Infinity December / January 2018

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Infinity Pursue the Secret

Chambers of Eternal Health


Helps Keep You Young

3 Tips

for a Better 2018

Build Me Up Buttercup!

Dec / Jan 2018 A Health & Wellness Publication Magazine Vol. 77 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine

L etter from the editor

Welcome to Infinity

Even the brightest star may seem dim at times. Renew that of which lies dormant underneath the surface.

Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s Holiday issue! This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve your quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich and enhance your health and your lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year.

It is the dawn of a new day, a new year for us to experience all that can be created Merry and Bright!

Have a wonderful Holiday season, and a happy, healthy New Year full of love, laughter, family, and friends.

Dear Readers, Let Winter’s folly be jolly as we pay homage to the real meaning of the season and what it can bring for each and every one of us! In the not so distant future, stars will be reborn! Life as we know it can change in an instant. If given a chance, we can grow, glow and sparkle again.

It is yours for the taking, don’t allow any darkness to fall upon your dreams of a new future that is waiting just for you!


This Renaissance year will be breaking away from traditions, tried and true. Instead, stay steadfast and committed only to success in every corner of your life.

Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.

The time is now, not only to reflect, but to move forward to miraculous discoveries of the promise of what the world can do for you!

Contacting Infinity

In a snow globe world, while shaken and stirred, once settled can leave a luster and newness of the objects below. Consider the impossible and watch the magic of the moments unfold. Know you own the dream, it is yours and cannot be taken from you. Surround yourself in goodness and grace and know everything is in Divine Order. Life is a gift, be ever present and effervescent, bubbling over with joy, laughter and love in the coming new year. May peace be with you this season and always. Happy New Year!

Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher / Owner

866-243-6900 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005

Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington On the cover: The Spirit of the Flame This Holiday season the spirit of the flame ignites the passion for peace for all of humanity. May the blessings of the Holiday season be with you now and throughout the New Year.

Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.


Signature Profile

4 A Time of Joy and Peace by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 6 Longevity Resources 8 A Stress Free Holiday by Jill Mattson 10 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice by Sage Woman 12 Three Tips for a Better 2018 by Diana Garber 14 Know Thyself – The Ultimate Search by Kevin J. Todeschi 14 Music Choices by Wayne Holmes 16 Build Me Up Buttercup! 17 Recipes 18 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 20 The Way Forward by Cynthia M. Brown

Give A Gift That Makes A Difference This Holiday Season! With just one click you can create a better life for someone! Visit this website: Give Where it Matters If you want to make even a small difference to improve the planet this season or in the upcoming new year, you can purchase a gift or donate where it matters most, be sure to visit this amazing website, Greater good has given more than $35 million to charities since 1999. This website has teamed up with other websites and sponsors around the world to make it a better place for people, animals and the planet. With, there are so many ways to help improve someone’s life, even in just one click. Or with a gift purchase, one can help to fund food and shelter for a rescued animal.

22 The Sounds of Silence by Jill Mattson

It is easy to participate to help others, even for free! Its just a click away! Millions all over the world have received help and assistance through this website.

24 How to Stop Limiting Your Joy by Brian Eastman

Hungry families have been fed, breast cancer has been caught in time and treated. Children have been given a brighter future.

25 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 26 What You Can Learn from Other People’s Regrets by Dr. Joeseph Mercola

Pets have been rescued and fed, and rainforests have been saved. There are programs available, like buy a coat, give a coat for someone in need, also buy shoes and give a pair of shoes at no additional costs, just to give a few examples.

28 New Year Chakra Cleansing

Visit and discover a way to give for the greater good for all of humanity at no cost or as little as a dollar.

30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes

May you have a joyful and peaceful New Year!

A Time of Joy and Peace!

by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

Words like “joy” and “peace” have personal meaning to us. As individuals, we experience them very differently, and our experiences shape what emotions we feel when we think of them. Now, as we focus on decorations and gifts and holiday gatherings, joy and peace can easily fade to the background of our minds and hearts. We have talked many times about how our animals are living expressions of what they feel. When your dog sees you walk through the door, they may rush to you with wagging tail and smiling face as if to say “you’re here, I am so happy to see you!”. Once you finally get to sit down, your cat may crawl up on you and begin purring and doing “happy feet” on your lap… the cat version of “you’re here, I am so happy you are here with me!”. If you have horses, being greeted with a head over the stall door with pricked ears and a throaty whicker is wonderful. Our animals


are present with how they feel in that moment, they are not afraid to make sure we know they are happy to see us. For many of this, this evokes a feeling of joy and love in us, if we take the time to stop and experience the moment. For our animals, there is no holiday season. They just know that we humans become very preoccupied, we spend less time with them, and we simply may forget to acknowledge their presence when we walk in the door. They do not understand this, and will often begin to act out in a way to get our attention back. For example, a dog that you thought had learned not to jump up on you when you come home may suddenly start that behavior again (“HEY I AM HERE”). A cat may get more insistent about walking all over you when you try to lie down to go to sleep, demanding that you give them attention first. Your tension about what you haven’t gotten done yet for

Dec / Jan 2018

the holiday will transfer right to you horse, and he may be more jittery or may even back away from you when you reach out to touch him. There are other extreme behaviors that may also surface – a cat that begins not using the litterbox, or who begins clawing on the furniture for no apparent reason. A perfectly housetrained dog may suddenly start having accidents in the house. The first thing to do, of course, is to make sure there is no physical issue by contacting your veterinarian. If no physical issue is found, then it is quite possible that the problem is behavioral. The first step is to think – have you rearranged the furniture because your cousins are coming for the holidays? Have you gotten luggage out in preparation to travel home for the holidays? Did you forget to clean out the litterbox? Are you leaving the dog alone more as you go shopping after work? Have you spent TIME with your pets or have you been rushing around busily getting ready for the holiday? Think about it. We are very quick to blame the pet for misbehavior. In reality, we need to look at ourselves and our behavior first. Let’s bring the discussion back around to joy and peace. Most of us take great joy in spending even a few minutes with our pets. We are happy and we feel loving and loved. Often this translates to a strong sense of wellbeing, and we are at peace with the world for a few moments. For us, having our dogs pile on us when we are sitting on the couch helps us feel very loved and quietly joyful. There is nothing quite as peaceful as having a purring cat lying on you when you are in bed and snuggled in for the night with a good book. For me, just standing quietly in my horse’s stall with my hand on her lowered forehead brings a sense of utter peace, contentment, and connection. Taking a few moments each day to connect with our pets will help us experience the true meaning of this season – love, joy, and peace. We would also like to share our annual tips for the holidays for those of you who live with cats and dogs.

and when. Make sure that your visitors understand that they must be careful that no animals are close by when going in and out of exterior doors or gates. Make sure your shy cats and dogs have a place to be in the house away from active children and loud adult conversation. Be especially careful getting your pets in and out of your vehicle if you take them somewhere – make sure dogs are securely leashed with properly adjusted collar or harness before opening a vehicle door. Remember – your pets take their cues from you. If you are anxious and worried, your pets will feel less safe and may try to run away. They may also react by wanting to stay closer to you. In either case, be prepared with awareness and compassion. While we love sharing special tidbits of our holiday meal with our pets, make sure that you don’t give them chicken or turkey bones, as these can be harmful to them. Finally – We wish you and yours a very joyful, peaceful, and loving Holiday Season! Cindy, Terri, Lukas, TJ, Beau, Simba, Sophia, Diana, Cheyenne and Rohan.

Animal Communication & Wellness Services Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

(513) 310-3997 (513) 309-0957 •Animal Communication •Healing Touch for Animals •Flower Essence Consultations •Canine & Equine Massage •& Other Healing Modalities

Find Us on Facebook! “Infinity Health Magazine”

For those who have visitors coming to your home for the holiday, please explain to your pets who is coming



Longevity Resources Discovering Optimal Health Naturally

Welcome to our feature, “Longevity Resources.” Each issue we will cover topics that will explore endless possibilities in achieving optimal health. The statements or content of the article in this feature is strictly to educate and inform. It is not intended to replace the care and advice of your regular physician.

