May 2020 | Indy's Child

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together MAY 2020



contents MAY 2020


16 departments


In Every Issue


06 07 08 10

Letter from the Editor On the Cover News & Notes Indy's Children

Around Town 12 Museum at Home 15 Local Spotlight: SAFY 38 Visit Your Favorite Indy Spots Virtually

Parenting 30 Camp During a Pandemic

Special Needs 36 Your Child's Messy Room

37 Special Needs Guide



Resources & Calendars 31 Camp Guide 34 Education Guide 39 Fun & Wacky Calendar

Sponsored Content 09 Help Us Keep Parks

Five guideposts for parenting during a pandemic.


Sheltering in Place


Students Who Shine


How to Help Kids in Foster Care

and Trails Healthy and Safe

14 Get Your Kids Ready for Summer

Managing Big Changes in a Time of Big Anxiety

One mom's thoughts about riding out this pandemic with her family of six.

A spotlight on local exceptional students.

You can make a big difference in a child's life during this time of uncertainty.



Founding Publisher Barbara Wynne Publisher Mary Wynne Cox Marketing + Sales Development Trisha Brand Editor Nicole Sipe Production Manager Karen Ring

On the Bright Side And although video games aren’t my favorite pastime and make me feel seasick, I like that my kids like to share this with me. In six or seven years, doing anything with mom will probably be very uncool, so I am trying to soak up these moments while I can.

I have been trying to find the bright side of things lately. It’s not easy to do during a global pandemic, let me tell you. But I’m trying my best. Looking on the bright side and counting my blessings are two skills I’m trying to hone while these stay-athome orders are in place. Every day presents its own set of challenges and victories. So, every day, I get a new chance to practice these very important skills. Another skill I have been honing is baking. Lots of baking. I think I finally have my brownie recipe down pat. Being a more present parent is another skill that I am working on. What this looks like for me is participating in what my sons are playing. We’ve played more games — card, board and video — this month than we’ve played all year. My sons convinced me to learn how to play Minecraft and Roblox, two games that, before the stay-at-home orders, never occurred to me to learn how to play. It turns out, they really like playing these games with their mom.

There are precious few good things happening as a result of the pandemic, but one of them is that we are spending a lot of time with our families. We’re making memories. We’re getting a chance to change up our habits and find new ways to solve problems and experience life together. Looking on the bright side is important at any time, but it’s especially important now. Here’s to another month of practicing the important skill of counting our blessings, whatever that may look like for you and your family.




Creative Director Katie Clark Digital Publisher + Events Wendy Hasser Business Development Brooke Litherland Editorial + Audience Development Tessa Judge Billing Contributing Writers Krissi Edgington, Kimberly Harms Robinsons, Jennifer Thompson, Emily Ungar Calendar of Events Indy's Child is published monthly. Copyright 2020 by Midwest Parenting Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of products, commentary or services herein.



on the cover

Indianapolis photographer Gabrielle Cheikh discusses her photo project, At Home: Family Portraits in Quarantine. How do we want to remember this unusual time that we’re living in? Some people would rather forget it all, and who can blame them — it’s a time filled with massive anxiety and uncertainty. But some people, like Indianapolis photographer Gabrielle Cheikh, want to remember the positives, like spending time with family and finding beauty in sharing simple moments. With her photo project, At Home: Family Portraits in Quarantine, Cheikh focuses her camera on two dozen Indy families — from a safe distance — to catch a glimpse of each family while they shelter at home. What was the motivation behind your photo project? I’m not the only one with this idea — it is a movement happening everywhere right now. But I thought to do it when my family and I were making breakfast together one morning. [My son] Charlie smiled at me in a way that I haven't seen before, and it dawned on me that, even though what is happening is horrible and tragic and stressful, being able to slow down as a family, and spend a different amount of time together, was such a blessing. The more families that I talked to, the more I realized that a lot of us were learning how to connect with our family in a more intimate way.

moments that I want to capture for others. So, what a more unique time to capture that connection between a family than now? I also wanted to find a way to somehow support my community during a time where I am unable to contribute financially or in a more physical way. You chose to photograph families who live in the Meridian-Kessler neighborhood. Why there, and how did you find families to participate? I chose a neighborhood that I grew up in and where I have found some of my closest friends and community. It was a way to give back to those who have given so much to me. I posted a call-out to the Midtown Parents Facebook group. I was shocked by how many people reached out. I asked everyone who participated

to make a personally comfortable contribution to Second Helpings as compensation for the images. What can you tell us about the family who appears on our cover? The Bracketts and I have a lot of history, so it’s fun that they were chosen for the cover. I have photographed their story since their engagement through their wedding, their girls’ first year and more. I was even at the hospital with them to photograph the birth of their second daughter. They are abundantly sweet and fun. We are being encouraged to practice social distancing now. What kind of safety precautions did you take during your photo shoots? During my typical family sessions, I really love to get close to my families to capture those sweet, intimate moments. Obviously, these shoots required a very different approach. All of my shoots were done from a safe distance of at least 10 feet or more with a long lens. Most of them were done from the street or curb to ensure that everyone felt comfortable and safe. Even in the short time that I had with each family, we connected in a really unique way to these times. I learned so much about their families, the way they were coping, and a little of what their “normal” lives looked like within minutes. It's been incredibly special to find this new little community through this project.

How are you and your family holding up during this time? Although this unusual situation is causing some new stress in our lives, our family is, in some ways, thriving. My husband and I are both used to working from home with our toddler, so we haven’t suffered the shock of trying to balance work and children. In some ways, this time is incredibly stressful financially because my [photography] business is vital for our family, and currently I am, in the financial sense, unemployed. It is a very scary time for my business. But we are trying to keep the faith that things will fall back into place once I can begin taking on jobs. Because my usually busy shooting schedule is on pause, we are spending a lot of time connecting with friends and family, focusing on personal health, and making our home and garden a special place for our family. We are really trying to take this time to find the things that make our family come alive together, and figure out how we can maintain that when “normal” life resumes. I feel pretty grateful in some ways for this paused moment in time to really enjoy every little moment with our son, who is changing by the hour these days. See Cheikh’s photo project on her website, gcphotography. com, and follow her on Instagram at @g_cphotography.

My favorite part of my business is that I get to capture special moments for families. In that moment when Charlie smiled at me, I wished that someone was there to save that moment for us. These are the moments in my life that I want to save and remember forever. These are the May 2020 I INDYSCHILD.COM


NEWS & Notes

Our monthly roundup of news you can use

Indy Parks offers free meals Indy Parks is proud to offer a free meals program, which served more than 30,000 meals in March and early April. The meal program is available for residents and their families on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For more information on pick-up locations and hours, visit





May is National Mental Health Awareness month,

a movement that aims to fight stigma, educate the public and advocate for policies that support those with mental illness. Now more than ever, it is important to give your mental health the attention it deserves.

spice up your

Zoom background Zoom has become a staple during our shelter-in-place days – for everyone from CEOs to kindergarteners. Now you can spice that daily Zoom routine up a bit with a little help from the Indianapolis Art Center and their free downloadable backgrounds. Visit to make your pick!



Help Us Keep Parks and Trails Healthy and Safe Dear Friends of Indy Parks – I hope you are taking time to enjoy some time outside on these nice days. I also hope you are staying connected to the activities that you love and the people who bring you joy, knowing that connection may look and feel different. Please know, Indy Parks is so proud to serve you and your families, especially in times like these. With the increase of people visiting parks and participating in group activities, Indy Parks and IMPD are reminding residents to follow social distancing guidelines to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in our city’s parks. Residents should maintain at least 6 feet between themselves and others, avoid crowded areas, stay home if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or if they are sick, and follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) personal hygiene steps. The patterns of use we are seeing in our parks concerns me greatly. To ensure that our spaces are healthy and safe, we’ve had to restrict access to some park amenities to discourage people from gathering. Our team wholeheartedly supports fitness and recreational activities, but at this time we need the public’s help to practice social distancing, take health precautions, and avoid gathering in groups.

As you visit our parks, we are asking you to skip team play such as basketball, football, softball, and soccer, and avoid playgrounds, dog parks, tennis courts, golf courses, and shelters. To protect the health and safety of park users, these amenities should not be used until further notice. Eagle Creek Park is also restricting all vehicle access to decrease overcrowding and excessive traffic throughout the park. The park will be open to pedestrians and cyclists. Currently, parks and trails are open (except for restricted and closed spaces). We understand the value in staying active. Getting fresh air and time outside right now is so important, but in order to do that we must work together. We are here for you, and together we can keep our city safe by taking health precautions and being respectful of our spaces. Take care of yourself and loved ones. We're in this together! To learn more about Indy Parks, its free meal options and amenities, contact the Customer Service Center at (317) 327-PARK or email



INDY'S CHILDREN We asked you to send us the cutest photos of your adorable kiddos, and you answered the call! Here are some of our favorite photos of Indy kids cheesin’ for the camera.

Duke (11 mos) and Nash (3)

Avika (4)

Grant (2.5)

Gabriella (3)


Adelaide (7) Cooper (5)



We are yearning for the day when we can visit our favorite places in person again. In the meantime, let’s remember all the good times we had at our favorite spots around town! Send us a photo of your child hanging out at their favorite place (a park, museum, sports stadium, library, etc.) with the first name and age of the child in the photo to editor@, and your picture may appear here!

The trusted resource for Central Indiana families for 35 years.






