1942 Howe Military School Yearbook

Page 1

H E S E N I 0 R C L A S S

Copyright 1942 Howe Military School Howe, Indiana

Engravings by Crescent Engraving Co. Kalamazoo, Mich

Printed by Journal Publishing Co. Sturgis, Mich.

Oll I1J graduating· lass this year goes out into a different world than Ja ·ses of former year. ba Ye faced. Many of us will go into the arm) ' , some into the nayy and mo"t of us will he more or les.' p rmanently .· parnted.

\Vhatever path we take and regardless of what life has in store for us, we would like, as one of our last aet. at Howe, to leav behind this reconl of the of 194:...

T o a fine friend of every boy on the campus. To o n e who has taken a personal interest in· all of us and one whom we regard with the highest esteem and will always remember as a friend, ... Lieutenant Edward Perrott.
* * * *
* * * * *
TATLER BOARD ..WALTER RrcHAHD l. ns Ed itor-i 11-C!1ief \V lLB lTR CARTER KAISER J1 sso ciate Editor f<JLNIER BLOEM wHITE Sports Editor ARTHUR B. ELLERY, JR. B11s.:ness Manager 1HE REV. ROBERT .J. D. D. Fa c uliy Adviser
THE EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Supe ri nteud eut CoLoNEL BrnRETT BEEHE BoeToN, M . ...A.. (Harvard) I. N. G lleadlila.ster P111LIP DROSTE, Ed M. (Harvard) Chaplain rl'HE REVEREND ROBERT ,J. MURPHY, D. D. (Nashotah) Commandant MA.TOR JAMES S. MERRITT Ho'i.u 1917, Captain !.. N. G. Professor of Military 8c ·ie11ce a11cl Tactics LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ALBEHT L. TUTTLE Infantry, U. S. A. Principal of' the Lower School '*' THE REVEREND J1.JARL rrHOl\'IAS JENNINGS, A. B. (Syracuse) Acting Principal of the Lower School HowARD WrLSON DowNs, M. A. (Pittsburg) Bitsiness M crnager FRAN l{ MARVIN LITTLE' SR. Hov..'e 1 905 Director of Prornotion CAPTAIN GEORGE S. PRESTON Hov.:e 1918, Lieu/. Inf. Res., U.S. A. *On leave w h ile serving as Chaplain, U. S. Army


'J.11 rn SuPERT :rTENDENT Sacred Studies

'::l11:lE CHAI LATN Mathe m atics a n cl 111 echcmical D m1Ving 'FHE TIEADMAS'I ER Liu1·a1 ·ian M1 ·s GRACE LIBEY H eacl of Science D epw· tm en t E GENE \V. MoRnAN, B . R. (Illinois) Ho<iue J 929 Head of Lan,qncige D epM tm ent JAMES W. SLATER, .A . B. (Co]o·ate) Latin

CAPTAIN SHIRLEY l . GLENN, M . 1. (Indiana) Inf. I. N. G.

English and Dir ecto r of Physiccil E d 11 cation D. HEWITT 11JA 1', B . P. E . (Purdue)

*KOTE: Mis Grace Lib e y and Mr. Ronald Van :\r dale 1v ere pn.: n .! nt ed from being present for the picture by illn s


.Toux L. NrPE, B. K (Ball 8tate)

Di J'<'cf or of Cfo id a nee

II EWITT, M \. (J\Iichig·an)

DoN.\LD H. O'B1mrn, :M. R (Michigan)

Jlatll r n1 at

M. \. CWisconsin)





M. ...A. (Iowa)

M. S (C h icago)

Lunrnn l\L B.\.RRETT, A M. (DePauw)



Jlf cd

E . Qurn


ics I•1 n.\xc1:-; \\'". 'J 1 rro.i\1 PsoN,
I/earl of 11.J' Ji{fl isli flep({ rtm e
l-11 1uNc1s ,J. I L\LBY,
\. (
alld Drn lll rtfics RoxALD Y .\X .. \m-mALR,
Co/JI 111r'ffial R\LPH l\I. McGnxnr,
·ntiocli College _,ls istants DArrn JoNEs GEORGE
/' Oil MBs.
Toctical Officer LrnuTEN ANT DoN AL,D B STucrrnY Jlo:we 193+, M. P., Res., U.S. A. Lmcer School l n s t rncto ·r s RAYMOND B. KELLY, .A . B . ( Illi no i s Co ll ege) J\fas. Lois KELLY (I ll ino i s Co ll ege) MRs. LucILE SLATER (Cor tl a nd N oTmal) RcssELL L . B S . ('Wes t ern M i chi gan) MRs . BARBARA BARRETT, A . B . (DePa u w) THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Director of Band m id Or chestra CAPTAIN OTHO LING Infantry, I. N G. Choirmaster, Piano ancl Or gan .T. JosEPH ScrHLLING, L A G 0 Instnicfre s in D ancing Mrs· DoROTHY MILLER


Professor of J.1Jilitary Science and Tactics

. ..:\Lr.ERT L. Tc TTLE 111/antry) U . S. A.

CoJJ11J1Cllldant of Cadets 1fA.JoR .JA1\1Es 8. M:rrnmTT ! N. G., Hov .'e 1917

Dir ecto r of Bcind CAP'J'Alr:r OTHO LT G !11fa11try, I. N. G.

Tact'ical Officer, Gmy Hall

CAPTA.1 :r S:i:nnLEY R. LENN Infa1111:y) 1. N. c;.


White Hall

Lrn1 TENANT Do :rA Lo B. STu 'JCEY Ho-:..ve 193+, M. P., Res., U.S. A.

H oiue Hall

Lrn 'l'ENA T Ji..1DGAR M. PERROTT Hou•e I 934

A 'i.sistrmt to the P. M. 8 . & T. SmwE.\?\l"T Jrn-rn:Pn C. lIERCZEG, D. K M. L., U. S. A .


ALFRED \ rnswoRTH WADE, M. D. Hor.i•e J 903 WILLIAM JloWAHD MoRRJSo , M. D.




1actfral Office?',
Tactical Officer,
HEAL TH DEPARTMENT School Phy ician ·
School De1dists
Supe rint endent of 111/innary Mr.·s 1\fancELLA
D1£etitian MARY 0 . BrnoN Q,uartennaster GEORGE ARTI-Tun E..,r 'HER Howe J 904 Accountant ROBERT J-D. p
Sec r etary to the Supe r intendent MRS. PALMERLEE

r111w S('ltool lll0111'11R the loss of two old friernh; this year.

Member of the facultr since 19:29. Head of the Commerrial Department and for fiye years Director of the Howe Summer Camp.

Graduated from Howe in rn::w.. In 1934, returned to 11ecome secretary of the school, which position he held until the time of his death.



"A b11er"

Band '40-'42; P.F·C. '40-4-1; Honor Card Group '40-'4 I; Orchestra. '40-42; Varsity football '+n-'42; National Contest Winner (Clarinet) '41 ; Dan ce Orchestra '41'42; Sec. Senior Class; Sec. College Prep Club '41-'42; Associate Editor H erald '+ 1-'+2; Conduct Ribbon Group '40-'42; Vice Pre iclent Varsity "H" C lub '42; 1st Sgt. '41-'42; Chapel Orchestra '41-'42; Quill and Scroll '42; Linco ln Day Play '42; Editor of Tatler.



Band '41-'42; P.F.C. '42; Varsity football '41 ; Company basketball '41-'42; Orchestra '41-'42; Dance Band '41-'42; Honor Carel Holder '41-'42; Co ndu ct Ribbon Group '41-'42.

1========="42 "===========l


".\" '+ 1-'+2; Company football '+ 1; P.F .C. '+ l- 1+2; Rifle team '+ l-'42; Gkt· Cluh '+2; College Pr!!p Club '+l-'42.



Tumbling '38-'40; Choir '38-'40; o. "A" '3 8-'42; How e Union '3 8-'42; "A" Company football '3 8 '42; Conduct Ribbon Group '38-'40; Asst. Stage Mgr. "Journey' End)) '39; Midd l e Sc ho ol bakt:tba ll '39; Honor Ca rd Group '39; Outstanding Mi l itary Ac hi eve ment Medal '+O; Spring Dance Comm ittee '40; Comus Club 140-'42; Kappa D e lta '4 0-'41; Company bask et ball '40-'4 1 ; Commencement Dance Committee '4 1 ; Old G u ard '41-'42; Varsity football '4 1 ; Sgt. at Arms Juni or Cl ass 1 40-'4 l; Sgt . at Arms Com u s C lub '40-'+ 1; Vice-Pres. oll ege Pr e p Cl ub '4 l'4 2; Stage Mgr. "C up of Tea" '42; VicePn:s· Camus C lub '42; Sword and Shield Club 1+2; Vict.:-Pres Se ni or Class '4 1-'4 2; Captain "A,, Company '4 1- '42


Lo>n'r ba eball '37-'38; Midget football a nd basketball '38-'39; Choir '37-'+0; Archery Medal '4-0-'4 l; omus Club '+0'+2; Old G uard '41 ; Sword and Shield C lub '42; College Prep Club '41-'42; Fort Knox Group '41; 2 nd Lt. Co "A" '+ l -'42; Founders' Da y Dance Committee '41-'42.

RICHARD COVERT EVEN YEARS "Dick" Corp. Company "L" '36-'37;S g t. '37-'3 8; McKenz ie Literary Society '38-'40; P.F.C ' 38- '39; Corp. ' 39 ; Mid ge t baske tball '38; Company " A " '40-'41 ; Rifl e t ea m '40-'42; Sp rin g Danc e Co m mitt e '3 8; Foll nd c r s' Day Danc e Com mitt ee . '39; Ho1 e Union '39-'4-2; Cond u ' t Ribbon Gro up '39-'4 2; a mera Cl llb '+0-'41; Bn. taff '41-'4 2; Com ll s lub '3 9-'42, Pr es '41-'4 2 ; Varsity "H" C lub '40-'42, Treas . '41-'4 2 ; Old G uard '3 9 -'+ 2 , Vice- o 111 111· '40-'41; Comm ' 41-'4 2 ; Bu sin ess M g r. H e rald '41'4 2 ; 1st Lt. '41-'42; Sword and h ielcl Club '41-'42; Fort Kno x Group '41

,========================= \\ 42 II======================:


Com pan) "A" '+ l- 1+2; Sec· and Treasurer of Vires Soci1.?ty '42; Conduct Ribbon Group '+ 1-'+2; Varsity football '+I; Varsit) baseball '+2; Acolyte '4 l -'42.


"U11cle Art" Company "B" '33-'42; Corn us C l ub '38'+2; orp. Co111pany "B" '39; Vires So,. it:ty Pre s id e nt '+2; Sergeant '+O; Secretary Sop homore C l ass '39-'+0; Secreta r y Com us Club '39; Dance Co111111ittce '39; irculation Manager Hera l d '40; Business Man1ger Tatler '42; Company "B" football '39; Cro s Country Captain '4 1 ; Conc.luct Group '+ l-'42; Fort Knox Group '41; Old Guard '+ 1-'42; Sword a n d S h idd Cl ub '+ 1-'+2; i \ co l yte '37-'40; Varsity «H" lub '+ 1-'+2; 2nd Lt. '41; 1st Lt. '+2.

======================= \\ 4 2 II============================= :\.RTHl'R
PETER EOYANG Two YEARS "P ete" Company "A" '+0-'42; College Pr ep Club '+ 1- ' + 2. 1========="42 DAVID FLEMING Two YE AR S "Dav e" Company "B" '40-'4 l ; Co ndu ct Ribbon Group '40-'4 2; Commenceme nt D ance Committee '41; P.F.C. '41; Compa ny C le rk '41; Corp. '4 2; Sgt. '42; Staff '+ 2 ; Military Polic e '4 2 ; Company football '41.



