Industry Europe – Issue 25.5

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VOLUME 25/5 – 2015

The world of European manufacturing



ii Industry Europe




The rise of the robots We are being warned that half of all our jobs could disappear in the near future.


he robots are coming – again. As usual, they are bent on world domination although this time they don’t want to exterminate us or enslave us – they just want our jobs. Automated checkouts in supermarkets are already replacing humans and it doesn’t take a very clever robot to serve a Big Mac and a gallon of coke. But now we are seeing warnings from Silicon Valley that the exponential growth of artificial intelligence will mean that many complex jobs that we have always thought could be done only by humans could be also taken over by robots. It seems a long way from Robby the Robot in the 1956 film ‘Forbidden Planet’. Robby had been created by Dr Morbius using the technology of a lost civilisation that he had discovered on the planet on which he had been marooned for some 20 years. At the time we knowingly explained to each other that all this was a retelling of Shakespeare’s ‘Tempest’ – Morbius was the magi Prospero and Robby was an amalgam of Ariel and Caliban (without the attitude) who looked after his master’s Miranda-like daughter with no hint of inappropriate interest. But when Robby is ordered to destroy the invisible monster that is getting through the rescuing starship crew at an alarming rate, his programming to do no harm to humans kicks in and he shuts down. For like us all in those days who were, as James Joyce joked, ‘jung and easily freudened’, Robby knew a monster from the Id when he saw one. The creature was a manifestation of the subconscious mind of Morbius himself – he didn’t really want to be rescued and he definitely didn’t want Leslie Nielsen pawing his Miranda. No doubt the geeks of the Valley will continue to assure us that the AI machines of today and tomorrow are programmed to be just as solicitous of human well-being as Robby but it’s looking more and more as if many of us may soon have rather more

leisure time that we want. Which might have sounded like quite a good thing to Keynes when in the 1930s he predicted that his grandchildren would probably have to hardly work at all, but isn’t so funny if you’re not a Bloomsbury aesthete and don’t have independent means. It’s true that the favourite for the leadership of Britain’s Labour Party is suggesting reopening the coal mines, which would ensure a brisk trade in the supply of whippets, canaries, Davy Lamps and sturdy boots and do wonders for union membership, but there seems to be some doubt about how many city traders, displaced by algorithms, would really take to an underground life. And then there’s the problem of equal opportunities.

This time it’s different Of course there is a long history of fear about machines destroying jobs, from the textile workers of the 19th century to the wholesale mechanisation of agriculture in the West in the 20th. But even the drop in agricultural employment in the US from 40 per cent of the work force to 2 per cent did not bring about mass unemployment. And the cashpoint revolution in banks did not make clerks redundant – many switched to providing customers with other financial products, some of which, of course, they might have been better off without. But new reports suggest that it is now not only manual and middle management jobs that may be at risk but those in professions such as teaching (in schools and universities), medicine, finance and law. Students can learn on-line, diagnoses can be made by machines and high frequency trading is making everyone on trading floors redundant except the bosses who count the money it makes. The key development in all this seems to be the extraordinary doubling rate in the processing power of computer chips which is making possible ‘deep learning’ – a process in which

robots process huge amounts of data from which they can generate generalisations and thus make the judgements that humans think only they can do. They can also learn from each other through ‘cloud robotics’. As Bryan Appleyard observed in a review of two recent books on the subject, robots now can ‘learn from humans and create their own algorithms for replicating things people do faster and better. Then they sack them.’ Of course we cannot know if the future will bring many new kinds of work that have not yet been imagined. There may continue to be jobs that require skills, flexibility and judgment in ways that only humans can provide. But one thing seems to be unavoidable – as robots deliver more wealth with fewer people employed their owners will become ever more fabulously wealthy (think Facebook or Google) and the rest us will not. It’s not all gloom though. Janan Ganesh in the Financial Times has pointed out that the skill that really makes humans valuable in the elite professions is argument, a command of sophistry that enables people to make huge amounts of money by making a persuasive case for or against any proposition. Barristers, management consultants, political advisers, advertising and PR folk all trade on the ancient skill of being persuasive as did the sophists of ancient Greece. After all, if one Russian oligarch wants to sue another in the London courts he doesn’t send for a robot. So the future belongs to lawyers. We can spend all that leisure time suing each other, as they already do in the US. Or to admen. Many years ago Vance Packard’s book ‘The Hidden Persuaders’ exposed how the advertising industry was able to manipulate consumers’ desires and choices. No need now to hide – forget the ‘knowledge economy’, give up the coding lessons, learn how to be persuasive. They may even make a TV show about you. n Industry Europe 1

CONTENTS Editor Peter Mercer

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Comment 1 4

Opinion The rise of the robots Bill Jamieson That’s enough shocks, thank you

Shipbuilding Industry 6 9 12

Full ahead for shipbuilding technology Innovation keeps European yards ahead

Shipbuilding news The latest from the industry Global force projection The Royal Navy’s Global Combat Ship

News 14 16 18 19 20 21 22

Winning business New orders and contracts Linking up Combining strengths Moving on Relocations and expansions Industry people Appointments Technology spotlight Advances in technology Notice board New products and awards Event spotlight Dates for the diary

Reports 23 24

Focus on Germany Allan Hall reports from Berlin Focus on France Ian Sparks reports from Paris

Automotive 26 30 36 38 43

Precision metallic components Linamar Growing all over the world Meta System Innovative auto lighting solutions odelo Pure performance Mann & Hummel Polished performance Romtec Austria


Building & Construction

A Square Root Company

46 50 54 59 62

US Industry Today, Industry Europe’s sister publication, is published in the United States of America. For further information or to subscribe contact: Sue Poeton, 100 Morris Avenue, Suite 202, Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel: +1 973 218-0310 Fax: +1 973 218-0311. Email: Web site:

2 Industry Europe

Shipbuilding Industry p6

Leading European wood supplier Metsä Wood Experts in turnkey construction PORR 350 years of progress Saint-Gobain Global solutions for construction Atlas Copco Over a century working with wood Slavonija DI

Consumer Goods 66 70

Leader in the Russian cosmetics market OJSC Arnest

Combining strengths in nonwovens Jacob Holm

VOL 25/5

Above: Mann & Hummel p38

Above: Linamar p26

Above: OJSC Arnest p66

Electrical & Electronics


76 80 87

160 Delivering tomorrow’s med-tech systems Nolato

Building a global brand footprint ETI The power of partnership Bosch Group Global lighting technology giants Philips

Energy 90 100 103

Optimising energy management

Power tools 163 Chain reaction Stihl

Schneider Electric


Reliable, innovative, eclectic SIMIC Harnessing hydropower technology Rainpower

170 On a roll Astra Rail 176 Rail power supply systems Hoppecke

Food & Drink


106 110 114 117

180 Innovative communications GN Netcom

Delicious crackers Rarytas Sparkling results S.Pellegrino Goodness comes in squares Ritter Spreading good health Vandemoortele

Heavy Vehicles 122 126 133 138

Driving force CLAAS Industrietechnik Driving business forward Ashok Leyland A global engine giant Deutz Steering towards new markets M+S Hydraulic

Textiles 184 Pioneering sustainable, multi-functional fabrics Lauffenmuehle 190 Sustainable innovation RadiciGroup

142 New horizons in deep sea dredging Van Oord

Above: Stihl p163 Below: Astra Rail p170

Also in this issue... 25 Gearing up Neptun 194 Integrated logistics provider


Above: Schneider Electric p90 Below: S.Pellegrino p110

Koopman Logistics Group

198 Logistics entity takes off Siemens Postal,

Parcel & Airport logistics

Metals 145 148 152 156

Strength in many shapes and sizes IRO Powder coating and metalworking services COLOREX Group

Know-how in steel Siderval Getting the most from scrap Vezzani Industry Europe 3




Executive Editor of The Scotsman

That’s enough shocks, thank you The year 2015 has already done enough to test confidence in continuing recovery – and the nerves of UK exporters and investors.


irst it was Greece, followed by jitters over a pending rise in US and UK interest rates. Then came the shock waves from China, as the country’s stock market tanked, causing vertiginous falls in markets worldwide. Given the strength of the pound for most of this year and the notable weakness of the euro, our exporters have done well to notch up a gain of any sort. Britain’s trade with the rest of the world was looking to be enjoying a solid if fitful recovery in the second quarter of this year. The deficit on trade in goods narrowed by £3.0 billion to £27.4 billion, helped by a £3.1 billion rise in exports to £74.5 billion. Exports of chemicals and fuels were to the fore, with exports of machinery and transport equipment up by £0.6 billion. However, June saw a relapse with a £9.2 billion deficit in goods trade. UK companies have long been waiting for a demand recovery in continental Europe. But with one or two notable exceptions it is taking an exasperatingly long time to materialise. Recent figures on eurozone GDP were disappointing. An already pallid growth rate of 0.4 per cent in the first quarter fell back to 0.3 per cent in the second, leaving output just 1.2 per cent higher than a year ago. France and Italy, the eurozone’s second and third largest constituents respectively, were the main culprits. Output in Italy is just 0.5 per cent higher than a year ago, while France stagnated, largely due to a sharp slowdown in consumer spending. These feeble performances are all the more remarkable considering the stimulus effects of lower oil prices – which should have acted like a tax cut – and the boost from Quantitative Easing pursued by the European Central Bank since March. A bizarre feature of the Eurostat figures is the sprightly looking performance of Greece despite the inability of banks to lend and the government stopping payments to 4 Industry Europe

commercial creditors. The country’s GDP is reckoned to have grown by 0.8 per cent in the spring, while estimates for previous quarters were also revised up. This has flummoxed economists. One explanation may be that consumers spent some of the cash they withdrew from bank accounts ahead of a feared Grexit and re-instatement of the drachma for big ticket purchases such as cars which might hold their value. Overall, however, the outlook remains bleak.

The combination of feeble eurozone growth and a strong euro relative to sterling is taking its toll on the continent’s preeminence as the UK’s principal trading partner. Yet again it was Germany that put in a solid performance, with second quarter output rising 0.4 per cent, nudging up from 0.3 per cent in the opening three months. Whether this will be sustained is in question, given that China has been a prime market for German investment goods and luxury cars. Overall, this lack of vigour across the eurozone is a worry. Should the shock waves from a China slowdown hit global growth, there is little in the eurozone’s armoury of stimulus tools that has not already been fired.

Shrinking exports This combination of feeble eurozone growth and a strong euro relative to sterling is taking its toll on the continent’s pre-eminence

as the UK’s principal trading partner. UK goods exported to the region fell to a record low in April. Just 45.1 per cent of the goods that the UK exported that month went to the EU, down from 52 per cent in the previous year. The proportion of the UK’s goods exported to the EU has been shrinking since the early 2000s, when it accounted for around twothirds of total UK goods exports. What gives this trend strong political resonance is that, without an immediate and dramatic improvement, supporters of the UK’s membership of the EU will find their hand weakened. They will no longer be able to claim, as once they volubly did, that the UK’s trade with its biggest trading partner would be put in jeopardy. At the same time the trend strengthens the hand of those who argue that the UK’s best prospects as a trading nation lie with the EU. Said Nina Skero, of the Centre for Economics and Business Research, “The figures suggest that although there has been a rebalancing away from European markets, more efforts are necessary to successfully target higher-growth regions.” The prospect of a referendum, she added, “only intensifies the need to develop a viable strategy for targeting faster-growing economies outside Europe.” Others argue that a consistent drop in the importance of the continental market should embolden Prime Minister David Cameron’s hand in renegotiating the UK’s membership. However, the UK’s referendum on EU membership is still some way off – and may be pushed back if there is no early end to the immigration crisis. And for the moment exporters would be grateful for any sign that the Chinese authorities can cushion the impact of the country’s growth slowdown and limit the impact on the global economy. The year has been eventful as it is without more shocks. n

Industry Europe 5

Europe’s passenger ship building industry excels in innovation, as Alan Lam reports.


echnological leadership and torrents of newbuilding orders are keeping Europe’s major passenger ship builders in robust health. The prognosis for the sector in the next five years – at least – is one of continuous expansion, driven by galloping demands from the cruise industry, innovation and advancing environmental protection regulations.

Monopolising cruise ship building For a while now it has been an established fact that shipyards in China, Japan and South Korea dominate the global cargo ship building 6 Industry Europe

market. However, in the passenger shipbuilding sector, especially the cruise ship segment, the situation is radically different; European builders are leaving their Asian peers trailing farther and farther behind. The growth of ocean cruise business, especially in Asia, is gravity defying. The industry has been forced to spread its limited resources thinly across the globe. This has quickly led to an unprecedented boom in newbuilding orders that exlusively benefits a handful of European builders – namely Meyer Werft of Germany, Fincantieri of Italy, and STX France – which,

together with their mostly Europe-based suppliers, monopolise the advanced cruise ship construction market. As of August 2015, no fewer than 40 vessels are on order in shipyards operated by these builders, with an accrued price tag of about €30 billion, totalling over 5.2 million gross tonnes and an accumulated capacity of more than 135,000 lower berths, a significant improvement from the same time last year, when the orderbook already stood at 31 units, totalling just under four million gross tonnes and about 100,000 lower

berths. More orders are expected before the end of the year. At the same time, with the recent Meyer Werft GmbH taking 100 per cent control of Meyer Turku, the sector has further consolidated. Europe – indeed the world – now has only three viable advanced cruise ship builders.

Regulations driving innovation To comply with the ever-tightening international maritime emissions control regime, a few ferry operators have opted for clean fuel newbuildings. This again benefits mainly European builders; a small number of them have quickly become specialists in constructing innovative, sustainable eco-ferries. These ships are built with cost-efficiency and low emissions in mind, usually dual-fuelled, powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas oil; some of them are even battery operated and solar panel assisted.

European builders and designers are world leaders in this field. The first large LNG-powered vessel was Viking Line’s newest ropax, Viking Grace, delivered in 2013 by STX Finland (now Meyer Turku). Costing €240 million, this ship set the standard for eco-ferries. The Norwegian shipyard Fjellstrand, in collaboration with Siemens, recently delivered to Norled – a Norwegian ferry company – the world’s first allelectric battery-powered zero-emission ropax. Building on its Viking Grace experience, Meyer Turku has just begun constructing a large LNG ferry for Tallink Silja Line, due for completion in 2017. In Spain, LaNaval Shipyard is building a revolutionary ‘green’ ferry for TESO, a Dutch ferry operator. The dual-bridged, double-ended vessel will be powered by both gas oil and compressed natural gas, assisted by batteries and 700m2 of solar panels. Green technologies developed for ferries are gradually adopted by the cruise sector. Carni-

val Corporation has ordered from Meyer Turku four industry-first pure LNG-powered large cruise ships for its Costa and AIDA brands, slated for delivery between 2019 and 2020.

The widening gap In nearly all aspects of passenger ship building, the gap between Europe and its competitors is widening, mainly due to the former’s relentless innovative approach to design and technology. Currently only two major cruise ships are being built outside of Europe, by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) of Japan. At the beginning of August, news broke of another six-month delay for the delivery of the first unit. The project is now one year late and the builder has declared an extraordinary US$1 billion loss from building the two ships. Meanwhile Meyer Werft of Germany was able to deliver one of the largest and

Industry Europe 7

most innovative cruise ships to date – the Norwegian Getaway – after a construction period of only 15 months. Pioneering research and development enables the European shipbuilding industry to continuously launch revolutionary products and components that are supplied to global shipbuilding in general. Wärtsilä, the Finnish company, has recently introduced a ground-breaking Controllable Pitch Propeller system, based on the previous E-hub type. The product offers greater efficiency, thus reducing environmental impacts. It addresses the needs of medium to large size vessel owners, particularly applicable for ships equipped with dynamic positioning capabilities and those with ice notation. The Azipod D electric propulsion system for ships recently introduced by ABB, a Swiss power and automation technology group, requires up to 25 per cent less installed power. Its hybrid cooling system increases the performance of the electric motor by up to 45 per cent. The GreenSteamOptimizer by GreenSteam, a Danish company, is an on-board decision support system that is an adaptive, data-driven solution helping to achieve absolute maximum fuel efficiency for ships. It is a compact and intuitive system, consisting of two small radars installed in the bridge wings. 8 Industry Europe

These are just a few example of how Europe is leading the world in shipbuilding and operations technologies. European suppliers and product developers are also famous for cooperating with one another in pushing new frontiers. Rolls-Royce, for example, has entered into a partnership with Baleària, Spain’s leading ferry operator, to develop marine LNG engines. Initiated in 2004, the HERCULES R&D programme aiming at developing large engine technologies was as a joint vision by Wärtsilä and MAN Diesel & Turbo. The venture is continuing into a new HERCULES-2 project, with a view to developing a fuel-flexible, near zero emissions marine engine that is optimally adaptive to its operating environment. It is therefore not difficult to see why the rest of world depends so heavily on innovative European technologies for advanced shipbuilding.

Continuing efforts Although Europe’s nearest and most worthy competitor in the field of cruise ship building – MHI – may have suffered multiple implosions, the ambitions of Asian shipyards remain intact. China State Shipbuilding Corporation has recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Carnival Corporation to jointly build a cruise ship in China, with the help of Fincantieri of Italy. Chinese shipyards are hungry for orders; many of them have extensive

experiences in passenger ship building; one of them, GSI Shipyard, is currently building an LNG ropax for Rederi AB of Sweden. To stay ahead, European shipyards and equipment manufacturers are continuing their innovative efforts. Some of them, such as Wärtsilä and MAN, have set up major manufacturing bases in the Far East. NIT, the Finnish maritime company, has expanded its operations in Japan with the signing of contracts with MHI on turnkey cruise ship interior projects. Currently only Europe possesses the necessary know-how for 21st Century cruise ship building. Aspiring builders in other countries are making efforts to acquire the technologies by whatever means possible. Daewoo of South Korea, for example, is considering acquiring a stake in STX France. Europe is aware of the need to compete on technical merits, as it cannot do so effectively on other grounds. Some – such as Gianni Onorato, CEO of MSC Cruises – believe that Europe must protect its constantly eroding industrial bases by not sharing its hardearned shipbuilding know-how with others. In a globalised world and with so many European suppliers setting up shops in Asia, this protectionist approach will not hold water. The only way to maintain Europe’s position in the future seems to be the continuous innovation at which it excels. n



New developments in the Shipbuilding industry

Aker Arctic’s icebreaker design selected Navantia enters Turkish market for Gazprom Neft’s Novy Port project A

ker Arctic and Vyborg Shipyard have confirmed a contract for the design of two new icebreakers based on Aker ARC 130 A design. The icebreakers will be used in the oil terminal operated by LLC Gazprom Neft Novy Port in the Gulf of Ob.

The new icebreakers represent a further development of the Aker ARC 130 icebreaker concept originally developed for the Finnish Transport Agency. The new design, Aker ARC 130 A, will utilise a similar propulsion concept consisting of three azimuth thrusters – two in the stern and one in the bow of the vessel. The propulsion power and ice strengthening have been increased according to the operational requirements of the Arctic seas. The vessel is designed to break 2-metre level ice with 30cm snow cover in both ahead and astern directions, operate in thick consolidated brash ice, and have excellent maneuverability in all ice conditions. Visit:


he Turkish shipyard SEDEF has signed a contract for the design and construction of one LPD ship for the Turkish Navy. Navantia participates in this contract as a technological partner. Navantia will provide the design, transfer of technology, equipments and technical assistance to SEDEF for local construction. The design, based on the LHD ‘Juan Carlos I’ for the Spanish Navy, is adapted to the Turkish Navy requirements, having the advantage of being a tested ship with excellent performance since commissioning. Navantia will also provide several components and systems, such as the engines and the IPMS (Integrated Platform Management System). Visit:

LNG powered fast World’s first dual-fuelled dredger ferry for Tallink to be powered by Wärtsilä


he start of production of Tallink’s new generation LNG powered fast ferry for the TallinnHelsinki route was celebrated on 4 August 2015 at Meyer Turku shipyard. The new ferry will be approximately 212 metres in length with a gross tonnage of 49,000. The ship will operate on the route between Helsinki and Tallinn and she is designed for carrying 2800 passengers. The service speed is 27 knots. The ship will be delivered from Meyer Turku at the beginning of 2017. The new environmentally friendly ship uses LNG as a fuel and she will comply with the new and stricter emission regulations for the ECA areas including the Baltic Sea. The highly innovative hull form minimises the hydrodynamic flow resistance, which together with other innovative solutions will bring significant improvements in energy efficiency. Visit:

HMS Sutherland upgrade


ype 23 frigate HMS Sutherland left Babcock’s Devonport Royal Dockyard earlier this year for sea trials with increased structural sustainability and fighting capability, as part of a significant upgrade and substantial maintenance programme by Babcock, including extensive improvements.


new generation ‘Antigoon’ class dredger, called ‘Scheldt River’, being built by Royal IHC (IHC) in the Netherlands on behalf of the Belgium based DEME Group, is to be powered by Wärtsilä dual-fuel (DF) engines. This will be the first ever dredger to operate on engines capable of utilising either liquefied natural gas (LNG) or conventional marine fuels.

The 104 metre-long vessel will have a hopper volume capacity of approximately 8000 cubic metres. The scope of supply includes one 12-cylinder and one 9-cylinder Wärtsilä 34DF engine, two Wärtsilä controllable pitch propellers and two transverse thrusters as well as the company’s patented LNGPac gas supply and storage system. “Wärtsilä’s unmatched experience and extensive reference list in dual-fuel engine applications, plus our complete solutions portfolio, were key considerations in the awarding of this contract. We congratulate the shipyard and owners on taking the decision to have this new dredger become the first to be capable of using LNG or diesel fuel,” says Lars Anderson, vice-president, Engine Sales, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions. Visit:

HMS Sutherland has undergone a full structural repair and strengthening programme following a structural survey of the ship and an unprecedented dry blast ‘back to bare’ programme for the superstructure and upper deck. This has included new sections and steel upgrades to the hull and superstructure which has significantly derisked the platform for future operation.

Upgrades to the ship have included installation of the DNA (2) Command System (central to the ship’s capability against air, surface and underwater threats), and the Artisan (Advanced Radar Target Indication Situational Awareness and Navigation) 3D Radar Type 997 (improving the ship’s air-defence, antiship and air traffic management capabilities). Visit: Industry Europe 9


New developments in the Shipbuilding industry

VOS Paradise delivered

MAN Engines Ordered for World’s Largest Cutter-Suction Dredger


4 August 2015, Vroon took delivery of ‘VOS Paradise’, an ULSTEIN designed platform supply vessel of the PX121 design.

The vessel was handed over to Vroon during a ceremony held at Cosco Guangdong Shipyard in China. ‘VOS Paradise’ is the second of six in a series being built at Cosco. The vessels will be delivered during 2015 and 2016. The PX121 design, with 850m2 deck space, is an X-BOW design which ensures reduced and smoother vessel movements in harsher conditions. This provides better operational and fuel-efficiency advantages to the charterer, in combination with high crew-comfort standards. Visit:

Vard secures contract for one stern trawler for a new Canadian client

New Development an De Nul Group, the leading dredging J specialist, is set to further expand its modern Centre at Meyer Werft fleet with a self-propelled, cutter-suction dredger to be built at Croatian shipyard, Uljanik

ard Holdings Limited, one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of offshore and specialised vessels, has secured a contract for the construction of one stern trawler for a new Canadian client. The value of the contract is approximately NOK 350 million. The ice-classed vessel is 79 metres long, 16.6 metres wide and is of Rolls-Royce NVC 374 design. Developed for shrimp trawling in the harsh environments of the North Atlantic, it also features an on-board shrimp processing plant. Delivery is scheduled from Vard Aukra in Norway in 4Q 2016, and the hull of the vessel will be built at Vard Braila in Romania. VARD CEO and executive director Roy Reite said, “We are currently seeing an increasing demand for new generation vessels from the fishing sector, and are delighted to have secured the contract for this advanced vessel from a new international client.” Visit:

eyer Werft is to build a new technology and development centre at Papenburg. In the new building complex, large parts of the design and development work is bundled for the new, complex ships under construction. In future, a total of about 400 designers and engineers can work on the great variety of subject areas involved in cruise ships. The new building will offer a surface area of about 5500m2 on four floors. The overall investment is about €10 million and contains state-of-the-art building control techniques and energy-saving measures, e.g. the use of geothermal heating and cooling. Visit:

Brodogradiliste in Pula. The vessel, currently designated ‘JDN8069’, will feature 1 x MAN 14V48/60CR + 2 x MAN 9L48/60CR engines as well as 3 x step-up, RENK Rheine gearboxes for a diesel-electric plant. RENK will also deliver the gearboxes for the cutter-head drive as well as for the dredger and booster pumps. Upon completion, the vessel will be the largest of its type in the world. Lex Nijsen, vice-president and head of Four-Stroke Marine,MAN Diesel & Turbo, said: “Jan De Nul Group knows MAN very well and much of its fleet features our engines. This new vessel represents a significant development within the dredger segment in that, up to now, the largest installed power on similar vessels was approximately 27–28 MW, a figure the new vessel easily surpasses. I’m confident this order will help Jan De Nul Group maintain its strong presence in the dredger market.” Visit:

of the Barracuda which can be found in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. DCNS has developed the Shortfin Barracuda using state-of-the-art technology from its larger cousin, the French Navy’s Barracuda nuclear-powered attack submarine, to meet the CEP requirements. “While exact details remain confidential, DCNS can confirm the Shortfin Barracuda

is over 90 metres in length and displaces more than 4000 tonnes when dived,” said Sean Costello, CEO DCNS Australia. “If selected the Shortfin Barracuda will remain in service until the 2060s and the Block 1A platform will be updated and upgraded with new technology developed in France and Australia.” Visit:


DCNS unveils Shortfin Barracuda


CNS will propose the world’s most advanced conventionally powered submarine – named the Shortfin Barracuda Block 1A – as its pre-concept design for Australia’s future submarine Competitive Evaluation Process (CEP). The submarine takes its name from the Shortfin Barracuda, an indigenous species

10 Industry Europe


INDUSTRYNEWS Crystal order for Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven


loyd Werft Bremerhaven AG is the designated partner of Crystal Cruises to deliver three new ‘Exclusive Crystal Class’ ocean cruise vessels and the new class of river vessels for the new brand Crystal River Cruises. Lloyd Werft will bring in its experience in building and converting luxury cruise vessels and private mega yachts into these fantastic ships in a very close partnership with Crystal Cruises. Lloyd Werft majority shareholder Dieter Petram and board members Rüdiger Pallentin, Carsten J. Haake and Dirk Petersjohann acknowledge the trust that Crystal Cruise has in the experience and capabilities of Lloyd Werft’s management and production staff, becoming the partner to build these luxury cruise ships in the coming years. Visit:

TU Varna opens new maritime simulator wing

Rolls-Royce supplies MTU Diesel Gensets for Type 23 Frigates


olls-Royce is to supply a total of 48 MTU diesel gensets, worth approximately €90 million, for 12 Duke-class (Type 23) frigates used by the UK’s Royal Navy. It is the first time that MTU engines will be in use with the Royal Navy in combat ships.

The vessels were built between 1985 and 2002 and each will be equipped with four new MTU 12V 4000 M53B diesel gensets, as part of the Royal Navy’s vessel life extension programme. The diesel gensets, which each deliver 1650 kW, will be delivered from late 2016 to Devonport Naval Base, where the repowering work is being carried out by Babcock Marine. The deal also includes a comprehensive logistics package for the provision of spare parts and introductory training package. The MTU brand is part of Rolls-Royce Power Systems within the Land & Sea division of Rolls-Royce. Visit:

ULYSSEAS – the new expedition type concept from STX


TX France has unveiled ULYSSEAS, a new passenger ship concept for the ‘expedition’ cruise market. Ulysseas, 145 metres long and 18 metres wide, is a versatile ship able to host 200 passengers and to access the most distant parts of the world, barely visited, whether they are located in the polar seas or under the tropic. STX France’s teams have focused on defining a concept widely turned outwards for passengers to enjoy the outer view at all times. Large glazed full-height windows are thus installed in the cabins as well as in the various public

spaces: restaurants, conference lounge, bars, spa and especially in the Observation Lounge. The wide open decks also encourage contact with the environment. Passenger comfort has been thoroughly designed through four types of cabins, each one being provided with an integrated balcony and a sea-facing bed and some of them with a Jacuzzi. The spa and solarium covered by a sliding roof are also part of the relaxing offer while the ship is at sea. Visit:

HMS Artful sets sail

in the world. Everyone involved in the Astute programme should feel immensely proud of their achievements as the third in class Astute submarine reaches this significant milestone.” The design and build of the Astute class is a highly complex engineering feat. The 7400-tonne attack submarines measure 97 metres and are powered by nuclear


he latest technologically advanced attack submarine built by BAE Systems at Barrowin-Furness, Cumbria, has begun sea trials. Tony Johns, managing director, BAE Systems Submarines, said: “BAE Systems in Barrow is a world class facility, designing and building submarines that are some of the most sophisticated engineering projects


he simulation centre of the Technical University of Varna has officially opened its new simulation wing. All the simulators in the TU Varna training centre are delivered and installed by VSTEP. The new wing features a NAUTIS Class B DP Simulator as well as a NAUTIS class A Full Mission Bridge Simulator and a new ECDIS Simulator classroom. Pjotr van Schothorst, VSTEP CEO: “The opening of this new simulator wing reminds us of the importance and growth of the TU Varna as a maritime educational facility in the region. Following our cooperation with the TU Varna simulation centre in 2012, VSTEP is proud to have once again been selected as the simulator supplier for this new simulator wing. The new DP simulator and Type Approved ECDIS simulator classroom allows the TU to proceed with a very extensive and state of the art curriculum of maritime training courses.” Visit:

reactors. Each submarine is armed with Spearfish torpedoes and Tomahawk land attack missiles. Artful is the third Astute class submarine to have been built by BAE Systems. Seven of the class have been commissioned in total and the remaining four boats are currently under construction. Visit: Industry Europe 11

GLOBAL FORCE PROJECTION With the award of the first equipment contracts, the Royal Navy’s new Global Combat Ship programme is right on course.


his August BAE Systems announced the award of the first equipment manufacturing contracts for the Type 26 Global Combat Ships, worth in excess of £170m. With the contracts awarded to seven companies in the supply chain, there are now more than 1250 people across the UK working on the programme to deliver the Royal Navy’s next generation warships.

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The contracts, awarded from the Demonstration Phase contract funding, cover key equipment such as propulsion, communications and electrical systems for the first three ships. The commitment to long lead items keeps the programme on track and means the equipment will be delivered to Glasgow at the point it is needed in the ship’s manufacturing phase, which is expected to begin

next year. The contracts include the creation of onshore testing facilities to test the equipment prior to installation on the ships. The contracts are awarded to: • Babcock for the ship’s air weapons handling system • David Brown Gear Systems Ltd for the propulsion gearbox and the test facility • GE Power Conversion for the electric propulsion motor and drive system and testing facility • Raytheon for the integrated navigation and bridge system • Rolls Royce Power Engineering for the gas turbine • Rohde & Schwarz UK Ltd for the communications systems • WR Davis for the uptakes and downtakes BAE Systems has also confirmed a subcontract to its Combat Systems team for the Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) system, which collates and analyses environmental information to support operations. Geoff Searle, Type 26 Programme Director at BAE Systems, said: “Today’s announcement is exciting for everyone involved in the Type 26 programme, as it

will enable our partners in the supply chain to start manufacturing key equipment for the first three ships. This reinforces the strong momentum behind the programme and is an important step towards the start of manufacturing the Type 26 ships for the Royal Navy in Glasgow next year.” The £859m Demonstration Phase contract for the Type 26 programme began in April 2015. The new manufacturing contracts build on the existing 15 design development agreements across the supply chain, which means that a total of 17 companies across the UK, Europe and Canada already have contracts in place under the Type 26 programme. A joint team from BAE Systems, the Ministry of Defence, and the supply chain are working together to complete the detailed design for the ships, procure key equipment and prepare the manufacturing proposal to be submitted to the Ministry of Defence. Under current planning assumptions, 13 Type 26 ships will be delivered to the Royal Navy. The first vessel is due to enter service in the early 2020s and the Type 26 class will remain in service into the middle of this century and beyond.

Multi-mission capability The Type 26 multi-mission Global Combat Ship will be used by the Royal Navy in combat and counter piracy operations and to support humanitarian and disaster relief work around the world. With a basic displacement of around 5400 tonnes, the Type 26 will be around 148m in length (the equivalent of around 15 double decker buses), and one of the

most advanced vessels in the Royal Navy’s fleet. It is expected to feature: vertical missile silos capable of housing a range of different weapons; a Medium Calibre gun; a hangar to accommodate a Merlin or Wildcat Helicopter and a Flexible Mission Space for Unmanned Air, surface and underwater Vehicles, or additional boats; and the most advanced sensors available to the fleet. The ship will take full advantage of modular design and open systems architecture, ensuring it can be easily upgraded as new technology develops and can accommodate different sub-systems and equipment suited to potential overseas customer needs. The Type 26 Global Combat Ship is one of several projects which will see UK shipbuilding provide world class equipment for the Navy. When the latest design of the ship was announced in 2012, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, Peter Luff, said: “The Type 26 Global Combat Ship will be the backbone of the Royal Navy for decades to come. It is designed to be adaptable and easily upgraded, reacting to threats as they change. “The build of these vessels will secure thousands of skilled jobs across the UK, helping to sustain an industrial surface warship capability in the UK after the construction of the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers.” Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, First Sea Lord, added, “The Type 26 Global Combat Ship will be a multi-mission warship designed for joint and multinational operations across the full spectrum of warfare, including complex combat operations, mari-

time security operations such as counter piracy, as well as humanitarian and disaster relief work around the world. “It will be capable of operating independently for significant periods or as part of a task group and will play a major role in the defence of this country for many years.” Welcoming the announcement of the demonstration contract from the UK government in February, BAE Systems Chief Executive, Ian King, said: ““Through the Type 26 programme, we are transforming the way we design and manufacture naval ships with innovative new technologies, leading-edge processes and modern infrastructure. New ways of working ensure we can continue to deliver the highest quality equipment at the lowest possible cost and compete effectively for future UK and international orders.” Prime Minister David Cameron said: “This is a substantial investment in our shipbuilding industry, safeguarding the jobs of 600 workers in Scotland and many more across the UK. Investing in these warships will ensure we continue to keep our country safe, at home n and abroad.”

Industry Europe 13


New contracts and orders in industry

Largest order yet delivered by Nimo-KG T Alstom to deliver 17 Coradia Polyvalent trains to SNTF


lstom has signed a contract with Algeria’s Société Nationale des Transports Ferroviaires (SNTF) to supply 17 Coradia Polyvalent inter-city trains. The contract is worth around €200 million. The first train will be delivered in January 2018. This investment is part of SNTF’s programme to modernise and extend its network. The trains will link Algiers to destinations such as Oran, Annaba, Constantine and Béchar. “Already adopted by SNCF and the French regions since 2009, Coradia Polyvalent is the ideal choice to meet Algeria’s transport needs.

