i-Learner Newsletter - Burns Term 2022 - Leadership Skills

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Christmas Workshops

Message from Ms Pun

Is leadership inborn or nurtured? I believe good leadership is nurtured. With careful nurturing, a child will grow into a confident and inspiring leader with a strong vision and strategy.

What makes it difficult for a child to grow into a leader? An emphasis on exam performance and results. Comments such as: ‘Only 80 marks?’ and ‘You keep making careless mistakes!’ make a child more careful and alert in trickier parts of exams; however, they also hinder a child from being bold and adventurous. Instead, we should praise children for the risks they have taken, the strategies they have applied in time management and for making educated guesses. If a child doesn’t have enough time to finish their revision, we should praise their bravery for going to the exam even without proper preparation. We should believe that by learning from their experience, they will do better next time.

What helps a child to grow into a leader? To be provided with the chance to be honest, empathetic and confident. If a child is nurtured in an open environment where they can talk to adults about their worries and fears, this helps them become more articulate and communicative. If a child is forced to follow strict rules, then they do not learn to be honest with experience, and this prevents them from communicating openly. A child should also be given opportunities to befriend people from different walks of life. This nurtures their empathy, which is a key leadership skill. A leader who can understand different types of people can create enormous value by motivating and combining the efforts of different talents. This also nurtures their willingness to help the less privileged. Finally, we should inspire children with the lives of different people and their versions of good communities and happy lives. After all, each person is their own leader.

Come along to our Christmas workshops for some festive fun! Polish your English and Chinese skills or prepare for university admissions! Visit our website to book. Limited spaces are available! Sneak Peek: Five Children and It Ch.4 Leadership in the Classroom 名人領袖 是怎樣煉成的? Are Leaders Born or Made? 提升領導力的小技巧 Types of Leaders The Importance of Leadership and How It Starts with Parents Books We Love about Leadership 如何養成領導力? Student Voices 馬拉拉: 槍林彈雨中奮勇吶喊的少年領袖 「疫」時空徵文大賽得獎名單 《在家樂趣多》:初小組獲獎作品 《與眾不同的一節課》:高小組獲獎作品 《空無一人的街頭》:中學組獲獎作品 Fun and Games p3 p4-5 p6-7 p8-9 p10-11 p12 p13 p14-15 p16-17 p18-19 p20-21 p22 p23-26 p27-30 p31-33 p34-35 Contents:
22 - 30 December 2022 2

Levels 1-6 of Key to Classics are OUT NOW!

Read one of the Level 4 stories, adapted from the novel by E Nesbit.

Five Child ren and It

Chapter 4: The Last Wish

The children were excited. But in the village, the shopkeeper said they were thieves.

‘Children don’t have gold,’ he said. ‘Police!’

The children hid again.

The next day, they wished to fly. When they rested at the top of a tower, the sun set and their wings disappeared!

They wished for fun things and important things. They wished for big things and small things. But every wish brought more trouble.

‘Sand fairy,’ said Anthea, ‘what’s your wish?’

‘I want to be left alone,’ he said.

The children hugged their furry friend.

‘Done,’ they said. Then the five children went home, and the sand fairy slept.

To continue reading, get your own copy of this book from the Key to Classics Level 3-4 set in i-Learner Education Centres or buy it online!

Read another Key to Classics story in our 2023 Austen Term newsletter.


Leadership in the Classroom Leadership in the Classroom Leadership in the Classroom

We asked our tutors to share what student leadership looks like in different age groups. Read their insights and guidance below.

Leadership in Kindergarteners

In the classroom, young leaders are keen to assist their teachers and socialise with their classmates. They often make their own decisions, persevere after setbacks, express themselves creatively, work as a team and set themselves up as role models for others to follow. Leadership development is a lifelong process, and the sooner children acquire leadership skills, the better they can improve them throughout their life. Here are some suggestions on how to help your child develop these:

Modelling from adults and peers

Young learners learn quickly through observation. Therefore, it is important to expose them to the right role models. As a teacher or parent, we should give them guidance and advice on how to communicate and work with others.

Building confidence and problem-solving skills

Encourage young children to accept challenges and praise them when they do this. By encouraging a child to take on challenges independently, you express your trust and faith in them, allowing them to build confidence in themselves. Once they can visualise their success, they will be able to look for other ways to work independently and problem solve.

Expose your child to leadership opportunities

Teachers often give children opportunities to take on a leadership role. Mimic this at home by allowing your child to take the lead and by providing them with other leadership opportunities through joining clubs and extracurricular activities. They may end up becoming the captain of their sports team or leader of a school

Last but not least, reports show that young children with leadership skills usually do well from kindergarten through to tertiary education, and even in the workplace. It is one of the cornerstones in personal development. Therefore, we should all do our best to nurture and hone leadership skills


Leadership in Primary School Students

Primary school students in Hong Kong are no stranger to leadership roles – at the beginning of every school year, students are chosen to become class monitors, subject representatives and prefects. However, leadership is more than a title. Student leadership means students are not just passive participants, but active participants in the different contexts they are in, whether it’s at school, in extracurricular classes, or even at home. Additionally, student leaders inspire their peers. Here are some traits that student leaders possess:

Empathetic Student leaders listen to others in the group and try to understand their viewpoints and problems before offering a solution.

Practical tip: Before sharing your ideas, ask others what they think first.


Instead of doing everything themselves or giving others all the work, student leaders work with others as a team.

Practical tip: When you have a group project, delegate the work according to each person’s strengths.

Leadership in Secondary School Students

Proactive Student leaders will seek ways to participate or help others before they are even asked to do so.

Practical tip: Be observant of your surroundings (e.g. in the classroom) and reach out to anyone who needs help.

Hong Kong students often prioritise high grades as the most important criterion for university applications. However, many institutions in the UK, US and Australia prize leadership qualities, as well as strong academic performances. Leadership is seen as an important skill that can help cultivate change, motivate peers and bring about success, not only at university but in later life. It’s celebrated as a quality that is needed for a productive career in a fastchanging world of increasing uncertainty.

Students at secondary school can develop leadership skills by engaging in activities that involve managing logistics, making and maintaining relationships with others, and showing creativity. One of the best areas for doing this is to join – or, better still, found – extracurricular clubs. As the president or founder of a club, students are in a position to lead their peers towards new activities or persuade them to establish a new programme for the benefit of all the members. Fundraising is another good way to strengthen one’s leadership skills, as this involves organising a campaign, such as a sponsored walk, and engaging a number of parties to support your cause. Similarly, organising an event like a school concert or dance can also provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills. In any of these cases, leadership skills are a reflection of the student’s commitment to their passion, perseverance, and communication skills, all of which are key skills for success in the 21st century.

