Summer 2021 Issue 16 HillView Times

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SUMMER 2021 | ISSUE 16

HILLVIEW TIMES The latest news and views from Merrimac and Ashmore


What's Growing this Summer What's Cooking this Summer Resident Feature: Barbara Glass Staff Feature: Jenni Eddy Lifestyle: Diwali & Halloween Christmas Markets Christmas Parties Ashmore Twilight Concert HillView Steps Your Feedback Matters Hearts of HillView Keep in Touch!

A Message From HillView Happy New Year to our wonderful HillView Care family! We're a little late in publishing our Summer newsletter this year, so we can report on what has been happening over the busy festive period. It's hard to believe that Autumn is just a few weeks away, and our numerous resident Christmas parties were at the beginning of Summer! Merrimac Level 3 kicked off the festive frivolities on the 7 December, with other levels to follow daily thereafter, finishing with Ashmore on the 16 December. Relaxed restrictions meant our residents were able to have a family member by their side to share in the lively entertainment and delicious food served. Our kitchen staff outdid themselves with a sumptuous spread of traditional Christmas fayre, and Quality Manager Scott ensured each party received one of his special homemade pavlovas. Resident feedback was very positive, giving us inspiration for this year's events! Other festive activities included a Christmas Market held at our Merrimac home, with locally produced arts, crafts and baking for sale; and a Summer Twilight Concert held at HillView Care Ashmore. Another favourite topic (or not!), COVID-19 booster vaccinations have now been offered and administered at both homes, ensuring all residents have had the opportunity to receive a top up. We really hope the latest lockdown is the last, we understand how frustrating it is for both families and residents to not see one another. Enjoy what remains of the Summer!

what's growing this summer? WITH HILLVIEW HEAD GARDENER, TOM

Summer is well and truly upon us, providing

Summer produces more exotic flowers, and

our residents with the wonderful colours and

inspires the native fauna into action. Expect to

aromas that our gardens have to offer.

see Water Dragons rustling about the bushes of our Merrimac home and basking in the morning

Mid Summer, and the gardens are looking lush

sun. Keep an eye out for the brightly coloured

and tropical, thanks to the copious rains and

males, looking to control their territory during

hot sun. Whilst December brought us a whole

mating season.

variety of new blooms - Agapanthus (also known as the Lily of the Nile), Spider Lilies, and

Whilst the pondlife stays cool in the temperate

the beautifully coloured Kangaroo Paws, the

water, the fish will have to remain on high alert

New Year has given way to the fragrant and

as Kookaburras look for a crafty afternoon

visually stunning Frangipani trees, as well as

snack. You can find this Australian icon perched

bright and intriguing flowering plants - Trumpet

outside our Café, waiting to profit from an easy

Vine, Cat's Whiskers, Crepe Myrtle, and Ixora,

morsel and a cool bath to go with it.

amongst others. I encourage residents to take their cameras/phones into the gardens, to

I’ve spotted our tenant Blue Tongue lizard at

capture images of the Summer flowering

Ashmore again recently, whiling away the


morning warming himself up for a big day of hunting. A hive of native stingless bees have made a home in an upturned pot at the north end of Ashmore gardens. They pose no danger to our residents, and are great to have around, beeing one of Australia's infamous native bee species, right in our backyard. Wishing you joy in the garden this Summer,


what's cooking this summer? WITH HILLVIEW HEAD CHEF, LIJO

Whilst food for many is a simple everyday staple, HillView Care take it extremely seriously. Dining at HillView should be a pleasurable and nourishing experience. It is our belief that every Resident be served only the very finest food, using the freshest ingredients at all times.

Welcome to the new year! We ended 2021 with some memorable Christmas parties, always an opportunity to flex our culinary prowess with traditional favourites! The new year is a great time to review our regular menu offerings, where we meet with Residents, Carers and Dieticians to gain insight into resident food preferences. We hope to publish an update in the next issue of the HillView Times. Whilst Christmas focused on traditional festive roasts and puddings, Australia Day wouldn't have been the same without a good 'ol Aussie 'barbie'! Next up is Valentines Day, when we'll be serenading our sweetheart residents with sweet somethings throughout the day. And Shrovetide marks Pancake Day, before Easter gets under way...lots of foodie celebrations to look forward to! Yours in cooking,

