Infinity August / September 2014

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Pursue the Secret

Chambers of Eternal Health

Discover More Brain Power

The Power of Affirmations

Create Simplicity In Your Lifestyle Aug / Sept 2014 A Health & Wellness Publication Magazine Vol. 57 Southwest Ohio’s Leading Health Magazine

L etter from the editor Dear Readers,

In the mist, there is a clearing of all that has been unseen. Keeping your perspective is key to focus on your dreams, whatever they may be. There may be a cloud or two in the sky, but the storms are behind you now. The end of summer indicates a time of serenity, peacefulness, a time to let go of all that hindered you. Find solace with those who stand with you and not against you. Allow time for healing, it begins within, the core of your being will be well nourished as the seasons change, so do we.

Welcome to Infinity Welcome readers to Infinity magazine’s August/September issue. This issue is packed full of innovative ways to improve one’s quality of life. Read valuable information and proven methods that will enrich, enhance and create a healthy lifestyle. Be inspired, with each article, let Infinity magazine guide you every step of the way to improve your well being physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are committed to bring to you the latest in health and wellness technology, and we will continue to keep you updated on exciting events throughout the year. The Infinity staff would like to thank all our readers, writers, and supporters that make each issue possible. Celebrate Labor Day, September 1st, relax and refresh, and enjoy the simplicity of the season.


Splendid opportunities await you; outline and define what best suits you and you will discover profound success.

Infinity Magazine is dedicated to those individuals who are searching for a healthier, alternative way to enrich their lives while embracing the sacred healing heart within.

Walk on your path with encouragement and empowerment, both vital to your soul’s journey.

Contacting Infinity

Travel light, with no expectations of the outcome and your transformation between space and time within a parallel universe will catch you by surprise. You will have everything you have ever asked for. Dare to dream! Every star in the sky will connect you to a place of heaven on earth! In every sequence of time, there can be moments of pure bliss! Let it fill your cup and drink it in, happiness is what you make it. Yours in health,

Jane Phillips Editor in Chief Publisher

866-243-6900 “Infinity Health Magazine” on Facebook 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036

Editor in Chief / Publisher Jane Phillips Creative Director & Design Nina Covington Executive Assistant to the Editor Michael McAdams Editorial Consultant Cynthia M Brown Advice Columnist Sage Woman Associate Graphic Designer Debbie Limpach Infinity is under copyright by Sedna Marketing LLC. 2005

On the cover: Pick of the Season! The taste of summer is sometimes best represented by nature’s sweet treat. The beautiful hue of these golden peaches with the sunlight filtering through steals the show as the season of summer’s favorite fruit!

Cover Photo Courtesy: Nina Covington Infinity is a bi-monthly publication designed to promote health, and natural well-being. The information in Infinity is not intended as medical advice, and should not replace the advice of your physician. Infinity is not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or misinformation.


Signature Profile

4 Modern Day Mind Control by William Molitor 6 You Are Loved by Charmian Redwood 8 Against the Odds by Kathy Vaske 9 Stress, Autoimmune Disease, and Neuroplasticity by Ken Routson 10 Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or Just Plain Memory Loss? by Dr. Paul F. Fulk 12 Simplicity by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger 14 Author’s Spotlight: Recommended Reads 14 Baker Chiropractic Testimonial 16 Ask Sage Woman: Spiritual Advice for the Real World by Sage Woman 17 You Might Be In Need... by Pastor Wayne Holmes 18 Peaches Sweetly Nutritional 19 Recipes 20 Edgar Cayce on the Interconnectedness of Humankind by Kevin J. Todeschi 21 Herbs are Not Drugs by Bill Schook 22 For All Sincere Seekers of Truth by Michael McAdams 24 Did You Know? Powerful Healing Herbs & Spices 25 Core Exercises for the Mind & Body by Lisa Gerard 26 The Spider’s Music by Jill Mattson 28 Bi-monthly Horoscopes by Mary Bauer 30 Eternal Knowledge: Events & Classes

Feel the Power of Affirmations by John Van Auken

Of all the wonderful guidance to come through Edgar Cayce’s attunement to the Universal Consciousness, using an affirmation is unique. Affirmations can help us change our mind, mood, and health, and reach new levels of awareness and happiness. He gave over a hundred affirmations to people seeking physical, mental, or spiritual help. From his perspective, an affirmation is an ideal structured in a potently suggestive statement. He instructed us to speak (aloud or silently) the affirmation, being sure to maintain a consciousness of the meaning of the words, and to speak it with a positive, expectant attitude, until the whole of our mental being was affected positively by the meaning. He suggested that the affirmation be repeated three to five times, but the goal was to achieve a “full, positive response” from the mental portion of our being. Try this. It works. I have selected three of Cayce’s affirmations, which are at the end of this article. The first one was intended to take hold of desires, needs, and attitudes that we all experience in life and move them to a higher, more universally attuned condition, resulting in greater harmony and happiness in our lives. After sharing this affirmation, Cayce sharply instructed the person to “leave it with Him” rather than to keep wondering and doubting in anxious waiting for immediate results. He wanted people to feel the power of the affirmation in their mental self and then let it go free. The reason for this, he explained, was that the “unseen forces” are more powerful than the seen and work in a special way. The unseen forces work best when we have faith in them, a demonstrated faith shown by allowing them to work their magical way through our bodies, minds, hearts, and lives. He said that the spirit of patience, expectancy, and continued on pg. 4

continued from pg. 3

contentment are fertile soil from which the unseen forces can bring forth their miracles. The second affirmation was designed to help a person find the best way to be a channel of blessings to others. Cayce explained that the phrase “my going in and my coming out” (taken from Exodus 28:35) is speaking about going in to the Holy Place within us, where God meets with us, and coming out from the Holy Place to relationships with others and our outer work. The going in is mostly done during sleep, prayer, meditation, and moments of reflection and stillness. The third affirmation was designed to connect us with what Cayce called “the Christ Consciousness,” a state of mind and perspective that best channels the power of light and love into and through us — an excellent state to experience. “Let my desire and my needs be in Your hands, You [are the] Maker, [the] Creator of the universe and all the forces and powers therein! And may I conform my attitude, my purpose, my desire, to that You have as an activity for me. And leave it with Him, and go to work!” — 462-8 “Lord, here am I! Use me in the ways You know as best. May my going in and my coming out always be acceptable in Your sight, my Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer.” — 2803-3 “Let that Mind be in me that was in Him, who knew that of Himself He could do nothing, yet in the power of the light of the Father of all may we, may I, may all, come to know His love the better. Your will, O Father, be done in me just now.” — 436-3

About the Author: John Van Auken is a director at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., and one of the organization’s most popular speakers, traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad to address audiences on the body-mindspirit topics found in the Edgar Cayce readings. He is an acknowledged expert on the Cayce readings, the Bible, ancient prophecies, world religions, meditation, and ancient Egypt. He is the author of many bestselling books including From Karma to Grace, 2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy, and the new Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You.


Modern Day

Mind Control

How You Can Learn to Tap into 99% More Brain Power

by William L. Molitor, BCH, CI Imagine that you had the ability to help influence another person’s subconscious mind because you knew how to use hypnosis. Consider what you may change in your own life with that knowledge. Just like you, many of my students, to include myself, have had these exact same thoughts. Think about for a moment why the use of professional hypnosis has results that seem to be instant. You may even personally know someone who had fought for years to stop a bad habit such as nail biting, smoking or over eating and because of hypnosis they were able to make the rapid and permanent change that they wanted, or perhaps someone who had struggled with anxieties, fears or phobias achieved these same results just as quickly. These rapid and permanent changes were possible because trained hypnotists know how to work at the subconscious level, and here is why that is important: modern science shows that your senses receive about 12 million bits of information every second. At the conscious level you can only process about 40 bits of information per second. The remaining information is processed subconsciously. That creates a ratio of about 99.999 percent subconscious processing, to 0.001 percent actual conscious thinking. Numerous studies have shown that the information you receive “under the radar” of your conscious mind has a powerful effect on your behaviors. Let’s be perfectly clear, these two parts of your mind are quite different, and both are necessary for you to be fully functional. However, they are uniquely specialized in their capabilities as well as the way in which they process your life’s experiences. Scientific studies have shown that the conscious mind is the analytical, decision making part of your mind. The subconscious mind is the habitual part, that is to say that it responds with learned behavioral responses that have become associated with a particular

Aug / Sept 2014

situation. Your conscious mind sets goals, judges results and is limited to processing between 1 and 3 events at once, or as mentioned above, about 40 bits of information per second. Your subconscious mind can process thousands of events at once, and MILLIONS of bits of information per second (for example, monitoring all body functions). The conscious mind thinks abstractly and has a memory of about 20 seconds. The subconscious, on the other hand, is very literal and is where your long term memory, attitudes, values, and BELIEFS are housed. As you can see just from its processing capacity alone, the subconscious mind plays a powerfully important role in your life. It is nearly impossible for you to achieve a goal if you are holding subconscious beliefs that are in conflict with your goal, no matter what it is. Even if you do achieve it, the subconscious will usually find or create a way to sabotage your success. Your subconscious programming takes over the instant your conscious mind becomes distracted and stops paying full attention. The fact is, as adults, we spend most of our time reacting to life rather than consciously creating it. Fortunately, there are many ways to change your beliefs at the subconscious level. The use of professional hypnosis has been shown in many studies to be the fastest.

State registered school’s such as the Tri-State Hypnosis Center here in Cincinnati, Ohio helps to meet that demand with hypnosis certification courses as well as advanced hypnotherapy training. This type of training is for individuals who want to improve the quality of their own lives and/or help others improve theirs. Regardless of what your ambitions are in your life today, whether it is professional or personal improvement, knowing yourself (i.e. what is stored in your subconscious mind) can always render helpful and useful results no matter what questions or dreams you may have.