名人領袖 是怎樣煉成的? 文/陳沛瑩老師 受世人尊敬的政治家、南非反種族隔離革命 家納爾遜・曼德拉曾說過:「遇到喜悅時能夠 謙遜退後,遇到困難時能夠首當其衝。此時, 人們會欣賞你的『領導力』。」在青春歲 月中,擔任班長、領袖生或學生會主席都會 無形中感到有擔子壓在自己的肩膀上,這種 擔子既是壓力,也是責任。領導力是一個社 會化的過程,最大程度上發揮團隊的作用, 領導者也通過學習和觀察,帶領團體漸入佳 境。在古今中外的名人傳記中都能看到他 們的領導力是如何令戰事逆勢,令公司起 死回生,甚至消除社會上的不公義。今天 我們就著名人故事,談談「領導力」是怎樣 煉成的。 一位好的領袖,背後必有其秉 持的理念牽引,並以人為本,實現 願景。南非前總統納爾遜・曼德拉是多種族民主制度的引路人,在 1993年被授予諾貝爾和平獎,並在1994年成為南非首位黑人總 統。但這些榮耀背後是長達數十年的平權抗爭,當時的南非深陷在 種族隔離政策所激發的國家矛盾中,曼德拉為了推動平權而走上革 命之路,甚至被判予27年的牢獄生活。在南非解放後,曼德拉也 沒有追究27年的牢獄之災,也沒有清算白人,而是繼續推動種族 和解。曼德拉的平權理念不限於南非,而是在世界的種族平權中遍 地開花。曼德拉在種族隔離政策倒台後,並沒有清算白人,而是倡 導和平,如他所說的:「勇敢的人不惜為了和平而寬容他人。」即 使曼德拉已在2013年去世,但他仍被視南非最為重要的領導人, 一位使國家擺脫仇恨與暴力,走向諒解與和平的「平權鬥士」。 一位成功的領袖背後必然有一個團隊,好的領袖懂得知人善 任,並建構相互信任關係,上下同心,方能把團體的作用發揮到極 致。不論是在學校還是職場,領袖都需按團體的性質進行協調,就 像在學生會中,不同崗位都有不同的職能,互相配合,以達到最大 的效益。而且,好的領袖能使團體信服,甘於為團隊服務,這樣將 6
使群體的力量擴大,也更接近成功。三國名師諸葛亮的威 望甚高,憑著杰出的領導才能建立赫赫戰功,從赤壁之戰 到南征北伐,都能算無遺策,勝利背後與他的團體意識息 息相關。諸葛亮曾在一場面對二十萬魏軍的戰役中,不顧 將領建議,堅守信用為本,堅持讓四萬多的老兵退役返鄉。 老兵都深受感動,其他士兵也深被打動,士氣大振,以一 敵十,將魏軍擊敗。這樣具道德感的領導力嬴得追隨者的 信任,也使團體的凝聚力最大化。 最後,有領導力的人,會做好榜樣,以身作則。《論語》 曾言:「其身不正,雖令不從」,自己的行為不端正,如 何令他人心悅誠服?行為比語言更重要,領袖的力量往往 不是只靠著一張嘴體現,而是需以身作則,端正自己的行 為作表率。被冠稱「美國商業偶像」的里度・安東尼 ・ 艾 科卡曾在克萊斯勒汽車公司擔任總裁,成功將公司化虧為 盈。當時的艾科卡將自己的年薪從100萬美元降到1000 美元,與員工共同努力,使很多員工受其影響,不計報酬, 盡心竭力。不到半年,克萊斯勒汽車公司便在艾科卡的帶 領下成為擁有億萬資産的公司。領導力的體現很多往往不 是單靠語言,而是做好榜樣,為團隊帶來信心。 十九世紀法國軍事家 會帶給人希望」,有領導力的人往往會被冠上「自 信」、「堅毅」、「演講家」等象徵著人格魅力 的標籤,亦有人認為領導力是天生的,但領 導力其實不僅能借後天的培養而煉成,更 是可以借鑒古今中外的名人例子, 從中學習。從曼德拉身上學會 堅守理念、從諸葛亮身上 學會以德服人、從艾 科卡身上學會以身作 則,還有大量領袖名 人的故事。在翻閱名人 傳記時,不妨探究一下 這些名人事蹟背後的領導 力,並從中學習。持之以恆, 你或是下一位影響世界的領袖。 7

Are Leaders Born or Made?

As parents, our roles are to foster and nurture the potential in our young. We want to help them, in the words of Maslow, the famous humanist psychologist, ‘self-actualise’, that is, develop to their maximum potential. Is leadership a quality that can be nurtured? Is there a way, if we put our saplings under the right conditions, for them to grow into visionary leaders?

Science suggests that we can help our children become leaders. A study conducted by Johnson et al., which was published in Twin Research and Human Genetics, provides clear evidence that leadership is not only an inheritable trait, but one which can be acquired. The study examined the heritability of leadership style based on self-reports. The two measures of leadership style were Transactional Leadership – an approach of leadership in which the leaders provide promises of reward in exchange for loyalty, and Transformational Leadership – an approach of leadership that inspires those led and which prioritises the long-term benefit of the group over individual interest. The results indicated that Transactional Leadership is 48% attributable to heritability (additive) and that Transformational Leadership is 59% heritable (dominance). If genetics only account for leadership abilities by a margin of approximately half, then the environment must be a critical factor to the development of this life skill. The results of this study undeniably point to the fact that yes, leadership is a skill that can be nurtured.

And if they can be made, how can we foster this important skill in our children?

So how can we help children develop their leadership abilities?

An article from The Pennsylvania State University advocates several ways through which leadership can be instilled in the next generation:

Be a model of leadership for children

Teach children to understand situations from alternative view points

Foster a child’s self-confidence through encouragement Create opportunities for problem solving

Create leadership opportunities in the classroom and outside Help children develop the habit of planning and strategising to solve a problem

Teach children how to work in teams Encourage communication and action

A recent study by Dr Sunnie Giles, a leadership development consultant and organisational scientist, involving 195 leaders across 15 countries from 30 global organisations, found that a good leader is always learning and fosters self-direction, growth and a sense of safety through ethics and empathy in those led. There is no reason why these skills, like other skills, cannot be fostered from an early age. By teaching our children how to be not only technically competent but also humanistically competent, we can enact great changes in successive generations and humanity at large.


Johnson, A., Vernon, P., McCarthy, J., Molson, M., Harris, J., & Jang, K. (1998). Nature vs nurture: Are leaders born or made? A behavior genetic investigation of leadership style. Twin Research, 1(4), 216-223.

PennState Extension (no date) Leadership and children. Available at: https://extension.psu.edu/programs/betterkidcare/early-care/tip-pages/all/leadership-and-children (Accessed: 20 November 2022).

Giles, S. (2016) The Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the World. Available at: https://hbr.org/2016/03/the-most-important-leadership-competencies-according-to-leaders-around-the-world (Accessed: 20 November 2022).

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提升領導力的小技巧 文/蔡泳詩老師 有沒有發現群體中,有一種人往往能夠獲得大家的信 任,在溝通討論過程中,也更容易贏得別人的認同?別人 願意聆聽他們說話的原因,除了他們說的話有道理之外, 領導力也是這些人建立可靠形象的重要一環。從小到大, 學校都會以不同的課外活動、小組合作學習等方式,潛移 默化培養學生們的社交能力。那我們又該如何藉由這些機 會,提升自身的領導力,讓別人更容易信服自己呢? 首先,何謂領導力?領導力是指個人或組織帶領其 他個人、團隊或是整個組織的能力,領導包含「引領」、「輔 導」的意思,一個嫻熟的領導者,擁有帶領他人前進的魄 力;也有激勵團隊的助力;更有承擔責任的能力。學生們 在學階段不妨多利用學校提供的平台,盡可能吸取經驗, 提升領導力,以應對將來各式各樣的合作對象。老師推薦 各位同學嘗試參與校內外的演講或辯論比賽,這兩類活動 不僅可以訓練同學們表達自我的能力,更重要的是,他們 分別培養了領導者所需的兩種重要元素。 先說演講。演講是一個人的舞台,撇除事前的準備 功夫,一場演講的成功與否,仰仗的更多是演講者的臨場 表現。缺乏自信、支支吾吾的演講者,即便稿件華麗, 也難以打動聽眾。因此,在台上如何立住自信的模 樣,便是致勝關鍵之一。例如: 第一,肯定的語調。根據科學實證,我們與他人 互動時,有三個元素會影響我們帶給他人的印 象:說話內容實際只佔整體印象不足一成, 語調佔近四成,非語言訊息(表情)及肢 體語言更佔超過五成。因此, 當我們發表言論時,以肯定且 冷靜的口吻,有條不紊地說服 他人,往往能讓內容傳達的效 果事半功倍。 提升領導力的小技巧 10
再來是辯論。辯論與演講最大的分別是——辯論展現的是 一個團隊的表現。團隊活動意味著考驗隊內互相磨合和溝通的 能力,辯論的特色也讓「如何說服別人」成為一個大課題。而 好的領導者渴望知道別人知道的東西,做到這一點的最好辦法
第二,用動作改善緊張。演講當中,同學可以配合稿件內容, 加入適當的手部動作,也可稍稍的來回踱步,此舉可遮掩因緊 張而僵硬的肢體,也可以使你的發言看起來更自然。更進一步 的,便是向你的聽眾投以熱烈的眼神交流,勇敢傳達你的訊息。 這樣直面對方的方式,更能凸顯你的自信。
就是傾聽。因此無論對內商討戰術,還是對外對峙論點,學習 仔細傾聽後精準回應,自然令人信服。 當你已經積攢了足夠知識的時候,如何使人願意傾聽你的想 法;如何讓人信服你的說法,便相當依賴領導力的發揮。從今天 起,好好把握機會,建立起既有自信又張弛有度的領導能力吧!

