1940 Howe Military School Yearbook

Page 1

Co pyri g ht 1940 How e School Hmve , Indiana

Engravings by C r esce nt Engraving Co. Kalama zoo , Mich.

Print ed by Journal Publi shin g Co. Stur g is, Mich.

For many year some of us, and for some years, others, have lived together under tho shadow of a banner inscribed 19-1-0. We have formed cheris hed friends hip Hthrough the years and at last we must part. \Ve leav e behind us all this to enter into a different phase of our liv es .

We, who have penned this book, have heen Yery happy here and our sincerest wish is that those who follow us may experienre in eveTy respect, as we have, the plea!'lant knowledge that they are forever a l·eal part of Howe.

'' ''

We, the Class of 1940, dedicate, as a token of our high steem, our gratitude, and our open admiration, this om TATLER to one of the b st friends a hoy could have.

8 0 A R D UHARLE8 CLAPPISON Editor RoBER'T' BAKER Associate Edito l' ROBERT MuRPHY Lifol'(l,ry Edito r HHMOND BoAr<s Sports Editor Vrn ENT MELI Bu, iness llfonage1· REV. RoBERT J. MuRPHY Faculty .rJd v·isel'


Mn. HuRRETT B. BouToN, A. H., M. A., llarvard S 'ltp er i nte '1tde 11 t

1fa. :ScuDDER J AMT.Ei::iON, A. B., Princeton TI. eadmastcr

r_rHE REVEREND J1JARL .JENNINGS, A. B ., Syracuse, I.Towe P r.£11cipnl of J unio I' School


MAJOR .ALBERT L rruTT l_,E, Infantry, U . s. A.

sso r of Jfilifo ry Sc ience rmrl Tactics

MAJOR JAMES S. MERRITT, Capt Inf. Res., U. S. A , Howe

CAPTAIN GEORGE S. PRESTON, Lieut. Inf. ReH., U . S . A .,


1917 Cornntandant
Howe 1918 Dir ec tor of Prom otion
1905 Business 111 anager


THE CHAPf_,ATN Sacred Sf'ltdies

THE HEADMASTER Lati.11 and M athemcitics

Mrss GRA E LrnEY Librarian

MR. I1JnwIN W. NEFF, B. S., Indiana, M. A ., University of Chicago Commercial Sitbjects ancl Camp Direct:or

MR. How ARD WILSON DOWNS, A . B., rrhiel, M. \., U11iven;ity of Pittsburg H ecul of Social Science Depart 11n ent

MR. JAMES Vl. SLATER, A. B., Colgate University H ead of Langiiage Departnient

MR. EUGENE W. MoRGAN, B. S., UniveTSity of Illinois, Howe 1929 Fl eacl of Science Department

CAPTAIN SHIRLEY R. GLENN, Inf. Hes. U . S. A . A. B., M.A., Indiana University Latin, Tactical Office1·, Grn,y Hall

CAPTAIN OTHO LING Director of Bancl anrl Orchestra

Mn. D. HEWITT EA T, B. P. E., Purdue University Director of Physical Ediiccition



MR. J1JLMER B . PoTTER, B . A., University of Richmond Head of English Depa rhn ent

MR. JOHN L. N1r>E, B. 8., Ball State Co ll ege Sc i ence

MR. BEN.TAM l N .J. RouTH, B. S ., M. S ., Un i vers ity of Notre Dame Mnt h e'JJi.atics

MR. GuY B. MERCER, B. S ., M . A ., Northwestern University E nglis h

CAPTAIN FRANK W. vVELCI-I, L N. G., Howe 1915 Tactical Officer, How e Hall

LrnuTENAN'l' DONALD B. STUCKEY, Inf. Res., U. S. A., Howe 1934 Tactical Offic er, Whit e Hall

LIEUTENANT RAN 'OMS . HAWLEY, JR ., Inf. Res., U.S. A . B . A ., Un i vers it y of Michigan Ju11ior School 811,bjects

LIEUTENANT RAYMO ' n R. KELLEY, Inf. Res . U .S. A ., A . B., Illinoi s Co ll ege Jwnior Schoo l Siib,iects

MRs . L T ILLE M. SLATEH, Cort land Normal School

J1tninr School Sit bj ects

Mus. Lors M . KELLY, Illinois Co ll ege

J1t1vio1 · School Su,bj ects

SERGEANT MELVIN W . D AUER, D.RM.L., U. S. A . Ass't to P. M 8. & T.


MR. GAwroN ScoT'l' and MR. WARREN HAMILTON _,-lufioch CollPlJP Assistants

MR. ,J. .TosEPH NcHILLTNu, A.A.G.O. Clwir111a s ter, Piano rmd Orgall

M1-c GEoRuE ARTHUR FrsHER, Howe 190+ Q 1wrte rn1 aster

MR. RoBERT JiJ. PowELTJ A CCO 'lf.1/, trf JI t

MRS. YN p ALMERLEE Sccreta'l'y to th e 8iiverintendent

MRs. I?LoRENCE \. MrLLER, R. N. JJ!ut ro11 of TV hit e Hall

Mrss DoROTHY MrLLER, Jack Manning'8 Schoo l of Dancing Dancing l11str-ucto1·

MRS. ALEENA H. lIINES, R. N. 8uper·i·n te'}/(]ent of th e lnfinnary

Mm;. MARY C. BYRON Dietitian

FRANK CHASE WADE, M. D ., Howe 1894 School Physician

ALFRED ArnswoRTH "\V ADE, M. D., Howe 1903 School Physician

JAMES K. DuFF, D. D . S. School Dentist


Upper Schoo l '3 8-'40; P.F.C. Company «A_>> 1 39; Corporal Company "A» '39; Sergeant Company «A» '40; Varsity «H» Club 1 3 8- 1 +0; Treasurer V<trsity "H" Club '39-'+0; Varsity Football 1 38- 1 40; Varsity Baseball 1 39- 1+0; Rifle Team 1 39-'+ll; Commencement Dance Committee 1..1im--..,uay Dance Committee '+O; Glee Club -'40; Conduct Ribbon Group '38- 1 39; · Class 1 39-'+0.


Uppe r School '38-'40; P.F.C. Company «A» 1 38; orpora l Compa n y «A» 1 38- 1 39; Choir 1 38- 140; St. Nic h olas Guild '39- 140; Glee Club 1 38- 1 40; Band '38-'40; Sc ienc e Club '38- 1 40; Sergeant-at-Arms Science Club '40; Kappa Delta Soci ty '3 8- 140; Vice-President Kappa Delta Society '39- 1 40; Howe Herald >3 8-'40; Associate Editor How e Herald '39- 140; Manager Varsity Football >39; Var sity "H» Club '39-'40; Fort Knox 1 39; Associate Editor Tatle r 1 40; Honor Card Group '3 9-'40; President Stamp lub '39-'40; Quill and Scroll '39- 140; Dance !'o mrnitte e '39; Company «A" Basketball '39-'40; Seco nd Place Declamation Contest '3 8-'40; Sergeant Company "A" '39-'40; Associate Editor Student Forum '40.


Middle School 1 37- 1 38; Co mp any ' 1 B» Football 1 37; Company «B» Basketball 1 3 7- 1 38; Sophomore Dance Committee 1 38; P.F.C. Company "B» 1 38; Upper School 1 381+0; Varsity Footba ll '38- 139; Varsity "J-1» Club '38-'40; Captain Varsity Football '39; Most Vaiua.bl e Pla.yer :\ward 1 39; Junior Dance Committee 1 39; Res erve Basketball '38-'39; Varsity Track '39; Corporal Company "B» 1 38-'39; First Sergeant Company "B" '39-'40; Senior Danc e Committee '39.


Lower School '31-'36; White lub '31-'36; School Football '3 +-' 3 6; Lower School Basketball '3 Lower School Baseball '34- 1 36; Lo\ver School Track ' '36; Lower Tumbling Team '31-'36; Star List and Legion of Honor '31-'36; A ll Point Medals '31- 1 36; Corporal '32-'35; Commander ompany "L» '3 5-'36; McKenzie Literary Society '34- 1 36; Presid ent McKenzie Literary So 'iety '35-'36; Lower chool Dramatics '34-'3 6; Middle School '36-'38; Corpora l ompany "B» '37-'39; Company Commander Middle School '37-'38; Company "B" Football 1 36; Varsity Basketball '36-'39; pring Dance Co mmittee '3 8 ; pper School '3 8-'40 ; Vice-President Junior Class '38-'39; oncluct Ribbons '39- 140; Hono1· Card Gro up '39-'40; Commencement Danc e Cornmittee 1 39; Founders' Day Danc e Committee '3 9; Old Guard > 35-'+o; ornmandcr Old Guard '39-'40; Com us Club 1 3 8'+o; Herald Sta.ff '3 7-'40 ; Sports Editor H e rald '3 9-'40; Sport Editor Tatler '+O; Fort Knox Group '39; Va rsity Football '37-'39; Varsity Baseball '37-'+0; Varsity "H" Club '3 8-'40; Vice-President Varsity "H" Club '3 9- 140; Sword and S h eat h Club '39-'40; hoir '3 1-'36; '39-'40; Captain Company "B" 1 39-'40; Rifl e Team '3 9- 140; President How e U nion '40.


"Pa11cl!o" Two YEAR S

Upper School '38-'40; Varsity Football '39; Varsity "H" Clul ; Corporal Company "B" '39; Sergeant -'40; Choir '39-'40; Glee Club '39-40; lub '39-'40; Sergeant-at-Arms Senior

"Casey" FouR YEAR

Middle School '36-'38; Corporal Middle School '38; P.F.C. Band '38; Midget Bask e tball Team '38; Conduct Ribbons '36-'38; Honor Card Group '36-'38; Concert Orchestra '37-'40; Chapel Orchestra '37-'40; Band '37'40; Founders' Day Dance Committee '39; H era ld Staff '3 7 -'40; Upper School '38-'40; Corporal Band '39; Sergeant Band '39-40; Manag er Varsity Bask et ball Team '39; Manager Varsity Football T ea m '39; Old Guard '40; Varsity "H" Club '39-'40; Isoh Club '38-'40.


Middle School '37-'38; Middle School Bas k e tball Champions '3 8; Corpora l Middle School '3 8; Middle Bascba ll '38; Uppe r School '38-'4-0; Band '37-'40; Orchestra '38-'40; Chapel Orchestra '38-'40; P.F.C'. C:Hnpany "A" '38; Corpora l Company "A" '38-'40; Scienc e Club '38-'40; President Science Club '39; Rifl e Team '3 7-'40; Capta in Rifle Team '40; Varsity "H" Club '39-'40; Company "A" Football '38-'39; Honor Carel Group '37-'39; Honor Ribbon Group '38-'39; Founde r s' Day Dance Com mitt ee '39; Cot nt Dance Committe e '39; Spri n g Dan ce Comm t ee '38, Company "A" '40.


Middle School '36-'38; Midget Bask e tball '36; P.F.C. Company "A" '37; Treasurer Freshman Class '36-'37; Corpora l Compa ny "A" '38; Middle School Baseball '3 8; Stamp Club '3 8; First Sergeant Middle School '38; Uppe r School '38-'40; Band '36-'40; Orchestra '37-'40; C hap e l Orchestra '37-'40; Sergeant Company ":\" '39; Vars it y Rifle Team '38-'40; Alpha D elta Tau '39-'+0; Treasurer Junior Class; Varsity "H" Club '38'+0; Herald Staff '3 8-'40; Editor Tatler '40; Fort Knox ' 3'9; Conduct Ribbon Gro up '3 8-'+0; Honor Card Group '36-'40; Kappa Delta '40; Old Guard '40; Varsity Football '39; Se retary Varsity "H" Club '39-'40; Secretary A lph a Delta Tau '40; President I so h Club '40; First Li e ut e nant C mpany ((A" '39-'40; Drum Major '39-'40; Hab erl y Medal '39; Swo rd and Sheath Club '39-'40; Treas ur er Se nior Class; How e Union '3 8-'40; Tennis T eam '3 8 '40; Captai n Co mpany "A" '40.

H "Bo-Be" ONE YEAR Company "B" Basketball '40; '40; Summer Camp '39.


Middle Sc h ool '35-'38; P.F.C. Company "A" '36-'39; Upper Sc hoo l '38-'40; Sergeant Compa n y "A" '39-'40.


Middle School '3 6-'3 8; P.F.C. orn Middle School Basketball '3 7; Upper Sc Club '3 8; Corporal Company "A" >3 8; ball '38-'40; Varsity "H" Club '+O; Varsity Track '38.


YEARS ONE YEAR Upper School '39-'40; P.F.C. Company «A" '39-'40; Conduct Ribbon Group '40.


Co mp any "B" Basketball '40; m '40; Summer Camp '39.

7-'40, Football '36-40; Golden Gloves '35-'40; Upper School '3 8-'40; Sergeant Company "B" '3 8-'3 9; Fort Knox '39; Lieutenant Adjutant Company "B" '39-'40; Order of St. Vincent '3 8-'40; Captain Basketball '39-'40.


Up per School '39-'40; P.F.C. Company "B" '40; I o h Club '40; Treasurer Alpha. Delta Tau '40; Acolyt e Guild '40; Associate Business Manag e r Tatlcr '40; ondu t Ribbon Group '3 9-'40; Varsity "H" Club '3 9-'40; Honor Card Group '39-'40.


Middle School '36-'38; P.F.C. Com Middle School Basketball >3 7; Upper Sc Club >3 8; Corporal Company "A» '3 8; ball '38-'40; Varsity "H" Club '+O; Varsity Track '38.

IRA HUNT "li11imie" ONE YEAR

Upper School '39-'40; P.F.C. Compa n y "A" '39-'40; Science C lub '4-0; Kappa Delta '3 9-'40; Honor Card Group '39-'+0; Winner of D ecla mation Contest '4-0; Company "A» Football '39, Bask et ball '39-'40; Varsity Tennis '+O; Winner Ping-Pong Tournament '+O.

