Hillel of Silicon Valley Annual Report 2017-18

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2017 - 2018


Dear Friends and Supporters of Hillel of Silicon Valley, As President of HSV for the past four years, I want to express my sincere thanks for your generous support of this institution and its mission to provide a Jewish experience to the students of San Jose State, Santa Clara University, West Valley, Foothill and De Anza. As you can see in our Financials, Hillel SV is on secure financial footing as long as we continue to maintain and expand our community and have their support. While four years is beyond the standard term of office, it seems strangely appropriate as I feel like I’ve now completed my Senior year along with the students who started with me. I’m now ready to matriculate and pass the organization onto the new class, our new President, Dan Pitt, who I have no doubt, will do a better job than I was ever capable of doing. But like all new alumni, I know that even though I’m moving on, the organization still needs all of our support going forward. The individuals change, but the need stays the same and grows stronger. Hillel SV’s mission has grown broader and more urgent over the last four years as we do more to expand our community beyond just the Jewish student community, but to all student leaders so that they can see and experience what Israel and Judaism is about, make up their own minds and then change the narrative of hate and ill will on our campuses. I strongly believe that Hillel SV is making a significant difference; through outstanding leadership by our Executive Director, Sarita Bronstein, her amazing staff and through the efforts of all of you, we are seeing positive change. But we absolutely need your efforts, funding and involvement to keep change moving forward. So, thank you for your continuing support and generosity. I feel I’m leaving Hillel SV in outstanding hands: Dan’s, Sarita’s and Yours’. Todah Rabbah and L’hitraot,

Andrew Katcher, Immediate Past President Hillel of Silicon Valley

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


MESSAGE TO OUR DONORS Dear Hillel of Silicon Valley Friends and Supporters: I want to thank you, our community supporters, for your generosity and support. Our students face the challenge of balancing demanding course loads, jobs, and a host of other activities while trying to strengthen or discover their Jewish identity. We know how crucial it is to engage Jewish students in Jewish life and to connect them to Israel at this junction in their lives. Hillel SV’s staff, however, finds itself dealing with a monumental task. Many of our Jewish students come with little understanding of Jewish life or connection to the land of Israel. Moreover, Hillel SV continues to confront an increase in anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activity at our campuses. Despite the many obstacles, Hillel SV’s team’s commitment to inspire Jewish students to develop life-long involvement in Jewish life and connection to Israel is unyielding. The incredible dedication of the staff attracts and retains students to our Hillel activities and helps them find a Jewish community. The work that Mitch, Daniel, Ben, Karen, and Cindy do connects students to each other, to their roots, and to their community. Hillel of Silicon Valley is fortunate to have such outstanding staff, and I am very grateful. I also want to acknowledge the Board for their many hours of dedication. You, our community, mean everything to us. Without your continuous and generous support, none of this would be possible! We would not have the resources we need to fulfill our crucial mission. We would be unable to provide programs that are free of charge to our students. Thanks to you, we can stand together for our students in these challenging times so their future will include Jewish life and Israel. Thank you for your gifts of resources and spirit. The future of the Jewish community depends on what we all do now. Together, we will deliver a strong Jewish future!

Sarita Bronstein Executive Director


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

“ I have two children, Avi and Josephine,

“ While on Spartans2Israel, I realized that I wanted to reconnect with my identity and become an active member at Hillel. Being able to implement my social skills by engaging new young students who are seeking a connection to their heritage is important to me.


and both have been involved with Hillel SV since 2012. Josephine visited Israel twice through student trips planned and led by Hillel SV. She stated that visiting Israel helped to shape her Jewish identity. In addition, she enjoys creating a welcoming atmosphere for those new to Hillel and invites others at SJSU to become involved. Avi always says Hillel SV is a ‘second home.’ He has led a Shabbat Service and organized student performances at L’Dor V’Dor. Hillel SV engaged him with the Jewish community nearly overnight. For my husband and I, to see our children involved in the Jewish community is exceptionally important. I grew up in Sovietera Ukraine and endured constant antisemitism. I feared expressing my Jewish identity, but my kids do not. Hillel SV has connected them to their heritage and to their community, and that is nothing less than a blessing.


