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ith as much time as we all spend running around, doing errands, working and taking care of those we love, spare time doesn’t usually come into play. For those who need help, whether it is an animal, child or the elderly, the few moments of your day that you spare to help them are priceless. Sometimes, what you get back, though not monetary, can be more rewarding than any dollar amount. The sense of being able to help someone other than your self can be incredible. A few years ago, at the Youth Volunteer Corps in Vero Beach, I spent some time helping children paint. There were those who weren’t interested, some who didn’t see the point in learning, but some stuck


around… even those who originally shook their head at the idea. The project was a simple one, but it gave the teenagers I worked with a sense of accomplishment. They were able to finish the works of art in a very short amount of time. The works were displayed in the Vero Beach Museum of Art. As the parents

September 2013

Putting idle hands to work were guided down the halls of the museum to see the works, some dragged to the art pieces, it gave me a moment to step back and see what had happened. I had been a part of it. Some of them won awards, some didn’t, but each was proud of their works that they accomplished individually and together. Some of those works hang in the Vero Beach Boys and Girls Club to this day. I still see some of the teens, much older now, getting married and working jobs to pay rent. When they see

me they wave, talk to me and say, “Remember that art that I did?” I blush, laugh, nod and say “Yes.” Again reminded and flooded with a warmth that I had touched their life in some way or another. That feeling… that warmth is the reward for hours spent with them. It continues to this day. In our community there are so many opportunities to volunteer time to help someone. This issue of Forever Young gives a few ideas of places that would be a great place to volunteer. We here at Forever Young encourage all of you to spend some time out in the community to make an impact and leave your mark on a life. As always, we welcome your questions and opinions at foreveryoung@hometownnewsol.com.



September 2013






Works of the Red Cross

By The American Red Cross Special to Forever Young

partners, donors and volunteers, the Hurricane Recovery Program was able to help tens of thousands of individuals and families who needed help over the longer term. Emotional support and behavioral health initiatives enabled approximately 187,500 individuals to enroll in personalized local mental health services. Additionally, more than 200 community organizations received funding to provide recovery-related services. Case management services provided more than 13,200 households with services, such as assistance in developing personal recovery plans and obtaining local recovery information, access to partner resources and direct financial assistance toward home or employment-related recovery. Partnerships also played a pivotal role in the Hurricane Recovery Program, with more than 3,400 documented partnerships and outreach activities with nonprofit, local, state, governmental and faith-based organizations nationwide. Additionally, nearly 75 long-term recovery committees across the country collaborated with the Hurri-

“Conciously or unconciously, every ne of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger, and will make, not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large.” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Indian political and spiritual leader

cane Recovery Program to ultimately provide more than $110 million in varied assistance within local communities. Volunteers are the heart of the American Red Cross, and we'd like you to join us! We depend on nearly 1 million volunteers nationwide to carry out our mission as the world's leading humanitarian relief agency. No matter your interests, skills or schedule, you can make a significant contribution to your community and help people in their moments of greatest need. For more information, visit redcross.org/fl/palm-beach. Information provided by the Red Cross


When more than 4 million people needed help following Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in 2005, millions of people, foundations and corporations rose to the occasion and helped through the American Red Cross. In the immediate aftermath of the storms, the Red Cross and its partners provided: • 1,400 evacuation shelters for survivors across three states and the District of Columbia – serving nearly 450,000 evacuees • More than 68 million hot meals and snacks • Direct assistance that allowed more than 1.4 million families to purchase groceries, clothing, diapers and other basic needs. After the initial phase of the emergency response ended, the long-term work of helping devastated families and communities began. The Red Cross created the Hurricane Recovery Program to address the long-term needs of survivors. With what the Red Cross accomplished, together with the help of





September 2013

Becoming a ‘Big’ in a ‘little’s’ life

“If there is something they’re interested in, I try to gear (the book selection) toward their interests.” -Debbie Roberts Reading mentor Cliff Partlow/staff photographer

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Indian River County match support specialists, Kari Tankersley and John Clark. By Brittany Llorente Foreveryoung@homtownnewsol.com

The Big Brother’s and Big Sisters of St. Lucie, Indian River and Okeechobee Counties have helped local children in their counties through various programs. Through these programs, studies have shown that children have become more confident in their schoolwork performance, their able to get along better with their families, 46 percent less likely to begin using illegal drugs, 27 percent less likely to begin using alcohol and 52 percent less likely to skip school. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for the volunteers who help. “The volunteers are a big part of it,” said Kari Tankersley, match support specialist for Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

