Essay On Advertising

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They see it; they want it. Advertising to children is turning a want into a responsive nag to a parent, like a reflex. Every media outlet advertises, and companies like popular fast food restaurants target children. In the process of fattening the children, will their reflexes get slower? At some point in every kid's life, they see an advertisement for a food or toy they want. This want leads to nagging of the parent until they give in. Although it is highly effective and profitable, fast food companies should not be able to have aggressive advertisement campaigns targeting children because it corruptly brainwashes them and promotes unhealthy life choices. Companies, like Disney, have been developing their advertisement more content...

The fact that the company would want a slender mascot as opposed to an overweight one is ironic. This shows that even before the fast food industry was put on blast like it is in today's culture, they already were aware of the correlation between unhealthy weight and fast food. The success of the McDonald's Corporation that is still held today reflects on the early marketing works of Kroc. Marketing styles is not the only element Ray Kroc and Walt Disney can be linked through. Both of these entrepreneurs changed American culture through their businesses and set building blocks for the industry. Although they were influential, marketing to kids can be turned into a form of brainwashing. Thousands of children get hooked on fast food and other products that are unhealthy. Once hooked at a young age, these children grow up never changing their habits. This leads to dangerous lifestyles and the amount of obesity that is in our society. But is taste and familiarity the only factors kids are hooked on fast food? Have you ever noticed that McDonald's is the only carrier of Disney products as toys in the Happy Meal? Kroc and Disney grew up together and had similar ambitions, which led to their empires helping one another out. (Schlosser 184). Staying friendly with

Essay on Advertising to Children
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In today's business world, social media is being discussed on a daily basis. This phenomenon has taken over the marketing and advertising industries and has changed the way they handle their efforts to attract customers. There is a big misunderstanding that social media are only popular networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, but as defined by the Merriam–Webster dictionary, social media are "forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)." The rise of these online communities has given companies an opportunity to engage in conversations with their customers. This more content...

The combination of these social networking efforts resulted in approximately 2,000 Facebook fans and 15,000 views on YouTube. Within a couple of weeks Toyota experienced an increase in sales, especially in their Sienna model (Taylor, 258). Toyota is a clear example of a company facing both a financial and reputation crisis that with the help of social media was able to regain some of their lost sales as well as their trust amongst its costumers. Clearly social media can have a direct impact on consumer purchasing patterns, and it has increased the amount of online shopping for several companies. Authors Chung and Austria examine in their article Social Media Gratification and Attitude towards Social Media marketing Messages, the effect that this phenomenon has had on online shopping value: "According to the "2010 Social Media Report" from ForeSee results, 69% of online shoppers use social media. Fifty–six percent of shoppers indicate that they visit e–retail websites on a social networking site and that website visiting affects consumer purchase intention" (?). Costumers find it convenient to visit a company's Website after seeing an ad in any popular social networking site. It requires minimal effort form the customer and it signifies an important portion of sales to a company. However, Social Media has not only had a positive financial impact on a company, but as it rapidly grows it has now

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Essay on Advertising Through Social Media

Advertisements Essay

We see advertisements all around us. They are on television, in magazines, on the Internet, and plastered up on large billboards everywhere. Ads are nothing new. Many individuals have noticed them all of their lives and have just come to accept them. Advertisers use many subliminal techniques to get the advertisements to work on consumers. Many people don't realize how effective ads really are. One example is an advertisement for High Definition Television from Samsung. It appears in an issue of EntertainmentWeekly, a very popular magazine concerning movies, music, books, and other various media. The magazine would appeal to almost anyone, from a fifteen–year–old movie addict to a sixty–five–year–old soap opera lover. Therefore the more content...

In addition to the beautiful looking imagery, the ad also uses some clever words to entice the reader. Jeffrey Schrank's "The Language of Advertising Claims" explains wonderfully the most common techniques that advertisers use in their ads. In the advertisement for the High Definition Television by Samsung, three of Jeffrey Schrank's techniques are used: the "Weasel" claim, the "Unfinished" claim, and the "Vague" claim.