WARD JENSEN "Wanli e" FIVE YEARS '35-'36; White Club '35-'36; Star ersack Club '35-'40; Middl e School '36etball '36-'37; Midget Football '36-'37; Con y "B" '3 6-' 3 7; Company "B" Football ·poral Company "B» '3 7-'3 8; Sergeant Middl e 7-'3 8; Upper School '3 8-'40; Company "A" '3 8-'40; Company "A» Basketball '3 8-'40; Ser"A" '38-'39; Old Guard '39-'40; Hone Mention Chemistry Award '38-'39; Conduct Ribroup '35-'+0; Staff Sergeant Company "A" '40.


Upp e r School '3 8-'40; Com us Club '3 8-'40; Rifl e Team '39-'40.


Howe Su111rner School '33; Lower School '33-'36; Knickt'rhacka '33-'36; P.F.C. Low e r School '34-'35, Sergeant 'JS-'36; McKenzie Literary Society '33-'36, Secretary '3'-'36; Star List '35-'36; Lower School Football '34-'36, Basketball '35-'36, Baseball '35-'36; Lower School Rifle Medals 'H-'36; Middle School '36-'38; P.F.C. Company "B" '37-'38; Company "B" Football '37, Basketball '37; Old (}uanl '17-'+0; Sergeant Middle School '37-'38; ( '01npany ".'\." '3 8-'+0; Secretary Sophomore Class; Sophomore Dance Corn111ittee; Reserve Football '3 7-'3 8; Middle Schoo l Basketball Champions '3 8; Secretary Junior Class; lTpper School '38-'+0; Secretary Senior Class; Corporal Colllpany "A" '3 8; Fort Knox '39; Company «A" Basketball '38-'40; Sword and Sheath Club '39-' Second Lieuten:rnt Company "A" '39-'40; Comus !t'nant Compa ny "A" '+O.


Lower School, '34-'36; Choir, '34-'40; Club, 'H-'36; Varsity Lower Football, '35; All Point Medals, '35-'3 6; Conduct Ribbon Group, '34-'3 6; Star List '34-'36; Parliamentarian, McKenzie Literary Society; Corporal, Company "L", '35-'36; Soccer, '34-'36; Knick Football Team, '34-'36; Knick Basketball Team, '34-'36; Middle School, '36-'38; Company "A" '36-'39; VicePresident Freshman Class; Glee Club, '3 8-'40; Midget Football, '36; Midget Basketball, '36-'37; Corporal, Company "A", '37-'38; Sergeant, Middle School, '37-'38; Honor Carel Group, '3 6-'40; Conduct Ribbon Group, '36-'+0; Upper School, '3 8-'40; Company "A" Football, '37-'38; Company "A" Basketball, '37-'39; Sergeant, Company "A", '39; Hab e rly Medal, '39; Ranking Cadet, '35, '37, '38, '39; Old Guard, '38-'40; Secretary, Old (Juarcl, '+O; Secretary, Comus Club, '39-'40; Herald Staff, '38-'40; Feature Editor, '38-'39; Managing Editor, '39-'40 · Company "B", '39-'40; First Lieutenant, Company "B", '39-'40; Company "B" Basketball, '39-'40; Sword and Sheath Club, '39-'+0; President, Alpha Delta Tau, '39-'+0; Secretary, Glee Club, '39-'40; Kappa Delta Society, '40; St. Nicholas Guild, '39-'+0; Howe Union, ' 3+-'+0; C:Lptain Company "B" '+O.

VINCENT MELI "Vin ce" FOUR YEAR S Middle School '36-'38; Corporal Middle School '37; Serg.= ant '38; Comus Club '38-'40, Pr es id e nt '39-'40; Science CluE> '3 8-'40, Vic e- President '40; Var sity "H" llub '37-'40; Sergeant-at-Arms '39-'40; Band '3 8-'4 0 ; Orchestra '38-'40; Chapel Orche stra '37-'40; Kappa Delta Society '39-'40; Sword and Sheath Club '39-'40; Rifle Team '40; Circulation Manager How e Herald '38-'39, Bu si nes s Manager '39-'40; Old Gu:ird '40; Glee Club '38-'40; Busin ess Manager Tatler '39-'40; Varsity Football '37-'40; C ' "B" Basketball '39; Golden Gloves quad '38; Haberly Medal '39; Fort Company "B" '3 7, Corporal '3 8, '3 9, .., tain '40; Middl e School Danc e Corny "B" Football '36; Upper School '38- '40; hon Group '36-'40; Secretary Fr es hman rgeant-at-Arms Sophomore Class; Commencet..m'1"T"-•C ommitte e '39; Cadet Major '40.


Low e r School '34-'36; Lower Varsity Football '35; Corporal Company "L" '36; Tumbling T eam '34-'40; Middl e School '36-'38; P.F.C. Company "B" '38; Midget Footb:ill '3 7; Midg e t Basketball '3 7; Orchestra '3 7-'39; B:ind '39; Kappa D elta '38-'40; Treasurer Kappa D elt a '40; Comus Club '39-'40; Sergea nt-at-Arms Comus Club '40; Corporal Company "B" '3 9; St. Vin ce nts Guild '34'+0; H ea d Acolyte '40; Old Guard '38-'40; Gl ee Club '38; Science Club '39-'40; Declamation Contest '36 '40; Winne r Third Place D eclamation Contest '39-'40; Se rg eant Company "B" '40; Varsity Football '39; Varsity "H" Club '40; Company "B" Football and Basketball '38-'39; Dance Committee '39; Herald Staff '36-'40; Literary Editor H e rald '39-'40; Literary Editor Tatler '40.


Uppe r School, '39-'40; Varsity Vars ity Basketball, '39-'40; Varsity Varsity "H'' Club, '39-'40; Company "B", ' l'olllpany "B" '39-'+0; Conduct Ribbon G r ot


Upper Sc hool '39-'40; P.F.C. Company "B"; Glee Club '39-'4-0; Choir 1 39; Corporal Compa ny "B" '39; Company "B" Football and Basketball '39-'40; Varsity "H" Club '+O; Com us Club '40; Stamp Club '40; Varsity Baseball '+O; Sergeant Company "B" '+O.

"Rosie" Two YEAR S

1 '38-'40; Varsity Football '38-'39; sketball '39; Varsity "H" Club '39-'+0; 39-'40; Rifle Team '39-'40; Glee Club .C. Company "B" '3 8-'39; Corporal Company 40; Sergeant Company "B» '+O.

"Adolf" Two YEAR S

Middle School '3 7; Midget Football '3 7; Golden Gloves Champion '37; Company "A" Basket ball '37-'39; Upper Sc hool '3 8-'40; Company "A" Football '3 8-'+0; Science Club '40; P.F.C. Company "A" '39-'40.



t ppi:r School '39-'40; Company 'A" Foo P.F C. Co1npa11y ".-\" '39; Conduct Rib


Upper School '38-'40; Company "A" Football '38'+0; Captain Company "A" Football '3 9; Orchestra '3 8'+0; Comus Club '38-'40; Glee Club '38-'39; Choir '38-'39; Company "A" Basketball '38; Rifle Team '40; Varsity "H" Club '+O; P.F.C. Company "A" '38-'39; Dance Committee '39.


School, '35-'3 8; P.F.C. Company ((A» '36-

Corporal Middle School '3 6-' 3 7; Corporal Company

'37-'38; Second Lieutenant Middle School '37 '38;

Ribbon Group '36-'39; Upper School '38-'40;

Car '36-'3 7; Howe Union '36-'40; Varsity Basketba

olor Sergeant Company ((A» '3 8-'39;

ball '35-'3 8; Captain Company "A"

Cadet '3 8-'39; Varsity Baseball

Captain Varsity Baseball Team '3 8-'39;

Football Team '3 8; Tennis Team

Decorating Committee Founders' Day

Company ((A» '39-'40; Rifle Team

Sheath Club '39-'40; Old Guard '38-

Club '36-'40; President Varsity "Hn

Senior Class '39-'40.


School '3 8-'40; Varsity Football '3 8-'39; Company "A" Basketball '40; Varsity "H" Club '39-'40; Glee Club '38-'40; Varsity Baseball '39-'40; Conduct Ribbon Group '40; Corporal Company "A" '3 9; Sergeant Company "A" '40.

' 3 7;
m '35-' ,
'39 · aptain
J•••w11o ' rd and
rsity ccH»
39-'40; Vice-President


Upper School '39-'40; Varsity Football '39; Varsity "H" Club '39-'40; Varsity Basektball '39-'40; P.F.C. Company "B" '40; Conduct Ribbo Varsity Baseball '40.


Middle Sc hool '3 6-'3 8; Midget Basketba ll '3 7; Best Essay '3 7; Second Best Drilled '37-'38; P.F.C. Company "A» '37-'38; Varsity Reserv e Basketball '37-'38; Track Manager '38-'39; Herald Staff '36-'40; Al umni Editor '39-'40; Quill and Scroll '39-'40; Kappa Delta '3 7-'40, Secretary '3 9-'40; St. Vincent's Guild '3 7-'40, Ceremo narious '39; Alpha Delta Tau '39'40, Treasurer '40; Second Place D ecat halon '3 9; Corporal Compa n y «A» '38-'39; Rifle Team '39-'40, Honor Card Group '39-'40; Sword and Sheath Club '39-'40; Varsity "H" C lub '3 9-'40; First Li e ut e nant Company "A" '39-'4-0; Upper Sc hool '3 8-'40; Tennis Team '39.

R l SSE LL WHIT.ELEY "Fat Joe" Tv•o YEAR S P.F.C. Company " :\>' '39, Corporal '40; Choir '38'+0; Orchestra '3 8-'40; Band '3 8-,40; Glee Club '40; l lera.ld Staff '39-'40; Varsity «H" 'lub '39-'40; Varsity B:i. sc ball >39.>40; Company "A" Football >3 8-'40 1 Basketball '+fl.

CLASS OFFICERS President. ........... . ,J .:J<'k 1\ lloni er Vice Pre ·ident ..... 1 cnjami11 Stabile ............ .... D01m1d Lee rJ'reasurcl' ........ C harl eH Clap1 i so11 Sergeant-at-Arms ..... Leon Boyajan


If you can spare a few minutes, I would like to tell you about the pa st oi the Class of 1940. Let us imagine Howe ii:; a boat. Like al ] boats it has it s ca bins, chapel, gymnasium, dining room and chart rooms. The riYer we are sailing on is"history"; the })ast is l eft in our wake and the future li es just around the bend. There have 11een mauv sand bar s and rocks in the water to make the trip hazardous, hut ;10ne of thei-w lms pre\'e nted the ship from going forwarcl.

On September 16, 1931, two small boys went tlrn gangp l ank to tak e th eir place in cabin "40 ". rrhey were the nuc]eus of our class. Oue was Ray Boaks alias "Doaks ". Little did be know at tliat time that nine yeaTS Jater li e was to he the Captain of Company '' B'' and Uommauder of tbe Old Guard. "Doaks" 11as been a real "salt" throughout the whole tr1p and wJ1en he pac1rn ]1i s hag and graduates this .Tune Howe will miss area] fellow. The other lad was .Tack Glendinning from out Oonnecticut way. ''Glen'' is the autl1or of this hi . tory and h e hop es to graduate tbis June. The hi ef navigator of the S. S. HOWE was Father Young. This was the first that the new gymnasium was open for the use of the Cade t Corps.

The n ext year, no now members were added to tl1c roll of ca dets in tho 8cp t ern1)er, 1032, dawned on horizon and a clrn1)1)y lad from Odro it walked up tl10 gangplank. He is a quiet pcTson witl1 a great deal of artistic tal e nt. His future seems snTe to be a Ruccess. Evidence of this ca n ho found on the smoking room walls or h>r rememberi11g tlic now famous "Statu e M:vs tcry" of 1039. There can he no douht in yo ur mind that I m e an J1one other than "Fat Stuff" Lee. Three 111011. wl10 had g·aincd tl10 loY e and Tespect of the Cadet Corps in their as masters at Howe retired. The first ma ster was Major hdwa rds wJ10 was followed by Co lon el R.egan. Tbe seco11d was the Reverend Irving Todd; no one has been able to take his place. The third was Fatlrnr Young· wl10 after many years of faitl1ful service as '' Rki pp et'' of the S. S. HOWE ret.iTed from active service and 11ecame Rector :FJmeritus. Father Crosby took over this post.

With th e s tart of the yeaT 1934-1935, two n ew cadets entered Hta t ero om '' 40'' to make np their berths and sett l e down to six years of study and p]av. "Bohhy" McMahon was one of t1JC s o chaps Dnrin .g· hi s at Howe he ha s made a ver:y fine re ord. He is an lrnnor st ud ent . c <litor of the Herald and in too many ot11er organizations for me to mention in the small space at my disposal. He is a fine ("'1 1iri Btian and his future is one with no 1imjtations. The otlwT lad Wl1,S our own Bob Murpliy, tlrn Irishman from the Blue -gTass ro lmtn". The record he ha s made is one to be prol1d of. too. Bol1 is an officer in the Kamm Delta Liternr>r Society and the Literary Tijditor of the T-Tern]d and Tatler. rrhe fight and dTive that this littl e Irishman ha s in hi s veins is something to see when the lid has been taken off. J\ good example of this is the fine showing ho made ont on

the gridiron fall. rI'his )·Pal' was a red letter day for the sehooJ as well ns two boy . , for this was the first >Tear of Mr. Bouton':-; tour of dut)· as Nuperintendent.