Types of Leaders

How would you define a good leader? Someone who is charismatic and eloquent in speech? Or someone who has a clear vision of what has to be done?

In a nutshell, leadership is about having the ability to influence and guide others to achieve a certain goal. How each person leads could differ vastly depending on the sort of team one is leading and what goals need to be achieved.

Let’s have a look at five common leadership styles:

1. Transformational leadership

This leadership style focuses on change and transformation. Leaders have a clear vision of what they want to achieve, and are able to share this vision with the team. They seek to inspire every individual on the team to reach their full potential through their enthusiasm, encouragement and a shared belief.

2. Delegative leadership

This style, also known as ‘laissez-faire’, is the most hands-off leadership approach. The leader gives the team a lot of freedom to utilise their creativity and skills in achieving the team’s goals. This style works well with self-motivated and independent individuals who are able to complete tasks on their own.

3. Authoritative leadership

This form of leadership is the opposite of delegative leadership. The leader makes all the major decisions and sets the overall direction of the team without expecting input from other members. This style allows leaders to make decisions quickly, and may be suited for teams with members who need close guidance and personalised feedback on their work.

4. Transactional leadership

This style emphasises following an established routine or procedure efficiently. Each team member knows exactly what they need to do, and there is a clear reward and punishment system. There is less flexibility due to the emphasis on order and rules, but output could be more reliable if the system is fair and accepted by everyone.

5. Participative leadership

This is a democratic leadership style which seeks to include the whole team in the decision-making process. Open and frequent communication is key in this leadership style. Leaders using this style need to exercise good judgement and fast thinking to ensure that decisions are made after the discussions.

Like most things in life, there isn’t a best or worst leadership style. You can mix and match traits from different leadership styles to lead more effectively! Which leadership style do you have?


The Importance of Leadership and How It Starts with Parents

Leadership skills are one of the important life skills needed for the growth and development of children. Leadership skills enable children to make the best decisions using their abilities and creativity. Children with leadership skills can bring out the best in others, and empower and encourage their peers in difficult situations. These skills make them independent and confident individuals with high self-esteem. Children with leadership traits do not feel threatened by other ideas or even feel the need to control mindset; instead, they encourage the sharing of opinions through well-rounded discussions.

Leadership skills are important for young minds, and it all starts at home. Here are some things you can do with your child to develop their leadership skills.

Work on their focus and attention span by assigning your child individual tasks which they must complete before moving on to another task.

Develop trust and responsibility in your child by giving them something to be responsible for such as small chores. Accomplishing these helps children develop a sense of responsibility, discipline and confidence in life.

Teach them love and respect. Children learn from the actions of their elders, especially their parents. When parents treat their children with love and respect, they return the same respect to their parents, and the community, which is necessary for a good leader.

Communicate with your child daily to talk about their school routines, hobbies or even worries. Engaging your child in conversations makes them open and confident speakers.

Volunteer together to offer help to the needy in the community. This is important to develop empathy in your child at a young age so they learn to show compassion.

Let them make their own decisions. Children become more comfortable with making decisions when given many opportunities to do so, and it allows them to make up their own minds.

Children spend a great deal of time with their parents, learning from them. Practise these tips with your child to see great changes in their leadership.

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Books We Love about Leadership

What is this book about? How is it related to leadership?

The hobbit Frodo receives a powerful ring which can corrupt its owner. Together with other hobbits, elves, dwarfs and the wizard Gandalf, Frodo sets out to destroy the Ring. Although no one expects Frodo to lead the fellowship, he learns to become a self-sacrificing and determined leader throughout the story.

Why do I enjoy it?

I was transported to the magical world of Middle Earth from the very first page and couldn’t leave it until I finished the story! I loved reading about the friendships between different characters and seeing how they each contributed to the team in their own ways.

Who would like this book?

Students who like fantasy stories set in other worlds, epic adventures, and stories about unexpected friendships will enjoy this book.


is this book about? How is it related to leadership?

This is written from an uncle to his teenage nephew about the realities of being black in America. Baldwin reiterates the struggles of his own lifephysical violence, police brutality and systemic discrimination - and tells his nephew the ways he can ensure ‘your route will be different.’

Why do I enjoy it?

He doesn’t sugar-coat his traumatic upbringing, but instead uses it as a point of referenceone that can teach the fundamentals of being black, being a man, and being a leader. He highlights that racism is a disease, and therefore it is our attitude towards it that defines us as a human being.

Who would like this book?

Students who are interested in their own self-discovery, socio-cultural introspection and questioning the essence of their own morality would love to read this book.

What is this book about? How is it related to leadership?

This book tells the story of Ernest Shackleton's 1915 Antarctic voyage. When his ship became locked in sea ice. Shackleton led his crew on an 850 mile journey to safety.

Why do I enjoy it?

I'm inspired by the fact that Shackleton achieved something that seems barely possible and by his sense of duty to every one of his crew members. There were things that Shackleton was quite bad at, but he was certainly someone you would want by your side in a crisis.

Who would like this book?

Mr John likes to read books written during the Civil Rights Movement. They provide insight into one of the most iconic and pivotal moments of all time - written from the perspective of the downtrodden, who found their voice during this tumultuous era.

If you like thrilling stories of real-life adventure you will enjoy this book. You will find yourself rooting for the crew of the Endurance to succeed as they battle to find solutions to the most formidable problems.

