August 2019 Newsletter

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HOLY Family Catholic Church


Top: Take a look at how the Knights of Columbus are changing the world as well as Holy Family’s immediate community. p. 7 Bottom, Left: The Holy Family Art & Environment Team doesn’t just set out the floral arrangements for Mass. They work together to create those beautiful arrangements. Learn more about this ministry. p. 3 Bottom, Right: 2019 was a successful year for Holy Family’s Vacation Bible School. With over 370 kids and 150 volunteers, read testimonies from volunteers about this wonderful weekend spent growing closer to God. p. 5 – 6

9100 Crockett Rd., Brentwood, TN 37027 August • @holyfamilycctn 2019


Holy Family Newsletter

A Message from Father Anthony I arrived at Holy Family on June 7 of last year to begin my first assignment as a priest. While it doesn’t seem possible, over one year has passed and so much has taken place. When I reflect back over this first year, I can only marvel at God’s wondrous deeds and the many blessings he has given me through all of you. My first memory is quite vivid: I remember arriving last year with nerves and butterflies as I said my first Saturday evening mass. Everything was going great until, at the Liturgy of the Eucharist, I discovered that one of the ribbons in the missal was misplaced. I searched and searched for the correct page, and what was actually ten seconds seemed like five minutes to find it. In the moment I could feel the beads of sweat running down my forehead and everyone’s eyes piercing my soul, so I decided I would speak to break the tension. I looked up, smiled, and said, “Hey, I’m new at this,”

and everyone laughed. It was at that moment I knew I would like this place. It was at that moment I knew everyone was rooting for me to do well. It was at that moment I knew I was home. This first memory is among many. I have had a lot of firsts in this last year, and I couldn’t think of a better parish to share these first memories with. Thank you all so much for the memories we have shared over the last year. They have shaped me into the priest that I am, and I know they will influence the rest of my priesthood. I look forward to making more memories with you in my second year. Please know of my continued prayers for you, and I humbly ask that you continue to pray for me. Father Anthony

Table of Contents


Contents The Language of Flowers


Writing Workshop: Summer Cousins


Holy Family Celebrates Another Successful VBS


Knights of Columbus: Building a Better World




Parishioner Highlight: Meet Lisa Zeisloft


Faith & Inspiration Summer At Holy Family

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The Language of Flowers

The Language of Flowers BY SHERYL BRYANT

Did you know that different flowers symbolize different things? The “language of flowers” has an official name - Floriography. During a time of restricted literacy throughout Europe, flowers were used in the 17th and 18th centuries to send messages and say what they could not, perhaps, say out loud. You may already know roses can mean passion and love and our Holy Mother Mary, but there is a whole range of emotions flowers represent. A daisy means innocence and purity, calla lily means passion and purity, freesia means joy, heather means admiration and luck, and hydrangea means emotion and understanding. It seems we have always used flowers to help us celebrate or grieve or remember or just say, “I like you, and I think you’re nifty.” Flowers are there when we celebrate (boutonnieres and bouquets at weddings), wreathes of grief at cemeteries, and flowers to surprise at a first date or an anniversary. It seems we have always used flowers to share emotions. Just about every week here at Holy Family we share flowers with each other. We celebrate passings and anniversaries and births and remembrances. We use the language of flowers to mark big events in our lives. The members of the Arts and Environment Committee consider it an honor to help you celebrate or remember or grieve. If you or your family would like our church to celebrate with you, you can sign up for arrangements in the narthex. The wholesaler selects what flowers are at their peak that week and sends buckets of flowers. As someone who arranges them, we are always filled with surprise to see what we get to work with that week. And yes, some weeks we think, “How are these flowers going to work together?” But it does. Every week. I guess “all things work together for good to those who love God.” The big unanswered question is “Who makes the arrangements?” We are a hearty group of volunteers! We have been trained by a florist and make the arrangements every week according to our personalities. We are always open to additional members on the Arts and Environment committee. We will train you. You can let your creativity flow and meet other members of the parish.

Writing Workshop: Summer Cousins


Minding the Gap: A writing Workshop for Women BY JANIS LOVECCHIO

Wherever you are, you’re on your way to somewhere. Some of us are slowing our pace, while others are just gearing up. One phase might be full of energy, while another calls for rest. What happens in that in-between time? How can we honor God and ourselves as we wait for what’s next? On Saturday, May 18, a group of ten women gathered at Holy Family in order to do just that. “Minding the Gap” offered the opportunity for these women to take time apart from their busy lives in order to be fully present to themselves, their phase of life, and to God. They were invited to tell the stories of their lives in a safe and nurturing community that was not about judgment or critique. All phases of life and all styles of writing were welcome. “Minding the Gap – A Writing Workshop for Women” was created and led by Amy Lyles Wilson, M.A., M.T.S., a story coach and spiritual director trained to help people tell the stories they need to tell. She believes that, “It’s the sharing of our stories that saves us.”