Ms. Tankersley heads the Jump Into Reading program at schools in the counties. She encourages those who love reading to volunteer to read to children. The reading sessions occur at the local schools so the child is never taken out of the school. Debbie Roberts, a Vero Beach resident, is a ‘Big’ in the program and reads to two children in the county every week. “We read whatever grade level they’re on,” Ms. Roberts said. “If there is something they’re interested in, I try to gear it toward their interests.” The girl she reads to enjoys animals, so Ms. Roberts picks books out, provided by Big Brothers and Big sisters,

she would read, spending about 30 to 40 minutes with each child. “The boy, he loves NASCAR,” she said. “So there are a few books that I found that had to do with racing and brought those in. Reading is very important.” After eight years of volunteering, Ms. Roberts thinks that the children enjoy the one-on-one attention that the children she reads to receive. To become a volunteer, Ms. Tankersley said that it’s an in depth process, but that shouldn’t deter anyone. “We kind of put you through the ringer,” she said. “You’re working with children and with all of the programs you may be alone with that child. We want to ensure the parents that all the people who are working with the chil-

dren have been screened.” Each volunteer interested in menroing should be committed to spending 30 minutes with a child at least once a week. Other volunteer opportunities include the Tennis Education And Mentoring program, or TEAM, a tennis based mentoring collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of Indian River County. Each Wednesday, during the TEAM program, for an hour the children focus on academics and for the second hour they have a lesson with tennis professional. For more information and how to volunteer, call (772) 770-6000 or visit www.bbs.org.

September 2013






Organization thrives with volunteers By Brittany Llorente


In Indian River County, few organizations have as much impact for human services as United Way. Most of the success of the United Way is due in part to the volunteers who sign up for events, help organize and raise money for organizations in the county. The United Way serves as a volunteering hub for the county, its website listing volunteer opportunities, both ongoing and one day events, for those who wish to volunteer. “There are several different types of volunteering that someone can do,” said Margaret Ostman, marketing director of United Way of Indian River County. “If someone wants to volunteer who doesn’t know what they want to do we would see what


kind of interests they have.” In the spring, the United Way also uses more than 100 volunteers to serve as an advisory board to help decide where the raised money should be used and spent. “Another opportunity is the Day of Car ing,” she said. “It is one day a year where volunteers can come out to help support the nonprofits in the community and really dig in to do land-

scaping or panting. Basically we lend them a hand.” For those interested in volunteering, the United Way is happy to channel them to the organization that would best fit their interests. Each organization requires a different applic a t i o n process, from helping with the Boy Scouts to working with disaster response. Current organizations needing volu n t e e r s

through United Way are the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County, CASTLE, Dasie Hope Center, Gifford Youth Activity Center, SafeSpace, Senior Resource Association and Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council. “The time commitment with each volunteer opportunity changes so we try to match it with their time commitment,” Ms. Ostman said. A deeper screening and background check is required for those working with the vulnerable population such as one-on-one with a child, the disabled or the elderly. For more information, call Eve Balance at (772) 567-8900 or visit www.unitedwayirc.org.





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ike wines and women, cigars are often overrated and misunderstood. To enjoy a truly fine wine, you must understand the nuances behind the slight flavors and the techniques behind the bottling. To appreciate a beautiful woman, you have to factor in whether or not you can indeed enjoy gazing upon her face when she opens her mouth and words tumble forth. The key to cigars is to find the complimentary beverage, the atmosphere and environment in which you are smoking and most importantly, the time involved. You need not light up a $20 bill to find something supreme! You need only these key elements and a faithful guide to help you enjoy what life has to offer- not a guide who will sell you a Tour de Swamp in central Florida. One of the most difficult things about knowing there is a cigar waiting for me is resisting reading the history of the brand. However, inevitably,



someone has a ‘spoiler’ for me that describes the flavors and nuances of the stick which is the part I find to be most enjoyable! It is a personal competition with myself to name every note I find and I take great pride in surveying the internet afterward to find validation. On occasion I will disagree with the official description, as I do below, however, one of the most beautiful things about a cigar is the way a drink can alter the perception. Claiming no expertise and only a well-honed appreciation for the finest life has to offer, I begin my quest with a Rocky Patel Freedom and poured a tempranillo, claiming our usual Adirondacks on the patio late in the



