Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell® Viewbook

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We established The Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/ Northwell in 2008 as a bold experiment. Could we reimagine how medicine is taught and learned? Could we produce a new generation of physicians more committed to humanistic patient care? A decade has passed, and we are no longer an experiment, but an established leader marking a new breed of medical schools. Our graduates have fanned out across the country. Other medical schools confer with us when they seek to revamp their own curriculum and put the focus on teaching adults who are ready to learn. It’s been our belief from the beginning that the job of a medical school is to put students into situations where learning happens — and then trust them to learn. The great physician is the one who’s most effective, and we believe great physicians start as motivated, active, team-oriented learners who come together to solve problems and put knowledge into practice. More than ten years ago, we started from scratch, disrupting the way medicine has been taught and learned. -We have brought together a faculty who believed in our concept — and let them run. -We have put students in conversation with patients from day one, so they could hone skills in building trust and enhancing communication. -We have encouraged collaboration, thinking out loud, problem-solving and trust-building. -We have respected the ability of our students to learn, and their motivation to succeed. -We have fostered the idea of putting knowledge into action. As we look forward to the next decade and our future, we remain committed to our proven, effective approach to educating the next generation of doctors and scientists.

Lawrence G. Smith, MD, MACP Dean

Challenge to


4 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

More than ten years ago, the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell transformed the way medicine is taught and learned. It’s not about proving that you’re better than the student next to you. It’s about being better because you’re working with the student next to you. 5

Our core values are what guide us day to day and shape the philosophy we share. Community.

Our students are not in competition with one another.

Instead, they form an active learning community as they work together in small groups. No one person is a leader. Everyone’s idea is heard. Every individual’s skills and strengths have weight and value. Students are free to share, to think out loud. This, we believe, is a model for how physicians solve problems.

Learning. We seek to attract and nurture active learners. Our students aren’t fed a meal of medical knowledge. They come to the table already primed and ready to learn. Our curriculum depends on students being self-learners.


Medicine is a feld in which uncertainty is the

rule, not the exception. True professionals understand that as individuals they can’t know it all — but they are confdent they possess the tools and judgement to make decisions. That’s the physician we’re training: The professional who, in the midst of uncertainty, can employ critical decision-making.


Our four-year integrated program is centered

around putting knowledge into action. The emphasis is on learning over teaching, and the concept that assessment is what often drives learning. That means instead of students cramming facts for exams, they are asked to undertake thoughtful, meaningful refection on what they’ve learned and how it can be used in real patient interactions. Our understanding of scholarship is that it does not stop when medical school ends. We seek lifelong learners.


We believe at the core of

medicine is trust — a doctor can know everything there is to know about health and disease, but if her patients don’t trust her to be their advocate, she can’t be the best doctor. At the end of the day, it’s how you can be effective as a physician in helping your patient get the care they need, making changes as they need so that they can have the best possible outcome.

Diversity. This country’s future physicians should refect the growing diversity not just of our surrounding communities, but the country at large. Doctors do best when they can see their patients in the context of their lives and experiences. A diverse student body not only helps achieve that goal, it lends itself to a richer academic environment for everyone.

6 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell 7

Person to

Professional At the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, we seek and attract students who are motivated, driven, hard-working and emotionally intelligent. We know that patients judge their doctors on how well they listen and how actively they communicate. It’s our mission to teach future physicians not just important medical knowledge, but also skills of connection, communication and building rapport.

We are part of a continuum of learning. It starts here, but it doesn’t end here. These are just a few of our alumni who are becoming tomorrow’s health care leaders.

8 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Alumni Making a Difference Christina Scelfo, MD, ’15 Fellow in pediatric ophthalmology Boston Children’s Hospital “Choosing Zucker was easy. Even though the school was new, I trusted the years of experience our faculty had, and knew they could piece together the best parts of medical education to create a cutting-edge program. Even as an intern in my residency, caring for patients was second nature, as Zucker prepared us for patient interactions from our frst year. Being part of the inaugural class of the Zucker School of Medicine and being a member of our frst student council sparked my interest in medical education as a possible piece of my future career path. In interviews for fellowships, I share my unique medical school experience with enthusiasm and pride.”

Deepa Ramadurai, MD, ’16 Chief resident in internal medicine University of Colorado “Faculty and staff at the Zucker School of Medicine helped us grow as people and future doctors. The intimacy of the learning environment and the hands-on approach were unique among medical schools at the time, but we know now that’s the direction medical education is heading. Coming from Zucker, where our training was so focused on humanism, I felt ready to communicate with and understand my patients in a context separate from their disease. Because of that, I feel like I’ve been better able to serve them as their doctor.”

