1947 Howe Military School Yearbook

Page 1


Militarv School



scent Engraving Co. Kalamazoo, Mich.

Printed by Sturgis Printing Co. Sturgis, Mich.

Cop y right 1947 Howe


It is through this book, the annual of the Class of 194 7, that we hope to record a typical year at Howe Military School and to help recall the many happy days spent on the campus.

* * *
FATHER MURPHY ,1dv isrr HORACE w. CORBIN Business M anagf'r

CoLONEL Bt..:RRETT BEEBE BouTON, M.A. (Harvard) !11/., Ind. N. G.



THE REV. ROBERT ]. MuRPHY, D.D. (Nashotah)

MAJOR ]Ai\IES s. MERRITT llow e 1917, Inf., Ind. N. G. Prof e ssor of ]Military Science and Tactics

MAJOR lRvINE L. McALisTER Cavalry, U. S. A. Principal of the L01.ver School

THE REv. EARL THO:MAS JENNINGS, A.B. (Syracuse) Howe, 19-12

ec tor of Public Relations

LEROY E. ALLEN Business 11.fanager







CHAPLAIN Librarian Emeritus Mrss GRACE LrnEY Science

MARTIN V. McGILL, M. S. (Chicago) KEITH F. DAVIS, B. S. (Central Normal) CARL B. TINGLEY, B. S. (Illinois) English

GENE B. 0PPYj M. A. (Ohio State)

RAYMOND B. KELLY . M. A. (Indiana) LESTER TucKER, M. A. (Ohio State) RICHARD A. KEEFER, B. S. (Lewis Institute) Mathematics

SHIRLEY R. GLENN, M. A. (Indiana) LEONARD W. MINER, M A. (Northwestern)

Drawing THE

llistory & Social Science

How.\RD \V. Dowxs, l\l. A. (Pittsburg) SYLV.\ x L. R E:\IROLD , ::\1. A. ( N orth\\·estern)

Languag es

]..urns \V. SLATER, A. B. (Colgate) FRED \V. HELLMAN, A. l\'1. (Nebraska) Commerce

Ron ERT J. GAR\'l' E, B. E. (\Vhitewater State Teacher College)



THE REV. EARL T. JENNINGS, A. B. (Syracuse) Assistant Principal

]Al\IES R. RVNGE, A. B. (Grinnell) 111 atron

MRS. FLORENCE D. MILLER, R. N. Tactical Officer

CAPTAIN DONALD B. STUCKEY Ilowe 193..J., Inf. Ind. N. G. Assistant T artical 0 ff irer LT. ROBERT HENRY COOPER


MRs. ELIZABETH DowNs, B. E. (National College of Education) l\fas. Lors KELLY (Illinois College) MRS. LUCILE SLATER (Cortland Normal)

DAVID R. ]ONES, B. A. (Antioch) DAVID Q. ]ONES , M. A. (Michigan) MALCOLM H. STROH, B. A. (Tulsa)


Director of Band and Orchestra


Choirmaster, Piano and Organ

ERNEST M. IBBOTSON, B. Mus. (Michigan) F.A.G.O. Choirmaster Emeritus J. JOSEPH SCHILLING, A.A.G.O. Piano

MRs. L. E. ZucK Instructor in Dancing MRS. TALITHA REYNOLDS



Professor of ll1ilitary Science r.:nd Tactics

MAJOR IRVINE L. McALisTER Ca'Valry, U. S. A. Commandant of Cadets

MAJOR ] AMES S. MERRITT Howe 1917, Inf., Ind. N. G., Unassigned Director of Band

CAPTAIN OTHO LING Inf., Ind. N. G., Unassioned

Tactical Officer, Gray Hall, Company "A,,

CAPT. RoBERT E. PmvELL Inf., Ind. N. G., Unassigned Tactical Officer, Howe Hall, Compr.nj' "B"

MAJOR VINCENT F. MALMSTROi\l Inf., A. U. S., lnact. Tactical Officer) I I oil'e I-I al!J Con1pan)1 "C"

LIEUTENANT RICHARD STROUD Hov.:e 1946 Tactical Officer) White liallJ Co11zpa11y "]/'

CAPTAIN DONALD B. STl..' CKEY Howe 1934, Inf., Ind. N. G., Unassi{!11ed

Assistants to the P. JJ1. S. & T. lsT/SGT. Lourn R. ADKINS, D. E. M. L.-U. S. Army



School Phrsirian


nru:t', 190 6

School Dmtists

Jnrns K. Dl'FF, D.D.S., LaGrange, Ind. CLARE E. \VrnDLEA, D.D.S., Sturgis, l\lich..

of I nfinnary


of White Hall









OFFICES Secretary to the Superintendent MRS.
Secretary to the Headmaster l\11ss
Quarte1·master EARL


Company "B", '++-'+7; Intramural Footba '. I, '++; Intr:11r.ural '++-'+5; l:itramural Softball, '+5; P.F .C' ., '+5; Conduct Ribbon Group, '++-'47; Intramural I'c tball, .'+S; Corporal, '+S; Intramural Basketball, '+5-'+6; Sergeant, '46; Var-,it" Baseball, '+6; Cnmus Club, '45-'+7; A l pha Delta Tau, '+6-'+7; Battalion Staff, '46; Football, '+6; Staff Sergeant, ' 46; \'a1sity Ba!--kethall, '+6-'47; Second Lieut enant, '46; Track, '47; Swore! and Shie'.d C'luh, '+6-'+7; Varsity '·H" Club, '+6-' 47.

Company '·A", '+3-'+7; Science Club, '+3'+4; Vires Society, '45-'47; Herald Staff. Intr:imu ;·al Basketball, '+3-'+7; Intramural SoftbalJ, '+3-'+7; Conduct Ribbon Group, '++-'+7; P.F.C., '45; Corporal, '+S; Sergeant, '+6; Staff Sergeant, '+6; \'ice Pres!dent Vires Society, '+6-'+7; econd Lieutenant, '+6; First Lieutenant, '+7; Marksman's Machine Gunners Medal, '+5; Mothers' Day Dance Committee, '+6; Tron Guard, '+6; Make-up Editor Herald, '+6-'+7; Editor Tatler, '47; Sword ancl Shield Club, '+6-'+7; Old Guard, '+7.

DAN R. AKERS •1- Yc:irs 'Dan"


"C lap "

Compan_v ''C", '44-'+7; Honor Card (.,roun, ' 46-'47; Conduct Ribbon Group, 'H-'+7; Intramural Basketba'. 1, '++-'+7; Intramural Football, '4+-'47; Reserve Tennis, '+6; Com u s Club; Nationa l Thespian Society; N.C.O. Club; Staff Sergeant, '+7.

PARKE B BROWN 6 Years "P.B."

Lower Schoo l '+l-'43 · Choir '41-'46 · \iVhite Footba ll Team, 1 '+1-'4-3; 'Star List', '42-'43; McKenzie Literary Society, '4 L '43; P.F.C., '42; Sergeant, '43; Company "C", '43-'+7; Midget Footba ll Team, '++'45 · Band '4+-'47 · Science C lub '44-'47 · He;·ald ' ++'; Intramu r a l 'Softball', '++-'46; P.F.C., '+5; Intramura l Footbo ll , '45-'46; Camus Club , '45-'47; Expe rt M::ichi negu:-i Medal, '45; '45-'47 ; Reserve Track, '45-'4-6; 0'.d Guard '45'47 · Conduct Ribbon Group '46-'47 · '46 · Co··poral 14-6 · Team, Radio C lub, 1 '46-'4J; Commencement " Iron Guard", '+6; Staff Sergeant, '46; Non-Commiss i oned Officers C lub , '46-'47; Expert Rifleman's M ·e dal, '47.

ROBERT D. COMMON 21/ 2 Years


Company A, '+5-'+7; Excellent Concluvt Rihhons, ' +5- ' +6-'+7; Color Guard, '+6'+7; Military Police, '+6-'+7; Battalion Staff, '+6; Captain oftball Team, ' +7 ; \'ires ociety, '+6-'+7; Varsity Football, '+6; Varsity "H" Club, '+7; Expert Rifleman, ' +6-'+7; Expert Machinegunner, '+6; Hearst Trophy Team \\ ' inner, '+6; Rifl e Team, ' +5-'+6-'47; Honor Card Group, '+6-'+7; P.F.C., '+6; Corporal, '+6; Sergeant, '+7; Iron (Juard, '46; Company Basketball, '+5; Intramural Football, '4-5.



Company "B", '+3-'+7; Midget Football and Ba ketball, '+3-'++; Intramural '++-'+7; P.F.C., '++-'+5; Marksman Sma il Bore Machine Gun Meda l , '45; Comm, C l ub, '+5-'+7; Corpora l, '+5-'+6; Supply Sergeant, '+6-'+7; Conduct Ribbon Group, '46; Radio Club, '+6.

"I I orrible"

Lower School, '+2-'43; P.F.C., '+2; Star List, '+3; Knick Football and Basketball, '+2-'+3; McKenzie Literary Society, '+2'+3; Lower School Single Tenni Champ, '+3; Conduct Ribbon Group, '+3-'+7; Company "C", '+3-'+7; P.F.C., '+3; Midc;et Football and Ba ketball, '+3-'++; Resern Basketball, '44; Intramural Basketball, '++-'+7; Honor Card Group, '43-'+7; :\lpha Delta Tau Society, '4+-'47; Corporal, '++; Herald Staff, '44-'+7; Battalion Staff, '45; Sergeant, '+5; Sharpshooter\ Machine Gun Medal, '+5; Spring Dance Committee, '+5; PAR Award, '+5'+6; Secretary, Sophomore and Junior ('lasses; Staff Sergeant, '+6; Technical Sergeant, '+6; Comus Club, '+6-'+7; Old Cua rd, '+6-'47; Science Club, '+6; NonCommissioned Officers' Club, '+6; Varsit\· "H" Club, '46-'+7; Tennis, •+6'+7; Excellence in Spanish Medal, '46; Sergeant, '+6; Second Lieutenant, '46; ;ind Shield Club, '+7; National Thespian Society, '47; Business Manager, Tatler, '47.

3 V2 Years

"Croney" Company ''B", '44-'47; Conduct Ribbon Group, '45-'47; Expert Machine Gunner' Medal, '45; P.F.C., '45; Corpora l , '45'4·6; Technica l Sergeant, '45-'46; NonCommi sioned Officers C l ub, '46-'47; Intramura l Football, '4+-'47; Intramural Ba ketba ll , '4-1-; Basketba ll Manage r, '44'45; Reserve Basketba ll , '45-'46; Varsity Basketba ll , '46-'47; Softba ll , '44-'46; VarBa ebal l , '47; Iron Guard, '46; Commencement Dance Committee, '46.

HORACE \\'. CORBIN 5 Years

ED\ 'ARD W. FORD "Ed" + Year .

Company "A", '+3-'+7; Midget Football, Basketball, '+3-'++; Intramural Football, Basketball, '44-'+7; Assistant Editor "A" Co. '44-'+5; Re!>erve Baseball, 'H'+6; Choir, '+5; P.F.C., '45; Corporal, '+5; Marksman's Machine Gunners Medal, '+5; Conduct Ribbon Group, '+6'+7; Honor Card Group, '+6-'+7; Sergeant, '46; Battalion Staff, '47; Old Guard, '47; Staff Sergeant, '+7; Vires Society, '+7; Varsity Baseball, '+7.

COE H. DICKEY, JR. 4 Years "Dinkt!''

Company ''C", '+3-'47; Intramural Football, '+3-'+5; Intramural Track, '43-'+5; All Star Football Team, '+3-'45; Varsitv Track, '++-+7; Captain \Tarsit y Track Team, '++-'+6; Varsity Football, '46-'47; Basketball, '43-'+7; Decathelon Medal, '+3-'++-'+5; Iron Guard, '+6; Cor1duct Ribbon Group '46 · Varsitv "H" Club, '++-'+7; Old '+7; Science Club, '+4-'+7; P.F.C., '45; Corporal, ' +5; Sergeant, '46; First Sergeant, '+6; Second Lieutenant, '+7; Herald Staff, '4+-'+5 Thespian Club, '+7; Non-Commissioned Officers Club, '46-'+7; Rifle Marksman Medal, '+5; Machine Gu:1ners SharpMedal, '45.


Lower School, '42-'43; Star List, '42-'+3 ; Conduct Ribbon Group, '42-'+3 ; Company "A", '+3-'47; Intramura l Footba ll , ' +3'+7; Intramural Basketball, '43-'47; R eserve Daseba ll , '++-'45; Varsity Baseball, '+6-'47; P . F.C ., '45; Corporal, '46; Sergeant, '46; Staff Sergeant, '47; Hera ld Staff, ' 45-'47; Sport Editor, Herald, ' 47; Sharpsh'.)oter's Machine Gun Meda l , '45; Conduct Ribbon Group, '45-'47; Commencement Dance Committee, '46; Founders' Day Dance Committee, '46; Company Clerk, '45 -'46; 0 1d Guard, '46-'47.