Magnesium Reduces Diabetes and Helps Keep You Young by Dr. Joeseph Mercola Magnesium is an essential mineral used in pathways for energy production, protein synthesis and cell signaling.1 The mineral is involved in nearly 300 metabolic reactions.2 It is used by every organ and muscle in your body, especially your heart, kidneys and bones. Deficiency and insufficiency have been associated with a number of health conditions, including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis. In the care of pregnant women, magnesium sulfate is used to prevent seizures in women suffering from pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, a pregnancy complication that can result in high blood pressure, seizures and coma, threatening the life of the mother and baby.3 You might assume that a simple blood test would reveal a magnesium deficiency, but 60 percent is stored in your skeleton, 27 percent in your muscles and only 1 percent is found outside of your cells.4 To determine your levels you’ll need a magnesium RBC test that can be done without a physician’s order, except in the state of New York.5 Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of “The Magnesium Miracle,” recommends a level of 6.0 to 6.5 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Are You at Risk? The U.S. recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium is between 310 to 420 mg per day, depending upon your age and sex.6 However, this RDA is based on achieving a blood level lower than Dean believes will maintain optimal health. Dr. Danine Fruge, associate medical director at the Pritikin Longevity Center in


Florida, told CNN:7 “Studies have shown that only about 25 percent of U.S. adults are at or above the recommended daily amount of 310 to 320 mg for women and 400 to 420 [mg] for men.” The 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed less than 50 percent of Americans had adequate intake to meet the RDA standard.8 Another study found 68 percent didn’t meet the RDA for magnesium intake and 19 percent of people ate less than half the recommended amount.9 Dean points out that in a population where nearly 80 percent are deficient in optimal levels of magnesium, a common laboratory normal range of 4.2 to 6.8 mg/dL is not enough to deter symptoms of insufficiency.10 You may carefully watch your magnesium intake from your daily nutrition, but there are factors that may reduce your absorption, such as an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract,11 daily consumption of coffee, soda or alcohol, heavy menstrual periods, excessive sweating or prolonged stress.12 How well you absorb magnesium in your diet may also depend upon how much you consume and your overall nutrition.13 It is easy to understand how many are deficient. While consuming less than the low RDA recommendation, many also drink coffee and soda daily and/or suffer from an unhealthy gut microbiome that may impede absorption of magnesium from the diet. Since magnesium is essential to nearly every cell and many biological functions, it could easily be considered one of the most important nutrients for optimal health. Research has now demonstrated magnesium plays a fundamental role in the prevention of Type 2 diabetes.14 Diabetes Is a Foundational Problem in Western Society Type 2 diabetes results when insulin resistance progresses to a point where your blood glucose levels are elevated well above the expected normal high of 100 mg/dL. Prior to the development of diabetes, you may experience prediabetes. This is a condition in which insulin resistance has begun to develop, often called “borderline diabetes.” The number of individuals who suffer from either condition continues to rise precipitously. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveillance, in 1994 only 13 states reported over 5 percent of their population suffered from

Dec / Jan 2018

diabetes, the highest of which was 6.2 percent.15 However, less than 20 years later, only one state reported a low of 6.2 percent, while the remainder of the country reported numbers as high as 14.2 percent. The CDC estimates the total number of Americans who have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes reaches 30.2 million.16 Type 2 diabetes places you at risk for a number of other dangerous and life-threatening health conditions, including kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, stroke and blindness.17 Previous research has demonstrated higher intake of magnesium is associated with a lower risk of diabetes.18 Recent research has found that even those making poor dietary choices enjoyed protection against diabetes if they had a high intake of magnesium.19 To evaluate their assumption that higher intake of magnesium may be linked to lower incidence of diabetes, even when making poor carbohydrate choices, researchers looked at the diet habits of people enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. They calculated the hazard ratios and adjusted for factors such as age, body mass index, history, processed meat intake and other physical factors that may have increased the risk of over 17,000 participants who developed Type 2 diabetes in 28 years. They found those who consumed the highest amount of magnesium had a 15 percent lower risk of developing diabetes over those who consumed the least amount. The researchers also found higher consumption of magnesium in people who consumed foods with a high glycemic index was even more strongly tied to a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.20 Magnesium Deficiency May Speed Aging In an effort to understand the impact magnesium may have on the capacity of cells to replicate and the integral part this plays in the development of disease, researchers analyzed the cell division of cultured human fibroblasts in the presence of adequate and inadequate magnesium.21 They found that while cells would divide and survive under moderate magnesium depletion, the cells also aged faster than those grown under normal magnesium concentrations.22 David Killilea, Ph.D., lead author of the study, said:23 “Magnesium deficiency affects the way the cells age. Accelerated cellular ageing affects the way tissue functions. We are now thinking that cellular consequences of magnesium deficiency may be driving long-term chronic disease. You could be moderately deficient for a long time and not know it.”


Depression is another health condition affected by your magnesium levels that can shorten your life span. Looking at six decades of mental health and mortality data, researchers found an association between premature death and depression.24 Magnesium plays a key supporting role in healthy neurological function and mental health.25 Research demonstrates that magnesium insufficiency may be a causative factor in the development of depression, anxiety and stress-related conditions. Co-author with Killilea, Bruce Ames, Ph.D., used the study of magnesium impact on fibroblast replication within a larger theory of how micronutrients affect your health over your lifetime. His Triage Theory of Aging hypothesizes that moderate micronutrient deficiencies, often not enough to produce symptoms, may lead to accelerated aging and related diseases.26 During his presentation, Ames said: “Triage theory predicts that the consequence of moderate shortages of even a single micronutrient, though insufficient to cause overt clinical symptoms, will impair functions essential for long-term health. This impairment will result in insidious damage (e.g., increased DNA damage) that, over time, leads to the acceleration of age-associated diseases (e.g. increased cancer). As people with modest deficiencies have no overt clinical symptoms, there has been little incentive to correct these deficiencies, though this could change if it can be shown that they are resulting in biochemical changes (e.g., chromosome breaks that are markers of increased risk of age-related diseases, such as cancer).” Mercola, J. “Magnesium Reduces Diabetes and Helps Keep You Young” Retrieved November 27, 2017, from https:// magnesium-reduces-diabetes.aspx ____________________

1, 2, 4, 6 Oregon State University, Magnesium 3 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, 2014; 36(2):154 5, 10 Dr. Carolyn Dean, Magnesium RBC Blood Test 7, 8 CNN, January 3, 2015 9 Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2005; 24(3):166 11, 13 Medical News Today, September 25, 2017 12 University of Maryland Medical Center, Magnesium 14 Diabetes Care, 2017, [Epub ahead of print] 15 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Diagnosed Diabetes 16 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Diabetes Statistics Report 17 Clinical Diabetes, 2008;26(2):77 18 Diabetes Care, 2011; 34(9):2116 19, 20 Diabetes Daily, October 25, 2017 21 PNAS 2008;105(15):5768 22, 23 Emed, Study Links Magnesium Deficiency to Faster Ageing 24 Reuters, October 25, 2017 25, 28 Nutritional Outlook, October 25, 2017 26 Dr. Douglas Weed, Triage Theory of Aging 27 Life Extension, August 2011


A Stress Free Holiday by Jill Mattson

Buying just the right present… How to cook that turkey… Get those Christmas cookies made…. When are we getting the tree up? Who will I be with this Christmas? I can’t afford this... Stress! Stress! Stress!

creates a shift in your energies and allows for harmony, peace and joy during these holidays. It’s fun to try, but if you do it more often, you will uplift and bless your holidays!

