Highland Indoors | Special Quarantine Edition | Whenever 2020

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Highland INDOORS

West Virginia’s Indoor Magazine

STAFF Publisher, Editor-In-Side Dylan Jones Associate Editor, Design Nikki Forrester A Bunch of Other Stuff Dylan Jones, Nikki Forrester

CONTRIBUTORS I'll give you one guess. EDITORIAL POLICY Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers because we don’t have any in this issue. SUSTAINABILITY We probably saved a few trees by not printing this magazine and only buying a reasonable amount of toilet paper for two people.

FROM THE EDITOR It’s just after two in the afternoon. We ate breakfast at 1:15 P.M. Are these the same sweatpants I’ve been wearing for 20 days? Pretty sure I changed my underwear a few days ago… Who even knows what day it is anymore? The pondering of such esoteric questions and onset of space-time warping phenomena can only mean one thing: it’s peak quarantine season. While most of us would normally be in the great outdoors engaged in various sports to celebrate the transition to springtime in Appalachia, we’re stuck inside, daydreaming of what might have been and what might come to pass. When life gives you lemons, squeeze a slice in your eye, wake the hell up, and get ahold of yourself. Plenty of radical adventures exist just steps from your steps. That’s right, it’s time to rev up the stoke factor and prepare for the onslaught of indoor adventure activities.

Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you have to keep your quiver of suddenly useless adventure gear relegated to the dark depths of recently organized closets. So bust out the ropes, helmets, paddles, tents, and skis. It’s time to gear up and head downstairs, or maybe upstairs, or perhaps into your garage, if you’re lucky enough to have one. Let this issue be your guide for turning your adventurous life outside-in. May it bring you some joy in a time that can occasionally be lacking in said emotion. And don’t worry— we’ll be ready to hit you with a fresh print issue of Highland Outdoors when the time is right. Regardless of how long we must endure, never forget these three simple rules: 1) Fashion First 2) Function Second 3) Safety Third w Dylan Jones, Editor-In-Side



DISCLAIMER Indoor activities are inherently risky. Highland Indoors will not be held responsible for your decision to play inside. COVER Dylan Jones and Nikki Forrester binge watching outdoor videos on YouTube. Photo by a camera. Copyright © 2020 by Highland Outdoors. All rights reserved. Highland Indoors is published by DJones Media, LLC.

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