#UKIESF Agenda - Bristol

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National #UKIESF Bristol 29th September 2015

9:00/ 9:30 - Registration and delegate introductions 9:30 / 10:00 - Welcome Introduction Setting the scene for the day, drawing together the key aims of the forum and giving an introduction to the aims of each session. Martin Wyke - CEO - The Police ICT Company Luana Avagliano - Head of ResilianceDirect - The Cabinet Office 10:00 / 11:00 - Panel 1 What are the common barriers that hinder forces, NHS and councils when it comes to procurement, collaboration and uptake of projects? 11:00 / 11:30 - Interactive Case Study Presentation - Merseyside FRS 11:30 / 12:00 - Networking Break 12:00 / 13:00 - Panel 2 What technology, devices and software need to be in place to achieve fully integrated services enabling better outcomes for victims? What processes and solutions do emergency services really need to implement to work better together? Can sharing of information and data between agencies be improved as a result? 13:00 / 13:20 - Interactive Case Study Presentation - Egress 13:20 / 14:20 - Networking Lunch 14:20 / 15:30 - Panel 3 How can a truly mobile workforce enable Emergency Services to consistently deliver higher quality services to the public whilst managing a smaller workforce and reducing budgets? 15:30 / 16:30 - Interactive product demonstration session 16:30 - End of the Forum


National #UKIESF Bristol 29th September 2015

Panel 1 Given the relentless downward financial pressure on service delivery, Emergency services and local government must work better together to prevent things happening and prevent communities from harm and threat. What are the common barriers that hinder forces, NHS and councils when it comes to procurement, collaboration and uptake of projects? - What’s the current status of the National IT strategy and standards for policing? - What needs to be done to put a national procurement strategy in place, ensuring forces are buying intelligently, taking advantage of shared facilities and economies of scale. - How can stakeholders get better at sharing ideas and good practice, stop working in silos and acheive real service transformation through innovation within the context of budget reductions? - Should austerity be seen as an enabler to doing things completely differently? Removing duplicated effort by increasing opportunities for collaborative working and investing in initiatives that will take forces / multiple forces and organisations forward. - Improved mobility of forces provides massive opportunity for collaboration between emergency services, local councils, the NHS and technology suppliers, how can collaboration be acheived and what projects should be the focus? - How do suppliers of innovative solutions overcome the challenges of approaching police or other public sector with new ideas or concepts without breaching integrity?


National #UKIESF Bristol 29th September 2015

Panel 2 What technology, devices and software need to be in place to achieve fully integrated services enabling better outcomes for victims? What processes and solutions do emergency services really need to implement to work better together? Can sharing of information and data between agencies be improved as a result? - There is a major push from within government to provide more cost effective / efficient service delivery across the public sector. Are the current systems / mechanisms in place allowing for effective multi-agency working? Do new systems or alternative approaches need to be considered? - What technology solutions are available for the exchange of information within and between organisations? What standards should be adhered to by the people generating the information? How do organisations share sensitive information with external third parties not on accredited networks? - Transforming an organisational approach to digital forensics, how can forces working in the same region improve how data is secured, used and shared with other agencies? - What role can social media play in emergency situations? How can forces embrace the potential social media has to improve communication with the public before, during and after emergencies? - Can technology assist in the management of response and resilience in accidents, evacuations and other incidents? Tracking, tracing and managing evacuee movements in small to large scale incidents for example. - Are forces making the effort to include effective identification and integration of valuable and reliable information from social media into their emergency management processes? What are the views regarding the importance of security and integrity of data/ media received from the public? - Sharing of vital data between the police and the NHS is a frustration, particularly in the area of mental health. Is this down to DPA issues that prevent systems speaking to one another?


National #UKIESF Bristol 29th September 2015

Panel 3 How can a truly mobile workforce enable Emergency Services to consistently deliver higher quality services to the public whilst managing a smaller workforce and reducing budgets? - What appetite is there from Blue Light Services to move elements of their desktop applications to mobile devices to allow data capture and mobile working out in the field at the time/point of an incident? - What mobile technology and workforce management solutions are available to assist forces meet budget/efficiency targets? What are the key considerations of implementing dynamic resource scheduling mobile technology for non emergency appointments? - Mobility and mobile working. Now that services are changing their mindsets and embracing the opportunity of cost savings by developing a mobile workforce? What are seen as the primary barriers to creating a true mobile office for frontline staff? - How can new technology change the future fitness requirements of firefighters and mitigate aspects of the role that are the most physically demanding? - Should forces mobile strategy focus on in-vehicle technology or is a combination of handheld/in-vehicle the best approach? How can in-vehicle solutions assist with vehicle utilisation, efficiency and also accident investigation? - With a rapidly changing landscape for emergency services, how can forces make the best decisions on which in-vehicle/handheld technology fits their requirements? What training strategy should be in place to support deployment of new technologies in vehicles? - What do frontline staff actually require from their mobile devices to perform more efficiently? Could social media become a daily tool for first responders? - Innovation in the contact centre re non-voice contact with the public, what role can social media play in emergency situations? How can forces realise the potential social media has to improve communication with the public before, during and after emergencies? - Advanced mobile location - a phone sends an SMS with GPS and other location data when an emergency call is made from a Samsung mobile, this services has recently been provided to BT. How else should tech companies be assisting the UK around this aspect of ES?

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