March 2009

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opinion campus and local feature special sports entertainment photo essay MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009

Volume 57, Issue No. 5



Please see

water polo, page 12



LENDING A HAND. In the College and Career Center, Mary Harris counts transcript money. “[From volunteering] I get satisfaction. It makes me happy and keeps me healthy. I love the school and the kids,” Harris said.

Giving over 1,440 hours of service per year on this campus alone, ‘Mother’ Mary Harris is an Orange County Public School Outstanding Volunteer of the Year. “You know a handmade knit sweater? When one strand breaks, it doesn’t function the same... that’s like Mary Harris. Without her, the school does not function at the same level,” Ann Cadman, College and Career supervisor, said. This prestigious award is given to one person for each of the three categories: senior, adult and youth. Harris is representing the ADDitions Senior school volunteers within the Central Learning Community. Harris has been volunteering on campus for 15 years and she works a full schedule of seven to eight hours a day. “[Harris] makes everybody feel important, which is what we all need. She just turned 80 but

she’s still a ray of sunshine. She makes everyone feel good,” Deborah Clary, magnet guidance counselor, said. She maintains the data program for magnet, which includes setting up the appointments for students applying for the magnet program and inputting students’ information into the magnet program’s computer system. Before she became a volunteer, Harris worked as a telephone operator for 33 years. When Harris visited her daughter in 1994, who was a secretary on campus, she came to work with her for three weeks. At the conclusion of her initial visit, Harris decided she wanted to stay involved with Boone. “I love the school and I enjoy [volunteering]. I’ve worked since I was 16 and I missed working when I retired,” Harris said. Harris also does the filing for the bookkeepers and the College and Career Center. “When I have 14 other things to do, I can hand her something without any explanation and she knows what to do,” Cadman said. Harris also counts and maintains records of money students pay to print and send transcripts

to colleges and universities. She also keeps records of when the school received the transcripts. Harris also makes copies of materials students may need in reference to colleges and scholarships. “[Winning the award] is a good feeling but I don’t volunteer for the awards. I mainly volunteer for me. I think schools need more people for the amount of students [they have]. The little I do may help in some way,” Harris said. Not only does Harris help the campus, but she also enjoys communicating with the students. She listens to their problems and gives advice about what she thinks the right thing to do. Her presence is uplifting to the students she interacts with and when Harris is not on campus, students ask Cadman where she is because they enjoy talking to her. “[Harris] is always willing to help somebody if they need it. If she didn’t care about the students or school, she wouldn’t keep coming [to volunteer],” Jaimie Dunn, senior, said. Harris will be recognized at Sea World on May 1. After the ceremony, Harris and one guest may enjoy the day at the theme park.

Students use green thumbs



Spring Break starts with a student holiday on March 27 and lasts until April 3.

79¢ is spent on teaching, transporting, supervising and counseling students.


On April 13, the Senior Class will be hosting its fourth blood drive. To sign -up, see a Senior Class officer or Sarah Kittrell in Room 220.


Anyone interested in running for a student government office must attend a mandatory meeting at 8:30 a.m., march 24.



‘Cuts in education never heal’ Orange County is looking at $240 million cuts

Board says all items “on table” for possible cuts, these include: Closing 8 elementary schools Eliminating freshman sports Cutting electives like, physical fitness, art and music

Who to contact Gov. Charlie Crist State of Florida PL-0-5 The Capital Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-488-4441 Senator Andy Gardiner 1013 E. Michigan St. Orlando, FL 32806 407-428-5800 Rep. Eric Eisnaugle 2003 Curry Ford Rd. Ste. 1 Orlando, FL 32806 407-893-3141


“Save Our Schools”, “Support Education” and “We’re worth a penny” are phrases chanted outside Congressman Andy Gardner’s (R-District 9) office on Michigan Avenue. Parents, students and teachers want legislators to amend the state budget to adequately fund education. “I am protesting because I do not believe this funding crisis is an accident. They have known for many years about the class size amendment and they want it gone,” Ralph Belder, Pine Castle teacher, said. Orange County is not immune to the budget cuts. As of March 19, reports indicated OCPS is looking at a $240 million shortfall. “They have a constitutional obligation to fund education. In my 38 years [teaching], we have never been funded at the national level. The school board can’t fix this; it is only the legislatures who can,” Belder said. An estimated $3 million is going to be cut from this campus alone. This number is expected to rise as the state details monetary loses. Currently, the cuts are equivalent to 50 teacher salaries. There are 39 annual contract teachers on campus who may not have a job next academic year.

As parents lose their jobs, students feel the need to help their families financially; however, the late high school end time makes working during the week difficult. “I have to leave straight from school to go to work and I have to get ready at work. I don’t get home until 10:30 p.m. and it makes it difficult to do homework,” junior Victoria Scott said. Students throughout the campus are feeling the effects of the economic crisis. “Money has been tight; we had to get rid of a car. We don’t turn the heat on and we turn the water heater off. We have to move to a condo because it is cheaper and we will save $25,000 a

year,” junior John Bosco said. Bosco works at Chick-fil-a to pay his phone bill, car insurance and to repay his father for a car loan.

School closings

In attempts to create a fiscally responsible budget, Orange County Public Schools is looking at closing eight elementary schools: Grand Avenue, Hillcrest, Hungerford, Kaley, Maxey, Orange Center and Pine Castle. All of the schools, with the exception of Pershing, have high rates of low-

Please see

Money, page 4

I want to keep all the electives. We don’t need any more cuts. If we keep cutting, soon, these kids won’t have anything.

tiffany otto, boone parent goes toward central and fiscal services, general administration and district technology

6¢ for library materials, staff training and curriculum development

Phil Ziglar is the current honoree of the Coaches with Honor award. Ziglar was honored for his leadership and good character on and off the field. Bill Daniel is an Innovative Educator for his creative in teaching practical money skills.


SOS! Outside of Congressman Andy Gardner’s office, Grim Reapers, Waniesha Howard, Jada Roberson and Jennifer Alami protest. “I have a lot of friends who do not understand the severity of our budget crisis and the cuts we’re facing. We should do it once a week and get the students to come out,” Alami, English teacher, said.

12¢ goes toward acquiring, operating andmaintaining necessary school facilities.

Grad Bash is May 1 at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Attendees must take transportation provided by the school. Akon will be performing.

4 6 8 10 14 16

Volunteer receives recognition, award


Prom starts at 6 p.m. on April 18 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort. Tickets are on sale March 23 to April 10. Tickets are $75 for seniors, $85 for juniors and $95 for a guest of a junior or senior. Guests must be under the age of 20. The ticket price includes dinner. Tickets will be sold during lunch and an obligation form is required to buy a ticket.