These familiar feelings make a sharp contrast with the significance of holidays – peace on Earth, goodwill, joy and celebration! So how do we reconcile the hustle and bustle and holiday exhaustion – with the deep presence of peace and goodwill?

Think of your body as a space ship, with all kinds of buttons that you do not know what are for. You can do so much more in your space ship – your body - and the key to use all of your “powers” is to increase the sensing mechanism of your body – the five senses.

The pressures build during a holiday, and yet we are unaware that we stock pile stress until we feel exhausted. If we examine the deeper source of the tension, it is created by our own expectations and agreements… and all of them can be relaxed whenever we truly want to stop and smell the roses.

In a meditative state go deep within and silence all thoughts. In your imagination separate from your body and view yourself. Gently imagine that you leave your body and look at yourself from above. Notice what you look like from above.

Below is an exercise, which takes only seconds, that


Now, imagine that you have controls for your body (or your space ship). Push a button and see all of the

Dec / Jan 2018

colors around you. Just observe and remember them. Do you want to tweak them? Add some more color? Remove any negative energy? Add more brightness? Make your aura, or subtle colors around you, bigger? Push another button that enables you to hear the sounds within your head. Listen to your thoughts. Make no attempt to understand them, just listen. Do you like the sound? Can you tweak it? Make it sweeter or brighter?? Send gratitude for the work down by your head. Travel down your body and notice the sounds in your heart. Notice they are lower in pitch, thicker feeling and have a rhythm. Do you like the pitch? Is it beautiful? If not make it beautiful. Are there dense areas? If so imagine pure air cleansing and purifying them. Everything flows easily. Do you feel a steady rhythm? If not, add a steady slow heartbeat. Love this area of your body. Send love and acceptance and gratitude for all it does. It is beautiful. Remain “soft.” Look at your core of your body. Are there any dark spots? What does it sound like? Do you like the sound? If not alter it and make it sweeter. Does the sound seem organized and harmonious? If not straighten them out. Make sure everything is harmonious and works well together. Breathe deep and listen to your music one more time… It is beautiful. Come back to normal reality.

of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Free music & School of Sound Healing at

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Contact Rev Mary Margaret Denholm at 513-289-2914 for more information or to attend. All are welcomed. Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.

Online Sunday Evenings at 7:00 pm

About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways



ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice

for the Real World with Sage Woman

Dear Sage, I often hear the phrase, “live in the present”. With so many memories from the past that seem to haunt me and fear about the future how can I truly live in the present? Thank you, Angela D. _____________ “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha Greetings and Blessings, Angela Being present is staying in natural current of life and the best place to make decisions from. It is human nature to move back and forth from the past to the present and the present to the future. There is a place for that, however much of our pain and suffering and auto pilot reaction is stored in the past and much of our fear of the unknown is in the future. Staying present is a practice. Just as yoga and meditation require practice to quiet the mind; so does being and staying present. When we find our minds wandering to a place of suffering or fear it is a sign to bring ourselves to gratitude for what is happing in the now. If we can begin to do that one thought at the time we will exercise our will to choose to be aware. To begin this shift is to make peace with our past. Forgiveness of others and our self for any wrong doings we may still feel effected by is a powerful force of unconditional love. As we release the old and shift into the moment we are allowing healing. Looking out to the future to some degree is necessary but to


live in fear of the uncertainty is to be locked in a place of feeling helpless. WE create our future by our thoughts, words and actions. The best place to do that is in the present. When we are fully engaged in the moment we can then make choices and decisions from exactly where we are. This is a place of empowerment and responsibility. There is only one time and place where you can be and have control over. The present moment. It is pretty easy to be mindful of the present when things are going well, so how do you practice presentmoment awareness when you’d rather not be present at all? Here are some of my tips: 1. Relax into the discomfort. No one wants to experience distress but no one can escape it. So if you can accept whatever is happening you will be more at ease. Acceptance does NOT mean that you’re okay with whatever is going on. It simply means you’re acknowledging the fact it is occurring. 2. Ask yourself how you feel in this moment. Take a few deep breaths and make a conscious choice about how to respond to your situation. 3. Gratitude. What do you have to be grateful for right now? Gratitude and appreciation can and will shift the energy into a higher vibration immediately 4. Stand barefoot on natural ground. Feel the earth, grass, sand under your feet and give thanks to Mother

Dec / Jan 2018

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Earth for sustaining you in a state of security and well being. 5. Go to your mat! Yoga is an amazing tool and practice to stay present and mindful. Even just one hour a week can change your life. Be gentle with yourself and take baby steps. One breath at a time. With each practice you will begin to become more aware when you drift off to the past or future and it will become natural to come back to the gift of life. The Present! Blessings and Gratitude, Sage

About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email

Are you looking for guidance in career choices or to build your business? Ask Sage for spiritual wisdom and receive profound messages for business or romance!

SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Readings Call for a Phone Session – 513-490-4693

Let us be the answer to your advertising needs! Feature your business in an article at no charge when placing an ad. Frequency Rates Available •Proven Results• Don’t miss a chance to be in our next issue ~ Feb / Mar ‘18 Call or write for more info, or to place an ad

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Three Tips for a Better 2018 by Diana Garber

2018 is almost here! Is it going to be joyful or stressful? Some of that is choice – meaning how we choose to react (or plan). If you’ll take a few minutes to read this article, I’m offering information and tips to bring more joy in and reduce stress in 2018.

prevail throughout government. Risks are high for N. Korean, threats and terrorism.

First, from a Feng Shui perspective, 2018 is a nine-fire year. Second, from a Chinese astrology perspective, 2018 is an earth dog. The authentic form of Feng Shui utilizes a 10,000-year calendar, formulas, algorithms, tools, and gauges. Combining these with my corporate background in risk management allows me to make observations about 2018:

Fire represents females, self-esteem and self-expression – the balance or imbalance of it. We’ll hear about them in volume and intensity.

Weather – Warm/hot, dry/drought, fires, earthquakes Politics – A fire year and fire president, temper/ego may get the best of him. Disagreements are likely to


Economy – Fire burns paper. We’ll likely see hyperinflation and take tax hits.

Health & wellness – I’ll cover vulnerabilities for 2018 in a moment. There are buildings that will do better in 2018. They sit SW and face NE, and sit NE and face SW. If you work or live in one of these, lucky you! Likewise, there are people who will do better in 2018.

Dec / Jan 2018

Those who have a Feng Shui earth energy (or Ming Gua [also known as birth number] number 2 or 8), will likely have it best. Those whose Chinese astrology is rabbit, pig (also known as boar), and horse are fortunate. Don’t know what your Feng Shui number or Chinese astrology sign is? Go to the education tab on my website (provided at end of this article) and utilize the free calculators. The personal calculator will give you your Ming Gua number. The Chinese astrology calculator will give you your yearly sign. There is a pattern for 2018 that goes from 2/4/18 through 2/3/19. It is called flying stars (flying numbers).

sense. Begin with the end in mind -- in other words, define what you want your life to look like in years to come. Do you want heartfelt love, better health, a rewarding job, or to travel? The energy of the building can help you, it can also hinder you. Read some of the case studies on our NEW website to hear how Feng Shui has changed lives. http://intuitiveconcepts. com/case-studies/ If you instead want to just know about you and 2018, we offer personal strategy sessions (done by telephone). Based on your birthdate, you’ll learn about 2018’s impact on you personally. We’ll discuss when to go for it and when not to. People from all over the world do these and love them. http://intuitiveconcepts. com/personal-feng-shui-strategy-session/ The free “Energy of 2018” video goes into a lot more detail. If you are on Facebook, this version shows links; and you can like us for future updates. https://www. Otherwise go to YouTube to view it and many other informative videos.

