Honors Option Guide

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A Guide for Students and Instructors


An Honors Option is an agreement between a student and professor outlining how the student will complete an enhanced or enriched component of an existing course

Requesting any 200-400 level course within a student's major or minor as an Honors option allows honors students to earn credit toward Honors Program completion

The honors option should allow students to pursue their intellectual interests and gain more knowledge about topics related to the course while fostering 1:1 interactions between faculty and honors student.


It is a student's responsibilty to:


Considerations for an Honors Option agreement: Allow students to pursue a particular course topic of interest in significant depth.

Further knowledge/skills in the course's subject area. Enrich course content with high-impact practices such as field work, lab work, or hands-on application. Honors component should be equivalent to one-credit of academic work. Plan additional 1:1 times/meetings outside of course to go deeper/think more critically about the honors component.

**Ideas for options are listed on the back


Respectfully request to take a class as an Honors Option

In collaboration with instructor, outline the enrichment plan within the context of the course: how will the enrichment enhance your experience; how does it connect with the course; how does it meet your educational goals; what is the plan for student/teacher interaction (meetings, forms of feedback, etc)?

Adhere to due dates and deadlines, from submitting the Honors option form on time through the completion of the enrichment plan

Remain professional, inquisitive, and intentional about the enrichment process. You'll get out of the experience what you put into it

It is an instructor's responsibilty to:

Work in collaboration with the student to come up with a plan that further enriches the coursework

Meet with the student during prearranged times to help them think more critically about the honors component

Adhere to deadlines, including approval of the Honors option form as well as timely response to indicate successful completion

Provide student with feedback about Honors component Assessment for the Honors portion is up to you, but we recommend keeping it simple with satisfactory / unsatisfactory

When prompted, provide Honors advisor with indication of successful completion.

FOR MORE VISIT: honors colostate edu FOLLOW US: colostatehonors
H o n o r s O p t i o n s :
FOR MORE VISIT: honors colostate edu FOLLOW US: colostatehonors

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