IHSCM Empowered Leadership for Safe Compassionate Care Workshop Series

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This series is facilitated by Tom Bell MIHSCM, Director and Lead Consultant, Cormetis Consulting

Tom is an author, consultant, educator, and speaker with extensive experience in organisational culture and ethics. He draws on a unique combination of lived, learned, and professional experiences to provide informed best practices.

Tom specialises in wilful blindness, ethical fading, and cultural conformity in public services, and created the IHSCM How To Speak Up Safely in Health and Social Care Short Course Masterclass.

“Attendingthisserieswillequipyouwiththe knowledgeandskillstoenhanceserviceusersafety, developleadershipabilities,andimproveengagement withteams,careprofessionalsandfamilies.”

“You’llalsolearnhowtohandlecomplaints effectively,incorporateethicaldecision-making,and communicatecompassionatelywiththoseaffected bypoorcare.”


Building and maintaining service-user-safe cultures

28th November 2024

An introduction to wilful blindness

5th December 2024

Modelling positive leadership behaviours to build trust

30th January 2025

Engaging effectively and empathetically with employees

6th February 2025

Engaging compassionately with those affected by poor care

27th March 2025

Engaging effectively and building trust with external stakeholders

3rd April 2025

The Orange 7th Hat: When and How to use it (Ethics for Leaders)

8th May 2025

Handling and learning from service-user complaints as part of PSIRF

15th May 2025

End of Series Networking, Q&A and Coffee & Chat


Building and maintaining patient-safe cultures

2 HPL points for attending:

1 = Workforce 1 = Organisational Leadership

Patient safety is fundamentally a product of the organisational culture. By understanding and nurturing the key components of a patient-safe culture, organsiations can significantly enhance patient safety outcomes. Leadership plays a crucial role in fostering this culture, ensuring that all staff feel supported and empowered to contribute to a safe and inclusive environment.

Date: 28th November 2024

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs: Learnthecomponentsofapatient-safeculture,howtonurtureandbuildone,and maintainit.

Tomwilldiscusspsychologicalsafety,leadershipandgovernance,continuouslearningand improvement,andhowtoengageteamsandpromoteinclusivebehaviours.

An introduction to wilful blindness

2 HPL points for attending:

1 = Me, Myself and I 1 = Leadership Excellence

This fascinating masterclass will introduce you to the behavioural sciences and provide you with new insights into a largely unacknowledged phenomenon that impacts on us all.

Date: 5th December 2024

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs: Thissessionaimstoequipleadersandmanagerswiththeknowledgeandskillstorecogniseand combatwilfulblindness,ultimatelyleadingtosaferandmoreethicalorganisationalpractices.

1.Youwilldevelopanunderstandofwhatwilfulblindnessis,howitmanifestsinorganisations,and whyitiscrucialtoaddressit.

2.Youwilllearnfromreal-lifecasestudiesthatillustratethepresenceandimpactofwilfulblindnessin healthandsocialcare.

3.Youwillgaintoolsandtechniquestohelpidentifyinstancesofwilfulblindnesswithinyour organisation.

4.Youwilllearnstrategiestoeffectivelyaddressandmitigatewilfulblindness,fosteringamore transparentandaccountableculture.

Modelling positive leadership behaviours to build trust

2 HPL points for attending:

1 = Me, Myself and I

1 = Leadership Excellence

Learn about the leadership behaviours that build and break trust and acquire tools and ways of working designed to create and build trust.

Date: 30th Janurary 2025

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs: Thissessionwillbeinteractive,withpracticalexercises,role-playingscenarios,andgroup discussionstoreinforcelearningandensureparticipantscanapplytheseconceptsintheirleadership roles.

Tomwilldiscusshowbehavioursimpactteamdynamicsandorganisationalculture.Hewillprovide strategiesformaintainingtrustovertime,includingconflictresolution,accountability,andcontinuous improvement.



3.Understandtheimportanceofleadingbyexampleandhowyouractionsandattitudessetthetone foryourteams.