I stood looking oYer the rai lin g ouo day in September 1 and watehecl three rnoTe hoyH ascend to take their p1ace in our class. Thi' first bo,· eanied a suitca e in one hand with stickers of Detroit arnl the eoYcring most of its surfac e . In tbe other hand he carried a first-hm;ema11' mitt and a "Hank Greenher 0 ·" hat. HiR hair formed [I ridge where it stuck out from under his cap . Thus it has been P\' er since. Ben and hasehall,-synonomous in meaning. Ben Stabile-base ball player par xcclkmre, jiYe hound de luxe and aptain irnperh of "A". Ben is also the President of t1rn Varsity "TI" C luli . "Phe secorn1 lad was Ward Jensen, the ''ghost'' from PentwatE•r, Michigan. All throu()'h his years at Howe, Ward has made a fine rceord. Ire is a quiet person <loin()' a good job in whateYer h is in. Last winter, Company '' B '' had plenty to worry about witl1 Ward playing center for Company "A'. " basketball team. The tl1in1 cadet Rlrnffled his six f et thre inche. across the deck and introdnct•(1 himself, "I'm Harold Delzell from Dayton, Ohio." Since then we l1ave gotten to know ''Del'' well and we know him for what lw i , - a cadet of the fir ·t order and a real sport. As we drew up to pier No. 1036-J037 our clasR consisted of cigl1t member . H this time seven more cadets join d our ranks and witl1 a total of fift('.'en aclet . we started on our voyage through high school. When Trac>TBrown entered our cla ss I do not think he had any ioea that three yearn l ater he was to he a member of the hand, orchestra, Herald Staff and an officer in the R.O.T.O. Tracy was the manager of the 1938-1039 l1asketball team. Vincient lVIe1i was among tl1is gTon11 of new cadets . ·when he this .June h e can look back on fom years of fine work and a job well done. In four y a1\ h liaR rornc from a private to the highest mi litary rank in sc]1ool, Cadet Maior. He is president of the Comns luh and a member of many other school activities . rrh 11 tl1erc Cliai·li r f'1hP'1'lS011. "Clappy" iR editor of this hook. If you think it is tlie best hook that. lias cnr 11cen pnhlislicd, why it is ]aT gely due to hi s work and tli c hel11 of T 1 ather Mnrphr. '' i. an honor student. a meml>er of the hand and a member of the Varsity "H" Cluh. TT e made his l cttrr in football last fall. I heard one 'cadet singing "Oany Me Baek to Old Yirginy ''. I thought tbat here must be a true gentleman of tlH' old South. Rut, alas, it was ''Kay-Kenny'' Renick from a toWll somewh rn ]n Michigan. Since then we have found out who the Virg-i11y in that song is. Kenny is the hest manag r that ·oach Morgan ever had. Ask Herrick if I'm not right. Mac Wheatley waR the next n ew member of tl1e cla ss He has clone a good job in four years h his Freshman )Tear he won th chool say contest . For th past four >TearR he ha s heen a reporter on the Herald, a member of the OrdeT of Rt. Vincent and last fall h e wa. · el ected vice-1 resident of the K app11

J)clta Literary Society. Gordon was the next in line. It took about two minutes to find out that here was a lad made of the real material. He is a Second Lieutenant in 1ompany "A" and a member of the y ·arnit,v "II" Clul>, making his letter in the spring of his ] 1 reshma11 year in track. The ]ast person to enter cabin "40" tl1at year was .Tack La :B..,org·e. I would like to men ti on Joe Golden at thi · time. Joe eamc ju J 9:-37. Jack La Forge and ,Joe Golden were two of the finest ho\'S that JIo-we has e\Ter had among its sons. They were good, clean ('Ht feJlows. Both of them had a joke for every occasion and a helping kmd ju every joh. They were both memb rs of the Varsity "H" Cluh, J ack making his letter in footba11 and Joe making bi.s in tennis. Bera11Hc they were Ruch topping cadets and true friends, I dedicate thiH the Histor:v of the Cl ass of rn±O to their memory.

The next year, 1037-1938, was our Sophomore year We were no longer the under-dog Freshman, hut cadets ready, willing and ahle to lead in our different activities. Gregg Benner the "man-mountain" from 1.Jast Lansing cam on hoard. At that time, Gregg was a big rlmhh:v lad and tJie idea of being the captain of the 1989 football team wa8 far away . But the future cannot he told and Gregg' was tl1e capta in of that team and its most va lu ab l e too. His frame of Rix feet three is noug-h j11 iti;;;elf to scare tl1e opposing team to death hut Gregg made 8UTe t.heY staved scared and he gave the game all he hRd. Greg·µ; liad not gotten J1i.s bag" unpacked when a seedv sort of a lad walked into the rahin and mmouncecl bimself as Robert CharleR CodeTherg , the hest tromhone r>laYer in the Middle-West. "Cve" is a verY fmrnv person. He has foe 11onor of being t1ie "Best Butch-liair eut Owner" of the Cadet rorns. Another of his accomplishments is that of hoing: tlle president of tl1e 18011 Society or common l y known the Scienre Cluh. Sinre 11i s admittnnce as a Freshman we h a Ye come to recognize "Ovo" as the hest trombone plaver at Howe,-nfter al], tl 10 Middle-Wost is 11uitc a l arge Rpace. In tlw midst of a blnsteTing Rnow :-1torm jn NoYrrn1>cn- Donald Sc hmidt from the Hoosier can itol eanw on board and ioi.ned our group. Don dug in for a l ong w i nter mid began to nut 011t Rome i;rnod \vork He lias heen a consistent winneT of honor cards a11d h e i ,· onitr. a hall -ca rrier wl10n it comes to foot hall . .Tu. ·t ask Company "B" about that.

We were ri.Q.·M on sc llPdnl c when we drnw up to Senternber 1938. Wliat a year that wa.H. At last we had reached the U11per Rcliool and the cozv Rmoking rnorn in itR hasemcnt. A Ja.rg e group of new hovH cnteTed om r l a. s at t l1i s time. At the head of t1rn file was Jack Allonier from Cincinnati "Jake" in two years has made a record that anv cadet won ld 11e pTOud to haYe. He has made innumerable frjend8 in the Cadet Corps and biR being el ected president of this Renior cla8s shows how hi 8 feJlow classmates feel about 11im. He has made J11s varsitv Jetter in football a.ncl basel1all and be is the tre:::isurer of thP Varsity "H" Club. The next l)erson was one Edwin Rosenthaler. W11en I first saw Ed he had his candid out taking a 11 the s l10t s he could

of his fin.;t dav as a cadet. Last fall he came out to try his luck 011 the gridiron. iJ is luck \Vas good and he sfa:iyed on to bring down many au opposing hall- c arrier. Ed did not haYe the limelight for very long though, because one Robert Baker blew into the cabin with the wind of Florida to help him along. then he had a pencil and pa<l ready in rase some unfortunate cadet or master should do something that would he choice meat for that column in the Herald called EavesdTOpping·. It might be said that Mister Baker is an officer in the Kappa Delta Soriety and a memher of the hand and orchestra. His proper name iH "In The Mood" Baker.

':l1hcn there was a chap named Roger Sonucho ru. I do not remember his nick-name. He added to the humorous side of the cla. ·s. His jokes arc often good and as a girl in the 1938 produ ction of the Bad Ma11 the Comus Club, he made a perfect fair damsel in A draft of cold air blew into the cabin and Spanky Vignola, the ''good human man'' of Oak Park had arrived. Spanky made a vow at that time to be a sergeant by 1940. He has accomplished this vow, being one in Company "A" . Last fall Spankv made lii.s letter in football and was dulv initiated into the membership of the Var.sit.\1 "H" Cluh. SpankY will never forget the heavenly days of rush week. When I met Russel White l ey, 11e was assuming a pose that has s in ce become very common. He was standing at the top of the third floor stairs; in his right hand, he held a bugle, in h1s l eft was a stop watcli. He waR muttering ''four seconds, three seconds, two seconds andmess call hlew-o n the hour-on the minute-on the second '' Another borne run for "Fat ,Joe".

In N ovemher of t hi s year two more boys joined our ranks. The first was the "mad Russian from Armenia", Leon Bovajan, more common l y known as "Bonjo" to the more elite of Gray Hall In thr short time that he has been here his record has been a good one. He is a member of the Varsity "H" Club, President of the Glee Club and a main-stav in C:o::ic h Schilling's Choir . When I "Bonio". I went down to cabin "-!:O ". I grasped the doorknob and was going to enter but. instead, I found myself in a very awkward position on the floor. I had been knocked over h y an electrical shock. Instead of svmpatlw for my state, I was met by loud laughter from one John Kleinheksel. Dc::ir old ".John "-where would we be witl1out hi s nractic::i.1 fokeR and "Confucius Sayings"? If anything was wrong with a radio John would take tbe si tuation in hand and make sure it was broken. So we give a bunch of faded Mess Hall flowers to "Heksel" from Flint.

With the cold blustering winds of February, a tall dark and handsome lad stepped on board and made it known to all of us, that he, Edward Pellowe. was g·oin g to be a member of our clas s . FJd is one of those fellows who has a smile from ear to ear and I must say he uses it to good advantage. He is a member of the Varsity '' H'' Club, the Gler Club . and has done some fine acting in different plavs thiR year. With a ll tbe joy of meeting new friends and writing a new

pa ge i11 our this :vear hronght much sorrow to the Corps, Facn lh· and .:\ lunrni. :B..,oT in the spring a tTue and Joyal friend of Howe to his reward. He hacl devoted more than twent>r-five YPRTR of n Htiring senire to the school. Never ·will that grand person, the Revere nd Ining Tocld, be forgotten.

N ow we come to tho last chaptei· of our Jog book. The first cadet tl1H t I m e t was a who has g-ainecl the admiration and friendship of hi s <' las s- mates and those jn tho schoo l. I am talking about "Doc" \Yard, meml1er of the Varsjty "IT" 01ub, the student of the Student Advisor y- Council and a Prirnte I11 in.;t Cl ass in the R.O.T.C. TTo has heen a real asset to the elass and we are more tha11 pro11d to have him as a meml>er of our el ass. "Doe's" hometown is Chil.licotl 1e, Ohio. Tlis room-mate is a lso from this town. "1Digbt-ball." o,.,.erly, lik e "Doc", lin s made his l etter in three sports. He is a member of the VaT "H" Cluh. "Ba ld .v" came, saw, and conquered tho friendsh ip of oYeryone and lw wi 11 be missed greatl> r after he h as l eft on .Juno tJ1e ninth. I heard some011 e call for "Jason" and I t hou gbt that someone had eaten t o stirs''. But, it tnl'ned out to be one Swartzbaugh from Toledo. Hi s tal ent:-; for delicate work ar sornet l1in g to stand up and cheer ahont. .All year ] ie l1 as li ecn amazing eYeryone with bis scale models of s1)ced-hoats, airp l anes and ot h er what-nots . When I met Jimmy fTunt he was jm;t getting his hunk ready for the us ial morning inHpe ctiou. .Timm? is the youngest member of the cla ss but thjs bas liad i10 e ff e et 011 his grades and his being the number one member of the tennis team. rrh n "Bncl" Gl'een made his entrance . "Bud" is a rn em1>rr of the Varsity "H" Cl uh, making ]1i s letter in football last fall. He iH an honor student, ha Ying been elected into A lpha Delta T au and ha s had parts in the Comus Club presentations of this year. With the taunting me l od? of the Beer Barrel Polka played on an accordian, Warren Farkas appeared . Rumor has it t 11at he ]1as learned on e or two now songs since then hut the ''beer barrel'' is still rolling s trong. The last, but not least, new member of our class is Haro ld ·Dearth, the famed hook-collector from Sidney . Last fa11 Dearth made his Var sity foothaH Jetter and in t11e winter months he was a main fa y on the C hampionship "B" Company basketball team.

Last fall Major I. .A . Hunt came to take over t11e post of P.M.S.&T. He was relieved at Christmas time by Major A . L. Tuttle. Tbis our la s t ).,. ear at Howe has been a difficult one with many problems to solve. We heljeye these problems have been so l ved and that we l eave Howe a better schoo l than we found it. When we leave we will take only tho s e fond memories of "hull sessions", "steak feeds", the chapel and the friends we bave made among the Corps and Faculty. Behind us, we will ]eave a ll our disappointments and troubles, to the room s we have occupied. As we shake ]iand s ::md go our se1 arate way s , we wonder ..where or when we ·hall meet again.


'' \Vh) · , good evening, Bob! W 011 't you come

'' 1:hanks, Dr. W onmug. l \ ·c g·ot some rather important business to talk over with you.'' ·

''Sit rio'ht down thern and make youn.;elf comfortable I'll get Oop to bring us in some tea.''

'' Ahhh, that's fine Now uh, Doctor, this lmsiness I spoke of-it's really prett.r vital. ..As yon know I just got a job on the Post ancl my first big assignment is to take a trip into tl1e future and find out what my classmates who graduated from Howe are doing'. I'm supposed to give a \i\Tinchell-eyeview of ·what I see."

"Ummm, yes. Thero, I 8Upposo, you expect my time machine to help !'OU.''

'' ]1Jxaetly ! It would cu.;sist me great ly if you would do it.''

"But hold on ! My i1wention goes only to the past."

"I thouo·ht of that, hut what about that reverser you've been working

"Well, I'm not quite sure that it' s a surcess . However, come into m.v laboratory and we will see . ''

"There! I guess tbat will work all right. Get aboard and we '11 soon 11e in the year 1960 1. D.''

"0 . K. I'll sit here and sett l e down for a while."

"That's where you're mistaken, son . We're there already.''

''What! \Vell, I must g i Ye you credit, Doc., this is quite a time

''Boy, do the streets ever look fmm) ' ! rrrucks on one road, cars on another, and pedestrians on a specia l sidewalk. Say, let's go into that l arge offirc building O\Ter there. Maybe I '11 have some lu ck."

"Wbat 'd J tell Look at that door over there: 'J . J. \llonier, Specialist in Romance.' Ah, yes. Ear]y in life h e began personal experimenting in lovers' quarrels, fomenting spats with as many individual g'ir'ls as possible, that he might exercise his ingenuity in effecting reconciliations, his theoTy being that any romance be satisfying. He seems to be working on a most unusual case. Gad l He's working on Boyajan ! Never did ho have any thouo·ht of ]ove towards any except the faithful Jeannie. ..As a result, other ladi es not being able to believe that such an one could stay sing le, hav e run after him in droves. A lloni er believes that he can effect a cure, hut ,Jeannie suggested that the remedy planned would be worse than the complaint.''