About the author: William L Molitor BCH, CI, is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Hypnosis Instructor, Hypnotherapist, and the Director of the Tri-State Hypnosis Center an Ohio State Registered School for Hypnosis and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training located in Cincinnati Ohio. He is certified by and is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). For information or to contact William Molitor, call (513) 943-1444 or email

A Survey of Psychotherapy Literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD., as early as the 1970s, revealed the following recovery rates:

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Type of therapy | Number of sessions | Recovery rates Hypnotherapy



Behavior therapy






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This is why hypnosis, although not yet considered mainstream, is gaining in popularity all over the world. The demand for hypnotists in the United States is at an all-time high. Blue Cross of California, Florida and Minnesota, to name a few, have started Hypnotherapy Networks. Some Mayo Clinic’s are openly using hypnosis as a treatment. As the demand for professional hypnosis increases the demand for qualified well trained hypnotist is also on the rise.


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You Are Loved

by Charmian Redwood

You are loved, loveable and a blessing to this Earth. Who Me? You’re kidding.

you will see a lot of touching, licking, holding and snuggling together to sleep.

In my twenty year practice as a hypnotherapist the most common issues which hold people back from living their full potential are lack of self worth and self doubt. As little children we were told that we were naughty if we followed our own wishes, needs, desires instead of being instantly obedient. Many of us were raised by a generation of parents who set great store by obedience and duty and were not given to physical affection and nurturing. For many the attitude was,

So what went wrong with the human story. We were put in plastic cribs and separated from our mothers within hours of birth and were left to cry with no response from our caregivers. The effect of this was a deep sense of insecurity which makes it very difficult for us in adult life to have healthy relationships.

“Well I gave birth to you, what more do you want?” We were not given the nurturing or the affection which all beings need to thrive. If you watch animals with their newborn or their young ones 6

We either give too much of ourselves away and become people pleasers in the hope that by constantly giving we will eventually find someone who will give to us. Wrong! We just attract people who constantly take and leave us empty. Alternatively we put up walls between ourselves and those who we are in relationship with so Aug / Sept 2014

that we don’t get hurt but then we live in an emotional twilight zone where we never feel that intimacy which we crave. As a child we make choices in order to survive so if a parent is angry with us we either become passive or rebellious, either of these choices enable us to stay alive but neither are healthy as an adult. We put up with abusive behavior because as a child that was how we stayed alive. Or we are constantly battling against some “enemy” who is trying to control us, we project our controlling mother or father onto those closest to us, usually a partner. These responses cause much harm in our relationships and our success in the world. So what can we do about this? Begin today with a program of self-nurturing and re-parent yourself to give yourself the touch, the nurturing, the closeness that you didn’t receive as a child. I use hypnotherapy to guide people back to their childhood to reclaim the child or baby who felt abandoned and alone. We go to connect with the inner child and form a relationship with him/ her as if he/she were our own child, as if it was a son or a daughter. It is not possible to have an emotionally healthy relationship with anyone else until you have learned to love and to take care of yourself. So imagine that you are building a room in your heart for your inner child to live in, put into it whatever would be your dream room. Take time to create it, to put in furniture, toys, animals or anything that would make your inner child feel safe and loved. Then imagine yourself in the room with yourself as a child and talk to him/her every day. Tell him how much you love him, tell him that you are sorry it has taken you so long to come and find him but that now you have been reunited he can stay in this room in your heart forever and never be alone again. Everyday take time to go into this room to visit with your inner child, ask what he/ she would like to do today. Does he/ she need to play, to receive touch, to get a massage, to walk in the park?


Whatever program went into your unconscious from your childhood memory, that nobody cares, nobody hears you, you are not important or worthy, is affecting your experience as an adult. Whatever you believe about yourself, about life, about the world you live in determines the experience that comes into your life. If you believe that to be in a body is to be in a hostile world where nobody cares for you then that is exactly what will show up in your life. “As you believe, so shall you receive.” Or as Jesus said “It is done to you as you believe.” So change the program, change your life. Change your beliefs and your life will change. It all starts with you. Your life now is a reflection of the beliefs that you created as a child and those beliefs can be changed. I have seen very dramatic life changes in my clients when we go into the memories of childhood or past lives to see what the program or belief was and changed it. Nothing is fixed, what was put in can easily be taken out so begin today.

Charmian offers hypnosis sessions working with the inner child, past lives, anxiety, depression, confidence and achieving goals. She can be reached at

z On the Wings of Love å Charmian Redwood Charmian is an author, teacher, channel, healer and mystic. She uses a combination of hypnosis and channeling to guide clients to the heavenly realms to meet themselves as God Presence and to connect with their master guides and teachers. Be amazed with this life changing experience and find out who you really are, and why you are here.

To book a session by phone, or in person call 808-344-9932 or email 7

Against the Odds by Kathy Vaske

When we find ourselves up against the wall for time or to make a decision, that is the time to slow down and take a deep breath and to reassess the situation. Our first inclination at that time is to speed up and go as fast as we can to resolve the situation at any cost, because it makes us uncomfortable to feel that we don’t have control over everything. When we stop long enough to really think about things we often find there is very little in our lives that are under our control. Most of the time we have to take it on faith that our jobs will continue, that we will be able to maintain our lifestyle that we have become used to, that our health will continue to be there for us. We must remember to take whatever time is needed to feel the energy of the situation at hand and then to follow it out to it’s natural progression into the future and see if that is really something we want to live with or maybe it’s time to settle back in and give spirit a little more time to work on things. We can’t always see what spirit has in store for us in the future so we sometimes try to make things happen and then we regret having pushed so hard to get what we thought we wanted. When we just hold our nose and jump into things we almost always forget to take into account the little things that trip us up later that we may wind up having to live with for years to come. Spontaneity has it’s place but living with the consequences of the long term outcome can be really tough. Tough decisions that may have long term consequences may be the time to seek out the insight needed from someone you trust that can be impartial about the whole thing you find yourself dealing with. That person will not have the emotional tie to the situation and can be a lot clearer on what you really need to do next. Throwing caution to the wind and just going for it almost never gets us the outcome we are hoping for. Overcoming our own impulsive, immature nature at times can be a challenge but it can bring us kicking and screaming all the way into our full potential in life being realized. How many of us has not done something or made a decision on the spur of the moment that we wind up having to live with the consequences of it for years to come, and


that in hindsight, we could have done much better for ourselves? Remember that taking whatever time is needed to really think things through before making a life altering change that may not only affect ourselves but others around us will always be our best bet. We can not allow ourselves to feel that the people we have learned to depend on do not love and support us just because they will not buy into our dream at the moment or do not have the same vision for our lives that we have. Learning to stand on our own two feet and being entirely responsible for ourselves is the greatest lesson life has to teach us. These are hard lessons to learn but we can not expect to be able to pass on these attributes to our children unless we have already learned them ourselves. Taking the time to nurture ourselves and being sure our own needs are met first is the best way to be sure we can be there to take care of the other people in our lives that we love, when they need us the most. Special through the end of Sept. 2014 - Get ready for the Holidays! Buy a 1 hr. psychic reading at regular price & get a free hypnosis session that keeps you from being hungry while you drop the pounds. Must mention this ad when booking the appointment. Not good with any other offer. Expires Sept. 28th 2014. Psychic readings by appointment daily both in person and by phone with Kathy Vaske, psychic and angel clairvoyant.

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Call (513)218-8448 Aug / Sept 2014

Stress, Autoimmune Disease, and Neuroplasticity byKen Routson Autoimmune diseases are ranked number one cause of heart disease, cancer and all diseases’. While taking care of his mom with Alzheimer’s, Ken Routson noticed similar characteristics of autism. This inspired him to do research that resulted in writing, “The Gifts of Autism and Alzheimer’s.” This book also explores the strong possibilities that long-term chronic stress, a lifetime of emotional instability, and “resisting life” all play a major role in damaging the immune system, consequently perhaps causing Alzheimer’s. Gabor Mate, M.D. wrote in his book, “When the Body Says No”, that Alzheimer’s is on the spectrum of autoimmune conditions where the body’s immune system turns against self. Also that, Alzheimer’s disease is a good example of how an overtaxed immune response may lead to tissue destruction and neuronal loss instead of maintaining the integrity of the body. Similarly, Gifts, reveals how the relationship between a chronically elevated stress response and an overactive immune system may result in the epigenetic causations of autism. Dr. Robert Melillo, an internationally known lecturer, author, educator, researcher, and clinician in the areas of neurology, rehabilitation, neuropsychology, and neurobehavioral disorders in children says in his book, Autism: “Where there is chronic stress, there is usually inflammation, and where there are both, there most likely is a brain imbalance. Inflammatory chronic illness and autoimmune disperse diseases are part and parcel of an immune system out of balance.” Research shows the ramifications of inflammation with Alzheimer’s and the abnormal levels of the stress hormone cortisol that are present in children with autism and persons with Alzheimer’s. Finally this thought-and feeling provoking book “gifts” conveys hope for prevention and perhaps future cures with the new progressive science of neuroplasticity and epigenetics. Dr. Joe Dispenza claims that “the gift of neuroplasticity


(the brain’s ability to rewire and create new circuits at any age as a result of input from the environment and our conscious intentions) is that we can create a new level of mind. There’s a sort of neurological “out with the old in with the new,” a process that neuroscientists call pruning and sprouting. It’s what I call unlearning and learning, and it creates the opportunity for us to rise above our current limitations and to be “greater than our conditioning or circumstances.” On October 22 Ken and his spiritual partner, Leslie Stewart, who channels Orion-a collective consciousness similar to Seth and Abraham, will be collaborating to conduct a seminar on Stress, autoimmune disease and neuroplasticity. The seminar will be held in Lebanon. Orion and Ken will be discussing the causes, prevention as well as the epigenetics and neuroplasticity of autoimmune disease.

