Houston Family Magazine September 2021 Issue

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Healthy Eating


Kimberly Davis Guerra kim@houstonfamilymagazine.com associate editor

Chantal Lemieux chantal@houstonfamilymagazine.com creative director

Casey Johnson casey@houstonfamilymagazine.com

rt sta

contributing authors

Kimberly Blaker Epic Health Network Kimberly Davis Guerra Valerie Kohler Chantal Lemieux Sarah Lyons Dr. Rhonda Randall Sandi Schwartz The Speech Sisters advertising sales

Beverly Davis Tish Petty Barbara Bishop


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1334 Brittmoore Rd, 1000B, Houston, TX 77043 (P) 713.266.1885 www.HoustonFamilyMagazine.com

Houston Family is published monthlly by Houston Family Magazine, LLC. Houston Family is distributed free of charge, one copy per reader. Only Houston Family authorized distributors may deliver or pick up the magazines. We reserve the right to edit, reject or comment editorially on all submitted material. We cannot be responsible for the return of any submitted or sample material. Houston Family is copyrighted 2020 by Houston Family Magazine, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express permission is prohibited.

Baby Ella Bean 9m old


them earl y!

contents family health | september 2021


Kids & COVID-19 Prevention & Vaccines Becky Seabrook


Animal Yoga Posas Why Kids Love Them Sandi Schwartz


How toGet Kids to Eat the "V" Word


How to Breakup with your Physician


5 Tips forCoping with Back to School Anxiety & Distress


Fun Ways for Kids to Eat Healthy

18 27 28 30

Dr. Rhonda Randall, Chief Medical Officer

Benefits of Pet Ownership for Special Needs Kids Sarah Lyons

Book Bites, Great reads from Blue Willow Bookshop Valerie Kohler

38 43

Kimberly Blaker

Catherine McCord

the Big To-Do Fun family outings Chantal Lemieux Behind the Scences at The Health Museum Cover Shoot Kimberly Guerra

8 Tips to Communicating with children through masks The Speech Sisters


Post Pandemic Scales Tip For Kids Epic Health Network

20 5 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021



Carpe Diem: "Seize the Day"

Food! We love it - we hate it. We have to think about it all the time. As a parent I discovered that I never realized just how much. Keeping our kids healthy. Teaching them balanced eating habits is tough these days. They have so many choices that they can make when they are beyond the safe & healthy walls of their home. For mine, it was when he started elementary school and started seeing what his friends were eating. Then came school meal plans and that was all she wrote. He was off the healthy train and looking for everything that mama didn't want him to eat. What's worse is when your spouse doesn't share your healthy outlook, right? It makes things super tough!

That's why we decided to focus on family health this issue. With the COVID-19 Delta variant looming in the air, kids back in school and flu season around the corner, it seemed like the right time. With the assistance of the Health Museum, we have compiled information we think you can use this month to get your family (or keep your family) on a healthy path. It starts in the kitchen, but there is so much more to it. From balancing a healthy mind, to finding time to incorporate movement into your day and allowing each other to find their own way in this crazy world. It's time to create a healthy balance for us all. We hope you take away something positive from this issue!

a avis Guerr Kimberly D

Kimberly Davis Guerra

"Make it a September to remember" Anonymous 6 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021

family FYI LIVING >




'Making Healthy Choices Easier'

I n September of 2012, Former Mayor Annise Parker announced the launch of Go Healthy Houston, an initiative designed to reduce obesity and increase healthy eating and exercise. The Go Healthy Houston initiative promotes programs, policies, and projects designed to reduce food deserts, promote the availability of locally-grown foods, encourage the development of sustainable food systems, and promote physical activity opportunities.

Wondering where to raise your family? Looking for the best public schools, low crime & active lifestyle? According to NICHE.com, these are the top neighborhoods in Greater Houston. Cinco Ranch


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popular choices for runners are Memorial Park, Hermann Park, and, in West Houston, Terry Hershey Park. Houston

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Hunters Creek Village

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family health


by Becky Seabrook, The Health Museum


We checked in with Dr. Catherine Troisi, PhD, an infectious disease epidemiologist at UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston, to find out what parents need to know as the new school year begins.

Though children generally have milder cases of COVID-19, it is still important to protect them from the virus.

FACT 1 Kids can be infected by and transmit the virus to others.

FACT 2 Kids can develop severe cases of COVID-19. While it is not yet known if the delta variant causes more serious cases in children, it is at least twice as infectious as the original virus, leading to increased risk of exposure and infection. Approximately 20% of hospitalizations in the Houston at this time involve children, and pediatric ICUs are full in parts of the state. FACT 3 Long term complications, known as ‘long COVID’, is a concern in children who have COVID-19.

Prevention IS




There are several ways to protect your child s health during the coming months: Give them their best shot. Vaccines remain the best way to minimize the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms & hospitalization. Vaccinate those 12 years and older. Cocoon them by having those around them – parents, relatives, teachers - vaccinated. Model masking. Kids take their cues from the adults around them. Providing your child with a well-fitting masks to wear in public places is an important way to keep them healthy. Practice handwashing hygiene! While poor hand hygiene is not a primary way for COVID-19 to spread, it can spread other germs.

For inquiries and concerns, please call 123-456-7890 for assistance.

Support school efforts to prevent transmission of the virus. Masks and efforts to improve ventilation. If your school has these measures in place, thank them for putting kids’ health and safety first! | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021 For more information on The 10Health Museum, visit www.healthmuseum.org

"Vaccinating Our Way Out of the Pandemic" Today was the first day of school for my kids, and not unlike many parents I’ve spoken with recently, I felt a mixture of emotions. Mine can best be described as belligerent optimism with a hint of foreboding. As I navigated the chaotic back to school traffic, I found myself thinking that (1) I do not miss back to school traffic and (2) the school closures back in March 2019 felt like a lifetime ago. After spending the tail end of the 20192020 school year and all of last year in virtual classrooms, all three of my children (ages 6, 13 and 15) were eager to return to the classroom this fall. And up until mid-July, things were looking up. My two older children had received their vaccines. Infection rates were waning. We were even able to go on a long-overdue car trip to visit family along the east coast. But just as things felt like they were returning to some degree of normalcy, the emergence of the Delta variant has brought on a dangerous fourth wave of COVID-19 infections. As I write this, the Texas Medical Center is experiencing record numbers of COVID hospitalizations. Nearly one in five of those cases involves children. In spite of rising infection rates among children, public school districts across the state are being confronted with the prospect of significant fines for instituting mask mandates that fail to align with Governor Abbott’s executive order banning this public health measure. This is not exactly the start to the school year that we had in mind. If this is where we are now, nineteen months in, how do we find our way to the other side of this pandemic? We’ve known the answer for some time now: vaccines. The scientific community has responded to the challenge of COVID-19 in spectacular fashion. Building on pre-existing knowledge and technology, they’ve succeeded in developing not one, not two, but three vaccines that are safe, effective and readily available in the US. As of August 23, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was granted full FDA approval for those 16 and older, and trials are underway

to establish safe and effective doses for children under the age of 12. Despite having a somewhat diminished effectiveness against the delta variant, all three vaccines available in the US demonstrate strong ability to prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. The vast majority of those being hospitalized in the US are unvaccinated.

masking for all within schools, regardless of vaccination status, in order to promote a safer environment for our kids in school. And as for those who are eligible but have not yet chosen to be vaccinated? The belligerent optimist in me remains, well, optimistic.

To date, 51% of Americans have been fully vaccinated in the US. In Texas, the number is 46%. If vaccines are the answer, what will it take for our community to increase vaccination rates? Just as importantly, how do we help ensure the safety of our kids who are not yet eligible for the vaccine?

At a recent vaccination drive at The Health Museum, I had a brief conversation with a woman who was getting in line for her shot. She’d been putting off getting the vaccination because of an intense fear of needles. She joked that she needed to distract herself so she wouldn’t leave before getting vaccinated. She got the shot.

Though children are less likely to have severe cases of COVID-19, the number of children who do is rising, and there is concern within the medical community about the possibility of long-term complications (‘long COVID’) for children that are infected.

At some point, this too shall pass. There will come a time when news feeds won’t be dominated by COVID-19 articles, when discussion about masks will involve Halloween costumes, when we won’t need to weigh the risks and benefits of in-person get togethers.

Schools have been busy preparing to resume more in-person learning, though the safety measures being put in place vary by district. In response to a recent question about why more precautions were not being put in place to protect students, a Board member from one of the independent school districts in the Greater Houston Area responded by saying that there was lack of consensus in the medical community about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

How quickly and successfully we get to that point will be shaped by our collective response to the situation.

I have not found that to be the case. While recommendations on prevention and treatment have evolved to reflect changing circumstances and new data over the course of the pandemic, the medical community is in strong agreement when it comes to what it will take to minimize illness in the coming year. In an open letter to Houstonians on August 20th, the CEOs of the Texas Medical Center, Memorial Hermann Health System, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Methodist and Texas Children’s Hospital were united in their recommendation of vaccinations for all eligible individuals ages 12 and up and

I wish you and your family good health and happiness in the months ahead.

Becky Seabrook is the Senior Director of Guest Engagement at The Health Museum and a senior fellow in the American Leadership Forum – Gulf Coast.

Located in the Houston Museum District, The Health Museum’s mission is to empower healthier living through programs and exhibits like Parents, Let’s Talk Mental Health with The Menninger Clinic and Beautiful Minds: Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage. The museum is a Smithsonian Affiliate and member institution of the Texas Medical Center.

Visit thehealthmusuem.org.



A s p ar e n t s , w e kn o w h o w v i t a l v e g g i e s a r e t o o u r k id s ' he al th , whe t he r th ey l ik e v e ge t ab le s or n ot . B u t n ot al l v e g et a bl e s a r e cr e a t e d equ a l . E a ch ve g e t ab l e co me s w i t h i t s un i q ue co m bin at i on of n u t ri e nt s a nd b e ne fit s – s ome , in p art ic u l ar , a r e a p o w e r ho us e so ur ce o f n u t r i t i o n . I f y ou ha v e a pi ck y ea te r, i t ' s a l l t h e m o r e r ea s on t o ha ve y ou r chi ld t ry a br oa d va ri e ty. T he r e 's b ou nd t o b e a cou p le o f v e g g i e s y o ur ch i l d wi l l di g i f t he ve ge t ab le s a r e p r e pa r ed j us t th e r i gh t way. I f t hos e ve g e ta bl e s h ap pe n t o be so m e o f t h e s e a l l- st ar s , it 's a ll t he b e tt er .

Butternut squash T h is wi n t e r s qu a s h is l oa de d w i t h v i t a m i n A , i n f a c t , f o u r t i m e s t h e r e c o m m e nd e d d a i l y a l l o w a n c e ( R DA) . I t a l s o c o n t a i n s d ou b l e th e RD A o f v i ta m i n C a nd p a c ks m o r e p o ta ssi u m t h a n a b a n a n a .

T o t u r n y o u r k i ds i nt o b u tt er n u t s q ua s h fa n s, f i rs t , c u t i t in ha lf, an d re mov e al l th e s ee ds . T he n f i l l a g l a ss ba k i ng d is h abo u t 3/ 4" hi gh wi th wat e r, and p la ce t he p ie c es o f s qu a s h w i t h t h e s k i n f a c ing u p . B a k e a t 4 0 0 de g r ee s f o r one hou r . A l l o w t he s qu a s h t o c o o l e n oug h t o ha nd le i t, the n s coop a l l t h e s q u a sh ou t of the p eel , a n d t o p i t w i t h b ut te r . I f t h a t d o e sn ' t s u f f i c e f o r you r k id s , t ry ad d in g a tou ch of br own su g a r.

Kale T hi s d ar k gre e n l eaf p ac k s a wh o pp in g 68 4 % o f t he R D A o f v i t a m i n K , a n d w e l l o v e r t h e R D A o f b o th vitamins A and B6.

