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WINTER 2017/2018


indoor activities for Cold

Winter Days

17 ideas for beating cabin fever!

selecting a

Potential Pediatrician



What to look for from this important provider




contents WINTER 2017

DEPARTMENTS AGES & STAGES BABIES 08 SELECTING A PEDIATRICIAN What to look for from this important provider

TODDLERS & PRESCHOOLERS 10 EMOTIONS AND YOUNG CHILDREN Encouraging healthy emotional development in your toddler or preschooler


16 INDOOR ACTIVITIES FOR COLD WINTER DAYS 17 ideas for beating cabin fever!



20 IS IT THE FLU OR MENINGITIS? Know the symptoms and be ready to act quickly





16 08





25 LOCAL SPOTLIGHT For Love of Children

MOMS 22 THE SILENT STRUGGLE OF SECONDARY INFERTILIT Y Coping with an unexpected problem trying to conceive

DADS 24 SKIING AND SNOW TUBING DESTINATIONS 6 spots close to home for winter fun!





meet the staff Publisher Mary Wynne Cox // mary@daytonparentmagazine.com ASSOCIATE Publisher Hannah Mohler // hannah@daytonparentmagazine.com Editor Susan Bryant // susan@daytonparentmagazine.com ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Katie Clark // katie@daytonparentmagazine.com Brooke Litherland // brooke@daytonparentmagazine.com Advertising Coordinator Karen Ring // karen@daytonparentmagazine.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Katie Clark // katie@daytonparentmagazine.com


• Watching neighborhood kids ambush each other with a stockpile of snowballs.

As I sit here writing this note, dressed for the season in my wool socks, turtleneck and sweater – I’m still cold. Cold enough that

if I could build a little fire next to my desk and wrap up in a big fleece blanket right now I would. Looking wistfully at the calendar, I can’t seem to help myself from counting down the days until spring. For me, winter is something I find myself enduring more than enjoying. Which is why it’s a good thing I work for a parenting magazine, because I am reminded just how much the average kid loves winter – the snow forts to make, the hills to sled down, the skating rinks to slip and slide on, all of it – and why I should embrace their enthusiasm for this season. Children have a great way of making us see the world through their eyes. And to them, too much snow is never enough. So in that spirit, I’ve made a list to remind myself what winter offers that no other season does: • Hikes through frosty forests with crystalline snowflakes falling.




• An excuse to put my dogs in plaid flannel jackets. • Hot chocolate, comfort foods, holiday treats and layers of forgiving clothing. • The quiet stillness that comes after a big blanket of snow has fallen overnight. Maybe you’ll make your own list reminding you of what’s good about winter on the days when your kids’ sloppy snow boots come dripping through your house or you’re waiting for the defroster to thaw your car or you’re just plain cold to the bone (like I am!) Old Man Winter won’t be leaving anytime soon – I guess we should just make friends with him.

Happy Winter!

P. S. Looking for ways to make the most of the season? Be sure to check out our Outdoor Winter Fun Guide on page 12 and Skiing and Snow Tubing Destinations on page 24!

DIGITAL PUBLISHER Wendy Hasser // wendy@daytonparentmagazine.com DIGITAL EDITOR Brooke Litherland // brooke@daytonparentmagazine.com Business Manager Roxanne Burns // roxanne@daytonparentmagazine.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Kim Dinan, Lauren Lawson, Kayla O’Neill, Haley Paddock, Lauren Lemons and Kenna Goodrich CALENDAR OF EVENTS calendar@daytonparentmagazine.com Contact Us

daytonparent@daytonparentmagazine.com Dayton Parent Magazine is published quarterly. Copyright 2017 by Midwest Parenting Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of products, commentary or services herein. For information on subscriptions, editorial guidelines, advertising rates and more visit www.daytonparentmagazine.com.





