Houston Family Magazing June 2024

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Making Moments Together Extraordinary

Soak up the fun at Paradise Springs Water Park! Prepare for heart-pounding slides, refreshing pools, a lazy river, private cabanas, and an extraordinary day you’ll never forget.

WAYS KIDS CAN CASH IN TABLE OF CONTENTS LAKESIDE ESCAPES BIRTHDAY BASHES 06 12 20 10 14 22 A DAY FOR DADDY HIT THE BEACH CAMP DIRECTORY money making ideas make it one to remember summer trips to WI & NH summer trip to Destin different ways to celebrate camps for all ages CALENDAR OF EVENTS local family fun for June 40 16 SUMMER OF FUN bucket list for 2024 BOOK BITES great reads for dad 33 4 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE June 2024

Ways Kids Can Cash-in Money Making Ideas for Teens &


Teaching kids the value and rewards of hard work and earning their own money is an integral part of helping kids develop into responsible adults. Through this, they gain self-esteem, learn the real value of a dollar, and develop better saving and spending habits.

So share the list of jobs below with your pre-teens or teens for a variety of ways they can cash-in this summer.

The grass is always greener

What better way to soak up the sun, get fit, and make spare cash than mowing lawns? Create some fliers, and be sure to mention you live in the neighborhood. Include your fees based on yard size. But try to keep the rates below the cost of professional services. Also, don't forget to include your phone number. Then deliver the fliers to the homes in your neighborhood. You can lodge them between doorknobs or tuck them under doormats. Just don't place anything in mailboxes because it's illegal.

Young entrepreneur

Make the most of your neighbors' garage sales by setting up a refreshment stand in your own front yard. You'll need a small table and a handmade sign: "Cookies and Lemonade - 50 cents each." Set out a pitcher of lemonade or Kool-aid, disposable cups, and wrapped cookies. At the end of the sale, add up your profits, and divide them with your partners.

Too old for toys and games?

If so, clean out those you’ve outgrown, and hold a sale. Make a cardboard or wooden sign to attract neighborhood kids and passersby. Then lay out blankets in your front yard, and spread out your goods. Keep your prices reasonable. And don’t forget a 25-cent box filled with odds and ends.


Kiddie care

Are you old enough to stay home alone? If so, you may be ready to babysit for other children. Spread the word through family, friends, and neighbors. Once you've gained experience, post fliers on the library, grocery, or laundromat bulletin boards. When babysitting, play games, and do activities with the kids. Avoid talking on the phone or watching TV. Parents love sitters that keep their children busy. Also, don't forget to clean up and wash dirty dishes.

A little dirt never hurt

Garage cleaning is a big chore, especially for the elderly, or anyone who just doesn't have the time. So offer your services to relatives and neighbors. When you get a job, be thorough. Move everything into the driveway or yard before you begin. Remove cobwebs with a broom. Sweep ledges and the garage floor. Then hose the garage concrete (with permission) to loosen ground-in dirt. When it’s dry, neatly arrange everything back into the garage.

Fence finishing

Wood fencing requires ongoing maintenance. So offer to assist your neighbors in sprucing up their yard by painting or staining their fences. The homeowner should supply the paint or stain and the necessary tools. Be sure to follow directions. Also, take your time and do a careful job.

Window washing

Offering your services for this dreaded task is sure to be a success. If you get the job, make sure your parents know the homeowner and approve of you going inside. Clean the interior of all windows, including doors. Also, don't forget to open the windows and clean the ledges and tracks. Offer to do exterior windows if you're tall enough to reach them without a ladder. Ask permission to hose them down to remove loose dirt. Then wash and dry them by hand.

Life’s a zoo

Pet owners who don't like to kennel their pets are often in a dilemma at vacation time. Pass out flyers in your neighborhood offering to pet sit. Do the sitting in your home, if your parents agree. Otherwise, make regular visits to the pet's home. Be responsible, and do precisely as the pet owner instructs, for the safety of both you and the pet.

Weeds away

Are weeds taking over your neighbors' flowerbeds? Then offer to get them back into shape. Before you get started, find out which ones are plants versus flowers that haven't yet bloomed. When in doubt, ask before you pull them. Wear gloves to protect your hands and hose the ground lightly to loosen roots. Pull weeds from rock beds, shrubbery, and cement cracks. Then dispose of them properly.


Dollars for duds

Have you hit another growth spurt? Ask your parents if you can consign your clothing and split the profits. Search online for local consignment shops by using "resale," "used clothing," or "consignment" in your search terms. Find out the shops' policies. Then get your clothing ready. Wash and de-wrinkle, then hang or fold them neatly. Don't forget shoes, jackets, and pajamas, too.

Errands for the elderly

Are there handicapped, disabled, or elderly persons in your neighborhood? If so, they’re apt to need some help. Offer to run errands within walking or biking distance. Attach a basket to your bike, or carry a backpack for easy transporting. If you have your driver’s license, offer to do more distant-runs.

Who’s walking who?

If you're looking for a new summer pal, why not make it man's best friend? Pass out fliers to offer your pet walking services. Never run a dog unless the owner agrees. And if the dog starts panting or doesn't want to run, never push it. Dogs can quickly overheat, which can kill them.

Make it shine

Round up your friends, and get ready for some cold, wet fun! Hold a car wash in your driveway or a parking lot with permission from the property owner. Make a large colorful "Car Wash" sign. Include your cost (hint: set it no more than your local car wash charges). Have your supplies handy: a bucket of soapy water, rags or sponge, a hose, and plenty of dry towels.

News courier

Hop on your bike or blades, and spread the news—that is, deliver the news. Apply for a route with your local newspaper, or add your name to the waiting list. Place newspapers either in a newspaper box or on the front porch to make sure they’ll remain dry. It may even increase your tips.

A volunteer vacation

Summer camps are always in need of volunteers. So contact those you’d like to attend, and ask how you can take part. You’ll need to know the age requirements, duties involved, and what activities you’ll be able to participate in. Summer camp staff and volunteers generally are not paid. But the experience and the week away may be well worth it.

Old McDonald had a farm

You don’t have to be raised on a farm to make a good farmhand. Although it’s certainly a bonus. Visit area farms, and offer your help. Work may include laboring in fields to feeding and caring for livestock.


At your service

Offer home cleaning services to your neighbors. Plan to do the following tasks, unless other arrangements are made: dust furniture and window ledges; vacuum carpet and stairs; sweep and mop tile, linoleum, and wooden floors; scour sinks, bathtubs, and toilets; shake out rugs; vacuum upholstered furniture; and make beds. Ask if straightening up is expected. Also, find out which cleaning products (supplied by the homeowner) to use on fixtures, appliances, and furniture to prevent damage.

Pool patrol

If sunbathing is your thing, then this is the job for you! Find out the age and certification requirements for lifeguard duty. Then apply at your community pool, YMCA, or nearby beach. While keeping an eye on swimmers and soaking up the sun, keep your skin safe by using a good sunscreen.

Daycare duty

Do you love little kids? I mean lots of little kids? Then contact daycare centers and home daycare providers and find out if they need a young assistant. Look up daycare centers in the yellow pages. You can find home daycare providers in classifieds, on bulletin boards, and through your state licensing agency. Tasks may include assisting with crafts and activities, reading stories, helping with lunch and snacks, and cleaning up.

Nurturer of nature

If you’re a nature lover, don’t forget about your local parks. Possible positions may include assisting with planned activities and events, maintaining park grounds, and tending ticket booths. Call area parks to find out what jobs they offer and how to apply.

Follow these tips for your safety, and so you get more business and excellent referrals. Get your parents’ permission before accepting a job, and make sure they know where you’ll be.

Do your best. This will help you earn respect from your customers and make you feel good about yourself. It will also likely affect whether you are hired again and can use that person as a reference.

If you make a mistake, don’t ignore it or try to cover it up. Inform your employer, offer your apologies, and ask what can be done. Your honesty will likely make your employer overlook the error.

Be on time. Call right away if you'll be late or can't make it.

Dress for the type of
and wear
clothes if they could be ruined.
Discuss payment in advance to avoid disputes or hard feelings.


I t doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.
Anne Sexton

Father’s Day is just around the corner, so don’t be caught scrambling for the perfect way to show you care. Try some of these ideas to show your dad just how important he is to you.

Video Surprise

a personal touch. Most importantly, much he means to you.

Make a "World's Best Dad" video he'll treasure for years to come. Put on your brainstorming cap for your own ideas, or try some of these ideas for your video. Share special memories of your dad, sing to him, read him a poem, or do skits. Get the whole family involved and conduct interviews with each other with Dad as the main topic. Don't forget your props such as a banner or collection of his prized possessions, including sports trophies or equipment, to add a personal touch. Most importantly, be sure to let him know just how much he means to you.

King for the Day

It isn't every day your dad gets waited on hand and foot. So offer to be his loyal servant for the day. Bring him coffee and toast in bed; fetch his newspaper; lay out his clothes, bath towel, and mat; be host or hostess and serve him beverages and snacks; clean up after him and anything else to give him the royal treatment.


Memories of Dad

Buy a scrapbook, and create a record of memories about you and your dad. Include photos of special outings, events, and holidays you've had together. Also include other memorabilia such as concert or sporting event ticket stubs, postcards, and brochures. Next to each photo or item, describe your memories of those special times with him.

A Man to Remember

Get your creative juices flowing, and write a poem for your dad. You don't need to be a poet to come up with a few thoughtful words to express how much he means to you. Describe the impact he's had on your life, how he's helped shape the person you are today, and what he means to you. Then print it on stationery, matte, and frame it.

Musical Moment

Take your father to see his favorite band or performing artist, head to a jazz or blues festival, or pack up some lawn chairs, and enjoy a local concert-in-the-park.

Togetherness Takes Two

Has your dad been putting off the dreaded task of cleaning out his attic, basement, or garage? Give him a gift of shelving materials and brackets, wall racks and ceiling hooks, and storage crates. Then spend the day helping him to get it organized while catching up on old times.

World’s Greatest

Let your dad know he's valued 365 days a year! Give him a "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug, t-shirt, book cover, bookmarker, wallet card, or another trinket that he'll see or use regularly.

Sports Buff’s Surprise

Take your dad for a sporting good time. Play a game of golf, tennis, or basketball, go fishing, or enjoy a paddle around a lake. If being a spectator is more his thing, buy tickets to his favorite sporting event such as a baseball or soccer game, boxing match, or auto race.

Weekend Getaway

Get in touch with nature and each other on a camping trip for two. Either rough it in a tent or rent a mini-cabin at a state park. Spend your weekend hiking, sightseeing, fishing, boating, playing cards, and taking it easy together.

Father’s Day Feast

As the old adage goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So treat dad to a mouth-watering barbecue. Fix him his favorite: steak, ribs, chicken, burgers, or chops for starters. Don't forget the grilled potatoes or squash, garlic bread or rolls, fresh green beans or asparagus, sweet corn, potato salad, and last but not least, his favorite dessert.

Treat Him Like a King

What better way to show your appreciation for all his hard work than to indulge him? Give your father a gift certificate for a professional massage, which will be sure to please.

Just the Two of Us

Put together a photo collage of you and your father. There are many ways to do this. Find instructions at your nearby craft store and create a Decoupage photo collage. Keep it simple with a multi-photo frame, or buy a unique 3D photo collage frame. You can find them at art and craft supply stores and online.

