Re-Echoings Summer 2013

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Newsletter for the Alumnae & Friends of St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls


Time Flies When You're Having Fun Dear Alumnae and Friends, Not since I was a high school student myself has a school year gone by so quickly. The blur and quickness of the time that’s gone by since September matches the hectic pace with which we’ve been working to advance and market our school. While the pace to raise funds and market the school has been hectic and even erratic at times, the analysis of our operations and management has been disciplined and systematic. We’ve spent countless hours reviewing our existing infrastructure and systems and we’ve been methodical in the implementation of metrics and new strategies which will position us for future growth and success. All of this has been done under the leadership of our President, Mr. Frank Farrell, and with the full support and guidance of a strong and dynamic Advisory Board. Never in the history of St. Hubert has such an analytical and strategic perspective been utilized.

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It’s been a busy 10 months for me personally and lots of important work is being done in and around the St. Hubert community. Everything we do is in the best interest of our beloved school and our goal is to raise funds as well as advance and enhance the profile of St. Hubert. I know that we will succeed with the tireless support of our amazing and devoted alumnae and friends.


All of this means good things for the future of St. Hubert. With a renewed strategic vision, we’re focused on implementing new initiatives as well as revising and enhancing old ones. Along those lines, we launched an online “crowd sourcing” campaign in April that allowed us to leverage our social media (i.e. Facebook) presence and raise over $15,000 in just seven days to send our Robotics Team to the World Championship in St. Louis. This amazing accomplishment could not have been achieved by using traditional fundraising methods. And speaking of traditional fundraising methods, we’ve been very diligent in analyzing the ways in which we communicate with our alumnae base and we’re preparing to shift those methods to a more efficient, cost-effective and “eco-friendly” strategy. An example of this is our Newsletter Initiative that will launch in the Fall (see page 4).





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Robin Skubin Nolan ‘90 Director of Institutional Advancement

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With proud and eager loyalty,