I f y o u r ki d s l i ke s a l a d, j us t a dd a m ix o f k a le t o th e l e ttu ce . T IP : A d d o l i v e o i l a nd a l i t t le bi t o f s a lt to t he K al e aft e r y ou cl e an it a nd le t i t chi ll b e f o r e y o u a dd i t t o y o u r s a le . It w il l m ak e it le s s ha r s h a nd b it te r. I f th e y ar en 't s al ad e at e rs , k al e ma k e s a gr e a t a d di ti on t o sm oot hi es or you can m ak e K a le c hi p s i n t he o v en !


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Sweet Potatoes V i t a m i n s A , B 5 a n d B 6, r i b o f l a v i n , t hi a m i n , n i a c i n, a nd c a r o t e no i ds a r e the n u tr i t i o n a l m a ke u p o f s w e e t po t a t o e s .

T he g o o d n ew s i s , Th an ks gi vi ng is n't t he o n ly t im e of y ea r y ou c an ea t th e m. S w ee t p o t a t o es m ak e yu mmy f r enc h fr ie s , wh ic h ca n e ve n b e bak e d rat her t h a n f r i ed . J us t l o o k f o r o n e o f ood l es of b ak ed swe et pot at o fr y r e ci p es ou t t he re .

Peas T h e s e c o n t a in a l o n g l i s t o f nu tr i e nt s . O f p a r t i c u l a r no t e , p e a s a r e v e r y h i gh i n v i t a m i n s B 1 , C , a n d K, m a n g a n e s e , c o p p e r , p ho s p ho r u s , a n d f o l a t e .

F o r t un a te l y , pe as a r e o ne ve g et a bl e m ost ki ds wi l l e a t. A dd pe a s t o a v a ri e ty of s oup s , st ews , a nd ca s s er ol es . A n o t h er t a s t y o p t ion is to ad d the m to m ac a ro ni a n d ch e es e .

Bell Peppers R e d , o r a n g e , y e l l o w, o r gr e en , b e l l p e p p e r s a r e nu t r i t i o u s w h a t ev e r th e c o l o r . A l l a r e h i gh i n v it a m i n C , w i th r e d be l l p e p p e r s c o nt a i ni ng 1 6 9% o f th e R D A . A l so , b e l l pe pp e r s a r e hi g h i n v it a m i n A a n d c a r r y a g o o d d o s e o f o t he r nu t r i e nts a s w e l l .

D o y o u r k i d s l i v e b y t he mot t o “e ve r yt hi ng t a st e s be tt e r wi th r anc h? ” I f s o , g i v e t h em b el l pe p p er s l ic es for di p pin g . Be l l p e p p er s als o g o g re at o n pi zz a a nd s a ut e ed t o t op hot s a nd wi ch e s.

Brussel Sprouts V i t a m i n s K a n d C a r e w ha t B r u s s e l s s p r o u ts a r e p a r t i c u l a r ly n o t e d f o r . B u t th i s v e g g i e c a r r ie s nu m e r o u s o t h er n u tr i en t s i n de c e nt a m o u nt s a s w e l l .

T hi s o n e ca n be a c hal l en ge . Bu t tr y wh at on e m om di d , M oni ca Ka ss Rog ers, a s s he r e v e a l e d in h er a rt i cl e, " How I G ot M y Ki d t o Eat Br u s se l s S pr ou ts." R o g er s sa y s t o c u t t he m i n ha l f, t h en s ti r - fry t h em in s e sa m e oi l wit h othe r v eg et a bl e s. A n o th er tr i ck i s to r oa st t he m wit h ol ive oi l an d s a l t.

Asparagus F o l i c a c i d i s w h a t a s p a r a g u s i s e s p e c i a l l y n o te d f o r b ec a us e i t c o nt a i n s 60% o f t h e R D A . B u t as parag us als o c o n ta i n s a h e a l t h y a m o u n t o f vi t a m i ns K a n d C , a s w e l l a s se v e r a l ot he r e s se nt i a l n u t r i e n t s.

G r i l l ed a s pa r a gu s i s su r e t o pl e a se yo ur ki d s. Be for e gr il li ng , br u s h th em l i g ht l y w i t h o l i v e oi l the n add s a lt an d pe ppe r . P lac e th e sp e ars on th e g rill f o r 1 0 m i n ut es, t ur n t he m, th e n g iv e the m a fe w m or e mi nu te s u n ti l th ey're l i g ht l y bl a ck en e d. .


Spinach No w h e re ' s an R D A t h at ' s i m p r es s i v e . S p i na c h c o n t a i n s 98 7 % o f t h e R D A o f v it a mi n K . Sp in a c h i s a l so a n e xc el l en t s o ur ce o f v i t am i n A, m an g an es e , f o l at e , ma g n e s iu m, i r o n , co pp e r , an d s ev er a l ot he r nu tri e nt s .

Y o u c a n a dd sp in ac h t o bo th sm o ot h i e s a n d pi z za . Sn ea k a li t t l e in t o sh red de d c h i ck e n q ue sa di l la s . Sp in a ch q ui c he and spi n ac h p ie ar e a ls o di s h es m a n y k i ds l ov e .

Broccoli H e r e ' s a noth e r v e g et ab l e t h at 's a r i c h s o u rc e o f v i t am i n K p a c k i n g 2 4 5 % o f th e R D A . B ro c c o l i a l so ex c e ed s th e R DA f o r v it a mi n C and i s an e x c e ll en t s o u r c e o f c h r o mi u m, f o l a te , a n d fi b e r .

M ix b r o c col i i n t o most any c h e esy di s h , a n d ki ds w i l l g obbl e i t u p. B r o cc o l i ch eese so up , b roc co l i sm o t h er ed i n c h e es e , an d ot h e r ch e es y p a s t a d is he s wi t h bro cco li adde d are go od o pt i on s .

Avocado A l t ho u g h n o t a p o we r h o us e o f a ny p ar t i c u la r v i t a mi n o r m i n e ra l , a v o ca d o s t il l c ar r i e s a n ad e q u at e a m o unt . Wh at ' s p ar t i cu l ar ly n o t ab le a b o u t a vo c ad o i s i t' s a n ex c e lle n t s o u r c e o f he a l th y f at s , p ol y u n sa t ura t ed a nd m o no u n s at u r a te d, a nd c a n b e u s e d to r e p la c e u n h e al t hy f a ts .

G u a c a m o l e i s an al l-t i me fa vo ri t e fo r a du l ts a n d ki ds a l i ke . K e ep i t s i m ple . C u t u p a nd ma sh avoc ado wi t h a pi n c h of s a lt a n d s qu ee ze of l i me j ui ce . Av o c a d o i s al so grea t ma she d o n t o as t w i t h s om e s cr a mbl e d eg gs . I t' s a ls o go od mi xe d wi t h e gg sal a d.

Pumpkin (canned) T hi s i s a n o u ts t a nd i n g s o ur c e o f v i ta m i n A, c o n ta i n i n g 2 ½ t i me s th e RD A , n o t to m en ti o n a f a i r a m o u nt o f a ho s t o f o t h er v i t am i n s a nd mi ner a ls .

N u m e r o us desse rt s c an b e m ade fro m pum pki n . S o t h e n ex t t i m e y ou ' re i n t he m o od t o bak e, m ak e som e t h i n g w i t h a l i t t l e a dd e d n u t r i t i on a l v a l ue . T r y mak i ng pu mpk i n pi e, bre a d, cook ie s , o r c he e s e ca k e . Y ou c an a l so sn ea k a l i t t le i n t o t h ei r ma c a n d c h e es e ( m a ke s i t a l i t t le s w eet e r )

Scallions A l so kn o w n a s s p r i ng o n i o n s , t h es e p a c k 1 7 2% o f t h e RD A o f v i t a mi n K. T h ey 'r e al s o k n o w n fo r th e i r a nt iox i da nt s an d ar e a g o o d s o u rc e o f v i ta m i n A.

Sc a l l io n s c a n b e gri ll ed ju st li k e a spar a gus . B r us h t h e m w i t h o il , a dd sa l t a nd p ep p e r, t hen t o ss t h em o n t h e g r i l l u n t il t h e y' r e l i gh t l y br ow n e d. I f t h at d o es n' t work for you r ki ds, t ry w r a ppi n g t h em i n ba con .


family health





Five Tips for Supporting Children’s Mental and Emotional Well-being By Dr. Rhonda Randall, Chief Medical Officer at UnitedHealthcare

M ore t h a n a y e a r a n d a half since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the toll on our physical and mental health is clear and well-documented –and, we’re learning, may be affecting children and teenagers disproportionately.

Recent research from the Kaiser Family Fund reports that more than 25% of high school students experienced worsening emotional and cognitive health since March 2020, and more than 20% of parents with children ages 5-12 reported similar worsening conditions for their children.

As we move into the new school year, helping to provide our kids and teens with the necessary support, structure and tools to help them manage their feelings and adjust to ongoing changes of daily life is imperative. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance states that “students benefit from in-person learning, and safely returning to inperson instruction in the fall 2021 is a priority.


”Below are a list of tips and suggestions on how to better manage children’s emotional health and well-being as we head back to school.

Tips #1

Tips #4

Share information.

Help define boundaries and create regular routines.

The CDC is a great resource for learning how to talk to your child about COVID-19. It’s important to provide children with appropriate support sooner rather than later. Talk with your child, be emotionally supportive and understand worries may extend beyond the anxieties that may come with heading back to the classroom for a new school year. Be proactive about learning what steps you can take to help reduce the amount of stress in their lives and help provide a strong support system for getting through possible challenges that may arise.

Tips #3 Listen and watch.

Parents, friends, teachers and family may often be the first line of defense for a child who may be struggling with their mental and emotional well-being, yet unable to articulate their needs. Let them know you are here to listen and it’s safe to share how they’re feeling. Pay attention to more than just their words-it’s critical for parents to be aware of their children’s moods and uncharacteristic changes in behavior so they know when it’s time to seek expert support.

Consider limiting exposure to news coverage –including social media –and prioritizing and establishing a regular routine that provides children with structure when not in the classroom. This may help better manage children’s emotional well-being. For example, consider after-school activities, sports, or hobbies that interest your child.

Tips #5 Take Action.

Make sure to discuss your concerns with your pediatrician or family physician as soon as possible.

Tips #2 Help them feel secure.

Going back to school may be daunting for children, especially after the stress and disruption of the pandemic.

Your doctor may recommend a plan of action or even a counselor who might help find ways to reduce any unhealthy stress and improve overall health.

The CDC emphasizes --Be reassuring about their safety and validate their feelings by emphasizing that it’s OK to feel upset, scared, anxious, down and even angry. You might also share how you manage your feelings to help them learn from you.

For more health and wellness information, visit UHC.com.

Make sure your children know they can ask questions at any time. Consider walking them through the use of self-care tools like the Sanvello app to help navigate difficult emotions.

For the most up-to-date information, SUBSCRIBE to Houston Family Magazine's Free Daily Enewsletter. Receive news that's important to your family. www.HoustonFamilyMagazine.com


family health

Benefits of Pet Ownership for kids with special needs by Sarah Lyons


"Pet ownership can bring joy and happiness to any home" For children with special needs, particularly for children with sensory processing disorder, autism, ADHD, and social or behavioral issues, adopting a domesticated pet can provide wonderful benefits. Here are some great reasons to consider adding a pet to your family. Helps grow social skills

Kids who spend time playing with a pet typically enjoy interacting with people more than kids who don’t own a pet. They also learn to develop skills such as interpreting nonverbal cues and trust. Owning a pet can also encourage empathy towards animals and humans alike. Less Stress

Having a furry friend to play with, pet, and cuddle can lower stress and elevate mood. Stroking a pet’s soft fur can have a calming effect on people.”When my daughter is crying, our cat will come running and snuggle up to her.” says Katlyn Purkapile, Edgerton mom of three. “It has been amazing to see the change it has made with her. My daughter starts petting her and calms down quicker than any other techniques we have tried. It's a really special relationship.” Per a study done by Frontiers in Psychology, people who spend time with a pet on a regular basis have lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, and less stress. Patients that were visited by a service animal while in the hospital also reported less pain. Helps develop life skills

Kids who have the opportunity to care for a pet will also develop important life skills such as time management, responsibility, and understand the importance of schedule for feeding, walking, and cleaning their pet.