Endurance Alfred Lansing S1 and above
Mr Rob enjoys reading biographies of people who overcome challenges and solve problems in remarkable ways.
The Lord of the Rings series J.R.R. Tolkien S4 - S6
Ms Rebecah enjoys reading fantasy novels which inspire her to create her own fictional worlds and encourages her students to do the same.
The Fire Next Time James Baldwin S1 - S3
15 《飄》 [美] 瑪格麗特·米契爾 S3 - S6 內容簡介 : 美國南北戰爭前夕,少女郝思嘉從小深受南方傳統 文化的熏陶,可在她的血液裏卻流淌著野性的叛逆因素。隨著 戰火的蔓廷和生活環境的惡化,郝思嘉的叛逆個性越來越鮮 明,在一系列的的挫折中她逐漸成長和成熟,改變了個人甚至 整個家族的命運,成為時勢造就的新女性的形象。 喜愛理由 : 《飄》這部經典名著不僅敘述了主人公的生活與愛情,還勾勒出了當 時美國南方與北方在政治、經濟、文化等方面的異同,是一幅美國歷史轉折時期 恢弘的史詩畫卷。小說女主角郝思嘉倔強堅韌的性格,以及面對戰爭的磨難、命運的打擊時,永不言棄的精 神,感染了一代又一代讀者。 推薦受眾 : 非常推薦對美國歷史和女性成長歷程感興趣的同學閱讀《飄》,相信你們一定會在閱讀書中女主 角郝思嘉在戰爭中的經歷和成長後,獲得感觸,受益良多。 文雅老師熱 愛文學,對 閱讀有濃厚興趣,希 望將自己的心得傾囊 相授,激發學生閱讀 的興趣,感受語言和 文學的美妙。 內容簡介 : 主人公薩拉是位與眾不同的富家千金,她聰慧、善良、 真誠、溫柔,在寄宿學校人緣極佳。在她11歲宴會當天,卻接 獲父親在印度病逝及破產的消息,頃刻間由績優生淪為打雜女傭。 面對人情冷暖,她依然以真誠的態度待人,樂觀地面對生活,以 豐富的想像力渡過困境。 喜愛理由 : 薩拉的故事展現了一位領袖所需具備的許多優秀品質,如從不對生活 喪失信心的樂觀、克服逆境的韌性、不屈不撓的必勝信念等。她始終如一地真誠 待人,擁有極強的同理心,即使自己一天沒有吃飯,也把用撿來的錢買的小麵包 分給了路邊的小乞丐,因為他比自己看起來更需要食物。她「富貴不能淫,貧賤 不能移,威武不能屈」,不放棄慈悲、尊嚴、良善,永遠為他人著想,這不就是 當今領袖所需具備的珍貴品質嗎? 推薦受眾 : 心思細膩、樂觀向上的小讀者。 《小公主》 [美] 法蘭西絲·霍森·柏納特 P4以上 上官惠東老 師喜愛文 學,希望幫助小朋友 理解文字背後所承載 的思維方式與文化內 蘊,在觀照現實的同 時,體會智識的樂 趣,培養獨立之精 神,自由之思想,從 哲思中尋得力量與慰 藉。 內容簡介 : 這本書聚焦在普通人在日常生活中最關注、最常感到焦慮 的七件事,以閒聊的形式,引導我們思考要如何改變自己、如何提高 辦事效率、為甚麼自己做事總是三分鐘熱度、探討如何擁有自律的人 生等。我們在閱讀時,可抽取自己感興趣的問題來看,獲取更豐富多 元的知識。 喜愛理由 : 這本書不是由高深的大道理或艱澀難明的理論堆砌而來,而是由不同 作者從實際問題出發,加上例子,深入淺出地把自己的觀點說清楚,而且文章的 切入角度新奇。例如我們很常會將失敗歸咎於自身欠缺自律,但這本書提出人們 面對的問題不是缺乏自律,而是內心深處缺乏動力,激發我重新思考何謂「自律」。 推薦受眾 : 這本書對學生寫作議論文特別有幫助。學生可從中學習從另一個角度思考問題,如何逐步推展、 延伸自己的論點,也能從中領悟到如何組織駁論。 《小學問》 馬微微、黃執中、周玄毅等合著 S4 - S6 梁玉儀老師 喜歡文字帶 來的力量,熱愛閱 讀,希望能與小朋友 一起進入多采多姿的 語文世界,感受文字 之美。
文/楊環老師 如何養成領導力? 無論是在學校還是在日常生活中,總有一些同學似乎是天生自帶磁場, 能吸引一大批追隨者,處處展示領導者的人格魅力。那麼,該如何讓自己 也成爲有影響力的人呢?不妨先問自己幾個小問題: 1.你對自己充滿信心嗎? 2.你喜歡交朋友,並為大家組織活動嗎? 3.與同學交往時,你樂意聆聽他人意見嗎? 4.你能在生氣或憤怒時控制自己的情緒嗎? 興趣、愛好、能力、品格都會影響一個人的領導力,因此,領導力是 可以靠個人不斷學習、練習、培養而成的。 首先,時刻保持「自信心」。自信心是一個人的能力「加 速器」,當你緊張、失敗、恐懼時,不妨贊美、鼓勵一下自己。 讓自己鼓起勇氣去學習新技能,探索新事物,面對新挑戰, 認識新朋友,也會增强你的自信心。 其次,誠實面對自己的優點和短處。俗話説的好:尺有所 短,寸有所長。一個人也是這樣,你這方面弱一些,在其他 方面可能就強一些,因此,不要在自己的弱點處費太多心思, 認清自己的優勢,在實踐中發揮自己的優勢。 第三,實踐你的溝通協調能力。溝 通是一種形像展示,要先思考後說話, 多使用簡單直接的語言,多聆聽他人的 意見,甚至是瞭解溝通對象的喜好,尊 重對方、使用合適的身體語言,保持眼 神接觸等都是些好方法。 16
第四,控制自己的情緒。情緒無時不刻地伴隨在我 們的生活中,它沒有對或錯,但是當情緒往外變成行動 時,它就有恰當與否。也就是說,我們可以生氣、憤怒, 但生氣、憤怒時不可以沖別人吼叫、摔東西或打人等。 控制情緒也不是要壓抑情緒、是理智地表現自己的情 緒,比如深呼吸,待自己冷靜下來再行動。 最後,積極主動,善始善終。積極主動去爭取表現 的機會,如承擔和參與班級活動,對待負責的事情不要 急於求成果,要有足夠的耐力和動力去善始善終。並且 在探索、嘗試與創新等過程中,建立責任感,敢於承擔 後果。 同學們,你有沒有發現,養成領導力,其實是在實 踐與人相處的能力,磨煉與他人同心協力、共同進步的 能力,也是我們一生受用的能力。希望你找准方向,成 爲一個有領導力的人! 我們的中文寫作課程一方面教授孩子不 同文體的寫作方式,和提升作文可讀性 的寫作技巧;另一方面,也通過腦力激 蕩、故事接龍、角色扮演、字詞積累、 範文閱讀等豐富的形式,幫助孩子建立 起自己的素材「寶庫」。 課程從即將升入小學的K3階段橫跨中 學,無論您想幫助子女寫出正確、完整 而具體的句子,熟練掌握各種文體、實 用文格式和修辭技巧,還是寫出優美的 小小說、戲劇乃至嚴謹的專題小論文, 這裏都有為您子女量身定做的課堂。 中文寫作班 17

Student Voices

Recently, I acted as an organiser for a school debate competition. I helped organise students to do different tasks and jobs during the competition. You would be surprised how many behind the scenes jobs it takes to make the competition a success.

Silas Wong, P6

I help around at home. I wash the dishes and make my bed. I am also the Putonghua subject leader. I help out during Putonghua class.

Mathis Choy, P4

I play football and volleyball. Both games require leadership skills to do well.

Ethan Choi, P4

I am a group leader at my school. I lead my classmates in projects. Mia Cheung, P2

I am the English subject leader at school and I help my teacher distribute worksheets to my classmates.

Chiara Wong, P2

I am the English prefect at school. I give out worksheets to my classmates.

Charlene Chung, P2

I am the General Studies subject leader at school. I collect my classmates' homework and hand them in to the teacher.

Maeve Cheung, P4

We wanted to hear how our students act as leaders in their daily lives. Hear how they demonstrate leadership in the classroom, at home and elsewhere:

I participated in a grade exchange programme in which grade 6 students had to demonstrate skills and activities to grade 3 students. The activities help students get to know each other and encourage older students to look after and help their younger schoolmates.