Take a Stroll

Enjoy a peaceful walk in the park or the country together. Better yet, gather your bikes or roller blades, hit a scenic bike path, and enjoy the fresh summer air.

Certificates of Appreciation

Show Dad you appreciate his hard work by returning the favor. Make coupons that say: "In appreciation for all that you do, Dad. Redeem this certificate for a hassle-free car wash by me!" Other favors include sweeping out the garage, mowing the lawn, or any other task he usually handles.

Catch a Flick…..or two

Treat your dad to a movie fest. Rent a couple newly released videos or some of his long time favorites. Or head to the cinemas for a double feature. Whether you take the movies in at home or the theater, don’t forget the hot, buttered popcorn, candy, and soft drinks.

Get in Touch with His Soft Side

Give your dad a book of poetry specially written for fathers. Try one of these: Fathers: A Collection of Poems by David Ray and Judy Ray Father's: Collected Poems by Ken Koprowski

Thoughts to Share With a Wonderful Father: A Collection of Poems by Blue Mountain Arts Collections

A Gift of Giving

Does your dad have a favorite cause or charity such as the Humane Society, the Nature Conservancy, or the American Cancer Society? If so, why not give him a membership or make a donation in his name? Remember, small donations add up and are always appreciated.



Gesserts Ice Cream Elkhart Lake

Discover Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

Located about an hour north of Milwaukee, this charming town is dominated by cute shops, independent restaurants and historic lakeside resorts. Families will love the Osthoff Resort, a sprawling spot that hugs the shores of Elkhart Lake and offers everything from a kid-friendly activity center, watercraft rentals, a sandy beach and a full-service spa. One- to three-bedroom suites feature full kitchens, comfortable living spaces and dining areas to accommodate a few or a crowd, making this a terrific spot for multigenerational getaways. The resort has two restaurants, as well as poolside service and a dining deck with lake views. The nearby Shore Club is another family-friendly option, offering bike and paddle board rentals, along with its own lake access.

Elkhart Lake is a racing town, so car enthusiasts will want to check out Road America, offering a season of racing to show off the thrill of speed. There’s a family fun zone and concessions, along with a great gift shop, so it’s easy to spend the day here. On select race weekends, guests can try their hand at karting and other motorsports.

Dining options abound, many of the restaurants independently owned and operated, adding to the town’s community feeling. Harry’s Pizza e Vino is a goto for Italian, Lake Street Cafe has a menu filled with eclectic American fare and Gesserts Ice Cream has confections kids and adults will love. Moms and dads should be sure to pop into Vintage Elkhart Lake, a wine and specialty food shop that’s cozy and inviting, with a terrific selection.

Discover Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hamphire

When it’s time for a water-filled vacation, many families gravitate to the beach. But hitting a lake can provide just as much fun. www.pelicanbeach.com/

This New Hampshire destination midway between Nashua and the White Mountains is a destination known for sailing, swimming, fishing and other water fun. Hop aboard the M/S Mount Washington, which offers daily cruises around the lake, including themed options like Haunted Winnipesaukee or Christmas in July.

The Grand View Resort in Laconia sits up a hill from Weirs Beach. Families can check into a lake view cabin or a cozy cottage. At the Piping Rock Resort, you’ll find cottages and condos with stunning views. Kayaks and paddleboards are available to guests, and the resort offers volleyball, badminton and a playground.

For more than 55 years, Funspot USA has been an arcade destination at Weirs Beach, with games, an indoor mini golf course, bowling alley and dining. Nearby Daytona Fun Park lets guests ride go-karts and bumper boats. Tour this historic Castle in the Clouds, which offers hiking and walking trails, a cafe and ducks to feed.

Open summers only, Town Docks is a beach dining spot where burgers, lobster and homemade ice cream dominate the menu. Guiseppe’s wins high marks for its pizzas and pasta dishes, while George’s Diner serves up breakfast, lunch and dinner, offering comfort food fare.

Osthoff Resort


P H O T O C R E D I T : A M Y G A R R E T T



A C o a s t a l H a v e n

N e s t l e d a l o n g t h e p r i s t i n e s h o r e s o f F l o r i d a ' s E m e r a l d C o a s t , w h e r e t h e t u r q u o i s e w a t e r s m e e t t h e w h i t e

s u g a r - s a n d b e a c h e s , l i e s a s a n c t u a r y o f u n p a r a l l e l e d l u x u r y a n d t r a n q u i l i t y H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t .

O n c e a h i s t o r i c f i s h i n g v i l l a g e , t h e c i t y o f D e s t i n h a s e v o l v e d i n t o a c o v e t e d v a c a t i o n d e s t i n a t i o n f o r

f a m i l i e s s e e k i n g a n u n f o r g e t t a b l e f a m i l y g e t a w a y A m i d s t t h e b u r g e o n i n g t o u r i s t s c e n e , d i s c e r n i n g

t r a v e l e r s y e a r n i n g f o r s e c l u s i o n a n d o p u l e n c e f i n d r e f u g e i n t h e s e r e n i t y o f H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t , a

c r o w n j e w e l a d o r n i n g t h e 2 0 0 + a c r e s o f H e n d e r s o n B e a c h S t a t e P a r k .

L u x u r i o u s A c c o m m o d a t i o n s

S t e p i n t o a w o r l d o f u n p a r a l l e l e d e l e g a n c e , c o m f o r t , a n d s t y l e a s y o u e n t e r o n e o f t h e r e s o r t ' s 1 7 0 s p a c i o u s

r o o m s a n d s u i t e s E a c h m e t i c u l o u s l y a p p o i n t e d s p a c e i s a t e s t a m e n t t o c o a s t a l s o p h i s t i c a t i o n , b o a s t i n g

c u s t o m f u r n i s h i n g s , c l o u d - l i k e m a t t r e s s e s a d o r n e d w i t h l u x u r i o u s b e d d i n g , a n d e l e g a n t b a t h r o o m s t h a t

e x u d e t i m e l e s s d e s i g n . G u e s t s a r e t r e a t e d t o p a n o r a m i c v i e w s o f s u n s e t s o v e r t h e G u l f f r o m b e a u t i f u l s w e e p i n g b a l c o n i e s

U n p a r a l l e l e d B e a c h f r o n t B l i s s

F o r t h o s e s e e k i n g t h e u l t i m a t e b e a c h f r o n t e x p e r i e n c e , H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t g u e s t s a r e i n v i t e d t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e p r i s t i n e b e a u t y a n d t r a n q u i l i t y o f u n s p o i l e d c o a s t l i n e a t t h e i r l e i s u r e . C r y s t a l - c l e a r w a t e r s , s o f t s a n d , a n d g e n t l e s u r f c r e a t e t h e p e r f e c t b a c k d r o p f o r w a t e r s p o r t s , w h i l e c o m f o r t a b l e b e a c h c h a i r r e n t a l s a n d i m p e c c a b l e f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e s e r v i c e e n s u r e a d a y o f p u r e r e l a x a t i o n a n d i n d u l g e n c e

U n i q u e F a m i l y A d v e n t u r e s A w a i t

2 0 B E S T I S L A N D S


B r e a t h t a k i n g v i e w a w a y



T o p s e c r e t h i d e a w a y s



O n e o f t h e h a l l m a r k s o f H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t i s i t s c o m m i t m e n t t o p r o v i d i n g u n p a r a l l e l e d e x p e r i e n c e s f o r g u e s t s o f a l l a g e s . F o r f a m i l i e s l o o k i n g t o c r e a t e l a s t i n g m e m o r i e s t o g e t h e r , t h e r e s o r t o f f e r s a n a r r a y o f e x c i t i n g a c t i v i t i e s t h a t c a t e r t o e v e r y i n t e r e s t a n d p r e f e r e n c e . W h e t h e r y o u ' r e s e e k i n g a d v e n t u r e o r r e l a x a t i o n , t h e r e ' s s o m e t h i n g f o r e v e r y o n e t o e n j o y

f r o m t h e c i t y | p 1 4

a n d e x o t i c e s c a p e s | p 3 5

S u r p r i s i n g r e t r e a t s &

l o c a l f a v o r i t e s | p . 1 1 2


F a m i l i e s c a n i m m e r s e t h e m s e l v e s i n t h e a r t o f c a n d l e m a k i n g , s e t s a i l o n a l u x u r i o u s y a c h t c h a r t e r , o r h o n e

t h e i r c u l i n a r y s k i l l s w i t h h a n d s - o n c o o k i n g c l a s s e s l e d b y e x p e r t c h e f s . E n g a g e i n f r i e n d l y c o m p e t i t i o n w i t h

c o m p l i m e n t a r y l a w n g a m e s o r e n j o y s e r e n e m o m e n t s o f r e l a x a t i o n f l o a t i n g i n t h e l a z y r i v e r . C r e a t e

c h e r i s h e d m e m o r i e s w i t h c o m p l i m e n t a r y b e a c h c r u i s e r s , k a y a k s , a n d p a d d l e b o a r d r e n t a l s .

B u t i t ' s n o t j u s t t h e a c t i v i t i e s t h a t s e t H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t a p a r t i t ' s t h e u n p a r a l l e l e d l e v e l o f

l u x u r y a n d a t t e n t i o n t o d e t a i l t h a t p e r m e a t e s e v e r y a s p e c t o f t h e g u e s t e x p e r i e n c e

I n d u l g e i n a r e j u v e n a t i n g s p a t r e a t m e n t a t t h e H e n d e r s o n S p a , w h e r e e x p e r t t h e r a p i s t s u t i l i z e t h e f i n e s t

i n g r e d i e n t s a n d t e c h n i q u e s t o p a m p e r y o u r b o d y a n d s o u l .

T h e H e n d e r s o n S p a b o a s t s 1 1 p r i v a t e t r e a t m e n t r o o m s , e a c h m e t i c u l o u s l y d e s i g n e d t o c o c o o n g u e s t s i n

s e r e n i t y a n d c o m f o r t . F r o m t h e i n v i g o r a t i n g e x p e r i e n t i a l s h o w e r t o t h e s o o t h i n g w h i r l p o o l h o t t u b a n d

a r o m a t i c s t e a m r o o m , e v e r y a m e n i t y i s c r a f t e d t o e l e v a t e t h e s p a j o u r n e y t o n e w h e i g h t s o f i n d u l g e n c e .

P a m p e r y o u r s e l f w i t h s i g n a t u r e t r e a t m e n t s l i k e t h e H i m a l a y a n S a l t S u i t e e x p e r i e n c e o r a b l i s s f u l M a r i n e

M u d W r a p , d e s i g n e d t o l e a v e y o u f e e l i n g r e f r e s h e d a n d r e v i t a l i z e d W i t h a f u l l - s e r v i c e s a l o n a n d a n

e x t e n s i v e m e n u o f p e r s o n a l i z e d s p a s e r v i c e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e r e n o w n e d C a v i a r A g e - D e f y i n g F a c i a l ,

C o l l a g e n - I n f u s i o n F a c i a l , a n d D e l u x H y d r a f a c i a l , e v e r y g u e s t i s g u a r a n t e e d t o f i n d t h e i r p e r f e c t p a t h t o

r e l a x a t i o n a n d r e n e w a l .

