Immanuel Schools Annual Report 2021-22

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2021-2022 Unashamed Romans 1:9

ItismygreathonorandprivilegetobetheSuperintendentof ImmanuelSchools Icouldnotbemoreproudofwhoweareand ofwhatourschooliscalledtoaccomplishintheKingdomof God.

WehavetheamazingopportunitytoshareGod’sWordeachandeverydaythroughdevotions,Bible class,chapel,activities,andevents Weconsideritagreatprivilegetobeapartofourstudents'lives andbeabletowatchthembetransformedbytheworkoftheHolySpirit.

WeareverythankfulfortheopportunitiestheLordhasgiventoImmanuelandourcommunitytoliveout ourmission,whichremindsus“toserveGodandneighborthroughmind,bodyandsoulbasedona Christ centeredfoundation.”

PleaseknowthatwearecommittedtokeepingChristthecenterofallthatweareanddo,and unashamedlyaskthatyouconsiderhelpingImmanueltobecomeallitcanbeforthegloryofGod Inthis AnnualReportthereisasummaryofour2021 22schoolyearandwealsoshareideasandtoolstohelp financiallysupportourschool. Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupportandprayer GoEagles!

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TableofContents 2 4 6 7 8 12 14 15 16 18 19 LetterfromtheSuperintendent ImmanuelataGlance Admissions Financials CampusHighlights Fundraising ImmanuelMan&ImmanuelWoman BiblicalImmersion BeyondtheClassroom WaystoGive Alumni


Biblical Worldview

With the rapid erosion of Christian values throughout our culture, it is now more important than ever to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders to stand strong in their faith At Immanuel, it is our mission to equip our students to serve God and neighbor with mind, body and soul, based on a Christ centered foundation.

Relationally Based Rigorous, Relevant Academics Whole Student Focused | 1128 South Reed Ave, Reedley | 559-638-2529 04 | AnnualReport2021 22

Immanuel Schools Is

Immanuel Schools Is



Through small class sizes, individual attention, and challenging curriculum, Immanuel students learn and thrive Bible class and weekly chapels equip our students to grow and stand firm in their faith in our ever changing world


Building servant leaders is at the core of our school’s mission. Immanuel students are encouraged to serve through peer tutoring, volunteering in the community, and student led service projects.


Whether it's on the court, stage, or the field, our students’ interests and abilities are being developed and celebrated. Immanuel offers 15 varsity sports, and participate in numerous choral and FFA competitions.


Immanuel Schools is preparing for the future! Recent improvements include a remodeled cafe with full coffee shop, new classrooms and playground, and a 50 acre sports complex

95% of Graduates are College Bound 20 24 Average Class Size 1:1 Chromebook Program for Jr & Sr High 48 1st Place Choral Awards 33 State and 13 American FFA Awards 71 Team Section Championships
bus routes
Immanuel Schools now serves over
students in grades K 12, representing 23 cities and 3 counties. Six
from Fresno to Visalia and Hanford to Orosi, make a Christian education more accessible.
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Immanuel was blessed with another year of strong enrollment for the 2021 2022 school year. As more families choose the value of a Christian education for their children, Immanuel has the opportunity to impact more lives for the Kingdom of God ImmanuelContinuestoGrow 2012-2013: Elementary: Junior High: High School: Elementary: 462 Junior High: 153 High School: 244 2021-2022Total: 859 2012 13 2013 14 2014 15 2015 16 2016 17 2017 18 2018 19 2019 20 2020 21 2021 22 0 200 400 600 800 390 460 516 547 577 578 581 596 701 859 390 125 59 206 2013-2014: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 2015-2016: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 2018 2019: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 460 141 92 227 2014-2015: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 516 153 93 270 547 184 97 266 2016-2017: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 577 192 99 287 2017-2018: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 578 223 86 269 581 239 87 255 2019 2020: Elementary: Junior High: High School: 596 256 99 287 2020 2021: Elementary: Junior
701 351 109 241 Admissions Admissions 06 | AnnualReport2021 22
Financials Financials ImmanuelSchoolsisBlessedbySoundFinancialManagement ImmanuelSchoolsdesirestoreflectcareful,conscientiousstewardshiptothe resourcesnecessarytomanagetheoperationsofarobustschool REVENUE EXPENSES Tuition&Fees Fundraising Ancillary RestrictedRevenue StudentActivityFees TOTAL REVENUE: $5,525,602 $3,263,072 $667,946 $506,420 $483,325 Salaries&Benefits GeneralOperations Ancillary StudentActivities $6,108,877 $2,241,003 $558,794 $781,881 $ 10,446,365 $ 9,690,555 TOTAL EXPENSES: 07 | AnnualReport2021 22



The SOAR Program offers a specialized learning environment for students who have academic needs beyond what can be met in a general education classroom.