Selecting a Potential Pediatrician What to look for from this important provider As any parent of a new baby knows, you spend a lot of time at the pediatrician’s office, which is why finding someone you can rely on becomes so important. A good pediatrician not only answers all your questions, but also helps manage any niggling fears and concerns you have. What should parents be looking for when choosing someone to fulfill this important role? Here’s what a few of Dayton’s local experts have to say. Making a connection The best relationships start from a place of trust and respect. Dr. David Roer, a pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Dayton says, “Parents should look for a pediatrician that they feel will become ‘part of the family.’ Someone they can

trust, can feel confident with, can believe is always looking out for the best interests of their children and will always be there to answer their questions.” Dr. Michael Kessel, a pediatrician with PriMed Springboro Pediatrics, agrees. “You don’t necessarily need to have the same ideas, but your pediatrician should be someone with whom you feel comfortable asking questions and having discussions to provide the best care for your child.” Dr. Kessel recommends scheduling a pre-natal visit before the birth of your baby to ensure that the relationship will be a good fit. Having an open line of communication is another important aspect of the parent-pediatrician relationship. Dr. Marie Seiler, a pediatrician at PriMed Springboro Pediatrics, says that parents should “establish rapport, ask questions freely

and have a sense of trust with and compassion from their pediatrician.” She always advises patients to ask any question, no matter how silly it might seem. “Your concerns should be validated and you should be respected as you are an important person on the team that encourages wellness of your child.” In the same vein, having a doctor who is a good listener is key. “Your pediatrician should listen to you and rely upon your observations and ability to recall important details about your child in order to assess his or her physical, mental and emotional health and recommend the safest and best treatments,” says Dr. Seiler. She recommends that parents look for qualities in their pediatrician that mesh with their own personalities. When looking for a pediatrician, referrals from family and friends as well as internet research can help you find a good match. “As a parent, you are your child’s best advocate and it is important to do your research when looking for a provider for your child,” says Dr. Mulakkan Yohannan, a MEDNAX-affiliated neonatologist and NICU Director at Dayton Children’s Hospital. “With the world virtually at our fingertips, you can search for reviews of potential providers and their practices online. And don’t hesitate to ask friends, family and the community about their pediatric provider as they have personal interactions and can share feedback.” Dr. Yohannan also suggests parents consider the location of the practice and the ease with which appointments can be made when selecting a pediatrician.

Questions to ask Coming prepared to a meeting with a potential pediatrician can make your visit as productive as possible. Drs. Roer, Kessel, Seiler and Yohannan suggest these questions to bring along to your appointment. • Why did you decide to become a pediatrician? Do you have children yourself? Do you have any specialty areas of interest? • Are you certified by the American Board of Pediatrics? Do you have an American Academy of Pediatrics Fellowship? 08



• How long have you been practicing? • Do you have partners in your practice? If you are my child’s primary physician, how often will I see one of your partners?

• Do you have a 24/7 Nurse Line that I can contact for general questions? • How far in advance do checkups have to be scheduled? Do you offer same-day sick appointments?

• Do you see babies in the hospital when they are born or if they are ill?

• Is there a separate waiting area for well and sick children?

• Do you offer any options for assistance with breastfeeding?

• What types of testing are done in the office?

• What is your philosophy on antibiotics and immunizations?

• (If you have a child with special needs): Are you connected to a subspecialty group or local children’s hospital?

• What hours/days is the office open? Do you offer evening or weekend appointments? • How do I contact you if we have an emergency? What about after hours or on the weekend? • What hospital do you admit patients to?

Finding the right pediatrician means you will always have a trusted partner in the care and well-being of your child. With a little advance planning and research, you can make the best choice for your family both now and in the future.




Emotions and Young Children

Encouraging healthy emotional development in your toddler or preschooler With so much information out there to digest on raising children, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all the important things we are supposed to cover as parents. One area that is sometimes overlooked as we are addressing behavior and academics and all the rest, is the emotional health of our kids. But helping young children improve their emotional skills can have a profound effect on all areas of their development. Encouraging emotional awareness in your child does not require loads of extra time or fancy curriculums. There are simple ways to support your child’s emotional health in everyday situations.

1.Be responsive Merlinda Mattison, a preschool teacher from Dayton Public Schools, says establishing an open line of communication between parent and child is key. She suggests putting more time into family meals and activities and less time with technology. “Take time to ask [your children] how their day was, and be present when they are talking to you.” Being responsive to your child with these small gestures can go a long way in nurturing their emotional health.

