Custom Writing Essay

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Things Fall Apart Customs And Tradition Analysis

The Importance of Customs and Traditions

Religions around the world share similar fundamentals but can differ tremendously depending on what is being practised. Although, there are some practises that are not accepted throughout our world. Human nature tends to be frightened or uncomfortable with what we do not understand and therefore, we judge. It is not uncommon however, it is psychologically proven that thehuman brain follows "The Crowd Effect." Simply put, when an individual is placed in a group scenario, the bias of the individual can be strongly influenced. Whether or not the accepted truth is fact or fallacy. Having the ability to be open minded and not jump to conclusions would have a great effect on our societies today.

Tradition has played a major factor throughout our world's history and continues to grow each day. Sometimes tradition changes from its present form into a new custom. In the book Things Fall Apart the Ibo people of Umuofia, believe that there is one creator, God, also called Chineke or Chukwu. The creator can be approached through numerous other deities and spirits in the form of natural objects. Okonkwo, a respected leader amongst the village people, who lives in fear that he will become like his father– a man known for his laziness and cowardice. Much of Okonkwo's masculine behaviour results in him killing without remorse, beating his three wives more content... Disrupting the nature of one's life is not acceptable under any circumstances and will hopefully not continue as we grow together. It is completely understandable if a certain religion does not appeal to the best interests in our hearts but that also means we should not judge. Elders, books, the internet and our loved ones can help explain the mysterious backgrounds that are practised around us. This will definitely help our societies we live in today, for things not to fall

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My Writing

In the past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a becoming a more prosperous writer.

What I Really Learned in English 100

Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he said that if I go one mile to meet him, he will go two miles to meet me, which seems more that fair. As an assignment I am told that I have to write what I learned in English 100 and how that it prepared me for English 200. Well sincehonesty is the best way more content... Having taken many writing classes I have learned many things about writing. I enjoy writing and can often write many pages about things that I am interested in. I know that I have more learning to do about writing, and hopefully in the next couple weeks my knowledge of writing will have expanded and my writing will have improved.

My Experience With Writing Arguments

I am unaware of any writing arguments. The only thing I can really think of is writing a research paper with the intent to change people's minds on a certain subject. I remember researching for weeks in the library, looking through magazine after magazine. I had searched for enough information to write a ten–page paper. The writing process of the paper took several weeks but when I had finished, all the hard work was worth the effort. I learned many things from that course such as that you need to search for all the information you can because it is better to have too much information than not enough. Also that course taught me many things about making references to the authors of the articles I used for my paper. I remember writing out note card after note card and keeping all the necessary information about each book or magazine. That course taught me to become a better writer and to respect how much detail really goes into a research paper like I had written. Other than that, I have not

My Writing Essay
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really had much experience in

Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of the matter is that companies are dependent on those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also when you have difficult customers how do you achieve customer satisfaction?

It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business today can afford to disregard the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content... Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their expectations. Customers only give a company one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well as tell others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a business goes above and beyond to assist the customer they begin to build loyalty. The next step is to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to make them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more. Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs, Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional ties, and personalized marketing. Another way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you have happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009, p71), so businesses must

Customer Service Essay examples
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Since the beginning of recorded of history, manners have played an important role in behavior. Today we shake hands atomically, but the custom started in the middle ages. When two men met, they extended their right hands and shook hands to show that they did not intend to use their swords. It was a display of courtesy and friendship. What is the origin of the word etiquette? It comes from an old French word meaning ticket. Later it came to mean a prescribed routine. Today, etiquette is defined as "the forms, manner and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable for required in business and society." It is a code of behavior based on kindness consideration and unselfishness– something that should never change. Francis Bacon said, "If a man can be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world." more content...

As the motto of Winchester College at oxford, says: "Manners make man."

The old; etiquettes books say things like, "do not drink tea from a saucer," and, "wipe your dirty hands on bread in order not to soil the napkin."

History shows that while specific customs may be abandoned, having good manners will never go out of style.


i."Using proper etiquettes does not mean that you are blocked up by someone or not modern. To me having manners means you are a respectful person and considerate of others. Use of etiquettes can convey respect of other cultures, traditions or religions."


