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The holidays are a festive, almost magical time of year where your senses come alive to the sights, scents, sounds, tasteful treats, and hands-on activities that vie for your attention Families step up from busy to busier with decorating their homes both inside and out, shopping, wrapping, baking, planning, and attending special events.
It is a time for reconnecting and bonding on a more personal level with family and friends, sharing faith, traditions, and good cheer However, with all of the hustle and bustle of striving to get your Holidays “just right”, the true meaning of why we are celebrating in the first place can get lost amidst the sparkling lights and joyful music
The “Heart of the Holidays” isn’t found in a colorfully wrapped gift-box or tissue paper accented gift-bag. It isn’t delivered by an Amazon truck driver And, it certainly isn’t a gift that one can exchange or return for a refund. It is, however, something unique in that the more you share it with others, the more it enriches you And it’s free - neither ‘Membership or Annual Renewal’ fees are required for you and your family to join this “club”.
Qualities of generosity include kindness, thoughtfulness, selflessness and being mindful of others. It most often involves a simple act that can be almost effortless for you, but can make a significant impact on another person’s day.
Generosity is given freely without any expectation of reciprocation At it’s best, it is shared in a relational rather than transactional spirit It isn’t stamped with an expiration date; but it does seem to hold an unspoken invitation to “Pay It Forward’ And it can be as spontaneous as paying for the stranger’s cup of coffee who is behind you in line at your favorite coffee shop
As a former elementary school educator, it was always heartwarming for me to observe how eagerly my young students wanted to step in to help one another and even “help” me do whatever they could
Kids have an innate sense of wanting to help and please What a wonderful opportunity then, to show them by your everyday actions what generosity looks like and sounds like; to guide them to build their “spirit of generosity muscles” at an early age. You could very likely be planting the seeds for generosity to become a multi-generational way of life in your family.
Further, kids can participate with you in practically all of the ways you choose to be generous Donating to a food bank? Children can add your donations to the bins Sending a card to cheer up a neighbor? Include a picture your child has drawn specifically for them Assembling holiday care packages with other Church members to help struggling families or community members who are alone? Invite your kids along to help while they learn some organizational and sorting skills in the process
Generosity facilitates active and interactive participation between community members which leads to a stronger community It generates the power of connection while modeling for others how to give and receive graciously.
The greatest gift we can give to others is ourselves and our time. Be encouraged to think beyond traditional gifts and consider some of these practical, impactful ways to give back to others during this holiday season and beyond
Children can volunteer at a local shelter, food bank, library, or participate in a community clean up or donation drive. In addition to developing a sense of social responsibility, volunteering teaches children the joy of sharing their time with others
Encourage kids to share something they are grateful for each day of the holiday season and to find ways to express their gratitude to the people around them - whether through a conversation at dinner, a handwritten note, or perhaps keeping a daily “grateful” calendar
Spreading Kindness Within the Community: Create “holiday kindness challenges” where kids are encouraged to complete acts of generosity like donating toys, giving compliments, or baking treats for local workers.
Children learn by example Given consistent opportunities to practice generosity is an invaluable asset for kids to practice now and as they grow into adulthood. Why is nurturing generosity in our children important? Simply stated. . .every act of generosity helps to shape our world in a positive way
By Tanni Haas, PH.D.
If you’re busy preparing for the holiday season, how about taking a break in the evening to get together with the kids for some relaxing fun?
Here’s a list of some great family game apps that’ll keep you entertained for hours at a time. The best thing is that they’re all completely free, so download an app – or three!
(Available at: Apple App Store; Google Play)
This quiz game uses wacky comparisons between different objects to create intriguing questions
For example, “to match the height of 1 Hubble Telescope how many coconuts would you need to stack up?” Or, “how many chickens would you have to pile up to be as tall as 1 Great Pyramid?”
(Available at: Apple Appstore; Google Play)
This game requires you to work together rather than to compete. Players are members of a team who have to maneuver a spaceship. Each person has a control panel with buttons, dials, knobs, and switches, and receives commands that must be executed to save the spaceship from crashing. Some of the commands require instruments that are on the other players’ control panels, so you end up shouting commands at each other No need to explain how much fun that can be!
(Available at: Apple Appstore; Google Play)
The kids’ version of the classic game has hundreds of fun questions that’ll make you look at each other in a completely new way, like “what music are you embarrassed to admit you listen to when you’re alone” or “what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?” Fun dares include “attempt to break dance for 30 seconds” and “wrap a player of your choice in toilet paper.”
(Available at: Apple App Store; Google Play) Who doesn’t like a good riddle? This app has lots of them, such as “soft, hairy, from door to door. I’m the pet that always stays on the floor. What am I”? You can ask for hints if you get stuck and need a gentle push (answer: a carpet).
(Available at: Apple Appstore; Google Play)
This game will inspire lots of interesting conversations. Players are introduced to thought-provoking scenarios like “would you rather 1) be able to fly anywhere you want, or 2) stop time whenever you want for 10 seconds ” You vote for your favorite option and get to see statistics on how most other people vote No Wi-Fi is required once the app is downloaded, so you can play the game even when Wi-Fi is unavailable.
By Tanni Haas, Ph.D.
It’s a great occasion to consider what you can do when your kids complain about being really stressed. How do you help them cope with it?
It’simportanttosityourkidsdownandask themwhat’sgoingonandhowtheyare feeling
Listen calmly and non-judgmentally to what they have to say “Children learn (and take cues) from the adults around them,” says child psychologist Dr Lyn O’Grady, “so it’s important for adults to be mindful of how they approach stressful situations.” If you overreact to what they are telling you, they most likely will overreact, too But if you stay calm and collected, you will have a much easier time helping them cope with whatever it is they are dealing with. As clinical psychologist Dr. Barbara Greenberg succinctly puts it, “No child wants to talk to a parent who is losing her cool.”
Child psychotherapist Katie Hurley, the author of The Happy Kids Handbook, says that “knowing that you will listen and help them empowers them to work through their stress, instead of stuffing it down and potentially making it worse” Remember that your kids are not looking for you to solve all of their problems once and for all Rather, they are looking for you to truly listen to them as a way for them to work through their problems on their own
“Sometimes,” says child psychologist Dr Jamie Howard, “parents avoid having conversations with kids because they’re worried they won’t say the right thing or they won’t know how to answer their questions” But the truth is that there is no such thing as the one right answer The only wrong thing is failing to make yourself available to your kids when they need you the most
Listening to your kids is an important first step, but you also need to reassure them that they are strong and capable of coping with whatever it is that’s stressing them out. Experts agree that you should try to convince your kids that it’s better to confront their stressors head on than to shy away from them “If a child faces his or her fears,” says professor of child psychology Dr Amy Przeworski, “the child will learn that the anxiety reduces naturally over time”
Dr Przeworski says that it’s also important to cultivate as positive outlook as possible since stressed kids have a tendency to get lost in negative thoughts and self-criticism: “They may focus on how the glass is half empty instead of half-full and worry about future events. The more that you are able to focus on your child’s positive attributes and the good aspects of a situation, the more that will remind your child to focus on the positives”
It’s useful to give your kids some perspective by reminding them of how they dealt with similar situations in the past which turned out all right When confronted by a stressful situation, it’s easy for kids and adults like to lose perspective and forget the previous times they confronted a similar situation and that the outcome was not so bad after all.
Once your kids are reassured that they are truly capable of handling stressful situations, try to experiment with various coping techniques. A onesize-fits-all strategy for dealing with stress doesn’t exist, but certain time-tested techniques have proven effective
One useful coping technique is to have your kids write down what’s causing them to be stressed.