Faith in the Future Foundation: Q&A with Casey Carter

The Faith in the Future Foundation (FIF) is a first-of-its-kind organization that was contracted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (AOP) to independentlyoperate its Catholic schools. This ground-breaking arrangement was formalized in August 2012 when Archbishop Charles Chaput and Ed Hanway, Chairman of FIF, signed a five-year operating agreement. Since then, FIF has taken over the direct operational oversight responsibility for the AOP’s 17 high schools, one vocational school, and four schools of special education. Casey Carter joined FIF as CEO in October 2012 and has quickly led the charge for growing and sustaining Catholic schools in Philadelphia. He recently sat down with our own Robin Skubin Nolan ‘90, to talk about his background as well as his vision for FIF. RN: I’m sure that our Bambie Nation wants to know all about you. So, let’s start at the beginning. Tell us about your family and where you grew up. CC: Well, I’m the youngest of six children in an Irish-Catholic family. I was born in Pittsburgh and we moved to Washington, D.C. when I was three years old. My father was an Under Secretary of Transportation for Presidents Nixon and Ford. I attended Annunciation Grade School in D.C. and was later educated by the Benedictines in high school at Portsmouth Abbey School in Rhode Island. I went on to St. John’s College in Annapolis then Oxford University and The Catholic University of America. In between all of this I returned to Portsmouth to pursue a vocation as a Benedictine Monk for about four and a half years before realizing that my true calling was for a more public vocation. RN: What were you doing before you took the job as CEO of FIF? CC: I spent the last five years running a strategic consulting and education management firm in Washington, D.C. Before that I was President of National Heritage Academies which is now the largest charter school management organization in the country. I was also just beginning my most important role, as a proud father of three beautiful daughters. RN: What made you leave the private sector and take the very public job with FIF? CC: Improving education is becoming my life’s work. I’ve done extensive research on and written about ways to improve and grow educational opportunities for children, both in the U.S. and abroad, mostly focused on school choice, competition and innovation.When the opportunity with FIF presented itself, I had to explore it. Now that I’ve seen these schools with my own eyes, I believe that what we are doing here is the single most exciting education reform story in America today. RN: There seems to be some confusion as to how FIF relates to the AOP. Can you explain the role of FIF among Catholic schools in Philadelphia? CC: Sure. FIF is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has a management contract with the AOP to oversee the operation and management of the AOP’s 17 high schools and 4 schools of special education. The Office of Catholic Education also now reports to Faith in the Future, so we have an opportunity to support all of the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. Because the AOP owns the high schools, the AOP was able to hand over control of those schools to FIF in a way that it can’t presently do with parish schools. So, while the parish schools aren’t technically under the management of FIF, our goal is to provide elementary schools with new and necessary support via the Office of Catholic Education. This process will begin in earnest under the direction of Chris Mominey, our newly appointed COO and Secretary of Education. Chris began his work with us on July 1st. RN: Can you tell us about your relationship with Archbishop Chaput? CC: Yes. I’m an employee of FIF and as such I was hired by its Board of Directors and I am accountable to them. That said, during my early conversations with the Board, I requested a personal meeting with Archbishop Chaput because I knew that a good working relationship with him was critical to the success of the job. After meeting with the Archbishop, I knew that I wanted to work with him. The Archbishop is an excellent leader and is deeply committed to the students and families of the AOP. I accepted the job as CEO of FIF largely because of my respect for Archbishop Chaput and Ed Hanway and my great desire to work with both of them. RN: What do you think is the biggest misconception about the FIF? CC: I think there are two big ones. First, the word “foundation” is misleading in that it sounds as if the organization’s primary goal is to raise money so that schools can be “saved” by getting them out from underneath their debt. This is simply not true. While fundraising is an important component of FIF, our main goal is to develop a new management model through which we can re-engineer and strengthen the general operations of all Catholic schools across the AOP. This new model will certainly improve fundraising and the financial sustainability for each school. That said, the primary goal is to improve the way we do business - not to make our business dependent on philanthropy. The second misconception may be more significant than the first. Many believe that FIF is exclusively focused on the high schools, which also isn’t true. FIF is really about a new governance model. Our overall goal is to build new capacity and infrastructure into the Office of Catholic Education, which will bring about new growth, leadership and innovation for all schools across the AOP – not just the high schools.