E x q u i s i t e D i n i n g a n d L e i s u r e

A t H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t , c u l i n a r y d e l i g h t s a b o u n d , w i t h a s e l e c t i o n o f d i n i n g o p t i o n s t h a t s h o w c a s e

t h e f i n e s t l o c a l f l a v o r s o f t h e G u l f C o a s t . F r o m t h e s o p h i s t i c a t e d a m b i a n c e o f P r i m r o s e t o t h e c a s u a l

c h a r m o f H o r i z o n s , e v e r y m e a l i s a c e l e b r a t i o n o f f r e s h , l o c a l l y s o u r c e d i n g r e d i e n t s , a n d c u l i n a r y

c r a f t s m a n s h i p . S a v o r h a n d c r a f t e d c o c k t a i l s a n d g o u r m e t b i t e s p o o l s i d e a t S e a - L e v e l , o r i n d u l g e i n s w e e t

t r e a t s a n d S t a r b u c k s c o f f e e a t S p r i n k l e s C a f é w h e r e s ' m o r e s k i t s o f f e r w h i m s i c a l m e m o r i e s , c r a f t i n g

s w e e t d e l i g h t s o v e r t h e c r a c k l i n g f i r e p i t b e n e a t h a c a n o p y o f s t a r s .

I n d u l g e i n a r t i s a n c o c k t a i l s a n d s a v o r t h e g e n t l e s e a b r e e z e a t o p T h e R o o f t o p . W i t h s w e e p i n g v i s t a s o f t h e

p r i s t i n e c o a s t a n d H e n d e r s o n B e a c h S t a t e P a r k , t h i s e x c l u s i v e s e t t i n g o f f e r s a n a m b i a n c e o f c a s u a l

s o p h i s t i c a t i o n . I m m e r s e y o u r s e l f i n t h e s o o t h i n g m e l o d i e s o f l i v e m u s i c w h i l e d e l i g h t i n g i n a c u r a t e d s e l e c t i o n o f s e a f o o d d e l i c a c i e s f r o m t h e r a w b a r

F a m i l y E s c a p e L i k e N o O t h e r

I n a d e s t i n a t i o n t e e m i n g w i t h a c c o m m o d a t i o n o p t i o n s , H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t s t a n d s a p a r t a s a t r u e g e m o f t h e E m e r a l d C o a s t W i t h i t s u n p a r a l l e l e d s e t t i n g , e x q u i s i t e a c c o m m o d a t i o n s , a n d u n r i v a l e d

i l i e s a h a v e n o f e l e v a t e d l u x u r y a n d r e f i n e d s o p h i s t i c a t i o n . W h y s e t t l e f o r t h e

x p e r i e n c e t h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y a t H e n d e r s o n B e a c h R e s o r t ? I n d u l g e y o u r s e n s e s n


Summer of fun 2024

Summer is here and it’s time for a break!

If you are like me, you may not have had a chance to start making plans for adventures this summer, so this list can get you started!


MAP out your SUMMER


You've basically have 12 weeks with the kids before summer ends.


Deduct 1-2 weeks from the 12 weeks, for family vacation this summer.


Deduct the 1-2 weeks of camp you have planned for your kiddos



You've now got about 8-10 weeks left. How many days will you have to hit up fun activities, 1-2 days?


If you are down to 8 weeks, and you are spending 1-2 days a week hitting up local spots, you should be able to create a bucket list of at least 10-20 places to visit this summer!

Be adventurous this summer!

Act like a tourist in your own town!

Visit places you would normally only think to bring out of town guests!

Remember why Houston is one of the greatest cities in U.S.!

Main Street Theater Main Street Theater

Main Street Theater provides theater experiences for all ages. Main Street Theater provides theater experiences for all ages. Founded in 1975, our Main Stage produces professional, intimate, Founded in 1975, our Main Stage produces professional, intimate, literary plays for adults; our Theater for Youth produces professional, literary plays for adults; our Theater for Youth produces professional, engaging productions based on children’s literature for families and engaging productions based on children’s literature for families and school groups, both in-house and on tour around Texas; and we offer school groups, both in-house and on tour around Texas; and we offer Education and Outreach programs on-site and at satellite locations Education and Outreach programs on-site and at satellite locations around the Greater Houston area for youth aged 4 – high school. We around the Greater Houston area for youth aged 4 – high school. We perform locally in 2 facilities: our Rice Village home on Times. Blvd., perform locally in 2 facilities: our Rice Village home on Times. Blvd., and as part of the MATCH (Midtown Arts & Theater Center Houston) and as part of the MATCH (Midtown Arts & Theater Center Houston) on Main Street. on Main Street.

Main Street Theater, 3400 Main St., Houston

Main Street Theater, 3400 Main St., Houston Phone: 713.524.6706 Phone: 713.524.6706 www.mainstreettheater.com www.mainstreettheater.com

Cordovan Cordovan Art School Art School

CORDOVAN ART SCHOOL. Enroll in over 40 fun themed camps at any

CORDOVAN ART SCHOOL. Enroll in over 40 fun themed camps at any of our 5 locations: Atascocita, Spring, Katy, Sugar Land, or The of our 5 locations: Atascocita, Spring, Katy, Sugar Land, or The Woodlands. Some favorites are: Anime, Video Game Art, Outer-Space, Woodlands. Some favorites are: Anime, Video Game Art, Outer-Space, Fantasy, Super Heros, Animals. Clay, Ceramics and a ll types of art

Fantasy, Super Heros, Animals. Clay, Ceramics and all types of art media will be used at what have been voted "The Best Art Camps in media will be used at what have been voted "The Best Art Camps in Houston"! Kids and Teens 5-16 / Extended care avail able Houston"! Kids and Teens 5-16 / Extended care avail able Multiple Locations: Atascocita, Spring, Katy, Sugar Land, or The Multiple Locations: Atascocita, Spring, Katy, Sugar Land, or The Woodlands. Woodlands. www.cordovanartschool.com www.cordovanartschool.com

Alliance Fencing Academy Alliance Fencing Academy

Always wanted to see what it's like to be a fencer? Why not check out Always wanted to see what it's like to be a fencer? Why not check out the beginner classes this summer (June - Aug). Perfect for ages 5-14. the beginner classes this summer (June - Aug). Perfect for ages 5-14. Visit them in Houston or the Woodlands. Visit them in Houston or the Woodlands. www.alliance-fencing-academy.com www.alliance-fencing-academy.com

Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden

Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden

This free sculpture garden is located right outside the Houston

This free sculpture garden is located right outside the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. Museum of Fine Arts.

900 Bissonnet St, Houston

900 Bissonnet St, Houston mfah.org/visit/cullen-sculpture-garden mfah.org/visit/cullen-sculpture-garden

Houston Arboretum & Nature Center

Houston Arboretum & Nature Center

This free admission nature center has 5 mi of walki ng trails, an

This free admission nature center has 5 mi of walking trails, an interpretive center that includes a Discovery room with hands-on interpretive center that includes a Discovery room with hands-on activities & exhibits, a Nature Gift Shop, a Reference Library, & activities & exhibits, a Nature Gift Shop, a Reference Library, & classrooms. classrooms.

183 West Loop S, Houston

183 West Loop S, Houston www.houstonaboretum.org www.houstonaboretum.org

Discovery Green Discovery Green

Discovery Green offers an abundance of events and activities for the Discovery Green offers an abundance of events and activities for the whole family all summer long. whole family all summer long.

500 McKinney St, Houston

500 McKinney St, Houston www.discoverygreen.com www.discoverygreen.com

Lone Star Flight Museum Lone Star Flight Museum

Have you always dreamed of being a WWII pilot? How about just

Have you always dreamed of being a WWII pilot? How about just flying in one of their planes1! Kids ages 12-17 can make this dream flying in one of their planes1! Kids ages 12-17 can make this dream come true this summer! Must be accompanied by a parent! If come true this summer! Must be accompanied by a parent! If you'd rather stick to the ground, you can check out the simulator you'd rather stick to the ground, you can check out the simulator and other cool history! Memberships are available. and other cool history! Memberships are available.

11551 Aerospace Ave. Houston

11551 Aerospace Ave. Houston www.LoneStarFlight.org www.LoneStarFlight.org

Galveston Island Pleasure Pier

Galveston Island Pleasure Pier

This pier offers fun roller coasters and other rides for all ages. Located This pier offers fun roller coasters and other rides for all ages. Located right off the seawall in Galveston, they have plenty to enjoy for the right off the seawall in Galveston, they have plenty to enjoy for the whole family. whole family.

2501 Seawall Blvd Galveston 2501 Seawall Blvd Galveston www.pleasurepier.com www.pleasurepier.com

Showboat Drive-in Showboat Drive-in

Offers double features Wednesday through Sunday, an Offers double features Wednesday through Sunday, an playground in front of the screen for children to p playground in front of the screen for children to p 22422 Farm to Market 2920 Hockley 22422 Farm to Market 2920 Hockley theshowboatdrivein.com theshowboatdrivein.com

Noah’s Ark Pool & Waterpark at Quillian Recreation Center

Noah’s Ark Pool & Waterpark at Quillian Recreation Center

Angleton Recreation Center

Angleton Recreation Center

N N atatorium includes a zero depth entry, an interactive play structure atatorium includes a zero depth entry, an interactive play structure with water blasters, mini slides, water curtain, lazy river with water blasters, mini slides, water curtain, lazy river & giant & giant tipping bucket of water. Enjoy a 26-foot slide into a 4-foot pool. tipping bucket of water. Enjoy a 26-foot slide into a 4-foot pool. 1601 N Valderas St, Angleton 1601 N Valderas St, Angleton www.angleton.tx.us/157/Angleton-Recreation-Center www.angleton.tx.us/157/Angleton-Recreation-Center

Includes two swimming pools, a basketball court, a Includes two swimming pools, a basketball court, a fields, a gymnasium, an indoor climbing wall, and s fields, a gymnasium, an indoor climbing wall, and s 10570 Westpark Dr, Houston 10570 Westpark Dr, Houston www.quilliancenter.org/index.php/events/swimming-po www.quilliancenter.org/index.php/events/swimming-po

Sea Center Texas Sea Center Texas

This is a state-of-the-art fish hatchery and aquari

Houston for Contemporary Crafts

Houston for Contemporary Crafts

Adults & children of all ages can enjoy HANDS-ON HOUSTON, a free, Adults & children of all ages can enjoy HANDS-ON HOUSTON, a free, first-Saturday craft-making activity led by local guilds & artists. first-Saturday craft-making activity led by local guilds & artists. 4848 S Main St, Houston 4848 S Main St, Houston www.crafthouston.org www.crafthouston.org

This is a state-of-the-art fish hatchery and aquari acres in Lake Jackson. acres in Lake Jackson. 302 Medical Dr, Lake Jackson 302 Medical Dr, Lake Jackson tpwd.texas.gov/fishing/sea-center-texas tpwd.texas.gov/fishing/sea-center-texas

George Observatory at Brazos Bend State Park

George Observatory at Brazos Bend State Park

Indoor Rock Climbing at Texas Rock Gym

Indoor Rock Climbing at Texas Rock Gym

This gym has over 14,000 square feet of climbing walls, which includes This gym has over 14,000 square feet of climbing walls, which includes 50 top-rope stations, 12 lead climbing anchors, and a huge bouldering 50 top-rope stations, 12 lead climbing anchors, and a huge bouldering cave. For ages 10+. cave. For ages 10+.