For further information on seminar call 513.942.3009 or email Ken at You may find Ken’s book through or at www. Info on Orion:

Stress, Autoimmune Disease and Neuroplasticity Mini-seminar facilitated by Orion (similar to Seth & Abraham), and Ken Routson

October 22 from 7-9pm Cost: $25 Call 513.942.3009


Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or

Just Plain Memory Loss? by Paul F. Fulk, D.C.,


You may have asked the question, What causes it to happen? I have examined many patients over the last 37 years when I asked them a question such as, “do you go from one room to another in your house looking for something and when you arrive there you suddenly forgot what you went after. Then you return to where you started and still unable to recall what it was that you went after. Is this an early clue that some of your memory is failing or is there a biochemical reason why you cannot remember such a simple thing? If you are over fifty years of age and maybe even earlier years, this can become very disturbing. There are a number of concepts why this happens which later develops into a thing called dementia. When this becomes advanced they call it Alzheimer’s disease. There are a number of stages people go through as memory and function deteriorates. The moderate stage involves memory loss and confusion. There is a problem recognizing family members, repeating stories, difficulty with doing anything that requires multiple steps like getting dressed and lack of concern for personal hygiene and appearance. The severe state is characterized by inability to recognize oneself or family members, inability to communicate, unfortunately the lack of bowel and bladder control and needing help with all activities of daily living. The medical approach to treating Alzheimer’s disease is with three different drugs. None of these drugs correct the problem or symptoms. Eventually the Alzheimer patient will pass away for lack of organ functions. I generally don’t get to treat these patients because they end up in a nursing home where the medics take priority in treating them. I have only had one Alzheimer patient that I had the opportunity to see and take care of with the cooperation of the nursing home relative to the patient’s diet and supplements.


The patient was brought into my office in a straight jacket. The straight jacket was to prevent the patient from opening the door of the car and jumping out. Obviously this prevented him from doing any such thing. At the time I did all my own blood drawing, but in this case I could not get any blood out of his arm. But I could get it out of his finger. I have a darkfield microscope in my office so I could view a blood sample from his finger, which I did. Only one other time have I ever seen blood that was so saturated with candida albicans. Which is a yeast bacteria that belongs in the small intestine. There was very little space between the red and white blood cells. The man, whose blood I was looking at, had not talked or communicated with anyone for four years. Getting candida albicans back where it belongs, in the small intestine, required the full cooperation of the nursing home for this patient. Unbeknownst to the nursing home that when this man achieved the level of wellness where he would once again become “normal” and would have the ability to communicate, which he had not been able to do for four years. He proceeded to tell me all the things that he had experienced while he was unable to communicate. The stories he related to me would have put someone in jail. The mother and daughter were ready to take him home to live a very normal life. Unfortunately he “suddenly” developed kidney failure and died. It was hypothecated that he had was given an overdose of diuretics which shut his kidneys down. Needless to say, the nursing home lost their license and are no longer in business. The wife and daughter made sure they would never be able to treat anyone in the future. From all the events that I experienced with this patient, even it was only one patient, it proved to me that candida albicans in the blood is a “bad apple” and does not belong there. It’s function is a good one in the small intestine. Like E-coli bacteria is a “good guy” in the large intestine where it belongs. Believe it or not, E-coli bacteria and acidophilus will produce vitamin B12 in the large intestine. You do not want E-coli bacteria to get in your throat, it will kill you. One observation I have seen is that Candida Albicans in the blood stream causes a reduction in your

Aug / Sept 2014

Celebrating 26 Years! triglycerides which feed the brain with the necessary nutrients that produces memory. The exhaustion of the adrenal glands can also be a another factor to the memory loss. Many years ago there was a vitamin called DMG (dimethyglycine) that was developed to maintain a constant blood sugar level. It does exactly that and helps the memory levels. Very little of the research is geared toward finding a “cause” of Alzheimer’s disease. The three drugs that are used to treat the “disease” do not work, but some of the medical community believe they have been told that they “help.” If the cause for the disease were found, no more funding would be available for all who are associated with the Alzheimer’s group. Just like with cancer. Even though Dr. Tullio Simoncini from Italy proved that candida albicans causes cancer. There are drugs that will “kill” candida, which you do not want to do. In Germany they have been using enzymes to starve it out of the blood stream for more than sixty years. Dr. Simoncini has been using baking soda to destroy malignant tumors successfully. I have discovered that getting candida out of the blood stream and back in the small intestine stops lymphomas and leukemias. We need to wake up America and not become slaves to Big Pharma. Our future is going to depend on our staying Healthy not just treating SICK people. When I was lecturing in Europe, they said to me “you don’t want what we have for healthcare.” So their whole emphasis was on staying healthy. Call my office if you want to know how this is done, 937-434-8066. Copyright 2014 Paul F. Fulk, D.C.,F.A.S.A.

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by Cindy Huff & Terri Noftsger

We all want it; we all strive for it – a simpler way of living our lives. It is also one of the most challenging things to achieve for us as humans. In my lifetime I have experienced day to day living become more and more complex, both from a knowledge and activity perspective. We are required to know so much more in order to function day to day, to pay our bills, operate our vehicles, find repair people, operate our appliances… the list goes on and on. There is so much more to distract us from ourselves, our inner voice. One of my fondest memories as a child was to go outside and sit in the grass, and just watch the treetops move in the wind, listening for the sounds of birds. That was not something I made time for then, it was a normal part of my day weather permitting. Now, I find that I must schedule that time in, and all too often, I end up making something else more important. The consequence is that I do not know myself as well as I used to, and that has huge impacts


for my life, for how I make decisions. What I believe this comes down to is how valuable am I to MYSELF? Once again, I look to our animals for guidance. As we have talked about many times before, the animals seem to understand and embody simplicity very well. They put their basic needs first – safety, food, sleep, play. Their lives don’t get cluttered with Internet ads, Facebook, endless emails, and work. If animals do work – herding, ranch work, mousing – they still make sure their basic needs are met first. They seem to understand that unless they have those 4 things – safety, food, sleep and play – they will not be able to survive, much less work. It seems to me that perhaps the way to begin making simplicity a life goal, is to begin by making sure that I get my own basic needs met first. We have all heard that advice before, but have we been able to follow it? I have not been very successful!

Aug / Sept 2014

Instead of sitting mindlessly on the couch watching TV at the end of a long day, perhaps playing with the dogs for a few minutes and then heading to bed is a better choice. Instead of eating at my desk while I work, maybe I begin to choose to lock the computer and eat outside for 30 minutes. The challenge is that others will not necessarily respect or even understand when we begin to make these changes. We have to be persistent and focused, just as our animals are. I am very fortunate in that I have a partner who supports me in being healthy and growing. I am also very fortunate to have focused animal teachers available – our hounds (who are bred to be very focused on scent or sight), and my wonderful mare Cheyenne. I would suggest to our readers that you find an animal to observe, and see how they get their basic 4 needs met. Are there lessons that you can learn from them to apply to your own life? It may be something as simple as taking a few minutes each day to stop to watch the trees and listen to the birds, or watch the sunrise or sunset. These still moments allow us to hear our inner voice, and to move forward in that guidance.

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Agape Journey Agape Journey of Awakening Agape Journeyof ofAwakening Awakening Agape Journey of Awakening �������� ����������������� Agape Journey of Awakening Spiritual Center “Charting Your Course” “Charting YourDivine Divine Course” “Charting Your Divine Course” “Charting Your Divine Divine Course” Course” “Charting������ ��������� Your

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Author’s Spotlight Recommended Reads What Did I Just Eat? Surprising Facts About Food by Dr. Patrick Baker, Dr. Paul Baker, and Dr. Ryan Berlin

and Dr. Berlin have been serving their chiropractic patients for over 20 years. They are authors, bloggers and dedicated physicians that offer lectures to inspire and inform all people who wish to achieve a new and powerful, healthy lean body through chiropractic care, nutrition and exercise. To purchase “What Did I Just Eat” Surprising Facts About Food, it is available online in Kindle or paperback through Amazon. com or at Baker Chiropractic, see ad next page for locations.

BTestimonial aker Chiropractic I Was Suffering from a Rotator Cuff Problem in My Left Shoulder, Now My Range of Motion is Almost Completely Restored

Quote From The Book- “Nutrient-dense food includes more than just fruits and vegetables.” “Throughout this book you’ll find that high nutrient density can also include lots of fatty foods that you may have wrongly been taught should be eliminated, such as whole eggs, certain types of meats, nuts, nut butters, certain oils, butter, and so on.” This incredible guidebook opens up a whole new world for the reader who is searching for a better way to improve their health and lifestyle, through proper nutrition. Written by three local chiropractors, they share their extensive knowledge and research in teaching us all how to eat correctly by making healthier choices. This book guides you step by step with profound information about food of all types and how it effects our bodies. Most of us have been led to believe that some foods are bad for us, when in fact it can be just the opposite. “What Did I Just Eat” outlines in detail foods that are beneficial to your health, including shopping lists, a buying guide and recipes to begin a total transformation of optimal health for life. About the Authors: Dr. Patrick Baker, Dr. Paul Baker


Tom Grossmann and Dr. Patrick Baker For some time I have been suffering from a rotator cuff problem with my left shoulder. It finally became so debilitating that I went to orthopedic surgeons who took x-rays and an MRI. One of the surgeons recommended arthroscopic surgery. Instead of doing that, I started physical therapy, which helped a bit, but I still had a major problem. The problem continued to worsen, and I went to a chiropractor. This also did not work and my shoulder became much worse. It was so bad that I could no longer exercise, my range of motion was severely

Aug / Sept 2014

limited and getting worse, I was unable to sleep on my shoulder, and it was waking me up every night and causing me to be very tired because of the disruption of sleep. And my shoulder was in constant pain.

with it. It is not yet perfect, but the improvement is dramatic. I would not have believed what he has done for me except that I have experienced it first hand. He has made a huge difference in my well-being and the quality of my life. Thank you Dr. Patrick.