2. Use books as resources Books can be a great tool for teaching kids about emotions – and any book with characters will do. Point out faces that show different emotions. Ask questions like: What emotion do you think this character is feeling? Can you tell what the character is feeling by looking at their face? Have you ever felt that way?



3. Model desired behavior

4. Use imaginary play

Dayton preschool teacher Ann Becker talks about the effectiveness of modeling emotional behaviors for kids both at school and at home. “Showing is so much more important than just telling a child what to do,” says Becker. “Show a child ways to calm down, instead of just telling them to do it.”

Imaginary play provides many natural opportunities to discuss emotions with little ones. When your child is acting out different scenarios, see if they can label how they feel in various situations. If they can’t find the words, give them examples of different emotions such as glad, scared, sad, etc.

Instead of hiding your own emotions, take a moment and label them for your child. Let them know when you are feeling happy, frustrated, excited, etc. A young child can learn a great deal if you explain to them why you are feeling a certain emotion and what caused it. Show your child how to accept and handle emotions instead of hiding them.


5. Talk about what peers are feeling When you are around other children – at a play date, at the grocery store, in your neighborhood – talk about the emotions they see from kids around them. Is a baby crying because she is upset? Was the boy thrilled to get a special toy? If your child attends a preschool or daycare, talk about the emotions that may come up during the day. Was a child frustrated because someone didn’t share with them? Was your child happy to see his friend?

6. Follow your instincts As with so much of parenting, your gut feeling about to handle a situation is always worth listening to. Candice Voorhees, a mother of two young children, believes in the importance of tuning in and parenting with natural instincts. She says, “Parenting in general, and this topic of emotional health, is a learning process for the parent as much as for the child. A parent can read books and articles and get advice from parents and grandparents, but it really comes down to in the moment being the best parent you can be.”




BROUGHT TO YOU BY // L auren Lemons, Community Engagement Coordinator, Five Rivers MetroParks

Outdoor Winter Fun! Walking, hiking, skating and exploring in your MetroParks As temperatures drop so does family time spent outdoors, but the wealth of fun amenities and beautiful parks in Dayton give residents a reason to bundle up and get outside. Outdoor time is just as crucial for kids in the summer as it is in the winter. Keeping our bodies moving, getting a much-needed dose of vitamin D and escaping indoor germs are all benefits of being outside. As long as your family is prepared for the elements, there’s no reason to skip out on the frosty fun. Be prepared for an outdoor

winter adventure by:

Bundling up: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants and children should wear several thin layers, such as long johns, shirts, sweaters, warm socks, boots, gloves and coat. They suggest that parents dress children in one more layer than they would typically wear.




Checking the forecast: Before you venture outside be sure to check for impending inclement weather. While it is safe to go outside and play when there is snow on the ground, ice and freezing rain can make for slippery conditions. Be sure you have the right foot gear before venturing out into the snow. Now let’s have some fun! Hit the ice: During the winter months, Five Rivers

MetroParks transforms the RiverScape Pavilion into an outdoor ice rink, complete with skate rentals, holiday decorations and plenty of hot chocolate. The MetroParks Ice Rink is one of the region’s largest outdoor skating rinks, hosting special events all season and offering lessons for those who want to learn to skate. From a Frozen-themed skate to seasonal skates with holiday music, there are special skating occasions throughout the winter. Lessons include a three-week course designed to get children comfortable on the ice and two free skating passes. Visit metroparks.org/icerink to learn more about the rink’s hours, admission and special skating opportunities.

Head for the hills: A staple of childhood is celebrating a snow day by hopping on a sled and zooming down a hill. Be sure to enjoy the first big snow at Englewood, Germantown or Taylorsville MetroPark. Take a hike: Winter provides a peek into nature that other seasons don’t provide. Bare trees and bright snow make it easy to spot local wildlife, including a variety of birds and mammals. The parks also feature many points of interest along the trails that are especially beautiful in the winter, including: • Martindale, Patty and Oaks Falls: Take the green trail in Englewood MetroPark to discover three cascading waterfalls that freeze over when it gets exceptionally cold during the winter months. • Three Sisters and Osage Orange Tunnel: Take the orange trail in Sugarcreek MetroPark after a fresh snow to view the “Three Sisters,” impressive 550-year-old ancient white oak trees. Stay on the trail to walk through the Osage Orange Tree Tunnel, created by large arching branches of old Osage orange trees.