It teaches them to articulate what’s bothering them instead of bottling it up, and it helps them work through the problem and what to do about it Mrs Hurley suggests that they write down their stressors “on a piece of paper, read them to you, and then tear them up and throw them away for the night. This helps kids say their worries out loud and let go of them ”
Another useful coping technique is to aim for balance in your kids’ lives. Instead of insisting that your kids do well at school at all costs, emphasize that to be happy and stress-free, kids also need time for play and physical exercise Dr Greenberg suggests that parents sit down with their kids “and come up with a well-balanced schedule that includes all three of these important aspects of life ” When engaged in play or physical exercise, kids have the time to let their minds be free to come up with creative solutions to their sources of stress
Finally, make sure your kids’ physical needs are met. As Dr. Greenberg puts it, “none of us at any age can deal with pressure effectively if we’re exhausted and hungry.” This last piece of advice applies to you as much as it does to your kids If you are not well-rested and satisfied, you won’t be able to listen to and support your kids as much as you need to, since your mind and body will be focused on other things
By Cheryl Maguire
“Did you use the coupon?”
“Did you use the coupon?” I asked my husband this question when he returned from the I asked my husband this question when he returned from the store. I had a good idea about what his answer would be some variation of no. Usually he store. I had a good idea about what his answer would be—some variation of no. Usually he says “I forgot.” But that hasn’t stopped me from trying for the past 20 years. says “I forgot.” But that hasn’t stopped me from trying for the past 20 years.
My husband doesn’t understand coupons or sales or reward programs. He is very intelligent My husband doesn’t understand coupons or sales or reward programs. He is very intelligent so it’s not due to these things being too difficult to comprehend rather it’s not wanting to so it’s not due to these things being too difficult to rather it’s not wanting to figure it out. He thinks that couponing is too time consuming and not worth the extra dollar figure it out. thinks that couponing is too time consuming and not worth the extra dollar that you may save. Sometimes he will use a coupon because he knows it makes me happy but that you may save. Sometimes he will use a coupon because he knows it makes me happy but for the most part it is not a priority of his. for the most part it is not a priority of his.
Many couples also struggle with differences in how to spend or save money. Two of the main reasons most people get divorced are related to communication issues or financial problems.
“Conflicts about money are one of the top three reasons couples seek therapy,” says Joyce Marter, licensed psychotherapist and author of The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life.
I consulted some experts for advice on how to maintain peace when you and your spouse have different ideas about frugality.
If saving money or a frugal lifestyle is important to you, you want to sit down and discuss your viewpoint with your spouse, rather than getting into spats over individual trips to the supermarket. Marter recommends creating a plan of how you want to divide responsibilities regarding saving money.
“Trying to force your partner to use coupons may lead to lasting resentments,” she says. “Consider having a discussion with your partner about you taking responsibility for most purchases, so you can maximize the benefits of coupons.
Let your partner take the lead with other household tasks that may be more within their areas of strength.” In other words, if you care the most about how you spend your money, you should take charge of the shopping and purchasing for the household. Your spouse might care more about home or car maintenance, schooling for the kids or family activities, and can take the lead on those projects.
Couponing can be confusing since the rules can vary from store to store. If your spouse is not a regular coupon user then they will probably give up if it is too difficult.
“Provide your spouse with tools that make couponing easy like apps and browser extensions. A coupon plugin like Centlyautomatically adds coupons and even cash back whenever you’re buying anything online,” says Andrea Woroch, a family finance expert.
If your spouse isn’t on board with coupons Woroch recommends using alternative ways of saving. “Compare brand prices or even opting for generic or store brands for significant savings. Otherwise, download a few apps on their phone to help them save when shopping,” she says.
If you are upset that your spouse made an expensive purchase or refused to use a coupon it is important to let them know how you feel. “Be honest about your feelings and express them in a way that is emotionally intelligent, kind, respectful, honest and direct,” says Marter.
She recommends using “I” statements rather than “you” statements since this helps people to feel less defensive. For example, “I feel worried and upset that you spent that amount of money when we are trying to pay off our credit cards” instead of, “You are selfish and wasteful and don’t care about our debt.”
Mikela Hallmark, a counselor in Atlanta, GA agrees about the importance of expressing your feelings in a respectful way. “Often people use criticism or contempt, but these are relationship killers,” she says.
“Have more meaningful conversations to explore what this—using or not using a coupon—means to you. What does it represent? What is the story behind it?” says Hallmark.
Instead of making assumptions try asking questions. “Take a curious stance and try to remember that this is someone you love and want to understand more fully, says Tecia Giusta, a marriage and family therapist in Encinitas, CA.
“It can be helpful to talk about childhood experiences we have around money. Sometimes, the memory of a parent losing a job was scary and traumatic for the person. They may have told themselves, ‘I'm never going to be in this situation again,’” says Giusta.
If sharing a bank account is causing too many conflicts, it may make more sense to have two separate accounts
“Some couples keep their money separate, some live like roommates and split the bills, and some pool everything together. There is no right or wrong way. It is important to have a plan you both agree on, says Marter.
Woroch accepts that her husband will never share her same level of frugality “I realized over the years that that is okay However, we have talked a lot about what matters to me and vice versa so that we understand that this whole financial compatibility thing requires compromise ”
She explains that her husband has learned to make compromises on being more frugal like shopping sales at the grocery store and recycling cans to deposit the money into their kids’ college fund. And she is willing to compromise about sometimes spending money
Woroch suggests finding creative ways to help change their mindset. “My husband doesn’t like eating leftovers and would rather throw food away. So I figured out that if I come up with a fun way to remake our leftovers, he doesn’t mind it as much ”
Hallmark also stresses the importance of compromising “Both spouse's needs should be considered Some couples set a budget, some have a 'no pressure' spending account they get to use however they want every month Some make large purchase decisions together Figure out what works for you as a couple,” she says.
Marter recommends having monthly meetings to discuss finances She also recommends being in a good mental space so that you can be calm and collaborative “Don’t wait to discuss money when there is a problem,” she says.
During these meetings Woroch recommends creating shared financial goals “Outline goals for 1 year, 5 years, etc. along with how much you want to save and what you’re saving for When your spouse can visualize a financial goal, it’s easier to stick to the household budget and understand how personal spending decisions can impact your overall future,” she says
Hallmark recommends thinking of you and your partner as a team “When you approach it from a we perspective, start to consider how you might work together to reach your goals,” she says
Bio: Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter Her writing has been published in The New York Times, National Geographic, Washington Post, Parents Magazine, AARP, Healthline, Your Teen Magazine and many other publications She is a professional member of ASJA. You can find her at Twitter @CherylMaguire05
How many of us remember the How many of us remember the sleepy Saturdays and Sundays sleepy Saturdays and Sundays of our youth? The days when of our youth? The days when shops kept shorter hours and shops kept shorter hours and time spread slow and thick time spread slow and thick across the day like maple syrup across the day like maple syrup across our weekend pancakes. across our weekend pancakes. Whether or not we attended a Whether or not we attended a church or synagogue, weekends church or synagogue, weekends were the time for rediscovering were the time for rediscovering the delights of home, family, the delights of home, family, friends and pets. It was a time friends and pets. It was a time when recuperation from when recuperation from weeklong activities was our weeklong activities was our primary purpose. primary purpose.
So, what ever happened to the So, what ever happened to the day of rest? day of
Editor Lisa Laskey shares, "I Editor Lisa Laskey shares, "I think weekends are for rest but think weekends are for rest but my busy life seems to interfere. my busy life seems to interfere. The week spills over into the The week spills over into the weekend and I end up playing weekend and I end up playing catch up-household chores, catch up-household chores, cooking, kid play, home cooking, kid play, home paperwork-before I know it, it's paperwork-before I know it, it's Sunday night and I'm frustrated, Sunday night and I'm frustrated, tired and anxious because there tired and anxious because there was no down time." was no down time."
Lawyer Barbara Klein agrees, "Working moms with Lawyer Barbara Klein agrees, "Working moms with small children don't get a day of rest. I work four small children don't get a day of rest. I work four days a week, so I have three days 'off,' but usually days a week, so I have three days 'off,' but usually those days are more tiring than the days I work!" those days are more tiring than the days I work!"
Direct Mail Marketing President Judith Knapp
Direct Mail Marketing President Judith Knapp confirms, "My weekends are as busy as my week confirms, "My weekends are as busy as my week days, just a different kind of busy." days, just a different kind of busy."
