FALL 2017
Letter from the Editor: DeAndre Nixon
Zealousness Team
How big is the coaching industry?
Extreme coaching: When is it too much?
How to be a good mentor?
How to find the perfect tutor?
The role of guidance counselors
Can a good coach make a difference?
How to obtain a coaching license?
Different coaching types / approaches and where to find those coaches?
38 The “Common Core”: There are no bad students. Each one has a potential.
Education Around the World - Finland
Coach for ‘Girls on the Run’ Breaks Gender Barriers
Relationship Coach Manny Hall on Mentoring and Learning
57 58
Why is climate change real? Why do we dream?
64 67 68
I don’t feel like going to school Grammar tips Zealousness Club
70 71
Word Search Sudoku
FALL 2017
from the
DeAndre Nixon Founder/President of iN Education, Inc. and Editor in Chief of Zealousness Magazine.
At some point in your lifetime, you might have been coached by someone you know on some level. Not only that, you might have yourself coached others. This mentorship is a crucial foundation for development and success. Think back to all your relationships: your parents, relatives, friends, teachers, or a counselor at school. Think back to the moments where you perhaps may have helped a fellow student. If we can agree that there are people with capacities greater than our own in some areas, we can agree that coaches can be pillars of success. There are many types of coaches out there, and choosing the right FRDFK IRU ZKDW \RX QHHG UHTXLUHV NQRZOHGJH RQ KRZ WKLQJV ZRUN ZLWKLQ \RXU Č´HOG In our 6th issue, Mentoring & Coaching, we delve into the importance coaches play and the impact they have on those they serve. We hope that this issue serves as a guide, a starting point for you to explore more about the coach world! Keep in the loop with Zealousness for comprehensive, insightful articles on various topics ranging from useful tips on education to career planning advice.
FALL 2017
DeAndre Nixon
Sona Nixon
Jessica Y Sinha Nina Warnke Priyanka Stephanie Klein
Sona Nixon
WRITERS Edyta Miazga Erica Murphey Evelyn Bourassa Lakia Curtis Nidhi Memon Nupur Srivastava, PhD Richard Wu Sita Singh
PRODUCTION ARTISTS Jessica Y Sinha Jordan Helwig
zealousness@ineducationonline.org 3867 West Market Street, Suite 166 Akron, Ohio 44333 FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
How big is the coaching industry?
FALL 2017
How big is the coaching industry?
HOW BIG IS THE COACHING INDUSTRY? By Edyta Miazga The word coach took a slang meaning for
tutor in XIX century – someone who “carriesâ€? Č´UVW PHDQLQJ IRU FRDFK ZDV D ODUJH FDUULDJH student through an exam. The athletic sense came later in XIX century. It can also mean someone who instructs or trains (for exDPSOH DFWLQJ FRDFK DQG EH FORVH WR VXFK D word as mentor. /HWȇV Č´UVW WDNH D ORRN DW DWKOHWLF FRDFKHV They instruct and advise on improving sport techniques. They mainly work in educational services and recreation. They work irreguODU KRXUV DQG WKHLU MRE UHTXLUHV WUDYHO %RWK O*Net OnLine and Bureau of Labor Statistics OLVW FRDFKHV DQG VFRXWV ZKR VHDUFK IRU WDOented athletes in the same category. But the MRE WLWOHV YDU\ 2 1HW 2Q/LQH OLVWV WKH IROORZing examples of work titles: Assistant BasketEDOO &RDFK $VVLVWDQW &RDFK $VVLVWDQW )RRWEDOO &RDFK %DVHEDOO &RDFK %DVNHWEDOO &RDFK &RDFK &URVV &RXQWU\ 7UDFN DQG )LHOG &RDFK 'LUHFWRU RI $WKOHWLFV )RRWEDOO &RDFK 9ROOH\ball Coach. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists as VLPLODU RFFXSDWLRQV $WKOHWLF 7UDLQHUV )LWQHVV 7UDLQHU DQG ΖQVWUXFWRUV DQG 5HIHUHHV DQG RWKHU VSRUWV RÉ?FLDOV 7KH\ PD\ KROG WHDFKLQJ GHJUHHV EXW UHJDUGOHVV PRVW RI WKHVH MREV require a four-year degree and good expeULHQFH YHU\ RIWHQ JDLQHG E\ SHUVRQDO H[SHULHQFH DV DWKOHWHV DQG LQ DGGLWLRQ H[FHOOHQW knowledge about play. Educational requirements vary by state and local sports organi]DWLRQV )RU H[DPSOH ΖOOLQRLV 'HSDUWPHQW RI Financial and Professional Regulation issues Athletic Trainer license – for individuals who provide preventive and emergency care to
FALL 2017
How big is the coaching industry?
Probably my best quality as a coach is that I ask a lot of challanging questions and let the person come up with the answers - Phil Dixon
those in athletic programs (including counselLQJ RQ QXWULWLRQ K\JLHQH SURWHFWLYH HTXLPHQW DQG RQ VLWH LQMXU\ FDUH DQG HYDOXDWLRQ rstand it or we are afraid of failing. There are 32 certiČ´FDWLRQV SURYLGHG WKURXJK HQWLUH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV by various agencies for coaches. O*Net OnLine OLVWV DV PDQ\ DV WUDLQLQJ SURJUDPV RÎ?HUHG E\ GLÎ?HUHQW XQLYHUVLWLHV WKURXJK ΖOOLQRLV RQO\ ΖQ WKHUH ZHUH HPSOR\HHV ZKR worked as coaches. 1RZ OHWȇV ORRN DW WKH EURDG GHČ´QLWLRQ RI D FRDFK RQH ZKR LQVWUXFWV RU WUDLQV +HUH ZH ZRXOG HQcounter the close synonym “mentorâ€?. This word has its origin in mythology: When Odysseus left IRU KLV WULS WKDW WRRN \HDUV ZKLFK KH GLG QRW H[SHFW DW WKH WLPH KH OHIW EHKLQG D ZLIH DQG OLWtle son Telemachus. He entrusted his son’s education into a friend’s hands. The friend’s name ZDV 0HQWRU DQG KHQFH HYHU\ H[SHULHQFHG DQG trusted adviser is called mentor. When we think DERXW FRDFK QHYHUWKHOHVV WKH Č´UVW GHČ´QLWLRQ that comes to our minds will be the athletic one. :LWK PHQWRU WKH GHČ´QLWLRQ LV YHU\ EURDG DQG ZH FDQ EH PHQWRUHG E\ D PXVLF WHDFKHU VSHFLDO
FALL 2017
HGXFDWLRQ WHDFKHU FRXQVHORU WKHUDSLVW RU D Č´nancial advisor. Anyone with great experience DQG NQRZOHGJH DQG VHW RI VNLOOV DEOH WR HGXFDWH and guide can be a mentor. If searched in O*Net 2Q/LQH WKHUH LV QR MRE WLWOHG ČŠPHQWRUČ‹ EXW ZH get a list of 20 occupations that are close. Mentoring is thus done by Mental Health CounselRUV &OLQLFDO 3V\FKRORJLVWV 0DUULDJH DQG )DPLO\ 7KHUDSLVWV (GXFDWLRQDO *XLGDQFH 6FKRRO DQG 9RFDWLRQDO &RXQVHORUV DPRQJ RWKHUV 6LPLODU search on the Bureau of Labor Statistics brings links to occupations such as Training and DevelRSPHQW 0DQDJHUV +LJK 6FKRRO 7HDFKHUV .LQGHUJDUWHQ DQG (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO 7HDFKHUV DQG Interpreters and Translators. Job requirements DQG VWDWH UHJXODWLRQV YDU\ EXW PRVW RI WKRVH MREV UHTXLUH VXEVWDQWLDO HGXFDWLRQ DQG IDOO XQder zone 4 with graduate degree required. Not every professional should be automatically conVLGHUHG D PHQWRU EXW HYHU\ SURIHVVLRQDO PD\ have the potential to be one Which in turn makes us feel like we could never do well with them and we make excuses that we might never even use such topics for daily life.
How big is the coaching industry?
COACH DEFINITION (dictionary.com
noun: 1. a person who trains an athlete or a team of athletes: a football coach. 2..a private tutor who prepares a student for an examination. 3. a person who instructs an actor or singer (among other definitions) Coaches and Scouts: https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/27-2022.00 Coaches and Scouts: https://www.bls.gov/OOH/entertainment-and-sports/coaches-and-scouts.htm#tab-1 0HUULDP :HEVWHU KWWSV ZZZ PHUULDP ZHEVWHU FRP GLFWLRQDU\ FRDFK DQG KWWSV ZZZ PHUULDP ZHEVWHU FRP GLFWLRQDU\ mentor
FALL 2017
Extreme Coaching: When is it too much?
Extreme Coaching: When is it too Much? By Erica Murphey
FALL 2017
Extreme Coaching: When is it too much? How to Ensure Each Student Succeeds
Mentors are sometimes portrayed as extrem-
LVWV LQ WKH PHGLD ΖQ WKH PRYLH ČŠ:KLSODVKČ‹ D MD]] teacher shouts at one of his students in front of his classmates until the young man begins to cry. In the movie “Full Metal Jacketâ€? a drill VHUJHDQW FKRNHV EHUDWHV DQG HYHQWXDOO\ FRQtributes to a character’s suicide. Sometimes a coach can push a client too far. Yet how can you tell when your coach is an extremist? There are several red flags to look for. Impatience 8QOLNH LQ VRPH ERRNV DQG ILOPV D JRRG PHQWRU will be very patient while still persevering in his or her mission. That mission is to help you be the best version of yourself. CBS news dot com reports that too many people mistakenly think that a career or life coach is there to help them UHDFK WKHLU RZQ JRDOV +RZHYHU LI \RXU JRDO LV WR EH D EDVNHWEDOO SOD\HU ZKHQ \RX FDQQRW MXPS
ZHOO WKHQ \RXU FRDFK VKRXOG UHGLUHFW \RX WR something where you can blossom. Abusive Some parents believe a good coach should push their children to their breaking point. We of-ten VHH FRDFKHV LQ PRYLHV VXFK DV Ȋ9DUVLW\ %OXHVȋ screaming in a pupil’s face until he or she begins to cry. Any coach regardless of specialty will tell you that this is a terrible idea. It benefits neither the child nor the teacher. This often happens in children’s sports when the parents are so focused on winning that they do not reDOL]H WKLQJV VXFK DV KRQLQJ VNLOOV DUH MXVW DV LPportant. Inaccessible Can you never reach your adviser? Is he or she LPSRVVLEOH WR FDOO H PDLO RU VHQG D WH[W PHV sage to? Then you might want to get rid of them. One anonymous source notes that she had a
FALL 2017
Extreme Coaching: When is it too much?