The claim that is most apparent is the "Weasel" claim. A weasel word is one that appears to be pretty significant and meaningful but if analyzed further really don't mean much at all (Shrank par. 9). The High Definition Television advertisement claims that it as a flat screen that is "virtually distortion and glare free" (Entertainment Weekly). The ad doesn't say that the TV has no distortion or glare. Instead what is says really has no meaning since virtually can be interpreted in many different ways. The ad does give the impression, though, that the television has no distortion or glare.

Another claim that is used is the "Unfinished" one (Shrank par. 10). An example of that in this television advertisement is when it says that the picture on these TV's is "bolder, brighter and more exciting" (Entertainment Weekly). It doesn't, though, say

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Steamed Vegetables

The science behind advertising is something that is carefully crafted and a lot of thought research goes into it. When a company is trying to promote their product they have to come up with an ad that sticks out and catches your attention long enough for you to consider buying their product. One big factor they have to consider is who is the audience in particular they are trying to lure in. For example, if a sports drink company was trying to appeal to boys they would probably show boys playing something like football tackling each other and getting muddy because football is considered a male dominant sport and getting dirty and being tuff is just what is generally thought of when it comes to boys

The best and most effective type of advertising is the one that appeals to emotions because it is the visual part of the ad that makes you react on instinct. In the advertisement that I chose, the Bonduelle Food Service company is a company that predominantly sells vegetables. Like any food company out there they want to capture your attention and they want you to choose their food because it is the best and you will not find their product elsewhere. By taking a look at their ad, I'm immediately drawn in by their choice to use vegetables as if they were performing a regular human task. The texture and colors used in the advertisement makes me consider that they have perhaps have the best, clean, and maybe even softest vegetables. This is one good example of

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Essay On Advertising

guidelines for the usage of facebook advertising to your enterprise staying on top of traits and preserving a relevancy together with your target market is important in advertising. facebook is used by many human beings and must be taken advantage of. study via the following article and also you have to be able to build a advertising plan that works nicely. offering contests is an effective manner to growth your fan base. provide reductions and prizes to individuals who supply your web page a "like." make certain you follow through and surely award a prize, or you'll be visible as a unethical businessperson. recognise what your goals are. why do you need to use facebook advertising? what do you desire to accomplish with more content... this engages your clients with your brand, so that you can't forget who your champions are. facebook is one in every of many social media sites obtainable. this network is extraordinarily popular, but some age agencies or subcultures pick other web sites. earlier than you decide to fb, studies which networks are maximum utilized by your goal demographic. speak density allows you determine out how many human beings are mentioning you or your merchandise on the social media platform. you need your talk density to be round 15 percentage or extra, as that might mean that you have become plenty of attention. if it is decrease than that, take into account changing matters up or adjusting your advertising method. like your customers returned. facebook is mostly a reciprocal network. you want someone, they word you, after which they prefer you again. do not simply watch for a person to discover you. look for your target market and take step one in liking them. that'll get you the creation which you want. you should calculate the conversion price of your facebook advertising marketing campaign on a monthly basis. examine how many products you promote way to this campaign and compare this wide variety to what number of subscribers you have got. your conversion fee is an exceptional indication of ways a success your facebook advertising and marketing campaign is. inspire users to have interaction with you and other fanatics. if there is a verbal

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Essay On Facebook Advertising


The main purpose of any advert is to make the advertised product sell more. Therefore, any advertising producer will do everything possible to ensure that he or she ends up with an effective advert. An effective advert in this context is one that will sell out a product or even services through fulfilling promises made about it. For that reason, an effective advertising will have to adhere to the following characteristics. They include, creativity, hard–hitting, memorable, clear, informative and distinctive (Dahl 167). It is through adherence to these features that some of the worldwide products like Coca–cola have managed to stand out among others. This explains another fact about effective advertising, which is brand establishment. For example, when an individual mentions the term beverage in any context, Coca–cola will be among the first things to pass through the minds of people. This is because of the branding made about it through advertising. Consequently, effective advertising can also be used to promote sales of inferior products (Hahn, Davis and Magill 141). On the other hand, for an advertisement of a product or service to be effective as intended, the media and the format through which the advert is conveyed matters a lot. This is because advertisement of some products can only be effective when they are conveyed either through print, some through television or even radio broadcasts. Among the types of advertisements that advertisers use include, Get more content