Engaging effectively and empathetically with employees

An engaged workforce is an asset. A disengaged workforce is an accident waiting to happen.

Learn the key components of effective internal engagement to transform your approach to employee engagement and leadership.

Date: 6th February 2025

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs:Tomwilladdresstheimportanceofemployeeengagementandhowthiscanbedeveloped througheffectivecommunicationstrategies,buildingtrust,andleadingwithempathy:

1.Understandhowanengagedworkforcecontributestooverallorganisationalsuccess,productivity, andemployeesatisfaction.

2.Understandtheroleofempathyinleadershipandhowitfostersasupportiveandinclusive workplaceculture

3.Learntechniquesforcommunicatingeffectivelywithemployees,ensuringtheirvoicesareheard andvalued.

4.Learnstrategiestobuildtrustandmaintaintransparencywithinteams,enhancingcollaborationand morale.

Engaging compassionate ly with those affected by poor care

2 HPL points for attending:

1 = Me, Myself and I 1 = Leadership Excellence

Many of the claims made against health and care services relate to how those affected have been treated after an incident has occurred. Learn the value of authentic communication and the role of ownership.

Date: 27th March 2025

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs: Thissessionaimstoequipcareprofessionalswiththetoolsandinsightsneededtoengage compassionatelywiththoseaffectedbypoorcare,ultimatelyfosteringamoresupportiveandhealing environmentforservice-usersandcareprofessionalstocopewiththeaftermathofpoorcare.

1.Understandtheemotional,psychological,andphysicaleffectsofpoorcareonservice-usersand theirfamilies.




5.Understandtheimportanceoftakingownershipofmistakesanddemonstratingacommitmentto improvement.

Engaging effectively and building trust with external stakeholders

2 HPL points for attending:

= Leadership Excellence

= Organisational Leadership

In times of limited resources working effectively in partnership has never been more important. Trust is essential if collaboration is to work.

Date: 3rd April 2025

Time: 14:00-15:00


Itwillprovidepracticalinsightsandtoolstohelpyourebuildandstrengthentrustwithyourexternal stakeholders,ensuringeffectiveandproductivepartnerships.


The Orange 7th Hat: WhenandHowto


The Orange Hat aims to help leaders and managers make better ethical decisions by providing a structured framework for considering ethical dimensions in their strategies.

Date: 8th May 2025

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs:Thissessionwillintroduceyoutoethicaldecision-makinginleadershipandEdwarddeBono’sSix ThinkingHatsconcept.

Learnhowtosupplementsixhatsthinkingwiththeorangehatofethicstoensuretheethical dimensionsinanysituationarenotmissedorignored.

Handling and learning from service-user complaints as part of PSIRF

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) is a comprehensive approach introduced by NHS England to improve how patient safety incidents are managed and learned from. It replaces the previous Serious Incident Framework and represents a significant shift in the NHS’s approach to patient safety.

Date: 15th May 2025

Time: 14:00-15:00

LOs:Inthissessionyouwilllearnhowtowelcome,manageandlearnfrompatientcomplaintsandalign youreffortswiththeimplementationofPSIRF.

Tomwillexplaintheimportanceofintegratingempathyandstructuredprocesseswhendealingwith service-usercomplaints,especiallyinthecontextofthePatientSafetyIncidentResponseFramework (PSIRF)

Don’t miss out—Register NOW


Building and maintaining service-user-safe cultures 28th November 2024


Clickonthehyperlinksinthisbookletorvisitour websiteeventspageandreserveyourspotfor thesetransformativeworkshops. Welookforwardtoseeingyouthere!

Post attendance



An introduction to wilful blindness 5th December 2024

Modelling positive leadership behaviours to build trust 30th January 2025

Engaging effectively and empathetically with employees 6th February 2025

Engaging compassionately with those affected by poor care 27th March 2025

Engaging effectively and building trust with external stakeholders 3rd April 2025

The Orange 7th Hat: When and How to use it (Ethics for Leaders) 8th May 2025

Handling and learning from service-user complaints as part of PSIRF 15th May 2025

End of Series Networking, Q&A and Coffee & Chat


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