Old people used to take handkerchief with them which is a good etiquettes but nowadays generation of young people don't rely on that and take tissue papers with them which is also a good etiquette. ii. "Etiquettes are defined as formal manners and rules that are followed in society or professional settings."

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What Is Etiquette Essay

The reason I chose Customs Union as my topic is to learn more about how members or potential members of a union establish an agreement that benefit all parties. I find it interesting that members of a union are able to influence one another's economic growth, competition and how they can complement one another as well. Having a common trade policy among a group of members and removing all barriers of trade can play a significant role in the success of a business. It saves a lot money, and could be a competitive advantage over competitors. Countries of a union joining can also impact its position in a global market, as well as help the country economically. The ability for a group of countries to come together and help each other is fascinating, and is why I chose to explore this topic more.


The third stage of Economic Integration is Customs Union. According to the Encyclopaedia of Britannica, Customs Union is a "trade agreement by which a group of countries charges a common set of tariffs to the rest of the world while granting free trade among themselves" (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010). Customs Union is free–trade zone with common external tariffs; which helps increase economic efficiency and allows for signatories to establish political and cultural ties. Tariff barriers make it difficult for some countries to sell products in a foreign country because of the additional taxes on imported goods, which is a price advantage to members of a

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The Pros And Cons Of Customs Union

English is a core concept in the Untied States and other countries that has allowed inviduals to advance their knowledge. Not only does English provide an advancement in knowlege, but has created a way for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings through writing. Which is why English is one of the four subjects that is required to be taught in almost every school district in America including mine. I began taking English from a young age which allowed me to take advanced placement English IV my senior year at TupeloHigh School. Advanced Placement English IV allowed me to further my education in writing, which in return allowed me to overcome obstacles, low points and discover strengths I never knew I had. Like any other thing in life there are always obstacles individuals face everyday, for me in my English IV class writing was something that was very challenging. The first challenge writing presented to me was trying to organize all of my thoughts, so that it made sense. The first essay I ever wrote in my English class was a journal entry about a memorable experience, so with that being said I decided I would write about the experience I had while hunting with my Dad. The hunting experience with my dad had many different parts, and one of my biggest challenges I had was organizing my thoughts, so that it flowed correctly. Since I was telling a story within my journal I realized that I was jumping around more then I should have and this became a problem. I learned

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In English
My Experience

Culture defines people's values, beliefs, and personal interests. Culture is important because it allows people to maintain a unique identity society. Many cultures have common interests, while others may have customs that differ greatly from that of another. Technology has had a huge impact on present day cultures. Many culture have been altered including my own, and some have been created due to the rise of technology. Cultures differ so greatly that someone belonging to one culture may not agree with the values of another, which then causes social and ethical issues. My culture shares many similarities with others around the world; most of which have connected more people in recent years than ever before. Cultural gaps, and lack more content...

In the past, things were primarily about skin color, and issues regarding people of a particular skin color were handled by such, and not ethnicity. Black people were black people, whites were whites, and so on. The point is that by distinguishing myself from a general role, I am able to have my own identity, and I can make choices for my best interest, and not for the majority.

In spite of their differences, both African and African–American culture have been able to connect in certain ways in recent years, as well as other cultures. Technology, specifically social media has allowed my generation to connect with one another even with our cultural differences. There is a chemistry that exists within my generation that my parent's generation never could have imagined was possible. The International Association of Business Communicators says "At its core, social media are about sharing information across boundaries. We can now find out what we want from whomever we want. Social media is breaking down hierarchical, regional, age and cultural boundaries" (IABC). Things have changed socially, through digital means, and it's a big part of what makes me and my generation unique. Today, people in the United States can interact and communicate with people from anywhere around the world. I listened to some weird electronic music from France one night and it is amazing that I can do that. The internet has

