Horizon Artist

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i t all s t art ed act u ally ou t s i d e t h e G AS LIG HT t av ern wh ere we are s it t in g n ow. What do you want people to get from your music? I want them to get the feeling that its really me. I am on the level that not everyone is going to like what I perform. But when they hear my music they realize I am being real and not just singing what someone puts in front of me. What kind of advise would you give someone starting out in the music industry and trying to make it? High Intelligence is Lil Hujo, DJ Highspeed and N8 Ho w d i d yo u g et to g et her ? We s t art ed ou t record i n g s on gs i n my t ru ck. We h ad a lap t op and a comp u t er mi crop h on e d own load ed a few b eat s an d i t was j us t me and my b u dd y j u st free s t yli n g. My p rod u cer t hou gh t we h ad a lot of p ot en t i al an d h e wen t ou t an d s t art ed p i eci n g t oget h er eq u ip men t an d en d ed up wi th wh at we called a p ort ab le s t ud i o. We h ad ou r mi crop h on es an d mix ers and we wou ld go an ywh ere an d meet up p la y mu s i c i t was s omet h in g we all lo ved t o do an d

Never give up you are always going to find those that will try and bring you down. There are those that will tell you that you cant do something or you will not make it. If you have a passion for it no matter what don't every listen to them always follow your dreams always move forward always keep going. You can find High Intelligence at the following places!! http://www.reverbnation.com/ highintelligence http://www.facebook.com/HighIntelligence

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