thesis director who would rarely answer her e-mails and would mix them up with other graduate students’. Ȋ+H GLG WKLV UHSHDWHGO\ ȋ VKH VD\V Communication is key as it is in any relationship. Does Not Listen 2I FRXUVH D FRDFKȇV MRE LV WR JXLGH DQG JLYH DGYLFH +RZHYHU WKH\ DUH RQO\ KXPDQ DQG QHHG IHHGback sometimes. It might be time to get a new adviser if they do all of the talking. How can you tell if VRPHRQH LV D SRRU OLVWHQHU WKRXJK" 6LPSO\ DVN \RXUVHOI LI WKH\ SODQ D UHVSRQVH ZKLOH RU EHIRUH \RX have finished talking. Pretends to Psychoanalyze You should not get a life coach if you are or have reason to believe you are mentally ill. One of the biggest lines a mentor is not supposed to cross is helping out those with neurological con-ditions. +RZHYHU WKHUH DUH OLFHQVHG FRXQVHORUV ZKR DUH DOVR OLIH FRDFKHV ZKLFK RQH FDQ HDVLO\ YHULI\ 6RPH mental health professionals are coaches but not all coaches are mental health professionals Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/top-10-professional-life-coaching-myths/
FALL 2017
Extreme Coaching: When is it too much?
FALL 2017
How to be a good mentor?
How To Be a Good Mentor? By Nidhi Menon
FALL 2017
How to be a good mentor?
“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself� -Galileo A
Q\ERG\ FDQ EH D JRRG PHQWRU <RX FRXOG EH D IULHQG D SDUHQW D WHDFKHU D SURIHVVRU RU HYHQ D ERVV Reflect upon the times you have had a mentor and think about their characteristic traits that fostered your connection with them. What are some of the key aspects of the mentorship that would help you make the same connection with your mentee? Mentors have some core qualities that are essential for a successful partnership. To be a trusted DGYLVRU FRQILGDQW DQG JXLGH LW LV FULWLFDO WR PDNH \RXUVHOI DYDLODEOH EH VXSSRUWLYH DQG HQJDJH LQ meaningful conversations. Mentoring styles may be tailored to suit the needs of your mentee and may range from a single meeting to a lifetime.
FALL 2017
How to be a good mentor?
Here are the top five traits my mentors have shared:
Experienced In order to offer valuable suggestions and help your mentee discover their true potential and DFKLHYH WKHLU JRDOV \RX PXVW KDYH H[SHULHQFH in the area in which your mentee is seeking JXLGDQFH +RZHYHU LW LV LPSRUWDQW WR UHPHPber that sharing personal experiences and sitXDWLRQV VKRXOG EH GRQH LQ DQ XQELDVHG QHXWUDO PDQQHU DOORZLQJ \RXU PHQWHH WR LQWHUSUHW DQG learn the way they prefer.
Altruistic It is imperative to keep your menteeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interests in mind while offering advice. In order to have a meaningful relationship with your mentee DQG WR EH DQ H[FHSWLRQDO PHQWRU \RX VKRXOG
FALL 2017
connect with your mentee on a personal level. Take a genuine interest in the life of your menWHH OLVWHQ WR WKHP LQWHQWO\ RIIHU VXSSRUW DQG show compassion. The wellbeing of your mentee should be your priority.
Patient While you may be eager to voice your opinion ZKHQ \RXU PHQWHH SUHVHQWV D VLWXDWLRQ \RX need to have patience to process all the information you have been given before offering DGYLFH Î&#x2013;Q FHUWDLQ VLWXDWLRQV \RX PD\ UHTXLUH D lot more insight before you can move on to discussing potential solutions. Take your time to DYRLG RSLQLRQDWHG LOO DGYLFH 7UXVWZRUWK\ Do not betray your menteeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trust. It is crucial to acknowledge that your mentee may feel vulnerable sharing their problems with you. They may
How to be a good mentor?
not be comfortable with others knowing about issues they are dealing with. While the relationship ZLWK \RXU PHQWHH FRXOG EH SXEOLF WKH QDWXUH RI \RXU FRQYHUVDWLRQ VKRXOG EH FRQILGHQWLDO 7KLV LV paramount to keeping your relationship honest and promoting a higher level of self-disclosure. Make sure to establish certain ground rules for circumstances when the confidentiality may have to be revoked.
Inquisitive Ask your mentee questions to gain more perspective. This is not only vital for situations that require mediating or reaching a solution but also in casual conversations so you can gain a better understanding about your mentee and their personal and professional life and learn about their LQWHUDFWLRQV ZLWK WKH SHRSOH DURXQG WKHP 7KH PRUH \RX NQRZ WKH PRUH LW ZLOO KHOS \RX PHQWRU effectively. Asking questions could also be used to help a mentee gain insight into solving their own problems. This is a coaching technique that can be helpful in all sorts of situations and emSRZHUV WKH PHQWHH WR ILQG WKHLU RZQ SHUVRQDO VROXWLRQV UDWKHU WKDQ ZDLW WR EH JLYHQ DGYLFH ZKLFK may or may not work for them. :KLOH \RX PXVW JLYH \RXU EHVW WR KHOS \RXU PHQWHH VXFFHHG UHPHPEHU WR LGHQWLI\ \RXU UROH LQ WKH UHODWLRQVKLS DV D KHOSIXO UHVRXUFH DQG QRW DV DQ HQDEOHU DQG UHFRJQL]H WKDW \RX DUH QRW UHVSRQVLble for successes and failures of your mentee
FALL 2017
How to find the perfect tutor?
How to Find the Perfect Tutor? By Erica Murphey
The summer vacation months are when many
parents decide to hire tutors. Some want to refresh their childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s learning skills when their children are out of school. Others hire them because their son or daughter needs help in a SDUWLFXODU VXEMHFW RU FRPSOHWH UHPHGLDO DVVLVWDQFH 5HJDUGOHVV RI WKH UHDVRQ D JRRG WXWRU LV ZRUWK KLV RU KHU ZHLJKW LQ JROG +RZ GR \RX Č´QG WKH RQH ZKR ZLOO Č´W \RXU FKLOGČ&#x2021;V XQLTXH QHHGV though?
Cooperate with teachers. &KLOGUHQ DUH DV GLÎ?HUHQW DV Č´QJHUSULQWV :KHQ \RX Č´QG RXW WKDW \RXU FKLOGČ&#x2021;V DFDGHPLF SHUIRUmance is not as good as expected you should cooperate with academic counselors and fac-
FALL 2017
ulty to make a plan. Many people are quick to assume that if a student is failing then he or she must have an incompetent teacher. This is D PLVWDNH 7HDFKHUV DQG VWDÎ? ZDQW WR VHH VWXGHQWV VXFFHHG MXVW DV PXFK DV WKHLU FDUHWDNHUV do.
Money and experience matters. Your budget is an important factor. Just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it be the only one. According to readingrockets. RUJ \RX VKRXOG DVN DERXW D WXWRUČ&#x2021;V FDQFHOODWLRQ policies and if you can pay in installments. Many people will be happy to work with you. Another huge factor is the tutorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s academic background. Sometimes a pupil is simply strugJOLQJ LQ RQH VXEMHFW OLNH (QJOLVK VR Č´QGLQJ DQ
How to find the perfect tutor?
Personalize learning goals. )RFXV :RUN ZLWK FRXQVHORUV IDFXOW\ DQG WKH tutor to come up with a customized plan for WKH VWXGHQW )RU LQVWDQFH LI WKH\ QHHG D VSHFLČ´F curriculum a learning center might be the best environment for them.
sidered no matter how old the child is. For inVWDQFH LI \RX FKRRVH WR KDYH VRPHRQH FRPH WR your home it might be safer to meet in a pubOLF SODFH OLNH D FRÎ?HH VKRS IRU DW OHDVW WKH Č´UVW session. You can do a safety and experience assessment this way. 0LVV -RVZLDN WXWRUV DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI +RXVton Downtown Reading and Writing Center. She currently resides in Texas
Source: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/four-stepsČ´QGLQJ H[FHOOHQW WXWRU \RXU FKLOG
Take their learning style into account as well. Are they visual or auditory learners? Do they OHDUQ EHWWHU IURP SHRSOH RI D VSHFLČ´F DJH RU gender? Do they need someone who is gentle and encouraging or someone who is not afraid WR JLYH WKHP D Č´UP SXVK LQ WKH ULJKW GLUHFWLRQ"
7XWRUV DUH GLÎ?HUHQW IURP WHDFKHUV Joswiak notes that caretakers and students VKRXOG NQRZ WKHLU JRDOV Č´UVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;People tend to think of tutors as mini instrucWRUV EXW ZHČ&#x2021;UH UHDOO\ PRUH OLNH JXLGHV Î&#x2013;Q WHUPV RI KRZ WKLV ZRUNV ZHČ&#x2021;UH WU\LQJ WR Č´JXUH RXW ZKDW \RX ZDQW WR GR Č&#x2039; VKH VD\V Think of a good tutor as a car. They can get you where you need to be but you must know the directions to the destination. Consider location and safety. Where is the best place for a child to learn? Should you get an individual to teach in your home? Would a public place like a library be better? Will a learning centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s environment motivate them the most? Safety should be con-
FALL 2017
How to find the perfect tutor?
“People tend to think of tutors as mini instructors, but we’re really more like guides. In terms of how this works, we’re trying to figure out what you want to do.” - Dr. Joswiak
FALL 2017
The role of guidance counselors.