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Essay My Personal Culture

I feel as though I have really grown as a writer because of this class. Before taking W131, I always had a hard time trying to put my thoughts down on paper in a way that made sense. No matter how many times I would rewrite my past papers I never seemed to be able to convey my thoughts and beliefs accurately. This course really has taught me the importance of prewriting and revising. Before, I would simple sit down and stare at a blank computer screen and just kind of start typing and what I ended up with was extremely unorganized and hard to follow. Now that I have found a way to prewrite that works for me, I feel as though my writing has really improved and become more organized. One of my other "weaknesses", when it comes to writing, is my inability to keep from getting to emotionally involved. If I feel passionately about something then you are going to be able to tell, no matter which emotion it may be, frustration, anger, sadness, or joy. I know that being passionate about something and that putting that passion into your work can be a very good thing, but it can also be bad if you are writing a paper which requires you to be unbiased. For instance, essay four the synthesis paper, the articles that I chose to write about made me extremely frustrated and it was very difficult for me to control my emotions while writing it. I know that my anger and frustration is easily felt by the readers based on the peer reviews that I received, as well as some of the initial

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I Feel As A Writer

US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced as an unwritten law. A courtesy is a respectful behavior often linked to a custom. A military courtesy is such behavior extended to a person or thing that honors them in some way. Military customs and courtesies define the profession of arms. When you display military customs and courtesies in various situations, you demonstrate to yourself and others your commitment to duty, honor, and country. And your professionalism and pride. As a new soldier and future Army leader, you must recognize that military customs and courtesies are your constant means of showing that the standard of conduct for officers and Soldiers is high more content...

PARADE REST: Like "Attention", Parade Rest is a form of respect given to NCOs by those junior in rank. When a Senior NCO enters an area of junior enlisted soldiers or cadets, the room is called to "at ease". All personnelshould immediately go to the position of "stand at–ease" until told to "carry–on". Likewise, when speaking to an NCO, soldiers junior in rank or cadets, will maintain the position of "parade rest" until instructed to "stand at ease", "at ease", or "rest"/relax. Things you should never do or say: Never criticize the Army or a leader in public. Never go "over the heads" of superiors–don't jump the chain of command. Never offer excuses. Never "wear" a superior's rank by saying something like, "the first sergeant wants this done now," when in fact the first sergeant said no such thing. Speak with your own voice. Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the hand salute. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid standing reveille or retreat. Never appear in uniform while under the influence of alcohol. If you don't know the answer to a superior's question, you will never go wrong with the response, "I don't know sir, but I'll find

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Customs and courtesies Essay

Custom–House, in order to not only introduce his prior autobiographical writing, but describe how he came about creating his novel. In the Custom–House, the narrator works as a surveyor in the Salem Custom–House. He is surrounded by an aged group of workers, who pass time by sleeping and repeating various stories of their lives as sailors. The narrator, who believes his life and job are becoming rather frivolous, stumbles across a document that seemed to be untouched by humans for a large period of time. It was an "idle and rainy day" when Hawthorne discovered what he explains to be the Scarlet Letter. He is wandering through the second story of the Custom–House and finds himself in a large, barren room in which the run down walls are unfinished and the ceiling's uncovered more content... He then shudders and lets the letter fall to the floor. Hawthorne does not realize there is yet another piece of paper that had been wrapped up inside the letter. The writings in this paper explains occurrences and past events of the life of a woman named Hester Prynne. Pue writes about how she lived her life as a voluntary nurse, carrying out as much good as possible in her life. As Hawthorne digs deeper into the documents he found, he discovers more stories of the woman, the author referring to the Scarlet Letter several times throughout his writings. Hawthorne lastly describes his feelings about what to do next with the package he found. He ponders over the stories of Hester Prynne, believing that the stories are the doorway to creating his own novel. He even elucidates how he felt as if Surveyor Pue's ghost emphatically urged him to share the information with the public. Nathaniel Hawthorne eventually does share his information through his own words, in the novel he constructs, titled The Scarlet Get more content

The Custom House

In the "Custom House," written as an introduction to The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne gives an autobiographical description of his life and times. The detailed descriptions of the scenes and people not only prepare the reader for the author's style, but also aim at recreating the author's past. The preface concentrates on the author's period of service at the Custom House during which time he came into contact with several people and had the opportunity to study human behavior. The description of his co–employees and others shows the author's deft hand at characterization, which is revealed during the novel. Further, the preface serves the purpose of giving a background to the novel and introduces America's more content... The reference to the discovery of the scarlet letter and some papers referring to the incident of a woman condemned like Hester is to strengthen the author's claim of the authenticity of the story.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: The Prison Door

The first chapter gives a description of the dark and gloomy nature of the prison that was established in the "vicinity of Cornhill" by the early settlers. The prison is described as an "ugly edifice" and "black flower ofcivilized society". Weeds grow in front of the gloomy structure, where a group of Puritans, dressed normally in their dull clothing, has gathered. The only positive image in the whole setting is a single rosebush that stands beside the weeds. It foreshadows that there will be some brightness amidst this "tale of human frailty and sorrow."