• Old Forest: Germantown MetroPark is home to the largest tract of old woods in Montgomery County. This mature, old-growth woodland can be experienced along the yellow, orange and blue trails.

Go back in time: Experience what winter would have been like on a farm in the 1880s at Carriage Hill MetroPark. Presenters provide period demonstrations

and special programs, in addition to holiday-themed events. Visitors can also visit the family farm house and barn animals before hitting the trails along the lake. Visit metropark.org/carriagehill for more information and a list of upcoming programs.

To learn more about opportunities to explore Five Rivers MetroParks in the winter visit metroparks.org/ winter.


Five Rivers Metroparks









WORDS BY // Haley Paddock

Indoor Activities for Cold Winter Days 17 ideas for beating cabin fever! Kids feeling cooped up on those days when it’s just too chilly to head outside? No problem! There are plenty of local indoor options for fun and entertainment – and many are even free! Check out this list of some of the Dayton area’s most popular places for families next time your crew needs an escape from the cold.

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force 1100 Spaatz Street, Dayton (937) 244-3286 www.nationalmuseum.af.mil Cost: FREE admission

ARTS AND CRAFTS MUSEUMS The perfect combination of learning and fun, a museum is an ideal adventure for a winter day. Be sure to check back often for changing exhibits! Boonshoft Museum of Discovery 2600 DeWeese Parkway, Dayton (937) 275-7431 www.boonshoftmuseum.org Cost: FREE for kids under 3 $11.50 for kids 3-17 $14.50 for adults $12.50 for seniors

Dayton Art Institute 456 Belmonte Park North, Dayton (937) 223-4278 www.daytonartinstitute.org Cost: FREE for kids and students $8 for adults $5 for seniors, groups and active military Note: Have a toddler between the ages of 2 and 5? Check out “Tiny Thursdays” for a special opportunity just for your littlest ones!




Have a crafty kid? Many local stores offer drop-in hours for painting and decorating, or classes for creating, building and sculpting. Spark Art Studio 3126 Wilmington Pike, Kettering (937) 640-3423 https://sparkartstudio.com Cost: Varies based on activity Note: In addition to classes and art projects, this studio has special “kids night in” events for $20/child.

Michaels Craft Stores Various locations www.michaels.com/classes Cost: FREE for children’s “Make Break” classes $2 for “Kids Club” classes Note: Visit the website to find out what you’ll be able to make at each class and if you need to bring anything with you. (Most supplies are provided.)

The Home Depot – Kids Workshops Various locations www.homedepot.com/ Cost: FREE Note: Search “kids workshop” on the website to register at the store nearest you.

SPORTS AND RECREATION Skating, running and jumping – oh my! Each of these locations offers a great option for your kiddo to burn off some energy. Kettering Ice Arena 2900 Glengarry Drive, Kettering (937) 296-2587 www.playkettering.org/ Cost: $3.75/$7.50 for kids (Resident/ Non-resident) $4.25/$8.50 for adults $2.00 skate rental Note: Check out the online calendar for public skate hours – some sessions are just for little ones!

Run Around Fun Town 4401 Lyons Road, Miamisburg (937) 813-4268 www.runaroundfuntownxl.com/ Cost: $5 for children 2 and under $10 for 3 and up Note: Crawlers are free with a paid sibling and adults are always free.

SkyZone Trampoline Park 976 Senate Drive, Dayton (937) 396-6600 www.skyzone.com/dayton Cost: Starting at $12 for 30 minutes of jumping Note: “Toddler Time” is just for young children and their parents, and is offered each Friday and Saturday morning.

