Society Marbella December - Mary Poppins

Page 124


FIZZ and all that bubbly stuff

Ellen Wallace is longtime international news journalist and the author of the popular book Vineglorious! Switzerland's Wondrous World of Wines. She writes regularly about European wines and travel and splits her time between La Costa del Sol and the Swiss Alps. Ellen’s

Time for the corks to fly and the fizz to overfill the glass and everyone to go giggly: the holiday season is upon us. How about this season we make it the year to understand the bubbly stuff, and do it right? For a start, what exactly is that in your glass? Here are some basic facts, plus a few little “did you know” things to add to the conversation so that you sound a little more intelligent and a little less drunk – useful if it’s the company party and your boss is standing next to you, or you’re meeting the future in-laws.


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