Kids who crave stability and routine will benefit from having a pet in their lives. Pets can provide a different type of stability that they may not get from peers or family members. “My 8 year old has ADHD. We recently got him a kitten and he sits still and is calm with her for long periods of time.” says Olathe mom, Pricella Edwards. “I believe it helps him.” Promotes Learning

Many parents have found that having their pet near them during virtual learning or while doing homework helps the child stay calm and focused. “My 11 year old has anxiety and depression. For her birthday she received a guinea pig. Lilly, the guinea pig has been a game changer.” says Tiffany Nolan, mom of five. “Virtual schooling was especially difficult for her. Suggesting she snuggle Lilly will dramatically improve her mood and demeanor. For her (and for us) it has had a huge positive impact.” Conclusion

Pets are a great addition to any family but can be a huge help to kids with special needs. Before adopting a pet, consider what type of animal would best fit your lifestyle, space, and budget. “It’s important to do your research and get a pet that will work for your family.” says Becky Smith, Olathe mom. “I was very careful about getting an older cat with a calm demeanor to best get along with my kids.” Ask your child for their input and let them help choose what type of pet they would like to join the family. Chances are your new pet will have a positive impact on everyone in your household.


special section | S P E C I A L N E E D S R E S O U R C E G U I D E

houston-area special needs resource guide


a guide to organizations, service providers, and support groups, categorized by disability

special section | S P E C I A L N E E D S R E S O U R C E G U I D E GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS Arc of Greater Houston 9401 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77074 713-957-1600 www.aogh.org

Best Buddies of Texas

100 Southeast Second St., Miami, FL 33131 800-89-BUDDY www.bestbuddies.org

Disability Rights Texas

7800 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 171-E, Austin,TX 78757 512-454-4816 www.disabilityrightstx.org

Project Sunshine

211 E 43rd St, Suite 401 New York, NY 1001717 212-354-8035 www.projectsunshine.org

FINANCE Archer Consulting Group 1235 N Loop West, Suite 907 Houston, TX 77008 713-572-1717 http://archercare.com

The Mendell Law Firm

school or health issues.


need to succeed in life.

9219 Katy Fwy. Ste. 113 Houston, TX 77024 713-562-2864 www.healthychangeshypnosis.com

713-556-6005 www.houstonisd.org/portal/site/ SpecialEducation/

19 River Road South Putney VT 05346 info@landmark.edu 802-387-6718

Joycare Pediatric Day Health Center

The first Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (PPECC) in Houston. They offer an Advanced Day Program for medically fragile or complex kids from 6 weeks to 20 years of age. They provide excellent skilled nursing care services throughout the day along with speech, physical, and occupational therapy. They also offer an enrichment program that includes music, art, pet therapy, sign language for non-verbal kids, free educational classes for families, transportation and Telehealth Speech Therapy services. They also offer a FREE Educational Program with a Certified Teacher that includes a Special Education Curriculum for home schooled kids and a Virtual School Assistance Program! Joycare currently has bilingual staff. 6440 Sands Point Drive Houston, TX 77074 713-268-9401 www.joycarekids.com

WeeCare Therapy

They provide comprehensive homebased therapy services to kids from 0-21 years of age with a variety of disorders. 713-417-2783 weecaretheapyservices.com

1155 Dairy Ashford, Suite 104 Houston, Texas 77079 281-759-3213 www.mendelllawfirm.com


McCreary Law Office

The Arbor School is the most comprehensive special needs education program in Houston for children with a wide range of developmental delays, 6 weeks through age 18.

2019 Washington Avenue, Suite 208 Houston, TX 77007 713-568-8600 www.mccrearylawoffice.com

THERAPY Aveanna Healthcare

Locations throughout Houston, Katy and Pearland 770-441-1580 www.aveanna.com

Ability and Beyond

Specializing in: Autism (ASD), Developmental Delays, ADD/ ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder 832-526-8892 www.abilityandbeyond.com

Children’s Therafun Multidisciplinary Pediatric Clinic

Our model for therapeutic intervention is based on a child’s primary occupation.....PLAY! Learn more about our Occupational, Speech-Language, Physical, Social Motor Groups, and Music Therapy services. 4545 Bissonnet, Suite 132 Bellaire, TX 77401 713-592-0209 www.childrenstherafun.com

Healthy Changes Hypnosis LLC

Hypnosis can help children and their families with issues such as stress, relief of anxiety and fears, self-confidence and

The Arbor School

The Joy School

The Joy School prepares students with learning differences to return to traditional classroom settings by enabling them to reach their academic and social potential in a safe, supportive environment. One Chelsea Boulevard Houston, TX 77006 713-523-0660 www.thejoyschool.org

The Learning Lane

The Learning Lane is an Applied Behavior Analysis Preschool Center model serving children ages from 1 to 7 years of age with autism or language delays. 14600 Gladbrook Dr Drive Houston, TX 77068 281-4537-9090 www.thelearninglane.com

The Monarch School and Institute

At The Monarch School, they are dedicated to providing an innovative, therapeutic education for individuals with neurological differences—so that each unique individual can move forward and respond to life’s opportunities armed for success. 2815 Rosefield Dr. Houston, Texas 77080 713-479-0800 www.monarchschool.org

The Parish School

Our mission is to identify, educate, and empower children who have language and learning differences.

1635 Blalock Houston, TX 77080 713-827-8830

11001 Hammerly Blvd Houston, TX 77043 713-467-4696 x126 www.parishschool.org

The Briarwood School

The Tutoring Center

Briarwood is a school for children who present with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD, and language processing challenges. Over 85% of Upper School graduates attend college. 12207 Whittington Dr. Houston, Texas 77077 281-493-1070 www.briarwoodschool.org

Distinct Abilities

Two ACADEMIC programs for 6 weeks through 6 years; TRADITIONAL and SPECIALIZED for children with Down Syndrome, Autism, & other developmental delays. Sign language & therapies included. 14045 Space Center Blvd., Ste. A Houston, TX 77062 281-488-0436 www.distinctabilities.com

HISD | Special Education Resources for Parents

The Mission of the Office of Special Education Services is to provide support and guidance to parents, teachers, campus leaders and other stakeholders that directly improves student outcomes while removing barriers and raising expectations for students with

We have a unique system of delivery that helps children increase their concentration, attention span, and focus while strengthening their academic skills. We work with students who have dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, and learning disabilities. 14640 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77079 832-486-9281 www.TutoringCenter.com

HIGHER EDUCATION Houston Community College Disability Support Services

3100 Main St Houston, TX 77002 713-718-2000 www.hccs.edu/hccs/futurestudents/ disability-services/

Landmark College

Landmark College is a community designed exclusively for students who learn differently, including students with a learning disability (such as dyslexia), ADHD, autism, or executive function challenges. We champion a strengthsbased model for education, giving students the skills and strategies they


San Jacinto College Disabilities Services

We know that not everyone is a traditional student. Whatever your dreams, whatever your goals, whatever your unique situation, San Jac College is here with all the tools you need to put you on the pathway that leads to success. Central Campus

8060 Spencer Hwy Pasadena,TX 77505 281-998-6150 General Park Campus

13455 Lockwood Rd., Bldg.2 Houston, Texas 77044 281-998-6150 Maritime Campus

3700 Old Highway 146 La Porte, Texas 77571 281-459-5483 North Campus

5800 Uvalde Rd. Houston, TX 77049 281-998-6150 South Campus

13735 Beamer Rd. Houston, TX 77089 281-998-6150

EMPLOYMENT The Brookwood Community 1752 FM 1489 Brookshire, TX 77423 281-375-2100 www.cri-usa.org

H.E.A.R.T. Program

6717 Stuebner Airline Rd. Suite 207 Houston, TX 77091 713-692-4279 www.heartprogram.org

The Village Learning & Achievement Center

Creating inclusive opportunities and discovering abilities of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 3819 Plum Valley Drive Kingwood, TX 77339 281-358-6172 www.villagelac.org


Camp For All transforms the world for children and adults with challenging illnesses or special needs. They intentionally deliver unique, truly barrierfree experiences by collaborating with multiple not-for-profit organizations to enable thousands of campers & their families to discover life. 7701 Kirby Dr. Houston, TX 77092 713-686-5666 www.campforall.org

special section | S P E C I A L N E E D S R E S O U R C E G U I D E LearningRx Learning Center

Our one-on-one brain training programs have helped over 100,000 kids & adults with memory, reading & attention. 713-839-8885 www.learningrx.com

Baylor Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences BCM Medical Building 1977 Butler Boulevard Houston, TX

Baylor Psychiatry Clinic Mood Disorders Center -Administrative Office Houston, Texas 77030 713-798-4857 www.bcm.edu

AUTISM Avondale House

The only agency in greater Houston that serves individuals living with moderate to severe autism from ages 3 years through their lifetime.

The River Performing and Visual Arts Center

The River, a program of TUTS Education, provides accessible, affordable, fine arts education for children, ages 3 -19, who have disabilities, chronic illnesses, or are economically disadvantaged. The River offers year-round, barrier-free classes in music, art, drama and dance. Financial aid is available. 1475 West Gray Houston, TX, 77019 713-558-8812 www.tuts.com/river

Texas Adaptive Aquatics 103 Page Ln. Huffman, TX 77336 832-435-6253 www.taasports.org


If your child has been bullied or isn’t progressing in special education, we can help in navigating the process and level the playing field. 4510 Redstart Houston, TX 77035 281-265-1506 nationalardadvocates@gmail.com http://narda.org

ADD/ADHD Attention Deficit Disorders Assoc.

Provides education, community support and resources for those impacted by ADHD and coexisting disorders, family members, mental health providers and educators. 12345 Jones Rd., Suite 287-7 Houston, TX 77070 281-897-0982 www.adda-sr.org

The Clinic for Adult Attention Problems

Provides exemplary patient care through state-of-the-art assessment and treatment and to expand knowledge through research. 2211 Norfolk Street, Suite 460 Houston, TX 77098 713-523-0058 www.adhdtx.com

Gateway Academy

A unique school in Houston that serves 6th-12th grade students with academic and social challenges. Since 2006, they’ve been committed to teaching traditional academics, while also meeting the social and emotional needs of students with learning and social differences. 3721 Dacoma St Houston, TX 77092 713-659-7900 www.thegatewayacademy.org

Homeopathy Center of Houston

Take control of your child’s health and get generalized detoxification, pain reduction and overall health improvements with autism specific professional formulas. We’ve helped almost 200 children fully recover from autism, and we want your child to be next. Hundreds more have seen lifechanging improvements in their health and behavior. Also offering PANDAS and Chronic Illness formulas. 7670 Woodway Drive, Suite 340 Houston, TX 77063 713-366-8700 www.HomeopathyHouston.com

Kahn Educational Group, LLC

Committed to preparing thoughtful and personalized recommendations of schools. 6717 Vanderbilt Houston, TX 77005 713-668-2609 www.educationalconsulting.com

3737 O’Meara Drive Houston, TX 77025 713-993-9544 www.avondalehouse.org

MeBe Family

Your child deserves a personalized team that celebrates their individuality and addresses their unique needs. MeBe’s compassionate team members work together, collaborating across disciplines to create the best possible outcomes for your entire family. Whether working with your child at home or in one of the convenient clinics, they always prioritize play-filled, research-based care aimed at helping them reach their maximum potential. 1400 Broadfield Blvd, Suite 200 Houston, 77084 619-795-9925 www.mebefamily.com

Dr. R. Layla Salek,

Behavior Specialist specializing in Applied Behavior Analysis in order to service children from infancy to 18 years. Dr. Salek helps children with emotional disorders, autism, ADHD, mental retardation, and down syndrome. 832-298-9118 www.drsalek.com

FACES | Foundation for Autism Care, Education & Services

Provides evidence-based intervention and hope. By providing scholarships for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder are provided with evidence-based intervention and taught new functional strategies that improve outcomes for both child and family. 13121 Louetta Road # 1360, Cypress, Texas 77429 281-757-6750 www.facesautism.org

FEAT – Houston: ABA Resource Information & Training

To improve the quality of life of those affected by developmental disabilities by increasing resources and providing


information about Applied Behavior Analysis. 1120 Medical Plaza Dr., Suite 100 The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-361-3328 www.feathouston.org