Asaph (Ace) Levy, MD, ’15 Chief resident in radiology Lenox Hill Hospital “Being offered a position in the frst class at Zucker School of Medicine made it stand apart for me. I liked that it was a new program and that we’d be learning on our own and getting into small groups to hammer the concepts in. That fostered great relationships among students. Now, I fnd I have confdence when I speak with other medical professionals, which is something I built during PEARLS sessions.”

A.J. Blood, MD, ’15 Fellow in cardiovascular medicine Brigham and Women’s Hospital “I chose Zucker to take advantage of the opportunity to help shape the future of a school with great leaders at the helm. My fellow students and I were given early exposure to the clinical environment, which allows us to be at ease connecting with patients and their families. We also had the ability to connect with physicians from many disciplines early in our medical career. This exposure helped us to tailor our experience and guide our development.” 9

Teach to


To create a revolutionary medical school curriculum, the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell broke down many of the barriers that traditionally exist between students and faculty — and between students and the people they ultimately serve: The patients. Our aim was to help our students put knowledge into action. Our innovative curriculum at the Zucker School of Medicine fosters a learning environment that values independent study and early, meaningful patient interactions with emphasis on both individual and population health. Training at the school is divided into the First 100 Weeks (Years 1 and 2), involving case-based, small group instruction and early patient exposure, and the Second 100 Weeks (Years 3 and 4) in which students are engaged in advanced clinical experiences and acting internships in both inpatient and ambulatory settings to prepare them for residency and the responsibility expected during postgraduate training.

Highlights of our commitment and our curriculum: An adult learning environment. We trust our students to learn and gather information outside of class time, so when they come together in small groups, they synthesize, share and solidify what they’ve learned. Traditional medical students spend 80% of their time in class, 20% on their own. We fipped that paradigm. Our students spend 20% of their time in class, 80% on self-directed learning.

Learning over teaching. Our educators understand that their role is to facilitate learning by working alongside their students, rather than lecturing from a podium.

Early clinical experiences. Our four-year integrated curriculum means even frst-year students get hands-on patient experiences. From the start, Zucker students are EMT-trained and respond to emergency calls, and complement their classroom learning with direct patient care within hospital clinics. They put the skills of patient care and teamwork into practice in the community.

PEARLS. The foundation of our curriculum (PEARLS stands for Patient-Centered Exploration in Active Reasoning, Learning and Synthesis), PEARLS small group sessions use case-based learning to help students develop skills in leadership, teamwork and critical thinking. Students participate in PEARLS sessions three times a week for their frst two years of medical school. 10 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell 11


Faculty This is not your traditional medical school. Setting aside the conventional structure of professors drawn from departments who come in, teach, and return to their primary clinical or research focus, we hired full-time medical educators in our Department of Science Education whose only job is to teach. Rather than owing allegiance to their departments, our faculty work closely with each other and with students. The relationships faculty form with our students is an anticipated and highly welcome beneft.

12 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell


Facility A modern medical school needs an equally modern atmosphere for learning. Our facility consists of 113,000 square feet of high-tech classroom, laboratory, library, meeting and offce space. The design meets the highest standards for LEED Silver Rating, a benchmark in green building design and sustainability. For comfort and convenience, the Hofstra University campus provides on-campus graduate housing, ample parking, ftness centers and dining options, including our facility’s own on-site café.

Clinical Skills Rooms • Used to simulate patient encounters • Two -way mirrors with audio and video tools for faculty and peer observation, assessment and learning • Replicate actual exam and hospital rooms

Structure Laboratory • 7,300 square feet for 125 individuals • Built-in telecommunication technology/computers • Large monitors • State- of-the-art surgical lighting

Medical Education Theaters • Two large group halls for over 200 individuals each • Cutting-edge audiovisual systems • Secondary confdence monitors for presentations • Lecture capture system, allowing sessions to be recorded for playback over the network • Push-to -talk technology with automatic video capture of speakers in the audience

Small Group Rooms and Study Areas • 25 small group classrooms for discussion and collaboration of groups of 8-10 students • Interactive whiteboard technology • Walls with writable and erasable surfaces • Enclosed work stations for one or two people 13

14 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

EMT Training Put to the Test Every Zucker School of Medicine student takes emergency medical technician training within their frst few weeks at the school, an approach that puts a core of the school’s tenet — knowledge in action — to the test. The curriculum is designed to facilitate an early-as-possible transformation of students into medical professionals. Students assess patients with a range of medical issues, traumatic injuries and behavioral issues. Just as critically, they adopt important communication and team-building skills as they go on ambulance runs and follow their patients to emergency rooms, where they interact with doctors, nurses and staff as well as patients and families. A fnal exercise in the course involves handling a simulated disaster situation.

