Jan | Feb 2021 Issue

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Photo by Stephanie Ellis/Rogue Soul Photography

Cover photo by Bettie Grace Minor



Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4



Indie Incognito



Table of

6 Indie Incognito


2021 Inau

Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Jill Biden holds the Bible during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021 Ashley Collman and Grace Panetta. Photo credit Saul Loeb/Pool Vice President Kamala Harris took the oath office in a barrierbreaking ceremony Wednesday, becoming the first woman, first Black American and first South Asian American to hold the office. Harris, the daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a trailblazer in her own right as the first Latina justice on the high court. Credit: Courtney Subramanian USA Today


Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

uguration Given her eight years at the White House, it was little surprise that Michelle Obama knew precisely how to dress for the occasion. Written by Oscar Holland, CNN full story

Credit: Jonathan Ernst/Pool/AFP/Getty Images

Bernie Sanders And His Mittens Win The Inauguration Day Meme Game. Story by BARBARA SPRUNT

Brendan Smialowski /AFP via Getty


2021 Inauguration Highlights

Poetic Brilliance. Amanda Gorman’s original poem, titled “The Hill We Climb,” made vivid the themes of the day. “Where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” she began. “And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it. Somehow we weathered and witnessed” a nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished.” Source: By Chandelis Duster, CNN CNN's Veronica Stracqualursi contributed


Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

Kamala Harris was escorted to the ceremony by the Capitol Police officer who led rioters away from Senate.

Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Eugene Goodman, a Capitol Police officer who was captured on video facing down members of the mob that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 and diverting them from entering the Senate chamber and potentially saving lives, was elevated to serve as the No. 2 security official in the Senate for the inaugural events on Wednesday. By Emily Cochrane


Indie Incognito


JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

The page was officially turned today with the 2021 inauguration. Our President, Vice President and Senators were all sworn in today. I went through a range of emotions that included, pride, joy, relief and excitement. I did have a second of anxiety which is was a direct result of the craziness of last week’s insurrection at the capital. It was great to see former president’s Obama, Bush and Clinton wish President Biden well. The respect received by HBCU’s was a major source of pride and well overdue. We had musical pieces that fit the tone of bringing us together including my favorite “Colors” by the Black Pumas. There was a call for Unity from President Biden that needed to be heard. He pledged to put His Whole Soul Into his work for us. I remain hopefully optimistic about my country. Yes, America is my country, my home, born and raised and I don’t apologize for loving it. However, I am a realist as well. I understand that my country has miles to go before she sleeps, but with the turning of the page and a new leadership team at the helm, I remain hopeful and excited about our future.



You are doing such good things these days. S what’s happening ? Hey, I’ve just been trying to stay busy. Stay creative and have some fun during this lockdown. Tell our readers, you grew up in DC right ? Yep, born and raised in D.C. I spent a few years in North Carolina. I think first through third grade, then moved back to D.C. Ok, had to go back and get some P-Funk (lol) Yeah yeah, had to get some Go-Go in my blood. I was very impressed to finally watch your recent solo presentation. We all knew you were an excellent musician but to see you take front and center was very impressive. Right on. Thank you. It’s been a long time coming.

Going back to your music director days with Hands 4 Hope and the Starlight Serenade, your leadership skills were evident. Getting all of the artists on board, scheduling the rehearsals, writing the charts, then pulling off an excellent show. That was amazing. Who were some of your guest artists ? I remember in the beginning I had Everette Harp, Norman Brown, Rick Braun and Kirk Whalum. Boney came out a couple of times. Actually all of the smooth jazz cats came out over the 14 years. Well it says that they trusted you. Comfortable that you weren’t going to have them up there looking crazy. Who was in the house band back then ?



Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

Then back to my R&B days, I was with The Isley Brothers for a few years as well as Tina Marie. Oh wow, I think I went to a Tina Marie audition one time and you were the bassist. Yes Smitty, that was back when it was pure fun. Everybody getting all dressed up for auditions (lol) Yes indeed, the 80’s and 90’s were some great days. Lots of recording sessions were going on also. I even did a couple of Gail Jhonson sessions. Aww, I can’t hardly remember that far back. Let me see, Land Richards on drums and Mark Stephens on keys...wow, I can’t remember who else.

So they call you the bassist to the stars. Who are the stars you have performed with over the years ? Most recently Boney James for the past ten years. We both played with Norman Brown, Peter White, Rick Braun, Dave Koz, Kirk Whalum for years and Will Downing.

Yes, you did a great job on my song Dear Aaron. I remember you asked me to just throw something together for your Amazing Grace track, not thinking you would use it. Then I heard the finished track and it was like WOW ! That was an awesome track and you put that piano on it in about an hour. People still talk about how much they love that song.


Photo by Erick M Drake. emdrakephoto@instagram

I know you have about 10 basses at your place. So, whatcha got ?

How have you been dealing with Covid ?

I have 5 or 6 of them. I have 2 Smitty Smith Signature basses, a Vintage Jazz Bass, which you have to have and a couple of acoustic basses.

Fortunately I have been very productive during the past year. Working on my songs and doing sessions have kept me busy. So I tend to feel pretty good.

