Writing An Essay About Yourself

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Characteristics Of Myself Essay

We, as human beings, have many characteristics and traits that we view of our self positively; however, some traits do change due to our insecurity of other individual judgments which may lead to the outcome of others viewing us differently. This report will briefly explain the way I see myself portray to the society and how other majority individuals see the individual I truly am.

The qualities I consider that I do not have for my personality is I am not creative, confident, compulsive, curious, humorous and selfish. This shows that I am an individual who is selfless or inquisitive. Although, I am not confident nor am I compulsive or humorous this demonstrates I am introverted from the society and would like to be hidden in the dark when it comes to presentations or meeting new strangers. I am not proud of this since I realized I care way too much about what others have their opinions on me. If I were confident and cared less about what others thought about me, I would have the traits as compulsive, confident, humorous and much more. In addition, this is one of the reasons why others think I am shy at times due to my lack of confidence. Therefore, I do have to work on putting myself out there to the society which will slowly happen.

I believe that I am friendly, kind, reliable, hardworking, punctual, and ambitious. Ever since I was a child, my parents brought good manners and positive moral teachings into me. One of the lessons they taught and I must obey is that I

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When I was young, I always knew that college is important to the major that you choose. When I see my aunt, I ask many questions about college and how it is like. I thought it would be challenging and stressful. Then it was stressful because I want to improve my writing. When I see myself as a writer, I think about the process, then I consider the improvements I need to make, and lastly the strengths I have. First, I think about the writing process. When the teacher or professor give me an essay, I start right away. I start right away because I don't want my work to be late and I have other assignment to do for other classes. Once I read the prompt, I start my outline to know what to write in my essay. I just think about what I know and don't know, then put it ontopaper. For the outline, I will do sentences or sometimes words only. It depends on the topic or essay I write. I find the outline is a helpful way to get started.

After the outline, I start researching the topic. I use the internet for the research. I use it because it is helpful. It is helpful because I take examples of how to start. I use google and look at images of essays. It provides inspiration for the essay....show more content... I always on task when it come to course work and due dates. , I am creative and very helpful with other. I do not being behind with my school work because it will effect my goal that i am trying to improve. A quote that I heard from Peter Elbow is "Don't stop for anything" Peter is try to explain is just work your way through and don't go back. I think what he is try to tell me that everyone have a way to get successful in college and school. I feel As a result, I believe that anyone can get to there goals, so when you're outside of school you will feel awesome and and not be

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Describe Yourself As A Writer

Write an essay to explain what you have discovered about yourself. What are your strengths? How has your Pathway Academic Start experience enriched or challenged you? What goals will you work toward accomplishing as you move forward? There are many things that come to mind when I think about what I discovered about myself during one year in Pathway Program, I want to share what happened with me: During the first gathering, I felt the Holy Ghost so strong that something into my heart telling me this is your pathway to learn how to follow the guidance of the spirit and the English skill will come by a gift of the Holy Gosh, that reflection bring me to my mind something Elder Bernard said: "I believe it will be essential for all of us to increase...show more content...

Why this? Because I need to use my agency or in other word to act by myself. I like to add the following comment by Elder Bednar: "Are you and I agents who act and seek learning by faith, or are we waiting to be taught and acted upon? Are the children, youth, and adults we serve acting and seeking to learn by faith, or are they waiting to be taught and acted upon? Are you and I encouraging and helping those we serve to seek learning by faith? We are all to be anxiously engaged in asking, seeking, and knocking (see 3 Nephi 14:7)." That's why I like this program at every step invites me to use my agency and to act as agent. Finally, I can summarize that this program is inspired by the Holy Ghost and every lesson, every assignment, every exercise is developed to help me to stay very close by the spirit, but step by step every day my heart had been changed and really, I love this program. I am going to continue my study to get first an associate in a computer program and then to get a bachelor degree. I bear my testimony Get