Then I saw Dr. Patrick Baker when I was walking my dogs, and he asked how I was doing. When I told him of the above, he asked me to give him two weeks for a total of 6 visits. I was at this point highly skeptical and told him so. But I had nothing to lose. So I went to see Dr. Patrick at his office in West Chester, Ohio.

-Tom Grossmann If you or someone you know is experiencing shoulder pain or loss of motion, please contact us by calling (513) 561-2273 or schedule an appointment here on our website at any time. Learn about MIRT, a technique trademarked by Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker that cures frozen shoulder.

What Dr. Patrick accomplished in just two weeks was nothing short of miraculous to me. I am a lawyer and not prone to exaggeration or impressed easily, and I do not tell people something that is not true. I am incredibly impressed with what Dr. Patrick has done for me.

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My range of motion is almost completely restored in my shoulder. I no longer have active pain. I can sleep on my shoulder, and I am again able to exercise

“Infinity Health Magazine”

Comprehensive Chiropractic Care Watch the New TV Show:

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ASpiritual sk Sage Woman: Advice

for the Real World with Sage Woman

Sage Woman is an Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess and Spiritual Life Coach. She is also a gifted writer and author. In a busy world, we all struggle at some point to find balance and to heal from old wounds. Let Sage answer any question you might have to help guide you along your path of self discovery and healing. Email your question to or send a letter to Infinity Magazine, 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, Ohio 45036. You may remain anonymous if you wish. Infinity will print Sage’s answers in the upcoming issues. Not all advice is applicable to all situations. Infinity has the right to refuse any information that would not be in accordance with our Mission Statement and the standards of our publication. Our next issue is October/November, the deadline to participate and ask your question is September 10th.

Dear Sage Woman, Several months ago, I decided to quit fighting Spirit and move on down the path of accepting and discovering my gifts that I know I’ve had all my life, and move out of the place of fear. I began taking lots of workshops, yoga and yoga teaching training, meditating and connecting with my Spirit Guides. The last two times I have meditated, I have “seen” faces/people. The first time I saw a male, with a garland beside him. I have no idea who he was, but he was smiling. Yesterday during my meditation, I saw two people walking, an adult and a child. I felt like their reaction was “Wow, she sees us”, or maybe it was “oops, she saw us” haha. The images are only there for a second or two. Is this normal?? It does not frighten me at all. I’m just curious as to who they are, and will I see them again, or others? Thank you Sage Woman, and thank you for sharing your gifts. Annette –––––––––


Dear Annette, Congratulations. You are trusting your intuition and psychic abilities. There is power when we let go of fear and begin to trust in our own sacred wisdom. Obviously, you are tapped into your connection with Spirit and through silencing the mind and going into meditation, have opened the portal to other existing dimensions. Veils between these dimensions are thin when we are open and unafraid to allow ourselves to see with our inner eye. As far as exactly who it was you saw and whether you will see them again, I simply cannot answer. If you desire to know such information, I suggest you ask for the answer in meditation. Sometimes we get an answer and sometimes we don’t. Or at least right away. Personally, I believe that by simply recognizing the occurrence and acknowledging the other’s presence is just as important for our own spiritual growth and advancement. Blessings, Sage Woman

About the Author: Sage Woman is a spiritual life coach & intuitive reader. She is also the co-host of Inner Divinity: Empowering your True Self on WAIF Cincinnati, 88.3 fm, every Wednesday afternoon from 2-3 pm. Sage is a Shamanic Priestess, an ordained minister and intuitive who facilitates Goddess Chakra workshops and individual coaching. She is also available for readings of the ancient Tarot. For more information, contact her at 513-490-4693, or email

Aug / Sept 2014

You Might Be In Need... by Pastor Wayne Holmes

We are not responsible for anyone else’s spiritual path, and therefore it is not our responsibility to tell people that they might benefit from the healing that Religious Recovery offers. In fact we hold to the tenant that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. But because we also believe in questioning everything and going against our own guidelines at times, I want to offer a simple “test” that might help people to determine if perhaps something is not quite right with their religion of choice. Jeff Foxworthy made a comedy career out of his signature phrase, “You might be a redneck.” So, in the spirit of Foxworthy fun, I’ve come up with a few lines that I think will work with Religious Recovery. If your religion protects you from the world with barbed wire, locked gates, and security cameras—even in your rooms…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. If your religion proclaims that their teachings are the only true and right way to reach God and that all other religions are false…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. If you have sold your home and donated the money to your church…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. If your religion tells you what to think, how to behave, and the only proper way to worship…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. If your religion predicted the end of the world, and the world didn’t end…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. [Note: if the world did end, congratulations. You won.] If your religion is directed by one man who claims to have a direct line to God…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. If your religion is fear based and not love based…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. If your minister said you would go to hell if you don’t return to church…you might be in need of Religious Recovery.


If your religion leaves you depressed, unable to cope with the real world, or with a split personality…you might be in need of Religious Recovery. Our goal is not to judge or to coerce anyone into our program, but if you ever feel you need to talk with someone, we are here to listen. About the Author: Pastor Wayne Holmes is an ordained minister with Divinity Spiritual Church and also Revelation Spiritual Church. He is the co-founder of Religious Recovery, an organization dedicated to healing wounds inflicted by religion or the religious. He is not opposed to religion, but he sees the hurts and endeavors to help. Wayne is the author of seven books including his latest title, Every Path Leads Home: Opening to Your Spiritual Journey. Learn more about Wayne’s healing work at

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SAGE WOMAN Ordained Minister, Shamanic Priestess, Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Take a journey with Sage Woman and discover a path of healing and self empowerment. To schedule an appointment, call 513-490-4693



Sweetly Nutritional!

Peaches are traditionally a summer favorite, loaded with 10 different vitamins, peaches are not only a sweet treat but are nutritious as well. The delicious peach is enriched with anti-aging properties, that help remove toxins from the body, strengthen the immune system and help to prevent obesity. Peaches are packed with fiber and phenolic compounds, these compounds contain anti-obesity properties which makes them an excellent choice for people desiring to lose some weight. A rich source of beta carotene, peaches contribute to eye health by increasing circulation of blood. They are beneficial for skin and have been used in skin products helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. This very healthy fruit can calm the stomach and help with digestion, peach is good for people who are


recovering from an illness, especially for those who suffer with infections. There are so many health benefits from consuming peaches, it is best to keep them in your daily diet, they are rich in iron and potassium as well. The antioxidants are so powerful that research has indicated that peaches can help prevent cancer and inhibit tumor growth. It is best to buy organic peaches or grow your own, because the use of pesticides are widespread and are very toxic. To store them, simply place them on a counter and if they need to ripen, put them in a paper bag. If you wish to keep them in the refrigerator, use only ripe peaches and they will last up to a week. This tasty fruit can be used in many culinary dishes, sweet and savory. They can be incorporated into your favorite meal, or just eat them fresh and enjoy the essence of summer!

Aug / Sept 2014

Peach Muffins INGREDIENTS: • 3 cups of all-purpose flour, or organic flour of choice

Test with a long toothpick to make sure the center of the muffins are done.

• I Tbsp baking powder

Set on wire rack to cool for 5 minutes. Remove muffins from the tin and serve slightly warm.

• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda • 1/ teaspoon salt • 10 Tbsp unsalted butter (I 1/4 stick), softened

Easy Peach Crisp

• 1cup organic sugar


• 2 large eggs

• 3 cups of fresh peaches (Frozen will work, thawed and drained)

• I 1/2 cup plain organic yogurt • I teaspoon grated lemon peel

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• I 1/2 cups peaches, chopped

• 1/2 cup organic brown sugar or turbinado sugar (more if preferred)

• I Tbsp flour (if using defrosted frozen peaches)

• 1 cup organic flour, or gluten free flour

DIRECTIONS: Adjust the oven rack to the middle-lower part of the oven. Preheat oven to 375°F. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar together, beating until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating until incorporated after each one. Beat in the grated lemon peel. Beat in one half of the dry ingredients until just incorporated. Beat in one third of the yogurt. Beat in half of the remaining dry ingredients. Beat in a second third of the yogurt. Beat in the remaining dry ingredients and then the remaining yogurt. Again be careful to beat until just incorporated. Do not over beat. Fold in the peaches. If you are using frozen peaches, defrost them first, drain the excess liquid, and then coat them in a light dusting of flour. - Use a standard 12-muffin muffin pan. Coat each muffin cup lightly with olive oil or grapeseed oil using a pastry brush, or with a little butter. Or use one of those convenient vegetable oil sprays. Distribute the muffin dough equally among the cups. Bake until muffins are golden brown, about 25 to 30 minutes.


• 1/3 cup butter DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 8 x 8 inch baking dish. Pour peaches into baking dish. In a bowl, combine flour or gluten free flour with brown sugar and cinnamon. Add butter and rub between fingers until crumbly. Layer flour mixture over peaches in dish. Bake about 30-35 minutes. This dessert should be served warm. It can be topped with frozen yogurt. It makes 4-5 servings. This dish can also be converted to be gluten free.