September 2013

Combining cigars and wine

evening, when the air is most stillideal for enjoying the scents. Once it was trimmed and lit for me by my obliging husband, I took my first draw and was shocked- mildly put off, to be honest! It was stronger than I normally like and very sharp. I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue and almost reverted to a tried and true favorite, but buckled down the hatches, sipped my wine and put on my game face. After a few moments, it seemed to mellow a smidgen and I began to really get a feel for the flavors which were largely espresso according to Rocky Patels`s web description. However, I disagree. I judged it to be more aptly described as a buttery Italian leather. The coffee notes were there without a doubt, but I felt a very smooth leather quality to the smoke foremost. I also am willing to swear to a very mild cocoa undertone almost overwhelmed by the spiciness it had to offer on the front

end. The sharp peppery flavors played out as the smoke wore on and became a smoother, but still snappy distraction complimentary to the earthiness of the second half. I must make mention of a hazelnut quality, which I thought was a real treat in the middle. Typically you find more walnut or almond notes in cigarsthis was neither and I will stand by hazelnut as the kernel of choice. The cigar was too big for my wine and while I appreciated the fruity aspect it highlighted in my drink, I think a bolder red would have faired better. From a male perspective, my husband did not care for the Patel and never got past it’s sharpness, thinking it acrid. I, however, enjoyed it tremendously and may have to smoke this $7-8 dollar treat again. Audrey Gardner is a native Wisconsinite, whose pilgrimage to Vero Beach has allowed her to broaden her palate.


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September 2013



ith so many sugar-free products on the market, it is alarming how the rate of pre-Diabetes and Type II Diabetes is increasing. These were once thought to be conditions of the 40- to 50-year-old age group, but not anymore. Fortunately, in some cases, it can be controlled with diet, exercise, herbs and supplements. Proper diet helps regulate blood sugar levels; eating more foods with a low glycemic index affects the rate at which food is turned into glucose. Foods that are higher in the glycemic index raise your blood sugar levels and stress your pancreas, forcing your body to produce more fat, causing you to gain weight. This may be why 80 percent of Type II Diabetics are


overweight. At the supermarket, watch for foods with fructose, sucrose, glucose or other forms of sugar on the labels; these get absorbed in the blood steam and turn into fat quickly. Gymnema has been used for more than 2,000 years in India for diabetes. In Sanskrit, it means “destroyer of sugar.” It stimulates the beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin, and it slows down the absorption of glucose through the intestine. What most people like about this herb is that after you

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Beneficial herbs for diabetes have tasted it, it blocks the taste of sweets. This can help curb your cravings of sweets and carbohydrates. Fenugreek has also been used for a long time and is well-documented. Studies found this herb to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, which seem to be a problem for many diabetics. It was also found to significantly drop blood glucose levels, protecting the body from free radical damage, associated with diabetes. Fenugreek’s unique compounds surround fats and sugars, slowing down their absorption and making it great for weight reduction (this may be of help for many diabetics, who are having trouble losing weight), plus it contains amino acids, which stimulate production of insulin. There are other herbs that can be

of benefit to Diabetics. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol, plus it helps to stimulate metabolism. Devils Claw helps decrease blood sugar levels, helping curb sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Sandalwood helps to rejuvenate insulin production, the sulfur in onions and garlic have insulin-like actions, and they help to protect the circulatory system. Finally, Stevia helps control blood glucose levels, reducing glucagon, plus, it can be used as an artificial sweetener with no calories, no carbs and no sugar. Cecelia Avitable is the owner of the Herb Corner located at 277 Babcock Street, Melbourne. For more information, call (321) 7577522.





Vernon D. Smith Managing Partner

Pizzeria, restaurant delivers quality Italian cuisine

Lee Mooty General Manager

By Brittany Llorente Bllorente@hometownnewsol.com

Patricia Snyder Inside Sales Director

SEBASTIAN — For almost 30 years, a family run pizza and Italian restaurant has been a delight for those looking for authentic Italian fare. The restaurant itself is an experience to the senses. You can close your eyes and hear the romantic melodic Italian music with deep baritones and smell the aroma of the sauces and dough through the air. The atmosphere is relaxing, with wine bottles, grape vines and Italian scenery painted on the walls. The warm lighting is inviting and comforting. Their dough and sauces are made daily by family members who have made the restaurant what it is. The restaurant has grown with the area, from one dining area to four and the original appearance of the small restaurant opening to a grand dining room. Our waitress was helpful, attentive and kept our glasses full almost by magic. My companion and I visited on a Thursday afternoon. As the restaurant filled before our eyes we decided to order quickly. We ordered our entrees and appetizers and were quickly served a salad and garlic knots. The salad was fresh, with crispy lettuce, green peppers, tomatoes and olives. What made this unique was the house Italian dressing, an artfully crafted blend of seasoning paired with oil and basil. When the garlic knots were delivered I had to keep reminding myself to pace my meal. The hot and fluffy bread was topped with Parmesan cheese, basil and brushed with butter. The flavors and warmth in the bread was enough for me to want to eat the whole basket. Luckily for me, I was distracted by our entrees as I reached for yet