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dan Pitt President Marc Cohn Vice President Lori Ghan Treasurer Andrew Katcher Past President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rabbi Ilana Baird Ed Cahn David Cohen Deborah Davis Alexander Drukarev David Hoffman Anita Margittai Linda Rosen Chuck Taubman Scott Ullman Carrie Zeidman ADVISORY BOARDÂ Doris Davis Barbara Illowsky, PhD Paul Robbins Bonnie Slavitt Dennis Teifeld Alan Werba


STAFF Sarita Bronstein Executive Director Mitch Reitman Assistant Director Karen Baskind Development Manager Ben Blechman Program and Engagement Associate Daniel Piaskowski Israel Fellow Cindy Di Pietro Office Manager

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

What kind of place allows you to walk in the front door, take a nap in the middle of the day, and eat all of the food in the refrigerator. Hillel SV does. Judaism is about community and family and Hillel of Silicon Valley has proven that they will champion these values, to me and my friends. And to that end, I say thank you.

Hillel has meant almost everything Jewish to Jordan while at SJSU. We chose SJSU for the strength of the academic program, and for the strength and welcoming atmosphere we found at Hillel. It has truly been his home away from home. Jordan has always felt welcome and comfortable. It is a place with a stocked kosher kitchen, Friday night dinners, and some weekday lunches, and over the years, a Pesach seder or two. Hillel has been a place to do laundry, print reports, obtain a job lead and references, and make hamantaschen, Toronto fish, and sushi. Most recently, it even was a place to have a phone interview! Hillel of Silicon Valley has meant the world to Jordan; his college experience would not have been the same without you!




“ Hillel of Silicon Valley had helped me develop my leadership skills by giving me the tools to develop and execute my own club events. With their support the Jewish Student Union is learning how to be a thriving, self-sufficient club.


As a parent, I would like to acknowledge the Hillel staff and community for participating in Kylie’s growth and happiness. Hillel is a safe community of students, volunteers and caring professionals where Kylie is loved, social, safe and appreciated. Hillel has afforded her leadership opportunities and the ability to engage with diverse people and places both here and abroad. As a parent, I am most appreciative that the Hillel family has truly been Kylie’s home away.


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

“ When you are away from home, Hillel is your family. A combination of tradition, values, friends and fun. Shachar really loves going to Hillel and we are happy there is place like Hillel for Shachar.


I moved to the Bay Area in September 2017. I was new to the area, and I wanted to meet new friends like my sisters who got involved with Tzofim, the Israeli scouts. Therefore, I looked for place that I could also join to meet other people and have some mutual interests. I found Hillel from local Israeli people who told me about it. We invited Daniel, the Israeli Fellow to dinner at our house. Daniel came with Josephine, a student at SJSU. They were so nice when we met, and they invited me to Thanksgiving Shabbat. At the Shabbat dinner, I met new people who welcomed me nicely and made me want to be part of Hillel. At Hillel, I feel free to express my opinions and feelings. Students and staff understand and honor each other’s opinions. Hillel connects me more to my Judaism and helps me understand its meaning. (Hillel Staff) Daniel and Ben encourage every student to take part in the activities, internships, and trips to Israel. They tell me when there are special activities at college and events for those my age like Mishelanu (young Israelis). They care that each student will find his place in Hillel and feel a sense of belonging here.


ENGAGEMENT BRINGING HILLEL SV TO FIVE CAMPUSES Hillel SV maintains a visible presence through weekly tabling on each of our campuses to reach out to as many students as possible and raise awareness about what we do. There are six functioning Jewish student clubs on our campuses. As an active partner in the planning of Jewish Heritage Month (January) at Foothill College, Hillel of Silicon Valley worked with the Foothill student government, faculty, staff and students to present programs attended by Foothill classes on the theme of “The American Jewish Experience�.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT We sent 26 students to a variety of conferences during the past year sponsored by Jewish and Israel advocacy organizations. These conferences included Zionism 3.0, StandwithUs, AIPAC Policy Conference, the SSI Conference and the Israel American Council Conference.Our student internship program continues to encourage students to create student-driven programming. Last year, we began a new partnership with the David Project, which empowers student leaders to build partnerships with diverse student organizations so that the pro-Israel community is integrated and valued on campus.


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

ENGAGEMENT IN THE COMMUNITY We take pride in the number of organizations that we partner with on a local and national basis, including both local Federations, AIPAC, ADL, Club Z, the Consulate General of Israel, Be’chol Lashon, Birthright Israel, Hasbara Fellowships, Israel on Campus Coalition, Israel American Council, Israel 21c, JIMENA, JNF, Me’Ever La’Yam, Shalom Bayit, Simon Wiesenthal Center, StandWithUs, World Zionist Organization, and ZOA. We connect students to events sponsored by other organizations. These include JCC-sponsored groups as well as Moishe House, which offer Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s as they create vibrant home-based Jewish communities for their peers. Hillel SV staff participates in major community events, including the Feast of Jewish Learning, Jewbilee, as well as Gvanim, an Israeli American Council program that explores Israeli-JewishAmerican identity. Hillel SV has invited teen organizations such as BBYO and Club Z to join our students for Shabbat dinners to help expose high school students to Hillel. We also provide resources about jobs, internships, and other opportunities within the Jewish world for students!