The numbers that fly in to each direction provide insights (trends) such as health, opportunities, and challenges. Health, as an example, during 2018 affects the heart and eyes. Based on the year’s energy there are more vulnerabilities but it’s too much to write about here. The good news is there’s a free video that goes into more detail. Here are three tips for your office or home for a smoother journey: 1. In the North place metal objects, metal colors (white, gray, shiny metallic), or round or oval patterns. A moving-metal piece is especially effective (like a pendulum clock, or a clock that has hands that are shiny metallic). 2. In the West place metal objects, metal colors (white, gray, shiny metallic), or round or oval patterns. 3. In the Center you’ll want metal and water. Again, metal means metal objects, metal colors (white, gray, shiny metallic), or round or oval patterns. Water is actual water (like a water fountain or fish bowl), the colors blue or black, or wavy patterns.

About the Author: Diana Garber’s bio includes a background in corporate risk management, Feng Shui practitioner to The Ohio State University, many projects the first of their kind, and being the only Feng Shui Master on the planet to speak at a medical convention. For her full bio, please visit

Wishing you Happy Holidays and a Happy, Healthy New Year from the staff of Infinity

For offices and homes, long-term strategies just make



KThe now Thyself – Ultimate Search by Kevin J. Todeschi Historically, the phrase “know thyself” was immortalized by the Greeks at Delphi’s Temple of Apollo. Written as an inscription over the entrance to the temple, visitors from throughout the known world came to Delphi seeking the wisdom of the god Apollo. This search to know one’s self is often mirrored in ancient stories, fables and fairy tales that seek insights to the very human question, “Who am I?” The Cayce readings suggest that one of the best ways to answer this question is through an exploration of the subconscious mind—looking at dreams, practicing meditation, dedicating one’s self to prayer, and using the God-given talent of intuition. Rather than being an exercise in egotism, Cayce’s rationale was as follows: “When one understands self, and self’s relation to its Maker, the duty to its neighbor, its own duty to self, it cannot, it will not be false to man, or to its Maker.” (Reading 3744-5) Coming to know one’s self was of such importance, Cayce told a small group of individuals involved in the study of personal spirituality that it was actually the second lesson (after cooperation) every individual should undertake for their own soul development (Reading 262-2). One reading summed it up simply, as follows: “Know thyself if ye would know thy God, if ye would be of a service to thy brother.” (Reading 1256-1) Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in coming to know one’s self is that too frequently we associate the self with our human weaknesses and frailties rather than our spiritual heritage. However, it is important to remember that we are not physical bodies with souls but are rather souls, children of the Creator, who are gaining experience in the material world. The soul is that which is made in the image of our Maker; that which is destined to be a companion with the Creator. As we apply spiritual principles in our lives and in our relationships with one another, we come to an understanding of our true selves as well as our relationship with one another and our


true relationship with God. This is what enables the inner self to be expressed in the material world. This is what enables each and every one of us to come to know ourselves. Perhaps the time is now to take a new look at who we really are, and what it is we should be about. The very same refrain was echoed by a group of young people who proclaimed their excitement and enthusiasm about being in the earth at this time and having an opportunity to make a difference. As Cayce told one individual: “First, analyze thyself. Know thyself, for he indeed that knows himself knows his God also. And be sure ye know what and Who is, and where is, thy God. These must be answered within self. For, as the tenets of old, all the principles of the divine that are manifested in the material man are found deep within self. And all that we may know of a universal consciousness is already within self.” (Reading 3004-1)

About the Author: Kevin J. Todeschi is Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. He is also the author of numerous articles and more than 20 books, including Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates, and The Rest of the Noah Story.

Music Choices by Wayne Holmes I grew up with the Beatles and Elvis. I was a fan of both, but I also enjoyed many styles. For the most part, I didn’t consider one form of music good and another evil, although there were times when my religion would judge some forms of music as being “of the devil.” It’s odd how religions can take something that seems as if it should be neutral and give it a judgment value. We had religious music, and we had worldly music.

Dec / Jan 2018

Why couldn’t we just have music and leave the labels off? I’m not a fan of some styles of music. My children love music I don’t find enjoyable. When I was young it was the same way with my parents. They didn’t enjoy my style of music. That doesn’t make one good or bad — just different. As I change on my spiritual journey, I also discover my taste in music changes. I prefer quieter music such as piano solos with simple tunes as opposed to a multitude of scales and chords. Once again, that doesn’t mean my tastes are the right ones and someone else’s tastes are wrong. Differing tastes simply add to the symphony of the Universe. The same could be said of religions. Tastes change with time.

Wayne Holmes’ Set Your Course shares six months of reflections that will give readers a path to spiritual freedom and help them connect to their soul and inner spirit. Not only does it provide healing from past religious abuse, but also abuse of nearly any form, and beyond that, it provides a path towards taking solid control of one’s religious and spiritual journey.

What I enjoyed when I was younger has been replaced with different tastes. And, that’s okay.

Opening to your spiritual journey, healing for the past, peace for the present. Direction for the future, Religious Recovery. Y


–Jane Phillips 3XEOLVKHU ,QÀ QLW\ 0DJD]LQH


–Liz Loring Educator, Life Coach & Group Facilitator

RĂĄven is a Psychic Medium with experience in:


Call for a free 10 minute reading!


–Rev. Gary Pennington &RQWLQXXP +HDOLQJ 3UDFWLWLRQHU Founder of Spirit Hospital Alliance

Wayne Holmes

Every Path Leads Home Opening to Your Spiritual Journey

Wayne Holmes Phone: 513.205.1057 Email: Web Site:



is t

t Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a Wayne Holmes beautiful book of acceptance. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules Phone: 513.205.1057 and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see Email: religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has Web Site: grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name:

Both books can be purchased through Amazon.

Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming, January 28th, 1-3pm. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun!

•Psychic Readings •Hypnotherapy Healing Sessions •Spiritual Counseling •Group Readings Available

Call for a private appointment or phone reading

It wasn’t until I donned a clerical collar that I came to understand how people viewed religious leaders differently. Some were comforted by my presence while others seemed ill at ease. “Before long I realized that many had been damaged through judgment, guilt, rejection, and condemnation by a religion or by someone religious. I’m happy to report that these people do not have to languish in fear, depression, or resentment. “In Every Path Leads Home, Wayne Holmes has created a brilliant and very gentle way out of religious abuse and intolerance into peace, happiness, and personal freedom. “It is a way to heal us all.�

R e l i g i o u s R e c ove r y P r e s s

Call RĂĄven for a Life Changing Experience

Mr. Holmes’ words resonate way beyond the printed page—they vibrate within your heart as truth. I absolutely LOVE this book! It is the best bridge I have seen joining traditional religion, spirituality, and the spiritual nature of us all. “The integrity of the author in revealing his own story is authentic, reminding me of the humanness of all of our experiences. I felt wrapped in the arms of loving kindness throughout the whole book. I predict this book will enlighten all who read it.�


V By Wayne Holmes

Wayne Holmes is an outstanding individual, a one-of-a-kind author who speaks to you from the heart through his writing. He has inspired thousands of readers and touched our spirits with his gentle teachings and humor, bringing us back to a safe haven of love and peace.�

O p e n i n g t o Yo u r S p i r i t u a l J o u r n e y

Wayne Holmes’ Every Path Leads Home is a beautiful book of acceptance. Our lives on this plane of existence are of short duration, and we are all “headed home.� Different faith experiences define “home� differently, and each suggests a path or paths. For anyone who has been abused by the supposed rules and strictures of a church or congregation or pastor, for anyone who has come to see religion not as a faith experience but rather as a set of ironclad rules, for anyone who has grown weary of the struggle to find God by whatever name: Every Path Leads Home is a must-read.

Every Path Leads Home:

About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at

For more details email







Build Me Up Buttercup!