If the above statements describe your frenetic
If the above statements describe your frenetic weekend pace, then you are probably craving a weekend pace, then you are probably craving a day -- or at least an hour -- of rest and relaxation day -- or at least an hour -- of rest and relaxation with your family. Initially, this concept may seem with your family. Initially, this concept may seem impossible, but by enlisting the support of your impossible, but by enlisting the support of your partner and children sanctity can be restored to partner and children sanctity can be restored to your weekends. your weekends.
For families who favor a more formal religious observance, the For families who favor a more formal religious observance, the Sabbath is also a sacred time. Urban planner Teresa Murphy Sabbath is also a sacred time. Urban planner Teresa Murphy has been attending Catholic Mass all her life. "Sunday is a has been attending Catholic Mass all her life. "Sunday is a day I cherish because there is more family time, a time to day I cherish because there is more family time, a time to reconnect and to ground ourselves before we face a busy reconnect and to ground ourselves before we face a busy week. We have a more elaborate dinner a little earlier than week. We have a more elaborate dinner a little than usual. We have more conversation, find out what's going on usual. We have more conversation, find out what's going on with each other and take stock on the week. It's important for with each other and take stock on the week. It's important for me to share Sundays with my husband and son, because me to share Sundays with my husband and son, because during the week it's easy to lose sight of the bigger reasons during the week it's easy to lose sight of the bigger reasons why we're here on earth. It's too easy to get caught up in the why we're here on earth. It's too easy to get caught up in the material side of life and our chaotic schedules." material side of life and our chaotic schedules."
The word Sabbath is derived from the Hebrew verb
The word Sabbath is derived from the Hebrew verb shavat meaning to rest or cease. The Sabbath has shavat meaning to rest or cease. The Sabbath has long been a part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. long been a part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. We are reminded of it in the Fourth of the Ten We are reminded of it in the Fourth of the Ten Commandments, "Remember the Sabbath day, to Commandments, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." keep it holy."
According to Wayne Muller in his book, Sabbath, According to Wayne Muller in his book, Sabbath, Finding Rest, Renewal and Delight In Our Busy Finding Rest, Renewal and Delight In Our Busy Lives , "In the relentless busyness of modern life, Lives , "In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between work and rest. we have lost the rhythm between work and rest. While many of us are tremendously weary, we While many of us are tremendously weary, we have come to associate tremendous guilt and have come to associate tremendous guilt and shame with taking time to rest. Sabbath gives us shame with taking time to rest. Sabbath gives us permission; it commands us to stop." permission; it commands us to stop."
For Susan Harris and her family celebrating a
For Susan Harris and her family celebrating a personalized version of the traditional Shabbat personalized version of the traditional Shabbat dinner has become a cherished family tradition. "In dinner has become a cherished family tradition. "In the Jewish tradition, Shabbat marks the Sabbath, the Jewish tradition, Shabbat marks the Sabbath, which begins Friday night and ends Saturday night. which begins Friday night and ends Saturday night. Shabbat is not only a religious celebration, but also Shabbat is not only a religious celebration, but also recognition of the importance of family. We have recognition of the importance of family. We have three children under the age of five, who especially three children under the age of five, who especially love the rituals of lighting the candles, breaking the love the rituals of lighting the candles, breaking the bread, and toasting with wine and juice. Our Friday bread, and toasting with wine and juice. Our Friday nights have become an extra-special time for us." nights have become an extra-special time for us."
Taking time to rest may be easier than we think. Taking time to rest may be easier than we think. According to Muller, "The Sabbath does not require According to Muller, "The Sabbath does not require us to leave home, change jobs, go on retreat or us to leave home, change jobs, go on retreat or leave the world of ordinary life. We do not have to leave the world of life. We do not have to change clothes or purchase any expensive spiritual change clothes or purchase any expensive spiritual equipment." equipment."
Like the Harris and Murphy families, your celebration may Like the Harris and Murphy families, your celebration may echo a religious tradition, or it may be completely echo a religious tradition, or it may be completely spontaneous and family-chosen. Celebrating the Sabbath is spontaneous and family-chosen. Celebrating the Sabbath is not only for those who are affiliated with a particular religion. not only for those who are affiliated with a particular religion. According to writer Juliette Swanson, "My husband and I According to writer Juliette Swanson, "My husband and I carve out sacred family time through a variety of weekend carve out sacred family time through a variety of weekend outings. We might walk in the park and feed the ducks, go outings. We might walk in the park and feed the ducks, go sledding or even enjoy the cuisine at a local family-friendly sledding or even enjoy the cuisine at a local family-friendly restaurant. What's important is to enjoy each other and relax restaurant. What's important is to enjoy each other and relax from our overbooked schedules." from our overbooked schedules."
H Here are some suggestions for carving out sacred family ere are some suggestions for carving out sacred family time during your busy weekend: time during your busy weekend:
Prepare a special dinner together. Light candles, break
Prepare a special dinner together. Light candles, break bread and toast with wine and juice to celebrate the end of bread and toast with wine and juice to celebrate the end of the workweek. Include one favorite dinner food for each the Include one favorite dinner for each family member. family member.
Spend Spend an hour of family time in total silence. Turn off any an hour of family time in total silence. Turn off any screen devices, stereos or noisy appliances. Encourage screen devices, stereos or noisy appliances. Encourage family members to meditate, read or simply nap. family members to meditate, read or simply nap.
Go for a long walk in a local natural setting together. Allow Go for a long walk in a local natural setting together. Allow your pace to be slow and meandering. Appreciate your your pace to be slow and meandering. Appreciate your surroundings and any natural objects or phenomenon you surroundings and any natural objects or you notice along the way. notice along the way.
Acknowledge and surrender any lingering worries from the
Acknowledge and surrender any lingering worries from the previous week. Share stories and lessons learned. Take previous week. Share stories and lessons learned. Take time during dinner to discuss all that you feel grateful for. time during dinner to discuss all that you feel grateful for. Indulge in a playful activity such as bowling, picnicking or Indulge in a playful activity such as bowling, picnicking or seeing an afternoon matinee. Try to find an activity that seeing an afternoon matinee. Try to find an activity that everyone can agree upon or rotate responsibility for everyone can agree upon or rotate responsibility for choosing to a different family member each week. choosing to a different family member each week. Open your doors for a few hours to family and friends for Open your doors for a few hours to family and friends for dinner, tea or refreshments. Try rotating the hosting dinner, tea or refreshments. Try rotating the hosting responsibility once a month so that preparation and clean responsibility once a so that preparation and clean up don't become a burden. Emphasize relaxing and up don't become a burden. Emphasize relaxing and enjoying each other's company over making a big fuss. enjoying each other's company over making a big fuss.
Rekindle Your Spirit in 10 Minutes Flat!
By Christina Katz
Here come the holidays Here come the holidays barreling down the calendar barreling down the calendar track. Are you frozen like a track. Are you frozen like a snowman in the headlights? snowman in the headlights?
Or are you frantic, checking an Or are you frantic, checking an endless litany of musts off endless litany of musts off your overloaded holiday to-do your overloaded holiday to-do list each day? list each day?
The frenetic pace is undeniable at this time of year-planning, shopping, parties, travel However, all day, every day, you get to choose whether to act, react, respond, or detach. If you are often not feeling like you can invoke your power of choice, and if you find yourself reacting to situations you would prefer to detach from, then maybe you need a break. You'll know you need a break if you feel consistently grumpy and stressed out. When this happens, take ten minutes to re-evaluate your day No matter how much you still have to do, anyone can spare a few minutes
You may be attempting to accomplish too much most days because of holiday pressure coming from inside and out. But your holidays are more likely to be imperfect rather than perfect. Ironically, the more we try to jam into our waking hours, the less we feel like we are in the flow If we are pushing all day, using will to power through a series of tasks, it may feel as though each task grows larger and more daunting than the last. The key is to stop pushing Striving is tiring and constant striving turns quickly into exhaustion. So drop the willpower and try to relax yourself back into a more natural flow of tasks instead
Even if you feel great about the approaching holidays, and are mostly on top of all of the extra tasks that come with them, you can still hit your limit now and then. Once your hollyjollies start running on fumes, these steps will remind you how to hit the reset button so you can make a quick comeback.