1526 Campbell Rd, Houston 1526 Campbell Rd, Houston www.texasrockgym.com www.texasrockgym.com

Bayou Wildlife Zoo Bayou Wildlife Zoo

This park includes a tram ride with experienced wildlife guides that will This park includes a tram ride with experienced wildlife guides that will lead through 80 acres of natural wildlife. See and feed birds from all lead through 80 acres of natural wildlife. See and feed birds from all over the world, ride ponies and enjoy a petting zoo. over the world, ride ponies and enjoy a petting zoo.

5050 FM 517, Alvin 5050 FM 517, Alvin www.bayouwildlifezoo.com www.bayouwildlifezoo.com

Home to the three domed telescopes and one of the l Home to the three domed telescopes and one of the l the nation is open to the public for viewing. the nation is open to the public for viewing.

21901 FM 762 Rd, Damon 21901 FM 762 Rd, Damon www.hmns.org/george-observatory www.hmns.org/george-observatory

Splashway Waterpark & Campground

Splashway Waterpark & Campground

Stay & Play or go for the day! Enjoy the lazy river, speed racers, wave

Stay & Play or go for the day! Enjoy the lazy river, speed racers, wave pools and you can stay the night and camp, fish and pools and you can stay the night and camp, fish and 5211 Main Street, Sheridan 5211 Main Street, Sheridan www.splashwaywaterpark.com www.splashwaywaterpark.com

Lake Somerville Lake Somerville

Lake Somerville offers 11,460 acres of lake for fis

Lake Somerville offers 11,460 acres of lake for fis skiing, sail boating, wind-surfing, jet-skiing and swimming. 10 miles NW skiing, sail boating, wind-surfing, jet-skiing and swimming. 10 miles NW of Brenham of Brenham tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/lake-somervill tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/lake-somervill

Hana and Arthur Ginzbarg Nature Discovery Center

Hana and Arthur Ginzbarg Nature Discovery Center

Hands-on Discovery rooms are in the Historic Henshaw House.

Hands-on Discovery rooms are in the Historic Henshaw House. 7112 Newcastle St, Bellaire 7112 Newcastle St, Bellaire www.naturediscoverycenter.org www.naturediscoverycenter.org

iFly iFly

Experience the adrenaline rush of flying in Houston

Experience the adrenaline rush of flying in Houston www.iflyworld.com www.iflyworld.com

Boat tours on Buffalo Bayou

Boat tours on Buffalo Bayou

On the second Saturday of each month, weather permitting, from On the second Saturday of each month, weather permitting, from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. enjoy a 30 minute bayou tour with the family. 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. enjoy a 30 minute bayou tour with the family. Shepherd Drive to Sabine Street, between Allen Parkway & Memorial Shepherd Drive to Sabine Street, between Allen Parkway & Memorial Drive Drive www.buffalobayou.org/boat-tours www.buffalobayou.org/boat-tours


This state-of-the-art, 17,000 sq. foot facility includes Brand New Turf

This state-of-the-art, 17,000 sq. foot facility includes Brand New Turf and Lighting. Come enjoy this batting cage 7 days a and Lighting. Come enjoy this batting cage 7 days a 4310 Brittmoore Rd, Houston 4310 Brittmoore Rd, Houston www.dbatwesthouston.com www.dbatwesthouston.com

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle Research Center in Galveston

Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle Research Center in Galveston

Must call for tour appointments. It’s located on the Historic Fort Must call for tour appointments. It’s located on the Historic Fort Crockett on Galveston Island. Crockett on Galveston Island. 4700 Avenue U, Galveston 4700 Avenue U, Galveston www.galvestonlab.sefsc.noaa.gov/seaturtles www.galvestonlab.sefsc.noaa.gov/seaturtles

Miller Outdoor Theater Miller Outdoor Theater

Tons of free family events offered all summer. Tons of free family events offered all summer.

6000 Hermann Park Dr, Houston

6000 Hermann Park Dr, Houston www.milleroutdoortheater.com www.milleroutdoortheater.com

Ice at The Galleria Ice at The Galleria

Cool off inside this summer and have fun ice skating! Public skating Cool off inside this summer and have fun ice skating! Public skating available daily starting at $10+. available daily starting at $10+.

5015 Westheimer, Houston 5015 Westheimer, Houston www.iceatthegalleria.com www.iceatthegalleria.com

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games

Andretti Indoor Karting & Games

This state-of-the-art facility includes an Arcade, This state-of-the-art facility includes an Arcade, Mini Golf and Indoor Karting. Come enjoy 7 days a w Mini Golf and Indoor Karting. Come enjoy 7 days a w 1230 Grand West Blvd. 1230 Grand West Blvd. ,, Katy Katy www.andrettikarting.com www.andrettikarting.com

Rooftop Cinema Club Rooftop Cinema Club

Awesome Views, Iconic Movies, Fun for all Ages. Awesome Views, Iconic Movies, Fun for all Ages. 1700 Post Oak Blvd, Houston 1700 Post Oak Blvd, Houston www.rooftopcinemaclub.com www.rooftopcinemaclub.com

Levy Park Levy Park

Family programming all month. Visit their website f Family programming all month. Visit their website f 3801 Eastside St., Houston 3801 Eastside St., Houston www.levyparkhouston.org www.levyparkhouston.org

Houston Botanical Garden

Houston Botanical Garden

Enriching life through discovery, education, and th

Enriching life through discovery, education, and th plants and the natural environment plants and the natural environment One Botanic Lane One Botanic Lane , Houston , Houston www.hbg.org www.hbg.org

Schlitterbahn Schlitterbahn

2026 Lockheed Rd, Galveston, TX 77554 2026 Lockheed Rd, Galveston, TX 77554

Website: www.schlitterbahn.com Website:

Texas Typhoon Texas Typhoon

555 Katy Fort Bend Rd, Katy, TX 77494

555 Katy Fort Bend Rd, Katy, TX 77494

Website: www.typhoontexas.com/houston/ Website: www.typhoontexas.com/houston/

Moody Gardens Palm Beach Moody Gardens Palm Beach

8928, 1 Hope Blvd, Galveston, TX 77554 8928, 1 Hope Blvd, Galveston, TX 77554

Website: Website: moodygardens.com/attractions/palmbeach/ moodygardens.com/attractions/palmbeach/

Big Rivers Water Park Big Rivers Water Park

23065 TX-242, New Caney, TX 77357

23065 TX-242, New Caney, TX 77357

Website: www.bigriverswaterpark.com Website: www.bigriverswaterpark.com

Six Flags Hurricane Harbor Splashtown

Six Flags Harbor Splashtown

21300 Interstate 45 N, Spring, TX 77373

21300 Interstate 45 N, Spring, TX 77373

Website: www.sixflags.com/splashtown Website: www.sixflags.com/splashtown

Pirate‘s Bay Pirate‘s Bay

5300 E Rd, Baytown, TX 77521 E Rd, Baytown, TX 77521

Website: www.baytown.org/877/Pirates-Bay- Website: www.baytown.org/877/Pirates-BayWaterpark Waterpark

Lagoonfest Texas Lagoonfest Texas

12600 Crystal View Blvd, Texas City, TX 77568

12600 Crystal View Blvd, Texas City, TX 77568

Website: lagoonfesttexas.com Website: lagoonfesttexas.com

Calypso Cove Calypso Cove

2428 W Main St, Baytown, TX 77520 W Main St, Baytown, TX 77520

Website: www.baytown.org/706/Calypso-Cove Website: www.baytown.org/706/Calypso-Cove

Club Westside Club Westside

PrivateClub - must be a member

PrivateClub - must be a member

1200 Wilcrest Dr Houston, Texas (TX) 77042, USA Wilcrest Dr Houston, Texas (TX) 77042, USA

Website: www.clubwestside.com Website: www.clubwestside.com

Strawberry Waterpark Strawberry Waterpark

1104 Parkside Dr, Pasadena, Texas (TX) 77504, USA 1104 Parkside Dr, Pasadena, Texas (TX) 77504, USA

Website: www.pasadenatx.gov/150/Parks- Website: www.pasadenatx.gov/150/ParksRecreation Recreation

Discovery Green Splash Pad: BONUS IT’S FREE Discovery Green Splash Pad: BONUS IT’S FREE 1500 McKinney St, Houston, TX 77010 McKinney St, TX 77010

Website: www.discoverygreen.com Website: www.discoverygreen.com


A Different Way of Celebrating



Birthday parties can be difficult for our family as irthday parties can be difficult for our family as we have a son with special needs. Frequently no we have a son with special needs. Frequently no one comes to his birthday parties, and if my one comes to his birthday parties, and if my daughter has a birthday party, all of her friends daughter has a birthday party, all of her friends come. The difference is stark. I’ve struggled with come. The difference is stark. I’ve struggled with how to handle this for years. Finally, I hit on the how to handle this for years. Finally, I hit on the perfect solution for our problem. We would have perfect solution for our problem. We would “Birthday Experiences” rather than birthday parties. “Birthday Experiences” rather than birthday parties.

My son, loves pirates. My son, loves pirates.

So, I planned a pirate-themed day for the family. I So, I planned a day for the family. I found a “pirate cruise” on a local lake that I bought found a “pirate cruise” on a local lake that I bought tickets to surprise him with. The latest Pirates of the tickets to surprise him with. The latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie had just come out before his Caribbean movie had just come out before his birthday, so with a pirate cruise, a pirate movie, and birthday, so with a pirate cruise, a pirate movie, and lunch, we had a birthday planned. We spent the day lunch, we had a birthday planned. We spent the day with our pirate loving every minute of it and SO with our pirate loving every minute of it and SO happy. happy.

My daughter whose birthday was coming up My daughter whose birthday was coming up decided she needed an experience birthday too decided she needed an experience birthday too because she enjoyed it so much. As her birthday because she enjoyed it so much. As her birthday approached, we discussed lots of options. She is approached, we discussed lots of options. She is someone who likes having all her options open. someone who likes having all her options open. Finally, she settled on having her hair highlighted Finally, she settled on having her hair highlighted and a spa day. I took her to a local beauty school and a spa day. I took her to a local beauty school and had her hair highlighted for $50. I didn’t have to and had her hair highlighted for $50. I didn’t have to deal with a dozen preteen girls and all the drama deal with a dozen preteen girls and all the drama that comes with or cleaning up after a party. We that comes with or cleaning up after a party. We painted each other’s nails and picked up her favorite painted each other’s nails and picked up her favorite takeout for dinner on the way home. For me it was a takeout for dinner on the way home. For me it was a win, win situation. My daughter was thrilled with her win, win situation. My daughter was thrilled with her hair and spa day, it wasn’t too expensive, and I hair and spa day, it wasn’t too expensive, and I enjoyed it too. enjoyed it too.

The next year for his birthday, my son’s requested

The next year for his birthday, my son’s requested experience was to go to a Renaissance fair. There experience was to go to a Renaissance fair. There were a couple in our area. It’s a great way to help were a couple in our area. It’s a great way to help him experience and learn new things, as well as a him experience and learn new things, as well as a great adventure for the whole family. We are looking great adventure for the whole family. We are looking forward to it and he already had his costume forward to it and he already had his costume planned out. planned out.

Birthdays don’t have to be the traditional party, Birthdays to be the traditional party, cake, and presents. Make new traditions and cake, and presents. Make new traditions and memories if the old ones don’t work for your family. memories if the old ones don’t work for your family. The most important part of a birthday is making that The most important part of a birthday is making that someone feel special on their special day and that someone feel special on their special day and that can be done in lots of ways. can be done in lots of ways.

