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After discovering this gorgeous colourful pasta in France, I knew it was a perfect match for this dish. Local farm shops tend to sell colourful pasta but regular pasta is also lovely in this salad. Enjoy this showstopper pasta salad as a main itself or as a side dish to complement a summer's BBQ. Besides from a bit of vegetable chopping, it is so simple to put together and can be made in advance. This means it's great if there are leftovers, as it will keep a couple of days in the fridge. The recipe makes enough dressing for the salad and leaves you a little extra to use another day.

For the pasta 250g farfalle pasta half a red pepper half a yellow pepper 100g cherry tomatoes 65g sundried tomatoes 80g feta cheese 60g olives 25g pine nuts handful of fresh basil

ingredients For the dressing 100ml olive oil 2 tbsp white wine vinegar 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp caster sugar 1 tsp chopped garlic 1 tsp salt 2 tsp Dijon mustard

method 1. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the packet. Once cooked, drain the pasta and run it under cold water to cool it down. Set it aside to cool. 2. Prepare the vegetables by chopping the peppers into 2cm cubes, halving the olives and chopping the sundried tomatoes and the basil. I chop the cherry tomatoes into quarters or halves depending on their size. The feta cheese should be chopped into small cubes. 3. Prepare your dressing by adding all its ingredients into a jar and shake well. 4. Put the pasta and all the vegetables into a large bowl that you wish to serve it in. 5. Toast the pine nuts on a frying pan over a medium heat for a few minutes. 6. Drizzle as much dressing as you want over the salad and toss it all together so the pasta and vegetables are nicely coated in the dressing. Finish the dish by sprinkling over the toasted pine nuts.


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