Find a chair or sit on the floor against a wall. Breathe in and breathe out Just sit for a few moments, relax, and do nothing except breathe. What you are doing is using breath to slow down time Of course, you can't really control the clock, but you can change how time feels to you by getting back in touch with your senses Breathing slowly and deeply is a shortcut back to sanity when you feel stressed If something of tragic proportions happens, like forgetting to put the turkey out to thaw or neglecting to mail a package early enough to arrive on time, just keep breathing. When you panic and start berating yourself, it's game-over for your holiday spirit. So, when inevitable stresses strike and mistakes happen: simply sit, breathe, and take a few moments to collect yourself.
Once you can maintain a feeling of calm, pay attention to what is going on inside you. There may be a swirl of Black Friday competitive shopping going on all around you, but you can transcend any amount of external static by getting a grip on what's happening within What you are looking for is your inner compass. Some folks call their intuition the still, small voice, others may rely on their inner Jiminy Cricket. Some people have a spiritual attitude towards their intuition whereas others may prefer a more religious approach. It really doesn't matter what you call your intuition, as long as you can tune in to it. Practice staying tuned in whether in calm or busy environments If you can stay tuned in and trust your gut no matter what else is going on, you'll be the happiest person around
Now that you are calm, cool, and collected, take a moment to appreciate one thing. Consider something simple: notice a pretty wreath, feel the magic of watching falling snow, or the warmth of your coat on a brisk day Once you get a grip on one thing you can enjoy thinking about, why not go ahead and think about it as long as you appreciatively can. When you feel done, move on to the next natural thing to appreciate You may feel grateful for something right in front of you or for something more abstract Whatever you genuinely feel positive about counts. Take a couple of moments to appreciate little things until you feel a smile spread across your face.
No doubt, once you stop thinking about good things, a few stressful things that have been lined up waiting for your attention will pop into your mind and start jumping up and down and waving their arms. But here's the thing. You just got yourself into a pretty good place Do you really want to go back to square one all over again? I'm sure you don't And don't feel badly about wanting to milk feeling good as long as possible. It's good for you. So keep it up Don't revert right back into a stress monster If nagging worry keeps dogging you, just acknowledge the concern and gently wave it to the side as though clearing a butterfly from your path.
Ease back into your day, moving forward mindfully Drop the list for now. What is the single next most important thing to do next? Intersperse actions with self-care Do a task then put on some cheerful tunes. Do another then light a wood wick candle Do another then put the water on for tea. Take short breaks after completing a series of tasks Have small snacks throughout the day so you don't overeat at mealtime. Maybe put your list away for a little while Later, pull your list back out, and check a few more things off of it. But don't become a slave to your to-dos Remember, you set the tone for your holiday. And you can stay in charge by taking excellent care of yourself
1.Gotobedby10pmeach night 2.Getupanhourearlier andhavesomedailyyoutime 3.Watchallyourfavorite holidaysmovies 4.Takealongwinter'snap 5.Putastackof inspirationalbooksonyour nightstand 6.Writedownyourblessings
7.Makealistofgiftsyou wantanddistributeit
8.Takealong,hotbath withmusicandbathsalts
9.Listentoinspirationaltalks, podcastsorbooksontape 10.Saykindthingsto yourselfalldaylong
Of Christmas
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David Atherton’s Christmas Cookbook for Kids
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Twin sisters separated at birth meet at tryouts for a holiday pageant They set out to make a love match for their single grandparents in this enchanting middlegrade novel
The Mistletoe Mystery by Nita Prose
The first few Christmases without her Gran were hard on Molly, but this year, her boyfriend and fellow festive spirit is intent on making the season Molly’s most joyful yet
And So This is Christmas (51 seasonally adjusted poems) by Brian Bilston
A brilliantly funny seasonal treat for bestselling poet
Brian Bilston’s loyal fans and newcomers alike Sly British humor
This coffee table book is almost like an advent calendar: simply open it, and the most wonderful time of the year begins!
When the weather outside is frightful and you are fresh out of fun ways to keep kids entertained, turn to this list of ideas. The key is to stop thinking like an adult and to remember how to think like a kid. Once you accomplish this, who knows what kind of mischief you will help your kids dream up!
Andwhileweareonthesubject,whynot forgetyourgrown-upresponsibilitiesfora littlewhileandjointhekidsinsomefunindoor activities?Yourcabinfeverwillmeltawaylike snowonasunnydayonceyoudiveintooneof thesefunpastimeswithyourkids.Comeon, parents.Theywillonlybekidsonce.
1.Becomeabuilder.Makeafortafterlunch andthenliveinituntildinner.
2.Ready,set,duck!Ballupsomecleansocks, turnsomefurnituresideways,andhavea sock-ballfight.
3.Funwithflour.Makesomethingthat involveskneadinglikebread,rollsorpizza dough.
4.One-leggedkangaroo.Spendanhour hoppingononlyonefooteverytimeyouhave tomovearoundthehouse.
5.Softentheirfalls.Putonlayersofsoft, stretchyclothesandplayTwisterinthe kitchen.
6.Setaworld'srecord.Seehowlongyoucan tossasoftballbackandforthwithout droppingitevenonce.
7.Stretchforit.Haveaheadstandora handstandcontest.Whoisthestraightest, whocanlastthelongest,andwhoisthemost poised?
8.Colorfulawe.Lookupgroupgamesthatcan beplayedwithasilkparachute(pleasenote: alsohelpfulinfortconstruction).
9.Strikealaugh.Taketurnsplayingyoga teacherandmakingupsillyyogaposes.Not laughingyet?Addinbreathingfunnybreathing exercises.
10.Letalteregosactout.Makesockorbag puppets,givethemyourquirkiestqualities, andthenputonapuppetshow.
11.Haveacompetition.Makeafoursquare courtinthebasementorgarageusingpainter's tapeandthentaketurnsplaying.
12.FindyourinnerPicasso.Tapelargepiecesof drawingpaperuponthewallsofthebasement orgarage,spreadnewspapersonthefloor,and createself-portraitswithchalkpastels.
13.Playcharades.Makesurethecluesare appropriateforallages.Or,ifyouprefer,try Pictionaryinstead.
14.Takethat,Villan!Actoutascenefroma family-favoritebook.Lookupsomefight choreographyonlineandstageamock-fight.
15.Climb,jump,andhop.Createanobstacle courseinthebasementorgarage.Time everyone'sresults.Thentrytobeatyourbest time.(Seesidebarformoreideas.)
16.Messaroundwithbeauty.Makefacialmasks outofbananasoravocadoandtaketurnsgiving themtoeachother.
17.Getinspired.WatchTheLion,TheWitch,And TheWardrobeandthendrawwhatyouimage youwouldfindontheothersideofyourhidden doorway.
18.Bonsoir,Madame.Createasimplemealfrom aforeignculturelikeFrance,IndiaorAfricawith ingredientsyouhaveonhand.
19.Startaband.Makesomemusicwitheither realinstrumentsorwhateveryoucancreate outofwhatyouhaveonhand.Forevenmore fun,tryamarchingband.
20.Musicalfingers.Fingerpainttodifferent kindsofmusic.Leteveryonechooseasongand thencomparetheresultingimages.Whichmusic helpedtocreatethemostinspiredpaintings?
21.Instantnostalgia.Makesparklywhiteplaydough andthenrecreatethesceneofyourhomeina snowstorminminiature.(Keepacanofinstantsnowon handforjustsuchanoccasion,seesidebar.)
22.Isaypotato,yousaypotahto.Breakoutthe potatoes,cuttheminhalfandcarvethecutendsinto stamps.Thentransformleftoverbrownbagsinto recycledwrappingpaper.