With a 5:1 student to staff ratio, SOAR provides a Christ centered environment with modified instruction based on students' individual academic, sensory, social, and spiritual needs The impact of the SOAR program on Immanuel’s campus has been monumental Our SOAR students join their same age peers multiple times each day, enabling students to have their academic needs met in a separate setting while still having the opportunity to form meaningful relationships with students and staff throughout the campus.

Our prayer is to see the SOAR program fully funded with the opportunity to expand to Junior High and High School in the future The Lord has His hand over this program, and we are excited to see how He will grow it in His perfect timing!

Formoreinformation aboutS.O.A.R.,pleasescan theQRcodetoseeavideo highlightingtheprogram. 08 | AnnualReport2021 22


Our elementary campus has experienced historic growth in recent years, with this year's student body growing to 481 students We have witnessed an increasing desire among families who are looking for a Christ centered education In response to this, our Immanuel Board voted unanimously last summer to add a third class at each elementary grade level. With this decision came the need to find space to accommodate these additional classes

During the summer, we brought in five new portable classrooms in a renovated parking lot area and four new portables to replace the old music room and food service station We removed a house and turned that space into a new playground for the lower elementary level and constructed a new music room and kindergarten eating area where the weight room was formerly located.

We also built a brand new building that houses our serving kitchen and additional student restrooms and water fountains Along with the building, we also had the opportunity to hire 15 incredible staff to fill the open teaching and supervision positions What a blessing it was to see the Lord call just the right people to those spots!

Our goal remains to blend rigorous academics with solid Biblical teaching so students can view the world through a Biblical lens We are called to be Christ followers, unashamed to share the Gospel, and it a privilege to educate the next generation to seek after His heart!

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The Junior High at Immanuel has seen steady growth in the size of its student body, expanding from 109 to 153 in just one year With that growth has come new staff members who have brought a new dynamic to the classroom and the additional students have given us a chance to impact more students for His kingdom We are so honored to have that opportunity!

We had a great team of parents step up to create the first ever Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) With their guidance, we have been able to hold fundraisers that have assisted in alleviating the cost of some of the events and activities for our students, like our spring trip to Magic Mountain They also helped organize a movie night in December and have blessed the students with decorations, treats and snacks at various times and events throughout the year. It has been so special to partner with families to ensure our students are having a great experience

We have also had the opportunity to expand some of our co curricular and extra curricular activities For co curriculars, we are thrilled to now offer 11 electives for our students to choose from, with new options including Intro to Ag, Digital Journalism, Entrepreneurship and PASS (Personalized Academic Student Support) For extra curriculars, the interest and excitement in our athletic programs has been at the highest levels we have recently witnessed This last year we had enough athletes for co ed cross country, girls volleyball, boys flag football, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls basketball, baseball, softball and track and field! We were league champions in nearly every sport at both the Varsity and Junior Varsity levels We look forward to continuing to grow these co curricular and extra curricular programs as our students explore and develop their God given talents and interests

It is a privilege to disciple our students and walk alongside them as we all grow in our relationships with the Lord and each other!

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For 78 years, Immanuel High School has stood firm in its pursuit of excellence in academics, the arts, athletics and relationships We have the amazing opportunity to share God’s Word each and every day through devotions, Bible class, chapel, activities, and events

This year has been busy and exciting for our students on many levels One notable thing they were involved with was the designing and decorating of our brand new coffee shop Solid Ground Coffee House Our drafting students worked closely with Dan Goetz during the summer and transformed the space into an inviting place to enjoy your coffee. Solid Ground is run by student volunteers who take drink orders, work the register and make beverages

Our programs have experienced some changes this year With the addition of a new head football coach and performing arts instructor, we saw an increase in involvement in both of those programs Under the leadership of Josh Henderson, our football team had a great season, making it to the semi final playoffs. Performing Arts, led by Josh Merritt, put on a stellar show of “Cinderella” this spring, and Concert Choir came home with a first place trophy from the Music in the Parks Competition in Southern California It is exciting to see these programs flourish, and we can’t wait to see what is in store next year.

We are committed to building an environment that points to Christ in every situation and are thankful for the community the Lord has brought to Immanuel

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The Eagle Fund

The Eagle Fund is the annual fundraising campaign for Immanuel Schools. We strive to keep Immanuel an affordable option for families who long for a Christ centered education for their children. To that end, the tuition charged each student falls short of covering the total cost of educating that student.

The Eagle Fund is designed to help fill the gap between tuition charged and the actual cost of education. Immanuel Schools is blessed to have a wide range of faithful supporters which include parents, grandparents, local businesses, local farmers, and alumni. We depend on these annual supporters in order to continue to provide the best educational experience for our students.