Lower Sc h oo l, '42-'43; Boxing Medal, '42-'43; P.F.C., '42-'43; , Company "B", '43-'47; P.F.C., '+5-'46; Conduct Ribbon G roup, '45-'46; Rifle Marksman's Medal, '44; Rese:·ve Baseb::ill, '44-'45; Intramural Footba ll, '45-'46; Va r s ity Baseball, '46; Varsity Football, '47; Varsity \Vre st lin g, '+5-'46 · F i r<t Sergea nt '46-'47 · Non-ComOfficers C lub; Comu's Club, '46'47; Old Guard, '45; Varsity "H" Club, '45-'47; Sergear:t-at-Arms Vars it y "H" Club; Co-Cap tain Team, '47; Ath!etic Counci l, '46-'+7


Comp-anv '•B'' '+3-'+7 · Midget Football '+3; Bnsketbail, '+3-'++-'+5; serve Ba eba ll , '4+-'45; P.F.C., '43; Corporal; Sergeant, '46; econd Lieutenant, '+6; First Lieutenant, '47; Sharpshooter' Machine Gun Me.dal; Conduct Ribbon Group, '+3-'46-'+7; Varsity "H" Club, '46; Comus C'lub, '+5-'+7; Battalion Staff, '46; \rarsity Basketball, '45-'+6-'47; Varsit y Ba eball, '+6; Vice President Varsity "H" Club, '46-'47; Co-Captain Varsity Ba5k e tball team, '46-'47; Old Guard, '47; and Shield Club, '46-'+7.


C'ompanr "C", '45-'47; P.F.C., '+5; Banc!, '+5-'+7; Orchestra, '+6-'+7; Dance Band, ' +5; Intramural Football, '45-'46; Intramural Basketball, '45-'47; Intramural Softball, '+5-'+7; Alpha Delta Tau Society, '+6-'47; Conduct Ribbon Group, '45-'47; Corporal, '+6; Iron Guard, '46; Sharpshooter's Medal, '+6; Sergeant, '46-'47; Third Place Medal, Originul Oratory C'o:itest, ' + 6; Haberly Medal, '46; Company Clerk, "C" Company, '46-'47.

SAMl'EL B. GREGORY, JR. 2 1 / 2 Year.



2 Years

Company "B'', '45 -'47; Varsity Football, '+6 · Varsity Basketball '46-'47 · Varsitv ' +7; Varsity "H" Club: ' 46-'4i: Intramural Football, '45; All Star "B" League Football Team, ' 45; Intramural Basketball, '45-'46; Intramural Track, '46; Sharpshooters Medal, '45; County Doubles Ping-Pong Champ, '47.



Company "B" '45-'47 · Aco lyte '45-'47 · St. vincent's Gui l d, '4S-'47; ' P F.C , '45; Sergeant, '46; Varsity Tr.ack, '46-'47; Varsity Football, '46; Varsity "H" Club, '46-'47; Intramura l Footba ll, '45-'46; Intramural Softba ll , '45; Band, '45-'47; Intramural Basketba ll , '45-'47; Sharpshooter's Medal, '45; Conduct Ribbon Group, '45; Iron Guard, '46; Founders' Day Dance Committee, '46; Hera l d Staff, '45'46; All Star "B" League Football Team, '46; Intramura l Basketba ll Champions, '47.

2 Yea:-s "Fra:zk"

Company "C'', '45-'47; Company Football, '45-'46; Company Basketball, '45; Softball, '46; Honor Card Group, '45-' P; Conduct Ribbon Group, '45-'47; Expert Rifleman, ,'45; Science Club, '45-'+7; \ ' ice-Pre s ident, '45-'47; Alpha Delta Tau, '+6-'+7; Treasurer, '46-'47; H a be r l y Medal, '46; Corporal, '46; Comu Cl uh, '4.f.; Thespian Society, '46; Rifle Team, 46; Masque and Gavel, '47; Radio Cl uh, '47; Treasurer, '47; Tennis, '47.

ROBERT \V. LOGAN "Wolf" 7 Years

Lower School, '41-'43; Company "C", '+3-'46; Intramural Football, '43-'46; Varity Football, '46; Old Guard, '4+-'47; Battalion Staff, '++-'45; Comu Club, '+S'47; Varsity "H" Club, '47 ; Varsity Track, '44-'+7; Expert Machine Gun Medal, '+5; Expert Rifle Marksmanship Medal, '+5; Rifle Team, '46 -'47; Corporal '+4; Sergeant, '45; Staff Sergeant, '46; First Sergeant, '46; Second Lieutenant, '+6: Major, '46-'47; Conduct Ribbon Group, '+ l-'47; Pre ident Sword and Shie ld Cl uh, '+6-'+7; President N.C . O. Cl uh, '45-'46; Honor Card Group, ' 46-'47; Flying Cluh, '45-'46; \Vrestling Team, '44-'46.


Lower Schoo l, '42-'43; P.F.C , Varsity Basketba ll , Football, McKenzie Literary Society, Star L i st , '42-'43; Conduct Ribbon Gro up , '42-'43; Company ''B'', '+3'+7; Intramural Footba ll , '+3-'47; Int ramural Basketball, '43-'47; Tennis Team, '+3-'47; Marksman's Rifle Meda l , Expe rt Mac hin e G unner s Medal, '+4-'45; P.F.C., '++; Cor p o r a l , '44-'45; Technica l Sergeant, '46-'47; Herald Staff, '4+-'45; O ld Guard, '+6-'47; Vice President Flying Club, '+5-'46; Cond uct Ribbon Gro up , '+3'++-'45-'46.


" Bob"

Company "A", '43-'47; Tennis Team, '43; Midget Basketball, '43-'44; Intramural Softball '44-'45-'46 · Reserve Track '44 · Science' C lub , ' 43-'46; Intramural ball, ' 44- ' 46; Intramural Basketball, '44' 45; Conduct Ribbon Gro up, '44-'45-'47 ; P.F.C., '4 5; Corporal, '45; All Star Football Team, '45; Re se rve Basketball Team, '45-'46; Sergeant, '46; Staff Sergeant, '46; Expert Machine Gunners Medal, '45; Old Guard, '47; Second Lieutenant, '46; Captain, ' 46-'47; Sword and Shield Club, '46-'47; V ice President Science Club, '46; Varsity Footba ll , '46; Varsity Basketball, ' 46-'47; Athletic Council, '46-'47; Commencement Dance Committee, ' 46; Varsity Vo ll ey Ball, ' 47; Varsity Baseball, '47.



Comp::ny "A", '+4- ' +7; Intramural Basketball, '++-'+7; Intramural Football, '++'+5; Reserve Football, '+6; Re eve Base bal', '++-'+7; Co:1duct Ribbon Grnup, '+·l· '47; P.F.C., '+5; Corporal, '45; Sergeant, +6 · Staff Serg e ant, +6; Second Lieutenant, '46-'47; Society, ' +S-'47; \'ire Society, '+6-'47; Acolyte, '++-'46; St. \'incent's Guild, '+5-'+6; word and Shield Club, '46-'+7; Junior '+5-'+6; Marksman's Medal mall Bore Machine Gui, '46; Declamation '++-'+7; Spri:ig Dance Com'+5; Dance Committee, '46; Herald Staff , ' 44-'+5; Iro:1 Guard, '+6.



Company "A", '++-'+7; Intramural Fno•ball, '++-'+7; Intramural Basketball, 'H'+7; P.F.C., '+5; Alpha Delta Tau, '+5'+7; Conduct Ribbon Group, '++-'+i · Honor Card Group, '++-'+7; tate Speed; Contest,· '+6; Yi res Society, '+6 1+7; "\Valves", '+6; ''Alchemy", '+6; Orator y , '+6-'+7; Haberly Medal, '+6; Medal, '+6; Secretary \'ires Society, '+r. . '+7; Secretary Alpha De'.ta Tau '+6-'+7; Comus Club, '+6-'+7; Masouc and Gavel Society, '+6-'+7; National Thespi111 Society, '+6-'+7; Sergeant, '+6; Heruld Stnff '+6-'+7 · ''Outward Bound" '+i · St; ff• '+7; Battalion taff, '+ 6 '.



Company " B ", ' 43-'44-'46-'47; Intramural Footbal l, '43-'44; Reserve Basketba ll , ' 43 '+4; Reserve Baseba ll , '43-'44; P.F.C., '43-'+4; Vice-President Freshman Cl as s, '43-'44; Outstanding First Yea r Cadet Medal, ' 43-'44 ; Intramural Ba s ketball, '+6-'+7; Intramural Softbal l, ' 46-'47; P.F. C., '46-'47; Conduct Ribbon Gro up, '43'++ '46-'47 · Vires Society '43-'44 · ComCle rk: '46 147. ' '



Company "B", '45-'47; Intramural Wrestlin g and Tenni s, ' 4-5-'47; Rifl.e Mark s man Medal, '45; Intramural Track, '46; Intramural Ba sketball, ' 46; Conduct Rih · bon Group, '45-'47; Honor Carel Group, '46; Jim Brown Pennant, '46; P.F.C., '46; Special Drill Platoon, '46-'47.


Compan\' ''A" '+4-'+7 · Midget Football, '4+; Intra:riural '45-'46; Rifle Team, '44-'47; Varsity Tennis, '45'+7; Com us Club, '45; The pian ociety, ' +7; Secretary Science Club, '46-'47; Acolyte, '+4-'47; St. Vincent's Guild, '45-'+6; Founders' Dar and Mothers' Day Dance Committee, '45; Corpora l , '45; '45; First Sergeant, '46; Second Lieutenant, '47; President N.C.O. Club, '46; Sword and Shield Club, '47; Expert Rifleman's Medal, '45; Iron Guard, '46


"Handsome IIal"

Company "C", '43-'+7; Midget Football, '+2; Com us Club, '44; PFC., '44; Corporal, '+4; Rifle Team, '+4-'46; Varsity Baseball, '43-'47 · Sergeant '45 · Varsity ''H" Cl uh '+5; Trophy Medal, '45; Expert Rifle and Machinegun, '45; Lieutenant, '+5; Sword and Shield Club, '45'47; President Comus Club, '45-'46; Captain, '46; Old Guard, '47; National Thespian ociety, '46-'47; Secretary Comns (')uh, '46-'+7; Vice-President Radio CJ uh, '46-'+7; Athletic Council, '46-'47.



Company ''B", '43-'47; Midget Football, Basketball, '+3-'+4; Herald Staff, '44; Intramural Softball, '44; All Star Football, '++-'+5; Intramural Ba, ketball, '46-'47; Re erve Baseball, ' +5; Varsity Track, '+6; Reserve Football, '46; P.F.C., ' 44; Corporal, '44; Sergeant and Staff Sergeant, '+5; Captain, '+6-'+7; Cheerleader, '+5'+7; Science Club, '43-' +7; Alpha Delta Tau, ' +4-'47; Comus C lu b, '45-'47; Thespians and Mask and Gavel, '46-'47; Varsitr "H'' C lub , '46-'47; Vice President Sophomore Class, Pre ident Junior and Senior Clas ; President Alpha Delta Tau; Conduct Ribbon Group, '43-'47; J arne Ilaberly Meda l s, '44-'+5-'46; Highest Proficiency in Chemistry Medal, '46; Dramatic Meda l , '46; Christian Courte:;v Medal, '46; Honor Card Group, '+3-'4-7.


"S hadow"

Company "A", '43 '47; Midget Basketball, '43; Midget Football, '43; Intramural Softball, '44; P.F.C., '44; Sharpshooter's Machine G unner Medal, '44; Intramural Football, '44; All Stars "B" League Team, '4+; Reserve Basketball, '44 ; Re erve Baseball, '45; Corporal; All Star Football Team, '45; Varsity Basketball, '45-'46; Varsity Baseball, '4-6; Varsity Track, '46' +7; Sergeant, '46; Varsity Volleyball, '46'47; Old Guard, '47; N.C.O. Club, '47; Technical Sergeant, '47 ; County PingPong Champ, '47.


Lo,nr School, '41-'43; Company ''B", '+3-'+6; Battalion Staff, '46-'47; Intramural Football, '43-'46; Intramural Basketball, '43-'H; Varsity Rifle Team, '45'47; P.F.C., '44; Corporal, '4+; Sergeant and Staff Sergeant, '45; Second Lieutenant, '46; Fir t Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant, '+6; Captain Adjutant, '+7; Old Guard, '+5-'47; Com us Club, '+7; The pians, Masque and Gavel, '46'+7 · VHC '45-'+7 · Secr etary Old Guard 1\ea ure; Freshman Class, ' +4, of Sophomore Class, '4+-'45, of Junior C'las!>, '+5-'46, of Senior Clas , '46-'+7; President VHC, '46-'47; Expert Medal for Rifle and Machine Gun; Doubles Tennis Championsh ip Cup, '46; Haberly Medal, '46; Fir t Place Oratorical Declamation, '46-'47; Second Place Originnl Declamation, '46; Second Place Indiana State Speech Contest; Third Place Poetrv Reading Invitational Speech '47; "The \Volves"; "vVhat A Night"; "Outward Bound''; Slrnrd and Shield Club Secretary, '46-'47.

GLENN \V. RADEL 7 Years "Glenn"

Lower School 41-'+3 · Companv "C" '43'+7; Choir, ;+3-'46;' Alpha Delta 'Tau, '43-'47; \'ice President, '47; Old Guard, '+3-'47 ; Vice Commander, '47; Honor Card Group, '43-'47; Captain Midget Football Team, '+3; Conduct Ribbon GJoup, '+3-'47; Science Club, '43-'47; President, '+7; President of Thespians, '47; Masque and Gavel, '47; Reservl! Basketball, '44-'46; Varsity Track, '46; Captain Varsity Football, '47; P.F.C., '43 ; Sergeant, '45; Second Lieutenant, '46; First Lieutenant, '46; Captain, '47; Vice President Senior Class; Sword an<l Shield Club, '46-'47; Varsity ''H" Club, '46-'47; Treasurer, '+7; Comu, C lub , '+3'+7; '47; Medals: Haberly, Best Drilled Cadet, 1st Dramatic, Science.