Museum at Home Now more than ever, families are looking for ways to spend quality time together. The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is coming to the rescue. The museum’s educators and subject matter experts created a new Museum at Home website ( MuseumAtHome) to share everything from workout ideas to science experiments to reading stories.

A timely topic includes Glitter Germs, a segment teaching children how to wash hands more effectively. Other topics include: • Real Science Videos: DIY science experiments that families can do at home. • Facebook Live Chats with Experts: Engage live with museum experts on topics from science to art and more. • Preschool Story Time: Listen to a story read by one of The Children’s Museum Preschool teachers. • Museum in a Minute: Enjoy a virtual tour of various exhibits within The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

• Morning Workout: Families can keep active with simple fitness activities at home. • Curate a Collection: A video series with the museum’s curators, who provide tips on how children can start their own collections. • Museum Trivia: Learn the history and little-known facts about The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and its collection of more than 130,000 artifacts. • Interpretive Shows: Videos from some of the museum’s experiences, many of which include trained, costumed actor interpreters.

• Morning Greeting from Rex: Receive a morning high-five from the museum’s lovable Tyrannosaurus rex mascot, Rex.

Parents, grandparents and other care givers might be surprised to learn that the world’s largest museum also has resources that can be used in traditional classrooms or for homeschooling. These units of study ( classroom-resources) include standards-based curricula that covers a variety of topics and are written by trained educators. Anyone can use these study tools for free to learn more about dinosaurs, trains and

transportation, science, archaeology, biotechnology, f light, art, racism and discrimination, food and fitness, health and more! The units are also broken down into school grade levels so adults can choose content that best fits their child’s age and educational level.

As families ponder ways to spend more quality time together, share new experiences and make memories, look for museum programs that can make it easier and more fun.









Get Your Kids Ready for the Summer How one mom’s worst nightmare almost became a reality… three times. My kids love the water, to swim, and splash and play. We had been diligent about getting them comfortable around water — maybe too comfortable. They had even had a few private lessons, and by many accounts, were all “really strong swimmers.” But while we were busy building their love for the water, what we had neglected was the need for water safety; and frankly, there’s a big difference between the two mentalities.

It was spring break, and the family was excited for a little Florida sun, family time, boating, beach and pool. When we arrived at grandma and grandpa’s house, we walked to the backyard, where my 4-year-old immediately kicked off his flip-flops and began scaling one of the palm trees. While we all stared in awe at his ascent, what we didn’t realize was that our 2-year-old, who had just been standing right next to me, had stealthily slipped away and into the pool. The next thing I knew, my brother was yelling “Wyatt!” and running toward the pool. I spun around to see my baby bobbing, with only his eyes above the water, staring at me in terror. There was no splashing or thrashing, no screaming or coughing — nothing. Just silence. And I was frozen in fear. Did you know 23% of child drownings happen during a family gathering near a pool? We did not.

Fast forward two months, and we were at my friend’s house for a playdate swim. Floaties on, safety first, no problem. Then, it was time for lunch — pizza by the pool. Surely, it would be OK to take his floaties off for just a minute while he ate. I got Wyatt situated with a slice and turned my back to get his brother and sister their plates. The next thing I heard was that all-too-familiar shriek, “Wyatt!”

Standing not two feet away, I spun around to see Wyatt, silently bobbing just off the steps of the pool. Again, he had somehow gone undetected without a sound, a splash, not a drop of water misplaced. And, again, I froze in fear.

The last scare was on closing day at the local pool, where a floaty-less Wyatt casually walked down a gradient bottom pool until his face was underwater. This time, it was me who saw it happen and yelled to my husband from across the pool, “Wyatt!” He pulled him out without a splash or cough.

When the winter rolled around and a friend told me about her early childhood swim school, I knew we had to go. Since February, we’ve been practicing once a week during our 30-minute class at Aqua-Tots. I am so impressed with each of the kids' drastic improvements already. Now, rather than frantic paddles to stay afloat, Wyatt is able to efficiently put strokes together, to not only stay afloat, but calmly make his way back to the wall. What once felt like an overwhelming task — hauling three kids to swim lessons by myself — in reality, couldn’t be easier. From the office staff to the swim instructors, and even the post-swim amenities, Aqua-Tots has completely transformed my mindset on swim safety and made it a manageable and exciting part of our routine. Not to mention that learning to swim can reduce the risk of drowning by 88% for 1 to 4

year olds who take formal swim lessons. May is National Drowning Prevention Awareness Month, and those summer pool days are right around the corner. Don’t leave swim safety to chance. Call Aqua-Tots to schedule a free assessment and have a trained professional assess your child’s preparedness for water safety. From one parent to another, I implore you, please, take my family’s near-tragic experiences and learn water safety before it’s too late.

Aqua-Tots North Indianapolis is located on E. 96th Street, between Allisonville Road and Keystone Parkway. Aqua-Tots is temporarily closed, but will reopen as soon as they are able. Your child's first in-water evaluation is FREE. Aqua-Tots is offering kids activity resources and continued water safety education through their Facebook and Instagram pages. Follow Aqua-Tots on FB at Indianapolis and on IG @AquaTotsNorthIndy.







Local Spotlight: Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY)

This Indy organization establishes safe havens for children in the foster care system. Roughly 3,000 children in Marion County are in need of family services, whether it’s through foster parents or relative care. Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) helps license foster families, and then provides resources to them and children. SAFY fields 100 calls each week requesting placement homes for these youth in need. The regional SAFY office is located in Marion County and supports families throughout Central Indiana. Meli Barber, therapeutic foster care program manager of SAFY, explains how the organization helps children and families.

What is the goal of SAFY? When we think about foster care, we’re thinking about working with children to establish permanency, safety and well-being. We have those three primary goals: We want our children to achieve permanency as quickly as possible, we want them to have a safe home environment, and we want our children to be healthy, happy whole beings. We added one specific goal post and that’s helping kids recover from trauma.

What is most rewarding about being involved with SAFY? I just really love working with the children and seeing the way that they grow and change in the time they spend with their families. Seeing a child come in the first day and be very quiet, not wanting to speak or play, then going with that child in the same foster home weeks or months later and they’re playing with children in the home. That’s really rewarding.

How do you provide help to families?

Who can become a foster parent?

The biggest thing is we do is provide training. Most importantly, SAFY creates a community to support the foster family. It’s important for foster parents to have a community of people who understand the unique joys and challenges that come with that role. SAFY hosts a monthly “Family Night” for all of our foster parents where we share a meal together, help foster parents meet their annual training requirements and give the parents time to talk and build community. We also provide supportive services to the families, helping our families navigate the system and understand the process. Someone from SAFY is on call 24/7 so that families can always reach us if they need something any time of the day or night.

Almost anyone over the age of 21. A lot of our families have biological children. Biological children play a huge role. They are open members of the family and can help make a foster child feel comfortable in the home. It can help them draw the children out of their shell. We’re about strengthening the whole family. The number of LGBT families continues to grow. I think that’s a hallmark that distinguishes us.

Aside from becoming a foster parent, are there other ways to help? Being a foster parent is not the right fit for everyone. We’re always looking for volunteers in the office, providing childcare for the family nights and donations. Suitcases, clothing, games, art supplies and monetary donations are also needed. Case workers will bring a game or a craft to meet with a child and help them feel comfortable. To donate, visit the SAFY Indianapolis office or




OF BIG ANXIETY Five guideposts for parenting during a pandemic. WORDS BY KATE PEDERSEN, LCSW, CENTERPOINT COUNSELING


ftentimes, we joke that we wish children came with manuals. But because there is no such thing, we rush to the next best option: one of the thousands of parenting books out on the market today. However, I am not familiar with any parenting books on parenting through a global pandemic. Many of us are going rogue during this confusing time and adding more “hats” to our parenting wardrobe: homeschool teacher, IT specialist, and in many cases coworker with our co-parent or our children. While navigating this anxiety-filled time, it is important to introduce ways for you and your loved ones to create calm. Here are five guideposts to manage big changes coupled with big anxiety.



Create Safety In Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” model, the first need is physiological, and is quickly followed by the need for safety. Now more than ever, it is crucial to hydrate, get good sleep, eat colorful meals and get moving. When your body feels better, your brain will, too. This goes for children, as well. If children are not getting the movement they need, they will “act up” and create havoc in your home. It is crucial for you and your children to get outside, feel the grass, and look at a vista that is beyond the screen. Acknowledging and meeting your need for safety is another crucial part to your mental and physical well-being. Creating safety can look many different ways. Maybe it is doing a little extra cleaning because it helps you feel in control of this invisible germ that is keeping us all at home. Maybe it is making lists or schedules that help you feel a little more in control of big changes. Maybe it is letting go of your schedule and cleaning so that you feel freedom, which may give some an experience of safety. Regardless of how you manage to feel safe, recognize the

importance of safety not only for you but also for your family. A sense of safety may look different for each family member.

Be Honest When there are big changes like death, divorce or other experiences that we think are too big for children to handle, we avoid talking to them about it. However, it is important to recognize that children have a strong sense of what is going on whether they consciously realize it or not. Therefore, it is important for you to be honest and authentic in what is going on in the world. Give children the appropriate information for their age and emotional maturity. It is also important to voice your own feelings about what is happening during the big change. “Mom/Dad is feeling a little extra stressed or worried because I have to work from home and make sure that you get your work done.” Or “I want to make extra sure that we wash our hands and keep this invisible germ away from us and our older loved ones. That is why we are staying home.” When you model healthy expression of feelings (albeit, slightly watered down), you model for your children that it is OK to share big feelings and that there are healthy ways to do so.