Algerian passengers can be sure that they are travelling on trains with the latest technical innovations, combining comfort, performance and protection of the environment,” said GianLuca Erbacci, senior vice-president of Alstom Transport in the Middle East and Africa. The Coradia Polyvalent for Algeria is a dualmode train (diesel and electric, 25 kV) able to travel at 160 km/h. With a total length of 110 metres, the train has six carriages and provides capacity for 265 passengers. Visit:

Destia and Finavia conclude agreement for Helsinki Airport


estia has signed an agreement with Finavia for the apron extension work at Helsinki Airport. The apron extension will be implemented in order to increase the capacity for transit traffic. The work will begin in autumn 2015 and be completed in 2020. The estimate for the total cost of the project is about €100 million. The project is carried out based on the alliance model, whereby the customer, designers and contractors work jointly in the execution of the project. In accordance with the alliance model, the contract will begin at the development phase.

Lockheed Martin wins contract for logistics technology


illions of military equipment parts used by the UK Armed Forces will continue to be managed by Lockheed Martin’s logistics technology after the Ministry of Defence awarded a new £18 million contract. The new contract extends the MOD’s use of Lockheed Martin’s Joint Asset Management

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At an area of some 45 hectares, the contract comprises apron and taxiway infrastructure work connected to the extension of the apron. It includes earth construction, excavation, foundation and concrete construction, sewer construction and other duct work as well as electrical and telematics work in the area. “We will utilise Destia’s strong and diverse infrastructure expertise,” says Minna Heinonen, executive vice-president of Destia. Visit: and Engineering Solutions (JAMES) for a further six years. JAMES enables users across the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force to quickly identify the status, availability, condition, ownership, location and quantity of equipment, big or small. Users can access information on items from screws and bolts through to weapons and vehicles.

he largest order in Nimo-KG’s history is now manufactured, assembled and delivered. Findus’s new ultramodern factory in Bjuv, Skåne was opened on 17 June with Nimo-KG constructing the complete product handling system. “This has been our biggest deal so far and we’ve been working with the project for 18 months. It has been great fun and it’s a good feeling that the factory is up and running,” says Torsten Palmgren, project manager at Nimo-KG. Nimo-KG has been working with Findus since March last year, and it has been a wellfunctioning partnership. “Findus has been a great client to work with. We’ve had a good working relationship and they’ve had had confidence in us throughout the whole process. The factory hasn’t been in full production yet, but all the preparatory tests have shown excellent results. “The order situation for the company is looking very good and we have a number of new orders coming in. The Findus order has given us real momentum and we now have an even stronger market position than before,” says Mr Palmgren. Visit:

Group Captain Andrew Mickleburgh, deputy head for the Ministry of Defence’s Support Chain Information Services Transformation Projects, said. “JAMES technology is seen as a force multiplier by the front line command user community. The planning and decision support capability JAMES provides will show ever-increasing utility in the years ahead.” Visit:


Sandvik secures major mining systems order in South Africa S

andvik Mining has been awarded a major materials handling contract to South Africa. The value of the contract exceeds 600 million SEK and was booked in the second quarter of 2015. It will be executed and contribute to Sandvik Mining’s business for the period of the years 2015 until 2017. The project includes engineering, supply and installation of two bucket-wheel stacker/reclaimers with capacity of up to 6800 tonnes per hour and two shiploaders with capacity of up to 11,000 tonnes per hour for coal handling. Sandvik Mining is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry. The offering

covers rock drilling, rock cutting, rock crushing, loading and hauling and materials handling. In 2014 sales were about 27,000 million SEK, with approximately 12,000 employees. Visit:


BYD and ADL to supply London’s first, large-scale pure electric bus fleet


YD, the world’s largest maker of pure electric buses, and Alexander Dennis Limited (ADL), Europe’s fastest growing bus and coach builder, have confirmed a £19 million deal that will see the introduction of London’s first large-scale, zero-emission, single deck bus fleet. This will also be the single largest fleet of full size electric buses in Europe.

The move follows confirmation by Go-Ahead London that they are to introduce 51 emissionfree, pure electric buses on routes 507 and 521, which operate between Waterloo and Victoria. The vehicles will be built on BYD chassis and powered by BYD’s technology-leading electric drivetrain. All 51 buses will be bodied by ADL, incorporating their market-leading Enviro200-like midi bus design. The Enviro200 is the world’s bestselling midi bus and renowned for its lightweight, easy access, manoeuvrability and fuel efficiency. The new deal, worth £19 million, includes a full on-site repair and maintenance programme for the term of the contract and combines the strengths of ADL’s Enviro200 12m single deck and BYD’s own design of Iron-Phosphate Battery technology and drivetrain system. Visit:

Saxlund wins order for UK biomass handling system

The scope of Saxlund’s order encompasses the design, manufacturing, delivery and commissioning of two fully automatic fuel handling systems, each with a capacity to allow for a 100% redundancy in feeding the boiler the equivalent of 125 MW of fuel input. The entire fuel feeding system will be designed for multifuel waste wood, designed for efficiency, minimum mainte-


axlund International GmbH, a fully-owned subsidiary of Opcon AB, the energy and environmental technology Group, has received an order from Babcock & Wilcox Vølund AS, Denmark, for the delivery of a state-of-the-art biomass handling system to a green energy project in Margam, Port Talbot, South Wales.

Winder Power Ltd wins major contract

inder Power Ltd has been awarded a significant new contract by Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution for the bulk supply framework for the energy company’s primary distribution transformers. This is an excellent result for the leading UK manufacturer of power and distribution transformers. The new contract not only safeguards current jobs, but also has the potential to create new jobs as Winder Power progresses into the future with plans for further expansion. 
The contract will be one of the biggest partnerships between Winder Power and the UK energy company. SSEPD is part of the SSE group involved in producing, transmitting, distributing and supplying electricity and gas, through operations in the UK and Ireland. For the duration of the contract Winder Power will manufacture and supply primary distribution transformers for SSEPD as well as delivery, and on-site assembly. The transformers cover a wide range; up to 20/40 MVA units. Commenting on the contract, Paul Matthews, executive director at Winder Power, said, “Contracts like this are really important for our business and ensure that we continue to maintain and indeed create jobs in the UK.” Visit:

nance and high availability as well as low emission of dust and noise. Total order value is over €3 million. “We provide technology that is instrumental in ensuring high availability, efficiency and flexibility for our customers,” says Harald Wehner, managing director of Saxlund International GmbH. Visit: Industry Europe 15


Combining strengths

Fagerhult to acquire Lighting Innovations


order to establish the Fagerhult Group in the South African market and in the Sub Saharan region, Fagerhult has signed an agreement to acquire the assets of Lighting Innovations based in Port Elisabeth, South Africa, including their subsidiary companies Beacon Lighting and Arrow Lighting. The acquisition is expected to have a positive effect on the earnings per share during 2016 and forward. The three companies have 210 employees and manufacture lighting fixtures and solutions primarily for the indoor commercial sector. Typi-

cal application areas include commercial offices, retail, hospitals and educational buildings. In the year ending June 2015, the companies had a combined sales of approximately €13 million. “One key element of our strategy is to increase our market position in emerging markets. With this acquisition we gain access to the South African market and several interesting growth opportunities within the dynamic Sub Saharan Africa region,” comments Johan Hjertonsson, CEO Fagerhult. Visit:

Outotec takes over Kovit Engineering Limited


utotec has acquired the Canadian based Kovit Engineering Limited from its founders. Kovit Engineering is one of the leading technical consulting and engineering companies specialising in surface and underground mine tailings solutions. Tailings are the materials left over after the process of separating the valuable fractions from the ore. The acquisition complements Outotec’s existing dewatering and tailings treatment solutions and services as well as strengthening Outotec’s position as a global provider of sustainable tailings management solutions. Kovit Engineering’s annual sales are some €5–10 million and its approximately 30 specialists in Sudbury, Canada, will transfer to Outotec. “Effective and safe disposal of mining wastes presents technical and environmental challenges. This acquisition of Kovit Engineering will further strengthen our position as a provider of sustainable and waterefficient tailings management solutions to the mining industry,” says Outotec CEO Pertti Korhonen. Visit: Visit:

Alltech acquires two Norwegian companies


lobal animal health and nutrition leader Alltech is actively expanding its European operations with acquisitions in the Norwegian cities of Førde and Bergen. Produs AS and Produs Aqua AS, both family-owned and operated with extensive experience in the Norwegian agriculture and aqua industries, have reached an acquisition agreement with Alltech. Produs and Produs Aqua are Alltech’s 9th and 10th acquisitions respectively, a development that will mean continued innovative, customised and quality products, programmes, services and on-farm consultation for customers in Norway, both on land and at sea. In addition, it will be supported by Alltech’s global and local team of scientists,

UPM and SEKAB in cooperation for forestry-based chemicals


io- and forest industry company UPM is starting a major project aimed at demonstrating processes for the production of green chemical products using forest raw materials. SEKAB, the Swedish chemicals company, is contributing its technology to convert forest product residues into sugars and lignin. The EU

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nutritionists and marketing experts. The combined strengths of the companies will deliver the latest nutritional technologies to Norwegian producers, enabling them to become more efficient, sustainable and profitable. “We are taking this positive step into the future with Alltech because we believe their global resources, technology and innovative approach to both agriculture and aquaculture will strengthen the operations and profitability of our Norwegian customers,” said Magne Kolstad, chief financial officer, Produs and Produs Aqua. Visit:

is investing €13 million in the project. “It’s fantastic that UPM is taking this initiative to create bio-based chemical products from a raw material that we have an abundance of in northern Europe, namely forests. We are proud to contribute to a project that could reduce oil dependency and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable society,” says Thore Lindgren, executive vice-president

of SEKAB E-Technology. The project is known as ValChem and it brings together expertise from companies in the forestry, chemicals and biotechnology industries. The aim is to demonstrate processes using by-products from our forests as the raw materials to produce chemical products contained in paints, coatings and personal-care items.


LIVIA Group acquires Patheon facility OT Logistics acquires


IVIA Group, a German-based industrial holding, has entered into an agreement to acquire the Capua manufacturing facility and associated employees from Patheon, a leading global provider of outsourced contract development and manufacturing (CDMO) services for the pharma and biopharma industries. Capua, one of the world’s largest independent microbial fermentation-based manufacturing facilities with 1400m³ fermentor capacity, represents an exceptional investment opportunity for LIVIA in the highly attractive market of enzymes and small molecules. “LIVIA Group is enthusiastic about working with Capua to build on their existing strong market

position, through a focus on product development, a revitalized sales function and improved production efficiency,” said Prof Dr Dr Peter Löw, chief executive and founder of LIVIA Group. “We are very pleased to be invested in the business and look forward to supporting its future growth.” Capua delivers enzymes, therapeutic proteins and high-value small molecules for applications in food, feed, pharma, agrochemical and fine chemical industry. The facility is both FDA and EMEA (Pharma cGMPs) approved as well as ISO 14001 certified and serves customers in more than 60 countries. Visit:

stake in Luka Rijeka


oland’s OT Logistics has bought 2.8 million new shares issued by Croatian port operator Luka Rijeka for 61.2 million Polish zloty (€14.8 million). With the acquisition, OT Logistics will own 20.81% of Luka Rijeka and is therefore the second largest shareholder in the port operator after the Croatian government. The Rijeka port will be a part of a chain linking the Adriatic with the ports of the South Baltic Sea with two important ones owned by OT Logistics Group – OT Port Swinoujscie and OT Port Gdynia. The purchase of the stake in Luka Rijeka will allow the Polish group to grow in the southern part of south-east Europe and to expand its activities into surrounding countries. Consequently, OT Logistics has said it does not rule out the possibility of increasing its stake in Luka Rijeka in the long term. The current port handling capacity in Rijeka stands at over 8 million tonnes, including 5 million tonnes of bulk cargo and 3.2 million tonnes of general cargo. Visit:

ArcelorMittal, LanzaTech and Primetals Technologies announce partnership


rcelorMittal, LanzaTech and Primetals Technologies have entered into a letter of intent to construct Europe’s first-ever commercial scale production facility to create bioethanol from waste gases produced during the steelmaking process. The resulting bioethanol can cut greenhouse gas emissions by over 80 per cent compared with conventional fossil fuels. It will predominantly be used in gasoline blending, but it can also be further processed into other products such as drop in jet fuel. The 47,000-tonne ethanol/annum project, sufficient to fuel half a million cars with ethanol blended gasoline, will demonstrate the added value of recycling waste streams, not only by reducing emissions at source, but by keeping fossil fuels in the ground through the production of commodity chemicals and fuels that would otherwise be made from oil. Construction of the €87 million flagship pilot project, which will be located at ArcelorMittal’s steel plant in Ghent, Belgium, is anticipated to commence later this year, with bioethanol production expected to start mid-2017. Construction will be in two phases, with phase one providing an initial capacity of 16,000 tonnes of ethanol per annum by mid-2017 and phase two, which will be completed in 2018, bringing the total capacity to 47,000 tonnes of ethanol per annum. Visit: Visit:

Solvay and INEOS create INOVYN


olvay and INEOS have announced the start-up of their joint venture INOVYN, a world-class competitive player in chlorovinyls. “Solvay’s transformation has reached a key milestone with the creation of INOVYN and we will continue to focus on increasing its growth, returns and resilience,” said Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, CEO of Solvay.

“The INOVYN joint venture combines two businesses with a strong heritage in the chlorovinyls industry, creating a company fit to thrive in an ever changing business environment,” said Jim Ratcliffe, Chairman of INEOS. “This is now truly a world scale business, well placed to respond rapidly to customer needs in a challenging, competitive market.”

Solvay has also purchased BASF’s 25% stake in its PVC Joint Venture SolVin. In addition, Solvay and INOVYN have agreed to continue supplying basic chemicals to the BASF site in Antwerp. INOVYN has pro-forma sales of more than €3 billion, with 4300 employees and assets across 18 sites. Visit: Industry Europe 17



Relocations and expansions across Europe

EMCO Group and Unimatic establish Solvay starts up new fluoroelastomers joint venture to build a plant in Russia plant in Changshu, China



mco Group and Unimatic – long-time trade and service partner on the Russian market – have announced the foundation of a joint venture to establish and commission a production and assembly plant in Yekaterinburg. The first stage involves the production and assembly of universal lathes at the production site in Yekaterinburg – the objective is to gradually increase the percentage of the components installed to 40%. In order to ensure that the initial training and the transfer of know-how will take place under good conditions, the local team will be supported by employees from Austria. The machines are intended for the Russian market. Visit:

olvay has begun production at its new fluoroelastomers (FKM) plant in Changshu, China, as part of its ongoing strategic site expansion, to meet booming demand for its speciality polymers from Asia’s fast-growing automotive industry and multiple other high-end markets. As Solvay Speciality Polymers’ third fluorelastomer unit in the world it benefits from the site’s existing Speciality Polymers operations and infrastructure, as well as from secure raw material supplies through its joint venture with nearby Shanghai 3F New Material Co. Ltd. “This state-of-the-art fluoroelastomers facility considerably strengthens our global industrial footprint, extending our reach from Europe and the United States to Asia,” said Augusto Di Donfrancesco, president of Solvay’s Speciality Polymers Global Business Unit. “Solvay Speciality Polymers offers the industry’s most diversified range of high-end polymers and our expansions in Changshu will bring us closer to our customers and support them in maintaining their competitive edge in their market segments.” Visit:

Elatec opens factory in Bosnia


he Elatec Group has opened a new factory in Gračanica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Group’s Card Solutions and RFID Systems departments are serving in the capacity of manufacturers and ELCO is acting as distributor. Elatec’s new facility with more than 1600m2 - produces SIM cards and packaging as well as RFID chips. The factory, which is equipped with cutting-edge machinery, currently has an annual capacity of two-digit million SIM cards annually. The product and packaging systems at the factory in Gračanica are protected by structural elements including 60 surveillance cameras, motion sensors and access control systems. The production facility and security control room are high-security areas. All people and goods moving through the area are subject to strict control measures. “Constructing a new building gave us the opportunity to design the security equipment as well as the production and packaging systems according to the latest standards,” explains Benedikt Leisten, department manager at Elatec Card Solutions. Visit:

Audi celebrates topping out of new paint shop


he Audi plant in Ingolstadt continues to grow: A new paint shop is being built in the north of the plant site. Just over a year after the start of construction, the company is now celebrating the topping out. As of June 2016, Audi employees will paint the first series car bodies for the new Audi A4.

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Supporting the Biologics Industry


September 2015 the National Biologics Manufacturing Centre will open its doors giving companies access to state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and expertise to help develop, prove and commercialise the next generation of biologic products and processes. The centre is a £38 million investment which has been established to support the growth of the UK biologics industry. Located in Darlington, the centre has been designed to handle mammalian, microbial and next generation biologic platforms, with the ability to scale up from millilitres to 200 litres and demonstrate innovative new process technologies. There is an extensive analytical suite and high throughput development capabilities, so users can fully characterise their product and optimise their process. Visit:

“With ultramodern equipment and manufacturing technologies, we are ensuring our Vorsprung durch Technik in production and thus safeguarding our highest product quality. The new topcoat paint line stands for the continuous growth of our company and the outstanding importance of the Audi†plant in Ingolstadt,” stated Prof. Dr Hubert Waltl, board of management member for Produc-

tion at AUDI AG. The new topcoat paint line introduces a new painting technology: In the future, the painting process will be carried out fully automatically by ultramodern equipment using robot technology. The robots can follow the contours of car bodies even better, allowing them to achieve an even more uniform covering of paint. Visit:


INDUSTRYPEOPLE Jochen Thewes new CEO of Schenker AG

New plant director at Audi in Ingolstadt



ochen Thewes, 44, will be the new chairman of the board of management of Schenker AG. With this role, he will lead the business unit DB Schenker Logistics, which forms part of the DB Group board department Transportation and Logistics. The supervisory board of Schenker AG has appointed Thewes, who will take up his new position on September 1, 2015. Over the past years Jochen Thewes has made significant contributions to DB Schenker, most notably since 2011 in his role as CEO in Singapore in the dynamic Asia/Pacific Region. Prior to that, he was senior vice-president Global Ocean Freight, based in the head office of DB Schenker Logistics in Essen/Germany. Before joining DB Schenker, Thewes held various senior management positions within the global logistics group Kuehne + Nagel. Visit:

Ann-Sofie Räftegård joins Höganäs AB


nn-Sofie Räftegård will take over as vice-president Human Resources at Höganäs AB. In her role she will also be part of the Höganäs AB management group. “I am very glad that Ann-Sofie has decided to join us,” says Melker Jernberg, president and CEO at Höganäs AB. “Business development is accomplished by developing people, and I am convinced that Ann-Sofie with her background, expertise and personality will be a great asset to Höganäs.” Ann-Sofie Räftegård is currently employed at IKEA where she held, among others, the role of deputy HR manager, IKEA of Sweden and lately HR and competence manager for IKEA’s Commercial function and matrix. Ann-Sofie Räftegård will assume her position at Höganäs no later than 1 February 2016. Visit:

Stephan Cimbal new head of Marketing at Falken Tyre


alken Tyre Europe GmbH has strengthened its marketing department with the appointment of Stephan Cimbal as head of marketing in Europe. Having begun his new role on 1 July 2015, Cimbal is responsible for the Japanese tyre manufacturer’s marketing across the European region and

red Schulze (48) is to be the new director of the Audi plant in Ingolstadt as of 1 October. He is to move from Neckarsulm, where he currently holds the same position, to the main site of the automobile manufacturer. Schulze will succeed to Peter Kössler (56), who, after eight years as plant director in Ingolstadt, will move to AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. in Győr, Hungary. Prof. Dr. Hubert Waltl, Audi board of management member for Production, stated: “Like Peter Kössler, Fred Schulze has been at the Volkswagen Group for more than 20 years. In his previous positions in Neckarsulm – especially as plant director – he has gained a great store of experience and knowledge about Audi’s production processes. In Schulze’s term of nearly four years as plant director, Neckarsulm has strengthened its position as the Audi plant with the highest degree of model complexity.” Visit:

Antti Vasara new president & CEO of VTT


he board of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd has chosen D.Tech Antti Vasara as its new president & CEO from 1 November 2015. Antti Vasara (49) is currently on the leadership team of Tieto Corporation, as executive vice-president, Product Development Services. Before Tieto Corporation he has worked for Nokia in several roles such as senior vice-president Nokia Eseries Business Unit, SVP Product Development and vice-president Corporate Strategy. Aaro Cantell, chairman of VTT’s board of directors, commented: “Antti has long and varied experience of P&L responsibilities in Finnish and international companies. He is familiar with building and leading customer-oriented businesses with the help of skilled experts, and understands the opportunities provided by technology in creating new commercial value.” Visit: Visit:

reports to Mark Bögner, marketing director Europe. Business economist Cimbal began his professional career at Brauerei Beck & Co., where he was responsible for sponsorship, events and global PR for the Beck’s beer brand. His automotive experience began during his role as head of marketing at Nürburgring GmbH. During the past five years, amongst other projects, he’s been a

director at the LEDAVI Network with clients such as Mercedes-AMG, Volkswagen, BMW and Vodafone, as well as already having worked with Falken Tyre. “I look forward to this task. Implementing the many different topics for one of the largest tyre companies in the world is an exciting challenge,” says Cimbal. Visit: Industry Europe 19



New technologies for energy storage


onstruction has begun on the modular largescale battery storage system M5BAT on the premises of RWTH Aachen University. Storage systems like this represent an important building block for the expansion of renewable energies, as they make a significant contribution to system stability. They also open up a broad range of areas of application. The planned power class of

five megawatts and the high level of modularity – whereby different battery technologies are combined with one another – make the so-called ‘M5BAT’ (Modular Multimegawatt, Multitechnology Medium-Voltage Battery Storage System) a world first. “As part of its innovation activities, E.ON is investing in a broad spectrum of future technologies for energy storage. Large battery storage systems are particularly interesting thanks to their flexible possibilities for use. The findings expected from M5BAT are of value for the entire energy industry, particularly as a means of support on the path towards low-CO2 power generation,” explains Bernhard Reutersberg, chief markets officer on the E.ON board of management. Visit:

Advances in technology across industry

Audi e-gas plant stabilises electrical grid

ATR’s ‘green’ flying demonstrator takes off T

he ‘green’ ATR 72 prototype has made the first flight of the ‘Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (CS JTI)’ test campaign. The Clean Sky goal is to achieve major steps towards the ACARE Environmental Goals for 2020 when compared to 2000 levels: 50% reduction in CO2 emissions, 80% cut in NOx emissions and halving of noise pollution. The project is financed 50/50 by the aeronautical industry and by the European Union. Towards the end of the year, a second flight test campaign will be checking out improvements to the electrical distribution, energy dispersal and the air conditioning systems. The improvements being jointly developed and tested on the ATR today will eventually benefit all regional aircraft tomorrow. Carmine Orsi, ATR’s senior vice-president Engineering was delighted by this first flight of the ‘Clean Sky’ project. “The ATRs already enjoy a worldwide reputation for the low gas emissions due to their low fuel consumption and structural efficiency with large use of composite material on primary structures. Today, we are going further by using one of our aircraft to test the fruit of several years of joint work with the researchers, which should enable us to be even greener in the future.” Visit:

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he Audi e-gas plant in the city of Werlte in Lower Saxony produces CO2 neutral fuel, and it also contributes toward stabilising the public power grid. After successfully completing a test sequence, the plant is now qualified for participating in what is known as the electricity balancing market. In the German electrical energy mix, the share of renewable energies is growing rapidly – this share already reached 33% in the first half of 2015. However, regional expansion of wind and photovoltaic generation plants leads to increasingly larger load fluctuations – it is therefore important to have flexibly available consumers such as the Audi e-gas plant to buffer load peaks and thereby stabilise energy grids. The power-to-gas plant in Werlte, which produces synthetic methane (Audi e-gas) from water and CO2 utilising wind-generated electricity, was launched in 2013. Audi customers can pay with the Audi e-gas card at CNG fueling stations, and Audi then feeds equivalent quantities of e-gas into the German natural gas network. Visit:


NOTICEBOARD FANUC unveils world’s highest payload collaborative robot


ANUC Robotics UK has extended the application field for collaborative robots with the launch of a game-changing system that has a higher payload than any other on the market. The human-safe CR-35iA has a 35kg payload, opening up applications that have previously been off limits for both traditional industrial robots and lighter duty collaborative robots. Over the last couple of years, the first generation of collaborative robots or ‘cobots’ has been revolutionising the way in which robots and humans work together. In contrast to traditional robots, which cannot operate in an operatoroccupied workspace without safety fencing,

these cage-free robots can work side by side with humans on shared or separate tasks. To date, this nascent technology has been concentrated on the 5–15kg light duty ‘universal robot’ realm. Now FANUC has taken the collaborative approach into the previously unchartered heavy payload territory. The TÜV certified CR-35iA can assist with high payload handling, assembly, component feeding and workpiece loading and unloading tasks that have historically had to be carried out manually. Key target areas include – but are by no means limited to – automation assembly lines, metalworking and packaging. Visit:

Ionbond receives Bosch New range of safety silencers from Swepro Group exclusive partner of Silvent AB Sweden, swepro Group is unveiling a series of patented Global Supplier Award 2015 ASthe safety silencers with an integrated early warning system for wear and tear. By reducing


onbond has been awarded the Bosch Global Supplier Award 2015 in the category ‘Direct Purchasing – Mechanical Parts’. Among 58 award winners from 11 countries, Ionbond has been honored for outstanding performance, quality, and innovation during the course of the ongoing collaboration with the Robert Bosch GmbH in the automotive business. Dr Karl Novak, president corporate sector Purchasing and Logistics and Dr Norbert Neumann, VP corporate sector Purchasing and Logistics presented the award to André Hieke, segment head Automotive at Ionbond, and Boudewijn Buil, senior project manager Automotive at Ionbond, during a special event in Stuttgart, Germany, on July 16 2015. “The Bosch Global Supplier Award honors our top suppliers, who play such a key role in Bosch’s success,” says Dr Volkmar Denner, chairman of the Bosch board of management. “Our suppliers are important partners in helping us shape the connected world. We want to work with them to develop beneficial solutions for our customers.” Appropriately, this year’s theme of the award ceremony was ‘Power of Partnership - Connected Intelligence’. Visit:

noise levels by between 30 to 35 dB(A), these safety silencers reduce the risk of hearing damage in industrial applications, improving the working environment. Costly malfunctions can also be prevented thanks to the early warning system for wear and tear. 70 to 80% of hearing loss in industry is due to noise from compressed air. Carsten Becker, sales manager at swepro, says: “The obvious advantages of our safety silencers include the early warning system for wear and tear as well as noise reduction through an internal dynamic filter, all improving the working environment. As a result, industrial pneumatic applications can be designed to be safer and more effective.” A well-known problem with conventional silencers is that the filter, or ‘diffuser’, leads to machine failures, malfunctions and the risk of accidents over time due to contaminants. The swepro safety silencers provide the optimal solution thanks to the early warning system for wear and tear. The indicator gives an early indication if the back pressure in the pneumatic system is too high. Visit:

Modular design of new Almatec CXM series


lmatec, part of PSG, a Dover company and premier manufacturer of sanitary air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps, has announced the availability of the new CXM Series AODD Pump, which replaces the predecessor pump series CX and CXR. CXM Series pumps are available with seven different product connections – four sizes with NPT connections and three sizes with BSP connections – thanks to the pump’s modular design. The NPT pump sizes 10, 20, 50 and 130 are interchangeable with the CX and CXR Series. The product connections of the BSP pumps sizes 25, 55 and 135 are located on the face side of the pump. This wide range of product connections allows a precise adjustment of the pump to the specific application. All CXM pumps can easily be converted from ball to cylinder valves, and vice versa.

Another benefit of the CXM pump’s construction are housing parts that are attached with housing bolts that are tightened against a diaphragm-sized ring located on each side of the pump. This method of construction allows the pump to transmit the forces of the housing bolts onto the housing parts evenly. Visit:

Industry Europe 21



Marine world to meet at METSTRADE show


he METSTRADE show is the world’s largest marine equipment trade show and the only truly international B2B exhibition. Excellent networking opportunities and a broad range of showcased innovations and the world’s leading design award, DAME, make this an unmissable event for every professional in the marine industry. The show’s target groups are yacht builders, naval architects, repair yards, distributors, dealers, wholesalers, captains, marina operators and equipment manufacturers from around the world. With over 1248 registered exhibitors, the METSTRADE show 2015 is close to sell out. METSTRADE show will be held from 17–19 November 2015 in Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre.

Next to 18 Country Pavilions the METSTRADE show features three pavilions: the SuperYacht Pavilion (SYP, Marina & Yard Pavilion (MYP) and Construction Material Pavilion (CMP). Each offers a smaller self-contained show within the larger METSTRADE show context and features its own concepts, look and programme. The METSTRADE show provides excellent opportunities to meet with global distributors from as far afield as New Zealand, Singapore, Middle East and Africa as well as from all over Europe. Irene Dros, Maritime manager at RAI Amsterdam: “A 6.5% rise in International visitors last year, representing no less than 108 nationalities, has proven that the marine industry

is continuing to develop strongly worldwide with this exhibition as a vital hub. Globalisation drives business growth and the global economy was very much in action at the METSTRADE show. We may live in a digital world but the event reconfirmed the unrivalled importance of faceto-face meetings in a tradeshow environment.” The keynote speaker at the METSTRADE show 2015 Breakfast Briefing on 17 November will be Peter Sander, Manager Emerging Technologies & Concepts at AIRBUS Industries. He will speak on the subject of ‘On the way to Additive Layer Manufacturing: Chances & Challenges for future of design & industrial production’. Visit:

Global Project Management for the Energy Industry summit


he ‘2nd Annual Global EPC Project Management for the Energy Industry Summit’ takes place on 27–28 October 2015 in Frankfurt, Germany. Join over 50 experts from Petrofac UAE, Vattenfall Germany, Fluor USA, Saipem Italy, Worley Parsons UK, MOL Group Hungary, Consolidated Contractors Company UAE and many more besides. The strategic meeting will gather 50 participants from leading Oil & Gas market players and power companies across the globe from Australia to Latin America to discuss the common challenges faced by both contractors and operators and practical solutions relating to the ongoing oil crisis. It is important to benchmark the best practices in project management and networking at 22 Industry Europe

C-level environment. This two-day course will model all the critical elements of a EPC Project, in order to: ‘Bypass the pitfalls and step into successful development of an EPC Project at a challenging phase’. Amongst other things, it will enable participants to: • Learn from Eni’s oil prices and investment projects • Benefit from MOL’s project management tools for improved project methodologies • Take inspiration from Kuwait Oil Companies’ accuracy in defining the scope of work before project start-up in order to meet completion deadlines • Understand how to develop an EPC contractor from Fluor’s strategy In addition, learn the key factors for successful project implementation with key practical

learning points from a case-specific company perspective, including: Imad Shanan – Vice-president Strategic Initiatives (Petrfac, UAE) Frank Zabel - Head of Project Governance (Vattenfall Germany) Euthimos Kotronias - Head of Cost Engineering (Eni, Italy) Graham Taylor - Manager of projects Europe, Middle-East & North Africa (EURMENA) (Worley Parsons, UK) Visit:



Germany Allan Hall reports from Berlin on Germany’s pampered pets.


wo pet cemeteries allowing owners’ ashes to be buried along with their animal companions opened in Germany recently, part of a multi-billion pound industry booming in the country. They were greenlighted after officials spoke of a new trend whereby pet owners were performing DIY cremations at home and storing the ashes of Fido and Tiddles in urns on the mantlepiece. In the two graveyards up to two people and four pets will be able to be interred together in a ‘friendship’ plot, or up to 12 human or animal urns containing ashes in a ‘family grave’. “The role of the pet in society has changed,” said Judith Könsgen, director of the German Cemetery Association. “We have been approached time and again for this service and so we are now obliging.” The rules stipulate that the pets and people must be cremated. The first cemetery opened in Braubach on the Rhine and the second opened in Essen. Graveyard authorties said more will follow. Should a pet outlive its owner, or vice versa, arrangements can be made for either party to join their loved one via funeral homes. The minister of health in North RhineWestphalia, which takes in Essen, had to give her consent to the legislation. Barbara Steffens of the Green party said: “If a person wants to take the ashes of his or her dead pet into the grave with them, that is now allowable by law in this state.” She said that for elderly people in particular, whose bond with animal companions is often exceedingly strong, the idea of both sharing eternity together seemed a logical and humane solution. The director of the Essen cemetery named ‘Our Harbour,’ Uwe Brinkmann, said he assumed that pet owners would want to be interred with creatures such as dogs and cats rather than hamsters and canaries, but that there were no hard and fast rules. “We have not artificially created a new market

here but are merely responding to the needs of people.” The Evangelical Church put forward no ethical objections to the burial of animals as fellow ‘creatures’, but has so far rejected joint funeral services for humans and pets. A friendship grave containing six urns for no more than two pet owners costs a little less than 1000 euros for a period of 20 years, which includes maintenance of the gravesite. Observers said that the decision was partly influenced by the fact that people were cremating their pets in their back garden barbecues and then installing their ashes in urns to keep at home.

“Pet care in Germany shows a positive trend, benefiting from the increasingly high status that pets have for their owners, even with functions in society.” Premium pet care All-things-animal have defied downturns since the 2008 crash in Germany. The euromonitor group said: “Pet care in Germany shows a positive trend, benefiting from the increasingly high status that pets have for their owners, even with functions in society. Companions, family members, rescue helpers – their roles are as plentiful as the pet care market, with a growing variety of premium, functional and sophisticated products designed to fit individual needs.