Constance Chan, P6

I help out a lot at home. I wash the dishes and take out the trash.

Curtis Wong, P4

I am the class librarian. I organise the books and tidy the bookshelf.

Tiffany Shek, P4

Most of the chores at home are done by me. I distribute work to other family members sometimes as well. I cook, wash the dishes, clean the house and do the laundry!

Maxwell Chan, P5

I am the student leader of the YWCA Joint School Volunteering Programme. I organise events to help children with ADHD.

Vian Chan, S2

I am a prefect at school. I monitor the performance of other prefects.

I am the class captain at school. I maintain order in the classroom and tidy up the classroom after lessons.

Jason Tsang, P5

During a growth class at school, I led a team in a challenge to make the best game using magnets. The rest of my group were all boys, so it was fun to take the role of leader. Our game, in which the user had to guide a magnetic frog through a fun obstacle course, won first prize.

Alexa Cheung, P6

文/文雅老師 當許多同齡的孩子抱怨課業繁重、學習壓力大,甚至不想去上 學時,在少女 馬拉拉 的祖國 巴基斯坦, 塔利班 禁止其控制地區的女 孩接受教育。為了不引起 塔利班 的注意,當地女孩們不敢穿校服上 學,更有許多女孩因為擔心成為塔利班的攻擊目標而退學。 2009年,尚不滿十三歲的 馬拉拉 在自己的博客中,批評 塔利 班 武装組織禁止女童上学的政策以及相關的恐怖活動,並表達了她 對繼續上學的渴望以及對所有 巴基斯坦 女孩受教育的期盼。BBC 烏 爾都 語部發表了 馬拉拉 的日記,全世界都聽到了這位 巴基斯坦 女孩 勇敢的呼喊,但她也因此遭遇了驚心動魄的危險時刻。 2012年,15歲的 馬拉拉 在放學回家途中,遭到 塔利班 武裝分 子襲擊。 塔利班 槍手登上 馬拉拉 乘坐的校車向她射擊,子彈穿過頭 部。那一刻,她與死神擦肩而過,雖然奇跡般生還,但頭部仍受了 重傷。 馬拉拉 先在 巴基斯坦 的一所軍醫院接受了複雜的手術,而後 又來到英國進行進一步的手術和康復治療。 這次令人震驚的槍擊事件讓 馬拉拉 從此得到了國際社會廣泛關 注,她的命運也因此改變。 她義無反顧地從 巴基斯坦 的 斯瓦特 河谷走出來,走進 聯合國 發 表演說,走上為女性爭取受教育權而抗爭到底的路。 馬拉拉:槍林彈雨中 奮勇吶喊的少年領袖 馬拉拉:槍林彈雨中 奮勇吶喊的少年領袖 20
馬拉拉 的父親從小鼓勵她要敢於發表意見,並鼓勵她學習所有 想學的東西。在她投身為女童爭取受教育權利的活動時,她的家人 也一直全力支持。 2014年,馬拉拉被授予諾貝爾和平獎,感謝她「為對抗少年兒 童所受壓迫以及爭取所有兒童受教育權而作出的奮鬥」。她也是 諾 貝爾和平獎創建以來最年輕的獲得者。 槍林彈雨中,個人的力量或許有限,但 馬拉拉 從來不是一個人 在戰鬥。 正如 馬拉拉 在回憶錄《我是 馬拉拉:一位因爭取教育而被槍擊 的女孩》中寫道—— 「我開始認識到,一支筆以及那支筆所寫出來的文字所產生的 力量,可以大過機關槍、坦克及直升機。我們學會了如何在困境中 求生,也了解了當我們發出自己的聲音時,我們的力量有多麼強 大。」 山鳴谷應,終有迴響。當年在博客上奮筆疾書 發出吶喊的小女孩,用擲地有聲的宣言與勇往直 前的無畏撼動了世界。她發出的號召極具領 導力和感染力,激勵和鼓舞了許許多多年 輕人,凝聚成一股勢不可擋、堅不 可摧的力量。過去或許灰暗,但 相信只要有越來越多的人受到鼓 舞,少年們定能共同開創屬於年輕一代 的光明未來。 在「愛上語文班」,我們會和同學們一 起走進中文的世界,在不同的書本中流 浪,從中學得一手流利的中文。「愛上 語文班」旨在讓學生在提高語文能力的 同時,培養對語文的興趣,為對文學要 求甚高的高中課程打下深厚而又扎實的 基礎。 在幼兒階段,課程通過唱誦兒歌、朗誦 童詩、閱讀故事和遊戲等方式,幫助學 生提高詞彙量、掌握基本的語文知識, 並培養中文閱讀的語感。 在小學階段,通過豐富有趣的繪本、故 事、少年小說等類型的篇章,提升學生 的文學閱讀和分析能力,培養學生的閱 讀興趣。小學四級以上的課程會加入古 詩和文言篇目,幫助學生熟悉古漢語, 為中學的學習打下良好的基礎。 在中學階段(中一至中三),帶同學在 不同的閱讀和寫作中熟悉高中考試的模 式。我們也會挑選古今中外的經典名篇, 包括DSE的篇章,培養學生對語文的興 趣和能力。 愛上語文班 21
獎品及獎學金: 冠軍:3000個書蟲金幣、$1000獎學金及獎狀 亞軍:2000個書蟲金幣、$800獎學金及獎狀 季軍:1000個書蟲金幣、$500獎學金及獎狀 *書蟲金幣只可用在智愛中文平台或Reading i-Learner平台,而獎學金只可用於智愛 學教育中心任何課程。 「疫」時空徵文比賽 「疫」時空徵文比賽 「疫」時空徵文比賽得獎名單 得獎名單 得獎名單 冠軍 謝華焱 小一 將軍澳天主教小學 亞軍 陳博之 小一 播道書院 亞軍 蘇霆晞 小三 培僑書院(小學部) 季軍 鄭皓天 小三 澳門慈幼中學(小學部) 初小組 《在家樂趣多》得獎名單(同一獎項排名不分先後) 冠軍 温芷盈 小五 荔枝角天主教小學 亞軍 后澤宇 小四 澳門培道中學(小學部) 亞軍 陳浩然 小四 澳門慈幼中學(小學部) 季軍 吳沛霖 小五 將軍澳天主教小學 高小組 《與眾不同的一節課》得獎名單(同一獎項排名不分先後) 冠軍 黃孝賢 中三 香港鄧鏡波書院 亞軍 張祖爾 中三 香港鄧鏡波書院 季軍 李樂兒 中一 聖公會曾肇添中學 中學組 《空無一人的街頭》得獎名單(同一獎項排名不分先後) 評審:李愛潔老師(前中文科主任)、吳志欣(詩人和作家) 鳴謝: 22