Chef Lijo


JENNIFER EDDY, EDUCATOR Jenni Eddy was born in Darlinghurst, Sydney, growing up in the early 50’s and completed her schooling at St Patrick’s and Cerdon College, Sydney. Many of Jenni's classmates were immigrants from post-war Europe, which is where, as a young girl, she became interested in foreign cultures, and like her father, was bitten by the travel bug. During the 1920s her father immigrated to Australia from Lancashire, England, working on sheep stations before he served in WWII. Jenni’s mother worked as a Private Secretary and Office Manager until they married in 1948. At the young age of 15 Jenni worked in St Vincent’s Hospital, as a Nursing Aid during the school holidays. Jenni continued this until she left college to commence her full time Nursing studies at St Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst before she graduated in 1971. “Having Doctors and Nurses in the family, I wanted to make nursing my career from the age of 5 years old”. Jenni moved to Melbourne where she started working as an agency Nurse earning valuable experience as an RN. She then moved on to become a Sister in Charge of one of Melbourne’s top Medical and Surgical Hospitals. During this time, Jenni began to travel throughout Australia, with a memorable visit to the Centre ending up at 'Ayers Rock' (now ‘Uluru'), managing to climb to the top on two occasions. In 1977 she ventured on her first extraordinary overseas holiday travelling overland from Sydney to London - the Aussie Trail to London. This was a massive journey taking several months starting in Sydney heading north to Darwin, through S.E Asia, flying to Kathmandu, commencing the 12-week “Hippie Trail” camping holiday. This included Nepal, India, Pakistan (up the fabled Khyber Pass), Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and Europe to London. This changed her life forever, giving her an understanding of how others lived, indelible memories and seeing the world, in a different perspective. Though it was a “dangerous trip" in many ways, it was the experience of her lifetime. Among many interesting stories Jenni recounts 'accidentally' staying out past curfew on one of the nights in Lahore, Pakistan, which led to being chased back to camp by armed soldiers. Just another average night on holiday!!

When Jenni returned from her travels in 1978, she met her husband-to-be and moved to the Gold Coast. After working as the Charge Nurse for Labrador Blue Nursing Service, they married at their Surfers Paradise home which doubled as a surprise wedding, because 2 days later they were moving to Yorkshire, England. They hired a campervan to explore Britain, heading through Europe travelling for 7 months. With their




experience and Jenni’s vast knowledge, it inspired them to assist other people to travel. This led to purchasing 50% of a family travel business in the city of York specializing in coach tours in the UK and Europe.

Jenni worked as a tour operator and guide from 1982-87, whilst also working on night shift as a Registered Nurse or AIN at a local Nursing Home. After running a successful business for 5 years, Jenni became home sick, missed the warmth of the Australian sun, and so returned to the Gold Coast in 1988, Bicentennial Year. After settling in Miami, Jenni was re-employed with Blue Nursing Service, later called Blue Care, and did community home nursing care. In 1991 Jenni set a new precedent specializing in Palliative Care for people diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. With her extra training and understanding of the disease, this led to her being at the forefront of HIV on the Gold Coast. As the Clinical Nurse Consultant, she specialised for 13 years in HIV Nursing and Palliative Care. This included educating Blue Care Home Care Nurses, travelling throughout Queensland and being co-author of a learning manual “At Home with Aids” in 1996. While at Blue Care Jenni instigated the visiting nursing clinic at the Southport Watchhouse, and acquired a permanent educational role, training staff in residential and community locations in the Southern Region. From 2007 to 2009 Jenni was President of Burleigh Heads Rotary Club. While being a Volunteer with Rotary, Jenni had the wonderful opportunity in 2005 to travel to India for 2 weeks doing the Rotary Polio Plus Program. Here she joined more Volunteer Rotarians to administer the polio Sabin vaccine to babies and young children in Agra, home of the Taj Mahal. After a long caring career, Jenni moved into a semi-retired role, caring for her Mother with Dementia until 2008 when she became a resident in HillView Care. After her mother died, Jenni once again rejoined the aged care industry. It just so happened an educational position had become available at HillView Care in 2010, which she accepted. Jenni is now an invaluable member of the Hillview team and has spent the last 11+ years educating our team. She has kept up her travels around the globe travelling every continent from Antarctica to Africa, America to Australia not forgetting one of her favourite places, Iceland. Jenni really has seen it all!


BARBARA GLASS Barbara was born in 1936 in London, England. With

decided that the cold suited them, and they

much of her childhood spent enduring the second

purchased a home in Vermont, living there for many

world war, Barbara's family moved to Surrey, away

years. They often travelled overseas, returning

from the war torn capital. Her mother was a talented

frequently to the UK. They eventually moved to

dancer, whilst her father served in the RAF.

Melbourne. Sadly Geoff passed away at just 58 years. Barbara continued to live in the family home

One of Barbara’s earliest memories is the day she

until she moved to the Gold Coast to be closer to

was hit by a bike while crossing the road, whilst out

her daughter and grandchildren.

with her grandmother. She recalls waking up inside

active with her love of dancing, coordinating and

a Butcher's shop, people staring at her through the

teaching dance performances at the local Leagues



Barbara stayed

At just 32 years of age, Barbara's mother was widowed when her father was killed during service in Africa, in 1946. She remarried several years later. Barbara met her husband-to-be through her brother in the UK, who trained with him in the national service. When Barbara and her family moved to Australia, she worried it may be the end of

After leading a wonderful and travel filled life,

the relationship but Geoff followed her down under

Barbara along with her family made the decision to

and they married in Melbourne.

move into our wonderful Ashmore home, close to her previous home in Arundel, and her daughter and granddaughters. Barbara is wonderful addition to our Ashmore home and is always up for a chat and a story or two.