“A trend is being seen of offering pets only the best to enhance their lifestyles and wellbeing. An illustration of this is the opening of speciality restaurants for pets.” One of the first to cash in was the Pets Deli in the Gruenewald district of Berlin which has been catering for pampered pets for over a year. Meals are priced from €3 to €6, with treats such as cupcakes costing €4. Beef, turkey or kangaroo meat with broccoli or berries are all on the menu. The gourmet eatery has seen a steady influx of hungry animals for whom ordinary food simply won’t do. Owners can enjoy a coffee in the plush surroundings while their pets tuck into a bowl of specially prepared meals, tailored for the animals’ digestion, or they can take the food away in a plastic tray doggy bag. Business owner David Spanier, 31, had the idea for the doggy deli after finding his own canine friend could not digest pet food from supermarkets. “Junk food is bad for animals,” he said. “It’s as if I ate fast food every day. I may like it, but it’s very bad for your health.” The store manager, Katharina Warkalla, is an animal nutrition expert and serves up portions of beef, turkey or kangaroo meat with broccoli or berries, and carbohydrates such as rice, pasta or potatoes. Claude Henkel, a pet industry expert, said; “The fact is that the birth rate in Germany among humans is one of the lowest in the developed world while the pet ownership rate is one of the highest and getting higher. “As pets assume ever-greater importance for individuals, they are experiencing an ever-greater level of luxury.” That also includes grooming – one of Germany’s top hairstylists, Udo Walz, opened a salon for dogs near his human hair cutting business several years ago and n has never looked back. Industry Europe 23



France Ian Sparks report from Paris on new competition for hotels and railways.


he bosses of Paris’s luxury hotels are demanding that the French government clamp down on the Airbnb home letting website which they claim is now stealing their wealthiest clients. Three years ago there were just 7000 properties for rent on the property site across the whole of France. But today there are 50,000 flats and houses to let on the site in Paris alone, making the city the world’s top Airbnb destination. The site is also increasingly attracting wealthy renters, and currently offers around 400 Paris apartments at over 500 euros a night and, of those, about 40 charge over 1000 euros. In comparison, Paris’s seven most luxurious hotels have less than 2000 rooms in total, with many rooms costing up to 2000 euros a night and suites costing in excess of 10,000 euros a night. Although private landlords on the website must pay income tax on any revenue they earn on Airbnb, hotels complain they are not subjected to other taxes and social charges which they have to pay. The Paris luxury sector is already worried about a surge in competition from newly opening hotels, a downturn in visits from wealthy Russians and Brazilians as their economies falter, and fears among US visitors of rising anti-semitism in France. As a result of the competition, the Bristol Hotel suffered a 20 per cent drop in revenue in the first half of this year and an occupancy rate that fell to 61.2 per cent from 69.2. The renowned Four Seasons George V saw a 5 percentage point drop in occupancy to 66 percent in the same period. These factors saw The Plaza Athenee cut its prices by 20 per cent last winter. At the same time, maid and concierge services and other extras are all available along on some of the most expensive Airbnb properties in Paris. One flat available was once the home of film star Brigitte Bar24 Industry Europe

dot, and whose ‘140 metre square terrace offers you a breathtaking 360 degree view of the capital city’ for 1400 euros a night. The same floor space at the George V Hotel would cost around 8000 euros. Didier le Calvez, managing director of the French capital’s famed Bristol Hotel, said: “Airbnb is a menace that enjoys an unfair advantage. The Paris market is going to get very difficult.” François Delahaye, managing director of the Plaza Athenee, said: “It’s a tax attack on our livelihoods. Although Airbnb landlords should declare any income for tax purposes, they do not face the other tax and social charges that a business such as a hotel has to pay.” And Jose Silva, who runs the Four Seasons George V, added: “It’s obvious that a large part of our clientele, especially the families, will abandon the hotels. “The best way for the hotel industry to respond is for us to keep raising our game. Wealth and world demand is going to keep on growing, so hotels should continue to offer a radically different experience to a bed and breakfast.” But Airbnb has insisted that it is not in competition with the French capital’s hotels. A spokeswoman for the website said: “We offer a totally different thing. These residences are chosen for the unique experience they offer, but which remain very different from what a luxury hotel can propose.” Earlier this year, Airbnb’s CEO Brian Chesky also paid a visit to the capital to reassure Paris city officials that his company has only boosted tourism to the city. He said after the meeting with Deputy Mayor Bruno Julliard: “I don’t think that for us to win, anybody has to lose. Airbnb chiefly serves as an alternative for those who struggle to find low cost accommodation and who would otherwise not be able to afford visiting Paris. Mayor Julliard agreed, saying: “Airbnb has become an essential offering for accommoda-

tion in Paris, especially for younger tourists. Whatever anyone says, it has only boosted the number of visitors to Paris, and for us that is a good thing.”

Boost for coach travel This year has also seen a resurgence in France’s coaching industry as the government finally lifts rules that for decades have protected the state-run SNCF rail company from competition. The opening up of the country’s coach sector is just one of the outcomes of the Macron Law, a new economic bill designed to modernise the French economy, speed up growth and deregulate many industries. Several coach companies are already cashing in on the new rules, with 250 new routes now available across France and into Germany, Amsterdam, Spain and Brussels. Prior to the change in law, bus services usually only covered routes for which there was no train connection, and are sometimes run by or for the SNCF. But now, the most popular coach journeys are between Paris and other major French and European cities such as London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelona, Lyon and Marseille. Facilities on the coaches are also improving, with reclining seats, air conditioning, toilets, Wi-Fi, entertainment and disabled access all now standard. The GoEuro travel website says the deregulation of the market will see a 10–70 per cent drop in ticket prices over the next year as more operators cash in on the changes. The move is expected to bring in over five million new coach passengers within the next year, resulting in the creation of an extra 22,000 jobs. A spokesman for France’s coaching industry union said: “We have always been competitive and had the potential to rival the railways but until now were prevented from doing so. The rule changes have been a major boost to our industry, bringing wealth n and employment to thousands.”

GEARING UP Neptun SA is a market leader in the design and manufacture of advanced mechanical transmission systems. At Hannover Messe 2015 in April it presented just a part of its broad range of cylindrical and spiral bevel gears and couplings. These cover a wide range of applications for a number of key industries, such as open-pit mining, cement, metallurgy and transportation. Philip Yorke reports on a company that is going from strength to strength and entering new global markets.


eptun Gears was founded in Romania in 1911 with the establishment of a private workshop for the manual casting of products for the oil and farming industries. Today Neptun is a progressive and high-tech company that is a major exporter of cylindrical and spiral bevel gears, as well as helical and bevel-helical gearboxes that are mainly custom-made to order. In addition, Neptun produces gearmotors and manual actuators for industrial valves, gear couplings and flexible couplings. Since 1992 the company has also been producing few of the main components of the equipment for oil extraction using Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCP), such as: the Surface Drive Units, Torque Anchors, Centralizers, Blow-up Preventers. Neptun was present in April at Hannover Messe 2015 at the International Motion, Drive and Automation Exhibition. Currently the company employs more than 250 people and in 2014 recorded sales of over €13 million.

Unless its products for the oil industry, Neptun also offers a package of products for many other manufacturing industries. These range from cement producers to mining, and from agriculture to the automotive industries. These export products include custom-made cylindrical and spiral bevel gears ground, small and medium power special gear units and gear-motors custom-made or from its current range, manual actuators for valves, gear couplings and flexible couplings. Following the improving economic climate in the European economy and Neptun’s on-going investments in plant and technology, today the n company’s exports continue to go from strength to strength. For further details of Neptun Gears’ quality products and services visit:

Quality and value and driving sales As part of its commitment to manufacturing state-of-the-art products, the company continues to invest in new machine tools, software and technology in order to optimise its production lines. Neptun is a very flexible operator and is able to provide standard products as well as special custom-made products to its customer’s own specifications. “Our prices are significantly lower than those of our European competitors for the same high quality of materials and machining. “Our payment terms are also more flexible and can be arranged in collaboration with each individual customer. We are always available to discuss specific enquiries and provide prototype sample orders if that is what our client prefers. We are therefore able to offer the best win-win partnership on a long-term basis,” said a Neptun company spokesman. Production quality at Neptun also relies on the use of high quality raw materials, which are sourced from the top suppliers of alloy and high alloy steels and cast parts. Forja Neptun is a sister company of Neptun Gears and provides it with optimised, rolled and forged steel parts for a wide range of products.

Growth in oil extraction products In the global oil industry there is a growing demand for highly specialised products from Neptun, which is able to offer them the full equipment of oil extracting equipment on-shore depths down to 2400 metres. Neptun equipment in this sector includes several types of Surface Drive Units, Torque Anchors, Centralisers whilst the Power Switch Boxes, Rods and Downhole P.C. Pumps are outsourced and fill in the full equipment at the oil extraction wells. Whilst Romania is still the company’s biggest single market, most European countries as well as Africa and the Middle East are all major importers of Neptun gears and gearboxes. The goal for the next 2–3 years is to increase its exports sales to 80–90 per cent of the total turnover. Industry Europe 25


COMPONENTS The Canadian multinational Linamar is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of precision metallic components and systems for the agricultural, automotive and energy industries. Its Hungarian operations have seen significant investments in recent years, as Industry Europe discovers.


inamar established a presence in Hungary in 1992 and introduced new technological solutions and an efficient working culture to the small town of Orosháza, in the south-east of Hungary. At present there are three production centres in Hungary, two of them engaged in the automotive and precision component production. These plants are located in Békéscsaba and Orosháza whilst the division in Oros specialises in general machine production. Today Linamar Hungary Zrt is a vital part of Linamar’s global operations and investments have been constantly made by the group to increase the firm’s competitiveness in its markets. February this year (2015) saw the inauguration of a new HUF 5.5 billion development at the Orosháza plant. This investment, which was mainly to add capacity and additional technology to the plant, could raise sales by more than €250 million.

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Mr Csaba Havasi, the managing director of the Linamar group in Europe said: “Linamar in Hungary is the largest employment provider in the region. Significant investments were made both this year and last year to acquire new machinery and assets for both the automotive and machine manufacturing units, and we will continue with these investments.”

Product portfolio The company manufactures a wide range of products for the automotive industry; the portfolio includes engine components, gearbox, driving, braking, steering wheel and compressor components. In addition to this, the production of large size generator components and motor generator components is also significant. Both automotive divisions acquired the ISO TS 16949 quality assurance certificate in addition to

meeting the criteria of the environmental EN ISO 14001 and the health and safety requirements of the OHSAS 18001standards. The Oros division specialises in general machine production; its product range includes agricultural machinery, road construction machines and erector machines for the construction industry. The Oros division has been developing and supplying corn and sunflower adapters for over 35 years. The company’s core product is the high quality corn harvesting adapter, the Oros cornhead, that can be fitted to all type of harvesters, and is suitable for harvesting corns and sunflowers that are planted in 70–100cm rows. The company’s CORNADO corn harvesting machines were redeveloped this year; customers can choose from 6 rows to 16 rows, or whether they want the product to be fixed or foldable. Industry Europe 27

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Continuous product development has always been a priority for Linamar. The Oros Sun hydrostatic sunflower harvesting adapter was launched in 2011. This is an innovative quality product, which is equipped with a stalk crashing facility whilst operating with reduced energy and minimizing seed dropping. During the development process the company’s aim was to develop an adapter that reduces harvesting waste to a minimum: the adapter is fitted with a row of trays that collect the falling sunflower heads and seeds. Its simple construction and light weight also allow users to significantly reduce costs during the harvesting process.

“We will continue our investments in the next few years in both automotive component production and in the machine manufacturing division too. The customer base of Linamar is continuously extending, and our capacities in both automotive divisions are 100 per cent utilised. In the next few years we would like to continue to extend our capacities in n this sector as well as in our own machinery production.”

Global presence In parallel with the global strategy of the Linamar group, Linamar Hungary Zrt mainly concentrates on the European market; more than 80 per cent of the products are exported to countries including Germany, UK, France, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Croatia. The company’s in-house developed products are also sold in North America. Mr Janos Ivanics, CEO of the Linamar Hungary Zrt, explains why he is optimistic for the future: “Due to the considerable amount of funds we received for investment purposes, our technological developments have been significant in recent years. In addition to this, we have increased our efficiency by raising our requirements to recruit skilled professionals and by continuously improving our work environment. Industry Europe 29

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Industry Europe talks to Mr Simonazzi, MD of Meta System SpA, to ask about the changes which have taken place over the last couple of years and what developments can be foreseen across the company’s horizon. Barbara Rossi reports.


eta System’s setup was established in Reggio Emilia in 1973. The company is still headquartered in the town, where it has several facilities, alongside a functional plant in Mornago (Varese, northern Italy) as well as in Shenzhen (China). Mr Simonazzi said, “We have just signed a letter of intent with Deren, a Chinese group, for the sale of 60 per cent of our shares. In this way, Shenzhen-based Deren will become Meta System’s majority shareholder. Deren, whose most recent turnover was 500 million dollars, operates in various sectors. Its core business is automotive and consumer cabling. The rationale behind this agreement is that Deren wants to develop and expand its offerings in the automotive sector while Meta System intend on growing in the Chinese automotive market, where demand for new vehicles is more than double what we have here, in Europe. Deren will take care of the Chinese market, manufacturing within China, while we will continue to serve other markets, developing new technology for the whole company along the way. This

agreement will allow us, the Italian arm of Meta System, to become even stronger.” In 2014, Meta System achieved a €147 million turnover. The company employs 630 permanent staff, in addition to which there are another 80 contract workers. Its core products are safety and security solutions for the automotive OEM market, as well as for the after-market and OES segment. Furthermore, the company offers power electronics solutions for electric and hybrid vehicles, a sector which is growing quite rapidly. Telematics solutions for the automotive and domestic insurance industry are also part of its range.

Dramatic growth by 2020 “The annual rate of growth of our historical products, safety and security solutions for cars and motorcycles, for instance parking sensors and alarms, is 10 per cent. We are investing a lot in our power electronics range, which includes on-board battery chargers and power converters.

Industry Europe 31

The Integra cooperative company was established in Reggio Emilia in January 2007 and, thanks to an effective partnership with customers who are leaders in the electronics sector, was quickly able to fulfil its clients’ demands, supplying them with a widespread and accurate integrated logistics services management.

By leveraging its cooperative values, Integra supplies labour and ideas which fulfil the demands of a competitive market, optimising times and costs. Thanks to its continuous nurturing of human resources Integra has developed a significant know-how which, through the use of fully SAP compatible software and hardware, chosen and refined together with its main clients, allows it to carry out a vast range of incoming and outgoing goods services.

These include traditional warehouse management, automated warehouse and stacker crane management, vertical warehouse management, acceptance and identification, storage, goods picking and handling for internal departments and suppliers, packing, telematic and electronic automotive and after market products shipment using main national and international couriers, internal transport between business units, electronic device refurbishment and quality control.

Reliability and flexibility have always been our mission. Integra soc. coop | Via G.L. Bernini 4/a - RE, Italy | Phone: +39 0522 936129

32 Industry Europe

Industry Europe 33

So far the production in this particular area is not quite vast volumetrically, but with more than 100 per cent increase in its intensity each year we project these volumes turning momentous by 2020, mainly in view of a number of new electric and hybrid vehicle platforms which will be developed over the course of next few years. The significance of this sector is also owing to the high value of each product, which is much higher than that of other products in our range.” The Telematics portfolio is associated with the domestic and automotive insurance world. “We offer black boxes, which insurance companies supply to customers as part of their policies. We are TTPs (Telematics technology providers) direct suppliers to insurance companies, but we also serve TPS (Telematics service providers), which then supply insurance companies.” With regard to Telematics solutions, Meta System ranks first in Europe. Further growth is expected, with a particularly strong trend towards non-European markets. Home Telematics, which is a relatively new sector, is also showing strong signs of growth. Demand for it started in Italy, but now requests are also coming from abroad. “Domestic Telematics solutions is a niche market, but things have moved quite rapidly over a period of just a few months. In this field, we are more than merely being the product providers. We are the complete system suppliers.’’ “Another area which is growing strongly is that of low power modules for automotive acclimatisation systems. For these products we are TIER2 suppliers, as we provide our products to the system suppliers serving automotive manufacturers. Swift growth in this field is a consequence of a number of factors. Initially, and mainly because acclimatisation systems had replaced air conditioning only in high-range car models, now they have also been adopted for mid-range models, meaning their demand has moved leaps ahead while each acclimatisation system requires up to four of our low power modules.” During the last couple of years, Meta System has strengthened and upgraded its production sites, especially with regard to manu-

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facturing its power range. One of the Reggio Emilia factories is now equipped with a thoroughly computerised and integrated warehouse, which is larger than the production area of the same facility itself. “We plan to be working round the clock (24/7) over three shifts by the end of 2018.” The company invests regularly in new product development. Other important investments have been made in product testing and homologation laboratories as well. Geographically, Meta System has a very strong presence in Europe. Thanks to its deal with Deren, it expects to enter the Chinese, as well as the Indonesian and Malaysian markets (although Meta System already has a production site in Shenzhen, so far the manufacturing there has been limited to European markets only). Other global markets where growth is expected are South America and Russia, where, although the company has already been present, (especially with automotive products) now expect it to introduce other product families as well. Growth linked to Telematics products is forecasted, particularly in Russia, because of the ERA-Glonass 2015–2018 project, which requires all the vehicles circulating in Russia to be provided with crash sensors and satellite positioning receivers progressively, to provide rapid assistance to motorists in the event of a collision. While talking about growth in the American continent, Mr Simonazzi continued, “South America is an area where we intend to develop and which can be important for some product families, while being fully aware of the fact that it can be a difficult market at the same time. “Thinking of turnover, our industrial plan target for 2020 is to achieve €400 million (250 million generated by Italian-based Meta System and the remainder by China-based Meta System Deren). Acquisitions do not feature on our horizon at the moment, but we keep a watchful eye on the market and could change our minds should the right opportunity arise. We will continuously focus on production automation along with new design systems and technologies in order to remain ahead in n an ever-increasingly competitive world.”

Industry Europe 35

INNOVATIVE AUTO LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Auto rear light specialist odelo is looking forward to new opportunities now that it is part of a major Turkish group.


delo develops and produces complex tail light systems and LEDs for the automotive industry. The company is the technology leader in auto tail lights thanks to its strength in innovation and its use of the most up-to-date technologies. In fact, odelo developed and produced the world’s first all-LED tail light system in 1998 and today its engineers continue to develop new products and technologies for the future requirements of the automotive industry. Odelo GmbH was established as a company as recently as 2008 when the tail light unit of the Schefenacker Group was separated from the rest of the business. Schefenacker itself was founded in Esslingen, in southern Germany, in 1935 to produce car interior lights and expanded to include exterior mirrors, tail lights and LED tail light systems. Today odelo employs 1600 people at five locations in Germany and Slovenia.

New ownership In 2011 a new chapter opened in the history of odelo when it was acquired by the Istanbul-based Bayraktarlar Holding, an international trading conglomerate with extensive activities in Turkey. The Turkish company was founded in 1935 by Mehmet Bayraktar and entered the automotive market in 1979 as a supplier to the local automotive industry under its Farba brand. It has a successful track record in developing a national presence in the Turkish automotive lighting business. Bayraktarlar saw the acquisition of odelo as an ideal opportunity to expand its international business and strengthen its market position in the automotive supplier industry in Europe. Ahment Bayraktar,

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vice president of Bayraktarlar Holding, said when the acquisition was announced, “odelo’s high quality and innovative product portfolio, its strong technology base and extensive client relations are a perfect match for our existing automotive business. We will be working as partners to ensure that this acquisition will create value for our clients worldwide.” He also made it clear that Bayraktarlar plans to invest in new technology at odelo. “Innovation is the key to future market success and competitiveness in the automotive supply industry. Through knowledge sharing and operational improvements, Bayraktarlar plans to even further enhance odelo’s competitiveness.”

Loyal customers Tail lights are an important contributor to the overall appearance of a vehicle – they have a significant aesthetic role to play as well as making driving safer. Indeed, the complexity of modern tail lights is a reflection of the high level of expectations they have to meet regarding their design, quality and functionality. odelo points out that only a company that has always had the highest expectations for its products’ quality and technology can develop and produce such technologically sophisticated components to meet the ever more complex demands of its customers. odelo claims that it is because its products so clearly stand apart from those of its competitors that its clients remain so loyal. The company delivers most of its products to the major German auto makers, including Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Opel, Porsche and Volkswagen. Overall it has a 20 per cent share of the market in Germany.

Today the headquarters of odelo Deutschland are in Geislingen, in southern Germany, but its LED production is located at a dedicated plant in Kamp-Lintfort, in north-west Germany. odelo LED specialises in the development and production of LEDs for automotive applications, with each product tailored to the technical and quality requirements of individual clients. The unique production method at the plant makes possible the maximum flexibility in the optical and geometric design of the LEDs so that it can produce tail light modules that stand out as innovative and unique. Yet at the same time this innovative production technology can be used to make LEDs with standard emission properties. The in-depth expertise at the Kamp-Lintfort plant also enables it to make most of the actual LEDs for odelo signal lights.

Quality for the aftermarket ULO is a subsidiary of the odelo group that supplies spare parts to the independent aftermarket. The head and rear lights, door mirrors and daytime running lights that are distributed under the ULO brand are original parts and therefore perfect in terms of quality and precision fit and fulfil entirely the high standards for original parts set by the auto industry. At the ULO plant in Geislingen, experts are employed for each country in which ULO parts are distributed. They are totally familiar with the characteristics of their national markets and maintain close personal contact with ULO wholesalers throughout Europe. ULO’s product range also includes universal parts for commercial vehicles.

Lean production rewarded In 2005 odelo built a new lighting plant in Slovenia. In July 2013 this subsidiary, odelo Slovenija, received the prestigious Automotive Lean Production Award in the category ‘International SME’ after a study carried out by the magazine Automobil Produktion in cooperation with the Munich business consultancy Agamus Consult. Ever since the company was founded lean culture has been an inherent part of the plant philosophy at odelo Slovenija. Managing director and CEO of the odelo group Klaus Holeczek explained that the plant’s motivated employees, a culture open to mistakes and innovation, flexibility and the full support of the plant’s management were just as important as the lean alignment of the plant’s processes. He pointed out that the importance of lean thinking in the plant had also been underlined by the establishing of an internal lean promotion team which was responsible for the continuous monitoring of all the processes at the plant and their further development in terms of the ‘Lean Spirit’. “Close cooperation on product and process development between Slovenia and Germany has also been crucial in ensuring the high degree of maturity of projects being launched at our Slovenia plant,” said Mr Holeczek. “There is no doubt that the team from Germany has contributed significantly to the success of odelo Slovenija.” n

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PURE PERFORMANCE Mann & Hummel is a global leader in the development and manufacture of advanced filtration products for the automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Philip Yorke reports on a company that continues to deliver its promise on innovation and ground-breaking new products.

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or over 70 years Mann & Hummel has led the field in industrial filtration technology. Founded near Stuttgart, Germany in 1941 by Adolf Mann and Dr Enrich Hummel, it developed cyclone air filtration technology, textile and felt filters, strainer disc filters and a main-flow oil centrifuge. Today Mann & Hummel is a truly global player with over 16,000 employees across more than 60 sites on five continents, with sales revenues of around €3 billion in 2014. The Mann & Hummel group product portfolio is extensive and includes air filter systems, intake manifold systems, liquid filter systems, cabin filters and filter elements for motor vehicle maintenance. For general engineering, process engineering and industrial applications, the product range includes industrial filters, membrane filters for water filtration and heavy-duty filter systems.

Innovation and acquisitions driving sales The company’s strategy to combine synergistic acquisitions with the development of innovative, ground-breaking products, continues to pay dividends for Mann & Hummel. The company has been very

active in its two core business sectors over the last twelve months. It has delivered two innovative air filter systems designed for use in commercial vehicles where there is less space available for components such as air filters and air intake systems. The new Exalife and VarioPleat series provides a number of alternative installation positions. In particular where is very restricted installation space. In 2014 Mann & Hummel expanded its water filtration business with the acquisition of a leading water filtration company, Microdyn-Nadir, which is a manufacturer of flat sheet membranes and a global supplier of membranes and modules for micro, ultra and nanofiltration systems. Mann & Hummel has also embarked on an ambitious growth strategy in order to address the growing global competitive pressures. “Continued growth in the future will be driven largely by acquisitions and an innovative product portfolio,” said Alfred Weber, president and CEO of the Mann & Hummel Group. The group intends to continue pursuing its growth strategy in 2015/16. “Our focus is on sustainable growth. This is not an end in itself but an essential requirement if we are to maintain our position as market leader in the future. The numerous awards that we

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received for customers in all sectors in 2014, confirm to us that we have chosen the right strategy. We have clearly succeeded in consolidating our competitive advantages in terms of quality, service and innovation,” added Weber. According to Hummel, global economic growth has been largely driven by the emerging markets and in particular China where it is the driving force behind the company’s operations in Asia. Here the company is reaping the benefits from the global economic recovery.

SEBROS INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. TCC COMPLEX, SEC-10 FARIDABAD, HARYANA, INDIA-121006 Phone: +91 129 4282400, Mobile: +91 9810742900 Email:

Manufacturer of Tubular Components EGR tubes, HVAC pipes, EGR parts, filter covers, Turbo Charger parts, Hydro formed Bellows, etc.

High separation efficiency Recently Mann & Hummel announced the launch of its new Entaron HD air cleaner for nominal flow rates of up to 4m 3/min. The company’s latest air cleaner provides many advantages in its performance class with a long service life, high separation efficiency, excellent installation flexibility and a range of custom-built options. The Entaron HD was developed especially for tractors and construction machines with an engine output of up to 45kW and for mobile compressors and generator sets. The product is available as a two stage or single stage system and is delivered with a metric or inch version of the clean air port and 90 degree elbow with optional outlets for the addition of a mass airflow sensor. Thanks to its new design, customised versions are possible without changing the tool and are therefore available faster than conventional air cleaners. In addition, its size is approximately a third smaller than similar models and is comparable with the Europicon 200 within the Mann & Hummel product range.

New distribution centres Mann & Hummel have opened three new distribution centres in Canada, thus significantly expanding its distribution of Purolator Filters and other Mann-Filter Programmes. With its new distribution centres in Milton, Edmonton, British Columbia and Burnaby, Canadian customers now have direct and timely support from experienced sales staff and marketing professionals. Regional customers will not only benefit from improved delivery capabilities, but also from individual, dedicated customer support. These new strategically

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located distribution centre sites represent an important step forward in the company’s plans to expand the Purulator filters and MannFilter brand presence in Canada. In addition to its investments in new distribution centres, Mann & Hummel has expanded its presence in China with the takeover of filter manufacturer Bengbu Haoye, in Anhui Province China. In India the company has established a new state-of-the-art production facility at Bawal, near New Delhi, whilst in Brazil Mann & Hummel took over Fluid Brasil Sistemas e Technologia, with headquarters near Sao Paulo. Further investments in manufacturing facilities have taken place in Turkey and the Philippines and these form an integral part of n the company’s on-going internationalisation programme. For further details of Mann& Hummel’s latest innovative products and services visit:

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POLISHED PERFORMANCE Romtec Austria is a technology leader in the development and production of car-care products. Philip Yorke takes a closer look at a company that continues to see strong growth and is setting new standards in the manufacture of innovative, high quality car-care products and contract filling services.

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omtec Austria Srl was founded in Romania in 1994 and began its life as wholesaler that traded food products from the former USSR countries. However, a few years later the company made the strategic decision to become involved in the sale of automotive parts for Romanian vehicles. This subsequently led to Romtec becoming the biggest auto-parts distributor in the region. In 2004 the company moved into the manufacture of specialised car-care liquids for items such as windscreen washers, de-icers and engine coolants, which proved to be a major turning point in the company’s fortunes. Yet another significant milestone was reached in 2006 when Romtec Austria obtained a licence from DuPont to create Europe’s first car-care products with the unique ‘Teflon® surface protector’. This co-branding arrangement resulted in a major increase in sales for Romtec, particularly in the Romanian market where its filling lines for stand-up bags could be manufactured at rates of up to 2000 pcs per hour. Today the company’s flagship products in the car-care market include ‘JertXpert® with Teflon’ (liquids for washing and de-icing windscreens), ‘CleanXpert with Teflon’ (a high performance upholstery cleaner), ‘GlycoXpert (a concentrated and diluted anti-freeze & cool-

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ant), and AquaXpert (de-ionised water). Most of Romtec Austria’s carcare liquids are produced in stand-up bags, which offer an attractive, ecological and economical way to package and display its products.

Expanding product range A programme of continuous investment in fully automated production lines and warehousing facilities has made it possible for Romtec Austria to expand its horizons. Currently the company manufactures more than 100 different products, however its core products remain its car-care range and in particular windscreen washers and de-icers. A growth market for Romtec Austria today is the aerosol contract filling sector and the company’s state-of-the-art aerosol lines are able to fill tin plate or aluminium cans of any capacity between 50 and 1000ml. These modern filling lines are provided with a separate gassing area outside of the main working area for the use of environmentally friendly compressed or liquefied gasses such as LPG, DME and special inert gases. With its modern filling lines Romtec Austria is able to manufacture a wide range of items from cleaning products, insect repellents and

automotive products, to air fresheners, deodorants, disinfectants and fire extinguishers. The company’s filling lines are very flexible and vary in their capabilities, depending upon the individual product’s characteristics, its propellant, internal pressure and type of valve and sprayer used. For a medium-sized can of around 300–405ml Romtec can manufacture up to 50 pieces per minute or 3000 pieces per hour. In addition, the company can provide its customers with valuable aerosol research, formulations, product development and filling expertise, all in full compliance with EU legislation concerning any type of household or technical product. Romtec Austria’s managing director Radu Oghina said, “Looking to the future we plan to establish another division as contract fillers. This would mean a major investment in a new ethanol plant, or alternatively we could target the adhesives market sector offering packed cartridges and mono and bio-components via the acquisition of new blending tanks and specialised packaging machinery. Both these options offer notable advantages; however our next important step will depend to some extent on our access to EU grants as part of our overall investment strategy. In the meantime, we will continue with our organic expansion programme as well as with our plans to develop our business in neighbouring countries such as Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria and Moldavia.”

capacity; for example 5-litre bags can be produced at a rate of over 12 million pieces per year which is equal to over 60 million litres of filled product. Romtec already provides ‘own label’ contract filling services for some of the biggest names in the retail sector, including Carrefour, Lidl and Cora. Romtec’s stand-up bags are ideal for liquids such as detergents, shampoos, anti-freeze, screen-wash and motor oils. Stand-up bags provide smart packaging alternatives that offer ecologically friendly options and low consumption of raw materials. In addition, they offer the benefits of high barrier packaging, portability and n economical storage as well as eye catching display options. For further information concerning Romtec Austria’s innovative products and contract filling services visit:

Smarter packaging Romtec Austria SrI owns and operates one of the world’s largest fully automated lines for filling liquids into stand-up pouches with spouts – all of which are produced with the latest robotic packaging, palletising and over-wrapping equipment. The company is also able to fill and pack liquids in stand-up bags with capacities that range from 1–5 litres. Productivity can vary according to the bag’s Industry Europe 45

LEADING EUROPEAN WOOD SUPPLIER Metsä Wood uses the finest wood from the northern forests to supply environmentally friendly wood-based products for construction, industrial customers and distributor partners across Europe. Peter Mercer reports.


etsä Wood is a major wood products supplier in Europe. It specialises in serving the needs of the building and construction industry with products and systems for roofs, walls, floors, frames and facades as well as producing a wide range of products for its distribution customers, including interior cladding and flooring and garden decking. It also supplies rough sawn timber, Kerto LVL and plywood to industrial customers including manufacturers of windows and doors, cladding and moulding, furniture and flooring and garden structures as well as plywood for

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construction and a wide variety of demanding transport applications in trucks, trains, buses, delivery vans and cargo trailers. All of Metsä Wood’s core products use high-quality northern wood as a raw material. Thanks to the slow growth of trees in the northern forests, the company’s premium products are exceptionally durable, making them ideal for a wide range of highly demanding applications and end-uses. For the home owner Metsä Wood’s products also have the advantage of presenting a very attractive appearance. Environmentally aware customers

also appreciate that the timber raw material absorbs carbon dioxide as the trees grow in sustainably managed forests and this remains in the wood products for their entire lifetime. Metsä Wood reaches its customers through a comprehensive service network in more than 20 countries. In 2014 its sales were €0.9 billion and it employed around 2300 people. The company is a core business of Metsä Group, a Finnish forest industry group, whose products include tissue and cooking papers, consumer packaging paperboard, pulp wood products as well as wood supply and forest services. Metsä Group’s parent company is owned by 123,000 Finnish forest owners, and good cooperation with them guarantees the supply of certified wood raw material for production.

manufacturing tradition brought up-to-date by intensive R&D. The strength, durability and easy handling of the company’s plywood panels make them ideal for a wide variety of demanding applications. Kerto is produced from 3mm rotary-peeled spruce veneers glued together to form a homogenous bonded structure. It is produced in three different types that offer technical performances specifically suited to joists, lintels, roof and flooring panels and stud in both load-bearing and non-load bearing structures. Thermo Wood is thermally modified wood; its excellent durability, dimensional stability and insulating qualities as well as its long-lasting ‘new’ appearance make it ideal for both outdoor uses and interior decoration.

Pine and spruce products

Metsä Wood operates through 12 production plants and 16 upgrading and distribution units. “We have three major pine sawmills in Finland and two spruce sawmills. We are also managing the SVIR sawmill in Russia, and have a smaller sawmill in Estonia,” says Henrik Söderström, Metsä Wood SVP Timber and Upgrades. “Our Kerto production plants are based in Lohja and Punkaharju in Finland and together they have an output

Metsä Wood’s core products include Nordic Premium Timber, plywood and Kerto LVL. High quality pine and spruce timber is used in all areas of construction as well as by the manufacturers of furniture, windows and packaging materials. Metsä Wood’s plywoods are also made from uniform quality spruce or birch; their production draws on more than a century of Finnish plywood

Production assets

capacity of some 230,000 cubic metres. We also have two plywood mills in Finland. “The sawmills produce rough sawn timber which then goes to our upgrading units for machining, finishing, impregnating, painting or other upgrading processes. These operations are located close to our main markets for finished products. Such units we have for example in the UK. Europe is and will remain our main market for upgraded timber products as it is for rough sawn timber but the latter is a global business and we are seeing significant growth in our sales in the Far East in particular.” In 2013 Metsä Wood completed a €30m investment in its sawmill at Vilppula, Finland. The project at the mill, which now has an annual capacity of 450,000m3 a year, included a new infeed, saw line and green sorting lines. “This was a strategically important investment for Metsä Group because it allowed us to maximise the processing value of wood raw material,” said Kari Jordan, president and CEO of Metsä Group. “The flexible saw line replaced two old ones, substantially increasing the sawmill’s production efficiency.” “The investment has made the Vilppula sawmill the most modern in the world,” adds Henrik Söderström. “The speed of the old Industry IndustryEurope Europe 47

saw lines was 60 metres per minute whereas the newer single line can run at a maximum of 180 metres a minute. Also, production flexibility and efficiency have been hugely increased, giving us a greater ability to respond to varying customer needs.”

Product development As a European leader in engineered wood products, investing in research and continuous product development is vital for Metsä Wood’s ability to meet the increasing requirements of its customers. The company focuses its R&D on two sites; the development centre for engineered wood products is located at the Kerto LVL mill in Lohja and development work on special plywood is carried out at the plywood mill in Suolahti.

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One of the product highlights from Metsä Wood is Spruce MouldGuard, a surface impregnated softwood plywood that significantly reduces the risk of mould growth in comparison to unprotected plywood panels. The panels are strong, light, rigid and easy to install using conventional woodworking tools and fasteners. FireResist is a new surface impregnated softwood plywood panel with enhanced fire resistant properties. It can be used in interior applications such as wall and ceiling structures for improved fire safety. Another key product is Metsä Wood Spruce WeatherGuard, a spruce plywood panel with a hydrophobic surface that rejects rainwater while still allowing the panel to breathe. It is an all-purpose construction panel that can be used in floor, wall and roof

structures as well as agricultural structures, pedestrian bridges and renovating homes and buildings.