Huge Caseloads 0RVW JXLGDQFH FRXQVHORUV KDYH WUHPHQGRXV ZRUNORDGV VRPH QHDULQJ VWXGHQWV ZKLFK LV IRXU times the recommended cap. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The average counselor-student ratio in our country is now 1 to 459â&#x20AC;&#x201D; DOPRVW GRXEOH WKDW UHFRPPHQGHG E\ WKH $PHULFDQ 6FKRRO &RXQVHORU $VVRFLDWLRQ ZKLFK LV WR È&#x2039; 7KH (GXFDWLRQ 7UXVW :LWK VXFK DQ RYHUZKHOPLQJ VWXGHQW WR FRXQVHORU UDWLR LW LV LPSRVVLEOH IRU D JXLGDQFH FRXQVHORU WR effectively help students in crises and to assist each child in making the best decisions about what to do when they leave high school. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;¦[W]hen school counselors allow 20 percent of their students to WDNH XS SHUFHQW RI WKHLU WLPH LQ HIIHFW SHUFHQW RI WKH VWXGHQWV GR QRW JHW SURSHUO\ SUHSDUHG IRU FROOHJH DQG FDUHHUÈ&#x2039; 7KH (GXFDWLRQ 7UXVW 0DQ\ VWXGHQWV ZKR VHHN KHOS ILQGLQJ RXW DERXW FROOHJH RSWLRQV GR QRW JHW DGHTXDWH WLPH ZLWK D JXLGDQFH FRXQVHORU QRU GR WKH\ UHFHLYH WKH UHVRXUFHV WR educate themselves.
FALL 2017
Hindsight is 40%
students? â&#x20AC;&#x153;An estimated 20 to 50 percent of students enter college as â&#x20AC;&#x153;undecidedâ&#x20AC;? and an estimated 75 percent of students change their PDMRU DW OHDVW RQFH EHIRUH JUDGXDWLRQČ&#x2039; 7KH 0HQWRU 7KH OLPLWHG WLPH WKDW VWXGHQWV VSHQG with guidance counselors doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to get WKHP DQ\ FORVHU WR VHOHFWLQJ D PDMRU WKDW LV WKH right fit.
8OWLPDWHO\ WKH RQHURXV MRE RI UHVHDUFKLQJ FROleges and financing is up to the student and his SDUHQWV EXW WKH\ QHHG D SURIHVVLRQDO WR JXLGH them in choosing preparatory coursework. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A College Board survey of graduates from the FODVV RI FRQGXFWHG RQH \HDU DIWHU FRPPHQFHPHQW IRXQG WKDW SHUFHQW ZLVKHG WKH\ had taken different courses in high schoolâ&#x20AC;? (The (GXFDWLRQ 7UXVW +RZ DUH IDPLOLHV JHWWLQJ WKHLU information on which courses to take? With 40% of surveyed college freshmen wishing they had WDNHQ GLIIHUHQW FODVVHV LW VHHPV WR LQGLFDWH WKDW there is an information void.
Many students who took part in a study stated that their guidance counselor didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any LPSDFW LQ WKH PDMRU WKH\ FKRVH $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH VWXG\ WR VHOHFW D PDMRU VWXGHQWV VD\ WKDW â&#x20AC;&#x153;factors that played a role include a general inWHUHVW WKH VWXGHQW KDG LQ WKH VXEMHFW KH RU VKH chose; family and peer influence; and assumpWLRQV DERXW LQWURGXFWRU\ FRXUVHV SRWHQWLDO MRE FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DQG FKDUDFWHULVWLFV RI WKH PDMRUČ&#x2039; 7KH 0HQWRU Č&#x160;Č?>6@VWXGHQWV DUH FKRRVLQJ D PDMRU EDVHG RQ LQIOXHQFH DQG DVVXPSWLRQ UDWKer than through an understanding of their own SHUVRQDO JRDOV DQG YDOXHVČ&#x2039; 7KH 0HQWRU
Are Counselors Helping?
Selecting a Major
How much are guidance counselors helping
FALL 2017
:KHQ VWXGHQWV OLYH WKH PDMRULW\ RI WKHLU OLYHV ZLWK WKHLU IDPLO\ WKH\ KDYHQČ&#x2021;W had to make crucial decisions on their own; their ability to know who they are and predict what will be best for them is OLPLWHG 7R SLFN D PDMRU students need not only an in-depth knowledge and understanding of potential proIHVVLRQV EXW
The role of guidance counselors. they also need to know how they will react unGHU VWUHVV 8QWLO WKH\ KDYH KDG VRPH LQGHSHQdence and needed to make important decisions RQ WKHLU RZQ WKH\ ZRQČ&#x2021;W NQRZ KRZ WKH DQVZHUV to these questions. /LNHZLVH WKH\ QHHG WR XQGHUVWDQG ZKDW WKH MRE ZLOO EH OLNH RQ EDG GD\V LI WKH\ ZLOO KDYH WR UHORFDWH ZRUN ORQJ KRXUV RU JLYH XS KREELHV IRU WKHLU FKRVHQ FDUHHU 7R KDYH D IXOO SLFWXUH WKH\ QHHG WR FRQGXFW UHVHDUFK WDON WR SURIHVVLRQDOV LQ WKH ILHOG MRE VKDGRZ DQG H[SORUH PDQ\ RStions. While a guidance counselor can help stuGHQWV VHOHFW WKH ULJKW FODVVHV XVH WHFKQRORJ\ WR SHUIRUP UHVHDUFK DQG DUUDQJH IRU LQWURGXFWLRQV WR SURIHVVLRQDOV WKHLU UROH LQ FRQWULEXWLQJ WR FKRRVLQJ D PDMRU LV OLPLWHG 5HVHDUFK VXJJHVWV WKDW FKRRVLQJ D PDMRU EHIRUH HQWHULQJ FROOHJH LV QRW SRVVLEOH DQG FHUtainly canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen in a guidance counselorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RIILFH Č&#x160;Č? 7KH\ VWXGHQWV PD\ QRW \HW EH GHvelopmentally ready to make important life decisions without a structured period of self-reIOHFWLRQ OHDUQLQJ DQG JURZWK :KHQ PDNLQJ decisions independently or based on the opinions of those with whom they have a personal
Î&#x2013;QIRUPDWLRQ 9RLG Guidance counselors should have a thorough understanding of the various kinds of state and SULYDWH ILQDQFLDO DLG DVVLVW IDPLOLHV WR XQGHUVWDQG ZKDW NLQG RI DLG WKH\ TXDOLI\ IRU DQG KHOS students and families fill out financial aid and scholarships forms. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And 40 percent said they failed to get the guidance needed to understand the college application and financial aid SURFHVVHVČ&#x2039; 7KH (GXFDWLRQ 7UXVW 1HDUO\ KDOI RI the students do not learn about even a fraction of their college options or how to finance their HGXFDWLRQ (DFK \HDU PDQ\ RSWLRQV FROOHJH RStions are left unexplored mainly because a guidance counselor did not make sure that students know to look into a wide-range of choices.
FALL 2017
The role of guidance counselors.
Job Description
Because many school principals are not trained in working with, supervising, and mentoring guidance counselors, they often utilize them as well-paid administrative assistants. Principals charge guidance counselors with coordinating standardized testing, substitute teaching, and providing lunch, bus, and hallway supervision duty.
The Problem Starts in Grad School Because most guidance counselors take their master’s degree classes with mental health and other counseling professionals, the focus of most of their program is on providing individual and small group therapy, not on the educational component of their job. To make matters worse, they may not have even had a school practicum. Usually, most guidance counselors only receive on the job training to help students in applying for colleges and financial aid. Due to their lack of educational training, guidance
FALL 2017
counselors are often more skilled at working with homeless students or those in a crisis than to encourage students in danger of heading nowhere to take more rigorous coursework.
A New Focus Rather than therapy being the focus of their work, guidance counselors should focus on urging all students to take rigorous classes that will prepare them for college or to succeed in their first job. Guidance counselors “have access to reams of data assessments results, enrollment patterns, attendance rates… keen insight into which students (including which groups of students) are on a dead-end path, which students are en route to a solid high school education that will produce real choices, and which students are somewhere in between” (The Education Trust). They need to leverage this information to implement programs that will help them have more meaningful interactions with the students on their caseloads and shows the
The role of guidance counselors. significance of taking high school classwork se- FKDQJHV WKH QH[W ZDYH RI JXLGDQFH FRXQVHOriously. ors can mold and positively influence students without regrets When students are struggling academically or KDYLQJ SUREOHPV DW KRPH LW LV WKH JXLGDQFH Sources / Works Cited: counselorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role to bring together the childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal teachers and family to begin to resolve emo- https://dus.psu.edu/mentor/2013/06/disconnect-choosing-major/ tional and school struggles. A school psychologist or private clinician should provide any The Education Trust: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Poised to Lead: How School Counselors subsequent therapy. Taking these measures Can Drive College and Career Readiness, December 2011 ZLOO KHOS ORZHU D JXLGDQFH FRXQVHORUČ&#x2021;V FDVHORDG http://edtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Poised_To_ and allow them to focus on the academic com- Lead_0.pdf SRQHQW RI WKHLU MRE
+HOS IRU *XLGDQFH &RXQVHORUV Regularly bringing in professional community volunteers can help ease guidance counselorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; caseloads; they can talk to students about GLIIHUHQW FDUHHU SDWKV DQG VHW XS WLPHV IRU MRE shadowing. Other ways to ease guidance counselors workloads include using or using more career asVHVVPHQWV KHOSLQJ VWXGHQWV UHVHDUFK SRWHQWLDO FDUHHUV SURYLGLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR MRE VKDGRZ IRU D GD\ DQG DOORZLQJ VWXGHQWV WR VLW LQ RQ more challenging classes.
Necessary Changes Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imperative that master degree programs for JXLGDQFH FRXQVHORUV FKDQJH VR WKH\ DOO KDYH DQ HGXFDWLRQDO QRW D WKHUDS\ EDVHG IRFXV $OVR all future guidance counselors must complete a school-based practicum before working in a high school. School principals need training on how to work with and mentor guidance counselors and allow them to spend their full day with the students on their caseload rather than working on administrative tasks. Î&#x2013;I XWLOL]HG FRUUHFWO\ JXLGDQFH FRXQVHORUV FDQ FKDQJH WKH WUDMHFWRU\ RI WKH QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ of students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They also know which courses or teachers produce the most failures and sucFHVVHV ZKLFK SROLFLHV KROG VWXGHQWV EDFN DQG which instrumental supports helpâ&#x20AC;? (The EducaWLRQ 7UXVW :LWK D IHZ SROLF\ DQG DGPLQLVWUDWLYH
FALL 2017
Can a good coach make a difference?
Can A Good Coach Make A Difference? By Edyta Miazga
FALL 2017
Can a good coach make a difference?