2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806


Everyday waste and garbage builds up on the Reservation, making the school look old and worn. Tomorrow students will reverse this process by participating in Green-Up Boone. “[Green-Up Boone] will raise love and awareness of the fact that this is our home. I like seeing the teachers and students working together,” Assistant Principal Carlota Iglesias said. The Student Government Association organizes and sets up the event. It brings together 30 clubs and organizations in an effort to improve the campus. “The purpose is to make the campus look nice and help pay for plants. It’s to show that we care about our school, because if we don’t no one else will,” SGA sponsor Annette Montgomery said. Similar to years past, students will receive three volunteer hours for participating. This is essential for Bright Futures or National Honor Society. Participants will also receive a continental breakfast upon arrival. Unlike the 2008 GreenUp, the City of Orlando will be sponsoring the event. They are donating $1500 of yard equipment and $1350 in plants through their Green-Up Orlando program. The city will supply all of the materials needed for the event. “Green-Up [Orlando] enjoys working with all dedicated schools that coordinate school volunteers that are engaged to make a difference around their campus,” Janice Rahill, GreenUp Orlando manager, said. Students are looking forward to beautifying the campus. “I am excited to participate in Green-Up Boone because I care about my school. I spend a good portion of my time here,” junior Andrew Pitts, who will be representing BBC at the cleanup, said. Twenty-one clubs have specific plots and areas to re-plant. Each club will have a sign designating the plot as theirs. These clubs are encouraged to maintain these plots throughout the year. Even students who are not club members are encouraged to help with the clean-up and planting tomorrow. It is the hope that tomorrow’s event will encourage all Braves to maintain the campus “A clean, well maintained campus that is not trampled, but respected is a source of pride,” Rahill said. Green-Up Boone starts at 9 a.m. Students should report to the Kemosabe Commons to sign-in.


OPINIONS Florida gets left behind, again MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •

letter from the editor MEXICO NEEDS U.S. ASSISTANCE With 1,000 people already dead in 2009 alone, the drug cartels in Mexico are threatening to take over the Mexican government. The two largest drug cartels, Federation and Los Zetas, are joining forces to shut down rivals and better withstand government pressure. In March, the cartels used their power by killing a public official every 48 hours until a lead police chief resigned. They are suspected of also fielding an army of 100,000 foot soldiers; Mexico’s entire army is 130,000. Having already infiltrated numerous top government offices, the drug cartels are in prime position to takeover the current Mexican administration. This imminent threat is not only harmful to the Mexican people but to American citizens as well. America must take action against its neighboring country which borders California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. Although still in conflict with Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military needs to take preemptive action in Mexico to prevent a catastrophe later. If the drug cartels become the Mexican government, violence will cross over the border into America. In Ciudad Juarez, 1,600 people died over the past year in drugrelated deaths. This city is only a couple miles from El Paso, Texas. Already contract killings and kidnappings have increased on U.S. soil by Mexican cartels. The American government can’t prevent illegal aliens from crossing over now; stopping members of drug cartels who have money and weaponry to force their way across the border is improbable. order towns will be the first to experience the violence if the U.S. does not take action now to stop Mexican drug lords. Not only would the violence spread, but drug abuse would too. By letting the drug lords infiltrate the Mexican government, the war against drugs would be lost. The $6.5 billion that the Mexican government has spent to battle gangs will be wasted. Mexico is the main entry point for narcotics such as cocaine, marijuana and heroin into the U.S. The relationship between the U.S. and Mexican government in their fight to stop drug trafficking will be gone. U.S.’s current list of drug lords will become the government, if their plan succeeds. There will no longer be an ally in Mexico to help prevent drug trafficking; instead the trafficking will increase because the drug lords will be the government. Mexico’s problem could lead to a nightmare for America. If the drug cartels are successful, Mexico could become worse than Cuba in the 1960’s. When Fidel Castro took over, America had an ocean, or 94 miles, between. With Mexico, the only protection is the Rio Grande. Obama should start sending support to the Mexican government. Unlike Iraq, intervention will directly benefit the American people. America can’t afford to ignore the troubles of a bordering country. As third on a list of U.S. national threats, behind Iran and Pakistan, the U.S. military needs to bump it to priority status due to its proximity and violent consequences. Intervention now will prevent regrets in the future.



As Florida looks toward the future, preparations must be made for successful education. No longer should one tolerate the lack of concern the government gives to funding education; it is time for education to be the legislator’s top priority. Florida’s state legislature needs to realize that students deserve better. Having one’s voice heard is what makes America a democratic nation. With education slowly deteriorating because of lack of funding, it is imperative for students to contact their legislature and ensure that education avoids the chopping block. One may not believe that a single voice will make a difference, but each voice counts. If everyone has this state of mind, that they won’t be heard, then change will never happen. For students who want a job and a full academic schedule next year it will once again be a difficult task. Even though the school board did approve the re-flip of start times it may not be possible. As the budget deficit grows, education sees an even larger hole. Students need the real life experience one receives from a job. Knowing how to balance a schedule and getting things done in a timely manner are life skills. Without this experience students will not be competitive in the workforce. Other developed countries value education and work to properly fund it. Currently Florida is 49th in the United States for funding education. This statistic is outrageous and should have everyone, not just students and parents of students, outraged by this travesty. Florida students will not be competitive within the United States, much less globally. The majority of our governments money should be going to schools who educate the future leaders of our country. With Orange County looking at a $240 million shortfall, they may be forced to cut sports programs. They estimate they can save $1.7 million by cutting

Top five states for spending on education per capita Bottom five states for spending on education per capita

middle and freshman sports. This seems like a quick fix for the funding crisis, but in the long run it will cause more harm than good. If the school start times remain as they are, middle school students will only have more time to cause mischief. Sports provide a positive activity to fill student’s time and build one’s confidence, as well as serve as the incentive for students to come to school, especially for those who are not academically inclined. The incentive for these students will decrease and the threat of dropouts will increase. Art and music programs have already been eliminated in elementary and middle schools throughout the county. These are also positive outlets for students. Both music and art are ways

for students to express themselves and to learn how to think creatively. Once these programs are gone, they will be lost for good. These monies will be allocated to other areas and future generations will suffer. Students should be doing all they can to ensure that education is a priority to Florida’s elected officials and in the home. If students become the ignorant people the legislators are setting them up to be, then the future of this state and even country will surely fail. It’s time for students to take a stand; it’s time for a change in education. Education is not a frivolous expense, but an investment in the future. To help support the fight for funding visit,

Legislators to contact: Congressman Andy Gardiner (407) 222-3209 Representative Eric Eisnaugle (407) 893-3141 Representative Scott Randolph (407) 893-3084