Sustainable products, sustainable processes One example in recent years of Metsä Wood’s ability to supply wood construction products for large scale projects was its 2013 contract to provide wooden structures for the DB Schenker terminal built in Vantaa, Finland. The contract covered the delivery and installation of the frame, roof and exterior walls of a 12,000m2 extension to the transport and logistics company’s terminal. “We chose Metsä Wood because the cost-effectiveness, schedule and environmental values of the delivery met our

needs,” said Marco Furu, real estate director at DB Schenker. “The environmental goals of our parent company, Deutsche Bahn Group, form the guidelines for our actions. Sustainably built and maintained real estate is one aspect of reaching these goals. Metsä Wood’s wooden structures’ extremely small carbon footprint in comparison with other materials on the market was an important criterion for us.” But if the company’s products are inherently environmentally-friendly so are its investment decisions. In January 2013 it inaugurated a new bioenergy heating plant at the Kerto mill in Lohja that now supplies around 160,000 MWh of heat to the Lohja district heating network as well as process steam to the Kerto mill itself. “The heating

plant is pivotal in improving the competitiveness of the Kerto mill because most of the previous fossil fuel-based heat production is now replaced by bioenergy heat,” explains Henrik Söderström, “and, of course, the fuel it uses comes from the mill’s own by-products, supplemented by forest chips and other wood-based fuels.” Europe is likely to remain Metsä Wood’s principal market in the foreseeable future. “Our service network covers most European countries and thus we are well equipped for reliably serving our major customer segments of construction, industrial and distribution partners across Europe,” says Mr Söderström. “Our strategy is based on industrial efficiency. We have three focus areas to drive the industrial efficiency: partnerships, simplic-

ity in operations and operational excellence. In terms of customer promise these mean commitment, reliability and quality – we believe these are all highly important attributes of an industrial supplier. In practice, these mean security of supply, lower inventories owing to high delivery reliability and qualities tailored to meet our partners’ needs. The demands of operational excellence dictate that we continuously seek to improve our environmental and safety performance throughout our operation. We have a proven track record for improving material efficiency and safety performance, particularly over the past five years. Combined with our primary raw material – renewable northern wood from sustainably managed forests – we believe these deliver an additional value to our customers.” n

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Porr (Polska) S.A. is one of the most important general contractors on the Polish market. The company is a part of the PORR Group, which is one of the largest Austrian construction companies and the market leading player in Europe. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.

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ORR was formed in 1869. Nearly 150 years later the Viennabased PORR Group employs more than 12,800 people and its production output i s estimated at approximately €3.5 billion (2014). From the very beginning the company has been present in all branches of the construction industry: civil engineering, hotels, tunnels, commercial centres, bridges and railway lines. Its services include feasibility studies as well as the turn-key finishing of buildings and project management services. PORR is also a leading company in the road infrastructure sector. “Whether it’s motorways, expressways, railway tracks, power plants or specialist underground constructions, PORR carries out professional services starting from smaller construction activities up to large projects and infrastructural investments, providing a full spectrum of road construction services,” says Andrzej Roginski, member of the Porr (Polska) S.A. board of management.

With numerous offices across central, eastern and south-eastern Europe, PORR has been involved in many trailblazing construction projects. Furthermore, it is now expanding into new international markets in the Middle East, particularly Qatar.

Experienced general contractor In Poland, Porr (Polska) S.A. has been involved in the construction business since 1987, commissioned by foreign and Polish investors. The Hotel Holiday Inn in Warsaw was the company’s first completed investment in Poland. The completion of other investments led to the formation of Porr (Polska) S.A., which was established in 1993. “The main areas of our business include general and industrial construction in Poland, including hotels, offices and educational buildings, house building, commercial centres and industrial buildings. During the 28 years of our presence in Poland we have managed to complete

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Peter Hartmann, member of the Porr (POLSKA) S.A. board of management.

Andrzej Roginski, member of the Porr (POLSKA) S.A. board of management.

many ‘turn-key’ buildings here in this country, such as Hotel Intercontinental in Warsaw, Warsaw Financial Centre, Library of the Warsaw University, Sheraton Warsaw Hotel and Stock Exchange building, Old Brewery in Poznan, as well as Auditorium Maximum in Jagiellonian University in Cracow” explains Peter Hartmann, member of the Porr (Polska) S.A. board of management. Since 2008 the company has owned an asphalt mixing plant in Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, near Warsaw. This plant with a 240 Mg/h capacity was used for the implementation of the company’s largest road contract to date in Poland. For the purposes of this contract more than 250,000 tonnes of asphalt mixtures of various kinds have been produced.

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On 29 June 2012 the merger of Porr (Polska) S.A., PTU Polska Sp.z o.o. and Teerag-Asdag Polska.Sp.z o.o. took place. This has enabled Porr (Polska) S.A. to enhance its construction offer with road works, infrastructure, environmental, rail works and the power industry.

Smart growth To minimise its market risk, a few years ago the PORR Group adopted a new strategy, which it was called ‘intelligent growth strategy’. For several years, the company has been focusing on markets with a growing construction industry, and which are stable in political, legal and economic terms. It has defined five so-called

home markets, which generate about 93 per cent of its production: Austria, Poland, Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. The company has ceased to operate in other European countries, with the exception of Slovakia, Romania and Serbia, where it only invests in the largest infrastructure projects which are known to have secured financing. Internationally, PORR’s biggest project is the construction of the subway line in Qatar. The company is optimistic about the future of Poland’s construction market. “For many years, building construction has been developing dynamically in Poland. We have been monitoring the situation

and carefully analysing the conditions of new projects,” explains Mr Hartmann. “We are also very interested in the railway market. The orders from PKP PLK (Polish Railways) account for 25 per cent of the company’s revenues in Poland. Our commitment in this field will continue to grow in the future. Recently we won three railway contracts worth €80 million. Other interesting market segments in Poland are environmental engineering, including the construction of n sewage treatment plants, and power construction.” Visit:

Stump - Hydrobudowa Stump - Hydrobudowa became a part of the PORR group in 2013.

Since that time, both companies show significantly closer cooperation. Construction of the Baltic Sea Tower skyscraper located in the centre of Poznan is the latest manifestation of these collaborative activities. When finished, this building will be an ultramodern office building offering more than 12,000m2 of rentable space located on 16 storeys above the ground. Stump - Hydrobudowa is a contractor responsible for the geotechnical engineering works at this project. Deep excavation made for the construction of three underground floors is located in the immediate vicinity of the 8-storey Sheraton Hotel and the historic place called Stara Drukarnia (Old Printing House). For this reason, it was decided to apply a comprehensive protection of the excavation in form of diaphragm wall technology. Thanks to this, a rigid resistant structure is obtained, which is capable to take significant burdens from neighbouring facilities and to ensure safe subsidence value. Stump-Hydrobudowa has more than 20 years of experience in the market of specialist geotechnical and foundation works. We pride ourselves on long-term cooperation with leading players in the

Stump-Hydrobudowa Sp. z o.o. can boast more than 30 years of experience in carrying out specialist foundation and geotechnical works. We undertake the most complex and specialised tasks in the foundation sector, combining geotechnical technologies with construction and engineering works. Our staff has a great deal of knowledge and experience in a variety of complex and technically demanding activities. With our long-term know-how, supported by modern technical hardware, we are able to design and implement the optimal solutions for your individual geotechnical needs, both in terms of technology and price.

Poland’s construction market. Thanks to our sound knowledge gained over the years and modern technical background, we are able to undertake difficult and complicated executions.

Stump – Hydrobudowa Sp. z o.o. ul. Okunin 31 05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki tel. +48 22 55 96 055 e-mail:

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350 YEARS OF PROGRESS Saint-Gobain is a clear world leader in the habitat and construction market. It designs, manufactures and distributes high-performance building materials and provides innovative solutions in the fields of energy efficiency and environmental protection. This year sees the company’s 350th anniversary, which will be celebrated by its customers and employees alike. In 2014 Saint-Gobain recorded sales of more than €41 billion, is operational in 64 countries and employs over 180,000 people worldwide. Philip Yorke reports.


celebrate the landmark of 350 years of technological progress and achievement, the Saint-Gobain Group’s anniversary pavilions are travelling the world. Following stop-overs in Shanghai, China, in January and Sao Paulo Brazil in April the exhibition continues to travel throughout the USA. These specially designed pavilions promote the group’s exceptional expertise in the fields of materials and in particular building materials, and are a tribute to the company’s expertise and its dedication to protecting the environment. The next and final stopover for the ‘Four Sensations’ pavilions will be in Paris, France from 14th–31st October.

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Four sensations Saint-Gobain celebrations feature four pavilions and each covers a key sector of the company’s business activities. They are known as the ‘Future Sensations’ pavilions and are titled, ‘The Look’, ‘The Listen’, ‘The Colour’ and ‘The Create’. The ‘Look’ pavilion features Saint-Gobain’s time-honoured tradition of glassmaking and is comprised of numerous mirrors encrusted with LEDs. This first pavilion provides disorientating sensations and perspectives. By day its exterior aspect reacts to the changing skies above and by night it becomes a perpetually changing cube of light. Once inside, visitors are plunged into a whirlwind voyage to the heart of new materials and advanced technology through its numerous light displays with cascading images and special sound-effects. The ‘Listen’ Pavillion offers a completely different experience and is naturally associated with the company’s acoustic performance materials. This ‘padded’ cube is perfectly sound insulated and takes visitors on an interactive trip through sound specialisation technology in which they are confronted with a temporary disorientation of their senses. By

contrast the ‘Colour’ pavilion is a carousel made of two glazed mobile concentric rings and multicoloured textures. This is a kaleidoscope on a human scale that demonstrates the convergence between the light, colours and textures of glass. By day and by night it transports visitors to a dreamlike multi-coloured and multi-faceted world. Finally, the ‘Create ‘ pavilion is an impressive spiral staircase that evokes an upward movement to the spectator. An architectural feat, this pavilion pays homage to the technical content and performance of Saint-Gobain’s diverse range of materials. By night its sharp edges lined with LEDs blur its structure to reveal a futuristic movement, whist inside squares of fibre optic and laser beams create a constantly changing space. In addition to the travelling pavilions, Saint-Gobain also offers a virtual online exhibition in six languages and provides the viewer with the opportunity to explore and rediscover the company’s unique history. There is also an anniversary book connected to the virtual exhibition with QR codes that provide viewers with an opportunity to learn more about Saint-Gobain in a different way.

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phone: +48 (65) 512 86 86 fax: +48 (65) 512 79 01 e-mail:

INGTOP Apart from having their 350-year-anniversary, Saint-Gobain also has another little jubilée – 20 years of cooperation with INGTOP, s.r.o. Czech Republic.

We produce such films as: • Stretch hood • Orientated films • Flexo prints up to 2000mm wide

Our high quality and reliable service is also well known to major polyethylene users in Europe.

Wytwórnia Wyrobów Foliowych “Folplast” is a leading producer of various LDPE films in Poland.

INGTOP, as a certified company (ISO-9001, 14001, 3834-2, OHSAS-18001, EN-1090, EcoVadis etc.) and approved contractor of Saint-Gobain group, supplies parts of production lines for SAINT-GOBAIN production plants worldwide, especially in the European Union and Russia.

INGTOP is specialized in designing, manufacturing and installation of “hot end“ machinery for production lines – cupolas (furnaces), fiberizing machines, binder plants, forming sections, crimping machines, curing ovens, cooling zones, and its accessories as edge-trim recycling, cooling systems, pipe distribution systems, pressure tanks, steel structures, conveyers etc. INGTOP´s installations can be seen in Genouillac, Orange, Chemille, Chalon s.S., Auvelais, Bergish Gladbach, Lubz, Stockerau, Gliwice, Dabrowa-Gornica, Billesholm, Castolovice, Ploiesti, Chelyabinsk, Gomzovo, Yanbu and dozens of others.

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There is a ‘World 350 game’, which is available as a free download for smartphones or tablets and enables players to test their digital skills. Here the task is to build houses on planet World 350. Finally an anniversary day is to be held which will be celebrated by all the group’s employees worldwide on October 15th this year.

Pushing back the barriers Across the broad spectrum of innovative business activities at SaintGobain, ground-breaking technology continues to emerge. A recent example of the company’s dedication to innovation and the environment can be found in its recent partnership with Renault to launch the ‘Super Alma’ co-development project. Its purpose is to push back the barriers when it comes to making car glass sets lighter by reducing 30–50 per cent of their mass, whist still guaranteeing their acoustic and mechanical performance. This challenge has been taken up by the Eolab prototype exhibited by Renault at the World Motor Show last October. This advanced pro-

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totype is equipped with a significantly thinner windshield, which is only 3mm thick compared to the usual 4.5mm. The next step is to reduce the thickness of sidelights to 3mm using thinner laminated glass instead of the traditional 3.5mm tempered glass. It will also have an aerodynamic backlight made of organic materials, which in this case is varnished polymer, which is also replacing tempered glass. The ambition is to develop a vehicle that consumes only 2L/100km and in doing so reduce CO2 emissions fixed by the EU authorities at 95g/km by the year 2012. This project aims to contribute significantly to the automotive industry’s strategic commitments and also meets the recommendations laid down in a strategic white-paper inspired by the works of PREDIT on lightweight, aerodynamic and advanced n vehicle architecture. For further details of Saint Gobain’s 350 year anniversary celebrations and for information about their latest innovative products and services visit: www.

GLOBAL SOLUTIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION Three years after it was established as a stand-alone operation, Atlas Copco’s Construction Technique business area is helping customers all over the world to improve their productivity.


2011 the Atlas Copco Group decided to modify its business structure to strengthen its focus on specific product and customer segments. It restructured into four business areas in place of the previous three, creating a new dedicated business specifically for construction equipment and related services. The Swedish headquarted company’s divisions for portable compressors and generators, road construction equipment and construction tools were put together in what is now known as the Construction Technique business area. Atlas Copco’s divisions for underground and surface drilling products as well as crushing, loading, hauling and exploration equipment, which were previously part of the Construction and Mining business, were given a distinct identity as the Mining and Rock Excavation Technique business area. The company’s Compressor Technique area was focused on stationary equipment for air and gas related services – industrial compressors, gas and process compressors, air and gas treatment equipment etc – while the Industrial Technique business continued to

specialise in high quality industrial power tools and assembly systems for the automotive and aerospace industries as well as for general industry. “With more focused business areas, each will have a strong platform from which they can develop the offering for their customers,” said Ronnie Leten, president and CEO of the group, at the time of the reorganisation. “The modified structure also allows us to better capture the sales and service synergies between our construction businesses and capitalise on the future growth of construction projects around the world, especially in emerging markets.” In September 2014, Atlas Copco followed up on this reorganisation by appointing a new president of the Construction Technique business area. Andrew Walker had been in management roles at Atlas Copco since he joined the company in Ireland in 1986 and was president of the Service division of the Compressor Technique business before taking over the Construction Technique presidency. He is now a member of the Atlas Copco’s Group management and is currently based in Antwerp, Belgium. Industry Europe 59

Commenting of the new appointment in 2014, Ronnie Leten said, “Andrew is a leader with broad experience and a successful background in global and local management of both equipment and service business lines. This will be valuable in in his new mission to further develop the Construction Technique business area.”

Global reach, local service Atlas Copco is a company with a global reach – its activities span more than 180 countries – and in 2014 it had more than 44,000 employees and revenues of SEK 94bn. Its Construction Technique business currently has 5780 employees and 2014 revenues of SEK 14.7bn. Construction Technique has product development and manufacturing units in Belgium, Germany, Sweden, the United States, China, India and Brazil. It supplies compaction and paving equipment to civil engineering contractors across the world as well as light construction tools such as breakers, cutters, drills and handheld compaction equipment to trade contractors and rental companies. Its portable compressors and generators are used to provide power in all kinds of construction applications.

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“Atlas Copco is a very large global group but it is made up of an assortment of mid-sized businesses in many different countries,” explains a company spokesman. “The new structure that we established three years ago has helped us to combine product families so we can present customers with a greater and more integrated service and at the same time have fewer people facing those customers. So our service is now even more productive, more efficient and more distinct from that of our competitors. But it hasn’t at all reduced our ability to offer local services, through our many component businesses; we deliver global solutions but we will still leave it to local managers to decide what suits their markets best.”

Continuous expansion Atlas Copco is also continuing its acquisitions strategy, looking for mid-sized, locally-based companies that will help it to strengthen its local presence all over the world. Four years ago the group acquired the Spanish generator manufacturer Gesan. Based in Zaragoza, Gesan supplies generators to more than 85 countries and Europe, Russia and

Africa are its most important markets. The Gesan business is now operating within the Portable Energy division of Construction Technique. The latest addition to the business of Construction Technique has been this year’s acquisition of Mustang Services, a US speciality dryer rental business that serves industries such as refineries, petrochemical plants and general manufacturing. Mustang Services is based in Mesquite, Texas, and was part of privately owned Mustang Transportation Co.. Mustang Services rents out its equipment, mainly adsorption type air dryers, to industrial end-users that require dry compressed air in their processes, as well as to other rental companies. The products are often rented together with air compressors to provide customers with a total rental solution. “This acquisition fits well with our strategy as it expands our offering in North America, the biggest market for rental of dryers,” said Andrew Walker. “It enhances our customers’ access to our products and services.” “We will continuously review potential acquisitions to add new technologies,” says Ronnie Leten, “but it is even more important that we remain focused on product development and innovation. In fact, innovation is in our DNA and we are committed to offering breakthrough solutions that help customers become more productive.” In fact, Atlas Copco has been named in a Forbes magazine list as one of the world’s 100 most innovative companies and it continues to develop products that deliver higher productivity, smarter ergonomics, enhanced safety and improved energy efficiency.

Growth potential Atlas Copco continues to develop markets all over the world but it sees the greatest current potential for growth in China and the USA.

At the beginning of 2011 it announced an investment of SEK 60m in a new research and development centre in Nanjing, China. The new centre is providing customers within the Chinese mining and construction industries with specialist engineering services, laboratories and testing facilities. In 2015 Atlas Copco reported a record operating profit, with continuing growth particularly in its service business. “In spite of a generally low level of capital investment acroos the world, we have seen good demand for industrial tools, assembly systems, vacuum solutions and small and medium sized compressors,” says Ronnie Leten. “Our service business is going from strength to strength and we are focusing on creating value for customers while keeping a n close eye on efficiency.”

Rochester Gauges Partner of Atlas Copco for 30 years, Rochester Gauges manufactures liquid level indicators, equipped with direct reading dial or electrical outputs, for all kind of liquids and applications (up to 40 bar pressure). Actual product range covers Construction, Military, Agriculture, Automotive and Industrial sectors. Custom designed as per application and customer’s requirements. Serving the global market with three factories (Belgium, USA, Mexico), Rochester offers tank gauging solutions to OEM’s since 1913. Rochester also provides sensors and receivers for telemetry or automated applications, offering remote reading, alarms, continuous read-out or output relays. Market leader in the LP-Gas industry, Rochester Gauges offers products on the highest quality standards, proven over the years, being the reference in this sector. Even copied, never equaled!

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OVER A CENTURY WORKING WITH WOOD On the eve of the 125th anniversary of the Croatian company Slavonija DI, Vanja Švačko talks to its sales manager Mr Božidar Uzun about its planned expansion and future marketing strategy.


ith its long tradition in the wood industry and high-quality resources, Croatia has the potential to take a more prominent position in this industry sector. Additionally, recent membership in the EU has resulted in access to large new markets, especially for the resource-intense wood-based industry. Located in eastern Croatia, Slavonija DI currently employs around 400 people and has a clear strategy when it comes to the expansion of its business activities. “Our company owns a sawmill, sliced veneer factory, rotary cut veneer factory and furniture company,” explains Mr Uzun. “We also have a daughter company, Slavonija OIE, which is a cogeneration plant involved in the sale and production of electricity.” This plant, opened in July 2015 following an investment of €17 million, has a total capacity of 4.66MW.

The company’s main product is sliced veneer (oak 0.6 mm and ash 0.55 mm), with an annual production of 9,000,000m2, which accounts for 60 per cent of its total income. The remainder of the portfolio consists of parquet (20 per cent of revenue), as well as peeled veneer and furniture. Oak is mostly used as a raw material in processing sliced veneer (90 per cent and 10 per cent ash) and wooden floors (100 per cent). Other woods used include beech and poplar (for the peeled veneer). Speaking about the customer base, Mr Uzun explains, “Our clients are floor and veneer dealers, manufacturers of veneered panel boards, edgebanding, doors, kitchen plates, curved chairs (made of peeled veneer), and producers of spliced veneer which is later distributed for the production of furniture and so on.” The natural resources of the geographical region in which Slavonija DI is located (almost half of Croatia is forested) represents a great business

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advantage. “For the past 125 years we have been processing mainly Slavonian oak which is, according to some experts, the best European oak when it comes to structure and colour,” claims Mr Uzun. “Our biggest advantages are the natural resources of Slavonia.” The company’s major supplies are in the field of raw materials (Hrvatske šume and Sunčane šume), whilst its machinery suppliers are Angelo Cremona (knives) and Babcock (press-driers).

Stimulating investments Slavonija DI is aware of the fact that success does not depend exclusively on the utilisation of raw materials, but also on investments in technology and knowledge. Over the past few years the company invested heavily in increasing its productivity, as well as in its European environmental policies. In 2015 the company installed a new veneer production line with a ‘staylog’ cutting tool in its sliced veneer factory. Mr Uzun states, “Processing the wood using staylog is particularly advantageous because it minimises the impact of the undesirable section and taking advantage of the better sections. Veneer produced using that technology is actually wider than the dimensions of the flitch it came from. Along with the staylog we have purchased a press dryer which will be put into operation very soon.” Meanwhile, the solid parquet factory is expected to be renewed with a new line which will increase annual production capacity. Mr Uzun confirms that all these investments are the result of an exceptionally good market situation. “However, we are aware that the situation might not be sustainable because of the volatility of the marketplace. We are trying to seize the moment and ensure our leading position in the production of veneer and flooring.”

High export volumes The wood industry in Croatia has a higher level of exports than imports. Slavonija DI sells over 70 per cent of its products to the European markets. In fact, since its main domestic customer Decospan Mato Furnir 64 Industry Europe

is also an export company, it means that Slavonija DI sells just over ten per cent of its products to the domestic market. The remaining 90 per cent goes to other European countries (Spain, Sweden, Germany, UK, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Hungary and so on). Apart from Europe, Slavonija DI also exports to Japan, Egypt and so on. “Until the arrival of our new owner company we were focused on the Italian customers. In the past few years we have put a lot of effort into diversifying our markets so that today we are less exposed to changes in particular regions.” Croatia’s accession to the EU has significantly simplified export procedures. “Nevertheless,” says Mr Uzun, “those who were competitive before Croatia entered the EU remained competitive and those who

were not could not profit just from the membership, but everybody with a strong vision can look for opportunities through EU funds.” Plans for the company’s future include further expansion and the upgrading of its equipment and machine park. Once the current cycle of investments is over, Slavonija DI will continue to pursue a higher standard of product finishing. “The century-long stability of our business is down to our corporate philosophy that favours a particular long-term approach to business tasks. We are not interested in short-term achievements, but rather in a serious and prolonged cooperation with our partners,” n concludes Mr Uzun. Visit:

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LEADER IN THE RUSSIAN COSMETICS MARKET OJSC Arnest is one of the most successful enterprises manufacturing perfumery-cosmetic products and household chemicals in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Mr Igor Gubenko, marketing director of the company, talks about the fundamental advantages of the business. Vanja Svacko reports.


hree main industrial sites - OJSC Arnest, located in Nevinnomyssk in the Stavropol region, Aerozol Novomoskovsk in the Tula area and Divi in Moscow - are working towards the business goal of developing fully integrated systems for high quality manufacturing. From 1971, when the Nevinnomyssk factory for household chemicals was established, until 1993 when it was transformed into the open joint-stock company Arnest, new brands were created through major innovations. The hairspray ‘Prelest’ became the number one beauty product in the Russian cosmetic market. Parallel to it, the newly developed insecticide ‘Dikhlofos’ opened new marketing horizons for Arnest, securing it a place among the five leading competitors in the field of repellents and insecticides. One of the most pressing concerns for the modern company is an environmentally relevant approach to the production process. “Our company is actively pursuing an ecological agenda and was the first 66 Industry Europe

aerosol producer in Russia to switch to eco-friendly hydrocarbon propellants in 1996,” says Mr Gubenko. In 2004 Arnest was certificated ISO 14001 for complying with environmental policies.

Advanced product range Today Arnest offers more than 350 different products. There are three main categories: perfumery and cosmetic products in polymeric and aerosol packaging, household chemical goods (different cleaning products, footwear, furniture and car care products) and insecticidal products and repellents as well as antistatic agents. Arnest also produces its own aluminium spray cans, valves and spray caps, as well as aerosol propellants. In 2014, the company significantly expanded its aluminium can production capacity with the launch of a new high speed line capable of producing 50 million cans per year.

Arnest provides a variety of services in every step of manufacturing, storage and distribution, including the quality control of products in its own laboratory, storage of finished products and logistic infrastructure and delivery through its own railway track. In addition, Arnest has a strong sales structure. The company distributes not only its own brands, but also the brands of its partners. Arnest has always been customer oriented. “Our company keeps up with the times, constantly improving levels of professionalism and taking care of customers and partners,” explains Mr Gubenko. “In 2012 we released a new line of ecological laundry detergents ‘Garden’. This year the line has been enlarged with ecological dishwasher gel concentrate and some other sanitary products. As far as perfumery-cosmetic industry is concerned, we have launched a new winning hair colour product ‘Prelest Professional’, which in addition to 100 per cent grey coverage, has a unique innovative feature, a 3D

complex that gives hair an extra volume effect. A company like ours cannot keep winning the race by standing still, thus is constantly developing new products.”

Reliable manufacturing partnership In 2005 Arnest started signing manufacturing contracts with famous European companies. L’Oreal, Unilever, Schwarzkopf & Henkel, Procter & Gamble, Oriflame and American air freshener company Sara Lee are just some of the large enterprises that entrusted their production to Arnest. Rexona, Dove, Gliss Kur, Ambi Pur are amongst many brands manufactured by the Russian company. All partners are offered the full range of services in production, storage and distribution logistics. In 2010 Arnest was listed among the 300 fastest developing companies in Russia, with a more than 60 per cent share of the aerosols

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Envases Envases is very pleased to participate in this celebration of Arnest, which Envases has been supplying for a number of years to the UK site in Irvine and also to Nevinnomyssk. During this period of time Envases has been given opportunities to collaborate in various different packaging projects. Envases is very appreciative for this business opportunity. Envases is a family owned company, fully dedicated to aluminium aerosol manufacturing out of two state of the art plants in Europe. Envases concentrates on quality and on offering it’s customer base “Unique Proposals” based on its innovation.

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market and more than a quarter of the styling market. In 2007 and 2008 the company acquired Aerozol-Novomoskovsk (Russia) and Barony Universal (UK), and in 2011 the Russian brand leader in shoe care Dividik along with its production capacities. 2012 was marked by the acquisition of the Italian company Alpatec, which was renamed Arnest SpA. To handle the enlarged production and to fulfil all commitments from the manufacturing contracts, Arnest has implemented programmes of training, education and research, as well as applying contemporary management methods while still adhering to the core values of its business such as responsibility and innovativeness.

Expanding horizons Speaking about the markets, Mr Gubenko explains that their main market is in the territory of the Russian Federation, with special attention paid to the markets of the former Soviet Union and Europe.

“It is always very important to actively explore similar markets but also to be aware of the market competitors,” says Mr Gubenko. Having a long experience in the industry, Arnest understands the importance of innovations and proactive corporate policy in being a successful business. “Our company is not standing still and we are seriously considering expanding to the markets of North and South America, as well as to Asia.” Mr Gubenko believes that the company’s growth will be a result of the synergy between organic growth and the acquisition of new businesses. The major goals for the future of Arnest are “its active participation in shaping European markets, maintaining its leading position in Russia and rapid expansion to American markets. In order to achieve all this, Arnest will have to keep on offering unique n and innovative products.” Visit:

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When the 200 year-old Danish nonwovens company Jacob Holm acquired DuPont’s Sontara® business last year it created a new industry leader in spunlaced fabrics and transformed its market reach. CEO Martin Mikkelsen spoke to Peter Mercer about the opportunities for the new group.


was a transformative year for Jacob Holm,” says CEO of the Group Martin Mikkelsen. “We followed through with the ambitious growth strategy that we had initiated in 2012 through pursuing both organic and inorganic tracks. We completed the construction of a new production line at our US plant in North Carolina and brought into the group the global Sontara® nonwovens business that we acquired from DuPont. “The combination of Jacob Holm and Sontara® creates a new industry leader in innovation in spunlaced nonwoven fabrics with a broader range of advanced technologies and complementary

strengths in global markets. Jacob Holm has a long-established position in consumer products for personal care and hygiene while Sontara® is strong in the industrial and medical market segments. “The acquisition of Sontara® also brings with it some 240 employees at the former DuPont sites in Old Hickory, Tennessee, and at Asturias in Spain, roughly doubling the Jacob Holm Group workforce and adding to the 65 new employees that we have taken on following the start-up of the new line at our plant in Asheville, North Carolina. We are keenly looking forward to working with our new colleagues and partners in taking the Jacob Holm Group to a new level of global pre-eminence.”

From ropes to fabrics Founded in Copenhagen in 1794, Jacob Holm is today one of the world’s leading nonwoven roll and finished goods manufacturers. Early in its history the business diversified into rope manufacturing to serve Denmark’s important shipping industry, and in time the rope factory was extended with the introduction of two spinning works which produced a wide range of products, including threads, linen and sisal strands – even clothes lines. These were followed by soft fibre products, made from jute, flax and hemp, for ropes and strings and for the textile industry. It was in the 1950s that the company began the production of synthetic fibres and by the first decade of the 21st century its business was focused solely on the development of new, value-added spunlaced applications. With the acquisition of the Sontara® business Jacob Holm now has four state-of-the-art production plants. Its original factory at Soultz, France, was established in 1996, and its US plant in North Carolina started operation in 2005. 70 Industry Europe

Two brands, one company To mark the bringing together of the Jacob Holm and Sontara® businesses the group has announced a new brand identity to position it for further global growth. There is to be a new website, new logo and message platform for the Jacob Holm and Sontara® business units. Both units will be managed as independent brands but they will share the same distinctive blue and red icon – recalling a ship’s flag – to make clear their affiliation to the Jacob Holm Group. “The new brand identity is much more than just a change of logo, colour palette and messages. It represents an evolution of Sontara® and Jacob Holm as brands and how our products are perceived,” says Martin Mikkelsen. “The branding and structure that we will communicate represents our unique position in the industry with a distinct identity and strong visible brands that underline the total value we provide to our customers.” The combination of a single brand identity across the separate business units is particularly important because the major applications of the products of Sontara® and Jacob Holm are essentially different even though both are leading players in innovations across the nonwovens industry. It also reflects the added complexity and global reach of the new Group. “We are now operating in more regions of the world – integrating sales offices in places like Argentina, Mexico, Malaysia, China and Japan, for example – and we are enhancing our management strength in key areas such as product development, marketing and IT,” explains Mr Mikkelsen. “

business in 1973. It is a mechanical bonding process in which fibres are entangled by means of high pressure water jets. Patterning can be achieved by means of patterned drums or belts which cause the fibres to form a negative image of the drum. The key characteristics of spunlaced fabrics include softness, drape, conformability, absorbency and relatively high strength. Unlike many other nonwoven fabrics Jacob Holm and Sontara® products are free of silicone, binders, fillers and chemical additives. Jacob Holm itself has a long-established strength in the consumer market with a wide range of wipes, sheets etc for personal care

Complementary strengths The core technology of the Jacob Holm Group is hydroentangled spunlace, a process that was originated, in fact, by DuPont’s Sontara® Industry Europe 71

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cleanrooms, cleaning fabrics for the printing industry and window treatments and mattress covers for home furnishing. “The way in which the two businesses of the new Jacob Holm Group address essentially different segments brings us a greatly enhanced position across all our global markets and reinforces our pre-eminent position in the USA as well as in Europe,” explains Martin Mikkelsen, “and yet both parts of the group are still working within the core technologies in which we have so many years of experience.”

Driving innovation

CEO Martin Mikkelsen

(baby and personal wipes, moist toilet tissues), hygiene (diaper components, feminine care) and industrial (household, food service and hospital wipes). Sontara®’s key markets are in health care applications (surgical gowns and drapes, wound care, tapes and bandages, etc), beauty care (facial masks) as well as in high performance wipes for critical cleaning in the manufacturing, automotive, aerospace and food sectors. Sontara® also serves speciality markets with products such as contamination control wipes for electronics and pharma

Grasim Industries Limited Grasim Industries Limited, a flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group, ranks amongst India’s largest private sector companies, with a consolidated net revenue of Rs.293 billion and consolidated net profit of Rs.21 billion (FY 2014). Grasim started as a textile manufacturer in 1948. Today its core businesses are Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) and Cement, contributing over 90 per cent of its revenues and operating profits. It is also present in Chemicals which is essentially a backward integration of VSF.

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“What we are now focusing on is driving innovation across all our processes and products. Sontara®, for example, has been doing important work in reducing lint and on the applications of fluochemicals that is being carried over into all the Group’s production activities while Jacob Holm is continuing its innovations in lightweight fabrics. Our new line in N. Carolina, for example, is focused on the production of moist toilet tissue – a particularly high growth sector – and we are leading the field in softer, more stretchable baby diapers, and at Sontara® in better performing facial masks for ‘home spas’ and in advanced cleaning products for highly specialised applications in aerospace and electronics. “The key growth strategy of the group is to develop in niche markets where performance is critical and where we can offer added value. One example is in paint shops in the auto industry where our wipes can ensure that the spaying process works at optimal efficiency and the line does not have to stop to rectify problems.” The key task for the Jacob Holm Group management team this year is to complete the analysis of the company’s growth trajectory and ensure that all its assets and capabilities are aligned with the most promising market opportunities. “This year we are consolidating the new enlarged group and working with our new, young management team to ensure that all aspects of the business are working in the same direction,” says Mr Mikkelsen. “In 2016 we will be able to start to validate our strategy for global growth and show the world just how innovative a 200 n year-old business can be.”

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ETI is an international group specialising in products and services for the protection of electrical installations, as well as manufacturing technical ceramic products. Mrs Sabina Pešec, marketing and PR specialist at ETI Elektroelement d.d., talks to Vanja Švačko about what it takes to be a highly recognised manufacturer of fuses, innovative switches and circuit breakers.

Solutions for reactive power compensation 76 Industry Europe


he ETI Group’s product portfolio falls under four main categories: electrotechnical products, technical ceramic products, tools and equipment and specific plastic products. Its core products are fuses, MCBs, MCCBs and ACBs covering the full range from 0,5A to 6300A. But aside from offering individual product lines and integral solutions for the protection of residential, commercial and industrial installations, great attention is also paid to the protection of photovoltaic systems and renewable energy sources.

Development-oriented strategy ETI’s business strategy is centred on the constant expansion of its product portfolio, be it innovative new products or those that enable electricians and panel builders to finish their job faster. Mrs Pešec explains, “In the past year we have developed a completely new RCBO KZS 2M 2p EDI, which enables the user to see exactly what type of fault caused the tripping (i.e. has there been a short-circuit or overload somewhere in the installation, or was there current leaking somewhere or somebody turned the switch off manually). We have also expanded our range of RCCBs (AC, A, B and B+ type) with instantaneous, short-time-delayed and selective versions – the latter being the most useful in applications where there must not be any power-outs (such as life support machines in hospitals), as its use prevents unwanted tripping.” In the field of fuses, the company has developed an entirely new line especially for the protection of battery storage systems and UPS systems, with low power dissipation and an extremely fast characteristic in time range of five seconds (in order to prevent over-heating and therefore damage to the battery storage units). “We have also developed special railway fuses, designed particularly for the special needs of DC links and semiconductor devices (diodes, thyristors and GTO) in railway inverters, with improved resistance to current cyclic loading and a completely new ceramic body which allows for much more efficient cooling of the fuse. In addition to this, we have developed special fuses for the protection

Fuses, especially designed for protection of battery storage systems

Students visiting ETI production in Slovenia Industry Europe 77

Fuses for protection of railway applications

of surge arresters, fuel cells and capacitors. And last but not least, we have expanded our product range with intelligent power switch controllers and network analysers, reactive power compensation components and 60mm bus bar system components.” Apart from developing new products and investing in ecological projects, the company has been proactive in optimising and automating production processes and improving its supply chain. “Our sales growth remained above that of the industry average, although we still have to reach the ‘magic’ hundred million,” says Mrs Pešec.