But sometimes situations aren’t simulated: they’re very real One recent group of students, members of the student-run Wilderness Medicine Club, got a real-life test. On a hike and camping trip in upstate New York, the group came upon a distraught hiker whose companion had fallen in a ravine, badly injuring his leg. Knowing that local paramedics would be unable to access the remote spot in time, the group hiked to the spot, assessed the hiker’s injuries and immediate medical needs, fashioned a makeshift stretcher to transport him out, and met and worked with paramedics who took the man’s care the rest of the way.

That’s knowledge in action. 15


Donald and Barbara Zucker It’s not an exaggeration to say that Donald and Barbara Zucker transformed the school of medicine with their generous naming gift in 2017. But the couple’s support for the school starts with their belief in our mission to nurture the next generation of caring, compassionate health care professionals in medicine, research and nursing. At the couple’s behest, the bulk of their generous gift is earmarked for need-based scholarships for medical students. Another portion of their gift funds the Barbara Hrbek Zucker Emerging Scientists Program at the Feinstein Institutes, aimed at helping prepare postdoctoral fellows for their careers. The fnal portion goes to scholarship support for graduate nursing and physician assistant students at Hofstra. At a time when far too many aspiring doctors can’t see their way to paying for medical school without emerging saddled by crippling debt, the existence of this form of sustainable assistance allows the school of medicine to educate a diverse student body that refects the communities the school and Northwell Health serve in the New York area. The medical school remains close to the Zuckers’ hearts, refecting their commitment to helping young people realize their dreams of being physicians.

16 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Steven A. Klar – The Klar Family Foundation Doctors possess the skills to save lives. But do they have comparable competency in business, leadership, team-building? Real estate developer and philanthropist Steven Klar has long felt that doctors-in-training would beneft from learning the business end of medicine, too. That was the spark of the idea that turned into the Klar Leadership Development and Innovation Management program at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. Since 2014, the program — supported by the Klar Family Foundation — has given frst-year medical students the option to take an eightweek summer course and work with mentors from across the university and health system on a variety of projects related to the business of medicine. The goal: to prepare future doctors to be leaders in a rapidly changing health care landscape.

Left to right: Inaugural Klar LDIM program participants, Dr. Jesse Chusid, Bryce Ingram (student), Steven Klar, Sara Abrahams (student), Audrey Liu (student), Dr. Jill Kalman, Dr. Richard Braunstein.

Left to right: Arleen Smith, Sasha Alcon (student), Carole Metzger, Susan Gould.

Meadowbrook Women’s Initiative In 2008, the three women at the heart of the Meadowbrook Women’s Initiative (MWI), Susan Gould (pictured far right), Marilin Smolin and Gertrude Siegel, frst approached Hofstra University as a potential partner for philanthropic efforts. MWI’s mission is to promote lifetime learning, serving the community and raising funds for worthwhile Long Island causes. Learning the university had plans to open a medical school — which would become the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell — MWI saw the ideal opportunity to enrich the lives and work of medical students by helping to fund internships and summer research projects. In the last decade, MWI has contributed to more than 65 medical students’

Interested in becoming a part of the school’s network of support? Please email SOMGiving@ or call 516-463-7582 to fnd out how you can make an impact.

summer projects. Small but mighty, MWI is proud of its 10-year relationship with the school of medicine, and to be counted among the school’s generous donors. 17