The purpose of this opening chapter is to set the scene for the novel in seventeenth century Boston. A crowd of Puritans has gathered at the prison and as always, they wear "sad–colored" clothing. The description of the dark and gloomy prison sets the mood for the entire story and foreshadows the situations of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. She is outwardly "imprisoned" for her sin through her alienation and isolation; he is inwardly "imprisoned" by his mental anguish and

deterioration. Hawthorne obviously chooses to begin his

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Traditions Are Important For Our Society

One concept that is present in every culture is tradition, and whether it be secular or religious, they each bring a unique significance to each culture. Nevertheless, traditions are important and somewhat necessary because it helps keep a culture "on its feet" and it provides a sense of identity for people. Traditions may vary from little things like going to your favorite restaurant on a special day like birthdays or family reunion, to big important traditions like eating Kosher in Judaism and the mandatory following of the Five Pillars of Islam. But keeping traditions are so important for our society today because it allows people to honor those who came before them in hopes of improving their culture and make positive contributions to society. This also puts better emphasis on family life and teaches how to strengthen family life through tradition. Although some ceremonies and rituals prevail longer than us, they make us feel part of that larger sense of things as we pass them down to our own children, to their children, and so on. Traditions are important because they are the basis of all knowledge within the realm of a giving culture or religion; however, they can also be sexist in nature, dangerous, or just immoral. Some traditions may even include some influence of gender roles as apparent in the Maori tribe with women being prohibited from positions of leadership and power, and in the Muslim faith where women 's role in society has been subject to controversy and

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Culture is a learned behaviour made up with a shared set of; values, norms and beliefs which are governed by a sense of tradition and shared history that gives us a common identity. Since human beings are virtually identical biologically, as individuals our different characteristics can be explained and expressed through our human behaviour through symbolic representation. Our perception of the World around us can also influence our culture. For example; what we perceive or interpret as good or bad reflects on our morals, values and what we are willing to accept, allow and stand up against. According to Hofsted, Culture is a 'is the shared attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviour' also referred to as 'Mental Programming' more content...

The women dress conservatively covering the beauty aspects of their bodies and the men sometimes wear long dresses. The tacit characteristics are those which are hidden and can only be seen with deeper look or understanding.(Gibson, 2002) Arabs are known to be strict followers of Islam and follow a conservative way of life one way is that Muslim men and women do not socialise openly. Interculturalists mention that there is a range of culture such as; gender, age, religion, regional and class culture (Garson, 2002). This suggests that people from the same or similar back ground integrate with individuals who share or have the same ethnics, social class, age and religion. This can be related to typical high schools in the USA , where the upper class or 'rich kids' group themselves into the cheerleading team or the football team whereas those from middle class back rounds are either the 'nerds' or trying to fit into High school life. In the same way people consciously join groups with those who share interests as them in order to feel comfortable with a sense of identity and belonging. My culture reflects the various ways I express myself, however throughout my childhood I had a different culture that was more traditional and now that I am my own individual I have grown and been influenced by enlightened ideas and theories. Due to this I am able to make my own choices, opinions and decisions in

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Essay Human Culture

1. Which parts of your essay do you feel most closely meet the expectations for exemplary writing as described in the essay rubric and why?

I feel that the two strongest parts of my essay are my thesis and certain parts of my closing paragraphs. My focus, or thesis, most closely meet the expectations because it offers significant insight that is precise and creatively stated. It also addresses the content requirements and is fully supported throughout the essay. I like the wording I used for the thesis, and to me it's inspirational. Secondly, I think that certain parts of my closing are strong, particularly the lessons in perseverance that I learned from Seth. My grammar and mechanics have fulfilled the definition of exemplary in the essay rubric as well.