Internet Advertising

Internet Advertising is the way of the future and it is very evident since many companies and businesses have their own web sites and advertisements are located all over the World Wide Web. The Internet or World Wide Web is quickly becoming the most effective way for a business to advertise their products or services to customers. Web sitessuch as search engines or small sites that sell advertisement space for sponsoring are profiting highly from the increase of advertising on the Internet. Also contributing to the profit of businesses is the fact that the number of people that have access to the internet is growing as well as internet services which will allow potential customers to view these more content...

Internet advertising is less expensive compared to direct advertising which creates more profit for advertisers and businesses. When compared with advertising in magazines or on television, Internet advertising is far more beneficial and less expensive. Smaller businesses should take into consideration, the Internet advertising campaign because it is less expensive, more interactive, and easier to track and target than other advertising methods. Studies have also shown that awareness of participating brands increased 5%, on average. In addition, 49% of the study participants said they recalled seeing a tested advertising banner on a particular site. Current click–through rates average about 20% better than other direct–marketing methods (click–through: the action of following a hyper link within an advertisement). Another advantage of internet advertising over direct or local advertising is the fact that it is global and the advertiser is allowed to advertise to the whole world making the advertising more effective and beneficial. Banners advertising the business or its goods and services would be placed on a certain site and when an interested consumer clicks on the graphic, he/she is usually redirected to the businesses site according to the particular goods and services being offered. Internet advertising is also more interactive compared to magazine or television advertisements because the

Internet Advertising Essay
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The Popularity of Advertising

Advertising is increasing so quickly that it has become unavoidable. Where–ever you go, you can find advertising. For example, it can be found on Trains, Buses, Buildings, Newspapers, Television and even on the side of Football pitches. Advertising also uses a lot of methods, such as Celebrity endorsement, Exotic places, Humour, Catchy slogans and Sex. Advertising has to be strictly decent, legal and clean. All adverts have to be checked for this by the Advertising Standards Authority and the Independent broadcasting Authority. If you watch the Television any night of the week, you will definitely come across a great selection of adverts, most of which would more content...

Suddenly out of the silence, a man shouts out "TWISTER" in horror. The man has a close–up on his face to reveal that he is scared and doesn't know what to do.

The next scene show people and children running around outside in great distress, meaning that the twister must be coming for them. While this is happening, there is a voice– over taking place, which is giving out information on the twister. The information given out is quite frightening and would make the audience feel sorry for anybody who is in it. The camera cuts out to the inside of the car that you saw earlier in the advert. A voice–over starts and gives out detail on the specification of the car. The camera smoothly cuts to a scene in which the car is driving in the direction of the twister. This makes the audience wonder why the car is doing that. At this point the mood has got a little quieter but there is still a hint of danger. In the next scene, the audience is shown a film where the car is driving through a small village with pieces of tin and corrugated iron roofing is being hurled around in the air by the twister, but the car just ignores this and continues to drive through with no sign of fear. This makes the viewer think "the driver of that car must be mad" and "I wouldn't dare do that in my car". This is exactly what the advert is made to do. The scene also showed the audience that the car is

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Essay on The Popularity of Advertising

Advertising Works Cited Missing

"Advertising has developed and supported great industries, bulwarked–"or increased– "entire economies, and changed a sufficient number of human habits" (Wood 3). Like that paragraph says, advertising affects people in what they do and how they do it. It has affected the Kleenex company, the Nylonmanufacturers and a company of a new type of car, theTuckerCorporation, from the 1940's. Advertising has changed due to these people by their ways of making people notice their product. Preston Tucker advertised his new car early, and received many replies on what the car was about; the Nylon company advertised a day in which their product would start selling and the country ran out of stockings to sell; and more content...