Organic Butter for Better Health

It is true that humans have been consuming butter for thousands of years, but is it really good for you? The answer is yes, organic butter is essential for your health! Years ago, people were misguided to consume margarine instead of butter. Most margarine is a processed food, created chemically from processed oils, which are not good for you. It is important to note that grass fed organic butter is the best butter to choose, other choices of butter will probably not be as pure and contain the most health benefits. Organic butter contains anti-oxidants that protect arteries, and it has a great source of vitamin E and K as well. Butter also contains vitamin A and D which is easily absorbed in the body. These vitamins are necessary for thyroid, adrenal health and preventing tooth decay. The saturated fats in butter have strong anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. It contains conjugated linoleic acid which is a muscle builder and immunity booster. Butter can


help prevent stiffness in your joints and hardening of the arteries because it can protect against calcification. Butter is rich in lauric and arachidonic acid. Lauric acid is important in treating fungal infections while arachidonic acid plays a role in brain function. The cholesterol found in butterfat is essential for children’s brain and nervous system development. If you are pregnant, consuming organic butter would be very beneficial for the baby’s brain, bones and teeth. Butter can be kept and stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months. It should be stored away from highly aromatic foods and sealed for freshness. There are nice butter crocks available, so one can leave their butter out on the counter. This method is only recommended to keep butter for about 2 weeks and must be checked periodically to ensure the quality. Butter also freezes well. If you have not discovered the richness and natural flavor

Dec / Jan 2018

of organic butter, it is time to give it a try. Although dense in calories, it will not make you gain weight if eaten in moderation. Organic butter is so versatile and can be used to make anything taste better from your favorite savory dish to a delectable dessert. The health benefits are too many to even list, everything is best with butter!

CCookies ranberry Pistachio Yield: 3 dozen cookies Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes INGREDIENTS:

To bake, preheat oven to 350?F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. On piece of wax or parchment paper, pour a line of turbinado sugar for coating dough log. In small bowl, combine egg white and water. Remove dough from freezer, brush lightly with egg wash, and roll in turbinado sugar pressing gently to adhere. Transfer dough to cutting board and slice with a sharp knife into rounds just less than 1/2-inch thick. Place dough rounds on prepared baking sheets. Bake until edges are light golden and cookies are just set, 14-15 minutes total. Let cool on baking sheets briefly, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

RSun-dried oasted Potatoes with Tomato Butter

• 1 cup (2 sticks) organic unsalted butter, at room temperature

Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Yield: 4 servings

• 2/3 cup organic granulated sugar


• 2 large organic egg yolks • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

• 3 organic russet potatoes, cut into 1-inch thick wedges

• 2 1/4 cups organic all-purpose flour

• 2 tablespoons organic extra-virgin olive oil

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• Salt to taste

• 3/4 cup dried cranberries

• 1/2 cup (1 stick) organic butter, softened

• 3/4 cup pistachios, coarsely chopped

• 2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes

For decorating:

• 1 tablespoon fresh chives, chopped

• 3/4 cup organic coarse sparkling sugar


For the cookies:

• 1 large organic egg white mixed with 1 tablespoon water DIRECTIONS: In bowl of electric mixer, combine butter and sugar. Beat on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes. Blend in egg yolks one at a time, and vanilla extract. With mixer on low speed, add flour and salt until incorporated and a thick dough forms. Mix in cranberries and pistachios on low speed just until evenly incorporated. Gather dough together and split into two even portions. Transfer each to a piece of parchment paper. Form into log about 1 3/4-inches in diameter. Roll dough tightly in parchment paper and twist the ends to seal. Transfer dough logs to freezer and chill until very firm, at least 2-3 hours


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In 9x13-inch baking dish, arrange potato wedges in even layer. Drizzle with oil and season with salt. Roast about 1 hour, or until tender on the inside, and nicely browned on top. Meanwhile, place butter and sun-dried tomatoes in bowl of food processor. Pulse until combined. Season with salt. Remove potatoes from oven and immediately spread sundried tomato butter over top; garnish with chives. Serve potatoes with any remaining butter. Recipes and recipe photos selected from the website:


BTestimonial aker Chiropractic I Couldn’t Take The Shoulder Pain Any Longer. Now, I Have Almost Full Range of Motion and No Pain

I was given a plan to have 3 adjustments per week for 3 months. After the first couple weeks I made some decent progress and was very happy with how things were going. Dr. Knuckles had told me that shoulders were tricky at the beginning and that it will take a while to see some good progress. The next couple weeks, honestly and frankly, were not so good. I didn’t think I was making any more progress, and at times thought I was going backwards. The range of motion was staying the same and the pain had actually increased a little. Dr. Knuckles could tell I was getting a little irritated and depressed. He reminded me again this is part of the process, it will get better. Well he was right.

Dr. Garrett Knuckles and Tim V.

The last 3 or 4 weeks of my treatments I have seen steady improvement in range of movement and very little pain. I almost feel back to normal now at the end of my treatments, having almost full range of motion and no pain.

In the spring of 2017, I started a project in my backyard. While working on that project I injured my right shoulder.

Dr. Garrett Knuckles and the entire staff at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness were very professional and kind, always making every visit a positive experience. I will recommend them to all my friends and family and will definitely be back for regular treatments.

At first I didn’t think much of it, although I couldn’t raise my arm above my shoulder. I thought it was just soreness and getting older catching up to me.

– Tim V.

The problem persisted for a few more weeks and became very painful if I moved my shoulder in almost any direction. It was getting worse rather than getting better and I was also having trouble sleeping with this condition. I was stubborn and let it go for a few months, just dealing with the pain. I finally couldn’t take it any longer. After experiencing going through hernia surgery the year before and dealing with my insurance and a high deductible, I decided to try chiropractor care instead of going to see my regular doctor and an orthopedic doctor. At first I was a little skeptical. After my first couple visits and my examination/evaluation by Dr. Garrett Knuckles, I was still a little skeptical but thought it best to give it a try. Man, was I glad I did.


If you or someone you know is having to live with any type of pain, stiffness or discomfort, please contact us by calling (513) 759-4666 or schedule an appointment at any time on our website by visiting We will help!

Ease Into Your New Year Fitness Resolution by Baker Chiropractic With the New Year quickly approaching, many will rush to renew their commitment to physical fitness, and that is to be commended. One of the most

Dec / Jan 2018

important factors in natural health is participating in a regular exercise program.

firm, strengthen and stretch as you regain vitality. In 2018, don’t subscribe to a “zero to 60″ fitness routine. Avoid start-up injuries, which can unnecessarily derail your zest to regain vitality. Consider regular chiropractic care as a complement to your exercise regimen, helping to keep your body balanced and on track.

However, when we allow our gym routine to slide, rededicating and restarting a physical fitness program too quickly and too intensely provides the perfect situation for injury. Why? Overused muscles can lead to injury and scar tissue, restricting motion and causing pain.

Here’s to finding fitness this year—not this week or this month.

Slow and Steady Whenever renewing your commitment to exercise, avoid expectations of attaining fitness “this week” or even “this month.” Listen to your body. Plod rather than race to fitness. Allow joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments time to adapt to the challenge and they will. When you’re patient, chances are your body will

If you or someone you know is having to live with any type of pain, stiffness or discomfort, please contact us by calling (513) 759-4666 or schedule an appointment at any time on our website by visiting We will help!

Enlightening, Adjusting and Saving Lives Enjoy Winter Activities, with New Vitality, Flexibility and Live Pain Free with the Baker Chiropractic Team! BACK PAIN ANALYSIS & TREATMENT PLAN • Back Pain Consultation • Pain Exam & Assessment • Explanation & Diagnosis of your back pain • Pinched Nerve Evaluation • Back Pain Treatment Plan ALL THIS FOR ONLY $25! Act Now To Get Your Appointment...

