Torch 2022-23

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TORCH 2022-2023


TORCH 2022-2023

TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration ............................................................................................... 9 Lower School Ain Aar 33 Upper School Ain Aar 65 Preschool Ras Beirut 95 Elementary School Ras Beirut ........................................................ 125 Middle School Ras Beirut .................................................................... 169 Secondary School ....................................................................................... 199 Graduates 224 Commencement 304 PE and Athletics ........................................................................................... 317 IC Responsibility .......................................................................................... 349 Activities ............................................................................................................... 375 Awards 391


It is with great honor and gratitude that we dedicate this yearbook to a special individual who has been instrumental in shaping IC’s academic journey – Ms. Paula Mufarrij, Vice President for Academic Affairs. The lessons she communicated, the encouragement she provided, and the unwavering support she extended to each one of us will forever be engraved in our hearts.

To the generation Z graduates, as you step into the next chapter of your lives, let this yearbook serve as a reminder of the resilience, determination, and limitless potential that resides within you. You are the architects of the future, and the world awaits your transformative ideas and actions. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, for they are the catalysts for growth and discovery.


Don J. Selinger, Chairman

Imad Taher, Vice Chairman

William H. Turner, Treasurer

Anthony Jones, Assistant Treasurer

Richard S. Ward, Secretary

Gerritt Keator, Assistant Secretary

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Adelman

Mona Bawarshi ‘67

Selim Bassoul

Wael O. Bayazid

Jonathon (Jon) A. Conner

Frederick O. Crawford

Walid Daouk ‘76

T.M (Mac) Deford

Bayard Dodge

Amal A. Ghandour

Yusuf A. Kan’an ‘71

John Khabbaz

Marwan A. Marshi ‘79

Dr. Safwan Masri

Theodore May

John G. McCarthy Jr.

Maher Mikati ‘98

Karim Noueihed ‘98 (Ex Officio)

Mirna B. Noujaim

Ian Reed

Matthew A. Reynolds

Mu’taz Sawaf ‘69

Talal K. Shair ‘83

Issam Shammas ‘63

Dr. Rabih Shibli

Ahmad Tayeb

Maya Tohme (Nassar)


Makram N. Alamuddin ‘61

Anwar Al Mulla ‘63

Said S. Darwazah ‘76

Peter H. Gerard

Aida Reed (Luce)

Mohammed S. H. Soleiman ‘59

Khalid Al-Turki ‘61


We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of IC’s former Deputy President, Dr. Edmond Tohme, on March 27, 2023. Tohme was a truly remarkable individual who played a pivotal role in keeping IC open during the civil war.

Tohme held many various posts at IC, including Director of Admissions, Dean of Students, Associate Director at the Middle school, Director of the Secondary School, Executive Vice President, and Deputy President. He was also the recipient of the National Order of the Cedar Award. Throughout the war years, he showed incredible courage and leadership. He became part of a core group of administrators making difficult decisions and taking bold actions to keep our school running during a time of great turmoil and uncertainty.

Edmond (Eddie) Tohme initially came to IC as a boarding student before traveling to the US to pursue his studies. After completing his master’s degree at Stanford University, he returned to Lebanon for a visit and was offered a position teaching philosophy and counseling at the school’s secondary level. Tohme accepted the offer and canceled his plans to return to the US.

UN Grand Homme: noble , juste, professionnel qu’on ne peut que respecter et se sentir honnorée de travailler sous sa direction.

Il a toujours su appriécier les gens à leur juste valeur.

Je n’oublierais jamais quand j’ai reçu la 1ère le prix qui porte son nom et que j’ai été pour lui parler après la cérémonie, il m’a dit : “Amal tu mérites hautement cette reconnaissance pour tous les services rendus à la section française de l’IC mais surtout aussi pour ton professionnalisme et ton intégrité.

C’est hélas le peu dont je me rappelle de notre conversation.

Que son âme repose en paix .

C’est comme tu l’as si bien dit Mona une perte sèche pour l’IC car après lui, personne n’a pu l’égaler.

Ta mémoire restera à jamais gravée dans nos coeurs et nos esprits.

Adieu Mr. Tohmé!

It would be a decision that would greatly impact the future of the school. Tohme and his colleagues were responsible for making critical decisions about whether to hold classes in the face of ongoing battles and conflicts. They frequently confronted and pushed out armed militia groups entering the campus grounds.

Still, IC opened its doors.

“We had always thought it couldn’t get worse, but the pit seems bottomless, and we sink lower as time goes on… No matter what happens, I cannot imagine a country without schools for very long; I cannot imagine a country without children going to school, and I cannot imagine the Lebanese, no matter the hardships, settling for less than quality education. For that, our efforts are still worthwhile,” he stated in Annual Report to the Board of Trustees 1988-89.

Je reçois comme un choc cette triste nouvelle, bien que tout le monde eût vent de sa longue et pénible maladie. Car, un homme ( au vrai sens du terme ) tel que Edmond Tohmé, il n’en existe plus dans notre pays meurtri. Son intégrité, sa classe, sa grande tolérance, il les a emportées avec lui. Je n’oublierai jamais nos discussions en matière de pédagogie ou de relations humaines.

Il tenait à conserver à chacun sa place jusqu’à preuve du contraire. Profondément humain et respectueux, il ne tolérait aucune injustice et cela augmentait notre admiration. L’IC se doit d’être fier d’avoir été dirigé par Edmond Tohmé!

With the untimely death of then-IC President Alton Reynolds, Tohme assumed the role of Deputy President and continued the search for a new campus location on the east side of the country. In 1987, he finally settled on a site with breathtaking views to build an ‘extension’ campus of IC in the picturesque village of Ain Aar. A year later, the Ain Aar campus opened its doors.

Tohme received several job offers throughout the war. He had always refused, firmly believing that IC needed him. Regarded as a sophisticated and refined man who spoke deliberately and thoughtfully, he earned the admiration of numerous educators over the years.

“I have been trying to and trying very hard to approach your ‘silent wisdom,’” said Mona Shbaklo as she accepted the Edmond Tohme Award in 2008. “Have I succeeded?”

A 1999 Torch tribute for his retirement described him as “a rare combination of powerful presence, sharp intellect, ethic professionalism, pleasant company, and great humility; his tendency to shy away from the limelight adds to his quiet strength.” (Sana Haydar).

Other remarks praised him as an exemplary leader. “Many things have been said about Eddie’s wisdom and vision in the way he guided IC during the worst days of the war. However, I saw during my long working experience with him the other face, that of the shy, discrete, humble, patient, and most of all helpful and humane person.” (Yussuf Korfali, Torch 1999)

Today, the Edmond Tohme Outstanding Educator Award recognizes an outstanding IC educator whose teaching and/or administrative career has been marked by significant contributions to IC’s mission and objectives.

Thank you, “Eddie,” for your dedication and love to IC.

May you rest in peace.

Tout le monde connaît Mr. Tohmé le philosophe, l’érudit qui a dirigé notre IC avec sagesse durant les années les plus difficiles de son histoire. Mais rares sont ceux qui connaissent le côté humain de ce grand homme et que j’admirais beaucoup chez lui.

Permettez moi à ce sujet de vous raconter une entrevue que j’ai eue avec lui et qui m’a permis de découvrir la noblesse de ses actes et son empathie avec le corps professoral.

En effet, dans les années 90, les enseignants à mi temps ne bénéficiaient pas d’aide financière pour la scolarité de leurs enfants qui équivalait parfois à tout leur salaire comme c’était le cas de l’un de mes collègues du département. Je décidai donc d’aller en discuter avec Mr. Tohmé.

Le réglement de l’établissement ne le lui permettant pas, il n’hésita pas à lui accorder cette aide du budget qui lui était alloué en tant que président par intérim. Je ne pense pas que d’autres l’auraient fait. C’était en cela qu’il se distinguait de tous les autres.

Repose en paix.

Tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de te connaître ne t’oublieront jamais.

اــــنينامأ يــــضتم ادــبا اذـــــكها انيوطي تولما ليلو ةايلحا يوطن ةرخام رامعلأا نفس انب يرتج اـنيسارم يــقلن لاو دوجولا رحب ،حرسلما ةبشخ نع لوزنلا تررق .كتاسرم تيقلأ دراب مدب اذكه اذالم ،ةلوؤسلماو ةميكلحا كتراداو ةيوبرتلا ةيركفلا كتازانجا تلمح عضاوتو عيفر قلخ نم هيلع تنا المو كل سانلا مارتحاو كتاقادصو .ةعجر ريغ يلا كفلخ هتقلغاو بابلا نم تجرخو اذه لك تلمح بجاولا في كبكاو يذلا اناو ليمز لبناو قيدص صلخا اي انع اذام اهولحو ةايلحا رم انشع فينو اماع ينثلاثةباحس يرادلإا يسردلما يل اخا اي ،يدا اي كيلإ قاتشن .يس .يلاا رمع نم بعصلأا نمزلا في كروصتاس ليمز صلخا ايو يل قيدص لبنأ اي كركذاس .يما هدلت مل رطالخا عيرس ،رفسلل اقشاع ،ماعط ةقاوذ ،افقثم ،ةزيمتم اتقانا امود ابلصو رصعت لا نكل انيل يرادلإا كلمع في كركذاسو ةتكنلا رضاح لوقأ لا اماتخ يس .يا لا ةروطسأ يقيدص اي ىقبتو .رسكت لا نكل .ىقتللما يلا لب اعادو لاحر ليبن


Mr. Joel Peinado President/Président Ms. Paula Mufarrij Vice President for Academic Affairs/ Vice-Présidente des affaires académiques Mr. Moufid Beydoun VP for Major Gifts and Interim Director Alumni and Advancement / Vice-président des dons majeurs et directeur par intérim du bureau des anciens et du développement Mr. Talal El Jundi Vice President and Chief Financial Officer/ Vice-président et Chef financier Ms. Hanan Loulou Ouri Executive Assistant to the President/Assistante Exécutive au Président Ms. Lara Kasparian Administrative Assistant/ Assistante administrative Mr. Ali Zaarour Clerk/ Employé de bureau
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President’s Office/Bureau du Président

Executive committee/Comité de direction

Heads of Subjects / Le comité des coordonnateurs de matière


Mr. Dagher Mhanna Head of Arabic Ms. Hanan Sabra Head of Sciences K to 9 (English) Ms. Lama Sinno Head of Mathematics K to 9 (French) Mr. André Daher Head of Music Ms. Nathalie Joujou Head of English Mr. Ludovic Marty Head of French Middle school Ms. Georgette Francis Head of Sciences K to 9 (French) Mr. Riad Chirazi Head of Activities/ Drama/CAS Ms. Carine Arayssi Head of Art Mr. Noel Bou Abboud Head of PE Mr. Khalil Chahine Head of Mathematics K to 9 (English) Ms. Paula Mufarrij Head of Social Studies Ms. Lara Kmeid Upper School AA Director Mr. Joel Peinado President Mr. Moufid Beydoun VP for Major Gifts Interim Director Alumni and Advancement Mr. Talal El Jundi Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Ms. Paula Mufarrij Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Ghada Madhoun Preschool Director Ms. Hanan Loulou Ouri Executive Assistant to the President Dr. Mahmud Shihab Director of ERC & IT Ms. Kathy Khayatt Elementary School Director Dr. Megan Khairallah Secondary school Director Ms. Nawal Haddad Middle School Director Ms. Zeina Abou Khalil Lower School AA Director Ms. Tania Asmar Hayek Director of Human Resources
Mr. Boualem Maizia Head of French Program - All school

Alumni and Advancement Office/ Bureau des Anciens et du Développement

Ms. Hiba Osseiran Chamout Advancement Officer/ Agent de développement Ms. Maya Zeinoun Acra Assistant to the VP of Alumni & Advancement/Assistante du Vice-président du bureau des anciens et du développement Mr. Rabih Halabi Secretary/ Secrétaire Ms. Ambarina Zenab Hasta Alumni Coordinator & Co-teacher / Coordinatrice des relations du bureau des anciens Ms. Joelle Kahwaji Communications Manager/ Responsable de la communication
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Mr. Moufid Beydoun VP for Major Gifts and Interim Director Alumni and Advancement / Vice-président des dons majeurs et directeur par intérim du bureau des anciens et du développement

Business Office/Economat

Mr. Talal El Jundi Vice President and Chief Financial Officer/ Vice-président et Chef financier Ms. Kifah Badreddine Payroll Associate/Adjoint du gestionnaire des salaires Ms. Rola Sarrouh Accountant/Comptable Mr. Roger Mehanna Cashier/Caissier Mr. Bassem Moawad Head Cashier & Fixed Assets Accountant/Chef Comptable Caisier Mr. Mohammad Joumaa Payroll Manager/ Gestionnaire des salaires Ms. Diana Beiruti Chedid General Accounting and Reporting Manager/Comptable Générale et Responsable de Rapports Ms. Danielle Bikhazi Abi Fares Senior Accountant/Comptable Supérieure Ms. Mirjana Sabra El Horr Student section Manager/ Responsable de la Section des Etudiants
Ms. Lina El Roueiheb Senior Accountant/ Comptable Supérieure

Educational Resources Center/ Centre de Ressources Pédagogiques

Dr. Mahmud Shihab ERC & IT Director Ms. Zeina Dayya Assistant to the ERC Director/Assistante du directeur du C.R.P. Mr. Hussein Farhat Technical Clerk/Employé de bureau Ms. Mirna Hamad Osman Edtech Applications Officer/ Agent des Technologies de l’éducation Mr. Marwan Kambris Data Scientist/Statisticien Ms. Reem Haddad Curriculum Platforms & Project Coordinator/Coordinatrice du projet et des plateformes pour les programmes Ms. Rima Khishen Assistant to the ERC Director/Assistante du directeur du C.R.P. Mr. Dory Khayat ERC Assistant/ Assistant du C.R.P. Mr. Mohammad Joud Edtech Applications Officer/ Agent des Technologies de l’éducation Ms. Maya Itani Edtech Applications Manager/Responsable des Technologies de l’éducation
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Ms. Joelle Abdel Ahad Executive Secretary/ Secrétaire Executive

IT Department /Département d’informatique

Mr. Charbel Rizk IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager/Responsible des systems et de l’infrastructure informatique Ms. Mirna Rabah Ataya IT Applications & Solutions Manager/Responsible des applications et des solutions informatiques Mr. Chadi Akiki Assistant Manager for IT Systems & Infrastructure/ Assistant du responsable des systèmes et de l’infrastructure informatique Mr. Elie Karanouh IT Assistant/Assistant informatique Mr. Mohamad Shatila Assistant Manager for IT Application & Solutions/ Assistant du responsable des applications et des solutions informatiques Mr. Yassine Zein Head of STEAM Innovation Center/ Responsible du centre STEAM Mr. Khaled Shehab STEAM Innovation Center Officer/Officier du centre STEAM Mr. Wissam Sawma IT Administrator/ Administrateur informatique Mr. Rami Yasmine CCTV Officer & IT Technicien/Officier de vidéosurveillance et technicien informatique Mr. Hadi Nahas IT Technician/Technicien informatique Mr. Nader Imad Operator/Opérateur
STEAM Innovation Center

Human Resources Department/ Départment des Ressources Humaines

Facilities / Installations et Equipements

Mr. Youssef Abi Abdallah Director of facilities/ Directeur des installations et des équipements Ms. Tania Asmar Hayek Director of Human Resources/ Directrice des Ressources Humaines Ms. Nadine Kanafani Alayli Senior HR Officer/ Agent Senior des RH Ms. Rawane Mneimneh HR Administrative Officer/ Agent Administratif en RH
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Mr. Joe Karam Personnel & Payroll Coordinator/ Coordinateur de la paie et administration du personnel

Infirmary/ Infirmerie

Ms. Rita Abboud Nurse/Infirmière Ms. Liliane Zeidan Nurse/Infirmière Mr. Ali Fakih Infirmary Assistant/Infirmier adjoint Dr. Nabil Sharara College Physician/Médecin scolaire Dr. Jinan Usta College Physician/Médecin scolaire Admissions Office MEHE Affairs Printshop /Imprimerie Ms. Samar Gerges Head of Admissions/ Responsable des admissions Ms. Suzanne Houssami MEHE Affairs Manager/ Responsable des relations avec le Ministère libanais de l’Education
Mr. Choukri Chahine Printshop Technician/ Technicien d’imprimerie

Physical Plant Department / Departement du service ATOS - Ras Beirut


Senior Technicians, Technicians /Techniciens Supérieurs, Techniciens

Technician HVAC), Mr. Hussein Fakih (Technician Plumbing), Mr. Jihad Jibawi (Technician Transportation)

Back row: Mr. Younis Zayyour (Store Keeper), Mr. Bilal Sawli (Technician), Mr. Khodr Younes (Technician Electrical), Mr. Ahmad Shaito (Senior Technician Crafts), Mr. Jamil Ghasham (Technician Chiller), Mr. Jamal Teryaki (Senior Technician Steel), Mr. George Khoury (Senior Technician Steel and Aluminum)

Absent: Mr. Hussein Daoud (Technician)

Ms. Rola Rahal Interim Facilities Manager & Mechanical Engineer/ Responsable des installations par interim et Ingénieur en mécanique Ms. Rouba Khalil Mhanna Operations Assistant/ Assistante des opérations Ms. Fatima Mrad Office Manager/ Chef de bureau Mr. Ziad Ayoub (Electrical), Mr. Imad Kawtharani (Electrical), Ms. Darine El Shiekh (Housekeeping), Mr. Joseph Riachy (Carpentry) Front Row: Ms. Rita Nawfal (Senior Technician Sewing Works), Mr. Yaacoub Dandash (Technician Carpentry), Mr. Joseph Dabaghy (Technician Painting), Mr. Nader Takesh (Technician Gardening), Mr. Miled Rawal (Technician HVAC), Mr. Henry Samia Khoury (Senior
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Technical Operators

Assistant Technician & PPD Assistant/ Operators Assistants Techniciens ATOS


Mr. Hilal Yassine, Mr. Abbas Baalkbai, Mr. Hussein Chahine, Mr. Abbas Harba Absent: Mr. Michel El Hashem Back Row: Mr. Mahmoud Faraj, Mr. Ali Faraj, Mr. Jaafar Kabout, Mr. Assaad Hneino, Mr. Ahmad Kak, Mr. Kamal Assi, Mr. Rabih Kashouh, Mr. Ahmad Mshawrab Frist Row: Mr. Salim Ghadban, Mr. Oussama Mohamad, Mr. Bilal Sawan, Mr. Ali Droubi, Mr. Ali Faran, Mr. Hussein Bakri, Mr. Mahmoud Harkous Absent: Mr. Eid Sawan (Driver), Mr. Mustafa Awadah Ms. Rita Jabbour, Ms. Hiam Soufan

Physical Plant Department / Departement du service ATOS - Ain Aar

Motorpool Department

Back Row: Mr. Jack Bou Issa, Mr. Elie Gerges, Mr. Maroun Louka, Mr. Abdallah Abdallah Younis Front row: Mr. Imad Bustani, Mr. George El-Helo, Mr. Gaby Sakr, Mr. Charbe Nassif, Mr. Elie Nassif, Mr. Youssef Attieh Mr. Mohamad Hammoud Motorpool Supervisor Mr. Jamal Yamout Motorpool Assistant Mr. Hussein Atweh Motorpool Assistant Mr. Ali Ezzeddine Motorpool Assistant Mr. Ahmad Darwishe Driver Mr. Ibrahim Dagher Driver
Mr. Jamal El Hajj Driver

Security Department / Département de Sécurité - Ras Beirut

Security Guards

Mr. Ali Farhat, Mr. Wael Mrad, Mr. Haytham Medlej Mr. Dib Kashkash, Mr. Nidal Izrafil Mr. Mosbah Karout, Mr. Hussein Mouawia, Mr. Hassan Bou Ezzeddine, Mr. Imad Itani Mr. Ali Zaaiter, Mr. Medyan Hajj Hussein Mr. Youssef Fakhr, Mr. Mohamad Zeyour, Mr. Marwan Azzam, Mr. Ibrahim Kazenji, Mr. Wassim Jawhari, Mr. Ragheb Atrash Mr. Alaa Temsah, Mr. Karim Al Shamaa, Mr. Bashir El Ajouz Mr. Ayoub Wehbe Security Shift Leader/Chef d’equipe Mr. Iyad Bou Said, Mr. Wassim Ammar, Mr. Samer Bou Ghannam Mr. Ihab Hachem Mr. Bachir Kassis, Mr. Ghazi Mahmassani
Mr. Fouad Takieddine Head of Security (AA&RB) / Responsable de la sécurité

Security Department / Département de Sécurité - Ain Aar

Security Guards

Mr. Georges Awad Security Supervisor Mr. Rami Halawi Mr. Georges Bou Hanna Mr. Tony Husseini Mr. Sami Abou Raad, Mr. Salim Kaadi Mr. Samer Hweiss, Mr. Joseph Kayayian, Ms. Lamisse El Saghir, Mr. Elie Berberi, Mr. Samy Abou Rjeily, Mr. Elie Maalouf Mr. Elia Abdel Massih, Mr. Nidal Dagher, Mr. Charbel Mansour

Transportation - Ras Beirut (Contractor)

First row up: Mr. Ali Amhaz, Mr. Wael Najdi, Mr. Jean El Hage, Mr. Ousama Ahmad, Mr. Khaled Nahhas, Mr. Hassan El Ali, Mr. Georges Saliba

Second row: Mr. Joseph Assaf, Mr. Georges Sleiman, Mr. Ghassan Mroue, Mr. Ali El Malak, Mr. Ncoula Farhat, Mr. Jihad Barakat, Mr. Charbel Gebara, Mr. Joseph Nassif, Mr. Maurice Jabre, Mr. Abed Hasbini, Mr. Walid Bou El Hassan

Third row: Ms. Juliette Zenne, Ms. Thérèse Kahawaty, Ms. Gizelle Aoun, Ms. Zarmig Andraos, Ms. Manal Ahmad, Ms. Rita Illo, Ms. Mirvat Sinno, Ms. Iman Tabneen, Ms. Hoda Itani

Transportation - Ain Aar (Contractor)

Back row: Ms. Maha Lahoud, Ms. Madonna Nassif, Mr. Marc Stephan, Mr. Rachad Bejjani, Mr. Labib Lheybe, Mr. Charbel Gebara, Mr. Bechara Saliba, Mr. Elias Saliba, Mr. Jean Lheybe,Mr. Bahige el Ashkar

Front row: Ms. Nohad Saad, Ms. Gladys Skandar, Ms. Juliette Sleiman, Ms. Diala Hanna, Ms. Yolande Bejjani, Ms. Hanan Tabib, Ms. Najla Hebbo, Ms. Myriam Hebbo, Ms. Hanaa Tawil, Ms. Myriam Saleme


Cafeteria / Cantine - Ras Beirut (Contractor)

Cafeteria / Cantine - Ain Aar (Contractor)

Ms. Ghina el Kayssi, Ms. Nadia Issa, Ms. Sara Katerji, Ms. Rachelle Chaaban, Ms. Céline el Kayssi, Mr. Kamil Feghaleh, Mr. Ali Salemeh, Mr. Ali Hasan Zaarour, Mr. Ali Medlej, Mr. Ali Bayti, Mr. Karim Jawad
Ms. Sanaa Al Akl, Ms. Nancy Saba, Ms. Araxie Melkonian


Ms. Dalia Ghawi Arab

Ms. Salma Fawaz Charafeddine (Secretary)

Mr. Karim Chebaklo

Ms. Nada Ghazal Ghannagé

Ms. Nour Bitar Al Hajj

Ms. Rima Jaber

Ms. Pamela Maalouf

Ms. Nadine Maktabi

Mr. Marwan Naffi

Ms. Abir Bawarshi Oweini (President)

Ms. Nadine Fawaz Ramlawi

Ms. Corine Sakr Sawaya

Mr. Rami Sayegh (Finance committee member)

Ms. Hiba Nakib Shabarek

Ms. Dana Kaaki Sinno (Vice President)

Dr. Randa Barazi Solh

Ms. Maya Dada Younis (Finance committee member)

Mr. Tarek Bayoud (Finance committee member)

Ms. Chirine El Debs Deeb

Ms. Dnaisy (Daisy) Hanna Feghali (Finance committee member)

Ms. Johanna Gharios Ghali (President)

Ms. Vrejouhie (Viviane) Sarkissian Karam (Vice President)

Ms. Lubna Lahoud Abou Kasm

Ms. Nathalie Kazandjian Khalil

Ms. Mariette Abou Jaoude Nassar

Ms. Diala Abi Zeid Zakhia Douaihy

Ras Beirut
Ain Aar 25



Dr. Joe Abi Raad Physician IC Ain Aar Ms. Nada Malas Preschool RB Ms. Eliane Oneissi Elementary School RB Ms. Hind Abou Rislan Secondary School Ms. Samar Noueihed Middle School RB Dr. Osman Osman Secondary School Ms. Rola Ayache Secondary School Ms. Maha Okaili Elementary School RB
Ms. Fatima Turbah Middle School RB

45 years of service

35 years of service

25 years of service


Ms. Doha Berjaoui Elementary School RB Ms. Maha Okaili Elementary School RB Ms. Marie Rose Abi Rached Upper School Ain Aar Ms. Marielle Hajj Sleiman Secondary School Ms. Ghada Jallou Itani Middle School RB Ms. Rana Anouti Secondary School Dr. Sana Harakeh Secondary School Ms. Fatima Turbah Middle School RB Ms. Hind Farra Middle School RB
Mr. Mohammad Harb Preschool RB

Edmond Tohme Outstanding Award

Ms. Paula Mufarrij Vice President for Academic Affairs Albert Abela Distinguished Teacher Award Ms. Ranwa Jeha Middle School RB Ms. Dala Mounzer Secondary School Ms. Hanan Loulou Ouri President’s Office Ms. Najwa Nouh Upper School Ain Aar Ms. Lina Jaroudi (Preschool RB), Ms. Hind Abou Reslan (Secondary School), Mr. Rawad Bou Hamdan (Secondary School), Ms. Fatima Tourbah (Middle School RB), Ms. Myriam Bou Zakhem (Upper School Ain Aar), Ms. Jinan Masri (Elementary School RB), Ms. Maha Okaili (Elementary School RB), Ms. Chirine Karout (Lower School Ain Aar), Ms. Raya Tabet (Lower School Ain Aar)
Absent: Ms. Layal Tayara (Elementary School Ras Beirut), Ms. Lina Oueidat (Middle School RB)

Call Beyond Duty” Award


Randa Khoury Innovation in Teaching Award Ms. Bahera Abbas Learning Support Teacher Middle School RB Alissar Abi Haidar “A Ms. Ghada Jalloul Itani Head of School Climate Unit & Dean of Students Middle School RB Mr. Chadi Akiki IT Department Ms. Lara Kasparian President’s Office Ms. Dalida Sayah IC Ain Aar George O. Debbas Staff Award
Teachers’ Association


25 Years of Service

Mr. Ahmad Moushawrab Mr. Mohammad Hammoud Mr. Hassan Bou Ezzedine Mr. Imad Itani Mr. Elie Nassif Retiree
George O. Debbas Staff Award






Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Ms. Zeina Abou Khalil Director Dr. Alain Gholam Assistant Director, PYP Coordinator Ms. Joumana Francis Khairallah Assistant to the Director for the French Program Ms. Tahany Dakroury Assistant to the Director for Student Affairs Ms. Yolla Maroun Office Manager Secretary to the Director Ms. Viviane Toubia Secretary
Ms. Maya (Bahia) Zouein Clerk
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND IT
Mr. Wissam Sawma IT Administrator Mr. Elie Karanouh IT Technician Assistant Dr. Joe Abi Raad College Physician Ms. Dalida Sayah Nurse
Ms. Rima Rizk Nurse 35

Student Support Team


Pedagogical Leadership Team




Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Ms. Manale Dagher Harfouche, Ms. Myrna Haddad, Ms. Anaîs Lahoud Ms. Nayla Serhal, Ms. Hyam Chamaa, Ms. Joya Habib, Ms. Rima Khoury, Ms. Léa Hédary, Ms. Chirine Thoumas Absent: Ms. Randa Kazan, Ms. Reine Moussaed, Ms. Fadia Ibrahim, Ms. Maya El Hendy, Ms. Fida Zaarour Ms. Tahany Dakroury, Dr. Alain Gholam, Ms. Zeina Abou Khalil, Ms. Joumana Francis Khairallah Back row: Ms. Marleine Assaf, Ms. Gisele Ayoub, Ms. Marcelle Jaber Middle row: Ms. Catherine Al Ain, Ms. Ghada Hanna, Ms. Maya Zogheib Front row: Ms. Rita Sebaaly, Ms. Leyla Hanna, Ms. Rita Irani, Ms. Jano (Hneine) Fayad
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Back row: Dr. Alain Gholam, Ms. Carole Jabre Obeid, Ms. Jennifer Khoury, Front row: Ms. Grace Dunya, Ms. Stephanie Barsoum, Ms. Fida Zaarour Back row: Ms. Maya El Hendy, Ms. Estelle Abou Daher, Ms. Nadine Lebbos, Ms. Joumana Francis Khairallah, Ms. Christelle Gebara Samaha Front row: Ms. Nayla Serhal, Ms. Arlette Abi Raad, Ms. Fadia Ibrahim, Ms. Danielle Saliba Absent: Ms. Sophie Moukarzel Back row: Ms. Samar Salem, Ms. Rita Nakhlé, Ms. Rima Aoun
English French Arabic
Front row: Ms. Pascal Hitti, Ms. Micheline Debal, Ms. Marie Karam



Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Ms. Léa Hédary, Ms. Chirine Karout, Ms. Carole Jabre Obeid, Ms. Taline Hakimian, Ms. Shahera Khader Absent: Ms. Reine Moussaed Back row: Ms. Hyam Chamaa, Ms. Joya Habib, Ms. Joumana Francis Khairallah, Ms. Chirine Thoumas Front row: Ms. Jocelynne Matar, Ms. Rita Issa, Ms. Raya Tabet, Ms. Thémis Rizk, Ms. Vida Chedid Back row: Ms. Hiba Zaklit, Ms. Bernadette Barakat, Ms. Maya Chabab, Ms. Zeina Moujaes Front row: Ms. Nawal Houjeiry, Ms. Joelle Abboud, Ms. Lamia Jabbour
English French Arabic
Absent: Ms. Micheline Gholam, Ms. May Skaff


Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Ms. Petra Rahbani, Ms. Hind Muzien, Dr. Alain Gholam, Ms. Carole Jabre Obeid, Ms. Pauliana Eid Absent: Ms. Rima Khoury
English French
Ms. Samar Khodr, Ms. Stéphanie Abi Abboud, Ms. Joumana Francis Khairallah, Ms. Eliane Abdel Massih, Ms. Rosemary Assemaani Absent: Ms. Randa Kazan
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Ms. Léa Hédary, Ms. Fadia Ibrahim, Ms. Ala Jadooa, Ms. Chirine Thoumas Ms. Nayla Abu Fadil, Ms. Eliane Yammine Ms. Serene Ghandour, Ms. Raphaella Matta Ms. Nada Yazbeck, Mr. Ziad Hajj Boutros, Ms. Céline Abou Rahhal
Librarians Art Music Digital Literacy & Computer Science
Ms. Nathalie Hannah Sheikh, Mr. Walid Matta
Mr. Roy Ishac, Mr. Charly Nasr
Ms. Léa Eddé, Mr. Oussama Jawad PE 4040
Floor Supervisors


Selim Boubou, Andrew Asfahani, Ameer Rouhana, Sam Tannous, Joseph Mouawad, Matteo El Jiz

Front row: Jude Ghoussoub, Malek Chahla, Mia Abi Khalil, James Menhem, Lili-Mae El Khoury, Kathryn Atiyeh, Elias Achkar, Samar Rita Abi Sleiman, Claudio El Alam

Absent student: Alexander Noumair

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Grace Dunya

Arabic teacher: Ms. Pascale Hitti

Co-teacher: Ms. Fida Zaarour

Back row: Joseph Aoun, Liana Mouawad, Christoper Boulos, Elias Jabbour, Jordan Aleywan, Sophia Dagher

Front row: Ronald Saba, Jamie Abi-Rached, Sofia Antola, Joe Assaad, Yasmina Tohme, Rida Nakhle, Mila Moussan, Christopher Sursock, Emil Nasrallah

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Nadine Lebbos

Arabic teacher: Ms. Pascale Hitti

Co-teacher: Ms. Maya El Hindi (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Nursery PS A 41

Back row: Yasma Ballout, Karl Ghawi, Liana Noufaily, Gabriel Aoun, Matthew Maalouf

Front row: Alexis Boutchakjian, Karen Macari, Elie Matta, Annie Melkestian, Karly Atallah, Charbel Tohme, Karl Kourkejian

Absent students: Haya Ballout, Mayroun Nour Moubarak

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Arlette Abi Raad

Arabic teacher: Ms. Pascale Hitti

Co-teacher: Ms. Maya El Hindi (Absent)

Back row: Ilye Saab, Youmna Rowell, Bashir Harfouche, Joe Jerdak, Lea Fayad, Charles Geagea, Luca Katbe

Front row: Selin Kalajian, Leyna Ibrahim, Lynn Matar, Avetis Kalajian, Maryam Ibrahim, Joe Kreidi, Luna Khater, Ayva Nazarian, Bruna Gebrael

Absent student: Joshua Khoury

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Jennifer El-Khoury

Arabic teacher: Ms. Micheline Debal

Co-teacher: Ms. Fida Zaarour (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
PS B KG I 4242

Back row: Taly Dakdouki, Skye Salibi, Andrew Saker, Carlo Baissari, Wassim Yammine, Yowan Aoun, Judy Massaad, Chloé Samaha.

Front row: Nour Thomé, Arya Chalala, Lila El Hajj, Charbel-Loui Abdel Nour, Emile Rahme, Yasmina Abou Zeid, Ryan Moundalak, Chloé Maria Ahmad Ibrahim.

Absent student: Alicia Karam

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Danielle Saliba

Arabic teacher: Ms. Micheline Debal

Co-teacher: Ms. Fadia Ibrahim (Absent)

Back row: Alexandre El Rif, James Salame, Amy Sinno, Sofia Meimargolou, Aya Al Turkait, Annabella Najjaraghazarian.

Front row: Kevin Nasr, Thea Bechara, Elie Daniel, Karen Farhan, Chris El Hage , Selena Abdel Ahad, Fayez Abboud, Zoe Aoun, Antranik Atayan

Absent student: Ilda Gemayel

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Sophie Moukarzel

Arabic teacher: Ms. Micheline Debal

Co-teacher: Ms. Fadia Ibrahim (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
MS A MS B 43

Back row: Taj Btaiche, David El Chidiac, Luna El Masri, William Sagherian, Alexander Gebara, Nizar Zacca, Yuri Fayad, Lucas Al Alam, Jade Tahhan, Ghassan Mouawad, Charbel Al Achkar, Josef Samaha

Front row: Marco Mikaelian, Sophie Khalil, Elias Hobeika, Louise Fadoul Al Achkar, Nikolai Haddad, Damon Succar, Willow Riley Damouni, Matteo Bousamra, Antoine Hobeika, Sama Mansour

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Stephanie Barsoum

Arabic teacher: Ms. Rita Chaaya Nakhle

Co-teacher: Ms. Fida Zaarour (Absent)

Back row: Angelina Sarkis, Jade Yacoub, Leandro Sawaya, Anthony Touma, Martin Karanouh, Jude El Mallah, Naya El Kallassi.

Front row: Hélia-Maria Mouawad, Kloé Beainy, Karl-Eli Younes, Jennifer Barakat, Fadi Boulos, Soraya Hobeika, Edward Hiresh, Mila Yammine, Krista Macari.

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Estelle Abou Daher

Arabic teacher: Ms. Marie Karam

Co-teacher: Ms. Nayla Serhal (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
KG II GS A 4444

Back row: M Yammine, Joud Karam, Adel Gabriel Bou Habib, Raphael Tohme, Elias Farhan, Laura Kourkejian, Louis Bou Saada, Mila Matta, Gabriella Najjar

Front row: Marina Karanouh, Christa Beresian, Andrew Maalouf, John-Philip Bou Chebel, Kaia Tchilinguirian, Clara Hjeily, Bechara El Kallassi, Kareem El Mallah, Clara Deeb

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Christelle Gebara Samaha

Arabic teacher: Ms. Marie Karam

Co-teacher: Ms. Nayla Serhal (Absent)

Back row: James Kharma, Kiana Gemayel, Charbel Ojeil, Anthony Jreissati, Gabriela Maria, Thomas Bardakjian, Adriana Saab, Nicholas Bassil, Sienna Mikaelian, James Fersan

Front row: Milana Richa, Rye Saab, Kiera Gebrael, Noah Jacob

Lochkajian, Ayan Kareem, Jeremie Gabriel, Aleksandra El Khoury, Sol Btaiche, James Abi Khalil, Dimitri Chalhoub

Absent student: Charbel Sarkis

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Taline Hakimian

Arabic teacher: Ms. Rima Aoun

Co-teacher: Ms. Lea Hedary (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
GS B Grade 1 45

Back row: Laura Helou, Lana Harb, Liv Saad, Raphael El Rif, Lyana Hobeika, Liv Tabar, Kimmy Assaker,

Front row: Nicolas Hajjar, Ralph Alam, Paul Assy, Najla Abou Jaoudé, Maria Alena Bou Habib, Aya Ayoub, Kami Boutchakjian, Kate Gemayel, Julia Nehme, Clara Nakouzi

Absent students: Saverio Sakr, Alexandre Salem, Robert Hobeika, Sarah Hibri, Kiera Khalifé

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Jocelyne Mattar

Arabic teacher: Ms. Samar Salem

Co-teacher: Ms. Joya Habib (Absent)

Back row: Kayla Yamin, Michel Salamé, Aya Azizi, Kaia Abou Jamra, Ziad El Chikhani, Haya Habre, Hussein Harb, Lorie Melkestian, Adriana Aleywan

Front row: Alessanda Daniel, Joseph Assy, Zanetta Aoun, Yoana Rabbat, Khalil Lebbos, Karl Macari, Ralf Saba, Kate Anna Bou Habib, Naya Chehadeh, Kami El Hajj, Alexia Stephan

Absent student: Siran Yessayan

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Raya Tabet

Arabic teacher: Ms. Samar Salem

Co-teacher: Ms. Joya Habib (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
CP A CP B 4646

Back row: Khaled Al Ruqim, John Azzam, Gavin El Alam, Kay Gebara, Kyle Ghali, Daniel Musa, Sasha Gebrael, Iwan El Kik, Chloe Salloum, Clara Salloum, Ayden Nader, Kye Saab

Front row: Elias Al Ruqim, Raphael Mutlak, David El Kahy, Dave Succar, Kate Al Achkar, Antoine Frenn, Ella Khalil, Sandra Al Nahar, Walid Mouawad, Said Tahhan, Arek Kouyoumdjian, Mateo Khoury

Absent student: Raymond Azar

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Chirine Karout

Arabic teacher: Ms. Maya Chabab

Co-teacher: Ms. Reine Mousaed (Absent)

Back row: Daniel Harb, Anthony Karl Nawbar, Theana Chedid, Pio Bechara, Mikaella Hiresh, Erik El Fadl, Alexander Chalala, Mariam

Aslan, Omar Sinno, Michel Touma

Front row: Jad Khoury, Jo Mtaini, Lilia Stephan, Marc-Elie Najem, Alex Azar, Heidi Deeb, Loïc Naim, Angelo Sawaya, Youmna El Hachem, Chris Attar, Helena Maacaroun, Mark Bteich, Ella Samaha

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Rita Haddad

Arabic teacher: Ms. Maya Chabab

Co-teacher: Ms. Chririne Thoumas (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
2 CE 1 A 47

Back row: Arya Chakar, Talia Al Turkait, Christopher Ghawi, Alexander Peter Dagher, Nadim El Hajal, Mark Mezher, Joseph Hjeily, Pierre Gemayel, Céline Nasr, Sienna-Gabrielle Ibrahim, Karim Nehmé, Carl Sakr

Front row: Yasmina Karam, Jill Bezdikian, Lila Dakdouki, Ricardo Yamin, Liam Matta, Christina Jabbour, Georgia Bou Debs, Elis Karanouh, Justin Haber, Sophia Msann, Maxim Torbey, Chadi Tabbal

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Vida Chédid, Arabic teacher: Ms. Micheline Gholam

Co-teacher: Ms. Chirine Thoumas (Absent), Arabic co-teacher: Ms. Nawal Houjeiry (Absent)

Back row: Yasma Khoury, Lyla-Grace El Hage, Giovana Maria, Tiffany Bouri, Angela Bou Saab, Ralph Boustany, Dia Maria Harfouche, Leo Jerdak, Mathew Abou Kasm, Lucas Nader, Sami Haddad, Rosalie Gabriel, Paul Sawma.

Front row: Giovanni El Kassis, Caiden Thomas, Alexandra Saab, Jade Faddoul, John Saad, Shaila Gemayel, Karl El Khazen, Johnny Estephan,

Gabriel Bousamra, Ralph Khoury, Andrew Awad, Skylar Alexa Damouni, Sama Hawchar, Saba Gebrayel Makhlouf, Chloe Hasbanian

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Shahera Gemayel

Arabic teacher: Ms. Hiba Zaklit (Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Reine Moussaed

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
CE 1 B Grade 3 4848

Back row: Rhea Azar, Laura El Chikhani, Michael Zakhour, Marc Chehadeh, Jamie Assaker, Shaden Colette Azizi, Teymour Saad, Mark El Fadl, Maria Geammal, Michael Barakat, Kelly Atallah, Calyana Tohmé, Raya Abi Nahed

Front row: Joe Emanuel Bou Habib, Karim Abou Chacra, Assaad Khairallah, Nabil Tohmé, Makram Daniel, Serge Sakr, Ziad Khairallah,

Emma El Khoury, Maygan Abou Nader, Michael Rizk, Maria Beresian, Antoine Nakhle, Rhéa Younes

Absent student: Chad Habre

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Thémis Rizk

Arabic teacher: Ms. Zeina Moujaes

Co-teacher: Ms. Hyam Chamaa

Back row: Haifa Fay Berchan, Kyan Badereddine, Zack El-Sayed, Alexendre Awad, Liam Samaha, Sara Lily El Kik, Thomas Baaklini, Naya Kalaji, Celine Bourdoukan, Sienna-Maria Mansur, Keira Felfeli, Justin Ghali, Michael Al Samawi, Cyril Noumair, John Helou,

Front row: Adrianna Mutlak, Yasmine Maria Bou Younes, Kiana Kahy, Aya Filfli, Michael Sakr, Angelina Touma, Sam Najjar, Mira Al-Asskar, Jane Al Achkar, Kylie Yammine, Alexandra Younes, Tony El-Chidiac

Absent student: Kareem Kareem

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Pauliana Eid

Arabic teacher: Ms. Bernadette Barakat

Co-teacher: Ms. Rima Khoury (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
CE 2 Grade 4 49

Back row: Chloé Bteich, Maria Geammal, George Anthony Eid, Zeki Hobeika, Kyle Bezdikian, Ayman Sinno, Gebran Tohme

Front row: Joseph El Rif, Georges Abed, Kate Abou Jaoudé, Talia Aslan, Leyla El Hachem, Yara Azar, Mila Rababi, Mona Hibri, Edwen Roukoz

Absent students: Joya Chahine, Ziad Habre

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Rosemary Assémaani

Arabic teacher: Ms. May Skaff (Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Randa Kazan (Absent)

Back row: Ray Bechara, Joe Nasr, Mark Al Alam, Ray Abdelnour, Gabriel Taleb, Georges Stephan, Lucas Choueiri,

Front row: May Harb, Kayla Aboudib, Skyla Saker, Sienna Tchilinguirian, Haya Abed, Aya-Maria Assaad, Yasmina Khairallah, Yara Aphram El Boustany, Gali Nercessian, Anthony Khalifé, George Abou Jaoudé, Gabriel Schoucair

Absent student: Carina Bousamra

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Eliane Abdel Massih

Arabic teacher: Ms. Hiba Zaklit

Co-teacher: Ms. Randa Kazan (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
CM 1 A CM 1 B 5050

Charlize Bouri, Georges

El-Achkar, Ayla Rizk, Noah Labaky, Thea Tabet, David Mourad, Kimberly Yeghiazarian, Sara Faddoul, Nicole Mollica


Marc Hawa, Karl Msann, Christa Makinajian, Mikayel Bardakjian, Rafael Esparza, Chloe Kanaan, Ray Atallah, Michael Madi, Allegra Bitar

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Back row: Roy Jerdak, Milena Mourad, Michel Corleon Gabriel, Nadia Berchan, Celena Touma, Khloe Yeghiazarian Front row: Anthony Hawchar, Natalie Gabriel, Mayssa Dahan, Clara Filfli, Eva Hasbanian, Gacia Maria, Jad Suidan, Chaker Ramy, Albert Tbeile, William Nader, Michael Azzam Homeroom teacher: Ms. Petra Rahbani Arabic teacher: Ms. Joelle Abboud Back row: Lana Daou, Fadoul row: Homeroom teacher: Ms. Hind Muzien
5 A
B 51
Arabic teacher: Ms. Joelle Abboud (Absent)
Grade 5


Shérif Moubarak, Fadi Najem, Robert Geammal , Karl Abou Chacra, Mila Andari, Laetitia Shawkatli, Sasha Romanos, Joseph El Chikhani, Georges Aoun, Stefan Feghali, Mikael Torbey, Elly Tabar

Front row: Cyril Nehmé, Camille Rizk, Angélina Hobeika, Robin Abou Nader, Christina Sofia Ahmad Ibrahim, Raya Ghazal, Tayma El Ramy, Kelly Hiresh, Shérif Daniel, Gaia Karabajakian, Kin-Maria Makhoul

Absent students: Théa Lebbos, Lenny El Khoury, Sienna Elena Beyrouthy

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Samar Assaad

Arabic teacher: Ms. Bernadette Barakat

Co-teacher: Ms. Randa Kazan (Absent)

Back row: Nay Khamis, Joanne Zakhour, Christa Maria Hobeika, Clemence Germanos, Deeva Fawaz, Alessandra Tabet, Raphael Nouhra, Daniel Baaklini, Joseph Khoury.