Company "C", '45-'46; Intramural Basketba ll , '45-'46; Intramural Softball, '45-'46; Sharpshooters Medal, '45; Corpora l, '46'47 ;Sergeant, '47; Conduct Ribbon Group, ' 46-'47.



Company 'A", '+5-'47; Intramural Football, '4-5-'+7; Wrestling, '4-5-'47; Intramural Softball, '+5-'47; Vires Society, '47; Sharpshooter Rifle Medal, '45; P.F.C., '+7; Herald Staff, '47.


Lower School, '+1-'+3; McKenzie Literary Socie ty; Varsity Tumbling Team, '+1-'+3; Rifle Drill Group, '+21'+3; Conduct Ribbon Croup, '+1-'+3; P.·F.C., Corporal, '+!'+2; Sergeant, '+3; Company "B'', '+3-'+7; Intramural Football, '+3-'+6; Varsit y \Yrestling, '+3-'+6; Varsity "II" Club, '+5'+7; Tennis Team, '+3-'+5; Intra mural SofthaH, '+6-'+7; Science Club, '+3'+7 · Vires Societv '44-'+5 · Herald Staff '++:'+5; Presiden"t' Flying' Club, '+5-'+6 { P.F.C., '+3; Corporal, '++; Sergeant, '+5; Staff Ser ce ant, '+6; Second Lieutenant '+6-'+7; Sword and Shield Club, ' 46-'+7: Rifle Team, '+6-'+7; Old Guard, '+5-'+7; Conduct Ribbon Group, ' +3-'+7; Expert Rifleman Medal, '+7.



Company ''L" '+1-'+3; P.F.C., '+1; ]"nick Basketball, '+2; Corporal, '+2; Conduct Rihbo11 Group, '+2; Sergeant, '+3; Star List, '+3; Bronze Star, '+3; Varsit\· Football, '+3; Varsity Baseball, '+3; McKenzie Literary Society, '+1-'+3; ··c", '+3-'+7; P.F.C., '45; Corporal, '+5; Sergeant, '+5; Conduct Ribbon Group, '+5-'+7; Intramural Football, '+6-'+7; Intramural Basketball, '+5-'47; Varsity Volleyball, '+7; Old (,uard, '+5-'+7; Machine Gun Medal, '+5; Staff Sergeant, '+6; All Star "B" League Football, '+5; Intramural Softball, '+5-'+7.

"TV ally"

Company "A"; Intramural Football, '45'47; Intramural Basketball, '45-'47; Intramural Softball, '45-'47; Intramural Track, '45-'47; Herald Staff, '47; P.F.C., '46; Corporal, '46; Sergeant, '47; Secretary Vires Society, '47; Co nduct Ribbon Group, '46; Play "O ut wa rd Bound," '47; Drill Platoon, '45-'47.



Company "A", '43-'47; Midget Football, '+3; Company Basketball, '43-'45; Vars it y Basketba ll , '+6-'47; Volley Ball Team, '+7; Company Footba ll , '45; All Star "B" Foot hall Team, '+5; Varsity Football, '4'5; Baseball, '44--'46; Varsity Track, '45-+7; Goshen Relay Team, 47; Sectional Track Meet, '47; Honor Ca rd Group, '46; Par Group, '+6-'+7; Conduct Ribbon Group, '44-'47; Commencement Dance Committee, '46; Expe rt Machine Gun Medal, '45; Editor, "A" Company Bugle, 'H-'45; P.F.C., '++; Corporal, '45; Staff Sergea nt, '+7; Co lor G uard, '46; Battalion Staff, '+7; Old Gu::trd, '47; Varsity "H' ' Club, '47.

Dan 1530 Seward Ave., Detroit, Mich.

I>a\'id Auer

+6H Tacoma Bh d., Fort \Vayne, Ind.

Clifford Boyce 80+ Rawson Ave., Fremont, Ohi ·>

Parkt• Brown

7+0 Lincoln Rd., Gro se Pointe, Mich.

\\'illiam Buckel 3950 So. Grant, Englewood, Colo.

Robert Common' 1006 Sanford St., Muskegon, Mich.

l loraer Corbin Corbin Pointe, South Hero, Vt.

\\'illi:un C'ronenwett 703 Main St., Lawton, Mich.

Coe Dickey 2736 Algonquin Pkway, Toledo, Ohio

Edward Ford 22156 Morley Ave., Dearborn, Mich.

John Ganila

323 Southfield, Ecorse, Mich .

Louie (,ehlert. 802+ \V. Vernor, Detroit, Mich.

Sam Gregory

1932 Kenwood Ave., Fort \VayP. e

Jim Hadden 1158 Michigan Ave., Adrian, Mic11. £Jarol<l Heine

1719 Fore . t Park Blvd., Fort \Vayne, Ind.

Herbert Heinrichs R. R. #2, Utica, Ohio

Robert Logan 105+ Riverbank Dr., Lincoln Park, Mich. Frank McArdle 18 Schonhardt St., Tiffin, Ohio

Barley Maddox 4706 \Vashington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind.

Robert Matthews 909 Pearl St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Metros

22725 Buckingham Ave., Dearborn, Mich.

Phillip Minton 6+77 Park Ave., Indianapoli s, Ind.


1063 Cove, Lakewood, Ohill

Obediente P. 0. Box 15, \Villemstad, Curacao, N.W.I. Harold Page

\V. Chicago Blvd., Plymouth, Mich.

Bristol, Indiana

Herbert Quandt. 1133 Mill St., Lincoln Park, Mich.

Glenn Radel 1624 Central Ave., Indianapolis, In<l.

Robert Raeburn 888 Park Ave., New York, York

George Rice Metamora, Ohiu

Ted Roberts

Edinborough Rd., Detroit, Mich.

John Sidell +03 E. Grand River, Fowlerville, Mich.

Robert Smith 14421 Vassar Dr., Detroit, Mich.

Wellington Squier 52 North Main St., Clarkston, Mich.


William \Valter

238 Mt. Vernon, Detroit, Mich.

Crawford St., Grand Rapids, Mich.

....................................... .
.................................... . ..... .
........ ..................... . . .. ... .............
............................. .. ... ....
\ 'e rne Pulling ................... ... ............ .. ..........................
....... ......... . .. ...... .. .............. 16534
s .454


Once upon a t ime there " ·a, an old fort; by name-Fort Howe. It lrns located in T orthern Indiana, et aside from civilization and surrounded by vast hordes of savage Indians. At the pleading cry for more people our first '1 rail Blazer', "I killed a bar on this pot" · Glen Radel, donned hi , buck-skins and on August 13th, 19-J.O, began his long trek through the wilderness to Fort Howe. One month later after numerous bribes to the Indians of the finest \Visconsin c heese, he burst forth into the clearing to be greeted by "Don't s hoot 'till yo u see the \vhites of their eyes" Jim l\Ierritt, who immediately howed him hi s stat ion on the rampart.

Later in that ame year, about New Years, in time for the New Year's Celebration, "Don't let this happen to you" Bob Logan, the originator of the 'Girl of the 11onth Club' left his prize harem to join the ranks of our s mall garr:son After receiving; trict inspection and a report for no shoes from Colonel Bouton, he shouldered his musket a nd took his position beside Glen.

Just then a hideou s peal of laughte r echoed through the wood , followed by none other than 'Klondike Bob Smith,' arriving with a bear in one hand and a copy of ' Field and Stream' in the other. He immediately became a substantial supporter of our gradua ll y increasing reserves.

We can't exactly explain how our next character arrived but it did, as a matter of fact for third mess. It was our one and only Parke Brmvn, chief electrician, master fuse blower, and president of the "Don't Frown; See B :·own Club." Drawing his musket and bandolier the following day he immediately fell to the gruelling task of carry ing on his duties for the years to come.

It was in the dead of the following night that a body floated past the outposts of the savage Indians. It was 'Breather' Rice toting a keg of his finest Ohio Home Brew. A few minutes later, in hot pursuit, came Welling Squier ('Lover Boy'). You must remember that he was after the keg. However, we managed to detain him from his wanderings for the period of six years.

The next to join our number was Timothy Bill 'Coonskin' Gehlert. By sticking two feathers in hi s hat he managed to pass as one of the Indians and arrived with little difficulty.

Arriving at this time in the yea r of 19-+2 "Boze" Maddox traveling along Indian Path No. 9, on which, by the way, he lost his horse in a poker game, accidentally s igned the school register which, unknown to him, took him out of circulation for the next five years.

The next month in one of the nearby fields, by the skeleton of a St. Bernard, our daily patrol discovered the still-warm body of 'Horrible' Horace Corbin, the terror of Vermont. The author of the "Lady of the Lake," or more commonly known as "The Chick of the Creek," was revived after seve!"al shots of formaldehyde from our beloved veterinarian. Dr. Alf Wade.

Fresh from the borders of Mexico came "Pedrito" Gavrila with high hopes of s tarting a revolution at the fort. After several exchanges of wampum with "Earl the Squirrel" he came out of the Q. M. \Vith $163.72 worth of baseball equipment and the bar of soap that he originally went in for.

Having this many in our militia we decided to form into cornpames. After tedious hours of thought, it was decided that they should be called "A," "B," and "C" companies.

Coming from Detroit and Yp·ilanti, re:pect ivel y, higlnraymen Akers and :'\Iatthew. attempted a daring holdup of the Kingsbury house-total haul $5.03 . a heated argument about who was to receive the extra penny, they decided upon a <l11el. Because of wounds inflicted during the battle they "·ere brought to Howe for medical treatment from which they recovered in fou.r years

One night our patrol came upon a ghastly sight-a man being toasted at the stake. Still clutched tightly in his right hand was the remains of his Varsity sweater. Crn.•ss \dlO? Our own "Ra:putin" Raeburn.

Receiving the Bishop's Bronze Cheerioat Medal at Plymouth Hal Page decided to try for the Golden Banana award, given exclusively at Ho,,·e. You'll have to ask him as to the success of his endeavors.

Arriving in his experimental forty-five pony power midget racer, Coe Dicke y, being impressed by cadets receiving conduct ribbons at a parade, decided to sink hi s efforts into winning one for him elf . After four years we are proud to announce that Co:: has-earned-ah---one.

Coming , trictly for the love of port , Jame s Hadden swaggered into our little abode. A fe"· days later a specia l tage coach arrived from Adrian, Michigan, carrying three cases of basketball and two ca e of baseball \vhich kept Jim quite content for the next four years.

\Vith high hopes of drilling ome new oil well in the wilderne of Indiana , came Jim Telisky. He didn't have much succe s in the oi l business in Indiana, but he di<l a fine job in his career here at Fort Howe .

Promi ing to supply Col. Bouton \Vith a new Ford each year, Henry Ford managed to get hi great-great-great grand on, Ed Ford, into our beloved Fort. Ed turned out to be the originator of the majority of practical jokes that were played at Howe, and we love him for it

Arriving from the North sometime later Herb Quandt met Bill Buckel and together they bla zed away toward our growing Fort to become two of its most loyal members.

As our Fort had became very well known through the states by this time ( 19-H) a few new member were added to our check roll. Ohio and Indiana seemed to dominate. Ohio contributed Wally l\lyers, Cliff Boyce and Herb Heinrichs, and we are grateful that she contributed these very fine members to u Indiana, the home state of the Fort, -came across with three very fine members, namely Verne Pulling, Dave Auer, and Phil Minton. We are thankful for the contribution of our home state. Along with these came three loyal members from Michigan. We were proud to have Jim l\1etros, Bill Cronenwett, and Bill Walters added to our ro ter.

Arriving a little late that year, mostly because they didn't think they wou ld like the orientation program, came Sam Gregory from the mother state, and Bob Common from the northern part of Mich igan. They stuck out the remainder of the years at Howe.

] u t last year in the fall of '..J.5 came our last members, Ted Roberts ('the Golden Voice of Howe'), Frank McArdle and Jack Sidell Along with these men cam e Carlos Obediente, our ambassador from the Dutch East Indies. Carlos might ha ve arrived a few years soo ne r, but he had a long journey.

Under these last four names we drew the line, and this list comprises the members of the 1947 graduating cla of Howe Mi lit ary School, as it is now ca lled


At:THORS: \!'\D l\1YERS

Reveille blow

get up and make their bed

get dressed.

Juniors get brave and . leep th rough reveil1e inspection. Silence reigns over Seniors rooms. Me s call blows and underclassmen go to me. s.

Lord Jim arrive with food for the Seniors' breakfast in bed. Senior go dm.vn for shower and nicotine.

Healthy Seniors arrive back in their rooms to find that the maids have already done their room

Healthy Seniors send Freshmen squaJs down to dig the smokers out of the buttroom.

Station wagons arrive to take the Seniors to school. Seniors settle down first on how to get the full benefit out of sleep.

All teachers agree that Gehlert and Cronenwett have mastered the art.

Ford throws a dart at l\fr Oppy Mr. Oppy give Ford another chance at his throat. Ford succeeds.

A gurgling noise i heard.

Radel imitates Mr. Rembold's laugh. Mr. Rembold compliments Radel on his . plendid imitation. An explosion is heard and "Ferris" Frank l\1cArdle is blown out of physics class again.

Mr. McGill waits for F :·ank to land to give him another try at perfecting the Atomic Bomb. Frank lands again.

Howe is in need of another new building. Buckel has Heinrichs attached to the static machine and assures him that it is a quick cure for insomnia.

Heinrich gets a charge out of the idea and decide to patent it. Squier had Maddox tied to the flywheel of the power plant motor and is explainini?; electromotive f orce.