What hobbies do you have ? I don’t have a lot. Last year I started bike riding, so that has become one. Well you know, sometimes with us musicians, our work is our hobby as well.


Indie Incognito

I feel I do a little more listening to music now than I used to. Who’s on your playlist ? Well I have some Gail Jhonson on it. I normally listen to the older music. The classics from the old cats.

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

So you got your new project and you had a Christmas single right ? The Christmas single came out and it was beautiful. The smooth jazz single is It’s A New Day. It is a great tune featuring Michael Lington, I have some great guys on it. Erick Valentine on drums, Kendal Gilder on guitar, Jonathan Richmond on keys and Derrick Williams did the horn arrangements.

I’ll tell you, if you need live horns on a recording, Derrick is the cat. I recorded it at Erick’s studio which is very nice. The single is out on all of the digital platforms and has been very well received. Wow, It’s A New Day. Well that title is so appropriate, it certainly is a new day. With everything that’s been going on. We don’t know what’s coming. When we’ll be able to get back on the road and connect with our audiences is big. I was telling someone that the interchange between the artist and the audience is real. If you didn't know it before, you certainly know it now. Do you mentor any young people or have advice for them ? Well these young guys are amazing talents. I don’t mentor anyone in particular but I have talked to a few guys. They are very talented but I have found that they do want to hear from us Gail. They do want to hear the stories, aww you did this and that and what was it like on the road. So I have imparted some words, you know, be on time, be prepared, respect your band members.


Smitty on his new single, It’s A New Day.

Kunert of Future Groove Promotion futuregroovepromotion.com.

“Having been on the smooth jazz scene for 15+ years as a side man and having produced and released 2 CDs (This Is Me and Stories) that were not in the smooth jazz radio format, I felt it was time to broaden my horizons and tap into the Smooth Jazz radio world. So, It’s A New Day is my first Smooth Jazz project. This song came about from an old bass groove I started a few years ago that I just happened to stumble upon as I was going through my archives. The groove struck me immediately. So, I spent several hours developing it. By the end of the day, I knew I had something special…. I called in the real cat’s to play on it…Jonathan Richmond on keys, Eric Valentine on drums, Kendall Gilder on guitar, Derrick Williams on horns and topped it off with Michael Lington on sax... who killed it!! Amazing! He really put all of his heart into this performance and just blew it away! I’m so grateful to him for that as well as all the guys on this project, they all gave from the heart! 100!”

A word about It’s A New Day from some of the industry’s greats:

CD Photography: Eric M. Drake / EM Drake Photography CD cover Design: Dana Milhouse / Dnamic Design Magazine Cover: Bettie Grace Miner/ Miner Works of Art Article Photography: Stephanie Ellis / Rogue Soul Photography Promotion: David

You can find Dwayne Smitty Smith on all social media platforms. Go to his website dwaynesmittysmith.com His music can be purchased at:


Indie Incognito

“Smitty Smith has unlocked the sound of 2021 with the super-feel-good vibe he creates with his new single. You can actually feel the light at the end of the tunnel when giving this track a listen…bravo, Smitty!” Dave Koz “The new single “It’s A New Day” from reigning bass overlord Dwayne “Smitty” Smith is mos def not safe listening while in heavy traffic. Pulse, energy, melody, and that mysterious X- factor is DRIPPING from this music!! From Boney James to you name it you’ll have to hand out next-in-line slips to organize all the glowing testimonials to a bass force de nature who has incubated in the background far too long. Times up! Prepare for the birth of a sound both tried/true. . .” Kirk Whalum — Saxophonist, Fan

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4


Photo by Cameron Venti

Indie Incognito One On One With

ACY BROWN Acy on Career Evolution and The Journey An Introspective Q & A with THE MAN. THE MODEL. THE MSSION By Tony Smith January 16, 2021

Welcome to Indie Incognito’s Entrepreneur Spotlight. Acy Brown is a man of confidence, determination and dedication. I asked Acy to share his story as it has not been told before in an interview. “ Give me an idea of what your readers would like to hear” was his question to me. The end result is an in depth look into the life and times of Acy Brown.


Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4


Tell us about your journey from childhood, your roots and inspirations ? I have always been called an “Old Soul” by those that have known me over the years. I was reared in the small country town/area of Chatham, La by my parents who have been married 62 years. I have served in various capacities as their caretaker for the past 9 years. I know about raising cows, hauling hay, hauling, splitting, and stacking firewood, working in the field, pushing a non self-propelled lawn mower, and fishing in creeks, ponds, lakes, and rivers! I have always been close to my family and the Model of the Acy Brown Company and Pyramid logo consist of the building blocks of the foundation of my upbringing. My inspiration has always come from my inner desire to help others succeed! When it’s all said and done and my time has come to an end I simply want to be known as a man that sincerely cared about the well being of people and made a positive difference in the lives of most people that met me! How were you able to obtain and interview with an agency? Honestly of all the talent agents I have had over the years I have only interviewed in person with one of them. Due to my experience and ability to communicate both verbally and in writing, I have secured most of my agents via email exchanges. ! 28

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

How do you handle a situation where a photographer does not properly direct you? “Because I approach every photoshoot from a professional standpoint, the first thing I do before a shoot begins is get the overall concept and objective of the photoshoot. This along with having over 17 years of experience modeling professionally enables me to envision what the photos/looks should convey so if and when the photographer gives instructions that I know will take away from that concept it does not rattle me or cause me to lose my mark, disposition, or focus for the pose needed to get the “Money Shot” desired by the client!”