Summer Cousins BY KATE MCALEER

There was a time in summer when I ran in a boisterous, jovial, protected brood. It was in the Outer Banks of North Carolina where I got to experience more and bigger than just my family of six. We six who were nomads. I never knew to want more, except for those summers when we moved as a pod, like whales do, careening through the sun-splashed, white heat, blue wave beautiful chaos of peak season. My father invited calm by piping the ethereal sounds of Enya through the beach house. But we were teens, my cousins and I, so that was no match for the electric current of our collective energy. My cousins were that magical, liminal space between friend and relative. There was permanence in our relationship that an Army move couldn’t cancel out. My cousins were a safe space to begin to figure out life, to trade information and share a dream. To speculate, sitting atop a dune, who would marry first. We are all married now, and those Outer Banks summers feel far away. It’s time to move beyond life’s complications and go back.


Holy Family Celebrates Another Successful VBS

Holy Family celebrates another successful VBS TESTIMONIES FROM VOLUNTEERS

“The Parish Hall was filled with music on Monday, June 17, 2019, as over 370 kids and 150 volunteers excitedly walked in to start a fun-filled week of Vacation Bible School 2019 Roar! Life is Wild God is Good! Throughout the week, the kids learned that no matter what happens in life, God is Good. Each day crews traveled with their groups to each station. This provided everyone the opportunity to meet new friends, participate in new experiences, and learn that when life is unfair, scary, changes, sad, and good… God is Good. “Each morning at 9 am, over one hundred teen volunteers greeted their crews with warm smiles and new songs from this year’s theme. The crew leaders led

the campers to each of the eight stations. During their short walks, the kids talked about the daily Bible point and Bible buddy while forming new friendships. Adult volunteers were there to warmly greet the children and to offer directions and assistance as needed. Each station provided a new daily experience. The snack station provided a unique treat each day. “My favorite station was when we received the chocolate spider during snacks. It was made out of a chocolate donut with another donut on top of it!” said Robert Thomas Dreyfus. “It was yummy!’ The crews were then led to the gym to play games that included bowling, beach balls, etc! The craft station brought an opportunity to make something new to share with family and friends during afternoon pick up each day. Kids and teens alike LOVE that they get to visit the “kid vid” room which was decorated as their own personalized movie theater each day. They got a chance to sit and listen to short videos about kids their age living out their faith in unique ways. Bible Adventures was where the kids got to see stories from the Bible come to life. Each day they walked into a decorated room and listened to a story from the Bible being acted out by volunteers. This year the kids participated by having certain actions to do throughout each of the daily stories. The children looked forward to the music portion in the Church every day! They learned the words and movements to this year’s songs. They also spent a little time each day working on the end of the week Friday finale. Parents, grandparents, friends, and family were invited to watch all the children perform the songs that they learned throughout the week, and they enjoyed a




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Holy Family Celebrates Another Successful VBS nice cold treat. “We had numerous teens mention how much they looked forward to being a crew leader every summer. They loved interacting with the kids, working along side friends from school as well as making new friendships throughout the week. The enthusiasm and the way that all the volunteers interacted with their crews was amazing to witness. We eagerly await to see everyone again next year when we all aboard the Rocky Railway to see Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through.” (Julie , VBS Coordinator 4 years) “I’ve been participating in VBS since 2001 as a kid and as a leader. I keep coming back every year for all the fun and excitement. I loved VBS as a kid and now as a leader. I now get to see it from the adult perspective since I bring the kids I nanny. It’s fun for me to see what they’ve learned. They come home singing the songs and retelling the Bible stories. They even act them out on their own.” (Mary Margaret – young adult and nursery volunteer) “The 6th grade VBS schedule is very different than the schedule for the younger grades. We started each morning with scripture study, prayer requests, and announcements. Then, the fun began. The 6th graders were responsible for taking the pictures of all the VBS activities each day. Divided into 3 teams, the groups scattered to capture pre-school through 5th grade crafting, playing games, watching videos, snacking, singing, and anything else the creative VBS leaders were sharing. Since most of the 6th graders had participated in Vacation Bible School for several years, this was a new challenge and new responsibility. And they loved the adventure. The high school crew leaders modeled leadership skills that most business managers would label: Highly Recommended. On