Front row: Sophia Schoucair, David Asfahani, Nayla Nehme, AyaMaria Abi Nahed, Sacha Roustom, Daniella El Hage, Gianna Chirazi, Naya Nakouzi, Miguel Maalouf, Ralph Wadih, Enzo El Chami, Luka Stephan.

Absent students: Rafael Ghazaly, Lilia Nalbandian

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Stephanie Abi Abboud

Arabic teacher: Ms. Zeina Moujaess

Co-teacher: Ms. Randa Kazan (Absent)

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
CM 2 A CM 2 B 5252


School / Primaire Ain Aar
Haya Ballout PS B Alexander Noumair Nursery Mayroun Nour Moubarak PS B Joshua Khoury KG 1 Alicia Karam MS A Charbel Sarkis Grade 1 Ilda Gemayel MS B Alexandre Salem CP A Robert Hobeika CP A Kiera Khaliféa CP A Sarah Hibri CP A Saverio Sakr CP A Siran Yessayan CP B Raymond Azar Grade 2 Chad Habr CE2 Kareem Kareem Grade 4 Joya Chahine CM1 A Ziad Habr CM1 A Carina Bou Samra CM1 B Lenny El Khoury CM2 A Raphael Ghazaly CM2 B Lilia Nalbandian CM2 B Théa Lebbos CM2 A Sienna Elena Beyrouthy CM2 A


Back row: Laura Chikhani (CE2), Chad Habre (CE2), Michael Barakat (CE2), Makram Daniel (CE2), Skylar Alexa Damouni (Grade 3), Mathew Abou Kasm (Grade 3), Caiden Thomas (Grade 3), Leo Jerdak (Grade 3), Ralph Boustany (Grade 3), Giovana Maria (Grade 3), Shaden Colette Azizi (CE2), Calyana Tohmé (CE2), Aya Filfli (Grade 4)

Front row: Eva Hasbanian (Grade 5 A), Roy Jerdak (Grade 5 A), Christa Makinajian (Grade 5 B), David Mourad (Grade 5 B), Karl Abou Chacra (CM2 A), Sasha Romanos (CM2 A), Enzo El Chami (CM2 B), Deeva Fawaz (CM2 B), Georges Stephan (CM1 B), Haya Abed (CM1 B), Georges Abed (CM1 A), Leyla El Hachem (CM1 A)

Absent: Alexandre Awad

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar


Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
A Year In Review 55
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 5656
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Dive into Learning with Tonya Gilchrist
PYP Exhibition

Classes In Action

Guest Speakers

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND La vie en musique ملعلل ىلعلل نطولل انلك 59

Celebrating Saint Barabara’s Feast

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar
Christmas Wonderland
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Lile Summer 61
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Out and About!
Passionate About Reading
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
GS-KG 2 Move Up Day

Upper School Collège Ain Aar

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Ms. Lara Kmeid Director Ms. Katia Aranji Assistant Director Ms. Rony Asmar Dean of students Ms. Maha Matta Secretary to the Director Ms. Giselle Mouawad Executive Secretary Ms. Chantal Khoury Senior Accountant
6666 66


Lower School / Primaire
Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Ms. Anne-Marie Moarbes Counselor Ms. Réa Ibrahim Learning Support Teacher Back row: Mr. Assad El Hajj, Ms. Lydia Salame, Ms. Maria Abi Chebli, Ms. Hoda Baaklini, Ms. Grace Talj, Mr. Khalil Chahine. Front row: Ms. Wissam Hanna, Ms. Katia Aranji, Ms. Lara Kmeid, Ms. Samar Tohme, Ms. Rony Asmar, Ms. Pamela Toubia Ms. Rita Lteif, Ms. Sandra Saad, Ms. Nada Boutros Floor Advisors
Student Support Team




Social Studies

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Ms. Léa Succar, Ms. Samar Maalouf Tohme (Coordinator), Ms. Christelle Sayegh, Ms. Carole Jabre Obeid. Absent: Ms. Nour Dennaoui Ms. Myriam Bou Zakhem, Ms. Jessica Kfoury, Mr. Khalil Chahine (Head of Mathematics K to 9 English Section), Ms. Aida Lteif, Ms. Josiane Mansour, Ms. Tania Sawaya. Back row: Ms. Loulou Abdel Ahad, Ms. Yara Melki, Mr. Alex Horgan Front row: Ms. Dina Kharsa, Ms. Lydia Salameh (Coordinator), Ms. Leila Kobeissy
6868 68
Lower School / Primaire
Upper School / Collège Ain Aar THE
Ms. Wissam Hanna Harb (Coordinator), Ms. Hyam Bou Mattar, Ms. Rosy Abi Rached, Ms. Tracy Azar, Ms. Nadine Safi, Ms. Rita Medawar, Ms. Nadine Karam
Arabic French
Ms. Dina Kharsa, Ms. Isabelle Chidiac, Ms. Hoda Baaklini (Coordinator), Ms. Rosy Daou, Ms. Jihane Meouchi Back row: Mr. André el Hachem, Ms. Hanane Daoud, Ms. Maria Abi Chebli, Mr. Michel Bechara
Science 69
Front row: Ms. Maria Sawaya, Ms. Pamela Toubia (Coordinator), Ms. Maya Abou Fadel, Ms. Rita El Hajj
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Mr. Assad El Hajj (Coordinator), Mr. Elias Aswad Ms. Joelle Abou Ghazaly Mr. Gilles Youssef, Ms. Andrée Nacouzi Back row: Ms. Hanane Daoud, Ms. Maria Abi Chebli (Coordinator), Ms. Grace Talj Front row: Ms. Pamela Toubia, Mr. Michel Bechara, Ms. Maya Abou Fadel
Drama Music
Ms. Rim Boulos, Ms. Nathalie Hachem
70 70
Mr. Walid Matta
Lower School / Primaire
Mr. Daniel Moussa Activities coordinator Mr. Assad El Hajj Athletic Coordinator Ms. Grace Talj Edtech Coordinator Ms. Marie-Hélène Gholam Civic Commitment & Service Learning Coordinator Ms. Rita El Hajj Head of Sustainability Program
Ms. Betty Torossian, Teacher Librarian Ms. Najoie El Hachem Librarian & Learning Support Dr. Joe Bou Raad College Physician Ms. Dalida Sayah Nurse
Infirmary Library 71
Ms. Rima Rizk Nurse
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Mr. Moussa Bou Ghosn Print Shop Ms. Najwa Nouh Receptionist Ms. Josephyne Aoun Office Assistant
Ms. Thérèse Habchi, Ms. Noura Bechara Helpers Mr. Wissam Sawma IT Administrator Mr. Joe Ghanem Network & Security Administrator
72 72
Mr. Elie Karanouh IT Technician Assistant
Lower School / Primaire

Back row: Nazih Najem, Elias Dib, Alexandre Davoyan, Charbel Tohmé, Ramez Rizk, Karim Abou Sleiman, Andrew Daccache, Serena Romanos, Joya Asfahani, Kelly Aoun.

Front row: Mya Hadifé, Karl Jalbout, Mathew Harfouche, Antoine Bou Farah, Kim Saadé, Milla Tchilinguirian, Jude Safieddine, Tracy Assaker, Maysam Medea Achkar, Sasha Taleb.

Advisor: Ms. Nathalie Hachem

Back row: Judicaël Gabriel, Chris Toubia, Sofia Younes, Chloe Rababi, Lea Khouri, Youmna Saba, Lana Khairallah.

Front row: Hestia Tauk, Noor Liya Nini, Silvio Tabet, Ryan Mekhael, Gabriel Ghostine, Marc Wadih, Thomas Bayoud, Tara Meszaros.

Absent students: Karl Ghali, Bruno Edoardo Moretti, Alexandre Waked.

Advisor: Ms. Rita El Hajj

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
6 ème A 6 ème B 74 74

El Khazen, Nina Mouallem


Amer Gabriel Dibe, Lukas Labaky, John Khoury, Meteb Alasskar, Lilya Chalhoub, Lama Naaman, Kylie Najjar, Anabella Chammas, Cyan Thomas

Lower School / Primaire
2022-2023 THE
Back row: Camille Chamoun, Joseph Atmeh, Marc Helou, Elio Jamati, Anthony Succar. Front row: Sofie Estephan, Naia Haddad, Rafic Frenn, Chris Bachoura, Gabriel Rahme, Emile Obeid. Advisor: Ms. Nadine Karam. Back row: Gary Makinajian, Loui Joseph Nassar, Ahmad Alasskar, Peter Awad, Hana Dahan, Riyana Hammoud, Kate Mansur, Kira row: Absent students: Elena Abs, Ryan Al Samawi
Advisor: Ms. Christelle Sayegh
Grade 6 A Grade 6 B
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Back row: Karim Moubarak, Paul Tauk, Jake Tchilinguirian, Mark Daccache, Antoine Mezher, Charbel Ghie, Ghadi Ephrem Boustany, Sasha Salibi, Kyra-Maria Barakat, Lory Rizk Front row: Joseph Romanos, Celine El Hajj, Rita Samaha, Céline Asfahani, Nour Khamis, Yasmina Moussa, Clara Tabet, Rayan Tayyar, Anthony Wadih Advisor: Ms. Rosy Daou Back row: Maria Romanos, Chloé El Asmar, Gaelle Attar, Leila Schoucair, David Abusamra, Karim Amiouny, Karim Aoun, David–Christian Ibrahim, Yasma Laoun, Emma Bassil, Naya Chahine, Antoinette Tabbal. Front row: Kate Kazan, Tara Nader, Georges-Elie Bou Samra, Victoria Achkar, Marc Hani, Tiana-Maria Mouawad, Youmna El Hajal, Jack Dermosessian, Peter Maroun.
5 ème A 5 ème B 76 76
Advisor: Ms. Myriam Bouzakhm

Absent students: Joseph Raad, Noha Chahine

Advisor: Mr. Alex Horgen



Aya Kareem

Absent student: Emma Khairallah

Lower School / Primaire
Back row: Mark El Khoury , Charbel Nakhoul, Mariam Chamoun, Maria Abou Habib, Marielynn Saad, Katie Kanaan, Clara Maria Abi Chaker, Jana Daou Front row: Jason Hanna, Ray Rahme, Thea Kahil, Mia Mansour, Sasha Nader, Christian Khoury, Aram Kouyoumdjian, Youssef Karaki, Michael Louis Back row: Micah Musa, Joud Kik, Charbel Gabriel Majdalani, Ralph Mouallem, Anthony Aoun, Gaya Maria Mandalian, Gali Mandalian, Jana Faddoul, Sophia Mona Deeb, Sofia Sawma. Front row: Justin Hasbani, Naia Fadul, Sasha Madi, Nabil Harfouche, Chloe Maria Majdalani, Adriana Touma, Axel Oryan, Haya Zeidan, Alik Sabrina Koudakjian,
Advisor: Ms. Nadine Safi 77
Grade 7 B
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar 4 ème A
Back row: Karem El Hachem, Lana Jreissati, Wadih Fawaz, Serena Khalife, Yara Semaan, Chloé Bakhos, Joana Ayoub, Deony Tabar, Georgina Chidiac. Front row: Freddy Baaklini, Rayan Amiouny, Iyad Bou Chebl, LucaToni Barakat, Estelle Shawkatly, Ivy El Chami, Aya-Maria Khoury. Advisor: Ms. Tracy Azar Back row: Yana Fahed, Sossy Karam, Paris Moufarrej, Alia Mokaddem, Alexandre Ghostine, Noah Salibi, Oliver Beyrouthy, Matheo Karam, Carly-Joy Abi Raad, Lynn Kehdy, Laeticia Elias
4 ème B 1 78 78
Front row: Kim Bezdikian, Alexandre Shoucair, John-Alex Yessayan, Mark Rababi, Yasmina Abou Khater, Judy Mekhael, Matteo Ghazaly, Karl Homsi, Alexandre Oueiss,Thomas El Ghazal Advisor: Ms. Maria Sawaya
Lower School / Primaire
Back row: Selim Karam, Yasmina Khouri, Charbel Samaha, Clara Hani, Chloé Zogheib, Yasmine Faddoul Achkar, Léa Maroun, Elssa Khoury, Alexia Dermosessian Front row: Alexandre Romanos, Sophia Hobeika, Tara El Ramy, Aziz Torbey, Ricardo Daou, Serena Samaha, Chloé Abou Dib, Matthew Bayoud, Rafael Karabajakian, Kaim Baroudi
4 ème B 2 79
Absent students: Camille Abi Karam, Karl Naddaf, Nadim Nehme. Advisor: Ms. Tania Sawaya
School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Back row: Maurice Younes, Ocean Maalouf, Georges Zakhia-Douaihy, Matthieu Gabriel, Talia Zakhem, Keira Bitar, Dia Akiki Front row: Marc Saad, Joseph Eli Gergi, Noah Dahan, Kyle El Mouallem, Hend Alasskar, Nour El Kik, Moon Dagher, Lily Abs Advisor: Ms. Aida Lteif Back row: Sarig Kalaydjian, Mia Bitar, Mhanna-Ray Fallah, Chris Yammine, Marc Boustany, Raymond Sarkis Front row: Omar Corbani, Edward Naaman, Celine Daher, Raphael Manoukian, Keane Felfeli, Fayez Suidan, Tamara Saliba, Nay Khoury
8 A
8 B 8080 80
Absent student: Malek Azar Advisor: Ms. Dina Kharsa

Matteo Chirazi, Rodolphe Germanos

Louie Roukoz, Chloe Jreissati, Aida Azadian, Joya-Maria Chrabieh, Yara Tabar, Ray Azar, Christopher Waked, Karim El Hajal, Andrew Harfouche

Kobeissi, Aurelie Jabr, Yasmina-Marie Etyemezian, Kay Bezdikan, Jad Matta, Nour Choucair, Maria Ghali, Caylina Sarkis, Poupa Maria Wehbe.

Kristie Romanos, Sophie Abi Fadel, Karim Karnaby, Nolwen Samaha, Kay Nasser, Tony Tayah, Ramy Shalhoub, Priscille Achkar, Lowa Hobeiche.

Advisor: Ms. Leila Kobeissi

Lower School / Primaire
Back row: Kelly Abou Jaoude, Pamela Youness, Chloey Tahan, Saade Christian, Front row: Advisor: Ms. Wissam Harb Hanna Back row: Leila Front row:
3 ème A 3 ème B 81
Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Back row: Nadim Moukarzel, Tony Abou Mrad, Christopher Rahbani, John Jabre. Front row: John Yammine, Ryan-Jo Aoun, Jason Aoun, Alexandre Baaklini, Patrick Moubarak. Advisor: Ms. Rita Medawar Back row: Maria Tabet, Elise Khoury, Michael Nercessian, Joseph El Mouallem, Tony Yammine Middle 1 row: Gaïa Nader, Joy Atallah, Mariana Mourad, Marc Yamin, Raymond Doumit, Samir Musa Middle 2 row: Aya Sofia El Kik, Myriam Khoury, Joanne Mary Gergi, Chloe Batri, Carl Balaban, Ralph Raphëal, Kevin Hanna Front row: Syenna Haddad, Fabiana Koundakjian, Kaï Abou Karam, Yohan Yessayan, Mark Khairallah, Andrew Vanlian
Advisor: Mr. Khalil Chahine. 9 HS 8282 82
Grade Grade
Lower School / Primaire
Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Karl Ghali 6ème B Alexandre Waked 6ème B Bruno Moretti 6ème B Elena Abs Grade 6 B Ryan Al Samawi Grade 6 B Joseph Raad Grade 7 A Noha Chahine Grade 7 A Emma Khairallah Grade 7 B Camille Abi Karam 4ème B2 Nadim Nehmé 4ème B2 Malek Azar Grade 8 B
Karl Naddaf 4ème B2


Back row: Clara Hani, Talia Zakhem, Celine Daher, Yasmina Abou Khater, Matteo Chirazi, Matteo Karam, Jason Aoun, Mark Khairallah

Middle 1 row: Clara Tabet, Priscille Achcar, Joanne Gergi, Chloey Tahan, Lama Naaman, Kristie Romanos, Tony Abou Mrad

Middle 2 row: Micah Musah, Joseph Girgi, Raphael Manoukian, Youmna El Hajal, Anthony Succar, Estelle Shawkatly, Georgina Chidiac, George Bou Samara

Front row: Jake Tchilinguirian, Mariam Chamoun, Naia Faddoul, Chris Toubia, Amer Gabriel Dibe, Mathew Harfouche, Naia Haddad, Maysam Achkar, Hestia Tauk

Absent students: Camille Abi Karam, Joseph Raad

Dean of Students: Ms. Rony Asmar


Back row: Hadifé Mia, Sossy Karam, Chloé Asmar, Maria Romanos, Kate Kazan, Laeticia Elias, Lynn Kehdi, Sasha Salibi, Yasma Laoun, Christian Saadé, Naya Chahine, Tracy Assaker, Matteo Chirazi

First row: Kim Saadé, Sasha Taleb, Aurélie Jabr, Gaelle Attar, Clara Tabet, Victoria Achkar, Youmna Hajal, Tiana-Maria Mouawad, Emma Bassil, Priscille Achkar, Lowa-Joe Hobeiche, Joya Asfahani.

Absent students: Maysam Medea El Achkar, Céline Hajj, Yana Fahed

Head of IC’s Sustainability Program: Ms. Rita El Hajj

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
8484 84


Middle 1 row:Keira Bitar, Hend Elasskar, Estelle Shawkatly, Ivy El Chami, Priscille Achkar, Kristie Romanos, Michael Nercessian, Marc Yammin

Middle 2 row: Sarig Kalaydjian, Mia Bitar, Chloe Zougheib, Alexia Dermosessian, Yana Fahed, Poupa Wehbé, Yara Tabar, Aurélie Jabr, Nour Choucair, Mark Khairallah

Coordinator: Ms. Marie-hélène Gholam

Lower School / Primaire
Back row: Christian Saadé, Jad Matta, Lowa Joe Hobeiche, Chloey Tahan, Aida Azadian, Kay Bezdikian, Joanne Gergi, Yohan Yessayan Front row: Talia Zakhem, Yasmina Khoury, Lynn Kehdy, Pamela Younes, Camille Abi Karam, Dia Akiki, Joya Chrabieh, Chloe Jreissati, Kelly Abou Jaoudé, Mathéo Chirazi, Ocean Maalouf, Noah Dahan, Joseph Eli Gergi, Georges Douaihy



Cine Club

Coding - English

Coding - French

Stop Motion

Digital Art


Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
8686 86


Lower School / Primaire
Art Drama
PE 87

STEAM and Technology


Christmas Choir

Interior Design

Fashion Design MUN


Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
8888 88

Robotics and Programming

Acting for Series and Films

Photoshop Skills

Upper School / Collège Ain Aar


Lower School / Primaire 2022-2023


3D Hand Drawing and Painting Eco-Fashion Chess Drama Production
Board Games


Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
v Map
9090 90
Pratiquer PIX Certification PIX Ev@lang test

Independence Day

Questions pour jeunes champions

Upper School / Collège Ain Aar

Bake Sale Kibarouna

Wellness Week

Demonstration day



Lower School / Primaire 2022-2023

Jump-up day


The theme for this year’s STEAM fair at IC AA is ‘Natural Disasters’. The high-level end product reflects the hard work and creativity of the students.

Nuit du code

Lemonade Sale

Unleash Your Knowledge

Lower School / Primaire Ain Aar Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Promo 26 Farewell
9292 92


School / Primaire
Upper School / Collège Ain Aar
Farewell 2023

Maternelle Ras Beirut


Preschool / Maternelle
Dr. Ghada Madhoun Director Ms. Ola Itani Assistant Director Ms. Hoda Khoury Hanna Arabic Coordinator Ms. Catherina Dahdah Assistant to the Director for the French Program Ms. Najah Sakr EdTech Coordinator Ms. Maha Semaan Secretary Ms. Rima Jurdi English Language Coordinator K-5 Ms. Lina Jaroudi PYP Facilitator Ms. Nicole Bashour Office Manager Ms. Amal Yaacoub Nurse


Classroom Helpers

Back Row: Ms. Sahar Louka, Ms. Jocelyne Jeffy Nehme, Ms. Abir Chouman, Ms. Youssra Khalil, Ms. Rania



Ms. Hanan Abdel Jawad, Ms. Sanaa Freiji, Ms. Thérèse Rizkallah, Ms. Nada Nohra

Preschool / Maternelle
Ms. Ghada Ghawi and Ms. Jana Chahine Student Learning Support Ms. Charlotte Khoury and Ms. Shereen Oud Rawdah Classroom Aid row: Mr. Mohammad Harb Clerk Mr. Ziad Nokary IT Technician Ms. Nahed Farran Counselor
Ms. Solange Khoury Librarian/Drama Teacher
Preschool / Maternelle DEPARTMENTS EALFLE PE and Psychomotor Arabic Art Music
Ms. Dana Khalife (EAL) and Ms. Tania Bassili (FLE) Ms. Maryline Salameh and Mr. Jamil Tayar Ms. Mona Nashawati and Ms. Rola Kadi Ms. Patricia Isaac and Ms. Dima Mneimneh Back row: Ms. Mira Roz, Ms. Rima Rifai, Ms. Hana Khansa, Ms. Nadia Koudsy
Front row: Ms. Nawal Joumaa, Ms. Yara Cheikho, Ms. Maria badawi, Ms. Lina Arayssi, Ms. Diala Cheaito, Ms. Hoda Khoury Hanna
Preschool / Maternelle
Back row: Ms. Nour Iskanadarani, Ms. Suzy Labban, Ms. Miriane Saba, Ms. Sara Makarem Front row: Ms. Ghada Halabi, Ms. Fayruz Ali, Ms. Neveen Ahmad Back row: Ms. Rand Tabbara, Ms. Souraya Ibrahim Bek, Ms. Rasha Daaji Front row: Ms. Shereen Hamze, Ms. Nadine Majzoub, Ms. Nadine Nakad Back row: Ms. Denise Ghazar, Ms. Roula Chaouki, Ms. Nada Mzahem
Front row: Ms. Dina Zein Elabidine, Ms. Huda Housseini, Ms. Dana Khalife
Preschool / Maternelle
Ms. Marie Thérèse Jouen, Ms. Aimée Beaino, Ms. Asma Dibsi, Ms. Mira Koleilat, Ms. Zeina Kassar, Ms. Paula Tabet Ms. Suzanne Chami, Ms. Katia Hajj Hassan, Ms. Carole Abou Assaly, Ms. Eliane Lteif, Ms. Tracy Kharrat Absent: Ms. Dahlia Rifai
Ms. Asma Yafi, Ms. Carine Debs, Ms. Nada Malas, Ms. Tania Bassili, Ms. Rosie Khalil, Ms. Hala Daou

Back row: Ryan Jabadou, Michael Karam, Lea Alameh, Adam Zeaiter, Ibrahim Sallaum, Aya Arakji, Dalal Alabed, Kinda Wazzi Moukahal, Youssef Issa

Front row: Lea Sannan, Ghanima Al Majed, Jad EL Kary, Nadim Mchaimech, Abbas Zabad, Saif El Hajj, Mohammad Dandashly, Noor Bitar, Andrea El Hajj, Walid Ghraizi

Absent students: Mohamed El Hout, Nayla Aboul Hosn

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Ghada Halabi

Arabic teacher: Ms. Yara Cheikho

Co-teacher: Ms. Suzy Labban, Ms. Mirianne Saba (Absent)

Back row: Nabil El Temrawi, Noah Chaaban, Lilia Hajj, Kassem Tarhini, Yousef Fneich, Mohamad Shatila, Jad El Turk, Jude Balsom, Isabella Moussaoui, Heidi Ismail

Front row: Hossni Assaf, Reine Salame, Joe Cherfan, Rawda Younes, Sam Sharafeddine, Celine El Hajj Ahmad, Tatiana Fadlallah, Fahd Sabahtayon, Kareem Boudaher, Sila Kobeissi, Jawad Yatim

Absent student: Nai Sabbagh

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Fayrouz Ali

Arabic teacher: Ms. Yara Cheikho

Co-teacher: Ms. Suzy Labban, Ms. Mirianne Saba (Absent)

Preschool / Maternelle
Nursery A Nursery B 101


Back row: Mohammad Mubde Absi Halabi, Amin Ali, Nour Ghalayini, Wafic Bader, Zayn Tabet, Hussein Kilian Saab, Youssef Mehio

Front Row: Youmna El Mawas, Mira Sabbidine, Miran Khalife, Charles Morcos, Lynn Atoui, Laurina Wolasmal, Skye Haddad, Nai Halawi, Fahd

Abu Koush, Mila Mikdash, Ghalia Zhim


Back row: Sienna Khoriaty, Taym El Khalil, Silya El Oud, Ray Safi, Hasan Yaghi, Ilya Akil, Kareem Jaber

Front row: Bassel Jabak, Mohamad Chahine, Ali Kombarji, Nabil Yasmine, Cilia Al Ashek, Mila Hallal, Mason Saab, Ayla Khalife, Kaia Joy El Hajj, Marya Ismail, Mahmoud Succar

Absent student: Mark Assaf

Homeroom Teacher: Ms. Sarah Makarem

Arabic Teacher: Ms. Nawal Joumaa

Co-teacher: Ms. Nour Iskandarani, Ms. Mirianne Saba (Absent)

Absent students: Audrey Hantouche, Isabelle Charafeddine

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Neveen Ahmad

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nawal Joumaa

Preschool / Maternelle
Co-teacher: Ms. Mirianne Saba, Ms. Nour Iskandarani D 102102

Back row: Back Row: Paris Kayablian, Ray Wahab, Georges Fhaily, Zain Joudi, Rayya Kanafani , Ella Kaady, Michael Bou Assy, Lynn Abou Al Nasr

Front row: Mila Barbir, Maria Akl, Rym Beaini , Rayan James Mikati, Thea Chehab, Ameer Itani, Yusuf Nizameddin, Noah Bou Abboud , Mia Sabbah, Sami Chaker , Mateo Matta , Taha Mekkawi, Houssein Elie El Hajj

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Zeina Kassar

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nawal Joumaa

Co-teacher: Ms. Aimée Beaino, Ms. Marie-Thérèse Jouen

Back row: Gwen Karam, Mayssa Muallem, Rakan Fayad, Syrah Barakat, Eva Assaf,Ghalia Chloé Tinawi,Yasmine El Chidiac,Tarek Sardouk, Adam Daya, Hussein Alliek

Front row: Lulia Zam, Mason Matta, Kylie Haddad, Taym Hojeij, Malek Farjallah, Julia Darwich, Bahaa Chehab, Lilia Ghaddar, Andrew Alam, Maya Farhat

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Paula Tabet

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nawal Joumaa

Co-teacher: Ms. Lama Haounji, Ms. Marie-Thérèse Jouen

Preschool / Maternelle

Back row: Sayf Skaiki, Adrey El Rami, Mia Zantout, Marwan Osta, Bassel Assi, Bassel Tfaili, Brianna Amine, Majd El Churbaji, Asma Dimassi

Front row: Liam Kodeih, Layane El Daye, Rim Bibi, Nala Makke, Karen Sayegh, Christa-Maria Bou Assy, Youssef Alem, Kevin Baz, Mohamad Itani, Taym Zeidan, Alaïa Kalot

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Mira Koleilat

Arabic teacher: Ms. Yara Cheikho

Co-teacher: Ms. Aimée Beaino, Ms. Marie-Thérèse Jouen

Back row: Liam Helou, Raia Al Kadri, Louis Khattar, Malek Chaaban, Cesar El Ali, Elai Kayablian, Zoé Barrage, Mikaela Saliba, Julia Assaf

Front Row: Elisa Parteina, Sadek Sabbah, Michel Abi Nader, Tayma Saab, Noah Maalouf, Maria Nizameddin , Ayla Nader,Yasmina Farhat, Maria Chahine , Shérif Mamlouk, Aram Bosnoyan , Keila Rizkallah

Homeroom Teacher: Ms. Asma Dibsi Doughan

Arabic Teacher: Ms. Yara Cheikho

Co-teacher: Ms. Lama Haounji, Ms. Marie-Thérèse Jouen

Preschool / Maternelle
PS C PS D 104104

Back row: Amir Hajaig, Leon Saab, Marc Awwad, Hussein Sherry, Hadi Amiri, Sima Farra, Taim Yehya, Bassel Hamdan

Front row: Kayla Fakih, Suzan Abdallah, Abdul Rahim Mourad, Rayhana Zebib, Jad Modallal, Kaleen Nasser, Karim El Chaer, Rose Jradah, Wassim Hashash, Venice Ahmad, Sonia al Abed, Yasmina El Mawas

Absent students: Celine El Hajj, Kayan Ghandour, Youssef Al Sayegh

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Rasha Daaji

Arabic teacher: Ms. Hanan Khansa

Co-teacher: Ms. Nadine Nakad

Back row: Yasmina Aboul Laban, Lina Sophia Bolbol, Sultan Jaber, Jad Koussa, Nai El Bitaar, Julia Alaeddine, Naya Zreik

Front row: Yasmina Sabra, Zainab Zein, Daniel Meraachli, Alya Safieddine, Mohamad Al Zein, Bassel Matar, Jude Tabbara, Zayn Al Hajj, Madhawi AlSulimi, Chloe Abdel Reda

Absent students: Yusuf Safa, Laith Ghanem, Tarek El Hajj

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Shereen Hamze

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nadia Koudsy

Co-teacher: Ms. Nadine Nakad

Preschool / Maternelle

Back row: Mustapha El Bitar, Ayham Ghandour, Nadine Dumyati, Raami Ralph Ibrahim, Mays Khodr, Daniel Youness Mahdi, Sophia Bandakji, Laith Kataya

Front row: Hadi Ismail Al Bazzaz, Karim Zein, Jude Khoury Aouad, Sam El Husseini, Sima Al Chammaa, Mohamad Ali Saab, Ghadi Al Badawi, Sofia Mahmoud, Zayed Samad, Haya Abou Hassan, Heaven Mahmoud, Luna Daouk

Absent students: Sami Alame, Kyle Badr

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Souraya Ibrahim Beik

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nadia Koudsy

Co-teacher: Ms. Rand Tabbara

Back row: Hasan Dowidar, Mahmoud Tabsh, Sophia Halawy, Serena Mia Najdi, Reina Hajaig, Riad Abaza, Selena El Baba, Ghalia Ibrahim

Front row: Chaden Chbaro, Fouad Karanouh, Jad Chawraba, Adam Safieddine, Luca Traboulsi, Ali Ezzeddine, Elias Hammoud, Yasma El Hout, Mohammad Kheir, Amer Hallab, Dany Maktabi, Joury Daher, Rym Danash

Absent students: James Ramsey Arab, Ayla El Heraki

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Nadine Al Majzoub

Arabic teacher: Ms. Sara Mallak (Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Rand Tabbara

Preschool / Maternelle
KGI C KGI D 106106

Back row: Joya Bayram, Iyad Karanouh, Lilia Moussa,Karim Alliek, Ali Slim, Sofia Salam, Jaxon El Jamal , Adam El Hout

Front row: Liyana Abbas , Walid Modad, Joulie Bakri,Ziad Jallad, Tali Mahmoud, Ahmad El Masri, Chloe Hamoud,Youssef Dabbous, Sophia Mamlouk, Cristo Hilan,Yasmine Mahfouz, Isabelle Nazarian, Amir


Back row: Zeid Machmouchi, Rafic Beaini, Tatiana Hashim, Shayma

Momtaz, Allen El Hajj, Nael Beydoun, Heidi Nour Choucair, Tina Ghoussaini, Anna Haddad

Front row: Thalia Ghaddar, Sophie Modad, Toufic Dabboussi, Muhieddine Shehab, Jouri Bache, Mohamad El Hajj El Moussawi, Lynn Saade, Ghadi El Assi, Skye Abou Okdeh, Radwan Adibi, Noor Nassar, Ayman Nassar

Absent student: Kaia Sonia Karam

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Carole Abou Assaly

Arabic teacher: Ms. Hanan Khansa

Co-teacher: Ms. Katia Hajj Hassan

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Eliane Lteif

Arabic teacher: Ms. Sarah Mallak (Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Katia Hajj Hassan

Preschool / Maternelle
MS A MS B 107

Back row: Olivia Zantout, Lilah Trad, Nadine Khaled, Elie Hamati, Omar Naboulsi, Hisham Jaroudi, Yasma Joueidi, Mila Mae Renno, Mila Wazneh

Front row: Ali Ammar, Jad Halabi, Haya Shehab, Kim Haddad, Makram Nassar, Mateo Tabet, Ziad Zraika, Saja Jaber, Malak Zebib, Stefanie Halabi, Liam Abdul Baki

Absent student: Ali Smayli

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Suzanne Chami

Arabic teacher: Ms. Sarah Mallak (Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Tracy El Kharrat

Back row: Ziad El Hajj, Antoine Fadel, Dylan Hammoud, Charbel Abi

Akl, Maryam Nizameddin, Gabriel Haddad

Front row: Rakan Aidibi, Morane Hamze, Oussama Daouk, Ryan

Modad, Yasmina Labban, Sara Kabbani, Karly Hodroj, Malek Mehanna

Absent students: Alana Dada, Salma Dandan, Maria Hussein, Karim Sami Mouracade, Abdel Rahman Mrad, Eva Yara Ramadan, Yasma


Homeroom teacher: Ms. Dahlia Rifaii

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nadia Koudsy

Co-teacher: Ms. Tracy Kharrat

Preschool / Maternelle
MS C MS D 108108

Back row: Ziad Mahmoud, Taj Maktabi, Asad Hoteit, Mohammad Choucair, Ayla El Hout, Taym El Sheikh, Lolitta Chahine, Lily Abou Hamdan, Lara Farhat

Front row: Roy-Amine Salame, Yara Farran, Thea Assaad, Liam Ghanem, Leela Machmouchi, Malac Shibli, Usuf Abas, Abdallah Kaissi, Amer Tabet, Dima Kaddoura, Chloe Desire Kabbani, Taha Ali

Absent student: Abdallah Soufan

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Nada Mzahem

Arabic teacher: Ms. Mira Roz

Co-teacher: Ms. Huda El Hosseini (Absent)

Back row: Charbel Daoud, Georges Saade, Mohieddine El Kaaki, Salman Alnifaie, Iman Younes Al Fakhani, Kazem Nasser, Taj Lily Bazzi, Tia Makki

Front row: Ghassan Seblani, Ayla Maria El Sayed, Ali Kharoubi, Kaia Akil, Mohamad Ali Natout, Adam Rifai, Chanelle Suleiman, Lana El Itani, Lea Sinno, Malek Klaly, Ryan Mhanna, Kayan Karout, Houssam Abiad

Absent student: Zayd Boubess

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Denise Ghazar

Arabic teacher: Ms. Rima Rifaii

Co-teacher: Ms. Dana Khalife

Preschool / Maternelle

Back row: Safi Al Hajj, Sary Eido, Aydin El Khoury, Karim Abou Raya, Daniel El Hajj, Suleiman Koussa, Dalia Fawaz

Front row: Celia Suleiman, Talya Seblani, Talia Absi Halabi, Leana Itani, Julie Kabalan, Taym Mchaimech, Joseph Khoriaty, Malek Rabah, Ibrahim Hashisho, Taha Fares El Arab, Sophie Ajami, Maryam Ejje

Absent students: Kourah Youssef, Nasser Nasser

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Roula Chaouki

Arabic teacher: Ms. Diala Barghout

Co-teacher: Ms. Dana Khalifeh (Absent)

Back row: Yasmina Mansour, Rajaa Hajaij, Ayla Khraiche, Liam Hamadeh, Nizar Chehab, Lea Ghandour, Dina Beydoun, Mohamad Charafeddine, Mohamad Ibrahim

Front row: Mila Bahia Ghandour, Tony Daoud, Ali Khadra, Alexander Agha, Ali Hamad, Emily Elkoussa, Hassan Jammal, Lana Ibrahim, Tayma Itani, Ghadi Barakat, Malek Ibrahim

Absent student: Micheal Nasr

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Dina Zein El Abidine

Arabic teacher: Ms. Diala Barghout

Co-teacher: Ms. Huda El-Housseini ( Absent)

Preschool / Maternelle
KGII C KGII D 110110

Back row: Rakan Badra, Tamina Mhanna, Said Kadi Al Jazaierli, Sky Kayablian, Sami Mahmoud, Lynn Ghandour, Daniel Luca El Kak, Aiden Diaa.

Front row: Reina Ibrahim, Yasma Daher, Emile Waked, Loulwa Shatila, Jude Abou Dagher, Miral Al Atrouni, Sienna Bechara, Majd Sayed, Sila Itani, Thea Saad.

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Carine Debs

Arabic teacher: Ms. Diala Barghout

Co-teacher: Ms. Tania Bassili

Back row: Rhea Ghoussaini, Shaha Momtoz, Issam Abdallah, Kiana

El Kadri, Sam Jaber, Karim Sarkis, Lea Ghandour, Karim Mhaissen

Front row: Oliver Bou Chebl, Selena Awkal, Gia Matta, Haya Makke, Thalia Beydoun, George Annich, Kate Mhanna, Bassel Hashem

Absent students: Saad Itani, Ayla Hariri

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Asma Abou El Nasr El Yafi

Arabic teacher: Ms. Rima Rifai ( Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Tania Bassili

Preschool / Maternelle
GS A GS B 111

Back row: Nazeeh Bou Diab, Amar Khaled, Bellahaifa Khanafer, Yasmine Ghandour, Camille Freifer, Chloe Nashawaty, Majd Abdul Baki

Front row: Samy Rifai, Liam Haidar, Shana Kayablian, Mia Mahmoud, Keira Bukenj, Adam Safwan, Omar Mouawad, Rayn Nassif, Laura Nahle, Yana Khatib, Clara Tabet

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Nada Malas

Arabic teacher: Ms. Mira El Roz

Co-teacher: Ms. Hala Daou (Absent)

Back row: Mahmoud El Hout, Khaled Mahfouz, Yasma Zeidan, Yasma

Jamali, Lynn Salame, Ayla Sacca, Abdel Hafiz El Kaissi, Fuad Abdul Baki

Front row: Celia Badra, Noor Kudsi, Talia Jaroudi, Anthony Karam, Marie-Thérèse Akiki, Bassam El Daye, Ayla Sidani, Lina Bitat, Paolo Zouein, Saya Charafeddine

Absent student: Rayan Farhat

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Rosy Khalil

Arabic teacher: Ms. Mira El Roz

Co-teacher: Ms. Hala Daou (Absent)

Preschool / Maternelle
GS C GS D 112112
Preschool / Maternelle 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Mohamed El Hout Nursery A Nayla Aboulhosn Nursery A Nai Sabbagh Nursery B Mark Assaf Nursery C Audrey Hantouche Nursery D Celine El Hajj KGI A Isabelle Charafeddine Nursery D Kayan Ghandour KGI A Youssef Al Sayegh KGI A Laith Ghanem KGI B Tarek El Hajj KGI B Yusuf Safa KGI B Sami Alame KGI C Kyle Badr KGI C Ayla El Heraki KGI D James Ramsey Arab KGI D Kaia Sonia Karam MS A Ali Smayli MS C Abdel Rahman Mrad MS D
Alana Dada MS D
Preschool / Maternelle
Karim Sami Mouracade MS D Maria Hussein MS D Salma Dandan MS D Yasma Zaarour MS D Eva Yara Ramadan MS D Abdallah Soufan KGII A Zayd Boubess KGII B Kourah Youssef KGII C Nasser Nasser KGII C Micheal Nasr KGII D Ayla Hariri GS B Saad Itani GS B
Rayan Farhat GS D



Preschool / Maternelle
MSA sharing their learning with MSB A KG2 student helping a Nursery student achieve his goal (learning how to make a model of a dog) A KG2 student helping a Nursery student achieve his goal (learning how to put on the art apron)
KG2 students helping a Nursery student achieve his goal (learning how to write his name)


Preschool / Maternelle
Preschool / Maternelle
Preschool / Maternelle 118118


Preschool / Maternelle


Visiting AUB

Preschool / Maternelle
Horsh Beirut Issam Fares Institute
KG2 C at Kabalan Carpets
Preschool / Maternelle
Metropole Parcours des Saveurs Planting Trip
Shanshal Chocolate


Preschool / Maternelle
Yoga Center



Preschool / Maternelle

Elementary School École élémentaire RAS BEIRUT


Elementary School / École élémentaire
Ms. Kathy Khayatt Director Ms. Reem Sardouk Assistant Director & Math Coordinator Ms. Layal Tayara PYP Coordinator Ms. Nadia Farah Marchi EdTech Coordinator Ms. Nancy Kibbi Assistant to the Director for the French Program Ms. Rima Jurdi English Language Coordinator Mr. Hassan Maatouk Technical Support Specialist Ms. Doha Berjawi Assistant to the Director for Student Affairs Ms. Maha Kabbani Arabic Language Coordinator
Ms. Lama Kobeissy Head of Learning Support
Elementary School / École élémentaire
Ms. Tatiana Mobarak Counselor Ms. Josette Menhem Counselor Ms. Hoda Saadeh Executive Secretary Ms. Diana Wehbé School Nurse Ms. Elham El Hachem Helper Ms. Mona Soubra Librarian Ms. Tina Awwad Secretary Ms. Tala Yakteen School Nurse Mr. Ibrahim Farhat Clerk Mr. Hussein Bakri Helper Ms. Luna Freidy Librarian Ms. Solange Haber Secretary
Mr. Adel Hajj Hassan Office Assistant


Back row: Ms. Sana Dabaghi, Ms. Sally Daou, Ms. Salwa Bashir, Ms. Carla Asfour, Ms. Malak El Homsi, Ms. Zeinab Fakih, Ms. Nada Halabi, Ms. Zeina El-Ghali.

Middle row: Ms. Diana Dabliz Kaaki, Ms. Dana Takkouch, Ms. Leila Itani, Ms. Mira Abi Saab, Ms. Layal Wazir, Ms. Chaza Abdallah, Ms. Nour Sayegh, Ms. Jana Fakhreddine, Ms. Marianne

Aoun, Ms. Reine Mouzanar, Ms. Rima Jurdi (Coordinator).

Front row: Ms. Lynn Haddad, Ms. Dana Al Hashash, Ms. Marwa

Berjawi, Ms. Ghena El Dana, Ms. Lulia Turk

Absent: Ms. Myrna Doughan

Back row: Ms. Arij Merhi, Ms. Jeanine Labaki, Ms. Assil Sabra, Ms. Emma Chebli, Ms. Maria Chikhani, Ms. Farah Hably.

Middle row: Ms. Lama Slim, Ms. Dina Baydoun, Ms. Diala Chaker, Ms. Nevine Cherif, Ms. Carole Nohra Noweihed, Ms. Pascale

Kamel, Ms. Farah Tamim, Ms. Lilas Ayyas, Ms. Roula Rizk, Ms. Tracy Ibrahim.

Front row: Mr. Karim Dahdah, Mr. Wael Issa, Ms. Lynn Yamout, Ms. Nancy Kibbi (Coordinator), Ms. Nada Harb, Ms. Lina Kaddoura.

