3 minute read

Croatian Community Celebrates 28th Anniversary of “Oluja”


Sv. Nikola Tavelić Croatian Catholic Centre Clifton Hill – Youth Mass, Mass for Youth Families, and Mass In Honour of Homeland Thanksgiving Day

In the Trans�iguration of Christ, we see the promise of our own transformation.

Prepared by: Suzana FANTOV

Celebration In Honour of Victory And Homeland Thanksgiving Day And Croatian Defenders Day At The Croatian Club Adelaide

“That’s why the dawn breaks, that’s why the day awakens, thanks to them for everything, we are free people.”

Prepared by: Suzana

FANTOV; Photo: Of�icial Facebook page of the Croatian Club Adelaide, HFS Lenek Adelaide

On Friday, August 4th, 2023, at the Croatian Club Adelaide, a celebration was held in honour of Homeland Thanksgiving Day, Croatian Defenders Day, and the 28th anniversary of Operation Storm. Alongside the traditional dishes regularly served here every Friday, guests also enjoyed specially prepared spit-roasted pork. We must all be proud of and grateful for the Homeland War, as pure as a tear, and to all those who once again sel�lessly sacri�iced their lives on the altar of the homeland. We must be grateful and never forget every man and woman who defended and protected our Beautiful Homeland. Our army emerged from the ashes like a Phoenix and triumphed.

They gave their lives for Croatia, and it is up to us to make Croatia the way they wanted it to be. On the grave of a fallen Croatian hero at the Mirogoj cemetery, it was written: “Stranger, do not touch the Croatian homeland, for doves will not �ly; they will turn into falcons, and then what?”

And so, our doves did not �ly; they turned into falcons and granted us the long-desired freedom. A freedom that we must appreciate, defend, and respect. A freedom soaked in blood. Perhaps we all expect much more, which is normal, because for centuries we yearned for a free Croatia. And so, what it is like depends on all of us. We love it because it is ours; we pray for it, spread the truth about the Homeland War, teach our children about our history because they must know it.

We are the seed of an ancient tribe called Croats, which managed to survive for centuries. Never forget, because a people who forget their history fall into the same traps and pitfalls. Eternal glory and thanks to all fallen Croatian defenders. – excerpt from the speech of Dragica Šarunić, read by Dijana Adžić. The evening and socialising were enriched by the performance of enthusiastic students from the Croatian Ethnic School and the beautiful choreography of the dancers from HFS Lenek Adelaide.

In the St. Nicholas Tavelić Croatian Catholic Centre in Clifton Hill, the idea of gathering young people every �irst Saturday of the month, and last Saturday, August 5th, 2023, has borne fruit. Once again, a Mass was celebrated for youth and young families.

A large number of people attended, along with numerous children. The Mass was presided over by Fr. Bosiljko Rajić and Fr. Velimir Maglica. Members of the youth read the readings and psalm, and the Buljan family animated the church singing. The youth also served as altar servers, contributing to a meaningful experience in

**Holy Mass and Joint Celebration in honour of ‘Operation Storm ‘95.’

Prepared by: Nikola MARTIĆ

SYDNEY, NSW. Every �irst Wednesday of the month, the Croatian male Catholic group Knights of the Precious Blood - Summer Hill holds a presentation/meeting, led by a Catholic theologian or one of the Catholic leaders. However, in the month of August, all male groups from Sydney come together to hold a mass and celebrate the anniversary of Operation Storm 1995, Victory Day, and Homeland Thanksgiving. This year, the mass was held on August 2nd, 2023, at the Croatian Catholic Church of St. Anthony in Summer Hill. Before the mass, the men recited the rosary with the opportunity for confession.

Special thanks to the priests who led the holy mass and facilitated the celebration.

First and foremost, thanks to Fra Davor from the Summer Hill parish for conducting the holy mass in the newly renovated and decorated Summer Hill church. His hospitality and kindness in the ‘Franciscan way’ are always so warm towards new faces. Thanks to Fra Jerko, the celebrant of the holy mass – Fra Jerko is temporarily substituting for Fra our community, which lives and professes its faith. We celebrated the Holy Mass of the Trans�iguration of the Lord, emphasising the experience of the apostles during the trans�iguration, which gave them new strength and energy for proclaiming the good news. The sermon emphasised that we are all called to bear witness to our faith in Jesus, through whom we have access to the Father. – was the message conveyed by priests, commending all those who helped with the organisation, as well as those who attended and participated in the Mass celebration. After the Mass, a small reception and social gathering were held in the centre’s hall, and the next youth Mass was announced for September 2nd, 2023, at 5:00 PM. In the Sunday Mass celebration of the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the feast of the ‘Trans�iguration of the Lord’ was celebrated. In their prayers, special menti-