ButtheywhowaitfortheLordshallrenewtheirstrength; theyshallmountupwithwingslikeeagles; theyshallrunandnotbeweary; theyshallwalkandnotfaint.

Annual Dinner & Auction

The Annual Dinner & Auction is the primary, district-wide event to raise funds for the Eagle Fund. Over 640 guests gathered at the transformed Sports Complex for a beautiful evening that included an elegant dinner, a silent auction consisting of more than 300 items, and an exciting live auction. Those who could not attend were still able to participate in the online auction. It was a very successful event due to our amazing parent volunteers and our generous donors and supporters.

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JustasGodcalledHispeopletostandinthegapfortheirfellowbelieversinEzekiel22:30,we areaskingoursupporterstoStandInTheGapforthefamiliesandstudentswhoneed supportinpayingthetotalannualtuitioncost.Thisyearassistanceisbeingprovidedtoover 234students,atacostofover$750,000 PARENTTESTIMONIAL: "IamsogratefulthatIgettosendmydaughtertoImmanueleveryday Thescholarshipandgenerousdonationsmakeitpossibleforherto attend ShecontinuestogrowandsharewhatGodhasdoneinherlife" 13 | AnnualReport2021 22
StewardshipGivingReflectsaGenerousCommunity Webelievethatthelife
Weknowthatproviding astudentthislife changingexperienceisnotinexpensive,butwebelievethereturnon investmentiswortheverypenny Unfortunately,manyofourfamiliesareunabletoafford thefulltuitionofanImmanueleducation.

ImmanuelMan& ImmanuelWoman

We have spent many hours in prayer and discussion about being intentional with teaching our students about God’s creation of humankind as male and female We are made in the image of God uniquely and equal, but we also want to teach God’s design of the roles of male and female The culture we live in is adverse to Christian faith and is attempting to blur the line between genders. That is not what the Bible teaches us, and we feel that this is the time for us to go on the offense in teaching our students their identity in Christ.

The Immanuel Man & Immanuel Woman initiative launched in the winter of 2022. This initiative is teaching our students their identity in Christ as a male and a female:

An Immanuel Man serves Jesus as King, fights to build His Kingdom, and leads with eternal perspective An Immanuel Woman serves Jesus first, fights faithfully for His Kingdom, and leads with God's love and grace.

Junior High and High School students are divided into four tribes four for men, four for women and within the tribes they are broken down into teams (fire groups) The tribal system is unique in structure and purpose The purpose of the tribal system is to be a vehicle for school unity, training, and service to God’s glory! The system will give an intentional opportunity for every student to fit in, be part of a team, and to build healthy relationships, as they develop Christian Identity.

We are calling our students to put their faith into action; our faith isn’t about receiving, it’s about doing. The idea is that we create “all in” followers of Jesus We want them to build stronger relationships with their peers and their community We want them to learn to lead and embrace the idea of being a leader What we are ultimately trying to do is share the gospel in a different way so that we become doers of the word and not just hearers (from the verse James 1:22).

In April, we held our first Immanuel Man & Immanuel Woman “Camp Day” The 17 stations were mentally and physically challenging for our students and pushed them to work together as teams and tribes Throughout the day, we witnessed that the more united they became, the quicker they were able to complete the tasks at hand It was a blessing to see them communicating and working together with a sense of pride and accomplishment as they cheered each other on, united as teams Scan the QR Code to check out the video!

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The mission of Immanuel Schools is to equip students to serve God and neighbor with mind, body and soul, based upon a Christ centered foundation. A critical piece in equipping our students is to help them to build a biblical worldview. Studies show that young adults who have a strong biblical worldview were committed to processing their life experiences through the lens of Scripture, and were very intentional about developing a biblical worldview. Just like full immersion is the best way to learn a language, immersion in a biblical worldview is the best way to nurture worldview development in our students.

At Immanuel, we believe that the power of biblical worldview immersion promotes transformational learning in its two fold focus: modeling and an immersive environment. Instead of only thinking about how we can merge biblical content to our lesson plans, we should be considering how we can: 1) develop our own worldview and 2) create environments in our classrooms that are saturated with biblical worldview experiences and principles.

We encourage our faculty to consider their classroom to be a place where they get to live and learn with their students an environment that is overflowing with the good and glorious rule of God, where He shapes our thoughts, desires, and actions. Creating classrooms immersed in a biblical worldview requires several teaching commitments. First, we must offer practical guidance in helping our students to desire the Kingdom of God. We can do this through helping the students create positive habits, introducing them to Godly role models and careful interactions with individuals and concepts that are not aligned with a biblical worldview Second, we must provide students multiple opportunities to practice reflective disciplines that allow them to process their experiences in meaningful ways. These practices will ideally provide students insights for other experiences and decisions they may face in the future.