Exam costs pose a problem

AP exams waste vital funds

Exam costs add pressure


While Orange County schools battle budget cuts, there has been talk of cutting freshman and junior varsity sports, shutting down smaller elementary schools, and firing teachers and staff. Students are struggling to adjust to a new schedule that may or may not change back next year, all to save money. There is one option that may not solve, but certainly would alleviate, budget problems. Students should pay to take their Advanced Placement exams. Orange County students took 16,000 AP exams in 2008, nearly 800 from Boone. Schools must pay $86 for every test taken, which includes an $8 rebate to help with administrative costs. That adds up to $1,276,626 spent by Orange County in 2008. Kept out of the budget, this amount would allow 28 teachers in Orange County to keep their jobs and end some of this budget cut madness. This proposal, while acceptable to students that can afford it, may seem detrimental to the success of low-income students. In Florida, low-income students took 7,700 AP tests last year, representing 14 percent of tests administered. However, College Board offers a $20 price reduction for students with “acute financial need.” This lowers the price to $66, an affordable sum when considering the amount one must pay for a course at a public university. Currently, one course at a state university costs $267 for in-state students. In Orange County, 41 percent of tests given earned a 3 or higher--the passing grade. This means that Orange County pays 59 percent, or roughly $753,200, for students to fail tests and receive no college credit. This is too much money spent to no positive end. Orange County could possibly allow students receiving an “A” in their respective AP class to take the exam free of charge. As yearlong grades are often indicators of success on exams, the school system would be making a sound investment in paying for these students. This would also offer another way for low-income students to afford the exams. Students with lower grades would pay for their tests. This system not only saves the county money, but would also provide more incentive for students with lower grades in AP classes to succeed on the exam. Advanced students are costing high schools money that often times they will get from BrightFutures anyway. In this time of financial crisis, it is not the responsibility of high schools to pay for students’ college credits. Advanced students are reaping the expensive benefits of the school system while teachers are fired, sports are lost and the quality of the public school system plummets.


Boone has the highest AP exam pass rate in Orange County at 69% 14% of the AP tests taken are by low income students in Florida $267: cost of a course at a public university in Florida In 2008, Orange County spent over 1.2 million on AP exam fees

The allocation of money is decreasing. Despite this, Orange County Public Schools should keep Advanced Placement exam costs a priority. AP is important to both students and schools. If one passes the Advanced Placement exam and his college accepts the earned credits, he can save the cost of that course and the other expenses such as lab fees and books. The average tuition and fees for a year at a public college in 2008-09 within one’s residential state was $6,585 and at a private college it was $25,143. Each AP exam costs $86. If a student takes an AP course in the four major subject areas, the total cost would be $344. College Board has a $22 fee reduction for those with acute financial need; however, it is becoming more difficult to obtain financial help. Increases in applicants for scholarships and financial aid, such as the 30 percent increase in College Board’s scholarship database from December 2007-2008, show the increasing need for financial assistance. Due to the present state of the economy, small scholarship and financial aid groups, such as Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, Perkins loans and school-based groups, are forced to make cuts. These cuts could mean stricter qualifications so those who need the assistance may not receive it. AP courses provide students with a challenge and a glimpse into college coursework. The students in these classes are already under stress due to the difficult coursework and the responsibility to pay for the exam would only add to their stress. Because of the extra work required in AP, working to earn money is nearly impossible. Students who desire for a challenge in school can be fulfilled by taking AP classes. When these students are not challenged, dropout rates increase. Top students help the school’s state grade and reputation. So if they drop out, not only are the students losing out on an education, but society is also losing some of its brightest minds. It is crucial to fund such exceptional students and give them the opportunity to excel. AP classes are a great way to do this. Because of limited funding, schools are looking for ways to reduce spending. Instead of eliminating payment of AP exams, schools should make standards for students’ admittance into AP courses stricter. Since students would be in the proper level classes, funding will be used more efficiently. The pass rate of Boone AP students of 69 percent and 41percent in Orange County could also increase. When schools pay for AP exams, students are relieved of financial and mental pressure so they are able to perform better. It makes the money spent by the school worth it.

hi-lights Editor-in-chief

Laura Uncapher

Managing Editor Elizabeth Cartwright Copy Editor Emily O’Loane Business Manager Zoe Compton Campus and Local Editor Lindsey Dye Features Editor Danielle Cole Sports Editor Brendan Hall Entertainment Editor David Matteson

Reporters Victoria Boatman, Carmela Crutcher, Ashley Edwards, Katie Edwards, Amanda Fleminger, Haley Guiette, Karen Jaen, Rachel Laquea, Jessica McCoy, Rachel Motta, Tyler Patrick, Jonathan Warren Adviser Renée Burke Principal Margaret McMillen Policy Statement Hi-Lights is a student run publication of William R. Boone High School, 2000 South Mills Avenue, Orlando, Florida, 32806. The ideas and

views of the aforementioned students and faculty are not necessarily those of Boone or the Orange County School Board. Opinions expressed in unsigned editorials are those of the editorial board, who determine the content. Opinions expressed in columns are those of the authors. Comments, letters, stories and ideas are welcome and encouraged under the following: 1. The material is not obscene or libelous 2. The material is signed The staff reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, length, punctuation,

accuracy, invasion of privacy and potential disruption of the school. Hi-Lights is associated with Florida Scholastic, American Scholastic, Columbia Scholastic and National Scholastic Press Associations.

Our Mission This paper is a quality product whose sole purpose is to pursue the truth, and to provide objective data for the student body as well as the surrounding community. Any questions or comments can be directed to (407) 893-7200, extension 2614 or Room 224. If you find any errors, please call our offices or

visit us. Advertising We welcome advertising into the paper, however, we do not publish advertising for tobacco, alcohol or illegal substances. The paper is free to students and subscriptions are available for $10. Advertising prices are as follows: Business card $20 Eighth page $45 Quarter page $75 Half page $125 Full page $175 Contact our offices for exact press dates.