Thursday, the 6th grade visited Claiborne-Hughes Health Center to share their faith, love, crafts, music and talents with the residents. Several students sat at the piano and played for the residents. One student brought her ukulele and played and sang for everyone. Residents had their nails painted, made crafts, shared life stories, and loved hearing the many young voices as chattering and laughing rang through the halls. 6th grade parents: You can be so proud of your children for the patience and compassion they exhibited with the residents. Holy Family parents, staff, and volunteers are developing amazing young people who will impact our world in many positive ways!” (Cindy – adult volunteer) “VBS 2019 was a definite success, with daily Bible points teaching children that God is good! Through interactive Bible adventures, such as following Moses through the Red Sea, campers learned about God’s goodness in the past. Daily videos and discussions explored God’s goodness in the lives of other children around the world, while games allowed campers to learn about teamwork and perseverance. Such crafts as beaded bracelets served as reminders of how good God is when we’re scared, sad, and even when we’re happy! The excitement and energy of both the campers and the volunteers made such a fun week a success for everyone involved!” (Ryan – college student and Bible Story volunteer) The Pastoral Team at Holy Family would like to thank Julie Dreyfus, Karen Hooper and all of the volunteers who make this week such an incredible opportunity for the parish. Relationships within the community were created and nourished as the campers celebrated that “God is Good”!


Knights of Columbus: Building a Better World

Knights of Columbus: Building a better World BY A KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMBER

This article is written through the lens of a long time Catholic who joined the Knights a couple of years ago. A recent Holy Family Bulletin did a great job of showing how the Holy Family Knights of Columbus Council contributes to the parish. The Knights support LifeTeen and Scouts, the Father Daughter Dance, Chili Cookoff, Golf Scramble, Fourth of July picnic, and seminarians. There are hundreds of councils, like Council 15234, doing their part in their parishes throughout the country and the world, one parish at a time, one good deed at a time. But it goes beyond that. The councils in a particular area or diocese often band together to give important support to their Bishop. A recent example of this is how several Councils, led by Holy Family, were instrumental in sponsoring the Annual Seminarian Dinner where $320,000 was raised for the education of Seminarians. Most people outside of the Knights’ membership do not have a good grasp or understanding of how the Knights are building a better world on a global basis. Recently, the Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, wrote, “From inner cities in the United States to refugee camps in the Middle East, our organization’s donations over the last decade have been more than $1 Billion and hundreds of millions of hours in volunteer work. “These works of charity have practical impacts that transform lives as we help people here at home and around the world. Our charity helped typhoon victims

in the Philippines rebuild their lives and livelihoods; it brought prosthetics and rehabilitation to thousands of Haitian youth after the earthquake there; it puts coats on children in some of our country’s most impoverished neighborhoods each winter; it gives wheelchairs to those who otherwise could not afford them in countries like Vietnam and Mexico; and, it provides education, housing, and medical care to AIDS orphans in Africa. “Since 2014, the Knights of Columbus have spent more than $20 Million to help persecuted Christians and others targeted for genocide in the Middle East. It has also funded rebuilding the town of Karamles after its liberation from ISIS.” Also worth mentioning is the celebration of a remarkable milestone in the history of the Knights of Columbus when the 1000th ultrasound machine was placed in a pro-life pregnancy center. In summary, the Knights of Columbus are engaged in local and world activities that are building a better world. Knights of Columbus are proud to be a part of something that is making a difference. All Catholic men 18 years old or older who are faithful members of the Catholic Church are invited to join the K of C brotherhood and help make a difference in the Holy Family parish as well as the wider community. To learn more, ask one of the knights or visit




Yoga’s one year anniversary BY MAGGIE SPALDING

The Holy Family Yoga Ministry has completed its first year. They have a steady attendance with new students attending all the time. Over the past year, 65 students attended the classes with many regulars at one of the four classes. During this time frame they raised over $3,000 dollars in “love donations” for Alive Hospice. Thank you to all who have supported the yoga group by attending classes. Holy Family continues to offer two types of yoga classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights 6:30 pm and Saturday mornings at 8:30 am and 9:45 am. Please consider joining one of the yoga classes by registering via the Holy Family Website. Look under church calendar events and select a class to attend. Just bring a yoga mat. All other supplies are provided. Over the year, students have learned to calm their thoughts, open their hearts, and create space in their bodies which allowed a connection with their inner light. All feel refreshed and relaxed when the yoga class has completed. Namaste –“with light and love”