2022年1月14日,早上7點鬧鐘準時響起。我立即起床洗漱, 吃完早餐,整齊地穿上校服。我的心情既緊張又興奮,靜靜地坐 在平板電腦旁等待老師的來臨。 不到8點老師登入了網上課堂,課堂立刻熱鬧起來。同學們 像嘰嘰喳喳的鳥兒,發出各種說話聲、笑聲。此時我的心情也激 動異常,瞪大了眼睛,仔細地看著每位同學。這是我第一次看到 每位同學的笑臉。我聽著熟悉的聲音,想著同學帶著口罩的樣子, 努力記住每位同學的笑臉。 很快老師就請同學們靜音,開始點名。網上課堂頓時安靜下 來,同學們隨著老師的點名發出此起彼伏的應答聲,相當悅耳。 課堂上各位同學也仿佛練習了許多次,熟練地依次關掉靜音,或 者舉手發言。同學們努力適應網上課堂,在疫情下堅持學習,令 人敬佩。 課間小息,幾位同學發出聲音「啊歐!啊歐!啊歐!」我也跟 著一起「啊歐!啊歐!」更多的同學加入,一起發出「啊歐!」 疫情之下跟同學一起網上課堂以及遊戲,在家也能體驗另一種樂 趣。 將軍澳天主教小學 謝華焱 初小組第一名 在家樂趣多 23
「哥哥,快把玩具還給我!」 「妹妹,你又弄爛我的書了!」 又是吵吵鬧鬧的一天!因為疫情,學校停課了,我和妹妹兩人 都要留在家裏。聽到我們的爭吵聲,正在工作的媽媽怒氣沖沖地 把我們責罵了一頓。之後,媽媽又回房間繼續工作。 面對媽媽的怒火,我們害怕得像見到貓的老鼠。直到晚上,媽 媽還是沒有從房間裏出來。這時,爸爸告訴我們,媽媽確診了, 我們更加愧疚了。 現在起,媽媽只能在房間裏自我隔離。為了讓媽媽原諒我們, 我和妹妹約定了要好好相處。可是,不能出去玩實在太無聊了。 爸爸提議,我們可以用視像對話的方式和媽媽玩遊戲。首先,媽 媽說出一個指令:「找一樣紅色的食物」,我和妹妹馬上出發。 我一邊跑,一邊思考。突然,我想起冰箱裏有紅色的葡萄,於是 便像火箭一樣飛到冰箱前。我拿到葡萄後,發現妹妹還沒找到紅 色的食物,急得快哭了。我把手上的葡萄分了一串給妹妹,然後 一起開心地告訴媽媽我們找到了! 媽媽對我們說:「其實在家也可以樂趣多哦!」 播道書院 陳博之 初小組第二名 在家樂趣多 24
我最喜歡就是去各地旅行,可是疫情下我們不能去旅行,只能 留在家裏,但亦因此我才漸漸地發現在家樂趣原來非常之多。 疫情雖然是不幸的事,但也有可愛的地方,就是令到爸爸可以 留在家裏工作,陪伴我的時間更多。我們一家人有時玩飛行棋, 有時玩紙牌,有時玩電玩,又有時玩角色扮演。除了玩耍,爸爸 媽媽對我說既然多了時間留在家裏,不能去上課外活動,不如一 起發掘新的興趣。於是我們一起上網學習了還原魔方、表演魔術、 做蛋糕、製作薄餅等等。每天由早上一起又玩又學直至夕陽西下, 我和家人的關係更緊密了,而且我的知識還更廣闊了。 除了在這個家玩,我也探索多了香港這個「家」,例如我們去 了香港最東的東平洲、最南的蒲台島、最西的大澳、最北的羅湖 邊境和最高的大帽山,這些地方的風景都很優美,除了欣賞奇山 異石,還有歷史古蹟和地理生態讓我們學習,比我去過旅行的地 方更有趣。原來只要好好發掘我們的家,動動腦筋,在家原來不 只千日好,而且還樂趣多! 培僑書院(小學部) 蘇霆晞 初小組第二名 在家樂趣多 25
新冠疫情再次肆虐澳門,我們不得不再次停課。 經常聽到同學表示,在家抗疫除了自習外,找不到與同學一起 上課、遊戲、分享的樂趣…… 爸媽有見及此,為我買來了不少桌遊,當中不少是他們兒時的 回憶——象棋、鬥獸棋、四子棋、大富翁……這些由古至今的桌 遊,見證了時代的發展,由千年國粹象棋文化至現代理財教育大 富翁,其中我最感樂趣的便是大富翁。 大富翁的遊戲規則,是先向每位玩家發放一千五百元啟動 金,然後玩家們通過擲骰子前往不同價值的物業進行購買;隨着 物業的升值,對手每次踏足,便要支付不同的租金;勝負的條件 當然取決於理財是否有道,會否破產。 這遊戲真的太寫實了。它不僅教導了我們既要有儲蓄的習慣, 更要學習理財的概念,才能守好財富。 成為大富翁,相信是不少人的夢想。但金錢與健康之間,我更 想成為健康的大富翁。我希望疫情可以早日結束,讓大家都能恢 復正常的生活。這個疫情教會了我,能平安上學和工作,便是樂 趣,便是人生的大富翁。 澳門慈幼中學(小學部) 鄭皓天 初小組第三名 在家樂趣多 26
一場突如其來的疫情打破了我們靜謐和諧的生活,也擾亂了我們習以為 常的學習步伐。無情的病毒阻擋了我和同學們回校學習的腳步,卻擋不住我 們對學習的熱誠。在老師不辭勞苦地為我們開啟了「停課不停學」的網課模 式下,讓我們體會了與眾不同的一節課。 疫境下,昔日人聲鼎沸的旅遊勝地、購物中心都變得門可羅雀,街道行 人寥寥無幾,每個人都戴着口罩、行色匆匆,商家店舖都關門歇業,就連學 校都停止面授課。老師為了讓我們跟上學習的進度,而開啟了網課。 還記得上這一節網課時,老師讓我們點進入她發的上課連結。隨即我透 過螢幕終於見到闊別多日的老師和同學們了,那一張張臉龐讓我感到既熟悉 又陌生。這時,老師讓我們遂一傾訴出疫情下的心情,我們毫不掩飾地表達 對老師、同學的掛念,以及盼望早日重返美麗的校園。 在這一節課中,老師並沒有依照傳統的教學模式那樣,讓我們跟着她大 聲朗讀課文,反而是透過玩互動遊戲來提升我們的學習效率。她設計了一個 從遊戲中學習的程式──斗快搶答問題。我們都踴躍參與,不知不覺地沉醉 在語文的樂趣中。這種生動有趣的教學模式給語文添加了無窮的魅力,令很 多難解的詞語都變得通俗易懂了。遊戲結束了,老師宣佈積分最高者竟然是 我時,我高興得簡直非筆墨能形容。這節從遊戲中學習的課不但超越傳統教 學方式的局限,而且大大提升了我們學習的興趣。最後,老師讓我和同學們 分組討論,我們都暢所欲言地表達己見。即使隔着螢幕都能感受到我們對學 習的那股熱誠。這種與眾不同的教學模式,打破了傳統面授課的沉悶,讓我 們體會了前所未有的學習樂趣。 這節與眾不同的中文課, 讓我和同學們在輕鬆愉快的氣 氛下結束了。疫境下,無情的 病毒阻擋了我和同學們重返美 麗的校園,卻擋不住我們一起 愉快學習的氣氛。感謝老師不 辭辛勞地為我們開啟網課和誨 人不倦的教學精神。在此我向您 們致以最祟高的敬意和最衷心的 感謝! 荔枝角天主教小學 温芷盈 高小組第一名 與眾不同的一節課 27