The Harris School

The Harris School’s students have experienced social/emotional difficulty in previous school or social settings. Challenges may include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, attention issues, mood disorders or neurological disorders. They typically have average to above average intelligence but have a hard time performing well in school and forming relationships. Pre-K3 to grade 6 900 Lovett Boulevard Houston, TX 77006 713-526-2046 www.theharrisschool.org

River Oaks Academy

ROA provides individualized education for children with a wide range of special needs in a private school environment. Small student teacher ratios and specialized programming for those with learning differences, learning disabilities, unique learning styles, social skills needs, ADHD, autism and behavioral and emotional issues are provided. 10600 Richmond Ave. Houston, TX 77042 713-783-7200 www.riveroaksacademy.com

The Westview School

Established by Jane Stewart in 1981, The Westview School is a private, nonprofit school for children with autism spectrum disorder from ages 2 to 15 years. The program is comprised of two main components: academics and social communication/social skills. Early Childhood - 8th grade 1900 Kersten Drive, Houston, TX 77043 713-973-1900 www.westviewschool.org

BLINDNESS Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Program, Family Support 1100 W. 45th Street Austin, Texas 78756 512-454-8631 www.tsbvi.edu

Houston Council of the Blind

The Houston Council of the Blind works to improve the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life for all persons who are blind or visually impaired. Jewish Family Service 4131 S Braeswood Blvd Houston, TX 77025 713-667-9336 www.jfshouston.org

Lighthouse of Houston

The Lighthouse of Houston is a Community for the Visually Impaired. Programs and services assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired of all stages and all ages, from infants to older adults. Services help individuals gain independence 3602 W Dallas St, Houston, TX 77019 713-527-9561 www.houstonlighthouse.org

special section | S P E C I A L N E E D S R E S O U R C E G U I D E BRAIN & SPINAL INJURIES Brain Injury Alliance

The Brain Injury Association of Texas is dedicated to providing emotional support, advice, guidance and other help for those anyone affected by brain injury. A non-profit public service organization, who works to develop programs for public awareness and education, support research and rehabilitation to brain injury survivors and their families. 316 W. 12th Street, Suite 405 Austin, TX 78701 512-326-1212 www.brainline.org

Harris Health System

Harris Health System helps patients recover from all types of injuries, illnesses and acute and chronic conditions through its Rehabilitation Services. Check the website to see which location offers your needed support. www.harrishealth.org

Spinal Cord Injury Information Network

This site maintains this Information Network as a resource to promote knowledge in the areas of research, health and quality of life for people with spinal cord injuries, their families, and SCI-related professionals. You will find educational materials and information on research activities of the UAB-SCIMS along with links to outside (Internet) information. Univ of Alabama/Birmingham 529 Spain Rehab Center 1717 6th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35233 205-934-328 www.uab.edu/medicine/sci/

CEREBAL PALSY Easter Seals Greater Houston

Easter Seals Greater Houston proudly offers comprehensive services to help children ages birth to 21 years old living with a disability.

Hollow Lane, Suite 310W Houston, TX 77027 713-621-0006 www.cff.orgChapters/txgulf

central hub where Houstonians can find a variety of useful information in one place. HoustonDeafNetwork.com will do its best to fill in the missing gaps and help you fulfill your needs.


Cystic Fibrosis Family Support Group


Deaf Chat Coffee

Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Educational Foundation, Inc.

Claire’s Place Foundation is a charity providing support to individuals, children and families affected by cystic fibrosis (CF). Founded by thirteen-yearold Claire Wineland who was born with CF. She envisioned this foundation as a source of hope, strength and joy for others living with CF providing both emotional and financial support. Claire’s Place Foundation 2110 Artesia Blvd, Box 819 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 855-568-3273 clairesplacefoundation.org

Texas Children’s Cystic Fibrosis Care Center

Provides comprehensive clinical services to help deal with the many problems cystic fibrosis causes. They specialize in the evaluation and treatment of complex, chronic, and rare pulmonary disorders. We also have a pulmonary diagnostic lab team which is thoroughly trained in diagnostic testing and pulmonary education. 832-822-3300 www.texaschildrens.org/departments/ cystic-fibrosis-care-center


It is our mission to improve the quality of life for children with multiple disabilities or profound deafness by providing needed adaptive equipment and select services. 2003 Aldine Bender Rd Houston, Texas 77032 281-219-3313 www.beanangel.org

Houston Deaf Network

Although Houston is the 4th largest city in the US, we have yet to see a

DeafCoffee.com is dedicated to providing a directory of social places in the USA for deaf people to get together, chat, and enjoy! Starbucks Coffee every third Friday of each month. https://deafcoffee.com/listings/ houston-texas/

Sign Shares

Sign Language Interpreting & Translation Services. 99 Detering, Suite 160 Houston, TX 77007 713-869-4373 www.signshares.com

The Center for Hearing & Speech

The nationally renowned Center for Hearing and Speech is the most comprehensive resource for pediatric hearing loss in Texas and the only facility in the region that offers health services and spoken language education for children with hearing loss under one roof. 3100 Shenandoah St. Houston, TX 77021 713-523-3633 www.centerhearingandspeech.org

Verbal Behavior Clinic of Houston

Mary Susan McClure, MEd., BCBA 5000 Caroline Street Houston TX 77004 713-528-2343 www.vbctexas.com

The Northwest Harris County Cooperative for the Hearing Impaired 10300 Jones Road Houston, Texas 77065 281-897-4000 www.cfisd.net

4888 Loop Central Dr, #200 Houston, TX 77081 713-838-9050 www.eastersealshouston.org

MyChild at Cerebal Palsy.org

Resouces and help for children with Cerebal Palsy. Information on topics from A to Z. 41850 West Eleven Mile Rd., Suite 121 Novi, Michigan 48375 800-692-4453 www.cerebralpalsy.org

CYSTIC FIBROSIS The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care. Texas Gulf Coast Chapter 50 Briar 23 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021

Provides personalized information to people whose lives have been touched by VCFS; applicable research and clinical expertise regarding the management of the syndrome. 315-559-4685 www.vcfscenter.com

FACES-The National Craniofacial Assoc. P. O. Box 11082 Chattanooga, TN 37401 800-332-2373 www.faces-cranio.org

Friends of Quinn

An online community that offers resources and support for young adults with learning differences. www.friendsofquinn.com

Navigate Life Texas Resources and Support For families raising children with disabilities www.navigatelifetexas.org

DIABETES American Diabetes Association Houston 2400 Augusta Dr., Suite 175 Houston, TX 77057 713-977-7706 www.diabetes.org

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Houston Southern TX Chapter

1776 Yorktown Suite 560 Houston, Texas 77056, 713-334-4400

Don't just grow. Thrive!

Now enrolling for 1N22 school year! the 2021N Educating children ages 2–12 who have communication delays and learning differences, empowering them with the tools to succeed. • Small, 1:5 faculty/student ratios • Highly qualified, master’s-level educators • Beautiful, 17-acre campus • Nationally accredited independent school • Serving greater Houston since 1983 • Financial assistance available

The Carruth Center at the parish school

Featuring an on-site pediatric therapy clinic, The Carruth Center, open to Parish students and the community.

Speech-Language Therapy | Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy | Music Therapy | Social Thinking® Mental Health Services | Developmental Testing

11001 Hammerly Blvd., Houston, TX 77043 www.parishschool.org • www.carruthcenter.org 713.467.4696

Artist Boat Bucket Brigade

Join Artist Boat for

Bucket Brigade FREE Beach Tours.

Free guided beach tours to explore the creatures and features of Galveston’s Gulf waters and shorelines. This free 45-minute tour provides hands-on exploration. Guests learn what is in our water, how is seaweed a good thing, and how you can connect to the ocean. It is fun and educational for all ages! Our Goal is to increase your understanding of: • The positive role of sargassum and turbid water • The human impact of marine debris and pollution • The creatures and features of Galveston’s beaches View our calendar to discover where to meet us at the beach or to pre-register your entire family. Tours are available Friday – Sunday Memorial Day to Labor Day. Book online or find us at Stewart Beach (201 Seawall Blvd) wearing bright orange shirts between 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Call (409) 632-0388 for more information.


Artist Boat Eco-Art Kayak Adventures

Join us spring, summer and fall for a

Guided Kayak Adventure!

Explore beautiful Galveston Bay on Eco-Art Adventures by kayak with artists and biologists for a unique coastal experience into the marshes and estuaries. No Experience needed. Perfect for families, groups, solo explorers, and beginners. View our calendar online for scheduled dates and register online. Paddle your cares away as you transform your mindset from everyday humdrum to Coastal Adventure! Awarded best-guided water tour, Artist Boat is led by scientists and artists. Spot wildlife! Identify native plants and taste saltwort! Bring the whole family! Spaces are limited to 10 guests. Call (409) 632-0388 for more information.






special section | S P E C I A L N E E D S R E S O U R C E G U I D E Texas Diabetes Council

1100 West 49th Street Austin, TX 78756 512-776-2834 www.dshs.state.tx.us/diabetes

ADA Houston Area Support Groups

www.diabetes.org/in-my- community/ local-o! ces/ houston-texas/houstonarea-support-groups.html

DiabetesAmerica™ Health Centers 9473 FM 1960 Bypass, Suite 300 Humble, TX 77338 (713) 840-5270

Houston Methodist Diabetes Associates - Texas Medical Center

Houston Methodist Diabetes Associates is comprised of a team of experts focused on delivering high quality and comprehensive patient care across Houston Methodist in both the hospital and outpatient settings. www.houstonmethodist.org/spg/ diabetes/

Diabetes & Kidney Disease Center Houston

www.medicinenet.com/diabetes_and_ kidney_disease/houston-tx_city.html Bayshore Medical Center 4000 Spencer Highway Pasadena, TX 77504 713-359-2000

St. Luke’s Health - Sugar Land Hospital 1317 Lake Pointe Pkwy Sugar Land, TX 77478 281-637-7000

DENTISTS Houston Children’s Dental Center

Special needs dentistry, also known as special care dentistry, involves the diagnosis and provision of oral health care and dental procedures to people who have intellectual and/or cognitive disability, or who are affected by other medical, physical, or emotional issues. 7007 N Freeway, Suite 400 Houston TX 77076 713-481-9500 www.bluecloudpsc.com/patientresources/special-needs-dentistry/

Northwest Pediatric Dental

Does your child have special needs that should be considered during their appointment? Whether it is a physical or cognitive disorder, our friendly and well-trained staff would be happy to help accommodate them. Making sure your child goes to the dentist regularly despite their special needs is very important. 17222 Red Oak Dr #104 Houston, TX (281) 343-3738 northwestpediatricdental.com

UTHealth Pediatric Dentistry

UTHealth Pediatric Dentistry treats infants through adolescents, including those with special needs or medically complex conditions. As part of UT Dentists and The University of Texas

Health Science Center at Houston, we’re educating the next generation of pediatric dentistry professionals. 6655 Travis St # 460 Houston, TX 713-500-8220 www.utdentists.com

DOWN SYNDROME The Down Syndrome Association of Houston (DSAH) 7015 W. Tidwell, Bld. G, Ste 108 Houston, TX 77092 713-682-7237 http://dsah.org

Down Syndrome Parenting Network www.dspn.org

Rise School

5618 H. Mark Crosswell Street Houston, TX 77021 Jan Stailey, Executive Director 713-532-7453 www.riseschool.org/houston

DYSLEXIA The Houston Branch of The International Dyslexia Association (HBIDA) P.O. Box 540504 Houston, Texas 77254-0504 713-364-5177 www.houstonida.org

Social Skills Playhouse

25510 Texas 249 Tomball, TX 77375 832-289-2560 www.socialskillsplayhouse.com

The Education Department at The Arc of Greater Houston

MHMRA Conference Center, Room B (behind MHMRA’s main building) 7033 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77040 www.aogh.org/EducationTraining.html


Free resources for parents and teachers www.proactiveparent.com

Family to Family Network Eve Cugini

13150 FM 529, Suite 106 Houston, TX 77041 713-466-6304 www.familytofamilynetwork.org

Neuhaus Education Center 4433 Bissonnet Bellaire, TX 77401 713-664-7676 www.neuhaus.org