'41 ; Comlll l' nce m e nt D a nce Co mmitt ee '41 ; Condu ct Ribbon Group '40-'+ 2 ; P.F.C. a nd C o rp '41 ; Bes t P os tur e M ed a l Company (( B» ' +I ; C oll ege Pre p C lub '41-'+ 2 ; Hono r Card G roup '+ 1-'4 2; Sg t. and Supply Sgt. ' +I; V a r sit y tra ck '4 2 ; Varsit y t e nn1 '+1 -' + 2 ; Va r sit y "H" C lub '41-'4 2 ; Sc hoo l T e nni s Ch a mpi o n, s in g l es a nd d o ubl es , '41 ; Co p y Edit o r H e rald '41-'+ 2 ; Quill a nd Sc roll '+ 1-'+ 2 ; Ass o cia te Editor th e T a t le r ' + 2 ; 1s t g t. C rnpany ''B" '+ 2 ; R ,111k ing C a d e t Se ni o r lass M e dal '+ 2 ·

( , LEN GOCLD Two YEARS "Prof" Compan y "B" '41-'+2; P.F C '41 '+ 2 ; S1· n in r Dance Committe e C h ai rm a n ' 4 1 ; Organist '4 1 ' 42; Glee Club :\ r.: ompani st '41 '42; L ea d er D a n ce Or'+ 1-'+2; artoo ni st T a tl e r '+ 2 ; Co n duct Ri b bon Gro u p '4 I '4 2 ; Chairman Sprin g- Dance Co m m ittee '4 1. !::::========"42 W
" K ay" Compa n y "B" '+ 0-' + 2 ; V a r s ity football ' +o-»+ I ; Co mpan y bas k tb a ll '40-'4- 2 ; ap ta in Co mp a n y bas k e tb a ll '4 I '+ 2 ; Choir ' + 0-'4 2 ; Offi ce r in ba r ge of hoir '+2; G l ee C lub '+0-'4 2 ; Pres id e nt Gl ee Club ' +2; F o und er s' D ay D a n ce Committ ee '+ I ; S prin g D a n ce Co mmitt ee
D \:'\IEL H :\.R V E\' O NE YEAR "D eac on" Ba nd ' +t-'4 2 ; C oll ege Prep Club '+1- ' + 2; Dan ce Or c h es tr a '+l '4 2 ;:::.==================="4 2 -D :\ VID FLEMING Two Y EA RS "Da ve " C o mpany "B" '40-'41 ; Conduct Ribbon Group '40-'4 2 ; Comm e nc e m e nt Dance Committee '41 ; P.F.C. '41 ; Company Clerk '41 ; Corp '42; Sgt. '42; Sta ff '+ 2 ; Milita ry Poli ce '4 2 ; Company football '41.


( ornpany ":\." '39-' + 2; Corn us Club '4-0'+2; "Thread o' Scar l et" '4-1; "A Night 1t :111 Inn" '4- 1 ; 1st Sgt. '+1-'+2; Varsity "lI" Club '+2; Found rs' Day Danc e Cornmittee '+ 1.


Compa ny "B" '40-' 4 2; Varsity football '+D-'+ 1 ; Co mp a n y basketball '+0-'42; Captain Co mp a ny bask et ba ll '+ 1 '4 2 ; C h oir '+0-' + 2 ; Offi ce r in Charge of h oir '+2; Gl L'e C lub '40-'4 2; Pres id e nt G l ee C lub '+2; Founders' Da y Dan ce Committee '+I ; Sprin g Dan ce Co mmitt ee '41 ; Comn1cnce111ent Dan ce Committee '4 1 ; ondutt Ribb o n Group '40-'+ 2; P.F.C . and Corp. '41 ; Best Po s tur e Medal Company 1 B" '4-1; Colleg e Prep lub '41-'4 2 ; Honor Card Group '+ 1-'4 2; Sg t. a n d upply Sgt. '+I; Varsity tra ck '4 2; Varsity t e n ni s '4 1-'+ 2; Varsity ccH" Club '41-'4- 2; Sc hoo l Tennis Champio n , s ingl s and doubles, '41; Co py Editor H e r a l d '41-'+ 2 ; Quill and Scroll '41-'42; Associate Editor the Tatlcr '+ 2; I s t Sgt Company "B" '+ 2; R mkin <r Cadet e nior lass Medal '+2·

!:::============ "4 2 ,, ===============


Company «A_» '40-'42; Company "A" football '+O-'+ I ; Choir '+0-'42; Comus Club '41-'42; Rifle team '40-'42; Varsit) "I-1" Club '41-'42; Glee Club '41-'42; Sergeant '41-'42; Junior Dance Committee '41; Founders' Day Dance Committee '41.




Band '4 l-'42; Glee Club '4-1-'42; Choir '4 l-'42; Honor Card Group '41-'42; P.F.C. '42; Conduct Ribbon Group '41'42; Varsity football '41; Band Company basketball '41-'42.




Co mpany "A" '41-'42; P.F.C. '42; Badminton team.


Company "A" '3 8-'40; Battalion Staff '+l-'42; Midget football '38; P.F.C. '39; Corp. '+O; Outstanding Military Ac hi evement Medal '40; Gl ee Club '39-'42; Isoh Club '39-'42; Secretary Isoh C lub '40; Pres id ent Gl ee Club '41; Kappa D elt a '40-'41; Sergeant '40; Staff Sergeant '41 ; Vice-Preside nt Junior Class '40-'4 1; Mast er Sergea nt Bn. Staff '4 1 ; Most Effici ent Non-Commiss i oned Officer Meda l '41 ; Fort Knox Group '41 ; Sergea nt -at-Arms Senior Class '41-'42; Old Guard '41-'42; Sword and Shield Club '41-'42; Cadet Major '41-'42.

!::========"42 11 ==========
GORDON McALPINE Two YFARs "Bone" Compa n y "A» '40 '42; P.F.C. '+ l; Corp. '+ 1; Sgt. '41-'42; Company football '+O'+ 1 ; Conduct Ribbon Group '+ 1-1 42; Founders' Day Dance Committee '+l; Junior Varsity baseball '41. "=======:::::t SAMUEL McMURR.'\.Y ONE YEAR "Ma c" Cross Country '+ l ; Track '42; Conduct Ribbon Gro up '41-'42.


C11 11q1.1n) "B" '38-'+2; Capt M id get footba ll '3 8; Capt. Midact basket ba ll '3 8-' 39; \ 'a r ity track '39-'+2; Ca p t. Co mp a n y "B" fo otball '39; Varsity bas k e tball '39-'+ 2 ; Var sity football ' + 0-' 41 ; Ca pt· Var sit y basketball '+l-'42; Cap t Va r sit y fo o tball '+ 1; \'ar ity "H" C lub '40 -'4 2 ; Pr es id e nt Var sity " H" C lub ' + 1-' 4 2; Vi ·e-Pr es id e n t Sophomo r e l ass ; Pres id e nt Junior C l a ss ; Pres id e n t Se ni o r Cl ass ; 2 nd P l ac e S"virnming Me d a l '40; 1st Place Swimm i n g Meda l '4 1; L a mel a Phi So c i ety '39-'40; , \ l ph a Delt a Ta u ocie t y '40-'4 1 ; Co n duct Ri bbo n Gro up ' 3 9 '4 2 ; Hab c rly M d a] '+

1; C hr ist i a n C ourtesy M e d a l '41 ; Pr es i dent Co ll eg-e Pr ep lub '41- ' 4 2 ; Old G uard '+ 1-'+2; 1 t Sgt. C omp a n y "B" '40; 2 nd Lt. Co mp a n y "B" '40-'41 ; Fort Knox Gro up ' + 1; Sword and Shi e l d C lu b '40'+2; Va r sity te nni s ' 4 2 ; Ca ptain Company "B" ' +1-' +2. "4 2 ] \ CK M :\RLATT Two YE AR S "lak e" Co mp a n y " B,, '4 0-'4 2 ; h o ir '4 1 Gl ee Cl u b ' 41 '4 2 ; P.F. '+ 1; Kappa Ddt a '+0-'+ 2 ; V a rsit y base ba ll '4 1-' + 2 ; St: r. Jun i or Class '40-'4 1 ; Va rsi ty "H" Club '41 ; D eclam a tion Contes t '4 1 ; Comnwncc me nt Dan ce Commit tt.:e ' 41 ; Sgt '+ I ; Staff Sg t '4 1 ; 2 n d Lt. Ad ju ta n t '4 1 ; Co ndu ct Ribb o n Gro up '40-'4 2 ; Varsity " H" Club Pr es id e n t '4 1 ; Tr e as u r e r e n ior Class; Sec. Sword a n d Sh iel d Cl ub '41; Tr ibun e M e da l Wi n ne r '41 ; 1s t. Lt. '\djutant '4 2 ; Con du t Ri b b :) n Gro u p '+ 2 ; Capt '\dj uta n t a nd a ss ista n t tact ica l off ice r



"A" '4 I-'4 2; Company football '+I; Acolyte '41-'+2; Vires Soci ety '+2; Declamation Contest '4-1; Comus Club '+2; H e ra ld reporter '4-1-'42; Teacher Saint Marks' Church School; Play, ((A Cup of Tea" '42; Track '42.




mp any "B" '40-'4 2 ; Varsity football '+0-'41 ; Company "B" basketball '4-0-'+2; Sgt. '41 ; Acting Supply Sgt. '4- 2 ; College Pr e p lub '4-1-'4

-='===·============================= "4 2 ,, ======================1
1 Two
S "N
2 .


"Jeep "

Company footba ll '41-'42; P.F.C. '+ 1; l'orp . '42; Scie n e C lub '42; Sgt. '+2; Commenceme nt Dance Co mmitt ee '+I ; l'olllpany "A" '40-'42.


Mi ddl e Sc h oo l '39-'40; Company "B" '39'+2; Compa n y "B" football '39-'40; Middle Sc h oo l basket ball .,3 9-'40; Middl e Sc ho ol baseball '3 9-'40; Sop h omore Danc e Committee '40; Company "B" footba ll a nd basket ball '40-'4 1 ; Commenceme nt Danc e Committee '41 ; P.F.C. '40; Corp. '40-'+ I ; Sgt. '+0-'41; 2nd . Lt. '41-'42; Varsity footba ll '41 ; Compa n y "B" basketball '+l-'42; Founders' Day Danc e Com mitt ee '+ I ; o nduct Ribbon Group '40-'+ 1 ; Sword a nd Shield Club '41-'4 2 .

\\ 4 2 ,, ==================================


Compa n y "A" '38-'+2; Middle Sc h ool ' 38'+0; Compa n y "A" footba ll '3 8-'39; Middle Sc h oo l basketball '39 -'+ 0; Company " :\" basketba ll '+0-'+2; Vars it y football '+O-'+ l; Va r s it y ''H" C lub ; Varsity tennis '+2; Old Guard ' 41 -'42; Sword :.. nd S hi e ld C lub '+ 1-'+2; College Prl.!p Club '+ 1-'42; Fo rt Knox Gro up '+ l ; 1s t Lt. Com p any "A" '4 l- '42·


"S t uie" Company "A" '4 1- '42; Midget football '+O ; Rifl e team '40-'42; Varsity "H,, C lub '41 '4 2; Varsity bas e ball '+l-'42; H ea r st Medal Winn e r '41; Commencem e nt Committee '4-1; Founders' D ay D a nce Committee; Corp. '41.