Maddox agrees that it i the only way to make the privates a:dmit that they deserve a report.

pon walking into Papa Down's cla s we find Papa and Raeburn matching sun tans. Papa wins by a shadow.

Papa assigns only four chapter for tomo!TO\\'.

Telisky leads the cla s in revolt. Papa discu es the political situation in Lovver Sobvolia. No assignment given. Telisky is awarded a medal for extraordinary bravery. Matthews awakes and asks if it's time for lunch. Answer is given and Matthew drops back to dreamland.

Seniors take turns tormenting the teachers during which Brown finally wins an argument with Mr. l\!lcGill.

Station -vvagons return Senior to buttroom i,vhere the three tactical officers are anxiously a\\ ' aiting to carry them piggy-back to their rooms.

Maj. McAllister (who wa a ked to take 0. D. by Verne Pulling who is suffe r ing from an ingrown eyelash) is threatened to be bust .:. d by Gavrilla for being late in bringing the rnenues for second mess to barracks. "The source" beg for mercy and it's given. Vince gladly brings Myers and Quandt their mail.

6:00 6:0] 6:02 6:05 6:30 6:+5 6:50 7:00 7:30 7:+0 7:+5 8 :05 8 :06 8:10 8 :] 1 8:11114 8 :11 V2 8 :] 5 8 :16 8:20 8:30 8 :31 8:32 8:+0 8:+1 8:+5 8:50 9:00 9:05 9 :10 9 :15 11 :51 12 :00 12 :01 12:05


have the

return to butt rooms.

that he's going to crack do\\·n.

and meekly \\·alks a,,·ay.

so that they .may sleep after school.

to second school so that l\lajor Little

to retrie,·e the Senior at 3 :30.

ha\'e an athletic excuse so they call a cab from Taxi driver charges a dime for round trip. Logan


that this is trying on his bank account. Rice robs Senior treasury and Logan is reimbursed.

Commons and \Valters break open champagne for dessert. Col. Bouton kindly consents to pick them up and bring them back from Detroit.

brings Bobbie back from a dinner date. (Seeing that this is a perfect Senior day Bobbie has no other date.)

School is again in session. 1\Iatthews decides that a short nap \vill do him some good.

Page rows in with a battleship gray pipe in mouth and decides to work some Trig problems.

Page opens Trig Book.

Page closes Trig rook and settles down to important business, blowing chalk dust at Corbin.

Corbin passes out due to a rare tropical disease called "Clustered Lung."

Akers finds source of air and brings Corbin back to l ife.

1Iinton don fur coat and goes to l eep coiled around a radiator. Obed iente is given job chopping ice off Phil.

\Vindow is closed by popular request of one vote.

Gregory continues to stump l\lr. Glenn on a problem in calcu lu s. l\1r. Glenn admits that his classes are smart fo::- mere college work and takes up Einstein's Theory.

Class has theory exp lain ed a nd decides to relax until military motion is is passed by unanimous snores .

"Source" walks in, asks if he may have the pleasure of talking on Evolution of \V arfare. This is voted down by class and it is decided that the military department shou ld continue flying kites and flipping coins.

Enos and Grooper ask Cronemvett's opinion of h ow to steal b ases. "Enos" gives Cronenwett stea l signal.

Cronenwett dismissed for stealing bases. "Enos" signs a requisition for base and "Croney" is reinstated.

Track team watches Da vis work out.

Seniors s troll over to Q.1\1. where Earl is passing out free gum, cigarettes and candy bars.

Underclassmen are lined up in shower room to scrub backs of entering Sen iors. The cho se n few underclassmen w ho have made honor cards are permitted to go to butt room to li ght Senior weeds.

Seniors return to sound-proof quarters.

Each Senior turns on radio to have chapel broadcast to them w hil e they prepare for a l ong nap.

Six Greyhound buse s arrive bringing Seniors their g irl s from hom e for s upper and a show. Col. B. B B. pleads with them not to stay out too l ate, and to wear their uniforms, but is trampled.

"Asa" Roberts sings mess call for underclassmen, and then rejoins Seniors From here on in thing will never pass for publishing.

! ..? :..?ti 11 :311 LUI 12 12 12 : 5) 1 ;O() 1 :01 I :02 1 :02 1 :02% 1:03 1 :O+ 1 :05 1 :06 1 :10 1 : 11 2:30 3:30 3 :31 3:45 4:00 +:10 5:29 5:30 6 :00 6:06 6 :10 Lurn:h order:-. han· been filled and Seniors
l\linton sees Rembold allll reminds him
From here on in it's "Carelessness." Rt'mbnld :hudders. spit:-> 011t his gum,
kn·e athletic perio<l at this time
You are compelled to walk back
station wagons , imonized
Dicke). Logan. and
claim to

Top row (left to right) : Hart, Bobeck, Carse, Atwater, Emch, Chase, Frederick, DE., Fu lt on, Fleckenstein, Shook.

Second mw: Pellett, Milholland, Keeney, Woodhams, Schultz, Insley, GE., Campbell, J., Paulsen, Ellison, Korneffel, MapJ.e.

Third row: Trippel, Blanchard, Smith, N., Hufnagel, Yglesias, Bennet G., Swisher, Brill, \Veinstein, Booher, DeLong.

Fourth row : Bratton, Finch, Schoenwandt, Collins, Bass, Barlow, Drafta, Monroe, Hill.

Front row: Carter, Duin, \Viles.


It is to this class that the Seniors leave the future of Howe Military School. It is on this group that all the many problems of Campus life will fall beginning September 19-1-7. The Seniors have no doubt but that they will be able to handle all duties that are given to them.

With Cadet Duin as their president this class went about making all preparations for the Commencement Dance and did a masterly piece of work.

President ............................................................ Duin Vice President Carter Secretary ............................................................ Wiles Treasurer ..................................................... Schoenwandt Sergeant-at-arms Drafta

Top row (left to right) : Merriman, Eastabrooks, Gardner, Bouton, L., Hardy, Dunbar, Whittaker, Fife, Hickson, Stauffer, Enyart, Thompson, D.,

Second row: Deahl, Smith, LG., vVeller, CG., Jennings, Holt, Godfrey, Crambell, Koehne, D., Clark, ,V., Wattles, Lamb, Yerkes, McMurray.

Third row: Kissick, Dobie, McEndarfer, Nation, Barnes, Wilson, A., Dierksheide, Draper, Keel, Smith, FG., Welihan, Liss, Savoy.

Fourth row: Foy, Griffith, McAndless, Smith, GM., Peterson, DeGurse, McAdams, Bonnewitz, Stephenson.

Front row: Edwards, Poljak, Herring.


Working with the Freshmen class again this year, the "Sophs" had charge of decorations and all other preparations for the big Spring Dance. The whole affair went off as planned and was enjoyed by all who had the privilege of attending. The Sophomore class was made up this year of many old boys and a few ne"\v members. The class of '47 wishes the best of luck to all members of this class and that they may have two more years of pleasure here at Howe.

President ........................................................... Poljak Vice President
Secretary ................................ .. ....................... .Herring 'Treasurer ......................................................... Peterson Sergeant-at-arms Edwards

Top row (left to right): Laven, Cooper, R. Ha., Mudica, LeVeque, DCJA., Bro" n, \V., Setzer, V.7illiarnson, Andrews, Templeton, Bennett, RD.

Second row: Gabel, Campbell, D., Seager, Preussel, Esman, Bullock, Cndenvood, Johnson, Bo" ers, Grant, Kessler, Smacy.

Third row: Cook, Leason, \Valters, R., Stouffer, JA., Sambusky, Lower, Morre, Israel, Richard son, Plate, \Vellington, Rosselot.

Fourth row: Barr, Thompson, R., Roethel, Pappas, Moore, W., Bucknell, Hawley, Li sle, Jones, \Villi

Front row: Rice, CH., Richards, Irvine, Thornberry, Insley, CF.


\Vithout a doubt this class will not like l:eing called the young ones of the t_T pper School; neverthele ss, such is the case. l\1any of the members of the Freshmen Class are old graduates of the Lower School; again, many are new boy getting a taste of Howe for the first time.

It can truthfully be said that the Fres h men year away from hom e a nd in any boarding chool is the year that will remain with a person throughout the rest of his life. It i in th i year that many -cadet find l eader hip abilities begin to develop.

Vice Pre ident
Secretary ........................................................
Rice, CH
Treasurer ........................... ... . .......................
Insley, CF

Top row (left to right): Owens, Hunter, Hay, Ford, R., Kogelschatz, Bouton, N., McGarvey, Ritter , U nderwood, G.

Second row: Hutchinson, Schmauch, Hackett, Peddie , Sa vol di, Obering, ]., Mallett, Partridge, Dixon.

T hird row: G ib on, \Vein berg, \ V il on, R., Re y nold s, Kishman, Driskell, Ne bitt, De Foe, Gro s, RL.

Fourt h row: Riddell, DeBerry, Ell iott, Heap, Vo lp e, Recker, Ruffer.


A large group of Lower Schoolers will bid farewell to White Hall thi s Commencement and return in the Fall to be come members of the High School departm ent. It is hoped that they w ill carry with them the fine tradition s of the Lo\ver School as they emerge into th e fuller life of the sc hool.

Top row (left to right ): Szymanski, Sullivan, \/\'edge, Rorre , Reichelt, Kerregan, Silver ston, Reeves, Denman, Haynes, Prible.

Second row: Todd, Rognlie, PH., Hiatt, Sanford, Rognlie, H., Ohmart, G., Power s, Ibbotson, Cappas, Sackett.

Third row: Houghtby, Hunt, Ober, Kennedy, Ansted, Steele, Coffman.


Members of this class will become the leaders at White Hall when they return in the Fall. As such, theirs will be the responsibility of carrying on the splendid traditions of the Lower School.


The e cadets will become First Formers next year and will begin their m:>re immediate training for leadership in the school. Two more years in the Lower should fit them , be yond question, for positions of re ponsibility in later years.

Top row ( left to right): Dahl, O'Neil, '\hight, Miller, S., Galmish, M cCo , Rozan, Dolla . Bottom row: Stout, Brod sky , Traver, Hornbeck, Rieth, Obering, W., H e r sh e nh o rn, Courim.


\Vhen these young men return in the fall, no longer will they be the babies of the school. \Vith a good, sol id year's work behind them, they can look forward with confidence to the years that lie ahead.

Top ro"· ( left to right): Jackson, McKinnon, Bouton, P., Boyden, Ohmart, B., Gamron. Bottom row: Gross, RE., Patterson, Larsen, Frederick, PS., Miller, D., Marsh, CT.


Starting with a new set of officers the Lower Company developed and ·showed up splendidly in parades Captain Stuckey perfected a group in silent drill maneuver for the Commencement Exercises. The roster of student officers was : Second Lieutenants Bouton, N., Vo lp e, Obering, J. , and \\Tilson, R.; F i rst Sergeants Hunter; Staff Sergeants Gibson, Rorres and Ober; Sergeants U ndenrnod, G., Ford, R., Partridge, Gillow, Nesbit t , Ohmart, G., Su lli van, Owens, l\!1cGa rvey, Riddell, Haynes, H., l\iallett; Corpora ls O'Ne il , Rognlie, H., Cour im, Gross, R. L., Hayes, C., Kishman, Ritter, Peddie; Privates First Class Savoldi, Hutchinson, Todd, Reith, Stout, Traver, Prible, Coffma n , Houghtby, Rozan, Reichelt; Reichelt was promoted to Corporal. Cadets Ansted, Becker, Bouton, P., Cappas, DeBerry, De Foe, Dixon, Dollas, Frederick, P., Gamron, Gross, R. E., Hackett, Hiatt, Hunt, Ibbottson, Kennedy, Obering, W., Ohmart, \V., Ohmart, B., Reeves, Reynolds, Sackett, Smauch, Silverston, Steele, Tolley, \Veinberg and \Vright were promoted to Privates First Class .

Special mention shou ld be made of Cappas, Ko g lesc hatz, V nderwood , Dixon, Partridge, Owens, Dallas for the wonderful conditions of th eir rooms and alcoves during the year. There were a bout thi rty-t hree good conduct ribbon \Vinners this year. Over half the Lo\ver Cadet Corps was in th e Star List.

Prospects for footba ll a nd other a thl et ic teams were far from bright at the start of the season as a large numbe r of bo ys who had been on championship teams had gone to the Upper Schoo l. Still the sp irit of the Lower ahvays remain the same. The Knicks and Whites had a severe a nd sp irited rivalry in football even to the coaches Mr. Runge for Whites anod Mr. D. Q. Jones for the Knicks All the games were close and spirited, 7-6, 7-0, 13-0, 6-0. The Whites lost the championship by a small margin.

A strong sq u ad of Varsity boys coached by Mr. Strow gave a good account of themselves. They stepped out of their class to defeat the "B" club teams of the other sid e.

Because of no organized Midget team the Lower played the "B" teams of the compan ies. The scores were as follows : Co. CB 6-Lower 0; Co. BB 0-Lower 32; Co. AB 7-Lo\ver 13; Co. BB-4 Lower 13; Co. CB 26- Lower 0; Co. AB 6-Lower 7; Co. CB 0-Lower 7. The final ga me with the champion team CB on Founders' Day \'\.' as a thriller. Ritter broke through the line for a long run to win the game for the Lmver after a tight battle . This was the only defeat "C" Co. suffered the whole yea r. The letter men were Savoldi , McGarvey, Obering, ]., Hunter, Nesb itt , Kogleschatz, Kerri gen, Underwood, Ritter (Co-Captains) Volpe Mallett, Bouton, N ., Gibson, Reynolds, and Peddie.

