Winter Iolian Newsletter 2015-2016

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The Official Publication of the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District


Volume 1 Issue 4 Nov. 2015-Jan. 2016


Table of Contents Pg. 3 Key Club 101 Pg. 4 A Word from the District Board Pg. 11 International Partners Pg. 12 DCLC 2016 Pg. 14 Eliminate Project Pg. 16 Awards Pg. 17 Holiday Embrace 2016 Pg. 18 Club Spotlight Pg. 20 Division Spotlight 2

Key Club 101 What is Key Club? Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Who Are We? We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. The core values are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.

Why Key Club? No other organizations provide the opportunities that we do. With us, you better lives, make friends, and grow as a person. You’re not joining a club. You’re joining a family.


A Word from the

Caring- Our Way of Life 4

District Board

Executive Board


Governor’s Update Happy Winter, I-I Key Clubbers! I hope all of you are surviving this crazy weather. In this article, I will be discussing about how to increase Kiwanis Family relations in our district. The Kiwanis Family is made up of Key Club, Circle K (college), Aktion Club (adults with disabilities), K-Kids (elementary school), Builders Club (middle school/junior high), and Kiwanis. See below to find out ways to increase the relations among the K-Family: Volunteer Together-I’m sure many of you have already met your local Kiwanis Club members, and that is fantastic. Take this to the next level by inviting Kiwanians to your service projects/fundraisers. If you have a Circle K or any other K-Family club close-by, do the same! Volunteering together will allow your club members to meet awesome people who share the same values of service leadership. Let’s work together to make a bigger difference while at the same time to have a blast. Set Goals for the Future-Let’s work together to plan for the future in terms of K-Family-Key Club relations. Email your surrounding K-Family members and ask to have a meeting together or to attend one of their meetings. Maybe meet at Starbucks or Portillo’s outside of school to talk about what the organizations can do to increase relations and to make a bigger difference. Come up with ideas for fundraising, for gaining new membership, etc. Often, we are all too busy with other duties to make time for a meeting, but I do believe that working together is the key (no pun intended) to creating a better and stronger future for the Kiwanis Family and Key Club International. Create Friendships-Honestly, Kiwanis Family members are the coolest people I have ever met. I’m truly thankful to be a part of Key Club as I’ve gotten the chance to meet wonderful high school students, and wonderful senior citizens, college students, etc. Send your Kiwanis Advisor a card in the mail saying how thankful you are for him or her. Invite a Circle K member to hang out with you and your Key Club friends. Host a dinner for your local Aktion Club. There are so many ways to make life-long friends through the Kiwanis Family! Now if you are not convinced as yet to network and increase Kiwanis Family relations, read up! The K-Family possesses significant knowledge and understanding on how to start and run a club. Kiwanians in particular have personal backgrounds in the fields of law, medicine, business, etc that can really aid your club. Also, Kiwanis provides financial support that can send members to conventions and conferences. Maintaining and strengthening Kiwanis Family relations will improve not only Key Club International, but all branches of Kiwanis. Please let me know if you have any questions on the above, or if you would just like to reach out to discuss more. I’d be more than happy to work with you! Yours in Service and Friendship,

6 Kristin John

Treasurer’s Update Hi Key Clubbers! If you don’t know me, I am Jennifer Zhuo, the District Treasurer. I am the person you come to when working with the Membership Update Center, dues, and financial reports, but I am also the one who helps with fundraising and ideas for the Eliminate Project and Spastic Paralysis Research and who supports your club treasurers. This is my 4th year as a Key Clubber. Aside from my job as District Treasurer, I am also here if you have any questions or just want to talk about Key Club. I want to sincerely thank all the clubs and members who have paid dues. Thank you for all that you do and for being a Key Clubber! Yours in Service, Jennifer Zhuo


Statistical Secretary Update Hey, I-I Key Clubs! I hope you are all doing well during the winter season! There are a lot of great service and volunteer opportunities available during this time of the year, so make sure you are taking advantage of them! At this point, you should have your October through December monthly report forms sent in. If you haven’t submitted it yet, it’s not too late! You can always go back and fill in missing report forms. Your monthly reports are important for the district board, as it allows us to help you out. You can fill out the form at this link: Our goal for the district is to get around 60% of monthly report form submissions. We will need your help to achieve this goal. With these report forms, we can make great strides towards an amazing year within our district! If you ever need help with anything, contact your lieutenant governor or me! Yours in service, Peter Ju