"There's a police office with Benner 's name li sted as running Police Cruiser No. 1 in C hicago. And that's the office of Raymond

Boaks, International Chin-Chucker He has been so successful as to the differences between Lewis of the C. I. 0. and Green of I the A. :B-,. of L. He even persuaded Hitler to change the swastika on the German emblem to an umbrella Hmm Brown T ., successor 1 to Bahson, Director of the Brown :B1 oundation of Intelligent Research I into the quest, 'What is the RCore 0?' ... More offices. Cederberg, R., I other wise known as K iug Cyrns, the .Ambitious One, is Generalissimo · of the non-existent Bolivian Army ... Clappison, mainspring of the 1 Glamour Mattress Company ... Dearth, successor to Mayo Brothers Delzell, author of year's best seller, proving the vio let is actually the most ostentatious flower that blooms ... J1,nglish, owner and manufaeturer of 'Beneath the Casement Firecrackers'. Sells all over the world and Mars. Has run the Chinese out of business ... Glendinning, subHtit ute tenor in television broadcasts. Handsome man who exhibit s lots of chin action and acts part of tenor. for fascinated l adies while actual tenor voice comes from behind curtain at his back Whiteley, tile tenor behind the curtain l> ehind Glendinning ... Green, best smeller in the perfume business. Can tell to the fraction of a mill the va lue of }Jerfume by passing it under his nostrils Herrick, Commander of Coast Defenses of Vir 0 'in Islands ... \Vheatley, teacher of 6-suit bridge on the Detroit River Night Boat ... Ward, coach of Sturgis Y.W.C ..A. basketball team Swartzbaugh, head of firm of 'Super Uut-out Dolls for the Kiddies' . . . Stabile, most popular dancing master straight from J r oll ?Wood. A l so president of 'Whoppers Club' Sonneborn, manufacturer of Mellifluent Cigarettes An original poem in every package Rosenthaler, socia lit e proprietor of Pawn Shop for Socialites ... Reed, breeder of prize stock for Mexican Bull Ji1 ights ... Pellowe, Olympic Talkathon Champion ... Overly, stunt actor specializing in ath l etic contest features Schmidt, Geologist ' ExtraoTdinary. Made the dust bowl the land of mud pies ... Murphy, National Golf Champion and International Collar Ad Meli, U. S. Minister to freland. Hopes to free Ireland through money collected from Scotch ... McMahon, proprietor of tooth-paste company which ha s contrac t to sponsor the first notes of the angel Gabriel's immortal trumpet ... Lee, newly chosen editor of Esquire . . . Kleinheksel, Superintendent in ch arge of International Electric Transportation to Mars Jensen, Industrial Expert. His idea of having twice as many pins stuck into new shirts was the main factor in solving the unemployment prob1em of 1040 ... Hunt J., instructor in English at HaTVard. EYery word h e Hpeaks sounds as if it had a wool petticoat on it ... "

"Well, Doctor Wonm u g, that seems to coYer them an, and I must say I never expected them to come to this.''

"011, well, you've got y·o11r assignment. Let's l1e getting back."

57G vVirham Place, Cincinnati, Ohio Hobert W. Baker

.Tolm .J . ..L\llonicr

.-1-0J N ortlt Osceola .A.Ye., l earwater, Florida Gregg D. Benner

1500 \Vest Washtenau, Lansing, Michigan Haymond .J. Boaks

lJ :-3G8 San .Jose, Plymouth, Michigan Leon M. Bora.inn :2();-38 Hecond St., Wyandotte, Michigan 'l,rae)r W. Brown

:2:28-1- La Moth , D troit, Michigm1 Hobert C1. Cederberg

Iroquois Av 0 ., Detrnit, Michigm1

71+ Prairie Ave., Wilmette, II lin ois ( 1hal'les n. Clappison

J Iarry 11. ncartlt :201 N. Main Street, Ohio If arolc.1 W. Dclzelt

155 Ma>rfield \ v ., Akron, Ohio Gordon .J. JiJngli

1:2:25 G i(ldin gs, Grand Rapids, Michigan Warren .r. 11,a rkas ()D-1-5 Oakman Blv<l., D ar lwm, Miehigan .Jack G1endiuning

G1( 1ll Acres, Ridgefield, Uonncctie11t Kenneth G. I I

70G Chi cago Blvd., Tecumseh, Michigm1 fra A. Hunt, .Jr

G17 lm ont 8t., Rpri1wficlc1, Missouri ward Y. ,Jensen I entwater, Michigan J olm II. Kleiubelu;cl

:n:m Westwood Parkway, Flint, Michigan Donald N . Lee

65 Co lorado Ave., Detroit, Michigan George I. R.

:20:-3 S. 8econd St., Monmouth, IllinoiR Vincent \. Me

1 :2G01 Wilshire, Detroit, Michigan Robert D. Mmph>.,.

Howe, Indiana Robert C

±07 Laurel St., Chi lli cothe, Ohio TDdward C.

n4 Cherry Ave., aginaw, Michigan Edwin II.

:2035 Glynn Court, Detroit, Michio·an Donald .A

1625 Villa Ave ., Indianapolis, Indiana Roger B.

18040 Fairfield, Detroit, Michigan Benjamin }1

.410:3 Hohns Ave ., Detroit, Michigan Jason B.

75 anterbury Court, Toledo, Ohio Jame s C.

1000 Austin Blvd. hicago, Illinoi Clyde E.

318 East 7th St., Chillicothe, Ohio James M.

133 Saranac, Youno·stown, Obio

vV est Beny St., Fort Wayne, Indiana Russell W.

. ... ..............
s h ............
............. ...
. .............
...... .. .
McMahon ........
li ..................
. lh'erl.\1 •••••••••••••••••••
Pe ll owe . .............
Rosenthaler ...........
. lnnidt ..... . ......
1 • StaLile ...........
\ ignola ...............
Vv ard .................. .
Wheatley 617
"Whiteley .................

A ll cndorph, G eo r ge P. Brandt, Frank G. Burn ett, Jam es L. Burridge, William A. Cannon, George M Carlton, Ri chard S C ed e rb erg, Charles L . C lan cy, Rob e1t L. Daut e l, Charles S. D ew, Charles E. Duffy, Jam es , J r.


R111 c ry, J ames H. Ek, Art hur D. Gardner, William F. Grigg, Harl ey M. H t'n d e rso n, A.mo ld M., Jr. H e nr y, Thomas L. Hud so n, Willi a m A. Knowlson, Ch a rl es C. Kotas, Edwar d C. McDonald, David L. Montegna, Jos eph A.

Mor e hou se, John D. Mudge, John G. Pa l m e rlee, John D Port e r, Thomas J. Russ ell, Richard S. Timm, Kirk E. Vick e r s, Ern es t H. White h ouse, J ohn F. Wright, John F. Xanders, Paul T.

Bakt:r, William J. Bay, harles H . Bl':.t r, Grover C. Brown, George N. Bru ss el, Jack C. Covert, Richard W.


Duncan, Jack W. Ellery, Arthur B., Jr. H e id e nr e ich, Rob e rt L. Jay, Rob ert L. Lut z, Darr ell W. Marquiss, John H.

Mil1er, Gordon L. Minto, Wilton W., Jr. P ee pl es , William M. Schmidt, Richard F. Sumner, Paul G. Wei ss , Jerom e E.

Adelspnger, E., III Allan, Richard A. Baird, Rob er t ]. Be hn, Claud W. Blair, George E. Burrows , Gordon T., Jr. Coder, Ru sse ll 0. Crabbe, William K. Dibble , Harry F., Jr. Elkin, Elliott N. Ellis, Howard L


Grissom, Charles T. Hin es, Jo se ph R Hunt, Rob e rt E. K ell e r, Ri c hard K. Kop sc h, Rob ert H. Lathrop, Eri c A. L ew is, Frederick H. McLeskey, Claude W. Miller, John H. Mool e naar, L ew is J. Nor th, Rob er t M.

Parm e l ee , Gerald L. P e nc e, Clyde H. Stimson, Cyrus W. Smnner, Paul G. Syler, James V. Vanderberg, Howard C. Vogt, Calvin R. White, Richard T. Wilmot, James D.

:\albersberg, Theodore C. Bailey, R al ph K. Bylenga, Bruce W. Bylenga, Robert E. Chin, Charles Daily, Donald C. Ddnaay, Jack P. Downey, John H. Downs, Paul C. Ferg uso n, Benjamin F.


Frost, Albert E. Gilkey, Ge orge L. Gould, John F. Ham el, John J., Jr. Hugh es , John A. J ens e n, John G. McKinney, John F. P eterson, Ole H. Poirier, Vergil R. Reisig, Clarence E.

Rollings, Edward ]. Ross, Jam es ]. Sanders, Hardy M. Smith, Howard M. Taylor, James L. Weisburg, William A. Wells, Arthur T., Jr. Whiting, Rob ert S.

Ca in, J ohn H. H e ll e r, Willi a m C. K e nn ed y , J a m es S


Nee l y, H e rb e rt H. Ri ck ett s, Jos eph W. Rin e, Charl es

Ruppr e cht, Rob ert G. W ee man, Kin g M Whit es id e , H enr y IL

Doig, Donald B. Eccles, Jo hn R .


Fox, Donald E. Frost, J am es A.

Gross, C har les E. Parr, Donald L.

Birch, John B. Clow, Ch arles R. Dodge, Orin


Go uld, Art hur E., Jr. Hud so n, John W. Klock, Harold F., Jr.

Macbeth, Donald M. Morgan, Russel T. Rin ey, Charles W.


rrhP ll<?W members of the staff, Lieutena11t a11cl Mrs. K8llY. and Mrs. Slater, have w ith the old members s triv en hard to keep up the Jiig-h aeadernic standard of the Lower. Many lrnve h ad '' B'' + and'' A'' aYerages for th e week,--Klock, Weeman, Hicketts, Whiteside, Parr, Hame l, Wells, Whiting·, \.albersberg, Gould J., Ba il ey, l\fr Kinney, Macbet h , and Morgan. The Honor Society b as 1-)timu l ated ;wndPrni<' exce ll ence . Too numerous to mention ai:e t11e ho\' f-1 1v ho ha Ye receiyedhonor "Reward of Merit" cards for exce ll en ce in work. Mrs. S l ater has s bown many fine works of art crea t ed b y th e hovs in the .Art cla sses . Some ch arcoa l drawings were ex hibited in Notre Dame Un i versity ex hibit s .


rrhe l'ORter of officers was aR follows: Second Li eut e n ants in order of rank, Cadets \ Ve ll s, Aa lh ersberg and Hamel; First Sergean t, Bailey; Rergeants in order, Gou ld J., Ricketts, Downs, Poirier; Co rporals in order of rank, Byl enga B ., Downey·, Rupprecbt, Nee l y; Privates ]-,irst Class, Bfrch, Dodge, Eccles, Frost .T., Parr, Weisburg'. As a grnup, these officers h ave been very effic i ent in lo ya lt y to the schoo l and in serYice rendered a nd dut:v performed. Outstanding J1ow ever , ha s heen Vv ells wb o h ad been in char ge of the company and the 1111p er harracks; this is a great responsibility. The company h as worked hard on the drills, b as ·watch ed posture and other fine points. Among the new boys w h o h ave a lmo st qualified for offices al'C McKinney, .Jen sen, ·w hitin g, Byl enga R., and Riney. These hovs Iiave had the most military c it at ions for the year : J\a lh erRhpro·_ Birr l1 . By1eno·a B., Byleno·a R., G ould .T Hamel. J ense n J., Parr, vVe ll s, Bai l ey, McKinney, Riney, Whiting, Downs. Aa lb ersberg, Baile>' , Hame l , \ Ve ll s, Jensen, W J1itin g h aYe had the least demerits and best conduct records for the year. Lieutenant Stuckey and Lieutenant Hawley have worked with the company tbis year . Much attention has heen g i v n to posture and other fine po int s which g i ve a so l dier l y hearing. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Stuckev have cared for th e ins p ection th e a l coves and EigMh Grade rooms. TheTe \V ere many we ll -kept a l coves and rooms. '


The sc h oo l year opened with the call for football candi d a t es who were represen tin g the Whites and the Knicks in th eir annual struggl e for champions hip. Many of last year's p la yers h ad g·one to the Middle Schoo l. Prospects were g loom y but new ho ys, (among them Reisig, Whiting, Peterson and others), h el pe d to fill the gaps . The club series resulted in a champions hip for the Knicks with s u ch p la yers as Ri ck ett s,

W Pisherg-, Bai le) ' , NanderH, Jl ell er, Birch, Macbeth, PeterRon, WrnK! ,\., Gould .T., Reisig, Downs, and Jensen. Whites gave svlcncli<l battle with Dail) ' , Ta>rl or, 11.,ergm;on, Hamel, Bylenga R., JiJccleH, Aa1 hers1wrg·, Bylenga B ., Poirier, vVeeman, Wells, Downey, Gilkev, arn1 1\f cKinncv. Lieutenant Kellv coached the Whites and It. Hawley the Kniclrn. When the club was a lmost over, the Van.;itv wa·}; organized wit h a second team for defensi\Te work. The bo:n' worked hard and the Miclgefa felt the sting of defeat in four straight games. The Yarsit>T Senior RC)uad was B)rleuga "B", Bylenga R., Hamel, Randers, Weisberg. Whiting, Poirier, Mgr. \V e ll s, Peterson, W eemai1. Rirketts, Baile)' , .Te11Ren, Peterson, Aa lb ersbe rg , McKinneY, Gould .T., Reisig, Oa1)t. Tlrn T_,ower scored 126 points to the MidgetR rr h c Lo"rer p1a\' d two post seaso n games with Whjte Pigeon Hml tl1e farnouR Meridian J\. c .,-a boys' club of west LaFaYctk <1 mw hcd by· Pnrcluc Un iv ers ity roacl1es and sponsored 1w tlrn fat11Prf; 1 e luh. The latter team s l10w ed the Lower t eam real football c1Tessfl11. c-1s the' ' were. in their si lk unifoTms and mud cleats. Father .T enninl-( s 11i s w]10le squad of 8B hovs against the Meridian r1uh. The1 :-:rored 11 eavi l v ag·ainst t11e Lower in the fil'St half on long· runs witl1 fllc,Ter h]orking in the rea1 Notre Dame stvl e However. in the scroml lialf tl1c Lower gave them .·tiff opposition and almost srore<l twif'r tltemRelves. The so nad of hovs from Meridian A. 0. ·were .g·uestR of the Lower team and w re well enterfa.inecl The Lower plavs a rrtnrn game at the Purdue University Stadium next fa11.