Balancing subsidiary network Over the past 65 years ETI Group has been operating globally through a carefully tailored network of subsidiaries all over Europe. The year 1997 marked the beginning of a process of internationalisation with the establishment of the first two subsidiaries: ETI Proplast in Slovenia and ETI Polam in Poland. Today the company has 14 daughter companies. The group was recently joined by a new subsidiary, ETI Prostik, which offers turnkey projects in the field of PV system protection, battery storage protection and reactive power compensation. “Through this company we provide drawings, layout and ready-made distribution panels, distribution cabinets according to customer demand and solutions for reactive power compensation in industrial environments. And last but not least, we offer solutions for overcurrent and overvoltage motor protection.”

Investment impact

The new RCBO KZS 2M 2p EDI with exact information on cause of tripping

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As a pioneer in the protection of photovoltaic systems and cocreator of international standards for fuse and switchgear production, ETI invests heavily in innovation. Reflecting on the company’s investment policy, Mrs Pešec adds, “In the past three years ETI has made record investments into our production and R&D – close to 10 per cent of our annual sales revenues each year – and the results are already showing. Besides new products, we have improved our gross added value per employee, deliverability and quality of our

products. Yet these are harsh times as we are competing with global players, who increasingly produce in third world countries at a much lower cost, so our work is never finished.” The value of the company’s own ETI brand is built upon consistent and effective improvements in line with the constantly evolving market demands. According to Mrs Pešec, European users have become more demanding when it comes to additional protection and the need to reduce unwanted power-outs. “Another increasing demand is to provide switches with as many functions as possible, but in the smallest possible dimensions. And of course we must not forget the need for ever more programmable and intelligent devices for control and measurement.” ETI is continuing to gain importance in eastern Europe (particularly in Poland) and the Balkans where the brand has been well-known for many years. “We are currently expanding to the countries of the former Soviet Union and Asia. We also gained a new partner in India last year, who will be producing and selling our products on the home market.” n Visit: Industry Europe 79


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The Bosch Group is a leading multinational engineering and electronics company and the world’s largest supplier of automotive components. Philip Yorke looks at the recent technological advances achieved by the company and the suppliers that support it with their unrivalled commitment to service and excellence.


he Bosch Group was founded in 1886 by Robert Bosch as the ‘Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electronic Engineering’. Today the Bosch Group employs around 360,000 associates worldwide and in 2014 generated sales of more than €49 billion. The group’s operations are divided into four key business sectors: Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods and Energy & Building Technology. Last year Bosch applied for more than 4600 patents. Its strategic objective is to create solutions for a connected life by improving the quality of life worldwide with innovative products and services.

Outstanding performers For the past 14 years, the Bosch Group has recognised its top suppliers with a special ‘Bosch Global Supplier Award’. This year the company’s Technology and Services division honoured 56 suppliers from 11 countries. By presenting this award, Bosch recognises outstanding performance in the manufacture and supply of products and services. These are notable in the areas of quality, costs, logistics and innovations. “The Bosch Global Supplier Award honours our top suppliers, who play such a key role in Bosch’s success,” said Dr Volkmar Denner, chairman of the Bosch board of management, at the award ceremony in Stuttgart.

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“Our suppliers are important partners in helping us shape the connected world. We want to work with them to develop beneficial solutions for our customers.” The theme of this year’s award ceremony was ‘Power of Partnership – connected intelligence’. Bosch strongly believes that long-term partnerships and the early involvement of suppliers are the key to future success. Bosch works with over 35,000 suppliers worldwide and this year the company has chosen to honour the top 58, many of which have now won the honour at least five times. Almost half the companies honoured are headquartered outside Germany, with one quarter of those selected coming from Asia.

Connected supply chains \Web-enabled products and internet based services form one of the cornerstones of Bosch’s sales growth for the future. The company says that customer focus and customer benefit are crucial for success. This makes it even more important to have competitive and connected supply chains. “Our goal is to achieve excellence,” says Denner. “Strong, long term partnerships with suppliers are essential to that goal and are also the key drivers of networked solutions. Trust, transparency, agility, quality, delivery, capability and competitive prices are at the core of our collaboration with our suppliers.” Bosch now wants to involve its suppliers at an even earlier stage in the product creation process, and to work with them to develop solutions for both industry and society. “In this context connectivity 84 Industry Europe

is by no means only a subject for Bosch. It encompasses the entire value chain and we will only remain competitive if we all systematically embrace further connectivity,” the company said. It is for this reason that Bosch recognises particularly forwardlooking projects with a supplier in the ‘Innovations’ category. This year the winners were IMS Gear GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG and 4flow. Based in Berlin, 4flow received an award for its support in the development of a globally standardised transport management system. Bosch is using new processes and systems developed by 4flow to organise its worldwide road transport operations even more efficiently and economically. In 2014, the Bosch Group’s purchasing volume came to more than €25 billion. Europe still accounts for the lion’s share of this at around 60 per cent of the global purchasing volume. Outside Europe, procurement is centred on China, the US and Japan. Purchasing today mainly involves production materials such as turned parts, electronic components and pressed, drawn or bent plastic parts. Collaborating with local suppliers worldwide is key to assuring the continued growth of the Bosch Group.

Innovative solutions for life Mobility Solutions is the largest Bosch Group business sector. In 2014 its sales amounted to €33.3 billion, equal to 68 per cent of total group sales. This sector combines the group’s expertise in three mobility domains: automation, electrification and connectivity. Industry Europe 85 APALT is a leading manufacturer for aluminum precision drawn tubes and profiles mainly for automotive industry, we are globally preferred supplier by Bosch, Continental, Denso and Mahle.

Why? We are able to offer a number of benefits including: • robust and stable process for consistent quality products; • 27 years experience in aluminum extrusion industry; • 5 factories with 36 extrusion lines, annual capacity of 260,000tons; • active involvement with customer for new product development; • in house die making and casting for effective cost structure; • ISO14001:2004, ISO/TS16949:2009 certificated; If that’s not enough, we are ready to tailor any of our products to fit your expectations. Please contact us today, Mr. Ricky Ding, Business Development Manager Jiangsu Asia-Pacific Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd. No. 8, Fangxing Road, Wuxi, China. 214111 Mob: 0086-18626315628 | Office: 0086-510-88271111-819 ext. Fax: 0086-510-88276010 Email: /

In the automotive sector electric steering is expanding fast as an independent component in driver assistance systems, such as lane keeping or parking assistance. Today seven out of ten steering systems produced by Bosch have an electric drive. These advanced systems are coming off Bosch production lines in Europe, North America and China. In the field of energy and building technology Bosch is achieving energy savings of up to 30 per cent with its efficiency solutions for industrial customers. In the consumer electronics sector, Bosch Sensortec has achieved the position of the leading global provider of innovative MEMS-based sensors and solutions. Its latest products enable new applications and innovative solutions across the entire spectrum of consumer electronics. Today three out of four smart phones worldwide use Bosche Sensortec sensors. In addition, Bosch Sensortec is the market leader in the environmental consumer sensor space, providing barometric pressure sensors, humidity sensors and as announced recently, integrated indoor air quality sensors. In the industrial technology sector Bosch Rexroth is a leading global provider of drive and control technologies. Regardless of the ‘motion task’ faced by customers throughout the world, there is a Bosch Rexroth team with the local expertise and know-how embracing all drive and control technologies from more than 30 industries. Bosche Rexroth represents a strong reliable partner for mobile applications, engineering, factory automation and renewable energies. Bosch is just as innovative when it comes to providing service solutions and plans to set up a new division, ‘Bosch Global Service Solutions’. It will bring together all the current internal and external services offered by the company. As well as continuing successful services such as ‘eCall’, customer support and business process outsourcing, it will also become the comprehensive Bosch internal provider of shared service functions relating to administration and sales. The new service from Bosch will be n commence in January 2016. For further details of Bosch’s latest innovative products and services visit:

86 Industry Europe

GLOBAL LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY GIANTS Philips is a global leader in lighting technology and complete lighting solutions. Industry Europe takes a closer look at the world’s foremost lighting company and how its cutting-edge LED technology benefits consumers and retailers worldwide whilst helping to protect the environment.


hilips has led the world in lighting technology since it was founded in 1891 by Anton and Gerard Philips in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The company began by manufacturing carbon-filament lamps and by the turn of the century had become one of the largest producers in Europe. Stimulated by the growing industrial revolution in Europe, Philips set up its first research laboratory which was responsible for groundbreaking innovations such as the X-ray and radio technology. Over the years Philips has continued to be responsible for many innovative technological breakthroughs that have enriched people’s everyday lives worldwide. Philips Lighting is the leading provider of lighting solutions and applications for both the professional and consumer markets. The company addresses lighting needs across the full spectrum of living environments from homes, shops, offices, schools factories and hospitals, to residential areas, sports arenas and street lighting. In addition Philips Lighting delivers light-inspired visual enhancements through architectural and city beautification projects. The company’s lighting is also used for specific applications, including horticulture, refrigeration lighting and signage, as well as heating, water purification and healthcare applications. Today Philips is an innovative global leader in its many business disciplines and employs more than 120,000 people in over 60 countries. The company is also a global leader in energy-efficient lighting solutions in areas such as road lighting, office and industrial applications as well as in hospitality and home environments. Currently Philips employs more than 53,000 people in its lighting sector and remains committed to creating a sustainable future with exciting, new lighting technologies. Philips’ sustainability focus is evident in some of the high profile contracts it has completed in recent years. For example, in February

this year (2015) it completed the upgrade of 10 ships for Europe’s leading holiday cruise company, Costa Cruises. More than 300,000 Philips LED lights have been installed to enable a 60 per cent reduction in the energy used to power each ship’s lighting.

A powerful partnership In April this year, Royal Philips announced that its Philips Hue personal wireless lighting can now be controlled through Apple Watch. Philips Hue is part of a seamless ecosystem covering bulbs, lamps and controls, as well as integration with the Apple HomeKit. According to Eric Rondolat, CEO at Philips Lighting: “We know that light is at the heart of the digital home. With Apple Watch you can instantly adapt Philips Hue lighting to suit every moment and occasion. Together we are making personalised lighting simpler and more accessible through the convenience of Apple Watch.” Apple Watch uses the widgets from the Philips Hue app to control the lights in the home. If the geofencing is activated on a user’s iPhone, they will get a notification on their Apple Watch to inform them that the lights are on as they arrive home – meaning they no longer need to look for the switch in the dark. Also through Apple Watch, precise personalisation of lighting is possible within the same room.

Innovative street lighting Last year, Philips Lighting announced the establishment of a joint partnership with Ericsson to launch an innovative new connected LED street lighting model. The partnership solves two major issues that cities are facing today: providing citizens with improved network performance in dense urban areas as well as high quality, public lighting that is energy efficient. Industry Europe 87

Philips and Ericsson combine the benefits of mobile connectivity and LED lighting in a ‘lighting-as-a-service’ model for cities. It allows city authorities to offer space within their connected lighting poles to network service providers for mobile broadband infrastructure. Philips will now offer cities LED street lighting that can include mobile telecoms equipment from Ericsson. Mobile operators work-

ing with Ericsson for mobile broadband infrastructure will be able to rent space in the poles. In this way, mobile network operators will be able to improve data coverage and capacity for citizens, resulting in enhanced mobile broadband services. The model also accelerates the payback time for city infrastructure, by making the up-front costs of installing and managing these systems more affordable, so reducing the strain on city budgets. Philips LED street lighting can generate energy savings of 50 to 70 per cent, with savings reaching 80 per cent when coupled with smart controls – as validated by a study conducted by The Climate Group in 12 of the world’s largest cities.

Focus on sustainability Philips Lighting has made the issue of sustainability a core part of its strategy. In the US alone fluorescent lighting consumes around 200 terawatts-hours of electricity annually. If all of these lights were replaced with Philips Lighting’s 200 lm/W TLED’s, the US would use around 100 terawatts-hours less energy, which is equivalent to the output of 50 medium sized power plants. This would represent a saving of more than US$12 billion and prevent about 60 million metric tonnes of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. In order to meet the growing global demand for sustainability, the Technology Foundation STW and Philips have taken the initiative to form a new ‘sustainability’ partnership. With eight key research project proposals already approved, the programme was officially launched on 16th April 2013. The aim of these projects is to develop innovative, efficient lighting that will also be available for entirely new applications. This important five-year programme has had three million euros allocated to it and each party will contribute 50 per cent each to the research fund. Global lighting continues to increase significantly worldwide, partly due to the shift to a 24-hour economy and by the year 2050 global lighting consumption is expected to be almost three times higher than it is today. Therefore much more energy efficient lighting needs to be developed. This adds to the vital research being carried out by the ‘Advanced Sustainable Lighting Solutions’ partnership, which is working towards high-efficiency, attractive and affordable lighting that is also developed in an environmentally responsible way. Such optimised lighting systems can contribute considerably to the solutions for social change in a variety of key areas such as food production, health and well-being. n 88 Industry Europe

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OPTIMISING ENERGY MANAGEMENT Schneider Electric is a European multinational corporation that specialises in electricity distribution, automation management and the manufacture of installation components for energy management. Philip Yorke looks at a company that leads the field in its many chosen disciplines and discovers how it plans to meet the environmental challenges facing the energy sector of the future.

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chneider Electric was founded in France in 1836 by the Schneider brothers who acquired the Creusot foundries in order to make armaments and heavy machinery. Innovation played a key role in its fortunes and by 1891 Schneider had become a major player in the emerging global electricity market. Today the group leads the field in its key market sectors including UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Movement Control and Building

Automation. Furthermore, it has continued to strengthen its lead in advanced ‘Smart Grid’ technology. Schneider is headquartered in Rueil-Malmaison, France and is also based at the World Trade Centre in Grenoble, Switzerland. Currently the Schneider Group is represented in over 100 countries and employs more than 140,000 people worldwide. In 2014 the leading multinational electrical group recorded sales of over €25 billion.

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Innovation driving sales Schneider Electric develops technologies and solutions to make energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green. The company’s huge investment in R&D is designed to sustain its programme of innovation and differentiation, with a strong commitment to sustainable development. Innovation drives Schneider’s strategy for growth and dictates the research and development priorities designed to solve the planet’s energy dilemma and to make the IoT (Internet of Things) and the Smart Grid a reality. Having a deep understanding of its customers’ needs the company’s R&D teams create comprehensive, scalable

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and flexible solutions for both energy and operational efficiency. Every year Schneider invests around 5 per cent of its revenues in its various R&D programmes. Today the company’s biggest markets are energy management, automation and control products for the metals, mining and water management industries. This is where Schneider’s programmable PLCs and validated architecture makes it easy for it to be much more energy efficient. All Schneider’s latest energy management products, including its revolutionary Modicon M580 automation controller, were showcased recently at the SCA Trade Fair held in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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The recommended global distribution partner for Schneider Electric RS Components are the recommended global distribution partner for Schneider Electric. Wherever and whenever a customer requires a Schneider Electric product around the globe, RS is there to serve with great service. As global distributor for Schneider Electric, RS has a wide range of competitively priced products available from stock to support innovative new panel designs, or for maintenance and refurbishment. These cover the vast majority of component needs, including enclosures, contactors, circuit protection, circuit breakers, motor-control devices, PLCs, HMIs, pushbuttons, sounders, beacons, and many more.

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Industry Europe 95

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Whether it involves challenging applications such as circuit breakers, residential & industrial controls, HVAC, energy metering and building management, its multiproduct portfolio of PC & Blends, PBT, POM, m-PPE and high temperature PA- MXD6 is cutting edge in meeting the demanding industry-specific requirements. At the same time, MEP has been able to quickly adapt to upcoming development wishes and challenges, enabling key differentiators to a vast number of successful actors active in the field of Power Distribution.

96 Industry Europe

Most ethical company For the fifth consecutive year Schneider Electric has been honoured as one of the world’s most ethical companies for its unswerving commitment to the protection of the environment. As a result, the company’s leading ethical business standards ensure long-term value to key stakeholders including customers, employees, suppliers, regulators and investors. To underscore this, every year the Ethisphere Institute recognises companies that have had a positive material impact on the way their business is conducted by fostering a culture of ethics and transparency at every level of the company. “Schneider Electric is delighted to have been selected by Etisphere for the fifth consecutive year. The challenge for the group consists in living up to the expectations of its stakeholders every day,” said Emmanuel Babeau, deputy CEO in charge of finance and legal affairs at Schneider Electric. “This is why Schneider Electric has been developing an active strategy of empowering its associates through the implementation of a range of processes and dedicated tools.” At Schneider Electric ethics and governance are considered key elements of growth and enhance the company’s competitiveness.

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Industry Europe 97

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Proud to be a Schneider Electric preferred supplier and global partner with a strong presence in the new economies, Weidmüller develop innovative, sustainable and useful products, solutions and services. Recognized market leader in Machinery, Process, Energy Transportation and Device Manufacturer industries, Weidmüller offer more than products and excellent services, Weidmüller practises its values and take responsibility to guaranty sustainable growth, environmental protection and social commitment.

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98 Industry Europe

Advancing IT technology Schneider Electric is dedicated to the development of new products that are smarter and more cost-effective than those currently on the market. This is being achieved through a continuous investment in R&D and changing the architecture of the company’s products. Schneider Electric is growing the market in a number of key areas such as its advanced power breakers and PLCs and by matching these to existing IT networks. This means that there is now a seed change in the way that Schneider allows its software compatibility to be integrated into third party systems and software. In addition, when it comes to solutions, the company utilises its own products and tests them in its own factories to make them more reliable and cost-effective.

City of the future The ‘Solar Decathlon’ international ‘City of the Future’ competition was launched in 2002 by the US Department of Energy (DoE) and has been supported by Schneider Electric since 2007. Universities across the world were involved in the project to design, build and operate energy-efficient solar powered houses. As a diamond partner in the 2014 European event, which attracted more than 200,000 visitors, Schneider Electric supported the competition organisers by installing a smart-grid system that connected the entire solar village. Schneider Electric also presented their most innovative home energy management solutions during the event. As one of the leading stakeholders in the Solar Decathlon project, Schneider Electric presented a world exclusive – an entirely new concept in sustainable social housing that blends comfort with energy efficiency. This innovative concept is backed by the La Varappe social inclusion group and is in line with the company’s foundation programme dedicated to combat fuel poverty. n For further details of Scneider Electric’s latest innovative products and services visit:

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RELIABLE, INNOVATIVE, ECLECTIC Over the years SIMIC SpA has developed into a very diverse and innovative company, engaged in plant installation and maintenance as well as in the manufacturing of critical equipment for leading scientific research bodies. The Italian company is also a contributor to the ITER project. Barbara Rossi reports.


IMIC SpA was established in 1975 by Ferruccio Boveri and Giuseppe Ginola, who are still managing the company today. It initially specialised in light carpentry and industrial plant installation and maintenance. A turning point came at the beginning of the new millennium, when it managed to secure its first cryostat and vacuum chamber orders for the research sector. Thanks to this, SIMIC started playing an important role for major international scientific research companies and organisations. The company’s development continued uninterrupted over the years and in 2011 a new cutting edge plant dedicated to large equipment manufacturing (weighing up to 3000 tonnes) was built in the 100 Industry Europe

harbour area of Marghera Venezia. Moreover, 2013 saw the installation of two latest generation machine tools, built according to the best technological standards. One of these was a floor type boring machine, which was installed at the Camerana plant, while the other was a gantry milling machine installed at the Marghera site. The latter is one of the largest gantry machines in Europe. Alongside the development of the manufacturing division, SIMIC has also strengthened its plant division, to become the industry leader both in Italy and abroad. In 2012 it built two large turn-key plants for the food sector, in Turkey and Mexico.

SIMIC has two Italian production sites, respectively based in the Cuneo area of north-western Italy (Camerana) and in the Marghera harbour area (Venice). The Marghera facility is of particular strategic importance: in fact, this 6000m2 site with direct access to the sea and a production capacity of up to 3000 tonnes is at the cutting- edge, equipped with overhead cranes which are able to handle up to 400 tonnes at a 22m height. Both plants (Camerana and Marghera) can avail themselves of highly automated and highly technological machinery. With its strong international experience and highly skilled staff, Simic is active in various sectors and offers its clients a comprehensive range of products and services for industrial plant design, manufacturing, installation and maintenance. The manufacturing division serves the oil & gas (onshore and offshore), energy, nuclear fusion and scientific research sectors, as well as the chemical, petrochemical and fertiliser industry. Its range of products includes reactors, pressure equipment, heat exchangers, columns, cryostats, vacuum chambers and large research machinery. With regard to plant installation and maintenance, SIMIC serves the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, energy and

naval sectors, as well as conditioning and air treatment plants. It offers a comprehensive service, taking care of mechanics, tools and pneumatic parts. The company is able to supply partial plant installation, as well as its complete, turn-key version. Alongside these, it also specialises in plant dismantling and relocation, maintenance and global maintenance service solutions. For both divisions, SIMIC is developing its presence on new markets, especially abroad, strengthening its specialisations and developing ever more complete solutions for its customers.

SIMIC and ITER SIMIC has signed a five-year contract with Fusion for Energy (F4E) the European Union organisation managing Europe’s contribution to ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), an international nuclear fusion project in which SIMIC has been involved for ten years. The Italian company will carry out the cold testing of the ten TF COILS winding packs (WP) and their subsequent insertion into the coil cases. For this contract SIMIC is working in partnership with the German company Babcock Noell

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GmbH, which will act as a subcontractor for certain tooling and technologies involved in the production process, supplying its magnet expertise. Thanks to this contract, SIMIC has become one of the global leaders in magnet production. Furthermore, together with the French company CNIM, SIMIC has been appointed as the supplier of 70 radial plates. This contract represents one of the most important European industrial contributions to the ITER project. Europe will have to supply 10 of the 18 TF for the ITER reactor. Radial plates are ‘D’ shaped, made of special materials, each measuring 13.8m x 8.7m x 110mm and weighing about five tonnes. The plates will be installed inside the reactor, in the heart of the TF, and will form the plasma containing structure. The properties of the materials used, the welding quality, the size of the components, the dimensional tolerances and the sustained pace of the manufacturing operations represent a real challenge from a technological and managerial point of view. So far the company has delivered 15 radial plates, at the rate of two plates a month, fulfilling its contractual terms.

Future plans The main markets served by SIMIC are Europe, the Middle East, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil and Italy, while in the near future the company is going to enter new markets, including the US, and strengthen its position in South America. As in the past, the company’s future growth will be based on a carefully planned organic expansion process, therefore acquisitions

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will be unlikely. As part of its future strategy SIMIC will strengthen its skills and areas of specialisation, while at the same time trying to keep costs under control in order to remain competitive on the global market. Certainly not an easy challenge. The company aims to continue expanding and investing in the most innovative and hi-tech sectors linked to scientific research. In this field, SIMIC is currently one of the major global players in terms of hi-tech prototype manufacturing, thanks to its high precision machinery and its qualified team. n

HARNESSING HYDROPOWER TECHNOLOGY Rainpower is a leading European hydropower group that specialises in the manufacture of turbines, services and power plant modernisation. It is also Scandinavia’s leading supplier of control systems. Philip Yorke looks at a company that continues to drive turbine technology forward in the interests of cleaner, safer and more efficient renewable energy.


ainpower was founded in Lodalen, Norway in 1853 and began by manufacturing castings for the building industry. However, a major milestone was reached in 1890 when the company produced its first hydropower turbine. This was a ‘Pelton’ design and had a hydraulic head of 11 metres capable of delivering 230 horsepower. Today Rainpower’s products and services span the entire value chain from the development of technical solutions to the commissioning of power plants. The company’s business activities focus on product development, engineering services and the production of turbines and electromechanical solutions for the supply of renewable energy. Rainpower is part of the Norwegian ARD Group, which was formerly known as NLI and is a privately owned investment company with interests in oil, gas, hydropower, renewable energy, onshore facilities, property, health foods and consultancy services. The group currently employs more than 2000 people in 12 countries and in 2014 recorded sales of €150 million.

Redefined business strategy In order to be able to deliver end-to-end mechanical systems and solutions, Rainpower collaborates closely with leading international suppliers of generators, electrical plant and automation, as well as with local installation companies. In recent years the company has significantly re-focused both its business model and its organisation in order to bring it into line with the on-going developments in both national and international hydropower markets.

Recently major restructuring and ‘lean practice’ measures have been implemented to align the company more closely with the needs of the renewable energy market of today and to increase its level of competitiveness. Rainpower has identified its best opportunities for growth and sees these as being the upgrading, modernisation, servicing and maintenance of hydropower plants. This is in addition to its focus on smaller hydro power plant production and the development of advanced control systems.

Leading through research and innovation Rainpower’s state-of-the-art turbine testing laboratory in Trondheim, Norway was built in 1985 and has been continuously upgraded since then. It continues to play a key role in the testing and development of new hydro-electric turbines. The impressive results of the laboratory are testament to its high level of expertise and its extensive experience in advanced hydropower technology. Rainpower leads the field in the development of hydropower plants in the Nordic countries that utilise large heads. This is due to the natural conditions prevalent in the region. In addition, reservoir power plants that use Pelton and Francis turbines have also played a significant role in Nordic hydropower production. In 2013 Rainpower entered into a partnership with Statkraft and E-CO of Norway, both of which operate Francis turbines with large heads. The strategy here is to boost the understanding of the dynamic phenomena that arises in these powerful turbines during operation. This collaboration has helped to establish improved criteria for the design and efficiency of Francis turbines for large heads.

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Expanding global reach Rainpower continues to extend its reach and expertise to countries outside its domestic market. The company established itself in Sweden in 2011 and by 2013 it had contributed almost 20 per cent of Rainpower’s incoming revenues. However the company’s technology comes into its own in the Swiss and central European markets. Wherever you find high mountains and water, you will find that Rainpower is in its element. In 2011 the company opened up new offices in Toronto, Canada in order to market its hydropower expertise and services there. This concerned the supply of new hydropower plants and the upgrading of existing plants in western Canada and the USA. Furthermore, the small-scale power market in British Columbia has also expanded significantly in recent years and the company has now successfully established itself in this market. In 2008 Rainpower had the vision to establish itself in the Chinese market in Hangzhou, where it has an in-house engineering facility. China is one of the world’s largest hydropower markets and the company anticipates a significant increase in demand for its products and services in the region. Turkey is also a major market for Rainpower and one of the largest markets in Europe with over 50 per cent of the country’s hydropower potential yet to be exploited. This market is also targeted for Rainpower’s future growth. In 2001 Rainpower founded new offices in Peru to serve the South American market, which is yet another of the company’s most promising markets.

Powering ahead From Norway to Equador and from Canada to China, Rainpower’s hydropower products and services are helping to provide efficient, more cost-effective renewable energy for consumers. In Peru Rainpower is delivering two 87MW Pelton turbines as well as other 104 Industry Europe

electro-mechanical equipment for a new power station that is almost complete. The end customer in this case is SN Power and Rainpower’s consortium partners are ABB and Jeumont Electric. In Equador Rainpower Hangzhou will deliver three Pelton turbines of 60MW each for a head of 495 metres. Furthermore, in Turkey Rainpower has completed a small hydro power plant and is now currently involved in the installation of three stations in the series Cakmak 1, Cackmak 11 and Sogutlu, with a combined capacity of 50MW for its customer EGEHIDRO Energy. These contracts are in addition to countless others in the Nordic countries and in other n parts of the world. For further details of Rainpower’s advanced hydropower products and services visit:

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106 Industry Europe

DELICIOUS CRACKERS Rarytas, a company from Stargard Szczeciński, is Poland’s leading producer of savoury crackers, sandwich cream biscuits and butter biscuits. The sesame crackers have been the company’s flagship product for 30 years. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.


arytas means ‘delicacy’ or ‘titbit’ in the Polish language. It is not only a name that distinguishes the company from others but also defines its strategy of competing through quality. “All our products are based on natural ingredients, with no artificial dyes and preservatives. We do our best to have our products fresh, crispy and crunchy and unique – just as our customers like them. Our company intends to be one of the most customer-friendly producers operating in the market. This is what distinguishes us from others,” says Joanna Gasiorowska, president of Rarytas Limited Liability Company. Rarytas was founded in 1960 as a factory operating within the Spolem cooperative structure. Initially it started with the production of biscuits. In 1974 it launched the production of original, small crackers which have been sold successfully for more than 40 years both in Poland and abroad. In 1994 the factory was privatised, and gained a major foreign shareholder. However, in June 2000 it was overtaken by a business entity with exclusively Polish capital. This helped to stabilise the company’s position on the market. In 2003, Rarytas implemented the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system, which guarantees high quality products as well as the company’s ability to monitor its production

processes. In August 2003 the factory received ISO 9001:2001 certification, which further strengthened its image as a market leader. “In May 2007 we received the IFS Certificate (International Food Standard), which combines such systems as quality management and HACCP principles. It focuses on customers’ needs and requirements as well as defining the requirements for employees and the production processes. These are key elements for meeting global standards of food safety. In the interest of our customers we try to bring together our years of experience and gained knowledge,” says Ms Gasiorowska. In 2009 Rarytas expanded its business into two new fields: firstly, it opened a hotel and restaurant in a medieval castle in Pezino near Stargard Szczecinski; secondly, it launched a natural aggregate mine.

The expert on crackers However, despite the above, the production of cakes, butter biscuits and sandwich cream biscuits remains the company’s core business. The Rarytas crackers are available in a variety of shapes and flavours. The sesame crackers have been the company’s flagship product for 30 years, but the range also includes spicy crackers, salty crackers, cheese crackers, onion crackers, crackers with herbs and crackers

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Przedsiębiorstwo Zbożowo-Młynarskie „PZZ” w Stoisławiu S.A. Stoisław 11, 76-031 Mścice, POLAND; tel.: +48 94 34 55 925; fax: +48 94 34 55 992; e-mail:

PZZ For many years the Grain and Milling Company ‘PZZ’ (Poland) has been supplying Rarytas with high-quality flour. For both companies, the overriding priority is customer satisfaction with every aspect of our business, from products and customer services to delivery times and conditions. For over 50 years, PZZ has been supplying flour, groats, flakes and brans to large manufacturing plants, bakeries, retail chains, wholesalers and cash and carry chains throughout Poland and the European market. We also produce bespoke flours produced according to customer specifications. Thanks to our state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and qualified staff we are able to offer the highest quality products to meet the needs of our customers. Every year we buy around 100,000 tonnes of grains which guarantees price stability, reliable delivery and the best quality standards for our customers over long periods. We hold the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 22000:2005 certificates and are also IFS certified.

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with poppy seeds. At the beginning of April 2012, Rarytas launched the production of crackers in two new flavours: bacon and fromage. The company is also a producer of various butter biscuits: with sugar, with spices, with cocoa and with coconut. In addition, it manufactures sandwich cream biscuits (cream flavoured, cocoa flavoured, walnut flavoured and lemon flavoured). Rarytas has been awarded with many prizes, certificates and distinctions. “These allow us to increase our prestige, as well as strengthening the loyalty of consumers. Furthermore, they oblige us to maintain the high quality of our products and services,” adds Ms Gasiorowska. The company has an extensive network of partners. “The basic criterion for cooperation with our partners is the quality of services offered by them. Our suppliers of raw materials are large, trusted companies with whom we have been working for many years. Packaging suppliers provide complete security for our food. What’s more, they also offer modern packaging solutions in terms of design. Carriers, in turn, provide safe and fast transportation to take our products to their final destination,” says Ms Gasiorowska.

Czech Republic. In contrast to the situation observed in previous years, international retail networks – i.e. super- and hypermarkets – are now the company’s main distribution channels. The traditional market has shrunk significantly over the past few years. The company has been the beneficiary of EU subsidies. “Many of our projects, such as the development of packaging design, have been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy, grants for innovation,” explains Ms Gasiorowska. As for the future, the company is planning the further development of its current offering and its product portfolio, which would include n healthy products with higher seed content.

Development backed by the EU Rarytas is medium-sized company which employs 120 people and each year manufactures some 5000 tonnes of products. More than 30 per cent of the company’s annual sales are exported to such countries as Romania, France, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and the

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SPARKLING RESULTS S.Pellegrino is part of the Nestlé Group and is the leading Italian producer of mineral water. The company is also a major player in almost every other area of the soft drinks market. Philip Yorke looks at a company that continues to enhance its brand image and the strategy behind the launch of its limited edition products.

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.Pellegrino was founded in Italy in 1899, bottling water from the bottom of the Alps in northern Italy. The business was expanded and diversified over the years and today is comprised of seven mineral water brands. This is in addition to many other beverage products such as fruit drinks and iced tea. In 1998 S.Pellegrino merged with Nestlé, a move that has allowed it to build upon its success and become a truly international iconic brand. Its current product portfolio includes: Sanpellegrino, Aqua Panna, Levissima, Nestlé Vera, San Bernado, Recoaro and Pejo, all of which are mineral water brands. In addition, the company has the Aranciata Sanpellegrino orange drink, and sparkling drinks such as Chino Sanpellegrino, Vera and Limonata, as well as numerous other soft drink varieties. The extensive Sanpellegrino product range is designed to suit every consumer’s taste and lifestyle. All Pellegrino’s products undergo stringent tests as stipulated by EU regulations and the company commits significant resources to research, which is focused on innovation and the continuous improvement of its products. For many years the group has also been actively pursuing a process of socially responsible principles in terms of employing environmentally responsible logistics, energy saving, water conservation and attention to consumer needs as well as to its own staff.

Focus on fine dining Served on the best tables around the world, S.Pellegrino sparkling natural mineral water is acknowledged as the perfect beverage for lovers of fine dining worldwide. Its distinct style and taste have Industry Europe 111

made it an icon of fine living and the mountain springs that are the source of its products have been visited since the 13th century. In fact in 1509 Italy’s most famous artist and inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci, took a trip to see the springs. In recognition of its important place in international dining circles, the annual fine dining event in Switzerland for gourmets is back. Eight top chefs will participate in the 2015 grand event including Massimo Bottura from Osteria Francescana, David Scabin from Combal Zero, Diego Munoz from Astrid Gaston Casa Moreyra, Andreas Caminada from Schauenstein, Mauro Colagreco from Mirazur, Sven Elverfeld from Restaurant Aqua and Rasmus Kofoed from Geranium. With a total of 25 Michelin Stars between them, all of these chefs have been featured in ‘The world’s 50 best restaurants’, a list sponsored by S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna.