23.Trashionpassion.What'sinyourrecyclebins?Divide itupintotwoteams,mixinsomeplasticandpaper bags,setatimerforonehourandseewhocanwhipup somerunwaymagicforaquicktrashionrunwayshow.
24.Lip-syncbattle.Everyonepickstheirfavoritetunes andthenbattlesitoutonwhateverkindof"stage"you cancreate.Forextrafun,videothenumbersandcut someshortclipstogetherintoacompilation.
25.Sculpturemagic.Gothroughallofyourartsupply cabinetsanddrawersandpullouteverythingyoucan beartopartwith.Besuretoincludesticks,wireor string.Thenseewhocancreatethemostoriginal sculptureusingsuppliesonhand.
Glitter(foraddingtoplaydoughandmaking sculpturessparkle)
iTunescard(forlipsyncingandfingerpaintingto music)
Throwasheetovera stringtocreateacrawl tunnel
Overandunderstring ormaskingtape stretchedbetween
Throwbeanbagsinto bucketsorpots
Walkalapwhile balancinglargebookon head
Slalomonatoo-small bikeorscooter
Juggleasoccerballor hackysackwithyour feetorlegs
Balancesomethingona servingspoon
Stepfromstoolto chairtostepladder, etc.
Puttagolfballintoa plasticcup
Make sure you visit camps websites for updates on specific dates & times available.
Alliance Fencing Academy’s winter camps are an opportunity for your child to have fun while picking up skills that will last a lifetime. Our camps are ideal for parents looking to help their children maximize their time off during holiday breaks with different sessions for all levels.
Artist Boat Eco-Art Campers will experience true science and art enrichment with outdoor activities and art projects. Join us for inspirational education! Registration is required and spaces are limited to 12 students to ensure small camp size and attention.
BUILDING BRAINS uses LEGO and KNEX educational kits to BUILD MATH and SCIENCE (
skills. Students will BUILD SIMPLE MACHINES that really work, using gears, levers and pulleys, while BUILDING fine motor skills, sequential thinking skills, problem solving skills and confidence This is truly an Engineering curriculum. Projects include: Cars, Tops, Merry Go Rounds, Drills, Mixers, Cranes, Conveyor Belts, and more We are not just building We are BUILDING BRAINS! Please bring a drink and snack taying in town for the holiday breaks? Not sure what to do with the kids? Here are some great options for the kids to stay busy this holiday season! S
Give your child the GIFT OF ART this Holiday Season!
New and exciting Art Experiences are happening at Cordovan’s Winter Art Camps this Holiday Season
We believe camp isn’t just an opportunity to have fun, but a chance to grow strong in knowing you can do anything, be anything a nd do so with great character We have always believed that our ultimate goal is to help raise great kids We simply choose to do it through the magic of camp
School breaks will be here before you know it! Join us for our YMCA Holiday Camps where your child will have a blast participating in a wide-array of enrichment activities, fun and games. Camp at the Y is about discovery. Kids will find unknown talents, try new activities and make lasting friendships and memories Space is limited, so register in advance!
E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4 1
Mess Makers
Messy, sensory play is an important part of child development You will explore and create with messy things like mud, flowers, paint, and shaving cream We will make works of art as well as just good old messy fun
Ages 3-7 10-11:15 am $22 members, $27 non-members Also Nov 15 www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Swing into the holidays as Houston Jazz Orchestra and vocal trio SASS put a jazzy twist on all your festive favorites, including “Deck the Halls,” “Jingle Bells,” “Joy To The World,” “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” “The Little Drummer Boy,” and many more!
All ages $52+ 7:30-9:30pm Houstonsymphony.org
Garden Artists
Join local artists to create a naturebased 'Plein Air' art project with media that you bring, or you can borrow our sketch pencils and paper Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
Ages 10+ 10-11:30 am Free www.pct3.com/MBG
Curious Kids
Enjoy an interesting new nature experience each week with themes such as turtles, bunnies, wildflowers, and weather!
Ages 18 mo – 4 yo 9:30 am-10:15 am, 10:30 am-11:15 am $7 / child Also the 9th & 16th www.houstonarboretum.org
Music in the Garden
Build your own garden which will include the seeds of over 20 types of butterfly attracting flowers to bring these colorful creatures to your landscape All supplies to start your garden are included Ages 2-5 and caregiver 11:30a-12p Free www.pct3.com/MBG
Are you raising a Curious Kid? Join us out back at the pavilions where we’ll explore ask discover experiment and more in our pre-K science program! Our children’s programs feature science-rich, weekly, stand-alone classes that offer you the flexibility to sign-up for individual classes that meet your hectic schedules or for specific topics that inspire your children 3 to 5 years old with an adult caregiver 10 am or 4 pm Members $15 per class; non-members $20 per class Also Dec 10 & 17 www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Monthly Winter Bird Walk
Mary Ann Beauchemin or Eric Duran will lead a monthly bird walk in Russ Pitman Park throughout the winter In addition to our “Winter Texan” songbirds we have sometimes had interesting “migrants” stay and overwinter Most winters we have some western hummers like Rufous & Black-chinned, and less commonly a few Calliopes visit the park 12-1:15pm Adult Free www naturediscoverycenter org
5 In Person: Storytime
Come out and volunteer with Mercer staff in the Pollinator Garden and Honeybee Corral Wear outdoor clothing, closed-toe shoes, a visor or hat and bring a water bottle
Pre-school age and caregiver 10:3011a Free Also December 11 & 18 www.pct3.com/MBG
Dec 2024
Thursdays at The Bryan
The first Thursday of the month from 4 to 7 p m in our sculpture garden patio, enjoy a curated selection of wines, enjoy the music of local Galvestonian talent and shop at our Museum Store. Adult 4-7 pm Free thebryanmuseum.org/
Dickens on The Strand
The annual holiday street festival, based on 19th-century Victorian London, features parades, non-stop entertainment on multiple stages, strolling carolers, roving musicians, bagpipers, jugglers, and a host of other entertainers
All ages Adult $20, ages 7-12 $13, 5- Free Fri 5-9pm, Sat 10am-9pm, Sun 12-6pm www.galvestonhistory.org/event s/dickens-on-the-strand
Garden Cruisin’: Tour De 4
Board the Mercer cart under the Mercer staff building for a one-hour leisurely tour through the gardens where you’ll experience the beauty and tranquility that thousands of plants, flowers, and trees can provide tour
Adult 9-10a & 11a-12p Free Also Dec 13 & 20 www.pct3.com/MBG
Holiday Boat Cruise
Celebrate the season with a festive holiday cruise along Buffalo Bayou! Experience the dazzling downtown skyline from the water aboard BBP’s holiday-themed pontoon boat, adorned with wintry decorations Enjoy an unforgettable journey that blends holiday cheer with the bayou’s unique ecology!
Ages 4+ $30 / person 6pm, 6:45pm, 7:30pm, and 8:15pm Every Friday and Saturday www.buffalobayou.org
Brekafast with Santa
This exclusive holiday event, will start with the crowd-favorite of seeing St Nick arrive in our vintage PT-17 Stearman plane! The North Pole native will then join ticket holders for a VIP breakfast experience Breakfast guests and museum visitors will be able to take photos with Santa All ages 8:30am-2p Tickets Needed www.lonestarflight.org
Family Overnight
Launch your family camping trip into orbit in our Family Overnight program at Space Center Houston! You and your entire family can experience a unique overnight camping experience
5:30pm-10 am 5 and up $7950 per person Registration required www.spacecenter.org
DIY Paper
Add a touch of nature to holiday cards, gift tags, and more by making your own botanical paper! We’ll use recycled pulp, plant seeds, dried flower petals, and other fun items to create one-of-a-kind art paper Ages 12+ 10am-12pm $30 members, $45 non-members www.houstonarboretum.org
S’Mores with Santa
Have your photo taken with Cowboy Santa Claus as he travels through Texas on his trusty steed, Rudolph the Red Horse Then sit with the cowhands by the campfire and toast yourself a sweet and gooey s ’ more while singing Christmas and country songs
*General admission tickets required
All ages Ages 13+ $16, ages 4-12 $13, 3- free 9 am-5pm www.georgeranch.org
Trail mix
Features live music, magic, and more! Join us trailside as Andy Roo takes you on an adventure through the AndyRooniverse along with magicians Dave and Jake Rangel Enjoy unique hands-on pop-ups and giveaways to amp up the fun!