Tlrn l1P s+ "niritP.d player hv \Tote of sq na<l waR .Tense11. (\111b1i11 Tfr,isiQ.· Pnd \i\T0llR "" .,. 0:.·c a l so sel ected as worthy of a trir with +h e roar hes. Lieutenant IT awlev, T)icntenant Kellv an<l FRtl1er .T f'mlings, to sec tl1e t1irilling 1rnttl c 1whveen N otn• Dame and So11tl1ern (falifornin. To to11 tlrn season ;-1 barn1uet was given at tl1c Hotel Kirnn=;hun FJYcrvone ha<l a wondetful tim e.

Tmrn ed i aJe l v :-:ifte r football ro::\r l1 Kelhr ra1led 11i s snna<l for haskPthall nn1rtirA. J\ ::i Bai.lev, RYleng·a B.. Bvlmrn:a R. Dmvnev.. . BrclP.-=;_ Gonlcl .L Hamel. Hudson .T. W ...Tensen. MrKinne-r. Neelr. Parr. Peterson . Po1rieT, Reisig·, Ricketts. R.i.nev. Tavlor. Wee man. WeiHherQ·_ allCl WellR. A fine season followed in which tl1c Lower won fom· out of five p;ames to win tlle cl1ampionship against tlw Midgets. A l so . a tri1) was taken to Toledo. Maumee and Delta. 0., where tliree Vars i ty and two Reserve g·ameR wen=- plaved. The 110)' R were rovally ent ertained by their opponents who Iik ewi se were guests of the Lower hoys sometime before. The. Co l1in gwood Presbvtcrian C hur ch met defeats in hoth games and Pike School lo st the Varsity game. Maumee won both at Howe and at Maumee by points margin. The Maumee Country Day School held a dance in bonoT of the team. The club basketball series was very exciting , too. The Junior Knicks won, while the Senior \\,TI1ite s were defeating the Senior Knicks.

The ljettcn ucn in these sports were as follows : J\.:\JCKB, SR. Km cI<:s, JR. 'iVHI'f'ES, SR. VV,..HITES, JR.

Xcely Dodge B .\' l enga B. Riney :!. J<lJJSell Birch R. Hudson

Downs Kennedy Poirier Frost ,),J. +. Rnpprecht Morgan Taylor

Doig Macbeth Wh itin g Parr

Ferguson .I [eller Downey Gross

K lo ck McK inn ey Gou ld A. H. Amith Cl ow

TJ10 Yarsit:.· letters in baskethall were won by: Aalbcrsberg, f11rnst A., Peterson. He is i g, ·wel ]s: Weeman, Ricketts (Mgr.), Baj ley, and I Iamol. rr l1 c Rci:;erves were: Gou ld J., Hugl10s, Chin, Sanders, Whiteside, Daily .

Between t1ie ha:;;ketha11 and footbal l , some soccer was played by tliP Kniclrn and Whites .

Pjug pong had a real i)l ace i.11 cornpctitinn for in a tournament Birrh was fina li st in the I1.,ifth Gracl0, ·w eema n the and Hughes the Fiightll Grade. 'l1 he tournameut for the finalist resulted in Hughes winning from vVeeman. 8ome Yoller halJ was played ]n the gymnasium. In the spri ng, Lieutenant l Iawler ra1 l ec1 tlie baseball candidates out. rrJ1ere were two groups, tlJC softba ll an<l tho regular hard ball. Contc1Hts were h eld between the Kuicks anc1 the whites. TJ1e Mi.ddle Scl10ol, Midd1elmry·, LaGrange, ai1d T.Jima wcl'e })1a)'e d. A track meet was held with LaGrano·e. Also, t1lere was a Knick and White track meet. Many boys tried out for tumhling, and a veTy good team was se1crted from the candidates. An oxbibition will be given on Friday hefore Commencement under the l oadors hip of Glendinning and Murphy. Otlier vet rans arc Brusse l , Kopsch, Burrnws, Aalbersberg, Hamel, Gould .T., Frost .T., Parr, and Downs. Kopsch is to be the successor to Murr:> hy in falling off the chairs . The Fiery Hoop of Death will still hr fenred. Among t li e new hoys Reisig, Dodge, Klock, McKinney, Wells and Morgan seem candidates to , ucceed.

The Golden GloYes competition has been keen a ll winter under the watchful and most efficient coacl1ing of Lieutenant Hawley and Lieutenant Kelly. The finalists for the GJlden Glove rewards after many clo e battles were Heavyweight Division: Reisig, Poirier, WeHs ::ind Weisberg; Light Heavyweight Division: Frost A ., Downey, Chin, Gould J.; Middleweight rnvision: Ricketts, J onsen, Daily; Welterweight Division: Aalbersher()°, McKinney, Eccles; LightweigM Division: Birch, Hudson J. W ., Clow and Riney.

There is keen comrietjtion between the Knicks and Whites in sof tha11 and hard baseball. The squad working out for Varsity are Randers, Whiting, Reisig, Hamel, Aa lbersberg, Byl enga B., Bylenga R., Weeman, Frost A., \i\T ells, Jensen, Bailey, Poirier, \Vhit es ide, Peterson . Gould J. and Smith are the managers of the team.


Tnwk c·ornve tition is alw for the ,Jnnior and Ncuior gfren l>,\' l\fr. K oun.; e . Outstanding records have been made by Bylenga H., Byle11µ;a H., .B , ro s t .A., .Tens en, N ecly, Reis ig , Wells.


The Lower presented a finished production using the entire Rtnde11t hodr as a cast. The plar entitled "T h e Greatest Gift" was giYen a splendid reception h)" the older hors and guests. It was featured h.r the solo work of .T aek Goukl. l<-,ox made a hit as Sauta Claus with tl1e slipper,\· stomacli. MrH. Ke ll,\· as the direetor aud Li ut enant Kell>· HR the srenir artist and s tage director arc to he congratu lat ed. MoYieR were take11 of the entire production in natural color.


r11 11 e McKenzie Lit0rary Nocict,\' ha s had a va ried nrogTam u11der the spl ndid. leadershi11 of its President Jack H arnc 1. There haw been ext mporaneous speec h es hr all members, radio plays over tlic loud s1rnaker svRtem as well as stunt nights. Poirier put on Fi nmsiea1 pxogram imitating Kay ] 1 atbeT Whittemore, 0. II. C., talked about Liheria, and a Yentri loqui st gaYe a demonstration of hi s art with a l ecture. A clever p]ay wr itt en hv Aa lhersherg· and RoHs was giYen b efore t1rn societ)... . It was called the ''Cloak Man.'' Pellowe gave a interesting talk on his bike travels. The society also spon,·orec1 a speak in g contest in B l ake IT a ll Wa. hington 's Birthday. Aalh ersherg was Vire-President, J. Gou ld ·was Secretary and Treasurer, RickettR was Parliamentarian.

The Todd Literar>.,. Rociety under the guidance of Mrs. KeJly had a s11rressfu l vea.r wit h sneeches, readings, and stories The officers were President, Dodge; Vice-President, Birch; Secretary, Klock. The honor society, Beta Lamhda Sigma, took in several new memlwrs: MrKinnev Whiting, Bai l ey \..aJbersherg is Prec:irlPnt. Bailev is Vice-President, Gould J., and Treasurex. Other members are Ricketts, Hamel, W ll s. Weeman is a lik el y prospect for membership . The bi gh standard of scholarship and character has done much to stimu l ate the academic work of the schoo l


The first big event was the big wiener roast arrnrnd the bonfire for the purpose of gettin°· new boys acquainted with old. This was 11elc1 in · the o'i·al, east of White Hall

.Another socia l event was the Hallowe 'en party where the spirit of mystery prevailed. There were many gro t esque and original costume .. Dodge and Hudson J. W. won the prizes for the best costumes; Aa Jbersberg and Rupprecht won prizes for the most original; Gilkey and Heller for the most comical. Peter Bouton won the prize for th e children of the faculty. A cl ever fortune teller was present and Mr. Potter told a ghostly tale.

Next came the Christmas party held in ·white Hall LiYing· Room decorated wjth two beautifully-trimmed trees. St. Nick was there

with a present for everyone . Carols were sung and refreshments

se rved.

One of the hig spring social events was the Lower Dance. It was

held on Mothen)' Day . rrhe Living Room was gaily decorated with

artificial roses and carnations and other flowers in honor of the mothprs and the season. In the center, from the ceiling, was sus1)ended a

net full of patriot1c-co1ored balloons. Door were given and dance programs were nHcd. Our sound equipment given hy Mr . McDmwl I fiirni Rheel splendid music. One of the higgest f e.at11I'PR R R11 exhibition of tap dancing and ha]] et given by Miss Miller '8 School of Dancing.

On May 'J.7 tbe who 1e schoo 1 went to Oedar Lake for its annua l picnic. rrhis is a jo :r-ful day for all. Games are played, swimming, tug of war, races, fireworks are a part of the program . Tliere were plenty of ''eats'' furnished by Mrs. ByTon.

Dnriirn: t.he year there were man:v litt le s1weads, feedR ano ili11ners. given for various reasons,-Starlist, Birthday partie ·, ".A" privileges, Acolyte Choir service. Sometimes these consiRt of a steak dinner at the Kingslrnry or a rarebit prepared in the White Ha ll kitchrn. 11.,or itR 1 Cli11ner, Beta Lambda Sigma society met at Elkhart with all the other honor groups in the school . There was also an annual waffle feed at the Kingsbury for acolytes.


Fr. Jennings had a l arge group of acolytes led by Wells who as'<iRtP.cl ::it. P::1rlv Rervices both daily and Sunday. A ll 11ave 1wen lo val and faithful to their duties. Those now acolytes are: Hamel, Gould J., Rmit h, Wejsher 0 ·, Downey, Downs, Bailey, PoiTier, Sanders, Peterson

On June 1st the annual wheel ride was held to Ft. Wayne, Indjana, with a squad of 20 riders. There were stops at A villa, KendallviJle and Howe. The party made the Keenan Hotel their headquarters after the ride. A laro-e party enjoyed a dinner followed by the movie at the Emboyd theatre.

The passing· year has been a and busy one. A new tennis rourt was completed in May ready for the annual tennis tournament. ':I.111e Lower appreciates thjs new gift and much use will be made of it.

During the year many sound films nnd slides have helped to make more plain the academic work. New films were added to the Lower Library- due to the gift of Mr. McDonell. Mr. Ricketts gave equipment for visual education .

We hope the next year will see the Lower move forward from this advance of the present year . A splendid and happy summer to all the boys and members of the staff.

; 1
: I I I I I I I ••••••• M I


MAJOR ALBERT L. TUTTLE, Infantr y, U. S. A Professor Military S cien ce and TactiCJ

MAJOR J AME S S. MERRITT, Capt Inf R es., U. S. A Commandant

CAPTAIN SHIRLEY R. GLENN, Inf . R es., U. S. A. Ta cti cal Officer, Gray Hall

LIEUTENANT DONALD B. STUCKEY, Inf. R es., U. S. A. Ta cti cal 0 f ficer, W !tite Hall

CAPTA I N OTHO L ING, Inf. Indiana National G u a rd Dire ctor of Band and Orchestra

CAPTAIN FRANK W . WELCH, In f . Indian a National G uard Tactical Officer, Howe Hall

SERGEANT MELVIN C. DAUER, D E. M. L., u. s. A Assistant to P. M. S. & T.


JI ssistant Ta ctica l 0 ff icer, W lt ite Hall

LIEUTENANT R AYMOND R. KELLY, Inf. Missouri National Guard

JI ssistant Tactica l 0 ff icer, White H all

Cadet Major


Raymond Bo aks, George McMahon

Ja ck Glendinning (Adjutant)

, William R eed First

Gregg Benner Staff





C h ar l es Dau tel ( olor Sgt.)

Palmerlee, Xanders, Can-


Blair, Boyajan, D ea rth, Dibble, Ek,

R., Kleinheksel, Lewis, Miller H., Minto, Mantegna, Moorlenaar,

Pence, Porter, Stimson, Srnnner, Timm,


............. ..... ......................... Vincent
Captai ns
First Lieutenant. ..........................
Second Lieutenant
S rgeant
Murphy, Rosenthaler, Pell owe.
Clancy, Hudson, Duffy, Dun an,
S FIR ST CLASS: Dew, Green, Miller G., Overly, Ward,
Bra:1dt, Grigg, Hines, Kopsch, Ru sse ll.
TVA TES: Baird, Baker W., Behn,
Ellis, Ell ery, Emery, H e nr y, Hunt
Mudge, Nort
White, Wilmot.
COMPANY 11 A11 Captains B e nj ami n Stab il e, C harl es C l appiso n First Lieute nant D ona ld L ee SeCO' nd Li e u tenant Gordo n Engli sh Staff Sergeant. Ward J e n se n (Color Sgt ) Sergeants Br ow n T., Delze ll , Bak e r R ., A ll o ni er, Vi g n ola, Knowlson, Vick e rs, Ceder b er g R. CORPORALS: W hi teley, Ce d er berg C., Ga rdn e r, H errick, Lut z . PRI VATES FIRST CLAS S: Brown G., Brus se l, Burridge , overt, Farkas, Hunt J., Marqui ss, McLeskey, Mor e h ouse, Sc hmidt D., Sc hmidt R., Sonn e bo rn , Swa r tzbaug h, W eiss. PRI VATES: Al l e ndorph, Ade ls per ge r , A llan, Bay , B ea r, Burn e tt, Burro ws , Carlton, Coder, Crabbe, D elna ay , Elkin, Gri sso m, H e id e nr e ich, J ay, K ell er, Kota s, Lathrop, Parm e l ee , P ee pl es, R ollings, Syl er , Vanderb e rg, Vogt, Wheatl ey, Whit ehouse.
First Li e u te nant Wells Seco nd Li e ut e n ants Aalbersberg, Hamel Fir st Se r gea nt Bailey SE RGEANTS: Downs, Gould ]., Poiri er. ORPORAL S: B y l e n ga B., Down ey , Neely, Ruppr ec ht. PRIVATE S FIR ST CLASS: Birch, Dod ge , Eccles, Frost J., Parr, Weisburg. PRI VATES: B y l e n ga R., Ca.in, Chin, Clow, Daily, Doig, Ferguson, Fox, Frost A., Gilkey, Gould A., Gross, H ell er, Hudson J. W., Hugh es, J ensen ]., K e nn e d y, Klo ck, McKinn ey, Macb e th, Morgan, P et erson, R eisig, Rick et ts, Rin e, Rin ey, Ro ss , Sa nd er s, Smit h, Tay lor, Weeman, Whiting, Whiteside.