Cliff Partlow Photographer Brittany Llorente Writer/Production Coordinator Kathy Young Major/National Accounts Manager Amanda Tucker Major/National Advertising Consultant Mercedes L. Paquette Production Manager Rita Zeblin, Charlie Serrano Graphic Designers Alan Nelson, Will Gardner Carlos Torres, Blake Jones Craigen Perkins Advertising Consultants Carol Deprey-Zelenak, Heather Donaldson, Anna Vasquez, Steven Gardner Inside Sales Consultants


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Published monthly by Hometown News, L.C. 5059 Turnpike Feeder Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Copyright © 2013, Hometown News, L.C.

September 2013

Tony Oliveri, co-owner of Vic’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant, holds a large hand tossed pizza. The restaurant is going on 30 years of being a staple of quality Italian food in the Sebastian area.

File photo another garlic knot and begrudgingly put it back. The fresh mozzarella and tomato slices with olive oil, garlic and basil were delicious. The tomatoes were cooked to a nice tenderness, letting the flavor of the fresh mozzarella cheese seep through. The basil and oil topped off on this light and airy dish. The second appetizer was the cheese and prosciutto, or pepperoni spirals. This appetizer was the perfect cheese and meat combination. The cheddar and mozzarella cheeses were a great combination. We opted for the prosciutto that gave the dish more flavor with its naturally salty flavor. If this was any inclination of the pizza, then diners are in for a treat. As our entrees were brought to us, I knew that my companion and I did the right thing in sampling each dish. I had the Zuppa Di Pesce, a new

dish to the restaurant and quickly becoming a favorite among the restaurant goers. On a sumptuous bed of linguine, oodles of shrimp and calamari were topped with marinara. Decorating the outside of the plate were fresh clams, steamed in their shells. Easily enough for two, the dish was flavorful and tasty. My companion had the veal parmigiana with spaghetti with meat sauce. The portion of veal served with the dish was more than generous, the pasta was made perfectly and the meat sauce not only accompanied the pasta perfectly but also the veal. The veal had a perfect batter over it and was so tender that it was easily sliced through with a fork. When we finally made it to the dessert, I knew I had made the right decision to box some of my meal to See DINING, 10

September 2013




A little extra effort goes a long way


not to listen to any of the above because for the first time I volunteered all of me – body included – to participate in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life event at Merritt Island High School. Myself, and many of my coworkers, have had cancer rear its ugly head in our lives one way or another, and working together to collectively take a jab at the monster was cathartic indeed. We set up our site together, cooked and sold hot dogs and hamburgers, officiated games, walked together and cried together.

Our team captains proudly set the tone in the first lap, and the rest of us clad in white coats carrying Life Savers (hence the team name) followed together en masse, tossing out Life Saver candies and sunscreen. To all of you who cheered as we passed, or dodged, as we tossed candy, or bought a hot dog, or played a game, or sponsored us in walking a lap: we send a heartfelt “thank you.” Only something very special could

get this aged carcass to do a very slow imitation of Jeff Gordon, without the car, for hours. Raising money to fight this terrible disease tops the list. Later, as I sat with my throbbing bunions, soaking in cool water, my heart whispered, “Way to go, old girl! Can’t wait till next year!” And this time, all of me is listening willingly. Rose Padrick is a resident of Brevard County with a humorous take on life

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ROSE’S ROOM itness gurus tell us that if we listen close enough, our bodies will speak to us, and we should listen. I have no choice. My body grabs my attention by groaning, yelling or screaming. Should I foolishly refuse to heed these warnings, it pulls the permit on whichever part of the body I happen to be abusing at the moment, rendering it useless. This is evident when I insist on wearing 2-inch heels, and a “charlie horse” grabs my calf, just as the preacher stands to speak. Sometimes, it shuts down production totally, like when I am too impatient to wait for help, so I move the couch all the way across the room by myself then get rewarded with a back sprain. Several years ago, I was prepared






