Der Generationskonflikt

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a brief booklet about young and old







SKONFLIKT 2022 01 a definition 02 the old way 03 the young way

Generational conflict refers either to a conflict situation in youth with one‘s own parents‘ generation or, more generally, to a dispute between two different generations that is often characterized by prejudice against the other generation.

The term, which can be attested in almost all cultures, refers to an intrafamily conflict between young and old that is widespread in society. It is often about property or moral structures that are defended or attacked.

till death do us part

a whole life with you is like the movement of clouds, their airy, quiet falls, their lightness and smoothness
Gert Stockmans

spent my childhood as an orphan in the countryside. MY CHILD HOOD

“Since my father was killed in war, I and my mother fled from my beloved home Darmstadt. We lived with my aunts on their farm. My childhood was not a bad one, certainly not, one did not know any better at that time. Through this minimalistic life I was very close to nature and had a lot of friends. I always notice that one was satisfied with much less in the past and was much more happy to see their friends again. Nowadays we live in the lap of luxury, we are networked everywhere and no one sees the little, meaningful things of life anymore.“

Annie Spratt

Zeitgeist der vielgepriesene


Interview with a friend can you recall an extremely form

Muk und Nair

Danie Franco

ative moment with a grandparent?

„when i was saying goodbye to my grand ma before my studies abroad, she started crying. In that mo ment i realized that this could be the last moment we shared together.“


What are the three most inspiring traits of your grandma/grandpa?

Why I admire my grandparents for their strength. Both of my grandmas worked, raised five children and worked on their farms on the side. They are incredibly hospitable and always welcome visitors with open arms. My grandparents don‘t have a lot of money, but they are still generous and would do anything for their family.

What was the most beautiful moment you shared with your grandparents?

I have many beautiful moments with my grandparents. It was always very special to go on vacation with my grandma, because there I was allowed to do things that we didn‘t do at home. For example, there was bread with sugar butter, I was allowed to wear my grandma‘s self-made clothes and there was always coffee at 3 p.m. sharp. With all these little, almost irrelevant activities, I always felt very loved and taken care of.

Are there concerns or even fears about being that old yourself?

Before my grandfather died, there was a phase that I never want to experience myself and don‘t wish on anyone. He had dementia and was certainly no longer the same a few months before his death. You could no longer see his joy of life in his eyes. He didn‘t remember our names, but I‘m sure he recognized us because he was close to tears and very happy. It was very depressing to see him lose himself, so yes I am afraid of getting very sick in old age.

On what issues do conflicts arise between you and your grandparents?

I never have open conflicts with my grandparents. We sometimes have discussions where we have different opinions on topics like LGBTQ+. However, they accept that times change. They also know that they can‘t change my opinion and that fundamentally we have the same values: Compassion, respect; so we can talk to each other on a respectful level about different positions.

Can you recall an extremely formative moment with a grandparent?

My grandma and I once visited her sister who was a very energetic and loving person in the past. Unfortunately she became sick and was unrecognisable. My grandma began to cry and said that she fears the moment when her beloved sister dies .


The Eastern Bloc had already seen several mass protests in the decades following World War II, including the Hungarian Revolution, the uprising in East Germany and several labor strikes in Poland, especially important ones in Poznań in 1956. Waves of social movements throughout the 1960s began to shape the values of the generation who were students during 1968. In America, the civil rights movement was at its peak, but was also at its most violent, such as the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4 by a white supremacist. In Northern Ireland, religious division paved the way for a decades-long violent conflict between Irish republicans and Irish unionists. Italy and France were in the midst of a socialist movement. The New Left political movement was causing political upheavals in many European and South American countries. The Israeli–Palestinian conflict had already started, the British anti-war movement remained strong and African independence movements continued to grow in number. In Poland in March 1968, student demonstrations at Warsaw University broke out when the government banned the performance of a play by Adam Mickiewicz (Dziady, written in 1824) at the Polish Theatre in Warsaw, on the grounds that it contained "anti-Soviet references". It became known as the March 1968 events.



The women's liberation movement caused generations of females to question the global status quo of unequal empowerment of women, and the post-war baby boomer generation came to reassess and redefine their priorities about marriage and motherhood. The peace movement made them question authority more than ever before. By the time they started college, the majority of young people identified with an anti-establishment culture, which became the impetus for the wave of rebellion and re-imagination that swept through campuses and throughout the world. College students of 1968 embraced progressive, liberal politics. Their progressive leanings and skepticism of authority were a significant impetus to the global protests of 1968.

Sasan Rashtipour
03 In what dire

ction are you going?

the oung way

Leandra Bischofberger

Hookup culture is one that accepts and encourages casual sex encounters, including one-night stands and other related activity, without necessarily including emotional intimacy, bonding or a committed relationship.

It is generally associated with Western late adolescent sexuality and, in particular, United States college culture. The term hookup has an ambiguous definition because it can indicate kissing or any form of physical sexual activity between sexual partners.

The term has been widely used in the U.S. since at least 2000. It has also been called nonrelationship sex, or sex without dating. Most research on hookups has been focused on U.S. college students, but hookups are not limited to college campuses. Adolescents and emerging adults engage in hookups for a variety of reasons, which may range from instant physical gratification, to fulfillment of emotional needs, to using it as a means of finding a long-term romantic partner. Reaction by media to hookup culture has been often considered moral panic. The recent introduction of mobile hookup apps and websites have shaped hookup culture, especially among gay men.



Wilhelm Gunkel Mia Harvey
“we‘re all born naked, and the rest is drag“
-RuPaul Andre Charles



In the modern Information Age, information overload is experienced as distracting and unmanageable information such as email spam, email notifications, instant messages, Tweets and Facebook(Meta) updates in the context of the work environment. Social media has resulted in "social information overload", which can occur on sites like Meta (previously Facebook), and technology is changing to serve our social culture.



In today's society, day-to-day activities increasingly involve the technological world where information technology exacerbates the number of interruptions that occur in the work environment. Management may be even more disrupted in their decision making, and may result in more poor decisions. Thus, the PIECES framework mentions information overload as a potential problem in existing information systems.

As the world moves into a new era of globalization, an increasing number of people are connecting to the Internet to conduct their own research and are given the ability to contribute as well as view data on an increasing number of websites. Users are now classified as active users because more people in society are participating in the Digital and Information Age. This flow has created a new life where humanity is now in danger of becoming dependent on this method of access to information where risks of the perpetuation of misinformation are greatly increased.

Karen Lauz

what happened in the final moments of his life UP

George floyd UP

The US has been convulsed by nationwide protests over the death of an African-American man in police custody.

George Floyd, 46, died after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Footage of the arrest on 25 May shows a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr Floyd's neck while he was pinned to the floor.

know so far.

and official statements, here's what we

accounts from witnesses, video footage

pened within just 30 minutes. Based on

events that led to Mr Floyd's death hap -

was restrained by the officers. The key

than 20 times he could not breathe as he

cam footage show Mr Floyd said more

with murder.

Transcripts of police body -

Mr Chauvin, 44, has since been charged


-BBC News

black lifes matter

Shane Aldendorff

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