Save Water Save Life Essay

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For an entire week, I put my efforts towards conserving as much water as I could. Saving water could include a variety of activities, however, I specifically chose to focus on a few in order to not overwhelm myself, as the act of water conservation can take many forms. The first activity I chose was to refrain from washing clothes for an entire calendar week. The second activity I chose was to take less showers throughout the week. Both of these ideas together, I thought, made up most of my usage of water on a daily basis. Since the majority of my water usage could be boiled down to washing clothes and taking showers, cutting back on these two activities specifically has netted the most benefit in respect to sustainability. The main motivation behind choosing to save water came in the form of my observation of people wastingbottled water in large amounts. I don't purchase bottled water for this reason, however, for this sustainability initiative, I wanted to see how far I could push the act of conserving water, since I already had been through small instances for years. On October 30th, 2017, I began my water conserving initiative. In order to get the cleanest start possible, I decided to wash all of my clothes the previous day so I didn't have a lack of clothes immediately starting off this project. I had also taken a shower the day before as well, in order to stay organized with what I was doing. Going forward, I was also going to time my showers, in order to waste as Get

Persuasive Essay On Save Water
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Essay #2

The life you save may be your own The story "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" is written by an American writer and essayist called Flannery O'Connor, who is an important figure for the American literature. The origin of the author is from the southern part of America and most of the time she uses the Southern Gothic style. Very often she relies on the grotesque characters, just like Mr. Shiftlet in this story. The author describes the protagonist as a humorous character, despite his tries to look as a smart guy, his southern accent and the things he says make no sense; qualities that turn him into the humorous character he is.

Author's humor is the eye catching point of the story for the readers. The title alone "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" indicates the author's purpose of using symbolism and her southern jocularity. There is asign in the story with the exact same phrase as the title of the story, which shows us that if the protagonist can save his own life by saving the life of his more content...

Shiftlet has made many improvements in the house, he even taught the deaf–mute young Lucynell to say the word 'bird'. Her mother suggests that he teaches her the word 'sugarpie', since she is in need for a son in law. The old Lucynell says that she will never give daughter to any man, because she is so innocent and smart too. Therefore, after a week has passed and Mr. Shiftlet has shown his trustworthiness and that he is there for good deeds, the old lady tries to persuade him into marrying her daughter. She starts stating that he would never be able to find a more innocent woman than her and that she is sixteen or seventeen. At first Mr. Shiftlet doesn't accept the offer, since his goal is the car and he needed money to fix it, but after the Old Lucynell gives him money to fix the car and paint it, he accepts to marry the young Lucynell. She is in her thirties, but you can't tell from her innocent

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The Life You Save May Be Your Own Point Of View

Water is something no one can live without. In fact, human bodies are about sixty–five percent water. Therefore, water conservation is a project everyone should be willing to participate in. Specifically, in the Logan, Utah area, water conservation is an important topic, as the citizens use water every day. "In an interview with The Herald Journal, USU sociology professor Douglas Jackson–Smith said the city's water concerns have the potential to increase, based on Logan's anticipated population growth by 2050" (Peikes). There is a growing concern about the amount of water the city will have or be able to produce for the growing population. Although it is important that each citizen is staying hydrated and being hygienic, people do not need to use so much water in doing so. Many people have cut back on watering their lawns, or started to take shorter showers, but there are more options to choose from and ways to conserve water. This problem is solvable, if only more people would participate and take steps to conserve water. First, the citizens of Logan, Utah should act in conserving the water supply in Logan for now and for the future. The actions they can take are simple, and come down to the basic rule "stop using so much/ wasting water". Each individual resident can take steps to conserve water within their homes. That is usually the easy part. The hard part about conserving water is getting businesses and the city itself to conserve water. Businesses waste a substantial

Persuasive Essay On Save Water
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Save water is one of the most important issues in the world, but today it become a threat the environment, that are affecting the earth today. Save water is try to reduce your water use where possible and not waste water you do use. The water is important in this life and without it, we can not stay or live. In this website will discuss some of the issues that connected in the subject.

Water is life: Water is essential in the life, not just for human, but all living things in theearth. While animal and plants can carry a long time without it. Water consider a basic for human, important for our health and growth. All water on earth: ocean 97.5%. However, freshwater 2.5%.There are a lot of clean water In contrast many countries in the more content...