Exploring the Treasure Coast



any people ask me why my husband and I picked the Treasure Coast when we moved to Florida. The answer is simple: it’s two hours to Disney World and two hours to Miami! I feel that we have the best of both worlds, with many wonderful stops in between. There is such an assortment of things to do here. You have farmers markets, nature preserves, beaches, theater, shopping, dining and sports. As a former New Yorker, what could be better than living near Tradition Field, home to the New York Mets’ Spring Training, and the St. Lucie Mets Minor League Team? Minutes off of I-95 in Port St. Lucie, this is a great place to spend an afternoon or evening. During the summer, Thursday night is $1 hot dog and $1beer night. You can't beat that for an inexpensive form of entertainment. Parking is free, and the open seating tickets are very affordable. One of my absolute favorite ways to spend a Saturday morning is at the Downtown Fort Pierce Farmers Market from 8 a.m. to noon. We grab a danish and a cup of coffee and sit by the water before we explore all of the booths. Choose


September 2013


from pickles, produce, spices, danish, bread and multiple options for breakfast and lunch. Enjoy the music, as a local band plays, and walk across to the other side to check out all of the booths of crafts, jewelry, books and home furnishings. After the farmers market, it is fun to walk around downtown Fort Pierce, or take a ride to one of the beaches on Hutchinson Island. Saturday also brings a farmers market to the Civic Center in Port St. Lucie. As many as 50 vendors sell their items at this location from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Tradition Green Market at the Landing at Tradition takes place Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This one is not as large, but still worth checking out. There is plenty of parking, as it is set up in the shopping center. There are so many nature preserves in the area that offer hiking, canoe access, bird-watching and then some. There are self-guided trails, and you can go at your own pace. Some of the most visited are the Oxbow Eco-Center, the Savan-

Dining From page 8

make room for the sweet treats. Tony Oliveri, the co-owner of the restaurant, said that most of the desserts were imported straight from Italy, as well as a lot of the ingredients that they used, to make everything more authentic. The tiramisu, one of the Italian desserts, was one of the best tiramisu’s I’ve ever had. The Italian Savoiardi was laced through with coffee, and then layered

nas Park and Blind Creek Riverside North. Along similar lines of the beautiful outdoors, the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens has a lake with a fountain, paved public paths, beautiful gardens, a pavilion, a gift shop and a special place for weddings. This beautiful sanctuary includes a butterfly garden, orchid room and rose garden. The gardens also hosts a variety of children's programs, plant sales and the popular Fort Pierce Jazz and Blues Society concerts. The Heathcote Botanical Garden features, among other things, a beautiful bonsai garden, an herb garden and a reflection garden. They offer fun programs for children and adults. Many weddings take place here, and it is a lovely place to spend a peaceful afternoon. Tradition's Food Truck Invasion takes place the first and third Wednesday of the month from 5 to 9:30 p.m. in Tradition Square in Port St. Lucie. It is an outdoor picnic, where food trucks of different origins, cuisine and menus prepare food that is cooked to order. The prices are very reasonable, and I assure you that you will not leave hungry! Be sure to bring your folding chairs or

blankets to have a picnic on the lawn in front of Tradition Town Hall. After you have sampled the food trucks, take a walk around the lake. It is a very peaceful path and a great way to exercise. The Vero Beach Theatre Guild in Vero Beach and The Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce offer wonderful options when it comes to community theatre. The Vero Beach Theatre Guild offers mainstage productions, readers’ theatre productions, fundraising concerts, fundraising events and numerous workshops for adults and children. The Sunrise Theatre presents nationally touring musical and comedy acts, Broadway shows, and ballet and opera companies, with full orchestras. If you live in the area, plan ahead and set out to explore the area like a tourist. There are so many options to choose from, and if you need a break, every imaginable restaurant is available to grab a bite in between activities.

with the egg yolks and cheese, powdered with cocoa. It was soft, delicious and a wonderful ending to the meal. My companion had the house made cannoli, the combination of cream and crunchy shell, topped with chocolate and powdered sugar was gone before I could blink. The response to my question of whether it was good or not was met with an ‘mmmm’ sound and a gesture toward the empty plate. The restaurant is also famous for its double decker pizza, something I had

to promise I would have the next time I visited, which will be soon. The pizza is made with two crusts with the pizza baked in the middle. Whether you dine in or take your dinner to go, you will be satisfied with the meal from beginning to end. Vic’s is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and closed on Sundays. Vic’s Pizza and restaurant is located at 1140 U.S. 1, Sebastian. For more information, call (772) 589-8989 or visit www.vicspizzafl.com.

Miriam Wolf is the owner of Cruise Planners/Wolfcat Travel. For more information, call (866) 6068249 or visit www.wolfcattravel.com.



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