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


JEWISH LIFE SHABBAT DINNERS Hillel SV hosted more than 30 Shabbat Dinners during the 2017-18 school year. Special theme Shabbat Dinners have included rolled foods for Simchat Torah, pumpkin soup for Challahween, Jewish-fusion Thanksgiving dishes, latkes for Chanukah, piroshkis for Russian Shabbat, falafel and schwarma for Israel Shabbat, and barbecue for Lag Ba’omer. An average of 35 students and guests join us for Shabbat dinner each week. Shabbat services are also offered monthly before dinner and are led by alumni, students, and staff.

JEWISH PROGRAMS Tu B’shvat and Passover seders, Torah on Tap, Tish (a gathering for exploring Jewish teaching with food and drink), Lunch and Learns, holiday parties are just some of the ways that Hillel SV helps students to explore their Jewish identities. In October, Hillel SV was asked to work with the SJSU Campus Reading Project, English Department, and the Office of Diversity to plan a program for the general student population at SJSU on Bar Mitzvah as a rite of passage. Hillel SV sponsored three Passover Seders, one at Hillel House for everyone, one for Santa Clara University (SCU)’s Jewish Law Student Association, and an interfaith seder, also at SCU.


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


TIKKUN OLAM Several student-led Tikkun Olam efforts launched this year included raising funds for special causes. One of our student leaders launched a campaign to support Israeli-based humanitarian organization Save a Child’s Heart (SACH). Two other students raised funds and donated backpacks and winter clothes to homeless organizations. Students and staff participate on a monthly basis in Just In Time, a food assistance program at SJSU.

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org



HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


ISRAEL PROGRAMS The SJSU Students Supporting Israel (SSI) Club held a week of events on The History of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews at the end of November. SSI has adopted an Israeli lone soldier through Me’Ever La’Yam, an organization that connects Israeli lone soldiers with Jewish communities around the Bay. Hillel SV’s Israel advocacy clubs are now affiliated with Students Supporting Israel (SSI). SSI is a proIsrael international campus movement that supports the State of Israel. The first pro-Israel club was registered at Foothill College this past year. We launched a “Speaking With Impact” series for students and staff. The course offers six to eight workshop sessions to help participants acquire the skills to present Israel issues in the most clear, structured and articulate manner. Two SJSU students have become Digital Ambassadors for Israel 21c, a non-partisan organization and the publisher of an Englishlanguage online news magazine. Students are also being connected to Act.Il whose goal is to promote Israel advocacy via social media.

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org



BIRTHRIGHT ISRAEL AND ONWARD ISRAEL We are very pleased with the increased interest in students wanting to travel to Israel. We continue to be one of the 49 Hillels to take part in the Birthright Israel Collaborative Enhancement Program (BICEP). BICEP focuses on education and engagement before, during, and especially after the trip. StandWithUs, our BICEP partner, helps us create meaningful programs prior to the Birthright trip and post-trip activities that build Israel advocacy skills to help students remain connected to Israel upon their return. In addition to Birthright and Spartans2Israel, our Israel Fellow and staff actively promoted other Israel travel experiences including MASA and Onward Israel. 14 students applied for Onward internships this year and seven will be going (three from SJSU, two from De Anza, and two from Foothill.)


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

TRAVEL TO ISRAEL SPARTANS2ISRAEL In the current anti-Israel climate on our campuses, we are a long way from being able to eradicate antiIsrael sentiment. However, we are making concrete steps to generate a more positive view by touting Israel’s efforts at promoting human rights, high tech, and world-wide humanitarian aid. In our effort to educate the general campus community about Israel, we took 32 nonJewish student leaders to Israel on two different Spartans2Israel trips (one in August and the other in January) to gain a better understanding of the complex and diverse nature of Israeli society and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Upon their return, they have remained a tight-knit community that attends Hillel events, especially our Israel-focused events. Many of these participants now have a positive impression of Israel and have brought it back to the campus dialogue. This experience has helped us to develop new relationships and coalitions. We have received additional funding to sponsor another Spartans2Israel trip for this August.

