or they come in from afar to see you!

✩ Astrology by Mary ✩ Providing Personal Natal Chart Interpretation, and several other Astrological Charts. Mary R. Bauer, Mountaintop Center, 6967 Salem Pike, Clayton, OH 45315

(937) 837-6807 Email – 29

Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events

•Agape Journey of Awakening Agape Journey of Awakening “Charting Your Divine Course” Every Sunday Get Inspirited by an Awakening Message 11:00 AM to 12 Noon Speakers Line-Up Theme: Universal Abundance Oct. 05 Asha Mahambrey, Spiritual Teacher The Gift from Within Oct. 12 Oct. 19

Rev. Gary Hayden Driving Your Faith Marti Jackson, BSN, RN, Health, Nutrition and Wellness Coach Attracting Abundance Vs Unknowingly “Directing” Limitations


Nancy Hickman Looking Through the Eyes of God


Family & Friends Brunch Bring Your Favorite Dish to Share!

Oct. 26

Marti Jackson, BSN, RN, Health, Nutrition and Wellness Coach Food is More Than We Think Workshop 12:30pm – 2:30pm

Theme: A Heart of Gratitude Nov. 2

Rev. Karen Zukowitz, Spiritual Teacher Living From the Heart

Nov. 9

Rev. Gary Hayden Constant Gratitude

Nov. 16

Gerri Blumgold, Channeler & Energy Healer The Eternal Heart Is One of Love

Nov. 23

Nancy Hickman As a Man Thinketh

Nov. 23 Family & Friends Brunch Bring Your Favorite Dish to Share! Nov. 23 Marti Jackson, BSN, RN, Health, Nutrition and Wellness Coach Holiday Nutrition Workshop 12:30pm – 2:30pm QUALITY INN & SUITES 3rd floor conference room 250 Byers Road, Miamisburg OH 45342 For more info. contact Nancy Caldwell, Agape Journey 937-397-2668 or email:


•Divinity Spiritual Each and every Sunday at 11:30 AM Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call 513.892.0623 for details.

•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:3011:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website,

•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at

•Hope Springs October 3-5, 2014 Enter the Quiet: Silent Retreat for Men & Women- Create a space of quietness for yourself within community. As you let go of speaking, you experience connections to self, nature and one another in a different way. Facilitated by Mary Manera & Bill Bulloch. http://www. October 22, 2014 6-9 p.m. Music on the Front Porch- Open Mic and Jam Session featuring Ed Breedlove and Cynthia Brown. RSVP on Facebook or by calling 937-587-2602. October 24-27, 2014 Autumn’s Pause- A Fall SoulCollage® retreat for women. How do you reconnect with what matters? Radical Self-care – to make the brave choice to step away from yoru hectic life and allow yourself to be held in the transformative embrace of sacred space, good food, deep rest, compassionate community and connection to Source. Facilitated by Julie Henderson, MS, LMT. soulcollage.html October 28-29, 2014 Lost Dreams and Growth- One perspective on how we can learn to live anew in the face of trauma, loss and grief. Offered to persons experiencing loss and grief through death, trauma, disability relational loss, job loss/ retirement, chronic illness, domestic and other violence/abuse and their caregivers, families, and professional in supporting roles. Facilitated by Gwen Whiting, APRN CNS, PMH, BC. http:// November 2- 3 Gardening Volunteer Day – Gardeners will spend the night on Nov. 2nd, then clean up the gardens for the winter and clear the creek bed on the 3rd. Hope Spring will provide wholesome meals & beverages. To volunteer call Lara Radkey at 937-587-2602.

Oct / Nov 2014

•LIIFT Every Tuesday, 7P-9P - Class - Learn to Heal with LIIFT. Students become Certified LIIFT Practitioners, able to help folks heal their emotions and their lives. Northside area of Cincinnati. Soon in Dayton too. For information or to enroll: Or 513 708 0563.

•Mills Pharmacy Holistic Health Center FREE PRANIC HEALINGTM CLINIC First Sunday of the month, starting Oct. 5. For additional information call Joanne Miller at 513687-7465. Please arrive by 2:00. Clinic begins with a 40 minute meditation to generate healing energy. The entrance will be locked during the meditation. 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield, OH (next to the Fairfield Post Office)

•Mountaintop Bookstore & Self Development Center 6967 Salem Ave., Clayton, OH 45315 (937) 837-6807 www. Saturday, October 18... “ECLIPSE ENERGY” PSYCHIC FAIR 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday, November 22 “GIVING THANKS PSYCHIC FAIR 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Sunday, November 23 “GIVING THANKS PSYCHIC FAIR Noon - 5:00 pm

•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutualsupport, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: Wayne@ or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at

•Soul Crafting Classes at the Elemental Om Fri Oct 17, Nov 21 & Dec 19: 3rd Friday Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, 7:30 to 9 pm, light refreshments, Free, Small donation welcome, Elemental Om, Lebanon Sun Oct 26, Nov 30 & Dec 28: Last Sunday Guided Meditation 10:45 to 11:15 am, Free (small donation welcome - supports local food bank & drop-in shelter), at Elemental Om, Lebanon All Soul Crafting activities take place at the Lebanon Elemental Om studio at 46 E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, OH 45036, See our website for details, directions and contact information.


•Stress, Autoimmune Disease and Neuroplasticity

Mini-seminar facilitated by Orion (similar to Seth & Abraham), and Ken Routson - October 22 from 7-9pm Cost: $25 Call 513.942.3009

•Tri-State Hypnosis Center

Hypnosis Certification classes begin on September 6th. Visit our website at to learn more. To register call 513 943-1444 or email doris@tri-statehypnosis. com

•Universal Life Expo

Oct 25th & 26th, 2014 Saturday (10 am-7 pm) and Sunday (10 am-6 pm) Columbus Convention Center (Exh C) ~ 400 N. High St ~ Columbus, OH Admission: $11 One Day or $20 Two Day (Children under 12 free)

•Victory of Light Expo November 22 & 23, 2014

Sharonville Convention Center 11355 Chester Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45246 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday Admission: $15/single day - $25/weekend Children 12 & under FREE, Seniors (60+) & Students with ID $2 off Readings $20-40 - Parking is FREE

•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)791-9428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out www. or

•World Peace Yoga SADHANA SERVICE w/ Amber Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm At Burnet Woods at the Bandstand Pranayama, Meditation, & Yoga Philosophy. Offered by Donation. for more info.


Beautiful Changes Happen In The Fall … What Will You Change in Your Life This Fall? Read our article “Moving Out of the Shadows”

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Stop Smoking Public Speaking Weight Loss and Management Stress Fears and Anxiety Personal Growth Sports Enhancement Memory Confidence

Call Today (513) 943-1444

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