What I Discovered About Myself Research Paper
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Why is it important to write about me It was an enlightening journey for me that perhaps you might find interesting so When writing about yourself it is about everything you usually want to say but can't Verbalize. So to tell my story I have to tell a story through my personal experience and I have to bring life to my writing. What adjectives would you use to describe yourself? Some Adjectives I would use to describe myself are athletic, determined, spirited and I am open–minded and kind–hearted, loyal and committed, Trustworthy, reliable and modest. Why do you want people to know about you? – I want people to know about me because just because what you've heard or gossiped about that particular person does not mean you know their whole story and the kind of person they actually are but Anyone body story change someone life . What would writing about yourself do for you? Writing about myself will show allow me to express self more and be confidant where I came from. There is nothing wrong being adopted and honestly it's makes me who I am. I love the fact that I can tell people my version of how my Journey began and maybe one day it will influence people who are afraid of telling other people that they were adopted. example – Writing about myself shows people who I really am. Most of the time, people only get to see glimpses of a person. Writing an autobiography allows people to see the version of you that you want the world to see. The place I grew up and

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Importance Of Writing About Myself

There are three very important aspects that play a major rule in my life. They can be categorized as intellectual, social, and spiritual. My intellectual self is interesting because I am mainly right–brained which means that I tend to use my creativity more than my mathematical skills, also making me a visual learner. My social self consists of friends, family, and my surroundings. I spend most of my time at home with my family. Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors and listen to their opinions. I am more of an independent type of person. Being with different people has influenced me into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. I have learned things that have now been incorporated into my own set of beliefs and...show more content...

I find that I can only recall long–term memories if they are important to me, or if they are dramatic experiences. A few examples of my childhood memories are my mother reading to me, my grandfather playing his guitar, and my dad relentlessly teaching me how to ice skate, no matter how many times I fell. The people who affect my social life the most are my family and friends. I have an extremely close family that has played a major role in my life. They are whom I spend most of my spare time with. My family usually gathers every weekend for dinner. I am also very open to different religions, cultures, and practices because I know many people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very young age to never judge people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have learned these lessons, because many people still do not understand the importance of accepting differences. In a group, I prefer to listen to what others have to say, and then contribute to the discussion. I try to listen so I am able to compare them to my own thoughts. I enjoy working in a group, because it gives everyone an opportunity to incorporate their own ideas. My social self is most greatly influenced by my family and friends. I believe that my spiritual self is the most important out of the three. Although I have a certain religion that I belong to and practice, I believe in a bit of

Essay About Myself
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Personal Characteristics Essay

There are many personal characteristics that can affect a person as an individual and his professional success, namely openness, ability to learn and adapt etc. These personal characteristics can sometimes make a person successful and sometimes doesn't. As I spend more and more time as a professional, I perceive that there are few characteristics that are essential for professional success: namely ambitious, creative and adaptable. These characteristics come out in many different ways. Have you set your goals? Have you decided the path you have to take to pursue your goal? What are the sacrifices you can do to achieve your ambition? How much can you think out of the box to resolve a particular issue or bring new idea to the table? How...show more content...

This characteristic will motivate me to grow better in my future career as well. I believe that few people have a strong inner feeling that pushes them to think out of the box to identify as issue and find the solution. Personally, I always try to find the most creative solution and do not give up until I get it. Sometime this energy is contagious on to next. I always search for the missing links and fine–tune my thoughts until I reach a point that works. This creativity has steadily driven my ambitions through the organization. Today the world is changing so rapidly and the way it has changed in last few decades, it hasn't changed in last few hundred years. So adaptability has become the need of the hour. I believe that adaptability is the most important quality of all, particularly if one is in technology industry. There have been times when this adaptability has changed the nomenclature of day and night but it has also given me rewards at the appropriate times. Adaptability, personally, has created a far–reaching international outlook and I was able to spend time, living outside my country of origin, working for UK retails giants and this stay not only diversified my work experience but also my cultural experience. It has improved my exposure to diverse situations with increasing levels of complexity and this exposure has increased my eagerness for new challenges. It has instigated a feeling in me that there

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Reflection About Myself

During this Semester I have written six essays, and all of them were a little different. All of them had a different purpose in writing and required a different skill too. There are things that I did both good and bad in writing all of these essays. The first essay that I had to write for this class was a Self–Assessment essay, about my writing career and how the four basics have been involved in my life. This was a more personal essay about myself, while I have also had to write some essays about a feeling that I had, and also one about a specific topic. There were several different essays, and ways that I had to write them. The first essay I wrote, the Self–Assessment, was about the four basics and how they have been in my life and...show more content...