Elementary School / École élémentaire English French
Elementary School / École élémentaire 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Back row: Ms. Joanna Al Karout, Ms. Chirine Bchouty, Ms. Rita Nakhle, Ms. Mahitab Faytrouni, Ms. Ghada Ammache, Ms. Layla Tabbara, Ms. Fatima Sheikho, Ms. Nesrine Habib, Ms. Eliane Oneyssi. Front row: Ms. Inaam Assir, Ms. Jinane Masri, Ms. Christine Adwan, Ms. Zeina Dana, Ms. Maha Okeily, Ms. Maha Kabbani (coordinator).
Absent: Ms. Hiba Homsi, Ms. Baria Shawaa Ms. Aida Al Sheikh, Ms. Tania Mouammer, Ms. Layla Hamasni. Ms. Sylvana Nazha, Mr. Georges Manoukian, Ms. Catherine Ghoussoub. Mr. Ahmad Alameddine, Ms. Lydia Salameh, Ms. Mayssa Barakat Eido Ms. Lamaan Itani, Ms. Dunia Yassine Ms. Dima Cheaib, Ms. Cynthia Abdel Karim.
Art Music PE EAL FLE Floor Supervisors 129
Mr. Mazen Sabbagh, Mr. Ziad Abdallah, Mr. Bassem Omeiss, Mr. Hussein Assaf, Ms. Nadine El Remechy, Ms. Joumana Dahhan, Ms. Layal Saleh

Back row: Ella Raidy, Jude Tawil, Lana Badr, Yasmina Dabboussi, Asma Asaad, Adam Ajami, Fares Wehbe, Chloé Abi Akl

Middle row: Laura Khalifeh, Vanessa Sky Jamal, Taym Assaf, Mohammad Fehmi, Farid Saab, Rayan Abou El Hassan, Ryan Barrage, Jack Hanna, Amarena Bou Hamad

Front row: Yasmine Moussa, Céline Jaber, Julia Salam, Hamza

Malas, Karim Kevin Mikati, Naya Saoud, Amin El Awar

Absent student: Kanz Fathallah

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Farah Tamim

Arabic teacher: Ms. Chirine Bchouty

Co-teachers: Ms. Jeanine Labaki

Back row: Yara Chami Bayrakdar, Lamar Charara, Sarya Jallad, Kyla Alam, Jad Jaber, Catalina Abi Fares, Khalil Zebib, Jad Barbir, Zeineddine Labban

Middle row: Sofiya Tabsh, Micheal El Khoury, Laeticia Husseini, Mira Muallem, Amine Nassar, Sam Chaccour, Ahmad Naboulsi, Maher Beydoun, Naya Yassine

Front row: Sacha Moutran, Léa Refaat, Ghina Bohsali, Gaelle Karam, Yasmine Hussein, Yasmine Zein, Yara Fahs

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Lilas Ayyas

Arabic teacher: Ms. Chirine Bchouty

Co-teacher: Ms. Jeanine Labaki

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CP A CP B 130130

Back row: Naya Cheaib, Ren El Hajj, Haya Yazbeck, Marc El Samad, Martha Matta, Lea Jaroudi, Rebecca Akiki, Alexandra Khazen, Peter El Khoury, Jad Ghandour, Remi Moutran

Middle row: Hussein Saleh, Adam Nassif, Laia Ayoub, Massimo Parteina, Malek Bekhazi

Front row: Celine Baydoun, Ali Khatib, Yasmina Aidibi, Mia Lahoud, Jamie Nader, Lilia Oueidat, Sarya Chakhtoura

Absent students: Lilia Chami Bayrakdar, Andrew Helou, Karl Sayegh

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Roula Rizk

Arabic teacher: Ms. Zeina Dana

Co-teacher: Ms. Jeanine Labaki

Elementary School / École élémentaire 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
CP C 131

Back row: Imad Yasmine, Adel Leo Ghanem, Nabil Moughraby, Chafic Hammoud, Karim Karl Ibrahim, Rayn Khalifeh, Tala Chreih, Jay Geagea, Lamar Madhoun, Sophia Srouji

Middle row: Mohamad Al Majed, Arya Haddad, Fares Bawadi, Fares Farra, Elena Bawab, Ali Bazzi, Omar Chaker, Issa El Sahely, Wissam Chahine, Reya Olivia Arab

Front row: Amir Itani, Bana Baadarani, Majd Tawil, Lea Wazzan, Houssam Kaddoura, Jad Maddah, Fares Kasasir

Absent student: Jude Farah

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Sana Dabaghy

Arabic teacher: Ms. Zeina Dana

Co-teachers: Ms. Diana Dabliz Kaaki, Ms. Ambarina Zenab

Back row: Naya Ghaddar, Farouk El Turk, Ali Mouzannar, Ryan

Maktabi, Mustafa Steven Abdel Reda, Thea Yassine, Marine Bariche, Christopher Nadim Younes, Ziad Jabadou, Karl Barbar, Kayan Bolbol

Middle row: Sophia Bahia El Awar, Tamara Duymati, Mariam Ibrahim, Jamal Abou Hassan, Kenzie El Koussa, Abdallah El Hajj, Adam El Zein, Mila El Cheikh, Paris Ahmad, Julia Jawad

Front row: Hussien Zein, Samy Yakzan, Elena Bou Hamdan, Lila-Alik

Habayeb, Mohammad Maziad, Jules Hassaniyeh, Ruby Jaber

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Jana Fakhreddine

Arabic teacher: Ms. Chirine Bchouty

Co-teacher: Ms. Reine Mouzannar

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 1 A Grade 1 B 132132

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Marianne Aoun

Arabic teacher: Ms. Ghada Ammache

Co-teacher: Ms. Zeina El-Ghali

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Back row: Selena Arakji, Liana Chehade, Yara Nassa, Jury Abboud, Omar Naamani, Haya Zaatari, Lara Jilwan, Mona El Zein Middle row: Jude Jawad, Jad El-Hajj, Ali Tabbara, Abbas Ibrahim, Jude Hajj Ali Barada, Danny El-Eter, Adam Ali Yassine, Rayan Mouzannar, Karim Abiad, Robin Khoury Front row: Abdelrahman Al-Nakib, Adam Saad, Loulwa Abyad, Mohammad Hallab, Jude Issa, Ajaj Aboulhosn, Dany Chawraba, Malek Daouk Bou Nader
Grade 1 C 133

Back row: Nina Elsa Hamade, Amar El Hariri, Lea Chatila, Mila Abou

Zahr, Ralph Zouheiry, Marya Saccal, Nael Sacca, Karim Assi

Middle row: Shareef Sharabati, Yahya Kalot, Amir Fakhran, Adam Eid, Lina Aiyana Kanj, Adriana Matta,Yasma Hamdan, Karen Bsat, Lea Zeidan

Front row: Zaha Alaily, Shana Hamoush, Karen Nassif, Fatina El Churbaji, Lamar Ghraizi, Serena Nahle, Haya El Nahhal

Absent students: Toufic Saade, Arslan Sinno

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Farah Hably

Arabic teacher: Ms. Jinane Masri

Co-teacher: Ms. Assil Sabra

Back row: Mahdi El Hajj, Karim Bahlawan, Joud Alie, Khaled Hariri, Gioa Wazneh, Sara Joy Dbaibo, Malika Sinno, Habib Fakih, Ralf

Halabi, Siham Joudi

Middle row: Alexa Rizkallah, Talya Doughan, Yasma Sidani, Karl Hamoush, Omar Bohsali, Mia Bella Laham, Maher Tfaili, Amin Hammoud

Front row: Nayla Shabarek, Reine Zouheiry, Sama Sabra, Giorgio

Zouein, Charbel Zakkour, Alaa Shatila, Mona Chehab, Yazan Hammoud

Absent students: Nour Jounblat, Theo Barkett

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Maria Chikhani

Arabic teacher: Ms. Jinane Masri

Co-teacher: Ms. Assil Sabra (Absent)

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CE 1 A CE 1 B 134134

Middle row: Nahla Ghandour, Sasha Matta, Cristina Khabbaz, Raphael Farah, Marc Zouheiry

Front row: Tayma Shabarek, Seyf Karam, Sila Kodeih, Taj Hariri, Raphael Rowel, Julia Sayegh

Absent students: Sam Safwan, Stephanie Najdi

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Lama Slim

Arabic teacher: Ms. Rita Nakhle

Co-teacher: Ms. Assil Sabra

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Back row: Sophie Bou Diab, Elena Nasri, Thea Ozor, Keira Nader, Caroline Masri, Mia Kanbar
CE 1 C 135



Homeroom teacher: Ms. Malak El Homshi

Arabic teacher: Ms. Ghada Ammache

Co-teacher: Ms. Lynn Haddad


Samih Halawi, Karen Hajj, Haidar Kabalan, Raya Soufi, Issam Al Zein, Selena Kay Koubeissi, Farid Abou Hassan, Hana Jradah, Melia Shibli

Middle row: Mohamad Fares El Arab, Ramy Al Assaad, Ayla Daouk, Khaled Al Badawi, Adam Mansour, Lynn Karaky, Monya El Tabsh, Neil Sayid, Makram Shabarek, Ayman Younes Al Fakhani

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Sally El Daou

Arabic teacher: Ms. Bariaa Shawwa (Absent)

Co-teacher: Ms. Lynn Haddad

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Back row: Lamar El Kaaki, Jason Nasr, Kereem Refae, Noah Abdul Rahim, Mia Ajami, Mila Belle Hassaniye, Yara Hatab, Sima Al Saidi, ALexandra Sagherian, Layan Harb row: El Turk, Majd Mashmoushi, Ali Zabad, Noura Itani, Racyl Saab, Malek Tabet, Karim Assaf, Jamil El Sebai, Sami Kanaan. Front row: Liana Kalakesh, Lea Suleiman, Lea Karaky, Yasma Mehio, Taym Arzouni, Moustafa Bou Daher, Leyla Alame, Karim Labban, Katalaya Habre row: Alia Houri, Front row: Ella Sinno, Julien Kantar, Mila Salloum, Ramzi Mirza, Joy Abou Hamdan, Youssef Baadarani, Perla Fakih
Grade 2 A Grade 2 B 136136

Back row: Sami Assaf, Yasmina Hajj Ahmad, Liliah Daou, Maya Anklis, Omar Ghezzawi, Vicente Veasquez, Evita Nasr, Mia Alame, Bassel Suleiman, Ali Abou Raya, Hani Barraj, Rai Khalil

Middle row: Aya Ramadan, Karma Rafeh, Simava Zebian, Lamar Awdi, Noura Hajj, Abdallah Zein, Dalia Dumyati, Karim Khalife, Tamar Jaroudi

Front row: Mohammad Jaafar Sabra, Aya Itani, Dany Kalach, Leila Al Chammaa, Reva Chouman, Zein Mourad

Absent student: Amir El Hariri

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Carla Asfour

Arabic teacher: Ms. Rita Nakhle

Co-teacher: Ms. Lynn Haddad

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 2 C 137

Back row: Khaled Yassine, Chloé Barrage, Ahmad Hammoud, Gabriel Karam, Naya Maria Hamati, Layan Abughazale, Léa Mikati, Sima Houssami

Middle row: Abdel Karim Bakri, Wadih El Khazen, Alicia May Lattouf, Mohammad Ali Khaled, Ralph Zantout, Raymond Oueidat, Karim Moussa, Kevin Abdel Samad

Front row: Malak Beydoun, Joe Lahoud, Nura Kadah Habbal, Talia Daouk, Naya Sarieddine, Yasma Chakhtoura, Adam Nokari

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Pascale Kamel

Arabic teacher: Ms. Maha Kabbani

Co-teacher: Ms. Lynn Yamout, Mr. Wael Issa

Back row: Zaiya Barakat, Yasmina Kaddoura, Mila Jaroudi, Jad Naffi, Omar Daaboul, Noor Merhi, Mohamad-Ali Hammoud, Yana Le Duc, Mohamad Cheaito.

Middle row: Laeticia Abi Akl, Ahmad Mhaissen, Peter Akiki, Anis Dandan, Amir El Tawil, Ela Madelain, Alya Nasser, Karl Abdel Samad, Ahmad Sayed, Jo Reaidy

Front row: Haya Chebaklo, Sophia Diab, Talia Zeidan, Lynn Chahine, Omar Mahfouz, Karim Ramadan, Ali Karout

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Carole Nohra

Arabic teacher: Ms. Christine Adwan

Co-teachers: Ms. Lynn Yamout, Mr. Wael Issa

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CE 2 A CE 2 B 138138

Back row: Nael Bsat, Joseph Helou, Jad Labban, Omar Chaarani, Lynn Renno, Nael Merhi, Joury Sabra, Mila Tajeddine, Rhéa el Hajj

Middle row: Ziad Ozor, Alexandre Zahar, Théa Ayoub, Karen Kanbar, Tia Fawaz, Julia Ajouz, Karim Ghandour, Sima Harb

Front row: Daniel Soueid, Kiyane Makki, Rayan Chahine, Yara Kassaa, Sasha Yazbeck, Mehdi Bitat, Gaby Khoury

Absent students: Noah Fakhry, Liam Zantout

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Emma Chebli Zouein

Arabic teacher: Ms. Baria Shawaa (Absent)

Co-teachers: Ms. Lynn Yammout, Mr. Wael Issa

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CE 2 C 139

Back row: Julia El Zein, Khalil Barakat, Karma Zabad, Rana Beydoun, Issam Houri, Veronica Ghanem, Ali Sinno, Karim Mneimneh

Middle row: Walid Abou Daher, Sarya Abou Hassan, Ali Haidar, Hadi Haddad, Adam Al Assaad, Anisa Bou Ezzedinne, Rhea Hassanieh, Marwan Farhat

Front row: Nai Maziad, Ali Saab, Makram Ouaidat, Yara Berry, Eyad El Sayed, Alex Zakharia, Mohamad Sulayman

Absent students: Mohammad Abbas, Yasmina Maddah, Celine Haroun, Mohamad Itani, Serena El Hajj

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Nada El-Halabi

Arabic teacher: Ms. Christine Adwan

Co-teacher: Ms. Lulia Turk

Back row: Malek Yactine, Nay Moukalled, Naya Abbas, Sarah El Bardan, Katie Badr, Sirine Soubra, Majd Reda, Rayan Bassila, Jad El Sayed, Fahed Chreih

Middle row: Kinda Badran, Yahya Berry, Ezel Mahmoud, Mustafa Rifai, Nael Assaad, Ryan Achkar, Ghadi Abu Sharar, Samih Rafii, Wassim Abou Daher

Front row: Jason Rizk, Karim Azhari, Jude Nader, Ammar Houri, Massa Serhan, Sarah Wahoud, Mariam Madi

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Marwa Berjawi

Arabic teacher: Ms. Christine Adwan

Co-teacher: Ms. Lulia Turk

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 3 A Grade 3 B 140140

Back row: Khalil Dimassi, George Chaaban, Abbas Nasrallah, Karim

Mniemneh, Seif Jomaa, Amer Najdi, Hadi Ahmad

Middle row: Ramez Kassassir, Layal Maalouf, Serena Kheir, Malek

Talib, Mohammad Al Saidi, Karim Chami, May El Zein, Rayana


Front row: Marilou Khraiche, Karim Joey Itani, Ali Al Chaer, Bassel

Ahmad, Mohammad El Hajj, John Rizk, Talia Lynn Abiad, Maneli Ermis, Julian Salameh

Absent Student: Sima Abdel Wahab

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Dana Al Hashash

Arabic teacher: Ms. Maha Kabbani

Co-teacher: Ms. Lulia Turk (Absent)

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 3 C 141

Back row: Yasmina Chami Bayrakdar, Lara Houssami, Rachelle Najdi, Andrew Traboulsi, Saria Charafeddine, Karim Mohamad Mansour, Ayah Dandan

Middle row: Eva Naffi, Laetitia Khoury, Tarik Miknas, Faysal Jardali, Anthony Marchi, Denise Kabbani

Front row: Samuel Abou Jaoudé, Maria Farhat, Serena Assi, Sara Seif-El Yazal, Georgio Ibrahim, Zeid Daouk.

Absent students: Maria Melki, Lulua Hariri

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Harb Nada

Arabic teacher: Ms. Layla Tabbara

Co-teacher: Ms. Nevine Cherif

Back row: Kamil Takieddine, Ghaith Fawaz, Tamara El Hajj, Serana

El Khatib, Bassem Semaan, Lilia Hamade, Keira Hammoud, Karma

Fakhoury, Laura Nercessian

Middle row: Salim Saab, Omar Sharabati, Rami Chall, Alexandra Beaini, Nazih Hariri, Anna Fhaily, Tayma Ouaidat, Karl Abbas Halabi

Front row: Raya Dandan, Sophie Nazarian, Adam Beydoun, Jad El Sayegh, Jad Charafeddine, Julia Mahfouz, Céline Issa

Absent student: Alicia Ramadan

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Lina Kaddoura

Arabic teacher: Ms. Joanna Al Karout

Co-teacher: Ms. Nevine Chérif

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CM 1 A CM 1 B 142142


Karim Wazni, Mohamad Nasri, Kayan Ghannage, Nancy Abou Ayyach, May Solh, Rida Ajami, Nicolas Marchi

Middle row: Mohamad Abdallah, Julian Matta, Nadim Salhaby, Gaëlle Abi Akl, Zoé Bibi, Taliah Tayar, Yara Harb

Front row: Yara Mansour, Sarya Asmar, Rhea Murad Maalouf, Mohamad Merhi, Mia Sarieddine, Nicolas Freifer

Absent student: Mila Acra

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Tracy Ibrahim

Arabic teacher: Ms. Inaam Assir

Co-teacher: Ms. Névine Chérif

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CM 1 C 143

Back row: Joseph Daniel Frederik Welin, Amer Yassin, Ali Ray Dakroub, Tony Assaad, Nai Angelina Hajj, Rai Saab, Jad Khachfe, Karim Birjawi, Ayla Zeenni, Sybelle Saab, Hadil Wahoud

Middle row: Nicolas Menassa, Yamen Hamad, Nader Chahine, Rayan Ramadan, Imad Hasbini, Abdul Razzak Fattouh, Jude Chaitani, Taline Chebly Yassine, Sara El Turk, Sienna Nasr

Front row: Noura Saghir, Sophia Anklis, Lea Sabahtayon, Julia Moussa, Shams Khatib, Naya Chouman, Haya Hage

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Zeinab Fakih

Arabic teacher: Ms. Inaam Assir

Co-teacher: Ms. Myrna Doughan

Back row: Jad Abou Melhem, Karim Suleiman, Ryan Riachy, Karim

Nassar, Adam Ghandour, Khaled Mogharbel

Middle row: Adam Rafeh, Yara Barada, Majed Allam, Jana Chebaro, Tayma Chalak, Tala Haddad, Aila Kataya, Talia Sanadiki, Sophia Sawaya

Front row: Abdel Rahman Saghir, Andrew Sagherian, Tarek Bawab, Nael El-Oweini, Nour Roumieh, Andrea Habib, Samir Houssami, Sally Bou Hamdan

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Salwa Bashir

Arabic teacher: Ms. Joanna El-Karout

Co-teacher: Ms. Myrna Doughan

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 4 A Grade 4 B 144144

El Baba, Lea Halabi

Middle row: Marwan El Ghaoui, Malek Soubra, Ryan Daou, Karim Zaitoun, Adam Sahely, Walid Sinno, Seif Khatib, Mustafa Ibrahim, Lilia Soueid

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Ghena El Dana

Arabic teacher: Ms. Leila Tabbara

Co-teacher: Ms. Myrna Doughan

Elementary School / École élémentaire 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Back row: Marya Moukahal, Taj Boheme Karam, Salah Dumyati, Walid Zeidan, Alia Bishti, Lulwa Karnib, Caren Abdul Khalek, Jude Jaber,Sibelle Front row: Neleena Farah, Aya Moukahal, Karen Labban, Edwin Bakhos, Jad Ramlawi, Oceane Bariche, Bahia Kanafani
Grade 4 C 145

Back row: Youmna Khater, Naya Tfaili, Adrien Rowel, Michel Fakhry, Sam Alex El Hajj, Saadoun Hamade, Malik Assy, Hassan Dakroub, Hassan Youssof Chalak

Middle row: Kay Haddad, Nour Alie, Jood Osseiran, Mira Obegi, Jad Badra, Ayad El Khalil, Hussein Ramadan, Séane Bou Abboud

Front row: Ali Noueiry, Rawad Al Hariri, Yasmine Naamani, Gaelle Hojeij, Karen Zantout, Celine Hamade, Jad Hammoud, Dalia Bsat

Absent students: Dahlia Boudargham, Judy Jamil

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Dina Baydoun

Arabic teacher: Ms. Fatima Sheikho

Co-teacher: Ms. Sally Zaatari

Learning support teacher : Ms. Arij Merhi

Back row: Marie Dergham, Clara Rafeh, Karma Cheikh El Sagha, Haya Hammoud, Yasmina Khatib, Elaya Bou Abboud, Clara Akiki

Middle row: Hussein Jundi, Tamara Raja Itani, Uma Naoum, Léa Rayess, Sama Ghadban, Azad Alayli, Hassan Zaouil

Front row: Jad Azar, Philippe Tarek Azhari, Chloé Mia Samad, Diane Habib, Inji Dimassi, Mohamad Nokari, Lara Labban

Absent students: Lydia Kaddouh, Dany Mounla

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Diala Chaker

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nisrine Habib

Co-teacher: Ms. Sally Zaatari

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CM 2 A CM 2 B 146146

Absent student: Ali Jounblat

Homeroom teacher: Mr. Karim Dahdah

Arabic teacher: Ms. Mahitab Faytrouni

Co-teacher: Ms. Sally Zaatari

Elementary School / École élémentaire 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Back row: Adam Abul Husn, Ghalia Al Mutawa, Tarek Haddad, Karim Joueidi, Kay Saad, Celine Yakzan, Naya Fakih, Nour Khater, Karim Bou Nasr, Taym Machaka Middle row: Natalia Maria El Khazen, Lara Abou Hassan, Tarek Mikati, Youssef Nasser, Jana Harb, Mohammed Adam Aziz, Sophia Ghandour, Malek Hamze Sinno, Adam Nahle Front row: Michael Rizkala Freifer, Theo Le Dû, Adam Rizk, Yasmine Shatila, Haya Sabra, Aya Karout, Mia Sophia El Nahhal
CM 2 C 147

Back row: Kassem Haidar, Dib Sharafeddine, Ghadeer El Hajj, Zia Chehade, Lilia Assaf, Saleh Kheir, Ahmad Kharroubi, Hani Elyas Abiad, Hadi Eido, Imad Daouk, Nagham Alameddine

Middle row: Judy Khalil, Tulai Ghandour, Ali Rida El Hajj, Karim El Haj, Ryan El Hajj, Joshua Nojeim, Naya Majed, Layan Shabarek, Naya Yashruti, Ahmad Chatila

Front row: Fadel Khadra, Mohamad Shihab, Elma Farran, Ali Reda Halawi, Ali Charif, Yamen Hamad

Absent student: Ahmad Jubaili

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Nour Sayegh

Arabic teacher: Ms. Nisrine Habib

Co-teacher: Ms. Dana Takkouch

Back row: Amir Sabbah, Mohamad Al Arab, Ryan Nader, Mohamad Itani, Mohammad Kalash, Karen Bawab, Wassim Joujou, Thalia El Cheikh, Kristina Bashir, Malek Serbey, Lana Khalil

Middle row: Chloe Itani, Kassem Bdeir, Majd Mouzannar, Khodor Hatab, Fatima Zein, Kira Maalouf,Talia Saad, Fatima Hgaij, Mia Bayoud,Rita Maria Mnassa

Front row: Yasmine Chbaklo,Ghaydaa Itani, Salma Bou Ezzeddine, Ziyad Salam, Juliana Jneinati, Aya Mehio

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Leila Itani

Arabic teacher: Ms. Fatima Sheikho

Co-teacher: Ms. Mira Abi Saab

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 5 A Grade 5 B 148148

Back row: Haya Ibrahim, Yara Ahmad, Yasmina Majed, Cyrine Faour, Jad Mansour, Hadi Sleiman, Batool Fawwaz, Mark Rouhana, May Haidar

Middle row: Mustafa Hariri, Joud Hamoud, Ali Kalache, Rayan Zahran, Yasmina Bendakji, Celine Bdeirm Tayma Chihabi, Ryan

Salloum, Omar Itani

Front row: Clarar Mashmoushi, Yana EL Sebai, Mlek Naja, Adam Damerji, Yorri Rizk, Karim Fahmi, Brian Nasr

Absent students: Celine Daouk, Lujayn Mohamed

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Chaza Abdallah

Arabic teacher: Ms. Mahitab Faitrouni

Co-teacher: Ms. Mira Abi Saab

Back row: Kate Ellen Yared, Mohammad Koussa, Reef El Basha, Karam El Rahim, Labib Bassila, Yehya Kourah, Talia Fakhouri, Cynthia Makarem, Talia Charif

Middle row: Lynn Assaf, Sandra Abou Nasr, Amir Dayekh, Anis Mourad, Carol Sadaka, Celia Jubaili, Michael Noujaim, Sasha Ghanem, Ameen Rahal

Front row: Sophia Maalouf, Sama Shehade, Jad Daniel Itani, Nazem

Ibrahim, Mia Meho, Ahmad Zeidan

Absent students: Yasmina Soufan, Lea Al Tawil, Karim Ashkar

Homeroom teacher: Ms. Layal Wazir

Arabic teacher: Ms. Jouanna Al Karout

Co-Teacher: Ms. Dana Takkouch

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 5 C Grade 5 D 149


Elementary School / École élémentaire
Kanz Fathallah CP A Andrew Helou CP C Karl Sayegh CP C Lilia Chami Bayrakdar CP C Jude Farah Grade 1 A Arslan Sinno CE1 A Toufic Saade CE1 A Nour Jounblat CE1 B Theo Barkett CE1 B Sam Safwan CE1 C Stephanie Najdi CE1 C Amir El Hariri Grade 2 C Noah Fakhry CE2 C Mohammad Abbas Grade 3 A Yasmina Maddah Grade 3 A Celine Haroun Grade 3 A Mohamad Itani Grade 3 A Serena El Hajj Grade 3 A Sima Abdel Wahab Grade 3 C Maria Melki CM1 A


Elementary School / École élémentaire
Lulua Hariri CM1 A Alicia Ramadan CM1 B Mila Acra CM1 C Dahlia Boudargham CM2 A Judy Jamil CM2 A Lydia Kaddouh CM2 B Dany Mounla CM2 B Ali Jounblat CM2 C Ahmad Jubaili Grade 5 A Celine Daouk Grade 5 C Lujayn Mohamed Grade 5 C Yasmina Soufan Grade 5 D Lea Al Tawil Grade 5 D Karim Ashkar Grade 5 D


Elementary School / École élémentaire
Special Arabic
Elementary School / École élémentaire


Elementary School / École élémentaire
Chess Coding
Elementary School / École élémentaire 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND
Junior Chef Debate Street Jazz
Social Service Club

Arts & Crafts

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Latin Dance Yoga Interior Design Team Building Junior Stomp
Painting on Canvas



Independence Day

Christmas Celebrations

Elementary School / École élémentaire

Christmas Concerts

Dress Up Day

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Pyjama Day Fire Drill
Elementary School / École élémentaire
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Encanto - Drama 159

Talent Show Grade 4

Talent Show Grade 5

4 – Who we Are

Elementary School / École élémentaire
CM1 – Qui nous sommes Grade Francophonie
Elementary School / École élémentaire
CE1 - L’indépendance Grade 2 - Independance Day
CE2 - Comment nous nous exprimons

Grade 3 - How We Express Ourselves

Elementary School / École élémentaire
Elementary School / École élémentaire
Elementary School / École élémentaire
Grade 5 - Moving Up Ceremony
Elementary School / École élémentaire
CM2 - Moving Up Ceremony
Elementary School / École élémentaire
Elementary School / École élémentaire

Middle School Collège RAS BEIRUT


Middle School / Collège
Ms. Nawal Haddad Director Ms. Maya Chebaro Assistant Director Ms. Mimosa Arawi Multimedia & Media Literacy Resource Person Ms. Bahira Abbas Learning Support Teacher Mr. Ludovic Marty Assistant Director & Head of French Program Middle RB Ms. Lama Dabbous Civic Commitment & Service Learning Coordinator Ms. Ghada Jalloul Itani Dean of students & Head of School Climate Unit Ms. Reine Sakr EdTech Coordinator
Ms. Sanay Hamieh Learning Support Teacher
Middle School / Collège
Ms. Souhaila Kaakour Executive Secretary for the French Section Affairs Ms. Maya El Fil Lab Technician Ms. Joy Atik Executive Secretary for the English Section Affairs Ms. Nora Kabraelian Librarian Ms. Asma Steitieh Secretary Mr. Zaher Abdel-Kader Floor Advisor Mr. Ziad Hanoun IT & Media Technician & Supervisor
Ms. Ghida Ambriss Floor Advisor
Middle School / Collège
Ms. Mona Rikabi Office Assistant Back row: Mr. Mohammad Berjawi, Ms. Lina Oueidat (Coordinator Arabic AFL), Ms. Dolly Abou Jawde (Coordinator Arabic LB), Ms. Mona Chidiac, Ms. Dana Tayyan Front row: Ms. Iman Ramadan, Ms. Khadijah Hamza, Ms. Rim Zaytoun, Ms. Nada Mneimneh, Ms. Layla Jaafar Absent: Ms. Hania Abu Rihan Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Floor Advisor Mr. Abed Al Rahman Sabidine Floor Advisor Mr. Amer Ghawi Printshop Ms. Marwa Khawandi Floor Advisor Ms. Nadia Nasser Floor Advisor Mr. Habib Abdallah Floor Advisor Mr. Charif Khaled Steam Lab Technician
Arabic 172172
Ms. Mariana Mashmoushi Floor Advisor


Middle School / Collège
Back row: Ms. Rawan Sinno, Mr. Elie Hayek (Coordinator), Ms. Mireille Tavitian , Ms. Ghada Ezzeddine, Ms. Romy Haddad Front row: Ms. Ola Mouzannar, Ms. Cindy Abou Chakra, Ms. Hana Kabbani, Ms. Zeina Komboz
French Math English
Ms. Nour Hajjar, Ms. Zeinab Haidar, Mr. Jonathan Weighter, Ms. Natalie Joujou (Coordinator), Ms. Reema Yassen, Ms. Kelly Harris, Ms. Tina Rammouz, Ms. Tala El Halabi Back row: Ms. Mona Khiami, Ms. Gofran Al Shami, Ms. Lama Sinno (Coordinator-French Section), Ms. Fatima Tourbah (CoordinatorEnglish Section), Ms. Farah Hmeidani (MSRB Teacher Lead for CPP Math), Ms. Fida Nashef Front row: Ms. Rima Basha, Ms. Nour Raad, Ms. Fatima Wehbe, Ms. Lea Chaer, Ms. Lelette El Chaer
Ms. Rana Kaoury, Mr. Zakwan Shehab





Ms. Hind Farra, Ms. Georgette Francis (Coordinator French), Ms. Rawane Afra, Ms. Nathalie Aoun, Ms. Aya El Fil (Lab Assistant), Ms. Deema El Housseini, Ms. Farah Shoukair




Middle School / Collège
row: Front row: Ms. Marcelle El Riz, Ms. Sawsan Kibbi, Ms. Grace Badine, Ms. Nahla Jamaleddine, Ms. Hanan Sabra (Coordinator English) Ms. May Hariri Ms. Melissa Bou Chaaya, Ms. Carine Arayssi Saad (Coordinator), Ms. Renwa Jeha, Ms. Maya Tabbara Mr. Riad Chirazi (Coordinator), Mr. Gilles Youssef, Ms. Andrée Nacouzi, Ms. Carla Khairallah, Ms. Remi Moussaly Mr. Zakwan Shehab, Ms. Mona Khiami, Ms. Lea Chaer, Ms. Nour Raad Ms. Rana Kaoury (Coordinator) Ms. Theresa Harfouche, Mr. Andre Daher (Coordinator), Ms. Sally Karakelian


Absent: Ms. Samar Noueihed

Middle School / Collège
Ms. Mirella Saad, Ms. Dona Nassif, Dr. Osman Osman (Coordinator), Ms. Doumiana Ayyoub Back row: Mr. Charif Khaled, Mr. Zakwan Shehab, Ms. Nathalie Aoun row: Ms. Marcelle El Riz, Ms. Samar Kandil (Coordinator), Ms. Rawane Afra, Ms. Sawsan Kibbi

Absent student: Loulia Mourad

Advisor: Ms. Nour El Hajjar

Advisor: Mr. Mohammad El Berjawi

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Dina Kaissi, Tania Makarem, Haya Itani, Nora Zeidan, Lucas Hollingworth, Kamel Daoui, Rawiya Poesie Karam, Sherif Mugraby, Abdallah Khalil, Ward Moukalled Front row: Yasmina Ezzedine, Christina Sophia Nassif, Neel Harb, Adam Bou Hamad, Aya Jilwan, Omar Shahine, Kamal Azhari, Taha Ramadan, Maarouf El Sahely, Wassim Ghandour, Alia Traboulsi Back row: Ilayah Murad, Julia Tabbara, Anahita Ermis, Nour Barraj, Cybel Hunini, Celia Mabel Badawi, Farah Salika, Danny Al Hallak, Tarek Nasser, Kris Daniel Yared, Adem Abdulwahab Front row: Rena Nasrallah, Liana Salameh, Haya Yassin, Lynn Sabahtayon, Naya Hanbali, Bana Kanafani, Mia Halabi, Karim Hijazi, Hadi Jaber, Saad Hashisho, Youssef Mohammad, Taymour Arakji
Grade 6 A Grade 6 B 176176

Absent students: Ali Assaad, Serine Wehbe, Wajih Homsi

Advisor: Ms. Rima Basha


Haya Zarrui, Nada Ramadan, Maher Hasbini, Huda El Wazzan, Gayana Kanaan, Sophia Ghalayini, Ali Kataya, Amer Al Bawab



Bassel Arzouni, Eva Halawi, Habiba Al Kaissi, Georges Bayoud, Karim Massoud, Omar El Shami, Adam Hamdan, Naya Baltagi, Noor Shehade, Mia Baalbaki

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Carine Bawab, Jawad Hamad, Raghid Kawass, Zeid Jomaa, Ali Kalakesh, Rawad Dbouk, Rayyan Habayeb, Hussein Jaber, Sara Haddad Front row: Laila Bassam, Celena Majed, Rebecca Machnouk, Vera Khalil, Ghada Rayyes El Mina, Nadim Zaatari, Jude Abas, Salwa El Hajj, Wissam Daaboul, Emad Abou Hamdan row: row: Absent student: Adam El Mawla
Grade 6 C Grade 6 D 177
Ms. Fatima Wehbe

Mikaela Chalhoub, Samir Matta, Rana Ramadan, Ryan Itani, Leila Sabbagh, Amy Acra, Massa Fathalla, Nilay Jardali, Reina Shehab, Yasma Oueidat, Aya Ibrahim, Tisha Farsoun, Malak Ghannage, Malek Jaber, Kamal Abu Zahr, Karim Khalil

Back row: Paul Antony Kouly, Zeina Sayed, Yasmina Mneimneh, Mira Habbal, Lara Khatib, Sasha Nahas, Lana Eid, Lea Hajjar, Moustapha El Solh, Michel Sarru, Laeticia Kodeih, Yara Zahabi, Yasmina Saab, Clara Nercessian, Nour Haidar


Karim Uthman, Karim Naffi, Alexandre Joujou, Mohammad Ali El Hajj, Adam Zouheiry, Abdel Karim Mekkawi, Firas Tayyara, Karim Khayat, Adam Yafi, Rayan Zakaria, Raya Nathalia Kanj, Reya Makki

Advisor: Ms. Cindy Abou Chacra

Front row: Ali Mawla, Celia Ajouz, Jana Mhaisen, Noor Osseiran, May

Itani, Naya Maria Saade, Peter Hanna, John Awwad, Malek Ramadan, Hassan Mneymneh, Adam Beydoun, Omar Fakhoury, Ziad Renno

Advisor: Ms. Lelette el Chaer

Middle School / Collège
Back row: row:
6 ème A 6 ème B 178178

Sarah Maria Abdallah, Ayla Dimassi, Siena Tabanji, Zeena Doughan, Zina Dakroub, Malek Abou Zahr, Ali Kaddoura, Nora Solh, Lana Nakhal, Ahmad Shabarek, Nabih sidani, Joseph Ibrahim, Mayssa Haddad, Larine Haffar, Mohamad Kamel Jundi

Salma Diab, Sila Achour, Marina Semaan, Mila El Merehbi, Karim Majzoub, Yasmine Halawi, Lily Daouk, Kamal Lahham, Joumana Luna Dabliz, Selina Dorra, Celine Abdallah, Karim Hanna

Advisor: Ms. Maya Karam

Nour Kassem, Noor Khadra, Natalia Sabra, Selena Kharma, Stella Welin, Sasha Nader, Sofia Sayegh, Tayma Malas, Zeid Oweini, Omar Hassouna, Adam El Ghali, Hadi Farhat, Yasmina Ghandour, Dana Abu Sharar, Sarah Al Achkhar, Christopher Chaccour, Malik Nsouli

Omar Madhoun El Yafi, Ramzi El Imad, Kareem Taweel, Lilya Rihawi, Lila Traboulsi, Yara Roumieh, Keiss El Sayed, Sammy Hassanieh, Sami Bakia, Mohamad Shahine, Hassan Dbouk

Absent students: Julia Jubaili, Lea Zreik

Advisor: Ms. Carla Antar

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Front row: Back row: Front row:
6 ème C Grade 7 A 179

Ammache, Jaden Nasr, Rida El Hajj, Jad Hallak, Luca Ghanem, Fares Sinno, Steven Fawaz, Ramzi Talih, Adam Abdalla Yassin, Hussein Makki, Hussein Itani, Ali Ghorayeb, Leya Akl, Yasmine Abdul Wahab, Amar Hassoun

Hussein Mourad, Mahmoud Shaban, Firas Ibrahim, Hoda Julie Rizk, Nayla Azzi, Lara Nsouli, Lila Miknas, Nour Omeis, Aya Ghandour, Yasmine Safa, Myra-Rabab Dakroub, Ghalia Bishti Advisor: Ms. Farah Shoukair

Lamar Oweini, Ali Karnib, Yazan Ghaibeh, Malek Barbar, Dalia Hazimeh, Nour Soubra, Khaled Chehab, Walid Joujou, Adam El Itani, Malik Staitieh, Ali Zein, Hamza Zabad, Adriana Bazerly, Celine Chebaklo

Reda Joseph Reda, Haya Al Arab, Ahmad Abdul Rahim, Ahmad El Tannir, Amin Hamad, Leen Kanaan, Hesham Hamdan, Alma El Harake, Rama El Hajj, Talia Mashaka, Mina Hakim

Advisor: Ms. Dima El Housseini

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Fares Front row: Back row: Front row:
Grade 7 B Grade 7 C 180180


Theo Annan, Mohammad Ali Bazzi, Patrick Kilzi, Sami Noueihed, Malek Nawam, Nour Hamze Sinno, Maymouna Sawwaf, Tia Ibrahim, Emma Nazarian, Ziad Sanyoura

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Lea Safa, Lana Al Tawil, Omar Modallal, Mohamad Jannoun, Ali Mahfouz, Malek Issawi, Joseph Abboud, Vahakn Sarkissian, Ali Hoteit, Tarek Houssami, Mohamad Jomaa, Ali Al Assaad, Joy Harakeh, Caline El Harake, Lama AbiSamra Front row: James Nasr, Karim Soubra, Talia El Hajj, Ghassan El Hibri, Mya Mehio, Julia Bitar, Sara Bsat, Ghada Farran, Haya El Sabeh, Carlo Slim, Ahmad Ramlawi Advisor: Ms. Cynthia Deeb Back row: Cynthia Sabbagh, Maria Abi Fares, Alya Chaaban, Omar Haress, Lucas Debbane, Laith Hakim, Marc Homeidan, Adam Hamdan, Mustafa Ghandour, Nadim Naamani , Shirine Kambris, Angelina Khouri, Yasmina Nohra, Hynd Takieddine, Mulan Front row:
Grade 7 D 5 ème A 181
Absent student: Lara Choucair Advisor: Ms. Rawan Sinno
Middle School / Collège
Back row: Michael Nayef Fakih, Peter Nahas, Eyad Haidar, Mark Nachar, Liam Saad, Ryan Traboulsi, Luna El Cheikh, Serena Badra, Chloe Ghandour, Marya Khater, Ava Naoum, Mia Itani, Karim Melki Front row: Celine El Sahely, Maya Abdul Reda, Celina Maktabi, Sacha Karameh, Nour Abdallah, Tala Zibawi, Roy Zeidan, Tea Eid, Lynn Ibrahim, Rafic Charafeddine, Jad Alayli, Mohamad Youssof Doughan, Roy Rafeh Advisor: Ms. Marcelle El-Riz Back row: Malek Doughan, Celine Beaini, Aya Abdallah, Andrea Fhaily, Rayan Sabbagh, Ghady Zorkot, Ali Moukahal, Theo Awwad, Malek Hibri, Mohammad Mahdi Daher, Issam Alie, Malek Wehbe, Nael khater, Malek Halawi, Habib Sherif
5 ème B 5 ème C 182182
Front row: Hamza Bissat, Nour Itani, Lilia Fakhran, Rita Akiki, Rachel Fakih, Loulwa Saoud, Maria Rai, Noura Houssami, Haya Kabbani, Karma Hamdan, Christina Sarrou, Sari Takieddin Advisor: Ms. Nada Mneimneh

Absent student: Mohamad El Amin

Advisor: Ms. May El Hariri

Syma Rabah, Loreen Hariri, Tatiana Zaidan, Nour Jilwan, Jeonavi Zebian, Ghazi Alameddine, Lucas Barsoum, Karim Sadeq, Amer Nasser, Jamil El Sayed

Advisor: Ms. Rajaa Bakri

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Cherry Saab, Jana Farhat, Youssef Fawwa, Ryan Amhaz, Rami Ismail, Majd Safieddine, Omar Ramadan, Ziad Zeeni, Mia El Mawla, Lea Khatib, Ahmad Badran, Jaden Bradshaw, Jad Tabbara, Alexander Mugraby Front row: Nour Merhi, Lana Kalache, Melissa Damerji, Sara Saab, Rhea Chaccour, Maya Kudsi, Rim Roumieh, Yasmeen Kassab, Walid Shourbaji, Hadi Toufeily, Jawad Rizk Back row: Serena Sanadiki, Celine Safieddine, Mathew Barsoum, Aya Kazzi, Nabil Ashkar, Ryan Ajami, Rakann Aintrazi, Mateo Taleb, Adam Zahran, Nabil Merhi, Adel Farhat, Hadi Haidar Front row: Lea Ibrahim,
Grade 8 A Grade 8 B 183


Janan Bdeir, Hashem Daher, Sima Jomaa, Sibelle Rifai, Cesar Awwad, Lyan Tom, Kira-Maria Jawhari, Adnan El hout, Hala

Sharafeddine, Anna Margrita Kanaan, Danny-George Asfour

Front row: Mohammad Souheil Siblini, Mohammad Majed, Taghrid

Al Badawi, Sibelle Hamdan, Afif Itani, Yasma El Arab, Tamar El Dib,

Malek Houssami, Karim El Dana

Absent students: Malek Hamad, Rany Ibrahim

Advisor: Ms. Dolly Abou Jaoudeh Awad


Issam Jaroudi, Mohamad El Sharif , Simon Andraos, Karim Kabbani, Karim Harb, Tiddy Rizk, Souheil Ghezzawi, Jalal Bitar, Jad Masri Sidani

Adriana Frem, Mia El Hajj, Sima Sinno, Thalia Najda, Raya Cheaito, Sima Hibri, Leyla Younis, Nai Itani, Yara Al Naqeeb, Mira Abiad


Advisor: Ms. Dana Tayan Salah

Middle School / Collège
row: row: row:
Grade 8 C Grade 8 D 184184

Back row: Nadim Abo Nasr, Lilas Zeidan, Leen Rifai, Mona Dimashkieh, Celine Kalakesh, Jane Sadaka, Malek Sabban, Karim

Abdul Khalek, Adnan Koussa, Hussein Slieman

Front row: Haidar El Hajj, Ali wazni, Jana hasbini, Celine hamdan, Ana Mansour, Andrea Shabb, Omar Berjawi, Hassan Irani, Mahdi Zabad

Absent student: Nadim Ghaddar

Advisor: Ms. Mounira Yamout

Back row: Nadine Mirza, Mohamad Gebara, Chadi Hojeij, Ziad Dada, Omar Mashmoushi, Haya Ramadan, Charif Zantout, Lola Tabchy, Sherif Ziade, Yasmina Mardini, Adriana Rizik, Miryam Yazbeck, Tiara

Ghandour, Tarek Zakaria, Sara Nassar

Front row: Khalil Zantout, Fouad Sanyoura, Julien LeDu, Lea Mnemneih, Cherif Yafi, Nadia Jardali, Sadine Kreidieh, Mia Khayat,

Nour Arayssi, Malek Yafi, Ziad Jaber, Lea Tayara, Tia El Hajj, Omar Azhari, Tarek Fawaz, Ines Kassar

Absent student: Saad Mikati

Advisor: Ms. Samar Kandil

Middle School / Collège
Grade 8 E 4 ème A 185


Mheisen, Tarek Makouk, Yara Sabra, Grace Badine, Anna-Maria Awad, Rola Baadarani, Mira Laham, Maria Doughan, Khaled Taher

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Ali El Hoss, Yasmine Mekkawi, Sami Hussein Agha, Yasma Mneimne, Haya El Zein, Mohamad El Hajjar, Karim Sandro Hatoum Front row: Nai Haddad, Marya Beydoun, Malek Sinno, Hadi Ibrahim, Nabil Khodr, Hatem Safieddine, Karim El Kassa’a, Antoun Ghannage, Samih El Solh Advisor: Ms. Nathalie Aoun Back row: Adam El Hajj, Karim Kouatly, Ramzi Chahine, Zakaria Oueis, Mazen Alameddine, Kamal Azar, Malek Diab, Sami Harb row: Khaled
4 ème B 4 ème C 186186
Absent student: Jad Asmar Advisor: Ms. Grace Badine

Jawad Mouzannar, Becker Haffar, Rashid Mikati, Fateema Machmouchi, Aya Shahine, Celine Kotob, Nour Hassoun, Nour Farhat, Sara Motawa, Cyrine Khatib, Malik ElLawand, Karim Bawab, Naram Melki, Elio Akouri, Karim Chahrour, Ali Jaber

Yara Ibrahim, Sophia Zeidan, Laura Nassif, Tala Awad, Serena Jundi, Yara Toufeily, Sabah Shaban, Elena Qarizada, Karim Joumaa, Ali Chaalan, Ahmad Hannoush, Youssef Sabra Advisor: Ms. Nahla Jamaleddine

Back row: Yasmina Wahoud, Joud Jaber, Naya Maalouf, Karim Shair, Farouk Shahine, Neean Hmaidan, Nabih Noureddine, Mhamad Nouri Sakkal, Jude Adnan Chidiac, Zouhair Wehbe, Jad Harb, Adam

Hassanieh, Dany Kabbani, Saad Hijazi

Front row: Yara Zaitoun, Julia Toramanian, Yasmina Vera Ghutmi, Mia Talih, Fay Jabak, Nour Rabah, Assil Ghandour, Sarah Halabi, Tala Atweh, Diala Chehimi, Reem Khalife

Absent students: Mohamad Karim Dik, Yara Sannan, Yousra Khalil Advisor: Ms. Lina Moallem Oueidat

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Front row:
Grade 9 A Grade 9 B

Nadim El Houssieni, Tia Darwish, Souad Bayoud, Riwa Alameh, Yara El Hage, Serena Zeidan, Serena Dabbagh, Christy Shwayri, Selena Fattouh, Karim Tajo, Omar Hijal, Hamza Al Haffar, Ali Bdeir

Malek Ammache, Jonathan Kehdi, Nadim Yazbek Rammal, Michael Slim, Peter Yazbek, Karim Al Arab, Selina Damiani, Peral Moussa, Liana Makke, Nour Madi, Judy Barbar, Sarah Omar, Yasma Mardini, Jana Younis


Darine Chehade, Joya Issa, Adam Houssami, Ali Halwai, Yasma El Hibri, Lynn Moussa, Tarek Zorkot, Malek El Sharif, Samir Hmeidani, Ali Dakik

Absent student: Hussein Merhi

Advisor: Ms. Hanan K. Sabra


Tia Zaidan, Ahmad Itani, Rami Naja, Sama Jaber, Mahmoud Chatila, Mustafa Moukahal, Lynn Sabbagh, Yasmine Merhi, Rania Hazimeh, George Hayeck, Mahmoud Statieh