Band '+o-'+2; P.F.C. '+ 1 ; Honor Card (;roup '+n-'+2; " :\" Company football '+o-'+2; Band basketball '41-'+2; orp. '+ 1 ; Dance Orchestra '+ 1-'+ 2; Rankin g Cadl't Fifth For m ; Conduct Ribbon Group '+11-'+2; Technical Sgt. '+O-'+ 1; Master Sgt. '+2; Iso h Club '+0-'+ 2 ; Pres. Isoh Club '+ 1-' + 2; Hab e rl y Medal '40-'42; Com us Clu b Play '+ 1 ; omrne ncement Dance Co mmitt ee '+ 1 ; Fo und ers' Da.y Ihnl'L' Committee ' +1; College Pr e p l ub '+ 1 -'+2.


"T ee p"

Compa ny "B" '+ 1-'+ 2 ; Company "B" football '+ 1; H e rald taff '41-'4 2 ; onduct R ib bo n G r oup'+ 1-'+2; Va rs ity ba se ball '4 2



"Elm er" Company "B" '4-0-'42; Varsity "H" Club '+ 1-'42; C ho ir '40-'4 2 ; Company Clerk '+ I-'+ 2; H era ld Staff '4-1-'42; Tatli:r Staff '41-'42; Company "B" basketball '+0-'4-2; Cross Country '40-'4 2 ; P.F.l. ' 41 ; Honor Card Group '41-'4 2 ; Conduct Ribbon Group '41-4 2; Fo und ers' Day Dance o mmittee '41-4 2; Danc e Band.

t.============= "4 2 "========== I SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS J ohn II. 1\Iarquiss ........... .... .. .......... President J ark C. Brus se l ........ . ............... Vice President \V alter R. A Yi s .......... . ........ Secretary Treasurer Darrell \ V. Lutz ..... . ......... .. ... Sergeant-at-Anus


The father, so to , peak, of our present Senior clas:-:i pulled in at 11 owe sernn years ago; he wa Ri har<l CoY rt. Many, many t11ings Jinn• liappened in tho , e even Jong y ar ; some memhers of the clas.· lrn\'P drnpped along the \vayside, hut mo ,· t all have made the grade and ttl'l' on the ]a. t lap.

The member of our prnsent lass clropp d in year after S ' ar and kl•pt building up th h ck roll, untjl thi. year, 194'.2, tb Nca l es tip nt m1 evN1 3-± memb r ..

Ntivcral of th members, IIeidenr ich, Ell ry, BTuss 1, and Bear, "·ho arP uow dignifi e d officers, saw R rvice in the Low r Rellool and W<'l'l' g-uid cl by the "old drill", " Squads Tight" and "SquadR l eft" . rl'his tern so und s peculiar to the boys now, hut it hri11gs back rnernoTies of li fe in the Lower, when aptain Preston would i 11 :-;pl'rt, with a skeptica l eye, teeth, n rk an 1 ears, at foe old tooth hrn:-ih format ion s .

r.rhi , at that time was a tenihl ordeal, but many of the boy: would lik e to sit in on another one of tho , e formations.

A. time w nt on more and more members joined th la ss and finall,\' the big )rear came,-the wb n the Lower School wa put nsiclc to make wa:{ for a fr sh . tart in th Middle School. We added to our small list of m mbers this y ar, S hmidt, Marqui.'R and Lutz.

We were quito free with onr a lvic to former cla. mates in the Lower, for now we w re as smart as ver a person could be and felt \re might as well O' ive out a little advice here and th r to prove it.

Our Fre hman yea r pa. sed lik e tbe wind, highligMed h> ' our roopcratio n with the ophomores i.n SJ on oring th I ring Dance which was a 0 Tand u cess . Soon we w re thinkino· once agajn about the Commenc ment x rcise and making plans for a bang-U}) Yacati.on.

1 pon our r c hun in e1)t mher we donn cl the role of 8opl101110l' e;-; . We found, thi year, among our new members, Jay, Peeples and Pence. This wa. th year we might begin to think of a few strjpe8 on our sl e ves. W e r ally had som thing to work for now, pos. ihl) r cYen tl1e rank of Cad t Major, for tbat tim wa. · not so far off. vVh n thi s y ar drew to a clo e many of u had settled down to more .·erious thoughts of sc hool and tbe various r>r parations which are ne es. ary for entran e into college . Before w knew it, we were on th parade field parti ci1 ating in the final parade.

After a lusty vacation we returned to find ourselve under a new S.\' t ern . The old Upper and Middle S hooL had been dis ontinued to mak e ... f OT ''A'' and '' B '' Company Barracks. On our retuTn we found n w classmate in Zollman, She])par l, Avis, Gould, Marlatt,


Knisc>r, ·white, N ewto11, Ji 1 lemi11g,

Mc.Alpine, Schwartz and K lid}>}>. 'l'hjs year was one of our most decisive ones for it wou1du 't he long before our eollPgc career would be close at hand. Founders 1 Day rnme with a football game and a fine dance in the evening. Of roun;c the usual parade took place in the afternoon. The basketball season soon sli1>pod hy aud the hoys finished with a fine record. After :-;1Jri11g nwatim1 <·ould lw heard emrntantly, '' three more months".

'l1l1ese three months sped along rapidly, pleasantly, halted at Yarions int<•rvals hy baschall games. informal dances and entertainments.

"W c were ,'oou making plans for the Senior gifts and the Commenceme11t Dan<'<', whirh was the higgest thing in our lives as Juniors. deeided 011 gold eigarctte cases for the boys and gold saber pins for the g'irls. rrlwy were attrartive gifts and the Seniors really appreciated them. 'l1he dancci came and then the Sunday ceremonies. Our la .. t summer Yacation, as high school boys, had begun and it was a real vaeation, too.

The next time we returned it was as Seniors and we found waiting for u8 ::-;ome new Tecruits, name, Ha ll aday, Teeple, BaTtmess, HarYey, Kortes. Barrow, Daniels, KrumrO)', McGrath and McMnrray. These boys liad come to finish at Howe.

This was witb one exception the most eventfu l year in the hi ston· nf 1I owe MiMary School as well as in the history of the whole world.

On the morning of Dec. 7, JD41, reveille sounded, as it does on ever>' other morning, hut little did we know, while we were dressing for breakfast, that a morning pa trnl of Japanese bombers was making its wa)' oYer the silent sleeping island of Hawaii. After breakfast, we were all shoeked to hear of this brutal attack and shortly after we heard that a cleelaratiou of war had been made by Congress . Many shocking reports stirred our emotions thrnughout the year. vVe are anxiouH to graduate so that we may help in the defense of our countr .'' · Mail)' of us wi ll he Yictims of foul enemy treachery, hut neYer let it be said, that any one of us eYer stahbed even a J ap soldier ju the back.

This, our la st year at Ho-we, saw a dance band formed, mould into shape and hecorne a fini.·hed product. The band played at several MChoo l functions through the year.

The usual rush of taking the Tatler pictures was soon upon ns and we knew that the time was gTowing shOTt. Now, here it is a few da)'S before Commencement and we are beginning to realize that it is time to l augh and joke more with our friends for we haven't lon g. deep m1c1 lrn;;ting friendships have been fonned in tl1is Senior class. Let us nil h ope and pra)' that nothing will eYeT h a m1en to 8CYP 1· these ties.


1 .\111nlg-n111ated Prc:-is) 1952

tC'n Year:-; haYe ela ]> l·rnd, to th e da:v, since tli e c> l a:-i: of '-+:2 gracl u at"d mm ha:-; heen detailed to cov r a s tonT on thE Nenion_; of t lti'l1· H'm·. 1\1.\T h9HS, .To Kuapp, rlamped d own on hi s cigar and gTmni>t<.'d, "'l1no tour li y a joh; l) etter tag along aml s e that yon do jt 11 p right." No off we go to look up '±:2 's R nior ·.

On•r the air-·waYcs cam a chaw l ed out, " ]Ji lad s ! " \)\ of ro ur se, \\·nlt ,\yis and 1Iis Birds in the Breeze, on th e S 1rn1idt' Noo dl e prog-nllll. No-wit see mti tlrnt Diek rnade hiR fortune He lli11g maearoni, 1uuler ilw iwme '' Spag l1 ctt i," and 1a h e li11g it "Noodles". Walt, on the ot h er hand , wa.· baYin g 11is trouble s lli .· Hmooth B<lll<l of the Year '"a s broken np wh n Glenn Gould, hi s ace piano i11n11, left to join the BoHto n "Pops" ombo.

we w nt on fa.T th er, w e .·aw a s ign which rea 1 "Nc·lnvartz Nuits,'' an d th r wa · Rtuie with two pair of rnrnt s iu one lrnm1 and :J hill in tl1e other, browheating a poor t111suspecti11g cn stome1· i11to lmying a Schwal'tz Domonick l atlcr Plaid . vV G qui ckly cluck e d ont ol' there a, we hotl1 had an arnpl s uppl. and didn't want mor e, PspPc·ially w ith no cuff ,', Yests, s l e ves, co llars or pleat .· '' 'l1 eddy" Bear i 11ow running his own tug, as h c an't get a full <'l'l'W. It name i : '' lDau d C ologn e "-gu ss what i-.;he hauls. It's 0. K. if the wind's ri g ht, but if it's wron°·-oh ! rrhe second sig n we saw was adverti. ing ''Happy Joe" Krumroy's latest g lamour picture, ''Smiles.'' The producers must "lilrn hi s grin, nw1 Htnff

Our Cadet Majol', "D D" Lutz e nd d up a He told a general to put hi s chair back qujetly. Now "D" is on th husiness end of a knife, carv in o' puds.

The Hon. Boh Ba now i s now mayor of olumbia. He was elected l>y a clo se Yote,-his own . The stonr runs this way: ight of the votes were cast, (the tow11 ha. nine peo1] in it), the s ore was eYcn, then Bob cast hi s vo t e .

Ah ! What do we hax e here. Gordy (Bone) Mc \]pin s talled on t h e traC'k:. Youse hi s ar ha · 110 motor in it, as there is ·till a priority 011 t h m. H js usino' i·ubherbands at I r ese nt.

Bill Pe pl es went '' bug s '' trying to make a fish that would catch wha l e., o that tak e: are of him for a while .

.At this point in our journe y we met Richard C overt, who made l1is rnirnons se llin g ca t-iron :hoe laces and rubber s tove pok rs to th e Nouth Rea Islanders Now he is trying to .·ell a s heet iron sarong to Dorothy Lamour'. daughter.

.I <Wk i:-; 11ow ( ! ) married, and on his farm h (\ tlie only <·owshed with a lmilt in jute box, fog lights and a trador whi<·h l;n:-: a born t1wt "The Camels are Comi ng." The <'m'i·:-. :-:e tn hn\'<' a soft :·q1ot in tlwir hearts for Walt's music, too.

\\\· t•alle(l on 1\fr<Jrnth,-he is now the priHon Chaplain at Soutl1ern MiC'higan prison. Gee, how he trrn;;ts his inrnates, he 's putting boxingp;loYe:-> on the men that pa s the co ll ect ion plate. To quote Ma<·, ·' 1 fonesty is tlw hest po I should tempt da boys''.

"Bnd" \Yhite is now a singing lmssho)r at the "Spotted Vest,,, :rnd Iii:-: yoie<> somHl:-: full nnr1 stro ng oYcr the of heans arnl <·on1-lwef.

'' Hohl>y'' II (-'idPmr ich ]m:-; a niec little enterprise in Canada. lI(• extnwts fiRh,\ ' la bilge water from humming bird's feathers and ii as a hair rt-'moYer.

8hep1hml is working for a circus as a freak. He is tlw only pen:wn who ean play a sax from either end . On the q. t., it sounds better when he playR it from the big end.