FACULTY TRIPS SJSU President Mary Papazian traveled to Israel with American Jewish Committee (AJC) and two professors from SJSU’s Entrepreneurship Department traveled with JNF. These trips were a result of Hillel SV’s liaison efforts between these organizations and school faculty and administration.

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


SIGNATURE EVENTS L’DOR V’DOR Hillel of Silicon Valley’s L’Dor V’Dor community awards event held on April 8th at the Fourth Street Garage in San Jose attracted 170 people. Among the guests were faculty and administrators from the campuses served by our Hillel. The event featured a festive Moroccan vibe as it showcased the North African celebration of Mimouna, which is held the day after Passover, marking the return to eating chametz. Guests enjoyed mufleta, a Sephardic-Jewish pancake traditionally eaten during the Mimouna celebration and Moroccan tea during the reception hour. Emceed by NBC Bay Area’s Emmy Award winning reporter Scott Budman, L’Dor V’Dor included a silent auction, videos that highlighted Hillel SV programs, and tributes to community leaders Sylvia and Leonard Metz, as well as Hillel’s student leaders Josephine Tutman and Jordan Taxon. The keynote speaker at L’Dor V’Dor, Dr. Mark Yudof, former President of the University of California, spoke on the evolution of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel on university campuses.


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


PEOPLE.BOOK.LAND. EXHIBIT Hillel of Silicon Valley was proud to be the only Hillel to co-sponsor the historical United Nations exhibit: “People.Book.Land: The 3,500 Year Relationship of the Jewish People with the Holy Land”. Five Hundred students, faculty, and community members attended the exhibit at three different showings at SJSU, at Santa Clara University, and Foothill College during the months of November, December, and January. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, spoke at the November 27 opening ceremony reception and called the exhibit “a love story between a people and its land.” SJSU President Mary Papazian referenced her own Armenian ancestry saying “Few things matter as much to me as future generations truly understanding history — and ensuring that the past remains present.” Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen also spoke at the event. HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org


500 1,043 SHABBAT MEALS Served to Hillel Students

students, faculty, and community members viewed the historical exhibit, “PEOPLE. BOOK.LAND: THE 3,500 YEAR RELATIONSHIP OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND THE HOLY LAND” on three different campuses.


STUDENTS TRAVELED to Israel through Birthright, our Spartans2Israel Program, and through Onward Israel.





STUDENTS attended one of our sponsored Passover seders.

STUDENT LEADERS attended a variety of leadership conferences sponsored by Jewish and Israel advocacy organizations.

PARTNERSHIPS with Jewish and non-Jewish student organizations.

Jewish and Israelrelated activities, programs and meetings.

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS! Scott and Pamela Abramson Cookie Addison Addison-Penzak JCC Charles and Davida Adelberg Toby Adelman Altman-Aronow Charitable Foundation (Krigel, Schiff & Sporer families) Tomas Alvarez John and Erika Ammirati Anonymous Armanino Foundation Herzel and Bonnie Ashkenazi Maxie and Helen Baer Rabbi Ilana and David Baird Arissa Balaban Briana Balaban Dr. Jason and Mishy Balaban James and Teri Baron Jacob and Ruth Barron Jonathan Barron / State Farm Ilan and Tammi Benjamin Pat Bergman Fred and Alyssia Berkowitz Dick Berman Ralph and Leah Bernstein Albert and Natalie Bivas Bertrand Blanc Dan Pitt and Claudia Bloom Jeremy and Roberta Bloom Stephen Branz Ken and Sandi Bretz Barbara Brodie Ruth Brodie Jeanette Bronstein Sarita Bronstein Buckingham Strategic Wealth


Michael Buteau David and Susana Cahn Dr. Edward and Marjorie Cahn Rabbi Ari and Joyce Cartun Todd Cereghino Park and Joan Chamberlain Ellis Chernoff Harve Eliot and Sandra Citrin Diane Claerbout Steven Cohen, D.D.S. Barbara and David Cohen Reba Cohen Robert and Linda Cohen Congregation Beth Am Congregation Beth David Deborah Davis Richard Davis Doris Davis Carmen De Monteflores Dr. Joseph Decker HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