Advisor: Ms. Natalie Joujou

Middle School / Collège
Back row: Christopher Kehdi, row: Back row: row:
Grade 9 C Grade 9 D 188188
Middle School / Collège
Back row: Ramsey Abul Husn, Ahmad Ramadan, Rayan Chbaklo, Jude Azhari, Hadi Ramadan, Karim Nahle, Dan Azhari, Aly Bazzi, Marya Morwa, Clara Mehanna Front row: Sami Hajj Sleiman, Jad Doughan, Anthony Saunal, Karim Atassi, Layla Shihadeh, Akram Itani, Daniel Homeidan, Ranim Charara Advisor: Ms. Mireille Tavitian Back row: Nader Bekhazi, Ema Bashour, Reya Tabanji, Rama Chalak, Celine Ali Hassan, Rhea Alameddine, Naya Zahabi, Yara Younes, Rayan Mneimneh, Sami Zeidan, Sam Yamani,
3 ème A 3 ème B 189
Front row: Danielle Dib, Rosalina Bou Hamad, Yara Assi, Mia Shehab, Issa Kishly, Maher Hodeib, Jimmy Maalouf, Reem Ramadan, Reem Saadeh, Jad Idriss Advisor: Ms. Lama Sinno
Middle School / Collège
Back row: Selena Nachar, Chloe Bou Nasr, Omar Moukahal, Karim Abiad, Abdul Hadi Mhaissen, Johnny Hanna, Farouk Fakhran, Omar Kotob, Marc Moawad, Celine Shihab
3 ème C 190190
Front row: Tayma Rand Salloum, Mariam Abdallah, Maria El Dib, Yasma Ghandour, Sana Hamze Sinno, Cyma Mneimneh, Chris Nahas, Rita Murad Maalouf, Bilal Baalbaki, Monamia Faraj Advisor: Ms. Georgette Francis Ibrahim


Middle School / Collège
2022-2023 THE
Loulia Mourad Grade 6 A Julia Jubaili Grade 7 A Rany Ibrahim Grade 8 C Yara Sannan Grade 9 B Ali Assaad Grade 6 C Lea Zreik Grade 7 A Nadim Ghaddar Grade 8 E Yousra Khalil Grade 9 B Serine Wehbe Grade 6 C Lara Choucair 5ème A Saad Mikati 4ème A Hussein Merhi Grade 9 C Wajih Homsi Grade 6 C Mohamad El Amin Grade 8 A Jad Asmar 4ème C Ahmad Mahfouz 3ème C Mohamad Karim Dik Grade 9 B Adam El Mawla Grade 6 D Malek Hamad Grade 8 C
Middle School / Collège
Découvrir les différents types de mélanges- 6ème جمانربلا ريدم ينلابسلا ناكرا ديسلا ةفاضتسا - داسفلا ةحفاكلم اعم ةودن ةيبرعلا نادلبلا في داسفلا ةحفاكلم يميلقلاا Design & Build Refugees Friendly Home Design & Create a Wind Turbine
Action de l’homme sur son environnement - 6ème
Performance 192192
Middle School / Collège
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND عمتجلما ريوطت في هتيمهاو يندلما عمتجلما تاسسؤم لمع سرد راطا في - ردابلما نطاولما ضرعم
Using the Mini Bandsaw Conférence sur le réchauffement climatique
Using Tinkercad and 3D printing

Mesure des caractéristiques physiques d’un environnement

Song for our Environment

Middle School / Collège
Field Trip

Testes d’identification des aliments

Middle School / Collège
HTML Club Interdisciplinary
Choir Club Cooking Club
Middle School / Collège
Drama Club Fashion Design Club Hip Hop Club MUN Club Percussion Club Debate Club
Robotics Club
Middle School / Collège
“Pinocchio” Play
“The Love of the Three Oranges” Play

Secondary School Lycée


Activities 200200 Secondary School / Lycée
Dr. Megan Khairallah Director Mr. Boualem Maizia Assistant Director / Head of All School French Program Ms. Faten Jibai Dean of Students Ms. Rouba Khalaf Learning Support Teacher Secondary School Ms. Rasha Daouk Head of the International Baccalaureate Program Mr. Adnan Hajj Ali Barada Head of the College Preparatory Program Ms. Inar Zein USA, UK & Canadian Admissions and Career Guidance Counselor Ms. Maya Hachem Counselor Ms. Malda Halawi Dirani Assistant Director/ Head of the Lebanese Baccalaureate Program Mr. Riad Chirazi Assitant to the Director for Student Life - Head of Activities/ Drama/CAS Ms. Dana Taher Mirza Head of IC Counseling Department/ Student Support Team Coordinator and Counselor Mr. Fadi Bader Lebanese, French & European Admissions and Career Guidance Counselor
Activities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Ms. Rindala Abdel Baki Head of Ali Ghandour Center for Leadership, Diversity & Civic Engagement/ Head of IC Civic Commitment & Service Learning Program Mr. Khalil Azar Civic Commitment & Service Learning Program Advisor Ms. Sophie Bou Chedid College Counselor Assistant Ms. Shalimar Sinno Assistant to the Head of Ali Ghandour Center Ms. Hind Hallab Civic Commitment & Service Learning Program Advisor Ms. Lara Daher Lab Technician Ms. Sawsan Husseini Administrative Assistant to IB & CPP/CAS Advisor Ms. Elsa Attieh Activities coordinator Mr. Zareh Kalanjian Sound, Light & Audiovisual Specialist Ms. Cynthia Jabbour Civic Commitment & Service Learning Program Coordinator Ms. Assil Ayyash PreCAS Advisor and Film Instructor Mr. Hassan Hakim IT & Lab Assistant
Activities 202202 Secondary School / Lycée
Ms. Lina Bitar Office Manager Mr. Walid Yehya IT & Office Assistant Ms. Micheline Farah Floor Advisor Ms. Lina Haddad Administrative Assistant to the Director Ms. Danielle Khati Floor Advisor Mr. Humberto Abboud Floor Advisor Ms. Nadia Katanji Helper Ms. Simone El Helou Administrative Assistant to the Secondary School Ms. Dina Baghdadi Floor Advisor Mr. James Dgeregian Floor Advisor Ms. Hala El Keserwani Administrative Assistant to the French Program / Translator Ms. Carla Majdalani Floor Advisor Ms. Maya Saneh Floor Advisor
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Ms. Rita Osta-Akiki, Ms. Zeina Eido Ramadan, Ms. Dala Sadek Mounzer, Ms. Malak Abou Zahr, Mr. Dagher Mehanna Absent: Ms. Sylvana Diab, Dr. Sana Harakeh, Ms. Lina Oueidat, Ms. Diana Yassine Ms. Maya Tabbara, Ms. Carine Arayssi-Saad, Ms. Joumana BouKhaled Absent: Ms. Nathalie Hachem
Arabic Art Biology
Back Row: Ms. Fida Khoury, Ms. Lara El Helou, Ms. Ghida Molaeb, Front Row: Mr. Hassib Mitri, Ms. Houri Kupelian, Ms. May Sakher, Ms. Mirella Estephan


Activities 204204 Secondary School / Lycée
Back Row: Mr. Simon Matta, Ms. Rania Jurdi, Mr. Tony Aoun Front Row: Ms. Niveen Nasser, Ms. Hind Abu Rislan, Ms. Lama Abou Zeid Absent: Ms. Leina Hosry Ms. Suzanne Khalifeh, Ms. Lana Tabsh, Ms. Dina Yamout, Ms. Rawan Naja-Ajam, Mr. Arnaud Le Dû Absent: Mr. Ahmad Dana, Ms. Maha Shukayr, Ms. Josette Haddad Ms. Raghda Mouawad, Ms. Assil Ayash, Mr. Riad Chirazi, Ms. Hala El Kouch, Mr. Gilles Youssef, Ms. Andrée Nacouzi
Economics & Business Drama & Film
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back Row: Ms. Christiane Seropian, Ms. Mouhiba Haidar, Ms. Nour Bsat, Ms. Carina Meguerditchian Front Row: Ms. Anita Ariss, Ms. Samar Barakat, Ms. Rola Ayache, Mr. Gus Wight Absent: Ms. Nabila Ataya Nehme, Ms. Andrée Love Verhulst Ms. Marielle Haj Sleiman, Ms. Sawsan Abdel Malak, Mr. Hatem Sidani, Ms. Joelle Triolet
English French FLE
Ms. Rana Anouti, Ms. Ghinwa Sabra Bayrakdar, Ms. Josette Eid, Ms. Veronique Aoun
Activities 206206 Secondary School / Lycée
IT / EdTech
Mr. Rawad Bou Hamdan, Ms. Rola Younes Sleiman, Mr. Dagher Mehanna Back Row: Ms. Nazha Salame, Ms. Mariam Abou Daher, Ms. Dima Fares, Ms. Razane Berjaoui, Mr. Bilal Tarhini Front Row: Ms. Rasha Hammoud, Ms. Nisrine Shahrour, Mr. Adnan Hajj-Ali Barada, Ms. Rola Younes Sleiman, Mr. Mostafa Chall Absent: Mr. Nabih Fawaz, Mr. Tarek Kanso, Ms. Mira Abou Saleh, Ms. Fida Nashef
Science Library
Mr. Mohammad Sidani, Ms. Rola Sakr, Ms. Mariam Labban, Ms. Georgina Hage Nakouzi Math
Activities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Mr. Andre Daher Ms. Hana Majzoub Mr. Wael Achkar, Mr. Sevag Atamian, Ms. Hanane Whaibe, Mr. Edouard Khairallah, Mr. Moussa Bachir Absent: Mr. Laurent Bou Gebrayel, Mr. Ali Saad, Mr. Tony Aoun
Ms. Rita Maghames, Ms. Nancy Zgheib
Music Psychology Physics

Social Studies


Activities 208208 Secondary School / Lycée
Ms. Iman Jawhari, Ms. Sandra Halabi, Ms. Ghinwa Sabra Bayrakdar
Ms. Carina Meguerditchian, Ms. Rola Ayache, Mr. David Lanza, Mr. Jonathan Weighter Back Row: Ms. Rania Safar, Ms. Lamia Hitti, Ms. Najia Kambris, Mr. Daniel Segone Front Row: Mr. David Lanza, Mr. Elie Yachouh, Mr. Nicolas Jarrouj Absent: Ms. Julie Tegho, Ms. Caroline Bader


Arabic: Sana Harakeh

French: Josette Eid

English: Samar Barakat

TOK: David Lanza

Math: Adnan Barada

Chemistry: Lama Abou Zeid

Physics: Sevag Atamian

Biology: Ghida Malaeb

History: Julie Tegho

Visual Arts: Carine Arayssi

CAS/Theatre/Film: Riad Chirazi

Extended Essay: Niveen Nasser

Economics/Business: Rawan Naja Ajam


French Bac

Arabe: Rita Osta

Français: Joelle Triolet

Anglais: Nabila Ataya

Maths: Mostapha Chall

Hist-Geo: Lamia Hitti

Chemistry: Leina Hosry

Physics/SNT: Edward Khairallah

SVT: Houri Kupelian

Arts Plastiques: Carine Arayssi

Théâtre/Audio-visuel: Riad Chirazi

EPS: Noël Bou Abboud

Coordinateur de l’Orientation: Joelle Triolet

Coordinateur de Grand Oral: Hanane Whaibi

Lebanese Bac

Arabic: Dagher Mehanna

French(FLE): Josette Eid

English: Samar Barakat

Math: Adnan Hajj Ali Barada

Hist-Geo: Julie Tegho

Chemistry: Hind Abou Rislan

Physics: Sevag Atamian

Biology: Ghida Malaeb

Interdisiplinary coordinator: Maha Shukayr

Activities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée

Back row: Kayan Khalil, Sibyl Bassil, Hadi Moallem, Célia Barsoumian, Ibrahim Fayad, Romy Machaalany, Victor El Fadl, Allegra Doumet

Front row: Tarek Saoud, Lynn Hibri, Maria Khoury, Nadim Baroudi, Zeina Arrabi, Karl-Joe Saliba, Liyana Bou Hamad, Jad Khatib, Lilia Haffar, Omar Moukaddem

Absent student: Ryan Alayli

Advisor: Ms. Josette Haddad

Back row: Tamer Jamil, Noura El Awar, Georges Azar, Layal Hariri, Taymour Maad, Dylia Mohsen, Youssef Safa

Middle row: Samir Azar, Roudy Tabet, Karen Maamari, Thea Khayat, Yasmine Barakat, Ali Hmedeh, Yasma Eid, Mustafa Hariri

Front row: Sarah Mariah Ibrahim, Alexandre Khalil, Christie Karam, Ghazi Maalouf

Absent student: Gabriella Marajanian

Advisor: Ms. Rola Younes Sleiman

Activities 210210 Secondary School / Lycée
2 nde C 2 nde D
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Jad Yaacoub, Rimaz Junblat, Jeffrey Jad, Mark Tayyar, Matthéo Choueiri, Malek Al Amin, Tarek Nawam, Jad Bsat, Abdul Razzak Chatila, Georges Abdel Massih Front row: Hadi Karout, Ali Al Horr, Nina Labban, Leana Al Hoss, Ali Farchoukh, Joseph Hoyek, Yasmine Nini, Sami Jamil, Lynn Mezher, Layla Baydoun Advisor: Ms. Christiane Seropian Back row: Georgine Akar, Nai Fahed, Samir Homsi, Clara Nehme, Samir Kambris, Nicolas Taleb, Mark-Joe khalifeh, Anthony El Fadel Middle row: Wassim Sahely, Zoe Annan, Haya Taher, Clara Milad, Andrew Asmar, Yasmina Machmouchi, Peter Raphael, Yara Khoury
2 nde E 2 nde F
Front row: Estelle Chabtini, Philippe Satel, Mark Abou Khater Advisor: Mr. Arnaud Le Dû


Adam Chahine, Yasmina Achkar, Hussein Baker, Camille Asmar, Theo Nassar, Leo Karabajakian, Judy Saniour, Rayan Ibrahim

Middle row: Marie Michelle Faddoul, Abraham Eid, Leaticia Davoyan, Adrian Abi Fadel, Youmna Attie, Bilal Choucair, Romy Chammas, Ricardo Azar


Karim Obeigi, Ramsey Kalot, Axelle Rizk, Kaan Farsoun

Advisor: Ms. Julie Tegho

Back row: Jawad Dheini, Toufic Shwayri, Karen Sawaya, Ahmad

Mashaka, Celine Hmeidani, Mohamad Sabeh, Alexia Katy Labban, Lara

Kambris, Haya Najjad

Front row: Mariam Mneimneh, Romy Mezher, Karim Chahine, Charbel

El Hajj, Aya El Naqueeb, Francesca Obeid, Malek Ezzedine, Aya Houssami, Alaa Ghobar

Absent student: Serena Ghaddar

Advisor: Mr. Haseeb Mitri

Activities 212212 Secondary School / Lycée
row: row:
2 nde G 5 th A

Middle row: Jana Hasbini, Nizar Ibrahim, Kyle Moujaes, Adam Ramadan, Celia Nicolas, Aya Kanso, Celine Rafeh, Fawzi Chaaban, Karim Al Shami

Back row: Georgio Hanna, Lea Hashash, Jaimie Helena Labban, Reem Kanaan, Rim Hammoud, Ram Riachy, Thalia Rayes El Mina, Loreina El Chidiac, Assil Zabad

Middle row: Hassan Sleiman, Nour Jabakhanji, Celine Massoud, Ryan Harakeh, Mona Alayli, Noura Hamdan, Rayan Haddara, Dana Itani, Ghida Bakri

Absent Student: Adam Wazzi

Advisor: Mr. Nicolas Jarrouj

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Lena Al Amin, Fatima Slim, Marya Salam, Hadi Sabban, Adam Anouti, Rami Naboulsi, Celine Sabra, Rawan Soubra, Thea Majzoub Front row: Ali Mezher, Ward Nasr, Nour El Huda Shehadeh, Emile Hanna Advisor: Ms. Nour Bsat Front row: Stephany-Jade Hawwa, Tala Karnib, Rand El Hajj Sleiman, Mounir Dimashkieh
5 th B 5 th C

Perla Chammas, Mohammad Abu Ghazali, Lana Al Ekhwan, Michael Sadek, Alexa Boulos, Lynn Hajj, Ghina Arayssi, Carl Juvelekian, Eva Baroudi

Absent students: Gary-Aren Balaban, Tessa Fahed Advisor: Ms. Raghda Mouawad


Nour Mrad, Ramez Hage, Mustafa Soufi, Karl Batri, Amalia Azzi, Abdullah Malas, Aseel Amri, Kassem Haidar, Sophie Abou Kasm


Amin Choucair, Adam Joumaa, Juliana Zbib, Juleen Rammal, Marya Mrad, Kritian Yaverian, Troy Maalouf, Maria Saber

Middle row: Reem Soufan, Raphaelle Otayek, Ghanem Ghorayeb, Sophie Jneinati, Sarah Chihabi, Patrick Dame, Farrah Hackwood, Jasmine Bradshaw, Karim Badreddine

Activities 214214 Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: row: row:
10 CPP 1 10 CPP 2
Front row: Abraham Taweel, Yasmina El Achkar Advisor: Ms. Assil Ayyash

Mila Rayess, Dmitri Nassar, Zoya Bakia, Andrew Brouwer, Tamer El-Imad, Yasmine Chaarani, Yasmeen Shamkhani

Front row: Ali Makki, Luka Taleb, Ella Nahas, Jad Uthman, Mark Sawma, Lulwa Hasbini, Andrea Esparza, Abdul Karim Itani

Absent students: Noa Berberi, Dany Refai

Back row: Yasmina Salem, Haya Mohammad, Tarek Omeis, Nour Ramadan, Marc Brouwer, Aya Safa, Reem El-Ghali, Rayan Daboubash

Front row: Wassim Arayssi, Mohamed Zac Tabarra, Zoe ZakhiaDouaihy, Mahmoud Beydoun, Alex Ajami, Najwa Bou Ezzidene, Judy Merhi, Jad Roumieh, Jovani Salame

Advisor: Ms. Rana Anouti

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Advisor: Ms. Dala Sadek
10 CPP 3 10 CPP 4

Absent student: Mayda El Fadl

Advisor: Mr. Hatem Sidani


Ilias Laoun, Ammar Bissat, Alessia Moretti, Aya Hindi, Kalia Nalbandian, Ryan Komen, Zayan Idriss, Elia Papadopoulo, Ahmad Hibri

Activities 216216 Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Abdallah Choucair, Anthony Laoun, Alexandre Elias, Georges Abraham Moufarrej, Mustapha Adnan Haydar, Savannah Samaha, Maria Diab, Elias Azar, Yara Abdouni Front row: Judy Haidar, Selina Abiad, Joya Komen, Tala El Rassi, Tayma Ayntrazi, Tarek Mardini, Zea Kabbani, Youmna Fawaz, Tatiana Boustany, Lea Jreissati Advisor: Mr. Edouard Khairallah Back row: Mohamad Rafic Hachem, Nadim Hajj Sleiman, Charbel Azar, Silvio Mansour, Mohamad Sinno, Fouad Chebaklo, Sara Takieddine, Alicia Hassoun, Nermine Baalbaki, Youssef Sabra row:
1 ère 1 1 ère 2

Clara Zantout, Chahine Boustani, Rayan Jabara, Mia Daouk

Middle row: Lea Abousleiman, Yara Aoun, Reem Abs, Ema Lahoud, Alexandre Abi Fadel, Nael Bitar, Samir Naddaf, Rena Papadopoulo, Thea Zantout




Ghandour, Roy Gerges

Jean Elie El Rahi, Maria Jabara, Rami

Absent student: Rodolphe Khoury

Advisor: Ms. Joelle Triolet

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Miriam Gebara, Antonio Naddaf, Youssef Kanaan, Wadih Ghali, Marcel Nohra, Abdallah Maktabi, Moustafa Cheaito, Luka Chirazi, Talia Gali Koundakjian Front row: Lea Hatoum, Thea Taleb, Thalia Nasr, Carla Doumit, Yasma Abdouni, Savannah Zaza Doumet, Tamara Sidani, Laetitia Noha Ramadan, Taliah Saadeh Ms. Caroline Bader Back row: Thea Choueiry, Nour Azar, Omar Alameddine, Tarek Nassar, Ella Tahan, row: Ahmad Yamani,
1 ère 3 1 ère 4

Back row: Celena Saadeh, Saria Zakaria, Yasmine Kaddouh, Lea Abdul Baki, Sarmad Osman, Maya Halawi, Sabine Alaeddine, Samar Hobeika

Middle row: Cyma Shehab, Rayen Tabet, Maria Jammal, Aya Fawaz, Keira Kazan, Talia Berry, Sophie Abou Jaoudé, Verena Hasbani, Edouard Nakhle


Eos Tauk, Tatiana Haydamous, Nadim Hobeika

Advisor: Ms. Anita Ariss

Back row: Tima Majed, Yasmina Omar, Alma Zgheib, Jana Osseiran

Absent student: Ibrahim Dandan


Sally Rawdah, Gabriella Nicolas, Jana Sinno, Yasmina Halik

Advisor: Ms. Sylvana Diab

Activities 218218 Secondary School / Lycée
row: row:
1 ère 5 6 th A



Adam Kabalan, Aya Labban, Abed Ghourayeb, Lynn Itani

Wassim El Korek, Nadim Makke

Baraa Shatila, Walid Kassem, Dany Al Kadi, Nour Bdeir, Omar Issawi, Yehya Arab, Tala Bleik

Alaa Hammoud, Amira Malack Mrad, Berj Hadjinian, Nour Labban, Aya El Ayache, Mohammad Khatib, Majed Kassar

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Serena Slim, Ali Taher, Karen Andary, Ahmad Naja row: students: Advisor: Ms. Sylvana Diab Back row: Front row:
6 th B 6 th C
Absent students: Yasmine Chaitani, Adnan Sleiman Advisor: Ms. Nisrine Shahrour

Back row: Ghalia Irani, Ibrahim Zakhem, Ghassan Merehbi, Tracy Yessayan, Hind Itani, Ryan Nader, Lennart Labaki, Ali Fawwaz

Middle row: May Hamdan, Nicolas Nader, Jade Doumit, Ghalia Ammache, Karma Sakkal, Elias Majdalani, Celine Abdul Wahab, Hassan Noureddine

Front row: Jad Ismail, Mateo Tabchy,, Amir Chaaban, Mathew Gholam, Karim Ejjeh

Absent student: Nour Makhzoumi

Advisor: Mr. Rawad Bou Hamdan

Back row: Rida Fadlallah, Ryan Rached, Aya Tinawi, Zeena Bayoud, Sirine Sinno, Karim Daher, Jad Abbas, Marzouk Hajaij, Rami Kurdi

Front row: Loulwa Hannoush, Sara Hajj, Leah Wali, Mohamad Mouzannar, Hatem Madi, Adnan Zaatari, Saeed Chahine, Lya Chidiac, Nour Abou-Ezzedine

Absent students: Lynn El Cheikh, Kevin Merhej

Advisor: Ms. Fida Khoury

Activities 220220 Secondary School / Lycée
11 CPP IB 1 A
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Back row: Layla Ayass, Freddy Sayegh, Elie Jurdak, Sama Rahim, Jude Chahine, Jad Ghaoui Front row: Michel Issa, Cindy Aridi, Ghadi Dbouk, Marco Frem, Lana Rabah, Issam Abou Darwiche, Farah Rifai, Zayan Ghezzawi Absent student: Michele Karam Advisor: Ms. Lama Abou Zeid Back row: Jad Nasrallah, Reem Chbaklo, Mazen Jaber, Chloe Dahan, Alexandré El Hani, Elsa Kabbani, Leila Uwaydah, Lara Maalouf, Jose Jamati
IB 1 B IB 1 C
Front row: Jamie Atallah, Noor Shehab, Letitia Hamoud, Mohamad Siblani, Sara Mitri, Adam Moussa, Flora Allam, Rawad Akkad, Raya Abdul Rassoul Advisor: Ms. Zeina Ramadan

Back row: Judy Anouti, Mario Damiani, Tatiana Baltaji, Rama Chahine, Jad Mazjoub, Caroll Kastoum, Chris Sarkisian, Tatiana Sibai

Middle row: Yasmine El Zein, Muhammad Suleiman, Aya Daouk, Yasmina Halabi, Husam Farhat, Naya Jomaa, Jude Hamdan, Leen Ramadan, Noura Alami

Front row: Hadi Chahrour, Nassib Al Rayes

Advisor: Mr. Moussa Bachir

Back row: Sam Jamaleddine, Sarkis Sarkissian, Jack Mandalian, Katelyn Fawaz, Saad Mardini, Ahmad Yassin, Carlos Daou, Fadl Chalak

Front row: Julie Youssef, Raya Arakji, Ali Roumieh, Tamaya Zaidan, Yasmina Barake, Hamza Al Yaman, Andrea Sayegh, Sama Hassoun, Arek Kalaydjian

Absent Student: Hassan El Hajj

Advisor: Ms. Joumana Boukhaled

Activities 222222 Secondary School / Lycée
IB 1 D IB 1 E
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Ryan Alayli 2nde C Tessa Fahed 10CPP 1 Ibrahim Dandan 6th A Nour Makhzoumi 11CPP Gabriella Marajanian 2nde D Noa Berberi 10CPP 3 Wassim El Korek 6th B Lynn el Cheikh IB1 A Serena Ghaddar 5th A Dany Refai 10CPP 3 Nadim Makke 6th B Kevin Merhej IB1 A Michele Karam IB1 B Adam Wazzi 5th C Mayda El Fadl 1ère 2 Yasmine Chaitani 6th C Adnan Sleiman 6th C Gary-Aren Balaban 10CPP 1 Rodolphe Khoury 1ère 4

12CPP Moment: Wael Fighting with a friend

Friend Pushes Wael onto Ms. Nisrine

Ms. Nisrine shows off her kung fu skills In 10 years: Still being dry

Nickname: Le2me, Laloula

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: «Tlaa la barra», «Smash», «Wahyet shu», «Out»

Role in Class: Tweeting with Smeha

12CPP Moment: Absent for the entire trimester 3 of senior year

In 10 years: CEO of Nutella

Activities 224224 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Mr. Elie Yachouh Leah Abou Lokme
12 CPP
Wael Abou Chacra

Nickname: Jrejj, G, Greg, Grekish

Years at IC: 10

Quotes: “Bek shi”, “Shu 3am tehke”, “Sorry ktir”, “Akiiiid laaaa2”, “My guyy”

Role in Class: Class clown

12CPP Moment: Georges is making jokes in class while Ms. Mouhiba is explaining Ms. Mouhiba: ”Khalik in lalaland enta”

Georges:”Wen yaane Miss baate location”

“Georges proceeds to get kicked out of class”

In 10 years: Still at Ms. Faten’s office

Georges Asmar

Nickname: Azhari, 12CPP

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Funny guy”, “Yalla 3al sari3”

Role in Class: Cheating from Bryan

12CPP Moment: In math class, Diala constructs a huge pink paper airplane.Samer takes the plane and wants to throw it in the middle of Ms. Nisrine’s class. All the boys start arguing about who’s gonna throw it.

Ms. Nisrine: “Do it and you’ll see what happens”

Adam: “3tine ana bethamal”

Adam throws it into the class and gets sent to Ms. Faten’s office. In 10 years: Still getting away with everything

Nickname: Captain

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Thea stop being friends with Naya”

Role in Class: Helping Adam cheat

12CPP Moment: One day in music class, Bryan along with Samer and Georges decided they didn’t want to do music. Bryan started saying everything that came to his mind even if it made no sense in an attempt to aggravate the teacher and get kicked out of class. Mr. Andre was unphased and actually listened to Bryan talk nonstop for an hour. Samer and Georges became more aggravated than the teacher himself. The bell rang and they all left exhausted.

In 10 years: Kidnapping Thea

Nickname: Teyux, Yux, Yuxi

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “I’m not coming I’m sick”, “No khalas I don’t wanna marry you in the future”

Role in Class: Barely even present to have a role

12CPP Moment: Gets up in the middle of Math to go get her jacket while the class stares at her.

Ms. Nisrine: “Eno Thea fhemna you have a model walk bas mesh wa2ta”

The entire class starts laughing.

In 10 years: High up in the fashion world (and still running away from Bryan)

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée 12
Adam Azhari Bryan-Rayan Azhari Thea Bakir

Nickname: Ceece, Cicina, Cicita, Cici, Theethee

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “Eno”, “Khalas”, “BSHEEL go bathroom”

Role in Class: Sleeping, always laughing nonstop for no reason

12CPP Moment: Sitting in class doing nothing

Someone laughed so the teacher decided to scream at Cynthia because usually she’s the one laughing, and ended up kicking her out of class

In 10 years: Married with 10 kids

Nickname: Dabz, Dabo, Bash, Baboushka

Years at IC: 15

Quotes:“TEEEIIFFF”, “Bathroom?”, “Where’s my money”, “U have?”, “Taktakta”

Role in Class: Helping everyone pass, commenting on everything Cynthia Dalal does

12CPP Moment: Naya sees Cynthia Dalal and JP sitting next to each other after constantly shipping them together


The whole class starts screaming and clapping

Naya walks up to them: “START DATING NOW”

Cynthia rolls her eyes at Naya and ignores her for the rest of the year

In 10 years: Marine biologist with a fear of the ocean

Nickname: “Talel”,“Teif”

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: «Nayim madrase lyom», «Mat jambela», «jenbol», «Not doing none», «Ma ha ta3mol chi», «Naya do my homework», «EEWWW»

Role in Class: Making sure everyone is having a great time.

12CPP Moment: 1- Everyone getting up and leaving after putting a fake school bell noise to dismiss class earlier

2- Ms. Mouhiba kicking Talal out for raising his hand in class.

3- Using the garbage to play basketball in class. In 10 years: Running his billion dollar business

Nickname: Dallal

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “I’ll share my notes with you”

Role in Class: Answering questions, tutoring and helping others with their work

12CPP Moment: The only one who did not attend skip day

In 10 years: Surgeon

Activities 226226 Secondary School / Lycée 12 CPP
Cynthia Bitar Talal Dagher Naya Dabobash Cynthia Dalal

Nickname: Bassoul , B

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Sorry I’m late there was traffic” (At 8AM for the past two years), “Smile for my senior video”, “Let me finish then copy”

Role in Class: Convincing Ms. Rana to let them leave early and not work, Singing 24/7

12CPP Moment: Skips PE the whole semester then decides to come on the last session before the report cards, Mr. Jihad tells Bassel one session is not enough to get a grade

Bassel: “Please Coach at least I came today”

Mr. Jihad: “Bassel you came once”

Bassel: “Exactly”

In 10 years: Skipping the ten year reunion, in the music/film industry

Nickname: Filo, CSL, Dial Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “Akid aam bahlam”, “Walla eno ma khasne ana”, “Leh aam bet aayet”, “Beu2”, “Ma fe2et”

Role in Class: Defending the french section

12CPP Moment: Diala wakes up at 10:30 and remembers she has a math test in 30 minutes and needs to find a way to get into school

Diala tapes a cotton pad to her arm

Mr. Elie: “shu ya class rep wasle se3ten m2akhar”

Diala: “sorry sir ken aande blood test”

The whole class starts laughing

In 10 years: Sephora shareholder

Nickname: Gando, Rour, Ghandour

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “ My guy”, “ Cold”, “ Rizz”, “Mn like”, “Shu bek khaye”, “Yalle wle”

Role in Class: Listening to music, flirting with every girl

12CPP Moment: Rakan was walking behind Ms. Mouhiba like a clown. Ms. Mouhiba doesn’t notice as she is shouting at the class to get in. The janitor later tells M.s Mouhiba and Rakan gets a slip.

Rakan is officially the first person to get a slip from a janitor. In 10 years: Still working on his relationship issues

Nickname: Zouz, 3etene, Abou L Zouz, 3eets, Itani

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ensa Ensa “, “Oum fee2 ya Jad”, “Khalas nayem”, “Ana rayeh aal beit”, “Bye Miss”

Role in Class: Always Absent; comes 2 out of 5 days a week

12CPP Moment: Zouheir walks into english class:

Ms. Mouhiba: “Zouheir if I hear chicken sounds in class one more time I’m calling your mom.”

Zouheir gets a slip the next day even though he was absent

In 10 years: Still fishing


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée 12
Bassel Fawaz Diala El Fil Rakan Ghandour Zouheir Itani

Nickname: JP, Jean-Baul

Years at IC: 1

Quotes: * Insert random dinosaur trivia *

Role in Class: Eating

12CPP Moment: One day someone asked JP to do a handstand since he does calisthenics. But he hadn’t trained in a while so he was nervous, he did it anyway, sloppy form. Then a crowd gathered around him cheering for him to do more.

In 10 years: A millionaire youtuber (The Chad Dragon) body and strength of a Greek God, owns online businesses, and is probably also a vet.

Nickname: Tamy

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I’m so pretty”

Role in Class: Putting on lipgloss

12CPP Moment: Coming to school with makeup to make herself look sick just so she could do a test and leave. They actually kicked her out because of how “sick” she looked.

In 10 years: Married to a billionaire

Nickname: D1

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: Tla3 min rasse

Role in Class: Making sure that no one is focusing

12CPP Moment: Samer enters an English test mettekil aa Allah. Ms. Mouhiba decides to make him sit front row. He argues and angrily agrees but says that he will cheat the entire test. After failing to cheat, he throws his pen in the garbage and considers cheating again but has no pen.

Ms. Mouhiba offered him hers, but Samer refused, claiming that iza 3asab he would throw it. Samer gives up and submits his test as a paper airplane. In 10 years: Still using D1 as an excuse to get out of things

Nickname: Mardelli, EL zameet, Peter Pan

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Meshe hbb”, “Jeanbol”, “3amaytne”, “EL shbb”, “Elie”

Role in Class: Distracting Georges

12CPP Moment: The reason their class was put in front of the administration’s office

In 10 years: Still can’t walk

Activities 228228 Secondary School / Lycée 12 CPP
Jean-Paul Kastoun Samer Khattab Tamara El Khatib Peter-John Mardelli

Nickname: Kouks, Merhej, Kiks

Years at IC: 12

Quotes: “Ekherte AUB”, “Bshil go bathroom”, “Ahhhhh aanjed”, “Ma fhemet badik yene ebke”.

Role in Class: Laughing in every situation, going to the bathroom

12CPP Moment: Kiana was in PE class, and Mr. Noel was giving instructions. He asked her to stand up, but she stayed seated, so Mr. Noel started filming her. She stood up and began using her phone, but he started filming her again. Kiana didn’t respond to him, so he gave her a disciplinary slip. She took it and left in the middle of the period. If you want to see the video, text Kiana 76333115.

In 10 years: Still failing PE, drama, and electives

Nickname: Ori, Kaioush

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “NAAYYA”, “You have?”, “BASSEL STOP SINGING!!”, “I need sleep”, “Tia”.

Role in Class: Always confused, Daydreaming, always laughing

12CPP Moment: Kaia wanted to move seats in the lab



In 10 years: Still finding random pictures Rakan took in her camera roll

Nickname: Sahely

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Inchallah”, “Ktir na3sen”

Role in Class: Sleeping, watching YouTube

12CPP Moment: Ali asks Ms. Mouhiba in the middle of the test if he can take a walk for a few minutes.

In 10 years: Owns the biggest dealership of hypercars in Dubai

Nickname: Smeha, Suzan, Sarsoura, Sera Years at IC: 13

Quotes: «Wahyet el amar», «Ktir ha2o», «Ca pass ca pass maalesh», «RIGHT right RIGHT right», «Mostahil», «Knock on wood»

Role in Class: Eating ice + listening to music w lo2ma

12CPP Moment: Sarah looses her airpods in the library. Ok meshe. She gets a new pair and looses them AGAIN in the greenfield. She then gets another other pair and loses those in a random class. She gives up.

In 10 years: Still confused

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée 12 CPP
Kiana Merhej Kaia Oryan Ali Sahely Sarah Samaha

Nickname: Aki

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “uufff”’, “Ra2isna”

Role in Class: Submitting Blank Papers

12CPP Moment: After playing with a cat in the entrance of Rockerfeller, Aki decided to hide it in his hoodie and take it home. He now has a pet cat called knefe.

Finishing geometry dash in Ms. Mouhiba’s class

In 10 years: Married to Aya

Nickname: Mohti

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Inshallah”, “Ya Miskeen”

Role in Class: Helping Others, Being loud

12CPP Moment: Day of Voting for class representatives

Forgot about it until 2 am the same day

Knew he was in trouble

And thought “might as well go down in style” Proceeds to write, produce, and rap

Needless to say, he didn’t win class rep

Bake sale email

In 10 years: Still presenting first presentation of the year

Nickname: Tabosh, Tabshoun, Tabshylingling

Years at IC: 15

Quotes:“Meow”, “Nayyem”, “Al Salam 3alaykom”, “Aloo”

Role in Class: Sleeping, making animal noises

12CPP Moment: Jad asks to go to the bathroom and comes back wearing a sumo suit

The whole class confused starts to laugh

Ms. Mouhiba: “Ya Jad what is this?”

Jad: “Kifik ya miss”

Later in class, Jad randomly starts screaming

Ms. Mouhiba assumes it was Adam and starts to shout at him so Jad casually walks up to her and asks for a picture


Jad: “Miss walla it will look nice”

In 10 years: Gawgloune

Activities 230230 Secondary School / Lycée 12
Alexandre Satel Jad El Tabsh Abdul Mohti Shahine

Nickname: Dee, Dimz, Damdoum, El Csl, Madame Amhaz

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “Shu bekon”, “Watto el berdeye”, “Sabine yalla bathroom”, “Ok khaye”, “Aam twatroone”, “Full nayyem dares”, ”Special???”, “Ya Allahhh aande french”, “Ma akal”, “Btaarfo shu sar maae?”, “Waw malla sahra mbereh”

Role in Class: Plug, Always absent, Nagging, Sharing life stories 24/7, Wasting time

ESE Moment: Dima gets kicked out of a meeting for arguing with Mr. Osman in front of 20 teachers + administration

Mr. Tarek the next day : “Kif yaane btaamle hek”

Dima : “Estez Btaarefne”

Dima leaves class again

In 10 years: Cote d’Azur’s mafia boss

Nickname: Zeino, Zanzoun

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Bathroom”, “I’m so tired”

Role in Class: Showing up once every 3 weeks

ESE Moment: Never in class to have any

In 10 years: Still trying to reach the power button for the active board

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Mr. Dagher Mehanna Dima Amhaz
Zein Bashour

Nickname: Sammy, Samuel, Crdp, Samsam

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “Ana khalasss”, “Bro stop”, “Bte2wo”, “Sorry I’m late”

Role in Class: Being at Ms. Inar’s office, reminding the class they have a test at 9 pm the day before

ESE Moment: Ms. Rola distributes the grades and Sam gets 34/35, she is astonished that he got the highest grade and accuses him of cheating. Sam tries to explain how he got the highest grade because he is smart. Ever since then Sam has been called crdp

In 10 years: Working in psych or being a lawyer, no in between.

Nickname: Naj, Joe, Najo

Years at IC: 15

Role in Class: Cheat notes distributer

ESE Moment: Calls Phil and Joe in social class to cut hair

In 10 years: Hotel owner

Nickname: Alex, Kehdiii, Phil Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Aanjad fi emtihan??”, “Mesh deres shi”, “Ma tzakroo bel test”

Role in Class: On another planet

ESE Moment: Falling asleep during the math midterm

In 10 years: Famous

Nickname: Sabz, Sabboush, Bino, The selected Years at IC: 15

Quotes:“Wahyeit Allah ta3bene”, “Miyye bil miyye”, “Khalas Joseph”,“Istez fina calm session lyom”, “Dima nzale maae”

Role in Class: Coming late 24/7, boosting class average

ESE Moment: Sabine walks into math class 20 minutes late holding a cup of coffee

Mr. Tarek: “Shu ya miss ES mmbakra lyom”

Sabine: “Ya istez ken fi aaj2a”

Mr. Tarek: “Eh aslan inte mannik m2akhra nahna jeyeen bakkir”

Sabine: “Miyye bil miyye”

Sabine proceeds to be late the following period

Mr. Tarek: “Oumo oumo please ejit el moudira”

Sabine: “Ken fi aaj2a bil hammem!”

In 10 years: Miss Lebanon

Activities 232232 Secondary School / Lycée
Sam Chaaban Alexander-Anis Kehdi Najib Haddad Sabine Khaled

Nickname: Makhoul, Makhs, Jos Years at IC: 9

Quotes: “Alpha male”, “Honey”, “Sorry t2akharet”, “Calling Mr. Tarek “lord””, “Okaiiiiyy”, “Quantavious jarvus the third”, “Del patriks”, Role in class: Leader, asking Mr. Dana about planes to waste time

ESE Moment: Throwing a paper across the class into the garbage and hitting Ms. Suzanne’s head by mistake.

In 10 years: No clue

Nickname: Micho, Mich,Tipi, Quantavious Jarvis,and Miho del loysoy Years at IC: 15

Role in Class: The Fake American, he’s just shorter than everyone else, notes supplier

Quotes: “Yalla Shbb fata7o lshbebik fi stink guy”, “ *censored* We have double Arabic”, “Jesus Christ 3anna black and white”

ESE Moment: Decided to take Johnny and Patrick in a 2v1 and ended up really high (from his POV) on the top of the lockers

In 10 years: “Vet?!”

Nickname: Plug, Aloush, Ramadux

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “Meshe hbb”, “Saraha ma ele khele2”, “Ma t3ida”, “Fayy2oone lamma naamol shi elo 3aze”, “Emsho nesreda ma3 Ms. Dina”

Role in Class: Destroying high egos, charming teachers, lowering the class average

ESE Moment: “Ali runs into class”

Ali: “Guys darasto lal math test? Ma ftahet kteb bass fiya sa2ta”

“Ali not noticing that Mr. Kanso’s behind him laughing”

Mr. Tarek: “Yalla maha tenjah lsene enta”

Ali: “Sheyefne 3abkare matematik?”

In 10 years: Wanted for money laundering

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée ESE
Joseph Makhoul Michel Rahbani

Nickname: Barack O-Lama, Layma, President O-Lama

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Nooo”, “Yeah oui!”, “Where’s my phone?”, “Shu teta?”, “Can I say something horrible?”, “Haaaaa”, “I was in AGC”, “I’m gonna cry”, “Slay”.

Role in Class: Taking photos and videos of everyone 24/7, Counting down minutes with Tala

GSE Moment: Lama, usually very calm, screams about AGC in the hallway

Mr. Elie Shocked

Months later, cut to Lama and Judy talking about series


Mr. Elie Shocked

In 10 years: Still confused about literally everything

Nickname: Tayla, Sousou, TS, Slayhan, Taltoul, Talal, Tals

Years at IC: 3

Quotes:”Keda”, “Sam je peux?”, “Shu hal shaarat lhelwin”, “Sabaya la tahet”, “Expect disappointment you won’t get disappointed”, “Sorry I’m late I had AGC”, “MAD, MENTAL”, “Verticality”, “Ar2 Ar2”, “Babe”, “IT’S SANDING”.

Role in Class: Arguing with Ms. Hind, Counting minutes with Lama, Speaking in a British accent.

GSE Moment: 1- Submitting an IT assignment in British and aggressively starting the video with “HELLAW”, credits to Yara Bk

2- Getting a standing ovation from AUB after singing Bohemian Rhapsody with Angela (Nour Esan) in the green field.

In 10 years: Unemployed architect.

Activities 234234 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Hind Abu Rislan Lama Abi Ammar
Tala Flayhan

Nickname: Tomato, Hindo, Haynd/Hinde, Hindozo, Hanoudi, Hanoud, Hinid, India, Hindoudou

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Miss fiye ektob 3al lo7”, “Miss badik Mentos/Halls”, “Khayee”, “MOHAMMAD 7AJ TED2ARLE GHRADE”, “Mesh fet7a kteb ba3ed”, “Akbar sa2ta”, “Inshallah nenja7”, “Ma ele jledee”, “Shu hal falsafe”.

Role in Class: Mentos/Halls supplier, Test postponer.

GSE Moment: After offering Ms. Nisrine Mentos, Hind goes to write on the smart board. 2 minutes later

Ms. Nisrine takes Mentos from Hind’s desk.

Hind accidentally btij2ira la Ms. Nisrine.

Ms. Nisrine: “Leh 3am tittalla3e 3alayye hek?”

Dana And Tala start laughing hysterically.

Hind: “Ma j2artik ya miss”.

Dana: “Bala j2artiya”.

In 10 years: Engineer, Probably still building Legos.

Nickname: Gaby , Manouks, Gabaldo

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “Ça va”, “Eh meshe”, “Ana shajra”, “Crazy”.

Role in Class: Watching Youtube in the back of the class and laughing for no reason. GSE Moment: One day in math class the teacher was returning the tests to solve it in class. After reviewing his test, Gaby noticed that the teacher removed points from an exercise he was sure he did right. He then spends the next 20 minutes arguing that his answer is correct and that everyone else is wrong. He then realizes that he put 1 + 3 = 3 and he never argued again.

In 10 years: Headlining Coachella.

Nickname: Basha, Tks

Years at IC: Atwal

Quote: “Ahh ensa akalnha”, “Eh meshe”, “7elo 3ane shu heyda”, “Hlof fi test Philo”, “27la azatze”, “Shu hal emt7an heyda”.

Role in Class: Too many roles.

GSE Moment : 1- Comes late to class everyday one time, he decides to come to school at 1:30, having 1 period left and PE class only.

Ms. Sharour: “Ya Tarek enta kef bteje hal2ad m2khar, leh m2khar Hal2?”

Tarek doesn’t have an excuse: “Wala yaa miss 3aj2a”.

The whole class starts to laugh

Proceeds to skip PE …

2- Doesn’t know we have a Philo test for the 3rd time.

Tarek: “Hlof test Philo Hal2…Yiii shu deyman test..Leh ma 7adan bey7ke?”

Class group on WhatsApp 554 messages

Tarek: “Ok bas 7adan ykhabrene khaye mabeftah group.”

In 10 years: Still receiving emails for lateness

Activities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Hind Mourad Gabriel Manoukian Mohammad Tarek Sabbah


Nickname: Pr. Dr. Z

Years at IC: 35.04 Kilowarhols

Quotes: “I’m calculating rou2”, “Feed me now”, “LS was never an option”, “Hadi stop playing the lick”, “Bes7ab el trumpet”, “What is sleep?”, “Integrate my ahh”, “Shush estez el physics perfect”, “3al motcycle hayne”, “Shu hal 8alta miss walaw?”

Role in Class: Underpaid Teacher carrying the class average.

GSE Moment: Handing the exam in half time has shook the audience, however, proceeding to complete a bonus exam and still collecting the full grade was dropping the bomb.

In 10 years: Moving a stick in time to a bunch of wooden blocks and brass pipes.