McMurraY i s in the tent next to Bill. He is advertised as "Th0 Bigge:t in the vVorld'' ·while his wife is ''The Littlest Giant in the World.'' Despite their difference in height, (one inch), the)· got along- swe ll.

Clyde Pence died from a gunshot wound . He was playing with a11 old Civil War cannou. In his excitement he let out a Rebel yell and the gnu went off. It was a Yankee gun, too. "Po" C lyde !

''Eddy'' Daniels, H eave n' s gift to Batavia, is novv postmaster of Batavia, Illinoi s . Of co urse, Eddy can't read, but Batavia never gets mail so doesn't worry.

Sad, sad! Neyer more will \Ve hear the roar of a gunned-up motor or the shriek of s lid iug tires, for .Jimmy Zollman is now, oh changing world, rlriving a steam roller. Now all we hear is a clank, a rattle and n pull of steam.

"Jake" Mar Jatt is down in Panama. He is the boy that pumps the water into the canal locks. Of course with those big muscles he does it by hand. Sounds like quite a job, but Jake is quite a boy.

"Johnny" Marquiss is a producer in Hollywood. His l ate. t is "Death in the Subway" or "The Thundering Herd." When we saw J olmny, he was in shorts, a mauve sport shirt, a blue and orange spotted tan. For footwear he wore a brilliant green garter, white and red socks and hohnailed saddle shoes with yellow la ces. Quite a clothes-hon;e, our J olmny.

Dr. '' ATt'' @lery admitted us into hi s inner sanctum and there we saw a Right that fi ll ed ns with horror and pity. On the operating table, in pain and s-weat, lay a poor suffering goldfish. Its appendix

had linrHt an hour before and Dr. Ellery was to operate soon. He told Hf: tliat bis tender heart would not permit these poor things to go thronµ;h life untended, therefore, he was specializing in thefr illnesses.

Kaiser is now Mid-western tennis champ. He pulled one of the jobs in the sport world of today. Seeing its potentiaJities, he strung ]1js tennis racket with rubber, (this 1nnst he ten years hence,look at the 111bher), bands. His slingshot return is well-nigh impossible 1o ltandle.

Peter went back to his native China, where he is an instTuctur of formal and coloquial English. We almost lost Pete thougl1, for wlwn he entered a dining room over theTe one day he injured himwith a pair of chopsticks. It seems that he bad forgotten how to u:-;e t11cm.

'l1eep1e is now driving a tank. "When a little hoy, he liked to knork over blocks and he never grew out of it.

"Dan" Harvey kept up his hobby of collecting birds and now is a liird lover of the highest degree. In fact he specialized in pigeons.

''Dave'' J.1..,leming is to be found working on a new theory of how to get the euergy out of a cat when purring.

"Bob" Bartmess went back to Elkhart. After playing the slushpump for so Jong, be was given first place in the kissing contest for northern Indiana. The girls say he has the kiss of a vacuum pump.

We went a little farther and stopped along the bank of the Detroit river to eat our lunch and who shou ld come hoofing down the river hnt "Bob" Jay jn his boat. He is said to have the most respectable rnm-nmning business this side of the Mason-Dixon line.

Halladay, even though he didn't know it at the time, got his Rtart making soap for his chemistry project. He called his first ''An Aft.trnoon in Germany'' or ''A Night in Paris.'' N o-w he call s his latest ''Repulsive''. A great occupation.

N mvton, poor hoy, moved to the big city, and now the nearest thing he can have to a farm is a penthouse garden . And to think that he neYcr got to use his tractor or plow. rrougl1, I calls it!

Kartes has taken up the profession of teaching for bi s 11T ead and hutter. He is teaching the course of Utter Confusion at Goldfarb 's Institute of Business .

So ends another Class Prophecy, hut let me prophesy one true fact that will remain a fact . No matter what we become we will always he Americans!



LaGrano·e, IllinoiH



SENIOR ADDRESSES \Yalter Hil·lmnl ..hi8 ......... :206 No. Maple Grnve, Hudson, Michigan Rohert Nondcr Ba now .. . ...... . Korth Main Street, Columbiana, Olii11 HohPrt Paul Bartme. ·s ...... .... .... 19-! Ga ·e \Te., Incliarnt 0 nn-pr <1l0Yelarnl Bear, .fr ............... J 5205 Windmill Pointe, DY. Grosse Pt., Miehigm1 .Jnek <. \1 h ·in Brnsscl :2130 Buno Road, MilfoTd, Mirhigcu1 Hi<·liar<l Warren ( 1 ovcrt ........ ()+75 Georgia Ave., Detroit, Michigau 'l1lH:tHlorP Daniel. .......... 15() Union Ave., Batavia, . \ rtlmr Benjamin J1J11Pry ......... 55- 1N oodside Drive, .Akron, Ohio Peter I bnm :-no No. Tha)rer, Ann Arbor, Michigan David 1frK. Fleming ... . G Rylvan Road, I leasant Ridge, Michiga11 Glen IIi bhanl Gould 5G Puritan Ave., Highland PaTk, Michigau .T ohn I11 rank Halladay, .Jr 18:2 rn . J ack on Bkd., Elkhart, Indiana Daniel Ilane)· .................. 38 vVarwick Road, Muncie, Indiana l ob rt Louis If id .nr ich ....... 9211 Mason Plac , Detroit, Michigm1 I obert Curti s Jay ............ . 1020 Waddington Rd., Bloomfield Vil., Birmingham, Michigan ·"( \'\ ilhur Carter Kai er ......... G-+:2 Fair Oaks \.ve., Oak Park, Illinoi:;; .Joseph LangloL' Kua pp ..... . JJ 4 J-<.}mmons Blvd., Wyandotte, Michigan Stace>T J1Jdwin Kortes ...... :210 So. Ander:on Plai.nwell, Michigan Lee Henry KrumToy ................ ..... R. R. No. 2, Kent, Ohio Danell Warren Lutz ...... ±8 Bradford Road, Scarsdale,
York .Tohn Mull Marlatt . .......... 1298 Herschel Ave.,
i , Ohio J obn Hazen M arqui, s .... .' .. 32:2 South Park Road,
Gordon Nrnith McAlpine .... 18427 Wildemere Ave., Detroit, Michigan Richard \rchihald McGrath .... 1201 Knoxville Ave., Peoria, Illinois Sanme1 Duane M Murray ... .... .. 1-117 Wildwood Road, Toledo, Ohio Ro.Y MaYki l N mvton ......... 1919 West 91st Street, Chicago, Illinoif' William McCord Peeples .... Marygrove Ave., Detroit, Michiga11 Clrde IIany Pence, .Jr ..... Centr a1 Ave., R.R. No. 2, Co l es Road,
Ohio Hie hard :B1 red Schmidt 927 4 East Outer Drive; Detroit, Michigan Stuart Mitchell Schwartz ...... 184 :1 MuiTland Ave ., Detroit, Michigan William Read SheppaTd 2184 Glenhury Ave., Lakewood, Ohio Grant Teeple .............. R. H. No. 1, Port . Huron,
I1Jlmer Bloem Whit 714 Edgemoor, Kalamazoo, Michigan James Bum .· Zollman .... ...... .. ... . .. R.R. No. 2, Walton, Indiana


FIFTH FORM P;csid ent ........ ... ... ........... ...... . . ........ .. ........ K o p sc h Secretary ....... ... .. .... . ..... .. ......... .. .... ...... ..... Springer Treas ur e r Turk Sgt.-at-Arms ............ ·. .. . ........ .. ............. ...... \Vhit e R. MEMBERS Batson Kemp Poulo s Beyer Keros Rich s ton e Bonin e Ki e kinveld Ro se nfeld Butt e rfield K ist ne r Sc h ock Code r Kopsch Siarto Cole M. Krochle Springer Cole R. Lath r e p Stewart Dart Matyjasik Studebaker E lki n Merrill S yl e r Gay Miller H. Thompson G. Gri sso m c. Minas Turk Huggett Morri so n B. Way Hunt Mc L es ky W hi te R. llu st on Nava rr e Vv' co din
FOURTH FORM Pres id e n t R e isi g V i ce -Pr es id e nt . . .. . .......... . .. . ... .. ....................... Sand er s Sec r etar y Gr ee n,v o o d \ Treas ur e r . ... . .. ... . . ... ....... . .... . ........ . ....... . ..... Byl e n g a Sgt.-a t-: \.rm . ... .. . . .. ...... . . .. ... . ... .. ......... .. .. . .... P e te r so n MEMBERS Behn Fl e min g D. S. P e ter on 0 Bir c h Gilk ey Poirier B yl e n ga B. Gould J. R e isi g C h i n Gr rc n Ri ce S. C uppl es Imp ey Robin son R. C urti s , Jack son R. C. Rollin gsI D avi d o n c . J e n son Sa nd er s D av is Ko eg l e Shoots Di bbl L e onard D Trub y Dinu Ma ye r s Va n Bure n Elli son Millar W. Whitin g E va n s A Moor e Z ac k
THIRD FORM MEM B E R S Presi dent .... . .. .. ........... . . . .... . ..... .. .... .. ....... ... H o lcl e n Vice-Pre si dent L o, in g E. Se cretary ... . .. .. .............. .. ............. . ....... .. . L ov in g C. T rea.surcr . . ........ . . .. .... . ......... ... ... ... . . .. ... .. . . Kn o v. l so n Sgt.-at-:\rrns P etec Av is J H o ld e n P t c rson W Bai ll ic R. L. H owe ll ]. , R R o bin so n, H Bogg J ackson R W. R ose J Bostock Jo hn son C. R ose L. Calb rc k Jo hn sto n R. Sc h e n ck Carp e n ter Ke nn ed y S mith, H Clemett Kn ow l so n So uth wo r t h R Evans E. Lovi n g C. Sta nt Gl en W L ov in g E. Stra u sser Greenwoo d Meado w s U hitil G u in Nee l y Vl/ i ese nb e r ge r Ha ll Ne l so n Z imm er H e ll er Pe t cc

Barlow Dieterle Eccles Evans, J· Fauth Ferris Fox, D. Grissom, J. Gross, C. Hanna, H.



He den Lear Leslie Miller, C. Parr Reno Treesh Weinrichter West Vi'insor

Bir ch, J . Brown Byl en ga, R. Clipsham Conl ey Dod ge Gould, D. Hanna, A. How e ll, J. H. Hud so n Logan Maxw ell



Morgan Radel Rathj e ns Ric e, G. Sablain Scott Smith, R. Southworth, D. Squier

Watts Yauch Yost

Benn ett

es for<l

e ll

SIXTH GRADE MEMBERS Fox, H. Gaskins Wil es




Bouton Roberts Chernin Stayton Corrado Stephe nson Davidson, T. Torrey Fa yen Wattles Gross, ]. Ygles ias Hall, J. Butler Kampe H art Leonard, H. Worden Poljak Rorres Ratner



LIElITENANT-COL0 1 EL ALBERT L. TUTTL E , Infantry, U. S. A . Professor M;litary Science and Tactics

MAJOR ] AMES S. MERRITT, Captain, I. N. G. Commandant


ct ical Officer, Company "A"


ctfra l Offi ce r, Company "B" Lr EUTENA T Do ' ALD B. STUCKEY, M. P., R es ., U. S. A.

l Officer, C ompan y "L"

CAPTA I N OTHO LIN G, I. N. G. B and m aste r

SERGEANT Jo sF.Pll C H E R CzEG, D. E. M. L., U. S. A.

sshta n t to tlte P. M· S. & T.