Grand debut S.Pellegrino recently launched its new magnum bottle, which is due to make its grand debut on the tables of some of the world’s finest restaurants. Its champagne-like shaped bottom captures the sparkling essence of S.Pellegrino in an exclusive 150cl bottle. Opening the new magnum bottle unleashes a unique blend of minerals with the ability to complement the finest foods and the greatest wines. 112 Industry Europe

In another marketing ‘first’, the company has also unveiled its new special edition bottle, which is dedicated to Vogue Italia. The bottle has been created to celebrate the worldwide partnership of these two proud ambassadors of the Italian style and art of living. This partnership will also herald the occasion for Vogue Italia to play a vital role in the upcoming S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2015 competition. The young chefs will be judged by an international panel of food connoisseurs, whilst the editorial staff of Vogue Italia will choose the most talented designer.

Expo 2015 S.Pellegrino has also announced that it is going to become the official ‘Water Partner’ of Italy’s 2015 Expo, establishing yet another milestone in its long and proud history. For this occasion, a special edition bottle of S.Pellegrino will be distributed in over 80 countries worldwide. In a separate event, S.Pellegrino celebrated the 68th Cannes Film Festival and welcomed leading film directors and Michelin star chefs to its exclusive dining table. As official partners of the Cannes Film Festival since 2010, the red star bottle was redesigned as a special festival edition to add sparkle to official lunches and celebrations at the festival.

Zest for life The unique recipes created by S.Pellegrino have a quality and freshness that surpasses all others. With the unique combination of zesty lemons and aromatic mint, the company’s ‘Limone e Menta’ has two flavours that capture the relaxing atmosphere of the Mediterranean. Another unmistakeable taste can be found in the company’s ‘Chinotto’ made from oranges grown around the foot of Mount Etna Volcano. It has a unique flavour and is amber in colour with an unmistakable taste that is soft, full and round with a delicate finish of bitter and fruity notes. In another unique recipe, the sweetness of orange marries with the delicious flavour of prickly pear in a sparkling beverage made with cactus fruit and orange juices. Limonata is also zesty and lemony on the palate and rich in the real juices of ripe lemons from n southern Italy. For further details of S. Pellegrino’s unique sparkling beverages visit:

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IN SQUARES Due to its iconic square pack and constant introduction of new, innovative varieties, Ritter Sport chocolate has become a firm favourite in households around Europe. Julia Snow reports.


lfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG is a traditional family enterprise, today led by Alfred T. Ritter in the third generation. In 2012 the company celebrated 100 years of business. Around 2.5 million bars are produced each day by 900 employees in the single production site in Waldenbuch near Stuttgart. The company’s story began in 1912, in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, where the master confectioner Alfred Eugen and his wife Clara Göttle, a sweet shop owner, started their own chocolate and sweets factory. Chocolate was in high demand, and the company grew quickly, until in 1932 Clara observed that rectangle-shaped chocolate is a poor fit for the pockets of spectators at local sporting events. The revolutionary square shape and the name ‘Ritter Sport’ were born and in 1960 the company decided to focus on the square shape exclusively. 114 Industry Europe

Building an unmistakable identity The slogan ‘Quadratisch.Praktisch.Gut’ (Square, practical, good) was used in nationwide TV advertising during the 1970s and quickly became a part of the German language. The strong brand identity, coupled with the characteristic colour coding of each flavour and the user-friendly design of the ‘snap’n’open’ packaging rounds off the unmistakable identity of the product. With an enviable brand awareness of 99 per cent in Germany, the company also exports products in over 90 countries. The product range includes 24 varieties of the 100g square bar, seven large format (250g) bars and five ‘organic’ varieties as well as various mini-varieties. In marketing terms the company maximises the use of seasonal varieties and ‘relaunches’ particularly popular varieties to create interest and keep consumers engaged with product innovations. One of the most recent and most imaginative of these innovations has been the opening of the Ritter ChocoHouse at Ravensburger Spieleland, a presentation with its own shop, a miniature chocolate factory and information on the history of the famous square chocolate bar.

Caring for people and the planet Ritter is also characterised by a responsible attitude to both its employees and environmental resources. As early as 1991 the company replaced aluminium and paper packaging with a one-component packaging material made from fully recyclable polypropylene. It also owns and operates a block power station, which provides energy and heat for production. In addition, over the past 10 years Ritter has been running a ‘no nuclear power’ policy, thereby demonstrating that manufacturing companies can become independent from nuclear technology.

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Since 1990 the company has been supporting cocoa farming in Nicaragua with the project ‘Cacaonica’, aiming to improve living conditions for farmers and using the premium cocoa for its organic range of chocolate. In 2012 the company took this programme a major step forward with the purchase of land in the country and the establishment of its own plantation for the sustainable cultivation of cocoa. The first harvest from this plantation is expected in 2017.

Quality before price The price of quality commodities such as cocoa and hazelnuts varies from year to year but Ritter always chooses to maintain its high product quality rather than compromise owing to price pressures. “Quality has its price,” says Alfred T. Ritter, “and as a family-owned enterprise we have to work to healthy business principles. When it comes to a product that stands for pleasure and a bit of luxury, the price should be secondary to the enjoyment that the product brings.” The founder’s grandchildren, who are today leading the board and executive committee, are carrying on in the family tradition: Ritter Sport will remain square, colourful and of uncompromisingly high quality. n

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GOOD HEALTH Vandemoortele is a household name in Europe. Its margarines, oils, dressings, pastry and patisserie products grace tables throughout the EU. Philip Yorke reports on a company that continues to gain market share with its healthy recipes and innovative new products.

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andemoortele is a family controlled food group with Belgian roots and a European perspective. The company occupies a leading position in its two core business activities; bakery products and lipids. In 2014 Vandemoortele recorded revenues of more than €1.3 billion with over 5,000 employees working in 35 production facilities and 17 commercial sites across 12 European countries. Vandemoortele is a premier household name across Europe with its margarines, oils, dressings, breads, donuts, pastry and patisserie products finding their way into the lives of millions of people every day. However, some people may not have associated the Vandemoortele brand with some of these product categories, because many of its products are not marketed to consumers under its own brand name but to private-label retail food producers. Vandemoortele manufactures and markets high-quality food products focussed on two main activities: frozen bakery products and margarines and fats (lipids). In the bakery products sector, the company offers a wide range of frozen bread products, pastry, American products and patisserie for professional users in bakery and food service channels. This is in addition to food retailers, who rely on the high quality and convenience of Vandemoortele’s products. In Lipids, Vandemoortele targets European professional users with a broad portfolio of products that combine processability,

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with taste and flavour. The company also appeals to European retailers with private label margarines and frying fats. In addition, the company has a number of strong consumer brands of its own in the Benelux such as Vandemoortele, Vitelma, Diamant, Reddy and Gouda Glorie.

Palm oil promise As a leading European food group, Vandemoortele is fully aware of its important role in the procurement of its raw materials such as palm oil. In 2009 the company became a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and thus committed to source 100 per cent sustainable palm oil by 2105. The company is also committed to using only traceable, non deforestation and non exploitation palm oils

in its supply chain. Vandemoortele’s margarines, fats and frozen bakery products are sold by leading retailers and restaurants across the EU and as a privately owned business the company considers its values, including trust and integrity, as central to the way that it operates. Since becoming part of the RSPO in 2009 the company has used only certified RSPO palm oil for its own retail brands and many of its production sites have been certified using RSPO ‘Mass Balance and Segregated’ certified sustainable palm oil.

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In 2013, Vandemoortele, recognising the importance of traceability in helping to bring transformation in the palm oil industry, also became a member of the French Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil, and is an active participant in many other initiatives to promote the uptake of sustainable palm oil internationally.

Strategic acquisition In line with its strategy to grow its business through strategic acquisitions in Europe, Vandemoortele recently announced its purchase of Italy’s leading frozen focaccia and bread manufacturer,

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LAG (Lanterna-Agritech). With this key acquisition, Vandemoortele strengthens its bakery products business in Italy and extends its product range with typical Italian products such as focaccia and ciabata. “We are impressed by the passion for the product and by the strong performance of LAG in the Italian market. We see clear opportunities for further growth” said Jules Noten, CEO of Vandemoortele. Currently LAG employs around 300 people with production operations in Genoa Ravenna and Padua with an annual turnover in 2103 of more than 87 million euro. Currently Vandemoortele employs

30 people in its Milan office in Italy and a further 4,700 across the group. Jean Vandemoortele, chairman of Vandemoortele commented, “This acquisition is fully in line with the growth strategy of Vandemoortele and comes on top of our investments in Lyon and our future plans for Poland as previously announced”.

Adding value Vandemoortele has announced a brand new value-added communications platform for its Lipids industry Channel called: Baker’s margarines®. The company’s specialised experience in both margarines and bakery products gives it the perfect insight into the products and the markets of tomorrow for the benefit of its bakery clientelle. Therefore as a part of the new branding and communication strategy, Vandemoortele has presented four new innovative ranges, especially for bakers and inspired by the latest consumer trends. These are, ‘Bakers Taste’, which gives products an additional tasty boost, and ‘Baker’s E-Free’, which is a recipe for natural products. In addition, ‘Bakers Low Sat’, makes a significant contribution to consumer’s health, and ‘Baker’s Low Fat’, reduces the intake of fat in consumer products. Interested parties can find out more about these latest developments at the Baker’s brand new website: n For further details of Vandemoortele’s high quality consumer products and value-added services visit:

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DRIVING FORCE CLAAS Industrietechnik is a global player in the development of advanced drive technology and hydraulic solutions. Philip Yorke takes a closer look at a remarkable company and its latest, groundbreaking innovative products and solutions.


LAAS Industrietechnik is a wholly owned subsidiary of the world renowned CLAAS Group of Germany, one of the world’s leading providers of harvesters, tractors, sowing machinery and agricultural systems. The affiliate company was founded 56 years ago at its present site, located at Paderborn in western Germany where over 650 highly skilled staff maintain its reputation for quality and innovation. Today the company produces drive and hydraulic

products and solutions that are used both within the Claas Group and also in a wide variety of other industrial sectors and applications. These range from agricultural and municipal equipment and complex construction machinery to offshore technology. The company’s modern factory in Paderborn was recently upgraded and re-structured to offer a new, state-of-the-art testing centre, designed to provide its customers with the most advanced testing technology available today. This latest facility is also designed to optimise the quality and efficiency of the company’s drive technology and hydraulic systems products. This latest investment allows the company to evaluate exhaustively its advanced components and drive systems during the final stages of production. In addition, it offers clients the opportunity to participate in the overall project management process. Another € 3.5 million was invested in a new logistics centre which began operation in Summer 2013. This was part of the rearrangement of the facility site and marked a huge progress in the internal rationalisation and optimisation process.

World CLAAS driving technology CLAAS Industrietechnik is a leading producer of drive technology and hydraulics. The company’s outstanding product is the TERRA TRAC system, the world leading rubber trac undercarriage system. 122 Industry Europe

Due to its flexibility and characteristics it is used for a large variety of machines such as harvesters and dumpers. Thanks to its hydro-pneumatical suspension it provides high driving dynamics, amazing riding comfort and thereby a whole new level of control. With a maximum speed of 40 kph and an increased driving safety the Terra Trac system sets a new benchmark. Its unique construction reduces the soil pressure by up to 66% and avoids irreversible damage. Besides the TERRA TRAC system CLAAS Industrietechnik offers a large variety of axles for all kinds of vehicle. The top products of this section are the drive axles for the worlds’ largest combine – the LEXION - with a net load between 22 an 30 metric tons. These axles are equipped with planetary gears and a transmission with 2 speeds based on electrohydraulic shifting. CLAAS Industrietechniks open-structured driving axles can be used with standard tires and posses easy maintenance tanks to assure fast and easy access to

the modules. The close-structured driving axles are equipped with electrohydraulic transmission, integrated multidisc brakes and an optional tire pressure control system and differential lock. Vehicles with these axels have a load capacity of up to 14 tons and a speed limit of up to 40 kph. CLAAS Industrietechnik also provides steering (drive) axles with a load capacity between 4.5 and 10 tons. These universal adjustable axles can be installed on any kind of harvester and are also available as swing axles. Due to the modular structure any customer specific configuration can be applied. CLAAS Industrietechnik is also well known for its axles for municipal vehicles. The range of products includes numerous axle and chassis solutions. Steering, driving and steering drive axles are available as rigid axles and as axles with independent wheel suspension. Rigid drive axles with internally vented disk breaks are also available.

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New hydraulic solutions Ever since the company was founded 99 years ago, research and development has been a top priority at CLAAS, and gone hand-in-hand with innovation, quality and reliability. As a result, CLAAS Industrietechnik’s product range for hydraulic solutions is constantly being enhanced to meet the many diverse and demanding challenges of today’s hydraulic-electronics marketplace. Whether for intelligent control of complex motion sequences for mobile applications, or for industry in general, it is the company’s passion for precision and efficiency that drives it. The company also leads the field in its core competences for switch and proportional valve technology. This is owing to its many years of system competence, which extends from the system design and simulation to integration and final application. Furthermore, the company’s advanced research and testing facilities provide the opportunity to validate the entire development process and offer a truly holistic approach to the project management process.

This is equally true of the complex solutions delivered by the company’s electronics division, which develops sophisticated sensors and actuators and their correspondingly powerful electronic control devices. CLAAS Industrietechnik’s electronic devices range from the CLAAS Hydraulic Controller (CHC), which can control up to four hydraulic valves of up to the CCU of 16plus, and high performance controllers for complex sequence control. These are all supported by corresponding operating terminals and efficient application software technology. All this in-depth expertise and innovative technology can be harnessed at CLAAS Industrietechnik at any time, in order to meet a customer’s tailor-made specifications and requirements. To keep its top position in the world market CLAAS Industrietechnik is always inventing new technologies and products following the motto of its founder, Helmut Claas: “If you want to be the leader you n must keep running.”

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Global automobile manufacturer Ashok Leyland has strategically utilised the economic downturn to invest heavily, develop new products, and establish beneficial joint ventures. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to Managing Director Vinod K. Dasari, to understand how successful the strategy has been.


the second largest automobile manufacturer in India, Ashok Leyland is a major player worldwide. Part of the huge Hinduja Group that employs over 70,000 people across the world, Ashok Leyland is based in Chennai, India. Founded in 1948, Ashok Leyland operates eight plants globally – six in India and two overseas, sells over 60,000 vehicles and 7000 engines every year, and enjoys a domestic market share of around 30 per cent. As the fourth largest manufacturer of buses in the world, and the 15th largest manufacturer of trucks globally, Ashok Leyland is also India’s main manufacturer of logistics vehicles for the defence sector. The past few years have proved to be pivotal to the development of Ashok Leyland. Managing Director, Vinod K. Dasari, told Industry Europe how the company’s strategic programme of growth and manufacturing focus has already proved positive: “As a company we have used the economic downturn that has characterised India’s manufacturing over the past couple of years to make sure we are truly future-ready. It’s been a great exercise in listening to our customers, evaluating our offer, and developing smart strategies for both our domestic and our core target markets outside India. I’m happy to say it’s been a very successful exercise.”

Boosting fortunes Mr Dasari explained how the recent changes in India’s manufacturing fortunes had impacted Ashok Leyland, and how the company has boosted its fortunes. He continued, “Just three years ago the Indian automotive market was growing nicely, then two years ago it simply fell by 25 per cent, which was totally unheard of. I believe this was largely due to a huge number of international companies investing heavily in India, so it went from being a two or three player market to a 10-player market very quickly. A lot of people saw India as the place to be, which proved a big challenge.” But rather than ‘restructure ourselves to glory’, Ashok Leyland decided to invest in growth and development in order to compete, Mr Dasari continued. “We certainly did get lean too; we sold some non-core business and cut non-value added costs, including employee costs, but the most important aspects of our strategy were to enter 11 new markets outside India, launch more new products than ever before in our history, and revamp our sales approach to a unique mobile-based system. We also revamped our dealer network and our portfolio, which together has really boosted our onground presence. Essentially, all of these carefully created upgrades Industry Europe 127

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help us get out of what could have been a real hole, but we turned the situation to our advantage and have come out of this economic challenge stronger and brighter than before.” It is certainly true that difficult backdrop of Ashok Leyland’s strategic development could have broken a lesser company. In 2011, the total volume of the Indian vehicle manufacturing industry stood at 350,000 units, a figure which fell to just 200,000 units in 2012. In 2014, it was back up to 230,000, and this upward trajectory is set to continue. Mr Dasari commented, “So you can see how the very 130 Industry Europe

immediate challenges of the falling market could have had a huge impact. But we made all our changes with very clever use of debt, and through reducing our fixed costs where possible, without affecting our quality of performance for both products and people at all.”

Investment in the future And the investment has certainly paid off. Ashok Leyland’s revenues gained 28 per cent in 2014 compared to 2012, and its export achievements have seen a 30 per cent growth. Mr Dasari added,

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“We’re certainly doing the right thing. We will continue to develop in this same positive, investment-focused manner, as we look to further expand our export market in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. We don’t want to just sell vehicles, we invest in the local market, and build new manufacturing sites locally as appropriate. It’s not about short-term sales, it’s long term investment for our benefit, and the benefit of the local community. “We’ve also invested in growth in the UK with our acquisition of Optare, which is the largest hybrid bus manufacturer in the world. Optare represents a bright part of our future as we look to complement our extensive bus manufacturing capabilities with ever more n ecologically responsible options.”

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A GLOBAL ENGINE GIANT Deutz was the first engine maker in the world. Industry Europe reports on the German company’s plans to remain first by supplying its customers not only with engines but with complete systems solutions and comprehensive services.


he world-famous engine manufacturer Deutz claims to offer ‘the most successful engine systems in the world’. But, in fact, the company is also the oldest engine manufacturer in the world, with a history going back to 1864, when Nicolaus August Otto set up an engine factory in a small workshop in the old city of Cologne. Here he developed the first combustion engine to be produced in significant numbers – the atmospheric gas engine – and followed this innovation in 1876 with the first fully-functioning and developable four-stroke engine. Today Deutz AG is one of the world’s largest independent manufacturers of diesel engines, with a complete product range from 25 to 560 kW for a wide variety of applications including construction machinery, generating sets, agricultural machines, mobile machinery, marine and automotive. It employs some 5,500 people, has produc-

tion plants in Germany, Spain, China and Argentina and is represented in 130 countries across every continent. Deutz engine production is divided into two segments: Compact Engines – liquid-cooled engines up to four litres and engines from four to eight litres; and Customised Solutions – air-cooled engines and large liquid-cooled engines with capacities of more than eight litres. The company is involved in the development, design, production, sales and servicing of diesel engines cooled by water, oil and air.

Production network Deutz’s headquarters in Cologne-Porz is also the site of a state-of-theart engine factory that is the central research and development facility for the company’s compact engines and which produces between 150,000 and 180,000 liquid-cooled engines up to four litres (up to 250 Industry Europe 133

Modine With a high expertise in the development and manufacturing of heat exchangers Modine has been supplying cooling components and systems to Deutz for almost 17 years. Manufacturers like Deutz increasingly face new regulations that create challenges on a high technological basis. Modine therefore invests heavily in the development of newest thermal management solutions to provide innovative technologies to vehicle and engine manufacturers when they need it. They gain importance as further improved combustion processes, leading to increased heat loads, require an improved cooling capacity. At the same time, optimizing the aerodynamics lead to tougher packaging requirements, which in particular, result in the need of higher heat transfer rates, also. With the additional target to reduce the weight of the heat exchangers, and improve fuel consumption new and more efficient heat exchangers using lighter materials must be developed.

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Doesburg Components For more than 30 years Doesburg Components in the Netherlands has been a supplier to DEUTZ AG of high quality cast iron components e.g. Flywheel Housings, Brackets, Oil sumps and Exhaust Manifolds. Due to early supplier involvement in the casting design and machining process through the presence of resident engineers within DEUTZ the optimum casting is always being created. Due to this approached Doesburg Components achieves the highest quality casting, lowest PPM rate and the best price from prototype through to (fully robotized) serial production.

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kW) per year. In fact, a new Deutz engines leaves this plant every 90 seconds, to be used in mobile machinery or stationary applications, in agricultural machinery, automotive or marine applications. Crank cases, crank shafts and cam shafts for the compact engines are produced at a factory in the Deutz suburb of Cologne that is actually the site of a Deutz works that was opened in 1869. The components are delivered directly to the assembly lines at the Porz plant. Deutz’s Customised Solutions large engines (mostly air-cooled and over eight litres) are designed and manufactured at a plant in Ulm, in south-western Germany. Here between 15,000 and 18,000 engines are produced each year for use in construction equipment, fire fighting vehicles, drilling machines, power generating sets and in railway locomotives. Both the Cologne and Ulm assembly plants are supplied with engine assemblies by a further plant in Herschbach, southeast of Cologne, and by the Deutz factory in Zafra in south-western Spain, which specialises in con-rods, cylinder heads and gears.

Replacement engines The remanufacturing of old or damaged engines also makes up a significant part of Deutz’s business. In fact, the company has been engaged in rebuilding its diesel engines since 1948, when it set up its first remanufacturing plant at a former BMW aircraft engine repair factory at Ubersee, in Upper Bavaria. Today some 170 employees at Ubersee produce around 4,000 Xchange engines annually as well as replacement parts. “Xchange engines provide a very fast and effective solution when an engine that is out of production needs replacing – around half of all orders fall into this category – or when, for example, an engine that is in 24 hour a day use needs a similar unit to be supplied quickly,” explains Michael Wellenzohn, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer. “We can deliver a replacement motor in two to eight days whereas for a new engine the time between order and delivery is more like four to eight weeks. And all our replacement engines come with the same kinds of guarantees as our new units.” Xchange engines are also produced at Deutz’s 50,000 sq ft facility in Atlanta, Georgia, in the USA. This plant, which serves as the administration hub for Deutz Xchange engines, parts and service

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throughout the Americas, focuses on production of the company’s 1011/2011 and 912/913 engines, the highest volume units sold in North America, as well as of its 2012 and 2013 models. Deliveries of spare parts for Deutz engines in Europe are mostly handled by the company’s ultra-modern logistics centre in Cologne-Kalk. Opened in 2001, this facility holds some 80,000 parts, from precision crankshafts to the smallest washers, and fulfils an average of nearly 700 orders every day – that’s equivalent to 4000 automated picks from the storage racks daily. From this centre Deutz supplies customers and dealers all over the world with spare parts and within Europe itself it can guarantee next day delivery. The parts supply operation in Cologne is supplemented, of course, by parts warehouses in the USA as well as in China and Singapore and through stocks at dealerships throughout the world.

Expanding in China Deutz has two joint ventures in China. Since 2007 it has been producing 3 to 8 litre diesel engines, mainly for the Chinese market, in a JV (Deutz (Dalian) Engine Co Ltd)with the First Automotive Works Group (FAW) in Dalian; these units are widely used in commercial trucks, off-highway vehicles and for stationary applications. The JV also acts as a supporting manufacturer for crankcases, cylinder heads and camshafts for the Cologne assembly plant. At the beginning of 2012 Deutz extended its operations in China by setting up a further JV with Shandong Changlin Machinery Group – a Chinese manufacturer of agricultural machinery and construction equipment. Deutz (Shandong) Engine Company now manufactures the million-selling 2011 engine series.

Limiting emissions One of the greatest challenges facing diesel engine manufacturers today is making their products compliant with current and future exhaust emission regulations. This means reducing the concentration of pollutants such as NOx (nitric oxide), CO (carbon monoxide), HC (hydrocarbons), particle emissions and CO2 (carbon dioxide).

“This is undoubtedly a great challenge to engine manufacturers and will require the addition of further technology modules to our engines. It’s really like having to construct a small chemical plant around each engine to treat the exhaust gases. To reduce CO and HCs, for example, you need a Diesel Oxidisation Catalyst system, to remove particulates you need a Diesel Particulate Filter and to remove NOx you have to have a Selective Catalytic Reduction system. The last of these injects urea into the exhaust but that creates ammonia so you need another filter to take that out. “Of course the simplest way to reduce pollutants is to improve engine performance and efficiency and reduce fuel consumption with established technology such as fuel injection, turbo-charging and electronic engine management systems and we have been doing that for years. But the continuing demands of regulation are very costly for the industry and make it ever harder to get a payback so it’s essential that we continue to develop ever-smarter solutions.”

training our distributors and service partners throughout the world to ensure that the end customer gets the service at the distributors and in the field that keeps his equipment running. When we provide this complete service it brings us closer to our end customers who are then more likely to ask their equipment suppliers – our direct customers – to specify our engines. Effectively we are then approaching the market from two sides – getting OEMs to use our engines and encouraging end-users to ask the OEMs to use our engines. What’s certain is that if you don’t deliver a comprehensive and efficient service package, you don’t sell engines in today’s market. Deutz will never make that mistake n – we are, after all, ‘The Engine Company’.

Worldwide service Extending its sales in the agricultural sector is not the only strategy that Deutz is pursuing to support its future growth. The company is also focused on continuing to take market share from its competitors in the construction and stationary applications areas worldwide and on adding value to its engines by providing complete power packs, including control units, frames and systems interfaces. But perhaps most important of all for the future is the expansion of Deutz’s global service business. “The complexity of our engines has increased considerably over the last ten years, most obviously through the addition of all the different exhaust treatment systems, so whereas in the past an end user such as a construction company could service its own machines, today it is essential for servicing to be carried out by trained specialists,” says Mr Wellenzohn. “That means that we have to put a lot of work into Industry Europe 137


The Bulgarian company M+S Hydraulic has made a strong entrance into the world’s hydraulic market with a wide range and various designs of motors, steering units and brakes. Mr Yordan Papazov talks about combining proven expertise in the field with a comprehensive logistical support. Vanja Švačko reports.

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+S Hydraulic has been operating for more than 50 years, offering its services to customers on every continent through its large network of distributors. It is currently the fifth largest brand in the world with eight per cent of the global market share when it comes to the sale of hydraulic products. The company entered the construction industry in 1963 servicing heavy equipment and machinery, and in 1976 it started manufacturing its own hydraulic equipment after purchasing a licence from the German company Zahnradfabrik. Furthermore, in the 1980s its portfolio was enlarged with a low speed, high torque hydromotor under yet another licence (Danfoss from Denmark). Today the company boasts its own brand of motors, M+S Hydraulic, predominantly used in the agriculture, forestry, marine, construction, oil & mining and many other industry segments. M+S is located in the city of Kazanlak, with its headquarters, the main plant, storehouse and three smaller production facilities/ workshops near the city. In 2009 the company bought the Serbian manufacturer of steering units and valves Lifam Hidravlika. At the beginning of 2015 a new subsidiary trading company, M+S Hydraulic Power Transmission GmbH, was set up in Germany. According to Mr Papazov, “the main goal is to streamline its distribution channels to larger clients, to attract and win new OEM customers and increase the international M+S brand evaluation. This step is

expected to reinforce the sustainable business development of M+S Hydraulic and to confirm its leading position among the global leaders in the world’s hydraulic market.”

Outstanding portfolio and services All the key products in the M+S portfolio – hydraulic orbital motors and steering units – are offered in both metric and SAE versions. Apart from motors, the company also produces a complete line of hydraulic steering units for use in low speed vehicles up to 60 km/h, as well as dynamic and static hydraulic brakes with hydraulic and manual control, varying range of static torque and so on. But its elaborate portfolio and capacity to deliver hydraulic solutions that match specific customers’ technical requirements is not the company’s only competitive advantage. Mr Papazov explains: “At M+S we train technical personnel from the companies working within our ever-growing distributors’ network. We support the marketing activities of our partners through trade fairs and international exhibitions. “M+S is a very flexible company, always open to discussing relevant ideas in order to find the best solutions for cooperation with partners and customers. We are keen on our flawless logistics and the flexibility of all sections in the chain. We work tirelessly to ensure our clients are completely satisfied with our products and

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Trelleborg Trelleborg is a leading global sealing solutions provider, offering the best in elastomer, thermoplastic, PTFE and composite technologies for applications in diverse industries. Trelleborg’s expert engineers support customers using stateof-the-art design and manufacturing tools. We are honored to be one of M+S Hydraulic’s partners, supplying hydraulic motor sealing solutions, among which radial oil seals. Trelleborg’s specially designed radial oil seals are reinforced with a metal insert, without spring energized sealing lip and a wavy rubber covered outer diameter. Some of the advantages are: good static sealing and thermal expansion compensation; low friction and low heat generation; compact design; suitability for scraper applications.

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services. They are the resource upon which the success of our business depends.” M+S Hydraulic was the first company in Bulgaria to be certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. It also holds certificates for occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001:2007) and for environmental management (ISO 14001:2004).

Winning new clients With more than 90 per cent of its products sold abroad, M+S is clearly an export-oriented company. Its main markets are in Europe (70 per cent), followed by North America, Canada, Asia, Australia and South America. Owing to the rapid growth of the industry in Asia/Pacific, as well as in South America and South Africa, the company aims to expand its market share in those regions. A significant increase in sales of 27 per cent in India compared to the previous year is testament to the company’s readiness to secure new clients. “Expanding to new markets in the past 18 months has been the result of applying a very flexible price policy and presenting our clients with fast on-time customer services and highly professional technical skills. Furthermore, organising international distributor meetings on a regular basis helps us to synchronise the present and future business activities with our partners,” claims Mr Papazov.

machine facilities, special purpose and modular machine equipment, as well as a new totally computerised heat treatment processing line providing increased production capabilities. The entire production system is controlled by a specially designed MRP II system. Very often the company develops a completely new line of products based on the latest market demands or makes modifications to existing ones. Mr Papazov concludes, “M+S Hydraulic is a modern company with a very rich history, strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility and a contemporary management structure. We have a well-developed sales network, flexible customer oriented policies and services and a new product development programme, which boosts our profits. “Meeting the challenges driven by transformations in the domestic and global markets has become a key point of our management strategy. With a brand which stands as a synonym for guaranteed quality, M+S Hydraulic remains committed to its core values and ready to stand n up to the challenges in the global business world.” Visit:

Boosting competitiveness Apart from investing 10 per cent of its own turnover in technological equipment, M+S Hydraulic is benefitting from various EU programmes that support the ongoing development of the Bulgarian economy. Its production sites are equipped with programme

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Van Oord is a world-leading dredging, land reclamation and offshore support company and one that continues to exceed expectations. Philip Yorke takes a closer look at what is driving the company’s remarkable success and its latest maritime engineering achievements.

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an Oord was founded in Rotterdam in 1868 by Govert Van Oord and remains a family-owned and independent company. Today Van Oord operates worldwide as a leading contractor for dredging, marine engineering and offshore energy projects. This includes those for oil, gas and renewable energy. The company is headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and in 2010 opened a sales and support office in Houston, Texas. Today the company employs over 5000 people worldwide and in 2014 recorded sales of more than €2.14bn. Van Oord is a major global player and this is continuously underscored by its ability to win prestige projects. Recently this included such significant contracts as the European Gemini offshore renewable energy project worth €1.3bn, and the Indonesian artificial island project which involves the reclamation of 160 hectares of new land off the coast of Jakarta. Van Oord offers tailor-made, high-value marine solutions for projects that meet the challenges of the present and of the future. Safety, sustainability and continuity go hand in hand in this respect at Van Oord. The company also places strong emphasis on enhancing its value chain which extends from suppliers to its clients both large and small.

Multifaceted engineering expertise Van Oord’s business strategy involves concentrating on its three core activities: dredging, offshore oil & gas and offshore wind. Peter van Oord, the company’s CEO said, “This strategy is aimed at both strengthening and investing in our position in our existing main activities. In addition to the investments in new vessels, the acquisitions of J.T. Mackley & Co (united Kingdom), the staff and equipment

from Ballast Needham Offshore, and all of the shares in Dravo S.A. (Spain) in 2014 fit right into this strategy.” Currently the company is seeing strong growth in its dredging and offshore oil and gas sectors but the strongest growth is to be found in its offshore wind division, which grew significantly in 2014 both in terms of turnover and organisation. This exceptional growth was based on the award of two major contracts: Eneco Luchtwerduinen and Gemini. Currently the development of the offshore wind market is showing no sign of slowing down with the Dutch energy agreement providing the stimulus in Europe for the development of new offshore wind projects.

Expanding fleet In line with Van Oord’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, the company is investing more than €1 billion in new vessels and the modernisation of its existing fleet. In 2014 this included an order for a new ‘Fall Pipe vessel’, Bravenes, which is currently being built by the Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group Shanghai at its shipyard in Ningbo, China. Two trailing hopper dredgers are also being constructed and have been ordered and these vessels are now being built at the LaNaval shipyard in Spain. Early this year, Van Oord ordered a new cutter suction dredger and a crew vessel from Netherlands-based Damen Shipyards Group. The dredger, named ‘Ural River’, is a customised Damen CSD 650 with additional safety and environmental features according to specific Van Oord requirements. The vessel became operational in April as part of Van Oord’s dredging projects in the Caspian Sea. The company’s offshore wind division has also been strengthened by its acquisition of the staff and equipment of Ballast Needham Industry Europe 143

Offshore. Another major investment in 2014 was the introduction of the cable-laying vessel, Aeolus, which was specially designed for offshore wind projects, and the construction of Nexus, the advanced cable-laying vessel that was launched in March 2015.

New deep-dredging technology During the last few years, Van Oord has been developing an entirely new technique for dredging water at great depths. The company’s Unique ‘Deep Excavation System’ (DES) is its latest innovative method of the preparation of a sea bottom profile for the installation of offshore oil and gas pipelines. This system has been protected internationally by Van Oord’s global patents. Traditionally uneven seabeds are prepared for the laying of offshore pipelines by installing large quantities of rock. As an alternative to this Subsea Rock Installation (SRI) method, Van Oord has applied its Deep Excavation System in Australia and Norway. On these major projects, the excavation of thousands of cubic metres of hard and soft soils and thousands of tonnes of rock is now unnecessary. Van Oord’s Deep Excavation System allows dredging to take place at depths varying from 100 to over 1000 metres. The company’s flexible Fall Pipe vessels Stornes and Bravenes, can be equipped with this system, which has been designed exclusively in-house by the Van Oord R&D department. The system consists of the combined application of a sophisticated land grab and a Fall Pipe Remotely Operated Vehicle (FPROV). The DES also has a very accurate position control system and generates only very limited turbidity, which is vital in view of potential nearby, sensitive marine environments such as that of living coral. “Nowadays, oil and gas are being extracted more and more from isolated fields in deep water and transported long distances. Our clients face these challenges. In order to meet their needs we offer tailor-made solutions by applying our extensive marine ingenuity. The Deep Excavation System is an example of this and a valuable addition to our complete package of offshore services,” says Joep n Athmer, Managing Director of Van Oord Offshore. For further details of Van Oord’s innovative marine engineering products and services visit:

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The core business of IRO (Industrie Riunite Odolesi) SpA is the production of reinforcing bars, but for some years now the company has also been diversifying its activities into manufacturing niche products and billets. Barbara Rossi reports.

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RO SpA has more than 60 years of experience, having been established in Odolo (Brescia) in 1951, as a rolling mill for the production of reinforcing bars. The company further developed its activities over the years, with the installation – in the 1960s – of the first electric furnace for scrap melting and the introduction of one of the first continuous casting lines for billet manufacturing. This was followed in the 1970s by the installation of a new rolling mill and a new continuous casting machine, always with the aim of increasing production and improving product quality. In the 1990s there was another quality leap, thanks to the inclusion of the Tempcore system, for product welding and ductility, into the manufacturing process. Furthermore, the year 1991 saw the company obtaining the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification, followed by the UNI EN ISO 14001 environmental benchmark in 2005. In 2010 the company obtained OHSAS 18001 certification. In 2004, together with other companies within its sector, IRO participated in the establishment of SISMIC, a technical association whose aim is the promotion of earthquake-proof steel, through R&D work covering the entire reinforced concrete production chain. A few years ago IRO made investments totalling €12 million into the construction of a new continuous casting line, thanks to which it has widened the dimensional range of its billets up to 180mm x 180mm.