Sessions are outdoors, weather permitting
All ages 10a-11a Free www themkt com
First Saturday Arts Market
Featuring dozens of visual artists each month showcasing their work in the Historic Houston Heights. Visitors will find friendly artists with paintings, sculpture, photography, jewelry and many more popular art mediums.
All ages 11am-6pm Free 540 W 19th firstsaturdayartsmarket.com
Flea by Night
Shop local! Flea by Night is an openair market featuring local artisans and small business owners selling vintage, handmade, recycled, repurposed and local goods
All ages 6-10pm Free Dec 14 & 21 www discoverygreen com
Babies in nature? Babies ARE nature! Babies who spend time outside are stronger healthier more confident and better sleepers Learn how to support your Hatchlings as they develop motor skills, test physical limits, captivate their sense of wonder, and get messy in a safe place to try new things
Ages 24 mo and under 10-11am $10 members, $15 non-members
Also the 13th,20th& 27th www houstonarboretum org
Holiday Delights: A Coastal Christmas FREE EVENT
Visitors will better understand and appreciate the coastal region by stopping by activity booths hosted by Artist Boat, American Bird Conservancy, Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, The Galveston Bay Foundation, and Rainforest Cafe Explore the new Coastal Cowboys exhibit on the Museum’s second floor featuring the history of coastal ranching, the boom and busts in the cattle industry, and notable cowboys of the region
The next stop on the holiday adventure could be a photo with a special guest such as Santa in his Hawaiian shirt, a real mermaid in the Museum library, or Chacha the Rainforest Cafe frog mascot A professional photographer will be on hand with Santa to take a memorable family photograph to cherish for years All ages, 10 – 2 pm Free Admission for children and families thebryanmuseum.org
Gnome of the Holidays
Kids 5 and older can get connected to their artistic side by creating a unique and whimsical garden gnome holiday ornament All supplies provided Registration required Meet inside the Mercer Visitor Center
Ages 5+ 10-11am Free www pct3 com/MBG
Cheap Skate Mondays
On select Mondays this winter, glide around Green M t i Energy Ice at Disco just $9 + tax per pe skate rental)
All ages 5-10 pm www.discoverygr
Trail mix
Enjoy weeknights in a "very civilized way" exclusively at M-K-T! Save your spot at this free outdoor session, where artist Judith Dollar will lead holiday-inspired beginners' sketching exercises drawing inspiration from your surroundings RSVP is required
Adult 6-7 pm Free www.themkt.com
Rhyme Time for Babies / Toddlers
Rhyme Time is a group class focused on gently exposing your child to an environment of music through songs, movement singing and first introductions to instruments It’s an excellent way to interact with other families in our community, while fostering socialization for babies
Ages 6-24 mo 9:30a $9 / person, children under 1 free Every Tuesday woodlandschildrensmuseum.org/
Tinsel Trek: Buffalo Bayou Park Wellness Walk
Bundle up in your festive attire and tie up those walking boots! Anyone and everyone is invited to walk through the paths of Buffalo Bayou Park and explore downtown’s new holiday lights Whether you prefer a brisk walk or a leisurely stroll, our Tinsel Trek is the perfect way to enjoy the holiday season while staying active
Let’s walk, talk, and be merry! Don’t miss this chance to celebrate the season ’ s cheer with every step!
All ages 6:30-8 pm Free Also Dec 18 www.buffalobayou.org
Winter Story Time
Come enjoy winter-y nature stories, a special winter nature craft, hot cocoa, and a festive treat with us at the pavilions
All ages 4-5 pm $6 members, $12 nonmembers www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Yoga on the Green
Yoga classes will be held every Wed and Friday at 8am and another class starting at 9:15am Please check with your doctor before participating in these or any other exercise classes Don’t forget to bring your mat, a towel, and a bottle of water Be ready to move!
Adult 8-10:15a Free Every Wednesday and Friday www.centralgreenpark.com
up at the Galveston Railroad Museum vintage train station to take you to the North Pole You will get to meet many of the characters from the film including the conductor, and of course Santa Claus You and your family hopefully dress in PJs, will experience a fun filled theatrical journey
All ages Various times $76+ / person Galvestonrrmuseum.org/the-polar-express
Very Merry Pops
Houston’s favorite holiday-music tradition!
Gather with loved ones for a concert guaranteed to put you in the holiday spirit quicker than you can sing “Jingle Bells” Tonynominated Broadway star Betsy Wolfe joins the Symphony and Chorus for favorite carols and holiday songs (and you may even see a special visitor from the North Pole )
All ages $49+ Various time Also Dec 14 & 15
School Days
This incredible event provides a discount for home-schooled families to learn about space exploration and engage in an unforgettable day of inspiring STEM activities
9a-12p 5 and up $1450 per person Registration required www.spacecenter.org
Blue Dragon Tai Chi
JPractice Tai Chi to connect and focus the body and mind with slow, low-impact gentle movements and stretches Open to all ages and levels, this class is great for those who want to de-stress, find their inner peace, and increase overall health
7p Thursdays & 9a Fridays All ages Every Thursday and Friday www.levyparkhouston.org
With hands-on guidance and materials like grapevine, branches, berries, and pinecones, you will create a wreath, ornaments, and handmade gifts
Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy
Ages 5+ 11am-12:30pm $25 members, $40 non-members, Child (5-12) $10 www.houstonarboretum.org
Santa’s Merry Mingle
Santa’s Merry Mingle is a reservation required event
Tickets $25 ages 0-13 adult $10 Museum admission Ages 1 yo+ 11a $9/person woodlandschildrensmuseum org
Free Yoga on the Lawn
Namaste at M-K-T with Union Studio Yoga and YOGA ON THE LAWN! Union Studio will be hosting a FREE class on the lawn every second Saturday of the month Look out for special guests offers and pop-ups This class takes place outdoors, weather permitting
Adult 10-11am Free www.themkt.com
A Venezuelan Christmas
We are Happy to be bringing you A Venezuelan Christmas this year! The Hispanic Choir of Houston will be singing Aquinaldos. Aguinaldos are songs that Celebrate La Navidad in parts of Venezuela!!
All ages 1-4 pm Free www ent/avene
Join us for a grounding yoga practice surrounded by the beautiful sounds and sights of nature! Taught by Carolina Vennie of Yogaleena, this class will be a Vinyasa Flow that is accessible to all levels Please bring your own mat and water This class is weather dependent and preregistration is required
Ages 16+ 9-10am Members free, non-members $15 houstonarboretum.org
Houston Plant Market: Plantmas
Enjoy a site-wide holiday Houston Plant Market with 50+ local vendors! Groove with the DJ and shop for rare and beginner-friendly plants and giftable artisan goodies galore! This weather-permitted event is dog and kiddo-friendly Pose with The Grinch (1-4 PM) and our Holiday Light Tunnels (4-6 PM)
All ages 12-6pm Free www.mkt.com
Galveston’s Own Farmers Market
Every Sunday morning, the Market connects folks to good food to each another Shoppers can mingle and find fresh local produce, croissants, coffee, spices, meat, eggs, and more
All ages Free 9 am – 1 pm Every Sunday galvestonsownfarmersmarket.com
Houston Museum of Natural Science
The Houston Museum of Natural Science comes to Levy Park to offer an opportunity to learn firsthand from Museum experts Encounter real specimens and artifacts from the museum collection in an intimate, educational atmosphere
All ages 2 pm Free www.levyparkhouston.org
StoryTime With Ms. Maria
Join us for Storytime on the Green. Every Third Monday of the Month ! Kids will enjoy a book read by Award Winning Author Ms Maria Every child also gets to do an art project to take home with them!!