Cadet Major Darell W Lu tz

Cadet Captai n Adjutant Jack M. Marlatt

Cadet First Li e ut e nant Richard W. Covert

Cadet Master Sergeant Ri ch ard T. Whit e

Cadet Sergea nt Da, id S F l e min g

Honor Company for first and fourth quarters. COMPANY "A" Captain Jack C. Brussel First Li e utenant Ri hard F. Schmidt Second Lieutenants ... : ............. Grover C. Bear, Harold F. Thomas First Sergeant . .. ....... . ............ . ..... ....... .... Rob ert C. J ay SERr.EANTS: Blair, Chin, Elkin, Grissom C., Knapp, Lathrop, McAlpine, Sy la, Whiting (S uppl y Sgt.). CORPORAL S: Batson, Ellison, Grcc11wood, Parke, Peeples, Ros e nfeld, Schwartz PRIVATES FIR ST CLA SS : Barrow, Birch G., Guin, Kemp, Koegle, Krumroy, Mcado\ s, Siarto. PR TV ATES: Baillie R. L., Beyer, Bostock, Butter£ ie ld, Carpenter, Clemett, Curtis, D:widson G., Da, ·is, Eoyang, Evans A., Fleming D S., Glen W., Hall R., Heller, Howell J. R·, Kennedy, Kiekintveld, Kistner, Knowlson, Minas, McGrath, Mc Iurray, Neely, Nelson, Pet erson W., Poiri er, Poulos, Robinson H., Rose L., Sol1t hworth R.

COMPANY "B" Captain John H. Marquiss First Lieutenant

Arthur B. Ellery Second Lieutenants. l ycle H. Pence, Jam es B. Zollman First Sergeant.

SERGEANTS: Green, J ense n, Reisig, Shoots.

Wilbur C. Kaiser

CORPORALS: Halladay, Merrill, Millar, Newton, c ho c h, Studebaker, Way, Woodin.

PRIVATES FIRST CLASS: Byl e nga, Cole M., Cole R., Gould, Holden, Huggett, Jackson", Keros, Kroeh1e, Loving C., Petee, Peterson, Stewart, White, Zack.

PRIVATES: Avis J., Batalis, Bogg, Calbeck, Cupples, Doig, Dinu, Evans, Gilkey, Huston, Imp ey, Jackson R. W., Johnston R., L eonard D., Loving E., Mayers, Miller B., Moore, Morrison, Navarre, Rice S., Rose J., Sanders, Schenck, Smith, Snow, Springer, Teeple-, Truby, Turk, Uhiti1, Van Ze rilli, Zimmer.

Honor Company for second quart er.
COMPANY "L" Fm.ST LI EUTENANT (Company Co mmand e r) Parr SECOND Lr EUTENANTS Gross C., Eccle s F IR ST SERGEANT .. .... . . ·...... . ....... . .... ..... . ....... . ... Bir ch J. SERGEANTS: Hanna A., Hud so n, Lear, L es li e, Lo ga n (Hos pit a l), R adel. CORPORAL S: C lip sb am, Conley, Evans J. (Bugl e r), Ferris, Morgan, Trees h . PRIV ATES Fm.ST CLASS: Barlow, Be r es ford, Bouton, Bro,,.v n, Ca ld we ll, Corrado, David so n T., Fa u th, Gr issom J. , Gross J., Hanna H ., Ho-w ell J. H., Kamp e , L eo na rd H., Mill er C., Poljak, Rathj e n s, R at ner , R e n o, Ri ce G., Rob er ts, Sab l a in , Sq ui er, Torrey, Wattles, Wiles, Winsor, Ya u ch PRIV ATE S: Benn e tt, B utler, Byl e n ga R., Ch emin, Di e terle, D odge , Fa ye n, Fox D., Fox H., Gaskin s, Go uld A., Gould D ., Hall J., Hart, H e d e n, Ma xwe ll , O'N eill, Ron es, Scott, Sm it h R., So uthw ort h D ., Stayton, Ste ph e n son, Watt s, Weinri cht er, V\'est , Word e n, Ygles i as, Yost.
Honor Company for third quarter. BAND Drum Major McLeskey Gui don Bearers ................................ Cupples an I Robinson Trumpets Dibble, Gould J., Kopsch, Rollings, mi th C., Whitely, Wiesenbergcr Clarinets Avis W., Coder, Dart, Harvey, Hunt, Kortes, Miller H. Trombones ................................... Bartmess, Behn, John so n Basses Bonine, Rich sto n e Bass Drun1 Gay Snare Drums .................................... Grigg, Thompson G. Al to Saxopho n e ...... ..... .... .. ..... . .. .... ... .. .... ...... Sheppard Tenor Saxophone Strausser



Alpha Delta Tau is an honor society for upp er classmen. Its requirements includ e hi gh academic and citizenship ratings and election is counted as one of the highe st honor s on the campus. Beta Lambda Sigma is the honor society for members of the Low er chool. :\.LPHA DELTA TAU President ................................................. Halladay Secretary-Trea urer McLesk y Scrge:i.nt-at-Arms Parke Faculty Members Colonel Bouton, Mr. Dro tc BETA LAMBDA SIGMA Members: Gris on ]., Hanna H., L ear, Ratn er, Bouton


Quill a nd S roll is one of the honor groups on th e campus. It is composed of those cadets "ho ha\'e done exce ll e nt aca d e mi c wor k and who h ave don e s uch creative work in th e fi lei of journalism as warrant their el ec tion by the inte rnation a l officers of Quill and Scroll.


McLeskey, Avis W., Kais e r, Whit e B. Faculty Member, Father Murphy


The Sword a nd Shield Club is an organization composed of all commissioned officers rn the Cadet Corps. Through regular weekly me e tings, thes e cadet officers hav e been able to formulate plans for furthering the progress of th e corps in all military activities. Th e memb ers of the organization, working in close cooperation, have greatly helped in carrying out the policies of the sc hool.

Faculty Adviser. Colonel B. B. Bouton President.

Cadet Major Lutz

Secretary.. Captain Marlatt




B !· usse l Wli
l ey Covert Schmidt Ellery H e id enreic h Bea r P e nce Grigg Zollman Tho111as


in some

The Howe H erald ha s maintained its hi g h stan d ard this year and,
departm ents, has passed the sta nd ards of former years· Its fourth place rating in the Columbia Competition indicates that it stand s hi g h among preparatory sc hool pap ers nationally. Fat her Murphy ha s care fully g uid ed t he Herald staff a nd has sho wn unlimit ed willingness to spend time a nd p at ie nce work in g w ith t h e staff memb er s. STAFF Editor : McL es k ey Editor . .. .... ..... . ..... . .................. . . ..... Avis, W. Sports Editor . . .... . ... . .. ................................ White, B. Bu sin ess Manager .... . . ..... .......... . ........ .... .......... Covert Assis tant Bu sin ess Manager ....... . ... .... . ........ .......... .. . .. Gay Copy Ed it or Kais er Ass istant Copy Editor Dart REPORTERS Di bbl e, Sh oots, McGrat h , T ee pl e, Loving C , Lovin g E., Bonin e. Fac ult y Adv ise r. Fat h er Murphy


Starting with practically a new gro up of cadets, th e choir has developed nicely. Although their work has been confined to t· James Chapel this year, they have borne their full share in maintainin g the beauty of services for which Howe is well known

Mr. J. Jo sep h Schilling, A. A. G. 0 Organist and Choirmaster Mr-_. Ling Choir Mother


OPRA OS Worden Knapp Rad e l

Rob erts , B. Dart Bouton Ratner Bailli e Brown How ell, ]. H. Jackson, R. W. Southworth, D. Squier BASSES Caldwell


White, B. Wattles

Pt:t erso n, w. Kortes Leonard, H. Knowlson Halladay Gould, D. Rose, L. Turk Kamp e Clemett Rice, s. Dodge

TENOR S Kais e r Hall Cupples


The Order of St. Vincent is a nati o nal organization for acolyt s with many school and parish chapt er s throughout th e co untry.

T he sta nd a rd s of admission are hi g h; at How e , th ey ar e ri g idly m a intain ed. As soon as an aco lyte is abl e to m ee t th e r e quir e m e nt s, h e p ass s from th e "probationer" to the "m e mb e r" gro up.

Direc tor .. ....... .. .... . ........... . ................. Father l\1urphy Pri es t Assoc iat e Fath er J e nning s B e hn Parke McGrath Kennedy Zimmer Dani els Gay Sanders MEMBERS PROBATIONERS Dibbl e Smith H. Curtis Ro se J. Whitin g Bostock Shoots


The Co rnu s C lub h as had a most s uccessf ul year, h av in g brou g ht the sc h oo l yea r 's acti, iti cs to a dramatic cl im ax during Comme n cement with a produ ctio n of th e one-act farce, «Med U ncl e Sall y".

The two one-act p lays, ((Red Ca rn atio ns" and ((Dust of th e Road" , were pr ese n ted to an ent hu siastic a udi e nce of ca dets ju st befo re the C hri st m as holidays; and l ater, und e r th e director hip of Mr. Van A rsd a l e, t he farce "A C up of Tea" was ap provin g l y r ece i ve d b y t he Ca d et Corp just befor e th e sprin g vacat io n.

ult y Adviser

Mr. Van Arsdalc

rt, Ell e ry, Brussel, Bea r , Ko eg l e D avi dso n G., Ja y, Shoots, Syl e r, Knapp.


McGrat h, Gu in, C urtis, Way, Stewa rt, Bir ch G , Smith H.

.......... . . ... ...... . .. . .. . ..... .. .


The Old Guard is a n organization co mpos ed of a d e t s who hav e bee n at How e for four years or more. Durin g th e past year, it ha s b ee n one of the mo st active groups on the campus. There h ave bee n many stea k roasts and f ee ds at which th e cad e ts spent many an enjoya bl e off-campus hour. The club members took it upon th e ms elv es to sell D e f e ns e Stamps a nd Red Cross sea l s this yea r and did a ve r y nic e job of it.


Fac ult y A d v iser
Captain George S Presto n Co 1n1n <Lnd er Cadet Covert Secre tary Cadet Schmidt
Gould J.
H eid e nr e ich
Lutz Bru
sse l Kops ch
Schmidt Covert McLesky White ly Elkin
Neely Ell e ry


and it

The lsoh Club is one of the older lubs on th e camp us
h as very well t hi s yea r. The club m e mb e r s h ave b e n working o n a Governm e nt proj ect for t h e se m es t e r in building model airplanes for the purpo se of id e ntification by air raid ward e n s and s imilar branch es of tl} e se rvic e. Faculty A dvi se r Mr. Si pe Pr es id e nt Sh e ppard ecretary and Treasurer B :rn i nc MEMBERS Lutz Gould Gay Meadows C hin Birch Gr ee n Lathrop P ee pl es Be hn Richston e R ei sig W hi te R.


Club has bee n one of the most active organizations on tht' ca mpu s, but neve r so much so as this year.

many years the

memb ers sponsored a very successful dance on Mothers' Day, which added a great deal to th e day' s festivities. In addition, they sold soft drinks at the ball games for the purpose of increasing for n ex t year's members, the amount in the treasury.

Varsity "H»
President Marlatt Vice-President ..... . . . ............................ . ............ i \.vis Sgt.-a.t- i\.rms . .. .. .......................................... Zolln1an Faculty Adviser. Captain Glenn MEMBERS Grigg Elkin Jay Covert Hunt Bonine Knapp Kopsch Birch Rosenfeld Avis Thomas Schwartz Zollman Whitely White R. Kistn e r Marlatt Parke Marquiss Whit e B. R eisig Turk Ellery Matyjasik Coder Merrill Whiting Schmidt Dart Bylenga


This was th e fourth co nsec utiv e s uccessf ul year for th e Gl ee Club. Pro g ram s were not m an y during the year but were exce pti o nal in gualit y U nd er th e able dir ec tion of J\1r. ]. Jo se ph Schilling a grea t deal was accomplished. On Moth ers> Day and on imilar occ;isions fine programs were prese nt e d Du e to th e fact that the or ga nization was smaller than usual a nd with the g r eat l y appreciated help of Glen Gould, a lot of hard work was don e and a hi g h quality of mu sic produced.