Aside from be ing a vital part of eve ry parad e, th e How e School Band gave a concert in th e gy mna sium, on February 17 . Thi s co n ce rt was proclaim e d th e bes t in severa l ye ar s by eve ryo ne who h ea rd it.

The Band also made a radio broad cast from station WOWO in Ft. Wayn e on Ma y 25, which was a great succ ess.

The s ucces of th e band is du e to the co mbin ed effo rt s of Captain Otho Lin g , t h e dir ector, Drum-Major Clappison, a. nd of eve r y m e mb e r of th e e ntir e band .





e I

e nr e ich


Brown, T. Baker, R.

Cederberg, R. Sumn e r

Cederberg, C. Baird



gs Clancy A ll e ndorph

e Gr i gg Ell e ry D elnaay Lewis

Mill er Xanders
Allan Heid
Kopsch M Donald Rollin


••••••• 0


Alpha D elta Tau was es t a bli sh ed thirt y-t hr ee years ago as a chapter of the national frat ernit y, Alpha D elta Tau. The national fraternity was di sco ntinu ed, but th e local chapter ha s been ca rri ed on to in sp ir e boys of th e sc h ool to stri ve for so und sc holarship. Th e standards of soc iety are hi g h and relatively few bo ys are el ec t ed to m emb er ship e ach year.

Durin g th e last few yea r s two other Honor Societies hav e b ee n es tablish ed on th e Campu s. Lambd a Phi was es t a bli sh ed in th e Middle School with th e sa me aims as Alpha D elta Tau. Beta Lambd a Sigma was esta bli sh e d in th e Low er School. Both of th ese soc ie ti es also ha ve hi gh sta ndard s and el ect few ca dets to m emb ers hip.


Pr es id e nt Georg e McMahon

Secretary Charl es Clappison

Treasurer Albert Green


John Wright Fr. J ennings Mr. Jami es on LAMBDA PHI

Jack Dunc a n, Pres id ent C harles Marqui ss , Secretary Richard Hin es , Treasurer Rob ert North


T ed Aalbcrsberg, Pres id e nt Ralph Ba il ey , Vic e- Pr es id ent John Gould, Secretary-Treasurer

Arthur Wells John Hamel Joseph Ricketts



McLeskey John McKinney Robert Whiting Lt. Ramson Hawley



Kappa Delta is a Lit e r a ry Honor Society for those cadets who
shown outstanding ahility from a lit erary p o int of \'i e w. This y a r. Kappa D e l ta has bee n r eo rganized and ha s become a stro n g o r ga ni zat i o n One of th e projects of th e c urr e nt year ha s bee n th e inau g uration of a literary magazine known at the St ud e nt Forum. OFFICERS Pr esi d e nt Jack Glendinning Vi ce- Pr es id e nt. Robert Baker Secretary . .... .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . ...... . .. .. ........ . .... Jam es Wheatley Treasurer ............... ........ .. .. ... .. . .. ........ . Rob rt M t1rphy Jack Bru ssel C harl es Clappison MEMBERS J ac k Dun ca n Jalll es Hunt George McMahon Vincent M e li


Th e Sword a nd Sheath Club is mad e up o f tho se cad e ts who hav e made outstanding r eco rds w hi le a t H owe ch oo l. T hese ca d et s a r c aw a rd ed pla ces of l ead e r ship in th e Corp s, hold ing o ffic es of tru st a nd r es po n sibilit y R eg ular m ee tin gs ar c held throu g hout th e y ear.


Major Vinc ent A. M eli, Co. "B" Band

Captain Raymond J. Boaks, Co. "B"

Capt a in Be njamin F. Stabil e, Co. "A"

Capt a in C harle s D. Clappison, Co "A" Band

Capt a in G eo r ge L R. McM a hon, Co. "B"

! st Li e ute na nt A dju ta n t

J ac k A. Gl e ndinnin g , Co. "B"

I st Li e ut enant Donald M. L ee , Co. "A"

2 nd Li eut en a nt.

Willi a m A. R ee d, Co. "B"

2 nd Li e ut e na nt. Gordon J. Co. "A"

Maj or A. L. T uttle, U S. A.


is the school paper, publish e d weekly for t he Cadets at Howe and

the Faculty, Staff, Patrons,

Alumni. It offers experience for boys who are interested in journa li sm. It h elp s these boys d eve lop e skills am! also serves as an extra-curricular activity.

Adviser, the Staff has produced a fine paper. The


help of

assistants last year.

The Howe Herald
With the
Father Murphy, the Faculty
ha ve profited b y positions held as
Editor ........................... . . ........... . ... George McMahon Associate Editor Robert Baker Sports Editor Raymond Boaks Literary Editor Rob e rt Murphy Business Manager ......... . .............. .. ........ . Vince nt A. Meli Business Manager . . ......... . .............. George Allendorph Exchange Editor Jack Duncan Copy Editor Charles Clappison Circulation Arthur Ellel'y. Harold Delzell Faculty Adviser .............. . ................... .. ... .. Fr. Murphy Lower School News ............................... .. ..... Lt. Hawley REPORTERS Cadets Glcndinning, W h ea tl ey, Daut el, Whiteley, Brown, T., Pellowe, McLeskey, Cederberg, C., Wright, Mudge, Vickers, Downey

A fait hf ul






affi liated


nation a l o

in the se rvi ces of St. Jam

tion, the Order of St. Vinc

za tion.


well-trained gro up of serve rs ass ist regularly
e C
h e local g r o up is
wit h the
r ga ni za
with the dio cesa n serve r' s
R eg ular instructions are carr ie d on throughout the year and n ew bo ys admitted as soon as they a r e a bl e to meet the req uir eme nts for me mb er s hip.
H ea d Server Rob er t Murph y Cere m o n ario us George Allendorph Chap la.in. Father Murphy Pri est Associate Father J e nnin gs C lau<l e Behn Frank Dibble Jack Duncan MEMBERS Ja ck Glendinning Albert Green Robert Kop sc h David McDonald John Mor ehouse Jame s Wheatley


Tht.> C h o ir thi s year h as bee n notabl e for th e balan ce of th e parts, which 'vas b etter than it has bee n for a numb e r of yea r s. The r e p e rtoire ha s bee n in c r ease d by b :.i th anth e ms and an Euchari st.

A lth o ug h many of th e so pr a n os were n ew thi s yea r and in ex p e ri e n ce d th ey cl e \ cloped into a pleasing a nd ind e p e nd e nt sec tion. The Choir wa s iiwit e d to Trinity Church, Fort Wayne, to ing Solem n Vesp e r s, and to St. J a m es, Gosh e n.

Organist and Choirmast r ... ... ... . ... J\1 r. J. Jo se ph Sc hillin g, A. A. G. 0. C h oi r Moth e r Mr s. Lin g



J o hn H a m e l

J o hn Gould

Malcolm S mith William, W eis b e r gJ a m r.s Frost

Donald Parr

Ori n Dod ge Charl es H e ll e r

Ru sse ll Morgan

J o hn Hud so n

J o hn Eckles Charle s Gro ss

R o b e rt Ruppr ec ht H a rr y Sa nd e r s

J o hn Rin e

D :.i nalcl Fox


Ru se ll Whit eley Eric Lathrop

Grover B e ar .


Rob e rt Bak e r

J ac k Allonier

J ac k Rollin gs R ay mond Boa.k s


George McMahon Charles D e w William G a rdn e r Gordon Miller L e on Bo ya ja.n Thomas Xanders


The How e School Co nc ert Orchestra is mad e up of a group of boys who voluntarily give th eir fr ee time for rehersals.

This year th e orchestra gave thr ee co nc er ts, as well as pla y in g several other tim es throu ghou t th e year The concerts were a great succ ess , du e not only to th e work of the m emb ers of th e orchestra, but to th e tireless work of Captain Otho Lin g, dir ec tor, and to th e v arious so loists,John Gould, soprano, R obert Cederberg, trombonist, and Rob ert Bak er , pianist.

A few of the outstanding numb ers of th e yea r were: "Humor es k e'', by Tschaikowsky; ((Chanson", by Fri ml; "Danse Oriental'', by Lubomirsky; a.nd "Prelude", by Rachm a nin off.





Bro w n, T.


Mill er , G. '.

Whit el ey


et Cederberg, R. Trombon e Captain Lin g French Horn Mr. J. Jo se ph Schilling

............................... . .................. Violin McL
.... .... . . . ...... ........ .. .... . . ..... . .. ......... Violin
Flut e
C l arinet
.. . . .. . . .. .. . .... . ... . ....... . .......... Piano


The Co mu s Club ha s bee n a , c r y active organization on th e ca mpu s this year. In addition to the usual numb er of plays g ive n eac h year by the dub, a numb er of dances we r e spo n sored . In the early part of the yea r a «Hill-Billy» d ctn ce vvas stage d in the L owe r School, a nd in the latter part of J a nu a r y another dance, ((A Nig ht in Haiti» was he ld in the bi g Gymnasium. Prod uctions sponsored t hi s year vv er c: ((T h e Doctor in Sp i te of Himself", "A Nig ht at Valley Forge» a nd «J o urn ey's End."

President Vincent A M e li Vice-President William A R eed, Jr. Secretary George I. R. McMahon Treas ure r Gordon J. English Sergea nt -at-Ar ms

Rob ert D. Murph y Fac ult y Adviser

George P. A ll encl orp h Raymond J. B oa.ks Jack A Glendinning Robert B. Sonneborn

C ha rl es H. B ay Richard W. Covert

John H. Kl e inh eks el Donald N L ee David L. McDonald Edward C. Pellowe


A rthu r B. Ellery Rob ert M. North


Mr . E. B. Potter

C h arles D. lappi so n A lb er t B. Green Pau l G. Smnner

Mr. H owar d W. Down s Mr. E. B. Pott er .

.. .. .. . . ....... . .. . .... .. . ...... ..
... ... .... . ........ . . ... . .... . ... ...


In the second year of its ex iste n ce, th e sc ie n ce club, known as the Isoh Club, ha s more than its wort hin ess. The club was formed by Rob e rt E. Mangum for boys who arc especia ll y interested in science. The m e mb e rship incr ease d, and restrictions were mad e in order to hold down the number in the dub. A project was carried out by which one boy each m eetinggave a talk a nd demonstration on hi s favorite scie ntific interest.

On a Saturday eveni n g in March, the I so h Club provided th e e nt erta inm e nt of th e eve nin g with a Sc ie nce Fair, which was great l y e njoy e d. Then on April 26, the bo ys in the club drov e to South Be nd, inspected the Bendix Corpora tion plant and later, Notre Dam e University.

The success of the Isoh C lub is largely clu e to the two se m es ter pres id e nts, Charles Clappison, and Robert to Mr. Sipe, the Faculty Adviser, and to th e m e mb ers of the club.




Allendorph Brown, T. Dun can

Ce d er b erg, R

Cederberg, C.

Bak e r, R. \lice-President Cla ppison Clappison Secretary-Treas ur er Cederberg C.. Meli Sergea nt-at- Ar ms Meli


Green Hunt, J. R ee d Mr. J ohn Sipe, Faculty Adviser

Ro se n th al er Schmidt, D. Xanders


The Old Guard is the oldest organization on the camp us and consists of those cadets who have be e n at Howe School for four years or mor e and who hav e been duly el ec t ed to membership.

Commander Raymond ]. Boaks Vice-Command e r Ja ck A. Glendinning Secretary-Treas ur e r George I. R. McMahon Adviser Captain G. S. Preston


Cla ud e B ehn, 1935 Raymond Boaks, l 9 3 l George Brown, 19 3 6 Tracy Brown, 1936 Charles l appison, 1936 Richard Covert, I 9 3 5

Charles Dau tel, 193 5 Harold D el ze ll, 193 5

Paul Downs, 1936 Jam es Duffy, 1935

Mr. Bouton Mr. Jamieson Fr. J ennings Capta in Preston Major Merritt Major Littl e

Jack Duncan, 1935 Elliot Elkin, J 9 3 3 Gordon J. English, 1936 Luci e n Gilkey, 19 3 6 Ja ck Glendinning, 1931 John Gould, 1936 Milton Henderson, 1932 Kenn e th Herrick, I 9 3 6 Ward J ensen, 1935 Richard Keller, 19 34


Mr. Neff Mr. Downs Mr. Morgan Mr. Slater C1ptain Ling Lt. St uckey

Mr. Schilling Fr. Murphy

Captain Glenn Mr. East Lt. Hawley Mr. Fisher

Donald Lee, 1933 George McMahon, 1934 Vincent Meli, 193 6 Robert Murphy, 1934

J ac k Pal merlee, 19 3 1 William R ee d, I 9 3 6

Jo sep h Ri cketts , 1934 Benjamin Stabile, 1935 Arthur Wells, 1936

Mr. Powell Dr. A. A . Wade Dr. Frank Wade Dr. Duff


In the past years th e Varsity "H" C lub h as bee n on e of the most act i ve organizations on t h e campus T hi s year has bee n no exce ption. It is th e p urp ose of the club to further the ca use of clean sports and to mak e t he mo st of every ga me Th e Varsity "H" C lub has tried to instill in t h e mind s of the cadets the importan ce of training rul es , for no matter ho w good a team rnay be, it is th e training w h ic h d et e rmin es t h e o ut come of the match.