Vandalia Aquatic Center Indoor Pool 333 James E. Bohanon Drive, Vandalia (937) 898-5891 http://vandaliaohio.org/recreation/ reccenter/aquatics-center/ Cost: FREE for kids 4 and under with paid adult $5 Resident $8 Non-resident Note: Yes, this pool has slides!

*continued on page 18



Englewood Fun Center

GAMING AND HIGH-SPEED ENTERTAINMENT Go-karts, bouncing, laser tag – you can’t go wrong with these activities. Get the whole family in on some friendly competition. Scene75 6196 Poe Avenue, Dayton (937)619-3200 www.scene75.com/dayton/ Cost: Varies by activity Note: Attractions include an indoor go-kart track, mini-bowling, mini-golf, bumper cars and more. And check out the bounce houses just for younger visitors.

Laser Quest 533 Miamisburg Centerville Road, Dayton (937)435-2737 www.laserwebdayton.com Cost: Starting at $8 for one mission Note: Mondays are buy one mission get one free.




569 South Main Street, Englewood (937) 836-2300 http://englewoodfuncenter.com Cost: Varies by activity Note: Attractions include indoor inflatable bouncing, batting cages and an arcade.


Barnes and Noble Story Times

Beavercreek Community Theatre

Various Locations www.barnesandnoble.com Cost: FREE Note: Check out each location’s event calendar online.

3868 Dayton-Xenia Road, Beavercreek (937) 429-4737 http://bctheatre.org Cost: $5-$15 based on seating Note: Youth Theatre shows are put on for kids by kids! Children 10 and under are eligible for floor mat seating starting at just $5.

Rave Cinemas at the Greene – Discount Wednesdays

Looking for a low-key outing? These ideas might be the ticket to a relaxing morning or a peaceful night out with your kids.

4489 Glengarry Drive, Beavercreek (939) 429-4130 www.cinemark.com/central-southernohio/the-greene-14-and-imax Cost: $5.50


Note: Be on the lookout for special offers or discounts at other local movie theaters as well.

Various Locations Cost: FREE Note: Not only are libraries a great resource for books and movies, many of them offer story times and other free programs geared specifically for kids. Visit your local branch to find out more.

Before heading out, be sure to visit websites or call directly to confirm hours of operation, availability or if registration is needed prior to your visit. Then have some fun and enjoy the “the great indoors”!


19 19


WORDS BY // Kenna Goodrich, Dayton Children’s Hospital

Is It the Flu or Meningitis? Know the symptoms and be ready to act quickly Your kid has a cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting and stiff neck. Your first thought may be that these symptoms are a result of the flu, but could it be something more? Meningitis has symptoms similar to the flu but several signs help distinguish the two. That’s why it is so important for parents to understand the difference in symptoms in order to prevent and treat meningitis effectively. If dealt with quickly, meningitis can be treated successfully.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges. Meninges are the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Many of the bacteria and viruses that cause meningitis are fairly common and can cause other routine illnesses. Both bacterial and viral meningitis spread like most other common infections do – someone who's infected touches, kisses, or coughs or sneezes on someone who isn't infected.

“There are two forms of meningitis: bacterial and viral,” says Sherman Alter, MD, medical director for the department of infectious disease at

Dayton Children’s Hospital. Bacterial cases of meningitis are what most people think of when they hear “spinal meningitis.” Bacterial meningitis is dangerous and can be deadly. Luckily as the years have gone by, we see less and less infection of children with bacterial meningitis due to vaccines. “We do still see cases, though infrequently, of meningitis caused by the bacterium Neisseria meninigitidis – the germ sometimes associated with outbreaks of meningitis reported in some college campuses,” says Dr. Alter. A second form of meningitis is caused by viruses, which is typically less severe than bacterial meningitis, but not always.

Influenza, more commonly known as the flu, comes with symptoms of cough, high fevers, muscle aches, sore throat and chills. “Meningitis presents with fever, worsening headaches, stiff neck, sometimes visual complaints (known as photophobia – cases where light bothers one’s eyes), changes in alertness or altered mental status and frequent vomiting. Symptoms of bacterial meningitis can appear either quickly or over several days,” says Dr. Alter.