What was your decision process when developing your brand ? The idea behind developing my Merch brand was I wanted merchandise that first was classy in nature, not too busy, could stand the test of time, was not only good for working out and exercising but also had a nice warm fashionable look and feel to each piece! Even though the merch was and is a great way to create Brand awareness for the Acy Brown Company, I have many more goals for the Fitness Line as we move into 2021.

My ultimate goal is to secure a National / International Distribution deal for The Acy Brown Fitness Collection and Pyramid Collection! How has your brand marketing accentuated your career ? The addition of the Acy Brown “The Man • The Model • The Mission” show which airs each Sunday evening on SMenlightenmentmedia.com (WSME-DB) internet radio at 7pm est has accentuated my career from the standpoint that it has given me a platform each week to give listeners more insight into who Acy Brown the man is through the various topics of discussion I deem are relevant in today’s society and the opportunity to bring more awareness to the Acy Brown Company as a whole! What else are you excited about for 2021 ? I also established the Donte, Andrew, Annie, Inc; Non-Profit In which I look forward to holding my first annual event sometime in the future once the covid-19 pandemic is gotten under control and things begin to return back to some degree of normalcy.


I work closely with my publicist Tawanna Chamberlain of The Posh Publicity Firm on developing press releases that have gained exposure for the Acy Brown Company on an International level as well that I am extremely excited about from a marketing and exposure standpoint... I currently have a great management team in Capton Management which is operated by Anthony Little of Capton Brands. I feel good about the progress the Acy Brown Company has made the past 2 years and I look forward to continuing to grow in 2021! What are a couple of goals and something on your wish list ? My main 2 (two) goals and objectives as a Professional Model are to appear in National Tourism Ads, Print Ads for Proctor and Gamble, National SAG TV Commercials, and have a feature appearance in GQ Men’s Magazine which has been a desire of mine since I was 8 years old and continues to be a driving force for me til this day! I have what I call a self-imposed “5 Click Money Shot Maximum Per Frame” requirement meaning I should be able to produce a money shot within every 5 clicks of the camera for the client! I study my craft consistently by watching characters and themes in tv commercials to analyze the characters that have a look similar to mine. I also peruse magazine layouts in or-

der to keep up with current fash and styles and keep myself in g cal condition by exercising regu keeping stress to a minimum!” How were you able to obtain view with an agency?

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How do you handle a situatio photographer does not prope you?

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Photo by Renee Thompson


JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

Use code KAE at checkout for Life Luxe packages at lifeluxejaxzz.com


Indie Incognito


JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

What is the most exciting aspect of your industry ? I have been in the entertainment business for a while and even though I have a few things I want to accomplish personally and from a business standpoint, the most exciting aspect of the industry for me is being able to be a positive example and helping mentor, guide, and lead others and experience seeing them achieve the things they have dreamt about but did not believe they could really accomplish them because they did not have someone in their corner that truly believed in them!

How have you been able to stay focused during these Covid times ? I have been able to stay focused through Covid-19 because I have always treated it as a part of life and there will always be obstacles and challenges in the walk of life! Yes it has had a profound and direct effect on society in multiple facets, but I always look at the positive side of the negative things we have to deal with in life! God has always told us there is nothing new under the sun and even though this has been a worldwide pandemic to deal with, there are many positives that have also arisen as a result of having to deal with Covid-19. I have done more writing, more networking, made adjustments and pivots with my brand, gained more listeners and followers with my podcast, and have continued to lay a more solid stronger foundation for the Acy Brown Company leading into 2021.

What advice do you have to impart on our readers ? My advice to others is to keep your eyes on the prize, remain patient, obey the law of the land by wearing a mask in regards to protecting yourself much as possible from COVID-19, and remain mentally strong so once this storm passes you will be able to hit the ground running. Change is a part of life and the more one can freely adapt the stronger one will be able to withstand those changes mentally! Acybrown.com



Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4


Incognito Incognito 20 IndieIndie

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

Raised by a single mother as one of three kids in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Gracie Jones always had dreams. One dram was to be a model and to study fashion at study fashion at Parsons School of Design in New York. Disappointment came as she had to drop out because she could not afford it. Undeterred, Gracie instead worked four jobs to put herself through college, studying studied global business management and business administration, and then interior and event design. I could tell I was talking to a very proud, intelligent and strong black woman. Her personality was at the same time, unobtrusive, embracing, confident and laced with the perfect blend of humor and humility. Undeniably, Gracie Jones is a force in the event planning realm. Known as a passionate and goal-driven person who gives her best in everything she does; Gracie has been gracing the events field for more than 25+ years, working with world-class events and traveling to different places.

ticals, non-profit & amp; fundraisers, client events, finding venues and organizing scientific conferences, and workshops around the world. She has an excellent understanding of protocols, industry related guidelines, policies, processes, regulations & compliance procedures (SOPs, QMS, HIPPA etc.) for Investigator Meetings, Advisory Board Meetings, (DMC) Data Management Committee, Steering Committee Board, Executive Board Meetings, City-wide Pharmaceutical Conferences, other Pharmaceutical industry events, Major Donor Fundraiser Events. Gracie has a unique ability to create one of a kind event that meet or exceed her clients vision. As evidence of her accomplishments, she has been featured on daytime news including Philly’s FOX 29; as well as on various blogs and interviews by several media outlets.