I chose dedication because I knew that it was something that I could write a lot on. This was my favorite essay to write in the class, mostly because the topic was something that I could write a lot on. The best part about this essay is the way that it was written, it was very easy to read. Also the way the opposing views and examples worked well in showing how what I said was good. The ending could have been a lot better, there was not much of a conclusion to it, and it was weak compared to how the rest of the essay was. Also, I tended to have some very long paragraphs, and then some smaller ones too. I need to work better on making sure that all of the paragraphs are closer in length and how to try and limit writing on one specific topic (paragraph) and learn how to move onto the next. After that, there was the Research Essay, and I chose to write on concussion in football. I chose to write on this topic, because I have always been interested in this. I explained what a concussion was, and how people get them and what to do when you have one. I also talked about the new changes or ways that the sport is making to help prevent concussions. I liked how the essay flowed and it was set up. There were things that I could have done better in the paper, and one

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I have learned a lot about myself in the last twelve weeks. I discovered so much about my writing. I learned who I really am once I came out from behind the "Official Style" that I've clung to since junior high. I have to tell you, it was very difficult for me to let go. I felt lost and uncertain. But in the process I found myself, my style, and my voice. I learned to let myself come through in my writing. I have to admit, writing became a lot more fun and interesting.

When I looked back and read my first paper for this class, I laughed. I couldn't believe how trapped in the O.S. I was. I remember thinking as I wrote it that I was getting away from theme writing, but the only reasons I thought this were because I used the first person,...show more content... It was only at the end of this quarter that I began to feel at ease writing in these other styles. I finally felt comfortable enough to challenge what had been taught to me as "the law" of writing. I wanted to do something different, to explore other styles and voices. I wanted to show Ms. Molitor that she doesn't know everything, that I don't have to write in the Official Style to be effective. Sometimes things are better when they're written differently.

Another thing I know I did when I wrote this first paper was to write to please the teacher. I tried to sound like I really knew what I was talking about. I also made college out to be one big learning experience. Well, it is a learning experience, but not in the way I made it seem. I made it sound like every class I took taught me something new about myself. Well, that holds true if what I learned was how well I could do on a test if I didn't read the text or studied while watching Days of Our Lives (by the way, I'm really getting sick of that Lady in White, aren't you?). But I was sucking up, I know that. I wasn't going to say that some classes are a waste of time and money, and that the only reason I'm taking them is because I have to. That wouldn't have sounded very good because that's the reason I took this class. Truthfully, though, this is one class I actually got something out of (for real, I'm not sucking up here).

I'm still learning things about my writing, and I'm having a

What I Learned In My Writing Style
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Tell me a little bit about yourself. (Inspiration: Consider what brings you to the program, the roles you identify with in your life, education & work experience, hobbies and interests, etc). I like to think I'm very outgoing and ambitious. My mom always tells people about how when I was much younger, and when she took me out grocery shopping I'd always smile and say hello to anyone who walked by, I think that says a lot about my personality. My high school highly recommended that everyone took a cooperative program before they graduated. This was the opportunity I had been waiting for! Finally, I would be able to have the chance to gather some actual career experience in something I've wanted to do for as long as I could remember, it was my dream job! It was being a kindergarten teacher. From my very first day at my placement, I managed to fall in love with every single aspect. After my placement I set out on my path to further my education. I applied to all my top universities. I was very fortunate enough to be accepted into all of them. However, when I delved further into researching the certain programs that I had applied to, my options slowly dwindled. It was either too expensive and completely unrealistic, or the program wouldn't lead me down the path of working in a preschool. However, there was still my last option: at a University all the way in Windsor, a few minute drive away from Detriot– yeah it was far. Although, the program was great. Concurrent Get

Reflective Essay About Myself
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My Personal Qualities

Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours.

As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and test tubes. I also...show more content...

I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality.

A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can be learned and strengthened.

I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic,

Personal Essay : My Personal
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My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught me...show more content...

I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not

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Essay on Writing Experience

Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open discussions...show more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.

With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from

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Personal Self Assessment Essay

I was born fourteen years ago and I have acquired many qualities in those fourteen years. One is I like to see myself as a very relatable person who many people can talk to. Many of my friends tell me that I am very relatable and a very honest person who says their honest opinion, which I can only agree with. Another word I hear a lot from my friends is that I am a chill, also known as relaxed or easy going. Listening to my friends is another good quality I believe I have. I can always sense when something isn't right. I believe I am also fairly good at judging people's character, so I think in some way that saves me from hanging out with bad people and also knowing which ones are the good ones. Adapting is another thing I am good at because of the many times I have moved. That also helps me get good at making friends all kinds of places, even in different countries. I get told a lot that I have a lot of friends and honestly I'm not totally sure how I have become friends with so many people. But I am not complaining. Most of my friends also say I am trustworthy and cool. Another thing I get told a lot is that I am hilarious. I mean I can just say the simplest things and my friends will laugh. All of these qualities are qualities that I like about myself but I also feel that many of my friends have the same traits. I like to hangout around people who remind me of myself. Most of my friends are funny and kind. They are all trustworthy and of course very cool. My friends are