Know That Regression and Stress Behaviors are Normal Children are so wise. If not going to school every day isn’t clue enough that something is off, they may recognize their caretakers are a little more stressed and may catch a clip too many of coronavirus news. In times of stress or big changes, it is normal and natural for you and your children to wake up more in the middle of the night, have tantrums (yes adults, too) and potty accidents (more children than adults). Everyone’s routine is off, and it is important to not catastrophize their behavior. It is temporary. It can be important to name the stress behaviors. A tool called “externalization” can help with naming the behavior. If you notice your child getting grumpy or hungry, you can make a name for their alter ego (the grumpy, hungry one), and notice their alter ego visiting. “It looks like Hank the Hungry man is coming to visit. I wonder if he is hungry right now.” This does not always work for every child. Nor does it work if the behavior has gone too far, but sometimes it can be a way to alleviate the strife and tension that regression and stress behaviors bring.

Manage Expectations At the beginning of this pandemic, many people thought, “Well, this will be a great time to clean out those closets, simplify life and get that “to-do” list completed!” The farther we get into this experience, the more we find that it is harder to get into regular clothes, let alone accomplish that dream list. It is incredibly important to be gentle with yourself and with others. There is so much grief happening right now — grief from birthday parties not had, grief from family and friends no longer visiting, grief from actual death and the inability to connect with those who are grieving — that it is hard to keep up with the ever-changing dynamics and tremendous feelings that flow through us. It is OK not to be “productive” during this period. While you may have had beautiful images of your children being engaged in their homeschool “passion projects,” and delighting in a midday, colorful lunch where you all connect at the table, it is necessary to manage your expectations. If you need to get four hours of uninterrupted work or meetings completed, it is OK to allow your children to have four hours of screen time. Again, make sure you schedule it. Allow them to know when the screen time will be and then give them ability to expand and run out their energy outside (or inside the house, if necessary).

Lead with Love, Give Grace Because there are not too many rulebooks on global pandemic, please give yourself and others grace and love. Apologize when you have had that tantrum. Be playful when you would rather be consequential. When you see your children or your co-parent struggling, give them a hug, give them love and lean in with compassion. Most importantly, offer compassion to yourself. Offering compassion to yourself is not giving up, it is giving yourself space to learn from a mistake and do better the next time — a concept, surely, you would want your children to learn. Humans are incredibly resilient, children especially. They will forgive you when you get it “wrong.” In offering love unconditionally and creating safety, you will model for your children what you so desperately need and deserve: unconditional love and safety. Be gentle with yourself and others.




One mom’s thoughts about riding out this pandemic with her family of six.


and this is a unique time in our lives for rest that is otherwise hard to come by. In a typical day, the kids read and work on something to support their education, usually from a variety of websites. Our younger two wake up first and begin their schoolwork after breakfast, and our two children in middle school usually begin late in the morning, after they have finally woken up from a long night of good sleep. They are helping more around the house with chores, cooking and yard work. In the weeks to come, I hope to invest in each of them individually. What are their God-given strengths and talents? What do they each want to learn more about? This is a time when we can supplement traditional education with real-life skills, new hobbies and allow them time to learn about subjects they find fascinating. We have hung hammocks out back for people to rest on during the day, and have begun to grow a small herb garden in our windowsill. Puzzles have been completed and books have been read. A togetherness and sense of unity exists in our home that is unique to this time.


t's a little after 8 a.m. and I'm sitting at the kitchen island with my Bible, to-do list, notebooks, computer and pen by my side. My husband is working in our room at his makeshift office while the rest of the house is in a peace-filled state of slumber.

This is how our days begin now. I look forward to these moments, first thing in the morning, when the house is still and the day feels hopeful and full of promise. I would be lying if I didn't admit I like this new pace. Our lives have slowed down, come to a halt, in many ways. My husband and I lay in bed longer than we used to every morning. The kids sleep for as long as their little hearts’ desire — and I'm learning the hearts of teenagers desire many, many hours of sleep. I'm not enforcing much of a schedule at this time. That may change in the future, but for now, I recognize our days are usually booked solid



How long will we be in our home? I don't know. Will the kids go back to school this year at all? I'm not certain. When will my husband go back to the office? Nobody knows for sure. We are taking it day by day. I am trying to look at the silver lining. To see the good that is intermingled with the challenges. A friend said to me the other day, "It feels like God has put us all in time out." Her words resonated with me. What are we learning in this global time out? We say we want rest and that we are overbooked and overcommitted. Now, we are not. In America, many of us are used to getting what we want exactly when we want it. Now, it's not that easy. Items that were once plentiful are now hard to come by, and we really shouldn't be going out in search of those items. Instead, we rely on others to find them for us.

And the Earth that so desperately needs our attention is finally able to heal a little. There has been a drastic decline in air pollution, as harmful emissions have significantly decreased in areas such as China, Italy and I would imagine here, as well. When I send my kids to time out, my hope is that they will take time to pause, think, reflect and hopefully come out ready to make a few changes to their behavior. I wonder if we will make changes to our behaviors when this is over? Will we appreciate our loved ones more? Will we feel gratitude for things we once took for granted? Will we stop looking down at our phones as much — and begin to look more into the eyes of the people around us? Will we start to think more of others, and less of ourselves? Will we think more about the people who don't have the luxuries we have, such as clean water, food and even toilet paper? I know my quarantine life doesn't look like the quarantine life of everyone. I recognize I am speaking from a place of privilege. I know people are losing jobs and the economy is hurting. I realize people are getting up every day and putting their fears aside, and walking into work that may resemble a war zone. People who suffer with addiction, depression

and anxiety may be struggling now more than ever during this time of isolation. Pregnant women who were elated at the thought of giving birth a few months ago, may now find their minds and hearts battling new anxieties. People are afraid of losing their jobs. And of getting sick. We are in desperate need of medical supplies. People are dying. And loved ones aren't able to say goodbye. And there are many others in ICUs around the world who are very sick. This is the world we live in right now. And the experience is different for everyone. I am trying, as I know many of you are, to make lemonade out of lemons. To see the beauty that lies in the pain. And to remember that this isn't our forever. This is only our now. Do I know what tomorrow holds? No. But what I'm realizing is that I never really did before. I thought I had a good idea, but I didn't. I assumed life would always go on as normal, but that isn't always the case. We are not promised tomorrow. But we have today. We have this moment. It is a gift we have been given. And I hope to make the best of it.







We are fortunate to have such a wide range of quality schools to choose from in Indianapolis. While our school year is coming to an unusual end, it is still a time to celebrate our students and their accomplishments. We asked several area schools to share a student who exemplifies their school's values, and they rose to the challenge.

Sam Krok –

Senior, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School

What school achievement are you most proud of so far? I’m most proud of being a part of our fall play, The Fault In Our Stars. I had only worked backstage in previous performances, so portraying Van Houten as my first on stage performance in front of John Green himself was nerve-racking to say the least. But, our cast and everyone involved put in so much hard work, and the final product was absolutely amazing. What are your future plans? After I graduate, I plan to attend Indiana University Bloomington and major in Chemistry. I haven’t decided exactly what field of chemistry I want to specialize in, so I’m excited to learn more and find out what I want to do. How has Brebeuf prepared you for your future? Brebeuf has prepared me in countless ways, but the most impactful has been through the people. From everyday smiles in the hallway to choreographing an entire dance together, making connections and sharing memories with everyone in my class has taught me so much. It’s heartbreaking to lose the end of our senior year, but nothing will ever be able to take the life-changing and amazing time that we’ve had together. Everyone in the Class of 2020 is uniquely wonderful, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.

Shiloh Means –

Senior, Cathedral High School

What school achievement are you most proud of so far? I am most proud of having the opportunity to attend a school that has challenged me to excel in the classroom and play the sport that I love at a high level. This has opened doors for me to be accepted into the University of Pennsylvania. What are your future plans? My future plans include obtaining a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania while playing football at a collegiate level with the goal of playing in the NFL. How has Cathedral prepared you for your future? Cathedral has been a gateway leading to many diverse opportunities for my future. Academically Cathedral has a rigorous grading scale which has taught me to put in the extra effort for something I want. The workload has forced me to organize and prioritize my schedule. And the availability of the teaching staff has taught me to be an advocate for myself. Athletically the school has exposed me to nationally ranked competition which has allowed me to showcase my skills at the highest level while enhancing my leadership ability by becoming a team captain.



Grace Vlasak –

Senior and one of seven Class of 2020 Valedictorians, Theodore Guerin High School What school achievement are you most proud of so far? Last summer, I researched pulmonary hypertension at the Indiana University Medical School; developing an abstract of my findings and presenting my work to over one hundred fellow researchers. I am enormously grateful for the opportunity and mentorship that allowed me to contribute to the fight against the disease. What are your future plans? Next year, I will attend Yale University and study biomedical engineering. I plan to become a neurologist. If my purpose is to bring positive change to the world, the act of healing is a direct path and a background in engineering is an invaluable source of creative and practical experience. How has Guerin Catholic prepared you for your future? Guerin Catholic offered me the guidance to nurture my interests and pursue my passions. The teachers are passionate and dedicated to helping each and every student reach their full potential. Above all, Guerin Catholic’s community provided the encouragement and support I needed to discern and pursue my vocation.