Having spent years working for global pharmaceutical companies she is now Founder and President of her own company, Opulent Events by Gracie with a specialty in Pharmaceu39


Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

Mrs. Jones

Opulent Events by Gracie is a vibrant, innovative, full-service events company whose mission is to strategically create, plan, and execute the most memorable events.

Opulent Events By Gracie is a full service event management company. Their services are customized to their clients’ needs for corporate and business meetings/special events, all types of celebrations and wedding events. The company offers full planning services that include: managing budgets, vendor and venue selection, entertainment, décor and design, public relations, and much more. Opulent Events By Gracie succeeds by studying the client’s brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event. The hand-picked team at Opulent Events by Gracie are skilled experts in taking events from vision to success. They are accustomed to working alongside the client’s existing team to offer support and professional insights where they are needed most and have worked across everything from meetings and black-tie events to conferences and committees. From the experienced planners to the quality assurance team, right through to event marketing, each member of the team works together with one goal: to make your event stand out. Opulent Events By Gracie Headquarters: 614 S 4th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA 41


Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4




Indie Incognito

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4



Indie Incognito

Dwayne Smitty Smith

Braxton Brothers


The History In 'Angel Of Greenwood' Could Not Be More Timely. January 16, 20217:00 AM ET CAITLYN PAXSON Caitlyn Paxson is a writer and performer. She is a regular reviewer for NPR Books and Quill & Quire. I am writing this on January 7, 2021, and I have no idea how to review a book that depicts a notorious historical event where white supremacists rioted and destroyed a Black community, when yesterday, almost exactly 100 years later, white supremacists rioted their way into the U.S. Capitol Building. But Angel of Greenwood deserves to flying o the world on the biggest wings she can spread, so I'm going to try. The year is 1921. Angel Hill and Isaiah Wilson are Black teenagers living in the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Okla. Greenwood, sometimes called "Black Wall Street," is a place where people can live together and run businesses and go about their lives, set slightly apart from the racism and Jim Crow atrocities that are the reality for Black people across America. her and their community differently. He sees himself differently — he wants to be worthy of a girl like Angel and of the place they call home. 50

Angel and Isaiah know that their community is special. Angel gives thanks for it by offering everything to her family and her neighbors, sacrificing her youth in order to tend to her dying father and provide help to anyone who needs it. Isaiah takes advantage of his freedom to run wild with his best friend Muggy, getting into trouble and being a general nuisance. But then, one Sunday, Isaiah watches Angel dance in church, and he suddenly sees both Read full story...

JAN | FEB 2021. VOL 4

2021 A PROMISING OUTLOOK 2021 has so much promise. Don’t be fooled by all we see in the media. Every year has a promising outlook, no matter the highs or lows. Your perspective is what counts, not the craziness that started the year off or the ever-lingering COVID 19 monster. I say this with an optimistic heart. Sow your seed, water it, and watch it grow. The world is changing, and we see more entrepreneurs now than ever. 2021 has infinite possibilities and opportunities. Will you be ready ? ~ Keyanna Harper






Indie Incognito

“Simply put, to know the Braxtons music is to love it.” The Braxton Brothers are the “funky twins of Smooth Jazz”, that began their careers with a #1 Album and that popularized the blended sound of sax and 6-string bass melodies, which became their signature. The brothers, originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, write, record and produce their songs, giving them a sound that is both undeniably unique but still familiar to fans of the Smooth Jazz genre. Here is the Inside The Music interview with Gail Jhonson. How was it growing up Twins? And when did you guys start playing music? N. People ask us that question a lot and it’s like, we don’t know anything different. We come out on the same stage together and our lives have just developed together. So, we don’t know anything besides making music together. It's funny, as I think for me, I was talking to my wife early about the whole state of things in the world and the type of music performances going on, and people are doing a lot of things online stuff now. And I realized I don’t like performing or playing by myself. I do music to play with other people. It’s a vibe that can’t be captured playing alone. Well, what made you guys decide to pick up the bass and sax? And do you both play both instruments? W. Wow, I think we started in fourth grade. We were blessed with a public school music program. A lot of kids don't have that today, but we had it. So in fourth grade, they give you a recorder and then if you showed some aptitude on the recorder then in fifth grade, they allow you to actually play a band instrument. In fifth grade, we got to choose our instruments and the one I considered was trumpet. But my parents said “Isn't that kind of loud”? And so, I ended up choosing saxophone and then Nelson actually started on clarinet. Though I wanted to play drums, I always stuck with saxophones. 56