7- 10-11am Free www centralgreenpark com
Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world!
Ages 16+. 9a Sunday & 6:30p
Monday Free Every Sunday & Monday www levyparkhouston org
Time and Space at Artechouse
Step through time and space and discover Houston’s new home for technology-driven art
Three unique artistic experiences all reveal our universe through the latest in experiential storytelling Coming to life across 26,000 square feet of immersive, interactive, and cinematic installations, you will get a chance to discover
All ages Ages 13+ $30, 4-13 $17, 3- free 12-8:45 pm www.artechouse.com
Movie Night in Helix Park : Th Grinch
Get into the holiday spirit with a Christmas scavenger hunt in the gardens! Pick up a scavenger sheet in the Visitor Center Children who complete the hunt will receive a Christmas theme prize Registration NOT required Dress to be outside Meet in the Mercer Visitor Center
Ages 1+ 8:30am-4:30pm Free www.pct3.com/MBG
Boogie Bash-Santa and Friends
Join us for fun songs and activities celebrating jolly ole Saint Nick and his special friends!
All ages 11a $9 / person www.woodlandschildrenmusue m org
Come learn about their behavior and ecology as well as the characteristics that make them unique in an interactive program with both live animals and natural history specimens
All ages 2 pm $5 members, $10 non-members. www.naturediscoverycenter.org 16 17 18 19
Join us for a family-friendly mov night as we relax and enjoy pop candy, and drinks while watchin The Grinch. We ask that you ple arrive 10-15 minutes early to al everyone to get seated and purchase snacks before the mov begins
All ages Free 6 pm www helixpark com
The art included invites you experience the multifaceted the holiday Some works ev warmth of familial bonds, th strength of friendships and the shared joys that define our existence Whether memory brings comfort or despair, the artistic expression of either emotion can be moving and beautiful www.houcalendar.com/event/cele brations-of-spirits-encore/202412-10/
Sunset Market
Put a weeknight, family-friendly spin on the typical farmers ma k t E j charcuterie on M-K-T’s w enjoy live music and face the lawn There is somet all ages
All ages 6-9 pm Free www.themkt.com
Book Club at the Bryan
In 1528, a mission set ou to colonize Florida But th went horribly wrong: Delayed by a hurricane, knocked off course by a colossal error of navigation, and ultimately doomed by a disastrous decision to separate the men from their ships, the mission quickly became a desperate journey of survival
Adult 2-3 pm Free thebryanmuseum.org
Classic Christmas
This season, cherished holiday traditions come to life amid a spectacle of dazzling lights Crafted by the creators of the renowned World’s Largest Christmas Light Maze, Enchant Christmas, this immersive holiday celebration promises to created unforgettable moments of togetherness and joy at this beloved time of year
All ages Adult $23 6:30 pm www classicchristmas com
Winter Solstice Celebration
A healing Sound Bath begins at the exact moment of the winter solstice
This event offers visitors a moment of quiet reflection and meditation on the changing of the seasons
Adult 6-8 pm Free www.discoverygreen.com
Christmas Village at Bayou Bend
Discover an immersive holiday experience during Christmas Village at Bayou Bend Cross a dazzling bridge into a winter wonderland featuring thousands of sparkling lights throughout the 14-acre estate of Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens
All ages 5:30-10pm Ages 13+ $21, ages 5-12 $14 www mfah org/calendar/christmas -village-bayou-bend
Guided Nature Hikes
Venture out with an Arboretum Guide for a hike through the Houston Arboretum Explore our ecosystems to learn about the local wildlife, plants, and natural history of our beautiful nature center
All ages 10-10:45 am, 11-11:45 am Free www.houstonarboretum.org
Winter Wonderland
You will enjoy scenes from the Nutcracker!! Kids will be able to decorate their own ornament to hang on the tree!! We will also have Walking Snowflakes and Christmas themed Characters Anna, Elsa, Mickey, Minnie, and Olaf for you to take pictures with All ages 12-3pm Free www.centralgreenpark.com
Farmers Market on Navigation
Unique among Houston’s farmers markets, the East End Farmers Market blends sights and sounds, cuisine and culture to create an experience that is rooted in one of Houston’s most historic communities 10am-2pm All ages Free Every Sunday eastendhouston.com/market
Santa over Houston! Santa and his reindeer fly over the festive Houston skyline in this classic painting Can be customized with other city skylines, too
Adult 11am-1pm $47 / person www.pinotspalette.com/paintin g/santa-over-houston
Send the kids (ages 5 to 10) with their lunch and a refillable water bottle and we’ll do the rest Your children will be engaged and entertained by our science and nature themed camps, featuring hands-on activities, games, art projects, new friends, and more Ages 5-10 9am-3pm $75 members $85 non-members Also Dec 26,27,30,31, Jan 1&2, www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Houston Christmas Village Embark on a magical holiday journey that transcends borders and traditions Our winter lights event brings the world to you, with dazzling displays, captivating weekend performances and delightful flavors inspired by the rich cultures of Mexico, Texas, India, Africa, and China
All ages 5-11 pm Adult $2499, Kids (3-10), Seniors, Military $1999, under 3 free www.houstonchristmasvillage.c om
Nightmare Before Christmas
Tired of scaring humans every October 31 with the same old bag of tricks, Jack Skellington, the spindly king of Halloween Town, kidnaps Santa Claus and plans to deliver shrunken heads and other ghoulish gifts to children on Christmas morning
All ages 3:15pm-5pm Doors open 2:45 pm Adult $16, 12$11, 1 free kid admission per adult ticket rooftopcinemaclub.com
Gentle Flow Yoga
Strengthen your body, relax your mind and find your center with this dynamic flow yoga and sound healing
Adult 6:30-7:30 Free www.discoverygreen.com
Christmas Day
Screen on the GreenThe Year Without a Santa Claus
Enjoy a family movie under the stars in the city’s coolest park! Bring a blanket or lawn chairs for your comfort Meals, snacks, beer, wine and sodas are available for purchase from The Lake House. As always, costumes are highly encouraged!
All ages 7-8pm Free www.discoverygreen.com
11th Annual Hanukkah Celebration
Join us for our 11th Annual Hanukkah Celebration and in welcoming back Rabbi Goldstein. The Talli Yes Concert and Menorah Lighting will be held on stage You can also enjoy Chanukah Refreshments and Crafts
All ages 6-8 pm Free www centralgreenpark com
Children’s BINGO
Bring the kiddos and join our Levy Park team for Children’s Bingo! This 30-minute program is a fun way for children to practice their letters and numbers while earning prizes Levy Park provides the Bingo cards, markers, and prizes B-I-N-G-O!
4:30p Ages 4 to 12 Free Every Thursday www levyparkhouston org
Home School on the Green
Abrakadoodle nurtures creative thinkers Our art environment unleashes creativity in children through our curriculum based Process Art – Art that places emphasis upon the learning t place rather than the finished product All ages 10-11:30a www.centralgreenpark.com
Pixar Putt
This open air, pop-up mini-golf sensation is made up of interactive putt-putt holes inspired by the stories, characters, and icons from some of Pixar’s most beloved films When the sun goes down on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, it's time for Pixar Putt After Dark
All ages Adult $28, child $24 38:30pm 18+ after 7pm www.pixarputt.com/houston
Memorial Village Farmers Market
Immerse your senses in a fusion of flavors, artisan crafts, and one-of-akind produce
All ages 9am-1pm Free www.mvfarmersmarket.org
Skating Party Saturdays
DJ G-Funk spins the coolest hits while you and your friends enjoy skating on the ice
All ages 5-10 pm $9 / person www.discoverygreen.com
Soul Divas Tribute
Get ready to groove with The Soul Divas as she pays homage to the iconic divas Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, Gladys Knight, the Princess of Soul, and Tina Turner, the Queen of Rock ‘ n ’ Roll!