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Does not include xrays. Exp. 1/31/18

Be sure to check out our many helpful books on health and Chiropractic care, available through Amazon


Infinity 858-6700

West Chester 759-4666

Cincinnati 561-2273

15 Dr. Patrick Baker, D.C.

Dr. Paul Baker, D.C.

The Way Forward

by Cynthia M. Brown

I have spent a great deal of time in the last year thinking about the road not taken in my life. Hindsight is always, regrettably 20/20, so they say. I am not one for regrets, generally but after being hit by a car last fall, I spent four months in bed with books, bad television and a lot of time to think. I thought about writing down the different ways my life might look if i had made different choices. What if I had taken that recording opportunity when I was 16; or the second one offered when I was 30? What if I had said yes and married that wealthy guy back in college? What if I had finished my degree at 22 and taught high school English? There were, obviously reasons why I did not make


those choices…. I decided not to write them down because I will never really know what my life might have been. It would be an exercise of fancy.. Not even fantasy because I am not unhappy with where I am. I mean, of course, I wish I had not had cancer, or sepsis, or been hit by a car…..but, generally, I am happy with my life. I have a wonderful partner, a great stepson. I am, all things considered, generally, pretty healthy I enjoy my job; I have a nice home, a new car…… Not bad. What I have begun thinking about lately is the future. What do I want my sixties and seventies to look like? Where do I want to be, professionally, creatively, personally? I have always tried to do the

Dec / Jan 2018

right thing. I have tried to make the world a better place. I have tried to create beauty, foster peace and understanding. So as I age, what does this mean for me and my life and the people I care about? I do not have all the answers but I am certain of a few things. I do not believe digital relationships and communication will ever bear fruit or authenticity. I do not believe global anything except peace is a worthy cause. I believe small really is beautiful; small towns, small houses, small circles of friends and family. I believe less is more in every respect; things, pride and privilege. I believe honor and trust are the only true currency between humans and al other creatures. So, as the holidays begin, I am thinking about the future. I want my life to be quiet, populated with the few friends and family I deeply know, love and trust. I want the clutter of things, the noise and pervasiveness of digital media to recede. I want more time to be quiet, to create, to reflect and to celebrate the small miracles of each day with someone I deeply love and respect. I will not make a resolution but I will make a promise to strive for these things for my future, each and every day because the truth is, the future begins each and every morning and is mercilessly chased into the past each nightfall. I want to be present, fully and intentionally each day. That is the only future any of us can actually know and I intend to relish mine. Happy holidays and a blessed, smaller and simpler and fulfilling New Year.

About the Author: Cynthia M. Brown is a culinary genius and midwife of the local food revolution. She has experience in building local food systems, writing and editing services, and workshop design and planning. Cynthia can be reached at 740-285-7136 or by email at


cmb Consulting •Building Local Food Systems •Writing and Editing Services •Workshop Design and Planning Teaching in writing, food preparation and sustainable home/business food planning

Cynthia M. Brown Culinary Genius & Midwife of the Local Food Revolution 740-285-7136

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“Infinity Health Magazine”


The Sounds of Silence by Jill Mattson In snow country, winter brings a season of soft, deep and wonder-filled silence. The snow absorbs sounds, creating silence that feels juicy, thick and almost “holy”. Think to the Christmas carol, Silent Night. Yet, many find comfort with constant noise. The TV endlessly talks. Lawn mowers, traffic and more… continually add noise. We are used to constant soundchatter. Do we escape silence to avoid feeling alone or vulnerable? Do we hide from our feelings and innermost thoughts? To a screaming mind, silence is unbearable, but silence has gifts for us to explore. A Hindu Master, Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji, reflects that in silence there are no quarrels. Silence lies beyond the realm of judgment. Silence is peace. True silence occurs when the mind is still. In silence there are no questions. Creativity begins with silence. True friends communicate best in silence. Spiritual leaders have long revered silence: • “Silence is the altar of God.”1 • “Be still and know that I am God.”2 • “When we go into the inner chamber and shut the door to every sound that comes from life without, then the voice of God will speak to our soul.” 3 How ironic, the deepest silence is full of a world of sounds (that we don’t hear with our ears). Mystics profess that as one journeys towards enlightenment, a series of subtle, internal sounds may be heard in silence. People have professed to hear in silence the: • Pounding of the surf of the sea • Humming of bees • Tinkling of soft bells • Ringing of soft bells • Chirping of crickets


• Babbling water of a brook • Rumbling of thunder • Roaring of a lion • Blowing of a conch shell • Gong of a big drum • Strings of a harp • Tone of a flute • Sound of bag pipes • Absence of all sound4

The Bible also refers to this inner hearing: “And I heard the voice from heaven. Like the sound of many waters, like the sound of loud thunder, the voice I heard was like the sounds of harpers playing on their harps.”5 Focused inner listening reveals a subtle chorus of inner sounds. The ability to perceive these subtle inner sounds can be developed. How do you hear the “jewels” of silence? Focus attention on a sound that is nearby. Next, adjust your hearing to listen to a sound that is far away. Continue changing your listening focus, going back and forth. This eventually creates a high pitched sound, similar to a ringing sound in our ears. (Tinnitus is not a common condition. Tinnitus usually results from inner ear damage. The little “sounds of silence” could be confused with tinnitus. With tinnitus someone hears the same pitch, volume and quality of sound all the time.) Another way to access “silence” sounds is to plug your ears and then listen carefully to subtle internal sounds. Find whatever means works best to block out extraneous sounds, such as using earplugs or placing a pillow over the ears.

Dec / Jan 2018

Alternatively, imagine that each sound you hear can be locked in an imaginary bag that completely muffles the sound. One by one put the sound of traffic, the refrigerator, an airplane flying overhead and so on into the sound tight bag. Let all these sounds go and then listen for the sound that comes from within yourself. Many sit quietly in meditation for quite some time before they perceive these subtle sounds. As they focus on slight sounds, they first hear their nervous or circulatory systems, heartbeat or other internal sounds. Internal sounds may be mechanical sounding, like a ringing in your ears, the white noise on TV or it could sound like nature…such as the ocean, crickets or rain. As you focus on internal sounds they become louder. Close your eyes and move into the sounds with your feelings. Allow sound to come around you, like a cloak. Sound is invasive and let it in! At first listen you may hear one sound, but with additional concentration notice that the tone is comprised of a multitude of softer and shorter frequencies. Just like a white light can be divided into a rainbow of frequencies, internal sounds divide into softer component pitches. Over time your internal sounds morph. What begins sounding like a cricket may end up ten minutes later resembling the sound of the ocean. I went through many months that I only heard crickets and then suddenly my internal sounds were similar to the howling of the wind. I loved playing with these sounds. I often replicated an internal sound, increasing the volume of my inner hearing and this also provided me with a sense of balance. Singing an octave below the pitch grounded me, giving me a feeling of solidity and power. Humming the octave above appeared to increase my intuition and connection to spirit. Many sages credit the proper use of sound with great wisdom. It offers profound spiritual growth and puts pilgrims on the spiritual fast-track. Below are quotes from a variety of spiritual disciplines, reflecting on the power of sound and our hearing abilities.

neither from the tongue nor the throat, Before that day I heard but dully, But now I have learned to listen to silence, To hear its choirs singing the songs of ages, Chanting the hymns of space, and disclosing the secrets of eternity.” (Kahlil Gibran) “While information and knowledge, the fruits of pursuing the light, provide relative peace and spiritual progress, they pale in comparison to the higher God attributes of truth, love, wisdom and freedom and power which the awakened Sound Current imbued within the sincere seeker of truth… These attributes are enlivened by bathing in the audible Life Stream.”6 (Sikh Guru Nanak) The winter sings to us in silence. These songs enhance our wonder, spiritual wisdom and abilities to listen to the still small voice and the huge world of inner sounds that we all possess within.