Your compliments, critiques and letters are welcomed. Note that we do not print anything libelous or any poetry. Please sign your name to anything you submit, if you would like it published. If you would like your name withheld, please state so. Submissions are subject to editing for length, clarity and accuracy. Bring letters to room 224 or place in Renée Burke’s mailbox or mail to the school address before April 10, 2009.






from it A column By LINDSEY DYE

Rushing to fourth period, a student runs as quickly as she can down the stairs. Forgetting to focus on her feet, she trips over them. Books and papers flying everywhere, she scrambles to hold herself up, only falling harder into something…something wet with a terrible smell. Spit. Dip spit. For those who think it’s cool to dip, it’s not. Walking around with a huge lump in your mouth is so far from attractive. Thinking it will make the girls wait in line is possibly the furthest thing from reality. This is a huge turn off for females. Despite the fact that people are walking around looking like apes with wads of dip in their mouth, it is being spit all over the place. Spit is something meant to be swallowed, put in a napkin, trashcan or toilet. All of this, of course, is to be done in the privacy of one’s own space. Spare the rest of us from watching you dispose of bodily fluid. Also, carrying around water bottles of dip spit is by far one of the grossest things ever. No one wants to see your spit collection. How much more repulsive can you be? Save us the sight, please. Girls, kissing guys while they have dip in their mouth isn’t cute. Don’t do it! Have some self-respect before kissing an ash tray. Guys, if you think that girls will enjoy kissing you while chewing dip, they won’t. It’s gross. Save time and effort by not even attempting to ask. If one has developed the habit and “needs” to dip, he should try putting something else in his lip such as food, one’s own tongue, or gum might work. Dipping is not a better alternative to smoking. Long term users may be 50 percent more at risk for cancer of the cheek and gums. Dip is also believed to contribute to cardio vascular disease and high blood pressure. Dipping is not just a nasty habit but it also poses a threat to one’s health; the sooner one quits, the better. One will be cooler for quitting. A lot of the time, dip spit isn’t even the issue. There are “lugies” and puddles of spit all over the place. Why people feel compelled to leave their spit for others to see is beyond belief. Human spit has nutrients that help the tongue, throat and gums. Everyone needs to keep spit in, not only for their own health, but for the sake of other people walking around seeing it as well. On the subject of repulsive habits, snorting in class, or while around people is not okay. Snot it meant to be blown out, not sucked in. Tissues were made for a reason. Also, please put the tissue in the trash; they are not meant to be collected upon the floor or on one’s desk. Having a personal germ collection isn’t becoming. It isn’t difficult to walk from one’s desk to the trashcan to dispose of this waste properly. Blowing one’s nose is not meant to be a competition of who can blow the loudest. Other people find it disturbing when hearing someone else’s snot being hacked up through the nose. Not only is this a disturbance and just plain gross, but it can also lead to sinus infections and headaches. Once again, tissues were invented with a specific purpose, health and cleanliness being near the top of the list. Go to the back of a room or in the bathroom to blow one’s nose. When someone is blowing his nose in a classroom, or the middle of the hallway, people tend to steer clear, wouldn’t you? Keep classrooms and hallways clean and dispose of spit and tissues properly. Disgusting habits are not flattering, no matter what one may think.

Exemptions reward students

photo illustration/EMILY O’LOANE

OUR view

County should evaluate renewing the policy of exam exemptions.

As incentives for good grades as well as good attendance, exam exemptions are meant to reward students for admirable behavior throughout the school year. Despite the positive nature of this policy, Orange County Public Schools abandoned exam exemptions 10 years ago because students were coming to school sick. However, it may be time for the county to reinstate this policy. About 10 years ago, Seminole County Public School System began the policy of exam exemptions in its schools to increase the school’s daily attendance rate. According to Deb Jepson, journalism teacher from Oviedo High School, the results were astounding, with the only downside being that students came to school sick. OCPS needs a change like this to give students more of an incentive to come to school. In these times of limited educational funding, it is especially important for students to make the most of the money the schools are receiving by being in class. Exam exemptions will get students in class, which will ensure these funds are used effectively. Seminole’s attendance rate rose from 76 percent to 97 percent within the first quarter the policy began. Our campus’s daily attendance rate is weak at best. If the county offered a policy like this, students would have more motivation to come

PUBLIC forum

to school on a daily basis as well as to make better grades. The attendance rate would go up because the most days a student can miss and still receive an exemption is three per semester. Students who are excelling in a class will be rewarded for their grades and attendance record, which will result in better student attitudes towards school because of it. By receiving a reward like exam exemptions from the county, students will make more of an effort to be at school, which could result in students truly learning the material. Better student attitudes and morale towards school could result in better grade point averages as well as better attendance. Exam exemptions will also help to identify those students that are struggling in a class. By making the students who are excelling in a class take a midterm or final exam, the teacher will have less time to spend with the students who are having trouble with the subject. Teachers will have more class time to help students who are struggling if exam exemptions were instituted because the teachers wouldn’t have to help the entire class prepare for the test, but only the students who truly need help to pass. Another reason Orange County stopped giving exam exemptions 10 years ago is because a cumulative exam at the end of each semester

Whether because of fashion or technology, every generation is remembered for something.

Students define our generation

mirrors the format of a college class. In college, the only grade a student oftentimes receives is a midterm and a final grade. Without cumulative exams, County leaders worried that students would not be prepared for college. However, high school is not college. Classes provide homework grades to teach students good work ethics, which will translate into good study skills for when the student goes to college. Learning good work ethics through homework is just as important as a cumulative exam at the end of each semester. Also, students in Advanced Placement classes should not have to take a final as well as the Advanced Placement exam at the end of the year. With exam exemptions, students in AP classes would not have to prepare for a mandatory final exam a month after the AP exam. Since all the material in a course is taught before the AP exam, a final at the end of the year could push a hardworking, advanced student’s grade down. Since AP students already took the cumulative AP exam, they should not have to take another final. AP students should get an exam exemption for the final by taking the AP exam. Exam exemptions could help raise the attendance rate and boost student morale. Because of all of its positive qualities, it is hard to understand why the county revoked this policy in the first place.

Exam exemptions require a student to have an A and three absences, a B and two absences or a C and one absence.

87% of

students supported the exam exemption policy

13% did not support renewing the policy of exam exemptions - poll of 369 students conducted March 9

inexpensive but never cheap

Generation characterized by tolerance

With my generation’s creativity to think and act according to what we feel is right, our generation will become known for being “revolutionary”. Countries will change because of the fresh new ideas of the children around me. Technology will advance and this country will learn to treat all citizens with respect more so than with hate. We will learn that racism is wrong and will treat each other with the same love and care that God had when making us. - catherine rocher,


Mixed views create “melting pot” generation

My generation will most likely be known for its laziness, ignorance and greed. Of course there are good people in the world right now, but I strongly believe this is what we will be known for as a whole. It seems working or living right now is just about getting money, not doing something you love. To get more money, people will even steal from their clients, like the companies that caused our economic crisis. There are exceptions to what I have said, but from what I can tell, they are few and far between and less common than they should be. Our generation is kind of a melting pot. There are really lazy, ignorant and greedy people, and then there are some brilliant people who stand out and are very intuitive. There are so many people living in our world that I can’t put a finger on one thing we will be remembered for.