They aim at getting you to at least look at their article to see a picture or name of the product they are trying to get you to purchase. Sometimes advertisers use just the product itself trying to get you to notice it, and maybe if you see it in the store you will know what it is. "Other advertisers have had to seek out the symbols, characters, brands and slogans with which they identify and advertise their product" (Wood 270). The slogans are aimed at being "catchy" so that you will remember them, and keep repeating, so you can remember it, and buy it. Advertising can then be a type of telephone effect, you say it in front of someone else they hear it remember it and start saying it themselves, then they say it to someone else and they remember it, and so on. So word of mouth was a reliable source, as well as the newspapers, radio, and television. "Vocal advertisement came first; visual second,"(Wood 23).

There are five creative strategies that advertisers use:

1. Objective (what advertisers should do).

2. Target Audience (who is your consumer).

3. Key consumer benefit (why the consumer should buy you product). 4. Support (reason to believe in that benefit).

5. Tone and Manner (a statement of the product "personality").(Kenneth, Roman & Mass 3)

With number one the agency that represents a product will see what kind of an angle with which to come forward to the public. What they decide

Essay on Advertising
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Analyze This

Did you ever sit and analyze the kinds of commercials that are played on the television? At designated times, different people are targeted. Or how about the ways the grocery stores are set up with the candy, soda, and magazines near the check out area. Items in a store are put in certain places for a reason. These are all clever selling techniques that manufacturers come up with to get people to buy their products.

Around 2:30 until about 5:00, the kids come home from school, and the cartoons and other kids shows are on. So why not show commercials for the latest Barbie doll or hot wheels more content... Now you get hungry so why make dinner when it can be done for you?

Taking a child to thegrocery store can be the absolute pits. You're going down aisle five (the cereal aisle) and your four year old sees a box of frosted flakes with some new pokemon toy. He starts throwing a fit, not because he wants the cereal, but because of the cool toy inside. Of course you get suckered into buying it so your child doesn't scream anymore. Or you go into the supermarket just for milk. Well the milk is all the way in the back of the store. On your way back, you pass by some cookies, bread and yogurt, and they're all on sale. Of course you can't resist purchasing them. It's a great deal. One item always turns into five.

Scenario number three is you're at the mall shopping in World Foot Locker for some new basketball shoes. Near the pair of sneakers you like is a poster of Michael Jordan wearing the same pair you were just looking at. You think to yourself, "Michael Jordan is wearing them, he's famous and a great basketball player. If I wear them, I'll be great too." Another way to sucker you into the sale. Or you're driving home from work around rush hour/dinner time, and what's on the billboard, but an advertisement for Mc Donald's with a juicy looking hamburger. And it's only a mile down the road. Why

Essay on Commercials and Advertising
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Advertising Influences And Growth Of Advertising

Advertising influences and growth

An industry that is growing and becoming more common around the globe is the advertising industry. As this industry grows however there are insecurities and they are tracking people's actions online and gaining an abundance of information on people. In–game advertisements appear on free games or applications that the user has on their phones and a valid solution to this problem is in–game rewards. The advertisement industry gets bigger each day and in–game advertisements are getting more adaptive to the user's preferences. Many developers are making it their mission to give equal advantage to the user to earn some in–game rewards for watching their advertisement while they play their favorite game on more content...

This was greatly adapted in the 1950's and has moved onwards, becoming more common in the present. Subliminal advertising largely started in movie theaters, where in cinemas they would strew messages saying "drink Coca–Cola (Sheehan, K. B. 2013)." The "drink Coca–Cola" was a phrase that would appear on the screen during the start of the movies and during the intermission and it would subconsciously impulse the viewer to buy Coca–Cola from the food court. Coming into the future this method is used in videogames where while playing you are met with company logos upon starting the game and thereafter shown products from other companies that are placed within the game. Some of the oldest advertisements that appear are from canned beverage companies and now newcomers such as car companies are coming into play, all the while polluting our screens with more subliminal advertising. The introduction of subliminal advertisements into video games has become the next step for many companies taking advantage of a person getting engulfed in the game screen in front of them. In relative concept, companies are taking advantage of the real estate that is your television or your computer and even your mobile phone to get you to buy their products. Advertising is the best method for businesses to convey their products to the consumers because they make it look good through their eyes. The internet is being used to advertise also as

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As stated in this statement marketing is often understood to make people buy things that they don't need, want and can't afford. Marketing does take a big part in why people buy things, but the one thing that it doesn't do is force people to buy a product. In fact, it is illegal for salespeople to mislead people into buying a product or service. I am going to focus on the advertising in marketing as the amount a product is advertised in the media is going to drive and individual to make a purchase. What one person needs, another person doesn't, but if a person needs a certain product they are going to buy it whatever the cost or how much it is advertised. It is unfair to say marketing is all to blame, the individual's personality more content...