N. I started out on the low end with the clarinet. When I finished elementary school I was playing the bass clarinet, then baritone saxophone in Jr high. They were always saying “We need more of this guy” and that was always me. So, they needed tuba and I played tuba. We got to high school and they are starting to Jazz Band and all the saxophone chairs were filled and I didn't have anything to play. They said “We don't have a bass player”. So, my dad took me down to the music store and got me my first bass. I started playing it so I could play in the Jazz Band. Wow! So, what got you into a composition writing and stuff? W. I guess that started when we were what maybe five. We cannot find the cassette tape, but we made up these silly little songs and recorded them. Remember the old Panasonic cassette recorders, the black ones ? You had to press Play and Record together. So, we recorded little silly songs just banging on pots and pans and singing. That really was a response to the music we had around us. Our dad listened to all kinds of music. He was a local DJ and he loved all kinds of music. They had us listening to all different styles. One of the things he consistently liked was stuff that had really had good melodies. So we really started to listen to a lot of melodic music at a young age. And so that's what we gravitated to and as you love melody it's very natural then to express that through writing. 58

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Yeah, so it's no wonder that to play saxophone very melodic meeting instrument. Especially nowadays. It's like the whole smooth jazz format says saxophone. N. Talking about smooth jazz, we were doing a little research just a few weeks ago and we started by listening to some of our father's favorite albums and records that he used to listen to. As we started going through them, we could see that he actually was kind of on the cusp of smooth jazz as it was being created. He was truly in love with that music but there was no name for it at the time. I mean he had everything from Wes Montgomery’s records to Quincy Jones’ records. I remember he said if he had to go to an island with only one record and he had thousands of records, Wine Light would be the one. We were already listening to Marcus Miller and Grievous Grover Washington on the same record, so we were already being programmed like this before it was even a genre. We found that interesting as we started tracing steps back. We're like, wow, we really were kind of made to make this kind of music. I want to give credit to Philadelphia and the Grover influence there. We had what we called the quiet storm before it spread across the country. So I think that is roots. Grover was definitely one of the pioneers. I tell you when that Mr. Magic came out wasn’t it magic. It was like Michael Jackson on Jazz, right? It's awesome that you had your parental support also.

W. Even beyond music we believe we are all created with talents and gifts and as parents we can help our children understand those gifts. They can then live the purpose they are here to walk in. And we develop it and practice to make it as good as we can. That's just to get us in that spot so that it can be played for who it’s supposed to be played for when they need it. So you guys have been influenced by so many, who would you say you've been most touched by and who are your musical Heroes? N. Oh Gosh. I would say Quincy Jones is kind of a big influence. Yeah, because we heard a lot of him around the house and I think that really aligned with our musical experience.


Also, just the fact that he was a master at combining all sounds from all genres, whether it be a string orchestra, whether it would be the funky Studio cats in town at the time, he was just a master at combining all of those sounds and I think we're kind of programmed constantly with just the blend of sounds and I hope in our music people hear that kind of blend of that. That experience truly colors how we hear everything. Yeah. I know I saw you guys up in the up in the Bay Area and it was dead outdoor Coliseum. Was it the Redlands of something? W. Oh I think it was the Concord Pavillion. Yes. Well, you guys came out and you had the bongos and the bass and sax and it was so beautiful. We just stopped what we were doing and listened. 60


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We said, listen to these young fellas. It was so beautiful, and it was because that was all that was needed. There was nothing missing. Everything was all right there. I was like “ Wow that is true composition right there”. You knew where to place things. Not to be too loud. When to stop playing and just listening. All of that was being lit in my eyes and I am telling you I was like “ Look at these guys. Go Ahead On!”. N. That's fascinating. It’s funny, that song actually took the least amount of time for us to put together because we like playing songs together just you know, just the bass and the saxophone. So our when we first made our first record we thought of having one song where it was just the bass and saxophone because we like to do that. That’s the only reason it was on there. There was no intent for it ever to be a radio song. It ended up being our first number one single, our first number one album. All from that song because it’s what we like to do. It kind of goes back to reinforcing, you know, everybody has a story to tell and you need to just do what’s natural to you. Because that's what you're here for. We're here to make that sort of sound. Well, it's good to discover that. Like it's a calling and you didn't really have any choice in the matter. Somehow music was like a magnet to you and you've used that to become the person that you are. The father, the brother and the dad that you are. W. Yeah, I think what's cool is that the music is a talent, but then I find there's things that I use in music that I use elsewhere as well. So as I get older I just learned that there's a lot of things that I can map. Like there's certain ways that I play my sax and I do that same thing in other situations. So its neat to see how the music can be an expression of you and it can be expressed in other ways. Making it cool that those things can be connected. One of the things that’s nice about music is that there is always something new and fresh. In western music we all have the same twelve notes but there are limitless possibilities 61