Texas Education Agency (TEA) 972-348-1410 or www.region10.org/dyslexia

committed to helping Parents, Students, Educators and Policy Makers make informed evidence-based decisions about dyslexia. We provide support, share resources and advocate on behalf of Students with and Families with Dyslexia in Texas. www.ddtx.org


ADHD and Dyslexia connection Wonderful resource of information every month regarding supporting special needs families. www.additudemag.com/adhddyslexia-connection/

EPILEPSY Epilepsy Foundation TexasHouston/ Dallas-Fort Worth/ West Texas

2401 Fountain View Drive, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77057 713-789-6295 or 888-548-9716 www.eftx.org

Texas Medical & Sleep Specialists

Memorial City Medical Plaza 1 902 Frostwood, Suite 210 Houston, Texas 77024 713-464-4107 or 877-770-8677 www.memorialhermann.org/locations/ sleep-disorders-center-texas-medicalcenter

Dyslexia Texas

We are a Grassroots Movement 25 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021

Baylor Comprehensive Epilepsy Center Baylor Medicine at McNair Campus 7200 Cambridge St Houston, Texas 77030 713-798-2273 www.bcm.edu/neurology/epilepsy/ index.cfm

Blue Bird Circle

Clinic for Pediatric Neurology Clinical Care Center, Floor 9 6701 Fannin Street Houston, TX 77030 832-824-9322 www.texaschildrens.org/bluebird West Campus

18200 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77094 832-227-1000 Clear Lake Health Center

940 Clear Lake City Blvd., Suite 200 Webster, TX 77598 281-282-1900 Cy-Fair Health Center 11777 FM 1960 West Houston, TX 77065 281-469-4688

Sugar Land Health Center

15400 Southwest Fwy., Suite 200 Sugar Land, TX 77478 281-494-7010 The Woodlands Health Center 17198 St. Luke’s Way, Med. Arts Ctr., 1, Suite 300 Woodlands, TX 77384 936-321-0808

special section | S P E C I A L N E E D S R E S O U R C E G U I D E Bluebird Circle Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinic

Clinical Care Center, Neurology, 9th floor 713-522-3941 www.texaschildrens.org/departments/ muscular-dystrophy-association-mdaclinic

Myasthenia Gravis Muscular

www.texaschildrens.org/departments/ muscular-dystrophy-association-mdaclinic

TOURETTES Tourette Syndrome Association of Texas Richmond, TX 77406 281-238-8096 www.tourettetexas.org

Tourette Syndrome Association of Texas Support Groups The Tourette Association -

FRAGILE X Texas Fragile X Association

Resources and guidance to families affected by Fragile X Syndrome P.O. Box 154985 Irving, TX 75015-4985 972-757-8939 www.txfx.org

The National Fragile X Foundation

1615 Bonanza St., Suite 202 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 800-688-8765 www.fragilex.org

GULLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME UT Medical School Neurology Academic Office

6400 Fannin Houston, Texas 77030 https://med.uth.edu/neurosciences/ conditions-and-treatments/nervedisorders/guillain-barre-syndrome/

UT Professional Building Adult Neurology Clinic

6410 Fannin Suite 1014 Houston, Texas 77030 832-325-7080 med.uth.edu/neurosciences/locations/ uthealth-neurosciences-neurology/

UT Physicians Neurology Clinic – Bellaire 6700 West Loop S, Ste 520 Houston, Texas 77401 (713) 572-8122 http://neurology.uth.tmc.edu

AIDS/HIV AIDS Foundation Houston, Inc. 6260 Westpark Dr. Suite 100 Houston, TX 77057 713-623-6796 www.aidshelp.org

Harris County Public Health Services 2223 West Loop South Houston, TX 77027 713-439-6000 https://imis.haaonline.org/

Baylor College of Medicine International Pediatric AIDS Initiative at Texas Children’s Hospital 1102 Bates Ave, FC-630 Houston, Texas 77030 832-822-1038 www.bipai.org

Casa de Esperanza P.O. Box 301209 Houston, TX 77230 713-529-0639 www.casahope.org

Arthritis & Lupus Clinic

7500 Beechnut St., #290 Houston, TX 77074 (281) 313-7000 www.arthritis-lupus.com/contact-us. html

Lupus Meetup Group Houston

http://lupus.meetup.com/ members/ us/tx/houston/



MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Muscular Dystrophy Association

Texas Children’s Hospital Gillespie, Susan L., MD 1102 Bates Avenue, Suite 630 Houston, TX 77030 832-824-1038 http://texaschildrens.org

LUPUS Lupus Foundation of America, Texas Gulf Coast Chapter 2503 Robinhood St. Suite 275 Houston, TX 77005 713-529-0126 www.lupus.org/texasgulfcoast

Rheumatology Associates of Houston 2010 Naomi St. Suite A Houston, TX 77054 713-667-8292 www.rheumatologyassociates ofhouston.com

Rheumatology Clinic of Houston 11307 FM1960 St 240 Houston, Tx 77065 832-237-8585 www.houstonrheumatology.com

National Headquarters 161 N. Clark, Suite 3550 Chicago, Illinois 60601 800-572-1717 ResourceCenter@mdausa.org www.mda.org

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Houston Gulf Coast/Metro 2900 Weslayan, Suite 375 Houston, TX 77027 713-522-8561 houstongulfcoast@mdausa.org

Health Care Coordinators care-center list


The MDA Neuromuscular Clinic Methodist Neurological Institute Scurlock Tower 6560 Fannin Street, Suite 802 Houston, TX 77030 713.363.7310 www.methodisthealth.com/ ni.cfm?id=35605

Blue Bird Circle

615 W. Alabama Houston, Texas 77006 713-528-0470 www.thebluebirdcircle.com


Richmond, TX 77406 281-238-8096 www.tourettetexas.org /targets-fortourettes Meetings:

Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital 11800 Astoria Blvd., Houston, 77089 Katy/Sugarland/West Houston Support Group 281-395-5392 Meetings: zoom meetings Contact: Nicola Ferla Email: ferla.nicola@gmail.com

North Houston/ Woodlands Support Group Jamie Blassingame jj01ut@gmail.com Meetings: Marcos Pizza 9803 TX-242, Suite 100, Conroe, TX 77385

Trinity Holistic Wellness Center To help individuals safely and naturally, to promote good health, selfempowerment, effectiveness, so that they may fully enjoy the gift of life. 22306 Sherrod Lane, Spring, TX 77389 281-787-8999 www.trinityhwc.com

Department of Neurology Baylor College of Medicine Our multidisciplinary staff is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of the entire spectrum of neurological disorders of infancy and childhood - from epilepsy and developmental and neurodegenerative problems to headaches, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, Rett Syndrome, and Tourette Syndrome. 6701 Fannin St, CC1250 Houston, Texas 77030 832–822–7388 www.bcm.edu/research/researchcenters/blue-bird-circle-rett-center/ our-team

for more information please visit our website at houstonfamilymagazine.com

Book Bites

Valerie Kohler, owner of Blue WillowBookshop, shares some of her favorite baack to school books.

Big Brain Book by Leanne Boucher Gill, PhD, (Magination Press) The brain is pretty cool. It’s like the computer of the human body that keeps things running. Answers several common questions about the brain and human behavior. Drums, Girls, + Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick (Scholastic Press) In this brave and beautiful story, Steven’s normal life is turned upside down when his younger brother, Jeffey, gets sick. The Girl’s Body Book by Kelli Dunham, RN (Applesauce Press) The newly updated fifth edition of this bestseller helps prepare girls and their parents for the ups and downs of puberty, including topical issues like school safety and #MeToo. The Boy’s Body Book by Kelli Dunham, RN (Aplesauce Press) The updated fifth edition of this #1 bestselling book made just for boys contains everything you need to know about growing up, even the embarrassing stuff, and includes topical issues like school safety and consent. Kid Food: The Challenge Of Feeding Children In A Highly Processed World by Bettina Elias Siegel (Oxford University Press) Siegel explores the many influences that make feeding children healthfully so difficult, from the prevailing belief that kids will only eat highly processed kid food to the near-constant barrage of special treats.

Visit Blue Willow Bookshops for wonderful story times, events, toys and gift ideas. They are more than just a bookshop! www.bluewillowbookshops.com









family life

Communicating with your children through masks by The Speech Sisters “The New Normal”, that’s what they’re calling it. A way of living and adapting while coexisting with Covid-19….AND IT IS HARD. It is hard for us as parents and it is hard for our children too. Things are different now and with that can come feelings of insecurity and anxiety for all. Every time I am in the grocery store I am still taken back by the fact that everyone is wearing facial coverings. Even though it is required, it still feels weird, overwhelming, and even a little scary. Many of our children will experience similar emotions in response to masks.

As a parent, one concern you may have regarding mask-wearing may be about your child’s emotional well being. Children who feel anxious about masks m a y n e e d h e l p g e t t i ng c o m f o r t a b l e w i t h t h i s n e w norm. There are resources to guide you in how you can help decrease your child’s anxiety towards masks. On the other hand, many children will not be phased by mask-wearing or will easily adjust to this “new normal”. Another concern for parents might be the impact that masks may have on a child’s learning or speech and language development.


As speech-language pathologists, we continue to get asked: Will my child be able to master new words and/or speech sounds when caregivers and teachers are required to wear masks all day? At school or daycare, will my child be able to follow directions using only their auditory comprehension (listening) skills? Will there be negative consequences if my child cannot see my mouth and facial expressions when I am talking to him? As speech pathologists, are you concerned!?

The truth is, we are concerned and we think it is important to raise awareness on this topic. But at the same time, a situation like has never happened before; therefore, the evidence and research are lacking to determine the specific impact that masks may or may not have on a child’s speech and/or language development. But here is what we do know based on several relatable research studies and sources… “Lip reading is the act of using visual cues to understand and interpret speech in the absence or presence of sound. Normal hearing individuals process some speech information from the sight of the moving mouth”. Research shows that humans are most successful in interpreting language when both auditory and visual information are accessible during everyday listening. One study wanted to determine why children look in the direction of a speaker’s mouth versus a speaker’s eyes? The results show that children tend to focus on different facial features depending on their age and stage of development (ranging from infancy through preschool). However, regardless of a child’s age, the findings reveal that most children tend to rely and focus on both the mouth and eyes of a speaker to assist in the interpretation of oral messages.

Face masks can be an obstacle in watching facial expressions and determining empathy toward a communication partner. Surgical Masks can affect one’s speech perception from a masked communication partner. AVT (Auditory Verbal Therapy) teaches an individual to use solely hearing to comprehend a verbal message. An individual learns to rely on listening rather than visual cues to comprehend a spoken message. Many children with cochlear implants improve communication development with use of the AVT treatment method. This proves that when necessary, children are capable of succeeding in comprehending a spoken message using only auditory and verbal sources. As you can see, related research shows that comprehending oral language is improved with the addition of visual cues (watching a speaker’s mouth movements and facial expressions). But here’s the thing, in many places at this time we can’t control the facial covering regulation. Facial covering is in place to minimize the spread of Covid-19 and those regulations may be here for a while. But, the good news is YOU CAN CONTROL how you communicate to others and to your child when you are wearing a mask. You can also share this article with your child’s caregivers or teachers if needed.


You Got This! Here are 8 tips on how to improve communication while wearing a facial mask covering: 1. Speak clearly. Make it a point to enunciate words and sentences 2. Exaggerate speech sounds if needed 3. Speak in a slow, unhurried way 4. Decrease background noise if possible 5. Turn up your speaking volume. Use a deep breath to help project your voice 6. Be expressive with your eyes (our eyes show happy, sad, and scared emotions) 7. Use gestures or body language to support your verbal message (act out action verbs) 8. Show the child objects as you speak about them One more option is that you can purchase a mask that has a clear covering over the mouth, this will allow your child to continue to see your mouth movements as you speak. You can also purchase these as gifts for teachers! These masks are commonly used for communication partners who interact with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing and they are wonderful masks that allow one to continue to rely on lip-reading. And guess what? You can control something else too! You can make a positive impact on your child’s speech and language development when you are at home and not wearing a mask. This is SO important. Your next thought may be, how can I do this in addition to everything else that I am taking on right now? Our online courses will teach you how you can maximize communication opportunities at home during the everyday routines that you are already doing. You don’t need to carve out extra time in your day “to do” speech therapy. You can make up a lot of face to face “talk time” at home. For more info www.speechsisters.com

Pandemic Pounds are

Real for KIDS!