Scholarship Recipients Aaron and Joshua Burshtein The Burshtein brothers — twins Aaron and Joshua — take their parents’ encouragement to heart: Always look for ways to help others. By the time they were in high school, in northern New Jersey, the pair began volunteering at a hospital, and kept at it every summer for six years. Both brothers credit that experience with teaching them how they can use their abilities to help people in need. After graduating from New York University, medical school was an obvious next step. Together still, Aaron and Joshua are frst-year students at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, and grateful recipients of scholarships afforded by Donald and Barbara Zucker. But choosing Zucker went beyond economics. Said Aaron, “Zucker combines the values that we grew up with — compassion, growth, positivity and excellence — with the training to become an outstanding physician. The school embodies the studentcentered approach to medicine, fostering scientifc and social inquiry through problem-solving with peers.” The school’s Initial Patient Experience (ICE), incorporated into the curriculum from the beginning, is another standout for Aaron. “This experience allowed us to apply medical knowledge directly to patients from the very beginning and helped us understand how patients’ concerns impact their lives and, consequently, are directly part of patient care.” Joshua is thrilled by Zucker’s “industry-altering” curriculum. He also enjoys close access to a range of medical professionals provided by Northwell. “Being a student in such a vast medical network allows for individualized opportunities, like being assigned one- on- one to physicians in multiple felds, including internal medicine, ob-gyn and surgery, from the beginning of the frst year.” Early emergency medical technician (EMT) training has been invaluable, both students said, because it’s such an immediate, intimate introduction to medical care. “EMT training teaches us how to work with others to achieve the best possible care. Medical care, especially as a physician, is team-based, and the EMT curriculum quickly teaches the principles of teamwork,” said Aaron. The future Drs. Burshtein cite the value of the scholarship from the Zucker endowment not just for themselves but for future students. Their generosity, said the brothers, “will lessen the burden on medical students similar to us, and sets an example of leadership and kindness, which embodies the values of this medical school.”

18 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell 19

Bench to


Research is the process of creating the future.

The mission of the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell is to produce knowledge to cure disease. Research is integral to that mission. Highlights of research at Zucker School of Medicine: It ’s collaborative and wide-ranging. Our research program is supported by faculty-mentors at the Zucker School of Medicine and across various sites, including Northwell Health clinical facilities, the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, and the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. These unique partnerships mean students have their choice of disciplines in which to focus. Many students opt for a summer research elective. Others pause med school classes for a yearlong investigative project. The possibilities are endless.

Our programs have allowed students to achieve extraordinary things, including testing interventions and treatments they designed. It adds value for students. Performing research offers students a deeper understanding of how medicine works, and how laboratory fndings impact prevention, care and treatment. Research encourages students to take an active role in scientifc discovery and paves the way for future endeavors. Students explore immunology, medical education, medical humanities, bioelectronics medicine, neuroscience, cancer biology and genetics. Beyond the lab, students do research in the community, uncovering root causes of disease and health problems. They’re working alongside administrators on investigations aimed at improving health care quality and delivery.

Each year, more than 70% of frst-year students participate in summer research. Nearly 100% do so by graduation. It produces results. Since 2015, over 30 Zucker School of Medicine students have completed research that’s earned them Graduation with Distinction in Research. This honor recognizes their achievement as a crucial early step toward a career as a physician-scientist or clinicianeducator — and means they’ve had a lasting impact on the world of science and medicine.

At Zucker School of Medicine, we understand that we live in an era in which it’s impossible to separate research from patient care.

20 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Research in Action When Todd Goldstein was a PhD candidate at the Zucker School of Medicine, he didn’t imagine his research at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research would result in a stunning medical breakthrough. As a PhD student, he worked with Lee Smith, MD, David Zeltsman, MD and Daniel Grande, PhD on a project to 3D bio-print living tissue, an experience, he said would not have been possible if not for the environment set up at the Zucker School of Medicine. “We were one of the frst teams in the world to show the viability of bio-printing tracheas [windpipes]. We had residents, attendings, researchers and students all helping on the project — which I got to coordinate throughout my PhD.” That incredible teamwork paid off in a stunning result: a 3D-printed scaffolding that could be used to create or repair a damaged trachea. The trachea can be damaged by trauma, cancer or its treatment, or other problems, and is diffcult to repair. In this project, the team used a mixture of cells, called chondrocytes, nutrients to feed those cells, and collagen, which together formed the living tissue of a potential new windpipe. They then 3D-printed a fexible scaffolding on which the living tissue could grow. Though 3D-printed replacement body parts won’t be commonplace for some time, there’s no arguing that research begun at the Feinstein Institutes by a Zucker School of Medicine student, together with a team and under the auspices of a school that values such collegiality, is bringing that future closer every day. 21

Creativity, and

Care Community Doctors, even those in training, don’t exist in a vacuum. Our students have many opportunities to embed themselves in the communities they serve, to give back — and to feed their own souls, creatively, physically, with humor and heart. Our feeling is that being able to connect with community and nurture creativity help our students truly adopt and understand our humanistic approach to medicine.