In order to in crease th e tr eas ury of th e club, the m e mb ers so ld refreshments a t the b asketball games. A l so, on May el eve nth t h e Varsity "H" C lub sponsored a d a n ce in the gy mna sium.

es id e nt.

A ll e nd orp h


Cederberg, C. Green

e r, R. ed er berg, R.





l e ndinnin

e rly


se nthal e r

e hous e

B e
Stabile Vice-President R aymo nd Boaks Secretary Charles Clappison Treas u rer J ack Allonier Sergeant-at-Arms Vincent Meli
Grigg Sonneborn Be
er Clancy Herrick Vignola Boyajan Daute
Knowlson Ward Brnwn,
Dearth Murphy Wheatley Brown,
Duncan Ov
Burnett Engli sh P ellow e Whiteley Carlton G
g R ee d Xa nd ers


The Glee Club was organized two years ago. Since th e n it has beco m e one of the strong orga



the campus.

th e past year, th e Club has mad e a numbe1· of appearances in St ur gis, How e, and



e of the features of th e Gl ee

year was th e soprano solos of Cadet John F.

s On
Club this
Gould, Choir so prano Director Mr. Edmund S. Jamieson L eader. Cadet L eo n Boya j an Secretary ............. . ... ..... .... . ..... Cadet George I. R. McMahon Acco mpani st .... . ....... . ................ . ..... Cadet Russell Whiteley FIRST TENOR S FIRST BASSES SECOND TENORS SECOND BASSES Rob ert Baker L eo n Boyajan Raymond Boaks Ge orge Allendorph Jack Palmerlee Charles Dew Frank Brandt William Gardner Edwin Ro se nthal er Jack Duncan Charles Dautel Edward Pell ow e Ern es t Vickers G e orge McMahon D av id McDonald Jam es Vignola Jack Allonier John Morehouse Vinc e nt Meli Thomas Xanders William Re e d


Th e How e Union is mad e up of a gro up of boys who are laying th e foundation for an e ndowm e nt to be u se d for d es ir e d improv e me nt s at How e. This is b e ing accomp li shed throu g h th e m edium of li fe in suran ce in coo p erat ion wit h Th e American Unit ed Lif e In suran ce Company of Indi a napoli s. Ev e ry bo y w h o tak es out a one thou sand dollar life insurance poli cy und e r thi s plan co nt :·ibut es on e hundr ed dollar s to th e How e U nion fund wh e n th e poli cy ha s bee n alive se v e n yea rs. A bout a hundr e d How e Union m e mb e rs hav e mad e a contribution to th e futur e g:·owth of th e Sc hool in thi s way.

Th e fir st proj ec t that th e How e Union h as in mind is th e buildin g of a So c ial Center whic h wou ld includ e a Canteen and a mu ch n ee d e d s ittin g room where par t> nt s could have a qui e t v isit with th ei r so n s. Th ere is eve r y indi cation that thi s project may b eco me a r ealit y within th e nex t yea r or tw o



Boaks Kl e inh ek se l Be hn Daily Boyajan McM a hon Brown, G. Dodge Brown, T. Mor ehou se Bru sse l Downs C l appison

Palm erle e, ] . Covert Ne ely Dau tel Schm idt, D . K e ll e r Ross Duffy Sonneborn White W ee man Gardner Stabil e Wells H e rrick

Li e ut ena nt Stuckey Hudson, W. A. Wright


••••••• c s


Opening the new season, Coach }:jJast had thirty boys back for football camp, four of whom were letter men. with the fine assistance of Coaches Mercer and Scott, Coach East developed a team ·which can he proud of its season.

The Wildcats journeyed to Garrett for their first invasion of the year, and finally overpowered the Railroaders in the third period wbeu a pass was completed from Dautel to Ward No other scores were made and the game ended 6 to 0 in favor of the Wildcats.

The Cadets continued their winning by defeating Auburn 26 to 0 the following week. Glendinning opened the scoring early in the first period on a long run around end which he repeated again in tbe third quarter. The remaining touchdowns were made by Dautel and Overly, with Dautel also converting twice .

After losing a hard fought battle to Park School 32 to 8, the East men journeyed to Lake Forest and played their best game of the year. Lake Forest was the first to score but the tallies were evened when Overly passed to Boyajan over the goal line. At half time the score stood 12 to 6 with Lake Forest out in front. The third quarter proved to be nip and tuck with no changes in the score. In the fourth and final period Howe took to the air. First a pass from Glendinning to Ward in the end zone tied the score at 12 all. This feat was repeated in the last seconds of play which produced the final score 18 to 12.

The fo llowing week Howe waR beaten by a much superior Onarga 11 lpren, !() to 0. In a drizzling rain the \iVildcats played their only niglit game of the easo n at 'rhree RiYer ,· . Howe was inches from the goal line twice hut due to the Rlipp ery ball fnmhled on each occasion. In the ec l10 s of th e final gun tlie Cadets found themHelYes trailing, J() to 0.

au easr ,·ict01._,. O\'G1' Reading, :m to 0, the 'C1ats trekked to Detroit for their annual fra:v with the ( 1 ran eH of Cranhrook . 'rhe \\'ild eats h e ld the ( 's unde fea ted waniors score less through011 t i li e first half. Ntarting- the Her oud half tbe CTm1e 'R powerful rnn<•hi1w de\'e lo1ied a driYe that netted them Hix points and a successful 1·011n•rRioll made the final score I to 0, a lthou g h the Cadets were in ( 'rnnl>rook territor.v mo s t of the aft ernoon.

Tlm R did th e Wi ld cats end a good season with four wins and f'o11r lo, ses. llow e Nrhoo l will l011 g rernemher the fight sp irit of tlw 1 1:m team.


Garrett 0 30 Howe

Howe 6

Auburn 0 Ort. 7

Park School 32 (kt. J-t


Lake Forest 12 Oct.

Onarga 46 ()ct. 27


Three Rivers


. ...... . ... ... . ..
.. .. ... .. .. . .....
..... .. ... ... ....
8 ...... .. . . . .. . ...
. .......... . .... . Howe 1.8 ......... . ... .. ..
. . ..............
0 ...... . .. . .... ...
........... . ..... Howe 0 ... . .............
16 Nov 4 Howe 39 Reading 0 Nov. J 1 ..... ..... . .... . . Howe 0 .. . ...... . .......
7 VARSITY l-1..,ooTBALL LE·rrER Aw ARDS MAJOR AWA RD S: PO SIT ION MAJOR AWA RD S: Po s rTJON Benner C Vi g nola Q Wa rd E G l e ndinning F Ceder berg C. . .. ................... E Xanders ..... . . .... . . .. . .. . .. . .... F Boyajan .....• E Bak e r R. (Mgr.) Boaks E Brown T. (Mgr.) Whit ehouse ..... . . ................ E G MINOR AWARDS: POSITION Cla ppi so n G Crowe C :::;reen ...... . . .. ... . ......... . .. .. T Gardner G Meli ............ . ......... ...... T Murphy G Al lendorph T Cannon G Rosentha.ler .... . ............ .... .. T Hudson W ........................ E Dearth H Duncan E Overly ..........•......•. '. H haln1 e r s H Brown G H Da.utel .. .. ........ . .............. Q CAPTAIN-Benner Knowlson Q Mo sT VALUABLE PLAY ER-B e nner.


The Howe ''five'' had another very successful season this year. With only two lettermen returning, Coach Morgan developed a team well worth being proud of. After winning their first three out of four games before the Christmas holidays, they returned to win nine out of the remaining thirteen games, which gave them a high percentage of twelve wins and five defeats.

:B-,or the thiTd year in succession the cadets were invincible against Culver. Playing their best game of the season, the ''Wildcats'' over threw Culver 35 to 32, and in so doing gave Culver their only defeat of the season.

Among the other important teams over which they weTe victoriou s this year were West Lafayette, Concordia, Cranbrook, and Hillsdale , The Howe team collected 51 points more than their opponents, their total being 559.

The Captain this year was Jack Glendinning. Jack, wl10 has p1ayed on the team for four years, played good ball regularly, always exhibiting plenty of scrap. The high point man for the season was a new boy, "Doc" \Vard who s oTed 119 points.

VARSIT\" BASKETBALJ.i SCHEDULE :oY. :25 Howe 55 ................ Ljma 25 Pe('. :2 ................ Howe 31. ............... West Lafayett 27 DPt. D................ Howe 25 ..................Ashley 22 PP<'. rn ................ Howe 24 ................ Auburn 35 .Inn. 10 ................ Howe 37 ................ Hillsdale 35 .r 11 n. V3 ................ Howe 43 ................ Metz ,J, 111 • :20 ................ Howe 46 ................ Cranhrook 29 .Inn. :27 ................ l owe 35 ................ Culver 32 I•1 ch. :2 ................ Howe 24 ................ Morgan Park 42 )11ch. ;) Howe 22 Onarga 41 )<1(•h. 7 ................ Howe 29 ................ Lima 28 l•\•h. 10 ·.Howe 29 Bryan 41 }<\•h. 1+................ Howe 38 ................ Rome City 30 Fl•h. 1() Howe 25 Concordia 21 :21 ....·............ Howe 43 ................ llillsdale 25 Feb. :2-1- .. . .......•..... Howe 23 ................ West Lafayette 33 :2 ................ Howe 30 ................ Concordia 16 v ARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD LETTERMEN POINT S Ward 119 Ced e rberg C. . . . . ... .... .. .. ...... I 0 8 Overly ........................... 87 Gle ndinnin g 84 Da.ut e l 55 Ca rlton 31 Burnett 31 Sta.bi l e I 7 Herrick (Mgr.) R ESERVES Clancy Vanderberg Brown G. Duncan Kopsch Xa.nders Whitehouse Palmerl ee J. Marquiss Baird Brown T. (Mgr.)


Under th e dir ect ion of t he new coac h, Mr. So uth, th e tennis team was quite successful. Coac h Sout h did not h ave man y ol d me n ba k but wit h tim e a nd effort ha s d eve lop ed a good team. Vick e rs and C l appison were t he only me n w ho r et urn ed from last yea r 's tea m. Mr. So u th is t o be co n g ratulat e d for hi s spl e ndid wo rk w ith the boys on th e t eam, m;tki ng th e seas on s uccessf ul.


Apr 2 0-Stur g is (H)

May I-Stur g is (T)

May 4-Concorclia (T)

May I I-Elk h art (H)

M ;t y 1 8-E lkh art (T)

May 22 -LaGran ge (H)

Ma y 25 -Concordia (H)

Jun e I LaGrange (H)

May 15-T h rec Riv er s (H) Jun e 8-Alumni


No. Hunt J. o Hunt J.

No. 2 Vi cke r s Dun can

No . Dun can No 2 Vickers No . 4- Duff y Duffy No. Clappison H e nd erso n


five l ett e r men returning, the baseball team proved to be quite

ful. Under the direction of Captain Ling, (Coach), and Mr. Morgan, (As sistant Coach), the team developed rapidl y .

g h th e co ld weather slowed up team progress, they s till won their first thr ee games with little trouble. After the warm weather arrived they kept go ing great guns. Captain Stabile was again on first base, (the Hank Greenberg of Howe), and up to his old tricks of ::;lugging in the pinches.


men back to roam the gard-

last year. Overl y , a new boy, did the

and Boaks,

tching and was air tight.

regular work,-Burnett, Ward, Pe llo


and A lloni

will be nine

also did some pitching.

uad members ba ck ne x t year

ens, Dautel
who both played
On th e mound thi s year four men did
er . aptain Stabile
v ARSITY BASEBALL SQUAD Sta bile (Capt.) 1b W ar d p \A.' rig ht 2 b P ellowe p Whiteley ........... . ........•...••• 3 b Allonier ... ..... ... ...... .. .......... p Kotas ss Vi g nola ....... . ............. .. .. utility Duutcl If Allendorph utility Bouks ....... ....... .. ... . ........ . . cf Knowlson rf Mant egn a ....................... utility Carlton ..... ... ......... . ....... utility O,·erly c Burnett p Xanders utility Brandt utility


Th e outstanding shot s on th is yea r' s t ea m ·were Cederberg R., Stabile, and Clappison who a ll fired an average above 85 .00 This year's raptain was Bob Cederberg who ha s been on the t ea m for the past three yea r s.

Again thi s yea r the tealll was sucr ess ful in winning· third in th e Randolph Hearst Trophy m atc h. This w innin g team was awa rd ed m edal s and th e sc hool will be awarded a bron ze plaque.


Cederberg R. (Capt.)


Cederberg R . (Capt.)


Green Meli Rus se ll H e id enr e ich Ros enthal e r

Green M eli Russ ell H e id enr eich Ros enthal e r Gardner Boaks Allonier Kleinheksel

Clappison Grigg Stabile Sonneborn
Clappison Grigg Stabile Sonneborn


Company "B" turned the tide this year and won the football diampionship for the first time in seven years.

Throughout the entire season the wins went back and forth, with •• H'' Company winning one week and ''A'' Company winning the following week. At midseason the series was tied up with each team having two wins. After this, however, '' B'' Company finally got afrnad, -defeating ''A'' Company 7 to 0, then playing a scoreless tie and, in the final game, clinching th e championship when they won 12 to 7.

Coaches Downs and Neff are to be congratulated for the work they did this year to make this contest what it was. The leading Downsmen were Marqui..·s, Wright, Palmerlee, and Emery who were the center of "B" Company. The l eaders for Coach Neff were Bay, Vanderberg, Hdnnidt D., and Schmidt R.