Mr. J. J oscph chillin g Dir ec tor

C. K a ise r

. .. Pr es id e nt

avi d Kroehle Vice -Pr es id e nt

se ph L. Knapp Secretary-Treasurer



l e, R. Knapp Lutz Kart es

Bailli e, R L- M L es k y Kai se r Ja ckso n, R. W. Robinson, R. Bonin e Kro hl e

......... .. ... . ........................
Glen Gould Accompanist


One of the n ewe r organizations on the ca mpu s, the Vires Socit:ty is the outgrowth of th\! l hristian Stu d e nt Co nf ere n ce w hi ch was held at Pokagon Park l ast fall.

T he organ i za ti o n is int e r este d in raising moral and sp iritual l eve l s on the campus and affi li ated with sim il a r soc iet i es in o th e r pr eparatory sc hool s throughout the co untr y

ult y A d v ise r Co l o n e l B out :.> n

sident Ellery

r es id e nt

r cta r y-Trcas u rcr


se L.

a ni els

ei i



Parke Scc
Sanders Zimmer Ro
Kennedy Lathrop Meadows Matyjasik McGrath Whitin g Bylenga B. Gilkey R
g Smith

danc e


b ee




many years. It has clone mueh

s h

meals. The b:ind

band this year ha s
first succcssf
one for
to proYide e nte rtainm e nt for the cadets, and to
up many
ows and
al o provided the music th e Mothers' Day informal dance. MEMBERS Leader .............. . . . ... ................. .. . .. ....... G len Gould SAXOPHONES: A\ is, Han- ey, Sheppard, Mi ll er H. BRA SS: H e id e nrei ch, Dibble, Gou ld J., Bartmess (trombo n e) RHYTHM : Thompson G., Gould G. (piano).


fo ll o"vs: Barrow Ca rn eg ie Tec h. Bear Mi hi ga n State Brussel U. of M ich iga n Cow rt M ich iga n State Eoya ng C ita d el Kr um roy Wester n R eserve Lutz . .

Members of t he

. . . M. I. T. M Murray Tole d o U. McGrat h Tr in ity Mc lpinc Mic hi ga n State Schmidt M ichi ga n State Sc h wa r tz. Ba bso n In ti tu te Da ni el s U of M i chi ga n Teep l e Pres b yter ia n Co ll ege Ka iser P res byter ia n Co ll ege E ll ery Pres byte ri a n o ll ege W h ite B C n tra l Go ul d G U of C hi ago P ne e U. of i nci nn at i Mar qu

P lirdu e lia

M. I. T Mar l att

Ba bso n Kortes

U. of M ichi ga n Heidenreic h U. of Mic hi ga n Avis W U. of Mic h iga n Sheppard Carneg ie Tec h

cl u b h ave ch ose n t hei r co ll eges as
. .... .. . . ............. . .... .. . . . .... . . .. .. .. .. .
iss . . ........ . ..... . . . ... . ........ . .. .. .... . .. . ..... . .
ll a d ay
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .. ... . . .. ..
.. . . . ............ . ... ..... ....... .. .. . ... .....


The gentlemen on the preYio11s vages are pictured as yon lllar wi:-d1 to reenH them in future years. Use this as a guide; it in·ovidc:.. insiglit us to 1Yhat rl'ally goes on at Howe.

It appears that a recess has been declared aud these gent1erne 11 are engaged in their favorite pastimes. PerJ1aps you notice a strang<J. huddled shape on a ladder taking careful aim with a sling-shot. 'l1his is none other than Mr. mathematical genius. Notice that Mr. 'fhompson ha s on one of the latest zoot suits with the drape shape. A It hough he is trying for tJ1e window, he may hit Mr. Haley who is c·ornplaee11tly ·washing same. Mr. is plotting the next great stc'l' iu life, (whatever that may he).

B)' this time, yon have probahly become aware of Uncle ,fon l\forritt, dozing at the switch of his one-ring circus,-the bull-ring ..:\ml there on the roof, feet in tbe gutter, meditates Captain (" j '' Glenn. ih, sweet Latin translations of a future day! Thrn , there's H.epresentatiYe Preston })erched on top of the ladder, away at tbe Rcenery.

:F'ollowing the Preston camera, we observe Monsienrs Droste and Muq)hy astride a tandem. Friend Droste has evidently just returnetl from the trackmeet; he came in a good twentieth! Citizen wa,' there, also, fiendishly flashing flash hulhs in everyone's faee.

On the ground, immediately behind these good gentlemen, there cra·w]s a strange something-or-other, intently examining the terrain. It is tJ1e biological expert MoTgan, looking for night crawlers or a fiYe 1egged frog.

Inside, under the arch, is Coach Downs plugging the loud speaker into the light socket for that added kick. Elevating ouTselves to the second story, we are suddenly aware of a gruesome something staring at us out of the window. N o,-it isn't the Shadow! It is only "Ronny' 1 Van A rsdale rehearsing for a Greek tragedy of some sort.

rrimmbing through the sports section on the roof is Bandmaste1· Ling·. Back to earth again, we note Mr. McGrath taking hjs afternoon siesta 'neath the shade of the old umbrella. On the home stretch, we see Citizen Bouton, of all things, catching butterflies! It seems he has resorted to this pastime while waiting for Friends Murphy and Droste to return his tandem bicycle.

Last, but by no means least, resides Colonel Tuttle, Infanfr)r, in the midst of some disaRterous tent-pitching. It seems that the Colone1 thought he could pitch a tent anywhere.

So endeth our visual epitaph on the long-suffering faculty.



The Howe "\\7 ildcats blazed anotl1er trail in the annals of IIowe football. While the season was far from impressive as far as a record goes, it proved again that Howe can keep her chin up wl1en the opposition seems to he hitting it extra hard.

With three lettermen back and all new men to plug the holes the Wildcats swung into action with a game at Auburn. t the ver)· beginning, the team signs of oTeenness and lack of experie1we in some cases. This first game was lost 3J-O. The following "·eek the Cats lost to Park 8chool 28-0 eYen though they outpassed and outgained the opposition. Tough luck followed the boys all season. Zollman was lost for the season in the Park game. Later on Birch, Schoch, Marquiss and Hunt were hurt. Hunt was lost for the season and the other. were handicapped to a great degree. The effects of this wal-' shown at Bluffton as the cadets wern trounced 19-0.

nm gridder suffered two more defeats at the hands of Onarga and Central the first score was 33-0 and the second was :-3:2-0. _,_\ bright S})Ot in the.'e games was the brilliant pla)·ing and

al so th e Hpirit with which Mal'quiss stood out all sea.·on. rrhe following wee k s aw the team at Peru . On a muddy field the Howe offeusin' wn s well bogged down and they lost 26-0. Armistice Day us he red in 11 speC'ial game at HiJlsdale. A 14-0 defeat at Hill. dale should ha Ye rrnrl a 14 0 victory for Howe . Both Hillsdale touchdown:-; were mo1·C' or Jess lucky. On the other hand, Howe gained more yardage tlrnn jfa.; owon ents and was near the goal twice as often. It was the breaks of tlie game pulling against the unlucky team. The final of th.B season was played at Cran brook. Many cadets from Howe att nclerl this g-ame only to see their team defeated 36-0.

one can't say that

had an impref-lsive season. Yet llnwe bas built up a team that will tear up its opposition in the fntmo. Lei nR a11 look forward to Howe football and not back.


SCHEDULE Nept. ........ .. ..... . Howe 0 ................ Auburn :39 (let. ll ......... ... .... Howe 0 ....... .. ....... Park
28 (>ct. 17 Howe 0 Bluffton 10 Oct. 23 .... . .......... . Howe 0 ................ Onarga 33 Xov. J Howe 0 Central 32 7 ................ Howe 0 ................ Peru 26 xO\' , n ................ Howe 0 Hillsdale 1± :.Jo\'. 15 Howe 0 Cranbrook 36 VAlU:iTTY LE'l' TERMEN Ma rquiss (Ca pt.) Bonine Kistner Reisig Zollman ..Avis, W. Coder Kopsch Schmidt Byleuga, B. Birch, G. 11 unt Matyjasik ..Whiting Elkin (Mgr.)


Ilowe '' Buckethall'' stars went through a mighty enmtfnl season While the record was unimpres. ive, the team built quite well and should, in the future, h a real threat to the opposition. one letterman came back the team was developed from scratch. With tl1e comi1w of Turk and Hackie)"" the Howe team got a boost hut it <lid11 't appear to b enough.

In Howe's first game with Wilshire the finals read 53-Jl in fayor of the oppo ition. Considering the two day's practice the boys had it ·wasn't had hall. In the contest with Otserro, I fowe put u1 with tall opposition, a narrow floor and a very effective zone defense• which the II owe men cou ldn 't solve. In the next two games Howe turned around and beat ARhley and administered a clo se defeat in a return game with the Otsego quintet. The Otsego game was a thriller with tlie opposition tossi1w in tbe tying basket just a few · before the o·un bad barked it. fatal warning.

The last of the season showed a better Hmve team on the floor. We liad some bad breaks and the scores show it, but sti ll Howe ju stified itself in every engagement . ·what with the worst of breaks witl1 all the players and a jin__r following the t eam around the team dic1 Yery well. on°Tatulations are in order to a scrappy bunch of fellow s who made all proud of the green and white they wore.

1 CHEDULE XoY. :!:! ............ IT owe 11. ....... . .. Wilshfre Xov. :!9 Howe 17 Otsego Ve<'. G Howe :1-L ..: \,·llle.v Pr< JO Howe '2G Ots ego l>e1·. 1:L ........... II owe rn ........... Onarga .Tall. 10 .... . ....... JI owe 1-L ........ . . C1oucon1ia .fall. 17 ............ Howe :1-L ... ....... Cranhro ok .Inn. :!-L .... .. ..... T:I owe 26 .. . ........ Cul ver .I an. :n ............ Howe 17 ........... l•\>1>. -+ . ...... ..... H o\ye :2:2 ........... Lima l Jig·l 1 G.... ........ II owe 15 ........... Nco tt lli g 11 Fe!>. ll H owe Rome City•) :Jd :t3 :28 2-+ :n ±9 50 31 '-rn 8-:131 Feh. 1:3 ......... ... Howe ...... .. . . Hoosevelt :Militar y Rchool 39 11\:!h. 1-! . .... ....... I-Imve :2 8 ..... . ..... Morgan Pai·k 30 Feb. '21 . .. .. . . . . . . . Howe 10 .. .. .... .. . Lake J11 orest Feh. '27 . ........... H owe :21. Concordia Feb. :28 .. .......... Howe 17 ........... Park Hchoo] Total 3 75 Av . :!:2.0 5 LETTERMEN ""\iVhi de Z o llman Turk Kop .·c h Miller B. Reisig· Hackley Kistner Marqu1ss .Jay (Mgr.) 4-0 50 679 :)3 .99


The Howe tennis team i again ·winging into action. netter:-; 1iav en't played many matches as yet hut they are working hard and expect to have competition soo'n.


boys on the baseball sq uad have been stirring the dust since spring vacation Only three lettermen

Marlatt and Thomas. Promising new material will doubtless he deve1or)ed hefore the close of the season.