Jacob and Karen Deloumi Jacques Adler and Betty Denenberg Dorothy (z�l) and Mel (z�l) Cotton Endowment Fund Alex Drukarev Jack and Sheila Dubin Maureen Ellenberg Steven and Susan Ellenberg Burt and Sandy Epstein Howard and Renee Fine Paul and Kay Fireman Michael and Ruth Fletcher Jeff and Kate Fox Marvin and Joan Fox Robert and Ruth Fox Barbara Frank Alan and Beverly Friedman Joseph and Michelle Gabriel B.B. Gerstman Jeffrey and Lori Ghan David Gitin Lance and Wendy Glasser Dr. Michael and Jane Gold Bob and Mary Goldberg Harold and Alisa Israel Goldberg David Singer and Diane Goldman Arturo Salz and Andrea Goldsmith Margaret Goodman Diana Gorovich Arye and Barbara Green Dr. Stephen and Helaine Green Stephen and Arlene Greenberg Bernard and Rochelle Greenfield Avraham Eshel and Bina Guererei Eugene and Marilyn Handloff Doron and Arielle Hendel Vivian Herman Randy and Virginia Hess Hillel International Lee and Bonnie Hirsch Mike and Anne Hochberg HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

David and Debby Hoffman Helen Ibsen Dan and Barbara Illowsky Dov and Madelyn Isaacs Israel on Campus Coalition Dr. Steve and Suzanne Jackson Matt and Nurit Jacobs Fred and Beverly Jacobson Jerry and Rita Jacobson Neil and Dina Jacobson Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin, and Sonoma Counties Marni Kamzan Dr. Irwin and Sharon Kasser Dr. Jim and Dorene Kastelman Andrew and Michelle Katcher Avery Kaufman-Borenstein Edward and Eleanor Kiss Michael and Judy Kitt Thomas and Susan Klein Scott and Barbara Knaster Koret Foundation Dr. Stuart and Julie Krigel Israel and Judith Krongold Carlos and Nancy Laber Nicole Lance Tal and llana Lavian Daniel and Shirley Lee Elliot and Marcia Lepler Dr. Gordon and Judy Levin Susan T. Levin Mark and Susan Levine Raymond and Bobi Levine Amy Levit Sigal Lipkin Bill Lister Gerald and MJ Lopatin Loring Ward Maccabee Task Force Foundation Ron and Sue Maltiel


Gavril and Anita Margittai Charles and Miriam Marr McGrath Power Public Relations James Heeger and Daryl Messinger Leonard and Sylvia Metz Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund Stuart Millstein Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation Arthur and Claudia Muller MZ Foundation Jewish Agency for Israel Jim Nessi Martin and Nancy Newman Rabbis Philip and Shoshana Ohriner Dan Orloff Robert Ovadia Robin Penn Douglas and Willma Polgar Howard and Margie Pomerantz Barry Posner and Jackie Schmidt Posner Ellen Ratner Martin and Sheryl Rattner Myra Reinhard Family Foundation Erich and Tanya Reinhardt David and Harriet Reisner Amber Reynolds Joseph and Marcia Riggio Zack and Orli Rinat Harry and Donna Rogers Edward and Linda Rosen Fagie Rosen Pearl Rosenthal Adam and Carol Rossi Ronald and Sheree Roth Michael and Pnina Rothenberg Stuart and Lynn Rovin Mike Rubenstein Rochelle Rubenstein Joel and Andrea Rubnitz Allen and Cynthia Ruby Richard and Eleanor Rusnak Robin Sabes Campus Organizations at San Jose State University


Natalie Schriger Marvin and Ellen Schwartz Marilyn Sefchovich Hersh and Arna Shefrin Martin and Corinne Sherman Steve Schleimer and Cyndi Sherman JoAnn Shank Brett and Tanya Shore Hugh Silin Bonnie Slavitt Philip Smaller Somekh Family Foundation Alan Fisher and Barbara Sommer StandWithUs Maureen Starr Nate and Lisa Stein Dan Steinberg and Sherry Solden Russell Steinweg Arieh and Rama Strod Michael Sinensky and Michal Strutin Thomas and Judith Szepesi Taich Family Charitable Charles and Barbara Taubman Rick and Ann Tavan Jordan Taxon Dennis and Daphne Teifeld The David Project Leonard and Preeva Tramiel Adam and Miriam Tutman H & J Ullman Philanthropic Fund Scott Ullman Rebecca Wahba Paul Overmyer and Alice Wald Jeff Warwick and Marjorie Alpert Esther Wedner Nancy Weisenfeld Jeffrey and Carol Weiss Judge Arthur and Gayle Weissbrodt Werba Rubin Papier Wealth Management Alan and Pat Werba Dan and Laura Winter Jon and Marsha Witkin HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