Diarrhea disease is most threat to human health. There are spread when water including bacteria and parasites. This disease are transmits to the people using that water. Another disease Cholera and typhoid are also spread by also contaminated water. Chloracne has been following natural disasters such as floods. Malaria is cause by organism that rely on the water. And Malaria kill over one million people each year in poor countries. (Bowden, 2002, p.17). Effect Water pollution: Many types of pollution that affect rivers and lakes, such as organic pollution and heavy metals, also affect the sea. Human waste: when people throw some case Plastics and Metal materials in the coast, It can die a lot of marine animals. Air pollution: "Acid rain in caused mainly by sulphur and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil in a power station and industry". (Mcleish, 1997,p.) Industrial pollutants: are also harmful the environment if they enter the water system. "Moreover, many flamingos have died from the water pollution and chemical factories". Fact of water

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Speech On Save Water

SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. On Earth, it is found mostly in oceans and other large water bodies, with 1.6% of water below ground in aquifers and 0.001% in the air as vapor, clouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air), and precipitation. Oceans hold 97% of surface water, glaciers and polar ice caps 2.4%, and other land surface water such as rivers, lakes and ponds 0.6%. A very small amount of the Earth's water is contained within biological bodies and manufactured products. Water on Earth moves continually through a cycle of evaporation or transpiration (evapotranspiration), precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. Over land, more content...

It can also have economic origins, with poor infrastructure or capacity preventing access to the water resources available, or occur where pollution or natural contamination renders water resources inaccessible. Water insecurity and scarcity already affect large parts of the developing world. The past century has seen a sixfold increase in global water demand. Nearly three billion people (about 40 per cent of the global population) live in areas where demand outstrips supply. This situation is set to worsen in the coming decades as populations grow, economies develop and agriculture and industry expand. How Valuable Water is? Three things no one can't live without are Oxygen, Water and Food. No one can live without Water. But do you know how precious is water and how much pure water we have in world. If 10 years ago someone had given suggestion to sell the pure water, I'm sure people made good joke or laughed a lot on him. But nowadays mineral or purified water is billion dollar industry. People are ready to spend 20 rupees for water bottle, because we know it's not easy to get pure or clean water. One thing is sure; in future we are going to get shortage of clean water. In India you can see water shortage in every state, whether it's capital of India, Delhi or a village of Bihar. People can't get clean water easily. Here are some water facts to remember: Less than 1% of the earth's water is suitable for drinking More than a billion people

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Saving Wildlife: Is it truly worth it? Is saving wildlife truly worth it? According to Robert Carter, "we cannot afford to fail in our mission to save a living planet" (Carter, 1). Wildlife is truly vital to the survival of the human species. If as a society we don't try to help, then we can expect the extinction of all animals and later the extinction of humans. The Earth we live on and all the wildlife that live with us are a giant part of our lifestyle. They offer food as well as the being a major part of the life cycle. The author, Robert Carter, states there are 5 reasons why everyone should try to save wildlife. The five reasons include saving a planet of life, improving human lives, species recovery, inspiration, and helping more content...

The food chain needs to be in a constant standing in order for humans to thrive as well.

Wildlife can drastically alter human lives. According to Robert Carter, "by protecting species, we also protect the essential goods and services that make our lives possible and contribute enormously to human health and well–being – breathable air, clean water, food, fibers, building materials, medicines, energy, fertile soils, climate regulation, transport, and recreational and spiritual values"(1). To explain, animals do have a major impact on the community. Most medicines comes from the environment, such as plants. Without most of these medicines, humans will also slowly die off. Animals can be an incredibly important asset to a village. When they are removed from a certain area then it can alter the dynamic of a village." I was very glad that the coolie had been killed;it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant"(Orwell 153). The story takes place in the 1900's, so the population does not have electricity. In the story, the elephant carried heavy items for the humans. The animal served as machinery in such a poor village. When the person shot the elephant, the population did not know that the elephant was the main source in their transportation of heavy items. How would the species recover if all of it is going extinct? How does the species recover? According to Robert Carter, "China is the only

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It Truly Worth It?
Saving Wildlife: Is

Save water, save life Water is necessary for life. Water is needed for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. Three–fourth of Earth 's surface is covered by water bodies. 97 per cent of this water is present in oceans as salt water and is unfit for human consumption. Fresh water accounts for only about 2.7 per cent. Nearly 70 per cent of this occurs as ice sheets and glaciers n Antarctica and other inaccessible places. Only one per cent of fresh water is available and fit for human use. So it is very important to conserve this precious resource. And yet we are contaminating the existing water resources with sewage, toxic chemicals and other wastes. Increasing population and rapid urbanisation has led to over–use of more content...

Availability of safe quality drinking water is being reduced due to pollution from sewage and industrial waste. So water should be meticulously harnessed and carefully conserved. It should be economically used and safely disposed off after usage. The need of the hour is sustainable water management, specially in the context of meeting the demands of an increasing population. Simply put, it means managing our finite water resources for present needs while keeping in mind the future requirement of next generation. It also means looking at fresh water as an exhaustible, natural and essential resource and seeing watershed areas as sustainable units of water resource development and management. Uttarakhand State, whose glacial peaks and beautiful valleys hold age–old ecological secretes, is a measure water bank for North India. Its 1917 glaciers spreading over 3550 Sq. km, comprise a perennial source of water. The state is largely made up of mountainous areas full of forest, which cradle many rivers and natural water sources. These natural sources are nourished by rain water, which is the biggest source of water on this planet. Ironically, today the people of these mountainous areas are in the vice–like grip of water scarcity. Increasing population has resulted in an unsustainable demand for water, soil erosion in watershed areas,