6651 S. Semoran Suite 105 Orlando, FL 32822 Near Beef ‘O’ Brady’s


Adult Haircuts $12.95 Kid’s Haircuts (12 & under) $10.95

- connor geis, sophomore

Experience will make generation successful

My generation will be known for vastly improving education, solving world problems without violence and having a good economy. Since we are the ones suffering from the cuts to education, we understand the situation and realize how important it is to society and will want better education for future generations. We have also seen the consequences of war and unnecessary violence, so we will learn from our previous mistakes and make war the last option instead of the first. Our economy will also be great because by the time our generation is in power, the economy will be fixed. We will also know what caused it in the first place and are smart enough to fix it and not let it happen again. Many people are worried about our generation being in power, but I am not. We are the generation of change.

- victoria murray freshman


A place for the fashion obsessed!

On page 16 of the February 13 issue, SGA president Katy Rader’s name was spelled Radar. We are sorry for the error. Also, the picture of William Campbell was taken by Rachel Motta not Jessica McCoy. Hi-Lights strives to publish information as accurate as possible. If we have printed something that is incorrect or misleading, please let us know as we want to correct the error. If you would like to report something to us, please send to the editor at our adviser’s e-mail:

We have been voted Orlando’s best resale/vintage for 6 years in a row. We buy outright from customers.

3207 Curry Ford Road Orlando, FL 32806




Knowledge is power Other club information:


Writing Center When: Everyday Where: Room 315 Writing Center assists students with papers for any subject everyday during A and B lunch. Writing consultants can help students with FRQ and DBQ prompts for Advanced Placement classes. There are


Starvation, prejudice and religious conflict, though all common themes in international news, are relatively distant topics among students. Working to break this trend of student ignorance, Social Justice Club wants to involve students in preventing social injustices. The club originated in Cindy Schmidt’s sophomore law magnet class last year when Schmidt and the class began to follow the political situation in Burma. The Junta, or Burmese military, had taken over the country and put their presidentelect under house arrest 18 years ago. After years of citizen demonstrations, the Junta turned against the civilian protesters last year and killed Burmese monks who were protesting with the civilians. “I had kids in my room crying when they heard that the military turned on the people. We were really touched by this burgeoning democracy that was being oppressed by a dictatorship,” Schmidt said. Social Justice Club wants to inform students and raise awareness about injustices which exist at local, national and international levels by actively volunteering in the community. The members present causes which they believe Social Justice Club should raise awareness about. Some of these issues include racism and workers’ rights. “Everyone gets along really well and always accepts everyone’s ideas. We take it one idea at a time and we all work together to make these ideas happen. Since there are so many different people in the club, everyone brings a new issue so it makes us very well rounded,” Ashley Hilmer, vice president, said. After deciding what cause they will be advocating, the club decides on an activity to help spread awareness about the cause. One activity Social Justice Club joined was a nationwide postcard campaign to help the Coalition of Immokalee Workers who pick tomatoes in North Florida for companies like Chipotle and Subway. The postcard campaign helped the minimum wage workers gain a one cent pay raise per pound of tomatoes, to which Subway yielded earlier this year. The club, encouraged by Subway’s surrender, is hopeful Chipotle will yield next. Also, on Feb. 14, the club gleaned oranges in

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ORANGE JUICE. Reaching for an orange, Ashley Hilmer, vice president of the Social Justice Club, helps glean oranges in Clermont to benefit local food banks. “[Gleaning] was awesome because it was so fun to help out local food banks,” Hilmer said. The club hopes to glean corn next. Clermont to supplement the supply of local food banks. Gleaning is when farmers let people pick the excess fruit off trees after the harvest. The produce is donated to local charities or shelters. The activity was originally introduced by Schmidt to the club in order to recreate the conditions that migrant workers have to work in. “Basically, [everyone in the club] throws things out there [for other people to support or not]. It is a matter of who raises the awareness within our club. We go with the flow. If you don’t agree with an idea, you just don’t go to that event. [Participation] is not forced,” Jordan Seacord, public relations coordinator, said. Social Justice Club’s next big project is hosting Invisible Children, an organization which helps child soldiers in Uganda. Invisible Children will speak on campus April 9. They will show their newest movie, The Rescue of Joseph Kony’s Child Soldiers, which is about the Ugandan rebel leader Kony, whose resistance group is abducting children and turning them into soldiers to use in

guerrilla warfare against the government. Hilmer initially introduced the idea of getting this organization to come to campus. She heard about them from her church after she participated in a 40 hour famine sponsored by the Invisible Children organization. “I have known about this cause for years now. It was kind of cool because I didn’t think that it would happen. It is a cause I am actually passionate about so it is really cool,” Hilmer said. Besides Invisible Children, the club also hopes to focus on homelessness in upcoming events. “There are a lot of high schoolers who aren’t aware of issues and I think it is necessary to open people’s eyes. Even if we make one person more aware, it is good enough,” Hilmer said. Social Justice Club meets Thursday at 8:45 a.m. in Room 851. New members are welcome. “Social Justice Club teaches students to see the injustices that are everywhere in society. If we don’t step up and do something, they will never be fixed,” Raittano said.

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Business Professionals of America Competitions When: Feb. 27- March 1 The following Boone students participated in the State Business Professionals competition and qualify for the National BPA competition in Dallas, Texas, on May 6 to 10: First Place: Keyboarding Production- Laura Grant First Place: Economic Research Project- Greg Kline Second Place: Financial Analyst Team- Jeffrey Bennett, Alex D’Innocenti, Trevor Golat and Derek Mountford Second Place: Economic Research Team- Alex Dyce, Kayla Nagle, Daniel Reeves and Andrew Tompkins Second Place: Presentation Management Team- Michelle Cardenas, Carmela Crutcher, Taylor Dudley and Taylor Golat Second Place: Desktop Publishing- Joshua Perez Second Place: Extemporaneous Speaking- Davis Harper Fourth Place: Fundamental Spreadsheet Application- Charlie Babir Fourth Place: Advanced Word Processing- Megan Denny Fourth Place: Banking and Finance- Ryan Kobert Health Occupations Students of America State Leadership Conference When: April 2-4 in Orlando’s Doubletree Hotel The following students have qualified for the HOSA state leadership conference: Alison Heffernan, Patricia Mullins, Miguel Montalvo, Jessica Smothers, Rakel de Campos, Jonathan Leyva, Sara Larr, Kyree Morris, Matara Francis, Lizette Santana Francisco Castilla, Timmon Hall II, Rachel Machado, Shontai Baca, Danielle Kennedy, Shannan Edwards. The students will present speeches and debates.