A child, especially vulnerable when growing up, needs guidance and support, but an DGXOW FDQ EHQHÈ´W IURP professional perspective.
etâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first ask who needs a mentor/coach. The DQVZHU LV TXLFN DQG VKRUW (YHU\ERG\ $ FKLOG HVSHFLDOO\ YXOQHUDEOH ZKHQ JURZLQJ XS QHHGV JXLGDQFH DQG VXSSRUW EXW DQ DGXOW FDQ DOVR benefit from a professional perspective. Now who can assume a coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s/mentorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role? Some SHRSOH GR LW EHFDXVH RI WKH QDWXUH RI WKHLU MRE RU profession while some happen to become ones by family ties or even coincidence. To name a IHZ ZH KDYH RQ WKH OLVW D WHDFKHU FRXQVHORU DWKOHWLF WUDLQHU WKHUDSLVW SDUHQW JUDQGSDUHQW and even a neighbor on a long flight. A coach ZRXOG JLYH SUDFWLFDO VROXWLRQV DQ LQVWUXFWRU ZRXOG WUDLQ ZKHUHDV D PHQWRU FRXQVHORU RU JXLGH ZRXOG LQVSLUH EXW ERWK UROHV DUH FORVHO\ NQLWWHG WRJHWKHU %RWK OHDG E\ H[DPSOH DUH NQRZOHGJHDEOH WR SURYLGH DQVZHUV DUH JUHDW OLVWHQHUV KDYH JUHDW SDWLHQFH DQG EULQJ GLIIHUent perspectives into our lives. I would add they are able to focus on us and be empathic. This LV D ORQJ OLVW RI FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DQG LW LV YHU\ GHmanding. We feel safe entrusting our child to WKH JXLGDQFH RI RWKHUV DQG EHFDXVH RI WKDW ZH have respect for and confidence in our mentors.
Because we have respect for and confidence in RXU PHQWRUV ZH FDQ IHHO VDIH HQWUXVWLQJ RXU child to their guidance. An important question arisesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Why would one look for a mentor for oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s child when the parHQW FDQ EH KLV KHU UROH PRGHO" :HOO EHFDXVH VRPHWLPHV D SURIHVVLRQDO SHUVSHFWLYH QRW RYHUFKDUJHG E\ SHUVRQDO PHDQLQJ LV QHHGHG $OVR DGGLWLRQDO IHHGEDFN PD\ EH YHU\ YDOXDEOH as it often gives another perspective and shows different ways of handling a situation. Other people may possess skills that parents donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have. Is it safe to trust your child into someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FRDFKLQJ" +HDOWK\ FRDFKLQJ EH LW LQ ELNLQJ SDLQWLQJ VLJKWVHHLQJ YROXQWHHULQJ HWF FDQ EH D JRRG ZD\ RI VSHQGLQJ WLPH VKRZLQJ GLIIHUHQW SRVVLELOLWLHV KHOSLQJ JURZ LQWR WKH FRPPXQLW\ and developing social skills. It is a safety oasis where a child can retreat when suffering an unVXFFHVVIXO GD\ DW VFKRRO JHWWLQJ LQWR DQ DUJXment with a best friend. It is good to learn not to focus on only one lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aspect. A hobby can be a place to escape throughout oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life.
FALL 2017
Can a good coach make a difference?
One of the mentorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role I think is the most imSRUWDQW LV WR KHOS D \RXQJ SHUVRQ GLVFRYHU KHU his calling. I do feel pangs of pain for people ZKR VWUXJJOH WR GLVFRYHU WKHLU FDUHHU SDWK <HV you can become an optometrist even when you start at the age of 35. But you very likely already KDYH VRPH SULRU FROOHJH GHEW WR GHDO ZLWK DQG now you will be thinking of student loans when you could have started to invest more in your UHWLUHPHQW DFFRXQW 1RW WR PHQWLRQ LW PD\ EH PRUH GLIILFXOW WR EXLOG H[SHULHQFH SDUWLFLSDWH LQ LQWHUQVKLSV OHDUQ E\ YROXQWHHULQJ ZKHQ \RX KDYH IDPLO\ REOLJDWLRQV <HV LW FDQ EH GRQH EXW give your child the gift of knowing what he/she wants and can do. A counselorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s help is invaluable here. It is no coincidence that there are so many books in the career section in every library. There are a lot of mentoring books on KRZ WR ILQG DQG GLVFRYHU \RXU FDOOLQJ IURP DOO editions of What Color is Your Parachute? to the more recent The Art of Work by Jeff Goins. And there are also the more specific ones about KRZ WR EHFRPH DQ DFFRXQWDQW DQ HQJLQHHU DQ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ SURIHVVLRQDO HWF DQG KRZ WR SUHSDUH D UHVXPH ORRN IRU D MRE RU JHW UHDG\ for an interview. We need to face it: working \HDUV DUH WDNLQJ VR PXFK RI RXU OLYHV ZH FDQQRW OHDYH LW WR D FRLQFLGHQFH FKDQFH RU FRVWO\ XQguided decisions. While a high school counselor can help determine oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education/career JRDOV LW LV HTXDOO\ LPSRUWDQW WR ILQG D SURIHV-
FALL 2017
sional mentor/coach after graduating. The easLHVW ZD\ ZRXOG EH WR MRLQ SURIHVVLRQDO DVVRFLDtions where young professional can meet more experienced colleagues. To support my earlier opinion that everybody FDQ XVH D PHQWRU FRDFK Î&#x2013; JDWKHUHG H[DPSOHV of famous mentors to famous persons: 1. :DUUHQ %XIIHWW DQG .DWKHULQH *UDham. $Q H[WUDRUGLQDU\ ZRPDQ .DWKHULQH *UDKDP WKH IRUPHU RZQHU RI 7KH :DVKLQJWRQ 3RVW ZDV awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her elegantly written Personal History in which she gives an DFFRXQW RI KHU IULHQGVKLS ZLWK :DUUHQ %XIIHWW D ILQDQFLDO H[SHUW ZKR ZDV PHQWRULQJ KHU LQ EXVLQHVV PDWWHUV 6KH GHVSLWH EHLQJ IURP D ZHDOWK\ family and the owner of an influential newspaSHU ZLWK D JUDGXDWH GHJUHH IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &KLFDJR LQ OLWHUDWXUH QHHGHG D KDQG 2.
&ODUN &OLIIRUG DQG +DUU\ 6 7UXPDQ -RKQ ) .HQQHG\ /\QGRQ % -RKQVRQ DQG -LPmy Carter. &ODUN &OLIIRUG DQ DEOH ODZ\HU VHUYHG DV DQ DGvisor to all the above-listed Democratic presidents. He gave a very interesting account of his years as an advisor in Counsel to the President.
Can a good coach make a difference? 3. Mark Zuckerberg considered Steve Jobs. +LV PHQWRU DFFRUGLQJ WR KLV )DFHERRN FRPment. Although the three recent biographical movies about the Facebook creator and the Apple CEO (movies about each of them respectiveO\ GRHV QRW PHQWLRQ WKLV IDFW LW LV QRW KDUG WR VHH KRZ 6WHYH -REV WKH WHFKQRORJLFDO FUHDWRU became an inspiration for the social media innovator. 4. The current president of the Horatio AlJHU $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 'LVWLQJXLVKHG $PHULFDQV %\URQ ' 7URWW gives credit to his mentors. He thanks them for his successes. Byron Trott established the Jeff Metcalf Fellows Program in KRQRU RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &KLFDJR GHDQ -HII 0HWFDOI KLV PHQWRU WR DOORZ RWKHU VWXGHQWV RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &KLFDJR WR EHQHILW OLNH KH GLG Information about Trott can be found at www. horatioalgier.org.
5. 6LJPXQG )UHXG founder of psychoanal\VLV DQG Carl Jung IRXQGHU RI DQDO\WLFDO SV\FKRORJ\ VWRNH DQ LQWHOOHFWXDO IULHQGVKLS WKDW lasted six years before they parted. Freud was older than Jung and could be considered his PHQWRU EXW VXUHO\ WKH\ ERWK ZHUH JUHDW PHQ of the 20th century. Can a good mentor/coach make a difference? &HUWDLQO\ \HV (YHU\ERG\ FDQ XVH HQFRXUDJHPHQW VXSSRUW FRXQVHO NQRZOHGJHDEOH DGYLFH and correction in difficult times from a compeWHQW DFFRXQWDEOH UROH PRGHO PHQWRU Source: The elements of mentoring / W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley / W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley, 2004 Secondary coaching and mentoring [electronic resource] : active observation, Teachers TV/UK Department of Education, 2007 Primary coaching and mentoring [electronic resource] : focused feedback, Teachers TV/UK Department of Education, 2007
FALL 2017
How to obtain a coaching license?
How to Obtain a Coaching License? By Erica Murphey
FALL 2017
How to obtain a coaching license?
Professional coaching can be a very SURČ´WDEOH SURIHVVLRQ $FFRUGLQJ WR Harvard Business Review, the industry brought in $1 billion dollars in 2004. Professional coaching can be a very profitable
profession. According to Harvard Business ReYLHZ WKH LQGXVWU\ EURXJKW LQ ELOOLRQ GROODUV in 2004. Maybe you believe something so lucra-tive is the right career for you. Yet where do you start? What are the exact requirements for be-ing a licensed coach?
Fresh Territory Chron dot com reports that there are no legal requirements for the profession. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a new field and anyone can technically bestow the title on themselves. You could be a recent high VFKRRO JUDGXDWH VWLOO LQ FROOHJH RU HYHQ KDYH D 3K' +RZHYHU cbsnews dot com notes organi]DWLRQV VXFK DV &RDFK 8 DQG WKH Î&#x2013;QWHUQDWLRQDO &RDFKLQJ )HGHUDWLRQ RU Î&#x2013;&) DLP WR JLYH SURIHVsional coaches some standards. DUH VWD\LQJ LQ Č&#x2039; &DUU VDLG Č&#x160;6WXGHQWV ZKR ZRXOG QRUPDOO\ QRW EH WDNLQJ RXU DVVHVVPHQW WKH\Č&#x2021;UH LQ WKHUH QRZ DW ODUJHU SURSRUWLRQVČ&#x2039; 5HVPRYLWV 2QH RI WKH FKDOOHQJHV WKH 'HSDUWPHQW of Education faces is accurately accessing the VXFFHVV RI VWXGHQWV WKLV LV YLWDO SDUWLFXODUO\ IRU groups of students who were not included in standardized testing previously.