The first game was a tussle with Bremen. The Varsit:,· lost thiR decision to the tune of :21-11. r11 he Middleburr team followed the next week and defeated the I fo,ve boys, 7-5.

the season is over, it is expected that a

club will be whipped into shape.


good ball
C-Sy l er, Peterson, Knowlson, Sanders P W ay, Dibble, Robinson H., whiting, Reisig, Schwartz lB Schoch, Impey' SS Teeple, Uhitil 3B-White1ey, Daniels LF- Marlatt CF,-Grce nwood RF-Matyjasik UOF-Zo llma11


The Comvm1y foot hall series was really a ''lulu'' in the tnw Reuse of the word. Not nntil the end of the series could one determinti the winner and even then one had to hold one's breath for fear of making a miRtake.

The '' B '' Compan)' erew Rtartecl off proceedings with a fine 8-U trimming. ''A'' Company took two games straight and th(·n '' B '' decided to tie the score. But ''A'' wasn't to be denied as she proved by taking the next game . "\Vhat was meant to he a play-off game turned out to be a tie.

final game was witnessed by most of the Cadet Corps. They were to see a thrilling game. Up until the referee's final gun, ever:rhody held hif:l breath. At the end of the game it was true that "B" Company had won its third championship in a row. The cadets in "B" Company nearly went macl with joy as the)r yelled their Jung :' out in appreciation of their teams' sple ndid showing.

During the season "A" Company lost the help of its coach aud good friend, Mr. Neff. He had drilled the boys and had done a good job with them all year. 1: Jis name we sha ll always remember and revere.




Oct. 1 ........ .. ........ ''B'' Co . 8. Oct. 4 ............. . .... ''B'' Co 6. Oct. 8 ''B'' Co . 0. Oct. 18 ....... . . ....... . . ''B'' Co 0. Oct. 22 '' B '' Co . 13. Oct. 29 .................. ''B'' Co . 0. Nov. 8 .................. "B" Co . 14. Nov.12 .................. "B" Co . 0. Nov. rn ........... .. .. ... ''B'' Co . 14.
Wrrn Te e ple-B es t defensive player on eit h er team. Greenwood-The offensi, ·e spark of the "A,, Company team: "A" . ''A" . "A" ."A" ."A" "A" ."A" ."A" ."A" Co. Co. Co Co. Co. Co Co. Co. Co. 0 6 () 7 0 6 0 0 0 Stewart-His h ead of red h ai r co uld be see n even und er that h e lm et as h e skirted end for "B".
human tunnd di gger through ce nt er of the «A" lin e. star of the ":\." t-:a. 111 for th e first few ga m es. D:ivis-Without this person the "A" Company backfield would hav e be e n lo st.


rr1ie ''Hot Shots''

had a turbulent seaHOll. .B-,irst oue team and then the other held the edge and it was a Yerr edge. It was one of those hreath-taking seasons at tlrn end of which one didn't quite get all one'.· breath back. It was made all the more thrilling hy the entrance of the Band as a separate team.

was ''A'' Company . In the middle of foe Heason the '' B '' boys got together

first of the season

enough to compi le the number of wins that put them on top. The Band ended up the season witl1 three straight wins

one can sti ll :-imell the boys' smoke, were so hot. All-in-all, the baskets in the big gym took a large heating when the company boys stepped out on the floor.

The victory of '' B'' Company spe lls the third in a row. In the middle of the season


hot and they made up for the cold shower they seemed to be taking at the beginning and Pll<l of the campaign.




the boys
"B" "A" Band Dec. "> . ..... 15 )19 Dec. 6 21 17 Jan. 10 . ..... 25 17 Jan. 14 ...... 26 19 .Tan. 17 29 19 .Tan. 28 ...... 36 15 .Jan. 31 ...... J2 34 Feb. 4 ...... 19 17 Feb. 11 20 15 Feb. 28 ...... 25 27 Feb. '.21 ...... 21 :15 }-,eh. ·26 :20 28 l11r STANDINGS "B" "A" Band Lost ....... .. 2 5 3 ·-yfV on ......... 6 ') 5 r:ried ......... o 0 0 Kort e -One could hardl y notice that sma ll speck on the floor. Bartmess-Without this left am; the Band would h ave been paralyzed. Butterfield-This f e llow was hard e r to catc h than m lting ((butter". Kaiser-The <CB" Company player who did the h est all around job
a n y man on a ny of the teams. chmidt-Th e strong man of the «A» Company team. Newton-He is the boy who plays ball with one l eg han gi n g on its
shr ed.


September 12-N e·w boys anive for 01·ie11tation i11·ogrnm. .. \11 foul tl1P preliminary jnstruction most helpful.

September 15-0ld cadets return and .·chool opens fonnall>·· Largp:-;t t jadet Corps in man)· years swings into action. 8 '.lrgeant lhner n'tei\'es commission a. · econd lieutenm1t and hecome.· ai-:. i tant to the P. 1\f. H. & T.

Sepfornber 20-Mr. Ij1 oxwell, mag1cian, opens Ratunla.'· uight e11t<irtaimnent program. hr all.

8epfp,rnber 21-Bishop Gra:v, president of the Boanl of rrrnRte<'s, iirrneli(\s at the late Eucharist.

8<'vtember 24-".A" Companr defeat:-:; "B" in first foothall dash. 8e pf embe ·r 26-Varsity Jo ses firnt game of season to ..Aulmrn in night hattle at Ariburn.

Septeniber 27-Martin and Olga 8teYens, puppetrers, present "('Jeopatra" at Blake Han. Yer>· good.

October 1-" B" defeats " .J\ ", 8-0. Sturgis defeats Y an:;it>r te1111 i team.

October 3-0ld Guard treats schoo l to ice cream. Fir .. t meeting( 'ollPge PTep Club. ·

Octob e r 4-0pen date for Yan;it.\r. " '\" and "B" i1Ja:v tie gam r. Newherry, artist, .·1 eaks at Blak 11 all.

October 5-Fir.·t parade.

October ll-\Vildcats lose to Park 8chool. Sturgis R sene:-; defeat 1J owe Heserves

Octob e·r 15-Trnstees meet and cadets enjoy holicla)T . Steak roast at noon. Tarsity tennis team defeats Sturgis.

Octob e r 17-U ro s team makes first appearance in s ix way me t at Bluffton . \Vildcats lose to Bluffton jn ni 0 ·ht game.

Octobe1· 18--" \" defeats "B ". Walter Morgan, ongrnss i on al l lHge hoy speaks at Blake HalJ.

October 2:3 Mr. Neff, membeT of the faculty since dies sud<le11ly. ''May he rest in peace.''

October 25-Founders' Days again. petitive dTill. Onarga def eat. Wildcats. Founders' Day Ball grand success.

October 26-U. nal round of activities. lni c J1Jucharist.

"B" Compau)· wins comMany visitors on campus .

Bishop Gray preaches at

October 29-" A" Company defeats "B ". Qctober 30-Lower School Hall owe 'en Party.

NorP 111b e r 1-Central Catholic defeats Yan:\ifr. Bndon ,Ja ckson (•i1tertains with his Marimba at Blake Hall. · Yorcm b e r 7-Peru v\!iJdcats in night game .

Y urern be r 11 Uadet Corps goes to Hillsdale for Armisti<·p ohi-;f'n·mwe. Wildcats defeated by Hilh:;dale High in afternoon.

Nove mb e r 15-vVildcats fall before Uranhrook. "'A" and "B" pla,\' tie.

No ce n1 b e1· :21-V arsity "H" initiates Dart, Ellery, White B. an<l l\ ft· 1Ti l l.

Na veniber 23-Howe representatives leav e for Ooufercuce on He lig-iou s at Potawatomie Inn, Pokagon Park. Chaplain Pag<.=> , of F1 ort Knox, pTeaches at lat e Eucharist.

Nove mb e 1 · 22-First basketball game. Cadets lo se to vVillshire aftPr only two days practice. Meridian defeats Lower-Midget team.

No i:e mu e r ,f enn in gs ani ves for three day visit. Lower 14tages rarebit in his honor.

N uvemlJe'I' 27 11 hanksgiving Da>T · Chapel in the morning. Midg(1h; <'inch Lower-Midget series . Cadets Poirier, Behn and Loving E. win first three places in declamation conte.'t in even ing.

N o uember 29-Varsity lo ses to Otsego; Reserves win tl1eir game. Ore h es tra pla)rs exce ll ent concert .

Noz ;e mb er 30- Dr. Evans preaches.

D ece mb e1· 6-Howe defeats Ash l ey while Reserves lo.'e.

D ece mb e1 · 13 Howe loses to Onarga. Ritz Tn1mpeteers entertain

D ece mb e r 15-Lower School Christmas party and pageant. Both Yarsity and Re se rve s win at Otsego.

Dec e 1nb e1· 16 Boar 's Head dinner. Comus Club presents two one Het play s very we ll done.

D ece mb e'r 17 JGarly l eaves begin.

D ece mb er 19 School closes for Ulu·istmas holiday s .

Jmma1·y 5--Back again. I-iJveryone hear: Mr. Van Arsdale was married during Christmas holida) ·s. Cadets Yie witb each other telling tall tales of holiday escapades; no one belieYes anyone.

J mziwry 10-C oncordia defeats Howe Yarsity. Riflemen lose to ( 1oncordia . Midgets win from Lower and ''A'' defeats Baml.

Jcwua ,ry 14-Comus Club initiates Curtis, Guin, Stewart and Way.

Jm11ta1'y 16 Lt. Philips of Coast Guard speakR . TATLER hoard appointed.

J cw iw ry 17-C ranbrook defeat: Yarsit.' · "B" defeats Bancl.

Ju 11ua ry 22 ViTes Society organized. Corps Area inspection.

Jt111 uu "Y 2± CulYer defeats Howe. Re:-;e1Tes \Yin from Band. Cornn s Club spon s ors informal dance after Cuh' er game.

Jamiary 28 "B" wins from" A".

J an1wry 29-Semester examinations begin.

Jrmual'y 30 School gives T;t. Dauer lust.\T send-off. January 31 Bryan defeats \ 1Vilc1cats while " A" falls before Haml. Hes erves also lose.

F ebruary 4-Lima defeats lfowe; first time in many '' B '' wins from Band and Midgets defeat Lower.

F e bruary 6-Glen Gould's Band plays at Blake Hall before rnoYie; enthusiastically received.

F' elnnary 7-Qnarterly drill comvetition. Scott of rroledo defeats rar sit.\' · Reser-ms win from "A". Robert Zimmerman, diYer, speaks :it Blake Hall.

F e l)'}·uary 8 :F1 ather Bany, of St. Luke's, Evanston, preaches.

P ebnwry 11-1-Iowe defeats Rome City. Annual company snowlml l battle held; '' B'' aud Band rout ''A'' Company. Co mus Club f eecl.

F e b,nwry 1:2-Howe squad goes to Morgan Park Suffers defeats Roosevelt and MoTgan Park.

FeuruMy 14 Master Singers entertain cadets at Blake Hall. "B" llefeat s ''A'' Compan.\ r ; Lower wins o-ver Midgets.

F' e b ritary 15 Band feed at KingsbUTy House.

F e b1'iwry 18-Band defeats "A" Company.

F'eb'l'iictry 21-Competitive drill. Lako Forest defeats Varsitr. Band def eats '' B ''.

Febnta1'y Gould's Band plays hefore mo,rie at B lake Flall.

F e bruary '.23-Mr. Schneider lea\' es for army. ·washington 's Birthday celebrated with school holida.\' · Appropriate exorcises at B l ake Hall in morning.

Febrirnry :24-Varsity "H" elects Marlatt president; Avis -.;.;v., Yice p1:esident.

Feurnary 25-Band defeats "A".

Feurnciry 27-Concordia defeats Varsit:T; Reserves too. Febrita ry 28-Miss .Jean rruttle wed at St. James. Park School wins from Varsity. Band presents excellent concert.