Janet Wolf Ilana Wolfson and Morse Taxon Dr. Jeffry and Anna Young Bob and Carrie Zeidman Sue Zeifman

MATCHING GIFT CORPORATIONS Adobe Systems, Inc. Apple GE Foundation Intel Corporation Xilinx Community Fund


Spencer Brodie Scott Budman Contemporary Jewish Museum Fairmont San Jose Foothill College Celebrity Forum Series Jeffrey and Lori Ghan Hagafen Cellars, Inc. High Com Security Systems Jeff Cable Photography Steven Krandel Andrew and Michelle Katcher Bobby and Fran Lent John Leyvas Dan Pitt and Claudia Bloom Siggy Jewelry Rick and Ann Tavan Treasures of Magellan

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org

SILICON VALLEY JEWISH COMMUNITY LEGACY PROJECT We are grateful to the following members of the Legacy Society for their meaningful commitments to Hillel of Silicon Valley now and for the future. Cookie Addison Rabbi Josh and Dana Berkenwald Dr. Edward and Marjorie Cahn Jack and Fran Chevlen Mel and Dorothy Cotton (z”l) Rick (z”l) and Doris Davis David and Debby Hoffman Barbara Illowsky Dov and Madelyn Isaacs Jerry and Rita Jacobson MJ and Jerry Lopatin Ron and Sue Maltiel Leonard and Sylvia Metz Bonnie Slavitt Robin Penn Sherri Sager Steve Schleimer and Cyndi Sherman Rick and Ann Tavan Dennis and Daphne Teifeld Alan and Pat Werba

Donors are listed by gifts received during the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Our sincere apologies if we inadvertently omitted any names from our acknowledgements. Please know this was in error and we send our heartfelt thanks.


SHABBAT AND HOLIDAY COOKS AND SPONSORS Hillel SV thanks those community members who have lovingly prepared and donated Shabbat and holiday dinners for our students. AEPi Fraternity of San Jose State University Ginny and Bob Baird Rabbi Ilana Baird and the Russian Jewish Program of the APJCC Fred and Alyssia Berkowitz Marlene Bernstein Dan Pitt and Claudia Bloom Spencer Brodie, Student Edward and Marjorie Cahn Marc Cohn and Shirie Eshel-Krohn Debbie Davis Alex Drukarev Paul and Kayn Fireman Jeffrey and Lori Ghan Giving Circle of Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley Marilyn Goodman Arye and Barbara Green Steve and Arlene Greenberg Hillel of Silicon Valley Board of Directors Avi Hochberg and Marcia Klein Dan and Barbara Illowsky Dov and Madelyn Isaacs Leonard and Jane Jacobson Jewish Student Union of San Jose State University Andrew and Michelle Katcher Michael and Susan Leitner Vintage Ladies Havurah of Congregation Shir Hadash Gavril and Anita Margittai Sima Shore Michael Sinensky and Michal Strutin Lauren Smith Jonathan and Susan Sweedler Chuck and Barbara Taubman Rick and Ann Tavan Andy and Pat Wolfe Women’s Philanthropy of Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley Bob and Carrie Zeidman


HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org



4% Program Participation Fees - 2% Community Support - 48%

Hillel of Silicon Valley Operating Income



Grants - 50%

for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2018



Program Participation Fees - 2% Community Support - 48%


Grants - 50%


Hillel of Silicon Valley Operating Expenses



for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2018 1% 3%

Communications, Marketing & Publicity - 3%13%

3% 36%



Events & Fundraising - 5% Facilities & Administrative - 11%

1% 3%

Student Programs - 81% Communications, Marketing & Publicity - 3%13%

3% 36%

81% 31%

Events & Fundraising - 5% Facilities & Administrative - 11% HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY | www.hillelsv.org



HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY (HILLEL SV) Serves the students at San Jose State University, Santa Clara University, Foothill College, De Anza College, and West Valley College, as well as any undergraduate or graduate student in Silicon Valley not served by another Hillel. As the center for Jewish life on campus, Hillel provides students with a Jewish context for life experiences, an appreciation for their Jewish heritage, an understanding of and appreciation for Israel, and a passion for Jewish life. Hillel’s quality programs create an opportunity for students to explore the social, cultural, educational, and religious components of Judaism and Israel.

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY’S MISSION: Provide a welcoming supportive environment to enrich students’ college experience and enable them to connect with the Jewish community and Israel.

HILLEL OF SILICON VALLEY’S VISION: Hillel of Silicon Valley inspires every Jewish student to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning, and Israel.


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