I.T.M.O.I.A. Issue Two

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Table of contents


Testimony By “Born to Inspire”


Through the Valley


Untitled Poem


You Can Still Talk While Broken


The Spirit That Dwells Within Written By “SO SO Bright”





I.T.M.O.I.A. The Magazine Vol.1 Issue 2 Martin Bryant – Writer Poet Contributing writers for this issue “Born to Inspire” SO-SO Bright Black Prism Publishing P.O. BOX 831294 Stone Mountain GA. 678-885-7155

Testimony If you took a selfie of your soul would you find it ATTRACTIVE enough to post??? Seriously think about it …. A young woman contacted me recently and said this “ugly souls Sis. . . Some folks just dress it up and then they'll get naked when you're most vulnerable, after you trust them. “ And it was very COINCIDENTAL that she contacted me about this topic because it was EXACTLY what I was dealing with at the time in my own life…. (UGLY SOULS) So I ask you again: If you took a selfie of your soul, would you find it attractive enough to post it?? The funny thing is if you asked ME this 2 months ago, I would have been like YES!!! My soul is the ish! Why? Because I look so beautiful and I think I’m almost perfect... I’m beautiful smart intelligent... and ambitious … What could be POSSIBLY wrong with me? and I am so transparent about my life so I’m like you cannot use ANYTHING against me because I own my pain…. And I share it with the world…. But let’s get right to it…. GOD allowed some crazy things to occur in my life within the last 2 months (I say crazy because I cannot even explain it into words… so u know in this physical world when you don’t understand something its labeled CRAZY right??) And the last 2 weeks and a half, I have been sick... I couldn’t eat much, I couldn’t keep food down without throwing up, I drank a lot of water, and ‘I’m like WTH is wrong with me... and one of my friends asked me, Are you preggo? I’m like no u have to have sex to get pregnant… but I didn’t complain about being sick because I was losing weight... SO I’m like ayeeee... I’m losing weight I needed to lose without exercising, I’m gonna let this sickness take its course…., So for these 2 weeks , I had numerous dreams, arguments with family and One night the devil came to me in a dream && told me “ I know your secrets” and I’m like LOOOOOORD what am I going thru …. And one day when I was praying “HE said to me in my spirit…. Your SICKNESS is not MEDICAL, it’s SPIRITUAL” GOD was and IS purging me of all the demons and pain I have attached to my SOUL. What we fail to realize as humans is when we go thru tragedies in life, whether its rape, abandonment, neglect, molestation, emotional and physical abuse, we may forgive them and be free in the PHYSICAL world but the RESIDUE from all these horrible situations are STILL attached to our spiritual BEING …its attached to our SOUL…and ONLY GOD can SAVE AND CLEAN AND PURIFY your SOUL. Acts 4:12 states “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. “ And 1 Timothy 2:5 states “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” The thing is we get sick in our bodies, whether its cancer or a tumor or whatever, and we go to a DOCTOR and we feel depressed in our mind whether it’s from a loss of family member, loss of job or whatever and we go to a psychologist BUT THE REAL DEEP ROOTED ISSUE is SPIRITUAL… WE NEED TO CURE OUR SOUL… OUR SOUL is damaged and that damage is creeping into all the other AREAS in our life… So I challenge you LADIES && GENTS, KINGS && QUEENS, to Ask GOD to show you the MIRROR OF YOUR SOUL…… Let’s start the CURE inside out… You can dress beautifully, look beautifully, speak articulately,

smell magnificent yet your SOUL is stinking and ugly and CRYING FOR HELP…… I am not gonna say it’s an easy process but it is INDEED NECESSARY and worth it! Are you not tired of being SICK over and over again? Crying over and over again for no reason? Feeling hurt over and over again? You’re afraid to be vulnerable? You don’t know how to deal with pain in a healthy way? ARE YOU TRULY SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED? If so …Let GOD clean your SOUL today. You have hurt LONG enough! I meet so many people who rub me the wrong way. My spirit being tells me to stay away and now I see why… my spirit being sees their soul and knows to keep away… We cannot see others SOUL with our PHYSICAL eyes… it is an instinct or a gut feeling (SPIRIT BEING) that tells us… stay away, back off, don’t do this, don’t do that…. So Pray for someone’s soul today and pray for yours to be cleansed as well….. This is “Born to Inspire”…Checking out… R.I.P to the old me….. This is my REBIRTH. Testimony Written By “Born to Inspire”

“Through the Valley”

Isaiah 58:11 New International Version (NIV) 11 The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Strengthen me, lengthen me Guide me, and align me Touch me, embrace Lord never erase me It’s battle going on I know you satisfy It’s a battle going on We know you will rectify Failure not an option Never will we waver Lord of lords May we stay in your favor We need you right now In the midst of it all Lord hear us when we cry Answer when we call!!! Pick us up when we fall Stop us as we brawl Empower us when we crawl Enlarge us when we feel small!!!!

“You Can Still Talk to Him While Broken” We are all broken, But don’ take it as a token Even in the state you are in Your words need to be spoken Even in despair Know that God is always there He needs to hear your voice It can be music to His ear Time to come in from the cold Time to be bold Broken may be your mold But your COMPLETE story has NOT been told We are all broken at times Don’t let that be an excuse God will hear you Come out from under the abuse Broken hearted, broken bodied No matter your state You can still talk to God Don’t wait it’s NOT too late

The Spirit That Dwells within Praise his name for he is the most high. Clap your hands, for we worship him. Let us bow our heads, cause the prince; is king. Sing in songs, telling the master we adore him. All of us should brag about our first love. The wonderful lover who died just for us. I vision a warrior shedding blood, dripping water. Showing how much his love is so precious to us. This world we live in isn't the life. I see life in eternity through the father. Cause God is with us.

SO SO Bright

John 11:40-41 New International Version (NIV) 40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” 41 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. “Believe” Intercessor Jesus goes to God for the lessor Allow the words of the blessor He speaks to God on our behalf He speaks to God against the world’s wrath Story of Lazarus Jesus wept For the love of His followers Jesus kept For the love of God, Jesus stepped… And called a man back to life Jesus will call and end all our strife We just have to remove the stone Remove the things that God won’t condone Remove the things from our lives and home And allow the Holy Spirit to reign and roam God hear Jesus in his petition Go to Him and pray attention God to Him and ask Shame no more, no more mask Jesus said “Father I know you hear me” Bless them Lord they endear me

Genesis 28:15-17 New International Version (NIV) 15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” 16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” 17 He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.” “Restore” Restore, restore God please don’t ignore Take my brokenness, from off the floor None of me please ignore Asking, begging, pleading Needing, weak I am In you I’m feeding Asking you Lord Take my soul Restore it back to being whole Pain has endured Sorrow needs to fade Return me back to the glory you made Broken pieces my offering to you Restore me Lord…If thou will do!!!!!! Restore us Lord, I am asking you The storm might not be over But the storm has to end Jesus is in the midst From without and within Restoration…Find peace in that word Restoration…NEEDS TO BE OBTAINED AND HEARD!!!

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