Bella Depp –

Senior and class of 2020 Valedictorian,

Hope Academy What school achievement are you most proud of so far? So far, I am most proud of the fact that I am Hope Academy’s 2020 valedictorian! What are your future plans? In my near future, I will attend the Veterinary Technician program at International Business College and receive my license as well as my Associates in Applied Science. In my distant future, I plan to return to school and study to receive my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and become a veterinarian. How has Hope Academy prepared you for your future? Hope Academy has prepared me for my future by giving me the resources I need to build my own recovery community. Without establishing an environment for myself where I could manage my addiction, I wouldn’t be able to function, let alone be where I am today.

Katie Burgin –

Senior, MSD Lawrence Township Schools/

Lawrence North What school achievement are you most proud of so far? My proudest high school achievement was less of a singular accomplishment and more of a cumulation of events over four years. I’m proud of how I balanced academics, athletics, and social life. For instance, I was a national merit scholar while simultaneously a four year varsity athlete in cross country and track. What are your future plans? I’m going to University of Michigan, where I’m studying political science. How has Lawrence North prepared you for your future? I was a part of the international baccalaureate program, which offered rigorous courses that expanded my worldview. The program has helped my writing, research, and time management skills immensely- all of which will come in handy in college.





Noelle Smith –

8th Grade, St. Richard's Episcopal School

What school achievement are you most proud of so far? I have been part of the St. Richard’s community for the past four years, and during that time I’ve had many opportunities to be part of various programs such as Givers and the French exchange program. But out of all the programs and achievements, my most prized awards would be winning the Unit Award at the We the People State Finals. What are your future plans? My future plans include: attending Cathedral High School, going to Stanford University, and becoming a neurologist when I grow up. How has St. Richard's prepared you for the future? Throughout my time at St. Richard’s I have experienced a challenging curriculum, global readiness, strengthening my faith, and the teachings of different cultures. All of these things have prepared me for what’s ahead and has given me the confidence to know that I will be able to achieve my future goals.

Ben Wilkerson –

8th Grade, Sycamore School

What school achievement are you most proud of so far? I have been awarded the MVP/Leadership Award each year that I have participated, and we won our school’s first conference basketball championship. I am most proud of this specific achievement because I love the game of basketball and I am so grateful that I have amazing teammates. What are your future plans? I am attending Park Tudor for high school and am planning on starting my own business in graphic design as well as playing basketball at ParkTudor. I have dreamt about going to Duke University for as long as I can remember. How has Sycamore prepared you for the future? Sycamore has taught me time management, numerous study skills for almost any class, and provided me with leadership opportnities. Sycamore has also pushed me academically to be the best version of myself. Looking back on my time in middle school, I am so blessed to have been able to go to a school like Sycamore that has equipped me with a plentiful amount of tools that I plan on using moving forward.

Ian –

8th Grade, The Orchard School

What school achievement are you most proud of so far? That’s a hard one. I think the achievement I’m most proud of is hosting the 8th-grade History feature presentations. My teacher, Mr. Berry, says I’ve always flown “under the radar” because I tend not to stick my neck out to volunteer for public roles. He wanted to give me a chance to develop this skill, so he offered me the opportunity to host the presentations and I took it. I thought it went well and I felt good about it. What are your future plans? As of now, high school. I’m excited to head off to Brebeuf in the fall and learn about my different interests and passions. I’m also looking forward to high school soccer and being able to (hopefully) play my club/ECNL season. How has The Orchard School prepared you for your future? I think that Orchard has done a good job of preparing me for the future. I’ve learned a lot about teamwork, sportsmanship, the value of friends, and learning how to think critically. They do a great job of making sure we learn in an environment that enables productive learning.






how to help kids in

FOSTER CARE You can make a big difference in a child’s life during this time of uncertainty.



he need for foster care doesn’t stop during a pandemic. Even during this time of global crisis, there are children facing their own personal crises who need foster homes and support from caring families and individuals. It takes a village to raise a child, and that saying especially rings true right now.

“Some of the items we need the most are diapers, wipes, diapering supplies, formula, new children’s shoes, new children’s socks, and new children’s coats or jackets,” Achterberg says. More information about what items The Villages needs (and what items they cannot accept) are located on their web site at under the ‘Donate’ tab on the top menu.

Fostering a child is an important commitment, and it might not be the right choice for every family. We are grateful to the Indianapolis-area families who foster children and welcome them into their homes. But even if you aren’t in a position to foster a child yourself at the moment, there are still many ways to support these children and their foster families.

Noelle Russell, deputy director of communications for the Indiana Department of Child Services, suggests gifting positive experiences to foster children via the web site OneSimpleWish. org. This innovative wish-granting platform can bring positive experiences to the lives of the more than 500,000 children who are in the foster care system every year.

donate resources

share your time

Children in foster care need the same kinds of resources as other children. “If a family does not feel they are in a position to be a foster parent, they can always support the agency through a monetary donation, in-kind donation or by volunteering,” says Abbi Achterberg, director of community engagement at The Villages, the state’s largest not-for-profit child and family services agency. The Villages typically accepts donations during normal business hours at its Indianapolis office, but contact them first to find out if their donation process has changed because of the pandemic.

Donations of your time are always in need. “Our biggest need for volunteers is to assist with childcare during foster parent in-service trainings,” Achterberg says. “These take place once a month, usually through the week, from 6-8 p.m. Volunteers would assist staff with doing activities with children while parents are in training.” Volunteers must undergo a background check in order to volunteer with The Villages.


Organizations like School on Wheels match tutors to children in transitional situations such as foster care and shelters. Volunteers meet in groups with children on a regular basis in a common area and assist children with homework and other school-based activities. You can also donate items, such as school uniforms and school supplies, by visiting the web site at

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Indiana matches youth to an older mentor who can serve as a positive inf luence in a child’s life during a difficult transition. In addition, the organization Hands of Hope seeks volunteers to help create “bridge bags” to children entering the foster care system. These bags contain essential toiletries in a drawstring bag, which provides a more personal way to contain their belongings than the basic trash bags many children must use to contain their belongings when removed from the previous home situation.

An encouraging word goes a long way for children coming from difficult family situations — and the caseworkers who work hard to help them find a safe home. The Children’s Bureau, which for 167 years has specialized in serving children who have faced trauma and disruption, suggests writing notes to case workers and young clients. The Children’s Bureau also welcomes both individual and group volunteers and accepts in-kind donations for foster children.

provide respite care Respite care is an option to give foster parents a break when needed, with the assurance that the foster children in their care will be well-cared for in their absence. “Respite care provides temporary relief for our full-time foster parents who need a few days to themselves, or who may be dealing with a personal emergency of their own,” says Keri Carter-Moore, a team leader of foster parent recruiting at NECCO, which serves multiple states across the Midwest. “Respite care can be urgent or planned, lasting no longer than 14 days.”

become an ambassador Those who have a special interest in helping children navigate the court system are of great value to the state of Indiana. A CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate, is a volunteer who acts in the best interest of a child who has been removed from a situation of abuse or neglect. A CASA then ensures the child remains under the CASA’s guidance as the child transitions to a safe and comfortable foster home. Though the training program is a commitment of time, the rewards are great. Ultimately, the greatest joy for a CASA volunteer is to guide a child into his or her safe and permanent home.

These are just some of the ways you can help a child in the foster system and the families who care for them. During this unprecedented time, these children in need can benefit greatly from a little more support and love from everyone.





Camp During a Pandemic With schools closed and child care options at a minimum, parents and carers may be struggling to entertain their kids. With this in mind, many American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camps are rallying to keep the camp experience accessible with virtual camps. These camps are aimed at parents and carers whose regular plans were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and are likely juggling working from home with providing activities for their children. Transforming their usual camp experience to online versions, these virtual camps are run primarily through social media channels, YouTube and Zoom, and include programming and parent resources. Activities vary from nature walks, science talks, arts and crafts, patches to earn at home, and homework help, all while allowing kids to shelter in place. The benefits of attending camp are now clearer than ever before, thanks to the ACA’s 5 Year Impact Study: a five-year-long research project looking into the effects of camp on




their campers and how camps prepare youth for college, careers and adulthood. Some of the key takeaways from the study were that camp helps develop independence, experience outdoor fun and adventure and develop an affinity for nature, relaxation, accepting difference, living life unplugged and creating self-confidence. Plus, how to make a good s’more. As with other businesses and industries, The ACA is paying close attention to the ongoing developments related to COVID-19, but at this time, camps are still working hard to prepare for a fun and educational summer ahead. The ACA will continue to follow the CDC's guidance as we provide the camp community with resources and education. We encourage camps and families to use our webpage, Coronavirus Information for Camps ( coronavirus-information-camps), for resources that include updated CDC information, free camp communicable disease webinars, Association of Camp Nursing responses and much more continuously updated content. As of today, the ACA remains optimistic that camp will happen this summer. For more information, visit

IC SUMMER CAMP GUIDE 2020 Art Camps at the SullivanMunce Cultural Center 225 West Hawthorne, Zionsville, IN; Phone: (317) 873-4900; email: info@; Dates: June-July • Hours: 9 am - 4 pm • Ages: 7-17 Activities: Art, including outdoor activities

Summer art camps for children ages 7-17. All-day and half-day art camps available. Indoor and outdoor activities. Campers will be introduced to a variety of art materials and techniques. Come ready to get dirty and have fun!

Art with a Heart Phone: (317) 602-7222; email:; Dates: June 15 - July 24 • Hours: 9am - 4pm • Ages: 8-14

Art With a Heart campers will have messy summer fun using a variety of visual arts mediums. Week long camp participants work with professional teaching artists to explore two different topics. Day camps offer young artists a focused option. After care provided for an additional fee. Sibling discount and scholarships available.