Since living out a biblical worldview is a hands on endeavor, we should always seek to use engaging learning experiences These experiences will include simple activities like “pair and share” as well as major service learning projects Finally, we will consistently give our students experiences with the truth claims of a biblical worldview along with plenty of encouragement and opportunity to apply a biblical worldview to the challenges that a fallen world presents to us.

Christian schools make some great promises to families. At Immanuel we intend to deliver on those promises To do this, we will never compromise our own biblical worldview development as we shape classroom environments that give students experience in living, breathing, and having their being immersed in a biblical worldview.

We consider it a great privilege to be a part of our student's lives and equip them in all areas, through a Biblical worldview, to succeed in an ever-changing world. Please scan the QR code for a video highlighting why Immanuel is so special.

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BeyondTheClassroom Athletics

Madrigals has earned consecutive 1st place awards in music competitions in California, New York, Vancouver B.C and London, and has toured England, France, Ireland and Scotland, performing at 50+ events annually Concert Choir performs at Seasonal Concerts, Musical Theatre productions and a Spring Ministry Tour Worship Fundamentals leads the student body in worship twice weekly during Chapel Dramastudentsparticipateintwomainstageplaysannually,aswellas“crew”thetwomusicaltheatreproductions

Our students have countless opportunities to participate in co curricular activities and programs We take pride in the robust variety we offer in Athletics, FFA/Agriculture, and Performing Arts. Because Christ is at the heart of everything we do, our programs are another way for our students to express themselves and grow deeper in their faith. Scan the QR code to hear from two of our program directors.
Championships 3 State
Relay Team/Individual Section
NorCal/SoCal Regional Championships
Team Section Championships
Sports Offered: Co Ed: Track and Field, Cross Country, and Swimming Men's and Women's: Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Soccer, and Volleyball Men's: Football, Baseball, and Wrestling Women's: Softball Championships: Outstanding 1 2 Teacher Agriculture Education Program in the San Joaquin Region (4 years) Outstanding Small SAE Program in the San Joaquin Region (2018, 2019) State Star in Agricultural Business, 3 State Proficiency Winners, 2 National Gold Proficiencies 2 State Championship Titles (Fruit Tree Pruning 2017, 2018) 38 State Degrees, 10 American Degrees
Courses Offered: Introduction to Applied Agriculture | Agriculture Communication | Advanced Agriculture Communication Art & History of Floral Design | Advanced Floral Design | Agriculture Government | Agriculture Economics Awards & Accomplishments:
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Courses Offered: Concert Choir | Women's Choir | Men's Choir | Madrigals | Drama | Worship Fundamentals Awards & Accomplishments: PerformingArts


Cash:You can make a gift with cash, checks, or credit cards at the Development Office or through the mail, or you can use the ease of online giving for credit card donations

MonthlyorYearlyPledges: You can give through an automatic one time monthly, or multi year pledges to Immanuel Schools that can be electronically debited, mailed in, or given online

MatchingGifts: Many employers will match their employees’ gifts to non profits, such as private educational institutions This provides Immanuel Schools with additional income and leverages your gift into a larger donation Please contact the human resources department to see if your employer matches charitable gifts

CommoditiesGiving: The gift of a portion of crop or goods (ie one truck load, etc.) from your company before it is sold can allow you to lower your net income and still claim production expenses

StocksorSecurities:The gift of appreciated stock can result in significant tax savings for a donor You may be able to obtain a tax deduction for the full value of the gift and avoid paying capital gains tax. Please contact Marlin Hiett who will work with you and your financial adviser on how best to make this type of gift to Immanuel Schools

PlannedGifts: Supporters may consider giving through bequests of real property, insurance policies, charitable trusts, retirement plan assets, and charitable gift annuities. Through planned giving, a donor may realize significant tax benefits while avoiding income and inheritance taxes. Please contact Marlin Hiett who will work with you and your financial adviser on how best to make this type of gift to Immanuel Schools

Gifts in Kind:Donations other than monetary donations, such as services and items, are appreciated because they free up funds that would have been used to purchase those services and items, allowing Immanuel Schools more flexibility on where to allocate resources This is also a great way to contribute to our annual dinner and auction event, as well as our golf tournament

MemorialorHonoraryGifts:Immanuel humbly and gratefully accepts gifts made in memory or honor of a loved one Memorial tributes are often established by families who wish to commemorate a significant event or recognize an anniversary or other milestone in their life

559 638 2529 | 18 | AnnualReport2021 22
Our Mission Immanuel Schools' mission it to equip students to serve God and neighbor with mind, body and soul, based on a Christ centered foundation. TheDifferenceIs Life Changing! 1128SouthReedAvenue | Reedley,CA93654 Phone: 559-638-2529 | Online:

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