About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Free music & School of Sound Healing at __________ 1. Paramahansa Yogananda 2. Old Testament, Bible. 3. Hazrat Inayat Kan. Music of Life, Omega Publishing: New Lebanon, N.Y., 1983. 4. Van Dyke, Deborah. Traveling the Sacred Sound Current, Sound Current Music: Bowan Island, B.C. Canada, 2001, pg. 147. 5. Bible. Revelations 14:2.

“My Soul counseled me to listen for voices that rise


6. Sikh Guru Nanak


How to Stop Limiting Your Joy by Brian Eastman When Finding Joy Feels Like Trying to Fill a Bottomless Cup

A potential LIIFT client “Andi” was telling me about her frustration. “Objectively I can say I have a good life. Good marriage. Good kids. Stable, decent finances. But I’m unhappy. There’s no joy or satisfaction in my life.” Later that same week a new LIIFT client “George” told me about his struggles. “Every good thing I work for seems to get cut off or blown up just when things start to get going.” Both are finding frustration dealing with one aspect of how life works. LIIFT calls it the Upper Limit Problem. In this article I will explain the Upper Limit function and causes. And Then explore how its function is associated with Andi & George’s problems, and how to fix them. The Upper Limit Problem Here are two key LIIFT concepts which can explain both situations above: 1) Your Internal Operating Software, operated by your subconscious, governs what happens in your life. 2) Your Internal Operating Software “knows” how much good you are permitted to experience in each part of your life and it tries to keep you have from having any more. It accomplishes this through specific lines of computer code in the software. We call them Belief Statements.

questions of worthiness and deserving. For instance, a LIIFT session might have uncovered, “ I am unworthy to have a nurturing, loving partner,” and/or “I deserve to have only sadness and failure in my life.” The first Belief Statement we found with George was, “I wish I was dead.” Now, with LIIFT you never need to talk about what happened or why. We just repair the damage.. But George wanted to explain. “When I was six and my sister was eight, she died. And I’ve always wished that I could have died instead.” So as George lived his life, his subconscious was seeking to carry out its computer code by “killing off” anything good which might be life-affirming. So we changed that toxic Belief Statement to, “I want to live, I choose to live and I choose to live a happy, healthy life filled with abundant good things. Belief Statements and Andi’s Problem Basically, Andi was telling me that she can’t feel joy no matter how good her life is. During her LIIFT session we discovered she had three toxic Belief Statements which functioned to limit her ability to experience happiness and joy about her circumstances: -It is wrong to be happy and joyous. -It is dangerous to be happy and joyous. -If I get what I want they will take it from me. We got rid of those toxic beliefs and inserted the following in their place: -It is right, safe, OK and appropriate for me have a happy, joy-filled life and I do.

Belief Statements and George’s Problem

-When I get what I want, I get to keep it.

George’s problem – experiencing frequent disruptions to his attempts to attain the good things in life - is the more common situation though both come from the same root cause. But the source of a key toxic Belief Statement was unusual.

Where is your Internal Operating Software holding you back?

The more common belief issues often include


Chances are, you have some toxic Belief Statements in your own software. If you listen to your own thoughts you are likely to discover what some of them are. Or you can seek assistance from LIIFT or NMT

Dec / Jan 2018

practitioners, for example. Then you can identify appropriate positive Belief Statements to replace the toxic. Once you install the positive statements, watch how your life improves!

About the Author: Creator of the LIIFT healing process, Brian Eastman sees people in person, via Skype and phone in Ohio and Indiana He also conducts Group Healing Sessions and Family Healing Sessions. He also teaches the LIIFT Healing Process and leads LIIFT Prosperity Workshops. Contact Brian at 513.724.HEAL (4325) or

Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads Journey to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul by Melody Beattie Quote from the Book-”Cherish the winter, cherish its quietness, the time of going within to rest and heal.”

Feel Better Fast!

Journey of the Heart is a daily meditation book that reminds us not to take life too seriously. Melody Beattie invites you to embark on a journey with her, as she travels through the western part of the United States. She offers a reading for each day of her experiences and inspires us to learn that feeling every emotion can enable us to release fears. Fears that may be holding you back from the life that you have always wanted for yourself.

        Brian Eastman, LIIFT Practitioner 513 541 1257 - Offices in Cincinnati, West Chester, Dayton.


Melody guides us to stop the chatter in our head and listen to your heart, your heart sees more clearly. She advises the reader to listen to your inner voice and learn to trust yourself. Journey of the heart is a soulful book that will teach you to honor your feelings and help you to release passion into your life. This process can help you recognize what you like and what inspires you, leading you to discover which direction you choose to go in your life. Journey of the Heart by Melody Beattie is a recommended read and can be purchased at amazon. com


Wfrom hat You Can Learn Other People’s Regrets by Dr. Joeseph Mercola Regrets. We all have them — things said or done; things left unsaid or undone. Paths that weren’t followed; opportunities missed due to fear or insecurity. The list is long, but one of the biggest regrets in life reported by a large number of people is not being there for someone at the end of life.1 In other words, being too busy with “life” to tend to those near death. Interestingly, while a regret can be phrased either as an action or as an inaction (“I wish I had not quit high school,” versus “I wish I had stayed in high school”), regrets framed as actions tend to be more emotionally intense than regrets about inactions, but inactions tend to be longer lasting.2 Emma Freud, a columnist for The Guardian, recently explored themes of regret on social media, covering everything from relationships, work-life balance and personal passions, to addiction, illness and death. If you’re so inclined, you can take a look at some of the thousands of responses she received.3 Chances are, you’ll recognize yourself in some of them. Top Five Regrets of the Dying According to Bronnie Ware, a former palliative care nurse who ended up writing a book, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying,” based on her conversations with the dying, the biggest, most commonly cited regrets at the end of life are — beginning with the most common regret of all:4 1. Not having the courage to live a life true to oneself but rather doing what was expected 2. Working too much, thereby missing children’s youth and their partner’s companionship 3. Not having the courage to express one’s feelings 4. Not staying in touch with friends 5. Taking life too seriously and allowing worries to diminish happiness Ware goes a step further, however, in that she also


delves into solutions for these regrets — ways for you to avoid falling into the same traps. The No. 1 regret is a valuable reminder to not give up too many of your dreams to please others (or conform to conventional standards). “It is very important to try and honor at least some of your dreams along the way,” Ware says. “From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.” Living Life on Your Own Terms Is Key to Dying Without (Too Many) Regrets Virtually every man in Ware’s care listed No. 2: Missing out on family time because of excessive work. “All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence,” she writes, adding: “By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.” No. 4 is a closely related topic. Oftentimes we get so busy we forget to keep in touch with old friends, and over time the relationship fizzles out. Then, in old age, loneliness creeps in. It can be difficult to build a friendship at any age, but it certainly does not get easier with advancing age, when poor health starts limiting your ability to get out and about to socialize. As noted by Ware, love and relationships are usually the only things of true, remaining importance when the end of life draws near. As for No. 3, Ware notes that many “developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried” as a result of holding their feelings in and opting to keep quiet just to keep the peace. If you’re in this category, consider Ware’s commonsense advice: “We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it