In order to prevent meningitis, child and adolescent vaccinations should always be up to date. Adolescents need a meningitis vaccine against four different types of the Neiserria meningitidis (meningococcus). All 11- to 12-year-olds should be vaccinated with a meningococcal conjugate vaccine. A booster dose is recommended at age 16 years.

Parents should keep in mind that the State of Ohio requires vaccinations for high school students. One dose of meningococcal vaccine is required prior to school entry in 7th grade. A student should have received two doses of the vaccine prior to entry into the 12th grade. Students must have proof for their schools that they have received the appropriate vaccines. For additional information on school immunization requirements, visit the Ohio Department of Health online at www.odh.ohio.gov/odhprograms/bid/ immunization/imunchsc.aspx.




and there have been reported outbreaks of meningococcal meningitis in some colleges,” says Dr. Alter. As your teens prepare for the excitement of college, don’t forget to discuss the recommended vaccines with their health care provider and ensure that they are fully vaccinated prior to their start date. Share with them the symptoms of meningitis, as well, so they are aware of what to look for.

Teens and young adults (16- through 23-year-olds) also may be vaccinated with a serogroup B meningococcal vaccine. Serogroup B meningococcal is another strain of the bacteria that requires its own vaccine.

Routine vaccinations and knowing the signs of meningitis are extremely important to both prevent meningitis and treat it effectively. Review your child’s symptoms quickly and get medical care right away if you suspect meningitis. Also, check with your child’s health care provider if you have any questions about their vaccine schedule.

“While people of any age can get meningitis, it can spread easily among those living very closely together. Teens, college students and boarding-school students are at higher risk for infection





The Silent Struggle of Secondary Infertility

Coping with an unexpected problem trying to conceive Infertility applies to couples having difficulty trying to conceive their first child, right? Wrong. Millions of women in the United States experience problems getting pregnant after they’ve successfully conceived a child. This type of infertility is called secondary infertility, and it is defined as the inability to become pregnant or carry a baby to term after previously giving birth.

“Secondary infertility is caused by pretty much anything that could cause primary infertility,” says Dr. Jeremy Groll, medical director of SpringCreek Fertility, a fertility clinic in Centerville. Those causes can include impaired sperm production, function or delivery in men and fallopian tube damage, ovulation disorders, endometriosis and uterine conditions in women. Age, weight or certain medications for both partners can also play a role. “People assume there isn’t a male factor,” says Dr. Groll, “but male factor is involved fifty percent of the time. It’s a major problem.” Another big issue can be a change in ovarian function. “That declines over time, especially as we reach our mid-thirties,” says Dr. Groll.



I took for granted that my mom got pregnant so easy. Infertility wasn’ t brought up. I didn’ t know anybody who had those issues.

It may surprise some to know that secondary infertility is not always age related however. Amy Welborn, a birth doula and childbirth educator in the Dayton area, had her first child at the age of 23 and then struggled with secondary infertility. The oldest of five children, she says she went into the idea of motherhood pretty naively. “I took for granted that my mom got pregnant so easy. Infertility wasn’t brought up. I didn’t know anybody who had those issues. You assume that infertility issues happen the older you get but that wasn’t the case for us.” So, when she struggled to conceive her second child, the experience took its toll on her. “Nobody ever talks about secondary infertility and so here we were, and it was affecting me at a greater depth because with secondary infertility came the guilt


of [not] providing a sibling for my son.” She adds, “I ended up going to counseling.”

Even if a couple conceives without delay initially, there’s no guarantee that it will be easy the next time. “It is always going to be a matter of probability,” says Dr. Groll. “If a couple got pregnant the first time around, what that tells us is that they had an egg, a sperm and an open tube. It doesn’t tell us much beyond that. You can have pregnancies with low sperm count or not ovulating regularly, but if everything hits then it is a successful pregnancy – though statistically it is low.”

In terms of optimizing fertility conditions, Dr. Groll says, “Look at balanced nutrition and maintaining fitness. I often talk to folks about avoiding excess sugars. People worry about caffeine but one of the

biggest culprits is excess sugar, largely from soft drinks.” He advises couples who have had a previous successful birth but are now experiencing a delay in conception of six months or longer to talk to their primary gynecologist who may refer them to a fertility center.