Characteristics Of Myself Essay
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This class has taught me a lot about myself in such a brief period of time. I never thought I could dig as deep as I did, and have a better understanding of who I am as a person just by writing a single essay. I was not expecting the amount of self–awareness that I gained through this class. I really enjoyed the hermit crab essays, because they really guided me to find my true feelings. It was hard for me to get started writing at first and then once I got started, it was almost impossible to stop. I love the feeling that I am in control of what I am writing and there are no restrictions and that I can be vulnerable in my writing. This class really helped me show the vulnerable side of who I am. I was sometimes moved to tears while I was writing because, I realized things about myself that I never thought to be true before. I would get so excited that I would read it to my boyfriend, family and friends. This class was in no way easy, but it was definitely worth it for many reasons. I learned how to become a better writer, I learned about myself as a person, and I constructed pieces of writing that I didn't know I was capable of. Some assignments became easier as time went on because I became a stronger writer. However, I think the hardest one for me was having to write about the room I was in. It didn't interest me because it didn't help me dig deeper into my feelings or anything of that matter. I also didn't enjoy having to respond to different pieces of writing, because it Get

What I Learned About Myself Essay
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School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one–third of my life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However, regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I am now. I was accused of cheating for the first time when I was seven years old. It was during the term final where the performance of the test indicates all the progress the student had made throughout the semester, so its importance was never over emphasized. Though...show more content...

Everything started anew, I was all by myself. While I was busy getting used to the school and making new friends, I also discovered a new passion, soccer. Through soccer I was able to meet some of my most loyal friends. We would often get together and play soccer against other classes. The school required a test for admission, so the competition was getting fierce. The teachers focused a lot on our academics and tried to squeeze as much time as they can from us to study. As the result, we were not allowed to play soccer during our free time because it hinders us from studying. Maybe it is human tendency to break laws, but the gang of us didn

в„ўt want to conform to that rule so sneaking a soccer ball to school and keep it away from the teachers became an everyday challenge. It was amazing the kind of ideas we came up with for this task. Soccer added spices into my otherwise boring school life, and it served as a channel between me and my fellow classmates. Through soccer we found a common ground, that we were able to know each other more and support each other no matter what happens. It gave us a sense of unity, and it was very important to me. Even now I cherish the pact I had with them back then– the support that helped me to stay on the right track during my rebel teenage years. My homeroom teacher at the time had the most impact on me than any other mentors I had. People say

Essay About Myself
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I find it extremely tough to talk about myself and my personal traits. In order for me to dIscuss who I am in an accurate manner then I must provide some basic background information on myself and talk about the Environment I grew up in. This way people can get a better understanding of why I am the way I am. My Background is so essential In making me myself because If I had been born under any different circumstances or grew up any differently I would be a different person than I am today. I was born inAberdeen Scotland but raised in Fort Bend County Texas. Aberdeen and Fort Bend both have great opportunities but differ in many ways. One way in which they differ is that Fort Bend is very culturally diverse while in Aberdeen most of...show more content...

Her family communicates to one another using spanish or sometimes english. I have always grown up in a family that speaks only english so I find it interesting to go over to other people's houses and hear them communicating in another language. On top of all of this meeting different people has also opened my mind to new ideas. For example, in school when we work in group projects we collaborate and communicate with people who think differently than us then work together to figure out whose ideas will work the best and how to improve them. Another factor that plays a part in why I am shaped how I am is my family's economic circumstances. I have always had access to anything I needed and for that I have extreme gratitude because I know some people have a lot of difficulty in life. Since I was born into a family with such good economic circumstances I have been lucky to have lots of opportunities. One Opportunity I had as a child was participating in taekwondo. I did taekwondo until I reached a blackbelt which took years of hardwork and dedication. I had to memorize forms, Spar with other competitors and break boards in order to continue to move up to the next level. Taekwondo also helped keep me in good shape and fit when I was younger. Another Opportunity I am grateful for is the skill of playing the piano. At first I was not all that enthusiastic about playing it but my parents has signed me up and insisted I