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on save
water save life

Jingchao kuang William Brannon English 1302.s15 03/18/2013 Water is the protection of life. Many countries are lack of water ,and many people do not know how to cherish water in our country .A lot of people to waste water every day, since all of them just take it for granted. We should consider that Water– poor countries are faced with the seriousness of water problem and how much water they can handle, and are also focused at how to adopt measures to facilitate a continuous supply of clean water to developing countries. On August 25, 2005, Fredrik Segerfeldt contributed an article entitled, "Private Water Saves Lives". Segerfeldt focus as on poor people who cannot access water since most of them live more content...

As supported by Christopher D. Stone, it is evident that rivers need special attention from the public(302). The main reason behind this is that, water inhabits many creatures that cannot survive without it. Even human beings rely on rivers for refreshment purpose especially for swimming. The American conservationist supports the water ethics issue in that they view it as an evolutional event meant to change the utilitarian approaches towards water(304). The best thing that the article is focusing is how to satisfy the need of the people rather than concentrate on natural resources with the purpose of maintaining them. Under his claim, measures need to be set up to ensure that clean water is protected from unauthorized access in order to reduce the problem of shortages. Postel advocates for introduction of ethics in use and supply of water. The ethics aims at safeguarding the clean water especially the natural one to ensure that people use it in a positive way. Since water is the stepping stone for each and every activity in any nation, once it becomes insecure, then the other activities are interfered with. (303).Postel tries to convince people to not waste water by saying that water not does just belong to the human. It can help the global markets to change from the utilitarian form of water management to a better holistic approach that will ensure that the relationship that exists between people and

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Imagine living paycheck to paycheck, never knowing whether you are going to have enough money to buy enough food to get by. Now imagine not even living paycheck to paycheck, rather living day by day not knowing which of your family members, friends, or even yourself will make it to the next day. Countless people in this world face this devastating fear every day of their life due to their lack offood. This lack of food has been caused by high prices of food and high demand of food, both of which add to a low availability of food for those who cannot afford the necessities. Meanwhile, high society throws out good food every day simply because it is unwanted, wasting all of this food that is still perfectly edible and would be more content...

While this tactic will save money and keep food from being put into landfills, this will not give any food to food banks. Instead of encouraging customers to eat more food than they want and causing these customers to overeat, ultimately leading to an increase in obesity levels, restaurants should send the food untouched and unwanted by its customers to local homeless shelters and food banks to help feed the people that really need these nutrients rather than wasting this food. The same article states, "The members of the society also were asked to consider curtailing this table d'hote, as a war measure, with separate charges for vegetables and potatoes ("Food Saving Planned by Restaurant Men", The New York Times)." Once again, this is an example of the efforts being taken by society to keep thewaste level of food low. This effort as well will not help anyone but the restaurants who are selling this food. The valiant efforts of eating establishments to stop food waste does not end with just charging extra for side dishes and bread. Restaurants are attempting to keep food out of the garbage by giving discounts to those who clean their

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Essay on Save your Food, Save a Life

Taking a shower for one minute in America, we use 4 gallons of water, which is only one gallon less than the average family in Africa has each day. People need to turn off faucets when not using them, reduce shower and sprinkler lengths and check for leaks, in order to save some of the .4% of Earths available water. Many do not think about how wasting water affects others, because in America clean drinking water is always available. The 2012 World Water Day campaign as, uses a rhetorical statement, and an emotional image, to convince people that they should save water.

A resolution by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, was adopted in December of 1992, to start a World Water Day. March 22, 1993 was the first World Water Day, and for the last 24 years, this day has been devoted to the spread of water related information. The goal of World Water Day is to inform the public that changes must be made in order to conserve water and protect people that are in a water insufficient place. The World Water Day campaign in 2012 focused on the theory that, "The world is thirsty because we are hungry." This year, they focused on agriculture, and how much water it takes to make the food we eat. For example, a kilogram of wheat takes about 400 gallons of water to produce, and a kilogram of beef takes about 4000 gallons of water to produces. The UN was trying to connect the importance of water in the world to the importance of having food for everyone to eat.

The creator of this advertisement is the Al Ain Zoo, a zoo located in Abu Dhabi, in theUnited Arab Emirates. This zoo is a large supporter of world conservation, they are leading the cause for the repopulation of sand cat, and the dama gazelle. The zoo also has information on their webpage about how we need clean water in order to produce food and feed the world. This webpage also includes the topic of medicine, which they include information on how, without clean water the naturally occurring compounds, from plants could not be produced. Their conclusion is that humans, plants, and animals is like an arch, and without any one piece the other two will crumble and fall. This advertisement uses the rule of thirds to separate three components of

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