On the other hand sales promotions can save consumer a lot of money if they buy products in bulk whilst the product is on promotion such as offers like 3 bottles of wine for ВЈ10 with a long life. Shock appeal is often used in the hair and beauty industry to advertise their new product on the market. These companies portray how nice a product looks on a model when in fact the products won't look the same on most consumers. Companies advertise their product as the best on the market, showing how good it looks on a glamorous model used. One thing the company doesn't advertise, for example when a company is advertising mascara is that the model will be wearing false eyelash inserts thus making the public buy the mascara thinking their natural eyelashes will look as fabulous by using this product. Big brands use celebrities to promote their products which will see an increase in sales through people buying the product following their celebrity idol. This could be seen as unethical as it's making the public buy a product they don't necessarily need but think it must be good if a certain celebrity is using the product. L'Oreal uses shock appeal and celebrity endorsement to maximise their sales. Cheryl Cole a very popular celebrity was used in a television advert and actually appeared on the can of volumising hairspray. Aimed Get more content

Persuasive Advertising

Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people's habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and society. In the business market, the main more content...

The problem of such purchasing is that the natural satisfaction of needs is replaced by the artificial. A good example is the marketing of milk products in the Third World. In the 1970s the multinational food company Nestle advertised powdered milk for babies as an alternative to breast feeding in countries such as Kenya. The attractiveness of the product was enhanced by the positive image of development, modernity and technology that businessman projected to mothers. In this case, however, the results were tragic, because the product required sanitary conditions that were not available in those times. Therefore, many infants who were fed in this way faced illness and even death. Far from offering a diversity of choices for the satisfaction of needs, advertisement offers only one message: "purchase a commodity." Since advertising must create new demand, it must also continually produce unsatisfied costumers. Those customers are more likely to look for products to fulfill their happiness, even though they do not reach that point. Mander writes that "the goal of all advertising is discontent, internal scarcity of contentment." Advertising plays on our fears, insecurities, and anxieties, always reminding us that our lives could be better only if we buy this or that. The purpose is to make us slaves of commercials, and as slaves, do as they please. This is the reason for its existences,

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Essay about The Power of Advertising

Reflection Paper On Advertising

The topic that I have chosen to reflect on for this assignment is one of the persuasion industries: advertising. I find this topic interesting because there is almost no way to get away from ads, playing a huge role in everyone's lives around the world. Advertisements are everywhere. You see ads on billboards, televisions, hear them on the radio, see them on people's clothes and many, many more places. People come across around 5,000 ads a day. Advertisements are made by a business to increase their consumer profits. They push people to go buy a specific product or to visit their business. The first advertisement agency was created by Volney Palmer in 1841. He was selling newspaper space for advertisers. The growth of his establishment caused him to get a varying array of consumers. This company brought up brands such as Quaker Oaks, Ivory Soap, and many more. Magazines almost relied on their advertisers for financial stability rather than consumers. Between the Civil war and World War I, advertisements became more creative, expensive, and much larger. Francis Wayland Ayer founded the first full service advertising agency called, N.W. Ayer and Sons, after his father. Ayer specialized in campaign planning and location of ads in fitting media. While taking this class and learning the things I have learned, my opinion has not changed much when it comes to advertising. Although I chose this topic to write about, I am actually not a fan of ads, and I almost see them as bothersome. I do my best to try and avoid any types of ads. When I am listening to the radio or watching television, I will turn the channel to something else so I do not have to watch or listen to the advertisements. Therefore, the ads that are disrupting my television shows, music, and social media, I do not enjoy. My favorite types of ads are print or digital billboard ads. They are there if I want to read them, but if not, I do not have to even look at them. My other favorite types of ads that usually get my attention are the more inappropriate, funny commercials. When talking to my friends, which will be discussed in more detail below, they try and avoid ads, as well. This has to be upsetting for advertisers knowing people try to get away