Dec / Jan 2018

raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.” Last but not least, at the end of life, many finally realize that happiness is an inside job. It’s a choice, not a side effect of living any particular kind of life. “[Deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again,” Ware writes, wisely noting that once you’re on your deathbed, you will not be worrying about what others think of you, so why not choose happiness now, while you still have a lot of life left? The Importance of Relationships and SelfCare Longevity research strongly supports Ware’s overall findings. The same things that people report regretting are also the things centenarians “get right.” In interviews and surveys with centenarians,5 including the ones interviewed in “How to Live to 100,” two of the most important factors contributing to longevity are having a strong social network of family and friends, and keeping a sense of humor. The importance of social support has also been scientifically verified. An American meta-analysis6 of published studies found strong social support is actually the No. 1 factor that determines longevity and survival. The influence of social support on mortality is so great, it surpasses the influence of weight and even eclipses the influence of smoking. A 2012 article7 in Forbes Magazine listed 25 top regrets reported by people. Here — in addition to all of the regrets already listed — one of the biggest regrets was not standing up to bullies, be it in school or at work. In hindsight, many feel they should have spoken out and taken a firm stand, even at the risk of losing their job. Another regret that is bound to be pertinent for a vast majority of people these days is allowing the smartphone to take up too much of our time and attention. Related to that one is the regret of “not teaching my kids to do more stuff,” be it raking leaves, learning to throw a ball, cleaning their room, camping or any number of other activities. On this


list of regrets you also have “not taking care of my health when I had the chance.” Indeed, many pay no attention to their health at all unless or until there’s a problem. Unfortunately, by that time, you have a struggle ahead of you, as most health problems are far easier to prevent than they are to treat. Not to mention the emotional and financial strain and stress a chronic health problem can cause. At the end of life, many wish they’d made self-care a priority. Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you’ve not let self-care slide off your radar. Remember, some of the simplest lifestyle strategies can have tremendous impact, such as: • Getting sufficient amounts of sleep every night • Walking daily (preferably outdoors, in nature) and getting plenty of physical movement throughout the day • Meditating or regularly engaging in some form of stress relief • Limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields • Eating real food

At the End of Life, Most Wish They’d Lived More in the Moment Another common regret is regretting not living more in the moment. As constant connectivity via smartphones and other technologies increases, more and more people are bound to experience this regret at the end of their life as the years wear on. “Living in the now” is a major component of happiness, and a significant way to grow in gratitude, both of which also have an impact on health and longevity. It’s really difficult to cultivate gratitude if you’re constantly running; always looking ahead, or, alternatively, looking to the past. Gratitude requires you to be in the moment, and appreciate what’s in front of you right now. A commonly recommended practice that can be very helpful is to keep a daily gratitude journal. This can be done in a paper journal, (Continued on pg. 28)


(Continued from pg. 27)

or you can download a Gratitude Journal app from iTunes.8

you’ll come to the realization that happiness is in fact an ever-present choice.

In one 2015 study,9 participants who kept a gratitude diary and reflected on what they were grateful for four times a week for three weeks reported improvements in depression, stress and happiness. A mindfulness intervention, consisting of a mindfulness diary and mindfulness meditation, led to similar improvements. Remember, you tend to get more of what you focus on, so be mindful of the kinds of thoughts you entertain.

Mercola, J. “What You Can Learn From Other People’s Regrets” Retrieved November 20, 2017, from archive/2017/11/16/most-frequently-cited-regrets. aspx ____________________ 1, 3 The Guardian November 1, 2017 2 Business Insider January 1, 2016

Your brain can actually become “hardwired” to feel anxiety, depression, irritability or anger the longer and the more frequent such thoughts are allowed to persist. As noted by Robert Emmons in “The Little Book of Gratitude:” “Everything we do creates connections within networks of the brain, and the more you repeat something, the stronger those connections get. The mind can change the brain in lasting ways. In other words, what flows through the mind sculpts the brain.” If you struggle with pessimism, give the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a try. EFT is a form of psychological acupressure based on the energy meridians used in acupuncture. It’s an effective way to quickly restore your inner balance and healing and helps rid your mind of negative thoughts and emotions. In the video below, EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman demonstrates how to tap for gratitude. Your Life Is Your Own, Live It the Way You Want To The take-home message here is this: If you’re currently doing, or avoiding doing, something you know you’d regret if you only had weeks left to live, change course now. Don’t wait years or decades. Eventually, you’ll run out of time and be left holding a bag of regrets. Your life is your own — you’re the only one who can live it successfully, so follow your dreams and passions, and let go of unnecessary baggage and false limitations. At the end of your life, you’ll realize you don’t care about what other people think of you nearly as much as you believe today, and — if you’re like most —


4, Regrets of the Dying 5 WebMD July 29, 2008 6 PLOS Medicine July 27, 2010 7 Forbes October 18, 2012 8 Gratitude Journal app 9 J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Apr;21(4):243-5.

NChakra ew Year Cleansing in 7 Easy Steps

The stone designated for each chakra can cleanse and heal with clear and good intention, and can release any negativity. Below are good examples, but other stones can be used to align and heal the chakras. If stones are not available, visualize every color designated for each chakra. Remember to inhale and exhale slowly with each chakra. First Chakra is associated with the color red, however, Hematite helps to ground and stabilize the root chakra, at the base of spine. One may use a red stone, but either one will benefit the root chakra. Second Chakra is associated with the color orange. Carnelian is a great stone for the healing of the sacral chakra, which is below the navel, carnelian promotes confidence and courage.

Dec / Jan 2018

Third Chakra is associated with the color yellow Citrine can be used for the healing of the solar plexus, which is the stomach region. Citrine creates self-empowerment and awakens creativity and imagination.

Seventh Chakra is associated with the color purple Crystal Quartz clears and opens the crown chakra, connecting us to the Universal Life force.

Fourth Chakra is associated with the color green Rose Quartz is a soothing stone and helps with healing the heart chakra, purifying and opening the heart at all levels. Fifth Chakra is associated with the color blue Sodalite can be used for the throat chakra, healing all levels of communication. Sixth Chakra is associated with the color indigo Lapis is a great stone for opening the 3rd eye, it is located between the brows, lapis stimulates intuition and gives clarity.

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Dec / Jan 2018

•Religious Recovery •LIIFT 27-28 January - LIIFT Training Seminar. “Learn to Heal with LIIFT in just 2 Days Discover New Healing Methods & Network with Other Healers. Cincinnati Healers’ Gathering offers you free opportunities to create a Community of Healers while learning about the latest developments in healing modalities. Occurring monthly, these gatherings enable healers to discover and experience new healing processes. Healers will network, too, and give healings to one another. Introducing Health Network Center – a Healers’ hub connecting healers to new clients and clients to healers. Gatherings occur Tuesdays from 7-9 PM. Email brian. to receive updates and location information. Brian Eastman at 513.541.1257 -

•Meditation & Drumming Last Sunday Guided Meditation & Drumming, January 28th 1-3pm. Drumming Circle Newly forming co-ed drumming circle. Donations welcome. Come and join the fun! Don’t have a drum? Come anyway, one can be provided for you. Contact Patti Lightflower for more info. For more details email

•Mill’s Pharmacy Pranic Healing TM - Meditation and Healing Nights1st and 4th Mondays of the Month 6:30pm-8pm at Mills Pharmacy 640 Wessel Dr Fairfield OH. Donations welcome. Contact Tina Weisenberger for more information at 513-207-0875


Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at https://www.facebook. com/pages/Religious-Recovery/598915013454248.

•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)7919428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out www. or


2018 Foundations in Hypnosis Training and Certification Course Jason Parker, PhD, MHt Whether you are a novice or advanced practitioner, layperson, academic, or medical professional, this course is designed to give you the tools you need to create positive and lasting change.

Date: March 4 - 9, 2018

Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Upcoming Conferences Venue: Virginia Beach Headquarters – Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451 • Contact: Conference Registrar 800-333-4499

A.R.E. Professional Life Coach Certificate Training Peter Woodbury MSW Become a transpersonal Life Coach and help change lives for the better! This weeklong program focuses on body, mind, and spirit as you learn how to guide clients into physical, mental, and spiritual wellness and help them stay motivated on their spiritual and professional path. Taught by psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, regressionist, and life coach Peter Woodbury, MSW. Certificate awarded.

Date: April 15 - 20, 2018

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