N. He's right. Yeah, and so it's neat to kind of how the music expression but it's of you right and that gets expressed in other ways other ways too. And so it's neat to kind of see how stuff is stuff is all connected. Yes, you know and it's a thing like the one thing that's nice about music is that you know, it's something that you can always there's always something new right? Like we all get at least western music. We all got the same 12 notes, but you know, there's literally unlimited possibilities of how you can or can’t use those notes. It's constantly like there's always something new. We were just talking about When Love Comes Around. Now we’ve played that song hundreds and hundreds of times. But every time we play it, it's new because it's like I hear a little thing that I hadn't heard and it's funny because we're always giggling on stage because he's making face at me and its funny. But the music works that way because it's only limited by our creativity. And so that's one thing I really love about it. We were opening for George Benson. It was a run of shows with him. I walked into the to the cafeteria where everybody was eating and I'm sitting at the table listening to him talk and said to myself, that’s George Benson right there? And he's talking about this young kid that he had seen the night before playing guitar and he loved what he was doing so much that he called him up to his hotel room that night after this kids gig so that he could show him some stuff. It was amazing because he was excited about telling that story. That was an inspiring moment for me because I was thinking if I could get to the success level that he's had and the mastery that he's had and still have that fire to want to learn more, I am succeeding. It was truly the most inspiring moment that I've ever had in my life actually. 62

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W. One of my mentors is Eddie M of Sheila Es band. So I was hanging backstage with them once and Sheila was saying that what you see off stage is what is what you see on stage. That the hang you have off stage is really manifested on stage. Well Jazz In Pink has been together for 12 years and because of the pandemic we haven’t played a note together all year except for a couple of virtual things. Its, really sad that we can’t be together, play or rehearse. Our rehearsals are like potluck and fun. All of that has changed now. How is the pandemic affected your families and your musical life? N. For me, in between you know, Braxton brother shows. I tour with Michael Bolton and they've had the same crew for 13 years now and it's kind of the same thing. It’s kind hard because our music brings people together and the pandemic is keeping people isolated. What I have been able to do is connect with a lot of people in the studio helping people get their projects together because there's two cents two ways. We have used this break to prepare. There’s a lot of musicians, including the Braxton Brothers who have a few things in the works. So this is album number 6 for you guys. Wow, that’s awesome and I wish you continued success. What are some words of wisdom to empower, uplift and inspire the young musicians coming along the way? W. Ok, I hope I don’t steal yours Nelson, but I would encourage them that they are good enough. With the technology we have you can every video, every sax or reed that any player has used but remember every person that was new broke the mold. So be the best you that you can be. Don’t be afraid to be an individual and do music that you love. N. What I would say is to have faith in the work and time that you put in. Believe that it will pay off. The practice time, the learning and focus time, it will pay off. You will use it later in your career even when it does not feel like it. When it feels boring, keep going because it will pay off. As my guy Norman Brown says, you find your voice. I can definitely say the Braxton Brothers have found their voice and we love it. I really appreciate you guys taking the time this evening. The Braxton Brothers a can be found at braxtonbrothers.com


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SHE BE BRIGHT SHE BE KIND If She Had To Take Only One Thing With Her It Would Be Here Dreams

Odes Roberts, SR


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Odes Roberts, SR



Indie Incognito

Story by Stella Binkevich. CFO | Quartz Water Source Edited by Tony Smith | Publisher Indie Incognito CFO | Quartz Water Source



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March April issue Preview MARIEA ANTOINETTE Indie Incognito is pleased to announce the upcoming feature profile on Mariea Antoinette in our March April 2021 issue. Stay tuned for an amazing article on an amazing artist. Our publisher Tony Smith will have an in depth one on one conversation with this wonderfully talented harpist, artist and entrepreneur. Marieaantoinette.com facebook.com/mariea.antoinette.9 https://www.instagram.com/marieaantoinette/


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NAMM Moves 2021 Show Online Due to Coronavirus In place of the annual in-person event, organized by the National Association of Music Merchants, the event will be held virtually as “Believe in Music” week, featuring a mix of comprehensive programming and professional

education at BelieveinMusic.tv, as well as an interactive marketplace to connect buyers and sellers — “all designed to elevate the innovation and inspiration found across the industry

while offering support for those most deeply affected” by the pandemic. For details, see the event’s website. 75 11



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n Quarles


Story by staff writer

Even as a young boy, Jonathan “JQ” Quarles had a knack for building bridges between people and ideas. Quarles has leaned on this talent to start five companies by the time that he was a sophomore in high school, and to become the first youth ambassador for the wellknown pundit Tavis Smiley. Never one to be solely defined by early adversity, including intimate proximity to horrific violence, Jonathan made an early commitment to doing well by doing good.

While growing The BTL Group, Quarles did not intend to get into the business of water, a public good space in which you rarely find diverse talent. But in 2018, he waded into the Flint water crisis when helping a company get its water generation technology deployed. Learning about the severity of the crisis as someone with Flint roots, he couldn’t continue to sit on the sidelines. “I wanted to tackle it once and for all because it’s personal, and it’s home for me,” he said.

Quarles continued his work with Tavis Smiley after college, landing himself both a nickname and a reputation as “JQ Smooth.” Back then, Jonathan was using his uncanny ability to connect with folks from all walks of life to raise money for Smiley’s black empowerment initiatives, but today he is deploying it to run an international business development platform that he founded called The BTL Group. Detroitbased, The BTL Group is helping seven international companies, and numerous domestic ones, secure business in the U.S., and to manage key relationships.