因為最近澳門疫情爆發,必須停課,閒在家中幾天的我,覺得非常無聊。 於是媽媽提議,在窗外的小窗台上放些米,看看有沒有小鳥來吃。 剛開始第一天,我期望著會有小鳥來吃米,結果並沒有小鳥來吃。第二 天,第三天,那些米粒都被太陽曬得白花花的了,還是沒有小鳥來吃米,我 已經開始放棄了,以為再也不會有小鳥來吃米了。 不過到了第四天,居然有隻小麻雀跳到了窗台上。我高興極了,屏氣凝 神地在玻璃窗的另一邊觀察著這隻麻雀。只見小麻雀左看看,右看看,並沒 有吃我們給牠準備的小米粒,反而在米堆旁邊不遠處,留了一坨白白的、小 小的糞便,然後就飛走了。 真是奇怪,放著好好的一堆米不吃,留下一坨“粑粑”是幹什麼呢?正當 我百思不得其解的時候,奇怪的事情又發生了。之後的幾天,幾乎天天都有 小麻雀來吃米。不過牠們每一隻都是小心翼翼地飛來,都要左右張望一下才 吃米,而且每次都是只吃兩顆米就匆匆離開了。我猜之前那只留下“粑粑”的 麻雀是在給牠的同伴們留下記號,仿佛在告訴牠的同伴們:“這裡有食物, 大家可以過來吃哦!” 小麻雀的這個行為,給我上了一堂與眾不同的課:麻雀們尚且可以相互 關照,相互提點食物的來源,作為高等靈長類動物的我們,更加應該相互團 結,相互支持。我相信,我們團結一心,眾志成城,一定可以戰勝新冠病毒! 澳門培道中學(小學部) 后澤宇 高小組第二名 與眾不同的一節課 28
「叮!叮!叮!」,網課鐘聲響起了,我調整鏡頭,開啟麥克風,等待 老師開始上課。今天的課題是——認識新型冠狀病毒。 「我」在2019年誕生在地球的某一個角落,當初還不知道自己的名字, 直到「我」在中國 武漢旅遊的時候,才知道「我」原來叫「新型冠狀病毒」。 之後,「我」到了世界各地大大小小的城市遊玩,到中國登上萬里長城;到 意大利吃薄餅;到英國參觀大英博物館;到巴黎鐵塔下野餐;到日本吃和牛 和壽司;到澳洲悉尼歌劇院欣賞歌劇;到非洲大草原看斑馬;到巴西看足球 比賽和到美國 荷里活拍照留念……地球真是又美麗,又好玩呀!短短時間 內,「我」的足跡已遍佈六大洲,幾乎環遊全世界了。 在旅程初期,「我」到過的大部分地方,人們都不注重個人衛生,飯前 便後不洗手;洗手又不認真;打噴嚏或咳嗽時沒有遮蔽口鼻;生病不戴口罩, 也不看醫生,令「我」對人類的印象大打折扣。 漸漸地,「我」越來越強壯,繁殖數量急速上升,「我」的家族成員由 阿爾法、貝塔、伽瑪、德爾塔到奧密克戎,變種速度飛快。但是,「我」發 現原來「我」對人體有害,「我們」的腦海裏不斷浮現一個又一個的壞主意, 為了生存,「我們」身不由己地攻擊人類和動物,使他們生病,甚至死亡。 後來,人類的衛生常識逐步提升,他們會勤洗手、接種疫苗,又戴上口 罩保護自己,並常常討厭地向「我們」噴灑消毒藥水,有病留在家中不外 出。不知道是不是太過辛勞了,「我」感到很疲倦,「我們」的成員慢慢變 得衰弱,最後,「我們」向人類投降,依依不捨地離開這個美麗的世界,再 沒有出 現了。 大家都在歡呼:「我們 終於可以回復以前的正常 生活了,新型冠狀病毒已 經消失了!」突然,「叮! 叮!叮!」,課堂結束了, 真掃興!我真希望新型冠 狀病毒能夠早日消失啊! 澳門慈幼中學(小學部) 陳浩然 高小組第二名 與眾不同的一節課 29
疫情終於放緩了,從沉悶又無趣的網課變成我夢寐以求的面授課,我終 於可以見到許久未見的同學和老師。但當我踏進課室時,我被眼前的情景驚 呆了! 原來兩兩相排的桌子「反目成仇」,相隔一點五米之遠。而且,每張桌 子都加設了一塊大型透明隔板,好像一個隱形的牢籠一樣,徹底隔絕同學間 的交流。酒精搓手液更遍佈課室四周,到處瀰漫着一股消毒藥水的氣味,彷 似來到醫院一般。 當老師進入課室時,她身後還伴隨着幾位醫護人員。原來他們今天將化 身「老師」,為我們帶來防疫的知識。醫護人員派發防疫包後,我迫不及待 地打開來窺探個究竟,只見幾個口罩及一袋快測工具在內。醫護人員隨即向 我們詳細地講解快測包的使用方法,以及確診後的應對方法,同學們亦一一 記下。想不到當時初次接觸的快測包,現在已成為我每天出門前的「好拍 檔」。 醫護人員離開後,老師就邀請了一些曾經確診的同學分享經驗。其中一 位同學講到:「發病時,我覺得非常不適,喉嚨如同被數十把鋒利的小刀刺 着,又因醫療系統緊張,無法外出就醫。當我飽受病痛折磨時,我的家人仍 冒着感染的風險,不分晝夜地守在我的牀邊,照顧我、安慰我,使我能堅持 下來,最終慢慢地康復了。」聽完同學的分享,我感恩自己與家人都沒有染 疫,免受疫病之苦。同時,這亦提醒了我,不單為了自己,更是為了愛我的 家人,必須注意衞生,保持健康的身體。 這節面授課令我非常難 忘,雖然簡短,卻意義重大。 這是疫情緩和、恢復面授後 的第一節課,亦是與眾不同 的一節課。它使我認識到更 多防疫知識,亦能令我易地 而處,了解確診者的心情及 處境,多關心社會、關心大 眾。我會把握上實體課的機 會,認真學習,希望我們 可以戰勝「疫」境,回恢 舊日正常的生活。 將軍澳天主教小學 吳沛霖 高小組第三名 與眾不同的一節課 30
自從疫情開始,每個香港市民都怕自己染上疫症,加上政府的防疫規例,港人大都留 在家中不出門,人心惶惶。但留家生活枯燥,久而久之,人便會感到鬱悶,包括我在內。 我想,與其在家中鬱悶至死,倒不如出門散心,反正所有人都留在家中,不會染到病。如 是者,我就在不斷的自我催眠下,決定了晚上出門,偷偷地看看那空無一人的街頭。 甫出門,迎面而來的是那久違的自由的氣息。廣闊的街道、清新的空氣,相比起困在 三百多呎的牢籠裏實在好得太多了。不過,那喜悅的情緒只停留在我的腦中幾秒鐘,因我 隨即就被眼前的情狀嚇了一跳。街上的情況猶如死城一般,昔日趕着回家的上班族、吃完 晚飯的家庭,如今已經銷聲匿跡;昔日眩目刺眼的招牌、街燈等,如今闌珊稀落;更有不 少店舖抵受不住疫情無情的打擊,人去樓空,剩下來的也不怎樣好,只是苟延殘喘,因為 晚上禁止堂食的關係,所以門可羅雀,生意慘淡。記得疫情前,晚上的街道是多麼的漂亮、 熱閙啊!五光十色的燈飾點綴街道,為幽暗的夜晚添上姿彩。絡繹不絕的人群,為沉默的 夜晚多了一分熱鬧。道路車水馬龍,車龍宛如發光巨龍,盤踞於大馬路之上。可惜如今, 五光十色的燈飾不見了,無盡的車龍不見了,取而代之的是無盡的黑暗與空虛。 走到了海濱長廊,長廊右側橫列著一排的青石雕像,再往外看,是停泊在避風塘的一 艘艘船隻。細聽著海浪拍打著碼頭的聲音,確是心曠神怡;不過,僅得海浪聲的晚上,卻 比往時少了幾分活力,聽來單調。疫情以前,海濱長廊每晚都會有數隊樂隊唱歌演奏,遊 人會圍住樂隊形成一個又一個半圓,如泛起了一圈又一圈的漣漪。我有時也會駐足停留, 海聲、浪聲、風聲、樂聲與歌聲拼湊出一曲扣人心弦, 過者有甚麼不快煩惱,盡皆一掃而空。但現在不只街 頭表演,就連跑步的人們、下棋的老伯、跳廣場舞的 老太太都消失得無影無蹤,海濱長廊只餘空寂,空寂的 長廊盡頭盡是黑暗,更慢慢向周遭漫延,莫名的叫人怵 目驚心。 戰戰兢兢地走到長廊的盡頭,盡頭的旁邊有一個籃 球場。籃球場的門口被膠帶封住了,即使想入內席地而 坐,稍稍休息,亦只能望洋興嘆。看着日久失修的籃球 網,看着地上破碎枯黃的葉片,我不由得再次嘆息…… 在疫情前,我和我的同學每逢假日亦會相約到此一起打 籃球。晚上的籃球場也總是人山人海。為了打籃球,我 們往往要提早到來霸佔球場。在比賽的時候,同學瀟灑 的灌籃,精準的三分球,純熟的運球,都令我嘆為觀止, 如今仍歷歷在目……可惜,當天的「舞台」,今天卻已 變成了一片頹垣。 香港鄧鏡波書院 黃孝賢 中學組第一名 空無一人的街頭 31