Nickname: Tomato, Zein, Zana Dein, Dana Zayn, Tara

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Bala mazeh”, “Smh”, “Pabo”, “EH EH EH”, “Theeenk yeww”, “Oh ma, oh ma god.”

Role in Class: Secretly a K-pop backup dancer, Crazy in disguise

GSE Moment: 1st day of Ramadan, Tala brings tamer.

Dana eats Tala’s tamer even though she was fasting.

Dana realizes and runs to the bathroom while screaming to Hind: “AKALET”

Hind: “Eh bravo 3alayke.”

In 10 years: Married to a Korean man.

Nickname: Zaraket, Zozo

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “Sa2atna”, “Ma fata7et kteb”, “Ma fhemet shi”, “Badna nenja7 bil le3eb ya miss”. Role in Class: Silent listener.

GSE Moment: Getting 4/20 on his first Math test. Getting accepted to AUB. In 10 years: A successful business consultant.

Activities 236236 Secondary School / Lycée
Dana Zein Rani Zaitoun Rami Zorkot

Nickname: Sarsour, Annan, 3anen

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Meshe hbb”, “Bek shi, shu gharib”, “Auto nayem”, “Ma shakelna tal3in aal podium”.

Role in Class: Always coming late, Sleeping, Playing Angry Birds on her iPad, Leaving every test 30 mins earlier.

LSE Moment: Ms. Hind telling her LAU doesn’t need a high average so she can get accepted. In 10 years: Ra2isit Majles el Noweb, Still obsessed with Harry Styles.

Nickname: Ataya, Ataya Tires

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “Proof that cheating works”

Role in Class: Existing.

LSE Moment: Estez Elie takes a bite of Jad’s apple and then proceeds to put it back in the plastic bag while Jad was out of the class. (Yet to forgive him).

In 10 years: Not here hopefully.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Sara Annan Jad Ataya
Advisor: Ms. Hind Abu Rislan

Nickname: Bdeir, Dandoun

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Khalassss”, ”haj tahkeh”, “3anjad mahada sa2al”, “shu tosh”.

Role in Class: Laughing with Annan and Maria, Ajeling every test, Sleeping.

LSE Moment: Dana having a cheat sheet in the Chemistry test as a backup.

Ms. Hind: “Shu ya missss is this a cheat sheet?”

Dana: “No, I wrote it now.”

Ms. Hind: “You wrote the whole lesson now?”

Dana: “Eh.”

Ms. Hind: “I’m showing this to Ms. Faten.”

Dana chases Ms. Hind all day, so she doesn’t give her probation. She didn’t even end up using the cheat sheet. In 10 years: Still hibernating.

Nickname: Patty, Chatila

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Sorry ktir mish shway”, “Halas Megz”, “My guy”.

Role in Class: Getting kicked out of every class, Always late, Talking to Mr. Hassib, Listening to Techno, Eating.

LSE Moment: Patrick asks Ms. Hind to go to the bathroom.

Ms. Hind: “Mafeek ta23ad senye bil saf”.

Patrick: “Ma 2ader ya miss”

Patrick goes to the bathroom and comes back 40 minutes later with a man2oushe and 2 muffins and hides behind his bag to eat them.

Ms. Hind: “Shu ya miss still eating?”

Ms. Hind ends up giving him a slip.

In 10 years: Still cutting class.

Nickname: Al Amir, Moh, Hammeido, Hammoudi, Chehab, Hajj Mohammeid

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shu ya Ms.”, “Ma ele jlede”, “Mafi emti7anet”, “7ay koon ekhtiyareh”

Role in Class: Sarraf, Finding out news about the official exams.

LSE Moment:Mr. Elie walks into class and sees Mohammad.

Mr. Elie: “Hajj Mohammeid el dollar bi 100”.

Mohammad: “Eh eh ba3ed 7a yetla3.”

Mohammad and Mr. Elie continue their economic talk while the class 3amlin daje. In 10 years: Still running his dad’s business (Shehab security).

Nickname: Hayla, 5atira

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “GOODMORNING”, “BONJOURNOOO”, “shu 5atira”, “Hayde hiyye”, “Ya wayle”, “Ugh ugh ugh ugh”, “Badde Nescafe”, “Ma fhemet repeat!!!”

Role in Class: Silently yet NOT silently RUDE clown, Asking questions to annoy teachers, Decorating any paper (even if not mine), Drinking juice in Ms. Hind’s sessions ONLY, Rocking the resting face.

LSE Moment: Calling Mr. Hassib & Ms. Nisrine by their first names 7af & them being clueless.

Farat el saf.

In 10 years: A sarcastic comedian still irritating people around her for irritating her back, then giving them therapy sessions the next day while asking the weirdest questions & laughing internally at their perplexed faces.

Activities 238238 Secondary School / Lycée
Mohammad Chehab Dana Bdeir Patrick Chatila Hala Hanoun

Nickname: Maro, Megz

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “ Khalas Patrick” , “ Shu Sara men salem el test“, “ Our class smells so bad”, “ Patrick you’re so vulgar “, “Can we postpone the test please?”

Role in Class: Never focusing, Getting a bahdaleh from Ms. Hind, Not knowing how to say the hard words in Bio.

LSE Moments: 1- Maria laughing in class.

Ms. Hind: “You won’t be laughing at the end of the year ya miss!”

2- Maria asks Sara a question in Chem

Ms. Hind: “Why can’t you focus ya miss?”

Maria: laughs and says: “I have ADHD!”

In 10 years: Business woman

Nickname: Som3a, Juddieh

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “You know what i mean?”,”Guys i love you”, “SHU CUTE”, “Akh”, “Minimum”, “JAAAAAAD”, “Guys i love myself so much walla”, “Haram Jado”, “Estezzzzzz”, “Hind i’m gonna sit in ur place”, “I NEED A PHYSICS TUTOR”, “I know i’m gonna be famous like i have a gut feeling about it.”

Role in Class: Influencer, Pharmacist.

LSE Moment:Judy brushing her hair while using her phone camera as a mirror...

Ms. Nisrine snatches the phone.

Ms. Nisrine: “Shu fet7in salon JUDY?”

Judy: “Miss ana ma brakizz iza sha3rate mish zabtin.”

Ms. Nisrine takes her phone for the whole day.

In 10 years: Famous and has her own talk show.

Nickname: Jadayel, Jado Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Habibi juju”, “SHU YA MISS”, “ZOZO”, “Miss fi plus one?”, “Shu sar bil dollar ya Mohammad?”, “Judy i’m hungry”, “Ta3o ne23od ma3 Miss Dina”, “I got the highest grade”, “Brooo NESAC ahla eyyem”, “Som3a adde jebte???”

Role in Class: Answer sheet, Stealing everyone’s ideas.

LSE Moment: Ms. Hind is teaching a new lesson.

Jad using his phone to play chess against William.

Ms. Hind asks why he is smiling at his pants. She comes over but Jad quickly switches the phone with a calculator.

Ms. Hind apologizes to Jad and Jad beats William at chess. In 10 years: CEO of Apple

Nickname: Willers, Willy, Willy1billy, Lez, Lezanomics Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Hala2 bit shouf”, “Bas bshil”, “Craaazy”

Role in Class: Zoning out.

LSE Moment: William Gets 24/100 on a French test.

Ms. Josette tells him to do a PowerPoint to boost his grade. Michel and Gabriel willingly volunteer to do it for him, but he wasn’t allowed to see it before the presentation.

William ends up doing a surprise promposal to Sabine that he knew nothing about. To this day Ms. Josette still thinks it’s real. In 10 years: 6ft under.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée LSE
Maria Al Hibri Judy Ismail Jad Jadayel William Malik

Nickname: Rozie, Raisin, Em el nose job

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Do you have an iPhone charger?”, “Shu beddik fi”, “7a shuf l grade bl beit”, “Hal marra zaffatet”, “Guys I’m gonna kill him.”, “Tab barke ma 3melet mnih?”, “Kifo habibik.”

Role in Class: Bio enthusiast, Beauty Queen, Never having a bad hair day.

LSE Moment: During a Bio exam, Razan’s phone starts playing music, she looks annoyed and angry.

Razan: “Min hatet music bil exam?!”

All the students check their phones, and everyone is confused. Then she realizes it was her phone and starts laughing. In 10 years: Plastic surgeon, Dr Raisin, The only med student.

Nickname: Skylar, Sailar, Silo.

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “LOL”, “Stop talking about the test”, “Anyways”, “Miss I have a question”. Role in Class: Increases Philosophy average, Pretending to understand.

LSE Moment: 1- Sylar Asks Ms. Hind a question.

Ms. Hind answers


Ms. Hind ends up giving Sylar the biggest JA2RA ever.

2- Mr. Elie distributes Geography tests…Sylar cheerful jumps seeing her grade (12/20). He looks at Sylar and says: “I didn’t believe that was your paper, you are changing as a student.”

Sylar, unaffected jumps in excitement again.

In 10 years: Workaholic, Ignores everyone while living alone in a large flat

Activities 240240 Secondary School / Lycée
Razan Mhanna Sylar Nasr

Terminale 1

Nickname: Noush, Legally Rousse, Jazra

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Aassabet”, “Mat jannenoune”, “I’m hangry”, “Kif shakle?”

Role in Class: Arguing and side eyeing everyone.

Terminale Moment: During Ms. Sakher’s class, Naya and Zayane weren’t contributing to the group work and found a way to entertain themselves by throwing small papers at everyone.

Ms. Sakher blames everyone in class but them.

Naya: “Yi Zayane aam bet hat el ha2 aa kelon ela nahna”. Naya continues throwing the papers thinking she wasn’t getting caught.

2 mins later, Ms. Sakher: “Non mais tu es incroyable!! CA FAIT UNE HEURE QUE TU JETTE DES PAPIERS. NOTE DE COMPORTEMENT 0.”

Naya: “Madame walla j’ai travaillé” : shows her that she wrote the group’s names on the paper

In 10 years: Still arguing, but in court.

Nickname: Adri, Abi el fawaress, Dghi, Adreyy.

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shu bek!!?”, “Ma aam befhammmm”, “Où est mon cell”, “KHALAS”, “Ma taamelle”, “MMMODULO2PI”, “Habibe bek shi?”.

Role in Class: Zoning out-sleeping, playing clash of clans.

Terminale Moment: Hadi steals Adriana’s phone and passes it around in class

Adriana doesn’t realize until 4pm

After searching for hours, Adriana calls Hadi who claims not knowing where it is. Hadi and Imad get threatened by an unknown caller called “Abou el mot”, get a warning, the entire administration knows about this at 12am, basically chaos.

Adriana finds her phone in a desk the next day

In 10 years: Still wondering why physique-chimie isn’t 2 different spécialités, hopefully an engineer.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Nancy Zgheib Naya Abdul Baki Adriana Abi Fares

Nickname: K, Kay, Kouki, Karounni, Kakou Years at IC: 15-1

Quotes: “Ktir aam btaamlo noise pollution”, “ Ma laha2et nem mbereh fa ha fel”.

Role in Class: Spraying perfume everywhere/ disappearing in the middle of the day/ in the bathroom with Celine/ gumball machine.

Terminale Moment: In bio class, Mme Sakher asks a question to the class. Karen answered correctly but the teacher completely ignores her and gives credit to the next person.

Karen: “Yi madame, je viens de donner la bonne réponse.”

Mme Sakher: “Non, je ne t’ai pas entendu”.

Karen: “Walla c’est juste parce que je suis blonde, mahek?”.

Since then Karen has been fighting against blond stereotypes. In 10 years: On the cover of Forbes magazine.

Nickname: Azar, Sarr

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ma ele jlede”,”Qui a d’la bouffe?”.

Role in Class: Doing Hadi’s ta7adiyet.

Terminale Moment: Sara decided to skip sport. Zayane tells her that Ms. Mirella is waiting. Sarah says she doesn’t care.

5 minutes later, Sarah comes to sport.

Ms. Mirella: “Sarah maaoul bet oule ma hammik bel sport?”

Sarah: “Walla ma elet hek, ken aande sortie.”

Ms. Mirella: “Adam kamen ken aando sortie, rakad ta yeje aal wa2et.”

Sarah: “Mish mest3edde erkod la +1 bel sport.”

Sarah sits down for the rest of the period.

In 10 years: An author and a famous lawyer.

Nickname: Andro, Baydoun, Bayoud Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Bhess bjib 12/20”, “Heups”, “3ebs”, “Tab madame, tkheyale…”, “Yu shu khasne”. Role in Class: Dekkenet el saff.

Terminale Moment: Everyone’s talking in advisory period.

Andrew made a comment about Clara’s nails.

Andrew: “Les nails longs c’est un ick…”

Ms. Nancy gasped and stared at Andrew while saying: “ANDRO 3tezer men el saff hala2 w isa el saff ma bye2bal e3tizarak btedhar la barra.”

Andrew: “Mme please ma elta.”

Andrew apologized after a long time arguing. In 10 years: Still in med school.

Nickname: Clarito, Clarice, Bekho, Clarinette Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Beuu2” , “Broo” , “Layke Imad” , “Leprivédetalos”, “Ha22ak” .

Role in Class: El wa3i el acadimi.

Terminale Moment: Clara dying from stomach cramps

Mr. Le Dû, noticing that something’s wrong: “Clara, cava?”

Clara: “Noo. Monsieur, je suis en train de mourir. Je peux sortir svp?”

Mr. Le Dû: “Ok mais reviens vite.”

Clara ends up skipping 2 periods because she’s making tea using the coffee maker in Mr. James’s office with Nai and goes unnoticed by the teacher

In 10 years: Getting into political debates at Harvard.

Activities 242242 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 1
Andrew Bayoud Karen Abou Chacra Sarah Azar Claranour Bekhazi

Nickname: Zay, Zayo, Zaz, Zouna, Zizou

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Miss leh el aayit”, “Jiboule akel”, “Khalas baleh lal test”, “Fattastoune”, “Insa el ez3aj”, “Watte sawtak”.

Role in Class: Shakira dupe

Terminale Moment: Zayane arrives at 11 am, with an iced coffee, drops her bags thinking it’s recess time. She finds everyone sitting down, a song playing and no teacher.

Zayane: “yi? shu bekon leh e3din heik?”

Everyone hints that Ms. Osta is sitting down and we have Arabic.

Zayane, horrified, runs to hide behind her seat thinking the teacher heard her.

Ms. Osta continues singing. 10 minutes later, says: “ya mal3oune… walaw bet foute bala hi?”

In 10 years: The next Carrie Bradshaw.

Nickname: Angy

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Je peux plusssss”, “ Je comprend rien”, “tg”.

Role in Class: Doing her nails during class

Terminale Moment: Mr. Edward giving back their last physics exam

Angelina asks Lea : “combien t’as eu?”

Lea: “7/20,toi?”


Mr. Edward surprised opened pronote to see if it’s true and realized it is, starts smiling, then realizes that all of their grades were under 10/20 and that they were proud of them

In 10 years: Still arguing with Mr. Edward about having an exam after the bac.

Nickname: Adoul

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Sorry miss beshaba”, “Meskaoui”.

Role in Class: Getting kicked out.

Terminale Moment: While in philo class, Ms. Nancy was teaching a lesson while the class was being loud.

Adel then says: “Oulilo la hayda yeskot” , while referring to Imad who was talking. Ms. Nancy then turns to Imad and tells him to stop talking.

In 10 years: Still suspended.

Nickname: Dorra

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Heups”, “3ebs”, “Lesh deyman Dorra…”, “Goat”, “Shou falha”.

Role in Class: Arguing with the teacher.

Terminale Moment: During Ms. Seropian’s class, Dorra throws a kleenex on Jad Saade. Ms. Seropian sees him and tells him he got a disciplinary slip.

Dorra furious, freaks out: “Wowowow shou Miss laaa…”

The whole class was shocked that he just said that.

Dorra, with no shame, keeps arguing with the teacher for 10 straight minutes without taking a breath.

Dorra: “Please miss rou2eh 3layna”

Ms. Seropian: “Habibi Dorra iza ma hat rou2 inta dhar men safe.”

Dorra storms out of class.

In 10 years: Still in med school or a Macdo worker. No in between.


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Adel Diab Zayane Chahine Angelina Chami Mohamad Al Dorra

Nickname: Hassoun, Hmedeh, El patron Years at IC: 7

Nickname: Etye

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Hlof aana fahes”, “Sakarto” , “Rihet el saf bet chahe” , “Naymo el devoir”.

Role in Class: Teachers pet without trying, although he nevers attends classes.

Terminale Moment: Ralph finds a way to escape the Oral Arabe for 3 months and keeps being absent each arabic period .

Ms. Osta keeps hunting him down but he always manages to escape. After the philo midterm, Ms. Osta informs the guards not to let Ralph leave, but he still finds a way to go.

Ms. Osta calls him on his phone and forces him to come back to school. He then finally does his oral and ends up getting a 6/20. In 10 years: Racing somewhere around the world.

Quotes: “Khalas skot”, “Kheffa khalas”, “Shu ma elkon aaze”, “Sakro el beb”.

Role in Class: Leader

Terminale Moment: 1-Hassan arrives at class on Monday morning, settles down and starts to play with his calculator on his desk. Soon after that the teacher threatens him with a slip because she first thought he was using his phone in the middle of her explanation.

2-Hassan trying to show Ms. Osta that he is a genius in Arabic every time she asks something to the class.

In 10 years: A successful business man.

Nickname: Aballen, 3imo, Kabo Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “Who is this angel?”, “Chpt”, “Miss shu khasne”. Role in Class: Powerbank supplier

Terminale Moment: Watching a video about nostalgia in english class

Ms. Seropian: “Who can tell me examples of nostalgic items cited in the video?” Imad screams “playboy” accidentally instead of “gameboy”.

Ms. Seropian: “Laa hayde nostalgic be tari2a tenye.” Whole class including Ms. Seropian starts laughing In 10 years: Owning the biggest football kit collection in the world.

Nickname: Alexa, Lexa Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “Hiiiiiiii Miiiiisssssss”, “Baad na2iss”, “Khalas jvai quitte a la maison”, “Ya2allaaa I’m craving A305 iced coffee”, “Shu hayda UCAS ils m’ont cancel”.

Role in Class: Absent

Terminale Moment:

During the first Arabic test of the year, Ms. Osta catches Alexa cheating on a piece of paper and starts screaming in the middle of the test: “AAM BET GHESHE?”

Alexa gives back her test and starts cleaning out her desk.

Ms. Osta: “Ah hala2 aam bet aazle?”

Alexa: “Shou fi shi ahsan aamelo”

The fights are ongoing with Alexa and Ms. Osta till the end of the year. In 10 years: Still changing her career for the 10th time.

Activities 244244 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 1
Imad Kabalan Ralph Etyemezian Hassan Hamade Alexandra Maalouf

Nickname: Talos

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Khalassss SKETOO tawashtouneee”, “Baarif bas mabaarif”, “Pls open the windows de2 khel2e bi hal saf”.

Role in Class: Laughing at everyone’s jokes.

Terminale Moment: Taline spent her entire high school years obsessed with herself. One day she decides to film a tiktok while walking on the desks during Mr. Segogne’s class. Mr. Segogne’s looks at Taline and minds his own business because he lost hope and knows that Taline will always be like this and never focus on anything but herself. In 10 years: CEO of her own luxury brand company and a future model.

Nickname: Haddoud, Mrad

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Mat jannene” , “le taux ni…”.

Role in Class: Playing chess, Making the class laugh, Getting called by the administration, Legs on the table.

Terminale Moment: Everyone was presenting their english project but Hadi didn’t do it. He decided to fake being sick in order to skip the period.

Hadi: “Miss batne ktiiir aamb youja3ne” (while walking towards the door with a bad posture and his hands on his stomach)

Ms. Seropian (with a look of pity): “Go to the bathroom”

Hadi started doing noises to show that he’s in pain.

Hadi : “Miss ha mout” (in a weak voice)

He goes out of the class and skips the whole period. In 10 years: Still calling out mom names, and hopefully an engineer.

Nickname: Saade, Saadoun, Jas, Andrea

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Adde mesh hat delon”, “Ya bro”. Role in Class: Disappearing and buying the whole cafeteria (food provider)

Terminale Moment: During math period, Mr Chall was giving back the tests. He kept on calling the name”Jas” but no one was answering. The whole class was confused as to who Jas was since there was no one named like that. 10 mins later, Jad was the only one who hadn’t gotten his paper back.

He then realized he had written his initials: J.A.S on the test. The nickname stuck with him the whole year, and everyone now calls him Jas. In 10 years: Still in med school.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Jad Saade Taline El Mawla Hady Mourad

Nickname: Adoumz

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “ Shou heyda!”, “Guys rou2o” , “Men doun mazeh”, “Yep”.

Role in Class: Class goat

Terminale Moment: The scene takes place on a Monday afternoon, during the philosophy period.

The class goes wild, while Adam was presenting. The latter takes his shoes off.

Adam (Menacingly) : “Li mab yeskout, ha yekhoud atle mene. Min doun mazeh, ha elha2o la ekher ayeme, la ta3mi mit atle. DON’T TEST ME !” The room goes silent. He finishes his presentation. In 10 years: Famous physician and Nobel prize winner.

Nickname: Wehbe, Cic, Cici, Wehbito.

Years at IC: 9

Quotes: “Khalaset kelshi aa netflix” ,“ Ma nemet kel el leil” , “Shu khassa Celine” , “Shu ma ele jlede lyom” , “ALLO”,

Role in Class: Always late, in the bathroom with Karen, questioning Ms. Nancy

Terminale Moment: During the philo period, Ms. Nancy passionately tries to explain a lesson by giving examples of things girls used to do during their childhood.

Celine: “Halaa aadatan ma hadan byaamel hek bas ente mabaaref”

The whole class laughs and agrees that no one has done this before.

Ms. Nancy starts laughing and says: “Mahdoume bas laano tal3a men Celine.” In 10 years: Everyone will be wearing her designs.

Tala Younes

Nickname: Nayo

Years at IC: 13

Nickname: Tal, Taltoul, Tittouna, Atlas, Toula. Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ha keb hale”, “Tough talk”, “Laa laa kerseee”, “Ma baa fiyye men hal spe”, “Shu aam tahke”, “Daroure”, “…vibes”, “Ktir shob”.

Role in Class: Ms. Nancy’s favorite.

Terminale Moment: It’s the last week of school and the philosophy official exam is right around the corner.

Everybody is tired of schoolwork and wasn’t paying attention in class.

Ms. Nancy: “Baaref eno hallaa ha tsiro thesso eno mish tay2inne w mish tay2in el philo bas maale bedkon tesmaao w teshteghlo”.

Tala: “Ah hallaa ballashna nhess hek??”.

Ms. Nancy fakes a laugh and says: “Tala sarla men awwal el sene kerhetne”. In 10 years: Still waiting on her college decisions.

Quotes: “Habibi Mr. Wael”, “Je veux un 10/20 3al 2alilé”, “Mr. James badde fell bakkir”, “Coñiii”, “Zjay”.

Role in Class: Always absent.

Terminale Moment:

Naï entering class with her last bite of man2oushe.

Ms. Seropian: “Don’t you dare finish it!”

She leaves class and comes back to find Naï eating the last bite.

Ms. Seropian: “Ana mish eltellik ma tekliya? Dhare la barra.”

Naï complains to Mr. James to let her back in.


Naï gets kicked out again.

In 10 years: Famous actress. Facetiming her friends 24/7.

Activities 246246 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 1
Adam Serhal Céline Wehbi Naï Zina

Terminale 2

Nickname: Manou, Emmoushka

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Mej”, “Je rêve”, “Akid la2”, “kKhalas”, “MMODULO2pi” .

Role in Class: Faire tomber Amira de sa chaise, faire tomber sa table et mettre la faute sur elle.

Terminale Moment: Emma entrain de fa2e bezer dans la library .

La bibliothécaire apparaît out of nowhere et dit “chou mertehaaa”

Emma: continue a manger

La bibliothecaire en criant: “DHARE LA BARRA HALA2”

Emma: “Sorry miss ha waef fieh dal pls”

Après 5h de moushera3a elle peut plus de Emma et elle quitte sans rien dire.

In 10 years: Regrets choosing architecture /being in a professional football team.

Nickname: Jeffito, El patron, Ze sleeper build Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “shu hal jil hayda”, “wotwat”, “TOMA TOMA TOMA”, “khod ba2a”. Role in Class: The rizzler .

Terminale Moment: One day during English class, Ms. Seropian realized that half the class and Jeff had done the exact same work. She got mad and decided to give slips to the majority of the students. This triggered Jeff and led him to argue with the teacher, and he said: “Miss ma hadan bi kebb slippet hek”.

In 10 years: Still dapping up Kimo.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Mr. Daniel Segone Emmanuelle Abi Karam Jeff Baroudi

Nickname: Nour Baroudi

Nickname: Noun , Nouni , Nounou

Years at ic: 13

Quotes: “Monsieur je peux passer aux toilettes”, “Ya Allah j’ai math”, “Jcomprend rien bro”, “Bet chile on skip”, “Jsui au toilette” , “Qui veut half cocktail ”

Role in Class: Daydreaming, Hand gel distributor, Beauty spa in class .

Terminale Moment: 1- Leaving Mr. Segone class because she has a “doctor appointment”.

2- Not mentally and physically present to have a moment in class.

3- After many screams and comments from Mr. Chall that she will not obtain her bac she ends up passing with a 13 in math!

In 10 years: CEO of Nour cosmetics, still taking math courses with Mr. Fawaz.

Nickname: Mbashsh

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Eh shedd ta ellak ”, “Madame j’ai besoin de notes en plus” .

Role in Class: Cafeteria

Terminale moment: During Arabic class, Mathew had to present something in front of the class, Ms. Osta looks at him after not seeing him for the whole summer and says: “Kebran, akid btaamol body building enta.’’

In 10 years: The next Mr. Olympia.

Nickname: Rajrouj, Rajouj

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Hobbz”, “Skeba”, “Wasselne 3al beit plz”.

Role in Class: Arguing with Judy and Laura, Playing crossy road.

Terminale Moment: During history class, Laura asks Mr. Segone what he had for dinner the day before. Mr. Segone says he forgot. Raja says ”iza hek akid une bouteille de vin monsieur”. In 10 years: Still trying to figure out his “in 10 years” quote.

Nickname: Kimo, Sleeper build

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Let me cook”, “Miss bdawwerlik el loh”, “Eh meche khayye”.

Role in Class: Teacher’s favorite.

Terminale Moment: Asking Ms. Rita Osta to prom (teacher rizz).

In 10 years: Still dapping up his boy Jeff.

Activities 248248 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 2
Raja Bekdache Nour Baroudi Mathew Bashshur Karim Farsoun

Nickname: Flouty, Jadeyy

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “probleme d’apres”, “jnnouuunn”, “uuufff”, “aade jai ma apple watch”, “nshalla jpar a luniv”

Role in Class: Sleep coma

Terminale moment: Jade always gets to class late, which irritates Mr. Chall. He finally lost it one day and shouted at her in front of the entire class. The next day, Jade arrived to math class an hour late and was holding a Starbucks coffee. At that point, the only thing Mr. Chall has to say to her was: “Nchallah tenjahe le bac” Jade miraculously received an 18/20 on her math bac.

In 10 years: Still asleep in Mr. Arnaud’s class

Nickname: Nico, Geammal, Geamous, Gemmel

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Je pars demain à Dubaï”, “Ya 3edoo”

Role in Class: In Dubai.

Terminale Moment: On a random friday they had a history test, Nicolas decided to write the cours on his table. After we finished the test, Mr. Segone saw what Nicolas wrote and took a picture next to it. Nicolas ended up failing this test.

In 10 years: On his yacht in Dubai.

Nickname: Tam, Tamtam, Tamzo, Hakinx, Matara. Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ehke la nafsik”, “ La2 rou2”, “Bobi”, “Niakkk” “Shu mez3ejjj”, “Ya3tik el 3afiye”, “Khalassss”, “Walawww”.

Role in Class: Always laughing around .

Terminale Moment: One day, during Arabic class, Ms. Osta was explaining what to do during the test. Tamara was shocked by it so decided to make a shocked noise.

Ms. Osta: “Shu beke shu sarlik ma bedda eh Tamara” .

In 10 years: Still skipping school to travel the world .

Nickname: Amy, Ammoura, Amirou, Amirati, Hijazux, Amirux. Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Aam behlam”, “fiyye ellkon shi”, “wallahi”, “ma elkon aaze”, “AKID LA”.

Role in Class: Mme Leina “chemistry soulmate”

Terminale Moment: Everyone stressed during the bac blanc

Ms. Osta enters the multipurpose room, spots Amira across the room and out of nowhere yells “ AMIGHATI” in front of half of the promo who laughed their heads off while staring at Amira who wished tensha2 l ared w tebla3a.

In 10 years: Owning her skincare line while having 12 kids, still regretting dropping spe maths.


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Tamara El Hakim Jade Flouty Nicolas Geammal Amira Hijazi

Nickname: Kassak, Kaski, Kaskas, Kaskov

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Betsir”, “Bteewa”, “Rayha 3and Ms. Inar”, “AMY”, “Jpe passer au toilet” .

Role in Class: Never in class.

Terminale Moment: Kassak enters class 10 minutes late.

Ms. May: “T’étais où?”.

Kassak: “Madame wahyetik kenet bel hamem”.

Ms. May: “EXCUSE MOI?”

Kassak: “Madame walla”.

Ms. May: “Ne jure pas sur le prof”.

Kassak: “Sorry madame bas kenet bel hamem”. In 10 years: Still at Ms. Inar’s office.

Nickname: 3eddow, novski, nov Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “yi yi yi yi”, “bozayyy”, “ntebeh aa halak”, “olele”

Role in Clas: The punisher

Terminale Moment: During a math test whilst the whole class looked stressed and focused , Adnan looked calm and composed even being seen as relaxed. After having collected all the papers, Ms. Nazha was stunned when she saw that Adnan had actually turned in a blank paper with drawings on it. In 10 years: WWE superstar with a side hustle as a DJ

Nickname: Judz, Judster, Juicy, Juda, Juice Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “baaed na2esss”, “yessir”, “beu22”, “so so funny”, “lolzii”, “stehe”

Role in Class: Always arguing with teachers.

Terminale Moment: During arabic class, Judy is laughing and joking around with everyone as usual, so Ms. Osta stops the class and says “iza hada bedo yerbah prix nobel bel promo aktar shakhes b to2 hanak w byeltehe houwe ente, mennik maaoule”

Judy continues to talk and laugh.

2 mins later Ms. Osta kicks Judy out of the class and gives her a slip. In 10 years: CEO of Dior and living the Dubai bling life.

Nickname: Merro, Marmarino Years at IC: 16

Quotes: “Stehe”, “Mwafa2”, “Bte2wa”, “Ya alla on a bio”, “Hol akid ain aar”.

Role in Class: Chez Mr. Fady.

Terminale Moment: After the first break, Ms. Osta is 10 minutes early to class Marwan went out in the hallway, spotted Emma, and told her, “Ça fait 10 minutes que Ms. Osta est en classe yalla”. Ms. Osta spawns behind them, stands still and ja2ers Marwan for 5 seconds.

Later in class, she gave a 5 minute speech on her commitment to teaching, eyeing and lateshing Marwan every other sentence. In 10 years: Still regretting his spé.

Activities 250250 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 2
Judy Koubeissi Sarah Kassak El Moghrabi Adnan Kassar Marwan El Labban

Nickname: Mawla

Years at ic: 15

Quotes: “bede nem”,”bedik akel?”,” battal fiye”, “aande 4 heures geopo”

Role in Class: Sanitizer and kleenex dispenser

Terminale Moment: Ms. Osta calling Nour by her sister’s name Racha, who was her student.

Nour: “Miss ma esme racha, esme Nour”

Ms. osta: “Min Racha?”

This moment happened like 3 times.

In 10 years: Still her friends’ personal therapist

Nickname: Chris, Christo, Chrix, Chrixtos, Stick, Christophe Colomb, Einstein Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Fiya wejhet nazar”, “Ta n3ich la wa2ta but the thing is in 20 minutes”, “Hek shi”, “Mesh ghalat”.

Role in Class: Sage comme une image.

Terminale Moment: Mr. James distributes the papers for the philosophy test. Christopher is the first to get the paper, sees there’s only one sentence and starts laughing non-stop.

The whole class: “Yiy eza Christo 3am yetdahhak yaane Allah yestor shou el sujet”

The sujet: Qui suis-je?

In 10 years: Still recovering from his Tonino addiction.

Nickname: Rag, Rou, Ruz, Mouawad, Raja Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “Ouiii”, “hameydd”, “hottelo +1”, “tab sorry sorry”, “westbrook”, “rah tekhlase menne soon Miss”

Role in Class: Entertaining the class

Terminale Moment: Too many class moments to choose one.

Once, during math class, Ms. Salameh asked a student to “3alleh projecteur el active board”. Ragi, unable to hold his energy, screams “ya 3alehhh”. He gets kicked out of class and receives one of his nine disciplinary slips with the same teacher.

In 10 years: Playing streetball with Russell Westbrook

Nickname: “Lau”, “Laulau”, “Sehna”

Quotes: “Mes enfants!!!”, “que personne me parle ce matin”

Role in Class: Mom of the class, making sure no one is left hungry.

Terminale Moment:

One day, Monsieur Chall was absent so Laura enters the class 20mins late thinking they have a free period.

As she comes to open the door, she sees the whole class sitting and studying. She opens the door and tells while laughing “akid aam temzaho eh”

Then suddenly she hears a voice coming from behind her “la2 abadan ma aam yemzaho, tfaddale 23ede”. Laura didn’t realize that an IB teacher was taking over M. Chall’s period.

In 10 years: Future Delphine Arnault

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Ragi Mouawad Nour El Mawla Christopher Moawad Laura Sehnaoui

Nickname: Antho, Anko, LeTonx Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “lah lah lah”, “ mouymouymouyyyy”

Role in Class: Annoying everyone

Terminale Moment: Anthony pretended to be sick to skip the history test in order to maintain his high grade. Later that day, he actually got sick and was diagnosed with bronchitis. Despite that, he managed to cheat on the makeup test.

Anthony scored a 5/20.

In 10 years: Under the Tuscan sun

Nickname: Linexy, Lanloun, Atteh, Louni Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shu hal ekhra’’,“Ebna la mami”,“Yo2borne”, “Niak”,“Misss youuuuu’’. “Literally”, “Ick”, “Dabdab”, “Inconscience”, “Lek aiiiie”, ‘’Ma ha eftah kteb’’

Role in Class: Complimenting everyone and always having energy.

Terminale Moment: One day during LLCE the class was playing mafia, the witch decided to kill Lina, Lina got pissed and said “ha shedda men sha3ra lal benet yelle ataletne” . The witch was Ms. Nabila.

In 10 years: Victoria secret angel

Activities 252252 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 2
Anthony Tabet Lina Tayar

Terminale 3

Nickname: Ray, Rayen

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Mat 3ida”, “Mashe caffette”, “Jeble may”, “Jib katshe”

Role in Class: Annoying everyone.

Terminale Moment: Ryan arrives late (as usual) to Ms. Seropian’s class and gets a slip for it. He then gets another slip for using his phone during class. Ryan manages to get another double slip for not only playing on his laptop but not handing his phone to Ms. Seropian. In 10 years: Still convincing everyone that Liverpool is the best team.

Nickname: Kyrr, Kyrou, Kayra, Karkour

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Jve du pepsi”, “Nia2”, “Lek chou ha ”, “Ya Allah”, “Bro”.

Role in Class: Silent student who sits in the back but listens to everything around her.

Terminale Moment: Typical Philo group work

Kyra casually painting her nails behind her laptop

Ms. Maghames after finally noticing her: “Kyra keske tu fai walaw on est en cours sa sfai pa”.

Kyra tro aade: “Ah sorry madame” :)

In 10 years: In Japan with Marlene, getting sponsored by Pepsi, still watching streams.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Lamia Hitti Ryan Abdul Baki Kyra Abi Raad

Nickname: Moods, Mido

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ana colorblind”, “Daaboul daaboulian”, “Sorry miss bas khatte beshe3”

Role in Class: Trying to survive the boredom and register the pluses of Ms. Osta.

Terminale Moment: Mohamad was annoying Hadi, who was sitting in front of him in physics class with Mr. Khairallah, so Hadi decided to take Mohamad’s shoe off and throw it away. Mr. Khairallah gets really mad and thinks that Mohamad was the one who threw it, and kicks him out of class.

In 10 years: Abou Ali bas gheir hek nobody knows.

Nickname: Nux, Ali H, Ali G, Nini

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shu aanna halla2”, “Shu khasne”, “Zalamto”, “Lah ya zalame”.

Role in Class: School’s main gum supplier, biggest clutch in school.

Terminale Moment: Nael sleeping in Histoire geo class as usual

Ms. Hitti decides to wake him up and ask him a question regarding the chapter they were studying in class.

Nael proceeds to answer the question perfectly and goes back to sleep. In 10 years: Trillionaire.

Nickname: Nouri, Noureddin

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “2ewaaaa”, “Ya bro”, “Madame je ne suis pas d‘accord”, “Madame vous m’avez pas convaincu”, “Tya dla bouf?”.

Role in Class: Starting a debate over anything.

Terminale Moment: Almost every time they have history class Nouri arrives 20 minutes late while Ms. Hitti is asking a question.

No one answered except for Nouri as if he hadn’t just skipped half the period. In 10 years: World renowned architect.

Nickname: Azzi

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Good morning” , “Rise and shine”.

Role in Class: Gossiping, sleeping

Terminale Moment: In order to have a class moment she should be in class, which she never is.

Only participates during debates.

In 10 years: Lawyer

Activities 254254 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 3
Noureddin Atassi Mohamad Abou El Khoudoud Andrea El Azzi Nael Ali Hassan

Nickname: Bougie, Louli, Candle. Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Tya gum?”, “Arrête de me faire rire pls”, “Walla?”,“Beu222”, “Jai nap pr 16 hrs hier”.

Role in Class: Laughing, Makeup retoucher, Always getting the same grade as Angy.

Terminale Moment: The class is watching a video with dramatic music in Arabic. Lea, who’s sitting behind Marlene, tries not to laugh when she sees her. They both burst out laughing. Ms. Osta gets mad and kicks them out. She then finds Lea in the girls’ bathroom and escorts her out leaving Marlene in the stall.

In 10 years: “Billionaire spotted with a famous NBA player”.

Nickname: Chedid

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Go pick cotton Malek”

Role in Class: Sleeping through the whole period.

Terminale Moment: After two long tiring periods of sports, Jad decides sleeping during Ms. Hitti’s class is the best idea. Ms. Hitti, on the other hand, had other things planned.

Jad dead asleep on his table

Ms. Hitti slowly approaches him and reaches out for a water bottle, gets a hold of it and splashes it on Jad’s face.

The class bursts out laughing.

Jad doesn’t learn anything from that day, but instead continues to sleep throughout every history lesson.

In 10 years: Programmer inchallah.

Nickname: Chrabieh, Subaru, Selmen, Ulum, JC

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “Ma 2ana3tne”, “Full ha2ak”, “Saraha olele”, “Faker fiya men albak”, “No way”, “Madame pls derniere chance”, *Noises*.

Role in Class: Invading other classes.

Terminale Moment: Hitting a record breaking 3 slips in 12 mins and gets a “sort de ma classe” within the first period.

In 10 years: Still getting sent to Mr. Maizia’s office.

Nickname: Marl, Maro, Marilou

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “MMMODULO2pi”, “YES j’ai foot”, “Si tye in jsuis in”, “Shou”, “Yalla guys on se réveille à 2 et on marche à l’école”

Role in Class: Samy and Lea’s third wheel.

Terminale Moment: 15 mins into double history friday afternoon

Marlene: “Lea j’ai plus la pass, appelle-moi”.

Marlene shows the teacher her phone: “Madame pls jpe répondre? C’est urgent”. She then left to get mcdo with Paul and Nour. She never came back.

In 10 years: In Japan with Kyra still wondering why Physique-Chimie is one subject.


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Joey Chrabieh Léa Chamaa Jad Chedid Marlene Emad

Nickname: Tati, Touti, Touts, Ephrem, Tatiframe

Quotes: “Khalas zhe2et”, “ Jvoi pa de loin”, “Ki tu te croi”, “Khalas Nouri”.

Role in Class: Playing bingo.

Terminale Moment: Tatiana hates histoire géographie

Ms. Hitti asks a question.

Tatiana tries not to make eye contact when there are people raising their hands willing to answer.

Ms. Hitti spots Tatiana from the end of the class: “Tatiana qu’en penses-tu sur cela?”.

Tatiana responds something totally off topic.

Ms. Hitti never stopped asking her questions since that day.

In 10 years: In a retirement home playing bingo.

Nickname: Mini , Farchoukh, Noury

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Tal3a halwe?”, “Zabet my make up?”, “Lamis aandik lip balm”, “Bas eno walaw”, “Rayan skot”, “Shu mez3ej”.

Role in Class: Fixing her makeup.

Terminale Moment: During Ms. Seropian’s class, Nour decides to touch up her makeup, thinking it’s appropriate. Typical Nour.

While Nour takes out her mirror and full makeup bag, Ms. Seropian says: “Nour?! This is not a beauty parlor!!!!”.

In 10 years: Creating the next rare beauty.

Nickname: Zeino, Zayn, Nassah le niez, Zaynhom

Years at IC: 15 -1

Quotes: “Hassan jeble croissant”, “Guys kif bte2daro tahko hal2ad el soboh”, “Fhemet aalayke”, “Kif bse3dik”.

Role in Class: Only one who takes actual notes.

Terminale Moment: At the end of the first bio class, Zein goes to tell Ms. Sakher how much she enjoys the subject and her teaching.

Ms. Sakher : “Si tu continues à parler avec tes petites amies, tu vas mal réussir”

Zein proceeds to get a 20/20 the whole year round.

In 10 years: Owns a lab financed by her rich italian husband.

Nickname: Saghoukh, Samsoum

Years at IC: 8

Quotes: “Hlof on a sa?”, “Ma fhemet shi”, “J’ai pas la pass de vivre”, “Khalas”, “Lek ma hamme”, “On part cafette?”.

Role in Class: Laughing with Marlene and Lea, Marl’s chewing gum consumer, Daydreamer.

Terminale Moment: Ms. Leina is explaining a new chemistry chapter and Samy has zoned out for the 7th time.

Samy: “Marl on peut partir à la cafette après?”.

Samy reaches for his pocket and starts counting money

Ms. Leina: “Tu utilises ton téléphone?”

Samy: “Non madame aam 3ed el masare”.

In 10 years: In a mansion still wondering why he took spe physique-chimie and svt.

Activities 256256 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 3
Zein El Hassan Tatiana Ephrem Boustani Nour Farchoukh Sami Hodeib

Nickname: Ricks

Years at IC: 8

Quotes: “Hlof on a un test”, “Ra7 a3mol Aademic comeback”, “Madame plz n’appeler pas mes parents”

Role in Class: Doing everything but studying.

Terminale Moment: Ricky thought he could outsmart Ms. Maghames by cheating on a test and scoring very high.

Ricky was so happy after that test because he knew he was gonna get an amazing grade. A week later, Ms. Maghames humbles Ricky by giving him a 0/10 knowing that this is not his work because he got an 18/20; something Ricky can’t get in years especially in philo. Ms. Maghames later tells Ricky: “tu vas faire un autre test pour que je puisse avoir ta vrai note”.

Ricky gets a 7/20

In 10 years: Owner of a football club.

Nickname: Misso, Lamo, Lllamis

Quotes: “Aande free”, “Iza mab jib 20 llce bebke”, “Nael aatine aalke pls”, “Mabbaref leh baadne beje”.

Years at IC: 15

Role in Class: Passing out her lip balm

Terminale Moment: Ms.Osta: “Min aando gel”

Ryan: “Lamis aanda”

Ms. Osta misheard “Lamis” for “La Min ?”, “La min? La Abou Amin”

Ryan: “La2 miss Lamis benet”

Ms. Osta: “Chou yaane ma fhemet”

Ms. Osta is confused while the whole class is saying Lamis’ name for her to understand. Lamis is laughing and gives her the gel.

In 10 years: Owning a bakery

Activities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 3
Lamis Khodr Lynn Kambris Ricky Karam

Nickname: Yvo, Yvonne Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “C’est ma bouteille”, “Vous pouvez répéter”, “Ryan khalas” ,“Vous parlez trop rapidement ma laha2et”.

Role in Class: L’avocate de la classe.

Terminale Moment: They are having a text in arabic with the word ةيسوس in it

Ms. Osta saying its “société”

Yvanna 4 days later thinking she said it in a low voice to Tatiana: “Bes chou yaaneh sousite”

The entire class starts laughing.

Ms. Osta gave her the death stare for minutes whilst Yvanna was turning red and tearing up trying not to laugh.

In 10 years: Being part of LVMH’s legal team

Nickname: Seri

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Min Hekek”,

Role in Class: Singing the most random songs.

Terminale Moment: The day after skip day, Sari decided to keep his hat on during class.

One of Ms. Seropian’s rules is to never wear a hat in class.

Ms. Seropian: “Sari remove your hat now”.

Sari: “Miss please i’ve had this hat on for more than 24 hours”.

Ms. Seropian: “Remove it NOW!”.

Sari proceeds to remove his hat

The class starts laughing because of Sari’s hair style.

In 10 years: Business man.

Nickname: Nasho, Nash Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shou bek ya samke”

Role in Class: Always late to class, never on time

Terminale Moment: During bio class, Malek and Ricky decided to play “odds”. Since Malek lost, he had to face his consequences, which were 10 push ups.

Malek gets up, stands in front of Ms. Sakher and starts with his push ups. The whole class is doing nothing but laugh.

Ms. Sakher: “Malek, tu sors MAINTENANT”.

Malek: “No no madame sorry walla bas khsoret bel odds”.

Ms. Sakher Throws him out of class

In 10 years: Sporting director, Football player, Business man.

Nickname: Rammouz, Ramze Tamze, Ressort

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ma be khossak/khossik”, “Bro”, “Sabaho”

Role in Class: Turning on the active board.

Terminale Moment: Introducing Chrissy the cat to the class, letting her in and turning it into a frequent guest during lessons.

In 10 years: This promo’s lawyer inshallah.