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Residents feel economy’s decline Money, from page 1 income and minority children, according to state records. In 2002, citizens voted for the Half Penny Sales Tax with the promise the money would be used to renovate old schools and build new ones. “Some of the school board members don’t appear to understand that the people in the primarily black, poor communities voted for this tax, even though they were the least able to pay the tax. I feel it is an insult,” Dick Batchelor, political analyst, said. “We had the money; we built new schools in very high income communities like Lake Nona, Horizons West and other high end communities. It’s disingenuous, an insult and just wrong. It adds insult to injury,” Batchelor said. Kaley was on a 10 year plan for renovation in 1995. Instead of being renovated by 2005 as promised, they received a new renovation date of 2012. Now parents and community members are fighting to keep the school open. “The alternative to cutting teachers would be the Florida legislature budgeting education instead of construction projects,” Timothy Besuden, chemistry

and biology teacher, said. Florida is not eligible to receive the stimulus package because only states that can fund schools for the next two years at the levels they had in the 200506 school year are eligible. “Education is very important for the long term success of our country. There has been no world power in history that has been able to stay a world power without an educated work force,” Besuden said. The passing of Amendment 1 will decrease state income by $31 billion. With this Amendment, each Floridian saved about $240 in yearly property taxes, according to real estate agent Mark Trafton.

College Funding

Along with cutting education funding, their could be a reduction in the Florida Prepaid College Program. The FPCP allows parents to prepay for their child’s education at a fixed rate. This helps alleviate the financial burden when the time comes for children to go to college. The government has already used money from the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund, a fund which provides money for children’s health programs and biomedical research. There is now a fear that the same will occur to FPCP because a clause states that the state

can cancel the contract for kids below eighth grade if there is not enough money in the fund. If they raid the fund, parents would be reimbursed once the state could afford it with the interest of a savings account. Parents would lose money as the interest of a savings account is lower than that of a certificate of deposit.


Florida’s Tourism Marketing Agency said Florida’s tourism industry decreased 2.3 percent in 2008. This is the first time Florida’s tourism rate has dropped in seven years. “Like all tourism related companies, Disney revenues have been impacted by the economy. The most recent offer to their executives to voluntarily resign in exchange for buy-outs is part of their effort to lower their cost,” Bill Warren, Boone parent and former spokesperson for Walt Disney World, said. Local businesses, like restaurants and hotels, rely on the area’s attractions. “Tourism is one of the key components of Central Florida’s economy. It creates thousands upon thousands of jobs. It attracts people from all over the world to spend their money here in Orlando,” Warren said. The rise in empty hotel rooms has decreased resort taxes 10

percent since January 2008. “Tourism has a multi-billion dollar economic impact on Central Florida; it’s the number one industry in our community,” Warren said. The national unemployment average was 8.1 percent in February. Orlando’s was 9 percent in January. “The biggest source of tax income in the state of Florida is our sales taxes; tourists come to Orlando and pay for goods and services. This is very beneficial to our state budget and it helps to keep taxes low,” Warren said.


Americans owe over $1.1 trillion in home equity loans, a cause of the economic crisis. “[They] were unregulated loans. Nobody was watching them. That’s a big part of the problem. Those were never checked,” Marcia Rosemeier, real estate broker, said. The Federal National Mortgage Association, Fannie Mae, is employed by congress to secure mortgages and make sure funds for institutions that lend money to home buyers are adequate. In 1999, the Clinton Administration pressured Fannie Mae to expand its loans to home buyers who, due to their low income, would not

usually qualify for a loan. Consequentially, people bought homes they could not afford, producing what is called a “housing bubble”. This is a period that begins with a dramatic rise in house prices, caused by everyone buying homes, and ends with deflation as people cannot pay their loans and file for bankruptcy. The banks that financed those mortgages lost money because the houses were no longer worth their purchased price. With home equity loans, also known as hedge funds, people could take a 100 to 125 percent loan. They could take 25 percent more money on a loans than what their homes were worth. “There are a lot of people from Europe who buy from Florida. They tend to pay cash. They’ll offer $150,000 or $125,000 for a $200,000 house. The banks take the offer, but that makes the rest of the houses in the neighborhood go down. Now, all the other houses are worth $125,000 too. People walk away,” Rosemeier said. When filing for bankruptcy, the majority are not obligated to repay their debtors, though cases vary. This has caused additional loss of revenue for banks. The real estate situation affected other areas of the economy as well. The

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PEDAL ONWARD. On March 14, juniors Tyler Donelson and Matthew Slason participate in the Bike Rally for Education. “I participated because I am legitimately concerned about the state of our schools,” Slason said.

stock market downturn was influenced because shares of companies connected with the housing industry, mortgage, construction, engineering and construction materials dropped. It has come full circle. In order for the companies not to go bankrupt, there are layoffs. Layoffs create more foreclosures. “People who are blaming Bush are not looking at the whole picture. It’s both Democrats and Republicans who are at fault. Congress has not been doing a good job for years. Things got sloppy,” Rosemeier said.

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MONDAY, MARCH 23,2009 •


Applications put users at ease By LINDSEY DYE

Applications designed for iPhones are nothing short of amazing. That’s because they leverage the ground breaking technology in the iPhone like the Multi-Touch interface, the accelerometer, GPS, real-time 3D graphics and 3D positional audio. It’s as easy as tapping into the App Store and choosing from thousands of applications ready to download . With over 15,000 applications, users have a wide variety of topics to choose. The applications, ranging from music selections (Pandora) to catapulting penguins (Penguin Lite) to a restaurant finder (Urbanspoon), offer fun and helpful applications to every user. “Sportstacular is the most useful application because it gives you play by play updates of all sports. It helps when you can’t watch a game,” junior Alexander Carr said. The iPhone’s new catch phrase, “iPhone your life,” is now seen everywhere. Apple is doing it’s best to convince buyers that there is an application for everything, which is seemingly true. With the iTunes store automatically sending the user updates, the applications are always in prime condition and up-to-date. Anyone can make an application and present it to Apple. They will examine it and possibly purchase it to add to those available. A 9-yearold boy made Falling Balls, an application that gets downloaded 2000 times each week and is on the Top Free 50 list. Apple decides which applications buyers should pay for; select applications are offered for free. With the most popular games, there are “lite” versions for free, but they do not offer all that the full version does. “I think that the iPhone is better than the iTouch because it does everything that the iTouch does, plus more. It’s dumb to buy both the iPhone and iTouch, it’s a waste of money,” junior Tyler Moore said. Both the newer version of the iPhone and the iTouch carry 3G speed. The difference between the two is that the iPhone has cellular services and takes pictures whereas the iTouch does not. Each have music, e-mail, Safari and an Application Store, where the user goes to purchase new applications. “The iPhone is better because I can download things with WiFi and make calls,” Carr said. The iPod touch starts at $299 and an the iPhone 3G is $199, but you have to purchase a plan with AT&T.

