Fifty One Shades of Kegham Djeghalian, Identity Magazine, April 2021

Page 62

identity SIGNS


March 21 - April 19

STRENGTHS: Audacious, Optimistic, Kind-hearted, Passionate WEAKNESSES: Jealous, Impatient, Aggressive LOVE LIFE: In order to attract an Aries you need to challenge them and always be up for fun adventures. You also need to be quick on your feet and in your decisions, as they tend to appreciate fast decisions and actions. MOST COMPATIBLE WITH: Leo, Libra, Gemini, Scorpio

Relationship Compatibility ARIES: This relationship is doomed from the very start. They both care about pleasing one another that it comes in the way of their own personal happiness.

LIBRA: They may be great in the bedroom, but outside in the real world there can be conflict. They both like to be in charge and both come from sexual zodiac signs.

TAURUS: When it comes to sexual pleasure between the two, the sheets literally get tangled. While Taurus cares about intimacy and romance, Aries likes being rough and getting to the point straight away.

SCORPIO: Unlike when two Aries’ clash, Scorpio possesses just the perfect traits to be similar yet different from an Aries. When they come together, they form an unbreakable bond.

GEMINI: Both zodiacs have a wild imagination when it comes to their pleasure. The good thing is that neither is too sensitive so this can be exciting for both of them. CANCER: It will never happen between both. Cancers are considered asexual; they will only give in if they feel they are loved and respected enough and are shown enough compassion. LEO: This is such a passionate connection, in which sparks fly around all the time. They have similar sexual preferences and they take each other seriously. VIRGO: When Virgo and Aries clash, it’s easy to say they would be the worst couple ever in bed. Virgo needs a lot of foreplay beforehand, while Aries likes to jump the sheets first chance they get!

62 IDENTITY • April 2021

SAGITTARIUS: With their cheerful personality, they like to make a joke out of everything. But when Aries takes their sexual pleasure too seriously, that may cause a bit of tension between the two signs. CAPRICORN: When this sort of relationship happens, it is in most cases triggered by some deep unconscious need to be held back and restricted when it comes to sexuality. Capricorn will hold back an Aries and put too much pressure on them. AQUARIUS: Sexual contact between them can be either stressful or extremely exciting. Sometimes both. Their signs go well together in general and they support each other easily. PISCES: The two signs have trouble connecting. When they end up together, it can be torture for both. They just don’t understand each other’s needs.

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Articles inside

Press Releases

pages 52-61


pages 62-64


pages 50-51

Eleven Secrets for An Effective

pages 48-49

Easy Meals Anyone Can Cook

pages 44-45

Travel Guide: Morocco

pages 46-47

The Truth on How Guys Deal

pages 40-41

The Difference Between Dating

pages 42-43

How Toxic Masculinity Hurts

pages 38-39

A Broken Man... A Broken

pages 36-37

Fifty One Shades of Kegham

pages 28-35

Four Signs You Have Found A

page 13

Spring 2021 Fashion Trends for

pages 20-21

Top Mindblowing Perfumes for

pages 16-17

Triendiest Hairstyles for Men

pages 18-19

Let’s Make Something Very

pages 14-15

Editor’s Picks

pages 10-11

The 7 Biggest Relationship Red

page 12
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