Beth-El Zedeck Early Childhood Center Summer Camp 600 West 70th St., Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 259-6854; email:;, You can register online!


Dates: Session 1: June 1– June 26; Session 2: June 29 – July 24 • Hours: Flexible hours (half days/full days) • Ages: 12 months+ through 5 years+ You can pick your days! Activities: Weekly creative themes, arts and crafts, water fun at the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Aquatic Complex for 3’s 4’s and 5’s. Water play for 12 months through 2’s. Music/Creative Movement, Entertainment, Field Trip Fridays for 4’s and 5’s.

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Our Program recognizes that children learn through play. During camp, the children will experiment and explore by using all five senses. Our campers will thrive on creativity, exploration, discovery, spontaneity and lots of love!

Camp Belzer

Camp Delafield

6102 Boy Scout Rd, Lawrence, IN; Phone: (317) 813-7086; email: campdirector@;

8140 Union Chapel Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, Phone: (317) 222-6635, email:;

Dates: June 8-July 17 • Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am-4 pm • Ages: Kindergarten through 8th Grade Activities: Wilderness Survival, STEAM, Swimming, Boating, BB Gun Shooting, Archery, Conservation, Crafts, and more

Camp Belzer is a traditional day camp which offers a wide array of programs and activities that will be fun, educational, and most importantly safe. Located on the northeast side of Indianapolis, Camp Belzer offers precare starting at 7:30am and aftercare ending at 6pm. With highly trained staff and leaders, all youth are welcome to come and enjoy a week or more at Camp Belzer.

Camp AYS 4701 N. Keystone Ave., Indianapolis; Phone: (317) 283-3817; email:; camp Dates: May 26 - July 17 • Hours: 6:30am - 6:00pm, Monday - Friday • Ages: 5-12 Activities: Field trips, active games, STEM activities, hands-on projects, free play with friends, weekly themes, swimming, and much more!

As a parent, you are a superhero to your kids. This summer, Camp AYS will empower your kids to BE BRAVE and make them feel like their very own superheroes. So remove your cape and take a breath this summer. We've got your back!

Camp Carson YMCA 2034 Outer Lake Road, Princeton, IN 47670; Phone: (812) 385-3597; email:; Dates: May 31-July 24 • Ages: 7-16 Activities: Horseback riding, dirt bikes, nature, arts & crafts, archery, climbing tower, riflery, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, fishing, soccer, basketball, mountain bikes, mountain boards, woodworking, radio station and more.

Fly from the zipline, create a clay pot, ride horses or dirt bikes. Build your confidence and self-esteem as you join campers and staff from around the country and around the world in a camp family where all kids are Accepted, Challenged and Empowered. ALL new cabins built in 2014.

Dates: June 8 to July 10 (no camp on July 3rd) • Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. / Fridays 8 a.m.- Noon • Ages: 7-12 Activities: Daily morning academics in reading, writing, mathematics, and STEM; Afternoons consist of fun, enrichment activities like swimming, art projects, games, special guests and field trips

Mornings at Camp Delafield focus on rigorous academics and one-on-one Orton-Gillingham tutoring. Afternoons focus on building confidence and making friends through summertime camp fun! Ages 7-12. A dyslexia diagnosis is preferred but not required. Cost is $3500. Scholarships are available, contact us to learn more!

Camp Invention Multiple locations; Phone: (800) 968-4332; email: campinvention@invent. org; Ages: Grades K-6

Imaginations will soar in the all-new Camp Invention® program, Elevate! Campers in grades K-6 will collaborate in hands-on STEM activities exploring concepts of flight, Earth’s ecosystems and sports innovations! Visit camp or call 800-968-4332 to register. Use promo code LOCAL25 to save $25 (expires 3/31) or LOCAL15 to save $15 (expires 5/12).



Camp JCC 6701 Hoover Rd, Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 251-9467; email:; Dates: June 1-July 31 • Hours: 9 am-4 pm • Ages: 5-14

For grades K-8. From friendship and confidence building to leadership and autonomy, CampJCC days are full of fun activities parents appreciate and kids love. We offer crafts and music as well as outdoor recreational fun at our water park and our wooded acreage. Our trained counselors instill in campers core values like kindness and appreciation. We have some overnights for younger campers and travel weeks for older campers. We also have specialty sports camps. Non-member rates available. All are welcome.

Code Ninjas - Carmel and Fishers 2436 E 146th St, Carmel, IN; Phone: (812) 320-5265; email: CarmelIN@; Dates: June 1- August 3 • Hours: 9 am-noon and 1-4 pm • Ages: 7-14 Activities: Coding, STEM, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Game Building

Code Ninjas Camps offer an immersion environment for children to explore technology, develop new skills and have a great time with friends. From Roblox to JavaScript to Minecraft to Drones (and Scratch and Python!) - it's an unforgettably fun learning experience! Beginners to advanced coders have a place at Code Ninjas all summer long!

DeVeau's Summer Camps

Freetown Village Summer Camp

Indianapolis Children’s Choir Choral Fest

4020 Meadows Parkway, Tindley Genesis Academy, Indianapolis; Phone: (317) 631-1870; email: summercamp@; Dates: June 8 - July 17 • Hours: 8am- 5:30pm • Ages: 5 - 14 (K - 8th)

Butler University, 4600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46208; (317) 940-9640; Contact: Lauren Southard, email:,

Activities: Academic enrichment (math/language arts/social studies), arts and crafts, theater, hands-on activities, manners and etiquette lessons, team building, games, weekly field trips.

Six weekly sessions of learning and fun! Our camp fosters discovery, appreciation of the arts, academic enrichment and personal growth. Highlighting Indiana and African American history and culture, campers will develop a stronger sense of purpose, while learning about themselves and their community. Each week ends with a performance showcase of the activities.

Indiana Montessori Academy 2925 West 146th Street | Carmel, IN 46074 | (317) 569.1290.; email: info@; Dates: June 1 - Aug 6; off the week of July 4 • Ages: 3-9

Come join us as we explore the Great Outdoors through construction, cooking, creating and more! Each week of camp will feature unique, exciting themes. Our days will be spent outdoors playing, learning and caring for our environment! Weekly sessions are available.

9032 Technology Dr, Fishers, IN ; Phone: (317) 849-7744;

Indianapolis Art Center Summer Art Camps

Dates: June 9-10; June 16-19; July 7-8 • Hours: Hours vary by camp • Ages: 3-18 (ages vary by camp)

820 E. 67th St., Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 255-2464; email: jnieto@; indplsartcenter. org/camps

At DeVeau's, summer camps are a fun, active way for kids to jump, run, play, and exercise in a fun environment with foam pits, trampolines, obstacle courses, and more! Not only will your child learn new skills, they will have a great time learning them. The themes for this year's 2-day preschool camps are Animal Safari (June 9-10) and Olympic Champions (July 7-8).



Dates: June 8 - July 27 • Hours: Hours vary by camp • Ages: 4-18 Activities: Painting, Drawing, Glassblowing, Woodworking, Ceramics, and more!

Create, Play, Explore! Join the Indianapolis Art Center for a summer of art education, fun, and new friendships. Weeklong camps for ages 4-18 in a variety of art mediums including drawing, sculpture, jewelry, digital arts, glassblowing, and more! Morning, afternoon and full day options. Creative Aftercare available too! Register now!

Dates: June 8-11 and July 20-24 • Hours: 9 am-4 pm • Ages: 1st grade 8th grade

$140 and includes all art supplies. Our one day camps are 3 hrs.

P.A.C.E. Summer Experience Program 122 s Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL, Phone: (312) 261-3245; email:;

Activities: Singing, playing instruments, movement, games.

Dates: Monday Aug 3- Thursday Aug 6 • Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm • Ages: 16-26

ICC’s Summer Choral Fest! A summer camp for kids who love music. The highest quality choral music experience woven in between fun musical activities and camp friendships! Includes a performance at the conclusion of camps. Financial assistance is available.

P.A.C.E. at NLU is offering a Summer Experience Program for students interested in learning more about or attending a Post Secondary Program after High School. P.A.C.E. is a three-year post-secondary program designed to meet the transitional needs for young adults with multiple intellectual, learning and developmental disabilities.

Indianapolis Healthplex Camp 3660 Guion Rd, Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 920-7400; email: Dates: March 23-April • Hours: 8am-5pm • Ages: 5-12 Activities: Swimming, Basketball, Tennis, Taekwondo, Fitness, Nutrition, Arts & Crafts, and more!

Jill G. (Parent) - "The summer camp at Indianapolis Healthplex provides a great environment where a kid can explore several activities. My son enjoys having karate and tennis lessons, and loves swimming every day. Camp counselors are nurturing and provide a fun and safe environment, with lots of physical activity!"