Accredited versus Credentialed Of course most people who aim to do this for a living want to be legitimate. According to the ICF - â&#x20AC;&#x153;programs are accredited while individuals are credentialed.â&#x20AC;? Hopefuls can find authentic accredited coach training programs by considering the following points:
â&#x20AC;˘ Do I want to take the program in person or online? â&#x20AC;˘ Is my instructor already certified by an organization such as the ICF? â&#x20AC;˘ What kind of school of thought does the program subscribe to and has it been proven to work? Suppose you want to be credentialed instead. Some organizations such at the ICF do not offer their own programs. It only offers guidelines for SLFNLQJ DQ DSSURSULDWH RQH +RZHYHU LW GRHV offer credentialed applications which only need to be purchased and fill out. There are three levels of credentialed coaches: $VVRFLDWH &HUWLILHG &RDFK 3URIHVVLRQDO &HUWLILHG &RDFK DQG 0DVWHU &HUWLILHG &RDFK <RXU QHZ WLtle depends on how long you have trained and the mandatory experience. A Master Certified Coach has the most necessary hours and experience.
&KRRVLQJ 7KH 3HUIHFW 3URJUDP %X\er Beware. When you search for the phrase how to obtain a coaching license on Google many results pop up. You should consider what is right for you. Online programs might be best if you have a YHU\ EXV\ VFKHGXOH )RU LQVWDQFH D VLQJOH SDUent might benefit more from an online coaching program while a childless millennial might be DEOH WR WDNH D FODVV LQ SHUVRQ +RZHYHU WKHUH are a few more things to consider:
FALL 2017
How to obtain a coaching license? â&#x20AC;˘ How long will it take to complete? â&#x20AC;˘ Is it within your budget? â&#x20AC;˘ Will you be able to practice your skills outside of the classroom during your training? 0RVW LPSRUWDQWO\ EHZDUH RI WKRVH ZKLFK KDYH not been approved by an accrediting body. CBS News reports that some â&#x20AC;&#x153;programsâ&#x20AC;? will claim that they can train you to be a proper coach in less than twelve hours! Few if any clients will want a coach with a lack of proper training and the chances are that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. More information on obtaining proper life coach training can be found at FRDFK IHGHUDWLRQ GRW org and coachinc dot com
FALL 2017
Sources: https://hbr.org/2004/11/the-wild-west-of-executive-coaching http://work.chron.com/legal-requirements-life-coaching-26795.html https://coachfederation.org/credential/landing.cfm?ItemNumber=2106 https://coachfederation.org/about/landing.cfm?ItemNumber=844&navItemNumber=617&navItemNumber=3745&_ga=2.18322361.1696798821.14954840172007346332.1495475344 http://www.coachinc.com/coachinc/default.asp?s=1
Different coaching types / approaches....
Different coaching types/approaches and where to find those coaches? By Sita Singh
hear parents say â&#x20AC;&#x153;My kid is struggling ZLWK VWXGLHV LQ VFKRRO VSRUW PHHWLQJ WHDFKHUÈ&#x2021;V H[SHFWDWLRQV IULHQGV VRFLDO VNLOOV EHKDYLRU and health and sometimes even with parents. It breaks the parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heart to see their kid go through a difficult phase. 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ HYHQ WKRXJK GHHSO\ ORYHG E\ WKHLU SDUHQWV PDQ\ NLGV DUH QRW KDSS\ DQG OLIH seems complicated and difficult to them. As a UHVXOW WKHLU SDUHQWV VWUXJJOH LQ PRWLYDWLQJ WKH kids even to do their everyday tasks. But sometimes kids are not able to handle the moment to moment changes and do not realize how WR WDNH WKH DGYLFH VXSSRUW FDUH DQG ZLVGRP which their parents would like to give them. The emotional awareness and ability to handle feelings will determine the success and happiness LQ OLIH LQFOXGLQJ IDPLO\ UHODWLRQVKLSV With the Internet around our lives it is not difficult to find the right tool which will guide us in helping our children. But when it comes to something concerning our children we have to
be 100% sure about what we are getting into. Î&#x2013;I ZH MXVW UHZLQG WKH WLPH LQ RXU OLYHV EHIRUH WKH Î&#x2013;QWHUQHW KLW XV LI \RX KHDUG DQ\RQH VD\ WKH ZRUG È&#x160;FRDFK PHQWRU È&#x2039; ZH ZRXOG DOZD\V DVVRFLDWH KLP KHU ZLWK VRPH VSRUW 1RZ LQ WKH VW century the word coach/mentor means something else. Dr. Gottman a renowned professor in psychology has spent over forty years researching and his studies involved interesting conversations ZLWK SDUHQWV WDONLQJ DERXW WKHLU PDUULDJHV their reactions to their childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emotional experiences. He concluded that most parents fall into one of two categories: those who give their children an insight about the world of emotion and those who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. With both parents workLQJ WKH VWUHVV OHYHOV LQFUHDVLQJ DQG WKH SDWLHQFH OHYHO GHFUHDVLQJ D FRDFK PHQWRU FRPHV LQ DV D saving grace and helps nurturing our children. Coaches can be very influential in the lives of children. For example if you ask a group of adults to recall any memory from their childKRRG D ORW RI WKHP ZLOO UHPHPEHU DERXW D VSRUW
FALL 2017
Different coaching types / approaches.... where there was a coach who would encourage and motivate them to go ahead and push themselves harder. Even after many years it does make you emotional and nostalgic. But if you ask them any memory from the classroom they will not be able to recall it immediately.
These days we have coaches/mentors for all VNLOOV :H KDYH FRPSLOHG D OLVW RI VRPH ZKLFK will give you an insight about who are these coaches and where do we find them.
:KDW DUH WKH GLIIHUHQW &RDFKLQJ Styles? Coaches may have a preferred style of coachLQJ ZKLFK LV QRUPDOO\ EDVHG RQ WKH SHUVRQDOLW\ but we need to be adaptable and be able to use different styles according to the situation. )RU FRDFKHV UHODWHG WR VSRUW WKH WKUHH PDLQ styles are: AUTOCRATIC - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Bossyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Authoritarianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; DEMOCRATIC - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Guiderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Distant yet approachableâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
This is where the coach makes all the decisions and the participants do what they are told. This coach will be a strong disciplinarian and likes to be in control.
This involves shared decision- making. This coach will guide participants towards selecting and achieving their goals. He/she provides leadership in the form of positive guidance. Both coaching styles have advantages and disadvantages. Both combine a mix of qualities VXFK DV VXFK DV OHDGHUVKLS PDQDJHPHQW HQWKXVLDVP DQG JRRG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ $QG ILQDOO\ ZH VHH WKDW FRDFKLQJ YDULHV IRU GLIIHUHQW VNLOO OHYHOV DJHV DQG DELOLWLHV It is likewise crucial for coaches to use different styles because players respond in different ways. It is important to try to work with players and to keep their enthusiasm and motivation high. This is possible if the coach is flexible in their approach and can change styles within a VHVVLRQ DSSURSULDWH WR WKH VLWXDWLRQ DQG WKH needs of the players. Coaches should be able to change styles and know they are doing for the betterment of the team/individual. 7RGD\ DVLGH IURP VSRUWV DFWLYLWLHV ZH GR KDYH coaches for different elements of life.
B. Business coaching for startups (for enWUHSUHQHXUV
E. Interview coaching (for potential employHHV
Î&#x2013;Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH DERYH VLWXDWLRQV D EXVLQHVV coach will be able to help you if: A. You want to develop further public speaking skills
FALL 2017
Different coaching types / approaches.... B. skills C. D. E. sions F.
You want to improve communication You want to start a new business You need help in managing a team You need to make key changes and deciYou need help with work/life balance
Confidence and self-belief comes from positive WKLQNLQJ WDONLQJ WR RWKHUV DQG VRPHWLPHV DQG training. We often struggle to find the perfect balance in having an overall positive attitude and good communication. Our confidence and self-belief can be reflected in many ways - our EHKDYLRU RXU PRRG DQG WKH ZD\ ZH FDUU\ RXUselves. People who lack self-belief and self-confidence will often find that certain areas of their lives will be affected. We have to start taking action to make sure the negative environment starts becoming positive. Life coaches come with the tools and techniques to help you develop your confidence and self-belief. Confidence coaching is meant to help you raise your mental self and self-esteem. Life coaches do have the ability to help you challenge your inhibitions and thoughts WKDW \RX KDYH DERXW \RXUVHOI VXSSRUW \RXU FRQfidence and help you create a positive mental self-image. These days we have Life coaches for family and youth as well.
FAMILY COACHING â&#x20AC;&#x153;Family is the most important thing in the world.â&#x20AC;? Each family is different and has their share of struggle and challenges. The challenges which a family might faceA. B. C. D. E. F. G.
Newly married challenges Poor communication New parents School dropouts Teenage challenges Stress and Anger management Work-life balance
Happy and peaceful family life can be achieved E\ KDYLQJ WKH ULJKW EDODQFH RI HPSDWK\ UHVSHFW communication and understanding.
YOUTH COACHING When you are a teenager you are at a vulnerable stage of life. You go with an instinct and sometimes lack the maturity to see what the repercussions will be of the decisions which you have WDNHQ 7HHQDJHUV DUH GHDOLQJ ZLWK ERG\ FKDQJH brain change. Sometimes young people can feel like they are stuck inside a tunnel in which there is no one light the way. The expectations they KDYH RI WKHPVHOYHV DV ZHOO DV WKH SUHVVXUHV RI ILWWLQJ LQ JURZLQJ XS DQG SODQQLQJ D IXWXUH FDQ make it hard for them to cope.
SPIRITUAL COACHING Many people confuse spirituality with religion. Spirituality means finding the higher purpose in your life. So what makes a Spiritual coach different from the other Life coaches? Spiritual FRDFKLQJ SXWV OLIH LQWR WKH FRQWH[W RI OLYLQJ LW HQMR\LQJ WKH MRXUQH\ DFFHSWLQJ FHUWDLQ VLWXDtions in life and how to move on with the help of connecting with the inner potential of yourself. This enables you to draw on inner resources you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even know you had to transform. Spiritual coaching looks at forces both within and without to help you get there. The aim is to creating a balance between the outside world and your inner resources to realize your goals and transformation.