Creativity Medicine is a science —

but we never forget that it’s also an art.

Nurturing and celebrating creativity provides a way for students, faculty and staff to give voice to the challenges of their work. It’s a way to help health care providers connect with patients’ challenges. We believe these creative outlets help health care professionals at all levels fnd and maintain the balance they need to be their best selves. It’s all part of our mission to make medicine more human.

The Osler Society,

part of the Humanities in Medicine Program, offers a

slate of creative and performing arts that’s free and open to the Hofstra/Northwell community. Events range from art exhibits to one-man comedy shows to theatre productions and writing workshops.

Narrateur is our student-run art and literature review. Published annually, Narrateur features art, photography, short stories, non-fction and poetry, all aimed at refecting the practice of medicine on the printed page.

22 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Creativity 23

Community Our students are always looking for more that they can do to get involved in our local communities. They’ve presented programs in health education at hospitals, community fairs, and at elementary schools including Healthy Living Long Island, an annual program that teaches youngsters about the importance of exercise, good nutrition and healthy hygiene. They’ve trained high school athletes in hands-only CPR and the use of automatic external defbrillators. And they work with motivated high school students from underserved communities in the popular and highly successful Medical Scholars Pipeline Program (MSPP). To date, nearly 200 students have enrolled in the rigorous program that takes place over several summers. Pipeline students learn what it takes to get into medical school — and what they need to do to succeed. The high school students get mentors and


role models in our medical students, and the medical students take welldeserved pride in giving a hand up to those coming up behind them. Currently several MSPP graduates are Zucker School of Medicine students.

24 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Care Every week, Zucker School of Medicine students donate their time to our Free Clinic in Rego Park, Queens, open every Monday evening to provide basic medical care to anyone who needs it — regardless of immigration or insurance status. Funded by the medical school and completely student-staffed and student- organized, the clinic gives


students a chance to hone skills by examining patients, taking histories, and formulating diagnoses and plans of care. It also gives them a real-world opportunity to build trust with the communities they serve. 25

26 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

MSPP Graduate Tiana Hudson-Jerman Tiana Hudson-Jerman couldn’t make it to the presentation about the Medical Scholars Pipeline Program (MSPP) at Uniondale High School, where she was a student. But after hearing some chatter in her classes about this cool opportunity, she expressed interest — and a teacher, overhearing the conversation, recommended her for a spot, which she won. That stroke of serendipity was the frst step on her path to a career as a physician. “It was pretty amazing,” Tiana said of MSPP, from the SAT and college prep help to the presentations offered by a wide range of medical professionals to the summer research she did alongside investigators in a lab. But her most transformative experience was a rotation at Northwell Health’s Long Island Jewish Medical Center. “Being right there opened my eyes to the way doctors, surgeons, nurses and the entire system works together to care for patients.” After graduating from the University of Miami, where she majored in biology, Tiana took some time off and then applied to medical schools — but fell short. It was then that her MSPP connections provided yet another dose of serendipity: Her former mentor at Hofstra pointed her to the Associated Medical Schools of New York Post-Baccalaureate Program, which allows qualifed students to apply to one of a selection of medical schools, then take a full year of pre-medical science classes at another university. “I did the program at the University of Buffalo, and as long as I kept a B or above in my classes, I’d be accepted automatically to the medical school I’d chosen,” explained Tiana. That school? The Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell — where she is now a frst-year med student. “Before MSPP, I was on the fence about a career in medicine but having that exposure and hands-on experience solidifed it for me.”

MSPP Graduate Philippe Rameau Philippe Rameau may have been a high-achieving student in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) at Uniondale High School, but as a sophomore in 2010 (he graduated in 2012), he couldn’t envision embarking on a medical career, much less being able to afford its steep cost as the child of Haitian immigrants. That is, until he was recruited to be among the inaugural group of MSPP students, and saw that world open up in front of him. “I spent three summers on Hofstra’s campus, and MSPP was my introduction to the vast opportunities in medicine,” said Philippe. His MSPP experience ranged from SAT prep and exposure to a variety of health professions, to clinical rotations and research training. College at Johns Hopkins University was a challenge he met head on — getting involved in Latin dance and volunteer work along with his studies. For three summers during college, Philippe participated in NERA-HCOP (North East Regional Alliance-Health Career Opportunity Program), which helps minority students become more competitive medical school applicants. Philippe was connected to NERA-HCOP, which took place at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons and Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, through his Hofstra mentors. But it was Hofstra’s MSPP that was the foundation for everything that came after. “MSPP equipped me with the tools necessary to be competitive in my journey to become a physician,” said Philippe. And that journey’s now come full circle; back to where he began, Philippe is now a student in the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, class of 2022. 27