Activities 258258 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 3
Malek Nashawati Yvanna-Maria Mourad Sari Naamani Ramzi Oueidat

Nickname: PS

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Can’t we solve it in another way?”

Terminale Moment: Answered the last question of the exercise. Getting everyone out early.

Role in Class: Answers others’ questions before and after the test. In 10 years: Still programming

Nickname: Kiki, Kikina, Csl, Siblani Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Sefer”, “ Ktir aam testafezoune”, “Aam balesh hasster”, “Hezouwa shway”, “Pourquoi c’est toujours moi monsieurrrr, j’ai rieeen fait”, “aam behlam akid”

Role in Class: Taking the blame for everything.

Terminale Moment: Kinda walks in Ms. Hitti’s class 15 minutes late

Kinda: “Désolée pour le retard madame”.

Ms. Hitti answers her: “Tourne et calme toi.”

Kinda then replies: “Touner ok bas me calmer je doute.”

Not even 5 seconds later, Zein and Nour decide to join.

Ms. Hitti welcomes them with a smile.

Kinda then proceeds to nag the whole period.

In 10 years: Still playing flippy race.

Activities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Terminale 3
Patrick Saliba Kinda El Siblani

Terminale 4

Nickname: Boulos , Boz, Polly

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Hek souss”, “AAAAAA”, “Ha2ak/Ha2ik/Ha2na”

Role in Class: Moussi’s assistant

Terminale Moment: Paul arrives to school early and impulsively decides to take a nap on top of the class lockers

Ms. Dina walks in the class and looks at him in shock

Ms. Dina:” Yiii! Oum nzal hala2!! Walaw!!

Paul: “Eh eh yalla miss di2ten w benzal”

In 10 years: Drifting into outer space… or living in the woods

Nickname: Joey , Zouzou

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Damme rou2”, “Odrob ya lapin”, “Mat jannenoune”

Role in Class: El capitãn

Terminale Moment: During the English period, Joey randomly yelled out loud a sentence in german.

Ms. Seropian kept staring at him and said: “Do you know I speak german?”

Joey: “Ok bas i didn’t say anything wrong”

Ms. Seropian : “Really? Do you know what that means?”

Joey: “Yes my football coach always tells me that. It means yalla”

Ms. Seropian: “Ktir gheltan he’s disrespecting you”

Joey knew what it meant but never stopped saying it .

In 10 years: Playing alongside Valverde and Tchouameni

Activities 260260 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Hanane Whaibe Paul Abi Karam Joseph Abou Sleiman

Nickname: Joji, Jojina

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Prk ma moyenne d’advisory est de 3.40?” , “Check si j’ai dla fièvre” , “De2e aal khachab” , “Sneakyy” , “Qui skip??”

Role in Class: Sleeping beauty + Perfume and gum provider

Terminale Moment:

Before an Arabic test, Joanna wrote a paragraph on her leg since she decided not to study. Ms. Osta caught her staring at her leg. She ran up to her and started yelling and trying to catch her cheat. They fought for half of the period.

Joanna got a disciplinary probation.

In 10 years: Still self-obsessed and living in a penthouse in NYC.

Nickname: Atti

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Insa lezem nem ”, “Je vas aller toilette”

Role in Class: Local cookie clicker

Terminale Moment:

During chimie class, Ms. Leina was very mad.

Ms. Leina “Ma tejo la3ande si vous voulez une lettre de recommandation et votre comportement est comme ça”

Mark : “Ok aslan manne 3ayez je vais pas faire chimie à l’univ”

Ms. Leina gave his a stare.

Mark got traumatized but never stopped joking around with Ms. Leina.

In 10 years: He has bad eyesight, can’t see that far

Nickname: Roudz

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “Aa rasse boss” , “Khaye madame”, “Saker l chebek”

Role in Class: Always laughing

Terminale Moment:

Roudi goes to the toilet at 8 am while being sick “Meanwhile Myd puts glue on Roudi’s chair, he sits on it and realizes he was glued to it” Roudi starts yelling “ MYD…(mssabet) MFAKAR HALAK MAHDOUM”

In 10 years: Doctor (if he passes pre med)

Nickname: Chels

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Saraha olele”, “Bek chi”, “Uuj buuj”, “Yalla bbbye”

Role in Class: Making fun of everyone, clown

Terminale Moment:

During Ms. Seropian’s period, Chelsea saw a cat by the window. She started meowing to get the cat inside and went on for 5 minutes straight until the class went silent. All you could hear was Chelsea. When she turned around, Ms. Faten was there, standing in shock.

Chelsea couldn’t stop herself from laughing and got a slip. In 10 years: Still asking people what they think she will be in 10 years.


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Terminale 4
Roudi Ayass Joanna Atallah Mark Attieh Chelsea Azar

Nickname: Maryoush , Mariette , Mario

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Sorry madame j’étais chez Ms. Inar”, “Qui skip avec moi?”, “Bala falsafe”, “Aywaaa” ,“Soghy”,”Lek ehhh” ,”Ooop” , Giggles in the worst moments

Role in Class: Not in class

Terminale Moment: Ms. Seropian, in full bahdale mode, shouting at the class

Maria, sitting right in front of her, takes out a fork, her bowl of pasta, a cookie, and a juice box, then casually starts eating.

In 10 years: Still correcting the pronunciation of her name to others “c’est Marya mish Mariya”

Nickname: Myd

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “El hayet jazra”, “Bet3ish”, “Bakkalto lal test”, “Leh akhadet hal spe”, “Basitaaa”, “LEH KTIR SHOB”, ”Sabahoooo”

Role in Class: Always laughing out loud and failing every math test

Terminale Moment: Watching the Wales-Iran world cup game during philo with half of the class in the back

Iran scores a last minute goal

Mohamad Starts Jumping and screaming

P.S: contact him for the video

In 10 years: Not sure yet, but for what he knows he won’t be waking up at 6 am.

Nickname: Ghandour, CG , Cylo , Cic Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “Ma ba3ref kif ana spe maths, pc”, “3ande asthma ma fiye“ , “3aba2et fta7o el shbebik”

Role in Class: Mouhamiyet dife3

Terminale Moment: Celine had a history test but didnt want to study for it. She wrote her notes on a paper and planned to switch it during the exam. Celine accidentally gives Ms. Seropian the wrong paper where she wrote the lyrics of the song “champs elysee”

The paper ended up at the administration Celine got 7/20

In 10 years: Star of the show “real housewives of Beirut”

Nickname: Barhoum, Kemesh Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Buffalo”, “Ya bebi”, “Cappaccino”

Role in Class: Side convos with Mr. Fawaz.

Terminale Moment: During history class

It was very hot in class so Mohamad asked the teacher if we could open the windows. Ms. Carolyne said no, so Mohamad took his shirt off. When she looked at him she was in shock seeing him topless and said : “MOHAMAD? Wen mfakar halak?!”

Mohamad: “Ma khalaytine eftah el chebbak fa shalahet el T-shirt”

She then yelled at him and kicked him out of class.

In 10 years: Allah bya3lam

Activities 262262 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 4
Céline Ghandour Maria Bissat Mohamad Darwich Mohamad Ibrahim

Nickname: Idriss, Idro, Idrocannon

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “Ya aasfour”, “Aantagha”, “Halaa jparle a Maizia.”, “Akid bek shi”

Role in Class: Bezer distributor, masdar el sot

Terminale Moment: During an Arabic test Mark threw Elena’s pen on the floor. She got mad and stole his pen. Ms. Osta changed Elena’s place since she wouldn’t stop talking. Few minutes later, Elena asked Mark for a tissue. Mark decided to staple every inch of the box before giving it to her. Elena and Mark bursted out laughing and Ms. Osta got upset… In 10 years: Still hunting birds, opening a watch business.

Nickname: Jabz, Jabbour, Jpekhekh

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ye” ,“Goated”, “Solid” ,“ Disagreed saraha” “, “C’est OP”

Role in Class: Taking everyones food

Terminale Moment: During the Arabic session, Karl was presenting his oral and was doing really well.

Ms. Osta randomly asked him about his relationship status.

Ms. Osta: “Karl enta msahabbb??”

Karl:”la2 miss”

Ms. Osta:”eh bede 3arfak 3ala hadan”

Embarrassed, Karl didn’t know what to say.

Since then, everytime she sees him she asks him the same question and he still answers no :(

In 10 years: Still dreaming about going to an afterlife concert in Tulum

Nickname: Mouss, Moussa, Moussi, Moussmouss Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shu, Kif el 7ayet?” “Ahh eh 7derto bi nhar” “Ahlaaaaaaan” “Lol”

Role in Class: Optimistic morning greeter/watches series instead of studying and still manages to pass.

Terminale Moment: No one showing up to picture day with props

Nour: Ok ok get me cardboard, scissors, tape and a stapler. Proceeds to craft all the props an hour before the class picture

In 10 years: Successful business owner by day, watching Netflix and eating Mcdo at night. Also will be The Best event planner.

Nickname: Milki

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Khalas Joey j’ai chaud” ,”Je quitte”,”J’ai trop faim”

Role in Class: Always absent

Terminale Moment: Kilzi informed the teachers that he has a special condition and can’t write

Everyone believed him, mostly Ms. Osta.

A few months later Ms. Osta caught his lie.

Ms. Osta : “3AM BET KAZEB 3ALAYE? Yalla ktob la shouf”

Kilzi: “Je dois quitter 3ande rendez vous bel ambassade”

Ms. Osta: “Boukra bede shouf daftarak”

Kilzi left and never came back to Arabic periods; he still got away with it till the last day of school.

In 10 years: Still eating Chilli’s


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Terminale 4
Nour Kassem Moussa Mark Idriss Karl Jabbour Marc Kilzi

Nickname: Tit, Titou, Bzz Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “ Elenaa Khalaaas “,” Rakzee Rakzee “, “ C’est trop ton style “, “Bref “, “Omg trop in“, “Juuuure”

Role in Class: Class notes provider Terminale Moment: During enseignement scientifique, Ms. May was explaining and asked: “C’est quoi les BIF?”.

Rhea was excited to answer since no one knew the answer and said : “C’EST DE LA VIANDEE” Ms. May and the entire class couldn’t stop laughing.

Rhea felt so embarrassed since she’s the only one giving right answers in class.

In 10 years: Your kid’s doctor

Nickname: Janjoun ; Johnny ; Jehjeh ; Sneaky

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Labrannn Jamess” ; “Ttekel 3a Allah” ; “Broskizz”

Role in class: Anticipate the test that’s coming the night before Terminale Moment: When Ms. Osta was already in a bad mood and the class was silent. John knowing there’s no officiel : “Aymtan el offfficielllllllll ?”

Ms. Osta was surprised and stared at him since John isn’t the type of person to say anything out loud.

In 10 years: Still have a kiss count of 000000000

Nickname: Mayaladay3a , Mayamouss Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Quoiquoiquoi j’ai pas compris”, “Tit tu as un crayon”, “Je l’ai perdu”

Role in Class: Getting yelled at by teachers for gossiping and sitting inappropriately

Terminale Moment: During Ms. Seropian’s class, Rhea and Maya spotted Maria eating a salad. They were hungry so they decided to steal Tarek’s banana. When the teacher turned around, Maya stuffed it in her mouth and started talking to her as if her mouth wasn’t full.

Rhea got away, while Maya got a slip.

In 10 years: Still spending her parents’ money because she couldn’t choose her major.

Nickname: Tarouk

Years at IC: 11

Quote: “Shu hal maskhara hay”

Role in Class: Answering all math questions

Terminale Moment: Casually joking, one of his classmates hits Tarek.

Ms. Rita Maghames didn’t think so; Tarek told her it’s not legitimate for him to be punished since it was a joke, and after philosophically arguing by explaining Aristotle’s theory of how humans behave with their friends, he failed to convince her and Barhoum got a slip while laughing at what Tarek said.

In 10 years: Opening up his jet company, enjoying life with the boys

Activities 264264 Secondary School / Lycée
Maya Moussa Rhéa Maalouf John Maamari Tarek Obegi

Nickname: Sheikhmouss, El Deryen

Years at IC: 12

Quotes: “Bonjour la ahla 3alam”, “S7aba”

Role in Class: Daye3

Terminale Moment:

During the english period with Ms. Seropian Moussa was bored and decided to watch funny videos on his laptop. The entire class was behind him looking at his screen from behind and bursting into laughter.

Ms. Seropian gave Moussa a slip. In 10 years: Homeless

Nickname: Elenzi, Benzi, Elloun Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “KHALAS MARK”, “Min bado chocolat”, “Joanna donne strepsils”, “SHOU KHASSNE miss”, *Weird sounds*, “Mat sibine bel 3ein”, “QUEL SNEAKY”

Role in Class: Uncontrollable Laughter, ClassDekene

Terminale Moment: During the meningitis period, the administration told the teachers to keep the doors open.

But since the hallway was noisy, Ms. Osta decided to close the door and said: “Eza ANA Rita Osta benzal 3al administration MABI OULOULE LA2”

The minute the class went silent, Elena yelled “EYWAAAA”. The whole class bursted out laughing Elena got kicked out.

In 10 years: Still spending every august in FAGHAYA

Nickname: Zoghbi

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “ Shuuu”, “ Ayh mafii”, “Ensa kayafet”, “ Bass safaret”.

Role in Class: Sleeping

Terminale Moment: Ralph decides to keep his hood on during a test.

Ms. Seropian: “Ralph remove your hood”

Ralph replies with a “no”.

The class starts screaming “YAAAA AANDO HIS AIRPODS”

Ms. Seropian gets up from her seat to go to Ralph

As she’s getting close to him, Ralph takes his hood off to show Ms. Seropian that he doesn’t have his airpods and screams “GAAAAAAA”

the whole class starts laughing

In 10 years: Living his best life in New York city

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 4
Ralph Zoghbi Moussa Samara Elena Tayyar

Terminale 5

Nickname: AD

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “Sahi ech fi”, “Hell aane”, “Zigoblege”, “Meche meche “

Role in Class: Nem

Terminale Moment: Jad enters the room and says: “elie jaabelo sahsouh “

Georges took it seriously. He gives him a sahsouh and that’s how a machkal ended up happening.

Jad then says to Georges “Ya Georges walla kenet aam bemzah“

In 10 years: Sangarje or billionaire

Nickname: Azhari, Gringo, Abbousi, Csl

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Yaatik alf aafye”, “Ma beddo dares hayda”, “Dehek w maskhara”, “Tlaa men rase”

Role in Class: Consultant

Terminale Moment: Fake CSL Campaign

In 10 years: Google him

Activities 266266 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Rita Maghames Jad Abou Daher Ryan Azhari

Nickname: Gio

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Moustahil” “Aamrak ma terja3” “Taltamis”

Role in Class: Class mail writer

Nickname: Bekdesh, Beko, Abu 3mer

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Christie Sasha je3et”,“Madame je peux faire un tour”, “Choufi ya khaye”

Role in Class: Annoying Christie

Terminale Moment: Omar sleeping deeply after skip day when Ms. Salameh pours water all over Omar’s back

Ms. Salameh: “BONJOUR OMAR”

Omar stares at her and she offers him later a tablet of chocolate.

Ms. Salameh: “bes partage”

Omar: “Eh walaw” Takes the tablet “yalle le b medd ido bekserlo yeha.”

The rest of the class ate the chocolate and he didn’t eat any.

In 10 years: Al-Riyadi ultra

Nickname: Elie

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Miss fiye etla3 emche”

Role in Class: Make his friends copy in biology exams

In 10 years: Big bo$$

Nickname: Boz, Matt, Debbene

Years at IC: 15

Role in Class: “The vacant seat”

Terminale Moment: Full day attendance (didn’t happen)

In 10 years: Heading his own company with some good investments

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Terminale 5
Edwin El Chidiac Gerard Barsoumian Omar Bekdache Matthieu Debbane

Nickname: Yar, Yagh, Yarta

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “Oui j’ai de la bouf”, “J’ai pas la pass de descendre”, “Tu as une gummy?”

Role in Class: Never on time

Terminale Moment: Yara arriving late to the history class, minding her own business, she’s playing with the calculator as if it was a phone out of boredom.

Ms. Bader looks at her and shouts : “Tu te moques de moi ou quoi?!”


They started to argue until Ms. Bader got so mad that she ended the class 15 minutes earlier.

In 10 years: Still not answering the group chats

Nickname: Roro

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Yala byeeee”, “Bekkk shii”, “Ehh lekkk”, “Meshe hbb”

Role in Class: Notes distributor

Terminale Moment: Teacher: ”Sort dehort Ramzi”

Ramzi screams “yalla bye” then leaves the class

In 10 years: 3am bal3et

Nickname: Mounil, Moun, Mounyoush

Years at IC: 11

Quotes: “Tya dla bouf”, “Tjoue bingo”, “Tjoue jawaker”

Role in Class: Philo notes provider, carrot provider

Terminale Moment: Too occupied watching her series to have a senior Moment

In 10 years: Still watching every tv show possible

Nickname: Sil, Zdelege, Yung

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Chu enak walad”, “Deall”, “Rgrd mes calves”, “Chou aam tehke”

Role in Class: Ex délégué

Terminale Moment: Ms. Nazha gave Silvio a slip one day, so he decided to challenge her to a game of rock paper scissors to remove it. She then wanted to give him another one.

In 10 years: SFDS

Activities 268268 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 5
Mounia Faddoul El Achkar Yara Diab Ramzi Doughan Silvio Farah

Nickname: Haress

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “bonnui”, “madame fine fout aal hammem”, “bonjour madame je m’excuse pour le retard”, “ta dla bouf”

Role in Class: Asleep

Terminale Moment: Asking Ms. Nazha daily if he can enter class after being in the “bathroom” for 45 minutes

In 10 years: Successful entrepreneur

Nickname: Hnein

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “Chou khasne”, “Mcgill”, “C’est qui james”

Role in Class: Giving out the homework

Terminale Moment: After coming back from the skip day Georges was tired and excited to sleep during Ms. Nazha’s class.

She then saw him and decided to throw water at him to wake him up.

Setting him as an example

In 10 years: Successful enough for you to know

Nickname: Chakhssissyan, Ramos, Chrissy

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Omar anjad khalas!!”, “Joe il est pas encore 12“, “fully ha2ak”, “pourquoi vous ecouter tout toi et Georges”, “nouni”

Role in Class: Feeding omar and kamal, 2nd philo teacher, Ms. Leina’s favorite Terminale Moment: During ES class, Omar was as usual annoying Christie. Christie had no reaction because she was used to it. Omar continued to bother her until she started screaming at him “OMAR khalas” Ms. Sakher then looked at Christie and shouted at her without telling a word to Omar. In 10 years: Still Sasha’s only friend

Nickname: Lallout, Laltsss, Lalat, Taloul

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Min ze3jik ya hayete”, “Are you lost baby girl”,“Shu 3am na3mol?”, “Ya Joe khalasssss”

Role in Class: Dreamer

Terminale Moment: While dreaming in class, Saniour writes Talal’s name on his desk, they both start laughing and the teacher gives them a slip thinking they were playing X-O.

In 10 years: Still trying to find his 4th wife

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Terminale 5
Christie Jad Kareem Haress Georges Honein Talal Kadah El Habbal

Nickname: Kimo, Kogs, Kamkoum

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Tya dla bouf”, “Vien toilette”, “Tyaime les gummy bears”, “Sakkartooo”, “Marco”, “Jvai jouer 2048 puis dormir”, “Vien jouer avec le chat avec moi pls”, “Allez ma yart”

Role in Class: Gossiping with Yara, ALWAYS late, skipping arabic classes, fav of all teachers, useless delegue

Terminale Moment: Kim is casually having a gathering with her friends in the toilet when suddenly Ms. Dina enters the bathroom and shouts at them to get out. Kim then looks at her and says “Misss tfadalehh aal aadehhh”. In 10 years: Still in the girls bathroom

Nickname: Mansour - Zoose

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ma tjannene”, “Khalas oul allah”, “Batne aam touja3ne”, “Azhary bet raje3ne aal bet?”

Role in Class: Sheikh mansour

In 10 years: Himself

Nickname: Pet, Massaad

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “Man like my man”

Role in Class: Always asleep

Terminale Moment: Argument with Ms. Leina In 10 years: Broke

Nickname: Temsinho, Temer, Unclefut

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Cold”, “bek shi”, “Baarfak shi?”, “Meeps”, “He’s cooking”

Role in Class: Going to Ms. Inar

Terminale Moment: Too many to count

In 10 years: Twitch Partner

Activities 270270 Secondary School / Lycée Terminale 5
Peter Massaad Kim Khoury Aouad Ziad Mansour Tamer Nawam

Nickname: Kam-Wamal

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Akid bek chi”, “Personally though”, “Uuuuuf”, “ Respectfully ma ha2ak ”, “Man like my man honestly”

Role in Class: Busy sleeping unless arguing with teachers and annoying classmates.

Terminale Moment: Kamal was having his daily nap when Ms. Nazha suddenly interrupted him. She threatened him with a slip and told him she was going to call his mom. Kamal answered: “Ok appelez la, aslan elle va jamais vous répondre”. Kamal was not allowed to attend math class for a while.

In 10 years: Chilling in his infinity pool in LA with Drake and a group of models watching the sunset.

Nickname: Sash, Paoli, Sush

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Georges arrete de tout ecouter”, “Qui a manger ma bouf”, “Lek guys please pas mes cookies”, “Poushii”

Role in Class: Cookie provider

Terminale Moment: During math class, Ms. Nazha orders the students to clean the class.

Sasha is the first and only student to start cleaning

10 seconds later Ms. Nazha yells : “YALLA SASHA NADFE!!”

Sasha then gives up on cleaning and leaves the class

In 10 years: Still Christie’s only friend

Nickname: Saniour, Sanioux

Years at IC: 10

Quotes: “Hel aane Jad”, “Yumm lyom ghada riz aa djej”, “Ensa saeta”, “Walla mebereh miss kenet el sahra tawile”, “Men wen hal jamel miss”, “Kabasna James”, “lalts”

Role in Class: Cupidon between Talal and Sasha

Terminale Moment: Saniour casually sleeping in Ms. Osta’s class when suddenly he gets asked a question and answers: “Miss moustahil rakez bel saff el chames dareb aaleye w el amar hade” while pointing at Christie… He got a +1 on his general average.

In 10 years: Still talking to 5 girls at the same time

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Terminale 5
Joe Saniour Kamal Nawbar Sasha Paoli

IB Name: IBebkeaalstress

Nickname: Syro

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “You have an extra pen?”, “You have water?”, “Hein”, “Maash bedde”, “Harammmmm”, “Should I focus today”

Role in Class: Opening convos with Ms. Niveen

IB Moment: Syrine tells everyone French is the easiest subject to do an EE in and is confident she’s going to excel since she came from the french section

Also Syrine had to change her EE topic one week before the first draft deadline because the teacher told her she might get an E and not get the IB diploma

In 10 years: Changed her career 100 times and still studying

Syrine Assi

IB Name: IBensahkounBalaChem

Nickname: Talloush, Taltoul

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “Why am i the only one excited to graduate”, “Pls dont tell me we have chem”, Role in Class: Reminding everyone how many seconds of class time is left.

IB Moment: Talia decided once to sleep in Mr. Bilal’s class. He woke her up and told her to listen so she understands the lesson. Talia told him she can sleep and listen at the same time. So he told her to do the exercise on the board to prove that she wasn’t listening. Talia did the exercise correctly, but till this day, Mr. Bilal doesn’t know that they solved that exercise the day before.

In 10 years: Still regretting HL Bio Chem when her major was business

Activities 272272 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Ghida Molaeb Talia Bayoud

IB Name: IBja2werBalaAsde

Nickname: Halouls, Loula

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Let’s go down”, “No no no no “, “I wanna sit in the sun”, “3 in 1 best coffee “, “I’m wearing my thermal”, “Did my hair get darker”, “I hate the rain”, “I’m so pale”, “Such a jorsa”, “Tkhayal”

Role in Class: Getting her pink smoothie with her every morning

IB Moment: Sima throws papers in Hala’s hair

Mr. Bilal notices Sima hitting her head to avoid the papers Hala was throwing back Mr. Bilal stops the class and says: “everyone clap for Hala for her achievements”

1 minute later Mr. Bilal becomes a conductor and leads the class into a clapping orchestra for Hala.

Hala looks out the window to avoid the situation

In 10 years: Still forgetting her wallet and milk blush stick everywhere

IB Name: IBshilditch

Nickname: Yas, Yaso

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “I’m not going to class”, “Haarrraaaammm”, “Does anyone wanna ditch with me?”

Role in Class: Always asking to go to the bathroom

IB Moment: Yasmine comes late to math class as usual

Ms. Mira: “Miss why are you late?”

Yasmine: “Miss I’m heartbroken”

Ms. Mira stops teaching math and talks about yasmine’s love life for the rest of the period

In 10 years: Stay at home mom watching high school musical with her kids

IB Name: IBsheri3

Nickname: Carlito, Kaaahl, Loui Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Meshe”, “Aade”, “You know what I mean?”

Role in Class: Stressing everyone out right before a test.

IB Moment: Mr. Chirazi gives the class an exercise where you flip long sticks with one hand.

Everyone: Struggling

Carl: Does it with ease

Everyone: Decides to Watch Carl

Carl: Gets overly confident and starts flipping the stick higher 10 seconds later

Carl: Hits himself in the eye

The whole class laughs.

In 10 years: Still studying Spanish

ATHE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Carl Fakhir Hala Chatila Yasmine Daccache

IB Name: IBebrosh

Nickname: Bibow

Years at IC: 9

Quotes: “Oh lordy lord” (If u know u know)

Role in Class: Watching cooking, tennis, F1, and bodybuilding videos

IB Moment: Habib and Ziad are very competitive in tok.

The teacher was giving back the tests and Habib confidently takes Ziad’s paper to check his grade and make fun of him.

Habib and Ziad both failed that test.

In 10 years: Still trying to cut

IB Name: IBdalBelLab

Nickname: Mik, Mike, Mikael

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “ Sorry I was in the lab”, “ Help Katie’s chasing me”, “Karen khalas”, “Salvete”

ARole in Class: Answering everything in chemistry, and making everyone mad.

IB Moment: The lab was empty, with only Michael, Katie, and the technician. Michael tells Katie that he accidentally synthesized sarin gas, and that they should run now, or else they will die.

They evacuated the lab, then Michael tells Katie he was just joking (the technician was in on it).

Katie chose violence.

In 10 years: Almost dying everyday after getting a phd in nuclear chemistry.

IB Name: IB2osbangs

Nickname: Katie, Kath, Redhead, KT, cheesekate Years at IC: 12

Quotes: “I’m watching star wars”, “Physics is so cute (after crying)”, “Can we do the astrophysics option?”

Role in Class: The spontaneous redhead

IB Moment: Michael was absent for a week. Katie told everyone that he is getting deported to Russia to serve in the army. Also, Katie fake cried and made everyone feel bad. Michael comes back and everyone asks what happened. Michael gets confused, guesses it’s Katie and plays along making everyone believe he went to war.

In 10 years: Colonizing mars after getting her phd in astrophysics

IB Name: IBesfon

Nickname: Kotob, Books, Kutubz

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “Swearrrr”, “Walla ai is harder than aa”, “I’m not mean, i’m honest”

Role in Class: Eating muffins with a fork, randomly zoning out while smiling, dancing in the middle of tests

IB Moment: Ms. Lana: “Everyone say one thing you’re strong in and weak in”

Yasmina standing in front of the whole class: “nothing, i’m perfect”

Ms. Lana: “Nothing? what about something you need to improve on?”

Yasmina: “Same answer”

Ms. Lana: “Something you don’t like about yourself?”

whole class: “Same answer!”

In 10 years: Burning her house down because of a cockroach

Activities 274274 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Katrina Jureidini Habib El Hajj Michael Jbeily Yasmina Kotob

IB Name: IBdalneAamBebke

Nickname: Skyo, Malfouf, Skora

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Miss im kinda struggling”, “MEEEOWWW”, “Layke habibte”

Role in Class: Stressing everyone by submitting every assignment super early.

IB Moment: Comes to school in a bad mood and decides to paint outside. Notices someone taking a photo of her so she squints to see who.

Ignores it and gets in a better mood after being outside.

Sky then finds herself on IC’s story with the biggest ja2ra on her face; it’s captioned: “Sunshine and crisp air; birds and calmness…enough to paint beautifully.”

Sky goes back to being in a bad mood.

In 10 years: Going back to school to get manouche cocktail from the cafeteria.

IB Name: IBayda

Nickname: Zooz, Zoozoox, Zizi

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Benoit Barakett”, “Brewsters Angle”, “You wanna see my embryo”, “Watch breaking bad”

Role in Class: Randomly brings an embryo to classes, always looking for something to fix in the ac

IB Moment: The math class is arguing with Ms. Rasha and trying to convince her to postpone their last test of the year.

Suddenly Ziad says: “ Miss I will invite you for mjadara safra”

No one acknowledges Ziad but Miss ends up postponing the test

In 10 years: Still catching new sicknesses

IB Name: IBjeebMyOwnSnacksWBdayyef

Nickname: Mioush, Miamouk, Moomi

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I’m at the nurse so I can leave”, “I wish I took film”

Role in Class: Goody two-shoes

IB Moment: Mid business mock


Mia, embarrassed and confused

Dada: “Halla2 baaden estez, aam naamol emti7an”

That afternoon on whatsapp:

Mia: “Hi sir, what didn’t I do in the IA?”

Him: “Who said you didn’t do?”

Mia: “U told me during the test hahahaha”

Him: “Ahhh in the classss hahaha”

In 10 years: Still bringing her own lunch to work

ATHE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Mia Moukarzel Sky Maalouf Ziad Mattar

IB Name: IBou2a3

Nickname: Simz, Simo, Soma, Seamus, Effy Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Bdebera”, “Huh”, “What should I eat”, “I have a migraine”

Role in Class: Writing birthday raps with JanaR and Daniel

IB Moment: Sima, JanaT, Daniel, Dory are making a movie in school, they start “sword” fighting.

Sima gets a text that Mr. Bilal’s class hears them, they start screaming his name. Continuing with their movie…

Dory films Sima’s death scene, Jana and Daniel continue fighting.

Unaware Mr. Bilal filmed them, he sends the video to the math group saying: “Sima is dying.”

In 10 years: Still scrolling through toters at work

IB Name: IBeenDeekMehriAllThisTime

Nickname: Marco, Taco, Otayek, Eli B

AYears at IC: 15

Quotes: “Guys odds 1 to 10”, “I’m busy”, “Wassup dawg”, “Imagine…”

Role in Class: Sitting in the back playing clash of clans and making fun of Philippe

IB Moment: The business class had been waiting for 15 minutes for the teacher to come and were unsure if she was gonna show up. After waiting all this time Marc decides to stand at the door and yell to the class, “THE TEACHER DIED!!!” After that, she shows up right behind him in shock.

In 10 years: Running a business in Mexico

IB Name: IBmo2men

Nickname: Salhani, Serhan, Mamou, Nouns Years at IC: 11

Quotes: “Eh shu guys”, “Insa sa2atet math”, “Oulo lal Miss Inno Ana bil nurse”

Role in Class: Doesn’t attend class

IB Moment: Mahmoud arrives to his math midterm unprepared as usual and somehow manages to get a 2/80.

The next day Mahmoud hears people he doesn’t even know in the hallway know say: “Mish hayda yalle jeb 2 3al math?”

In 10 years: Taxi Driver

IB Name: IBelongInNazareth

Nickname: Shalhoub

Years at IC: 4

Quotes: “Miss I am going to draw in uni pls just give me a 7”, “Where is Aki?”, “Halla2 btekka”, “Khls aa Allah”, “C’est trooop un bad”, “Should i just drop to cpp?”, “Do I leave early today or skip tomorrow?”, “Pretend like you’re having fun for insta’’

Role in Class: PMSing, Crying, Filming

IB Moment: Having to change her clothes in front of her whole psychology class, including Ms. Hana.

Meeting most of the grade 12 students in her bathroom when she decided to throw the first IC promo party due to unfortunate and irresponsible decisions.

In 10 years: Married to Aki

Activities 276276 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Mahmud Salhani Sima Mourad Marc Otayek Chreim Aya Shalhoub

IB Name: IBdalneFey2a, IjustB

Nickname: Cici, C, Oops

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I’m gonna cry”, “Sorry I’m late miss”, “Should I drop chem SL?”

Role in Class: Local pharmacy, being so behind so everyone feels better about themselves, IC-paper-provider

IB moment: Cici and her friends cramming for the math test no one studied for In class before the test, Cici gets an email about a uni decision - the class comes up with a plan that if Cici gets rejected she’ll fake cry to make Ms. Rasha feel bad and cancel the test Cici, whispering: “Guys OH MY GOD I got accepted, what do I do now?”

In 10 years: Watching Hamilton for the 30th time, still solving Rhea’s problems

IB Name: IBaddenem

Nickname: Alayli, Alloush, Alele, Alaylzi

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “But the thing is”, “Miss I’m sl”, “Shou aamlin 3al ghada?”, “Ballashet en3as”, “Ha2ik madame”, “Enno”, “What’s the tea”

Role in Class: Sleeping

IB Moment: Nour crying in the seminar room in the library and Makkouk comforting her The librarian sees the door closed and opens it

The librarian: “keep the door ope-”

The librarian sees Nour crying and leaves while she slowly closes the door behind her She reopens the door a few seconds later the librarian: “…baddik shay”

In 10 years: Still drinking coffee

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Rania Jurdi Celine Abdallah
Nour Alayli

IB Name: IBOut

Nickname: Waldo, Ayass, Yasso

Years at IC: 4

Quotes: “Ma fhemet shi”, “Out”, “Insa”

Role in Class: Chilling

IB Moment: Walid has his IB officials in 4 days and procrastinated thinking of an IB moment. He no longer has the time or effort to think of one. In 10 years: Still can’t find me

IB Name: IBsoo2, IBnemduringeconmocks

Nickname: Dada, Dadz, Dadista, Dadux

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “Rawa2 khayye sho bek”, “Ensa nayyim”, “Yal”, “What the”

BRole in Class: Sleeping, spectator

IB Moment: On the first day of school, Ms. V is telling the class how to stay silent when entering the class late.

Makram comes late and says good morning and Ms. V uses him as an example of what to do when coming late.

Ms. V makes Makram walk back into the class silently. While that’s happening, Dada, 15 mins late, comes smiling into class and screams good morning Miss!!!

In 10 years: Catch him in his svj

IB Name: IBetwatar

Nickname: Chels, Chellsous, CSL

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “YAHYA KHALAS”, “I’m not gonna get into uni”, “I love Mr. Chirazi”, “talking so fast that no one understands”, “Can we go to Ms. Inar”, “Ohoooo”

Role in Class: Crying when someone mentions grad, teacher’s pet, postponing tests

IB Moment: Chelsea skips school to buy Harry Styles concert tickets

She buys 1 June 17 and tells Mr. Chirazi how excited she is.

Mr. Chirazi lectures her on how that might be during graduation.

Chelsea: “No aade it won’t be, I’ll make it work”

Gets an email that says grad is June 16

Chelsea cries and sells her ticket

In 10 years: Famous

IB Name: IBsawwir

Nickname: Hajj, Hajjeh, Rain, Gheine

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I can’t sit, who wants to walk”, “Come get coffee with me”, “Let’s go up we r gonna be late”, “Yay it’s raining”

Role in Class: Living one minute away from IC and still arriving late with coffee

IB Moment: Learning about volatile and non volatile storage in computer science

Ms. Dima: “Non-volatile means that the data will be saved even if the device is turned off”

Reine: closes her laptop

whole IA code gets deleted

In 10 years: Owning a successful coffee shop

Activities 278278 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Chelsea Haddad Walid Ayass Mohammad Dada Reine El Hajj

IB Name: IBarelySleep

Nickname: Hariri

Years at IC: 9

Quotes: “Deal boss”, “Ha2ik”, “Aaadee I’m focused”, “Inte a7la miss”, “Worst case we fail”, “Aade if we’re shway late”

Role in Class: Coming late with Dunkin coffee, listening to music, playing games on the iPad IB Moment: After already missing his Spanish IO twice, because of the earthquake and the teacher postponing, Yahya schedules to do it Wednesday afternoon. He leaves school early to review and study. Yahya ends up falling asleep for 4 hours, waking up to missed calls from Ms. Sandra and missing his official Spanish IO, again. In 10 years: Still studying medicine

IB Name: IBsarcastic

Nickname: Kalot, Serra, Sivs

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Skot”, “I hate you”, “Ok”, “LEK KHALAS KHALASS”, “To2”, “Go away”, “Ma azde shi bas azde shi”, “Tell them I’m at Ms. Inar’s”, Rou2”

Role in Class: Always listening to music, Breaking things in art

IB Moment: Sarah, listening to music during english class while Mr. Gus is explaining, but still nodding every 2 seconds whenever he looks in her direction

Mr. Gus: “Stop nodding you don’t have to pretend you’re focusing”

Sarah never tries anymore for the rest of the school year

In 10 years: Still drinking iced tea

IB Name: IByo2shotdaghte

Nickname: Big boss Ayman

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I’m craving Faysal”, “Allah bi 2ases”, “EY”

Role in Class: Skipping class to do her nails, working on any other subject than the class she’s in, playing papa’s pizzeria

IB Moment: Amyra is in the lab and suddenly smells one drop of acid

“Miss wallah I don’t feel good i’m gonna faint”

Lab tech: “tla3e 3al tawla awem”

Amyra lies on the table with the lab tech holding her legs up and the kids in the hallway are left traumatized

In 10 years: Creating the first 1 million spf sunscreen

IB Name: IBdalneAtMissInar’s

Nickname: Rayyouyi, Youyie, Coquette Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Why’d I take 4 HLs?”, “Let’s go to Inar’s”, “I have an issue”, “Guys we’re not ending up nowhere - right?”, “Chem HL? Ma Be3teref”

Role in Class: Asking for panadol, late because she’s at Ms. Inar’s

IB Moment: Rhea, late to math

Ms. Rasha: “Inar’s? Again??”

Ms. Dina: “La2 la2 wa2afouwa l’guards la2ano jeybe donuts”

Ms. Rasha, seeing nothing: “Rhea habibte wen l’donuts?”

Rhea: “They’re at Ms. Inar’s… we’re having a we-finished-uni-applications-party…”

Ms. Rasha mad Rhea didn’t get donuts, favoring Ms. Inar as usual. In 10 years: Haunting the Harvard-admissions-officer who rejected her


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Amyra El Khatib Yahya El Hariri Sarah Kalot Rhea Madhoun El Yafi

IB Name: IBeshrabJuice

Nickname: Makkouk, Makz, Kooky, Mooks

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I did something dumb”, “Mnetkhatta”, “Heww”, “Did my mom teach you”, “Akkis” , “I forgot I have tok in break again”, “Khede ba2a”

Role in Class: Snack supplier, waking alayli up, playing solitaire

IB Moment: Getting feedback on project in arabic class

Mona: saying “sah” after everything Ms. Sana says

Ms. Sana: “Hiye aam t2elle sah ka2anne natreta tsa7e7ne”

Mona: “LAA miss wallah ma azde hek b2oula bala ma hess”

Ms. Sana: “Ma tkhafe baarif betsir aam bemzah ma3ik”

30s later, Ms. Sana continues giving feedback

Mona (without noticing): “Sah”

Ms. Sana and the class laugh

In 10 years: Italian mafia

IB Name: IBeddahak

BNickname: Cilo, Celz, Noureddine

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “R u ok?”, “You’re late too?? Let’s go at the same time”, “Rah ebke”, “Let’s cancel the test”, “This cat looks like u”

Role in Class: Laughing at bad jokes, taking pictures of cats that walk in

IB Moment: Celine laughing outside with her friends after her mock exam

The other section of Econ still in their mock exam hear a loud laugh from three floors down Everyone starts laughing and Taly exposes Celine cause she knows her laugh.

The proctor: “Shu beha hay leh hal2adde mabsouta”

In 10 years: In her garden

IB Name: IBekhteri3

Nickname: Kyks, Kiki

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Ya mit ahla w sahla”, “Min?!”, “Sounds like a you problem”, finger guns

Role in Class: Doing everything except the subject being taught

IB Moment: taking modeling in math and all the questions are about velocity

Kynda: “Miss. why are all the questions the same? Isn’t there something else we can model?”

Ms. Rasha: “hala2 on the next test I’ll write a question about you”

Kynda: thinks Ms. Rasha’s joking

First question on the next test: Kynda goes paragliding off a cliff with an initial velocity of…

In 10 years: Still at practice

Activities 280280 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Kynda Salam Mona Makkouk Celine Noureddine

IB Name: IBetfalsaf

Nickname: Salibi, Samoura, Samk, Years at IC: 9

Quotes: “Maalmeeeh”, “Ai dios mio”, “Rawa222”, “Aa rase miss”.

Role in Class: Arguing with Ms. Dina, interrupting lectures to have long and irrelevant conversations, eating bezer.

IB Moment: Samer arrives 30 minutes late to his last business class: “Sabah el ward miss, kifik lyom”

“Why are you late, Samer?”

“I was getting things for our celebration”

Samer pulls out two bottles of children’s champagne and packets of bezer from his bag. “Tayeb okay, but first I want you to submit your IA” Samer starts arguing with Ms. Dina

10 minutes later Samer and Dino are popping champagne and listening to music on the balcony with both business classes and everyone’s vibing. In 10 years: Still arguing with Ms. Dina

IB Name: IIBa3molStress, IBetlabak

Nickname: Kayo, Karouna, Kooks, Smeha

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “I’m not stressing”, “I can’t seee” , “I have a migraine” , “Khalasssss”

Role in Class: Never wearing her glasses, always taking pictures of the board, annoying


IB Moment: Karen has a mental breakdown in class because of her math IA

Mr. Bilal tells Karen to relax 300 times

Karen gets mad at Mr. Bilal for telling her to relax

Mr. Bilal takes Karen’s laptop and says he can fix it in one second

2 periods later Mr.Bilal gets mad at Karen’s laptop cause it isn’t working

Karen tells Mr. Bilal to relax

Both mad at eachother and at Karen’s laptop

In 10 years: Still believes she can get taller/ owner of a fitness and dance studio and successful dentist

IB Name: IBer2os, IBegettingdresscoded

Nickname: Ang, Angiiiiiiiiii *voice crack*

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “High school to went I, school high to went y’all”

Role in Class: Taking a “short nap”

IB Moment: On the last day of classes Angie performs in the IB talent show as a way of expressing her feelings and skills to her fellow classmates. It was a fun experience after all and the smiles on all of her friends faces made her happy.

In 10 years: Moves to the States, becomes a Hollywood star, makes stashes of cash!

BTHE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Angelina Toramanian Samer-Karl Salibi Karen Samaha

IB Name: IBerkod

Nickname: Samke, Doritos, Dorathan, Dwere, Theodore, Dux, Dory Az3ar

Number of Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Yalla Fahd Nescafé?” “I have track” “For the experience” “Let’s go explore”

Role in Class: Gum salesman.

IB Moment: On skip day, Dory leaves Paul and Matthieu after hiking the mountain and sees a crowd around Johnny.

Ziad: Bit 2ari3 for $100?

Dory: Eh

Ziad: Lahza 3anjad?

Dory: Ino eh

Ziad tells Johnny.

Johnny: You’d actually do it?

Dory: Eh

Johnny pays Dory.

5 people shave Dory’s head bald.

Paul and Matthieu: Dory we left you for five minutes…

In 10 years: Looking for Nemo

Activities 282282 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Dina Yamout Dory Azar

IB Name: IBK

Nickname: BK, Bix, Bakkak, Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Mnetkhata”, “Mne2wa”, “T-marbouta after school?”, “Say hi to Kharrat”, “Live love

Mr. Moussa, Everyone: HE NEVER TAUGHT YOU!”

Role in Class: Giving sandwiches, telling Mr. Gus he dresses like kim possible

IB Moment: Solving a genetics problem on the board

Refusing to solve it and waiting till Yehya does it on the calculator

Ms. Fida grabs the pen and solves it

Ms. Fida: You should get a math tutor

5 min later, different genetics problem

Ms. Fida: Do you want to do the math?

Yara embarrassed: no…

In 10 years: Applying to US scholarships

IB Name: IBetwattar

Nickname: Jaynin, dutchie, blondie

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I want to drop chem HL”, “t3ebet”,“... but glass half full…”, “ma t3allamna this in bac francais”, “miss i’ll be abroad during the bio test”

Role in Class: Books and Pens and taking notes she doesn’t read

IB Moment: During an exam where everyone decided not to answer

Proctor: Khalas just stay seated and calm don’t move!

Janine makes a paper airplane and flies it

The proctor doesn’t notice

The whole class spent the rest of the test time making planes and flying them

In 10 years: Biologist attending every rock concert in Europe

IB Name: IBeddeErja3ACS

Nickname: Bsat, Bsus, Malteser Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Yii misss!!”, “shu suss”, “Allah yse3ed”, “i think I’m depressed”, Role in Class: Coming in late with A305 coffee, tobyeed wejj with teachers

IB Moment: November 2021, Yasmina crying after failing a chem test

Yasmina: “Estez I’m not coming to class”

Mr. Elie: “Why?”

Yasmina: “Ana mdaperse”

Yasmina proceeds to sit on a bench, contemplating her life choices

She loses the battle to chem HL on April 2022

Joining the SL squad was the best decision she ever made Yasmina will always love Nivo

In 10 years: Still late to everything

IB Name: IBturninginexamsearly

Nickname: George, Greg, Jorge

Number of Years at IC: 6 too many

Quotes: “ok”, “Do you have any games on your phone?”, “Maybe that’s why you got rejected”, “Can I do it on the GDC?”, “You’re weird”

Role in Class: Technician, Interrupting Mr. Gus, Counting how many times Mr. Payne says his name (296 times), Giving Ms. Najla his laptop, Providing alternate perspectives during Economics

IB Moments: Burning mercury in the physics lab

Opening the fire escape door in the Library during EE week

In 10 years: He doesn’t even know what he’s doing tomorrow

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Yasmina Bsat Yara Bou Karroum Janine Brouwer Giorgio Chaccour

IB Name: IBuprofen

Nickname: Naz, Casper and Hasbinis, ttte

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “why am i here”, “let’s go to the library”, “stop walking in loops”

Role in Class: Physically present, mentally absent

IB Moment: Nazek and Lana in triple math

Lana: “Draw on my hand”

Me *draws on her palm*

Mr. Adnan: “shu 3am ta3mle? 3am bit basre?”