CAREER COACHING Î&#x2013;WČ&#x2021;V QR VHFUHW WKDW LWČ&#x2021;V VWLOO D SUHWW\ WRXJK MRE PDUket out there. With the number options available right now career wise it can get very confusing for the youth and even for adults sometimes. These days there are a number of certified professionals who will help make your search a bit easier. These days many schools and colleges hire career coaches or you can even call them career counselors who help students make in-
FALL 2017
Different coaching types / approaches.... formed career decisions. Mostly students and sometimes even adults are unsure about their career goals and so that is when a Career coach ZLOO ZRUN FORVHO\ ZLWK \RX LQ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ \RX \RXU VNLOOV SDVVLRQ DQG KHOS \RX FUHDWH D SODQ Career coaching will allow you to explore who you are and what you really want from your work. A Career coach will help you to:
8QGHUVWDQG \RX \RXU skills and passion Create an action plan to achieve your goals
COACHING STYLES Autocratic â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Bossyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Authoritarianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Democratic â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Guiderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Distant yet approachableâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Create a guided and structured approach Help you overcome the obstacles which hold you back Write your resume Working out something which will make your truly happy 6R LQVWHDG RI PDNLQJ RXU FKLOGUHQ SHUIHFW let us perfect our relation with them. A little praise goes a long way. Make time to SUDLVH \RXU FKLOGÈ&#x2021;V VWURQJ SRLQWV IRU H[DPSOH SRLQWLQJ RXW WKHLU GHWHUPLQDWLRQ accomplishments and strengths. Affirmations and your belief in them will help in their nurturing process in the long run. You will bring out the best in them!!!
FALL 2017
Sources: http://www.lifecoach-directory.org.uk/content/coaching-styles.html Quora Forums http://www.co2partners.com/executive-coaching-types/
FALL 2017
Common Core: There are no bad studentsâ&#x20AC;Ś
FALL 2017
Common Core: There are no bad students…
The “Common Core”: There are no bad students. Each one has a potential. By Richard Wu
FALL 2017
Common Core: There are no bad studentsâ&#x20AC;Ś
The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Common Coreâ&#x20AC;? has been a very influen-
tial system of education for me. Though I would like to think that it was present throughout P\ ZKROH HGXFDWLRQDO FDUHHU LW FHUWDLQO\ JRYerned my education in middle school. The ComPRQ &RUH DV DGYHUWLVHG RQ WKH ZHEVLWH LWVHOI is â&#x20AC;&#x153;a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literDF\ (/$ Č&#x2039; %XW WKH &RPPRQ &RUH WXUQV RXW WR be not so high-quality when it is implemented in the classroom. In my experience and in my YLHZ DV D KLJK VFKRRO VWXGHQW Î&#x2013; KDYH VHHQ DQG heard many different opinions about the sysWHP +HUH Î&#x2013; ZLOO WDON DERXW P\ YLHZSRLQW Î&#x2013;Q P\ FDVH WKH &RPPRQ &RUH GHOLYHUV D VHQVH RI QRUPDOF\ %HFDXVH WKHUH DUH VHW VWDQGDUGV it is much harder to one-up the next level. My peers and friends have a constant mindset of competition: Competition to get into the most prestigious universities. We were already thinkLQJ DERXW LW LQ PLGGOH VFKRRO :H OHDUQ WRJHWKHU PXFK DW WKH VDPH OHYHO Î&#x2013;Q IDFW PDQ\ VWXGHQWV DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ WKLQN OLNH XV VWULYLQJ WRZDUGV +DUYDUG 3ULQFHWRQ RU <DOH :LWK VR PDQ\ NLGV UHDFKLQJ RXW IRU D VHDW DW RQH RI WKRVH VFKRROV they have less ground for standing out. That only can mean that kids are learning at an increasingly accelerated pace. Not only do they KDYH VLJQLILFDQWO\ IHZHU FKDQFHV EXW WKH\ DOVR
FALL 2017
face more competition compared to when the Common Core did not exist. %\ OHYHOLQJ WKH SOD\LQJ ILHOG WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI Education has ensured the same quality of education for less privileged children. Doing this has also ensured that the top performers matriculate into top-tier universities. The system has raised the bar for education. What some schools in some states consider â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;goodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; has become â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;averageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or worse by national standards. While these changes may have affected older NLGV ZKR KDYH JURZQ XVHG WR WKH VWDWH VWDQGDUGV WKH\ KDYH QRW DIIHFWHG P\ KLJK VFKRRO DQG PLGGOH VFKRRO SHHUV DV PXFK <HV WKH EDOO JDPH LV KDUGHU EXW VWXGHQWV JHW XVHG WR LW Î&#x2013;W WUDLQV WKHP WR EHFRPH KDUG ZRUNLQJ GLOLJHQW kids who can stand up to every challenge that FRPHV WKHLU ZD\ Î&#x2013;I WKH DQWH LV XSSHG WKHQ WKHLU ability to deal with it is upped as well. If they KDYH WKH GHVLUH WR ILJKW WR WKH WRS WKHQ WKH\ ZLOO succeed under the guidance of the Common Core. It is also essential for students to know the long-term benefits of their hard work. Many students at my school either didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care about their education or could not see how what they were working on would help them in the future. :LWKRXW D GHVLUH WR UHDFK IRU WKH VWDUV WKH\ were not as well off as the ones who had real goals. The system rewards students who know what
Common Core: There are no bad studentsâ&#x20AC;¦
they want to be when they grow up. They know ZKDW NLQG RI HGXFDWLRQ WKH\ ZDQW DQG WKH &RPmon Core gives it to them. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter how well the system is planned. The fact that it is a struggle prepares them for life. But it relies on the student to ignore the flaws of the system and EXLOG XSRQ WKH VXFFHVVHV *ULW DV PDQ\ SHRSOH QRZDGD\V FDOO LW LV UHVLOLHQFH LQ D QXWVKHOO Teachers too are tested by the change. The ones WKDW OHDYH WKH MRE GR QRW KDYH WKHLU KHDUW LQ teaching. They shy away from the more rigorous FRXUVHV OHDYLQJ EHKLQG WKH EHVW WHDFKHUV ZKR are flexible and know what is best for their stuGHQWV Î&#x2013;Q D ZD\ WKLV V\VWHP KDPPHUV RXW WKH VODJ and impurities in school districts. Students have every right to benefit from that. If a lazy teacher GHFLGHV WR OHDYH EHFDXVH RI WKH V\VWHP WKDW RQO\ helps the students and brings in a more diligent
teacher. 'HVSLWH ZKDW WKH FULWLFV VD\ WKH RQO\ WUXWK LV that students are hindered by themselves. If they cannot accept that they have harder KRPHZRUN RU VWULYH IRU WKH WRS VFKRROV RU HYHQ realize what riches and gold await them after DQ HGXFDWLRQ IXOO RI GHPDQGLQJ ZRUN WKHQ RI FRXUVH WKH &RPPRQ &RUH LV QRW FRPSDWLEOH The system only works for children with ambition. By emphasizing this in many advertisePHQWV LQVSLUDWLRQDO SRVWHUV DQG HYHQ DW WKH parent-teacher conferences at the end of every VHPHVWHU PDQ\ RI WKH FKLOGUHQ ZKR GR QRW EHOLHYH LQ WKH V\VWHP DUH FKDQJHG IRU WKH EHWter. There are no bad students. Each one has a potential. It is up to them to unlock their potential
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
Education Around the World: Finland
Education Around the World: Finland By Lakia S. Curtis
High Quality Education For All. F
inlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education system has achieved international acclaim for its consecutive top performance in the Programme for International Student AsVHVVPHQW 3Î&#x2013;6$ DV ZHOO DV LWV SURJUHVVLYH DSSURDFK toward education. According to the Finnish NaWLRQDO $JHQF\ IRU (GXFDWLRQ Č&#x160;OHDUQHUV VKRXOG DOVR H[SHULHQFH VXFFHVV DQG MR\ RI OHDUQLQJ Č&#x2039; Accessible Education for All Finland provides free education to all levels of learning from pre-primary to college level education. Students in pre-primary and basic education
UHFHLYH WH[WERRNV PHDOV DQG WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ free of charge. Early childhood education is provided at a fee according to the family income level. 7KH (DUO\ &KLOGKRRG (GXFDWLRQ DQG &DUH (&(& V\VWHP FDWHUV WR FKLOGUHQ DJHV DQG XQGHU DQG uses the â&#x20AC;&#x153;EduCareâ&#x20AC;? model which employs â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; as a central component of learning. Students usually attend daycare and family childcare centers as part of the Early Childhood Educa-
FALL 2017
Education Around the World: Finland
Helsinki panorama
tion and Care system.
on ethnic origin. It also prohibits the denial of access to the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s educational services.
Basic education takes place over a period of nine years for students between ages 7 through Finland and PISA 16. According to the Finnish National Agency for (GXFDWLRQ EDVLF HGXFDWLRQ IRFXVHV RQ KXPDQ- The Programme for International Student AsLW\ HWKLFDO EHKDYLRUDO GHYHORSPHQW DQG EXLOG- VHVVPHQW 3Î&#x2013;6$ VXUYH\V \HDU ROGV ZRUOGZLGH ing life skills. While students LQ PDWKHPDWLFV VFLHQFH typically attend schools and reading. The survey is that are in closest proximadministered every three LW\ WR WKHP WKH\ GR KDYH years by the Organization the option to select an infor Economic Co-Operation stitution of their choice DQG 'HYHORSPHQW 2(&' within specific guidelines. The results are recorded Finland has two nationDO ODQJXDJHV )LQQLVK DQG 6ZHGLVK DQG HGXFDWLRQ LV provided in both these lanJXDJHV EXW DFFRPPRGDWLRQV DUH PDGH IRU 5RPDQL 6DPL DQG .DUHOLDQ PLQRULty languages. The National Finnish Agency for Education asserts that â&#x20AC;&#x153;students are encouraged to maintain their mother tongue and cultural identity.â&#x20AC;? The Equality Act of 2004 prohibits discrimination based
FALL 2017
and organized into international rankings. Currently Finland is the third highest performing OECD country in science and has consistently ranked among the highest performing countries for its overall scores.
Finland Combats Bullying with Success .L9DČ LV DQ HYLGHQFH EDVHG anti-bullying program
Education Around the World: Germany: Finland aimed at lowering the incidence of bullying in Finland. According to Finlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry of EduFDWLRQ DQG &XOWXUH LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7XUNX .L9DČ KDV WKUHH XQLWV RI SDUWLFLSDWLRQ 8QLW RQH LV IRU VWXGHQWV EHWZHHQ WKH DJHV RI 8QLW WZR LV IRU VWXGHQWV EHWZHHQ WKH DJHV RI DQG XQLW WKUHH LV IRU VWXGHQWV between the ages of 13-16 (after middle school/ ORZHU VHFRQGDU\ VFKRRO WUDQVLWLRQ $FWLYLWLHV LQFOXGH FODVVURRP GLVFXVVLRQV UROH SOD\LQJ JURXS ZRUN DQG VKRUW ILOPV DERXW bullying. Teacher and parents play a vital role and are assigned specific activities for involvement.