Soccer was played between the club teams by those not on the basketball squad up to the holida y seaso n. Mr. Jones, D. R. and Mr. Runge and Strow coached the soccer. Mr. Jone s, D. Q. began his basketball squad.

Social events crnwded the calendar all year. The big opening event was the Hallowe'en Party. It was held in the Living Room of White Hall which had heen transformed into a witches' paradise with fantastic, weird and eerie decorations and effects produced by the magician :Mr. Runge and his helpers. The weather was fine and the harvest moon was shining. A happy crowd of youngsters and grownups ga thered for the frivolities from all over the campus. There we:-e costumes, original , comical and beautiful. The best looking costumes were worn by Norman Bouton and Rhys Ford; the most comical by Volpe and Rozan, the most original by Hunter and Wilson. Barbara Jones and Gretchen Downs were prize winners representing the campus. Mr. Ibbotson played for the musi cal chairs. Fortune tellers were present \'\.7 ho looked into the future. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Rice and the faculty served refreshmrnts to the crowd.

. car the Yacation came the big party with Santa Claus present w brighten tht' occasion with gifts for all. ::\Irs. Kelly and l\Irs. Slater coached a group of hoy ,- ,,·ho presented a very interesting program and declamations, skits and musical selections. The cadets under the direction of l\I r. Ibbotson led all in the singing of Christmas Carols. l\Iany parents and campus guests were present to help the boys celebrate. ·

Right after examinations came the big mid-winter social event-the Football Banquet in honor of the Varsity Squad which had uch a succe sful season. The faculty and taff were present and the Superintendent honored the team. After a most delicious dinner as only the Kingsbury House can serve it, the cadets on the squad received their letters from l\lr. StrO\v.

Immediately after the football season there were the usual activities periods where each boy participated in Speech classes, Art, Tumbling, Club Basktball both Junior and Senior, Hobbies, and Boxing. Captain Stuckey guided the hobby work, Mr. Runge, Tumbling and Basketball; l\lr. Stro\v, Boxing; Mrs. Slater, Art; Mrs. Kelly, Speech. Mr. D. R. Jones helped in skating, hikes, tobogganning and nature trip s . l\lrs. Downs cared for all the grades.

The boxing instructions aided the Golden Glove competition. This was held after Spring Vacation w ith O'Neil, De Berry, McGarvey winning in their respective classes. One more match remains between Volpe and Nesbit to decide the winner.

The basketball sea on started in earnest during the soccer season with the Coach Jone s, D. Q. having no regulars from the Championship team of the year before. Only Ford, Bouton, N., and l\lcGarvey had any experience with that team. Mr. Jones worked hard to perfect play and the team during the season did have some real highli ghts. One \Vas again t the difficult Honeyville team-the only one to defeat the team of the year before. Too, on the trip to Toledo to play l\1aumee Country Day and Pike Schools in Ohio did the team reach heights winning the majority of games on the road. The squad was McGarvey, Ford, (Co-Captains), Bouton : N ., Ritter, Peddie, Underwood, Reynolds, Hays, Hackett , Gibson, Sackett and Gillow. A 19 game schedule was played.

The club teams had a spirited series which was won by the Knick Seniors and the \Vhite Juniors.

There was an exciting tournament among the seniors in ping pong which was won by Savoldi with Gibson as runner-up.

Fifty-two candidates presented themselve to Fr. Jennings for the tumbling sq uad in preparation for the June Exhibition. After much practice the squad was cut to the following cadets: Becker, De Berry, Kishrnan, Mallett, Nesbitt, Obering, J., Savoldi, Volpe, DeFoe, Peddie, Ritter , Bouton, N., Denman, Kerrigen, Rognlie, P. , Rorres, Steel, Wedge, Reeves, Kennedy, Tolley, Courirn, Dollas, Hornbeck, Obering, \V. , Rieth, O'Neil, Wright, Galmish, Bouton, P., Frederick McKinnon, Marsh and Patterson The Fiery Hoop of Death will again be a feature with clown falls, and other features. Poljak ·will be the assistant director following in the footsteps of Glendinning, Bob Murphy, Henderso n and Reisig.

During the Spring seaso n, Mr. Strow worked up a strong track team. They have a meet with La Grange and a few are being taken to the Elkhart Sectional Meet. Savoldi is doing five feet in high jump. Mr. Jones, D. Q. , is coaching softball for the cadets not on the Varsity Baseball Squad. Coach Jones, D. R., is working with the beginners in tennis-Kishman , Rognlie, H., Rognlie. P., and others. Captain Stuckey is busy whipping his baseball team into shape. Middlebury was swarnpted 19 to 7 on its own grounds. The bad spring weather has kept the playing fields in bad shape. His squad consists of Pitchers-Reynolds, Ford, Bouton, N ., McGarvey; Catchers-Hunter, Galmish, and Tolley; Fielders-Hackett, Obering , ]., Dixon, Kogelschatz, Kennedy; Infielders-Gibson, Gillow, Hunt, Nesbitt, Peddie, Savoldi, Underwood, Volpe, Weinberg, Heap and Sackett is manager. The Knicks and Whites played softball with the Knicks winning.

The club track meet brought out much talent. For the \Vhites, Savo ldi and Underwood were tied for honors with 13 points apiece. For Whites Jr., O'Nei l took honors at 15 points and Gamron was second with 11 Y2 points . For the Senior Knicks, Owens was honor man with Ford and Kogelschatz tied for second honors. For Junior Knicks Galmish scored 13-Yz points and Traver scored second honors.

The Todd Literary Society enjoyed a very successful year under Mrs. Kelly's direction. Their officers \Vere: President, Courim; Vice-President, Rozan; Secretary and Treasurer, Dallas, O'Neill. They presented plays, skits, declamations and musical selections to make very intere ting evenings.

The McKenzie Literary Society under the direction of Fr. Jennings had a very busy year with many features, oral debates, declamations, skits, musical selections on trumpet, violin, piano, special feature movies and interesting talks by visiting speakers. Capt. Glenn gave a very fine talk on under water sounding; Lt. Cooper and J\Iaj. Thompson talked on Japan and China. The officers who guided the soc iety this year were President, Volpe; Vice-President, Gibson; Secretary, Bouton, N.; Assistant Secretary, Obering, ]. ; Treasurer, Rorres; Parliamentarian, Hunter. Mr. Baackes, an old Lower boy, presented the Society with a fine gavel. The Society had a fine out-of-door picnic at North Twin Lake. There were games, good food, hamburgs fried in the open and pop. The whole Lower Staff helped and there were other outside guests.

During the year Fr. Jennings had a faithfu l group of acolytes numbering over twenty. The group consisted of old church boys and the newly confirmed: Frederick, Bouton, P., Becker, Ansted, Bouton, N.,· G ibson, Dixon, Hutchinson, Gamron, Heap, Tolly , Ibbotson, Prible, l\1cGarvey, Rorres, Wedge, Sullivan, Courim, Hornbeck, and Mallett the Head Server . There were meetings for instruction in churchmanship and proper serving at the altar.

This year a special drive has been made to improve the music in the whole school. Mr. Ibbotson is at the Lower nearly every morning t'o direct all the cadets in g-roup singing. He has had many choir practices to produce fine voices who have sunr: quite a few times away from the campus. Mr. Ibbotson ha s had fine results with boy choirs. We expect to hear a singing group from the Lower at Commencement time.

The Lower boys in the choir were: Sopranos-Becker, Bouton, P., Gamron, Gross, R. E., Steele, Mallett, Prible, Kennedy, Courim, Coffman, Ruffer, Freder ick, P., Ibbotson, Obering, W., Dallas, Jackson, Patterson, B. Altos-Gross, R L., Gillow, Rognlie, H., Wedge and Weinberg.

The Lower cadets gave most generously to char iti es including the Lenten Mite Boxes, The Cancer Fund, The Crippled Children's Fund and the Red Cross.

Our Library has had several new books added this year for the enjoyment of the cadets. Better reading is being emphasized by Mrs. Kelly. Her remedial reading classes have been quite a help to some boys who were ha ving difficulties On Washington's Birthday under the direction of l\1rs. Kelly and Mrs. Slater the Lower boys did well in their declamations befor e the schoo l at Blake Hall. Ah:o in a contest for medals, their work was superlative-Kog leschatz received first p!ace in th e Humorous select ion with Riddell second; McGarvey was first in Oratory and Nesbitt gave the best Declamation.

There was an exh ibition of all the Lower cadets' academic work. It consisted of maps, notebooks, papers in all subjects and projects. Many practical things were made in Art Class this last year-mats, belts, etc. Models and other art creations were under the supervision of Captain Stuckey and Mrs. Slater.

In the academic work this year, the following boys have been elected to· the Beta Lambda Sigma for the highest academic achievements, Thomas Cappas, David Hackett, Helge II Rognlie, Charles Courim, Neal Patterson, Robert E. Gross, Richard Sackett, Gerald Underwood and Peter Bouton. The officers and old members were :President McGarvey, Vice-President Gillow, Secretary and Treasurer, Richard L. Gross,

Hasbrouck Hayne:. :\Icetings were held with the sponsor and two initiations were cond11ctcJ. A joint dinner \ms held with the C pper Honor Society. "A" groups were taken to entertainments, shows and movies by Fr. Jennings. l\Iany Rrward of :\Ierit cards "·ere issued this year for fine study records. The mo t "A" privilege carJs were received by Gillow, Gross, R. L., Cappas, Haynes, Hackett, Sackett. l' nderwood, \\',.right, Rognlie, H., :\IcCarvey, Ohmart, Dollas, Bouton, P., Bouton, N ., Courim, Obering, J. Fifty-one boys received "A" privileges at some time this year. This is a splendid record for it means a BPI average in academic and an AP l in conduct.

Going back to social events there was a post vacation Carnival with all the color and noise and fun of a real Carnival. The cadets with the: help of Mr. Strow and l\lr. Runge transformed the gymnasium into a tent sho\Y with real barkers, pop, hotdogs and all the trimmings. A great number of parents and friends were present for the fun to knock down the bottles, ring the hook, hit the dodging target, shoot the targets, visit the museum, etc. The Carnival was a great success for all attending.

Then there were the Todd and l\IcKenzie picnics. The Todd picnic \Vas held at North Twin beach where Mrs. Kelly with the help of the Lower Faculty planned a very successful picnic with hamburgers hot off the fire, potato sa lad , pop, pies and other goodies. These were added to the fun of games and contests.

Then to head all the picnics came the a nnual Lower picnic at Cedar Lake with games, softball, eats, boating, swimming, tugs-of-war and other events.

l\Iothers' Day saw a fine social occasion in the dance at the Lower. The Lower School Living Room had been transformed into a bower of flowers and miniature Lakes by the magic touch of l\lr. Runge and his committee of Honor Society boys who sponsored the dance. The dance band gave out music for every kind of taste-soft and draggy and fa t-stepping music. A receiving line headed by President l\1cGarvey and his date, Fr. Jenning , Bi hop and Mrs. Mallett, Col. and l\,frs. Bouton and the Lower Faculty. There were over 50 guests and cadets on the floor. The ceiling was a bower of color with balloons reaching acres the center. Refreshments v;rith special decorations of carnations with a mothers face were served along with special rakes. This was an affair never to be forgotten.

The wheel ride to Ft. Wayne came on June 2nd. Over fourteen riders left for the Kingsbury House for breakfast early in the morning ready for the long push. The cadets stopped all along the line at the towns for eats and rest. Arriving at Avilla, lun ch was eaten along side the road. At Hotel Keenan there was a friendly welcome, showers, a sumptuous dinner and show. Then back to Howe really tired and happ y. The riders were Hayes, Kogelschatz, Mallett, De Berry, De Foe, Elliott, Becker, Hunter, Bouton, N., Dixon, Cappas, Gillow, Bouton, L., Poljak and Mr. Runge and Fr. Jennings.

The All-Point l eaders now are Cadets Gillow, Cappas, Hackett, Underwood, Courim, Gross, R. L., Rognlie, H., McGarvey, Heap, Bouton, N There is a tight race right down to the last lap.

Beginning with the ·waterme lon ride in the fall there were many Sunday hikes taken by faculty members. The boys went to man y parts of the country around Howe including nature walks near the rivers and lakes. There were many monthly Star List feeds for tho se cadets lucky to keep their conduct high.

It was a bann er year with few irritations, little sickness and many happy activities There were many instructive and entertaining sound movies shown by Hunter and his staff. 1\lr. Hunter also, generously sent some fine free movies to the cadets. Mrs. Miller arranged many parties on birthdays and this made life more happy for everyone. So the end of the year comes, climaxed by the joy of receiving diplomas by the eighth grade for work finished. Also there will be many rcipients of prizes for a little special effort over others. To these and all our departing boys hearty congratulations are extended on their promotions and honors. There is always a sadness in parting but a joy in going forward and higher. May we expect a newsy l etter all about the summer to reach here about August first for the yearly Lower Family Letter.


The choir ha put in a hard year's work under the guidance of Mr. Ibbotson Great improvement ha been noted which augurs 'vell for the future. l\1r. Ernest Ibbotson, Mus. B., F.A.G.O .............. Organist and Choirmaster Mrs. \Valter Crandell Choir Mother Sopranos Alto Barr Gill ow Becker Gross, R. L. Bouton, P. H. Rognlie Coffman Wedge Courim \Veinherg Doll as Frederick GamronTenors Gross, R. E. Mr. Keefer Ibbotson Schultz Jackson Savoy Kennedy Jennings Mallett Obering Ba Patterrnnses Powers Mr. Jon es Prible Mr. Kelly Ruff er Bouton, L. Steele Stouffer, J. A. Schuman Deahl

Middle row: Lisle, Havt"ley.