Tea Party Experience

Dress up and take your child to the local tea shop. (houstonprincessteaparty.com)

Cowboy Experience

Spend the day at a ranch learning how to rope and ride.(hitchinpostponies.com)

Fishermen Experience

Get your fishing duds and a picnic lunch and go fishing. Take Grandpa too, because chances are he’d love to show you how to cast that line.

Ice Experience

Channel your inner Elsa and go ice skating in princess attire. (memorialcity.com/events/ice-skatememorial-city)

Gold Rush Experience

You may not live anywhere there is gold in the streams, but I can bet your child would love panning for gold in a stream for real or pretend. (naturalbridgecanyons.com)

Fireman Experience

Does your little one dream of becoming a firefighter? Then head to the Houston Fire Museum for a birthday party like no other. (Reopening Fall 2024 - houstonfiremuseum.org)

Safari Experience

If your kids dream of wandering thru Africa to see all of the wild animals, why not take them on safari a little closer to home? (animalsafari.com)

Take your child’s great loves and interests, turn them into a day they will never forget. Birthdays don’t have to be expensive and huge. They should be about making memories and celebrating the life of that special person.

Here are a few other suggestions for an
“Experience Birthday”

Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

Asia Society



Ages 6-14

Asia Society Texas' Culture Camps seek to advance young learners' understanding of the world through fun, interactive, and meaningful activities. Camps are designed to engage students with Asian art, culture, and history.

Bayou Bend Summer History



Ages 9-12

Bayou Bend Summer History Camp is a five day program: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students who meet the age-group requirements may apply. Families must supply transportation and a sack lunch daily.

Building Brains Lego Engineering



Ages 3-14

Our camp is designed to strengthen math skills, motor skills, and science skills. Students will develop strong critical thinking skills in the fields of physics, engineering, and fine motor skills because we use Legos to build simple machines while incorporating math concepts such as Pythagoras’ Theorem.

special advertising section

Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

Camp Invention



Ages 5 - 12

Unlock your child’s potential at Camp Invention®! This nationally acclaimed K-6 program returns to Houston with all-new, hands-on STEM adventures. Register and save today at invent.org/local

Club SciKidz 4 Locations



Ages 4-15

Themes Astronomy, Meteorology, Sea Adventures, Climate Change, Veterinary Medicine, Robotics, Marvel Stop Motion Animation, Rocketry, American Doll, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Pokemon Professors, Medicine and Surgery to name a few.

Each summer Club SciKidz offers over 60+ themed camps. Club SciKidz is your gaming headquarters with 3 different Minecraft Camps, ROBLOX, and Video Game Factory. It also offers best coding and programming camps such as Kibo, Ozobot, Sphero and of course LEGO Robotics. Each day campers start off the day with a spectacular science demonstration and then rotate through 4 classes which incorporate science, technology, art, and outdoor component.

Creator Camp



Ages 6 - 13

Camps starting at $159! Hands-on media classes in YouTube Production, Filmmaking, Animation, Music, Roblox, & Minecraft Coding. Multi-day affordable camps. Helping kids discover what they’re truly passionate about.

special advertising section ACADEMIC

Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

Health Museum Discovery Camp

Your child will engage in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities, such as dissecting real animal organs, exploring veterinarian science, simulating surgery on a patient simulator all while learning about medical science and the human body.

iKids, Inc.



Ages 3-12

iKids offers educational, recreational and creative enrichment for children. After School, summer Camp & More! Fines Arts to Performing Arts, STEM to STEAM and everything in between!

Language Kids Multiple Locations



Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, Sign Language & English immersion summer camps. Learning another language has never been so much fun! Our innovative summer camp is offered at multiple locations and schedules. Payment plans are available.

Lone Star Flight Museum

#PlaneAwesome A variety of camps for all ages and aviation interests! Crafty Aircraft, Aces & Legends, Aero Derby Dash, Fly Girls, Go Zero G, Pilot Maker, and Advanced Pilot Training Visit LoneStarFlight.org for details!

Mathnasium of Sugarland



Ages 8 - 14

Delve into the fascinating realms of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics through hands-on activities and interactive challenges. Our expert instructors will foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving skill, providing a dynamic learning environment for young innovators.

Regis School Summer Camp



Ages 6 -17

Camp Regis is an opportunity to support the previous year’s learning and provide an exciting environment to engage in enriching academics and creative activities during the summer. Join us at Camp Regis this summer, where there is time to slow down, explore and just have fun. Camp is co-ed & open to all.

Rice University STEMletics Camp



Ages 6 -17

STEMletics provides interactive STEM experiences in both the classroom and on the athletic field, and camps are open to all students throughout the Greater Houston area.

advertising section
713.521.1515 ACADEMIC
Ages 5-13
Ages 3 -

Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

special advertising section

Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research



Ages 14-17

We offer workshops on molecular medicine for high-achieving high school/middle school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related fields. There are online and in-person options (residential/commuter).

Stemtree Riverstone


Ages 6-14

Stemtree offers science, coding, robotics, engineering, and math afterschool programs, camps, and tutoring for K-12. Our multi-concept, nonrepeating activities are built upon a core scientific curriculum for greater student achievement.

The Village School

Ages 3 - 13

Our summer programs offer a variety of activities to keep students’ love of learning active and growing. We have day and athletic camps at the Early Childhood, Elementary, and Middle School levels.

Yorkshire Academy

Ages 4 - 12

At Yorkshire Academy, we cultivate qualities of character, citizenship, and academic curiosity in a safe, secure, and loving environment, providing personal and engaging educational opportunities in academics and the visual and performing arts.


Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp

special advertising section

Artist Boat

Ages 5 -15

Explore, Observe, and Create in the Artist Boat Eco-Art Camp & ECO Camp Sessions! Artist Boat Campers will experience true science and art enrichment with outdoor activities and art projects. Join us for inspirational education!

Cordovan Art School 4 Locations



Ages 5 -16

Get "Crazy for Creativity" at Houston's BEST ART CAMPS at Cordovan Art School this summer where kids' smiles are the measure of our success!

Imagine Arts Fun-tastic Art Camps


Ages 5-16

We provide the creative spark and let children's imaginations do the rest! We combine art with real-world problem-solving activities for a one-of-akind experience. The fun & creative environment allows kids to use their ingenuity in new ways & fosters the development of important life skills.


Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

special advertising section

Multiplicity Art Studio



Ages 8 -17

Multiplicity is offering 4 different CREATIVE CAMPS - Jewelry Making, Creative Painting, Floral Design, and Teen Metalsmithing. Each day campers will explore creativity and find their own hidden talents, all while crafting unique masterpieces and lasting memories in a positive and nurturing environment.

Pearl Fincher Museum



Ages 5 -16

Inspire your child’s inner creativity! Weekly themed art camps explore mediums, techniques and principles of art, including time in the museum galleries and with guest artists.




Ages 5-18

A premiere Breaking academy for students around the world. From foundation to air flares; find your own style while respecting the culture, craft, and yourself as an artist. BreakMethodz is your one-stop academy for both novices and professionals to up their break dancing game.


Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

Claire School of Dance CLAIREDANCE.COM


Ages 4-11

Cooking School for kids ages 4-11 in June & July. Basic kitchen techniques, tools, & recipes. Cupcakes to homemade pasta! Campers go home with signature apron & recipes.

Discovery Schoolhouse Cinco Ranch



Ages 0-12

We provide educational care for children as young as 6 weeks - 12 yo. We drop off & pick up at local elementary schools for school aged children. In the summer we offer fun filled Summer Camps for school aged children. Come visit us for a tour of our school and for information about our programs.

Ivy Kids Cinco Ranch



Ages 5 - 12

Our summer camp program is the perfect way for your child to spend time with friends, explore their world through engaging activities designed around a new theme each wee, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Don't miss out on this BEYOND EPIC opportunity for your child.

Primrose Cinco Ranch



Ages 5 - 10

We believe that who children become is as important as what they know. The Primrose core belief of nurturing balance among mind, body and heart is integrated in our Balanced Learning® approach.

YMCA Day Camp


HOUSTON 713.758.9140

Ages 5 - 15

We have multiple camps to choose from: Discovery, Wonder, Adventure, Explorer and Academic. Special emphasis is placed on youth choice, achievement and a sense of belonging with exciting, themed weeks, sports, games, new friends and adventure. We are confident we have the right camp for your child.

School of Rock Sugarland, Clear Lake, Champions Forest



Ages 4-18

School of Rock offers amazing Music Camps for musicians of all skill levels for guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, ukulele, songwriting and vocals. Camps range from age 4-18.



Ages 6 - 17

Camp Champions has created a tradition of excellence since 1967. With the facility and staff expected from a premier camp, Champions is distinguished by a developmental focus on building strong kids.

special advertising section

Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

Camp Huawni



Ages 6 - 17

Nestled in the Piney Woods of East Texas, Camp Huawni is a traditional, throwback summer camp for boys and girls. We’ve crafted exceptional summers since 1965, cultivating an environment where friendships and creativity thrive.

Girl Scounts of San Jacinto



Ages 5 - 17

The Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council is an organization that empowers girls in the Southeast Texas through leadership development, outdoor activities, and community service, fostering skills for a lifetime.

Kanakuk Kamps

KANAKUK.COM 417.266.3000

Ages 6 - 18

Kanakuk is a premier Christian summer sports camp for boys and girls ages 6–18 with locations in Branson and Lampe, Missouri. Learn more at Kanakuk.com or call 417.266.3000.


Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory


Ages 3 - 16

Since 1994 Kidventure has provided the finest in Summer Day and Overnight Camps for thousands of Houston children ages 3-16. Helping grow your child through the power of camp.

YMCA Camp Cullen



Ages 7 - 17

YMCA Camp Cullen is located in the beautiful piney woods 90 minutes north of Houston, TX on Lake Livingston. Camp Cullen is a place for children to have a transformative experience where they learn and practice our 5 core values, Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith, to become the best version of themselves!

Alliance Fencing Academy



Ages 6 - 17

Alliance Fencing Academy - International Fencing School Safe, Smart, Unique and Great workout! Home of 3 Olympians, 4 World Champions, and over 40 US National Champions Enrollment is open now in Houston & The Woodlands

Forest Glen Camps & Retreats

Ages 6 - 17

Register today so your children can have athe summer of a lifetime. In a single, action-packed week, your children will enjoy a variety of outdoor activitiesdaily worship and bible study sessions.

Kidventure Day Camp


713.960.8989 Ages 3 - 16

Since 1994 Kidventure has provided the finest in Summer Day and Overnight Camps for thousands of Houston children ages 3-16. Helping grow your child through the power of camp.

Showcase Gymnastics

Ages 6m - 18

Showcase Gymnastics is a fully equipped 12,000 sq ft gymnastics facility that specializes in teaching proper technical gymnastics through fun and the joy of performance.We offer preschool Gymnastics beginning at 6 months, beginner school age programs for ages 5-12, tumbling for ages 6-18.

Texas KickBoxing


Ages 6 - 17

Give Your Kids the Lifelong Gifts of Personal Success, Confidence, Discipline and Self-Defense Martial arts classes normally makes you think of self-defense being strong, fit and safe. The truth is, it’s all that and WAY more!

special advertising section

Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory

special advertising section

YMCA Day Camp



Ages 5 - 15

Located all around Houston, our camps place special emphasis on youth choice, achievment and a sense of belonging. Activities include sports and outdoor games, creative and performing arts, archery, engineering and nature exploration.