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Edgar Cayce on the Interconnectedness of Humankind

by Kevin J. Todeschi The Edgar Cayce readings respond to the Old Testament question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” with a resounding YES! From the perspective of the Cayce information, we are ultimately responsible for one another. That responsibility prompted countless thousands to reach out to the Haiti disaster last year and continues as people the world over respond to the recent earthquake and tsunami tragedy in Japan and the thousands who have died, more who have been injured, and those who have not yet been found. Given the Cayce information on service and the importance of reaching out to others whether they are “next door” or “on the other side of the world,” perhaps it isn’t surprising that so many people feel a need to do something in times like these. What may come as a surprise, however, is that the Cayce material links each of us to personal responsibility long before addressing the after-effects of a tragedy. In 1935, a 29-year-old man asked Cayce about the possibility of cataclysmic earth changes. Rather than responding with an exact date or a possible scenario as to what might happen, the reading instead connected potential disaster with the actions, thoughts, and deeds of humankind. Cayce said, in part: “Tendencies in the hearts and souls of men are such that these [disasters/ cataclysms] may be brought about. For … man – by his compliance with divine law – bring[s] order out of chaos … by his disregard … bring[s] chaos and destructive forces into his experience.” (416-7) On another occasion (reading 5751-1) Cayce made the astonishing observation that the phenomenon of “sunspots” was inextricably connected to instability and turmoil upon the planet earth itself. In fact, the readings state that whenever war, strife, and turmoil occurred in the affairs of humankind, sunspots would occur as a natural consequence. In other words, instability among people leads to instability upon the planet and throughout the universe! When a 40-year-old woman asked for more information


about herself and her relationship to the universe, the response came that for all individuals everything that was out of accord with spirit and divine laws somehow had an impact upon the heavens itself. In the language of the readings: “For, faults and failures, sin and sorrow, are the outgrowth of disobedience to the divine law, and influence the heavens in the experiences of individual souls!” (2408-1) Is this science fiction? Or is it rather in accord with the laws of physics? After all, isn’t Isaac Newton’s third law of motion, “To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”? What if we were collectively just a little bit responsible for the initial “action” behind all kinds of “natural” disasters involving earthquakes, horrendous storms, wildfires, mudslides, and everything else that makes people too often ask, “Why did God let that happen?” What if we had the capacity to affect the world and the people around us in ways that we often overlook? After all, Cayce suggested that the ultimate goal for each and every one of us was to bring spirit into the earth. What if by not working with spirit we perpetrated a “sin of omission” – overlooking our responsibility – rather than a “sin of commission” – purposefully doing something wrong? Rather than being overwhelmed by the magnitude of this interconnectivity, the readings suggest that we can become a leavening influence that ultimately impacts the whole. This was described to Thomas Sugrue, Cayce’s biographer, as follows: “Not in mighty deeds of valor, not in the exaltation of thy knowledge or thy power; but in the gentleness of the things of the spirit: Love, kindness, longsuffering, patience …” (849-11) On another occasion, when a 49-year-old accountant asked how he could be of the greatest service to humankind, Cayce recommended that he simply begin working with the daily practice of prayer and meditation. (270-33) Is this science fiction? Or is it rather in keeping with the universal law of Oneness, and the interconnectedness of all things? Yes, we absolutely need to reach out to others in need – especially during times of human tragedy – but perhaps ultimately we need to understand that we are responsible for one another in ways that we have not yet dared to imagine.

Aug / Sept 2014

H erbs are Not Drugs by Bill Schook One of the biggest pet peeves (besides bad grammar and spelling) goes in line with a past article: “I have an ouchie“. This peeve is, “I have something going on, what is something herbal can I take?” Or, “I should be going to the emergency room with something… is there an herb for that?” This is something that personally drives me up the wall. For one, herbs don’t work that way. It is very western thinking of, “I have something wrong, what can I take?” as herbs do not really work that way, but what they do is work at remedying the cause and not dealing with the symptoms. Eastern herbalism dictates that if you deal with the cause of your ailment, the symptoms go away on their own and not covered up. Imagine that!

About the Author: Bill is an ordained minister, a Reiki Master/Teacher, a member of the Dinshah Society, a part of the Kentuckiana Holistic Nurses Association, a Medicine Man of the Oklevueha Native American Church of Ohio and a certified medical intuitive. He has been studying holistic health and education since before 2001 and enjoys aiding in the healing process by inducing the body’s own natural restorative abilities. He is a believer that the body has the capacity to recover from any sickness, dis-ease, or ailment. He has a desire to help heal the world, one person at a time. Please visit his web site at www.EarthCircleCreations. com where he has many of his products available for sale.

Some months ago, a patron on a list I moderate said that her (older) relative had “black toe” and refused to go to the hospital and wanted to know, “what to take”. We suggested an immediate visit to the hospital and not dwell in an online forum asking for help. We never heard from them again, but one can presume a hospital visit was eventually completed as she said that “black toe ran in her family and her family member was in considerable pain.” When I see a client, they may come to me complaining of an issue, or as I call it, a symptom. As I don’t deal with symptoms, but rather the causes of what is going on. Essentially, what is the root cause of what is going on. An example I use is a “headache”. A headache is a symptom of any number of causes from dehydration to stress to a foreign object embedded in the skull. Vivid example, I know, but you can see that an object embedded in the skull would remedy the headache better than taking something. Working with the root cause of the issue is more important to me than dealing with the symptoms (by dowsing). I also believe in remedying, “it hurts when I do this…” Well, stop doing THAT. I then take it a step further and find out why you were doing that in the first place, again, by dowsing.


Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Edgar the Akashic Edgar Cayce Cayce on on the Akashic Records, Relationships, and the IllusionRecords, of Time Relationships, and the Illusion of Relationships, and the Illusion of Time Time Sat., Oct. 4, 2014, 9:30 am-4 pm

Sat., Oct. 4, 9:30 pm Hilton Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 Sat., Oct. 4, 2014, 2014, 9:30 am-4 am-4 pm Hilton Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 FullHilton day workshop! Take a glimpse at your Full day workshop! aa glimpse at own Akashic RecordTake and discover past Full day workshop! Take glimpseyour at your your own Akashic Record and discover your past life, insights into your present experiences, own Akashic Record and discover your past life, into your present experiences, and ainsights potential future for you right now! life, insights into your present experiences, and and aa potential potential future future for for you you right right now! now!

CODDEE 45 with popular author and Cayce expert O 7 with popular author and Cayce expert E with popularJ. author and Cayce expert FCC11O44D55E74455 Kevin Todeschi FFEE1457 Kevin J. Todeschi Kevin Todeschi Register today! CallJ.888-333-4499

Register today! Call 888-333-4499 Or go to: Register today! Call 888-333-4499 Or go to: Or go to:

Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Edgar the Akashic Edgar Cayce Cayce on on the Akashic Records, Relationships, and the IllusionRecords, of Time Relationships, and the Illusion of Relationships, and the Illusion of Time Time 21 Sat., Oct. 4, 2014, 9:30 am-4 pm

Sat., Oct. 4, 9:30 pm Hilton Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 Sat., Oct. 4, 2014, 2014, 9:30 am-4 am-4 pm Hilton Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 FullHilton day workshop! Take a glimpse at your Full day workshop! a glimpseyour at your own Akashic RecordTake and discover past

For All Sincere Seekers of Truth by Michael McAdams

Various sources of information are made available for our investigation and consideration as to the meaning of our existence and the meaning of life itself. These sources vary as religious and spiritual texts that come before us that we acknowledge and incorporate into our thought system. With prayer and reflection we accept and light our way with new found knowledge and perspective as we navigate our sojourn in this existence. We each are guided by encounters, chance meetings, books suggested by friends and family, and the desires and intentions of our heart to those teachings we are prepared to comprehend that light our way as we walk our chosen path. When the student is ready a teacher will appear. Allow yourself to be open to teachings that resonate within your being as God has chosen to speak to the heart of man across the ages in many ways and truth will speak to your soul. New found avenues of advancement are made available as we open our minds and expand our understanding. Let no thoughts, ideas, or information be made known to our minds that does not come from God or His direct representatives.

spiritual living. Knowledge deals with facts; wisdom, with relationships; truth, with reality values. Man tends to crystallize science, formulate philosophy, and dogmatize truth because he is mentally lazy in adjusting to the progressive struggles of living, while he is also terribly afraid of the unknown. Natural man is slow to initiate changes in his habits of thinking and in his techniques of living.

From the Urantia Book comes this account of a teaching by Jesus as he conversed with Nabon, a Greek Jew and foremost among the leaders of the chief mystery cult in Rome, the Mithraic. While this high priest of Mithraism held many conferences with the Damascus scribe, he was most permanently influenced by their discussion of truth and faith one evening. Nabon had thought to make a convert of Jesus and had even suggested that he return to Palestine as a Mithraic teacher. He little realized that Jesus was preparing him to become one of the early converts to the gospel of the kingdom. Restated in modern phraseology, the substance of Jesus’ teaching was:

But truth can never become man’s possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man’s thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination. Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within the mind of man, and which is the potential of eternal survival. Plants and animals survive in time by the technique of passing on from one generation to another identical particles of themselves. The human soul (personality) of man survives mortal death by identity association with this indwelling spark of divinity, which is immortal, and which functions to perpetuate the human personality upon a continuing and higher level of progressive universe existence. The concealed seed of the human soul is an immortal spirit. The second generation of the soul is the first of a succession of personality manifestations of spiritual and progressing existences, terminating only when this divine entity attains the

Truth cannot be defined with words, only by living. Truth is always more than knowledge. Knowledge pertains to things observed, but truth transcends such purely material levels in that it consorts with wisdom and embraces such imponderables as human experience, even spiritual and living realities. Knowledge originates in science; wisdom, in true philosophy; truth, in the religious experience of


Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father’s will, to find God and to become like him. There is never conflict between true knowledge and truth. There may be conflict between knowledge and human beliefs, beliefs colored with prejudice, distorted by fear, and dominated by the dread of facing new facts of material discovery or spiritual progress.