Feurnary :29-Platoon assists in Sturgis flag dedication .ceremony. lJforch 6-Quill and Scroll awards made to McLeskey and Kaiser. Howe goes to Mid-West Prep Tournament at Morgan Park. Defeated Lake .Forest and Culver . LO"wer goes on basketball tTip to Toledo. Ma1·ch 7-Band defeats "A". Russell Hoogerhyde, aTcher, dem011stra tes skill before corps .

Ma rc11 10-Comus Cl uh presents "A Cup of Tea". Exrell ent.

Jlar ch Jeaws depart.

March lB-Spring recess begin ..

Mar ch 2B-Sc110ol opens.

March 29-Palm Sunda y . Twenty-six cadets receive Hol.Y ( 1 oufirmation. Bishop Grny preaches.

March :m-Mr Barrett arrives to take over Mr. Erdmann 's work. vVord receiv ed that Mr. Erdmann married during spring recess.

April 1 Sturgis IIigh defeat s tennis team.

April 5-rnaster brings large crowd and lo ve l y services at Rt . .Tames.

April 8-Rxamin ations begin.

1pri.l 11-- Rpring Dance fi11<ls many visitors on campus. Lowt>r Rchool holds annual Carnival.

April 16 Facu lty part:v at Lower; brilliant assemblage, mmsnal talent entertains.

April 17 Bremen defeats Howe nine in first game .

.April 18-" B" wins inter barracks meet.

April 22-C adets win from masters at softball. Old Guard steak fry.

April 25- Facu]ty defeats cadets at hardball. "School for Drama" at Blake Hall.

1pril 26 Bishop Kirchhoffer, of Indianapolis, preaches. Lieu tenants dine wjth Co lon el Bouton, Mrs. Palmerlee and Mrs. Brainard.

May 2--,- Government inspection begins.

May 3-Y oung Chur chm en of South Bend Deanery visit school. May 4- Government inspection ends. Steak fry at noon. Holiday in afternoon to recuperate.

1lfoy 9-Mothers' week-end begins. Varsity "H" informal with Glen Gould's Banc1. Lower School Formal. Vicksburg defeat s Howe nine.

May 10-Chapel fails to hold crowd . Hearst Trophy and medals awarded at parade. J olm Aikman, ':20, dies. ''May he rest in peace''. Lima Baccalaureate at St ..James.

May 12-Requiem and Burial Office at St. ,James for John Aikmm1. Cadets form guard of honor.

May 14-Ascension Day. Bishop Gray present for Holy FJucharist. Holiday. Field events in afternoon .

May 17-C haplain J. Clarke, of ] 1 ort Knox, special preach er. Jlere the "log" must el ose as it is time to put the Ta tler "to hed ".


Best Wishes to THE SENIOR CLASS Mrs. L. Knapp and Arlynn TYLERS TEA ROOM 11 808 VVoodward Avenue • Detroit, Michigan Moderate Prices Air Conditioned \ Ne, members of the Battalion Staf( wish to express our sincere wishes for the best of luck to the CLASS . OF '42 Cadet Major Dorrell W. Lutz Cadet Captain Jack M. Marlatt Cadet First Lieutenant Richard W . Covert Cadet Moster-Sergeant Richord T. VVhite Cadet Sergeant David M. Fleming

Compliments of


Manufacturers of Plastoid Putty Detroit, Chicago, Jersey City, New Orleans

to the Class of

1942 * A A Wade, M.D.-'03 W. H . Morrison, M.D. Howe School Physic ions Brass Forgings, Inc. Ferndale, Michigan BRASS FORGINGS A. Mongeon
HOWE MILITARY SCHOOL JEWELRY Closs Rings Tie Chains Crash Togs Emblems Pins Awards Announcements Stationery I nvitotions Diplomas Medals Trophies INDIANAPOLIS OFFICE 424 Bd of Trade Bldg Mr. Morion Bostain, Mgr Official Jewelers for Howe Military School L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY * * A name you can rely .on whenever you see it on a motor . . . . . . THE PEERLESS ELECTRIC co. WARREN, OHIO * 1942 70th ANNIVERSARY YEAR
Compliments of THE HOUSE OF HARTER Wholesale SPORTING GOODS Goshen, Indiana Hancock Tool & Die Co. De arborn, Michigan DIES of QUALITY A. M . Jorgenson
Corsages by Vogt's Always C orrect ly St y l ed St ur g i s, Mi c hi g a n Complim e nt s of Joseph M. Herman Shoe Company Mi II is, Mo ss . * Manufacturers of Men's and Boy ' s Goodyear Welt Shoes Eat and Enjoy PURITAN I CE CREAM All-Ways * PURITAN ICE CREAM CO. Phone 805 Ke nda llvi li e, I ndiano Merlin S. Wilson & Company I nsuronc e & Surety Bonds SW Cor. Berry & Clinton Sts., Fort Wayne

Best Wishes to The Seniors * Mr. and Mrs. Glen11 B. A vis

MISSING? Not if it's marked with Cash's WOVEN Names-which is why smart folks use 'e m to mark all their belongings-clothing , linen , books , umbrellas , etc. Positive identification for the person , too -an extra advantage in wartime. And you know they ' ll last--because the name is woven into the tape , not just printed or stamped. Ask for CASH's and accept no substitute. Send them to your Army and Navy friends, too. Style 97 Prices: 3 doz. $1.50 9 doz. 2 .50 6 doz. 2.00 12 doz. 3.00 CASH'S 102 School Street South Norwalk , Conn.
* Mr.
and Mrs. 0. J. Marlatt
Visit the NEW WASHINGTON CAFE in St u rg i s for GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE GOOD ATMOSPHERE Air Conditioning We Cater to Howe Patrons Especially 200 East Chicago STATE BANK OF LIMA Howe, I ndiono * Deposits Guaranteed by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * $5,000.00 Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor Republic Aircraft Products Division -- The Aviation Corporation Precis i on Machine Products J. W. BRUSSEL, Plant Manager Detroit , Michigan CONGRATULATIONS to the CLASS OF 1942 We Wish Future Success to Each and Every One of This Closs
TAYLOR PRODUCE COMPANY Sturgis, Michigan Furnishes Com plete Modern Produce Faciliti es to So uthern Mi c higan and Northern Indiana Compliments of DIETZ Dyers & Cleaners * "Wear Cleon Clothes" * Phone 105-R 114 N. Nottawa Sturgis, Michigan CONGRATUL!\TIONS SENIORS! A. B. Ellery, Sr. Only Merchandise with a Notional Reputation for Quo Iity Arrow Shirts Florsheim Shoes Jantzen Swim Suits Swank Jewelry Dobbs Hats Phoenix Hose Rugby Sweaters Pioneer Belts SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES Carl Rehm Clothing Company



horses, you will wont

oats. Insist that

get Rice's recleoned clipped oats.

Metamore, Ohio

any GOOD
to feed them GOOD
The Rice Grain Co.
A thought for your future"You give but l itt le when you give of your possessions . It is wh en you g iv e of yourse lf that you truly give ." -The Prophet Best wi shes for true success and happiness . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kaiser
Bellevue Place Co. BA TA VIA, ILLINOIS PHONE 1520 REST HOME For the care of Mental, Nervous Diseases and Convalescents WOMEN ONLY 16 quiet acres in the Beautiful Fox River Valley-35 miles west of Chicago at Batavia, Ill. Established 1867 CONGRATULATIONS 11 Continued Success and Prosperity for Years to Come . 11 J. C. Penney Coinpany, Inc. 220 W. Chicago Sturgis, Mich. GlIDDEN For the finest in Paint Quality ':' ':' ':' For Authentic Color Information on all painting and decorating ':' ':' ':' Use Glidden Paint Products and Color Service ':' ':' ':' They bear the "TimeTested" Mark of Quality which is your guarantee of Satisfaction. THE GLIDDEN CQ. National Headquarters CLEVELAND, Q.

Chan1pion Knitwear Co. Inc. Rochester, N. Y.

Specialists to Militory-Co ll €ge- High School Trad e


School for any purpose, make the

When attending


care of in accordance with your

home. Mr. Gerow will do his best to see that

Mr. D. J. Gero w


Howe Military
Hotel Elliott ,
, your
you will be taken
Proprietor STURG
Compliments . of Sovereign Pocahontas Cotnpany . Cincinnati, Ohio Miners and Shippers of High Grade West Virginia and Kentucky Coal Compliments of Clinton Woolen Manufacturing Company Clinton, Michigan * Makers of Fine Uniform Goods Since 1866 THE BEST OF LUCK to EVERY MEMBER OF THE SENIOR CLASS Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dith1ner
Navarre Die & Tool Co. FORGING DIES 10501 Haggerty DEARBORN, MICHIGAN Compliments of Mr . and Mrs . Schmidt Theo. Schmidt Noodle Co. 9 104 Culver Avenue Plaza 2053 THE BEST Makers of Famous Schmidt Home-Mode Egg Noodles and Chicken Dinners Egg Noodle Soup Mix Flavored with Chicken Fat Home Style Noodle Vegetable Soup Mix Elbow, Sea Shell, Alphabet Macaroni Egg Barley and Flakes
Chris-Craft factories are bu il d in g 100% for th e Army, Navy and Coast Guard U.S. Navy New 36-ft. Picket Bo ctt Keep fit, men of Howe! Keep strong! Keep building up with the finest of all health builders boating. You can still buy your new Chris-Craft Runabout, Utility Boat, E x press Cruiser or Cruiser from Dealers' stocks. See the nearest Chris-Craft Dealer today. Prices start at $995. CHRIS-CRAFT CHRIS-CRAFT CORPORATION, Detroit Road, Algonac, Michigan WORLD'S LARGEST BUILDERS OF MOTOR BOATS
flastrrrut UNIFORMS Are Worn Exclusively by Al I Cadets at HOWE MILITARY SCHOOL * lhling Bros. Everard Co . Kalamazoo, Michigan
HOWE SCHOOL U ses Ex el u sively HORNER QUALITY BLANKET S Manufactured by Horner Woolen Mills Company Ea ton Rapids, Michigan Compliments of JACKfyiAN'S Dep 2ndabl e Dr ugs Sturgis, Michigan Kendallville Laundry· and Dry Cleaning Co1npany Kendallvi I le, Indiana 1892-50 years of Dependable Service-194 2 Our Service Will Please You. Your Business Will P!ease Us.

Our Service


When*o comer pigeon starts out he usually gets home with his message. T ransloted into terms of everyday business, this becomes mighty important ; for the thought uppermost in the mind of every advertiser is to bring his message home to the reader We' re not "co rrier pigeons," but we con travel o long way toward bringing your message home, by insuring its eye appeal-its so le s impact-with the finest of printing and adroit use of color . Our skilled craftsmen make sure that your message not only "gets home"-but will be welcome wh 2n it arrives!

* The Sturgis Daily Journal Chicago at Jefferson Telephone 11

B. D.

Compliments of Mr. and Mrs.
McMurray More than 500 Varieties Pocked in Monarch's own MODERN SANITARY Canneries under the careful supervision of Monarch's own inspectors .. . and Found VVherever Good Foods Count Served in Howe Dining Holl
The The Senior Pho tog ro phs Kingsbury in this House TATLER Howe, Indiana Were Mode by CLEAN LEONE COMFORTABLE STUDIOHOME -LIKE LaGrange, Indiono Over 50 Years of Service Duplicate prints may be C. E. Scha effer, Prop. had at any time Al I the· Success in the World to the SE N IOR CLASS Mr. and Mrs. \\1. T. Lutz
Congratulations ,.., l THE HOWE HERALD
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