Summer 2013 Edition • Page 2

RN: Parents make great sacrifices to keep their children enrolled in Catholic school and the cost of tuition (over $6,000 for high school for the 2013-14 year) is becoming a burden and out of reach for many families. Does FIF have a strategy to make tuition more affordable? CC: The simplest way to answer this is to say that the boldest ambition of FIF is to make a Catholic education affordable to any family that wants it. We know that affordability is an issue and we are working on strategies to deal with that. In the meantime, we need to be very proud of the quality of the education that we’re offering and we need to be able to sell it. If we truly believe that the education that we provide has value, which it does, great value, then we need to embrace that and work hard to reach out to new families who desire for their children what we have to offer. In addition to focusing on enrollment, FIF is also working to create a pool of funds for tuition assistance that over time will become self-funding as a result of increased revenue generated by increased enrollment and improved operations. The key to affordability, in our view, is more about increasing the pool of funds for assistance than adjusting the cost of tuition across the board. RN: What’s your vision for Catholic schools in Philadelphia? Where are we, as a system, in five years? CC: First, we’ll be larger than we are today. We’ll be educating more students and employing more teachers. We’ll have a more conspicuous and respected presence in the Greater Philadelphia educational landscape. Second, we’ll be dominating the public conversation on how to improve the quality of education throughout the region by collaborating, not just competing with, charter schools and local public schools. Third, we’ll be leading in innovation - our technology-based educational offerings and instructional settings will not just be new and different but better than any other system or school in the region. And finally, where we’ll be in five years isn’t just about benchmarks like growth and innovation. Instead, we will be celebrating the culture and charisma of our schools. In five years, we’ll have a renewed and reenergized focus on providing Christ-centered and nurturing environments where students feel safe, loved and happy. All this will allow us to truly celebrate our uniqueness and excellence. RN: With hundreds of articles, essays and columns written and two renowned books published on the topic of education management, can we expect a best-selling publication on the success story of the Catholic school system in Philadelphia? CC: Absolutely! And it’s a book that we’re all writing together, right now. Everything that we’re doing is part of an amazing story which we need to capture and share with others. The whole country is watching us. I know that we’ll rise to the challenge and present a tale of rebirth and rejuvenation of Catholic education in Philadelphiafrom which others can learn. RN: Wow, that sounds great. So, if the book were to be adapted for the big screen, what actor should play Casey Carter? CC: Well, I won’t be the lead character in the movie because the real headliners are the great folks in our schools who are proving to be tirelessly committed to FIF’s strategies for reform. But, if Casey Carter has a part in the movie, he should be played by someone more like Danny DeVito than Bradley Cooper. (Bambie Note: We suggest Michael Douglas. Casey is a dead-ringer for him!) RN: You have three daughters. Any chance one of them will be a future Bambie? CC: I have a special place in my heart for single-sex education as that was my own experience at the all-boys Portsmouth Abbey School. So, I really want to see the all-girls schools in Philadelphia thrive. That said, my girls are currently living in D.C. but if that changes, one or more of them becoming a Bambie is definitely a possibility. RN: You visited St. Hubert for the first time last Summer. What was your initial impression of the school and our students? CC: Yes, I attended the signing of the contract between FIF and AOP which was held at St. Hubert in August. The single most positive experience I had that day was the charm, warmth and enthusiasm of the girls. I remember it vividly. It left such a deep impression that I wrote about it in my journal later that day.

Casey Carter (left) and Bishop Fitzgerald (right) pose with a few Bambies at the Annual BLOCS Dinner

Summer 2013 Edition • Page 3

RN: Now that you’ve been in Philadelphia for almost a year, what are your thoughts about the city? CC: I’m actually falling in love with Philly. It’s such a cool city. I’m really looking forward to making it my new hometown. RN: Well since you’re becoming a Philly guy, let’s test your local preferences. What’s your favorite water ice flavor? CC: Mango! RN: Cheese steak – with or without onions? CC: With…and hold the Cheez Whiz! RN: Yellow, spicy or no mustard on your soft pretzel? CC: Spicy. RN: Phillies or Eagles? CC: Flyers! RN: Thanks, Casey. Great answers! Any final words of wisdom to our past and present Bambies? CC: You should all be extremely proud of what you accomplished over the last year. Your prominent role in the fight to keep St. Hubert open was a conspicuous sign of the rebirth of Catholic education in Philadelphia. The future of your beloved school is so much brighter because of the passion and energy of the Bambies. Continue to arm yourselves. Be proactive and diligent as we work together to lead and succeed.

Important Newsletter Information!

St. Hubert is going green.

We are committed to a sustainable and "greener" future. Due to rising print and postage costs, as well as shifts in the way the world communicates, printed versions of Re-Echoings will only be offered to active donors. However, if you are unable to support St. Hubert financially, we are happy to send you a complementary copy of Re-Echoings via email.

Tell us how you want to receive your newsletter! Please visit: You may also complete and mail the form below to make a gift and continue to receive a printed copy of the newsletter. We'd also like to know a little more about you (and keep our records up to date), so please take the time to respond accordingly.


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a new ford vehicle for FREE and help raise money for St. Hubert!