So he launched Quartz Water Source, whose mission is to expand global access to clean water. Quartz views itself as a hub for ‘second line’ clean water solutions, looking to supplement, not replace, municipal water where it is compromised. “We are kind of like a water insurance policy.” Quartz operates with a triple-bottom line, a much needed approach in an era that is asking companies for so much more than growing profits. Quartz focuses on financial, social, and environmental impact - donating a portion of proceeds to water-related projects through a donor-advised fund controlled by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. 77

Quarles is also an author, having just completed Making Dollars While Making Change - a half memoir, half playbook for using business and entrepreneurship to do good, a value that deeply permeates everything he has his sights set on.


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The book can be purchased on Amazon, where it is now a bestseller, and on Barnes & Noble. The book, published by an independent Black publisher, which was important to Quarles, is a true dream come true. Like many first time authors, Quarles never regarded himself as a good writer nor did he think he had the time to dedicate to the completion of a book. COVID-19 changed the chessboard – now time was all he had. He used the writing as an outlet and found it as a space of reprieve. He has made it a habit to share this with every aspiring author he meets.

MAKING DOLLARS WHILE MAKING CHANGE: The Playbook for Game Changers by Jonathan Quarles “Doing well and doing good are not antithetical concepts. One can both prosper and serve people if one has a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love. Jonathan Quarles is such a man.” – Tavis Smiley, from MAKING DOLLARS WHILE MAKING CHANGE


Fact check: BLM protesters in Louisville protected a lone police officer. Madeleine Ngo, USA TODAY Read story...


Indie Incognito

This is Incognito 27



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Cabo San Lucas, a resort city on the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, is known for its beaches, water-based activities and nightlife.


Indie Incognito


Click here for the link

Cabo Real 86

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Book Your 2021 Life Luxe Package Now ! use code KASE at checkout. Click here for the link 87


Indie Incognito



SUNWHOA LOVE SERVANT OF THE LORD SuNWhoa Love, Black Samurai G SuNWhoa Love, Black Samurai G, servant of the Lord is a lyrical sword smith. As a Southern CA native raised in music, Whoa found his voice through poetry and rap. Alongside his solo albums, SuNWhoa is featured on several projects including P4CM’s Rhetoric, TBN's JUCETV, an upcoming pilot for a major tv network, and countless features and live shows.

Aside from music, Whoa has served in Pasadena, CA as a 4th grade teacher and mentor for many years. Ever the dreamer and doer, SuNWhoa also founded and runs Build Apparel, a lifestyle brand seen on All Def Digital, the Breakfast Club, and more. “God told me to shine like Whoa! I really want to convince the world that they were called to do the Photographer: @FolkGrp Musician: Courtney "SuNWhoa Love" Linsey 32

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Professor Whoa serves as a bridge between culture and instruction. Whoa engages scholars, reinforces learning goals, provides mnemonic tools to increase test scores, enriches the classroom experience and provides teachers and families with supplemental resources that bridge the gap between culture and instruction.


I wrote this song for the young scholars who wake up in the morning and struggle getting out of bed. We are all facing challenging circumstances, but I wanted to create something affirming that we all could get down too. "I'm Feeling Good, I'm Feeling Great! I brush my teeth, and wash my face. O Imma shake the sleep off and do my Wiggle Dance." 94

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Courtney W. Linsey This philosophy, along with the challenges of distance learning, inspired Courtney to create engaging and culturally relevant educational lessons, which are guided by the inimitable host, Professor Whoa. His most recent release, “Wiggle Dance,” encourages young listeners to brush their teeth, wash their face, and start the day off with movement and affirmations. BlackBoard Vol. 1 is a 9-track educational album coupled with a comprehensive workbook complete with supplemental resources for teachers and parents. BlackBoard Vol. 1 is currently available to purchase exclusively at ProfessorWhoa.com. 95



Indie Incognito


Kevin Flournoy

I would describe Kevin Flournoy as the Entertainer's Entertainer. The company this man keeps is a who's who of music stars, legends and icons. As a producer, keyboardist, songwriter, and arranger for projects all over the world and is Owner and CEO of Kay Flow Projects, LLC, a division of Flournoy Entertainment, Inc


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Kevin Flournoy’s passion has always aligned with the pursuit of music. Growing up, he focused on the study of classical piano and contemporary organ. Kevin attended the University of California San Diego and earned a B.A. Degree in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Music Science & Technology. From there, he has continued to grow: writing, performing, and producing in a variety of genres. Kevin has produced, written, performed, and recorded with many artists including Chaka Khan, Kenny “Baby Face” Edmonds, Donny Osmond, Dionne Warwick, Gladys Knight, Teena Marie, Jeffrey Osborne, The Pointer Sisters, Jennifer Hudson, Howard Hewett, Hillary Duff, Jamie Foxx, The Jazz Crusaders, Boney James, Kirk Whalum, Norman Brown, Harvey Mason, and Ronnie Laws to name a few. He has been involved in performing and providing music for several TV projects including American Idol and the Roseanne Barr talk show which aired on CBS. In the contemporary jazz genre, Kevin produced “Harvest for the World” (Blue Note/Capital Records) for saxophonist Ronnie Laws and was recorded as a keyboardist on the latest Jazz Crusaders CD. “Sweet Sensual Love” (single from Big Mountain’s album “Unity”) hit the Billboard’s Top 100 pop chart and was certified gold in Japan. It was Kevin’s first major label success as a producer. A short time later, “Tengo Ganas,” yet another single cut off the album, created a stir resulting in equivalent accolades in the Latino markets. He was awarded a certified platinum record for his performances in the UK on tour with Donny Osmond. Kevin has also released his first solo single on iTunes called "Before It's Too Late" featuring Donny Osmond and Kirk Whalum.