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Another result of this investment is that the company can now manufacture quality steels, an area into which it is trying to expand in order to counterbalance the dip in demand for reinforcing bars.

Following the diversification route Nowadays about 70–75 per cent of the company’s turnover derives from the sales of finished products, in other words bars. 80 per cent of this is generated by reinforcing bars, which remains the company’s main activity. The remainder derives from the previously mentioned niche products – mainly in the form of smooth bars for various uses. Smooth bars are supplied to a wider range of sectors, including the mechanics, prefabrication and moulding industries. IRO’s billets are a semi-product, not a finished product like bars. 25–30 per cent of its turnover is currently derived from these products, which are then converted by other rolling mills or moulders. The type of steel employed in the IRO billets varies according to the final application. IRO also owns an 80 per cent share of Nova P.M Sider, a preforming company based in Bologna and engaged in customising reinforcing bars in order to meet the design specifications of architects in charge of large construction projects. This is an activity

which, until 20 or 30 years ago, companies used to carry out internally. In recent years, owing to cost optimisation, this work has increasingly been outsourced. About 5 per cent of the reinforcing bars that IRO produces are for Nova P.M Sider, while the rest are sold to other processing plants which also carry out pre-forming.

Export challenges When it comes to foreign sales, in particular those to non-European countries, IRO supplies large local distributors, which then resell its products. In terms of reinforcing bars the export share has significantly increased in recent years; today it almost reaches 50 per cent, whilst 20 years ago it was about 15–20 per cent. This increase in export sales is mainly down to the crisis which has hit the construction sector in Europe, and particularly in Italy, causing a reduction of the volumes supplied to these geographical areas. This reduction took place a few years ago, but in the past four or five years volumes have stabilised. In this framework the level of overall product volumes has remain unchanged, but the foreign market has acquired an increasingly greater importance and IRO’s international share has grown in comparison to the total. The crisis within the European construction sector is what made the company take the decision to differentiate its activities both in terms of reaching new geographical markets and moving into new market segments – the latter of which it achieved with the development of quality steel production and with the widening of the dimensional range of billets. Its smooth bars and billets are mainly sold in Italy. In terms of its traditional product and core business, which is reinforcing bars, the main differentiation has taken place in terms of geographical markets. Algeria is the main export market, thanks to the significant growth of this country’s economy and the fact that other areas around the Mediterranean basin are experiencing particular political challenges. Clearly IRO is also still exporting throughout Europe, in places such as France, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Slovenia and other nearby countries. It will continue its diversification process and reinforcing bars will remain its main product. Geographically the company is always looking for new markets which, owing to the nature of reinforcing bars and to the bearing of transport costs on the final price of this product, must be in areas close to its headquarters. A recent important development has been the expansion of its production of smooth round bars so as to include new diameters (34/36/38/40 mm). These products comply with EN10025 European regulations and are EC certified according to construction product requirements for quality categories S275JR, S275JO, S355JR and S355JO. Dimensionally, these products comply with the requirements n listed in chart 1 of the EN10060 regulations.

We have been recovering new raw materials from waste since 1985, managing the complete waste cycle and fully respecting the environment. Today we can rightfully consider ourselves one of the main multi-functional platforms in Europe for the treatment and recovery of special hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Our Environmental Integrated Authorisation valid for 620,000 Tonnes/ year was granted in 2014. We treat the following materials: End of life vehicles and engines, ferrous and non-ferrous metallic materials resulting from mechanical selection and sorting (e.g. scrap from motorized vehicles and scrap in general), other materials containing metallic fractions; materials containing metals resulting from urban waste sorting operations; inert material resulting from recovery operations carried out on soils and stones, other materials resulting from remediation activities of polluted lands and waste containing fractions similar to sands or stones, inert materials suitable for the productions of goods to be employed in the construction business; waste-to-energy bottom ashes; other materials containing exploitable fractions. The incoming materials are treated through the use of screening operations, mechanical separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals through magnets and/or magnetic belts , eddy currents motors and manual sorting. Our output materials are mainly the following: ferrous and non-ferrous materials classified as “end of waste” or secondary raw material in compliance with the regulations in force; ferrous, non-ferrous and mixed metals; inert fractions of different kinds and sizes; wood, plastic rubber, glass.

floated aluminium, aluminium grain, aluminium cans, aluminium radiators, heavy mixed metals, heavy mixed granulated metals, copper wires, copper, armatures, “proler” iron , iron, stainless steel. RMB’s mission is to improve its industrial processing in order to widen the range of those exploitable fractions aimed at becoming alternative sources to the raw natural materials and at the same time to reduce the landfill disposal in accordance with the European directives concerning this sector. The international recognition of our exemplary activity, already included in our Integrated Quality System, is testified by the achievement of the most prestigious certificates and by the inclusion of our company in the WHITE LIST. Our strong vocation to improvement is also supported by the adoption of the Organisation, Management and Control Model according to D.L. 231/2001 and it is granted by the constant presence of the supervisory authorities.

RMB’s main objective is to recover all exploitable fractions contained in waste, particularly metals:

R.M.B. S.p.A. Via Montecanale,3 | 25080 Polpenazze del Garda (BS) Tel: +39 0365 675344 |

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POWDER COATING AND METALWORKING SERVICES The COLOREX Group is one of Poland’s leaders in powder coating and metal processing, with its activities including bending, cutting, welding and laser cutting. In 2015 the company celebrates its 25th anniversary, as Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.

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was 1990 when the predecessor of the current COLOREX group, a company located in Krakow, began its activity in the construction business. Two years later, COLOREX Powder Technology was formed with the first painting line. The following years saw new companies created under the umbrella of the COLOREX group. Owing to the growing demand for powder coating services, in 2000 another powder paint plant was founded in Krakow. Initially, it had two painting lines but today there are 12 of them. Covering an area of more than 8000 square metres are the ABC COLOREX powder coating plant, hi-tech machining plant and COLOREX Lift, which is a factory for the latest generation elevators with inverter-controlled motors, providing very low power consumption and high efficiency. The year 2005 saw the launch of two fully automated painting lines dedicated to the automotive industry and household appliances. Both meet the most stringent requirements and standards, with guaranteed durability, adhesion and corrosion resistance the result of specialised surface preparation technologies.

Each customer is important “No-one even expected in 1990 that this was the beginning of the success that finally transformed us into a large financial group. Over the past 25 years the COLOREX Group has broadened the scope of its activities to include: production of fencing (the COLOREX fencing factory offers first-class panel fencing systems designed for private residences or industrial constructions); provision of services in the field of metal processing; production of passenger and freight elevators; and activities related to the production of water dispensers. Moreover, we have a recreation centre located in the woods away from the hustle and bustle, but still near Krakow. The group also brings together a cluster of companies engaged in the distribution of protective foil, aluminum profiles and the provision of services relating to the Renolit foil lamination of profiles. Today COLOREX is a strong and stable group, which, thanks to its experience and the professionalism of its employees, can confidently look to the future. Modern technologies and cooperation with scientific institutions in

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Poland and abroad let us follow the changing trends in the industry to serve our customers and to be one step ahead of the competition,” says Jacek Figiel, the group’s president of the board. At the moment, the group has five production facilities in four locations and employs about 500 people. Its wide range of products is targeted primarily towards customers from the construction, automotive, furniture and household appliances industries. It should also be noted that the group serves both large companies and corporations as well as individual customers. “Our aim is total customer satisfaction at all times, regardless of the size of services rendered. Thus, each client is equally important for us,” points out Mr Figiel.

Leading European player Part of the group’s impressive growth can be attributed to EU subsidies which have enabled it to expand its machine park. The latest

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investment was 30 per cent financed by EU subsidies, which were used for the further expansion of the machine park and the creation of a modern line for powder coating. The COLOREX Group has a very strong position in the domestic market with a 60 per cent share, whilst the remaining 40 per cent is sold in foreign markets. It recently took its first steps to establish its sales on the French market and this year it will also be looking to expand its offer to other western European markets as well as eastern European and Asian markets. “A very high flexibility, the ability to provide personalised, tailormade services to meet customer needs and comprehensive services starting from design, to painting and delivery, are prime factors which distinguish us from the competition. Furthermore, close cooperation with scientific institutions and 25 years of experience in the field of powder coating have enabled us to introduce the most modern

technology into our painting lines. We have a number of certificates, such as the Qualicoat Certificate and ISO 9001: 2008, which confirm the high quality of our products and services, especially in terms of the quality of decorative coatings on aluminum elements used in architecture,” says Mr Figiel. In terms of future development, the COLOREX Group’s strategy is to increase its presence in foreign markets. It also plans to extend

its close cooperation with scientific institutions, universities and schools. Furthermore, it has been working on the development of a new product which, in contrast to the current seasonality of COLOREX’s services, would allow the group to maintain the same level of sales out of season too. “For this purpose, a special team was appointed which works on the development of unconventional and n very innovative products,” concludes Mr Figiel.

Interpon D Powder Coatings for Architecture Interpon D is the powder coatings range dedicated for architects. The Interpon D series offer a comprehensive range of high quality powder coatings and thus meet all international and architectural standards. With over 35 years of experience in architectural coatings, Interpon D helps to protect and enhance some of the most prestigious architectural projects in the world. Our products come with a range of guarantees and provide a professional coating solution for any requirement or environment. Durability and color, that‘s what our architectural products offer and we are extremely proud of our range of Interpon D Architectural products, which help protect and decorate structures the world over.” Akzo Nobel Car Refinishes Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Jana Dekerta 24
30-703 Kraków
Polska Mariusz Popielecki,
Account Manager Architectural, Poland T +48 12 390 48 14,16,18 
F +48 12 390 48 22
 M +48 785 016 902 

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KNOW-HOW IN STEEL Italy-based Siderval is one of the clear market leaders in special hot extruded steel bars produced through hot extrusion. Industry Europe looks at its activities and some of the more recent projects in which it has been involved.


ounded in 1971, Siderval is now recognised as a leading player in its field. From its headquarters in Talamona, Italy, Siderval operates using the latest, state-of-the-art equipment. It runs an automated peeling system with an annual production capacity of some 42,000 tonnes. Its special automated saws cut round steel bars into ingots of different lengths according to their specific weights and to the length of the profile to be produced. A modern horizontal hydraulic press with a capacity of 2400 tonnes extrudes bars of up to 16m in length with complex sections, solid or hollow, designed with a maximum diameter of 200mm. “Nowadays the company makes use of cutting-edge technology which offers technically innovative and economical solutions,” 152 Industry IndustryEurope Europe

begins Ernesto Riva, member of board of Siderval. “We make complex and unusual profile shapes in tubular and solid sections which cannot be produced using either traditional hot or cold working techniques. We are able to transform high alloy steels which, owing to their fast cooling properties and sequential hardening of the material, require short deformation time. Also, we are able to produce small quantities at competitive prices thanks to limited tooling costs; as such the production of a number of sample bars at no added cost has become possible. This is a great advantage that we share with clients.” As a result, extruded steel bars have become fundamental in many different industries, including: the energy industry (where they can be used to manufacture

thermo-nuclear and hydraulic power stations), aeronautics, marine, construction, automotive, automation & tooling, chemicals and so on.

Road to Panama The extension of the Panama Canal is one of the most high-profile projects in which Siderval is currently involved. The Canal is considered to be one of the most important works of engineering in the world as well as being of strategic importance for global commerce and security. In order to accommodate the next generation of over-sized vessels, the Panama Canal is getting its most ambitious upgrade in 93 years: a third channel hemmed in by its enormous flood gates. Due for completion by the end of

2014, this upgrade is set to double the shipping lane’s capacity. Each of the 16 gates involved in this project has been produced by the Italian steel structural manufacturer Cimolai. Siderval’s vital contribution was to make the 46 tonnes of steel required for the bulkhead frame. This project was carried out in close cooperation with Cimolai’s project management team.

The ‘Titanium’ way As with many other industry sectors, innovation and technological development are both key to Siderval’s continued growth. Innovative ingredients and suitable combinations of existing materials allow it to develop new products and increase efficiency to achieve better results for its clients. Technology based on titanium is becoming increasingly important and the company has therefore recently extended its product range to include it. To this end, it has purchased new machinery based on hot straightening technology – the only way to work with titanium. This material is employed in the medical industry and aeronautics, for example to make special profiles for motor rings and seat fixing systems.

Achieving CO2 reductions The development of special profiles for big boilers has been Siderval’s response to the issue of pollution and to the G7 requests to Industry IndustryEurope Europe 153

lower carbon emissions – particularly in areas such as Asia. The company recently received an order in China for the replacement of old coke boilers with new gas fired ones made from Incoloy 800 and Incoloy 825. To clarify, Incoloy 825 is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy which also contains molybdenum and copper. The chemical composition of this alloy has been specially designed to provide

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exceptional resistance to many corrosive environments and high temperature. It offers excellent resistance to both reducing and oxidising acids, to stress-corrosion cracking and to localised attack such as pitting and crevice corrosion. It is used for chemical processing, pollution-control equipment, oil & gas well piping, nuclear fuel reprocessing, acid production and pickling equipment.

Architectural structures During the 2012 Olympic games in London, Siderval provided the raw material for the new Olympic bridge. Across the ocean, it supplied material for the NYC freedom tower. The latter is an open, innovative building that simultaneously radiates and is filled with light. The plan for rebuilding the 16-acre site devastated by the September 11th attacks retains 2.6 million

square feet of office space and an observation deck. Sixty-nine office floors will sit on top of a 200 square-foot high reinforced base.

Looking ahead “Our aim for the next few years,” concludes Mr Riva, “is to enter new niches such as aeronautics in the US, industries for environmental applications in China, and nuclear in Russia. We are still growing and will continue to grow our international network. We like to think of our group as being much more than a single company, but rather an authentic partner that brings a wide range of solutions to enable our clients to obtain the n best possible result.” Industry IndustryEurope Europe 155

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Italy-based Vezzani SpA is a leader in high-productivity stationary inclined shears engineering and manufacturing for the metal scrap industry. Barbara Rossi talks to Gabriele Merlo, business development director, to find out more.


ezzani SpA was established in 1962 and today runs three production sites in the Alessandria area of north-western Italy. “Although we are primarily an engineering company, we also manufacture our products in-house. Thanks to our vertical organisation, we take care of the whole process from initial engineering to final product, without resorting

to outsourcing or delocalisation. This, alongside the fact that we employ highly skilled staff, really makes a difference in terms of product quality and durability, as we are often told,” Mr Merlo explained. The company offers turn-key solutions for the scrap industry, as well as individual products. Its core business is in the area of

high-capacity and high-productivity solutions and stationary inclined shears, but its range also includes other options. In fact, in addition to its flagship PC-AC stationary inclined shears, which can reach a productivity of 150 tonnes per hour, it also offers mobile inclined shears (the VS series). A spin-off of the original PC-AC series, this product line offers smaller

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semi-mobile and mobile inclined shears which, while offering the same types of benefits as their progenitor, do not require the same level of investments and are easier to move. With regard to shears, Vezzani is also still able to offer horizontal varieties (PC & PCM series) to customers who might require these solutions. Alongside shears, Vezzani offers different kinds of presses, press connected devices (for instance weighing systems), scrap cleaning systems, conveyors and cranes. Its automated presses are also used in scrap recycling processes, either integrated into production lines

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– for instance for production scrap recycling in the automotive sector – or employed in metal scrap processing in general. Customisation plays a very important role in Vezzani’s offer, as all products and solutions are tailored to the client’s specific needs.

Highly productive “In recent years our clients have mainly demanded turn-key solutions. We have also witnessed a strong growth in the demand for our high productivity stationary inclined shears, not just from our traditional client segments

but also from the naval demolition industry and processers of various types of scrap materials. This is owing mainly to the advantages that our high-productivity stationary inclined shears offer in comparison to traditional horizontal models. In fact, our machines can deal with oversized materials, thus reducing the cost of the usual collateral activities, such as torching. As our stationary inclined shears employ fewer moving parts than traditional models, maintenance costs are lower. In addition to this, one has to consider that as our solutions are fully automated, they also offer savings in terms of labour costs. Last but not least, they offer a much higher productivity. Overall, our stationary inclined shears offer significant savings in comparison to equivalent models as their running costs are only one third of those of traditional horizontal models. “In the past two years we have installed about 12 systems featuring more than 1600 tonnes of shearing force and a 150-tonne per hour productivity rate. Our systems are quite large and durable, with a long working life (25–35 years) so we deal with large projects rather than large numbers.” Innovation is very important for the ISO 9001 certified company. R&D is carried out internally by a dedicated department, which works on two different levels: improving existing products and developing new solutions (within the boundaries of the range currently on offer). The company continuously tries to improve the energy efficiency of it products. Every three to four years Vezzani invests in new production machinery, so as to remain at the cutting-edge in technological terms.

Client base Its clients are mainly medium to very large steel plants, foundries and metal scrap processers. As mentioned, demand from ship demolition specialists has been increasing in recent years. Geographically, Vezzani supplies countries all over the world, covering all continents (including Australia). “Geographical demand varies from year to year, according to market trends and the measures taken by different governments to sustain the metal industry. As we know this has not been in the best shape in recent years, owing to oversupply and a lowering of raw material costs. Despite all of this we have been doing quite well, maintaining – and even slightly increasing – our turnover. This is down to the fact that we serve mid-high range clients who tend to continue to invest even when market trends are not optimal in order to increase their competitiveness.” As well as offering its clients reliable highquality products featuring many benefits (Vezzani has more than one thousand machines currently in operation in more than 50 countries, some of which have been in use for more than 40 years) the company provides a 24/7 direct customer service network. It also offers training for its clients staff during installation. In the short-term Vezzani expects to see growing demand from the American conti-

nent (North, Central and South) and the Middle East. Long-term forecasts are not really possible for the reasons previously explained. Although there are no acquisitions in the pipeline, the company could be interested in them, should the right opportunity arise. n Industry Europe 159


MED-TECH SYSTEMS Nolato is a global leading partner in the development and manufacture ofcustomer-specific medical devices, mobile phone components and specialist packaging products. Philip Yorke spoke to Christer Wahlquist, the company’s president of Nolato Medical, about its focus on meeting the future challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry and its continuing investment in the world’s fastest growing markets.


olato Medical forms a major part of the Nolato Group’s business activities and specialises in the development and manufacture of polymer components and devices for the pharmaceutical and Medical device industry. The Nolato Group was founded in Sweden in 1938 as Nordiska Latexfabriken i Torekov AB and operated under the trademark Nolato, which remains its trading name today. The group is divided into three distinct business divisions: Nolato Medical (medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging); Nolato Telecom (components and subsystems for mobile phones); and Nolato Industrial (for the development and manufacture of components for the automotive, forestry, white goods and packaging industries). Today Nolato is a major global player in its chosen disciplines and is headquartered in Torekov, Sweden, with production facilities located in Sweden, UK, Hungary, Romania, China, the USA and Malaysia. In addition, the company has sales offices in France, Germany, Taiwan and the Czech Republic. The Nolato Group employs more than 8000 people worldwide and in 2014 recorded sales of more than €460 million. The company is also quoted on the NASDDAQ OMX Nordic market stock exchange.

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Focus on product development Co-creation of innovative solutions in partnership with clients is at the heart of Nolato’s well proven business model. Working in close partnership with Nolato Medical from the early development phase can be a key factor for success. The company’s breadth and depth of understanding of manufacturing technologies for medical applications, combined with its unrivalled experience, enables it to create costeffective, optimised solutions that ensure optimal quality and efficacy. Nolato Medical offers a well-established project structure with clearly defined project management protocols where the cornerstones of the development phase include extensive analytical simulations for product function, moulding and assembly processes, assembly design, risk analysis, research planning and process evaluation. Together with its in-depth knowledge of injection moulding, these resources provide secure and robust volume production. Wahlquist said, “The solutions we provide for our OEM customers are designed to increase efficiency and reduce their costs and we work on a one-to-one basis in close collaboration with them. Our 50 years of experience in advanced medical technology operations has given us a firm foundation in cutting-edge expertise, especially in the development and production of polymer products for our marketleading medical technology and pharmaceutical customers.

“We always endeavour to develop long-term and close working relationships with our customers, because the better we understand their processes and needs, the greater is the value that we can create for them. Furthermore, close proximity to our customers is important, both for us and for our customers’ and we are therefore open to establishing production facilities wherever a customer is located anywhere in the world. “This way we can reduce investment risk and that of lead times by utilising existing production units. We have R&D capabilites in every manufacturing plant and on every site we have robust quality and development expertise. As part of our strategy for growth we are open to acquisitions providing they match our high standards and ethical processes. Not long ago we acquired a leading UK pharmaceutical packaging company, Cope Allman Jaycare, which specialises in Pharma packaging and has sales of more than SEK 270 million, which in turn has opened the door to a wide range of international pharmaceutical companies for us. “Another important factor in our on-going success is our policy of decentralisation, which empowers local companies to do well and to use their own expertise and local knowledge to achieve their goals.” Industry Europe 161

Global expansion Nolato Medical continues to expand its global interests and recently significantly expanded its operations in China. This expansion has involved the construction of an additional 2200 square metres of high-tech production facilities. More than 800 metres of which will be devoted to the creation of state-of-the-art clean-room facilities of the highest standard in accordance with ISO 14644 –1:1999, class B. Today China is the fastest growing market for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, which means that more and more of the company’s customers are expanding their own production capabilities in China. Nolato Medical has been active in China since 2008 and overall Nolato Medical operates around 25,000 square metres of clean-room capacity in a range of classes at nine facilities located in Asia, Europe and North America. The company is also increasing its Hungarian production facilities and is expanding its capacity by a further 3700 square metres. “Our Hungarian operations have grown substantially in recent years and we need to expand our resources in order to continue meeting our customer’s production requirements,” commented Nolato’s president and CEO, Hans Porat. “The extension also creates even better fundamentals for efficient production.”

User-friendly pharma packaging Nolato Medical’s Pharma packaging offers a full range of primary plastic packaging for both prescription and over-the-counter medicines covering all dosage forms from solids and liquids to creams and powders. Through its innovative research, development and close cooperation with its customers and external partners, Nolato Medical pharma packaging contributes significantly to making the delivery of all medications safer and easier for patients to administer. Knowing the extensive requirements of its customers the company focuses on providing a high level of compliance and documentation of its products. In general all Nolato products provide full conformity with the European Pharmacopoeia as well as those of the USA. n For further details of Nolato Medical’s latest innovative products and services visit:

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CHAIN REACTION As the inventor of the world’s first chainsaw, Andreas Stihl remains the global leader in the development and manufacture of chain saws and other hand-held power tools. A continuous investment programme and a clear focus on innovation has resulted in a company that is breaking all records in terms of both new products and sales revenues. Philip Yorke reports. Industry Europe 163


ndreas Stihl began his career as a salesman for a German mill and industrial supply house. This brought him into contact with loggers in the Black Forest, where the felling of trees was carried out with stationary saws or laboriously by hand. In 1925, Stihl decided to bring more modern tree felling methods to the trade and established a small workshop in order to develop the world’s first ‘portable tree-felling’ machine, this was an electric chain saw that weighed in at 140 pounds. Based in Walblingen, Germany, Stihl continues as a family-owned business that remains the world’s number one chainsaw brand, as well as producing a wide variety of outdoor power tools and equipment that ranges form brush-cutters and edgers, to hedge trimmers and blowers. Today Andreas Stihl is present in more than 160 countries worldwide and operates state-of-the-art plants in Germany, Switzerland, Brazil and the USA and in 2008 it made a major investment in new production facilities in Qingdao, China. In 2014 the company generated sale of more than €2.8 billion with over 12,300 employees and achieved a turnover of more than €2.8billion.

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Leading through innovation The culture of entrepreneurial innovation and customer service has been at the heart of Stihl’s culture since Andreas Stihl invented the world’s first chain saw in 1926. Other milestones include the automatically lubricated chain and guide bar via a unique oil lubrication system, launched in 1934, and in 1936 a centrifugal clutch was introduced that ensures that the saw chain is automatically advanced as the engine speed increases. In 1972 the company also announced its new electronic ignition and chain braking system, that can bring the chain to a halt in a fraction of a second of the chain ‘kicking back’. Following a constant stream of innovations through the years the company more recently introduced its 2-Mix Engine that offers up to 70 per cent fewer emissions and up to 20 per cent less fuel consumption. Finally, the company’s most advanced chainsaw ever produced was introduced to the market in 2010. The Stihl M-Tronic is a

Cosmos Manufacturing, Inc. has been in business for over 43 years serving the outdoor power equipment industry worldwide. We continue to be the premier provider for design, development, and manufacture of exhaust systems for two and four cycle small and medium sized engines. Received the Supplier of the Year award from Stihl twice in the last 6 years. Owner John Michelon was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award for being a reliable supplier to Stihl for over 40 years.

111 East 34th Street, South Chicago Heights, IL 60411 Phone: +1 708-756-1400

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remarkable new product that features full electronic controlled ignition timing and an advanced fuel metering system. Furthermore the carburettor is automatically adjusted to accomodate any changes in altitude, temperature and fuel quality. However, it is not only the company’s chainsaws that can claim that they are the most innovative and efficient hand held power products in the world. Other products, such as the company’s new BGA 100 cordless blower, are being launched soon. It will be the most powerful, and quietest cordless blower on the market with a sound power level of only 90dB.

Focus on Scandinavia With sales continuing to see strong growth in Scandinavia and in particular in Finland, the Stihl Group has founded a wholly-owned sales subsidiary there. The new company, Andreas Stihl Oy, is based in Vantaa near Helsinki and has taken over the responsibility for

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covering the local market for Stihl and Viking chainsaws as well as for other outdoor power tools and garden equipment. At the opening ceremony, advisory and supervisory board chairman Dr Nikolas Stihl expressed his confidence in the continuation of the positive growth in the Finnish market when he said, “I see great potential for our products in Finland with its vast forested areas.” The opening ceremony on 20th March this year in Vantaa, Finland was attended by Stihl staff, Stihl dealers and representatives from the press. Interestingly, more than three quarters of the land in Finland is wooded and it is one of the most sparsely populated countries in Europe with just 5.4 million inhabitants in an area that is almost as big as Germany.

Rewarding quality and commitment Recently Andreas Stihl honoured five of its key suppliers with its ‘Supplier of the Year’ Award. Since 1990, Stihl has made the cov-

eted award to a total of 96 suppliers and 24 of those have won the award twice, whilst five have been honoured three times or more. The assessment criteria for the award is based upon a supplier’s contribution in terms of quality, technology, innovation, service and price performance ratio. The ‘Supplier of the Year’ award spotlights the suppliers who have supported Stihl in a special way with their high quality, punctual deliveries, flexibility and specialist know-how. The five recent winners are: BPS-Tec GmbH of Schorndorf, Germany for engineering services; Domel d.d. of Zelezniki, Slovenia for electric motors and generators; HAMA Mould Technology (HK) Ltd. of Hong Kong, China for injection moulds; Sapa Precision Yubing Lichtervelde NV, Belgium for its aluminium tubing and finally Salettra SRL, Bentivoglio, Itakly for flywheels.

into export markets. His entrepreneurial courage and keen sense for new developments laid the cornerstone for Stihl’s global success,” said Klaus Beckker, chairman of KPMG AG, the international n accountancy firm.

Breaking fiscal records In 2014 the Stihl Group achieved a record turnover of €2.98 billion, this was in spite of various international crises and the unfavourable effects of foreign exchange rates. Compared with the previous year growth was almost 6 per cent and would have been as high as 9 per cent had it not been for changes in foreign exchange rates. Investment in new plant therefore remains high and Stihl’s worldwide network of manufacturing facilities was further extended last year with manufacturing subsidiaries accounting for 88.3 per cent of investments, representing €161 million. In addition, the construction of a new production plant for ZAMA carburettors was started in the Philippines. The group will invest more than €40 million in this project alone. Production capacity was also expanded significantly at the company’s Chinese manufacturing subsidiary in Qingdao with the inauguration of a new building this year.

Entrepreneurial courage At a special ceremony earlier this year Hans Peter Stihl was inducted into the ‘Hall of Fame of German Family Companies’ 2015 by the business daily publication: Handelsblatt. The jury honours entrepreneurs who have made an exceptional contribution to Germany as a business location. “Hans Peter Stihl’s outstanding achievement was to transform a company with technically excellent chainsaws into a truly global brand. At a very early stage and long before others, he ventured out Industry Europe 169

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ON A ROLL Optimising Europe’s rolling stock is the sole focus of Astra Rail Industries, which is a leading developer and producer of modern freight wagons, bogies and rail cars. Philip Yorke spoke to John Brown, the company’s sales and marketing director, about its continuing investment in new technology and move into new markets.


stra Rail Industries was founded in Romania in 1882 and has since produced over one million freight wagons. The company operates three modern manufacturing facilities in Romania, in Arad, Turnu-Severin and Caracal. Operated and driven by a German management team with unrivalled experience since 2012, the company subscribes to the highest standards of European freight wagon engineering. Astra Rail Industries SRL has the largest freight wagon manufacturing capacity in Europe, with covered working areas exceeding 350,000 square metres. This enables Astra Rail to produce more than 5000 freight wagons per year in a wide variety of designs and with many innovative tailor-made features. In addition to freight wagon production, Astra also provides servicing, maintenance and repair facilities, as well as offering special services for the development and inspection of railcars. Today the company is able to draw upon the expertise of two of its subsidiaries for special projects: ICPV, with its prestigious engineering offices

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MSV Metal Studénka, a.s. R. Tomáška 859 742 13 Studénka Czech Republic

+420 556 472 202

MSV Metal Studénka, a.s. is a leading modern forging shop and the largest European supplier of forgings and rolling stock subassemblies for railways, which annually exports 80% of its production to roughly 22 countries across Europe, Africa and Asia. After two years of heavy investment we recognized a significant improvement in our production process, thanks to which we maintain our leading position in the production of buffers, screw couplers, draw hooks, draw gears and most of the spare parts for railway wagons and bogies. We deliver the forgings and stampings heat-treated, painted and we are increasingly focusing on their machining. Customer interest is growing mainly for the supply of an innovative mass-produced buffer and draw gear. We are continuously expanding our product portfolio with the objective to provide comprehensive supplies to all sectors – key manufacturers as well as railway wagon repair shops. Over the last two years we have invested EUR 5.2 million in new technologies, which has enabled us to reduce the energy demands of production, increase the productivity of the workplaces and raise the quality of our products. We are going to continue our investments in future – our investment plan for the next two years shall reach the amount of EUR 4.6 million. All of our key products undergo a series of qualitative and supplier audits each year, and some of these products have been upgraded this year by obtaining the certification by Notified Body, which moves us another step ahead of our competition.

Connecting what belongs together

Certified to DIN ISO 9001:2008 · DIN EN ISO 3834-2:2006 DIN EN 1090-1/-2 Level EXC3 DIN EN 15085-2:2008-01 Level CL1 Cutting technology • Laser technology Working range 5,200 x 31,000 mm Material thickness up to t = 20/25 mm • Fine plasma cutting technology Working range 6,000 x 27,000 mm Material thickness up to t = 40 mm

Research, development and innovation – a triad that is both maxim and aspiration for Ferro Umformtechnik.

Bending technology Work length up to 28,500 mm Press power up to 4,400 t Laser welding technology Working range for sheet metals 6,000 x 25,500 mm Working range for profiles 13,000 mm Welding technology • Component and assembly manufacturing Construction

Laser-welded side wall Length 18 m Ferro Umformtechnik

GmbH & Co. KG 48703 Stadtlohn, Germany

Phone: +49 2563 - 93 37 - 0 Fax: +49 2563 - 93 37 - 999

172 Industry Europe

Automated grease lubrication by FAIVELEY TRANSPORT SCHWAB:

“The absolute freedom from maintenance” Functional Principle of the greasing device

borehole in buffer plate

lubricant conduct

lubricant dispenser

The new self-greasing buffer+ lubricates its own head for as long as 15 months. Manual re-lubrication during this period of time is not needed. This also contributes towards reducing friction and preventing the formation of riffs. Life service of the Buffer+ is greatly increased thanks to the reduction of wear and an improved gliding behaviour. The lubricant dispenser can be filled up with different types of lubricant. FT Schwab AG is able to check the different types of grease according to a reliable functioning of the lubricant dispenser. Faiveley Transport Schwab on track for success thanks to innovative strength, flexibility and proximity to customer.

Faiveley Transport Schwab has been manufacturing railway products for car builders and OEMs worldwide at its plant in Schaffhausen since 1912. Research and Development is strongly focused, making up over 25 per cent of the workforce including nine development engineers. Well above 10 000 buffers and over 250 coupler units leave our warehouse every year. Faiveley Transport Schwab supplies the majority of the Swiss railway network, including mountain railways. The buffers+ with automated grease lubrication and the automatic tow coupler for the revamping old vehicles were some of the product innovations launched in 2013.

FAIVELEY TRANSPORT SCHWAB AG Ebnatstrasse 150A, 8207 Schaffhausen, Schweiz / Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)525602760 Industry Europe 173

in Arad; and Astra Project, a company based in Proprad in Slovakia. Today the management of Astra is clearly focused on promoting the sustainable and long-term development of the Astra Rail Group, in its evolution into a strong financial entity and a clear market leader in its sector. At Astra Rail, therefore, long-term thinking takes precedence over short-term, profit-driven considerations.

Innovation and service driving sales Today Astra’s key sales markets are mainly the countries of the European Union. However, since 2012 the company has been extending its geographic reach and now exports its products to Russia and the Middle East. Brown said, “As a privately owned company based in the Netherlands, we are well placed to offer the highest quality, reliability and flexibility. In addition to our three modern factories we also manage a network of maintenance shops throughout Europe and are able to conduct all our testing programmes in-house. Our customer base is comprised of leading rail operating companies and we have more than 60 highly qualified and dedicated design engineers serving them, as well as our own state-of-the-art testing facility located in-house. “We are a very lean, efficient and reliable company and pride ourselves on the service we offer our customers, as well as in the high standards of our products. We are getting more and more involved in the design and manufacture of highly complex special projects and introducing new technologies in the development of multi-functional freight wagons. Our main European markets are Germany, France, England, Switzerland and France. However, we’re seeing consistent growth in new markets such as the United Arab Emirates, Russia and the USA. “We continue to invest heavily in new technology and now have the latest laser-cutting machines and employ robotics for many stages of our manufacturing processes. We always like to look at things in the long-term and develop mutually beneficial relations with our clients. In fact, many of our rail operator customers have been with us for many, many years.”

Increasing demand for special freight wagons The demand for individual high-spec rail cars and freight wagons has kept the company’s two specialist subsidiaries very busy. ICPV and Astra Rail Project operate as Astra’s construction and development teams as well as operating its in-house, independent testing laboratories. These two engineering offices develop railcars and bogies for in-house production and are commissioned by external companies to carry out advanced development contracts. The whole value chain is encompassed by their services, from technical analysis, consultancy and execution, through to technical acceptance that includes final testing and approval. 174 Industry Europe

A good example of recent developments in special contracts can be seen in the company’s latest ‘Super Self Discharging Train’. This vehicle is 600 metres long and consists of permanently coupled rakes, each with either six or four wagons, with an incorporated conveyer discharging system. This train is suitable for the effective transportation of gravel, ballast, sand and mixed materials. In addition, each rake consists of a power unit fitted with a diesel engine, which powers the hydraulic, electric and pneumatic systems.

