I.T.M.O.I.A. Issue 3

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The Magazine October 2015 Issue 3 Vol. 1

The “Survival� Issue

Inside: Poems, Testimony, Prayers of encouragement For survivors of Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence

Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Silent Killer-Domestic Violence Father is With Us- Written by “So So Bright” Piece of Me –Poem My Heart…Soul Survivor -Poem Survivor -Poem No Survivor’s Remorse -Poem

I.T.M.O.I.A. The Magazine Vol.1 Issue 3 Martin Bryant – Writer Poet Contributing writer for this issue SO-SO Bright Black Prism Publishing P.O. BOX 831294 Stone Mountain GA. 678-885-7155

The Silent Killer… Domestic Violence

Every friend hears the screams, but no-one listens to the pain. Blood spills from hand to hand combat… pours out like rain. The only reach from an umbrella is a woman finally walking away; or in a lot of situations her body is being carried astray. What’s the state of love, when the sting of hate creates mutiny? There is a cowardice running wild in the realm of relationships. Once upon a time a man’s touch would be the most comforting thing across a woman’s back, on her feet, or tenderly rubbing her neck. Somewhere though lost in the annuals of L-O-V-E a substitute came along called a-b-u-s-e!!!!! How do I hate thee, let me count the ways; Mental, a man will reduce a woman to a self conscious piece of flesh all for the sake of hunger. This feeds his ego a meal of superiority all the while she feels inferior. Emotional, a man will make a woman fall in love, only for him to like, lust, hate another. He will take her heart and use it as target practice for random indiscretions and broken promises. Even the most timid of male lover knows a woman seeks love, so the man-ipulator will say I love you only as a trap, in retrospect a real man will say I love you and mean it. He will use this real love as a key to capture her treasure; her heart. Lastly and the way that leads mostly to the grave is physical. Now, it is hard for a woman to leave, after all fear is a dangerous concept. However NO one should endure hated hands being thrust upon one’s body with no regard or malice. In recent weeks we have witnessed quite a few domestic violence instances where lives were taken. If a poll was given or a study took place we would see that every few seconds or few minutes a woman is being, abused, beaten, and it’s a shame that a species created carefully by God can be harmed so much by man.(sounds familiar as this happens with a lot in life).

Sensitivity about the situation, as well as familiarity prevents me from listing cases, so I continue to reference in “general” however, I am sure everyone knows someone who has gone though domestic violence or is a product of it. No matter what color, or race you are, black and blue is not a hue! With that being said…here is an open “letter” first to the Assailant; God the Father did not create us as man to abuse and “manhandle” our woman. Any man who takes even a second to put his hands on a woman is no better than the serpent she is to have enmity with. You are in no way shape form or fashion a man; you just happen to have your brain hanging down on the inside of your pants instead in your head. Second to the victim; LEAVE!!!!! You do not deserve this treatment. Emotional, mental abuse will cripple you; Physical abuse can kill you!!!!! To say God will make a way…know this fact; faith without works is dead, so is the potential for you to be if you do not act on your faith and leave.

There are a lot of situations going on in the world today, however if we are attempting to take back our communities we need to start in our homes. Speaking of which…Fathers of sons, you cannot raise your son to know it is ok to hit a woman, break that curse. If you grew up watching that, you should go get help, just like you should not “engage” with a woman if you are not ready to be a father, you should not be with a woman in any capacity if you have any experience with domestic violence as a youth. Seek ye first the counseling of a professional, before ye engage with a woman.

I am not going to mention any celebrity instances, because I don’t have too, we don’t have to go to Hollywood to address this issue. The address of this issue is in our own backyards…and it’s time we clean house!!!!

Keep your heads up, and YOUR HANDS DOWN!!!!!! Loving a woman is such a beautiful thing, you need a role model….The loving brother IS NOT hard to find. He’s the guy whom you won’t let her leave you for!!!!!!

We just have to Be…Because HE’S the GREAT I AM!!!!!!

-Martin Bryant

"The Father Is With Us" Jesus Christ specifically said; I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Hebrew -13:5 I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. This was God speaking. My God, and your God, also told the nation. I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew - 28:20 I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Everyone this was The Lord our God, talking. Jesus Christ. 5 years ago; I was with a devil, never knew it would take me to that level. I was blind by a man who was so friendly, and nice, Back then I wish I carried a pocket knife. Now, ever since I have went through that reckless tribulation. I always told myself. Whether you approach with a smile on your face, it won't stop the "Holy Ghost," seeing that you are a snake; covered around that demon looking face. Speaking on behave of the man. Who stole my virginity, and my ring which was so precious and dear to me. In my head. "I was saying I'm not a virgin anymore." I would drain myself to sleep, and wouldn't eat, you don't know the amount of how much the enemy took from me. I was only 19. A year out of high school, thinking about what's my next move; how would I reach my goals? For someone who goes to church daily, doesn't have a record of no sort. Don't club, don't be in the streets, so why me? "I asked myself why me"? Perhaps it was my turn to go through a hectic storm. Or could it be that the devil had a set up; and God placed his servant in the earthquake. So I would become better and stronger. The matter of the situation was just full of tribulations; here I am waiting for trial; so this tragic mess will end. Let me rewind you back from the beginning, A man name Josh, who said "I will never do anything to hurt you." A thuggish nigga that tried to act his way into my life;

He did not know, the Father I serve above; was about to wipe him straight out. This man that seemed cool, was just another fool. When my mind kept telling me to run, something else was saying you can't escape. I was violated 3 times by this guy. I still memorize the words that the beast said, "Don't push me out of you." The other flashback was when he put me to the ground, and started choking me. As I speak of the torture it felt like horror. Only the Father, the witness who identified everything. I’m talking about a spirit man that was there. But in my understanding I didn’t know. Yet, the Holy Ghost had to plug all the learning that was lost; right back in the light of me. My God told me. "You have had items taken from you. I am here to restore you. I will get every person back who tried to destroy you." God said. Also God spoke directly to me. "You are a virgin... you are a virgin, no man ever took your virginity. You have always kept a hold to it." This is the very first gift, I give unto you. I don't believe "Domestic Violence, and Rape," touched me. I know what you saying… such a dominant and anointing young lady. I dedicate this to the survivors of "Sexual Abuse, and Domestic Violence," To the women with a strong solid foundation. -So So Bright

(My Heart .....Soul Survivor) Lord we need you right now just show us how ...to pray...to live....to act.... to give. Give us the strength to make it Give us this day to take it and live like you'd have us to live To receive blessings Lord So that we can give. The tears are dried by your grace The tears are dried for your love is in its place. We can do ALL things through the son We can meet the trails head on and overcome. IN THE MIDST OF IT ALL things do get rough But the strength you give Lord is too tough We ask, you answer, and you provide a way. Dear Lord....we are crying.....to you we pray. Rescue our soul...and make us whole. (c) 2015 Martin Bryant


No Survivor’s Remorse

Hands was dealt Still gotta play Have to encourage myself So I must pray I must stay strong Regardless the wrong Life is too short, they say?? Well I will live long

A part of me is affected My spirit they can’t touch My God will see me through I love Him so much Beat me if you can SURVIVE IF I let you…Please pay attention I’m a survivor, no remorse Walking in full remission -

© 2015 Martin Bryant (Dedicated to survivors of both Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence)


-“In The Midst Of It All”- SURVIVE

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