October 28-A 0 B 7 October 14-A

()ctober 11-A

November 1-A 0 B 0 October 18-A

Total points A 20 B 33

November 8-A 7 B 12 Oetoher

0 B 6
6 B 0
0 B 6
25-A 7 B 2
ALL Co MP ANY TEAM Palmerlee J L.E. "B" "A" "B" "A" "B" "A,, J1Jnglish R.E. Coder .............. L.T. Marquiss ........... Q.B. Kopsch ............ L.G. Vanderberg ........ R.H. Bay ........... ...... C. Brandt L.H. rnmery ............. R. G. Wright ............ F.B. Nchmidt R. ......... R.'I1. COMPANY A POSITION COMPANY B Hunt J ............ L.E Palmerlee J. Schmidt D L.T Ek McMahon L.G Kopsch Bay C Duffy Swartzbaugh ... . .. R. G- ............ Emery Schmidt R R. r · Pence English R.E Porter Sonneborn . .. ..... Q. B. .......... Pellowe VandeTberg ., L.H Marquiss Whiteley .......•. R.H Brandt Coder ........... F.B ........... Wright "A" "B" "A" "B" "B"


Company '' B'' continued its winning streak and won the intramural championship again this year. The set-up was changed thi year due to the addition of a Middle School team. The Middle School team, due to ine x perience did not fare so well but offered good competition to the Company teams. The addition of this new team has pro\'eu quite successful, contributing to much keener and exciting games.

'' B '' Company under the direction of Coach won the serie with ten wins and two 1o sses . The spark plug for "B" Company wa Henderson who scored high and was superior Dn the defense. Dearth and Reed also proved to be very valuab l e to Coach East.

Coach Neff was in charge of "A" Company again and a1thoug;h they did not win they had a winning percentage with seven wins and losse s . They were in the race till the la st few games when "B" l Company pulled out ahead. Jensen W. was their captain while Hunt 1J. and Vickers were the mainstays on the team.


December 13-A

December 16-A

January 10-B

January 13-B








8 January
40 January
44 January
26 .January
32 January 31-B 39 COMPANY "A" Hunt J. Vi ckers J e nse n W. (Capt.) Gardner Knowlson Whit eley Sonneborn Wh ea tl ey Baker R. Burridge Coac h Neff M 34 February B 29 February M 21 February A 14 February M 21 February M 13 February A 14 February M 19 February M 20 COMPANY BASKETBALL COMPANY ((B)) D ea rth R ee d Duffy Crowe P ell owe H e nder so n (Capt.) Cannon Wright Porter Em ery McMahon Mantegna. Brandt Coac h East 3-B
A 19 7-A 60 M 21
44 M 11 14-B 15 A 11
34 M 29 21-A 30 M 21 24-B 30 A 22 28-B 21 A 19 MIDDLE SCHOOL Brussel Bear Sc hmidt R. Chalmers Dietz P e nce Dibble Rollings Crabbe Keller Vogt Behn Coach Mercer

Mr. Bouton




Mr. Sipe


Mr. Downs

Mr. East


Mr. Slater











ten chapters



going to order



boys, I'll tell you"

......... ''Burt'' ............. ''Ah, er'' .................................. Bowling Mr.
....... "Jamie" .. .......... "Today
Wednesday" ..................... Schedules Mr.
..... . ..... ''Exchequer'' ........ ''I
take it'' ............................... Food Mr.
........ . ... Censored .................................. Fishing
........... ''Mississ
....... ''Where
those experiments''' .... .... .... . Drunk-o-meter Capt.
........... "Aw
listen" ..... ....... .... .......... Talking
......... "Razzle-dazzle ' . ' ...... "Next
for tomorrow" ........... Football
........... "Toughy" ........... "Okay,
.............................. Varsity "H" Club Mr.
......... ''Guy'' .............. ''Hello,
............................. . Dramatics
. ......... "Slats" ............. "I'm
.......... New books Capt .
... ·..... "Shirley" ........... "Disorder" ........................... .... . Blowing whistles Mr.
............ "Well
................... Women Mr.
.. : .. ,. ... "l\fr. P." ............ "This blasted insomnia!" ................... Shakespeare Mr. South .. ....... . ''Ben J.'' ............ ''2A =XY-ZQ'' .......... ........ .......... South Bend Mr. Edman ......... '' Algie'' ............. ''All right, quiet down'' .............. ... .... Bugs Fr. Jennings ........ "Padre" ............ "I don't drive fast" ........................ Movies Capt. Ling ......... ''Jive-hound'' ... ..... ''Sway and swing with Otho Ling'' ........... French-horn Mr. Schilling ....... "Joe" ............... "I can't play in these size twelves" ......... Organ Major Merritt ...... "Lord Jim" ......... "Just one more thing" ..... ........... ...... Announcements Major Tuttle . ...... "King Tut" ......... "When I was at Plattsburg" .......... .... .. Formality Joe-the-janitor .. ... "Sleepy" ............ "The mob don't talk none" ....... ........... Reading letters
The Tatler wishes to thank the •Advertisers who have tnade this book possible. PERSONALIZE Your linen, clothing and other belongings with CASH'S Woven Names-AVOID LOSS! Style 97 Vacationists, travelers, students, and good housekeepers-protect your belongings from laundry loss or misuse. Mark everything with CASH'S Woven Names Prices: 3 doz. $1.50, 6 doz. $2.00, 9 doz. $2.50, 12 doz. $3.00 Easy to attach with thread or Cash 's NO-SO Cement , 25c a tube. Order from your department store or us . 80 School St., South Norwalk, Conn.
... 1: Comp I iments of the CARL REHM CLOTHING CO. Sturgis, Michigan A Complete Store for Men Only Merchandise with a National Reputation for Style and Quality Harding's Standard Service Roods 9 & 120 The KINGSBURY HOUSE Ice Howe, Indiono Standard Oil Products and Quaker State Oil Cold Drinks, Candy, Cigars and Cigarettes C. M. HARDING, Prop Howe, Indiano CLEAN COMFORTABLE HOME-LIKE 50 Years of Service C. E. Schaeffer, P;op. Established 1875 EDWARD M. WILSON & COMPANY Fi re and Li obi I ity I nsuronce Surety Bonds Berry and Clinton Sts. Fort Wayne, I ndiono Telephone A2101
Regulation Howe Sc Furnished hool Sweaters by CHAMPION KNITWEAR CO. Inc. N.Y.Rochester, Specialists to Military-Colleg e-High School Trade Pasturized Je rsey Milk from Healthy Cows in Sanitary Stables Protects Your Health . LOCUST LANE JERSEY FARM R. A. Kelly & Sons Complimen Mrs. Louise and All Group Pictures In This TATLER \A/ere Made by GLENN LIBEY Howe, Indiana Cl Duplicate Prints May Be Had At Any Time ts of B. Ross Mr. George G . Brown
Congratulations · ,., 11'.INTEANATIONAJJ THE HOWE HERALD




Manufacturers of Men's and Boy's Goodyear Welt Shoes

Eat and Enjoy



Phone 805 Kenda I lvi lie, Indiana

Sturgis, Michigan


When attending Howe School for any purpose, make the Hotel Elliott, Sturgis, your home. Mr . Gerow will do his best to see that you wi 11 be taken core of in accordance with your wishes .

Mr . D.· J. Gerow



of Joseph M. Herman
Company Millis,
Comp I iments of WATSON MUSIC STORE Sturgis, Michigan Sporting Goods Kodaks-Films 3 Penny Photo Service All Size Films 3 ¢ a Print No Charge for Developing Good Service JACKMAN'S Dependable Drugs Sturgis, Michigan Storage and Repair Gos and Oil Rush Garage Howe, Indiana Comp I iments of Clinton Woolen Manufacturing Co. Clinton, Michigan Makers of Fine Uniform Goods Si nee 1866
lhl i@i j i ifiUfW!IU!ilh§j H ii\! For the finest in Paint Quality * * * For Authentic Color Information on all painting and decorating * * * Use Glidden Paint Products and Color Service * * * They bear the "TimeTested" Mark of Quality which is your guarantee of satisfaction. THE GLI ODEN CQ. National Headquarters CLEVELAND, 0. GRADY'S MILK CO. Ml LK and CREAM BI RELEY'S ORANGEADE Manufacturers Ice Cream-Chocolate Milk-Churned Butter Milk-Butter Founto in Service 208 N. Prospect St . Sturgis, Michigan

feel so well satisfied with what Howe School hos done for my son that I om paying for this sp ace to tel I other parents about it . My investment in his Howe

hos o Iready paid for itself, but this is not all-dividends

going to keep coming in to him all his life Your son deserves the sort of experience that Howe con give him.

lo' Comp I iments of DIETZ Dyers and Cleaners "We ar Cleon Clothes" Phone 105-R 114 N. Nottawa Sturgis, Michigan A Parent Speaks I
A Dad. The Senior Pictures In This TATLER Were Mode By A VERY STUDIO Sturgis, Michigan Duplicate Prints May Be Had at Any Time Vogt's Flower Creations Are Always Correctly Styled Phone 278 Sturgis, Michigan
Horning Oil Co. Cities Service · J. K. DUFF Petroleum Dentist Products LaGrange, I ndiano Howe Sturgis KENDALL VILLE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING COMPANY Good personal appearance is the main factor in gaining success . Our aim is to help you . KENDALL VILLE, INDIANA



Harvey A. Neely and Herbert
Boaks, Boyajan,
Benner and Allonier
Loading a D. S. M. vertical baking oven 60 feet high at the Citrsen motor plant in Clichy, France. DETROIT SHEET METAL WORKS DETROIT MICHIGAN


Guy Bonfiglio, Prop. Sturgis,

Everything in Flower Arrangements We Telegraph Flowers Phone 491 West of Sturgis OnU . S. 112 PALACE CAFE A Friend of Howe School Steaks-Chops Soda Fountain
Michigan Comp I iments of · Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Boyajan to one of Howe's Finest Graduating Classes
Comp I iments of Raymond and Robert Boaks Compliments of SHEKELL & CO. Certified Public Accountants Detroit, Michigan Tourist Lunch. Room Pentwater, Michigan On U. S. 31 Home Cooking Fried Chicken and Baked Hom Our Specialty

Ihi ing Bros. Everard Co .

Kalamazoo, Michigan

:!lustrrrut UNIFORMS


'05 Director "Made for Ea h Other" Selznick Interna tio'nal "In Name Only" .................................. H.K.O. "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" (in preparation) ......... R.ICO. "Victory" ................................... Paramount "Flotsam" (by Hemarque) ..................... Universal
Miladys Beauty Parlor Marinello System Specializing in Permanent Waving LOMA K . SWANSON Sturgis, Michigan In CANDYLAND You Will Always Find a Welcome The Best Malted Milks in Town Light Lunches Fine Candies f) John Bonfiglio 1 Prop . Sturgis, Michigan Comp I iments of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. CLANCY Visit the NEW WASHINGTON CAFE in Sturgis for GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE GOOD ATMOSPHERE Air Conditioning We Cater to Howe Patrons Especially 200 East Chicago .
Congratulations to I THE CLASS OF 1940 Success to You All! Tecumseh Products Co. R. W . Herrick, Pres. Tecumseh, Michigan
Comp Iiments of North Pole Ice Cream, Inc. James Vignola, Pres . With Comp lim ents of the CHARLES BRUNING CO. Engineering and Drafting Supplies Detroit, Michigan Packing Cases For· Every Purpose PLYWOOD REFRIGERATOR BOXES WIRE BOUND BOXES • EXPORT BOXES WOOD BOXES • SHOOKS • CRATES Competent Packing Engineers to Solve Your Shipping Problems Plaza 32 10-32 11 BOHN LUMBER PRODUCTS COMPAN"&_ MT. ELLIOTT AT LYNCH ROAD, DETROIT F. G. Brandt, Gen. Mgr.


Michigan KIRSCH COMPANY Sturgis, Michigan World's Largest Manufacturer of Drapery Hardware and Venetian Blinds
-------------------Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Lee 0. Benner Try the BIR For a Rea I Surprise Delicious Food World's Best Beds Old Timers say: "Nothing like it between Chicago and Toledo." And the Prices are Right La Grange Six Miles South E. L. Barringer, Mgr. . HOWE SCHOOL Uses Exclusively HORNER QUALITY BLANKETS Manufactured by HORNER WOOLEN MILLS COMPANY Eaton Rapids, Michigan EMPRESS BEAUTY SALON 211 West Chicago Road Sturgis, Michigan Hair Creations for Your Personality
Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Markle Comp I iments of THE HOUSE OF HARTER Wholesale SPORTING GOODS Goshen, Indiana
1,..ITTLE EIF Food Products Dependable, Delicious and Always Economical GOODS COFFEE TEA Foods in Glass . Bursley & Co. Wholesale Distributors For Bus Information to any point from any point Full Line of Greeting Cards, Fishing Tackle, Tobacco, Typewriters, Novelties, Magazines and Newspapers Sturgis News Agency Sturgis, Michigan KENLEE CORPORATION 13931 Oakland tDetroit MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MACHINE WORK CONSULTING MACHINE DESIGNING Donald Lee-Howe '40-Assistant Chief Engineer
Compliments of Yarger & Syler Drugs, Sundries, Perfumes, Toilet Goods 415 Market Avenue, North Canton, Ohio
Edited by Robert J Murphy,
B D • Modern Visual Aids for Church and School • Obtainable from all better church goods dealers. The Alulllni of Howe School Extend Fraternal Good Wishes. to the Class of 1940 George L. Xanders, 'DO-President George S. Preston, '18-Secretary-Treasurer

State Bank

Compliments of the SCHOOL BARBER SHOP W. H. W . Hardimon
of Lima Howe, I ndiono Deposits Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I) $5,000.00 Maximum Insurance for each Depositor Compliments of Frank C. Wade Howe 1894 Doctors Alfred A. Wade Howe 1903

N. Nottawa

PAINTS-VARNISHES ENAMELS WALL PAPER Donaldson Paint & Wall Paper Company 111
Street Sturgis, Michigan TAYLOR PRODUCE CO. Sturgis, Michigan Furnishes Complete Modern Produce Faci Iities to Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana Comp! iments of Mr. and Mrs. Benedetto Stabile


500th anniversary of the invention of Printing from movable type.

300th anniversary of the first book to be printed in the United States.

250th anniversary of the first paper mill in this country.

1SOth anniversary of the death of Benjamin Franklin in 1790.

The Sturgis Daily Journal Sturgis, Michigan . I
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