Welborn, who did eventually conceive again and is now the mother of eight, has this advice for women struggling with secondary infertility. “Find your tribe and get a support team. It was hard for my husband, too. Focus on being a really strong core because it can rip you apart and make you feel guilty and worthless. It can tear your marriage apart if you let it.” She says that it helps to find support from other women that have had the same experience and that finding a great health care provider also helps. “We struggled with being brushed off a little bit with a ‘ just be patient’ from the provider. Those weren’t comforting words at all.”

It’s Welborn’s hope that the topic of secondary infertility will be discussed more openly. “Pregnancy loss, infant loss, those things are widely talked about but there isn’t really awareness for secondary infertility.”

Doctor Groll wants women struggling with secondary infertility to remember that they aren’t alone. “One of the important things that people don’t realize when they see other people with kids is they don’t know how those kids were conceived. They don’t know how many years they were delayed; they just know they were conceived,” he says. “A lot of people assume other people aren’t going through it.”

For more information on secondary infertility, talk with your doctor or visit Resolve – The National Infertility Association (www.resolve. org) for resources and support.





Skiing and Snow Tubing Destinations 6 spots close to home for winter fun! Perfect North

Alpine Valley

19074 Perfect Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN (812) 537-3754 www.perfectnorth.com Distance from Dayton: 1 hour 13 minutes

10620 Mayfield Road, Chesterland, OH (440) 285-2211 www.alpinevalleyohio.com Distance from Dayton: 3 and 30 minutes

Find a mix of diverse terrain at this 22-acre ski and tubing resort. Child, adult and adaptive lessons are offered, with a lesson included for first-timers with every lift ticket purchased. Feel the need for speed? Sign up for racing lessons. Training and practice sessions are available for ages 7 and up. Don’t leave without taking a ride down one of their 23 tubing lanes, including “super lanes” that allow your entire family to slide down together.

Located in the snow belt of the Cleveland area, Alpine Valley is subject to an average of 120 inches of natural snowfall each year. New skiers and snowboarders can get their “snow legs” on beginner hills while those who are more advanced will find their thrills on more difficult slopes. Take a spin down their multi-lane tubing hill before you go!

Paoli Peaks

There are officially 90 days of winter (which can seem like a long time) so why not embrace the cold and snow and make the most of what this season has to offer? There’s no better way to enjoy a winter day than racing down a hill on skis or a snow tube with your children squealing in delight. And finding a place to go within driving distance is easier than you might think. Check out these destinations for a snowy good time your kids won’t soon forget.

7100 Riverview Road, Peninsula, OH (800) 875-4241 www.bmbw.com Distance from Dayton: 3 hours

1000 Snow Valley Road, Zanesfield, OH (800) 231-7669 www.skimadriver.com Distance from Dayton: 1 hour Mad River is Ohio’s largest ski resort with 144 skiable acres, 20 trails and a 300-foot vertical drop. Ski and snowboard lessons are offered as well as adaptive instruction so everyone can enjoy the thrill of downhill skiing. Is tubing more your style? Head over to Avalanche Tubing Park, a 1,000-foot long hill with ten lanes of sliding fun. DAYTON PARENT MAGAZINE // Winter

Spend the day skiing or tubing at Paoli Peaks which offers 15 trails, 8 lifts and a natural hill with a 300-foot vertical drop. Test out the “The Bonk” terrain park with boxes, rails, steel benches and small jumps for an extra thrill on the slopes. Ten lanes of snowtubing, each 700 feet long, are available with specially constructed inner tubes at their Arctic Blast Snow Tube Park.

Boston Mills & Brandywine Ski Resorts

Mad River Mountain


2798 West County Road 25 South, Paoli, IN (812) 723-4696 www.paolipeaks.com Distance from Dayton: 3 hours 20 minutes


Boston Mills/Brandywine are sister ski resorts in northeastern Ohio that offer skiing, snowboarding and tubing with 18 trails, 16 lifts and 88 skiable acres. Polar Blast, the resort’s snow tubing facility, has state of the art snowmaking fans to make sure the slopes are always tube-ready. Grab a spot by the bonfire to warm up in between runs!