Aug / Sept 2014

source of its existence, the personal source of all existence, God, the Universal Father. Human life continues — survives — because it has a universe function, the task of finding God. The faith-activated soul of man cannot stop short of the attainment of this goal of destiny; and when it does once achieve this divine goal, it can never end because it has become like God — eternal. Spiritual evolution is an experience of the increasing and voluntary choice of goodness attended by an equal and progressive diminution of the possibility of evil. With the attainment of finality of choice for goodness and of completed capacity for truth appreciation, there comes into existence a perfection of beauty and holiness whose righteousness eternally inhibits the possibility of the emergence of even the concept of potential evil. Such a God-knowing soul casts no shadow of doubting evil when functioning on such a high spirit level of divine goodness. The presence of the Paradise spirit in the mind of man constitutes the revelation promise and the faith pledge of an eternal existence of divine progression for every soul seeking to achieve identity with this immortal and indwelling spirit fragment of the Universal Father. Universe progress is characterized by increasing personality freedom because it is associated with the progressive attainment of higher and higher levels of self-understanding and consequent voluntary self-restraint. The attainment of perfection of spiritual self-restraint equals completeness of universe freedom and personal liberty. Faith fosters and maintains man’s soul in the midst of the confusion of his early orientation in such a vast universe, whereas prayer becomes the great unifier of the various inspirations of the creative imagination and the faith urges of a soul trying to identify itself with the spirit ideals of the indwelling and associated divine presence. Nabon was greatly impressed by these words, as he was by each of his talks with Jesus. These truths continued to burn within his heart, and he was of great assistance to the later arriving preachers of Jesus’ gospel. The Urantia Book, The Life and Teachings of Jesus, Truth and Faith, Page 1459.


About the author: Michael offers a set of his own writings called Spiritual Parchment Prints as a fundraising item for youth groups, churches, and to the public. He and his mother, Wilma Jean Jones, worked closely together as she received these messages and teachings dictated from spirit teachers over a 22-year period. This collection of messages and teachings is being published as the book “An Angel Told Me So.” Michael owns Starpath Satellite, performs satellite and digital off-air antenna service, and owns Aqua “Doc” Spa and Pools. Learn more about Michael’s work and view Wilma Jean Jones television interview at

Divinity Spiritual Gathering of Fairfield “A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom” 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 One Mile North from Jungle Jims On Rt. 4, Left on Hicks Blvd., Right on Holiday Dr.

513-892-0623 Every Sunday - Service starts at 11:30 AM Visit us at All services are archived and available 24/7.

Message and Healing Services August 13th & September 10th

Pet Blessing and Healing Service September 1st at noon Call 513-892-0623 for details 23

Did You Know?

Powerful Healing Herbs & Spices

Peppermint Helps to relieve headaches, nausea, indigestion, colds, sinus problems, improves concentration and alertness, relieves muscle pain, and insect bites. Lavender Soothing and calming, used as a sleeping aid, relieves pain, treats most skin problems; sunburn, burns, skin irritations, relieves stings and insect bites, also used as a repellent. Tumeric Used for arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties, detox for liver, treats depression and has proven to be beneficial in treating Alzheimer’s disease, inhibits cancer cells. Cinnamon Helps to normalize blood sugar levels, may prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels, promotes colon health, promotes memory, producing positive effects on brain function. A powerful antioxidant killing harmful bacteria. Garlic Helps protect against oxidative stress and unwanted


inflammation, preventing blood vessels from becoming blocked, promotes healthy heart function. Antibacterial and antiviral helps to fight infections and prevent cancer. Ginger Alleviates nausea, aids in digestion, wards off colds and flu. Helps to cure motion sickness. Promotes healthy circulation and is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Can ease painful joints and cleanse body of toxins. Oregano Powerful antioxidant properties, clears system of free radicals that contribute to disease. Most effective natural antibiotic to kill Candida, or yeast and fungal infections. Rosemary Increases overall skin tone, stimulating cell regeneration, Prevents liver damage, a natural antiinflammatory and anti-bacterial, it increases blood flow to the skin. Helps with respiratory problems such as allergies and asthma. Pain relief for sore muscles, joints and migraines.

Aug / Sept 2014

Core Exercises for the Mind & Body by Lisa Gerard Understanding how physical exercise is beneficial for our muscles, heart, and lungs is easy to comprehend. The question I often receive is: How does exercising help our minds to become sharper or clearer? When exercising, the flow of oxygen and blood increases which leads to clearer thoughts, better planning, and higher performance. In Latin, the root word for exercise means “to maintain, improve, perform” which is the essence of what we strive to do in life. We exercise everyday just by simply doing. From the time we wake up in the morning, wiggling our toes—great exercise by the way—to the time we go to bed, we are in motion. Tightening, squeezing our butts, pulling our bellies in, shoulders back, sitting up straight, these are all ways to strengthen our cores to get more out of our motions—hence the word “exercise” which, again, means to improve.

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Studies have shown that senior citizens who walk regularly showed significant improvement in memory, learning ability, concentration, and reasoning. Blood circulation, oxygen, and glucose levels increase just by walking twenty minutes a day, which in turn helps you think clearer. Movement and exercise increase your breathing and heart rate. Physical exercise— even simple movement—has specific beneficial effects on the brain. Studies have been performed to support exercising benefits and the aging mind. Exercise also helps with depression, and walking is often recommended as part of therapy. Stop making excuses, get up, go for a walk, squeeze your glutes (butt), pull your belly in, swing your arms, hold your head up, shoulders back, breathe deeply, smile and enjoy! Laugh often, Lisa Gerard About the Author: WAG Gymnastics Conditioning Instructor/Coach, 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Core Instructor/personal coach, Liift Practitioner. Email Lisa Gerard at: Or call 513-708-0563


Subscribe to Infinity - $15 a year Check, Visa, MC, Disc accepted Infinity Magazine 1710 Maplewood Dr. Lebanon, OH 45036 or Call: 1-866-243-6900


The Spider’s Music by Jill Mattson

It is cliché that mathematics is the language of Science; recent discoveries reveal that in a related and perhaps even more fundamental way, Music may truly be the language of Nature. Just as my dog whines and tries to stop me when I play discordant music on my piano - new findings show that we may be biologically “hardwired” in our response to aesthetically pleasing or displeasing music. Evidence suggests that music may be encoded in the smallest protein molecules comprising living things. Recent experiments from MIT report efforts to represent manmade silk fibers as musical compositions - using the underlying proteins in the synthetic silk as “notes”. The researchers found remarkable similarities between the physical properties of the silk and the aesthetic sound and feel of its associated music. In other words silk with good physical properties produced pleasing music! Sound Healing investigators and certain students of antiquity, have believed for some time, that Sound in general and Music in particular, hold great potential for revealing deeper understanding of the universe around us. Furthermore, the informed application of precise energy - in the form of sound frequencies - can benefit us on many levels: emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually. The MIT research team attacked their work (to synthesize silk fibers in the lab), with the novel approach of replicating building-block protein molecules. The large multidisciplinary team, including engineers, biomedical experts, mathematicians and musical composers, formulated synthetic silk in a systematic manner - as a model for future synthetic material design work. They began by building a computer model of natural silk and then identified the underlying bio-materials responsible for the unique light weight, subtleness and extraordinary strength of spider silk. These researchers modified silk producing genes and created a device to copy the spider’s silk spinning organ. After extensive work, they produced a variety of synthetic silk strands. Two of the experimental “silks” stand out: one of the new protein combinations


yielded extremely strong silk molecules - but the catch was, these proteins did not adhere to each other as a thread - useless. The second material contained weaker protein molecules that adhered together strongly and made an excellent thread what natural silk proteins do - success. It was not enough to produce strong proteins alone - they must interconnect properly and form a coherent strand on a large scale; there must be an cohesive architecture properly aligning and connecting the components (like a musical composition). After these initial results, the team went back to the lab to produce new silk materials. One of the new analytical tools that they employed in the development of superior silk was Music! Greatly simplifying the details... the various levels of the silk’s structure (the proteins, their relationships, and underlying structures) were translated into musical compositions. The end result: the strong silk proteins that would not form usable threads produced music that was harsh and displeasing. The proteins that formed usable fibers played as soft fluid pleasing music. The fact that the above process (based on the silk proteins) resulted in anything even remotely resembling music is remarkable; the fact that pleasing music was produced from “good” silk and harsh music resulted from “bad” silk is near miraculous. There is extensive evidence, growing for years, that demonstrates our inborn affinity for music. Infants seem to have innate musical preferences; at as early as two months babies will turn towards consonant or pleasing tones and away from dissonant sounds. Modern medical images of the brain show pleasure centers light up while listening to an orchestra play beautiful symphonies. These are the same pleasure centers that respond to sex, eating chocolate and taking cocaine. What is it about music that seems to be imprinted in our cells? One of the researchers, Markus Buehler of MIT said, “There might be an underlying structural expression in music that tells us more about the proteins that make up our bodies. After all, our organs - including the brain - are made from these building blocks, and humans’ expression of music may inadvertently include more information than we are aware of.” Music may soon tell us much more about our biology