夕陽欲墜,日落西山,雲翳密佈,長夜將至。 落寞夜晚,街上闃無一人,朔風凜冽,冷雨點點墜落,沾濕我身。花兒顏色暗澹,野 草乾黃枯萎,大概是在這侷促的街道裏,喘不過氣,只好獨自凋零。夜色陰沉,天上銀盤 蓋上了頭紗,銀灰色的月光,散落遍地。星光散亂稀落,自顧自地閃灼,「一下,三下, 七下…」閃閃停停的,彷彿在打摩斯密碼,述說它的空虛。而無獨有偶的是,天上地下盡 是寂寞。蕭索暗淡的街上,枯枝殘樹披上聖誕燈飾,但無復青翠嫣紅,狂風一吹,燈飾驟 然跌落,聲響蕩漾,回音纏繞,良久不去。寂寞路燈孤立於此散發微光,燈影之下是焦灼; 燈影以外是朦朧。眼看見黃葉零落於腳下,街燈不知是否是沾了些霧水,總教人覺得它是 在流淚,是在哭泣,如怨如慕,如泣如訴。 「往昔我們燈光璀璨,此地歡笑充斥;如今慶祝的群眾不復見,街道只剩凜冽寒風與 飄零落葉。」右側的街燈哀嘆道。 「疫病橫行,禍從天降,人人自危;兼加聖誕老人又非道教真神,無以驅邪趕疫,人 人自是捨慶賀而取生命。」左首的街燈應云。 右側的街燈續嘆道:「天有星宿,地有晚 燈,星羅棋布,光輝燦煥,相互映襯,今卻難 得知音……」 秋風颯然而至,吹拂眼眸,揩拭眼睛數 下,環視周圍,路燈和樹木盡已靜默。仰視高 樓,只見窗戶緊閉,窗框之中似有人在探視, 但我與它大抵不是他和她的風景,更遑論裝飾 他和她的夢,因為窗框之內盡是嗤之以鼻與瞪 視,此情此景,誠教人赧顏汗下。原來街上 的岑寂空寥,實是街坊四鄰為遏止疫情之犧 牲;疫禍橫行而足不出戶,非貪生怕死;緊 閉門戶實是盡己為人。 用手拍拍街燈,以求撫平街燈的焦躁, 爾後加快步伐,穿過荒寂的街道回家。眼看 朦朧晚色,無可奈何,也不住細思灰灰與茫 茫究竟何時方會消退,或化為碧落? 香港鄧鏡波書院 張祖爾 中學組第二名 空無一人的街頭 32
「本日新增2100宗本地輸入個案,創下……」聽到新聞報導的聲音,我陷入沉思, 突然醒覺這突如其來的疫情已經持續兩年多了,生活的一切都被疫情改變,真是令人百感 交集…… 「姐姐,幫媽媽買一下醬油可以嗎?」聽到媽媽的請求,我換好衣服準備下樓。最近 愈來愈嚴重的疫情令大家人心惶惶,所以出門前,必須用酒精消毒雙手,戴好口罩,按電 梯也要用其他物品替代,處處都要小心,比以前麻煩多了! 出門後,我看見街上還有一些人,雖然街燈還亮著,商鋪也未關門,卻在人們都 隔著「面紗」,毫無交流的情況下,顯得極為冷清,人與人之間彷彿有一道鴻溝,將所有 熱情歡樂都隔絕了。 進了超級市場,以往人山人海的收款台也只有寥寥可數的人,我趕緊從櫃檯拿了一瓶 醬油走向收款台。恰巧,這位服務員是我的鄰居黃婆婆,「樂兒,又來啦。」「黃婆婆, 今天好少人啊。」「唉,大家都不敢出門,怎麼會有生意呢!」黃婆婆無奈地說,她看起 來也沒有之前那麼笑容滿面了,取而代之的是無能為力的難過。 買完醬油後走到智愛街,我途經以前很喜歡的一間餐廳,可迎面而來的卻不是餐廳那 精緻的裝修,而是一個紙牌,上面只有一行冷冰冰的文字「本店因客流量不足而決定關 閉」,我難過又無可奈何,心裏像吃了檸檬般酸澀。霎時,我真切感受到疫情帶走了無數 東西:和同學相處的時間、外出遊玩的機會、喜歡的店鋪、和好友聚會的機會⋯⋯就連上 學都是種奢望!「什麼時候才是個頭啊⋯⋯」我埋怨道。這時,店鋪已經關了大半,街燈 也變得微弱,讓本就冷清的環境雪上加霜,這下真是了無人煙啊!風迎面吹來,打得我臉 上都有一些疼,看著這條空無一人的街道,我回想起以前那快樂的時光,智愛街有個很大 的公園,以往可以看到青少年踩著滑板大展身手,公公婆婆在做健身操,小孩子在滑滑梯, 現在卻連個人影兒都找不著,像把香港放入了冰箱,把人情味都封藏起來。 回到家後,我和媽媽訴說了我的所見所聞,我十分低落,她安慰我:「別擔心,一切 都會有完結的一天。」我走回房間,將今天記錄下來,期待結束的那一天,我可以拿起這 本日記,和朋友分享,恢復那沒有「鴻溝」的生活。 也許我們被疫情放大了和身邊人的隔閡,也許我們因 為疫情錯過了很多美好的時光,但只要我們有信念去抵抗 疫情,一切的一切,都會有完結的時候。 空無一人的街頭,也一定會恢復為歡樂的鬧市。 聖公會曾肇添中學 李樂兒 中學組第三名 空無一人的街頭 33


Game Find 5 differences between these pictures from This Way! That Way!,
a Level 6B
from the Bugbug’s Library series.
成語謎題 以下都是一些和情緒相關的四字成語,一起 來挑戰看看你能破解出哪幾題吧! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 35

The Leader in Me

Follow the instructions to be the leader you want to be.

1. Write your name in the middle. In the ovals, write words to describe you.

2. Write down what you want to be. e.g. I want to be a good writer and a kind and hard-working person.

Write down your mission statement. This is a short paragraph about who you want to be, what you want to achieve and how you will achieve this.

My mission is to be a hardworking and successful writer whose writing inspires others to be the person they want to be. I want to make others laugh a lot and help them enjoy life.


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Tel: 3113 8815 WhatsApp: 9049 3014

Wan Chai Centre

6/F, 303 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Tel: 3611 8400 WhatsApp: 6468 8366

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