Myart Myart Carmel, 841 S. Rangeline Rd., Suite 300 | Myart Fishers, 11720 Olio Rd., Suite 300 | Myart Noblesville, 39 North 10th St | NoblesvilleCarmelArtSchool.htm Dates: Spring Camps, April 7-9 & Summer Camps June 8-August 3

Myart spring & summer camps are full of fun and creativity! Campers draw, paint and create amazing art all centered on a specific theme. Campers will learn how to create using markers, oil and chalk pastels, colored pencil, acrylic, watercolors and jazz tempera paints. Every year we offer brand new projects so returning campers are always drawing something new. Camps are open to all ages 5 and up. Our camps run 3 days during spring break and all summer long starting June, 8th. Our 4-day weekly camps are 2.5 hrs. in the mornings and afternoons for ages 5&up and 2.5 hrs. in the afternoons for ages 11&up. The cost of each camp is

Round Tripper Youth Summer Academy 16708 Southpark Dr., Westfield; Phone: (317) 896-2900; email: info@; Dates: June 8 - 11; June 15-18; June 22-25; July 6-8; July 13-15 • Hours: 9am - 4pm • Ages: Vary depending on the camp Activities: Baseball & Softball

RoundTripper has a grand slam line up of summer camps throughout June and July. Welcoming kids of all ages and skill levels, there is something for everyone.

Summer U at University High School 2825 W. 116th St, Carmel, IN; Phone: (317) 733-4475; email: nnealy@; Dates: June 8-26 and July 6-24 • Hours: 9 am-4 pm with before and aftercare • Ages: grades 1-12 Activities: art, film, photography, creative writing, languages, sports, robotics, rocketry, programming, study and life skills, and more

University’s mission to expand the hearts and minds of students and to nurture excellence through academic, creative, and physical achievement doesn’t go on summer break. Summer U’s enrichment camps, including creative arts, sports, STEM, and more, are led by seasoned educators and designed to provide hands-on, enriching experiences for curious campers.


Sycamore School Quest Summer Camps 1750 West 64th Street. Indianapolis, Contact: Dusty Burwell, (317) 430-2541, email burwell.dusty@sycamoreschool. org, summercamps Dates: May - July 2020 • Hours: 8am - 4pm • Ages: 5 - 13 Activities: robotics, chess, coding, science, art, sports, literature, and more.

Celebrating more 25 years of summer camps at Sycamore with nearly 40 different camps being offered, from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade. All camps are open to all children whether or not they attend Sycamore during the school year.

The Children's House Summer Camp 2404 W. 62nd. St., Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 253-3033; email:; Date: June 8-August 14 • Hours: Camp Day 9 am-4pm, extended hours 7 am to 5:45 pm • Ages: 3-12 Activities: music, art, swimming, nature field trips, puppets, bird watching, games

The summer camp offers a relaxed camp environment for campers of all ages. Younger children generally follow and explore the same weekly themed activities as older campers. We offer an environment free of competition. Camp activities include art, music, games, swimming, field trips, and many outdoor activities. Camp is limited to 30 campers each week.

The Etiquette and Leadership Institute of Indiana

The Summer Experience at Traders Point Christian Schools

Wright's Fundamentals Gymnastics & NinjaZone Camps

Phone: (888) 354-4639; email: info@;

5770 Whitestown Parkway, Whitestown, IN; Phone: (317) 769-2450; email:;

Various locations - Westfield, Fishers, and Greenwood; Phone: (317) 888-4805; email: info@wrightsgyms. com;

Ages: 8 - 18 (varies by seminar)

Choose from the following seminars, held at Homewood Suites, 2501 East 86th, Indianapolis, IN How to Raise a Gentleman Summer Camp, Teaching the new post COVID-19 social rules: (ages 8-15), July 13 – 17, 2020 & July 25

How to Raise a Lady Summer Camp, Teaching the new post COVID-19 social rules: (ages 8-15), July 20 – 24, 2020 & July 25, 2020

The Orchard School's Summer Camp 615 W. 64th Street. Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 251-9253; email:rreams@; extracurricular/summer-camp Date: June 1-July 24 • Hours: 9 am-4 pm (extended day options) • Ages: 3 years - 8th grade

Come enjoy The Orchard's Summer School Summer Camp 30th Year! We offer half-day and full-day options with varied experiences that foster creativity, a love of learning and opportunities to make friends. Campers can choose camps outdoors, in the gym, on the field or in the classroom. We have an option for everyone!

Dates: June 1-July 29 • Hours: 9 am - 4 pm with Before and After Care available • Ages: 3 - 8th Grade Activities: Aviation, Culinary Arts, Robotics, Pottery, Horseback Riding, American Girl, Super Heroes, Scuba, Zoology, Summer Stage Musical of Moana, Water Parks, Field Trips and more.

Join us for The Summer Experience at Traders Point Christian Schools. Offering over 65 different full and half day summer camps for children ages 3 through 8th grade, in areas such as STEM, Aviation, Fine Arts, Outdoor Adventures, Sports, and Summer Fun. Daily chapel and extended care options are available. View our full camp catalog and register today at

Dates: Various dates throughout the summer • Ages: 3-11

Run, jump, kick, and flip off a wall during this FUN opportunity at the Wright's Fundamentals Gymnastics & NinjaZone Academy camps. Campers, turned gymnasts and ninjas, will participate in daily challenges, learn some awesome skills, participate in games and crafts, and have tons of FUN while being active! Ages 3-11.

YMCA Camp Piomingo 1950 Otter Creek Park Road, Brandenburg KY 40108, Phone: (502) 942-2616 , email: piomingo@, Dates: June 7 - August 1

University of Indianapolis MICI-AHEC Camps (317) 788-2001, email: kerrmt@uindy. edu; Dates: June 8- July 17 • Hours: 9 am-4 pm • Ages: 6th- 12th grade

The primary focus is to increase knowledge of a variety of healthcare fields through panel discussions, lab simulations, degree requirements and expectations for the different careers, how to know which health careers are right for them, demonstrate the practical application of science principles, and provide opportunities for unique and fun health-science activities.

At YMCA Camp Piomingo we believe in the potential of every child. That is why we strive to create an environment that brings out the best in each camper. With a variety of artistic, athletic and team-based activities, YMCA Camp Piomingo campers are given daily opportunities to find out who they are, who they want to be, and then — with the support of friends and our caring staff — develop the confidence and character to become that person.






Carmel Montessori Schools Carmel Montessori School is located on the NE corner of Main St. and Meridian in Carmel. Our directress is American Montessori Certified with 18 years head-teaching experience and we a a full member of the American Montessori Society. We offer a beautiful, peaceful and positive Montessori learning environment. Extended days available. • 1402 W. Main St., Carmel, IN 46032, Contact: Emily & Scott Rudicel, Phone: 317-580-0699, Email: info@,

confidence, creativity and compassion. Research also shows that 90% of Primrose Students perform twice the level of their peer group. Please call us today to learn more about our early education and preschool opportunities that will fit the need of your family. Currently enrolling, space is limited. •

3746 West 98th Street, Carmel, IN 46032. Contact: Lisa Housh, 317-876-0123,

Starting Line Preschool

The Right Start for A Lifelong Love of Learning! Our strong academicbased curriculum prepares and encourages your child to succeed in school while discovering learning is fun! All of our classes focus on an The Little Lamb Christian introduction to colors, number and School letters with exciting art and science projects. Math, social studies and The Little Lamb Christian School is a sight words are taught in the older home away from home for children 6 classes.Develop Social Awareness & weeks to pre-kindergarten. Since Friendships, Build Confidence and 1987, we have been the go-to private Master Academic Skills for Kinderpreschool for Carmel families who garten. • 110 Third Ave NE, Carmel, IN are interested in a Christian 46032, Contact: Diane Atkins, Phone: education. We are a place where 317-753-9397, Email: dkatkins22@msn. children can learn, explore, create, com, grow and play! • 1609 Greyhound Pass, Carmel, IN 46032, Phone: 317-848-3580, Email:,, 6 weeks to Pre-Kindergarten and after school care

The Primrose School at WestClay An accredited early education and care school serving infants through kindergarten as well as before and after school services for elementary age students. We offer a Balanced Learning approach, which nurtures curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion. Research also shows that 90% of Primrose Students perform twice the level of their peer group. Please call us today to learn more about our early education and preschool opportunities that will fit the need of your family Currently enrolling, space is limited. • 13096 Moultrie Street, Carmel, IN 46032. Contact: Kendra Dunagan, 317-873-0123.

The Primrose School at West Carmel The Primrose School at West Carmel is an accredited early education and care school serving infants through kindergarten as well as before and after school services for elementary age students. We offer a Balanced Learning approach, which nurtures curiosity,




IUPUI Center for Young Children The IUPUI Center for Young Children offers childcare and early childhood education for children ages six weeks to six years old and believe children learn through play, experiences, and interaction with their environment and peers. • 321 Limestone St., Indianapolis, IN 46202, Phone: 317-2743508,

Paramount Brookside Paramount Brookside is a tuition-free, public charter school that educates K-8 grade students in an innovative environment. Integral to the school’s approach to education are projectbased investigations, community partnerships, and three on-site Discovery Centers – an Eco-Center, Space Center with a planetarium, and an operating farm. Paramount Brookside is designated a 2018 Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education and an “A” school by the Indiana Department of Education. • 3020 Nowland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46201 Contact: Amie Smith at 317-775-6660 or contact@;

Paramount Cottage Home Paramount Cottage Home serves K-4th grade students as a tuition-free charter school. Founded in 2010, Paramount Schools of Excellence accomplishes its mission and teaches the mastery of Indiana Academic Standards through an emphasis on rigorous academics and experiential learning activities. The 2019 ILEARN results placed the school among the top-performers statewide. Due to continued student growth, this Fall, the school will be relocating to Cottage Home. The new, state-of-the-art facility will feature bright, spacious classrooms with contemporary furnishings, advanced technology capabilities, and unique student discovery centers. • 1203 E. St. Clair Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, Contact: Angie Cazares at 317-617-3067 or;