In 10 years: Still playing that game

IB Name: IBasbeda7ak

Nickname: Bob, Bobster, Barhoum

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “mane jeye bokra”, ”sara7a t3ebet”, “bokra ill start inshallah”, “maba2 fine”

Role in Class: Laughing at everything, always late, Ms. Iman’s favorite

IB Moment: Bob sitting in math when suddenly music starts playing from his desk

Bob: “yi shu hayda”

Thinking it was his phone, he turns it off but Baby by Justin Bieber keeps playing

Mr. Bilal: “Ibrahim walaw what’s this?”

Bob: “ stez walla ma khasne”

It was then revealed to be Daniel’s phone inside Bob’s desk

Till this day, Bob checks under his desk before sitting

In 10 Years: still watching “lil mawt”

IB Name: IBePullingAllnighters

Nickname: Janjoun, Janjouny, Grayyis

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “when’s your birthday?”, “look at this picture of Gracie”, “akkis”, “i didn’t sleep”

Role in Class: Revision Village supplier, honorary theater student

IB Moment: Jana and Karen are pressing their faces against Ms. Ghida’s office, checking if she’s inside

Karen throws Jana so that she can see from over the door, and Jana makes direct eye contact with Ms. Ghida while she’s in the air

Ms. Ghida comes out and says: “I could see you this whole time, the door is transparent from the inside”

In 10 years: Still searching for a chem IA topic

IB Name: IBelonginfrench

Nickname: Shisho, Shish Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “akkes”, “aslan kent aam bemzah”, “ana saraha ma bshil”, “ensa tuesday”, “shou deep”, “remind me why I left french”, “kif yaane?”

Role in Class: Cracking jokes with teachers

IB Moment: Syso and Shisho outside of class during chem break:

Syso: “Shisho waw your leggings are so nice”

Shisho: proceeds to squat in front of Syrine

Ms. Niveen behind Shisho: “What are you doing?”

Shisho: “Miss I’m squatting we have to stay in shape”

Ms. Niveen: questions her life decision of becoming a teacher in IC

In 10 years: Releasing her first album after dropping med school

Activities 284284 Secondary School / Lycée IB2 C
Jana Karnib Nazek Hasbini Ibrahim Hashim Shirin Khalaf

IB Name: IBereadingbooks

Nickname: Lanoush, moudare3, lanloun, madi Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “mnetkhata”, “btsir”, bte2we”, “rawa2”, “ana khalas haza el mawdou3 akhad min wa2ti akhad min hami akhad min rahti”, “sad”, “kewt”, “kewl”, “oop”, “helo aane”, “insa”

Role in Class: Anova helper and curly hairdresser

IB Moment: Moment # 1: Lana wanted to go medicine for the past 2.5 years. When applying to universities, Lana ends up going for architecture. Moment # 2: She broke sink 2

In 10 years: Still getting dress coded

IB Name: IBurntout

Nickname: Yaso, Youssef, Yorgu, Mensonji

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “akiiid la2”, “what in God’s name”, “babes”, “I’m doing art”, “I fell asleep what did the teacher say”

Role in Class: Stressing about everything, drinking coffee from her mug, falling asleep, reapplying chapstick every 5 seconds, online shopping, playing tetris

IB Moment: Making confetti in the back of the French class with Amyra while Ms. Ghinwa is talking about the dangers of child labor

In 10 years: Filing a lawsuit against accutane companies

IB Name: IBetlabbak

Nickname: Soph, Sophie, Safsouf, Foufi Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “inno basically”, “habibte”, “hi dear”, “I’m not okay”, “ma 3am etnaffas”, “3am fakkir to skip bokra”, “can we go A3”, “fa2a3 el mascara”

Role in Class: Always asking for a charger, putting makeup in class, coming late everyday

IB Moment: A huge bird flies into class

Sophia gets up, starts screaming and runs out of class

Mr. Adnan follows Sophia concerned

Mr. Adnan: “Waynik ya Sophia?”

Sophia: “Sir walla mafiyye hek.”

Mr. Adnan: “Wein kht”

Sophia stays out while Mr. Adnan makes the bird leave In 10 years: Still changing her IB subjects


IB Name: IBne2

Nickname: Soussi, Souss, Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “bro”, “rawaa”, “going to saida”, “auto out”, “YAY FOOTBALL”, “akkis”

Role in Class: Conversing with teachers, leaving class to waste time

IB Moment: Ms. Rasha changes Noora’s grade from 98 to 96.

Noora: “miss u can only add points”

Ms. Rasha: “Isa ur brother comes back to my class I will.”

Noora calls and asks Anis to come from uni.

5 mins later he knocks on the door

Ms. Rasha shocked because she didn’t think Noora was serious: “If I knew he would come, kenet talabit shi as3ab”

In 10 years: In the art room


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Sophia Sabra Lana Madi Yasmine Mansour Noora El Soussi

IB Name: IBnem

Nickname: Taks, Takis, Takson

Years at IC: 15

Quotes:”Gett ourra heree”, “NAHH”, “meshe”, “lahhh”, “akid la2”

Role in Class: Annoying Ms. Dina

IB Moment: School after skip day

Malek: “Saraha ana sa7sa7it ma bhess 7a nem after school”

Not even 2 hours later

Malek sleeps during double CS and continues his nap during second break. His friends start searching for him after realizing that he’s missing

Malek finally wakes up

Malek: “What time is it?”

Michel: “1”

Malek realizes he has been asleep for 2.5 hrs. “Lahhh akid ma sar hek halla2, yalla basita”

In 10 years: Still sleeping

IB Name: IBBayedWej

Nickname: Mamadou, Doo, Douh

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “nayim”, “khalas bokra”, “helo”, “sale aal nabeh”, “eh inshallah”

Role in Class: Enjoying himself at the expense of others.

IB Moment: Ms. Dima returning the mid term test grades

Mahmoud gets a 55

He starts laughing and making fun of him

Moments later Ms. Dima returns his test with a smile on her face

Mamdouh:”Miss, why are you smiling?”

Ms. Dima: “Nothing”

She returns his grade and it’s a 53

In 10 years: Owner of a multi billion dollar company in Dubai

IB Name: IBlastJazz


Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Baba” (Mr. Jarrouj), “Why do they call it oven when you of in cold food of out hot eat the food?”, “Rani, stop playing the lick!”

Role in Class: Roasting Khalil El Kaaki in math

IB Moment: In Mr. Sevag’s class

Article pops up on his recommended: “Anti-gay Hungarian politician has resigned after being caught fleeing a 25-man orgy through a window”

Samer: “That guy looks like Mr. Sevag”

Mr. Sevag: “Who?”

Hadi shows everyone, including Mr. Sevag, the title of the article

They die laughing

In 10 years: In IB12

Activities 286286 Secondary School / Lycée IB2 C
Hadi Zoghaib Malek Takieddine Mamdouh El Zein

IB Name: IBaamoul stress

Nickname: Jadey

Quotes: “Sir, I know I’m your favorite student”

Role in Class: To distract Mr. Bilal from actually teaching and even taking over sometimes.

IB Moment: The last day of school, she cried so much to the point where people from different schools asked her if she was okay and told her to stop crying. She made so many new friends this day.

In 10 years: She would still be wondering if she should have persued medicine after picking fashion business

IB Name: IBringChaos

Nickname: Khalil Salameh (economist), DBM, KhilZ Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Shu fi plans lyom”, “Bta3ref meen jedde?” Answer: Khalil Alameh, “Bta3ref meen jed jedde?” Answer also: Khalil Alameh, “Akbar ghalta fetit physics HL”, “Hey shawtyyyyy”, “Khabbine Ms. Dima aam tfatesh 3alaye”

Role in Class: The jaw(vibe) of the class

IB Moment: Khalil got into a bike accident, and in honor of that moment, Mr. Moussa (physics teacher) gave them a physics problem about a bike.

In 10 years: In the 10 year high-school reunion thinking back to this exact moment trying to create a never ending loop between time and memories.

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Josette Eid Jade Akkawi
Khalil Alameh

IB Name: IBsellingbubblegum

Nickname: Chemini, Daniella, Dandouni

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “What’s wrong with you”, “For the experience”, “Ado AirPod now”

Role in Class: Doing anything but Math in Mr. Bilal’s class

IB Moment: Daniel enters the bus in a daze after partying for 6 hours straight on skip day. He jumps over a guy that’s sleeping who he has never met before, and falls dead on the seat next to him.

The guy wakes up confused 15 minutes later and looks at Daniel The guy: “Men wen eja hayda?”

In 10 years: Still changing hairstyle every 3 months

IB Name: IBoxer

Nickname: Ezzo, Nadz, Nadimo

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “M3alleeem”, “Yoo”, “Baddak shi?”, “Nayyem”, “Good Morly”, “No way triple business”, “Miss can we leave early?”

Role in Class: Living in his own world. Charming teachers. Water delivery.

IB Moment: Nadim walks into school as champion with his golden medal after winning his boxing match in front of his friends and classmates.

In 10 Years: Conquering the world

IB Name: IB3ayet

Nickname: Mirz, Marmour, Hussein

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: ”Nyaa shu hal reeha”, ”I can’t with physics anymore”, ”Omg triple art”, “Who has gum”, ”Habibi Ms.Josette”, ”I don’t have time to study I have practice”

Role in Class: Asking for a 2 minutes break

IB Moment:

Teacher asks anyone who’s ready to submit their TOK essay can leave the class. Mira leaves and says confidently: ”Miss ma hat shufe essay ahsan min heik“. After reading her essay, the teacher starts chasing her in the hallway calling out that her essay is a failure.

In 10 years: Still regretting skipping skip day

IB Name: IBstylish

Nickname: Angela, Narnoura, Nounou, Naur, Eskan

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Sorry I’m late”, “Kenet marida”, “When the night...”, “Shabeb, sa2atna?”, “Aande AGC”, “Jjnnnnn”, “Badna nwalle3a”, “Ghfet”, “Araf le ye2rfek”, “Yelluh”

Role in Class: Never being in class. Roasting everyone. Lip Gloss supplier.

IB Moment:

- Singing Bohemian Rhapsody in the middle of the green field with Tayla and getting a standing ovation from the AUB dorm students

- Drinking mate in front of Rockfeller

In 10 years: Still hungry. Her phone’s battery is still dead. Finalising her IAs. CEO of Faysal.

Activities 288288 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Mira Hussein Agha Daniel Chehimi Nadim Ezzeddine Nour Iskandarani

IB Name: IBjibAkel

Nickname: Dino, Dinosaur, Deans

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Cold”

Role in Class: Food Supplier, The artist

IB Moment: They were celebrating the last day of IB1 by getting a cake during french class. No one ended up eating the cake and they wanted to give it away, instead Muhieddine ate it all.

In 10 Years: We up

IB Name: IBehrob mnel madrase

Nickname: Maki, Maks, Nini, Mikey, Miki

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ma ele jlede etlaa aal saff”, “Nayem”, “Nahhh”, “Shu baddak/ik ente”

Role in Class: Always on his phone

IB Moment: Sprayed a teacher, her class and a security guard with the chattafe without realising. He did not stop until the security went up to the bathroom and caught him still spraying. Ending up getting a probation.

In 10 Years: Still trying to finish his business IA

IB Name: IBdabbera

Nickname: Lilo, Raychamayni, Rech, RechMoney

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ensaa” “Core memory”, “Lol aam bel3ab subway surf”, “Rayha aa Faysal halla2 khallaso l middle I can get out”, “Wayna nala?”, “I can’t I have to work on the freaking car”, “I’m photosynthesizing”

Role in Class: Designing subway surf characters

IB Moment: Drawing a sketch in the art room during her free period, suddenly water starts to pour from the second floor, and floods the room. She goes upstairs to try to stop the leakage, and becomes completely soaked.

In 10 Years: Still building cars

IB Name: IBomrad

Nickname: Ayoush, Ayasmr, Youshi. Years at IC: 11

Quotes: “I’m so mad”, “Ms. Niveen sent another email to my parents”, “Love you”, “I’m stalking toters”, “Hayetee Ms. Josette”, “Ha jenn”, “You want Magnesium?”

Role in Class: Ranting to Ms. Josette and Mr. Gus about everything

IB Moment: Doing her Chemistry IA in the lab, Aya is shocked at how bad carboxylic acids smell. She opens the doors to aerate, unaware that it has spread to the whole building. Everyone, including students and administration, start yelling as the building is filled with the worst smell to ever exist.

In 10 years: Show host


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Layal Rechmani Muhieddine Itani Makram Nini Aya Samara

IB Name: IBerfect

Nickname: Sbeity, Yars, Fars, Lacely, Sbeiryyyy, Yelloy, yarzie, Photosynthesiser

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “Nat NAIS.”, “You know?”, “Anyway..”, “Wanna come to the gym with me?”, “yea??”, “naw”, “sharap.”, “heyyyy :(“ “You all copy me”y, “que bueno”, “So ANNOYING” “get away”

Role in Class: Comic-Relief, Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dealer

IB Moment: In class, a BioNinja mnemonic is projected.

Ms. Fida:” Yara. Please rap this.”

Yara: “I can’t! I need a beat”

Ado: oontz oontz oontz (beatbox noises)

2 minutes later, Yara, still rapping

Ado, still beatboxing: “Khalsine ba2a”

In 10 Years: Director, editor, cinematographer, scriptwriter, sound-designer, musicproducer.. lead performer, solo-traveller, chef, podcaster, pro-skater, taxi driver..

IB Name: IBet2akhar

Nickname: Samo, Samsoum

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Hiii baaabeeeee!”, “Shu hal shi”, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AKH”, “Hugs and kisses”

Role in Class: 1 hour late, laughing, Ms. Iman’s bestie

IB Moment:

Samaya is trying to stay awake and focus in class. The teacher says S.H.I.T. so Samaya thinks it is a physics unit.

Samaya: “Is the ocean’s large volume the reason it has high S.H.I.T.?”

The class and the teacher die laughing while Samaya looks around confused. Samaya spells S.H.I.T. laughing realising it was a joke.

In 10 years: Engineer CEO on the cover of Vogue

IB Name: IBeautiful

Nickname: Tannir, Tana Jannir, Fana, Fanir, Gangun, JaJa, JT, TayTay, toz Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “HUHHH?”, “This is so chaotic”, “Khls la wa2ta”, “Beddeh nem”, “I need coffee”, “Mej”, “Shou aam bi seer”, “Khalasss Fahddd”, “Ma aam befham,” “We’re trapped in a jail”, “Ugh that’s such a nice car”, “Ugh that’s so funnyyyy”

Role in Class: Letting Fahd play on her iPad and always laughing

IB Moment: Bringing her cat to school to be an actor in Dory’s film and standing outside holding him in his cage…then the cage broke and he fell out…

In 10 years: Driving her red Porsche 911 GT3

Activities 290290 Secondary School / Lycée IB2 D
Jana Tannir Yara Sbeity Samaya Soufi

IB Name: IBlueHair

Nickname: Mina, Meana, Blue hair, Blue, Olive Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Actually????”, “ya mshahara”, “Sorry I forgot to reply”, “I just woke up”, “I can’t do physics today I can’t”, “LEK KHALASSSS”, “Sorry I didn’t reply I didn’t wake up from my nap”

Role in Class: Giving everyone chargers/extension cords/makeup/hair straighteners from her bag

IB Moment: Breaking the first sink

In 10 years: Still leaving people on delivered

IB Name: IBayernMunich

Nickname: Aboudi, ABD, Abboud, Zeidan Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Ahlann”, “Kif el shbb”, “Saba7o”, “Wen serto bel IA”, “Miss fine rouh 3al cafeteria?”

Role in Class: Always calm. Winning at chess.

IB Moment: Finally managed to arrive early on the last day of school. Was first to arrive to class and took a picture with the school wall clock documenting the moment.

In 10 Years: Chess champion. Catering for the class reunion.

DActivities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Yasmina-Noujoum Zaitoun Abderrahman Zeidan

IB Name: IBdarbek

Nickname: Amhaz, Amhez, Amhouze

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Insa”

Role in Class: Sitting in the corner of the class on his phone

IB Moment: Taking physics in IB1 thinking it was easy. One month later, dropping out of physics before a day of their first test after failing three quizzes. In 10 years: Business man

IB Name: IBensa

Nickname: Tina

Years at IC: 5

Quotes: “Hi Miss sorry i’m late”, “I’ll submit it by the weekend max” , “Can we get juice?”, “Miss walla I’m focusing”, “Where’s my lip balm”

Role in Class: Being behind on all assignments

IB Moment: Ms. Nivine at the end of grade 10: “If anyone can do chemistry HL it would be you i think you will excel in this course”

Reality in IB2: “Madame Andraos, Christina is failing chemistry, she is behind on all submissions and won’t answer any of my emails”

In 10 years: Still studying medicine

Activities 292292 Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Mr. Sevag Atamian Karim Amhaz Christina Andraos

IB Name: IBazzi23

Years at IC: 3 years

Quotes: “Respect”

IB Name: IBabsent

Nickname: Marmour, Mirz, Marmar

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I’m going crazy”, “I wanna go home”, “I need coffee”, “I’m not coming tomorrow”, “I need to go get a paper from Ms. Dina”, “Where’s my milk blush?”, “That’s such an ick”

Role in Class: Arriving (fashionably) late to every class.

IB Moment: Mira enters class after not being in school for one month: Whole class is shocked and starts clapping

Ms. Rola: “I forgot you were with us in class”

In 10 years: Still not showing up to her job.

IB Name: IBtoni

Nickname: Toni, Antoon

Years at IC: 9

Quotes: “Nahhh”

Role in Class: Lowering the class average

IB Moment: Antoine and Nassim sitting in the corner of Ms. Lana’s class

Antoine builds a paper plane and start throwing it across the classroom to get it through the window

On the fifth try, he finally gets it out of the window and it reaches the football field, but Ms. Lana sees him and gives him a slip. In 10 years: Hopefully not in school

IB Name: IBdabber 7ale

Nickname: Guz , 3ebs , Sandwich

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Dabarna 7alna”

Role in Class: Asking silly questions to make the teacher think he’s paying attention

ETHE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Antoine El Hani Mounia Bazzi Mira Daher Abdul-Hadi Issawi

IB Name: IBall

Nickname: Gio, Gig

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “Bek shi hbb”, “Mat khaline jen”, “aande basket”

Role in Class: Daddy of the class

IB Moment: Fake vomiting in front of Ms. Rawan to get away with being 40 minutes late to the first business exam

In 10 years: Plastic surgeon maao masare nshala

IB Name: IBballin’

Nickname: Kaaki

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “The square root of 3 is 3 to the negative 2”, “Tali3 3al library eshteghel 3al IA”, “Shu?”

ERole in Class: Getting roasted by Hadi Zoghaib in Math.

IB Moment: He asked Ms. Jenny for tips for IB2, she told him “Don’t fake your way through by pretending to read your novels.”

In 10 years: Still haven’t used his TI in a real-world situation.

IB Name: IBdresscoded

Nickname: Gass, Gasskass, Gezia

Years at IC: 2

Quotes: “Shu azdak?!” , “Ma aam besma3 shi”, “Hlof fi hek shi”, “Don’t worry ma ballashet yet”

Role in Class: Deathstaring people without realizing

IB Moment: Gassia decides to do and file her nails in Math class and gets yelled at by Ms. Mira.

10 minutes later:

Ms. Mira: “Gassia ta3e ebredlik yehon”

In 10 years: Sending singing voice messages to her boss

IB Name: IBnem

Nickname: Anouna, Iggy, EE, I Lingos

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Omg i need to do my IA”, “Miss walla I’m awake”, “Don’t worry I didn’t start yet”, “I want croissant chocolat”

Role in Class: Sleeping, Waking up to shout a random answer, Going back to sleep (and somehow getting the answer right)

IB Moment:Eana gets back her CS mock exam, seeing a big red 6 on it

Eana: MISS 6 OVER 7??? NO WAY I DIDN’T EVEN STUDY IM SO SMART continues to celebrate in the middle of class

Ms. Dima: “Eana this is a 6 over 65.”

In 10 years: Missing the 10 year reunion cause she has practice

Activities 294294 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Gassia Kassardjian Georgio Jamati Khalil Al Kaaki Eana Melki

IB Name: IBlyingforfun

Nickname: Loulou by Ms. Lina, Louli, Loul, Pamplemousse by Estez Elie Years at IC: 2

Quotes: : “ Ana rase manno TOK”, “ My EE is not working”, “ At least you don’t take arabic A”, “Ma fhemet”

Role in Class: Randomly putting on lipgloss in class

IB Moment: Loulwa decides to do her makeup in Math class for the Torch picture She puts the wrong shade of foundation on her face and doesn’t notice Ms. Razane (weirded out): “Loulwa mbayyan l foundation la aande.”

Loulwa proceeds to cover it up with 1000 layers of blush and prays no one will notice. In 10 years: A doctor married to a doctor and advocating for Arabic A trauma

IB Name: IBasically

Nickname: Nayyoush, Rahal

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Mnetkhatta”, “Bitseer”, “Haj ta3mloule”, “Miss can I go to AGC?”, “La wa2ta”, “My lenses are hurting”

Role in Class: Laughing, eating and asking teachers about their personal life.

IB Moment: Naya gets 23/100 on her paper 3 mock chem exam.

Ms. Jurdi starts correcting the test in class.

Naya screams out of nowhere: “Oh my God miss I just realized I skipped 3 pages by mistake”.

Everyone gets so shocked and starts laughing.

In 10 years: Traveling the world

IB Name: IBekrahElKel

Nickname: Janajeen, 06, Jeikh, Junior Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Who has vaseline”, “I need coffee”, “Shu hasayna nekhod IB”, “Can we go to A305”, “Hi dear”

Role in Class: Providing Sima with food - Counting down the minutes for class to end

IB Moment: Bob and Bsat presenting in english Ms. Rola was sitting in front of Jana Jana opens insta for one second Spanish music starts playing in the loudest volume and the whole class hears Jana quickly shuts her phone off but the music still plays Ms. Rola: “I didn’t hear that.”

In 10 years: Sponsored by clinique

IB Name: IBe7mol4Bags

Nickname: Meesh, Michow, Sham3a

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “Ah 7elo”, “Yi eh”, “Badde 2ekol”, To Mia: “King’s?”

Role in Class: Carrying Mr. Moussa’s Physics class with Malek - Complaining about el wade3.

IB Moment: Mistaking Sasha’s nose job for domestic violence because of the bandages on her nose.

In 10 years: Getting a passport so his kids go into CPP

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Jana Ramadan Loulwa Nakhoul Naya Rahal Michel-Omar Shammaa

IB Name: IBettekel 3a Allah

Nickname: Miks,Tayara

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Mnettekel 3a Allah”, “Kheir”

Role in Class: Opening off-topic conversations with Mme. Josette.

IB Moment: Mme. Josette decides to drop a pop test on her students on a Friday afternoon. As the papers are handed out, everyone starts scribbling away, except for Malek, who just sat there popping his joints.

Mme. Josette, intrigued, asks Malek why he wasn’t frantically writing like the rest of the class.

He says: “ Madame, I’m challenging myself.” Mme. Josette couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

In 10 years: Allahu a3lam

IB Name: IBehke ktir

Nickname: Sash, Sasho, Rudolf

Years at IC: 15

EQuotes: “Hzaro shu” ,“5 mnt break pls”, “Fi shames”, “Ma ha edakhal… shu bedkon yene oul”

Role in Class: Comes up with the most random conversations to avoid focusing - Getting the big jar of vaseline with her everywhere

IB Moment: Sasha being the most dramatic, making sad videos about leaving school, proceeds making everyone so emotional and vulnerable about school ending

Last day of school

Everyone crying while Sasha feels perfectly fine and starts planning what to wear to tonight’s party

In 10 years: Still laughing at her own jokes

Activities 296296 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Malek Tayara Sasha Uthman

IB Name: Ibadeetlaalpodium

Nickname: Foufs, Fiks Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “ Nayim.”, “Full akis.”, “Nayamna.”, “Farakneha .”. Role in Class: The most loved yet most hated by teachers/ enjoy his time at the cost of others.

IB Moment: Always in the office arguing with the administration and convincing how he will be calmer in class

In 10 years: Billionaire in the middle east and balling with mansions in LA.

IB Name: IBonsa7aktsa7se7

Nickname: Nass, Flumi, Nixos, Abou Habib Years at IC: 11

Quotes: “Enx l banx”,“Miss I wasn’t late bas ken fi ktir 3aj2a 3al daraj”, “Engahhh”,“ Sa7se7”, “Where you from???”, “Tilalamlam”.

Role in Class: Asking teachers for free periods la2an “mshahlin bel program”

IB Moment: DJing at the IB party, Dabke bel talent show In 10 years: Successful Contractor and DJing worldwide on the side

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Advisor: Ms. Ghinwa Sabra Bayrakdar Fouad Abdul Hadi
Nassim Abou Habib
2 F

IB Name: IBesAnaSigma

Nickname: “Phil”, “Philisios”, “Baaklini”, “Phix”, “Aboul Phix”, “Sigma”.

Years at IC: 14

Quotes: “Siuuu”, “Vamosss”, “Calma”, “What’s funny is - ”, “W bes hek”, “Bhes the board needs calibration”, “Nahhhh”.

Role in Class: Calibrator, Joker, Gum Supplier.

IB Moment: Scoring a goal in the World Cup Tournament and then removing shirt as a celebration, Climbing the cafeteria roof, Doing the “siuuu” and “gangnam style” in CS.

In 10 Years: Tech Billionaire.

IB Name: IBaadmafe2et

Nickname: Bawab

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “Kello byo2ta3”, “Raye7 jeeb shante min el locker”, “Ma sme3et el jaras”, “Leh ma fine ekol el man2ooshe bil saff?”, “Bro”, “Insa baleha”.

FRole in Class: Trying to postpone Computer Science exams and reduce test material

IB Moment: Winning the Push-up competition in the talent show

In 10 years: Multimillionaire businessman owning luxurious supercars.

IB Name: IBsharafkon

Nickname: Bazzi

Years at IC: 7

Quotes: “tab ma yalla man khallsouna”, “can you pls I’m shy”, “enta do it you’re the man”, “ya rabbe fi choir lyom”, “do you trust me”, “eh natra Layal”, “yalla ladies first”, “shhhh”, “habibi random teacher”

Role in Class: “My stomach hurts”

IB Moment: Getting bored to death during EE week, sitting in 303 and playing cards. Teacher walks in mid-game and stares at them for a solid five minutes.

“Walaw shu 3am ta3mlo?????”

“Miss 3am nel3ab 14.”

In 10 years: PhD inshallah

IB Name: IBig Man

Nickname: Ado, Big Man, Big A, A Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “na2et article dino?”, “khaline bhalle”, “m3almeh”, “ bit houn”, “Boss”, “Kiss u sweet”, “Drink Dory drink”

Role in Class: DJ

IB Moment: Last one to leave the club on skip day, not sleep a minute, continues the party at school the next day, and proceeds to sleep the whole weekend


Activities 298298 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Nala Bazzi Philippe Baaklini Malek El Bawab Adonis Bou Ezzedine

IB Name: IBeconomist

Nickname: X54

Years at IC: 3

Quotes: “Alo”, “ Mat 5alini 3aseb”, “ Yalla Dory Nescafé”

Role in Class: Gum distributor and playing on Jana’s Ipad

IB Moment: Fahd gets nescafe delivery to English class, Dory tries to give him the nescafe, Ms. Rola: “Never in my years of teaching have I seen a coffee delivery to class, no.” In 10 years: Still making nescafe

IB Name: IBekolBasMaBensah

Nickname: Dib, Ogz, Tanajer, Anabel, Ogz el anj, Ogzanji Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “hloff”, “la nayem”, “insa baleha”, “what a guy”, “nahhh”, “harammmm”

Role in Class: Getting his friends in trouble

IB Moment: Laughs at Abboudi and Mamdouh for getting a 4/12 and 6/12 on a business test, then proceeds to get a 2/12. In 10 years: Still deciding if British Columbia is a good university

IB Name: IBaddenem

Nickname: Taltoul, Toula, Fahed, Taltal Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “I didn’t study”, “I’m falling asleep”, “they’re so cute”, “I feel like dancing”

Role in Class: Studying for tests she didn’t start for a period before, laughing In 10 years: Always on vacation

IB Name: IBishtri

Nickname: Jonaldo, Johnny, Big Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “GEOOO”, “Insa I failed physics”

Role in Class: sugar daddy of IB

IB Moment: Bought the cafeteria, submitting the physics mock exam an hour early In 10 years: Crypto whale

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Taly Fahed Fahd Chehabeddine Omar El Dib Jonathan Gebara

IB Name: IBet2akhar

Nickname: Touj, Tijet, Tilted

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “My Guyy ”, “Heyyyy”, “Good morning sorry I’m late”.

Role in Class: Gum Supplier, Tobyeed Wej, Funniest Laugh, Suffocating the class with the sexiest perfume.

IB Moment: Math AI HL have a test and everyone studied except Taj

Taj lies and tells the class he saw the test and that it’s impossible for anyone to pass ..

Taj convinces the class to skip the test and do the makeup..

The teacher tells them the original test was going to be very easy and she will make the makeup impossible and the class questions Taj..

Taj’s devious acts led to everyone failing the makeup and the downfall of AI HL students began.

In 10 years: Business CEO and Manchester United manager, Still going to the gym

FIB Name: IBdalbaratelsaf

Nickname: Jemejme, Jeeks

Years at IC: 6

Quotes: “Ya Msha7araaa”, “Yaatik el sandal”, “Miss walla i was sick”, “ HANIMOL” “DOCTORAAA DIMAAAAA”

Role in Class: Jad went to english only twice in a semester

IB Moment: Dropping IB 3 months before the IB officials

In 10 years: Jad will have six packs

IB Name: IBghish

Nickname: Ibn l aamid, Khaldoun, Machmouchi

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “3milt li aaleyye”, “cpp ahla”, “3eyshiin”, “where’s my laptop?”

Role in Class: Class clown/fav student

IB Moment: Big assessment day for computer science students, Khaled forgot to study thinking he’s smart enough to do the test alone. Ms. Dima lets khaled sit in the front seat so he doesn’t cheat, Khaled takes the test paper and knows he will get a 0. Ms. Dima says if Khaled doesn’t do good she’ll call his parents, Khaled then decides to hide his test paper and act as if he gave Ms. Dima his test when the test papers are being picked up. When returning the results, Khaled’s paper doesn’t come up and he blames the teacher for losing his test, and the act of searching for Khaled’s test begins.

In 10 years: Still “searching” for CS test

Activities 300300 Secondary School / Lycée IB2
Khaled Machmouchi Tajeddine Houri Jad Khalil

IB Name: IBaaedmabalashetmyEE

Nickname: Tam, Mahfouz, Tamboush

Years at IC: 13

Quotes: “fina nrouh a305”, “hala2 besh7ad war2a min James”, “lady D”, “i’m actually working on my EE”, “lek open chatgpt”, “Ms. samar you put too much assignments”, “lek s2oto yolo”, “eh miss fhemet bas fike tfasre”

Role in Class: Arguing with Ms. Samar because she thinks assignments are candy

IB Moment: Tamara runs for CSL and loses then gets a probation the next day for not submitting her EE. Tamara gets kicked out of the committee one day after the elections. Tamara thanks God till today she didn’t win CSL cause she would’ve been kicked out and gotten embarrassed.

In 10 years: Still doing a pros and cons list for AUB and IE

Nickname: Nasser, Karimo, Kars, Korkomaz

Years at IC: 15

Quotes: “no way, “tab ok rou2”, “actually”

Role in Class: Making sure no one is stressed, playing GTA, making facial expressions

IB moment:Karim smells something bad while doing his chem IA

Decides to ignore it until it became too strong

Checks google only to realize that his experiment released poisonous gas

Technician evacuates the lab to save everyone

Ms. Niveen: “Your topic is too simple dear”

In 10 years: Kylie Jenner’s plastic surgeon because she got old

FActivities 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée IB2
IB Name: IBeChill Tamara Mahfouz Karim Nasser


Activities 304304 Secondary School / Lycée
President Joel Peinado delivering the commencement speech Faculty Address, Ms. Paula Mufarrij, Vice President for Academic Affairs Commencement Address, Ms. Roula Khalaf ’84, Editor, Financial Times



Secondary School / Lycée

Valedictorian Speech 2023

President Peinado, Vice Presidents, Directors, Faculty, and Staff members, Esteemed guests, parents, and the lovely administration who has given me the honor of being named valedictorian, welcome.

Before I begin, I’d like to say that this is a huge honor and it was an extremely hard secret to keep, but I did it so, surprise Mom, Dad, and everyone else!

Most importantly I’d like to welcome my second family, the class of 2023!

Students hate Mondays. Why? Because it’s the day that we come back from a weekend into a week full of studying, sitting in classrooms, and waking up early, only to arrive late to school. So, imagine a little girl who hates Mondays, doesn’t want to wake up early, and has to be dragged to school. Well, that wasn’t me, I was quite the opposite. Ever since I was in preschool, I’d be punished by mandatory and upsetting vacations. These vacations were a disguise to keep me away from my family, my IC family. So I always had a huge smile when my parents would drop me off at the gates of the Ain Aar campus, because the second I stepped foot into my classroom, I was immediately greeted by my other parent, also known as my teacher.

This is when I came to realize that IC was not like most schools. No, I’m not talking about their amazing education because that goes without saying. We have four renowned programs, the Ali Ghandour Center, both student and teacher-led clubs, and top of the line educational equipment, and before I go on, no they totally didn’t force me to say this. But actually, aside from IC’s education, what differentiates it from the rest is its ability to provide its students with an environment to grow into a family. This is why my hatred for those vacations grew every year. I was deprived of seeing the home and the people who took part in shaping the person that stands in front of you today because if it was not for IC I wouldn’t be able to walk out of these doors today with no doubt in mind that I’m equipped with the skills needed to tackle whatever the future may hold. For example, the other day when someone asked me to e3rob esem majrour I was completely prepared. But in some more influential examples, IC taught me the means by which I express myself artistically, academically, and vocally. Most importantly, IC taught me how to connect with others, every single day when I’d connect with my 252 siblings, actually, 251. I’d rather not count Yahya as a sibling. This ability to connect with others was the seed that grew into my prominent involvement in initiatives in the secondary school, including the IB Festival of Hope, the Global Innovative Sustainability Summit in Qatar, tutoring public school students, volunteering in NGOs, and founding clubs. It’s this ability to connect that carries IC alumni to the top of their respective fields. And it’s this ability that will allow us to conquer the future with no hesitation. Also, these experiences wouldn’t be the same without a mentor so I’d like to express my gratitude towards Ms.Daouk for her endless support and for staying with us until the end.

While panicking over what else I should include in this speech, my school dad, Mr.Chirazi, told me that the most important thing to keep in mind is that I should be myself. Then I realized that a large part of who I am is IC. Not solely being family with the students, but connecting with larger IC as a whole.

When I unexpectedly got accepted into UC Berkeley at 2:00 am, the first people I called were my parents and my fairy Godmother, Ms.Inar. This goes to show the unwavering bond between IC and student extends past the campus borders and the school day, and no matter the situation or the time, I always feel connected to my larger family, all of IC. And that connection is only strengthened with the monumental moments that some of you had in our first promo party or our first skip day, where “someone” recklessly shaved their head in front of everyone, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to bring those moments up here.

This, to me, defined the famed IC environment and culture which sticks with alumni well into the future. The IC spirit that lights up every casual day at school. The spirit that will stick with us into our future.

When the earthquake hit, I directly opened our senior group chat. Even in that unsettling moment, looking at those messages, especially that one video that you all know I’m referring to, I began laughing uncontrollably. That properly displayed the significance of having one another to lean on, which I believe is a fundamental necessity when living in uncertainty, and is a foundational characteristic of the IC environment.

Now we are leaving that protective home and here we are in the moment that we prayed would come. As the brilliant but fictional Rory Gilmore said, “We prayed for its quick delivery, crossed days off our calendars, counted hours, minutes, and seconds, and now that it’s here I’m sorry it is”.

As we stand here today, the room is filled with several emotions: the parents who are in awe of their children growing up, the graduates who can’t believe they made it, and our administration and teachers who probably can’t believe we made it either. And I know I’m not the only one who doubted whether getting our final diploma was truly worth the sleepless nights and the hurried studying only hours before an exam. But now that we are here, I can confidently say, it is more than worth it.

At the end of the day, this speech is only a final draft that touches on the mere surface of what we’ve done to get here and what we have received from our time in IC. So thank you for all your efforts, appreciate your teachers, hug your parents because they still can’t believe you grew up, and I hope at our 10-year reunion we’ve all accomplished our goals and set new ones, and hopefully the question “aya se3a bto2ta3 el kahraba”?” and “Ade El dollar?” won’t still be as common. My one piece of advice which I feel is fit for this exact moment is, when it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life.

Now, since standing in these heels has become exceedingly uncomfortable, I will wrap up this speech by reflecting on dreading the day that I had to leave IC Ain Aar, thinking I was about to lose the family I became so close to. But now I am no longer that little girl I was, standing in front of the Ain Aar gates with my backpack filled with anticipation. I’m the young woman leaving with my back towards the Ras Beirut gates looking straight at the university I’m going to attend with a comforted feeling that no matter what the future holds, before anything we are IC graduates and we’ll be able to call IC a home forever. Finally, I know that the IC gates will always welcome me.

Congratulations to the class of 2023! Be great, be you, and be what IC taught you to be!

Activities 306306 Secondary School / Lycée

Presentation of Awards


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 307 Secondary School / Lycée
Lama Souheil Abi Ammar, First - English Program Christopher Bassem Moawad, First - French Program Abdul Mohti Ayman Shahine Yahya Wissam El Hariri Jad Bassam Jadayel, Second - English Program Patrick Roger Saliba, Second - French Program Rani Kamal Nadim Zaytoun - English Program Maria Yasser Bissat - French Program Stephen Penrose Award Basil Fuleihan Award Rose & Alexander MacLachlan Award

PROM 2023

Activities 308308 Secondary School / Lycée
Secondary School / Lycée

College Preparatory Program Awards Presented by

Mr. Adnan Hajj

Ali Barada

Most attractive Female: Thea Bakir

Most Attractive Male: Peter Mardelli

Most Charismatic Female: Diala El Fil

Most Charismatic Male: Georges Asmar

Most Sociable Female: Kiana Merhej

Most Sociable Male: Rakan Ghandour

Most Helpful Female: Naya Daboubash

Most Helpful Male: Abdul Mohti Shahine

Most Well-Rounded Female: Cynthia Dalal

Most Well-Rounded Male: Samer Khattab

Activities 310310 Secondary School / Lycée

Lebanese Program Awards Presented by Ms. Malda Halawi Dirani

Most Attractive Female: Judy Ismail

Most Attractive Male: Patrick Chatila

Most Charismatic Female: Sara El Annan

Most Charismatic Male: Michel Rahbani

Most Sociable Female: Dima Amhaz

Most Sociable Male: Ali Ramadan

Most Helpful Female: Lama Abi Ammar

Most Helpful Male: Rani Kamal Zaytoun

Most Well-Rounded Female: Maria Hibri

Most Well-Rounded Male: Rami Zorkot


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée

International Baccalaureate Program Awards Presented by Mr. Sevag Atamian

Most Attractive Female: Jade Akkawi

Most Attractive Male: Malek Takieddine

Most Charismatic Female: Shirin Khalaf

Most Charismatic Male: Khaled Mashmoushi

Most Sociable Female: Sasha Uthman

Most Sociable Male: Mohamad Dada

Most Helpful Female: Jana Karnib

Most Helpful Male: Jonathan Gebara

Most Well-Rounded Female: Chelsea Haddad

Most Well-Rounded Male: Nassim Abou Habib

Activities 312312 Secondary School / Lycée

French Baccalaureate Program Awards Presented by Ms. Faten Jibai

Most Attractive Female: Nour Baroudi

Most Attractive Male: Ragi-Alexandre Mouawad

Most Charismatic Female: Kinda El Siblani

Most Charismatic Male: Anthony Tabet

Most Sociable Female: Lina Tayar

Most Sociable Male: Joey Chrabieh

Most Helpful Female: Zayane Chahine

Most Helpful Male: Sari Naamani

Most Well-Rounded Female: Claranour Bekhazi

Most Well-Rounded Male: Joseph Abou Sleiman

THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND Secondary School / Lycée
Activities 314314 Secondary School / Lycée
Prom King: Ragi-Alexandre Mouawad Prom Queen: Nour Baroudi Mr. Chirazi announcing the results The Awardees with the IC Administrators, Faculty, and Staff Prom Queen Presented by Mr. Talal El Jundi and Prom King Presented by Dr. Megan Khairallah



Secondary School / Lycée

PE and Athletics


318318 Physical Education
Mr. Noel Bou Abboud Head of PE Ms. Mirella Saad Badawi Middle/Secondary RB Mr. Oussama Jawad Elementary/Middle AA Ms. Doumiana Ayoub Middle School RB Ms. Lydia Salameh Elementary School RB Mr. Ahmad Alameddine Elementary School RB Mr. Assad El Hajj PE coordinator Middle school AA Dr. Osman Osman Secondary / PE coordinator Middle school RB Ms. Dona Nassif Abi Akl Middle/Secondary RB Ms. Maysa Barakal Eido Elementary School RB Mr. Jihad Toukan Secondary School Mr. Elias Aswad Middle School AA Mr. Mazen Fathallah Secondary / Middle school RB
2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 319 Physical Education
Mr. Bassam Badawi PE Senior Assistant Ms. Lea Eddé Chamoun Preschool AA Mr. Moussa Daoud PE Assistant Mr. Jamil Tayyar Preschool RB Back row: Mr. Jihad Toukan, Mr. Noel Bou Abboud, Ms. Lydia Salameh, Mr. Ahmad Alameddine, Mr. Jamil Tayyar, Mr. Mazen Fathallah Front row: Ms. Mirella Saad, Ms. Dona Nassif, Ms. Maysa Barakat
Department RB
Department AA
Mr. Oussama Jawad, Mr. Asad El Hajj, Mr. Elias Aswad, Ms. Lea Eddé


Athletics 320320
Mr. Rabih Idriss Varsity/JV Boys Football Coach Mr. Amer Choucair Varsity Boys Basketball Coach Mr. Jihad Toukan Archery Coach Ms. Hanine Nasreddine JCubs /JJV Girls Basketball Coach Mr. Assad El Hajj AA Athletic Coordinator Ms. Karine Naji RB Athletic Coordinator Mr. Ahmad Khansa JJV Cubs Boys Football Coach Mr. Baraa Jibaly JCubs/Cubs Girls Basketball Coach Mr. Noel Bou Abboud Badminton /JV Varsity Girls Football Coach Ms. Saria Trabolsi Track & Field Coach Mr. Ibrahim Labban JCubs, Cubs /JJV Girls Football Coach Mr. Mazen Fathallah Swimming Coach Mr. Omar Shmaitilly Head of Athletics
Athletics 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 321
Mr. Micheal Mezher JV Boys Basketball Coach Ms. Nour Al Ghossaini Swimming Coach Ms. Nancy Maalouf JV/Varsity Girls Basketball Coach Mr. Omar Tabbara JCubs-Cubs Boys /Girls Basketball Coach Ms. Simone Abou Jaoude JV / Varsity Girls Volleyball Coach Mr. Anthony Hassik Football & Basketball Coach Mr. Pascal Hitti Basketball Coach Ms. Reem Madhoun JV / Varsity Girls Volleyball Coach Mr. Yorgo Azar Basketball Coach Mr. Sam Sayed Basketball Coach Ms. Mirella Saad Badawi JJV Volleyball Coach Mr. Charbel El khoury El Achkar Football Coach Dr. Osman Osman JV / Varsity Boys Volleyball Coach Mr. Charbel Youssef Football Coach Mr. Oussama Jawad Track & Field Coach

Athletics Team

Athletics 322322
Mr. Bassam Badawi Senior Athlete Assistant Mr. Ayoub Wehbe Athlete Assistant Mr. Mohamad Khansa Athlete Assistant Ms. Karen Kanj Physiotherapist



Cubs 1 Girls Basketball Cubs 2 Girls
JCubs Grade
Athletics 324324 Cubs Grade 6 Boys Football JCubs Grade 4 Football Cubs Grade 5 Boys Football
Cubs Boys Basketball
Cubs-JJV Badminton Cubs-JJV Girls Football
Athletics 326326
-JJV Taekwondo
Gymnastics Cubs


JCubsBlack Basketball JCubsGreen Basketball JCubsWhite Basketball
Athletics 328328 JJV Grade 7 Boys Football JJV Boys Basketball JJV Girls Basketball
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 329 JJV Grade 8 Boys Football JV Boys Basketball JV Archery
Athletics 330330 JV Girls Basketball JV Girls Football JV Boys Football


THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 331 JV-Varsity Boys Volleyball JV-Varsity Girls Volleyball JV-Varsity Badminton
Athletics 332332
Varsity Archery Varsity Boys Basketball
JV-Varsity Taekwondo
Varsity Girls Basketball
Varsity Boys Football
Varsity Girls Football
Athletics 334334
& Field Swimming
Cubs Boys Basketball
Boys Football
Cubs Girls Basketball JCubs Boys Basketball
Athletics 336336
Boys Football Green JCubs Boys Football White
Boys Football Blue
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 337 JCubs Boys Football JCubs Girls Basketball JCubs Track and Field
Athletics 338338 JJV Boys Football JJV Girls Basketball JJV Boys Basketball
THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND 339 JJV Girls Football JJV Track and Field JV Boys Basketball


Athletics 340340




Athletics 342342


Athletics 344344
Badminton, Lebanon JV Volleyball, Lebanon JV Basketball, Abu Dhabi Varsity Basketball, Qatar Varsity Football, Qatar Varsity Volleyball, Kuwait Gymnastics Trip - Dubai JV Football, Abu Dhabi JV/Varsity Swimming, Abu Dhabi Track & Field, Qatar JJV Trip, Dubai





Athletics 346346




IC Responsibility


Grade 10 – Level 1

Build on students’ soft skills through tailored training and workshop sessions.