Urbanspoon- (free) This application helps indecisive people choose a restaurant. Once one opens the application he is met with a list of restaurants in his area and all he has to do is shake his phone. UrbanSpoon then chooses a restaurant to go to and opens a page with the location, phone number, food type, and the cost range. Stanza- (free) Tired of buying books for English class? This application provides over 25,000 books that students can read on their phone or iPod whenever they please. To make it easier, one can go straight to the chapter he wishes to read.

Pandora- (free) For those who love a variety of music, Pandora is just the application to purchase. Pandora finds music patterns in one’s music library and provides a new, free stream of music that fits one’s taste.

Gratitude Journal- ($0.99) The Gratitude Journal allows one to document five things that he is thankful for throughout the day and saves the journals as long as he has the application. One can also save a picture from the day on the journal page.

Be Like Lil Wayne- ($0.99) The all-star rapper even has his own application. Just for fun, this app allows one to take a picture of anyone, giving him a range of hats, tattoos, “bling” and hair styles to transform the person into Lil Wayne.

Shazam/Midomi- (free) Both applications are for those who just can’t figure out the name of a song. Shazam allows one to hold his iPhone/iPod to the music so that it can listen and match it with the song in the iTunes library; Midomi allows one to hum, sing or say a song and then matches the clip to the song. Jott- (free) If one cannot text message, e-mail or write a note, Jott is there to save the day. Jott allows you to speak into the phone/iPod and it will convert everything into text. Jott is free on the application site but requires a monthly fee at

Ambiance- ($0.99) This application provides 34 sounds to block out other noise, help one work quietly or fall asleep. It comes with a timer, so the noise will continue however long one desires. One can also download a “lite” version of the application, which is free, but does not come with as many sounds.




The perfect bronze tan, the toned body and the tussled beach hair are all part of the ideal spring break look for students. While these visions filter through the heads of teens on the way to the sandy coast, worries also come into play. Nightmares of skin that reflects the sunlight and fat bouncing on every body part are enough to keep some indoors playing Scrabble with grandma all spring break. However, with strict preparations one will be sure to be ready by next week. Get to the Gym (FAST!)Before you start your SB’09 makeover analyze your body in a bathing suit. If the words flubby, thunder thighs, pooch, jellyroll, muffin-top or love handles comes to mind then you aren’t ready for spring break. Now, while beauty can be found at all weights and sizes, it is truly a matter of selfconfidence. If you don’t feel confident at your weight, then you will not be comfortable at the beach. Those who have neglected their New Year’s resolutions to stay healthy and pigged out on Valentine’s Day chocolate for the last month are sure to be sweating about spring break. Strengthen and tighten those bodies that will be on display in one week. Both Pilates and yoga are abdominal strengthening workouts and are sure to help on your quest for a luscious body. Get a Tan- Tans are like snow in the essence that they hide all things ugly and make everything seem gorgeous and beautiful. While some have it easy and tan naturally and quickly in the sun, most will have to stop by a tanning salon and pay for skin cancer by the session. Although UV bed tanning isn’t the healthiest activity, it produces an even result for all skin types at an accelerated pace. Many tanning salons offer great discounts around spring break so be sure to look for special coupons before raking out the dough. While it is important to not be a ghost on the beach it is also imperative that one does not suffer from the orange effect. While there are amazing sunless tanners, it might not be the appropriate time to experiment with these superficial options. The safest bet is to visit a professional tanning facility and ask for either a UV ray session or a spray tan. Get the Suit- Bathing suit shopping is often more tedious than playing shuffleboard with the elderly (another exciting activity that will befall you if you don’t hurry up and prepare for spring break). If you already have several suits from previous years, it might only be a matter of trying them on and making sure at least one fits. However, if you can’t breathe in your suit or it’s faded then it’s time to go shopping. Target and Victoria’s Secret have their bathing suits on display and have a vast selection at ranging prices. Choose the suit that complements your skin tone and reveals only the parts of your body that are socially acceptable to reveal. Guys, when choosing a board short be sure that the waist fits or else you might be arrested by the beach patrol for indecent exposure. Gals, although you might love wearing thong underwear, a bathing suit bottom should not be riding up your derriere, nor should you pad your top with bubble wrap. The word fit has a meaning and it especially pertains to bathing suits. Spring break is nearly upon us. Although you might not be Pamela Anderson or David Hasselhoff (back in the Bay Watch days), always try to look your best for this week where everyone who is anyone is at the beach.


MONDAY, MARCH 23,2009 •




Fear and suffering plagued three years of her life. Each drink contributed to his anger and a hit followed suite. She suffered continuously with no aid from anyone else, seeing no hope of freedom. While domestic abuse is defined as behaviors one uses in a relationship to control another, this form of abuse also affects children and other family members. When a parent is abused, the behavior has a trickle down affect. For freshman Jane Doe*, her mother’s abusive relationship with her new husband followed this pattern and impacted the lives of her children. “At first he seemed nice and good to hang around but then when we moved in with him he got really mean and my mom really didn’t try to protect us much,” Doe said. The abuse began when Doe was 9–years-old and her mother started a relationship with the father of her best friend. This affair lead to her parent’s divorce and three consecutive years of uninterrupted abuse for the mother and her children. However, her mother did not take action against the abuse and rarely stepped in to protect the children. “She would say she was afraid we would be killed if she got involved so she stayed out of it. She would say that was just the way he was disciplining us,” Doe said. The continuation of abuse lead to declining grades and stress on Doe’s part. She constantly worried about her siblings and felt an obligation to be their protector. “I was always angry and stressed and always on the guard for something bad to happen. I was always thinking about the next hit I would take for my [siblings] and I was always scared,” Doe said. At the age of 12, Doe’s biological father intervened and removed his children from the abusive situation, causing Doe relief. “It was like being trapped in a tunnel and then suddenly opening a door and seeing the trees and hearing the birds humming. You’re like ‘yes I’m free’,” Doe said. Domestic violence affects over two million women and 800,000 men in the U.S. alone. The Harbor House in Orlando, FL, currently operates at 60 percent above capacity due to the number of families suffering from abusive situations. Harbor House is a safe house for victims of