Continuously enhancing quality One of Astra Rail’s most important strategic goals is to continuously enhance the quality of its products and services. The company aims

to satisfy and exceed the high expectations of its international customers on a long-term basis and to maintain its position as one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of advanced rail cars and wagons. To this end, more than 50 employees are dedicated exclusively to providing quality assurance services at all levels. The Astra Rail management system has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, EN 14025, EN ISO 3834-2 and EN15085. This is a field where Astra Rail works together with TUV (German Technical Inspectorate) and Astra Rail has also been certified under the Deutsche Bahn’s HPQ and VPI. n For further details of Astra Rail’s latest innovative rolling stock products and services visit: Industry Europe 175

RAIL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS 176 Industry Industry Europe Europe 176

Hoppecke Batteries’ Rail Power is part of the company’s Special Power Systems division. Rail Power develops and produces power supply systems for trains. Marco Siebel spoke with Hans Peter Czernietzki, sales director of the company’s business unit Rail Power, about the company’s €10 Million investments in the USA, the company’s new three-story office building in Germany, and the latest market developments.


OPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1927 by Carl Zoellner, who named the company after the nearby river Hoppecke, in central Germany. The company is still family run by the fourth generation owner Marc Zoellner. Turnover in 2014 was €340 million, generated by 1980 employees. Hans Peter Czernietzki begins: “About 40–45 per cent of turnover is generated in Europe, 50 per cent in Asia and Africa, and between 5–10 per cent in the USA. We expect to reach the €500 million turnover mark within the next five years. We currently have one production facility in the USA, two in China, and three in Germany. As planned, we expanded our production facility in the USA in 2014; instead of renting we now own a new production facility.” Hoppecke has six production facilities in Germany, and one in the USA. It was in Brilon where Hoppecke first produced special alkaline batteries on a fibre-structured basis, in a joint enterprise with two major German car makers. In 2011 Hoppecke opened its technology centre in Zwickau, between Munich and Berlin.

Mr Czernietzki adds: “In 2015 we inaugurated a new three-story office building at our headquarters in Brilon, where we have now concentrated our sales and production management. Our research department is still based in Zwickau.”

Hybrid trains in Germany Germany is operating the first hybrid shunting locomotive fleet throughout Europe. The Hoppecke powered vehicles are less noisy compared to conventional diesel shunting locomotives and save about 40 per cent on fuel and 60 per cent on emissions. The hybrid vehicles contribute to the Deutsche Bahn’s climate protection programme 2020. Hoppecke’s 6.5-tonne batteries deliver the clean power the European Union’s environmental CO2 targets demand: Germany voted for a law aiming at reducing CO2 emissions by 50 per cent from 1990 base level by 2020. Mr Czernietzki says: “We are obviously happy with the trend of hybridisation of outdated diesel run rolling equipment. The first testing agreement with Deutsche Bahn was signed in 2010 within the frame

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of the Deutsche Bahn Green Logistic Programme. The aim was to fully replace the conventional shunting locomotives fleet with hybrid locomotives. Today we live in an era of converting old rolling equipment to hybrid technology, and we are in an excellent market position to provide rail services with complete battery systems using our unique lightweight FNC® technology.”

Fibre Nickel Cadmium technology The Hoppecke Fibre Nickel Cadmium battery, FNC®, has been on the market for more than 30 years. The unique FNC® technology is based on metallised polypropylene fibre-structured mat, originally developed for very demanding applications such as aerospace as well as electric and hybrid vehicles. The carrier material for the active material is not a heavy and rigid metal, but instead a very lightweight, flexible mat. The highly dense, three-dimensional structure of the metallised fibre mat is so porous that 90 per cent of the volume of the fibre electrodes remains free for filling with active material. Mr Czernietzki continues: “Hoppecke’s FNC® technology has the advantage of being lightweight and yet able to produce high to very high currents during discharge and charging at a low nominal capacity.” The fibre-structured electrodes have a conductive nickel matrix into which the active material is filled using a specially developed process, without the use of additives such as graphite or iron, meaning that there is no oxidation possible. Consequently, no change of electrolyte is necessary throughout the operating life of the battery, in contrast to conventional NiCd batteries. Hoppecke has supplied more than one million FNC® cells to its railway customers throughout the world. This success is based on 178 Industry Europe

the many advantages offered by FNC® technology as compared with other energy storage systems. All Hoppecke FNC® cells for rail vehicles are manufactured at the Brilon site in Germany, which is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and DIN 6700 C5 standards. Today, Hoppecke continues developing special power products that allow high to very high currents, for the railway industry and the aviation and aerospace industries.

Complete solutions Since 2001 Hoppecke has seen a ten-fold increase in turnover, and expects to increase its growth by selling complete power supply systems comprising FNC® cells with its crates or trays, battery boxes, and all the electrical components such as fuses, switches and diodes. In addition, for rail transport vehicles, Hoppecke offers battery chargers which may be installed inside or outside the battery box as desired. Today, Hoppecke is the number one provider of complete battery systems in China. In the USA, Hoppecke batteries operate the subway

trains of Miami and Honolulu. In terms of turnover, the European market provided the lion’s share of the €340 million generated in 2014, followed by China and then the USA. Mr Czernietzki: “We see a bright future in both the hybridisation of rolling rail equipment and the development of complete battery systems. We are the only supplier in the world capable of equipping our battery systems with either lead-acid or NiCd batteries at our own production sites.” Hoppecke’s other divisions are Motive Power Systems, covering the market for industrial trucks and driver-less transport systems, and Reserve Power Systems, protecting life and goods, and securing data around the clock. Mr Czernietzki concludes: “Hoppecke is the only battery producer that has all four technologies in-house: lead, FNC® nickel-cadmium, NiMH and Li-Ion. This means that customers do not need to look for different power system providers; they find every technology they need n to use at Hoppecke.”

ULTRATEX Nonwoven fabrics have a wide range of characteristics, many-sided functions and enormous potential! For over 30 years, ULTRATEX has been the preferred specialist in processing nonwovens. Flexible production technologies, ultra-modern machines and innovative finishing characterise our enterprise. Heat and ultrasonic welding and sewing, punching, cutting, calendering, laminating, gluing and printing offer a wide spectrum for realising and implementing new ideas. This gives rise to products for industrial packaging, filter applications, advertising materials, pillow cover, products for medical applications such as nonwoven covers for cold-warm compresses, disposable products for clothing in cosmetics and food packaging industries and other applications with demanding hygiene requirements. As a medium-sized enterprise, ULTRATEX operates to an uncompromising standard of organisation and flexibility, enabling it to respond dynamically to market changes.

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INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATIONS The world of communication technology is in a constant state of evolution, and Danish company GN Netcom is out in front. Industry Europe looks at the latest innovative communication solutions from the company.


Netcom supplies a range of headsets and other equipment solely under the Jabra brand. Based in Ballerup, about 20km from Copenhagen, its history goes back to 1869, when the Great Northern Telegraph Company was founded. The company does not have its own manufacturing facilities, but works with a number of subcontractors in China, with which it has a very close relationship. Its biggest markets have traditionally been North America and western Europe, but new markets are emerging and growing rapidly, including China and Russia.

Customised sporting solutions In June this year (2015) GN Netcom launched Jabra Sport Coach Wireless – the world’s first wireless headset with cross training coach180 Industry Europe

ing and music, thus extending the Sports Audio segment. The headset has been developed specifically for fitness offering both a built-in motion sensor and a simultaneous personalised audio cross training coach through its Jabra Sport Life app. Jabra Sport Coach Wireless represents a cutting-edge headset developed to satisfy the previously unmet need of fitness fans of being able to listen to premium quality music while at the same time receiving customised real-time audio cross training coaching. Through these features, Jabra Sport Coach Wireless creates the best conditions for staying motived during workouts. “For sports, we are committed to delivering innovative audio solutions designed to enhance the training experience for fitness enthusiasts,” said Jabra CEO René Svendsen-Tune says. “We started by

specifically targeting runners, and now we are taking the next step by delivering a solution optimised for cross trainers. We see clear possibilities for in-ear audio solutions combined with biometrics.”

Unified communications Last year, GN Netcom launched its Jabra Evolve line. This series of five headset models offers a variety of features and benefits – but the significance of this launch was far greater than one or two new features. The Evolve range has been designed and built for the burgeoning Unified Communications sector, which GN Netcom has identified as a key focus area. “The Evolve product is interesting in many ways but first of all it is really a solution to address the needs of the ‘knowledge worker’, so we can help people working in the office environment to boost their productivity, and drive the adoption of headsets in these areas,” says GN Netcom’s chief technology officer, Leo Larsen. “A couple of years ago we started investigating various markets. The trend towards Unified Communications is a major trend and a

big opportunity for a company like ours. UC says you leave behind the old phone system – the days where you had a piece of covered wire going from A to B are definitely gone. And UC isn’t only covering voice, but also messaging. It’s about integrating it all on one platform, one network. You move from terminal to PC-based phone – and then you need some tools for your phone system which is, hopefully, in most cases a headset or hands-free device.”

Identifying priorities GN Netcom did a major study worldwide, asking some of its biggest customers what they needed for their ‘knowledge workers’ who were often working in open plan offices and sometimes at home. Jabra Evolve was developed as a direct result of the research and is sold through Jabra Business Solutions partners. A key feature is advanced noise-cancellation technologies, designed to enhance productivity by offering a unique personal ‘concentration zone’ which effectively minimises disturbances in an open office. This, GN Netcom found, significantly improves concentration and productivity in

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noisy work environments – 69 per cent of those questioned said that disturbances in the office had a negative effect on their performance. Jabra Evolve is also designed to meet the increasing demand for music headsets in offices, by featuring Bluetooth or jack connections to deliver plug-and-play options for PCs or mobile devices, while still providing top quality for phone conversations. That also provides the option for users to tune into a training video, content on YouTube or promotion material while also taking phone calls. In essence, the range is designed for the way we work today – flexibly, often in noisy open plan offices, maybe at home, and often doing more than one thing at a time. As well as the noise cancellation ear cushions, there is a ‘busy light’ built into the headphones, signalling whether the user is available to colleagues or not. And the range has been designed with mobility in mind – the Evolve headset can be hooked up to cell phone or PC, or disconnected and hooked another portable device as required. Among other recent developments has been the Jabra Pulse, a Bluetooth headset with integrated pulse monitor – so the user can, for example, run, listen to music and measure their pulse at the same time. The pulse monitor can also work with the user’s smart phone via a special App.

investments are increasingly focused, as we have to support different platforms and develop Apps to support our products. This is a major shift in emphasis and expertise.” The company has a ‘fairly aggressive’ growth strategy for the next few years, says Mr Larsen. “It is definitely our plan to grow; we do see substantial growth coming from these UC products but we also expect growth from other new products. We have done some investment in the music market and moving forward you will see further developments along the lines of the Jabra Pulse range. Our development team never stops; we are constantly adding new features and doing things better – driven, of course, by what is demanded by the market and what some n rapidly developing technologies can offer us.”

Constant evolution All of this adds up to constant challenges for GN Netcom’s development team. “Communication these days involves a lot of different technologies,” says Mr Larsen. “Where in the past you would have expected to call your hardware company to discuss a problem or solution, now we also call the software company. And products are typically a solution combining hardware and software. Software is definitely taking up more and more of our resources – that is where our Industry Europe 183

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PIONEERING SUSTAINABLE, MULTI-FUNCTIONAL FABRICS Lauffenmuehle is a European market leader in the development and manufacture of multifunctional, sustainable fabrics. Philip Yorke talked to Volker Steidel, the company’s CEO, about its strategic change of direction and its launch of high-tech, sustainable fabrics for workwear and protective clothing.


auffenmuehle was founded in southern Germany over 180 years ago and established its first textile mill back in 1834. Today the company is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of high quality yarns and fabrics. Lauffenmuehle operates two state-of-the-art facilities in the High Rhine region at Lauchringen and Loerrach. As a successful, fully integrated company with unrivalled experience in the manufacture of yarns and fabrics, it has become specialised in the production of fabrics for corporate- and workwear as well as for protective clothing. In 2014 the company employed over 300 people and recorded sales of more than €43 million.

Innovation driving sales Lauffenmuehle works in close collaboration with leading universities and professional organisations to develop the yarns and fabrics of the future. With the advent of globalisation, and the revolution in communications and sustainability, it is more important than ever to project a distinctive and clear profile. By focusing on niche markets in the safety and protective work-wear sector, the company has carved out for itself an enviable position where it is acknowledged as a technology leader in its chosen sector.

An extremely flexible company, Lauffenmuehle is able to make decisions quickly and to create tailor-made, innovative and sustainable products for its customers. One of the many areas in which the company excels in order to keep it ahead of the competition is its use of air-spun technology, which is used, for example, for uniform fabrics. The company has developed its own unique air-spun yarns and these offer clear advantages compared to conventional ring and rotor yarns. The fabric manufactured from these yarns is characterised by extremely high scrubbing and tearing properties, as well as offering low piling characteristics. Lauffenmuehle’s Bi-Stretch ‘Relax’ fabric offers a typical example of how the company has developed a modern fabric in order to meet the challenging demands of hospitals, healthcare and the catering and industrial sectors. This is the first time that elastomers have been used in the warp and weft of the fabric. ‘Relax’ offers optimal stretch comfort, especially where prolonged physical movements form a major part of the wearer’s work schedule. Manufactured with the heat and chemical resistant Elastolefin-fibre, this bi-stretch fabric outperforms all others on the market and is ideally suited to the leasing business. This particular business places a great deal of stress Industry Europe 185

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on fabrics owing to the excessive number of wash-and-wear cycles, extremely high washing and drying temperatures and the tremendous chemical and mechanical load throughout the washing process.

Sustainable fabric production All Lauffenmuehle fabrics are certified according to the international bluesign® standard of the textile industry, which means that various strict criteria are met during the production of each fabric. This includes areas such as consumer protection, resource-efficient production, occupational health and safety and the reduction of harmful emissions. Steidel said, “During the past ten years our strategy has been to move away from the fashion industry and to focus on high-end products based upon sustainable production methods and to meet the growing demands of Europe’s manufacturing and service industries. We have significantly reduced the number of chemicals used in our manufacturing operations from 350 to just 100, and this will continue to reduce still further in order to meet the highest environmental standards. “Furthermore, today we are only manufacturing our products in Germany and the cotton we use comes from Spain, Greece and Israel. We produce uniforms for all types of businesses and have been able to introduce countless product innovations to meet our customers’ individual needs. Our Tec Cell® line offers very comfortable and sustainable fabrics, featuring a new concept involving the use of a high performance fibre made from wood and produced in Austria. This latter is in place of cotton, which occupies large surfaces and needs a lot of water whilst growing. “This in turn endorses our commitment to reducing emissions by using only companies operating within a short distance of our facilities from a logistics perspective. We are not focused on the highvolume business sector and we don’t go to eastern Europe or Asia

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for cheap labour. All our products are manufactured here in Germany and that way we can guarantee the quality and service that we have become renowned for. Whilst the bulk of our exports are destined for western European countries, around 54 per cent, we are looking at other big markets for our future growth with the US being the most likely to be targeted in the medium term. We work in close cooperation with our customers to produce tailor-made solutions that meet the increasing demands of modern manufacturing and service industries. We also keep the door open for possible acquisitions or joint ventures if the synergy is right.”

From classical to hi-tech performance The comfortable feel and excellent optics of Lauffenmühle’s highquality, polyester cotton-blended and cotton-rich fabrics within the Classic range, partly certified according to DIN 10524 (meaning there are no negative effects on foodstuff owing to soiled workwear), make them the products of choice for companies throughout Europe. They are available from stock in over 50 colours. The company also supplies ‘Gneis’, its best selling fabric, in a further 115 colours. Meanwhile its PPE product line, Com4-Guard® offers reliable protection against thermal effects such as heat and flames, as well as against molten metal and electric arc. Furthermore, it protects against chemical risks (optional) and electrostatic discharge, and is also available in high-visibility versions. As a matter of course these fabrics meet all current standards for personal protective equipment. Finally, alongside these offers there is also of course a broad range of fabrics designed for widely n differing applications. For further details of Lauffenmuehle’s innovative textile products and services visit:

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SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION RadiciGroup is an Italian multinational with a long history and a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. Two of its companies – Noyfil SA and Noyfil SpA – are clear examples of this, as Barbara Rossi discovers.

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adiciGroup belongs to a wider industrial group, which also includes companies operating in chemicals, plastics, synthetic fibres and nonwovens sectors. RadiciGroup, whose establishment dates back to the 1941, has created a solid organisation on a worldwide scale, and has developed the highest possible degree of product technology. RadiciGroup’s strength is its vertically integrated nylon production. The Group is also a European leader in the production and processing of a wide range of polyester yarns. Here, its production control starts with the spinning process and reaches all the way down the chain through the various yarn processing stages. Its products are the starting point for developments in the apparel, furnishings, automotive, consumer goods, construction, electrical and electronics, household appliances and sport sectors. In 2014 the Group consolidated sales revenue was €1025 million.

Innovative and green Today innovation and sustainability must truly go hand in hand in a symbiotic relationship. For this reason, the group is totally focused on these issues. Indeed, it incorporated these concepts into its companies long ago and has cultivated them ever since. As mentioned, the group is an Italian multinational with diversified businesses focused on chemicals, plastics, synthetic fibres and nonwovens; and a strong global presence in Italy, the rest of Europe, North America, South America and Asia. “In all the businesses in which we operate,” said Filippo Servalli, marketing director of RadiciGroup, “we have adopted an approach to sustainability based on system-wide, rigorous measurements of the environmental, economic, human rights, labour practices and decent work performance, society and product responsibility indicators, as per

the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. The premise is that we can manage only what we can measure.” He continued: “The strategy we have adopted for sustainable product development is three-pronged: biopolymers, particularly bio-polyamides, partially or totally obtained from renewable source materials; post-industrial recycling; and eco-design, a new approach to product design that takes into account the environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle.”

Noyfil SA and Noyfil SpA Two RadiciGroup companies, Noyfil SA and Noyfil SpA, respectively located in Switzerland and Italy, offer two clear examples of this sustainability practice. Their know-how and total control of their production chain, from spinning to downstream processes, make the Noyfil production and processing sites capable of optimising and customising the performance of their yarn to customer specifications or target market requests. They cover everything from outdoor furnishings to marine, medical, industrial, apparel, automotive and geotextiles. All these are market sectors in which sustainability is becoming more and more essential. “During the past few years, our reduced environmental impact yarns have shown a positive growth trend,” said Daniele Dossi, site quality manager of Noyfil SA. “This holds true for our r-Radyarn® and r-Starlight® yarns, 100 per cent made from post-consumer recycled PET bottles; and CornLeaf yarn, made from polylactic acid biopolymer – a 100 per cent natural material made from renewable vegetable resources. CornLeaf is biodegradable and will decompose into mature compost.” He continued: “After measuring and calculating the environmental performance indicators for all our polyester yarns using the Life Cycle Assessment method, in September 2014 we chose

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The LEI TSU group is one of the European leaders in continuous yarn processing. All of its production takes place in Italy, in two plants based in Lombardy. For over 30 years the company has specialised in continuous polyester processing, first only as a twister and then also as an air texturizer, as well as a kdk and fancy yarn manufacturer. LEI TSU produces and distributes over 500 different continuous polyester products (raw-white, yarn-dyed or mass-dyed) which it sells all over Europe, Turkey and the Maghreb.

PRINCO SRL PRINCO SRL, in cooperation with its sister company MOVEngineering, supplies engineering services and equipment for man-made spinning factories suitable to produce “no touch quality yarn” (production without any manual handling of the bobbins) through POY, FOY and FDY processes. In the production of PA6 and PA6.6 PRINCO has realized important and big projects both in Italy and foreign countries. In the last years we have focused our attention also in the PET and PBT yarn production. In the field of polymer filtration PRINCO produces Hypox® Filter, a continuous polymer filter with cleaning in situ.

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the highest level of transparency and clarity by adopting the UNI 11505:2013 standard for measuring and declaring the recycled material content in r-Radyarn® and r Starlight® yarns. UNI 11505:2013 is the standard that establishes the requirements for the disclosure of recycled material content in man-made fibres. Disclosing the precise content of recycled material in fibres means providing users with all the elements needed to calculate the exact composition of their own finished products and giving end consumers more information, which can be found directly on the label. This certification was an important step for us and our commitment to sustainability.” The r-Radyarn® and r-Starlight® yarns, which are 100 per cent made from post-consumer recycled PET bottles, are sustainable in several tangible ways. They add value to waste, cut down on plastics disposal in landfills, make people aware of the importance of separate waste collection and decrease the energy used in production processes, thus reducing emissions of CO2 gas. Furthermore, the solution-dyed versions

of these yarns allow for a significant savings in water consumption compared to traditional dyeing processes. Another yarn produced by Noyfil is CornLeaf, which is made from polylactic acid (PLA) biopolymer and ensures full eco-compatibility in terms of reduction of CO2 emissions and water and energy savings. CornLeaf is available in a wide range of solution-dyed lightfast, wash-resistant colours. It combines the advantages of natural fibres with those of synthetics: light weight, tenacity, comfort, UV resistance and safety. Water is a natural resource that needs to be preserved: Noyfil can colour its yarn by solution dyeing, a technique that reduces the amount of water used, thus saving this precious resource. The yarn is dyed and functionalised during the initial extrusion stage and does not require further conventional downstream dyeing and finishing processes. This allows for significant savings in water consumption and a reduction in the pollution load. But that is not all. Solution dyeing and solution functionalisation also allow for n substantial energy savings.

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INTEGRATED LOGISTICS PROVIDER Koopman Logistics Group is one of the largest transport and logistics operators in the Netherlands. In addition to its car transport and warehousing activities, the company is increasingly focusing on the remarketing of ex-lease vehicles for leading leasing companies. Victoria Hattersley spoke to CEO Jon Kuiper to find out more.

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he Koopman Logistics Group was established as a one-man company in 1930. Since then it has developed into one of the foremost automotive logistics providers in the Benelux and Germany. With a transport fleet of around 350 carriers, the company is able to provide value added services to all major OEM and leasing companies, moving more than one million cars per year.

Strategic acquisitions The story of Koopman’s growth over the past decade or so has partly been one of strategic acquisitions in order to expand its market outreach and range of services. In 2008, for example, it purchased the company Drenth Logistics from Hoogezand in the northern Netherlands. Renamed ‘Koopman Warehousing’ in 2010, this company specialises in warehousing, order picking and European transport services and has become a part

of the group’s General Cargo division (along with the companies Koopman Depotrans and Koopman TransMission). Last year (2014) saw one of the most important acquisitions to date when Koopman took over the German company Möhlmann Automobil-Logistik, based in Neuenburg, with an annual turnover of some €130 million. This takeover will allow the group to further consolidate its position in the German market. Mr Kuiper said of this move: “We offer a broad range of services to our customers in the car industry in north-west Europe in particular. This expansion of both our capacity and working area will enable us to offer our customers an even better service.”

Core activities The group consists of several different divisions. Koopman Autotransport, headquartered in Noordhorn, specialises in direct car

distribution throughout north-west Europe. Its customers include manufacturers, importers and dealers of 24 car brands including such globally renowned names as BMW and Volkswagen. The group’s Born-based Automotive Solutions arm, meanwhile, is an operating base for vehicle distribution from Germany and eastern Europe to dealers in the Benelux and vehicles coming from the Belgian and Dutch ports for the German market. Its services include modifications and repairs alongside the standard logistics. Furthermore, the car terminal has deep sea, short sea, rail and road connections, meaning that Koopman, through its partners, has global connections. The company prides itself on its ability to provide its customers with an entirely integrated logistics solution, including its stateof-the-art IT system, to ensure it offers the

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most reliable service possible, adds value and reduces transport costs. Mr Kuiper explains: “Our decades of experience in car transport mean we have the biggest offering in the Benelux region when it comes to integral supply chain solutions for OEMs. We have mastered all aspects of the logistics process from unloading, repairs and modifications to delivery to dealerships. OEMS are demanding increasingly short lead times and we can provide this by shipping directly from our sites in Germany and the Netherlands and eliminating the need for third parties. We can even deliver cars directly to the end customer if required.” He goes on to say that an additional benefit of cutting lead times and speeding up deliveries is the reduction of the Koopman Group’s overall CO2 footprint. This is important given the increasingly stringent European sustainability criteria. The company is also in the process of bringing its entire operations up to the Euro 6 standard and expects this to be completed in the coming year. Alongside its automotive branches, the Koopman Warehousing arm of the group, based in Noordhorn, is available to store its clients’ vehicles prior to delivery. But in addition to storage it can also offer services

such as the unloading of container shipments, palletising, labeling, order-picking and / or repacking. Lastly, Koopman Cargo – headquartered in Nijkerk – offers the transport of goods within the Benelux, ranging from garden products, paper & board to packaging. The company has around 300 curtain side trailers at its disposal, allowing it to offer a fast, efficient service 24 hours a day, six days a week.

Focus on re-marketing

Looking ahead, the Koopman Logistics Group expects its re-marketing business to grow across northern Europe. Mr Kuiper concludes: “We are looking to increase our client base in this area. The fact that we have recently won this major contract extension is encouraging for us. By demonstrating the efficiency of our integral supply chain services we hope to win even bigger clients in the near future to continue our growth in n this segment.”

Whilst automotive logistics continue to be a vital part of Koopman’s operations, Mr Kuiper explains that the fall in sales in the European automotive market has obliged the company to re-think its strategy a little. In the future, therefore, its major focus will be on automotive ‘re-marketing’ contracts for car leasing firms. “We have recently extended a re-marketing contract with a big leasing company and this was important for us in terms of our future growth strategy. With re-marketing, we service the company’s entire fleet before delivery. We collect the cars, repair them to the correct standard and then deliver them to their destination in the shortest time possible. In short, we take care of the entire process every step of the way.” Industry IndustryEurope Europe 197



In June this year, Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions became an independent company under the name, Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airports Logistics GmbH. This strategic move provides many benefits for the company, but more importantly also for its customers who will enjoy an optimised customer service and increased overall efficiency. Philip Yorke reports.

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iemens Postal, Parcel & Airport logistics GmbH (SPPL) went into operation on 1 June this year and continues to trade as a new, independent entity under the Siemens umbrella. This strategic move ensures the company’s ongoing stability and will guarantee that it retains its leading position for the long term as a provider of advanced technology and solutions for logistics processes. As an independent company SPPAL is structured to operate more quickly and efficiently in a highly competitive environment. The company has a sound financial footing, which will further strengthen its market opposition. For example, through the takeover of AXIT GmbH some months ago, SPPAL has been able to significantly expand its market position in cloud-based logistics IT. CEO Michael Reichie said, “I am pleased that we now have the necessary flexibility to shape the future of SPPAL, We are doing everything we can to seize opportunities in the fast growing parcel and airports markets. In doing so, our focus is always on maximising customer benefit.”

The new company’s main customers include numerous large international airports, as well as postal and parcel service providers worldwide. A number of strategically important contracts won by SPPAL add testimony to the company’s strong market position. One example is from the American carrier, South West Airlines, which is to build a new baggage handling system at Los Angeles International Airport. In Singapore, the company has also been contracted by Singapore Post to equip a new logistics hub with an integrated parcel sorting system.

New global network SPPAL has a new global setup. With the exception of Germany, SPPAL has its own European regional companies in the UK, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the company has an excellent reputation under the name of ‘SD (Middle East) LLC’ thanks to its long-standing joint venture with the Al Moosa Group Investment LLC. In the Asian market, SPPAL has its own companies in Singapore, China and

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Hong Kong, whilst the Americas are covered by its regional companies in the USA and Canada. The company also has local branch offices with its own employees in place in Turkey, Taiwan, Malaysia and South Korea. As a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens, SPPAL can count on well-established sales channels in many other countries. Reichie added, “ Our company is perfectly positioned to optimise customer benefits by addressing customer needs locally and carrying out project management on site.” The global set-up is a decisive step for SPPAL to maintain its leading market position in a medium-sized, highlycompetitive environment.

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New handling systems Siemens Logistics and Airport Solutions equipped the new cargo terminal at Al Maktoom International Airport, Dubai World Central (DWC) with its state-of-the-art material handing system (MHS). The new home of Emirates SkyCargo’s freighter fleet was successfully started up in several phases. “Our partnership with Siemens is a testimony to our commitment to create and deliver industry-leading cargo solutions” said Nabil Sultan, Emirates divisional senior vice president Cargo. “We develop constantly the nuances of our services and our innovative products – ensuring that we remain creative and efficient. The new MHS will not only help us to meet customers’

needs but enhance SkyCargo’s overall operational performance through providing top solutions – also in niche markets.” At its initial implementation stage, the new cargo term is capable of handling a throughput of more than 7000,000 tonnes per year. Later the throughput capacity will increase by a further 300,000 tonnes. The new terminal buildings operational ground area is 68,000 square metres. The MHS housed in a single levelled building is designed to maximise the terminal’s operational performance. This includes the optimisation of cargo handling processes, including cycle times, a cargo tracking capability, direct build-up/breakdown handling, quick transit to and from airside as well as cargo screening. The cargo material handling system (MHS) is divided into specific areas for cargo storage and handling. It consists of dedicated subsystems such as acceptance, bypass, staging and systems for

transferring goods directly with only short-term storage (cross deck systems) for inbound a well as outbound flow. Build-up and breakdown systems are equipped with fixed and flexible workstations. A multilevel storage system has a capacity of more than 800 ULD (Unit Load Device). In addition, bulk cargo can be stored in a very narrow aisle system in more than 3000 positions. Direct dock lanes are also provided to ensure quick cargo transferance from airside to landside and vice versa. Special cargo is processed and stored in a perishable area of over 16,000 square metres. This large air-conditioned area includes cold and freezer rooms, as well as individual cooling units with various temperature zones. n For further details of SPPAL’s logistics solutions and services visit:

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A AAK Adolf Gottfried Ahlstom AkzoNobel Analog Devices Antonini Argomm SpA Artiflex ASK Chemicals

H 116 79 41 151 93 56 42 97 85

B Beaulieu International Group BMP Steel Bosch Brenntag SA Busatis GmbH

72 175 128 56 124

5 33 162 165

D Doesburg Components Domel Dynea AS

135 165 65

E Emstec Engineered Materials Solutions Envases ETS GmbH Euromaster Nederland

144 98 68 175 196

173 32 172 72 57

Ingtop Integra Inter-Harz GmbH Internorm Interstal

57 32 68 124 151

J Jangsi Asia-Pacific Light Alloy Technology 86 Jiangsu Longcheng Precision Forging Co. 82 Jokey Plastik 121

Kleistronik Knorr-Bremse

65 174

L LEI TSU Group Lucas TVS Lucta

192 132 119

M Meritor Mi Comp Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics Modine Europe GmbH Mondo Logistic MP Filtri MSV Metal Studénka

129 35 96 134 172 159 172

Neptun Gears Nittan Valve

25 169

O Otto Stadtlander GmbH


124 45 75 108

PEKAES SA p. glatzeder gmbh PPG Industrial Coatings Princo srl Przedsiębiorstwo Zbożowo- Młynarskie ‘PZZ’ w Stoisławiu SA PZZ Wałcz

Reliance Industries Rio Tinto Rivoira SpA Rivoira SpA R.M.B. SpA Rochester Gauges Roordink Bedrijfswagens RSB Global RS Components

108 72 28 192 108 108

73 56 155 113 147 60 197 128 94

S Samo Purnat s.p. Saurer Germany GmbH & Co. KG Sebros Industries S.I.P. Srl SKF Stump-Hydrobudowa sp. z o.o. Südzucker AG SVA System Synergy ScienTech Corporation

37 189 40 88 175 53 116 166 183

T Talleres Aratz Technobud Nowy Sącz Transcoma Logistics Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Tubi Acciaio Lombarda Turbo Energy Private Limited

104 53 154 140 102 131

U Ultratex


V V&D International Versowood

140 49

W Weidmüller Woodtai

99 182



G Georg Fischer GmbH Goglio SpA Grasim Industries Greek Trade Ltd



F Faiveley Transport Schwab AG FCM Italia Ferro Umformtechnik FiberVisions Folplast

R 201 85 186


C CAAC Pioneer Logistics CIA Custom Products Ltd Controlled Polymers COSMOS Manufacturing

Habasit Hoffmann Group Huntsmann Textile Effects


Articles inside

Innovative communications GN Netcom

pages 182-185

Sustainable innovation RadiciGroup

pages 192-195

Pioneering sustainable multi-functional fabrics Lauffenmuehle

pages 186-191

Integrated logistics provider

pages 196-199

Logistics entity takes off Siemens Postal

pages 200-206

Rail power supply systems Hoppecke

pages 178-181

Chain reaction Stihl

pages 165-171

Getting the most from scrap Vezzani

pages 158-161

Know-how in steel Siderval

pages 154-157

On a roll Astra Rail

pages 172-177

Delivering tomorrow’s med-tech systems

pages 162-164

Powder coating and metalworking services

pages 150-153

Strength in many shapes and sizes IRO

pages 147-149

New horizons in deep sea dredging Van Oord

pages 144-146

Driving force CLAAS Industrietechnik

pages 124-127

Spreading good health Vandemoortele

pages 119-123

Goodness comes in squares Ritter

pages 116-118

A global engine giant Deutz

pages 135-139

Steering towards new markets M+S Hydraulic

pages 140-143

Sparkling results S.Pellegrino

pages 112-115

Driving business forward Ashok Leyland

pages 128-134

Delicious crackers Rarytas

pages 108-111

Harnessing hydropower technology Rainpower

pages 105-107

Reliable, innovative, eclectic SIMIC

pages 102-104

The power of partnership Bosch Group

pages 82-88

Building a global brand footprint ETI

pages 78-81

Global lighting technology giants Philips

pages 89-91

Combining strengths in nonwovens Jacob Holm

pages 72-77

Optimising energy management

pages 92-101

Leader in the Russian cosmetics market

pages 68-71

Over a century working with wood Slavonija DI

pages 64-67

Global solutions for construction Atlas Copco

pages 61-63

350 years of progress Saint-Gobain

pages 56-60

Experts in turnkey construction PORR

pages 52-55

Pure performance Mann & Hummel

pages 40-44

Polished performance Romtec Austria

pages 45-47

Leading European wood supplier Metsä Wood

pages 48-51

Gearing up Neptun

page 27

Innovative auto lighting solutions odelo

pages 38-39

Precision metallic components Linamar

pages 28-31

Growing all over the world Meta System

pages 32-37

Linking up Combining strengths

pages 18-19

Moving on Relocations and expansions

page 20

Technology spotlight Advances in technology

page 22

Winning business New orders and contracts

pages 16-17

Full ahead for shipbuilding technology

pages 8-10

Focus on France Ian Sparks reports from Paris

page 26

Global force projection

pages 14-15

Bill Jamieson That’s enough shocks, thank you

pages 6-7
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