In Finland, the average performance in reading of 15-year-olds is 526 points, compared to an average of 493 points in OECD countries (PISA)
(GXFDWLRQDO 5HIRUP DQG 2QJRLQJ Improvement Teachers are esteemed as key components in educational success. Learning is student-centered with reform efforts directed toward developing schools as learning communities and fostering environments for collaborative activities and growth. Finland continuously examines its pedagogical practices to ensure that all pupils receive high-quality education and training Sources: Council for Creative Education. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Finland Education Model.â&#x20AC;? http://www.ccefinland.org/finland-education-model-c1yvm Opetushallitus Utbildningsstyrelsen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Finnish Education in a Nutshell.â&#x20AC;? http://www.oph.fi/download/146428_Finnish_Education_in_a_Nutshell.pdf http://gpseducation.oecd.org/CountryProfile?primaryCountry=FIN&treshold=10&topic=PI
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
Coach for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girls on the Runâ&#x20AC;? Breaks...
Coach for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girls on the Runâ&#x20AC;? Breaks Gender Barriers. By Erica Murphey SKH MXJJOHV KHU FDUHHU DV D 6WXGHQW 6HUYLFHV Member at Mason Public School with running her own nonprofit organization. 6KHČ&#x2021;V RULJLQDOO\ IURP $NURQ 2KLR 48-year old Patricia Wyatt also breaks stereotypes about women as a volunteer coach for the na-tionwide nonprofit organization known as Girls on the Run. The goal of Girls on the Run is to help young ladies move forward and direct them to a healthy and fit lifestyle. A typical practice day LV YHU\ EXV\ IRU &RDFK :\DWW $IWHU FKHFNLQJ LQ the girls circle up and go over their curriculum.
Then they practice for a 5-kilometer race they will have after the 10-week program. She began coaching young women in 2014 for Girls on the Run when someone suggested that the Ohio school she works for should operate a local council of the organization. She does not let her gender stop her from gearing young ladies toward being athletic. She believes that being a woman is irrelevant to how well she leads her team.
FALL 2017
Coach for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girls on the Runâ&#x20AC;? Breaks...
Č&#x160;Î&#x2013; WKLQN LI \RX FRPH OHW WKHP JLUOV EH VWURQJ and show them discipline and structure theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love you for it. They know Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m for them and I love WKHP DQG Î&#x2013;Č&#x2021;P MXVW WU\LQJ WR KHOS WKHP PRYH IRU ZDUG VR Î&#x2013; GRQČ&#x2021;W WKLQN WKH\ WDNH D IHPDOH FRDFK OHVV VHULRXVO\ Î&#x2013; WKLQN LW MXVW GHSHQGV RQ KRZ WKH SHUVRQ LV DQG KRZ \RX GR DV D FRDFK Č&#x2039; VKH notes. Her biggest accomplishment as a coach is doubling the size of her team of 15. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like to turn the girls away because it is a program where you have to move forward and most of the girls I work with are underpriviOHJHG Î&#x2013; GRQČ&#x2021;W OLNH WR VD\ QR Č&#x2039; :\DWW VD\V +HU ORYH RI KHOSLQJ \RXQJ ZRPHQ LV VWURQJ and she doubts that she will ever stop being a role model. Even if she doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t coach for her VFKRROČ&#x2021;V FRXQFLO VKH EHOLHYHV VKH FDQ KHOS DW other local places. Č&#x160;Î&#x2013; MXVW WKLQN WKDW ZKDW \RX QHHG LV D SODFH IRU NLGV WR EH DEOH WR FRPH LQ H[HUFLVH DQG UXQ IRU practice. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever be a problem be-
FALL 2017
Coach for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girls on the Runâ&#x20AC;? Breaks... cause you can do it at a community center or an-ywhere that you can house kids and people WR FRPH LQ Č&#x2039; :\DWW VD\V Of course that includes her personal organizaWLRQ WKH 1RUWK +LOO &RPPXQLW\ +RXVH ZKHUH she works with inner city families. Č&#x160;0\ PLVVLRQ OLNH *LUOV RQ WKH 5XQ LV KHOSLQJ DQG empowering children and families who may be OHVV IRUWXQDWH Č&#x2039; VKH PHQWLRQV The northeastern council of Girls on the Run is LQ $NURQ 2KLR 7KHUH DUH LQ WKH FRXQWU\ Sources: https://www.girlsontherun.org/
FALL 2017
Relationship Coach Manny Hall...
Relationship Coach Manny Hall on Mentoring and Learning Erica Murphey and Nina Warnke
hurting people and to try pleasing God in the process.â&#x20AC;? Motivated by his deep connection to SHRSOH DV ZHOO DV WR *RG WKH WKLUW\ ILYH \HDU old Cleveland native is making his mark as a UHODWLRQVKLS FRDFK DXWKRU DQG PRWLYDWLRQDO VSHDNHU )RU KLP FUHDWLQJ PHDQLQJIXO SHUVRQDO relationships is at the core of a successful and KDSS\ OLIH 1RWKLQJ EULQJV KLP PRUH MR\ WKDQ helping others realize their potential and seeing how they transform their lives. Twenty years DJR KH FRXOG QRW KDYH LPDJLQHG ZKDW KLV OLIH ZRXOG ORRN DQG IHHO OLNH WRGD\ %XW WKHQ DJDLQ what high school student can? So how is all that important for a high school or FROOHJH VWXGHQW \RX DVN :HOO KLV RZQ SDWK WR finding what he wants to do professionally and his focus on relationships make him a great resource for advice on thinking about college and career as well as on the kind of mentoring relationships we all need to excel. Manny Hall knows from personal experience what effect mentoring and lack of mentoring
FALL 2017
FDQ KDYH RQ \RX )RU KLP OLIH LQ KLJK VFKRRO was not always easy. He was smart and full of promise but more excited about hanging out with friends than doing schoolwork. He found D PHQWRU KLV KLVWRU\ WHDFKHU 0U 3HWHUVRQ ZKR believed in him and helped him to stay accountable and make good decisions. Mr. Peterson supported him with his issues at home but he also encouraged him to learn about the African-American experience and understand his RZQ KHULWDJH VRPHWKLQJ QRW WDXJKW LQ VFKRRO 7R WKLV GD\ 0U +DOO FUHGLWV KLV PHQWRU IRU WKH LPSRUWDQW UROH KH SOD\HG DW WKLV MXQFWXUH LQ KLV life. 0U +DOO ZHQW RQ WR FROOHJH DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $NURQ EXW KH ZDV QRW TXLWH UHDG\ IRU LW +H didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what he was studying for and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see the benefit of learning. He had no one who helped him find direction to make college a meaningful experience and a steppingstone to a career. Eventually he dropped out. But he had found his faith in college and would serve as a deacon and minister at his church while also ZRUNLQJ YDULRXV MREV Î&#x2013;W ZDV GXULQJ WKLV WLPH WKDW he began to coach and mentor individuals and
Relationship Coach Manny Hall...
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think the worst thing someone can do when choosing a major is getting caught up in the hype of what everyone else is doing,â&#x20AC;? Manny Hall
groups of people dealing with grief from loss of Mentors can have a great impactâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;no matter MREV WR ORVV RI UHODWLRQVKLSV EXW KH GLG QRW \HW how old you are and for what you need guidance. But you need to seek out these opportuconsider what he was doing as a profession. nities. What is it that you want help with? Who :KHQ KH GLG JR EDFN WR VFKRRO ILUVW WR VWXG\ IRU can you identify as someone who might be D % $ DQG WKHQ IRU D 0DVWHUČ&#x2021;V GHJUHH LQ 2UJDQL- able to help you? With whom can you build a ]DWLRQDO 0DQDJHPHQW KH ZHQW ZLWK D SXUSRVH trusting relationship? Who can serve as a role and a goal. He realized how much he could model? Mr. Hall advises you to look for somelearn from his professors and other students. one who shares your background and who can Studying had a meaning it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have before. intuitively relate to you because he or she expeHis advice: instead of approaching school to rienced what you are experiencing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a menJHW D GHJUHH WR PDNH JRRG PRQH\ VWXG\ VRPH- WRU Č&#x2039; KH VD\V Č&#x160;Î&#x2013; KROG VRPHRQHČ&#x2021;V KDQGV WKURXJK thing that will make you happy and fulfill your WKH SURFHVV Î&#x2013; FDQ VHH WKH VWUXJJOH Î&#x2013; ZDV WKHUH Č&#x2039; purpose in life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think the worst thing someone But he reminds mentees that they have to take FDQ GR ZKHQ FKRRVLQJ D PDMRU LV JHWWLQJ FDXJKW UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU WKH UHODWLRQVKLS NQRZ ZKDW XS LQ WKH K\SH RI ZKDW HYHU\RQH HOVH LV GRLQJ Č&#x2039; WKH\ QHHG EH KRQHVW ZLWK WKH PHQWRU DQG PDNH VD\V +DOO *R WR FODVV WR OHDUQ QRW VLPSO\ WR JHW sure to stay in contact with him or her. FUHGLWV $V \RX ORRN IRU HOHFWLYHV FKRRVH VRPHthing that has a component you want to learn $V KH ZHOO NQRZV WKRXJK RQH FDQ DOVR ILQG DERXW %XW KH VD\V Č&#x160;XQGHUVWDQG WKDW VRPH- mentors in unexpected places. He developed WLPHV \RX JRW WR GR ZKDW \RX JRW WR GR Č&#x2039; HYHQ LI very much a 21st-century relationshipâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that it does not interest you much. Give it your best. LV LW LV RQOLQHČ&#x192;ZLWK VRPHRQH ZKR KDV EHHQ
FALL 2017
Relationship Coach Manny Hall... dead for over one hundred years. His mentor DQG È&#x160;ELJ EURWKHU È&#x2039; DV KH FDOOV KLP LV WKH IDPRXV 19th-century writer Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mr. Hall has been reading his essays and trying to test how Emersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s principles can apply to him. He even created a co-mentoring group with some friends to discuss Emersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideas. :KLOH WKLV LV FHUWDLQO\ DQ XQXVXDO H[DPSOH LW shows that mentorship can take many different IRUPVÈ&#x192;LW LV ZKDW \RX SXW LQ DQG PDNH RI LW 6R who do you admire and want to learn from?