Alley Theatre Play Makers


Ages 5- 14

Alley Play Makers offers dynamic one and two-week camps for kindergarten through eighth grade, fostering confidence and creativity through acting, movement, and storytelling classes, culminating in a joyous performance showcase.

Christian Youth Theater

Ages 5- 18

Ages 4-17

CYT Branches put on week-long musical theater Day Camps and Summer Stock Shows for students ages 5-18. Camps are designed to be a fun and energetic immersion into the world of musical theater. Camps are jam-packed with games, activities, and interactive workshops that build performance skills, self-confidence, and teamwork.


Advanced fetal care for your baby and you.

From the beginning, we’re here for you, providing all the care your baby needs. As a leader in fetal diagnosis and intervention, we’re among the first to perform fetal surgeries to repair spina bifida, as well as other innovative procedures for complex fetal conditions. The Fetal Center affiliated with Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital provides the most advanced care. And it’s designed for your baby and you. memorialhermann.org/fetal

Advancing health. Personalizing care.

Great Dad Reads Book Bites

Star Wars Dad Jokes by Kelly Knox (Chronicle Books)

A charmingly corny book of Star Wars-inspired dad jokes, perfect for geeky fathers, pun lovers, and sci-fi fans of any age. What kind of stories do Wookiee parents tell at bedtime? Hairy tales.This makes every customer laugh when they pick it up.

Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder by David Grann (Random House Books)

A mesmerizing story of shipwreck, survival, and savagery, culminating in a court martial that reveals a shocking truth

On January 28, 1742, a ramshackle vessel of patchedtogether wood and cloth washed up on the coast of Brazil. Inside were thirty emaciated men, barely alive, and they had an extraordinary tale to tell.

Demon Of Unrest by Erik Larson (Crown Books)

On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln became the fluky victor in a tight race for president. The country was bitterly at odds; Southern extremists were moving ever closer to destroying the Union, with one state after another seceding and Lincoln powerless to stop them. Slavery fueled the conflict, but somehow the passions of North and South came to focus on a lonely federal fortress in Charleston Harbor: Fort Sumter.

Book Of Charlie by David Von Drehle (Simon & Schuster)

A veteran Washington journalist recounts his long friendship with Charlie White, the centenarian next door who, sharing his good and meaningful life, mastered survival strategies that reflect thousands of years of human wisdom as his sense of adventure guided him through a century of upheaval.

Welcome To

A gloriously funny, nostalgic memoir of a popular ESPN reporter who, in the summer of 1994, was a fresh-out-of-college intern for a minor league baseball team. Madness and charm ensue as Ryan McGee spends the season steeped in sweat, fertilizer, nacho cheese sauce, and pure, unadulterated joy in North Carolina with the Asheville Tourists.

Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg (Random House)

Supercommunicators know the importance of recognizing--and then matching--each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations, and deeply held beliefs that color so much of what we say and how we listen. Our experiences, our values, our emotional lives--and how we see ourselves, and others--shape every discussion, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work.

True Wealth by Ken Honda (Hay House)

New lessons on success and abundance from the author of the international bestseller Happy Money, founded on Zen principles and delivered in a spirit of compassion, freedom, and joy.

The Women by Kristin Hannah (Macmillan Publishers)

This is not just a women’s novel. Men have come into the shop and recommended it over and over again. Women can be heroes. When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances "Frankie" McGrath hears these words, it is a revelation. Raised in the sundrenched, idyllic world of Southern California and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing. But in 1965, the world is changing, and she suddenly dares to imagine a different future for herself. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she joins the Army Nurse Corps and follows his path.

Brought to you by Brought to you by Valerie Kohler, Valerie Kohler, Blue Willow Bookshop Blue Willow Bookshop The Circus of Baseball by Ryan McGee (Doubleday)
SUMMER OF FUN Join us for one of our MOST popular events! JULY 27, 2024 11A-3P
houstonfamilymagazine.com houstonfamilymagazine.com



Butterfly Tea Party

Celebrate our plants and pollinators with a delicious afternoon tea. Enjoy light bites like finger sandwiches and sweets while you learn how to make your own tea blend using wild and garden botanicals.

Ages 12+. 2-4pm. $35 member / $50 non-member www.houstonarboretum.org

Tree ID Walk

Any season is a great season to learn about trees! Jim McKee, a Master Naturalist, tree lover, and bird watcher will be leading more walks throughout the year to teach us how to identify the trees. 10-11a. Adult. Free. www.naturediscoverycenter.org

Trail mix

Features live music, magic, and more! Join us trailside as Andy Roo takes you on an adventure through the AndyRooniverse along with magicians Dave and Jake Rangel. 10a-11a. All ages. Free. www.themkt.com

Blossom Brigade

Come out and volunteer with Mercer staff in the Pollinator Garden and Honeybee Corral. 16+. 9-11a. Free. Every Wednesday until the end of the month. www.pct3.com/MBG


Sound Healing Meditation

Find your center and practice meditation in the spacious and tranquil Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. This meditation series will feature the use of singing bowls and wind chimes to encourage mindfulness and connectivity. Adult. $15. 10-10:45am. Also June 5, 8, 9 12, 19, 22, 23 & 26. www.buffalobayou.org

Zumba by Tiny Fitness

Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world!

Ages 16+. 9a Sunday & 6:30p Monday. Free. Every Sunday & Monday. www.levyparkhouston.org

Mr. Leo Puppet and Magic Show

Brace yourselves for a spectacle like no other, where each puppet comes to life with a burst of energy and charm, eliciting gleeful giggles and wide-eyed wonder from every child in the audience. From whimsical dances to side-splitting antics.

All ages. $19.95 / person, 1 yo and under free. 10 am & 3 pm. www.cmhouston.org

Music in the Garden

Build your own garden which will include the seeds of over 20 types of butterfly attracting flowers to bring these colorful creatures to your landscape.

Ages 2-5 and caregiver. 11:30a12p. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG

Story Time

Children and parents are introduced to books in a pre-school social group.

Join us for a weekly story time featuring some of our favorite animals! Each week we will read a nature-themed book, observe biofacts and/or live animals, and then venture out on the trails for a self-guided hike.

Ages 18m – 3yo. 9-10:15am, 10:30-11:14am. $5 member / $7 non-member. Every Monday in June. www.houstonarboretum.org

Pre-school age and caregiver. 10:30-11a. Free. Also Feb 19. www.pct3.com/MBG

Discovery Days

Join us for a morning of nature discovery as we explore the different habitats.

Ages 5-10yo. 9:30-11:30am. $15 member / $7 non-member. Every Tuesday in June. www.houstonarboretum.org

Summers Here!!!!
HFM Kid Ambassadors Lone Star Flight Museum


A Good Yarn

This is not a traditional book club— there will be no set book to read and discuss. Rather, we invite you to join us for an informal gathering to work on our yarn/needle projects, swap patterns and tips, and chat about audiobook recommendations (and listen to audiobooks, too!).

Adult. Free. 7 pm. www.bluewillowbookshop.com

Wiggling Worms

Have you ever seen a worm crossing your path after the rain? Where is she going? Join us to learn all about worms! During this program, we will read a book about worms, meet live worms, study gummy worms, and make a craft to take home!

Ages 3-7. 10am. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG

Boogie Bash-For the Birds Children will enjoy songs, fingerplays, hands-on puppet play, and creative movement activities celebrating our feathered friends.

All ages. 11a. $9 / person. https://woodlandschildrensmuseu m.org/

Family Storytime & Craft

Join us for a cross-generational literacy experience! Family Storytime features a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading. All craft supplies are included as a part of this free program.

Ages 5yo and under. 10a. Free. Every Tuesday. www.levyparkhouston.org


Prepare for an interactive reading extravaganza that transcends the ordinary! Toddlers and their families are in for a treat as we embark on a thrilling read-aloud adventure that not only promotes crucial reading and critical thinking skills but also expands vocabulary and ignites a lifelong love for reading.

Ages 0-3 mo. $19.95 / person. 10 –10:30 am. www.cmhouston.org

Blossom Brigade

Come out and volunteer with Mercer staff in the Pollinator Garden and Honeybee Corral. 16+. 9-11a. Free. Also June 12 and 26.


Nature Story Time

Preschoolers and their caregivers join us on Wednesday afternoons for nature stories, live animals, touchable specimens, and a simple craft.

4 pm. 2-5 yo. Free. www.naturediscoverycenter.org

Slow Flow with Stephanie McCarrey

This is an all-levels yoga flow for beginners to experts that will help you build strength and mobility. Adults. 7p Wednesdays & 8a Fridays. Free. Every Wednesday & Friday. www.levyparkhouston.org


Garden Cruisin : Tour De 4

Board the Mercer cart under the Mercer staff building for a onehour leisurely tour through the gardens where you’ll experience the beauty and tranquility that thousands of plants, flowers, and trees can provide. There is a maximum of four passengers per tour.

Adult. 9-10a & 11a-12p. Free. Also June 21. www.pct3.com/MBG

Donald Duck Birthday Celebration

Meet the delightful Donald Duck and join us in singing

Encourage your child’s curiosity about nature and spend time with them exploring outdoors! Enjoy an interesting new nature experience each week with themes such as bees, wildflowers, and lizards!

Ages 2-4 yo. 9:30-10:30am, 11am-12pm. $10 member / $12 nonmember, per child, per class. Every Thursday in June. www.houstonarboretum.org

In Person : Storytime

We read stories, sing songs, and do an art activity. The themes change weekly. Ages 3-5. Free. 9:30a. Every Thursday. www.bluewillowbookshop.com

Crazy About Critters host The Learning Zoo

Laugh, learn and get hands-on during an educational animal encounter on stage. All ages. 11a. $9 / person. https://woodlandschildrensmus eum.org/

Children’s BINGO

Bring the kiddos and join our Levy Park team for Children’s Bingo! This 30-minute program is a fun way for children to practice their letters and numbers while earning prizes. Levy Park provides the Bingo cards, markers, and prizes.

B-I-N-G-O! 4:30p. Ages 4 to 12. Free. Every Thursday. www.levyparkhouston.org

“Happy Birthday” to him while posing for photos All ages. 10:30am - 1:30pm. $9 / person.

https://woodlandschildrensmu seum.org/ 8

World Ocean Day Festival

The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all. Yet its health is at a tipping point and so is the wellbeing of all that depends on it. As the past years have shown us, we need to work together to create a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life. All ages. Free. www.artistboat.org

Second Saturday Bird Survey

Work on your bird watching skills while helping the Arboretum monitor bird populations on a fun, relaxed morning walk. We welcome all levels of bird watching skill and all ages (as long as you’re quiet).

8-10a. All ages. Free, donations accepted. www.houstonarboretum.org

The Woodlands Farmer’s Market

Shop for items made by local artisans and grown by area farmers. The Grogan's Mill Farmers Market is a favorite place to purchase unique gifts and souvenirs from The Woodlands. 9a-1p. All ages. Free. Every Saturday. www.visitthewoodlands.com

June 2024 6
Galveston Arts Center Galveston Arts Center Cistern Tour, Houston Discovery Green, Houston Blue Willow Blue Willow Bookshop, Houston Bookshop, Tiny Trekkers Toddler Story Time


Hatha Yoga

A basic vinyasa yoga class for enhanced awareness and a strong, healthy body led by Andria Dugas. This Saturday class is a perfect way to start the weekend strong. Adult. 9-10a. Free. Every Saturday. www.discoverygreen.com

Saturday Morning Cartoon Cereal Party!