Partners in


Since its inception in 2008, the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell has depended upon the strong foundation of its two founding partners: Hofstra University and Northwell Health. This dynamic collaboration has given our students and staff the equal benefts of both a thriving university and the robust clinical and research facilities of a large regional medical center.

Hofstra University

offers more

Northwell Health is New York

than 160 undergraduate and more than

State’s largest health care provider, and its

165 graduate programs in liberal arts and

biggest employer. Northwell’s 22 hospitals,

sciences, education, health professions

hundreds of outpatient locations and

and human services as well as a school of

upwards of 15,000 affliated physicians

government, public policy and international

help care for more than two million people

affairs; a school of engineering and applied

every year. Our doctors, nurses, researchers

science; a business school; a law school;

and staff work to make health care better

and nursing and physician assistant

for everyone.

programs in addition to the medical school. Our community of more than 11,000 students come to Long Island from local communities and around the world. Their role is to facilitate learning by working alongside their students, rather than lecturing from a podium.

28 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell 29

at a

Zucker Glance Residency Program Areas (2015-2019) Internal Medicine 16.6% Pediatrics 13.2%

26.74% Matching at Northwell Health (2015-2019)

Emergency Medicine 9.8% Surgery 7.5% Psychiatry 6.8% Anesthesiology 6.4% Neurology 4.7%

Residency by Region (2015-2019)

Radiology - Diagnostic 4.7%

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2.7%


Dermatology 2.0%

Opthalmology 2.0% Child Neurology 1.7%

Vision The School of Medicine aims to establish itself as a revered institution of higher medical education by means of accomplishing the following visionary objectives: . To be a premier “Millennial Medical School� . To be a major contributor to the redefning of medical education . To have positively changed the university,Northwell Health and the community


Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine 2.4%

Family Medicine 2.0%

The School of Medicine, in a culture of community, scholarship and innovation, is dedicated to inspiring diverse, promising students to lead and transform medicine for the betterment of humanity.

. To have improved the health of the region

Orthopaedic Surgery 4.1% Obstetrics and Gynecology 3.1%

Mission Statement

Student Population Snapshot


(Classes 2019-2022)


Medicine - Primary Care 1.4% Neurological Surgery 1.4% Medicine - Pediatrics 1.0% Pathology 1.0%


52% 48%


Plastic Surgery 1.0% Radiology - Interventional 1.0% Thoracic Surgery 1.0%



Urology 1.0% Otolaryngology 0.7% Radiation Oncology 0.3% Vascular Surgery 0.3%



30 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Male/Female Breakdown

99 17 4 Students per Class

Underrepresented Minority (URM)

BS-BA/MD 4+4*

*Hofstra program of study that combines undergraduate and medical school education.

Donald and Barbara Zucker, New York philanthropists and Northwell’s leading lifetime donors, make a generous gift of $61 million in support of the next generation of health professionals – earmarking $50 million for medical student scholarships. In recognition, the medical school is renamed the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell.


Hofstra University and North Shore-LIJ Health System enter into a joint agreement to form the frst allopathic medical school in New York in nearly 40 years.


Construction begins on a 65,000-squarefoot expansion of the medical school’s original 48,000-square-foot building, formerly the training facility for the New York Jets football team.

The inaugural class of 40 men and women begins medical studies.



The Medical Scholars Pipeline Program begins for highachieving, underserved high school students interested in careers in health.



The medical school publishes its frst literary journal, Narrateur: Refections on Caring.

By the Numbers


academic departments

of their time in class,


on self-directed learning



The medical school launches The Osler Society, part of the Humanities in Medicine program, for students and health professionals to explore, foster and unite the arts with the practice of medicine.



The medical school is renamed Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine to parallel the rebranding of North Shore-LIJ Health System to Northwell Health.


More than

70% of frst-year students




participate in summer research each year. Nearly do so by graduation.

Students spend


The medical school unveils new, ultramodern 113,000-square-foot education facility, receives full LCME accreditation, and marks the graduation of its frst class.