Like her mother before her, Barbara worked as a dancer and dance teacher while Geoff worked in the fashion industry. They had two children together, Michelle and Jeremy, and purchased their first home in 1959. Following a trip to Canada in 1966, the family

Christmas Markets Hillview Care's very first Christmas Market was an absolute hit with residents from both our Ashmore and Merrimac homes, coming together to purchase some quality hand crafted goods from local sellers. Everyone grabbed a great deal, and enjoyed a sausage sizzle.

Christmas Parties 2021







Twilight Concert After receiving amazing feedback from our previous Twilight Concerts we felt it was only right to bring them back for the warmer months. After restrictions put a hold on Merrimac's night, our Ashmore home brought the party to life with a live performance from young rising star, Charlie Mitchell, whilst enjoying a delicious







3-course meal. Merrimac residents need not fret, their turn will be coming up shortly...







Hearts Of HillView Each issue, we introduce you to our team members, both new and long serving who we feel embody the HillView Care mission 'To enhance the lifestyle of our Residents by encouraging and supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing'. Staff can be nominated via a yellow feedback form by residents, family members, colleagues or management. Julie joined us in 2021, and has quickly cemented herself within the HillView Care family. Julie is a well-liked, friendly and positive staff member, and makes a mean cup of coffee!


Tell us about yourself:I migrated to Australia from Germany 29 years ago together with my husband and 6 month old daughter. After settling in Sydney for 12 years, we decided to follow the sun and move to the Gold Coast in beautiful QLD. I was working in Real Estate for many years but decided on a career change to follow my lifelong dream of opening my own café. After over 6 years successfully managing a very busy Corporate Café here on the Gold Coast, COVID unfortunately forced us to close the business and I was offered the opportunity to work in “Café Lily” at HillView Care. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey, turning out to be the most rewarding job I ever had. Q: What do you enjoy most about working at HillView Care? A: From the moment I went for my job interview, I felt a special connection with Hillview staff. I feel very lucky and privileged to be part of such a great and supportive team who taught me so much about the importance of making a positive difference in our elderly residents’ everyday life at HillView Care. Q: What do you enjoy doing when you're not working? A:.When I have time for leisure, I enjoy watching travel and cooking documentaries from around the world. I have a keen interest in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Food and enjoy cooking with interesting and exciting ingredients. Q: What is your favourite flower? A: My favourite flowers are peonies and lilac. My parents used to grow them in our garden and they bring back memories of many happy family gatherings.

Hearts Of HillView Robbie is an essential part of our team here at HillView Care, and can be found in Leisure & Lifestyle Therapy as well as Catering. Her talents have no end - she can be seen entertaining the residents in whatever activity she finds herself in, from clown to head of the bingo table. Robbie's kind heart and caring nature allows our residents to feel included and right at home.


Tell us about yourself:I love life and try to live life to its fullest. I lived in England for many years working in hospitality, running pubs and cafés. I came out to Australia with my family in 1998 and to look after my dad in his later years. I owned two cafés on the Gold Coast, but after a few years I decided to sell them and applied to HillView Care as a Kitchen Hand. Two years later, I accepted the role of Leisure & Lifestyle Therapist, completing my Cert IV in Leisure and Health. I haven’t looked back! Q: What do you enjoy most about working at HillView Care? A: Helping people! The satisfaction of bringing smiles to the faces of the residents, and working with a great team of people. Q: What do you enjoy doing when you're not working? A: I like to spend time with my family and grandchildren, taking walks along the beach, going on drives through the country, and exploring new places. I enjoy catching up with my friends for a drink or coffee. Q: What is your favourite flower? A: My favourite flower is a rose, which was my mothers favourite. She used to grow them at our family home.

WE'D LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK We encourage residents, relatives and friends to advise us of their level of satisfaction with our service, and we welcome constructive comments to help improve service delivery. Our bright yellow feedback forms are available in our foyers and can be placed in the suggestion boxes in the same location or passed along to the administration staff for the attention of senior management. If you are not able to complete a form please ask a member of the Lifestyle team to fill one out on your behalf.

VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Have you ever thought about volunteering? HillView Care are seeking volunteers in the following areas, at both our Ashmore & Merrimac homes:Lifestyle activities with residents Companionship and social support Provide one to one visits By joining the team at HillView you’ll get the benefits of:-

making residents smile acting on your values, passions and interests making new friendships and creating professional networks gaining work experience and learning new skills providing customer service contributing your skills, knowledge and ideas enjoying new social and cultural experiences developing personally and building confidence challenging yourself in a supportive environment helping your community having fun!

If you think this is for you, we’d love to hear from you! Please email your expression of interest to


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