This time we're celebrating rodeo season with a mix of some of our favorite western and cowboy shows including The Lone Ranger, Quick Draw McGraw, Fievel's American Tails, and more! Enjoy a milk and cereal buffet, complete with all of the sugary classics!

All ages. 10a-12p. Adult $14, children pay their age. www.houstontoymuseum.com


Everybody’s Favorite BBQ & Hot Sauce Festival – Country Fest

This Festival is an inviting diverse event that highlights the aroma of America’s best barbecue vendors while bringing together a multicultural outdoor social setting that is sure to evoke a spirit of love, unity, and memories among all those in attendance.

All ages. $10-$50. 3-6 pm. www.everybodysfavoritefestival. com

All American Muscle Cars Meet

All years, makes and models of cars, trucks, and bikes are welcome! Please be responsible and respectful.

All ages. 6-8 pm. Free. www.eventswithcars.com


Teen Make-It-Monday

Join us for another Craft Central and see where inspiration takes you!

This week: Perler Bead Keychains! 7th-12th grades. Free. 11am12pm. www.hcpl.net

Adult Board Games In-Person Board games, dominoes, and more! Registration is required and will open two weeks before the event. Adult. Free. 10 am-11 pm. Stanaker Neighborhood Library www.houstonlibrary.org


Gentle Flow Yoga

Strengthen your body and relax your mind with a flow yoga sequence.

All ages. 6:30-7:30p. Free. Every Tuesday. www.discoverygreen.com

Boogie Bash-Bean Bag Bop

Children will engage in musical activities that encourage following directions, taking turns, and using their imaginations.

Ages 1 yo+. 11a. $9/person. https://woodlandschildrensmuseum.org/


Buffalo Bayou Wellness Park

Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership on a free Wellness Walk. Anyone and everyone is invited to walk through the paths of Buffalo Bayou Park while discussing topics including mental and physical health as well as the benefits of being exposed to nature.

All ages. Free. 6:30 pm. Every Wednesday. www.buffalobayou.org

Yoga on the Green Yoga classes will be held every Wed and Friday at 8am and another class starting at 9:15am. Please check with your doctor before participating in these or any other exercise classes.

Adult. 8-10:15a. Free. Every Wednesday and Friday. www.centralgreenpark.com

The Bee Lady

On Wednesday, June 12th at 11am, BEE amazed by a visit from The Bee Lady and discover facts about bees while safely meeting a few in person!

Ages 1 yo+. 11am. $9/person. https://woodlandschildrensmuseum.org/

Flock’s Party for the Primates

Swing in for Flock’s spring event at African Forest! You’ll enjoy delicious light bites and cocktails and mingle with our ambassador animals and zookeepers.

Adult. 6:30-8:30 pm. Free for Flock members. www.houstonzoo.org

Sunset Yoga

Yogis of all ages and levels are welcome to enjoy this 45-minute session along with golden-hour views of downtown.

Adult. Free. 6:30-7:15 pm. Also June 27. www.buffalobayou.org

MindFest Challenge 3 - Winner Victory Lap

Join us at the forefront of excitement as we dive headfirst into our MindFest challenge. Get ready for an electrifying showdown as MindFest Challenge 3 triumphant champion makes a thrilling return for a victory lap! All ages. $19.95 / person, 1 yo and under free. 10 am & 3 pm. www.cmhouston.org

Baby Bump Social

Expecting Moms and Dads, this event is for you! Bring a fellow pregnant friend, your partner, a family member, or join us on your own! Enjoy light refreshments and ask our experts all of your questions about pregnancy and parenthood, meet other moms and dads-to-be, tour our center, and enter our raffles to win great prizes!

Adult. 6-7:30p. Free. www.motherhoodcenter.com

Buffalo Bayou Cruise: Bats 14

Sail the scenic waterway on a 90-minute, guided tour from downtown to Waugh Drive Bridge and back to watch the emergence of the 250,000+ Mexican freetailed bats that live under the bridge. Ages 4+. $30 / person. 7:40-9:10 pm. Every Friday. www.buffalobayou.org

Playful Math Mind!

How does play build foundations for counting, shapes, measurement, and sorting sound? Join us to discover how everyday interactions build toddlers’ math skills and language.

All ages. $19.95 / person, 1 yo and under free. 10 am & 3 pm. www.cmhouston.org

Mercer Garden Tour

See what's in bloom and explore the 'roots' less taken on this approximate one-mile tour.

9-10a. Ages 6+. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG

Brazos Bend State Park

5,000-acre gem 40 miles from downtown Houston, offers a variety of activities for every age: biking, fishing, hiking, birding, camping, star-gazing, and opportunities to learn about Texas’ bountiful natural history via free programs and guided hikes. Every day. All day. All ages www.brazosbend.org/

June 2024


Sunday afternoon at the Houston Zoo

Summer Species: Butterfly Walk

We’re fluttering into summer with a series of nature walks exploring this year’s Summer Species, butterflies! Learn about local butterfly species, life cycle, and habitat on this discovery tour of Buffalo Bayou. All ages. Free. 9-10:30 am. www.buffalobayou.org

Heights Kids’ Day of Music : School’s Out, Music is on Kick off good summer vibes with a program of live performances and interactive music sessions from Heights Kids' Day Of Music. All ages. 10-11:30 am. Free. www.discoverygreen.com

Trail mix

Features live music, magic, and more! Join us trailside as Andy Roo takes you on an adventure through the AndyRooniverse along with magicians Dave and Jake Rangel. Enjoy unique hands-on pop-ups and giveaways to amp up the fun! Sessions are outdoors, weather permitting. 10a-11a. All ages. Free. www.themkt.com

Art in The Woods: Outdoor Fine Art Market

Enjoy a fine arts market with regular artist vendors every third Saturday of the month. This new outdoor market is organized by Ardest Gallery each month to support local artists. 10a-4p. All ages. Free. www.visitthewoodlands.com


Rayford Sunday Market

Join us at the Imperial Oaks Shopping Center every month for food, fun and shopping!

All ages. 11a-4p. Free. www.facebook.com/rayfordsund aymarket/

Galveston’s Own Farmers Market

Every Sunday morning, the weekly Farmers Market connects folks to good food to each another. All ages. Free. 9 am – 12 pm. www.galvestonsownfarmersmark et.com

Enjoy a fun filled family afternoon learning and viewing all of these amazing creatures. 12pm until closing. All ages www.HoustonZoo.org


Play with Puppetry

Combine performance and creating in our Puppetry camp! Students will create different types of puppets including hand, finger, and marionettes throughout the week. Ages 5-8 yo. $165 / person. 9 am – 4 pm. www.activekids.com

Teens Make It Monday: Emoji Art

Join us for another Craft Central and see where inspiration takes you! This week: Emoji Art! For rising 7th– 12th graders.

12-18 yo. Free. 11 am – 12 pm. www.hcpl.net


Family Owl Prowl

Looking for a family adventure? In this fun, relaxed event, you can enjoy refreshments while you meet live owl ambassadors. You’ll learn all about these wise and wonderful birds. All ages. 7-9p. $35 members / $50 nonmember, 5-12 years old $20. www.houstonarboretum.org

Bugs Bunny at the Symphony

While your favorite Looney Tunes tickle your funny bone on the big screen, hear the Houston Symphony play the fantastical mixture of classical and modern symphony pieces that originally scored these iconic cartoons - live!

All ages. 6 pm. Free. www.visitthewoodlands.com

Kids Garden Tour

A lively, hands-on garden tour for kids of all ages! Registration required. All ages. 10am-12pm. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG

George Observatory

Located at the Brazos Bend State Park and far enough from the Houston lights, explore the galaxy with its three huge domed telescopes. Every day. Various times. All ages. Admission tickets are required. www.Hmns.org/Georgeobservatory

This month’s book will be Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. Adult. Free. 11a. www.bluewillowbookshop.com

UniverSoul Circus

Join us under the Big Top. All ages. Prices Vary. 12 pm & 4 pm. www.universoulcircus.com

See what the Hype is About Color Factory is an interactive art museum located in Upper Kirby. Visitors are invited to experience the joy of color through interactive installations, immersive rooms, and carefully curated moments. Tickets $32-40. All ages. www.colorfactory.com

20 Blanket Bingo

This popular park favorite is back! Join us for an exciting new season of Blanket Bingo, benefiting Market Square Park and Buffalo Bayou Partnership. 7 PM. Adult. $15. 10-10:45am. www.buffalobayou.org

MKT Sunset Market

M-K-T Sunset Market puts a weeknight, family-friendly spin on the typical farmer’s market. Enjoy charcuterie on M-K-T’s wave deck, enjoy live music and face-painting on the lawn, or grab a made-to-go meal by one of Houston’s favorite chefs. All ages. Free. M-K-T, Trailside, 600 N Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX 77007 www.themkt.com

21 Beyond Bees!

Bee-come fascinated with our local bees as staff and volunteers guide you through Mercer’s gardens. Learn about resident colonies of carpenter bees and honeybees, their critical role in the environment, and Mercer’s conservation efforts through holistic gardening practices. Ages 5+. 8:30-10am. Free. www.houstonarboretum.org

June 2024
Yellow Rose Carriage Houston Zoo Children's Museum Brazos Bend State Park Color Factory George Observatory
Coffee Cake Book Club


Houston Autograph and Sports Card Show

Take photos with and get autographs from some of the biggest names in sports.

All ages. 5-9 pm. Free. Also Saturday and Sunday, $10. https:///event/houston-summer-2024

Get your Zen back at the Houston Japanese Garden

Take a serene walk with the kids through the Japanese Garden in Hermann Park to chill out on a sunny afternoon. It’s stone paths, waterfalls, bridges and sculptures make for a nice stroll. Hermann Park. All Day. All ages. Free. www.hermannpark.org


Houston Grand Opera: Lula the Mighty Griot

Get ready for an electrifying journey as Houston Grand Opera presents the mesmerizing Storybook Opera performance of “Lula the Mighty Griot” by the esteemed Poet Laureate Deborah DEEP Mouton.

Brace yourself for the exhilarating tale of Lula, the valiant guardian of her tribe, fearlessly defending her village from ravenous alligators intent on devouring all their food. All ages. $19.95 / person, 1 yo and under free. 2-2:30 pm. www.cmhouston.org

Mess Makers

Cady Heron is a hit with the Plastics, an A-list girl clique at her new school. But everything changes when she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the exboyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.

All ages. 7-9p. Free. www.discoverygreen.com

Buffalo Bayou Cruise : Port to Port

The Port to Port History Tour is a 2hour cruise east of downtown on Buffalo Bayou from Allen’s Landing to the Port of Houston Turning Basin.