Paramount Englewood Paramount Englewood, a tuition-free public school, is now accepting enrollment of 5-8th grade students for the 2020-21 school year. Englewood is excited to be relocating to a state-of-the-art permanent campus in August 2020. This move accommodates the schools’ continued growth. The P.R. Mallory campus will house Paramount Englewood and Purdue Polytechnic High School. Paramount Englewood is an extension of Paramount Schools of Excellence’s successful education model. The flagship campus is designated a 2018 Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education and an “A” school by the Indiana Department of Education for six consecutive years. • 3005 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46201, 317-741-9589. Contact Peggy Purvis,;


Beth-El Zedeck Early Childhood Center

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Full Academic Curriculum and Innovative Arts Enrichment. Our Program recognizes that intellectual, social, emotional and physical development are interwoven. Our children will thrive on exploration, creativity, curiosity, discovery, spontaneity and more important, lots of love! Type of School: Early Childhood Cost/Tuition: Please call or email for full brochure. Hours/ Dates: Flexible Hours. Full Time/

Part-Time available. Ages/Grades: 12 months old+, 18 months old+, 2s+, 3s+, 4s+, Pre-Kindergarten (Kindergarten Readiness Class) (3 day or 5 day option) Before/After School Care: Before and After School Care always available as needed. Early drop off as early as 7:30 am and late pick up anytime up until 6:00pm/5:30 pm on Fridays. • 600 W. 70th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Joanie Waldman, Phone: 317-259-6854, Fax: 317-259- 6849, Email: jwaldman@,

Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School seeks to prepare the next generation of leaders with the intellectual and technological competence, loving and open hearts, faith inspiration and social responsibility to bring about a more just, humane and loving world. Students from all backgrounds, faiths, and ethnicities are welcome at Brebeuf Jesuit, where all are called to discover and cultivate the fullness of their God-given talents. Each student is therefore challenged and inspired to strive for academic excellence, to engage whole-heartedly in cocurricular activities, to develop confidence in leadership abilities, and to discover God’s presence in everyday life through serving others.

• 2801 W 86th St, Indianapolis, IN 46268, Contact: Colleen Cannon, Director of Admissions, Phone: 317-524-7090, Email:,

Children’s Circle Preschool at Second Presbyterian Church Children’s Circle Preschool is a developmentally appropriate, activity based, Christian preschool. We offer classes for children ages 9 months to 5 years old. We meet the needs of the whole child in a creative and loving environment. Our experienced staff embraces excellence in education by nurturing the whole child- physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. Please call for more information or to set up a tour. • 7700 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Cara Paul, Director, 317-252-5517, cpaul@,

Children’s Day In Nursery School and Traditional Preschool Children's Day In Nursery School and Traditional Preschool is a fully inclusive early childhood program with an emphasis on Christian values and


learning through play. It is designed to offer children ages 9 months to 5 years a positive and developmentally appropriate first school experience in the care of experienced and loving caregivers. We play and learn! Classes are offered weekdays from 9 am to 2:30 pm. For the older kids, our program Includes weekly Christian Life Skills, Music class taught by Indianapolis Children’s Choir instructors and Book Club. Please call, e-mail or visit for further information and registration Forms. Tours are individually set up at your convenience! • 5500 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208, Contact: Christy Whaley, Phone: 317-253-0472,,

Early Childhood Center, The Church at the Crossing Parents Day Out (16-35 mos) and Part Day Preschool (3 yrs-PreK5) provide relaxed, secure, playful environments that nurture creativity and the exploration of God’s world. A variety of learning materials & readiness skills are woven into each unit. Oldest classrooms utilize “Handwriting Without Tears” curriculum. Various days, 9am-2pm. Some extended days. Need longer hours? Try our All Day Classes designed for 16 mos – Pre K5 with class times 6:30am-6pm • 9111 N. Haverstick Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46240, Contact: John Drake, Phone: 317-5756508, Email:

Huntington Learning Center Huntington Learning Center Indianapolis. We do tutoring with state certified teachers for kids k-12 and we do ACT and SAT test prep. • 2635 E 62nd Street Ste 2020, Indianapolis, IN; Phone: (317) 420-8885; Email: fraserl@

The Orchard School The Orchard School, an independent, non-sectarian, progressive school, emphasizing experiential learning. Orchard teachers engage the natural curiosity of children, develop academic excellence, and provide leadership experience through well-rounded education. Orchard’s diverse community and commitment to multicultural education inspires responsible, global citizenship. Founded in 1922. NAIS, ISACS, NAEYC accredited. • 615 W. 64th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Jessica Aiyasami, Admissions Coordinator, Phone: 317-713-5717, Fax: 317-254-8454, Email:,

The Sapling School The Sapling School offers a year round Reggio-inspired preschool for children ages 3 to 5 in conjunction with extended after care hours for working families. We empower children to discover themselves and the world around them as they become critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers, and collaborative community members. We value our students and their passions, curiosities, and joys. Their interests guide the holistic, emergent curriculum and our learning environment. Look for our teachers and students around the Broad Ripple area interacting with neighbors as they learn the unique ways they are capable of enriching their community. • For more information or to explore our virtual tour please visit or To schedule a private tour please call (317) 319-8228. Contact: Kelsey Livingston. Phone: 317-319-8228. Email: kelsey@,

Sycamore School At Sycamore School, Indiana's only accredited, independent, private school for Preschool - 8th grade gifted students, teachers trained in gifted education deliver a curriculum designed to challenge and engage gifted learners. Art, music, Spanish, physical education, technology, extensive field trips, athletics, financial aid, and after school activities are offered. • 1750 W. 64th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260, Contact: Dr. Susan Karpicke, Director of Admissions, 317-202-2500, Email:,


Polly Panda Preschool

Polly Panda provides a safe and healthy environment which enhances each child’s total growth. Our theme-based hands-on preschool program provides a wide-range of experiences that foster learning, creativity and problem solving in all areas. A child’s sense of self-worth, independence and growth in social skills are developed through positive interaction with peers and our well-qualified and loving staff. • 2944 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220, Contact: Gail Hacker and Tammy Clark, Phone: 317-257-9127, Email: thepanda@ polly,

Primrose School of Geist Provides high-quality, educational experiences to support children’s social-emotional, cognitive, creative and physical development. It is made up of an exclusive standards-based curriculum that enables teachers to

help children gain the knowledge and skills that will enable them to move successfully from one level of development to the next as well rounded individuals. Our school offers developmentally-appropriate materials and equipment for all classrooms; multiple forms of assessment; and extensive training for teachers. We believe the right foundation to build active minds, healthy bodies, and happy hearts® starts in the younger years. Call for more information or to schedule a tour! • 7615 Oaklandon Road, Indianapolis, IN 46236. Contact: Anita Boyd. Phone: 317-855-7808. Email:,, 6 weeks old through Pre-K and before and after school up to age 12


Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy

Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy, a division of Beech Tree House Center for Child Development, Inc., promotes the emotional, physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of each child. Our exceptional teaching staff is dedicated to presenting a challenging and enthusiastic learning environment that recognizes each unique learner. With a dedication to personal excellence, all members of our school family are challenged to practice and exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in daily life. Stateaccredited with exemplary ratings. Preschool - Sixth Grade. • 7850 South Emerson Ave., Indianapolis , 46237, 317-882-8636, jhaywood-rollins@,


Guerin Catholic High School St. Theodore Guerin High School is a Roman Catholic college preparatory school located on 72 acres one mile north of 146th Street in Hamilton County. Guerin Catholic has the largest number of students participating in the IB Programme in the State of Indiana. The school serves students from diverse backgrounds and prepares them to be servant leaders through authentic faith formation, academic excellence, and student life opportunities. • 15300 Gray Road Noblesville, IN 46062, Phone: 317-582-0120, Email: admissions@,

traditions of Montessori while serving the present day child. The Montessori School of Westfield serves children from Indianapolis, Fishers, Carmel, Zionsville, Westfield, Sheridan, Noblesville, Cicero and Tipton. We serve children ages 18 months to 15 years. • 800 E. Sycamore Street,

Westfield, IN 46074, Contact: Mary Lyman, Directress, Phone: 317-867-0158, Fax: 317-896-5945, Email: montessori, montessori

The Primrose School at Bridgewater An accredited early education and care school serving infants through kindergarten as well as before and after school services for elementary age students. We offer a Balanced Learning approach, which nurtures curiosity, confidence, creativity and compassion. Research also shows that 90% of Primrose Students perform twice the level of their peer group. Please call us today to learn more about our early education and preschool opportunities that will fit the need of your family. Currently enrolling, space is limited. • 14711 North Gray Road, Westfield, IN 46062, Contact: Nikki Knott, 317-8480123.


P.A.C.E at National Louis University

P.A.C.E. at NLU is a three-year post-secondary program which is designed to meet the transitional needs for young adults with multiple intellectual, learning and developmental disabilities. P.A.C.E. is one of the leading residential-based programs in the country that integrates employment preparation, independent living skills coaching, functional academic courses and social development into a curriculum that prepares students for independent living through experiential learning. Quarterly Saturday Open House Dates. • 122 s Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL; Phone: (312) 261-3245; email:;; Virtual Program Experience Available: paceatnlu/discoverytour



Montessori School of Westfield, Inc. Located on 3 wooded acres in Central Indiana, the Montessori School of Westfield adheres to the academic





Your Child’s Messy Room 8 tips to nudge your child toward tidiness. With all the extra time that we are spending at home right now, our living spaces are probably looking rather… lived in, to put it nicely. This is probably also the case with your child’s room. Do you open the door to your child’s room and it looks like a tornado just blew through? Do you feel like a broken record, asking them to pick up their things over and over again? If so, you aren’t alone. Getting a child to regularly clean their room can be no small feat, and this can be especially true for children with ADHD or other special needs. We know that helping a child manage their possessions and keep their room tidy is an important life skill, but it’s also much easier said than done. To help you in your quest to keep the mess and clutter at bay, here are some tips that might motivate your child toward tidiness.