The St. Hubert Alumnae Association presents

SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM ST. HUBERT PARKING LOT For every test drive of a new Ford vehicle, Ford Motor Company and Dunphy Ford will donate $20 to St. Hubert High School, with potential to raise up to $6,000! • All are welcome to participate! • Participants must be 18 years or older with a valid driver's license. • One eligible driver per first 300 households • No purchase required • Refreshments and St. Hubert merchandise will be on sale • Take a chance on our basket of cheer and other specialty items • Interested in donating to our raffle items? Please contact Marcy Swedowski at 215-518-9938 or

COACH Bingo! ®

Sunday, October 20, 2013 1 - 4 pm St. Hubert Cafeteria Ditman & Bleigh | Philadelphia, PA One authentic COACH® handbag awarded per round Tickets $30 | Advance purchase only | Non-refundable Tickets will go on sale in September. For more information contact All proceeds benefit the St. Hubert High School Scholarship Fund.

SAVE THE DATE 20th Annual Golf Outing Friday , September 20 Philmont Country Club for more information contact Robin Skubin Nolan '90 at 215-624-6840 x 233 or

Annual Fall Craft Show Presented by

The St. Hubert Alumnae Association Good Fun, Food and Crafts!

Saturday, October 26, 2013 9AM – 2PM St. Hubert Cafeteria Entrance at Bleigh and Ditman Sts. Calling all crafters! If you are interested in reserving tables or would like more information, please contact Jackie McGrath at 215-673-9850 or

Summer 2013 Edition • Page 5

Upcoming Reunions 1951

Friday, October 25, 2013 | 1:00 p.m. The Country Club Restaurant (Philadelphia, PA) Anne - 215-624-7496 Ginny - 215-379-2433 or


45th Reunion Friday November 1, 2013 Twining Hall (Trevose Fire Company) 4900 Street Road Trevose, PA 19053 Louise Winski


35th Reunion with Father Judge Friday, November 29, 2013 Twining Hall (Trevose Fire Company) 4900 Street Road Trevose, PA 19053 Kathy Gaul 215-624-4289 or If you are having a reunion and would like us to publicize the details contact Robin Skubin Nolan '90 at 215.624.6840 x233 or

Reaching Out

1956 Virginia Fluehr Campbell’s son David was recently promoted to Lt. Colonel in the Army. 1960 Elizabeth Kopacz Koper celebrated 50 years of marriage to Bob Koper in September 2012 with a renewal of vows and dinner with family and friends. Elizabeth and Bob were proud to attended the marriage of their son, Christoper to Jennifer Watral in Cape Hatteras, NC in August 2012. 1962 Elaine Reiter Platt has two children and four grandchildren. She moved to Chicago in 1971 and then to DesMoines in 1991. Widowed twice, Elaine is now enjoying retirement. 1963 Mary Ann Baumkratz Bromley’s son, Lt. Commander Joseph Bromley, will be made “Executive Officer” of the guided missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay in San Diego in June 2013. Carol Pergolino Snowden was a nominee for the 2013 Amethyst Award given by Immaculata University. Carol has been a member of our Faculty for over 40 years. 1976 Kathleen Gronendahl Maguire just completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Thomas Jefferson University. 1994 Lynn McNulty married Joseph Shultz on May 11, 2013.

Scholarship Spotlight Judy Haughton Scholarship The Judy Haughton Leadership Scholarship was established in 2007 to honor Coach Haughton's leadership and dedication. The $500 scholarship is awarded each year to a Rising Senior member of the St. Hubert Swim Team. If you would like to support this special scholarship in appreciation of Judy's legacy at St. Hubert, please send your gift to St. Hubert and note "Haughton Scholarship" on the check or visit:

Summer 2013 Edition • Page 6

Rest in Peace:

Marie Proietta Foster ‘59 sister-in-law of Alberta Dilonardo Proietta ‘59 aunt of Elizabeth Proietta Karwejna ‘95 Mary Proietta ‘02 Dorothy Hilbert ‘55 Marianne Misnik ‘65 sister of Patricia Misnik Sauer ‘62 Maggie Misnik Benson ‘70 cousin of Charlotte wisniewski Roberts ‘53 Renee Wisniewski Fitzgerald ‘54 Barbara Berko Wondolowski ‘64 sister-in-law of Joanne Walls Misnik ‘78 aunt of Ryan Misnik Olivera ‘96 Marie D. Teti mother of Marilyn Teti Sullivan ‘72 Sister Marie Albert, IHM (former faculty) Thomas J. Connolly father of Sister Helene Thomas, IHM ‘65 Sister Anne Connolly, RSM ‘68 Francis C. Keenan husband of Regina Robertson Keenan ‘53 Franklin Michael Huber Brian Huber sons of Ann Boersig Huber ’65 Louis V. Carboni father of Gina M. Carboni ‘06 brother of Mary Lou Carboni Neidig ‘62

Kathleen Carboni Heron ‘63 Josephine Carboni Bloom ‘67 Bernadette Carboni Bridgeman ‘76 RoseMarie Carboni Coates ‘78 Janet Carboni Neill ‘83 uncle of Jennifer Heron Braun ‘91 Mary Fluehr ‘07 Thomas Riley, Sr. husband of Sheila McGlinchey Riley ‘53 Mathew Dymek father of Bonnie Lee Dymek Behm ‘75 Sara Bechtel Yoder ‘96 Dolores B. Pubenc mother of Dolores A. Pubenc Smith ‘59 Joseph Winiarski father of Angeline Winiarski ‘99 brother of Helene Winiarski LaBenz ‘65 Elizabeth Winiarski Iagovino ‘67 Kathy Winiarski Goodman ‘70 uncle of Colleen Iagovino Mettee ‘87 Helen Winiarski mother of Helene Winiarski LaBenz ‘65 Elizabeth Winiarski Iagovino ‘67 Kathy Winiarski Goodman ‘70 grandmother of Angeline Winiarski ‘99 Colleen Iagovino Mettee ‘87

Helen Elsessor Hopkins ‘48 sister of Gertrude Elsessor Beatty ‘52 Margaret Callaghan Steficek '73 sister of Mary Callaghan Gilbride '70 Kathleen Callaghan Nasca '71 Constance Amenhauser Blair ‘65 John Horvath father of Kathleen Horvath Saracino ‘70 Constance Horvath Stanchek ‘74 Joanne Horvath Hilz ‘77 John Horvath FJ ‘79 Joyce Horvath Kissman ‘81 Ashley M. Aldworth '05 daughter of Donna Cimino Aldworth '72 sister of Dana Aldworth Szymborski '94 Lindsay Shark Aldworth '07 niece of Lu Ann Cimino Quinn '74 Jeanne Aldworth '62 Maryanne Aldworth Adler '64 best friend of Tiffany Kalman '06 Frank Sasse FJ ‘57 husband of Lee Andreoni-Sasse ‘65 brother of Sr. Joan Sasse, IHM ‘58 Gail Sasse Blair ‘60

Kathryn Kistner Parker ‘42 mother of Carolyn Parker ‘69 Patricia Hizer Burnes ‘50 sister of Alice Hizer West ‘52

Summer 2013 Edition • Page 7



Save the Date!

The annual trip to the Radio City Christmas Show is scheduled for

Thursday, December 5, 2013. The bus will depart St. Hubert (Main Entrance on Torresdale Avenue) at 2:00 p.m. in order to arrive in New York in time for the 5:00 p.m. performance. The bus will return to St. Hubert around 11:30 p.m. The cost per person is $85 and includes bus transportation and a ticket to the show. This trip always sells out quickly so reserve your spot! All proceeds benefit the Faculty Scholarship Fund.

For reservations and more information, call Marianne Burpulis at 215-624-6840 ext. 224 AFTER September 4, 2013.

Bambies by the Beach August 10, 2013 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Keenan's Irish Pub North Wildwood New Jersey Tickets:

$30 - Advance $35 - At the door

Visit (for more information or to buy tickets)

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