I.T.M.O.I.A. The Magazine, The Journal

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I.T.M.O.I.A. The Magazine, The Journal is a monthly periodical aimed to inspire, to encourage through the gift of poetry, and the words of scripture.

All poems written are original and Holy Spirit inspired © 2015 Martin A. Bryant

Special thank you to cover Model: Lola Clifton

Writer/Editor: Martin Bryant inspiredfather@yahoo.com P.O. BOX 831294 Stone Mountain GA 30083

Always “716”

Table of Contents God I Thank You F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) Love God's will......Our Won't Freedom The Struggle....Beat Me If You Can, Survive If God Lets You Lost

(F.E.A.R) False Evidence that Appears Real...... Fear not let no earthly weapon prosper Let no man nor woman ruin they shine Jesus will ease your fear and provide peace of mind. Fear is only a spirit form of sin The Lord will provide if you feel the walls are closing in... Let go of yesterday's pain Grab hold of today's umbrella and tomorrow's reign Leave your worries, your burden's with He, Who created thee? He watches and by his strength All things have possibility When foes oppose He’s the only true line of defense For God is more for you than the whole world against. Fear not...Face all And stand firm through the fight In any form of darkness.....pray through the fear, God will provide the light. Let the Spirit be your candle God and Jesus your strength to face the FEAR False evidence will soon fade As Christ helps us always with anything we have to bear.

"A new commandant I give unto you ...Love ye one another; as I have loved you" John 13:34-35 LOVE I am not he who opposes me But Jesus said Love those who oppose Like I have loved thee For Heaven only knows The Bible shows that as we grow as brothers and sisters Our love grows. God created man in his image and likeness He said "love one another" Even though some might say "I don't like this" or don’t like her or him..... Love is an internal Spirit It has to come from within. Can't love thy neighbor Unless we acknowledge HIM. For God so love the world He gave His only begotten Son There's No Greater Love Than that from the Holy One. Love is the most powerful of the Spirit Love thy friends as well as your enemies Grab hold of love ENDEAR IT........ Peace and Love

Matthew 6:10 "Your kingdom come, your WILL be done, on earth as it is in Heaven" God's will......Our Won't Thy will be done...is usually our won't We hear God say do this ...our answer...want to I don't We rob ourselves of the blessings His will we should not be messing It's when we turn our back of the Will of God has us the most stressing...... Life is hard enough Going does get tough Struggles might get rough.... Realize though this is God's will "In The Midst Of It All the storm he'll keep it still...... God Say's do this.....temptation Say's don't God Say's my will be done.....he's will Oft times we don't Hmm. God's will...... It makes us stronger it does not kill What would Jesus do? Better question......what would I do? Ask yourself how about you? To thine own self be true What makes us stronger ...does not kill Turn your don'ts and won'ts into God's will.

FREEDOM God predestined us to be free Rid the mentality of no not me... Quit letting the he's and she's Have dominion over thee... The Commandant says though shalt have no other god's before me Yet we submit often time to the demands of the enemy. We prey on others weaknesses, Instead of praying for their strength, We prey on their shortcomings Instead being prayeryeyeful of their length. Notwithstanding we hinder each other’s progress With selfish intent and harm We should strive for God's freedom YES THIS IS A CAUSE FOR ALARM Off in the distance we should grab hold of salvation's arm Once again we are slaves in our own minds YES THIS IS A CAUSE FOR ALARM Let my people go Moses said these words to pharaoh. We need to let go of yesterday’s chain Grab hold of tomorrow reign Cause today’s unchained melodies Is the key when we want to sustain. Grab hold of freedom We all need some Let no one lock your spirit Let no one lock your mind THE KEY TO UNLOCK WHAT ENSLAVES YOU TURN TO JESUS (FREEDOM) HE WILL HELP YOU FIND.

The Struggle....Beat Me If You Can, Survive If God Lets You Here we go again, Troubles surround thee But Jesus walks with me Through it all He puts us through it, yet he still answers the call. Don't let the devil win, don't give him the victory Jesus will carry you through, Just Know he walks with thee. The Struggle, is a burden But Jesus breaks the yoke Breathe his air, when the struggle tries to choke. Let no man/woman of God let troubles overtake thee Know that as many journey's you may walk Jesus will walk with thee. The struggle, the pain, the strife, Beat me if you can, Survive if God's lets you He's the God we serve, and he will see you through.

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