Bottom row: Setzer, Wiles, Heinrichs, Fr. Murphy, In sley, Whittaker, Brill


Affiliated with the Order of St. Vincent, national guild for acolytes, the servers at Howe carried on the work in splendid fashion during the past school year. It is doubtful whether a better trained, more efficient and more faithful group of acolytes cou ld be found anywhere in the Church.

Cadet Heinrichs has served as Head Acolyte during the past year under the direction of Father Murphy.

Top row (left to right): Richard , Edwards, Keeney, Campbell, J., Le Veque, Gardner, Cooper.





A splendid group of cadets, representing both the Lo,nr and Upper Schools, received the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation at the hands of Bishop Mallett on the evening of Passion Sunday.

These boys will now take their places in the life of the Chapel along with the other Communicants of the school.

row (left to right): Becker, Hackett, \Vedge, Kishman, Todd.
row: Gamron, Gil low, Patterson, Frederick, PC., Marsh, CT.
rD\'\" : McGarvey, Campbell, D., Edwards, Campbell, J., Hawley, C nderwood, G.
Top row (left to right): Lieutenant Stroud, Sergeant Vacinek, Sergeant larke, ergeant Greenwood. Front rov\·: Major Malmstrom, Major McAlister, Colonel Bouton, Major Merritt, Captain Stuckey. THE MILITARY STAFF Superintendent Colonel B. B. Bouton P. M. S. & T. Major I. L. McAlister Commandant of Cadets ................................... Major ]. S. Merritt Director of Band Captain Otho Ling Tactical Officer, Company "A" Captain R. E. Powell Tactical Officer, Company "B" ...................... Major V. F. Malmstrom Tactical Officer, Company "C" Lieutenant R. F. Stroud Tactical Officer, Company "L" Captain D. B. Stuckey
THE BATTALION STAFF Battalion Commander Cadet Major Robert Logan Battalion Adjutant. ............................... Cadet Captain George Rice Battalion Clerks and Orderlie ............... Cadet Staff Sergeant James Telisky Cadet Staff Sergeant Ed Ford


COMP ANY STAFF Captain R. E. Matthews 1st Lieutenant D. R. Akers 1 t Sergeant L. A. E lli son Supply Sergeant E. A. Drafta


2nd Lieutenant Pulling; T /Sgt. Rae burn; S /Sgt. Blanchard, S/Sgt. Metros, Sgt. Smith, N., Sgt. Carse, Sgt. Commons, Cpl. Chalfant, Cpl. Smith, LG.; Pfcs. Gardner, Williams, Roberts, Moore, RS, Bratton, Barnes, RS; Pvt. Ea tabrooks, Shook, Thompson, D, Weller, DGA, Bennett, G, Preussel, Peter on, In l ey, CF, vVa lter s, R, Draper, Rice, CH, Korneffel, Stouffer, JA, Rosselott, Templeton, Willis.


2nd Lieutenant Minton, T /Sgt. Finch, S /Sgts. Fox, Milholland, Gavrila; Sgt. Walters, W; Cpls. Yg le sia s, Deahl; Pfcs. Enyart, Brown, W, Harness; Pvts. Leason, Andrews, Herring, Griffith, DeGurse, Keel, Welihan, Law· rence, Esmann, Moore, W, Jones, Smith, GM




Captain H. C. Quandt

Znd Lieutenant E. D. Auer

1 st Sergeant W. L. Gelhert Supply Sergeant W. L. Buckel! Company Clerk VV. H. M y er s


1st Lieut·enant Hadden, T /Sgt. Cronenwett, S /Sgt. Wiles, Sgts. Myers, Weller; Cp l s. Barlow, Lamb, Bonnewitz, Swisher; Pfcs. Kissick, Wattles, Koehler, Hawle y , Hart, Heine, Smacy, Johnson, Barr, LeVeque, Israel, Foy, Wellington, McAndless.


2nd Li·eutenant Squier, T /Sgt. Maddox, S/Sgt. Heinricks, Sgts. Booher, Hobeck; Cpls. Edwards, Obediente, Brill, Insley; Pfcs. Hickson, Chase, Monroe, Collins, V\Thittaker; Pvts. Kessler, Bullock, Thornberry, Cook, Roethel, Frederick, Schultz, Stephenson, Mudica, Gabel Smith, FG, Richardson, Savoy, Campbell, McAdams, Clark.




Captain G. W. Radel

1st Serg eant R. M. Duin Supply Sergeant F. McArdle Company Clerk S. B. Gregor y


2nd Lieutenant Corbin, T /Sgt. Brown, PB, S/Sgts. Smith, · RO, Hufnagel; Sgts. Paulsen, Sidell; Cpl s Dirksheide, Nation; Pfcs. Lower, Dobie, Irvine, Hardy; Pvts. Thompson, Underwood, J, Dunbar, Seager, Laven, Emch, McMurray, Lisle, Pappas, Yerkes, Liss, Trippel, Richards.


2nd Lieutenant Dickey, T /Sgt. Boyce, Sgts. Carter, Bouton, L., Poljak, Gregory, Schoenwandt; Cpls. McArdle, Keeney, Wilson; Pvts. Maple, Sambursky, Pellett, Jennings, Cooper, RHa, Fife, Grant, Plate, Bucknell, Stauffer, JW, Merriman, DeLong, Campbell, J, Setzer, Page.




Second Lieutenant. Volpe

First Sergeant


Second Lieutenant, Bouton, N., Staff Sergeant, Gibson, Sergeants, Ford, R., Mc Garvey, Owen , Underwood, G; Corporals, Hay , C., Peddie, Reichelt; P.F.C. DeFoe, Dixon, Hackett, Hutchinson, Prible, Reeve , Reynolds, Savoldi, Schmauch, Silver ton, \Vein berg; Privates Dri kell, Galmish, Kerregan, Koge lschatz, Malmstrom, Miller, S., Powers, B. L., Ritter, Szymanski, Wedge, Boyden.


Second Lieutenant, Obering, J.; Staff Sergeant, Rorres; Sergeants, Haynes, H., Mallett, Nesbitt, Sullivan; Corporal , Gross, R. L., Kishman, Rognlie, H.; P.F.C., Becker, Bouton, P. H., DeBerry, Hiatt, Ibbotson, Kennedy, Ohmart, B., Rieth, Rozan, Sackett, Steele, Todd, Tolley, Traver, Wright; Privates, Dahl, E lli ott, McCoy, Rognlie, P. H., Sandford.


Second Lieutenant, Wi l son, R.; Staff Sergeant, Ober; Sergeants, Gillow, Ohmart, G., Partridge, Riddell; Corporals, Courim, Heap, O'Neil; P.F.C., An ted, Cappas, Dollas, Frederick, P. C., Gamron, Gross, R. E., Houghtby, Hunt, Jackson, Obering, VV., Patterson, Stout; Privates, Brodsky, Coffman, Hershenhorn, Hornbeck, Larsen, Marsh, C. T., Mill-er, D., Ruffer.



Again thi year the band ended it work with an out tanding record of performances. Along with the military ceremonies on campus, the band also played one of the fine t annual Spring concerts in many years.

Ling and his fine musician are to be most highly prai ed for their fine work thi year.

Nation, Draper

Griffith, Seager

Brown, PB., Stauffer, JW. 1 Galmish

Gregory, William, Lamb

Hein ricks, Bouton, L.

Campbell, D. 1 Keeney, Whittaker

Flute ............................................................... Lisle Saxophones
Trumpet Shook,
Trombones .........................................
Baritone Duin Basse ................................................
Drums ............................... Hardy,

Top row (left to right) : Leason, Finch, Kissick, Bratton.

Center row: Swisher, Mr. Droste, Duin, Bouton, L., Milholland, Campbell, J., Gregory, Brown, W., Booher, Chase, Bonnewitz, Moore, W.

Bottom row: Carse, Smith, N., Metros, Quandt, Radel, McArdle, Auer, Corbin.


This year the A lpha Delta Tau Society has h ad one of the lar gest memberships 111 its history. A high academic standard and good cit izensh ip are the requirements for entrance.

In the process of accepting new members into the Society, many initiations of both formal and informal type were held during the year, with feeds following. In April the Society had its annual feed in LaGrange w hich was grea tl y enjoyed b y a ll members.

Col. Bouton and Mr. Droste President

Facu lt y Advisers

Herbert Quandt Vice President.

Glen Radel Secretary James Metros

Treasurer · Frank McArdle Sergeant-at-Arms

David Auer

.......................... ., .. . ...

Rear row (left to right): Auer, Corbin, Dickey.

Center row : Hadden, Quandt, Minton, Akers, Pulling, Radel.

Front row: Rice, GVV., Logan, Matthews.


The Sword and Sh ield C lub is one of the mo t hi g hl y regarded organi zat ion s on Campus. It is made up of cadet comm issioned officer , a nd was organized with the purpo e of discovering, discu sing, a nd solving some of th e everyday ca mpu s problems that are always arising-.

Once each week the c lub meets wit h th e Superintendent, the P. M. S. & T., and the Commandant of Cadets. The e frequent meetings with the h eads of the diff ere nt departments help to make a bett er integrated sc hool life and b e tter feeling among th e member of the Cadet Corp

Co l. Bouton, Major McAlister, and Major Merritt Pre ident .

S taff Advisers

Robert W. Logan Secretar y George W. Rice

. .......................................... ....

Top row (left to right) : Barr, Bratton, Roberts, Savoy, Weinstein, Mr. Keefer, Kissick, Keel, Koehne, Esman, Schultz.

Bottom row: Yglesias, Griffith, Metros, Smith, N., Finch, Hufnagel, Akers, Deahl, Gavrila.


Every week during the school year the school's own newspaper has been published, and every week it has been read by hundreds of people all over the country.

The Howe Herald has become the principal factor in reporting the many school events to the parents at home and also to cadets here on campus. The alumni are kept in constant touch with all school activities and their changes of address are announced for others to see.

This year the Howe Herald started its year under the supervision of Mr. Allen, and was later taken over by Mr. Keefer. Members o.f the Cadet Corps form a staff and elect their own editor who then has the responsibility of running the paper. This year this difficult job was very nicely handled by Cadet Dick Finch.

Pictured above are a number of cadets who have shown a real interest m publishing the Herald, and who have held various positions on the staff throughout the year.

Top row (left to right) : Aker , Rice, GW., Raeburn, Bouton, L., Smith, RO., Matthews, Maddox, Corbin, Hickson, Milholland, Buckel.

Second row: Squier, Gehlert, Hadden, Ford, E., Telisky, Dickey, Page, Wattles, Yerkes, Yglesias, Quandt.

Third row: Brown, W., Swisher, Bouton, N , Barnes, Wi lson, Stephenson, Poljak, Rorres, Gavrila.

Front row: Wiles, Logan, Radel.


The Old Guard is composed of cadets and masters, members of the school for at least four years. Seniors may be elected into the club after three and a half years if they are passed by an unanimous vote of all members

By selling flowers for the formal dances, an old standby of the organization, they plan to continue the project started last year of constructing a room in one of the new buildings here on campus. This room will contain all pictures of former classes and will be used by the Alumni as a meeting place when they pay visits to the school.

Top row (left to right): Cronenwett, Shook, Habeck, Heine, Corbin.

Second row: Bass, Heinrichs, Fox, Wiles, Squier, Herring, Godfrey, Mr. Tingley.

Third row: Auer, Keeney, Milholland, Gehlert, Commons, Chalfant, Logan, Page, Poljak.

Front row: Ellison, Dickey, Quandt, Telisky, Rice, GW., Hadden, Radel.


The Varsity "H" Club is probably one of the most highly esteemed organizations on the campus.

Here we find the Varsity letter men in an association which has as its aim the p :·omotion of good sportsmanship on campus. All men who are awarded a Varsity letter are considered for membership and accepted on the basis of character.

Being one of the largest and most widely representative clubs on the campus, the Varsity "H" Club has had several feeds and other social events during the course of this year.

Beginning the year under the superv1s1on of Mr. Stambach the organization now has as its faculty adviser Mr. Tingley.

The Varsity "H" initiations are always looked forward to by all members of the Cadet Corps.

Bottom Row: Frederick, DE., Whittaker, Brown, vV., Pulling, Radel, McArdle, Insley, GE., Finch.


With such an umque name the Science Club members hold their heads high among other organizations here on campus. The club is composed of cadets who have shown a desire to know more about the mysteries of science.

The club has been active this year, holding many meetings at which time various scientific topics discussed. These subjects always differ, but one that seems to hold the mind of most of the cadets is the atomic age and its influence upon our future.

Under the direction of Mr. McGill the Science Club has done much to help make all aware of the many problems of science and some of the ans wers.

Top row (left to right): Bonnewitz, Hickson, Schultz, Habeck, Mr. McGill, Stauffer, JW., Kissick, Lamb, Stephenson.


Meeting bi-weekly with the Superintendent, along with a member from the Sword and Shield Club, the three highest ranking non-commissioned officers of each of the Upper School companie discuss problems of the Campus.

After a discussion of any problems that may be found connected with life here at Howe, this organization offers suggestions to the Sword and Shield Club. In this manner it is found that closer contact may be kept with the Cadet officers and the rest of the Corps.

Faculty Adviser Col. Bouton


Top row (ldt to right): Finch, Cronenwett, Raeburn, Boyce, Brown, PB. Front row: Maddox, Duin, Gehlert, Ellison.
Secretary :

Top row (left to right): Corbin, Wiles, Mr. Tucker, Spon or, Rice, G., Buckel.