IC Responsibility
Introduction to Leadership - Word Cloud Qualities of a Leader The UNSDGs and Agenda 2030 by the United Nations Global Compact Network Lebanon Needs Assessment for Equipping and Establishing a school library at the Pine Community School in Shouf Awards for finalizing a three months course on Civic Engagement in Development with Shabab Lab social innovation e-learning platform Self Awareness - Self Reflection Activity Volunteering at the Souk El Balad Community Market during the Christmas Break
Installation of the Pedal4Power at the UN Beit Jala School in Sibline, an energy generating bike designed by the AGC 2022

Grade 11 – Level 2

Student-led Initiatives being designed: Identifying themes and Target communities, Community needs Assessment, Research, and Project Proposal.

Best Practices in Community Outreach with Ruwwad

Developing the Community Service projects

IC Responsibility
Finding their “WHY” - Founder of FabricAid as Inspiring Guest Speaker and Story Situation Analysis as part of the Community Needs Assessment Training El Tanmiya Recognition Awards at the Rising Arab Change-Makers Award with Shabab Lab social innovation e-learning platform Empathy to Impact Approach for Designing a Community Service Project Conducting an Interview as part of the Community Needs Assessment Training

Grade 12 – Level 3

Students implementing projects, disseminating results, building long-term partnerships with communities, and encouraging social behavior among their IC peers.

eKOlive aims at enhancing the livelihood of the community of Kfarmatta village through a responsible tourism plan and the promotion of olive soap production.

Cutting the molds into soap bars

Branding the soap produced

Selling the soap produced at Souk El Balad Community Market and promoting responsible tourism in Kfarmatta Village

I’m’Can aims at exploring approaches to support youth with disabilities in their access to the job market and in establishing income generating projects by building networks and developing their skills and capacities.

IC Responsibility
Traditional olive oil soap making training in Kfarmatta village
ةيناسنلإا تاردقلا ءامنإ عمجم
Selling straw baskets to students on teachers’ day
youth of ةيناسنلإا تاردقلا ءامنإ عمجم on
promoting and marketing their products
New baskets of straw designed based on the customer needs I’m’Can new products in the market
of ةيناسنلإا تاردقلا ءامنإ عمجم
Pouring the prepared olive oil soap into molds Training the
, in collaboration with a designer, on enhancing the products to meet the market

Samad Cycle aims at creating a sustainable model for waste management and composting between Roadster Diner and Compost Baladi for the support of small local farmers.

Exploring the cycle of composting at Compost Baladi

Visiting the central kitchen of Roadster Diner and means of transferring food wastes to compost

Contributing to building collaboration between Roadster Diner and Compost Baladi

Ensuring the food waste transferred from Roadster Diner kitchen is in the process of turning to compost at Compost Baladi

Final compost packed and ready for distribution

SkillSaff aims at providing students at Mir Shakib Arslan Public School the soft skills and training needed through an online platform that will prepare them for applying to college, job markets, and facilitating ways in which they can develop (clubs, NGOs, networks).

Conducting a survey with the Shakib Arslan Public School students to further assess their needs in soft and educational technology skills

Discussing with the Shakib Arslan Public School the possibility of building an e-platform to cater for the needs of the students

Launching the e-platform on soft and educational technology skills

Explaining to students how the e-platform can be used

IC Responsibility

Tahaddathi aims at raising awareness on sexual harassment and mental wellbeing in Fakhreddine Maani Public School for Girls, make their voices heard, and ensure a safe environment during their dismissal on the street of burj Abi Haidar.

Outreach Initiatives

Interactive Training sessions by the AGC team to the Middle School Ras Beirut and Ain Aar and the Secondary School advisors on the first two units of the leadership module that will be integrated into the advisory program provided

Introducing and preparing the AGC Grade 11 scholarship students to the college admissions and financial aid programs of universities in Lebanon

Outreach to public schools in the Greater Beirut Governorate and introducing public school students to the AGC scholarship program at IC


IC Responsibility
Self- defense training for the girls of Fakhreddine Al Maani public school for girls Auditions with the students of the Fakhreddine Al Maani school for the participation in a play to have their voices heard Awareness training on harassment Rehearsals on the Tahaddathi play with the students of the public school

Creativity: IB students displaying their creative skills



IC Responsibility
Drawing Robotics Scouts Christmas Event with Preschool TEDx IB Festival of Hope Public Speaking

Activity: IB students mastering various sports activities

IC Responsibility
Basketball Hiking Track and Field Pilates Football Swimming Beirut Marathon Boxing Gym

Service: IB students reaching out to the community

IC Responsibility
Organizing Recreational Activities with the NGO “Home of Hope” Volunteering with the NGO “Bassma” Peer Tutoring and Cooking Meals to Orphans

Hosting a Dinner with IC Janitors

IC Responsibility
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Campaign with the NGO “Said” Bicycle Food Drive with the NGO “FoodBlessed” Volunteering with the NGO “Min Beib La Beib” Volunteering in the Elementary School Field Day
Holding an Event for “Hassan Khaled Foundation”
IC Responsibility
Refurbishing and Donating School Desks to “Malaak Foundation” Firefighting Workshop with the NGO “Caritas” Service to the School
Beach Cleaning


Middle School - Ras Beirut

IC Responsibility
History for Kids Series G7 G9 AFL Students’ Bake sale
«ردابلما نطاولما ضرعم» 360360
Intervention from KAFA to G9 Students Lebanese program

Middle School - Ain Aar

Service Learning Action- Bike /Walk-A-Thon - 6ème /

Acsauvel - Caring for Children with Disabilities - Grade

Acsauvel - Preparing Breakfast to share with the Acsauvel Kids -

Red Cross Training “Youth As Agents of Behavioral Change”CCSL student volunteers

Scouts Training on Activities - CCSL student volunteers getting ready to serve the

Fundraising for a Cause - Traditional Lebanese Sweets -

student volunteers


IC Responsibility
9 CPP Grade 6 Christmas Lunch and Entertainment at the Orphanage of Deir Mar Semaan - Grade 8 Year round volunteering at Enfants De Lumiere - 4ème students CCSL Grade 9 CPP Board Games with the Elderly - Grade 6/6ème Setting up a public school library from scratch - Grade 7 Honoring Our Elderly- Mother’s Day Lunch - 5ème

Work in Progress

Grade 10

Christmas Market Fundraising Event

Upcycled Christmas Ornaments

Akle w Bassme: The Mobile Community Kitchen Initiative

Engaging with the Community Mayrig & Leila Restaurants on Board

Life Skills Training: First Aid Training with the Lebanese Red Cross

IC Responsibility
Acquiring Cooking Skills Preparing & Serving with Dedication
Training on CPR Managing a ChokingConscious Person
1,200 People
Protecting the Scene and Ensuring the Patient’s Safety Providing
Appropriate Care for Superficial Wounds Serving Around
On the Day of the Event


Grade 11



Un Appel au Changement par Voix Interposées

Quatre mois perdus, l’équivalent de plus d’un trimestre scolaire, et un décalage dans le programme impossible à rattraper en quelques jours.

Les journées d’école sont intenses, partagées entre examens et cours d’affilés. L’anxiété est constante et on ne pense qu’à une chose: que faire? Effectivement, les élèves du public se sont vus dans l’obligation de changer de parcours universitaire et de projet professionnel dûs aux déficits d’instruction toujours en augmentation. De même, les jeunes sont dans l’incapacité de changer d’écoles, étant donné que la base requise aux examens d’entrée fait défaut.

Néanmoins à présent, le changement est nécessaire. Les élèves ont bel et bien tenté d’améliorer la situation, mais leurs voix n’atteignent pas les autorités responsables. Lançons un appel au changement, un renouveau d’espoir!

Passage d’un article rédigé par Sophie Abou Jaoudé à la lumière de témoignages recueillis par ses camarades


IC Responsibility
Community Support Class Projects NGO Fair Day Fundraising Event Distribution of In-Kind Donations with “House of Christmas” 1re 2: Food Drive & In-Kind Donations with “Bassma” Flower Sale to Support Community Projects Cooking & Serving Food with “Min Beib la Beib” 1re 1: Organizing and Serving Lunch to Less Privileged Kids & Teenagers 1re 5: Service Learning Project Inspired by EMC Curriculum 1re 4: Awareness Campaign for the Bottle Cycle Initiative Visiting Laure Moghaizel Public School and Closing the Gap Between Private Schools and Public Schools

Grade 12

Fundraising Bake Sales Events

IC Responsibility
Tl 1: Painting the Play Area of a Public School Tl 2 & 5: Reaching out to the Community with Akle w Bassme Initiative
Grade 12 Students Raising Funds for Their End-of-Year Class Projects
IC Responsibility
Workshop for Responsible Citizens Tl 4: Refurbishing a Bedroom for Less Privileged Kids with Min Beib la Beib Tl3: Service Learning Project Inspired by Geography Lesson Bottle Cycle: a Bin Designed and Implemented by TL3 Students for a Plastic Free Campus Awareness Session on Road Safety
Session on the Lebanese Traffic Law


PS / Nursery students in Ain Aar welcomed the Association for the protection of Jabal Moussa, inquired into the famous Tabsoun (Rock Hyrax) and produced digital books about this endangered species in the frame of their unit of inquiry “Sharing the Planet”.

GS students in Ain Aar created a digital book titled «تــفتخا موــي سمــشلا» to raise awareness about the importance of light for the environment and people, as part of their unit of inquiry “How the World Works”

As part of their unit of inquiry “Sharing the Planet”, CP / Grade 1 students in Ain Aar and Ras Beirut created bugs’ hotels and supported the Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa in its mission to preserve the rare Tabsoun species.

CE1 / Grade 2 students in Ain Aar and Ras Beirut contributed to the construction of the largest sea turtle in the world, made out of upcycled plastic, as part of their unit of inquiry “How Do We Express Ourselves”, in which they inquired into the different types of materials and explored the ways people manipulate them to express their creativity.

CE2 / Grade 3 learners in Ras Beirut collected unfinished bottles of water to water indoor plants, then, they used the empty plastic bottles to design and create a bench that they placed in the school’s playground, as part of their unit of inquiry “Sharing the Planet”.

IC Responsibility
MS / KG1 students in Ras Beirut created a Christmas tree and a snowman out of upcycled material, to decorate the stage for their Christmas concert, as part of their unit of inquiry “How the World Works”.

learners in Ain Aar and Ras Beirut raised funds and will be lighting the Lebanese University with solar lamps, in collaboration with the Lebanon of Tomorrow NGO, as part of their unit of inquiry

As part of their interdisciplinary project “Save the Forest”, 6ème and grade 6 students in Ain Aar visited the Bentael forest and decided to support this nature reserve in fighting against forest fires.

From apple harvesting to bottles’ filling, our 6ème and grade 6 learners in Ain Aar have been working since October 2022 on producing the finest apple vinegar. The vinegar was sold and the proceeds were donated to the Bentael nature reserve, as part of the interdisciplinary project “Save the Forest”.

IC Responsibility
CM1 / Grade 4 students in Ras Beirut visited the Najem quarry and prepared a public awareness campaign about quarrying, in order to inform and educate the community about this problem and push people into taking action in order to sustainably preserve our mountains. CM1 / Grade 4 students in Ain Aar reused cardboard boxes to make new copybooks. This was just a start for our global citizens in taking care of our planet! Students offered these copybooks to their mothers on Mothers’ Day. CM2 / Grade 5 “Sharing the Planet” which focuses on energy.

As part of their interdisciplinary project “Counteracting Deforestation”, 5ème and Grade 7 students in Ain Aar organized a reforestation campaign and produced “seedbombs”, in an attempt to mitigate the risks related to deforestation and climate change.

Grade 7 students in Ras Beirut attended a permaculture workshop as part of the sciences’ component of their interdisciplinary project, in which they learned and applied the techniques of sustainable agriculture.

As part of the sciences’ component of the 5ème interdisciplinary project in Ras Beirut, students visited the Jabal Moussa biosphere reserve to explore Lebanon’s biodiversity through its rich ecosystems, and planted “seedbombs” within the Ras Beirut campus to enhance the campuses’ biodiversity, as a mean to show empathy towards the environment.

As part of the physics component of the 4ème interdisciplinary project in Ras Beirut, students welcomed guest speakers from the company “Me-Green” to explore renewable energy solutions that would help improve the living conditions of some poor families in Lebanon.

Students of 3ème in Ain Aar visited the Dalboun forest and the briquette factory in the Shouf to explore sustainable forest management techniques.

3ème students in Ras Beirut welcomed a guest speaker from the NGO “Diaries of the Ocean” to explore the current challenge of oceans’ acidification, as part of the chemistry component of their interdisciplinary project.

As part of their interdisciplinary project “Savez-vous planter des arbres ? ”, secondes students organized a reforestation campaign in the Bekaa and produced “seedbombs”, in an attempt to mitigate the risks related to deforestation.

IC Responsibility

As part of their interdisciplinary project “La mode Slow”, Secondes students visited FabricAid and welcomed a guest speaker to explore the concept of slow fashion and the negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of fast fashion.

In collaboration with a local NGO, Grade 11 students contributed in the collection of recyclable waste from different small markets and buildings through bins placed by the students, in exchange for food provision boxes given by the NGO to underprivileged families.

A consistent sustainable waste sorting system consisting of 3 sorting bins (recyclable waste, organic waste and non-recyclable waste) is now installed on the whole Ain Aar campus. Recyclable waste is properly collected by a local NGO.

Secondary school students participated in the Global Innovation Sustainability Summit held in Qatar in March 2023, revolving around SDGs 14 ,13 ,12 and 15

The éco-délégués group of students in Ain Aar organized an awareness event on sustainable waste management, on the occasion of the international day for sustainable development.

IC Responsibility


Grade 10


Graffiti Artist Visits

Kites Construction

Flying Kites

IC Responsibility
Flying kites with special needs children of Step Together

Slow Fashion

IC Responsibility
Fabric Aid Preparing a clothes donation box at school
Students display (French and Chemistry)

Grade 11

IC Responsibility
IC Responsibility



Activities 376376




Activities 378378



Activities 380380
Activities 382382


Activities 384384


Activities 386386
Programming Chess Public Speaking MUN
SAT MUN IC Sustainability MUN LAU
Nutrition VEX Robotics
The Doctors
TEDx 2023


Activities 388388





Elias and Suad Hanna Science Award

This award is established by Elias and Suad Hanna to reward a student, or students, at the Middle or Upper School levels who are deeply and seriously involved in scientific research, experimentation, and creative work. A student, or students, may work on a specific project in the fields of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology, and shall be expected to EITHER come up with an original idea, (which could be later elaborated on and possibly implemented by professionals) to devise an instrument, process or idea previously not known or not in use OR develop, modify or improve on an existing instrument, process or idea. Participants should demonstrate an ability to formulate a viable concept which follows scientific methods and procedures, and to implement concepts in a practical manner or, at least, to set the method and means for implementation. Preference shall be given to ideas which serve a social or humanitarian purpose, to inventions and devices which are environmentally-friendly or those which are expressly designed to improve or protect the environment.

Salam, Malek ( 7B )

IC Brevet Award

Awarded to the top academic performers in the Brevet class, Ras Beirut and Ain Aar. Younis, Jana ( 9D)

Najib Abu Haydar Memorial Athletic Award

Needy students who excel in the field of athletics and leadership. Recipient of the award have proven themselves to be ambassadors of both the school and the teams they represent Eid, Mulan (5ème A) Eid, Tea (5ème B)

Wadid Chbat Award

This award was established by the Chbat Family to reward the best student in the Arabic language in the 3ème class, in honor of Wadih Chbat, a great teacher, father, and husband. The prize is meant to encourage young minds to participate more actively in the field of the Arabic language

Ramadan, Reem ( 3ème B)

IC Brevet Award

Awarded to the top academic performers in the Brevet class, Ras Beirut and Ain Aar. Bou Nasr, Chloe ( 3ème C)

IC Distinguished Scholars Award/1st Place Award

This award goes to the highest achievers in the Middle School by level and by program in Alphabetical order.

Hollingworth, Lucas 6A

Bakia, Sami 7A

Jilwan, Aya 6A

Chaccour, Christopher 7A

Makarem, Tania 6A

Kassem Noor 7A

Moukalled, Ward+ 6A (1st Place award) CPP

Khadra, Nour 7A

Nassif, Christina Sophia

6 A

Nader, Sasha 7A

El Sayed, Haya 6B

Sabra, Natalia 7A

Ermis, Anahita 6B

Ghandour, Aya 7B

Murad, Ilayah 6B

Ibrahim, Firas 7B

Nasrallah, Rena 6B

Salam, Malek 7B

Salika, Farah 6B

Talih, Ramzi 7B

Tabbara, Julia+ 6B ( 1st Place award) LB

Barbar, Malek 7C

Abas, Jude 6C

Bazerly, Adriana 7C

Bassam, Laila 6C

El Itani, Adam 7C

Habayeb, Rayyan Areg 6C

Ghaibeh, Yazan 7C

Haddad, Sarah 6C

Joujou, Walid 7C

Hajj (El), Salwa 6C

Karnib, Ali+ 7C ( 1st Place award) LB

Hamad, Jawad 6C

El Harake, Caline 7D

Baalabki, Mia 6D

Harake, Joy 7D

Baltagi, Naya Farah 6D

Jannoun, Mohamad 7D

Bawab (Al), Amer 6D

Mehio, Mya 7D

Ghalayini, Sophia 6D

Moudallal, Omar 7D

Kanaan, Gayana 6D

Nasr, James 7D

Shehade, Noor 6D

Sarkissian, Vahakn 7D

Wazzan (El), Huda 6D

Slim, Carlo 7D

Al Achkar, Sarah+ 7A (1st Place award) CPP

Tawil (Al), Lana 7D

Chaccour, Rhea 8A

Melki, Naram 9A

Damerji, Melissa 8A

Shaban, Sabah 9A

Kassab, Yasmeen 8A

Shahin, Aya Rachel 9A

Kudsi, Maya 8A

Toufeily, Yara 9A

Merhi, Nour El Hadi 8A

Chehimi, Diala 9B

Saab, Sara 8A

Khalife, Reem 9B

Alamaeddine, Ghazi 8B

Rabah, Nour 9B

Ibrahim, Lea 8B

Toramanian, Julia+ 9B (1st Place award) CPP

Murad, Maeve 8B


Wahoud,Yasmina 9B

Rabah, Sima + 8B (1st Place award) CPP

Dakik, Ali 9C

Steitieh, Mahmoud 9D

Asfour, Danny 8C

Younis, Jana 9D + ( 1st Place award) LB

El Dib, Tamar 8C

Acra, Amy 6ème A

El Hout, Adnan 8C

Chalhoub, Mikaela 6ème A

Hamdan, Sibelle 8C

Farsoun, Tisha 6ème A

Jawhari, Kira-Maria 8C

Jaber, Malek 6ème A

Sharafeddine, Hala+ 8C ( 1st Place award) LB

Naffi, Karim 6ème A

Abiad, Mira 8D

Shehab, Reina 6ème A

Al Naqueeb, Yara 8D

Zakaria, Rayan+ 6ème A ( 1st Place award) BF

Frem, Adriana 8D

Eid, Lana 6ème B

Hibri (Al), Sima 8D

Haidar, Nour 6ème B

Itani, Nai 8D

Nahas, Sasha 6ème B

Younis, Layla 8D

Saade, Naya Maria 6ème B

Abou Nasr, Nadeem 8E

Abdallah, Sarah Maria+ 6ème C (1st Place award) BL

Dimashkieh, Mona 8E

Achour, Sila 6ème C

Hasbini, Jana 8E

Dakroub, Zina 6ème C

Kalakesh, Celine 8E

Dimassi, Ayla 6ème C

Rifai, Leen 8E

Doughan, Zeena 6ème C

Bawab (El), Karim 9A

Halawi, Yasmine+ 6ème C (1st Place award) BL

Ibrahim, Yara 9A

Ibrahim, Joseph 6ème C

Jundi, Maria Serena 9A

Laham, Kamal 6ème C

Semaan, Marina 6ème C

Ramadan, Haya+ 4ème A ( 1st Place award) BF

Solh, Nora 6ème C

Zakaria, Tarek 4ème A

Tabanji, Siena 6ème C

Hajjar(El),Mohamad 4ème B

Abi Fares, Maria 5ème A

Hatoum, Karim Sandro 4ème B

Ghandour, Mustafa 5ème A

Aouad, Anna Maria 4ème C

Ibrahim, Tia 5ème A

Kouatly, Karim 4ème C

Khouri, Angelina 5ème A

Laham, Mira+ 4ème C ( 1st Place award) BL

Naamani, Nadim 5ème A

Makkouk, Tarek 4ème C

Sawwaf, Maymouna+ 5ème A (1st Place award) BF

Bazzi, Aly+ 3ème A (1st Place award) BF

Alayli, Jad+ 5ème B (1st Place award) BL

Ramadan, Hadi 3ème A

Badra, Serena 5ème B

Saunal, Anthony 3ème A

Charafeddine, Rafic 5ème B

Shihadeh, Layla 3ème A

Khater, Marya 5ème B

Assi,Yara 3ème B

Melki, Karim 5ème B

Ramadan, Reem 3ème B

Nahas, Peter 5ème B

Tabanji, Reya 3ème B

Saad, Liam 5ème B

Zeidan, Sami 3ème B

Zeidan, Roy 5ème B

Baalbaki, Bilal 3ème C

Alie, Issam 5ème C

Bou Nasr, Chloe+ 3ème C ( 1st Place award) BL

Bissat, Hamza 5ème C

Fakhran, Farouk 3ème C

Doughan, Malek 5ème C

Murad Maalouf, Rita 3ème C

Habib, Sherif 5ème C

Halawi, Malek 5ème C

Hamdan, Karma 5ème C

Hibri, Malek 5ème C

Houssami, Noura 5ème C

Itani, Noor 5ème C

Kabbani, Haya 5ème C

Khater,Nael 5ème C

Rai, Maria 5ème C

Jaber, Ziad 4ème A

Kassar, Ines 4ème A


Science, Math and Technology Fairs Awards

This annual event has become a tradition through which students are given the chance to investigate, experiment and research topics in the fields of science, math and technology. The final product of their effort is evaluated and the projects are assessed based on well defined criteria that include creativity, scientific thought, quality of display and the clarity and effectiveness of the oral presentation.

Model and demonstration:

1st Prize: Immune/Indestructible Bunker, G9 CPP, Michael Nercessian, Fabiana Koundakjian, Chloé Batri, Marc Yamin

2nd Prize: Earthquake resistant buildings, G6 A/BP, Peter Awad , Marc Helou, Anthony Succar

3rd Prize:Immeuble parasismique, 6ème A, Nazih Najem

3rd Prize:Earthquake Madness, G7 A Michael Louis, Ray Rahme, Mark Khoury


1st Prize: The coriolis effect, tornadoes and typhoons, 3ème A , Christian Saade, Christopher Waked, Andrew Harfouche, Karim Karnaby

2nd Prize: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes’ Role in Combating Diseases after Natural Disasters, Grade 8 A/B, Sarig Kalaydjian , Mia Bitar, Talia Zakhem, Keira Bitar

3rd Prize: Question hypothétique: Et si les volcans de L’antarctique entraient en éruption en même temps?, 3ème A/B, Ray Azar, Matteo Chirazi, Pamela Younes, Jad Matta

3rd Prize:The Triangle of Life, 5ème B, Naya Chahine


1st Prize: Comment faire du froid sans compresseur?, 3ème B, Priscille Achkar

2nd Prize: Identifierw le nombre de personnes présentes à l’école quand il y a un séisme?, 5ème A, Anthony Wadih

3rd Prize: Avalanche, Grade 6A/B, Sofie Estephan, Amer Dibeh, Riyana Hammoud, Ryan Al Samawi

3rd Prize:L’alerte de tremblement de terre aux sourds et aux aveugles, 6ème A, Kelly Aoun, Maysam Achkar, Milla Tchiliguirian, Lana Khairallah

Awards 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND

Wadih Chbat arabic award:

Pamela Younes, 3ème A

IC Brevet Award:

Matteo Chirazi, 3ème A - Tony Abou Mrad, Grade 9 LB

Wrting competition:

Abou Karam Kai, Grade 9 CPP - Bitar Keira, Grade 8 A

Jeoperdy competition:

Dibe Amer, Grade 6 - Harfouche Nabil, Grade 7

Eco Délègue:

Matteo Chirazi, 3ème A - Aurélie Jabr, 3ème B - Lowa-Joe Hobeiche, 3ème B -

Priscille Achkar, 3ème B - Christian Saadé, 3ème A

Courses aux nombres :

Sophia Younes, 6ème B - Elias Dib, 6ème A


Schoucair Alexandre, 4ème B1 - Beyrouthy Oliver, 4ème B1 - Achkar Victoria, 5ème B

IC Distinguished Scholars Award

Civic Commitment & Service Learning Award:

Tabar Yara, 3ème A - Younes Maurice, Grade 8 A - Akiki Dia, Grade 8 A - El Kik

Nour, Grade 8 A - Kalaydjian Sarig, Grade 8 B - Zakhem Talia, Grade 8 A - Bitar

Mia, Grade 8 B - Bitar Keira, Grade 8 A - Alasskar Hend, Grade 8 A - Gergi Joanne, Gr 9 CPP - Dahan Hana, Grade 6 B

Competition de conjugaison:

Sophia Younes, 6ème B - Elias Dib, 6ème A

Questions pour jeunes champions: Moretti Bruno, 6ème B - Wadih

Anthony, 5ème A - El Hajal Youmna, 5ème B - Dib Elias, 6ème A

Plumier d’or:

Shawkatly Estelle, 4ème A - Chidiac Georgina, 4ème A - El Chami Ivy, 4ème A

Graines de Poetes:

Priscille Achkar, 3ème B

Obeid Emile Grade 6 A Kanaan Katie Grade 7 A Kalaydjian Sarig Grade 8 B

Helou Marc Grade 6 A Saad Marie Lynn Grade 7 A Bitar Mia Grade 8 B

Bachoura Chris Grade 6 A Abi Chaker Clara Maria Grade 7 A Suidan Fayez Grade 8 B

Jamati Elio Grade 6 A Deeb Sophia Mona Grade 7 B Jabre John Grade 9

Succar Anthony Grade 6 A Koundakjian Alik Sabrina Grade 7 B Batri Chloe Grade 9 HS

Naaman Lama Grade 6 B Zeidan Haya Grade 7 B Gergi Joanne Mary Grade 9 HS

Dahan Hana Grade 6 B Fadoul Naia Grade 7 B Nader Gaïa Grade 9 HS

Najjar Kylie Grade 6 B Gabriel Matthieu Grade 8 A Koundakjian Fabiana Grade 9 HS

Samawi Al Ryan Grade 6 B Zakhem Talia Grade 8 A Abou Karam Kaï Grade 9 HS

Mansur Kate Grade 6 B Saad Marc Grade 8 A

Awad Peter Grade 6 B Dahan Noah Grade 8 A

French Program

Oueiss Alexandre

Maroun Léa


Chirazi Matteo 3ème A Dermosessian Alexia Maria 4ème B2 Jalbout Karl 6ème A Azar Ray 3ème A Hani Clara 4ème B2 Najem Nazih 6ème A Younes Pamela 3ème A Abi Karam Camille 4ème B2 Assaker Tracy 6ème A Azadian Aida 3ème A Aboudib Chloe 4ème B2 Rizk Ramez 6ème A Jreissati Chloe 3ème A Tabet Clara 5ème A Saadé Kim 6ème A Waked Christopher 3ème A Salibi Sasha 5ème A Aoun Kelly 6ème A Saadé Christian 3ème A Tauk Paul 5ème A El Achkar Maysam 6ème A Achkar Priscille 3ème B Ephrem Boustani Ghadi 5ème A Younes Sofia 6ème B Bezdikian Kay 3ème B Wadih Anthony 5ème A Saba Youmna 6ème B Jabr Aurélie 3ème B Mezher Antoine 5ème A Khairallah Lana 6ème B Matta Jad 3ème B Hage El Celine 5ème A Wadih Marc 6ème B El Chami Ivy 4ème A Rizk Lory 5ème A Khouri Lea 6ème B Chidiac El Georgina Jane 4ème A Achkar Victoria 5ème B Moretti Bruno Edoardo 6ème B Shawkatly Estelle 4ème A Mouawad Tiana-Maria 5ème B Tabet Silvio 6ème B
Yara 4ème A Abusamra David 5ème B Meszaros Tara 6ème B
Chebel Iyad 4ème A Bou Samra Georges-Elie 5ème B Toubia Chris 6ème B
Sossy 4ème B1 Kazan Kate 5ème B Bayoud Thomas 6ème B
Alia 4ème B1 Bassil Emma 5ème B Rababi Chloe 6ème B
Noah 4ème B1 Aoun Karim 5ème B Tauk Hestia 6ème B
4ème B1 Asmar El Chloé 5ème B
4ème B2 Dib Elias 6ème A
Chloé 4ème B2 Asfahani Joya 6ème A
English Program


Secondary School Award

This award is given to a Secondary School student who embodies the following characteristics: Outstanding Academic Achievement, Outstanding Character and Leadership skills Remarkable Contribution to school life

Claranour Nicolas Bekhazi (Tle) ; Celine Ali Noureddine (IB)

IC Alumni Association Scholarship Award

In 1982, the International College Alumni Association established this Award to be presented to an outstanding graduating student, or students. The award is meant to assist its recipient in pursuing his or her first year of university studies.

Rani Kamal Nadim Zaytoun (GSE)

Nabil Rahal Leadership Award

During his years at IC, Nabil Rahhal embodied the true nature of leadership. His definition of leadership was to create an atmosphere in which everyone could perform to the best of their abilities. True leadership is inclusive and not exclusive. It allows everyone, no matter their status or ability to make a contribution, while still maintaining their individuality.

Kinda Mohamad El Siblani (Tle) ; Chelsea Rabih Haddad (IB2)

Rami Makhzoumi Leadership Award

This award was established to commemorate the spirit of Rami Makhzoumi, his achievements and commitment to society. It is awarded to a secondary school student who demonstrated innovative, initiative-driven leadership impacting their life and the life of others and making difference in a significant way at his school community.

Tala Rabih Flayhan (GSE) ; Eana Jad Melki (IB2)

Mahmoud Abdel Baki Award

This award was established to reward students who in addition to their academic excellence, were committed, determined, perseverant, eager to serve the community and take on leadership roles

Lama Souheil Abi Ammar (GSE) ; Khalil Wabel El Kaaki (IB2)

TM Award

Awarded to a student who demonstrated exemplary character and team spirit in his peer group during the academic year 2022-2023

Abdel Mohti Ayman Shahine (12CPP) ; Sari Karim Naamani (Tle) ; Sirine Hazem Assi (IB)

Ramzi Taher Memorial Award

This Award was established by friends of Ramzi to commemorate the spirit of a very special person who carried heartedly the IC mission and supported his Alma Mater since graduation in 1965. It is awarded to students who volunteer time and effort to help those in need and who embody the qualities of compassion, acceptance of others, generosity of spirit, patience, collegiality and kindness.

Shirin Naji Khalaf (IB2) ; Naya Imad Abdel Baki (Tle)

Abdallah Salim Salam Award for Athletic Excellence

Awarded to a Secondary School Student who has exhibited outstanding sportsmanship in an athletic activity during the academic year 2022-2023

Sarah Kassem Kassak El Moghrabi (Tle)

Hala Yafi-Shehata (’86) Memorial Award

The Hala Yafi Memorial Award was established to commemorate the spirit of a very special person whose drive for giving and strong belief in humanity knew no racial, ethnic or religious boundaries. Her love and enthusiasm to help the needy began at I.C. with the Social Service Club and continued throughout her short life.

Adriana Amine Abi Fares (Tle) ; Noora Ahmad El-Soussi (IB2) ; Hind Fadi Mourad (GSE)

Mazen Walid Saab Memorial Award

This award recognizes a Secondary School student who has distinguished himself or herself in attitude and manner, valuing courtesy, thoughtfulness, motivation, team work and kindness.

Bassel Samer Fawwaz (12CPP)

Awards 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND

Drs. Ghaleb & Rima Daouk Science Award

The award is established through the generosity of Drs. Ghaleb and Rima Daouk to reward a student, or students, at the Secondary School level for a project which enhances awareness in the experimental, theoretical, and computer sciences. The project will highlight the critical role that science, and all its applications, plays in the improvement of the human condition. This award will recognize the best original scientific project with real or potential applications to the community’s welfare. Further, the award is meant to encourage young minds to participate more actively in the scientific process.

IB2: Kynda Samer Salam ; Rhea Fadi El-Madhoun El-Yafi ; Celine Mouin Abdallah ; Lana Mustapha Madi ; Samaya Hani Soufi ; Nazek Hayssam Hasbini ; Celine Ali Noureddine ; Mounia Rina Bazzi

Salim Hachache Award

This award is given to those student(s) in the secondary school who show(s) outstanding skills in Mathematics and Sciences

Hadi Salah Zoghaib (IB2) ; Jad Bassam Jadayel (LSE) ; Christopher Bassem Moawad (Tle)

Interdisciplinary Project Award

This Award is given to those students who invested themselves in an exemplary manner in the research process as well as in the social action required by the Interdisciplinary & Service Learning Project. In doing so, they demonstrated an exceptional ability to answer the research question, respond to a real social need and collaborate harmoniously with their peers

Grade 11 LB: Alma Philip Zgheib - Ali Khalil Taher - Alaa Mohamad Ali Hammoud – Walid Kamel Kassem - Mohamad Hicham Khatib

Grade 11 CPP: Ghalia Nabil Irani - Nour Rami Makhzoumi - Ali Ghassan Maher Merehbi - May Wajdi Hamdan

Dr. Tarek Kudsi Award

This award offers a full scholarship for the year 2023-24 to the winner of an essay competition.

What does Lebanon mean to you and how would you see yourself contributing to its growth in the future?

First place: Tala Hussein Karnib

Second place: Elias Georges Azar ; Fatima Shadi Slim

Bernard Geneslé Award

Ce prix fut établi en mémoire de Bernard Geneslé qui enseigna à l’IC pendant 30 ans. Cette année, il est attribué aux lauréats du concours Graines de poètes.

Classe de 1re: 1er Prix : Verena Ghassan Hasbani // 2ème Prix : Elias Georges Azar

Prix de l’originalité : Sophie Simon Abou Jaoudé

Classe de 2de : Joseph Sleiman Hoyek et Rayan Mazen Ibrahim

Nahla and Khaled Imagine Award for Creative Writing

This award is given to students who showed superior command of English and excellence in academic and creative writing during the academic year 2022-2023

Rhea Fadi El-Madhoun El-Yafi (IB2) ; Daniel Ibrahim Chehimi (IB2)

Arabic Award

Creative Writing: Rani Kamal Nadim Zaytoun (GSE)

Visual Arts Award

This award is presented to the students who, in addition to their creative talent and aesthetic and analytical skills, have demonstrated commitment, independence of concept and execution, and appreciation for and cultural awareness of the arts.

Mira Fadi Hussein Agha (IB2) ; Noora Ahmad El Soussi (IB2) ; Maria Yasser Bissat (Tle)

Music Award

This award is presented to secondary school students who have acquired musical concepts and have been dedicated to various musical activities.

Shirin Naji Khalaf (IB2) ; Nour Mohamad Kassem Moussa (Tle)

Social Entrepreneurship Award

This award is presented to a group of students who showed collaborative and innovative spirit and who were able to develop their proposal into a project that addresses a social/environmental problem.

Eco Live: Amira Mohamad Hijazi (Tle) ; Lama Souheil Abi Ammar (GSE) ; Janine Anna Maria Riemer Brouwer (IB2) ; Sylar Raef Nasr (LSE) ; Sam Maher Chaaban (ESE) ; Yara Doureid Bou Karroum (IB2)


Civic Commitment and Service-Learning Award

This award is given to a student who has consistently shown enthusiasm and commitment in service activities throughout secondary school years. The student showed initiative and leadership in serving those in need, set an example for other students by showing responsibility, active participation, and mobilized others towards community development.

Grade 12: Naya Imad Abdel Baki (Tle) – Celine Hassan Ghandour (Tle)

Grade 11: Nour Mehedden Labban (6th) - Omar Karim Alameddine (1re)

Grade 10: Mustafa Nader Hariri (2nde) - Noura Mazen Hamdan (5th)

Pre-CAS and CAS Awards

This award is presented to students in the 5th CPP and IB I programs who have shown enthusiasm and commitment in the Pre - CAS and CAS activities during the Academic Year 2022-2023

5th CPP: Ghina Hazem Arayssi ; Yasmina Ziad Al Achkar ; Yasmine Faouzi Chaarani ; Alexandre Mohamad Ali Ajami

IB I: Letitia Mohamad Al Hammoud ; Adam Wafic Moussa ; Judy Ibrahim Anouti ; Raya Asma Karim Arakji

Activities Award

This award is presented to student who have consistently shown enthusiasm and commitment to student activities during the academic year 2022-2023

Adriana Amine Abi Fares (Tle) ; Zein Mohamad Janah El Hassan (Tle)

Carl Charbel Michel Fakhir (IB2) ; Christopher Bassem Moawad (Tle) ; Hadi Salah Zoghaib (IB2) ; Fahd Fadi Chehabeddine (IB2)

Student Life Award

This award recognizes a graduating student who, through investment of talent and time, have significantly and positively impacted the students’ community during the academic year 2022-2023

Sari Karim Naamani (Tle) ; Yahya Wissam El Hariri (IB2) ;

Class of 2023 Subjects Awards for Distinguished Scholars


LB – Hala Ziad Hannoun

LB- Razan Shady Mehanna

BF – Ramzi Ahmad Oueidat

BF – Nour Eddin Mohammad Ali Atassji

BF – Ragi Alexandre Mouawad

IB – Michel Omar Ramzi Shammaa

IB – Nassim Souheil Abou Habib

CPP- Cynthia Bassam Dalal


LB – Jad Bassam Jadayel

IB – Amyra El Khatib

IB – Loulwa Nakhoul

BF – Amira Mohamad Hijazi

BF – Sarah Rabih Azar

CPP – Naya Ghassan Daboubash


IB – Naya Issam Rahal

IB – Amyra Khaled El Khatib

CPP – Sarah Edward Samaha

C.A.S. (Creativity Activity and Service)

IB – Malek Hani El Bawab

IB – Karen Ameed Samaha

Chemistry/ Chimie

LB – Lama Souheil Abi Ammar

LB – Sylar Raef Nasr

BF – Zein Mohamad Janah El Hassan

BF – Mohamad Hassan Abou El Khoudoud

BF – Patrick Roger Saliba

IB – Maikl Richard Jbeily

IB – Noora Ahmad El-Soussi


IB – Mounia Rina Bazzi

Economie (SES) et Droits et Grands Enjeux du Monde Contemporain (DGEMC)

BF – Raja Karim Bekdache

BF – Claranour Nicolas Bekhazi

BF – Yvanna Maria Elias Mourad (DGEMC)

Economie (SES) et Droits et Grands Enjeux du Monde Contemporain (DGEMC)

BF – Raja Karim Bekdache

BF – Claranour Nicolas Bekhazi

BF – Yvanna Maria Elias Mourad (DGEMC)

Economics & Sociology

LB – Sabine Fadl Khaled

LB – Dima Hassan Amhaz


IB – Nala Louay Bazzi

IB – Daniel Ibrahim Chehimi

BF – Nour Muhieddine El Mawla

BF – Amira Mohamad Hijazi

LB – Dana Mohamad Bdeir

LB – Lama Souheil Abi Ammar

CPP – Bassel Samer Fawwaz


Enseignement Scientifique

FB – Christopher Bassem Moawad

FB – Sarah Rabih Azar

FB – Tarek Marc Georges Obegi

FB – Adam Samer Serhal

Extended Essay

IB – Habib Georges El Hajj

IB – Mounia Rina Bazzi

IB – Abdulhadi Mohamad Zaher El Issawi


IB – Reine Mohamad El Hajj

IB – Dory Walid Azar


CPP – Cynthia Bassam Dalal

IB – Janine Anna Maria Riemer Brouwer

LB – Tala Rabih Flayhan

Grand Oral

BF – Amira Mohamad Hijazi

BF – Tarek Marc Georges Obegi

BF – Elena NaamanTayyar

BF – Elie Edwin Daniel El Chidiac


FB – Nour Muhieddine El Mawla

History- Geography- Civics

LB – Dana Mohamad Bdeir

LB – Jad Bassam Jadayel

BF – Adam Samer Serhal

BF- Nour Eddin Mohamad Ali Atassi

IB – Mona Bassem Makkouk

IB – Nala Louay Bazzi

CPP – Sarah Edward Samaha

Information Technology/ Computer Sciences

IB – Khalil Wabel El Kaaki

IB – Carl Charbel Michel Fakhir

LB – Najib Nicolas Haddad

LB – Gabriel Chritian Manoukian

CPP – Tamara Walid Khatib


BF – Lamis Ramzi Khodr

BF – Taline Talal El Mawla


LB – Rani Kamal Nadim Zaytoun

LB – Michel Walid Rahbani

BF – Patrick Roger Saliba (ME)

BF – Kamal Rizkallah Nawbar (ME)

BF – Silvio Youssef Farah

BF – Gérard Vahram Barsoumian

IB – Yasmina Noujoum Fares Zaitoun

IB – Celine Ali Noureddine

IB- Jana Hussein Karnib

CPP – Wael Thomas Kamel Abouchacra


LB – Sam Maher Chaaban

LB – Sylar Raef Nasr

BF – Karim Karim Farsoun

BF – Christie Wassim Jad

Physics/ Physique

LB – Tala Rabih Flayhan

LB – Rani Kamal Nadim Zaytoun

BF – Maria Yasser Bissat

BF – John Rony Maamari

IB – Michel Omar Ramzi Shammaa

IB – Yasmine Noujoum Fares Zaitoun


IB – Rhea Fadi El-Madhoun El-Yafi

IB – Jana Hussein Karnib

Service Learning

CPP – Abdel Mohti Ayman Shahine


IB – Marc Paul Otayek Chreim

IB – Ibrahim Mohamad Nasser Hashim

FB – Nour Mohamad Kassem Moussa

Theatre/ Théâtre

IB – Chelsea Rabih Haddad


IB – Daniel Ibrahim Chehimi

IB –Mounia Rina Bazzi


Distinguished Scholars Award

This award goes to the highest achievers in the 5th, 2nde, 6th, IB and 1ère classes

2nde Baccalauréat Français

1. Noura Faraj El Awar

2. Joseph Sleiman Hoyek

3. Mustafa Nader Hariri

4. Leana Samir El Hoss

5. Theo Nicolas NassarAlay

6. Ryan Hani Alayli

7. Axelle Jean Marc Rizk

8. Kaan Louis Karim Farsoun

9. Maria Nabil Khoury

10. Yasmine Marwan Barakat

1ère Baccalauréat Français

1. Lea Sabrina Kamel Hatoum

2. Ammar Yasser Bissat

3. Rayen Edgard Tabet

4. Sophie Simon Abou Jaoudé

5. Aya Malek Fawaz

6. Omar Karim Alameddine

7. Elias Georges Azar

8. Celena Marwan Saadeh

9. Maya Wassim Halawi

10. Mustafa Adnan Rayan Haidar

11. Sarmad Ibrahim Osman

5th Lebanese Baccalaureate

1. Dana Souheil Itani

2. Francesca Claude Obeid

3. Reem Akram Kanaan

4. Jaimie-Helena Ramzi Labban

5. Ali Rabih Mezher

6. Rand Moatassem El Hajj Sleiman

7. Jawad Hussein Dheini

6th Lebanese Baccalaureate

1. Serena Issam Slim

2. Ali Khalil Taher

3. Alaa Mohamad Ali Hammoud

4. Ayya Refaat Alayashe

Grade 10 College Preparatory Program

1. Yasmina Ziad Al Achkar

2. Farrah Alexandra Hackwood

3. Perla Maria Chammas

4. Tamer Fouad El Imad

5. Sophie Amin Jneinati

6. Aseel Hassan Amri

7. Sarah Sam Chihabi

8. Aya Loay Safa

Grade 11 College Preparatory Program

1. Karma Ikram Sakkal

2. Ali Ghassan Maher Merhebi

International Baccalaureate Program

1. Adam Wafic Moussa

2. Marzouk Hassan Hajaij

3. Nour Wajdi Abou-Izzeddine Abou-Chacra

4. Rawad-Akkad Moussa Bashir

5. Rida Khalil Taher Fadlallah

6. Lana Mouhamad Rabah

7. Raya Asma Karim Arakji

8. Ryan Samir Rached

9. Freddy Andrew El Sayegh

10. Jose Georges Jamati

Awards 2022-2023 THE MARKS LEFT BEHIND


For their support and encouragement, special thanks to:

Mr. Joel Peinado

Ms. Paula Mufarrij

Dr. Megan Khairallah

Ms. Nawal Haddad

Ms. Kathy Khayatt

Dr. Ghada Madhoun

Ms. Lara Kmeid

Ms. Zeina Abou Khalil

Ms. Tania Hayek

Mr. Moufid Beydoun

Mr. Talal El Jundi

Dr. Mahmud Shihab

Ms. Katia Aranji

Ms. Hanan Ouri

For the creation of the Torch, special thanks to the members of the Intra-school Torch Committees:

Mr. Riad Chirazi, Ms. Dana Taher, Ms. Sawsan Husseini, Ms. Maya Hachem (Secondary School)

Mr. Zakwan Shehab (Middle School Ras Beirut)

Ms. Nadia Farah (Elementary School Ras Beirut)

Ms. Ola Itani (Preschool Ras Beirut)

Mr. Walid Matta (Upper School Ain Aar)

Ms. Lea Hedary (Lower School Ain Aar)

Ms. Rindala Abdel Baki, Ms. Shalimar Sinno, Ms. Cynthia Jabbour, Ms. Marie-Hélène Gholam, Ms. Rita El Hajj, Ms. Maha Shukayr, and Ms. Lama Dabbous (IC Responsibility)

Ms. Carine Arayssi, Ms. Elsa Attieh, Ms. Inar Zein (Activities)

Mr. Noel Bou Abboud, Mr. Omar Shmaitilly, Ms. Karine Naji (PE & Athletics)

Our appreciation is also extended to:

Ms. Tala Tabbara (Graphic Design)

Mr. Mazen Sabbagh (Photography)

CA s.a.r.l (Printing)

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