The K-Flow Show, a fresh take on the traditional music/talk show, featuring organic live performances by celebrity and independent pop artist. Other special guest will also include TV and Film actors along with everyday people who may decide to make a surprise presentation showcasing their singing abilities. Celebrities and “up and coming” artist are all encouraged to join in on a song or two accompanied by The K-Flow Show Band in an intimate “living room” or couch setting. The K-Flow Show Band in an intimate “living room” or couch setting. Kevin Flournoy’s center of attention has also recently surrounded a philanthropic effort for his celebrity CD compilation entitled “On A Very Special Note” that will benefit The Art of The Olympians and the World Harmony Run/Peace Run. This project will ultimately benefit people all over the globe. The original songs for this project have been written and composed for each celebrity artist by Kevin and he is now seated in the producer’s chair as the project’s production continues.


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A very important strategic promotional alliance with the Peace Run organization was forged when Kevin was honored with the Sri Chinmoy-Torch-Bearer Award on June 8, 2014. He was presented the award at Paramount Recording Studios in Hollywood, California. This award is presented to select individuals who support and contribute in making the world a better place. The Torch-Bearer Award is how individuals are applauded for their contributions. Previous recipients include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Russell Simmons, Carl Lewis and Billie Jean King to name a few. Kevin invited the World Peace runners to make a stop at the recording studio as they made their way through the state of California on a 10,000-mile torch relay. The runners observed as Kevin recorded two original inspirational pop songs entitled “Courageous” and “Take It On High”. So successful was this event that The World Peace Run organization, invited Kevin to present three of his songs from the Celebrity Collaboration project this year and next year at the Closing Ceremonies at the United Nations in New York. Kevin’s perspective to music is panoramic and unconfined. His incredible ear for music and h i s ability to hear what many cannot makes him truly gifted in the producer’s chair. He continually strives to create memorable, timeless music with style and passion. His process for creating music might be best expressed as organic where the foundation of every project is constructed upon the essentials. Some say his approach yields a diverse and versatile range allowing for just about any style, or subtlety thereof, to emerge. Name the genre and Kevin has a passion and an intuitive responsiveness for it. Whether it’s R&B or classical, inspirational to reggae, alternative rock or the essence of jazz, both old and new, you can be certain Kevin Flournoy’s enthusiasm knows no bounds.


facebook.com/kevin.flournoy1 10141

SOW Interiors is a full-service interior design firm serving the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area. It’s owner, Deborah Jaynene Smith, and her team work with one goal in mind: to create beautiful, functional and inviting spaces for their clients. Whether it’s updating one small room, designing a closet organizational system, floor to ceiling décor for an entire home or office, or beautifying your outdoor living spaces, it is SOW’s commitment to design and create a space that brings you joyful satisfaction. SOW also does landscape design and seasonal and holiday decorating.

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Deborah personally manages every aspect of every design project -from the contractors, vendors to the deliveries and installers. Deborah is gifted at bringing vision to fruition and is grateful for her skilled support team. If you have a small or large interior decorating need, visit Deborah’s website to request a free consultation at: www.sowtoharvest.com.

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“Your home should be comfortable, stylish and your favorite place!” ~Deborah J. Smith


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I am an award winning multinominated independent artist. The music world can be very tough. Always trying to compete with mainstream artists. Always trying to be heard and be seen. Last year, I decided how I really wanted to be perceived as an artist. I want to be an effective player in life. So, I decided to create a social message impact album. But what would I call it? What would it be about? I often attend music seminars. They say the same thing over and over. Artists are not writing or singing about the times, like they did a long time ago. So, I decided to create a 15 song Americana Social Impact album. I must have had a premonition, because all of the songs, deal with everything that we are all dealing with today. Rape, racism,


homelessness, gun violence, police brutality, female empowerment, the environment, self-love, and immigration, etc.. I decided to call it, “Where Do We Go from Here? It was released on February 14, 2020. I don’t know if I had a premonition of what was to come, but after all of this, I believe that it was meant to be. So, the question is “Where Do We Go from Here? How do we (all of America) rise from the ashes and create a better world for today and tomorrow?? Can someone tell me? “ I refuse to give into your fears, nor will I give you any of my tears”

~ I Am

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Indie Incognito


hip hop corner

seba kaapsta 54 Indie Incognito 114


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Cynicism is an easy sell. We’re skeptical of harmony because the news sows division, social media runs on scorn, and tangible reminders of good have become increasingly rare. Yet there are those whispered moments of unity, those artists who effortlessly embody the ideals of fusion –those who allow us to reap the rewards that can only yielded from an embrace of different ideas, cultures, and sounds. This is the genius of Seba Kaapstad. 115






Untitled. Recently completed

56 Indie Incognito



Pre-order "KONKE" and “THINA” here on all digital 57


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