2. Which parts of your essay could use improvement, and why?

While there are many parts of my essay that could use improvement, I am only going to focus on a couple. In paragraph four it feels as though I am rambling a bit about the details of the Domino Project story. I do think that how the project played out is important, I more content... Specifically, when moving from paragraph five to paragraph six, besides using the word "another" twice in a row, it seems forced, like I am jumping into the next idea. How can I clearly transition without sounding automated? Also, the last sentence in paragraph five sounds like I just threw it in there. Should I take it out completely or rewrite it? I don't like how the last two sentences of my essay flow, although I really like the wording I used. How can I mix or add to these ideas to create more flow for the ending? Another thing I can improve upon is my style or voice. Sometimes I can sound a little sterile. How can I show more easygoing flow while retaining the professional feel of the essay? The audience I chose is future employers so I want to sound intelligent but not

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With healthcare being such a rapidly developing field, it is essential that we, as aspiring medical professionals, understand what is progressing in our profession. Within the blink of an eye health care changes; doctors, professors, researchers, are all developing new theories, journals and studies daily. It is our responsibility as current students in this field to do our best to further understand these journals, studies, researches and the writing that is involved in our field. Why you may ask? There is arguably an infinite amount of perspectives in the medical field ranging from a vast amount of topics understanding how to read and write professional writing based on medicine is imperative for our future careers and their more content...

First off, the purpose. The purpose is similar to that of The Postgraduate Medical Journal; this journal is compacted full of 14 articles relating to surgical procedures, public health, pediatrics and therapy. Again, majority of the articles found within the journal contain sophisticated titles that display their specificity in that certain field: "Case 3–2017: A 62–Year–Old Man with Cardiac Sarcoidosis and New Diplopia and Weakness" and "Bezlotoxumab A New Agent forClostridium difficile

Postgraduate Medical Journal
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1. INTRODUCTION Customary law is among other laws the most controversial and as a result raises a lot of questions among legal luminaries. There are whole lots of reasons responsible for these and this research shall take time to address as many of these causes or reasons as possible. To add salt to injury, the few authorities of customary law that still hold sway customary sources (in explaining the inconsistencies of the law of custom) agrees that "all laws are custom but not all custom is the law" This job has been made easier thanks to Dr.

B. O. Adediji (Reader) an erudite scholar of the law, who practically gave the entire outline of the course that this research must sail (table of content) To display my scholastic content I more content...

This means that customary law which is not compatible with any existing enactment ought not to be enforced by the courts. The argument is that existing customary laws must not be incompatible with any written law (Obilade 1991). (c) Public Policy Test: This means that a custom shall not be enforced if it is contrary to public policy. The idea of public policy here implies the principle of judicial legislation or interpretation founded on the current needs of the community. Anything that offends morality is contrary to public policy. That is moral values and ideas which are prevalent in a society as a way of preserving its interest. Where a transaction is contrary to the policy of the laws or public policy, the law refuses to enforce or recognize it on the ground that it has a mischievous tendency so as to be injurious to the interests of the state or the community. This law is predicated on the interest, be it welfare, safety or advancement of the society at large. 3

4. MAKERS OF CUSTOMARY LAWS Before delving into the issue of those who make customary laws, I would love to employ the expertise of a professional–Osborn C. J. Osborn pointed out one hundred years ago (1908) in Lewis vs. Bankole still afflict the customary law today. Indeed, it is increasingly more complicated as the society transforms from a simple

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Customary Law

Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us, it keep us alive and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined as any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel hungry, they eat. However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher standard on choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be divided into two main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values) and external factors (geographical, religion, social, economic and political). more content...

Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them warm. In the northern part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern part of China. This is because eating spicy food will keep people warm. In costal region, there is more seafood than the inland region. The reason is because it is easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the inland region. Japan is an island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in Japan. Some locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate advantage in growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine. Religion is another external factors influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat.

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Food Culture Essay

Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and still lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to what I believe to be false targeting, I am to explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among the main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers are expected to live and rely upon both on and off more content...

A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit members to do so. The mission suffers with potentially devastating effects. While personal goals often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates that he is willing to put in extra effort, sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his Soldiers. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep them waiting. If your subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's society, some people resign themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury because our mission often involves the risk of human life and sometimes national survival

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Military Customs and Courtesy Essay

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