FALL 2017
The mediocre med teacher tells. The Th good teacher explains. The superior explains teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
Why Is Climate Change Real?
Why Is Climate Change Real? By Nidhi Menon Increasing
greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to rising global temperatures. Rapid fossil fuel consumption has led to exorbitant levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and is the driving force behind global warming. While the Earthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s climate has been through ZDUPLQJ DQG FRROLQJ F\FOHV WKURXJKRXW KLVWRU\ modern climate has been drastically affected in the recent years. Surface temperatures have increased by 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the 19th century and the last 35 years have contributed most to this steep increase in temperature. The impact of global warming can be seen on rising VHD OHYHOV LQFKHV LQ WKH ODVW FHQWXU\ PHOWLQJ ice (several cubic kilometers lost in the last sev-
HUDO GHFDGHV GURXJKWV ZLOGILUHV DQG H[WUHPH climate conditions. Evidence-based research is able to provide statistically significant impacts of global warming on swiftly changing climate since the advent of technology and global industrial revolution. Climate change refuters eiWKHU GHQ\ WKH H[LVWHQFH RI FOLPDWH FKDQJH LWVHOI or believe that humans are not to blame for it. This phenomenon is scientifically measured and linked to human activity. Climate change is as real as longer summers! We could all contribute to reducing the impact of global warming by reducing our own carbon footprints by using green energy and recycling waste
Sources "Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence." Accessed June 29, 2017. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/. 6FLHQWLČ´F FRQVHQVXV 1$6$ &OLPDWH &KDQJH DQG *OREDO Warming." Accessed June 29, 2017. https://climate.nasa.gov/ VFLHQWLČ´F FRQVHQVXV
FALL 2017
Why do we dream?
“Freud had said that dreams allow us to express our deepest wishes and fears, which are otherwise suppressed in a conscious state. “ - Sigmund Freud
FALL 2017
Why do we dream?
Why Do We Dream? By Nidhi Menon
FALL 2017
Why do we dream?
We now know that dreams are most prominent during REM and these are the dreams that we are able to recall more often, although the extent of the memory of it varies among individuals.
Dreaming is a phenomenon that has left man-
kind astounded for ages. We often ponder about WKH PHDQLQJ SXUSRVH DQG RULJLQ RI WKHVH YLYLG dreams. Freud had said that dreams allow us WR H[SUHVV RXU GHHSHVW ZLVKHV DQG IHDUV ZKLFK are otherwise suppressed in a conscious state. $OWKRXJK PRVW RI WKH WLPHV ZH VHH RXU PLQG playing out dreams with various interpretations RI WKHVH KLGGHQ WKRXJKWV DQG GHVLUHV WKHUH DUH times we find it hard to make sense of some of the very mundane dreams. While previous inWHUSUHWDWLRQV RI GUHDPV ZHUH SV\FKRORJLFDO WKH GLVFRYHU\ RI 5DSLG (\H 0RYHPHQW 5(0 VOHHS has helped scientists better understand the mechanisms in the brain that may be involved in dreaming. While we are still not a hundred percent confident about the answers to our TXHVWLRQV ZH DUH LQFKLQJ FORVHU WR LW :H QRZ know that dreams are most prominent during REM and these are the dreams that we are able
FALL 2017
WR UHFDOO PRUH RIWHQ DOWKRXJK WKH H[WHQW RI WKH memory of it varies among individuals. 1 Studies show characteristics of primary conVFLRXVQHVV ZKHQ ZH GUHDP GXULQJ D 5(0 F\FOH a state of awareness with perception and emoWLRQV 7KLV GUHDP FRQVFLRXVQHVV DOWKRXJK GLIIHUHQW IURP RXU ZDNLQJ FRQVFLRXVQHVV SDLQWV a powerful picture that makes us feel like we are awake. 2 Recent studies have associated dreams with memory consolidation. It suggests the brain uses the REM cycle to process information collected during our waking consciousness and that dreams are a conscious expresVLRQ RI WKHVH PHPRU\ IRUPLQJ QHWZRUNV Research has shown several similarities in brain activity during REM sleep and active waking. 5 We are only now beginning to understand the neurophysiology of REM sleep and this is a starting point to understanding the underlying
Why do we dream? brain activity that influences the manifestation of dreams. While REM and memory consolidation are the PRVW ZLGHO\ UHVHDUFKHG WKHUH KDYH EHHQ VRPH other emerging theories about dreaming. This includes dreaming to practice fight or flight situations. This theory emerged from the fact that WKH PDMRULW\ RI RXU GUHDPV LQYROYH DQ DGUHQDline rush. It has been shown that the amygdaOD D UHJLRQ RI WKH EUDLQ LQYROYHG LQ SURFHVVLQJ HPRWLRQDO UHDFWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ WKDW RI IHDU DQG DQ[LHW\ VKRZ PRUH ILULQJ LQ WKH 5(0 VWDWH FRPpared to normal. 6 Another theory proposed by Francis Crick (of Watson and Crick model RI '1$ DQG *UDHPH 0LWFKLVRQ VXJJHVWV WKDW dreams serve as a mechanism for unlearning or reverse learning. This theory states that dreams work to remove traces of certain unwanted in-
teractions in the network of cells in the cerebral FRUWH[ ZKLFK LV LQYROYHG PDLQO\ LQ SHUFHLYLQJ HQYLURQPHQWDO FXHV VXFK DV YLVLRQ DQG WRXFK It was speculated to be doing this in order to avoid an overload of associations and it explains the consequences of these overlapping SDWWHUQV VXFK DV IDQWDVLHV REVHVVLRQV DQG KDOOXFLQDWLRQV LI QRW IRU WKH HOLPLQDWLRQ RI WKHVH connections when dreaming. 7 While there are several emerging theories on dream consciousness and the meaning behind LW LW LV VWLOO D P\VWHU\ DQG WKH GLVFXVVLRQ LV RSHQ
Sources: 1. W. Bryant, Charles. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why do we dream?â&#x20AC;? HowStuffWorks Science. August 12, 2010. Accessed April 27, 2017. http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/why-do-we-dream.htm. 2. Hobson, J. Allan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;REM sleep and dreaming: towards a theory of protoconsciousness.â&#x20AC;? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2010. doi:10.1038/nrn2716. 3. Quora. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why Do We Dream? Recent Developments In Neuroscience May Have The Answer.â&#x20AC;? Forbes. October 04, 2016. Accessed April 27, 2017. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2016/10/04/why-do-we-dream-recent-developments-in-neuroscience-may-have-the-answer/#49925f395451. 4. Stickgold, R., J. A. Hobson, R. Fosse, and M. Fosse. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sleep, Learning, and Dreams: Off-line Memory Reprocessing.â&#x20AC;? Science. November 02, 2001. Accessed April 27, 2017. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/294/5544/1052.full. 5. Nir, Yuval, and Giulio Tononi. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dreaming and the brain: from phenomenology to neurophysiology.â&#x20AC;? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14, no. 2 (2010): 88-100. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2009.12.001. 6. Simons, Ilana. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What Do Dreams Do for Us?â&#x20AC;? Psychology Today. November 11, 2009. Accessed April 27, 2017. https:// www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-literary-mind/200911/what-do-dreams-do-us. 7. Crick, Francis, and Graeme Mitchison. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The function of dream sleep.â&#x20AC;? Nature 304, no. 5922 (1983): 111-14. doi:10.1038/304111a0.
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like going to school!
FALL 2017
I don’t feel like going to school!
“I don’t feel like going to school!” By Sita Singh
FALL 2017
I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like going to school!
2. Have there been any big changes in my feeling: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like going to school today OLIH" ( J 0RYH WR D QHZ VFKRRO QHLJKERUKRRG EXW P\ SDUHQWV DUH MXVW QRW UHDG\ WR OLVWHQ Č&#x2039; QHZ VHW RI IULHQGV
3. Am I being bullied at school? Do I have 7KH JRRG QHZV LV ZKDW \RX DUH IHHOLQJ LV FRP- friends to support me? Am I getting support pletely normal. Maybe you will make excuses from my teachers? IDNH RQHV IRU VRPH WLPH EXW \RX ZLOO HYHQWXally run out of them. Schools can be stressful There can certainly be other reasons as well. sometimes but we cannot escape from educa- Think about all the effort which has gone to get tion. you to that school. Be reasonable with your parents and talk it out with them in a calm and comÎ&#x2013;I WKHUH LV VRPHWKLQJ VHULRXVO\ ERWKHULQJ \RX posed manner. If you start yelling and throwing openly communicate with your parents to help WDQWUXPV \RX ZLOO ORVH WKH FKDQFH RI WDONLQJ WR you understand what the root cause is. It is pos- them in getting your problem solved and it will sible that there are reasons deep down in your only worsen the situation. heart that you are not able to identify. 6R UHDFK RXW WR \RXU SDUHQWV ZLWK D SRVLWLYH Consider taking out some time to ask yourself mind set; have an open mind and do listen to these questions: them as well. When your parents see that you 1. Do I wish my parents spent more time have kept an open mind and you are willing to with me? Have they been really busy lately? Am discuss in a mature way; they will listen to you I worried that my parents will leave me? Am I and you will come up with a positive solution afraid of being away from my parents? together
$V NLGV WKHUH FRPHV D time when you get this feeling: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like going to school today EXW P\ SDUHQWV DUH MXVW not ready to listen!â&#x20AC;?
FALL 2017
Youth Section - Grammar tips
FALL 2017
Zealosness Club
PHQWDU\ VFKRRO NLGV HQJDJHV DQG HPpowers children by helping them recognize their potential and realize their dreams. It is a kind of program that occupies kids with literary activities away IURP WKHLU FRPSXWHU PRELOH RU WHOHYLVLRQ VFUHHQV ZLWKLQ D VDIH IXQ DQG HQriching haven and facility. Throughout summer and fall scheduled sessions led by Dr. Nupur Srivastava and her WHDP LQ Î&#x2013;UYLQJ 7H[DV NLGV SDUWLFLSDWH by reading and sharing inspirational stories and articles related to education. Other activities include but are not limited to hands-on science exper68
FALL 2017
Zealosness Club - testimanials
FALL 2017
Word Search
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
FALL 2017
STAY TUNED! for Spring 2018
FALL 2017
FALL 2017