Ages 4+. $45 / person. 8-10 pm. www.buffalobayou.org

Take a self-guided tour of Moody Mansion, Galveston Restored to its turn of the century splendor, this 28,000 square-foot, four-story Galveston historic home was completed in 1895. Every day. All ages. Tickets $7 www.moodymansion.org

Houston Museum of Natural Science, Planetarium

Starry Night Express will take you on a tour of the night sky, from your own backyard to the solar system and beyond! This traditional LIVE planetarium presentation is perfect for stargazers of all ages! Show is at 12p Running Time: 20 minutes. $9 www.hmns.org

Heritage Society

There are nine historic houses downtown and a well-maintained museum gallery. You can take the tour on your phone. Every day. All day. All ages. www.Heritagesociety.org

Messy, sensory play is an important part of child development. We will make works of art as well as just good old messy fun with a mix of natural and man-made materials. After we make messes together, you’ll go home clean!

10-11:15a. Ages 3 to 7 with an adult caregiver. Members $22 Nonmembers $27. Registration required. No drop offs. www.naturediscoverycenter.org

Jurassic World : The Exhibition

An immersive, thrilling experience that takes fans of all ages into the world of dinosaurs. Board the ferry to Isla Nublar, walk through the iconic gates of Jurassic World and come face to face with dinosaurs from the popular film franchise, including the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex. All ages. 10a-6p. $36 / person. https://jurassicworldexhibition.co m/houston/

Mother Goose

Join us on June 24th at 4-5 pm for Mother Goose here at the Katy Library! Come enjoy a cozy story with very special guests that will ignite your imagination!

Ages 1-6. Free. 4-5 pm www.hcpl.net

The Art Experience of Tomorrow

Seismique is a mind-bending, interactive experience filled with immersive exhibits and stunning displays designed to both entertain and inspire our guests. 2306 S. Texas 6, Houston. $28-35. Tours are 15m. intervals. www.seismique.com

Spend a unique night out in nature! In this fun, relaxed event, you can enjoy light snacks, hot chocolate, coffee, and Saint Arnold Brewing Company beer while you meet live owl ambassadors. Learn all about these wise and wonderful birds, and then join our Naturalists for a hike on our nighttime trails. Ages 16+. 7-9p. $35 members / $50 nonmember, 5-12 years old $20. www.houstonarboretum.org

Tough Broads Out at Night Book Club

This month's book will be Bewilderment by Richard Powers. Adult. Free. 7p. www.bluewillowbookshop.com

Join us for a grounding yoga practice surrounded by the beautiful sounds and sights of nature! This class will be a Vinyasa Flow that is accessible to all levels.

Adult, 16+. 9-10a. Free for members / $15 nonmember, minors must be accompanied by an adult. www.houstonarboretum.org

FREE Basics Houston Fun* Shop

Come learn five fun ways you can build your baby’s brain. You can help your child become school ready with “The Basics” five simple steps!

Ages 0-3 yo. Free. 10am – 11am. www.airlinehealthcenter.org


Join us for creative and collaborative play! Explore with your little ones as they guide you to their interests, get information about the skills they are developing, and meet other parents and caregivers in your community. Ages 18-36mo. 10:15-11a. Free. Stanaker Neighborhood Library. www.houstonlibrary.org

June 2024
Houston Museum of Natural Science Buffalo Bayou Wellness Walk The Bryan Museum, Galveston Heritage Society
26 22
Seismique Smither Park Adult Owl Prowl Screen on the Green –Mean Girls 2024 Yoga on the Lawn
Toddler Playtime

When's the last time you visited NASA?

The center features more than 400 space artifacts, permanent and traveling exhibits, exhibits and experiences and theaters related to the exciting future and remarkable past of America’s human spaceflight program.

All Ages.$25-$30. 10a-6p. www.spacecenter.org

Houston Public Library 120th Birthday

Join us as we celebrate 120 years with activities, treats, and a DJ spinning tunes! Get your limitededition MYLink library card, sign our giant birthday card, and take photos at our 360-photo booth

All ages. Free. 11am-1pm. Stella Link Branch www.houstonlibrary.org

Visit Smither Park

Smither Park is a creative urban space that has developed with the help of artists and friends. Free. All Ages. Dawn to Dusk. 2441 Munger Street www.orangeshow.org


Sandcastle Building Lessons

Learn to build sandcastles from a professional builder during Sandcastle Days on East Beach. All ages. Free. 11am-3pm www.visitgalveston.com

Take the Train

The Hermann Park Railroad takes a 14-minute journey around Hermann Park. The train departs from Kinder Station every 20-25 minutes. $3.75. 10am - 6pm Daily. www.hermannpark.org


Horse & Carriage Ride

Tour downtown in a horse & buggy and go back in time! Slow down and enjoy the beauty of downtown. Tours run 9a-4p and 6p-12a. $50 for 20m. Pick up at Hard Rock Cafe. www.yellowrosecarriage.com

Museum of Fine Arts Houston www.mfah.org


Tues.-Wed. 10am-5pm., Thurs. 10am-9pm., Fri.-Sat. 10am-7pm., Sun. 12:15-7pm.

$19 adult; $16 senior 65+, $12 children 13-18 & students (19+) (children under 12 free) FREE every Thursday 10am-9pm


Jacolby Satterwhite: A Metta Prayer In the expansive multimedia installation

A Metta Prayer, Jacolby Satterwhite fuses choreography, video, animation, lighting, and music to reimagine a kaleidoscopic, computer-generated world.

Through November 10, 2024

Houston Museum of Natural Science www.hmns.org

Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Sun

$25 adult, $16 children 3-11, senior 62+ and college students FREE every Thursday 2-5pm

King Tut’s Tomb Discovery

Experience the dark and winding tunnels that led to Tutankhamen’s burial chambers, explore the countless golden treasures he took with him into the afterworld, and explore the brightly colored, floor-to-ceiling hieroglyphics that detail his life and offer prayers to the gods to ensure a blessed life after death.

Through January 31, 2023

The Health Museum www.thehealthmuseum.org

Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm., Thurs. 9am-7pm., Sun. 12-5pm

$10 adult, $8 senior 65+, free for children under 2 FREE on Thursdays 2-7pm

DeBakey Cell Lab Gear up with a lab coat, gloves and goggles and travel through experiment stations.


Houston Museum of Natural Science www.hmns.org

Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Sun

$25 adult, $16 children 3-11, senior 62+ and college students FREE every Thursday 2-5pm

Sharks! The Meg, The Monsters & The Myths

We’re making your dreams come true and bringing you up close and personal with live sharks for a hands-on experience that will be –dare we say – jawsome. Permanent Exhibit

Lone Star Flight Museum www.lonestarflight.org

Hours: Tues.—Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 12-5pm

Admission: $14 child, $18 adult

Visit the aerospace museum and its 25 aircrafts. Ongoing Exhibits






Main Street Theater

Through July 28, 2024

Bonjour! Fancy Nancy is ready for the spotlight! Along with her best friend, Bree, Fancy Nancy couldn’t be more excited about their upcoming dance show. After all, it’s all about mermaids, and who knows how to be a fancy, glamorous mermaid better than Fancy Nancy?

10 am & 3 pm. All ages. Ticket prices vary. www.mainstreettheater.com


Main Street Theater

Through June 16, 2024

A tongue-tied solicitor has bitten off more than he can chew overseeing the sale of a crumbling, possibly haunted house that, um, used to be a brothel.

7:30pm. All ages. Tickets $35-$59


Midtown Arts & Theater Center

June 21 - August 3, 2023

Both a toast and a roast of all things Texas. As always, Tamarie will be joined by a live band and a cast of Houston's funniest performers, bringing you an entirely original and completely irreverent musical bonanza.

All ages. Various times. Tickets $50 and up. www.matchouston.org


Asia Society Texas Center

June 1, 2024

Go behind the scenes with Taiwan's The Puppet & Its Double Theater in this all-ages interactive workshop! Learn about the craft, storytelling, and puppetry traditions behind their work ahead of their performances of The Selfish Giant.

1 & 7 pm. All ages. Tickets $125 www.asiasociety.org/texas


Houston Ballet

Wortham Theater

June 6-16, 2024

Welch’s The Four Seasons dramatizes the stages of a woman’s life from the vigor of youth in spring to the introspection of old age in winter.

2pm or 7:30pm. $25+ www.houstonballet.org


Stages Houston Through June 30, 2023

After meeting at their daughters’ daycare, Ryan and Keith form an unlikely friendship, navigating fatherhood, loneliness, and the confounding terms of a mortgage loan. Hunter brings together the lives of these two ordinary men, who, for different reasons.

2p, 7:30p or 7p depending on day.

Ages 13+

Tickets $50+ www.stageshouston.com

ROCO IN CONCERT: MAGNETIC Denney Theatre, Kinder High School

June 1 & 2, 2024

Collaboration and innovation are on display in this showcase, featuring works by female composers

11 am. All ages. Free. Donations welcome. www.roco.org


Hobby Center for the Performing Arts Through June 2, 2024

When a band of underdogs became unlikely heroes and stood up to the most powerful men in New York, it shook the world.

2p & 8p depending on day.

Ages 13+

Tickets $40-$135 www.tuts.com

Romeo & Juliet, Houston Ballet, Wortham Theater


Miller Outdoor Theater

June 14 & 15, 2024

On June 14th, the journey commences with a retrospective spanning 1960 to 1980. Audiences are enveloped in the spiritual resonance of Gospel, resonating with the resilience and hope of a community seeking liberation.

8pm. All ages. Free. www.milleroutdoortheater.com


Museum of Fine Arts

June 2, 2024

An ex-tennis pro wants to have his wealthy wife murdered so he can get her inheritance. When he learns she is having an affair, he comes up with the perfect plan to kill her.

5-7pm. All ages. $20-$24. www.mfah.org


Sarofim Hall, The Hobby Center

June 22 & 23, 2024

Featuring visually stunning imagery and groundbreaking special effects, the action-packed adventure of Jurassic Park pits man against prehistoric predators in the ultimate battle for survival. Experience it now, projected in HD on a giant screen, with the full Houston Symphony performing John Williams’s iconic score live to picture!

2: 30 & 7:30 pm. Tickets $50-$150. www.houstonsymphony.org


Sarofim Hall, The Hobby Center June 15, 2024

Mamma Mia, here we go again! Dance, jive, and have the time of your life as the Houston Symphony salutes Swedish pop supergroup ABBA. World-renowned a cappella sensation Rajaton joins the orchestra for all your favorite ABBA hits: “Mamma Mia,” “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme,” “Dancing Queen,” “S.O.S.,” and so much more.

7:30 pm. Tickets $65-$170. www.houstonsymphony.org


Sarofim Hall, The Hobby Center June 22 & 23, 2024

With countless chart-toppers and unmistakable swagger, The Rolling Stones have defined “cool” since the ‘60s. Backed by the power of a full orchestra and rock band, incredible lead singer Mick Adams delivers a fabulous rendition of Mick Jagger’s vocals (and moves) to recreate The Rolling Stones’ biggest hits through the decades.

7:30 PM & 2:30 pm. Tickets $50-$150. www.houstonsymphony.org


The 1894 Grand Opera, Galveston June 6 & 7, 2024

n rural Kansas, Dorothy Gale lives on a farm owned by her Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Dorothy's neighbor, Almira Gulch, who had been bitten by Dorothy's dog, Toto, obtains a sheriff's order authorizing her to seize Toto. Toto escapes and returns to Dorothy, who runs away to protect him. Professor Marvel, a charlatan fortuneteller, persuades Dorothy to go home because Aunt Em is heartbroken.

6 pm.All ages. $28. www.galvestonballet.org


Music from Jurassic Park

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