Fourth row: Pulling, Boyce, Blanchard, McArdle, Auer, Bouton, L.

Third row: Shook, Dierksheide, Hufnagel, Brown, P. B., Paulsen, M·etros.

Second row: Logan, Schultz, Dickey, Booher, Finch.

Bottom row: Gehlert, Quandt, Radel, Hadden, Page.


When first organized, the Comus Club had the grand total of eight members and was called "The Eight Club." After a short life the club went into what might be called a dormant tage, and remained so until 1943 when under the helping hand of Mr. Tucker the club was again formed under the present name. The name was derived from the name of the god of joy and mirth.

With the helping hand and guidance of Mr. Tucker, the members did some real acting this year, having produced a three act play entitled "Outward Bound"; four one-act plays were also presented, "A Fiance for Fanny," "A Cup of Tea," "Four on a Heath" and "The Other Side," all of which were greatly enjoyed by the members of the Cadet Corps.

This year the Comus Club has been granted charters to the following national organizations-The National Thespian Society, for dramatics; The National Masque and Gavel, for speech, and the newest, The National Forsenic League, for speech and debate.

Top row (left to right): Roberts, Metros, vValter , R., Andrews, Williamson, Willis, Ford, E.

Bottom row: Keel, Akers, Minton, Walters, W., Deahl, Commons.


For the past two years the Vires Society has been working on a project to help rebuild a school in ravaged Europe. The school sponsored has been The Boys School of Houffalize, Luxemburg, Belgium. The project is carried on through the National Preparatory Schools Committee of the Y.M.C.A. Through this Committee the members of the Society try to raise a fund of $150.00 a year which they earn by doing , in their free time, any jobs they can find.

In addition to the raising of this fund, the Society aims to raise the moral and spiritual tone of the Corps as a whole.

The Society functions under the faculty supervision of Col. Bouton and Mr. Miner.

Phillip H. Minton Vice President


Daniel R. Akers Secretary William E. Walters Treasurer · Albert F. Deahl Faculty Advisers Col. Bouton and Mr. Miner



Starting with very little more equipment than they had last year the Radio Club now has almost as much equipment as a regular full power radio station. This year the Radio Club has become one of the more prominent organizations on campus.

All boys interested in radio were asked to join the club, but not everyone was eligible. A list of requirements was drawn up and all cadets were required to meet these before they were admitted to the club.

The Radio Club is the only organization on the campus which can boast of having its own building. This building is located next to Col. Bouton's home. After a complete house cleaning and general repairing the dub opened its doors for this year.

The club's faculty adviser is again Mr. Oppy, who has had a lot of experience in radio. Mr. Oppy, in trying to teach the cadets more about radio, has set up many experiments which the cadets work out in their free time.

Top row (left to right): Brown, \iV., Hardy, Thornberry, Draper, Mr. Oppy, Morres, Wattles, Koehler, Lamb, Buckel. Seated: McArdle, Quandt, Hickson.


Beta Lambda Sigma, Lower School honor society, is composed of Lower cadets who for at least one semester have attained high academic and conduct ratings. Cadets remain members so long as these standards are maintained

Beta Lambda Sigma is to the Lower School what Alpha Delta Tau is to the Upper School and membership is eagerly sought by all Lower cadets.

Top row (left to right): Bouton, PH., Rognlie, H., Hackett, McGarve y , Bouton, N., Underwood, G., Hayne , Gross, RL., Cappas Bottom row: Fr. Jennings, Gross, RE., Courim, Ohmart, B., Sackett, Gi ll ow, Patterson, Mr. Runge.

Top row (left to right): Wilson, Weller, CG., Logan, Paulsen, Rice, GW., Brown, PB., McArdle, Yerkes.

Front row: Pulling, Commons, Wiles, Major McAlister, Squier, Smith, N., Richardson, Deahl.


It takes skill and calm nerves to align the sights correctly on the tiny bullseye of a rifle target, but this year the school was fortunate in having a: number of boys who could qualify for this job.

With the P.M.S.&T., Major McAlister, as their instructor, these boys became proficient in their rifle marksmanship, and showed possibilities of becoming one of the outstanding teams in this part of the country.

The entire team fired in the Second Army Service Command, and achieved a high score, for which they will receive Varsity awards at Commencement. They also participated in many other matches throughout the year, and set a fine record for the teams in the future to follO\v.

Top row ( l eft to right) : Coach Stambach, Bass, Koehne, Mgr., Chalfant, Richards, Bouton, L., Herring, Lamb, Coach Davis, Bratton, A s't. Mgr.

Third ro-w: Finch, Smith, N., Minton, Keeney, Shook, Common , Maple, Ellison.

Second row: Radel, Godfrey, Telisky, Hadden, Gehlert, Dickey, Auer, Quandt, Griffith.

Bottom row: Milholland, Raeburn, V\7 iles, Robeck, Fox, Matthews, Logan, Heine.


Again thi yea r Howe played Var ity Football. The fir t day of practice sho wed that there was plenty of interest and Coaches Stambach and Davis immediately started looking for good material.

The first game of the season was with the Garrett Reserves and the team "steamrollered" to victory, w hich seemed to start it off on the right foot for a successful season.

Next, the team piled into cars and traveled to Wabash to Io.se to a tricky and experienced team with a smooth "T" formation.

Then the Howemen , again on the road, went to Lansing and after watching a Michigan State College game they lost a muddy night game to Lansing Tech.

Founders' Day brought the final game of the year against the Elkhart Reserves. Howe had been beaten by Elkhart previously, but went out to seek a glorious revenge. The game was played by both teams in wonderful fashion. The "Cats" played the game with plenty of spirit and were outstanding in their tackling, but they could not keep pace with Elkhart's touchdowns. The final score was 13-0 in Elkhart's favor, so an inexperienced but hard fighting Howe team bowed out

The following are those who were awarded Varsity letters: Chalfant, Commons, Dickey, Ellison, Fox, Gehlert, Godfrey, Hadden, Heine, Herring, Logan, Matthews, Milholland, Poljak, Radel, Raeburn, Shook, and Wiles.

Cadet Radel was chosen as the team's captain after the end of the season.



T op ro w ( left t o right ) : A ssistant Coa ch Tin g le y, C ronen we tt, H eine, W il es , Teli sky , Coa c h Da v is

B ottom row: A ss i stant Mana ge r Ro eth el, Hadd en, Raeburn, Fox, Au e r, Poljak, Manager Barne s, RS.


"Indiana madness" hit Howe this y ear in a grand manner. Hitting the first few games with an unsea soned team , the boys came through under the consistent clirection of Coach Davis and Tingley to win their last ten games. After losing four of their first five games the team first showed signs of progress by knocking off a rival Shipshev1,' ana team ++-30 and continued by defeating Orland 36-32.

Immediately following Christmas vacation the "Cats" met the powerful Lima team again in a game which could almost be called fate. The game \vas lost 32-33 Howe led by on e po int up to within three seconds of the close of the game when Lima dropped in a shot just as the buzzer sounded.

In the County Tourney the team started out easily to beat Brighton 46-18. The test came the following day when they were to meet the Shipshewana outfit again. Although Howe had easily defeated the Indians before, nothing seemed to go right that Saturday afternoon and the Howe men were forced to bow out with the score 31-36.

Then the team came to the successful end of their schedule. Playing ten games they lost only two of them. The teams that they defeated were: LaGrange, 29-17; Detroit University School, 67-24; Brighton, 44-15; A lbi on, 47-34; Scott, 38-18, Salem Center, 52-42, and Lima 29-28 (overtime). The Lima-Howe struggle was the first game in the Sectional Tourney and it was played in typical Indiana style keeping the spectators on their feet continuously. The games which the team lost were to Cranbrook in an overtime 31-33 and the second game in the sectional against a strong Ligonier team 24-30 .

Thus ended another season of basketball at Howe. Outstanding were Bob Raeburn, leading scorer of the season, Jerry Fox, who showed remarkable improvement to become a tough center, Dave Auer, who consistently came through with a gGod share of the points and hard work, and speedy little "Pappy" Poljak who repeatedly was where he was needed and had a wonderful knack with long shots

Following the season Cadets Bob Raeburn and Jim Hadden were cho sen captains by a vote of the letter-men.

The letter-men for the season were Raeburn, Fox , Auer, Poljak, Hadden, Cronenwett, Heine and Telisky.


Top row ( 1-eft to right) : Assistant Coach Tingley, Finch , Templeton, Setzer, William s, Harness, Coach Davis.

Bottom row: Manager Barnes, RS., Hardy, Bouton, L., Richards, Merriman, Rice, CH., Sambursky, Assistant Manager Roethel.

Top row (left to right): Smith, L. G., Esman, A s't. Mgr., Mr. Kelley, Coach, Bennett, G., Mgr., Williamson, Ass't. Mgr.

Second row: Rosselott, Smith, N ., Robeck, Nation, Brill, Swisher.

Bottom row: Kessler, Bass, Ellison, Gehlert, Keeney, Willis.


The varsity wrestling team again this year completed a very successful season. The team started out under the able direction of Coach Stambach and finished the season with Mr. Kelly coaching them.

Although wrestling is quite a new sport here at Howe the team has showed a vast amount of improvement in the past three years. One indication of this is that when wrestling was first taken up, Howe was no match for the mighty Sturgis team, but this year the team defeated Sturgis all three times they were matched against them.

The "muscle-men" lost to a very tough Hammond Park team and by a narrow margin to Morgan Park Military School, but they came back splendidly to defeat Cranbrook and South Bend Central.

The big time came though when they traveled to Bloomington to their bid in the State Tournament. With a successful season behind them they stepped into the tournament with a determined attitude and in two days came out in glorious fashion. The team as a whole placed sixth in the state and indivi·dually mighty "Mouldy Bobeck" took second and "Crusher" Gehlert took fourth.

All through the season the team was sparked by its co-captains, Ellison and Gehlert.


Those awarded varsity awards were: Keeney, ]., Bass, Gehlert, Ellison, Habeck, Willis, Rosselott, Bennett, G F., Mgr.

Reserve awards were given to cadets Barnes, Bonnewitz, Brill, Smith, N .. Herring, Nation, Dierksheide, Kessler, Esmann, Mgr., Williamson, Mirr.

Top row ( left to right): Coac h Davis, Insley, GE , Shook, Heinrichs, Lavnence, A ist ant Coach Ting l ey.

Second row: W il son, Rice, CH., Bouton, L., Matthews, Auer, Weller, CG ., Nation.

Third row: Irvine, Milholland, Ri c hard s, Raeburn, Keeney, Kessler. Front: Herring, Maple, Te li sky, Dickey, Drafta.


Again thi s yea:· Howe has h ad a n outstanding season. So far there have been meets, all of which \Vere h ere at sc hool. Teams defeated were Fremont, Shipshewana, Lima, LaGrange, Hamilton and Co ncordia.

On April 19 the t eam participated in the Goshen Relays , which is one of th e outstanding track tournaments held in Indiana. Howe made a very good showing by placing ninth in a field of 27 Class B teams The sprint relay team, consisting of Dicke y, Drafta , Raeburn, and Maple, r ece ived medals for placing second and the mile relay team of Telisky, Drafta, Maple and H err ing r ece ived gold ribbon s when they placed fourth.

At present the team is wo rking hard in preparation for the county tourney. Th e team is determined this year to make it three in a row , as Howe has taken th e tourney for two yea r s no w .



Howe-Lima-LaGrange Goshen Relays

Howe-Hamilton-Fr emont Howe-Concordia Howe-Garrett (at Garrett)

County Tourney

Howe-Albion Howe-Ligonier-Lima Howe-Kendal ville-Concordia (at Kendal v ille) Howe-Concordia Sectional Tourne y (at Elkhart) State Track Meet (at Indianapolis)

Second row: Weller, DGA , Eastabrooks, Hadden, Ellison, Smith, LG., Ford, E., Minton, Leason, Peterson, Bass.

Front row: Chal fant, Sambursky, Poljak, Geh lert, Cronenwett, Hardy, Gavrila, Bass.


This year the baseball team started practice as soon as the weather permitted in preparation for a tough schedule of eleven games.

As we send the "Tatler''. to the printers the season is just beginning to get und er way. The team has played five games so far a nd has won three. The first game was against Shipshewana wh ich ended, 5-4 in the "Cats" favor. Next it was a tough Middlebury which defeated Howe 4-6 in a close game all the way. The following Saturday the team traveled to Salem to win another game 5--L After this win they ran up against a hard-hitting Albion team and were set for a l oss of 11-6. The following Wednesday the team went into the win column by defeating Salem at Howe by a score of 6-2.


Howe ( 5) -Shipshewana ( 4)

Howe ( 4 )-Middlebury ( 6)

Howe ( 5) -Salem ( 4) (at Sa lem)

Howe ( 6 )-Albion (11)

Howe (6)-Salem (2)

Howe vs. Angola (at Angola)

Howe vs. Detroit University School

Howe vs. Angola

Howe vs. Decatur

Howe vs. Middlebury (at Middlebury)

Top row (left to right): Assistant Coach Sgt. Greenwood, Templeton, Smith, N., Fu lton, vVi lli ams, Insley, CF., Fox, Coach Slater.


This year, sparked by four Seniors, the Varsity Tennis squad, a lthou gh getting off to a slow start, is now, as the Tatler is going to press, showing great improvement. Working under the handicap of having no coach, the team first lost to Concordia 2-4 and then defeated the Goshen team 5-0. Following this they ran up against the E lk hart courtmen and were defeated 1-6 leaving one match yet to be played this season. The captain elected by his teammates was Rice, G. W.