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Advertising and Promotion

Advertising is a collective term for public announcements designed to promote the sale of specific commodities or services. Advertising is a form of mass selling, employed when the use of direct, person–to–person selling is impractical, impossible, or simply inefficient. It is to be distinguished from other activities intended to persuade the public, such as propaganda, publicity, and public relations.Advertising techniques range in complexity from the publishing of simple, straightforward notices in the classified–advertising columns of newspapers to the concerted use of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, direct mail, and other communications media in more content...

Г Adverts that compare one product with another.

Г Adverts that use sex to sell the product.

I can use this method of advertising to tell people about my product in such a way that the customers are persuaded to actually buy the product, or change their opinion and behaviour.

Public relations

Public relations is the department that try's to promote the product and show the good side of the company to the public. I can use this form of promotion to bring my name and products to the attention of the public and potential consumers. It's an advantage of creating a good image of my business and this may be done by issuing new stories of events surrounding itself to the press, or by associating my business with an event, such as sporting or celebrity event (rarely used). Other opportunities for Public relations in general include: open days where potential customers are invited into an organisation to see how it operates, in the hose newspapers that are circulated among employees and customers and getting celebrities to endorse a business or product. I will not take this option of having a celebrity to promote my product, as it is very expensive to hire a celebrity and also they wouldn't be even interested to visit my shop because its not a major large organisation, and there are many retail business like mine situated all over the

Essay on Advertising and Promotion
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Advertising is a persuasive communication attempt to change or reinforce one's prior attitude that is predictable of future behavior. We are not born with the attitudes for which we hold toward various things in our environment. Instead, we learn our feelings of favorability or unfavorability through information about the object through advertising or direct experience with the object, or some combination of the two. Furthermore, the main aim of advertising is to 'persuade' to consumer in order to generate new markets for production.

"Advertising is far from impotent or harmless; it is not a mere mirror image. Its power is real, and on the brink of a great increase. Not the power to brainwash overnight, but the power to create subtle more content...

Without advertising, the media (including newspaper, television, and radio) would be much less vigorous. Advertising provides revenue for commercial mediums, which would otherwise need to be funded by the actual consumer of these mediums. For instance, a newspaper would cost up to three times as much money because advertising provides two–thirds of the revenue of the print media, and all television, bar government funded networks, would be pay–TV (since nearly ALL revenue for television is provided by advertising, while the consumer provides no financial support except for providing the service of watching the advertised messages). So we can see a major economic infrastructure based around advertising. However, with every positive side comes a negative, and advertising is no different. Advertising has been blamed for a great variety of negative social impacts. One of the major criticisms received by advertising is that it forces people to buy things they don't really need, often projecting negative emotions such as fear, anxiety of guilt upon the consumer (Engel). It is claimed that advertising plays with our basic human emotions and takes advantage of them, using them as merely another technique to sell goods or services. Advertising also encourages people to buy products by making them think that purchasing and consuming are the major

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Advertising: the good and bad Essay

Advertisements that are featured in magazines feature both products and people. These ads can further be divided into the categories of "glamorous" products, like perfumes and clothing, and "nonglamorous" products, such as antacids and cleansers. In order for the advertisement to work effectively the product must be directed at the correct audience. Therefore, each of these products had patterns as to the type of product being sold and the attractiveness of the people used in the ad of the product.

One advertisement was for Calvin Klein's One, a scent for men and women. This advertisement contained many attractive males and females. The males were naked and their genitals were covered by a bottle of One. They had perfectly more content... The lighting reflected off of each of their lips. The aura of the ad was very sexual and sensuous.