Secretary’s Update Hi I-I Key Club! I hope that you have all had an amazing and well-earned winter break. Whether you spent your time celebrating the holidays, sleeping, spending time with family, or a combination of all, I hope that it was a wonderful time. As the semester has come to a close, I would like to quickly mention a few things. First off, thank you again for all the clubs that have rosters turned in already; we have more than 45% of rosters already as of now! If your club has not had a roster turned in yet please fill the form out at this link: Having officers’ contact information submitted helps your club get information quickly from the district board. Contact me with any questions! Second, we as a board has slowly moved away from the Gmail system to the Office 365 system. As a result, I will now be mainly using this new address: I will still continue to check my old Gmail account, but the new address will be my primary email in the future. Finally, it’s time to apply for Distinguished Secretary! All of the secretaries in our district have done a fabulous job this year and you deserve to be recognized. The application can be found at this link to the 2015-16 Awards Booklet: The submission deadline is January 26th. Don’t forget to apply! I wish you the best of luck in finals and hope you enjoy the rest of 2015. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for anything, and again, as always, thank you for all that you do for Key Club. Yours in service, Jennifer Kuo


District Editor’s Update Hi I-I Key Clubbers, Welcome to 2016! Hopefully all of you have had an amazing winter break and enjoyed the holidays! It has been my pleasure as your District Editor to create this Iolian for the winter. I hope this newsletter gives insights into new service projects, Key Club’s partners, and DCLC 2016. Feel free to send any articles to my email, or share your article document in Google Drive with my email. If you have any questions regarding this form or an article submission, feel free to always contact at my email: In addition, I would like alert all of you that the due date for the final Iolian Newsletter submissions will be Febuary 3rd. I want to promote that you send in an article because it is nice to see what each of the clubs are doing in their schools and communities through the power of Key Club! Let’s make 2016 the best year yet! Yours in service, Mary Wegescheide


International Partners The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Since 1978, Key Clubs have hosted fundraising and awareness programs to support the March of Dimes, raising over $116,000 through fundraisers in 2011 alone! (For more information, click here!) Spastic Paralysis isn’t an illness, but it is a symptom of various diseases and medical conditions of the central nervous system. It causes spasticity, which is stiff or rigid muscles that interfere with basic motions, speech, or walking. In 1952, the Illinois-Eastern Iowa Kiwanis created the Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation to fund and support medical and scientific researchers dedicated researching Spastic Paralysis and other diseases related to the central nervous system. In 1980, Key Club became involved with fundraising for Spastic Paralysis. Over 4 million dollars have been invested in research grants. It has been our district project for over 30 years! In the last year, the I-I District has raised $21,810! Now that you know what Spastic Paralysis is, now is the time to get started if you haven’t already started fundraising for Spastic Paralysis! For more information, click here!

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. Since Children's Miracle Network Hospitals first broadcast in 1983, Kiwanis has donated more than US$36 million to help make miracles happen for local sick and injured kids. (For more information, click here!)

About 780 million people on our planet don’t have access to safe, clean water. Even worse, 4,400 kids under the age of five will die today from drinking dirty water. Those are disturbing statistics—and we’re doing something about it. Key Club International is teaming up with The Thirst Project, the world's leading youth water-activism organization.


This is an event you do not want to miss! 12

What is DCLC?

DCLC stands for “District Convention and Leadership Conference.” At this conference, over six-hundred Key Clubbers from the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District come together for a weekend of networking, education, leadership development, and of course, fun.

What do we do at DCLC?

There are multitudes of activities that DCLC has to offer. These include things like listening to motivational speakers, attending officer training sessions, listening to engaging forums, and participating in elections of the 2016-17 District Executive Board. Oh...and did we mention that there is a dance?

When/Where is DCLC?

This year, the District Convention and Leadership Conference will be held from March 11th-13th, at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, Illinois. DCLC begins Friday evening and concludes following the Governor’s Farewell Brunch on Sunday morning.

How much does DCLC cost?

The cost of attending DCLC is $135 (registration fee) plus rooming. Rooming costs are as follows: Quad: $66. Triple: $88. Double: $132. Most Key Clubs fundraise a portion of the cost. If you have any questions relating to DCLC, please do not hesitate to contact DCLC Chairman Jack Nannie at either 309-369-5676 or

Register Here 13


t c e j o r P e t a n i Elim With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 49,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. However, with the power of Key Club, we can make a difference and get involved! At ICON, IPP Maria Palazzolo pledged that Key Club would raise 3 million dollars toward the ELIMINATE project. This new pledge will save more than 1.6 million lives. As of July 16, 2015, the Kiwanis family has raised 7,262,695$ for the ELIMINATE project. This vast amount of money has saved over 4 million lives. That is amazing. Keep it up K-Family! Similar to the Ice Bucket Challenge, this challenge serves to raise money by using social media. All you have to do is‌ 1. Record a video of yourself eating 1/4 of a lemon 2. Pledge to donate to The Eliminate Project (at least $1.80) 3. Explain a little bit about Eliminate 4. Challenge your friends to participate in the challenge 5. Post the video to social media Feel free to participate in the challenge as a club service project, or even with your family and friends. Spread the word!