During the pandemic, Pediatric patients exceeding expected weight gain increased


According to Epic Health Network, they examined 5,358,498 pediatric patient records to determine whether the patients gained more weight than expected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was found that prior to the pandemic, 23.9% of pediatric patients were above their expected weight while during the pandemic period, 33.8% of pediatric patients were above their expected weight, a 41% increase from the prepandemic period. Here are some tips to get your kids back on track this school year!

Don't skip breakfast Drink water when you wake up

Always think positive

Don't eat too close to bedtime Make lunch your biggest meal

Move everyday 30 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021

Prioritise good sleep

For ideas on exercises to do as a family, meal planning and support groups, visit www.HoustonFamilyMagazine.com


Why your kids will love animal yoga poses By Sandi Schwartz

With all the technology during the past year or so, kids could use a much-needed mindfulness break away from their screens. Fortunately, we have many effective tools to help our children practice mindfulness, such as yoga. Yoga offers so many incredible benefits to our children including a time for inner focus, a way to connect to their bodies, a retreat from the pressures and stress of daily life, and even an opportunity to enjoy a bit of silliness to lighten the moment. Studies in recent years have shown how yoga can reduce stress and anxiety and boost mood. Children need relaxing breaks like yoga to help keep them happy and balanced. When we tie in nature with yoga, the benefits are even more impressive.


Make it FUN

Help Them Relate

Whether you practice yoga together at home as a family or look for children’s yoga classes in your community or online, the important thing is to make sure that it is fun. We know that kids love animals. Whether they are learning animal sounds as a toddler, reading stories about animal characters, enjoying watching animals at the zoo, or spending time with a lovable pet, animals bring tons of joy to most children.

She finds that kids relate more to the names and images of animals than the traditional yoga pose names. This also opens the door for children to develop their own yoga moves based on their experiences in nature, which helps them be in tune with nature through their body, senses, and breath.

We can also incorporate fun animal themes into their yoga practice, such as: Children pretend that a small furry animal is moving from one part of their body to another when they do a body scan. Rename poses: Cobra pose becomes Carmen Chameleon, Pigeon pose is Eagle, Garland pose is called Chicken. Ask children to during Cat pose and

You can find all of her animal yoga pose cards at Kids Yoga Stories. There are tons of themes to choose from! The other terrific part about incorporating animals into our children’s yoga routine is that it helps them connect to nature, which can improve their overall well-being. Even better, if they can practice these yoga moves outdoors, they will reap the incredible healing benefits of nature. According to mothernatured.com, doing yoga outdoors helps children build animal empathy, strengthen their connection to their surrounding environment, enhance their knowledge of the natural world, and stimulate their senses. To learn more about animal yoga poses for your family, check out these adorable books:

during Cow pose. During tree pose, they can envision birds or squirrels sitting on their branches (i.e., arms and shoulders). Focus on fun poses that mimic animals, such as lion pose (they get to roar, too!), cobra pose, downward facing dog, and fish pose.

Yoga Animals: A Wild Introduction to Kid-Friendly Poses by Paige Towler

Giselle Shardlow, children’s author and founder of Kids Yoga Stories, develops books, card decks, posters, games, and teaching resources for children to explore yoga. To make yoga really enjoyable for kids, she creates yoga poses based on the movements of animals. For example, she has a set of yoga pose cards about animals with tails that include the following: Stingray (Warrior 3 Pose)

Yoga Animals At the Seashore and Yoga Animals In The Forest by Christian Kerr You Are a Lion!: And Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo

Scorpion (Dancer’s Pose) Zebra (Triangle Forward Bend) Kid’s Yoga (Animal Poses) Coloring Book: A Fun coloring book Filled With Cute YOGA Lover Theme by We Kids

Kangaroo (Chair Pose) Chipmunk (Squat Pose)



family health

our physician is one of the most essential people in your family's life when it comes to your family's health. Your doctor should be someone with whom you feel comfortable discussing any health-related matter and whose knowledge you trust. You need a doctor who cares about your well-being and is accessible when you need one. Yet, sometimes, we fail to remember that a physician's main job is to service and treat patients to the best of the doctor's ability. If you feel that isn't happening, it's both your right and responsibility to the health of you and your family to find a better fit. Still, choosing to leave your physician can be a big decision. So consider all of your options before making the big leap.


Reasons you may need to leave your doctor


Your doctor stopped taking your insurance:

Once you decide to leave your current healthcare

Sometimes, physicians make changes to the

provider, you should begin your search for a new

coverages they accept and discontinue

one immediately. It's often several weeks to

accepting specific insurance plans. Patients

several months for new patients to be seen. After

may also be affected if the practice cuts

your new patient visit, future appointments are

down on Medicare or Medicaid patients or if

typically scheduled in a reasonable timeframe.

their provider changes practices by either

When calling around, you might want to ask what

opening a new one or joining another.

is typical for scheduling appointments once you become an established patient.

Your situation has changed: Many life changes may leave you needing to leave your

Before you begin your search, jot down the

current physician. Maybe your insurance plan

reasons you're leaving your current doctor. Then

has changed because you got married,

make a list of what you want or expect from your

divorced, or started a new job. Also, if you

new physician.

move, visiting your old doctor's office may be impractical or impossible.

The first step is to narrow it to providers who

Your physician is not meeting your needs:

help you search for physicians and practices. You

take your insurance. Your insurance provider can There are many reasons why your doctor may

can narrow your search to fit your criteria. Then

not be the best match for you anymore.

contact doctors' offices directly to determine if

Perhaps you or your child has developed a

they are a good match for you and accepting new

new medical condition that requires a more


specialized background. You may also come to realize your doctor's treatment philosophy

Once you've found a good fit, check your state's

differs from yours. For example, you may

online licensing board website. Most providers

prefer a more holistic approach or want a

can continue practicing despite problems in their

more definite diagnosis requiring testing

history, including malpractice. If the doctor

your doctor is not willing or able to do.

you're considering comes from another state,

It's challenging to get appointments: If your

CAREFUL. Online reviews are unreliable, for many

physician is very busy making it difficult to

reasons. So don't put too much weight on them.

check that state's licensing board, as well. BE

schedule appointments when you need them, you may want to consider a new provider.

Also, there's no harm in trying out a new

Getting care when you need it is often vital.

physician, or a few, before making a final

It just doesn’t feel right: It's essential that

needs, you can always continue to your search.

decision. If the doctor doesn't end up fitting your patients trust their physicians, feel confident

Just be careful not to overdo the trials. You want

in their doctors' abilities and current

to have a physician who knows you and your

knowledge, feel heard, can communicate

family and your medical history, especially if you

openly without judgment, and feel safe in

have particular health concerns. Seeing the same

their provider's care. If you don't have this

doctor will help ensure consistency in your

experience with your doctor or just have a

treatment. Not to mention changing doctors can

gut feeling that it isn't a good fit, listen to

be a bit of a process because you'll need to

your instincts. When it comes to your health,

transfer all of your health records and complete

you need to do what's best for you.

new patient paperwork.


fun ways for

kids to eat healthy

b y Ca the r in e M cC or d, fo un de r o f W eelicious and c o -fo und er of One Potat o


Healthy Food 36 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE September 2021



Quick Breakfast 5 Ingredient Cereal Bars Honey + Peanut Butter + Cereal + Coconut Oil + Oats


Healthy Snack Apple Cheese Wraps Sliced Apple + Cheese + Lemon + Sliced Turkey


Colorful Lunch Waffle Heart Sandwiches Sliced Bread + Cream Cheese + Honey + Berries


Easy Dinner Stir Fried Ramen Ramen + Veggies + Sesame Oil + Miso + Soy Sauce For recipes, visit www.HoustonFamilyMagazine.com


the big to do

the big to do | C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S the big to do | C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S

September is about new beginnings as we transition from our summer to our fall routines. The possibilities for family time are endless with new ways to explore nature together, engage in our

Location: Dewberry Farm Photo: Pop of Color Photo, Amy Garrett HFM Kid Ambassadors: Kate, Michael & Bella

community, and participate in cultural happenings and festivals. All events listed are FREE unless otherwise noted. Don’t forget to check out our online calendar at www.houstonfamilymagazine.com/event-directory/ for even more family friendly activities.

SEPTEMBER 1 Author discussion and reading with Todd Parr It’s Okay to Be Different Todd has inspired and empowered children around the world with his bold images and positive messages. Join him to discuss one of his most acclaimed titles. bluewillowbookshop.com Blue Willow Bookshop 5pm. All ages

Last Chance! Prehistoric Beasts at the Houston Zoo (ends Sept. 6)

Mommy or Daddy Wednesdays at Moody Gardens

Nature Discovery Center & Story time

Get an exciting opportunity to get an up-close look at towering predators that once roamed the Earth. Come faceto-face with an 8-foot-tall Terror Bird, Dire Wolf large enough to hunt bison, a towering giant bear, T-Rex’s larger cousin Giganotosaurus, and many more. houstonzoo.org

Moms (or Dads) with toddlers 5 and under can take advantage of a discounted One-Day Value Pass that grants entry to the attractions at Moody Gardens by visiting on Wednesdays. moodygardens.com

Visit the discovery rooms and enjoy the outdoor trails and play area. Plan to stay for nature story time which can include live animal encounters and a simple craft. naturediscoverycenter.org

Houston Zoo All day. All ages

Moody Gardens All day. Age: 1/2 off exhibits for parents & children 4-5; children 3 & under, free.


Nature Discover Center Tues.-Fri. Noon-5:30pm, Sat.Sun. 10am-530pm, story time Wednesday at 4pm. All ages

Sept emb er 2 02 1 Wild Wednesday: Creatures in My Backyard Despite losing habitat, some wild animals have adapted to life in the urban jungle. Learn about our animal neighbors and how we can better coexist with them in this class for nature-loving young learners through outdoor adventures, crafts, and more. houstonaudubon.app.neoncrm.com Houston Audubon Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary 9:30am. Age: 3-6

Music in the Gardens Children and parents can experience rhythm and music principles throughout the gardens. Classes use Kindermusik’s curriculum, songs, instruments, and movement to inspire creativity, confidence, and music appreciation in children every first and third Wednesday. hcp4.net/mercer/events/ Mercer Botanic Gardens 10:30am. Age: 2-5

SEPTEMBER 2 Toddler Storytime Every Thursday to connect with your librarian for songs and storytime. Houstonlibrary.com Virtual connect 9am. Toddler 18-36 months.

First Thursday Concert Series Find your groove at Heritage Place! Invite your friends and bring the family to relax at this outdoor tribute to Journey concert. Cityofconroe.org Heritage Place, 500 Metcalf Street, Conroe 7pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 3 Family Camp at Camp Allen (Sept.3-5) Are you looking for that last bit of fun before the new school year begins? Join us in the piney woods for a retreat the whole family will enjoy. campallen.org Camp Allen 2 days. All day. All ages

Labor Day Weekend Fun Passes (Sept.3-6) Weekend Adventure Pass Valid for FOUR days instead of three at Downtown Aquarium, Kemah Boardwalk and Pleasure Pier! aquariumrestaurants.com Three locations for weekend fun! All day. All ages

The Indo-American Association Present: Electrifying India Join Asia Society Texas Center and the Indo-American Association on the hill for an evening of electrifying Indian arts. Check out the show both live and online. Milleroutdoortheatre.com Miller Outdoor Theatre 8pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 4 First Saturday Arts market in the Heights This outdoor arts event features paintings, sculpture, photography, jewelry and handcrafted items, live music and gourmet food trucks! firstsaturdayartsmarket.com 540 West 19th St, Houston 11am-6pm. All ages

Mercury Chamber Orchestra Presents: Vivaldi’s Four Season Experience the birdsong of Spring, the storms of Summer, the harvest and hunt of Fall, and the icy cold of Winter with Mercury’s energetic and engaging performance complemented with dramatic lighting and inspiring visuals. Milleroutdoortheatre.com Miller Outdoor Theatre 8pm. All ages

Free Weekend Museum Admission It’s back! Bank of America Museums on Us. Present your active Bank of America, Merrill or Bank of America Private Bank (U.S. Trust) credit or debit card with photo ID to gain one free general admission to a participating cultural institution. cmhouston.org Children’s Museum Houston 10am-6pm. All ages. Free admission for cardholder only.