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Descriptive Essay About Myself

One would most likely assume that writing about yourself is a whole lot easier than writing about a particular topic or prompt. However, I haven't found that to be true so far in English 1101. Up to this point, we have written three essays: the first being the Common App essay, the second being the Educational History Narrative, and the third being the Ad Analysis. By far, the Ad Analysis was the easiest paper for me to write because I was given specific guidelines for what needed to be included into my essay and I didn't have to write a creative story about myself. It is a challenge for me to write about myself because in past school years, I have hardly ever had to do so. I have noticed that in school, the majority of my teachers have never stressed the importance of self knowingness and reflection; all they have done is prepared me and my peers for state testing. I could write a whole other essay based on this realization, but I won't for this assignment. Along with the Ad Analysis being the easiest essay for me to write, I also think that it was my best work. I felt that the assignment was engineered more for my age group and so I was engaged with it a lot more than I was with the other essays. I also felt a lot more confident while writing it and as a result I had no problem with meeting the essay's criteria and page requirement. My peer editor also found very few mistakes within the paper which reassured me that it is the best work that I have done for the Get

Importance Of Writing About Myself
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Just to think about self care can be a task in itself. I never really thought it about it, to be honest, but it is an essential part of living. We get so busy and caught up living in our everyday lives that we forget about the most important part, ourselves. I have two young kids ages 3 and 5, so my focus is always to take care of them and make sure their needs are met, forgetting about myself along the way. I think this assignment will help me to appreciate and not take for granted the things that I know I need to do for myself and to show love to the most important person, me. Stress management and self–soothing techniques are critical for surviving modern work–no matter the focus of the work. Psychotherapists tend to disregard their...show more content...

In class we discussed "saying no" being apart of our plans and I know that this is a must for me. At times I find myself running around like a chicken with its head cutoff. If only I had the courage to tell people no when I really need to the most. This will be tough for me but I know that it will help me have more time to do the things I love.

Although there are several things on my list that I am cringing over I will give it my all. What better way to be a good therapist? Starting the process of self–care now will hopefully alleviate future problems that I could face. I embrace this experience to create more self–love within. Setting out with determination and a clear understanding of my plan will hopefully create the motivation that I need to complete my goals. Knowing how I am, I have to take this day–by–day. If I do miss a task, instead of beating up on myself as I usually do I will commit to that task the following day. Its not so much doing the tasks that I am worried about because everything on my list I appreciate, it is finding the time to fit it all in. I think what will motivate me is knowing that if I can't help and take care of myself then how can I take care of my future clients. My ultimate goal after attending Antioch is of course helping others better their lives so I think this plan will give me a jumpstart in helping myself first. Get more content

Self Care Essay example

What You Know About Yourself

Some students have an identity, an interest, or talent that defines them in an essential way. If you are one of these students, then tell us about yourself.

Growing up I was a kid that loved to try out all kinds of things ( and still do ), that I knew nothing about, though some people thought I was wired because of it. Such as wanting to play field sports, art, skating, ice skating, hockey at one point, music, and the list goes on because the more I learn about these activities I never knew about, the more I wanted to try and see if I have a talent for it or not. Though my siblings would make fun of me saying that my only talent was reading, sleeping, and being weird, but I eventually provide them wrong when I...show more content...

So basically I found one thing that I could have done as one of my many talents and two that I found that I have little talent in, even though I still love soccer very much. Then I went on to Gaston Middle School, it was the place where did I track, volleyball, softball,and almost basketball, though I was never fond of it to begin with. Yet, with the other sports I was actually pretty good at them, but not that good with softball, I got so nervous one game because of the preacher I fealty all around me, making me freeze in place, causing the whole team to lose the game and me not playing in anymore games because of that one time misshapen. But what was most important to me was the fact that I got to be in Orchestra the type of music I wanted do since elementary school has finally came to me,and on that day I became the happiest girl there in that classroom full of beautiful string instruments. The teacher who teaches for that class was named miss Powers and she was a awesome music teacher, I still miss her till this day every time a play missing instrument, I also did art too, but I was not in it as long as I

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Essay On What You Know About Yourself

Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I should know myself the best, right? I like to look at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady. I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard to get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of my life. I care more for some others than I do myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and improve what you did wrong if it's possible....show more content...

I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up my personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen (2010). Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work Get more content

Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits

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