An advertisement for the clothing store The Gap contained a highly attractive female. She had shoulder length hair blond hair and light blue eyes. She was sitting down with her legs crossed, dressed in a tight white shirt and a tight pair of blue jeans. Her smile was ear to ear and pearly white. In this ad the female was portrayed as the ideal beautiful woman, with blond hair blue eyes and a slender body. These two advertisements are advertisements for "glamorous" items. In each of the advertisements attractive people are used to try to sell the product. It is a tactic of self–fulfilling prophecy, that is people look at the ads and believe that they, too, can be that beautiful person in the ad. An advertisement for Maalox antacid contained an elderly man. The page was divided in half with before and after pictures. The before picture had the man with a look of great pain on his face and he was groping his stomach. On the corner of this picture was an extended hand with Maalox, trying to give it to the man. The next picture, the after, displayed the man smiling and normal. This advertisement was used to show the soothing abilities of Maalox.

Windex glass cleaner's ad contained a housewife. She was wearing a blue robe with her hair up in curlers and fuzzy slippers. She is pictured scrubbing a Get more content

Advertising Strategies

The Effects of Advertising

To advertise is to 'make generally or public known, to praise publicity in order to encourage to buy or use something, to ask or offer by public notice.' Advertising persuades, informs, competes and, indeed, entertains.

The word 'advertise' comes from the French word 'avertir' which means 'to warn'. Many years ago, chemists, barbers, prostitutes, etc would have relied on advertising to promote their business. Chemists (or apothecary) would have advertised their business with their logo– a remedy bottle with a serpent snake wrapped around it. Whereas barbers where instantly recognised by a red and white striped pole outside their shop. Prostitutes would more content...

In 'Pester Power', children were immediately able to answer the question ' What are Gary Linekar's favourite crisps?' with the correct answer 'Walkers' as he is used in the advert to advertise this product. This, no doubt, shows the popularity of adverts in themselves. Also, the question, 'What do the Spice Girls drink?' was again correctly answered with 'Pepsi' as they had promoted the product. This was because their pop icons advertised the product and could have easily lead to young children thinking that if they drink this juice, they will be like their idols. Sex is often used in advertisement too, aiming towards teenagers and adults. A picture of a naked or partially covered girl will instantly grab attention and, although the viewers may not buy the product, they become familiar with the company. Another good technique is comedy, which makes advertisement a form of entertainment. It can generate conversation in people, a valuable means of advertising as it spreads through word of mouth. Other techniques, which are commonly used and successful, are music, popularity and propaganda. If a product is shown being enjoyed by others, people instantly feel it is the next must have. Although parents and older people are sucked in by this method, children are a lot more vulnerable to it. When children pester their parents for the next must have, they do not stop until they eventually get

The Effects of Advertising Essay
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Persuasive Commercials America is a country that is known for watching television; therefore, companies use this to their advantage and roll out different types of commercials to call the attention of all types of social groups. Commercials serve various purposes such as selling a product, informing the public, or raising donations for a cause. These are seen by millions of people every day, it is a way for companies to market their products and hope the consumers go out and purchase their goods. However, not every commercial is a form of advertising. Hospitals such as St. Jude and other children hospitals are famously known for their commercials which are used as a form of collecting donations to help children who are in need of more content...

The children are also seen on their hospital beds connected to IV machines. In the commercials, all children are shown without hair and have a very pale skin color which makes people feel miserable. Children's facial expressions reflect pain and agony, which makes the viewers emotional; therefore, the viewer will feel guilty if they don't donate. When viewers watch all the procedures children have to go through and the images that are shown, it makes them feel strong emotions which makes them get into parent's shoes, so people feel the need to donate. As if the images were not sad enough, the music that accompanies the commercial sets the tone for a sentimental commercial as well. They use orchestra music that makes the tone much more somber. The music is in a low and slow melody which makes it much more depressing to watch especially with the images. Both the images and music are used to convey the viewers to donate out of sadness because they use the children as motives for the donations. In addition to images and music, another way St. Jude convinces the audience to donate is through personal testimonies from parents and children who have been part of St. Jude miracles (as they say). These interviews are used for viewers to see and believe that their donations are actually helping and that the recipients are thankful. Parents have been shown saying, "thanks to all the donors our son's life has been saved

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Persuasive Essay On Advertising

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.