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and reveal new insight into our humanity. Expanding on this, the processes that produced the biology, DNA and building-block proteins may be encoded in a universal song. In a separate, but strikingly similar experiment, French physicist Joel Sternheimer developed a system for converting the amino acid sequences in plant protein into music. Sternheimer found that the compositions based on these amino acid sequences produced aesthetically pleasing music. In fact, when the “song” made from a plant’s amino acids was played back to the plant, its growth rate increased markedly and its resistance to drought and disease also improved. Just as with the proteins in the spider silk, music composed from the biological building-blocks in plants was pleasing and produced positive feedback effects when played back to the plants. There is also a huge body of evidence - built up over many years - showing that the specific frequencies making up the human voice are indicative of a person’s health. Like a musical orchestra, our human speaking voice consists of a large, measurable collection of sounds - a wide spectrum of frequencies. The leading authority on analyzing the tremendous amount of information contained in the voice, Sharry Edwards, has learned to glean detailed insight into the underlying health of a person from his voiceprint. Information regarding the underlying emotional, physical, nutritional states, presence of pathogens, toxins, etc. can be detected by a trained expert of the voice. One of the consequences of Edwards’ work was the development of “Sound Treatments” that addressed underlying problems - detected in a voiceprint. By listening to the appropriate frequencies the voice is restored to a healthy profile and the associated physical ailment is resolved. Going far beyond the scope of the MIT spider silk work, modern Sound experts would claim that there are voluminous examples of music reflected in the inanimate universe around us. A famous mathematical sequence - that is also found throughout nature is the Fibonacci pattern. The Fibonacci sequence is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 etc (the next number in the sequence is the sum of the two preceding numbers). Familiar examples of this pattern in nature include: the design of a nautilus seashell, petals in a flower and


the human body. The Fibonacci sequence converts directly to common musical scale found around the world - throughout the ages. From Ancient China to modern times sky watchers have found musical elements in the stars and other celestial bodies. The movements of the stars and planets can be expressed as “Star tones” a clear link between the Stars and musical systems, octaves and harmony. Throughout the ages there has been a consistent belief that there is a deep spiritual harmony in the design and flow of the universe. Music is literally an expression of this harmony. Sound and Music - could these be far more than we have thought them to be? Ancient Civilizations considered Music a mystical force and carefully guarded its secrets. Modern experts believe Sound energy can interact with and alter our subtle energies - opening up vast opportunities for healing and growth. The human voice contains voluminous information on the underlying state and wellness of the body. Musical compositions are grand “stories” employing numerous instruments, notes, pitches, rhythms, octaves and so on - producing a Holistic effect beyond the sum of the parts. As my dog knows very well what sounds right, feels right. Music could be the universal language of nature and, deeper, mirrors the grand plan that makes us and our surrounding world what we are.

About the Author: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is a four - time author and widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has written four books and produced seven CD’s that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award). The CD’s consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Also available on the sites are additional free mp3’s of her Sound Healing compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones. Gallery and music at,,




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Astrology by Mary

Leo July 22 – August 22

Leo, the stage is yours, for the planet Jupiter is moving now in your sign, Jupiter represents opportunities, good luck, expansion and good fortune. This first period says that you are thinking in really big terms, and some of the spin off can mean you have actually more work to do, and also maybe even needing to take a risk about money, but no matter, whatever shows up as being a potential problem will be addressed by the Jupiter which is able to make even the worst problem turn out in your favor! Some overhaul haul is going on at home, whether about structural repair, or even parents needing some serious attention. The full moon early August will bring new friends and acquaintances on the scene.


Virgo August 22 – September 22

You begin this period with some activities which are called “behind the scenes” which can include illness - yours or loved ones, but could also mean that you are very active working on plans to expand your ideas and skills, but they are not just yet ready for prime time. Come September, you just may feel that you are ready to present your material in you own gracious way. The new moon at the end of August will support your goals. For early Virgos, you may be puzzling over a significant other, and you may be taking the time to check things out. You just may be starting a new learning technique which will be intense for yet a little while, but you will be pleased with the results.


Libra September 22 – October 23

Libra, you start out this period with a great deal of fun and recreation with friends and loved ones. It looks as though you may be meeting up suddenly with new friends and associates, so you could be making great plans for future activities. All this excitement could mean that you have to take a hard look at the pocketbook, but you will no doubt come up with some new ideas to resolve the issues. Early Libras just may feel a bit overtaxed, either on the job, or


possibly when it comes to your health. By September, you will have found some solutions here. There is an ongoing problem with either your parents, or your role as a parent, but you will find the time to address these issues.

e Scorpio

October 23 – November 21

With Saturn (control and discipline) in Scorpio, as well as Mars in Scorpio the necessity for doing a renovation is right at your doorstep. You thrive on the idea of overhaul anyway, so the old way takes a seat backward, and a new way forward is at you doorstep. Your psychic energy is running high, and the need to help others with their problems is right at hand. To top it off, the planet Jupiter is putting you in the lime-light. You may find that the demand for your presence gets to be a bit much, for you still have to find alone time to hide from the admiring crowd. It looks as though there will be lots of money coming and going, as the demand for your labors increases. You may be obsessive about some new learning techniques.


Sagittarius November 22–December 21

You start this period with a sense of eliminating old stuff, whether that is literal, or just a sense of needing a new start. That new excitement is because Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is showing up in lovely aspect for you in an area of the wheel which can be travel, distant journeys, learning something new – take your pick. This is supported by the planet Uranus which is bringing new excitement in the area of love, life, and the pursuit of happiness! At the same time, there appears to be some concern or worry about parent figures, or that concern could simply just be some new things to learn while on the job, and Sag can be impatient with the details! You are still going through a period of paying a bit more attention to the finances.


Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Some of the most significant energy right now seems to be

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addressing your need to combine logic and reality with a new and growing ability to explore your psychic reactions that come unbidden, but have great impact. There just may be more here than meets the eye! Perhaps there is more to life than just hardcore facts, figures, and obligations. With Pluto (the planet of transformation) in your sign, then the overhaul is right on schedule, so relax and go with the new awareness. You just might decide to spend more money than usual for something you really need and want. That could be related to some changes on the home front. It would not be surprising to find yourself signing up for a new class, as it augers well for your future goals.


Aquarius January 19 – February 18

You have some interesting aspects opening up to you, and one of those is significant as it registers in the area of close relationships, marriage partners, and/or business partners. Some one is showing up with lots of talent and you are intrigued with some new ideas, that are being shown to you. This is right down your alley, of course. However, in the area of career and/or position in life, big demands are being made, and there appears to be a necessity for overhauling your position in the sun. It might have to do with parents or your role as a parent. Whatever it is, there is a fated sense about it, and you are also supported by other planets which agree to help you move forward carefully.


Pisces February 18 – March 20

You are beginning to feel more at home with your ambivalence between this world and the next, and are therefore better equipped to accept them both at the same time. One significant planet right now, (Jupiter, your coruler) is asking you to put more energy and even pride in the way you work. That new behavior will actually result in a stronger feeling of self worth as well as literally more dollars on the plate. Partners are there to encourage you to keep going, and also you are compelled to dig deeper into ferreting out some new understanding and awarenesss which have shown up as being irresistible. Do this and take pride in it.


Aries March 20 – April 19

There is a great deal of intensity during this period for you, which truly is your style anyway. One that is obvious has to do with the issues around the handling of monies and funds. Your usual impulsive nature has to be toned down here to analyze the pocket book, or another possibility could be surgery of some kind. No matter what, it can all inhibit your natural energetic mode. On the very plus side, the transiting Jupiter in Leo is going to provide wonderful opportunities of fun, love life, joy about children, etc. So do take advantage of all the good times that turn up on the horizon!



Taurus April 19 – May 20

Jupiter is moving into your home base, and that can mean the king/queen has arrived, and all systems are go. There could be lots of celebrations, or perhaps you have found the home you truly want. Might be the last hurrah before the young ones head back off to school. There might be some disagreements between you and a partner, and it would appear that the arguments are money based. But later on, there is a wonderful sense that plans are working out. Some of your children could be unsettled in their relationships, and somehow you may have to help out. Taurus is always going to be there for their loved ones.


Gemini May 20 – June 21

Mercury, your ruling planet, is moving rapidly and covering a lot of ground. There appear to be many celebrations here, fun and games, vacation trips and just pulling out all the stops, especially feeling the heady sense of new plans, new friends. One fly in the ointment has to do with employment matters, or health issues. Here there is a requirement to get to the basics and make a major overhaul or leave. This could just relate to some new learning or travel plans which show up by the full moon early August. That always inspires you to get a handle on some new learning skills which will eventually pay off.


Cancer June 22-July 22

This period begins with Jupiter holding sway in your pocket book, and you could just decide to go first class and not count the cost. The full moon early August seems to indicate that suddenly there is new money. Others may be figuring what the children may be costing, especially if they are headed off to school. You are still looking at the power of Pluto to change your attitude about a serious relationship, and the new moon in August could emphasize this point. Some especially lucky ones may find a new career move is favorable in many respects.