Top row (left to right): Pulling, Maddox, Rice, G., Corbin, Boyce. Bottom row: Page, Stephen on, Thornberry.


Class of

Congratulations to the Class of '47 Ray Fleckenstein & Son's l Sales Agency .____________M__ __ BRODBECK TRUCKING CO. 2310 South
St. South Bend, Indiana Congratulations to the
1947 PFENNING DAIRY BAR Howe, Indiana

Congratulation s To The CLASS OF 1947

A Word To The Wise

"If you have fine horses, always insist on the best oats. Ask for Fancy Race Horse Oats from the Rice Grain Co."

The Rice Grain Co.

''Oat Specialists"

- .--
Metamora Toledo, Ohio

Congratulations To The CLASS OF 1947 G. W. Radel

Congratulations To THE CLASS OF 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Logan Walter and Gordon


Congratulations To THE LOWER SCHOOL Class
1947 Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Dollas
Congratulations To The CLASS OF 1947 Mr.
Mrs. Howard
Fox * * Huntington Woods, Michigan

and Best Wishes To THE CLASS OF 1947

* * Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lewis Telisky

Congratulations To THE SENIOR CLASS Compliments Of

Mr. and Mrs. Harley M. Maddox Compliments To The Class Of 1947

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Metros

To The CLASS OF 1947

Of H. Rognlie Company 2832 E. Grand Blvd. Detroit 11, Michigan

* * Mr.
and Mrs. D. Gavrila

To The

OF 1947

and Mrs. Ralph D. Matthews

* * Mr.
The Compliments Kingsbury Of House Shoup Howe, Indiana CLEAN Funeral HomeCOMFORTABLE HOMELIKE Over Fifty Year Of Service Phone 34 C. E. Schaeffer, Prop. Howe, Indiana Congratulations To The Class Of 1947 Scott-Neal Sanitarium, Inc. 8220 Euclid Avenue Cleveland 3, Ohio

Best Wishes To The Class Of 1947 For A Happy and Successful Future

W. J. Gardner

Congratulations and Best Wishes To The Senior Class Of 1947



and Mrs. Hazen W. Smith


CONGRATULATIONS To The Class Of 1947 * * George W.
Company Equipment For Heating Cooling Heat Exchange Condensate Drainage Vibration Control Fluid Flow Control 16525 Woodward Avenue Detroit 3, Michigan

Compliments Of The


Cadet Major R. W. Logan Cadet Captain G. W. Rice Cadet Sergeant E. W. Ford Cadet Sergeant J. R. Telisky


Best Wishes, Health And Prosperity To
CLASS OF 1947 The Metamora Elevator Co. Metamora, Ohio Congratulations To The CLASS OF 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monroe Page

Grand River Ave. Detroit, Michigan

HOgarth 9015 Congratulations to THE CLASS OF 1947 Gale SmithUSED CARS 9927
Congratulations And Best Wishes To The CLASS OF 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Auer
L. A. Hanson H:udson Dealer New And Used Cars Kinsman, Ohio North American Van Lines, Inc. A Nation-Wide Moving Service For Your Household Goods Call or Write Edgett & Hall Moving & Storage Co. Battle Creek, Michigan 146 Capital SW Phone 2-5107 Compliments Of Dr. and Mrs. Irving H. Walters Grand Rapids, Michigan

To The

OF 1947


3800 Maple Street Dearborn, Michigan Phone CE 3300

OF 1947


Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gregory
Dearborn Machinery Movers Company, Inc.
Compliments And Best Wishes
William Ford

Compliments Of

Traver Corporation

358-368 West Ontario Street Chicago, Illinois

P. C. Traver, President

George D. Searing

10F02; Res. 10F03


Central Heating Company


Detroit 21, Michigan


Furniture - Insurance - Notary Telephone: Office
(D. A. Laven) 15905
Couzens Highway
Fife Electric Supply Company Wholesale Electrical Supplies 541
Larned Street Detroit, Michigan
Our Congratulations To The Class Of 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V. Squier Compliments Of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Sidell THE CLASS OF 1947

Congratulations To The Class of "47" Company "B"

"Smuck" Atwater "Bobbie" Auer "Char" Barlow "Sally" Barr "D-B" Bennett "Bunny" Bonnewitz "Boo-Boo" Booher "Bow Wow" Bowers "Bill" Brill "Buck" Buckel ''Frog" Bullock "Rreaks" Campbell "The Creeper" Malm s trom "Gunder" Chase "Calihan" Clark "Cheeky" Collins "Form" Cook "Jeanne" Cronenwett "Helen" Edwards "Gunboats" Fredericks "Flip" Gabel "Harris" Gehlert "Marian" Hadden "Keys" Hart "Dink" Hawley "Mirror" Heine "Molly" Heinrichs "Truby" Hickson "Star" Hile "Little Vince" Robeck "Gordo" Insley "Vulture" Johnson "Moaner" Kessler

"Kissit'' Kissick "Wilmer" Koehler "Ba" Lamb "Loose Joints " Leveque "Mac" McAdams "] oker" McAndless "Boze" Maddox "Poncho" Monroe "Glo" Myers "Al" Mudica "He-She" Morre "Obeed" Obediente "Pooch" Quandt "Butts" Richardson "Fixer" Roethel "Herm" Schultz "St. Bernard" Smith, FG "Squeek" Squier "Steve" Stephenson "Swish" Swisher "Little Tex" Thornberry "Jack" Wattles "Schnoz" Weinstein "Chick" Weller "Chet" Wellington "Ferris" Whittaker "Dum-Dum" Wiles "Lightning" Savoy "Pro" Smacy "Dinky" Foy "Moses" Israel "Toot" Woodhams "45" l\1unn

Congratulations to the Class of 1947 From Company "C"


Commanding: Capt. G. W. Radel First Sergeant: Duin Company Clerk: Sgt. Gregory Supply Sergeant: Cpl. McArdle


Cornma1:iding: Lieut. Corbin Flt. Sgt.: S/Sgt. Brown, PB Flt. Guide: Sgt. Paulsen

SECOND PLATOON lST. SQUAD S/Sgt. Smith, RO Pvt. Thompson, R W Pvt. Underwood, J Pvt. Dunbar Pvt. Lower Pvt. Seager Cpl. Dierksheide

2ND. SQUAD S/Sgt . Hufnagel Pvt. Laven Pvt. Emch Pvt. Irvine Pvt. McMurray Pvt. Lisle Pvt. Pappas Pfc. Hardy

3RD. SQUAD Sgt. Sidell Pfc. Dobie Pvt. Richards Pvt. Trippel Pvt. Liss Pvt. Yerkes Cpl. Nation

Commanding: Lieut. Dickey Plt. Sgt.: S/Sgt. Boyce Plt. Guide : Pvt. Maple

IST SQUAD Sgt . Carter Pvt. Jennings Pvt. Sarnbursky Pvt. Pellett Pvt. Cooper, RHa Cpl. Schoenwandt

2ND. SQUAD Sgt. Bouton Pvt. Fife Pvt. Grant Pvt. Plate Pvt. Stauffer, JW Pvt. Bucknell Pfc. Keeney, ]

3RD. SQUAD Sgt. Poljak Pvt. Merriman Pvt. DeLong Pvt. Campbell, ] Pvt. Setzer Pvt. Page Cpl. Wilson

To the members of Howe's graduating cla s go our congratulations, and our sincere wishe for succes in all their further undertakings. The world will alway welcome those \veil trained young men who have learned early in life to reach their goals through intelligence and hardworking persistence.

JACKSON PRODUCTS Warren, Michigan Makers of Arc Welding Electrode Holders and Cable Fittings; Industrial Eyeshields
Visit The NEW WASHINGTON CAFE In Sturgis For GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Good Atmosphere Air Conditioning WE CATER TO HOWE PATRONS ESPECIALLY 200 East Chicago * . * Compliments Of JACKMAN'S Dependable Drugs St:urgis, Michigan * * T ·HE NATIONAL CARBON COATED PAPER COMPANY Sturgis, Michigan
HOTEL ELLIOTT STURGIS, MICHIGAN "Always A Good Sunday Dinner" Served From 12 to 4 P. M. Phone 278 Sturgis Telegraph Florists 506-510 So. Nottawa St. Sturgis, Michigan
CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 1947 When in Sturgis make our big modern store your Headquarters for Drugs and Sodas Lind Walgreen Drug Compliments of MR. JAMES GERITY, Jr. "A Friend"
Compliments of Warner's Hardware Howe, Indiana W. Walter Crandell 40 Years of Servioo To The Members of Howe Military School HOWE, INDIANA 1 Only Merchandise With A National I Reputation For Quality SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES Arrow Shirts Dobbs Hats Florsheirn Shoes Phoenix Hose Jantzen Swim Suits Rugby Sweaters Swank Jewelry Pioneer Belts CARL REHM CLOTHING CO. STURGIS, MICHIGAN The Sturgis Printing Company Jncorporated STURGIS, .HICDIGAN
COMPLIMENTS OF * * The I-XL Furniture Co., Inc. Goshen, Indiana Sectional Kitchen Units Sink Tops

To The Class Of


Oven King Bakeries 13469 Conant Road Detroit, Michigan

R. A. DeLong, President




Commanding: Capt. R. E. Matthews Executive Officer: 1st. Lieut. D. R. Akers First Sergeant: A. L. Ellison Supply Sergeant: E. A. Drafta Company Clerk: Sgt. N. Smith


Commanding: Lieut. Pulling

Plt. Sgt : T /Sgt. Raebu:-n Plt. Guide: Smith, N. lST. SQUAD Sgt. Carse :t;astabrooks Shook Thompson, D Pfc. Gardner Weller, DGA Bennett, G Preussel Pfc. Williams Sgt. Commons 2ND SQUAD S/Sgt. Blanchard Peterson Insley, CF Pfc. Roberts Walters, R Draper Rice, CH Korneffel Pfc. Moore, RS Cpl. Chalfant 3RD. SQUAD S/Sgt. Metros Pfc. Bratton Stouffer, JA Rosselott Templeton Willis Bass Pfc. Barnes, RS Cpl. Smih,t LG


Commanding Lieu. Minton

Plt. Sgt. T /Sgt. Finch Pl Guide: Godfrey IST SQUAD S/Sg. Fox Fleckenstein Fulton McEndarfer Pfc. Enyart Koehne, D. Pfc. Brown, W Williamson Sgt. \Valters, W 2ND SQUAD S/Sgt. Milholland Crambell, R Holt Leason Andrews Herring Griffith DeGurse Keel Cpl. Yglesias 3RD. SQUAD Sgt. Gavrila Pfc. Harness Welihan Lawrence Esmann Moore, W Tones Smith, GM Cpl. Deahl

Compliments of Porter's Cut Rate Drug Store Sturgis, Michigan CONGRATULATIONS! HOWE CADETS "Builders of True Am e rican s" J. C. PENNEY CO. STURGIS, MICHIGAN CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 1947 The Dickey Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of AWNINGS - TENTS - TARPAULINS VENETIAN BLINDS "· I)

Compliments of Mr. Robert H. Dunbar

Seville Apartment Hotel

Second & Peterboro Street Detroit, Michigan

Compliments of


Hills Mt. Clemens, Michigan

377 Cambridge
f • Best Wishes and Hearty Congratulations to the GRADUATING CLASS OF 1947 * *For your sporting pleasure ... See the new ... 1947 PLEASURE BOATS Speedy ... Spacious ... Beautiful ... Compliments of The Champlain Transportation Company Established in 1826 BURLINGTON, VERMONT

East Lansing, Michigan

R. Hunter, Owner

Our Congratulations · Class of 1947 FROM CAPITAL FILM SERVICE 224 Abbot Road
Special Representative For Bell and Howell Motion Picture Sound Equipment Filmosound Speaks For Itself

Room Boys

Boze Bill Boorae Bob Buzz Big-Dick Compliments of "B" and "C" Smoking
Buckshot Cheeky Clap Dum-Dum De-Short Eddie Glenn Hank Obeed Pancho Parke Hal Yo:u Get Luck We Get Stuck You Are Glad We Are Sad Jack Louie Mac Herb Reynolds Sonny But We Wish You Joys You Senior Boys Squeek Smoky Smitty Wa-Wa Woody Wolf Congratulations to the Class of 1947 From the Boys of God's Country (Indiana) "General John" Gardner "Toad" McEndarfer "Count" Deahl "Chili" Williams "] ackie" Stouffer "Parker Pen" Harnes Gary South Bend South Bend Whiting Fort Wayne Muncie

"Herb" "Buzz" "Buck"

Good Luck to THE CLASS OF 1947 John "Big John" E:Uison Fred "Grooper" Greenwood Class of 1944

to the Class of 1947

of THE PILGRIMS "Wa" "Eddy" "Louie"

"Tim" "Bill" "Croney"

Compliments of Venus Chocolate Shop "We Welcome Your Visits" MR. and MRS. JOHN PAPPAS Anderson, Indiana


Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Korneffel


State Bank of Lima


1 Congratulations · To
Senior Class
again may we renew our pledge of helpfulness to the community and offer our strength, our experience and friendly assistance whenever it may be useful.
INDIANA Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. & Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Congratulations to the Class of 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Atwater


The Senior Photographs In This Tatler Were Made By leone Sturgis, Michigan Duplicate prints may be had at any time. r---------------------------------------------... Congratulations To The Class of 1947 M. & M. News Stand Sturgis, Michigan r---------------------------------------..., THE TATLER EXPRESSES ITS THANKS TO THE ADVERTISERS WHO HA VE MADE THIS BOOK POSSIBLE
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