Parishioner Highlight: Meet Lisa Zeisloft

Parishioner Highlight: Meet Lisa Zeisloft BY HEATHER TABOR

About 16 years ago, after “church shopping” for a year, Lisa Zeisolf visited Holy Family Catholic Church for the first time and found her forever church family. I have been blessed with the opportunity to share, not only her story in this newsletter, but her wonderful life journey and how she shares her love of Christ through action. Many parishioners may know Lisa as the new Chair of the Parish Council, having served on the council now for three years. In addition, I can tell you from experience, she is one of the most generous and empathetic people that I know and is always willing to lend a hand. She is also a very dedicated and hard worker, with high expectations for herself and those around her. Now to be fair, she would also want me to tell parishioners that she is not all giggles and sunshine. She is just as equally stubborn and can have a temper. That combination is what makes her uniquely her. Lisa was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, the oldest of four. Interestingly, her mother was planning on entering the convent and her father was in the seminary, when, lucky for Lisa, there was a different plan in the works. Her parents worked hard to provide her with 12 years of Catholic education. She found herself moving to Nashville in 1993 without a clear agenda (and though some may think it, no, Lisa was not pursuing a career in music). She worked her way up into management through her 16 years with McDonalds. While working and supporting herself, she completed her Bachelor of Business Administration at MTSU in 2001. She completed her Masters in Business Administration with a specialty in International Business in 2003. She has been using her degrees, as well as her certification in contract and project management, at Schneider Electric for the past 21 years and is currently managing a team of 15 project managers. Some may wonder how this ties Lisa Zeisloft into being chosen as the newsletter’s Parishioner Spotlight. As she has worked hard to set and achieve goals in her personal life, Lisa has been dedicating herself to Holy Family from the day she walked in the door in 1998. Harvey Carter recruited her into the Lifeteen Core Team, where she participated in Catholic Heart Workcamp and became a wonderful role model and support for the teens of Holy Family parish. She was also unable to say no when she was recruited to teach religious education for several years and to become a

chaperone for the Servio Deo Mission Trip last month. In 2014 she made her Cursillo weekend and has been on the service and leader teams, as well as serving as Diocesan Secretariat. In 2018 Lisa organized and led a Matthew Kelly evening retreat at Holy Family with over 1,000 attendees. This month, she and I began a new ministry, called UNUM, which focuses on singlehood in the church and how to best elevate single people in the church as valuable resources. In her “spare time,” Lisa is on the Core Committee for Camp Bluebird, a camp that helps support those who have been touched by cancer. Her church family and I are quite grateful that she walked in those doors.

Faith & Inspiration

Prayer for Summer Father, Creator of all, thank You for summer! Thank You for the warmth of the sun and the increased daylight. Thank You for the beauty I see all around me and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation. Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family, and for the more casual pace of the summer season. Draw me closer to You this summer. Teach me how I can pray no matter where I am or what I am doing. Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence and light my path with Your Word and Counsel. As I enjoy Your creation, create in me a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You. Amen.


Father Joe’s Comfort Food

When asked what Fr. Joe’s comfort food was, he replied that he enjoyed a good, creamy banana pudding. This beloved recipe is by Alice Burns, Holy Family’s Business Manager. •

1 (14 ounce) can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk (Not evaporated milk)

1 1/2 cups cold water

1 4-serving size package instant vanilla flavor pudding and pie filling mix

2 cups (1 pint) whipping cream, whipped, add sugar to taste

36 vanilla wafers

3 medium bananas, sliced, and dipped in lemon juice

In large bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk and water. Add pudding mix, beat well. Chill 5 minutes. Fold in whipped cream. Spoon 1 cup pudding mixture into 2 1/2 quart glass serving bowl. Top with on-third each of the wafers, bananas and pudding. Repeat layering twice, ending with pudding. Chill thoroughly. Garnish as desired. Refrigerate leftovers.

Summer at Holy Family

Top: As summer is nearing it’s end HFCC looks forward to changes that will take place at Holy Family, specifically, the upcoming Columbarium! Left: The Loaves & Fishes ministry spent a busy and productive summer serving the homeless at Holy Name Church’s soup kitchen. Right: This summer held another intense Bocce Ball Championship with the Palino Strikers as our winners. Bottom: The ever-growing Young Adult Group met over summer for volleyball and bonfires.

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