Valley’s Edge Snowtubing 8295 St. Rt. 121, New Paris, OH (937) 437-1386 www.valleysedgesnowtubing.com Distance from Dayton: 45 minutes Less than an hour away, Valley’s Edge Snowtubing offers affordable family fun close to home. Even when there’s no snow on the ground, there’s still snow at Valley’s Edge as they’ll make the white stuff even when Mother Nature won’t. Go on a Thursday night and pay just $6 for everyone in your family.

So grab the snowsuits, hats, gloves, boots, scarves (and your courage) – and head for the hills! A day spent on the slopes is a perfect way to enjoy the great outdoors with your crew this winter.


WORDS BY // Haley Paddock

For Love of Children

Providing valuable resources to Dayton area children in need Established in 1980, For Love of Children (FLOC) is a volunteer based organization that currently serves over 6,000 local kids. Through multiple educational and enrichment programs, FLOC provides assistance to children who are neglected, abused, in foster care or in need of community resources. Dayton Parent spoke with President of the Board, Beth Mann, about how the unique programming of FLOC is able to aid these children.

What are some of the programs FLOC offers? We have twelve programs currently in place with new programming being developed as needs arise. Right now, we're focusing on our Christmas for Kids program which helps provide holiday joy to well over 2,000 children. Similarly, our Birthday Club is a program aimed at making sure children in the foster care system feel valued on their birthdays by sending each child a gift and card.

We are preparing to present this month’s Grant a Wish program recipient with two Google Chromebooks for her grandchildren in hopes of positively impacting their academic success. We also have the Boutique that provides formalwear to kids who may not be able to afford gowns or suits for school dances, and a Tools for School program that provides tutoring and other educational resources. These are only a few of our programs, and each one helps us to meet as many needs as possible.

How do you reach out to kids in the community that may be in need of your services? We work with the children at Montgomery County Children’s Services as well as any others that may be in need throughout the community. They find out about us by word of mouth, by researching on the Internet, and also through Facebook. We have served well over 16,000 children with our programming over the years.


Love of Children

Are you currently in need of volunteers? Yes, we will definitely need volunteers for our Christmas for Kids program, but we also need volunteers throughout the calendar year. In general, our volunteer hours are on an as-needed basis and we are grateful for any and all time offered. It would be up to each individual in terms of how many hours he or she serves. We're very appreciative of any type of support! Anyone interested in learning more about helping with our Christmas for Kids program or other volunteer opportunities can contact us through our website.

Can the community donate in other ways if they’re unable to be a volunteer?

underwear and socks for our little ones. Monetary donations would be wonderful too, and the donor can tell us exactly where they would like to put their funds. I think the best thing about what we do at FLOC is that you get to see the difference you are making and you know exactly where your donation is going. You truly make an impact on the children who need your help and your donations are doing fabulous things.

The community can donate in so many ways. Any type of fundraising effort or community drive is always appreciated. There is also a great need for Christmas gifts, especially for children over the age of nine. We are currently collecting stockings for our Christmas for Kids program, designated food items for our Blessings in a Bag program, as well as

To learn more about For Love of Children, to get involved or to donate, visit their website at www.flocdayton.org. DAYTONPARENTMAGAZINE.COM







Did you know that there is an official holiday for just about anything you can think of? Here are a few fun days worth celebrating!








Not yellow, not green…just red!

What little known fact do you know?

Two scoops or three?





Or else!

Grab a blanket and start snuggling.






Today and every day!

Make sure there are lots of bubbles.

Don’t forget to accessorize.







Have a primate party!










Baseball cap, beanie or beret?


Choose a good one.





What will you do?




The stickier the better.

BANANA BREAD DAY Make an extra loaf to share!

DO A GROUCH A FAVOR DAY Because they really need it.

Celebrate that chubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff.


BELLY LAUGH DAY Really yuk it up!



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Grab the paper and scissors! Source: www.daysoftheyear.com



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