Clean As You Go The more you let a room go, the easier it feels to just shut the door and walk away. To avoid this feeling, teach your child the importance of cleaning as they go. Encourage the habit of putting away whatever they are playing with as soon as they’re finished. And remind them they can’t get anything else out until that is put away.



Declutter Regularly Kids collect a lot of stuff. Make it a habit to go through your child’s belongings with them regularly. We all know it’s hard for children with ADHD to concentrate, and when the environment is cluttered and disorganized, that concentration can be even more of a challenge. Be sure to have your child help with this process so they can take ownership of their room and possessions. If they struggle to part with something, ask if it would be okay if you kept it in your room for a while to see if they really miss it. If they do, they can have it back. If not, then it may be time for another child to find joy in that toy.

Reward Positive Behavior A pat on the back and word of affirmation can go a long way. Show your child you notice their efforts. If something isn’t done exactly how you would, try to not rush in and “fix” whatever may not meet your standards. This may send a message to your child that what they are doing isn’t good enough. Sticker charts, small prizes and experiences are also good incentives for children who are learning new habits.

Breakdown What You Want Done Into Small Tasks Have you ever heard anyone ask how you eat an elephant? If so, you probably know the answer is “one bite at a time.” The same applies to cleaning. Teach your child how to

break down each task. For example: 1) Make the bed 2) Put your dirty clothes in the hamper 3) Hang up your towel 4) Put away your toys in categories: stuffed animals and then LEGOS, etc. Complete one task and then move onto another.

Make a Chart After you break down what you want done into small and manageable tasks, create a chart with those tasks so your child can see what is expected of them. After they complete a task, have them put a sticker on the chart. Or, you can use a wipe board and wipe off each task after it’s finished. Once they have completed their tasks for the week, consider an incentive, as mentioned earlier.

Take Pictures Some children with special needs may benefit from a visual of what the room looks like when tidy. Take pictures of the made bed, toys in their bins, or the towel

hanging on the rack and hang them next to the chart. Be sure to emphasize that it doesn’t need to be done perfectly. These are just tools to help remind them of what they are trying to accomplish.

Time Tasks Your child may have an unrealistic idea of how much time tasks will take. Make their bed with them and set a timer so they can see it really doesn’t take that long. Show them putting clothes in the hamper only takes a second. Emphasize when you wait to do it all at once, it takes much more time than when you do it right away.

Have Simple Organization Systems It is much easier for anyone to clean if every item has a place of its own. Bins are very easy for cleanup with children. Consider having a bin for stuffed animals, balls, baby dolls, a shelf for books, etc. And last but not least, get your child’s input to see what’s working and what is not. Be sure to check in regularly to see if any changes need to be made in the plan you’ve set in place. And remember, these are wonderful life skills they are learning — skills that will hopefully help them in many areas of their life for lots of years to come.

IC SPECIAL NEEDS GUIDE Behavior Analysis Center for Autism The Behavior Analysis Center for Autism uses the principles and procedures of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to teach language, social, self-help, academic, daily living and life skills to individuals with autism and other related disabilities in the greater Indianapolis and Elkhart areas. • BACA 1: 11902 Lakeside Drive, Fishers, IN 46038, 317-288-5232 • BACA Prep: 9929 E. 126th St., Fishers, IN 46038, 317-436-8961 • BACA Z: 6704 Central Blvd., Zionsville, IN 46077, 317-769-4335 • BACA Hart: 30380 County Road 6, Elkhart, IN 46514, 574-343-2001, Email:,

Bierman ABA Autism Center We work with children with autism spectrum disorders up to the age of 13. We specialize in providing early intervention, personalized and intensive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Speech & OT programs. Our early intensive intervention programs (EIBI) are designed to help children learn skills across many different

developmental domains in order to be happy and successful in any environment, whether that be in the home, community or the classroom. Whether your child was just recently diagnosed or has been in a traditional school setting but unable to make adequate progress, we deeply believe every child is capable of learning with the right programming in place. We are positive our dedicated and talented team can make a difference. Locations in Broad Ripple, Westfield and Avon. • 6060 N College Avenue, Indianapolis IN 46220, Phone: (317) 815-5501, Email: info@;

Children's Therapy Connection Children's Therapy Connection offers a variety of engaging playgroups to help connect your child with their potential. Speech Therapy groups focus on improving communication and language skills. Social Skills playgroups encourage peer interaction through preschool preparation. Gross motor playgroups develop strength, balance, and coordination. Contact our office at (317) 288-7606 or follow us on Facebook for enrollment details. We strive to be the provider of choice in central Indiana for

quality, comprehensive, and familycentered pediatric therapy services for families of children with disabilities. Visit our website to learn more about all of our noteworthy programs and services!

• 7478 Shadeland Station Way, Indianapolis,

IN 46256, Phone: 317-288-7606, Email: info@,

Easterseals Crossroads Offering comprehensive disability services for people of all ages. Early Intervention, Autism Services, PT, OT, Speech Therapy, Feeding/Swallowing issues, Augmentative Communication, Assistive Technology, Multi-sensory Therapy Rooms, Summer Camps, Life/Social Skills Groups, Deaf Community Services, Autism Family Resource Center. • 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205, Phone: 317- 466-1000, Email: info@,

K1ds Count, LLC K1ds Count, LLC is a local pediatric therapy provider offering ABA therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy,

and physical therapy services to children on and off the autism spectrum in the Brownsburg, Avon, Danville, Crawfordsville, and Indianapolis areas. • Phone: (317)

520-4748; Email: frank@kidscounttherapy. com,

LittleStar ABA Therapy LittleStar ABA Therapy (formerly Little Star Center) was the first center-based ABA provider in the state and is a not-for-profit. We strive to be the best, not the biggest. Our clinical team is led by two PhDs, who make sure each person we serve is reaching their maximum potential and successful every place they go. We offer clean, bright, well maintained centers and excellent customer service. LittleStar is often imitated but never duplicated! Your loved one with autism deserves the best services and the best possible outcomes and that’s what they’ll get at LittleStar. Come see the LittleStar difference! • 12650 Hamilton Crossing Blvd. Carmel, IN 46032, Phone: 317-2492242, E-mail:,





Visit Your Favorite Indy Spots Virtually These local favorites have connected with us and kept us entertained at home.

March was a roller coaster ride of a month. As the spread of COVID-19 became a reality in our state, our favorite places did the right thing and closed their doors to help flatten the curve. While we are grateful to them for that, we are even more grateful that in the weeks since, they have found creative ways to stay connected to us virtually to keep us entertained, educated and, quite frankly, sane. Here are just a few ways our local establishments stepped up.

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis From a morning greeting from Rex to DIY science videos, live virtual events with museum experts, storytime and more, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis offers a daily virtual lineup to keep us entertained and educated while their doors are closed. The full schedule of virtual live events is released daily on the TCM Facebook page, so check back regularly.



Indianapolis Zoo

Conner Prairie

The Indianapolis Zoo might be closed, but their zookeepers are still on hand to care for the animals, and they are also dedicated to bringing you a daily dose of the zoo through videos that give you a behind-the-scenes look at the animals and care staff.

With the support of Roche Diagnostics, Conner Prairie at Home allows you to explore the living history museum virtually. While the grounds are closed, learn from Conner Prairie experts as they share their knowledge, behind-the- scenes happenings, demonstrations, Q&As and much more. New content is constantly being added to their website (, so be sure to check in daily and follow along on Facebook.

Indianapolis Art Center The Art Center is encouraging the community to stay creative and active during this time with a wide variety of resources. Follow them on social media for a daily dose of inspiration, weekly art challenges and demo videos. Or check out their resource page ( resources) for creative projects to try at home. They are even bringing their latest exhibit, College Invitational Exhibition, to patrons virtually.

Indiana State Museum The Indiana State Museum remains devoted to offering educational and entertaining activities on their website ( and social media. With step-bystep activities, stories and virtual tours of the galleries, the museum is offering a weekly line up of entertainment until their doors open again.

Indy YMCA Virtual Events & Classes The YMCA of Greater Indianapolis has developed an extensive range of virtual classes and programming available on their Facebook page at scheduled times, and then available on demand in the video folder. Programs are also available on their YouTube channel, as well as where there are more than 60 energetic workouts featuring Y instructors from across the country. YMCA members have access to exclusive content, but much of the content is available to non-members as well.

Indy Parks & Recreation

While the outdoor spaces, greenspaces and trails are still operating while adhering to CDC guidelines for social distancing, all programming is on pause. Follow along on their Facebook page (Indy Parks and Recreation) for storytime, crafts and more!

Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation On-site programming may be on pause, but Carmel Clay Parks & Rec has a full lineup of virtual activities, including storytime, fitness classes, adaptive programming — even dry land activities to prepare for pool season! Follow along on their Facebook page (Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation) or find their complete video playlist at coronavirus-information.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. Find more virtual fun at indianapolis-virtualevents.


CALENDAR 05.2020


























































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