SEPTEMBER 5 The Galveston Beach Family Challenge Take on the challenge and win prizes at 14 stations including sack race, limbo and so much more. galvestonchallenge.com

Stewart Beach, Galveston All day. Age: 8+ to participate, all ages for spectators

Self-Guided Tour of Moody Mansion Visit 20 rooms on a tour that depicts the home life of a powerful Texas family. The Moodys established one of the great American financial empires. moodymansion.org Moody Mansion All day. All ages

SEPTEMBER 6 Labor Day Backyard BBQ Party It’s not Labor Day weekend without a good old fashioned backyard BBQ! Join us for lawn games, cold brews and delicious BBQ. marketsquarepark.com Market Square Park 4pm. All ages

Bluebonnet Book Club Want to read all of the Texas Bluebonnet Award books, but having a hard time getting your hands on some of them? This Virtual Youth Book Club meets each month to discuss a selected title from the current Texas Bluebonnet Award

Reading List. Houstonlibrary.com

Virtual 4pm. Age: grade 3-6

Story Time in the Gardens Mercer Botanic Gardens invites parents and children to enjoy story time in the natural setting of the garden every first and third Monday. hcp4.net/mercer/events/ Mercer Botanic Gardens 10:30am. Age: 2-5

SEPTEMBER 7 Author discussion and reading with Samantha Specks Dovetails in Tall Grass Samantha Specks is a clinical social worker who has worked on a child/ adolescent psychiatric unit, as a Dialectical Behavioral group therapist with adults and adolescents, and as an outpatient psychotherapist. She currently lives in Texas. bluewillowbookshop.com Blue Willow Bookshop 7pm. Age: adult

First Tuesday at the Houston Zoo You’ll need a free ticket to enter the gates, so get them online and skip the ticket lines! houstonzoo.org Houston Zoo noon-5pm. All ages

Brunch & Books in the Park Join like-minded readers at Bagby Park every first Tuesday of the month for Brunch and Books literary series. This month we’ll discuss Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey. midtownhouston.com Bagby Park 11:30am. Age: adult

Teach You Tuesday: Painting with a twist learn a new craft, skill, or technique. Create your own art with Painting with a Twist. midtownhouston.com

FREE DAYS IN THE HOUSTON MUSEUM DISTRICT EVERY THURSDAY, MANY OF HOUSTON’S MUSEUMS OFFER FREE ADMISSION. Children’s Museum of Houston 5-8pm • 1500 Binz St. www.cmhouston.org **FREE Admission for Bank of America cardholders the first FULL weekend of the month.

Health Museum 2-7pm • 1515 Hermann Dr. www.thehealthmuseum.org

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 10am-9pm • 1001 Bissonnet www.mfah.org **FREE MFAH admission Saturdays & Sundays for all kids 18 & under with a library card

Houston Museum of Natural Science 2-5pm • 5555 Hermann Park Dr. www.hmns.org

Buffalo Soldiers National Museum 1-5pm • 3816 Caroline St. www.buffalosoldiermuseum.com

Houston Museum of African American Culture 6-8pm • 4807 Caroline St. www.hmaac.org

FREE SUNDAYS Holocaust Museum Houston 2-5pm • 9220 Kirby Dr., ste. 100 www.hmh.org

Bagby Park 5:30pm. Registration is required and limited to only 20 participants.


Family Storytime & Craft

11am-7pm • 1533 Sul Ross Street www.menil.org

Family Storytime features a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading. All craft supplies are included as a part of this free program every Tuesday. Levyparkhouston.org


Levy Park 10am. All ages

Baby Book Club Join this book club targeted to the parents and caregivers of our youngest library customers! This Virtual Book Club meets each month for parents and caregivers to learn some early literacy tips based. Houstonlibrary.com Virtual 10:30am. Age: adult


1-5:30pm • The Water Works at 105 Sabine Street • Age: 9+ www.buffalobayou.org

FREE TUESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Tuesday-Friday 10am-7pm, Sat.10am-6pm, Sun.noon-6pm • 5216 Montrose Boulevard www.camh.org

the big to do | C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S SEPTEMBER 8 Author discussion and reading with Bethany C. Morrow So Many Beginnings

C E N T E R S TA G E | T H E AT E R & P E R F O R M I N G A R T S


Hook’s Tale

A long-lost journal from the notorious—and much maligned—Captain Hook offers the true tale of Peter Pan... and nothing is as you have been told! Award-winning playwright John Leonard Pielmeier (Agnes of God) joins Stages favorite Donald Corren (Bobby Riggs in Balls) to create a one-man tour-de-force that tells the Pan story from Hook’s point of view. Finally discover the friendly alligator, the helpful tick of the clock, the true love of the island’s indigenous population, and the real price of never growing old in this magical, theatrical romp for the whole family. Oct 1st – 17th 2:30pm, 7:30pm or 8pm Tickets $25 - $79 www.stageshouston.com

HOUSTON SYMPHONY Once Upon a Time: Alan Menken’s Broadway

Relive favorite songs from The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, and Little Shop of Horrors in a special salute to Disney’s musical mastermind, Alan Menken! Hear “Part of Your World,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” “Colors of the Wind,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “A Whole New World,” and so much more, along with showstoppers from musicals like Newsies and Sister Act. Vocalists direct from the Broadway stage join Steven Reineke and the Symphony.

HOUSTON BALLET Margaret Alkek Williams Jubilee of Dance

As integral to Houston’s art scene as its namesake and endower, the Margaret Alkek Williams Jubilee of Dance is an annual celebration of the range of talent within Houston Ballet’s professional company. These one-of-akind performances throughout Houston Ballet’s rich history have included an array of beloved moments from iconic ballets alongside world premiere works. This year’s program will also celebrate Principal Dancer Melody Mennite’s 20th anniversary with the Company. Houston Ballet’s glorious return to the stage will undoubtedly be a can’t-miss event. Sept. 30th – Oct. 3rd 2:00pm or 7:00pm Tickets $25 - $85 www.HoustonBallet.org



When a bus driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place – a pigeon! But you’ve never met one like this before! From the Caldecott Honor award-winning book, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical! is sure to get everyone’s wings flapping with its innovative mix of songs, silliness, and feathers.

Sept. 3th – 5th In person or Livestream 2:30pm or 8pm Tickets $20 - $134 www.HoustonSymphony.org

Sept. 26th – Oct. 23rd 10:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm or 3:30pm Tickets $18 - $28 www.mainstreettheater.com



My Fair Lady

Boasting such classic songs as “I Could Have Danced All Night,” “The Rain in Spain,” “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” and “On the Street Where You Live,” MY FAIR LADY tells the story of Eliza Doolittle, a young Cockney flower seller, and Henry Higgins, a linguistics professor who is determined to transform her into his idea of a “proper lady.” But who is really being transformed? Sept. 14th – 19th 2:00pm, 7:30pm or 8pm Tickets $35 - $125 www.HoustonSymphony.org


This is one of the many trickster tales from West African folklore. Mr. Hare is a frequent figure in the Hausa culture of Niger and Nigeria and is the granddaddy of the American Brer Rabbit. Sept. 22nd 11:00am www.milleroutdoortheatre.com

conversation with Mary E. Pearson to discuss Brigid’s new novel Defy the Night, which releases September 14. bluewillowbookshop.com Virtual Event 7pm. Age: 15+

Bethany C. Morrow is an Indie Bestselling author who writes for adult and young adult audiences, in genres ranging from speculative literary to contemporary fantasy to historical. bluewillowbookshop.com

Bollywood & Bhangra Dancing Class at Levy Park


Levy Park 10am. All ages

Blue Willow Bookshop 7pm. Age: Adult

Rally family and friends to try a new sport on a 9-hole course located at the Centennial Park Disc Golf Course. FootGolf is the combination of soccer and golf. It’s played on a golf/disc golf course with a standard #5 soccer ball as the official ball size. Play is free, just bring your own ball. pearlandtx.gov Centennial Park

SEPTEMBER 9 Author discussion and reading with Jennifer Lynn Barnes The Hawthorne Legacy Jennifer Lynn Barnes is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty acclaimed young adult novels. bluewillowbookshop.com Virtual Event 7pm. Age: 15+

Samba Dance Class Learn a popular Brazilian dance style during this exciting class. Samba is a partner dance from Rio de Janeiro that evolved as a ballroom dance to the Brazilian samba musical rhythms. Midtwonhouston.com Midtown Park 7pm. Age: adult. Bringing a dance partner is not necessary.

SEPTEMBER 10 Movie under the stars: Slumdog Millionaire Forget about trekking to the theater for your movie fix and head to Market Square Park for a free outdoor screening. Marketsquarepark.com Market Square Park 8pm. All ages

Exhibition opening: Niki de Saint Phalle in the 1960s Peruse the experimental work of FrenchAmerican artist Niki de Saint Phalle during this pivotal decade. Enjoy the refreshments and live music. Menil.org Menil Collection Main Building 6-8pm. Age: adult


Dancers of all ages and levels, get ready to boogie! Bollywood and Bhangra dancing classes are happening on Saturdays. levyparkhouston.org

Family day on the Ocean Star: Life on a Rig Learn about the different kinds of offshore structures, what they do, and who works on them. Try on safety gear, explore the old control room and participate in a scavenger hunt. oceanstaroec.com

Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig & Museum, Pier 21 - Galveston 10am - 3pm. All ages Price: FREE on the second Saturday of every month for children, $6 adult

STEM @ Your Library Try a Virtual Escape Room! Houstonlibrary.com Virtual event 3pm. Age: 13+

George Observatory If you haven’t already been, GO! Undergoing an extensive makeover that lasted 2 years, you can finally go back to exploring the galaxy every Saturday. hmns.org/george-observatory George Observatory Dusk. Age: 6+

Movie Under the Moon: Doolittle Bring your family and friends and watch a great family movie under the stars. sugarlandtownsquare.com Sugarland Town Square 7:45pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 12 Grandparents Day Sunday at the Polo Club: Caballo Cup Fall Season Kickoff! Join us for this HEART POUNDING match up. Enjoy player parade, great music and expert announcing throughout the match, a champagne divot stomp at halftime, plus a special trophy presentation. Houstonpoloclub.com

Houston Polo Club. 5pm. All ages. Get individual tickets for $15.50-$32.50, box seats for 2-20 guests $79-$695.


Author discussion and reading with Brigid Kemmerer Defy The Night

Author discussion and reading with Summer Nilsson The Land of the Pines

Brigid Kemmerer will appear in

Join the author for a reading and a


Se pte m ber 2 0 2 1 discussion on her latest book. bluewillowbookshop.com Virtual Event 7pm. Age: 15+

SEPTEMBER 14 Homeschool Day at the Aquarium

Sugarland Town Square 8pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 18 Peppa Pig’s Adventure

This is a special day for home schooled children to learn more about our animals and explore the wonders of the aquatic world. Advanced registration is required. aquariumrestaurants.com

With lunchboxes packed and Daddy Pig driving the bus, Peppa and friends are excited about their outdoor adventure, full of singing, dancing, games and surprises. smartfinancialcentre.net

Downtown Aquarium All day. Age 6+

Smart Financial Center at Sugarland 3pm. All ages. Tickets start at $35

Turntable Tuesday


Enjoy live music every second Tuesday in September, October and November is Turntable Tuesday at The Water Works in Buffalo Bayou Park! buffalobayou.org

Celebrate all things groovy baby! From the giant classic Volkswagen show and festival foods, to the classic rock ‘n. tomballtx.gov

Buffalo Bayou 7pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 15 Coffee Cake Book Club Coffee Cake Book Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. This month’s book will be Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. bluewillowbookshop.com Virtual Event 7pm. Age: 15+

SEPTEMBER 16 Movie Night: The Goonies Grab your friends and head over to Midtown Park to enjoy the movie Goonies! Bring your blanket and join us for a free movie under the stars with your neighbors. Midtownhouston.com Midtown Park 7pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 17 Rainforest Conservancy: Cockrell Butterfly Center Enjoy the rainforest right here at HMNS! Walk through a living butterfly habitat. hmns.org Houston Museum of Natural Science All day. All ages. Tickets $10 child, $12 adults.