The Light Park Festival 28 29 31
Who needs the icy North Pole when you can experience the electrifying vibes at The Light Park? Charge up your holiday spirit as you cruise through millions of dazzling lights, synced perfectly to the rhythm of our festive tunes, courtesy of our very own DJ Polar Ice Get ready to be shocked by the sheer brilliance of it all
All ages 5:30 pm $49 / car www.thelightpark.com/katy
Pop up Market at Star Sailor
We are excited to announce our Monthly Pop Up Market to help HOU discover amazing local vendors and simply come to hang out!
All ages 3-7 pm Free starsailorhtx com
Afternoon Tea: A Sparkling Holiday Tea Party
You'll learn a little about the history of afternoon tea, pick up tips on how to host a tea, and enjoy a bevy of delightful bites
Ages 21+ 3:30-5pm $70 www.papercitymag.com/events/aft ernoon-tea-a-sparkling-holidaytea-party/
Immerse yourself in the magic of live music and experience the unforgettable energy of their greatest hits! Don’t miss out on this epic tribute to these legendary figures that promises to ignite your soul and leave you wanting more!
All ages 7-9 pm Free www.centralgreenpark.com
Baby Storytime
Stories, rhymes, movement and songs that will engage you and your baby Develop your baby’s social, motor, and literacy skills while having fun! Intended for children ages 0-18 months and their caregivers Best for children who are pre-walkers or crawlers Ages 0-18 months, and caregiver. 10:30-11:15 am Free Ring Neighborhood Library www houstonlibrary org
Noon Year’s Eve Celebration
Central Green Park and La Centerra are coming together for the best Noon Years Eve Party ever!!! Bring the kids out for their very own Noon Years Eve Party! Count down and Balloon Drop at 12pm Kids can come get their face painted and take pictures with Bluey, Bingo and Baby Yoda And of Course we will be having a Dance Party!!
All ages 11 am-12:30 pm Free www.centralgreenpark.com
Family Storytime and Craft
Join us for a cross-generational literacy experience! Family Storytime features a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading All craft supplies are included as a part of this free program
Ages 5yo and under 10a Free Every Tuesday www.levyparkhouston.org
Houston Museum of Natural Science www.hmns.org
Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Sun
$25 adult, $16 children 3-11, senior 62+ and college students
FREE every Thursday 2-5pm
Death by Natural Causes
Heinous killers or misjudged miscreants? You be the judge as the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s most lethal exhibit- Death by Natural Causes
Special Exhibit
King Tut’s Tomb
Travel to Egypt’s fabled Valley of the Kings to accompany famed Egyptologist Howard Carter as he gazes into King Tut’s Tomb for the very first time
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is proud to present an awe-inspiring event that will transport visitors back to 1922 as they explore the world premier exhibition, King Tut’s Tomb Discovery Experience
Special Exhibit
Sharks! The Meg, The Monsters & The Myths
We’re gonna need a bigger exhibit hall
Debuting on a floor all to itself is Sharks! We’re making your dreams come true and bringing you up close and personal with live sharks for a hands-on experience that will be – dare we say – jawsome You’ll get a chance to touch a shark and discover what makes these creatures unique – from bait balls to bioluminescence
Further immerse yourself in the world of sharks as every order of shark known to mankind is represented within the exhibition, including a life-size model of the ancient behemoth, the Megalodon And don’t forget to pick up a few Megalodon teeth of your own in the island shop
Special Exhibit
The Health Museum www.thehealthmuseum.org
Hours: Mon -Sat 9am-5pm , Thurs 9am-7pm , Sun 12-5pm
$10 adult, $8 senior 65+, free for children under 2 FREE on Thursdays 2-7pm
DeBakey Cell Lab
Gear up with a lab coat, gloves and goggles and travel through experiment stations
Permanent Exhibit
Amazing Body Gallery
Take a larger-than-life walking tour through the human body and learn more about how your major organs work in this permanent exhibit This exhibit includes approximately 30 interactive video and audio kiosks that invite guests to pose interesting questions about human anatomy and health information
Permanent Exhibit
C E N T E R S T A G E D E C 2 4
Smart Financial Centre
December 5, 2024
Presenting a live orchestral rendition of the series’ iconic soundtrack, paired with a nearly two-hour special recap of the animated series' three seasons displayed on a full-size cinema screen
The projection will feature the original dialogue and sound effects without any pre-recorded music
All ages $35+ 7 pm
Main Street Theater
Thru December 22, 2024
Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
Dec 3 - Dec 22, 2024
Houston’s new favorite holiday tradition returns! Co-created by TUTS Artistic Director, Dan Knechtges and Megan Larche Dominick, The Ugly Xmas Sweater Musical is the laughoutloud, interactive, hysterically funny musical that thrilled audiences last year The leaders of Regalia Uniforms invite you to help them save their beloved company from a takeover by an international conglomerate by making the best ugly xmas sweater ever
Fancy Nancy The Musical Main Street Theater
ursed as a child, Aurora has been raised in hiding until the day comes when she can return to the Kingdom and take her rightful place as Princess of Australis Join us this Holiday season at Sleeping Beauty The Musical, a captivating new musical with original songs, that follows the story of courageous Aurora and her Handsome Prince.
Recommended for Kindergarten and older $33+ Check for times www mainstreettheater com
Smart Financial Centre
December 29, 2024
Celebrate America’s favorite Christmas tradition with an international all-star cast that blends world class ballet with whimsical puppets, lavish costumes and stunning acrobatics!
All ages $40+ 3 pm
Jones Hall
December 3, 2024
Swing into the holidays as Houston Jazz Orchestra and vocal trio SASS put a jazzy twist on all your festive favorites, including “Deck the Halls,” “Jingle Bells,” “Joy To The World,” “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” “The Little Drummer Boy,” and many more!
All ages 7:30 pm $56+ www.houstonsymphony.org
All ages $35+ Various dates and times my thehobbycenter org
Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
December 10-29, 2024
Enter the icy world of Arendelle where the newly crowned Queen Elsa has accidentally set off an eternal winter Join her younger sister, Anna, along with Kristoff, Olaf and Sven on a snowy adventure to find Elsa and save the kingdom Filled with enough magic, joy and laughter to thaw even the coldest heart, Disney’s Frozen is the holiday treat you must see!
All ages $40+ Various dates & times my.thehobbycenter.org
Jones Hall
December 12-15, 2024
Houston’s favorite holiday-music tradition! Gather with loved ones for a concert guaranteed to put you in the holiday spirit quicker than you can sing “Jingle Bells” You may even see a visitor from the North Pole
All ages Various times $55+ www.houstonsymphony.org
Houston Ballet
December 1-29, 2024
Experience the ultimate holiday enchantment with Stanton Welch’s The Nutcracker, a cherished Houston tradition Renowned as one of the most magnificent productions ever staged, Welch’s The Nutcracker boasts hundreds of characters, intricate sets, and breathtaking details that will mesmerize audiences, offering new discoveries with every performance
All ages Various times $120+ www houstonballet org
November 15-December 22, 2024
The Twelve Ways of Christmas reminds us that, while the season may mean something different from one person to the next, the true message remains the same With an eclectic blend of colorful jazz, R&B, and gospel, Twelve Ways guides us to the heart of our most memorable holiday experiences
Adult Various times
Tickets $55+ ensemblehouston.com
November 15-December 22, 2024
Rediscover the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge’s transformation as he encounters the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future Be transported into Victorian England with dazzling costumes and stunning sets Join us for a Dickensian celebration of love, redemption, and the true spirit of Christmas!
All ages Various times Tickets $74+ alleytheatre org
December 5-29, 2024
Join Margot on her Christmas Eve shift, braving grumpy drive-thru customers until her late best friend’s ghost warns her of imminent spirits. Margot confronts her inner Scrooge in this holiday show packed with humor and heart
Adult Various times Tickets $61 alleytheatre.org
Jones Hall
December 14, 2024
“He’s making a list and checking it twice!” Make special memories with the Symphony’s annual holiday concert for kids One of our most popular events of the year, the concert will include a host of kid-friendly holiday songs, plus free hot chocolate, interactive lobby activities, and a chance to visit with Santa
All ages Various times $55+ www.houstonsymphony.org