✩ Astrology by Mary ✩ Providing Personal Natal Chart Interpretation, and several other Astrological Charts. Mary R. Bauer, Mountaintop Center, 6967 Salem Pike, Clayton, OH 45315

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Eternal Knowledge: Classes & Events

•Agape Journey of Awakening Agape Journey of Awakening “Charting Your Divine Course” Every Sunday Get Inspirited by an Awakening Message 11:00 AM to 12 Noon Speakers Line-Up Theme: Awakening God’s Intuition Aug. 03 Rev. Gary Hayden Heart Trouble Can Be Traced Aug. 10 Nancy Caldwell Spirit Knowing Self Aug. 10 Family & Friends Brunch Bring Your Favorite Dish to Share! Aug. 10 DAO Team Receive Blessings & Treasure Aug. 17 Ron Esposito – 11 am The Body of Omniscience Aug. 17 Ron Esposito 12:30 pm Singing Bowl workshop Aug. 27 Asha Mahambrey, Spiritual Teacher Our Intuitive Gift Aug. 31 Terrance Bullock Listening to the Voice of Pure Spirit Theme: Taking a Quantum Leap Sept. 07 Asha Mahambrey, Spiritual Teacher The Leap of Faith Sept. 14

Nancy Caldwell Living From the Overflow

Sept. 21

Rev. Gary Hayden Encouragement From Within

Sept. 28 Rev. Karen Zukowita What If We Were God Sept. 28

Marti Jackson, BSN, RN, Health, Nutrition and Wellness Coach Food is More Than We Think Workshop 12:30pm – 2:30pm

QUALITY INN & SUITES 3rd floor conference room 250 Byers Road, Miamisburg OH 45342 For more info. contact Nancy Caldwell, Agape Journey 937-397-2668 or email: njcaldwell7@ Agape Journey of Awakening Presents -The Body of Omniscience 11 to 12 pm Light Lunch 12:00 to 12:30 pm Singing Bowls Meditation Workshop 12:30 – 1 pm Facilitated by Ron Esposito, M.A.; Enneagram Teacher, Trainer and Life Coach Sunday, August 17, 2014 – 11:00 am to 1:30 pm Cost: Free - Love offerings are welcome QUALITY INN & SUITES - 3rd floor conference room 250 Byers Road, Miamisburg OH 45342 Ron Esposito will present a singing bowls sound meditation. The


meditation features seven quartz crystal singing bowls, two Tibetan brass singing bowls and the kalimba (African thumb piano.) Sound meditation is a form of nada yoga, using vibration as a transformative practice. Call 937.397.2668 for additional information

•Divinity Spiritual Each and every Sunday at 11:30 AM Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 Call 513.892.0623 for details. August 13 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Message and Healing Service – Each guest receives a message and healers are also available. Love offering donations accepted. Divinity Spiritual Church, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield OH 45014 513.892.0623 August 27 Saturday 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Divinity Spiritual Healing Study Group - Everyone welcomed to learn or to receive healing. Divinity Spiritual Church 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45018 513.892.0623 Love Offering September 1 Labor Day at Noon Pet Blessing and Healing Service Bing your pets for blessings and healing. All animals are welcomed. Divinity Spiritual Church 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield OH 45014 Call 513.892.0623 for more information. Love Offering September 10 Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Message and Healing Service – Each guest receives a message and healers are also available. Love offering donations accepted. Divinity Spiritual Church, 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield OH 45014 513.892.623

•Dr. Jim’s Center for Advanced Medicine

Shots for Health - B-12 Shots given by Dr. Jim Smith at Health Foods Unlimited Dayton, Oh. every Monday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Susan’s Natural World every Saturday, 10:30-11:30am. Walk- ins welcome For more info, call 513-942-3226 visit our website, www.

•Edgar Cayce Workshop Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Relationships, and the Illusion of Time - Sat., Oct. 4, 9:30am-4pm. Hilton Cincinnati Airport $74/$84 With popular author and Cayce expert Kevin J. Todeschi. Register today - Call 888-333-4499 or

•Enchanted Moments Enchanted Moments Gift Shop & Metaphysical Center 127 Main Street Milford, OH 45150 Call 513-831-5508 for more information on any of our class offerings Shop on-line and get “real time” class up-dates at

•LIIFT Every Tuesday, 7P-9P - Class - Learn to Heal with LIIFT. Students become Certified LIIFT Practitioners, able to help folks heal their emotions and their lives. Northside area of Cincinnati. Soon in Dayton too. For information or to enroll: Or 513 708 0563.

•Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

TAI CHI FOR ADULTS - Tuesdays, August 5, 12, 19, 26 & September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 5:30 PM MADISONVILLE BRANCH, 4830 Whetsel Avenue, 513-369-6029 Join us for an invigorating session of Tai Chi. Registration Required:NO

Aug / Sept 2014

YOGA WITH ROSALIE SOVILLA - Saturdays, August 16, 30 & September 6, 27 10:30 AM ANDERSON BRANCH, 7450 State Road, 513-369-6030 Adults will have the opportunity to share their yoga practice with instructor Rosalie Sovilla. Registration Required:NO HOMEMADE WATER FILTERS - Thursday, August 14, 6:30 PM HARRISON BRANCH, 10398 New Haven Road, 513-369-4442 Make yourself a valuable commodity during the inevitable zombie apocalypse by learning how to make a homemade water filter! The different water samples will be tested afterwards with the most effective filter winning a prize! For grades 6-12. Registration Required:YES SHAKER FARMS GARDEN CLUB LECTURE SERIES: DEER RESISTANT PLANTS - Tuesday, August 26, 7:00 PM HARRISON BRANCH, 10398 New Haven Road, 513-369-4442 Join Gail Chuck to learn about plant options that are deer resistant. Registration Required:YES CANDLE MAKING - Thursday, September 4, 6:30 PM CHEVIOT BRANCH, 3711 Robb Avenue, 513-369-6015 Age Group: ADULTS Just in time for the fall, join us to make fun candles. Registration Required:YES FRIDAY FLOW (YOGA) - Friday, September Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26 3:00 PM BOND HILL BRANCH, 1740 Langdon Farm Road, 513369-4445 Come and enjoy a 1-hour easy vinyasa flow practice with a focus on mindfulness meditation. Mats provided; wear clothing that will allow for comfortable movement. Teens only. Registration Required:NO YEAR-ROUND GARDENING - Monday, September 8 & October 13, 6:30 PM MONFORT HEIGHTS BRANCH, 3825 West Fork Road, 513-369-4472 Learn new ideas for planting and maintaining your garden throughout the year from the staff of White Oak Garden Center! Contact the branch for the evening’s theme. Registration Required:YES ALL ABOUT OLIVE OIL - Tuesday, September 16, 6:30 PM MARIEMONT BRANCH, 3810 Pocahontas Avenue, 513-369-4467 Melanie Cedargren, from The Spicy Olive, an olive oil/balsamic vinegar shop, will speak on the health benefits of olive oil and the importance of fresh olive oil in order to receive those health benefits. Registration Required:YES EAT LOCAL! - Wednesday, September 17, 7:00 PM MAIN LIBRARY, 800 Vine Street, 513-369-6900 Celebrate September as Local Food Month! Learn how to eat locally using the CORV (Central Ohio River Valley) Local Food Guide. Registration Required:NO BACKYARD CHICKENS - Thursday, September 18, 6:30 PM WESTWOOD BRANCH, 3345 Epworth Avenue, 513-369-4474 Age Group:ADULTS Interested in raising chickens in your own backyard? Don’t know where to start, or if it’s allowed where you live? Come learn about the resurgence of backyard chickens for eggs, meat, or just as a pet! Registration Required:NO INTRODUCTION TO ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE Saturday, September 20, 11:00 AM PLEASANT RIDGE BRANCH, 6233 Montgomery Road, 513-369-4488 Alexander Technique; A mindful approach to posture, poise and movement that can improve the way you look, feel and function. In this workshop you will learn about the history and principals of the technique, and practice a simple but effective relaxation method that you can do on your own. Suitable for all fitness levels. Registration Required:YES SHAKER FARMS GARDEN CLUB LECTURE SERIES: COOKING WITH HERBS - Monday, September 22, 7:00 PM HARRISON BRANCH, 10398 New Haven Road, 513-369-4442 Join Mary Lou Smith for a cooking demonstration on how to spice up your cooking using fresh herbs. Registration Required:YES

•Religious Recovery Religious Recovery: Healing for those Hurt, Disappointed, or Abused by Religion. Religious Recovery is a free mutual-support, nonprofessional 13-step program loosely based on the concept of traditional 12-step meetings. The meeting is open to all religions but

is not affiliated with any church or religious organization. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome. For meeting times and locations, or to contact an individual to speak about Religious Recovery, visit our web site: For information contact Wayne: or call/text: (513) 205-1057. We also have a Facebook page at Religious-Recovery/598915013454248.

•Soul Crafting Classes at the Elemental Om

Fri Aug 15 & Fri Sept 19: 3rd Friday Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, 7:30 to 9 pm, light refreshments, Free, Elemental Om, Lebanon, www. Sun Aug 31 & Sun Sept 28: Last Sunday Guided Meditation 10:45 to 11:15 am, Free, Lebanon Elemental Om Sat Sept 6: 1st Saturday Soul Crafting, 1-3 pm, $20, creativity & light refreshments, Elemental Om, Lebanon, RSVP, All Soul Crafting activities take place at the Lebanon Elemental Om studio at 46 E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio 45036. See our website for details, directions and contact information.

•Stress, Autoimmune Disease and Neuroplasticity

Mini-seminar facilitated by Orion (similar to Seth & Abraham), and Ken Routson - October 22 from 7-9pm Cost: $25 Call 513.942.3009

•Tri-State Hypnosis Center

Hypnosis Certification classes begin on September 6th. Visit our website at to learn more. To register call 513 943-1444 or email

•Universal Life Expo

Oct 25th & 26th, 2014 Saturday (10 am-7 pm) and Sunday (10 am-6 pm) Columbus Convention Center (Exh C) ~ 400 N. High St ~ Columbus, OH Admission: $11 One Day or $20 Two Day (Children under 12 free)

•Whatever Works Whatever Works Center and Gift shop 7433 Montgomery Rd. Cincin. Oh. 45236 Ph. #(513)791-9428 At Whatever Works Wellness : Mondays 6:30 to 8:00 pm Manifestation Class: Hands on training from the material of Abraham - Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette & others. Understand the universal law of attraction, the art of allowing & power of emotions that can help you create the life you desire. $10.00 per class - call (513)7919428 for info or to reserve a seat. Wednesdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm Wellness Wednesdays. Ongoing support group dedicated to sharing natural holistic ways to maximize your health & well being. Call (513)791-9428 for info or to reserve a seat. Other fun studies and services offered for your daily life: Crystal & Stone readings, Numerology readings & chart printouts, Dream & symbol interpretation & Energy Cleansing. For Center’s future events, check out or

•World Peace Yoga SADHANA SERVICE w/ Amber Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm At Burnet Woods at the Bandstand Pranayama, Meditation, & Yoga Philosophy. Offered by Donation. for more info.



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