Let’s Make Art! At-Home Art Making Use downloadable step-by-step instructions and follow along with how to videos featuring artists and educators as they guide you in fun and exciting art making activities to do at your home with your family. mfah.org/programs/families/ Museum of Fine Arts, Houston All day. Everyday. All ages

Sunset Symphony with Vivaldi Music Academy Come to the Plaza at sunset for a classical music event with a quartet performance courtesy of faculty members from Vivaldi Music Academy!

Ernest Neto SunForceOceanLife Installation Museum of Fine Arts, Houston


Tomball’s Historic 1907 Railroad depot 10am-6pm. All ages

Hispanic Heritage Festival Celebrate diverse culture, customs and practices with music, food and traditional dress. centralgreenpark.com Central Green Park, Cinco Ranch All day. All ages

The Houston Jazz Collective Presents: The Houston Jazz Festival Listen to some Jazz music under the stars. Milleroutdoortheatre.com Miller Outdoor Theatre 8pm. All ages

Monthly Volunteer Workday Houstonians, ages 9 and up, are invited to join Buffalo Bayou Partnership for community-wide volunteer days at Buffalo Bayou Park happening the third Saturday of each month. Buffalobayou.org Buffalo Bayou 8:30pm. Age: 9+

Art on Wheels Bike Tour View the public art in Buffalo Bayou Park like never before on this exciting bike ride. Buffalobayou.org Buffalo Bayou 9am. All ages

Hispanic Heritage Month Fiesta! Travel across Hispanic culture through the generations as we enjoy dance performances, fun crafts, and trace the ancient cultural traditions of Tamales. Houstonlibrary.com Barbara Bush Literacy Plaza at the Downtown Central Library 11am-2pm. All ages

Run for Autism 8K/5K/1K Join Autism Speaks by running or walking an 8K/5K/1K on September 18, at Sugar Land Town Square or wherever you are, to show your support for people with autism. sugarlandtownsquare.com Sugarland Town Square 7am. All ages




Hours: Wednesday 11am-5pm, Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday & Saturday 11am-6pm, Sunday 12:30pm- 6pm Monday- closed except selected holidays, Tuesday – closed

Admission: $19 adult, $16 for seniors, $12 students and college-level students with valid ID. Free for children for children under 12 years old.

Ernesto Neto: Sun Force Ocean Life Enjoy the epic sculptural work, explore a complex labyrinth of interactive pathways, all while suspended in mid-air. Through September 26, 2021

Monet to Matisse: Impressionism to Modernism from the Bemberg Foundation These works of art reflect Bemberg’s enthusiasm for the great masters of the French School from the 14th to the 20th century. Through September 19, 2021

Olga de Amaral: To Weave a Rock This major touring retrospective spotlights the Colombian artist (born 1932) and her prolific, six-decade career through some 50 works that trace Amaral’s architectural investigations of the woven form. Through September 19, 2021



Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm., Sat. 10am5pm., Sun. 12-5pm

Withstand: Latinx Art in Times of Conflict The exhibit explores themes of social justice and human rights through 100 artworks of Houston Latinx artists. Through October, 2021

See you at the Museum!




9am-5pm Mon-Sun

Victoria: The T. rex The world’s largest and most complete touring skeleton makes its way to the halls of HMNS! Houston, meet Victoria the T. rex. Discovered in 2013, she is the most complete tyrannosaurus rex skeleton touring the world. The all-new, stateof-the-art exhibition will transport guests 66-million-years back in time to Victoria’s home, the Cretaceous period. Through September 12, 2021


www.thehealthmuseum.org Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm., Thurs. 9am-7pm., Sun. 12-5pm

Admission: $10 adult, $8 senior 65+, free for children under 2 FREE on Thursdays 2-7pm

Your Body, Your Air Your Body, Your Air explores four common types of air pollutants and their sources in the Houston area, as well as the effect these pollutants have on our bodies and our communities.

Beautiful Minds-Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage explores the successes of those who think and thought outside the box when faced with the challenges of dyslexia and learn about some of the tools and resources for diagnosis and pathways to success. A unique portion of the exhibit also reflects each community that it travels to, by featuring local students and artists.

the big to do | C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S SEPTEMBER 19 Sunday at the Polo Club: International Club This match will be ACTION-PACKED! Enjoy music during game breaks, player parade, expert announcing and champagne divot stomp at halftime. houstonpoloclub.com

Houston Polo Club 5pm. All ages. Get individual tickets for $15.50-$32.50, box seats for 2-20 guests $79-$695

Mid-Autumn Festival Enjoy live Taiwanese music and dance performances, Korean Pop dances, and Vietnamese storytelling. The festival will also include exciting art activities such as lantern-making, calligraphy, paper cutting, and faux mooncakes. asiasociety.org/texas/events Asia Society 11am-4pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 20 Simulator Bay Flight simulators allow you to experience the adventures of flight in a whole new way every Saturday and Sunday. lonestarflight.org

Lone Star Flight Museum Saturday: 11am-3pm, Sunday: noon-3pm Age: +10, free with admission

SEPTEMBER 21 Celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day Do you love apples? Johnny Appleseed trekked barefoot across the country planting apple trees and created hundreds of thousands of unique apple trees that led to apple varieties still produced today. Celebrate with applethemed books, crafts, games and by planting seeds. hcp4.net/news/johnnyappleseed-day/

Mercer Arboretum and BotanicGardens 4 -6pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 22 Movies Under the Stars: Silver Linings Playbook Forget about trekking to the theater for your movie fix and head to Market Square Park for a free outdoor screening of Silver Linings Playbook. After losing his job and wife, and spending time in a mental institution, Pat Solatano (Bradley Cooper) winds up living with his parents. Marketsquarepark.com Market Square Park 8pm. Age: Adult

SEPTEMBER 23 Tunes, Tales, and Tails Enjoy a different take on an animalthemed program with wind instruments in the orchestra that explores the wild side of music. Milleroutdoortheatre.com Miller Outdoor Theatre 8pm. All ages

Parent’s, Let’s Talk Mental Health! The Menninger Clinic, a nationally recognized mental health leader in Houston, joins The Health Museum to offer parents and caregivers helpful mental health information through a free, virtual bi-monthly series. thehealthmuseum.org/events Virtual Noon. Age: Adult

SEPTEMBER 24 Galveston Island Shrimp Festival (Sept.24 & 25) The annual festival features cook offs, music, a 5K, a Lil’ Shrimps Parade, and, of course, a LOT of shrimp! Teams lining the Historical Strand District will dish out a sample to festival attendees. galveston.com Historic Downtown Strand, Galveston 9am-4pm. All ages.

Screen on the Green: Hocus Pocus Enjoy a family movie under the stars in the city’s coolest park. Three 17thcentury witches, hanged for their murderous crimes, are resurrected on Halloween in modern-day Salem by an unsuspecting boy, who must now figure out how to get them back in the ground. Discoverygreen.com Discovery Green 8-10pm. All ages

ROCO Revelry Gala 2021 It will be an evening to come experience in person ROCO’s vitality, boldness, and fun through music! roco.org The POST HTX 7:30pm. Age: adult

SEPTEMBER 25 Shakespeare in the Park: Othello In the aftermath of the Great War a hundred years ago, a high-stakes racial game of life and death is waged as African native Othello - the lauded general newly returned from battle - is manipulated into betrayal and murder of his wife Desdemona www.thewoodlandstownship-tx. gov/ artsinthepark Rob Fleming Park, The Woodlands 6-8:30pm. All ages

ROCO In Concert: Bursting at the Seams Sharing the joy of live performances showcasing the full 40-piece orchestra. ROCOrooters childcare and music education program is available in conjunction with all of ROCO’s In Concert performances at The Church of St. John the Divine during the 2021-2022 season Roco.org The Church St. John the Divine 5pm. All ages

National Public Lands Day: Creek Bash Join the Jesse Jones Park Volunteers to remove trash along the park’s waterways, restoring wildlife habitat and nature’s beauty. Great for teenagers to get their volunteer hours. hcp4.net/jones Jesse Jones Park & Nature Center 9am-noon. Age: 16+

SEPTEMBER 26 Brew at the Zoo Enjoy Texas beer tasting, games & activities, live music and of course the animals at the zoo. houstonzoo.org Houston Zoo 6-10pm. Age: adult

Sunday at the Polo Club: USPA H. Ben Taub Memorial Cup FEEL THE THUNDERING hooves of the thoroughbreds as the players compete for the ball. Prize drawings, halftime champagne divot stomp, music, expert announcing, plus special trophy presentation after the match. houstonpoloclub.com

Houston Polo Club 5pm. All ages. Get individual tickets for $15.50-$32.50, box seats for 2-20 guests $79-$695

1st Charreada Festival Check out a Mexican cultural tradition that stems from the Spanish-inspired charreada. The charreada is a festive event that is similar to an American rodeo in its variety of equestrian activities. tradersvillage.com Trader’s Village All day. All ages. Parking is $5.

Build it Big: Think big with the Houston Museum of Natural Science! Explore structural concepts in engineering, architecture and construction together. Discover which shapes build the strongest structures and find out how architects and engineers design and build buildings, bridges, and skyscrapers. Levyparkhouston.org Levy Park 2pm. All ages

SEPTEMBER 27 Nature visits at the Joe Turner Nature Center Tour the Ecosystem Displays; the Bugs Room; the Reptile and Amphibians Room; and Eye on the Wilderness with lighting and sound effects. houstonparks.org Lake Houston Wilderness Park All day, Wednesday-Sunday. All ages

SEPTEMBER 28 Tough Broads Out at Night Book Club Tough Broads Book Club meets the fourth


Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. bluewillowbookshop.com Virtual, meeting on Zoom 7pm. Age: Adult

Tween Book Club: Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan Immerse yourself in a good book! Share your passion for reading with fellow readers during a lively discussion featuring a different book each month. Houstonlibrary.com Virtual event 4pm. Age: 13+

Menil Contemporaries Film Screening of “Max Ernst Hanging” Rare moments captured by filmmakers John and Francois de Menil, follow Mrs. de Menil in conversation with Max Ernst, the 20th-century Surrealist artist. menil.org West Main Green lawn at the Menil Drawing Institute. Picnic blankets or lawn chairs are encouraged and seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. RSVP events@menil.org. 6:30pm. Age: 15+

SEPTEMBER 29 Heights & Bike trails & Donovan Park Explore the Heights Hike and Bike Trail and view some of the most beautiful examples of Victorian and turn-ofthe-century architecture then picnic at Donovan Park. traillink.com/city/houston-tx-trails/ 2799 Moy St., Houston

SEPTEMBER 30 21st Annual Woodlands Family YMCA Dragon Boat Team Challenge Cheer on the teams as they paddle their hearts out during this 4-day event from September 30-October 3, 2021. ymcadragonboat.org Northshore Park in The Woodlands 8am – Noon or 2:00 – 6:00pm. All ages, free for spectators

State of the Park: Return to Our Roots Tune in virtually to hear from Shellye Arnold, President & CEO and special guests on how the prairie restoration currently underway will bring a Return to Our Roots: Planting the Prairie for Future Generations. memorialparkconservancy.org

Memorial Park conservancy virtual event Noon. Age: adult

Children’s Music Class in the Park with Vivaldi Music Academy Vivaldi Music Academy welcomes families with children ages 1-5 years old to join them in the Plaza for a free, fun morning full of singing, dancing and learning. sugarlandtownsquare.com Sugarland Town Square 10-10:45am. Age: 1-5 years old.

Behind the Scenes AT






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