Awards All Individual and Club Award applications must be received by January 26th to Lauren Dvorak, 11561 S. Olympic Dr. Plainfield, IL 60585 or email by 11:59 on January 26th to Other Miscellaneous award applications are due by: February 19th to Mr. Hall, 28 Candy Lane, Murphysboro, IL 6296. This includes: The Annual Achievement Report, International Major Emphasis and Single Service Awards. Talent and Oratorical Applications are due February 29th to Margaret Toniny, 4920 N. Conn, Peoria Heights, IL 61616 for further review before DCLC. Other Awards for public viewing at DCLC: poster, video, T-shirt, and scrapbook are due to Ms. T by 6 pm in the DCLC Awards Room on March 11th. The 2015-2016 updated Awards booklet can be accessed on the District Website for specific requirements on each award.


Holdiay Embrace 2016


Club Spotlight Woodland High School When a little girl named Reagan lost her battle with leukemia, Woodland High School Key Club decided with the help of high school administration and staff to hold a fundraiser to donate to St.Jude in her memory. Each day, they had a Key Clubber stand in the hallway and go around collecting money throughout the K-12 school. It ended up that they doubled and exceeded their goal of $500, and ended up with over $1,000 worth of donations to send to St.Jude in Reagan's name.

Plainfield North High School Sleep Out Saturday On Saturday November 7th, Plainfield North Key Club participated in an event to raise money and promote awareness for the homeless, called Sleep Out Saturday, sponsored by Bridge Communities. On Saturday night they headed to Good Shepard Lutheran Church with various boxes and constructed their “homes� for the night. They taped various boxes together so they could shelter themselves from the blustery 30 degree weather. Once everyone arrived, inside the church they were educated on the Facts and statistics of homeless in the Dupage county area and what Bridge Communities could to help. Here they heard the story of a powerful women who had combated homeless all due to what Bridge Communities has provided for her. Before they could head off to bed they participated in a Soup Kitchen where they were served soup and hot cocoa. Although it was bitterly cold, the Key Clubbers stood up to the cold temperature and slept in their cardboard boxes for the rest of the night! Together they raised over $600 for the cause and are looking forward to participating in the event for their third time next year.


Metea Valley High School Making Crayons for Children with Special Needs Marin Fisher, Key Club Secretary at Metea Valley High School worked with a project at her church collecting crayons for a place called SCARCE where they collect crayons and melt them down for children with special needs. She thought this would be a great project to bring to her Key Club, so Metea Valley Key Club began collecting crayons for the project! After Lieutenant Governor, Lauren Dvorak, visited Metea Valley and heard about the project she thought it would be great for Plainfield North to do the project as well. Together, both clubs collected crayons at their schools and asked local elementary schools and even restaurants to collect crayons. On Tuesday, November 24th, 8 students from both Metea Valley and Plainfield North went to the SCARCE facility where they create the crayons. Here they participated in three different stations: sorting & peeling the crayons and pouring the melted crayons from the color-coded crock pots into molds. After the molds dried, the Key Clubbers got to punch out the shapes and see the wonderful creation they made. All these crayons went to children with special needs who find it hard to draw with smaller crayons.

Marian Central Catholic High School This month, Marian’s Key Club was involved in many great acts of kindness. They started off the month with the annual food truck. The food truck helps provide people in need with clothes, food, and other necessities. Thanks to our wonderful benefactors, we were able to serve over 200 people. We provided each person with socks, toiletries, blankets, and a wide variety of food to aid them in the cold winter months. Another act of service from the Marian Key Club was helping rake leaves at “Turning Point”, a domestic violence shelter. Key Club members brought their rakes, gloves, and a great attitude to help pick up leaves around the shelter. They also helped clean up the playground to make it more accessible for the children! Another great service project performed by the Marian Key Club was helping out at “Feed My Starving Children”. Over 30 Marian students traveled to the local church to help pack food for children in need. Everyone was excited to help and meals were being made at a rapid rate. In the end, the total number of meals packaged in an hour was over thirty six thousand! Everyone was glad to be apart of the process and ecstatic to know that many children would be able to eat now because of a simple act of service. Marian Key Club showed that even an hour of service can help thousands if you put your heart into it! There are many more acts of kindness to be done by Marian Key Club and we are ready to take them all on. We are proud to serve and be apart of Key Club!


Division Spotlight Division 20 West Key Club Banquet On Friday, November 6th, Division 20 West held a Key Club Banquet to finish off the Key Club Week Celebrations. The banquet was a result of a couple months of hard work by the Division 20 West Banquet Committee, led by chairman Jacob Geers. The banquet started off with dinner, as well as a dessert potluck. Next, a Divisional Council Meeting was held by Lieutenant Governor Charles Schneider. At this meeting, topics that were covered ranged from upcoming events to how the nine Key Clubs were doing. Finally, there were many games set up as well as a full gym for basketball, volleyball, and other sports. Both Kiwanians and Key Clubbers enjoyed the banquet. The event was a large success and also raised over $100 for the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Project- the Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation!


Thank You for Reading the Iolian!

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