3.80 3,100+ faculty

median overall GPA

Direct care of patients and active mentoring by the educational leadership and faculty in our

14+ teaching hospitals and dozens of ambulatory sites

2 founding partners

Hofstra University and Northwell Health

annual MD applicants

median MCAT


accredited and independent graduate medical education (GME) programs, providing training to more than


medical residents and fellows annually 31


Leadership Faculty

Dean’s Offce

Our Partners

Lawrence G. Smith, MD, MACP

David Battinelli, MD

Stuart Rabinowitz, JD

Michael Dowling


Vice Dean


President and CEO

Professor of Medicine

Betsy Cushing Whitney Professor of Medicine

Hofstra University

Northwell Health



32 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Associate and Assistant Deans Catherine Bangeranye, PhD

Samara Ginzburg, MD

Melissa Pawelczak, MD

Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion for Student Programming

Associate Dean for Case-Based Learning

Assistant Dean for the Advanced Clinical Experience

Assistant Professor of Science Education

Assistant Professor of Science Education


Associate Professor Science Education and Medicine


Co-Director, Offce of Academic Success


Carole M. Bates, MPH, MBA

Ellen Pearlman, MD

Assistant Dean for Curricular Affairs and Special Projects

Melissa Jonker, MPA Assistant Dean for Administration

Associate Dean for Advanced Clinical Learning

Assistant Professor of Science Education


Assistant Professor of Medicine



Judith Brenner, MD Associate Dean for Curricular Integration and Assessment Co-Director, Offce of Academic Success Assistant Professor of Medicine 516-463-7590

David Elkowitz, DO Associate Dean & Director of the Academy of Medical Educators

Jeffrey Kraut, MBA Associate Dean for Strategic Planning

Debra Rand, MS

Assistant Professor of Science Education

Associate Dean for Library Services


Assistant Professor of Science Education


Thomas Kwiatkowski, MD Assistant Dean for Simulation

Robert Roswell, MD, FACP, FACC

Professor of Emergency Medicine

Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion


Associate Professor of Cardiology and Science Education

Associate Professor of Science Education and Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Jodi Langsfeld, MSEd


Associate Dean for Student Affairs

Assistant Professor of Science Education 516-463-7145

Gino Farina, MD

Assistant Dean for Clinical Preparation for Residency

Jennifer Mieres, MD

Professor of Emergency Medicine

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs


Professor of Cardiology and Occupational Medicine, Epidemiology, and Prevention


Alice Fornari, EdD, RD Associate Dean for Educational Skills Development Professor of Science Education and Occupational Medicine, Epidemiology and Prevention and Family Medicine 516-463-7522

Louis Miller, MD Assistant Dean for Career Advisement Assistant Professor of Cardiology 516-463-7432


Kevin J. Tracey, MD Associate Dean for Research Professor of Molecular Medicine and Neurosurgery 516-562-2813

Rona Woldenberg, MD Associate Dean for Admissions Professor of Radiology 516-463-7532

Andrew Yacht, MD, MSc Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education Professor of Medicine 516-463-7405 33

Academic Department Chairs Anesthesiology John Di Capua, MD

Neurology Souhel Najjar, MD

Cardiology Ira Nash, MD (interim chair)

Neurosurgery Raj K. Narayan, MD

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Adam Stein, MD

Psychiatry John Kane, MD

Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Alan Hartman, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology Frank Chervenak, MD

Radiation Medicine Louis Potters, MD

Dental Medicine Ronald Burakoff, DMD, MPH

Occupational Medicine, Epidemiology and Prevention Jacqueline Moline, MD

Dermatology Amit Garg, MD

Ophthalmology Richard Braunstein, MD

Science Education Joanne Willey, PhD

Emergency Medicine Lance B. Becker, MD, FAHA

Orthopedic Surgery Nicholas Sgaglione, MD

Surgery Gene Coppa, MD

Family Medicine Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH

Otolaryngology Andrea Vambutas, MD

Urology Louis Kavoussi, MD

Medicine Thomas McGinn, MD, MPH

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine James Crawford, MD, PhD

Molecular Medicine Bettie M. Steinberg, PhD

Radiology Jason Naidich, MD

Pediatrics Charles Schleien, MD, MBA

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34 Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

The School of Medicine, in a culture of community, scholarship and innovation, is dedicated to inspiring diverse, promising students to lead and transform medicine for the betterment of humanity.

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