May-June 2014

Page 54

corruptible elements. Some of the major filters in our bodies include our kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, urinary tract, skin and sweat glands. Though we cannot completely avoid toxins, we can reduce the number of contaminants we put into our bodies and ensure optimal health and operation of our filtering organs. Here is some expert advice on how to detox your body: • Drink adequate amounts of water for flushing and filtering your body’s systems, especially because we’re made up of 70 percent water. • Eat green foods and take specific nutritional supplements to keep your liver (the body’s main detoxifying organ) healthy. • Eat organic foods. • Eat plenty of fiber — 25 to 30 grams per day — from foods such as 100 percent bran cereal, brown rice and organic fruits and vegetables. Particularly good are apples, broccoli, beets, cabbage, radishes, artichokes, spirulina and chlorella. Kilham noted that apples “have powerful antioxidants and pectin — and that cleanses the digestive system. Who doesn’t like apples? Eat one or two a day; that’s a good way to cleanse.” • Cleanse and protect the liver by taking herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion root and burdock and by drinking green or black tea. • Quit smoking or exposing yourself to environments of secondhand smoke. Any way you slice it, one of the worst habits for your health is smoking, with its extensive risks for cancer and other associated de-

bilitating diseases and conditions. Every year, more than 750,000 Americans die from cardiovascular diseases, and 550,000 die from cancer. About 450,000 die because they smoked. • Exercise in clean-air areas (gyms, beaches, hills, etc.). There’s a Danish proverb that says, “Fresh air impoverishes the doctor.” • Sweat, and brush your skin - and use sauna therapy. • Use natural products (and gloves when you don’t). • Clean the air in your home with air purifiers and live plants. • Fast using the juice of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. • Cut back on sugar. Prevention magazine reported: “Refined sugar causes a process called glycation, which can damage the collagen and elastin that keep skin firm and youthful. Try all-natural stevia, an easily digested herbal sweetener that doesn’t trigger glycation, according to board-certified dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD. God created an awesome filtering and waste management system in our bodies, but our organs are being tapped out and damaged by the extensive use of chemicals and contaminates throughout our society. If we want to preserve these amazing human machines, there’s no getting around it; we must better guard the entry points in our bodies from toxins and other adversaries and then optimize our organs to filter out the bad that infiltrates our bodies’ systems. In short, we must reset our bodies and detoxify! ∆

RITUALS— From Pg. 36 Invest in “relationship activities” Couples who have strong levels of dedication are more likely to be happier, more open, and have less conflict in their relationships. They’re more likely to take steps to improve and sacrifice for their

relationship. That’s because couples’ needs change over time. Intentionally addressing your relationship makes space to invest in the commitment you share. “Reading a book on relationships can spark new ideas for growth and improvement,” Furrow advises. “Sharing these ideas and participating in exercises 63

May - June 2014


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