domestic abuse. With 88 beds in the shelter facility, it provides services through support groups and programs like Teens Ending Abusive Relationships and Coaching Boys into Men. The Harbor House also has outreach services for the community. Each year, the HOPE classes are given a presentation from Harbor House about the cycle of abuse and signs to look for to judge if a relationship is abusive. Women between the ages of 16 and 24 are most likely to be victims of domestic violence. The abuse is more common in women than men and African American women experience more domestic violence than white women in the 20-24 age groups. Women who are separated or divorced are most vulnerable. In the U.S., more than 33 percent of teens reported being in an abusive relationship at some point. “I think it is always important to intervene and offer prevention programs so that students having problems can speak out and get some help. Silence hurts and, if they are not dealing with it, students can become depressed,” SAFE Coordinator Carol Fisher said. With the current economic crisis, violence has increased. However, the number of people taking relief in shelters and seeking help in places such as Harbor House has declined due to families becoming more dependant on one another for funds and survival, according to Harbor House Shelter Services Manager Robin Landwehr. According to the Feminist Majority Foundation, only half of the domestic abuse cases are reported to the police. In 2008, eight of the 42 homicides in Orlando were domestic abuse related cases. The Orlando Police Department hopes to cut the city’s murder rate with a new resource: a questionnaire known as a “threat assessment checklist” to help predict whether a victim could potentially be killed by an abuser. The list includes questions such as “Is there a firearm in the house” and “Has your partner been stalking or watching you?” Once police have conducted the questionnaire, the Harbor House will check the answers to see if the situation shows signs of becoming fatal. If the answer is “yes,” the victim is then contacted and warned. Judges will have the checklist when the abuser is brought before the courts. “People are more afraid to leave now because they are even more dependent on each other than ever before. We do not always have everything [a n abuse victim] needs. The average person just


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Normal Behavior thinks they need to get out of the relationship, but to the survivor there are roughly 40 things they need to feel safe, from a car to child care,” Landwehr said. Abuse has the potential to be fatal. Although Doe and her family escaped from the situation, death can occur as a result of abuse. Each day roughly three people are killed by an abuser. Of those killed each year in abusive relationships, 74 percent are women. “[People] need to know that abuse happens all the time and it is not something we can ignore. There is literally domestic terrorism going on in these homes and as a community it is your business to get involved,” Landwehr said. Abuse is not something that can be ignored and help is not available. One can see Fisher in room 100D or call an abuse hotline to report abuse. “You may think it’s not going to get better but it will. Abusive people do not go through life unpunished,” Doe said. *named changed to remain anonymous.

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How to get Help (407) 886-2856 Harbor House Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-500-1119 Florida Coalition against Domestic Violence Hotline One may also visit Ms. Fisher in room 100D for more information on abuse 407-836-9680 The Victim Service Center of Orange County 407-836-2044 Court Advocacy

Childhood game benefits cancer fund By KATIE EDWARDS

Jim matteson (407) 660-8684 ext. 231 e-mail: jim @

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Each year 50,000 people die from cancer and everyday 1,500 people’s lives are taken by cancer. For 25 years American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life has given hope to families nationwide. By raising money for the American Cancer Society. Sophomore Class Council is organizing a dodge ball tournament on May 2 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. to raise money for Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society. Each player is $5, $50 for a team. The tournament is limited to 12 teams of 10 players each with six players on the court at a time. The tournament will be set up with pool play in the afternoon with every team guaranteed two matches. The two best teams out of the four pools will face off in a double elimination round. The winners will receive a trophy. Taylor Dudley, sophomore, one of the organizers got the idea from Liberty High School who holds the tournament every year to raise money for Relay for Life. To get involved with the dodge ball tournament be sure to sign up before spring break. “I think it’s important to get out there and make a difference. I know people fighting cancer and cancer survivors and I want to be a part of that fight,” Dudley, who has been involved in Relay for Life for three years, said. The fundrasing relays are held at different schools in Central Florida in April and May where people make teams, whether it’s with people from work or just a group of friends. The money from the events goes toward cancer research and education as well as helping cancer patients financially. People gather at Relay for Life events to celebrate the lives of survivors and to remember loved ones lost to cancer. Teams consist of eight to 15 participants. The goal is to have at least one person from the team walking or running the track at all times. Each person on the team raises money individually depending how many times they go around the track. The survivors take the first lap around the track as an honor for their endurance in their fight to beat cancer. The night ends with a luminary Ceremony of Hope to honor the cancer survivors and to give respect to the ones lost. The luminary candles line the track and are left to burn throughout the night. “I go to meetings with my team monthly and fundraise with my team who are all Boone kids. I do whatever I have to do to help out,” junior Ava Lane, who has been involved for two years, said. Relay for Life includes more than walking around a track; there are other activities too. For example Lane and her team are planning to have a kick off pancake breakfast at Barber Park to raise money for the cause. As of now there is no set date. If one is unable to attend a walk and wants to donate to Relay for Life, online donations are accepted at These interested in the dodge ball tournament can E-mail Taylor Dudley at with any questions. “The event is 18 hours long signifying cancer doesn’t sleep and we won’t either,” sophomore Taylor Claxton, who has been involved with Relay for Life for two years due to her mom being diagnosed with cancer in 2007, said. After raising over $1.5 billion to contribute to cancer research Relay for Life volunteers continue to fight against cancer.



MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •



a gallon of gass in 1950


a new home in 1959



Like Tracey Turnblad running home after school and plunking in front of the television to watch The Corny Collins Show in Hairspray, teenagers in the 1950’s watched American Bandstand. American Bandstand, hosted by Dick Clark, was the most popular show in the 50s. “It was strange, because when I was 11 and 12, you would go home, change and go outside to play. When I was 15, you plopped your butt down on the couch and watched TV,” Michael Dorman, Advanced Placement U.S. history teacher, said. While today’s artists are condemned for lipsyncing, it was an accepted fact in the 1950s. There was no space to bring in the whole band. “I’ve [never] seen a live performance on American Bandstand. The Chiffons would come out and do a song that was backed by a 30 piece orchestra and it’d just be them with unplugged mikes lip-syncing. We never thought about it, but that’s obviously what it was,” Dorman said. Rock and roll was also a big part of the 50’s teenage culture. The most famous artist from that era was Elvis, the King of Rock. “Rock and roll. Loved it. First record I ever bought was Long Tall Sally. Elvis came across as acceptable because he was white. Not one time did my parents, both trained in classical music,


the minimum wage in 1960

negatively comment on my music,” Dorman said. Despite the changing music, not all changes were welcomed by the culture. The civil rights movement had yet to occur. “Soul music wasn’t acceptable to white people. The radio stations wouldn’t play them, but that’s what some of us wanted to hear,” Dorman said. The 50s was not only the age of rock and roll, it was also the golden era of drive-in theaters. In the 1940s, there were less than 1,000 drivein theatres in the United States; by 1958, there were more than 5,000. People would drive in, pay a dollar plus tax for a carload of people, and someone would put a speaker inside the car. One could also buy food at the drive-ins. The concession stand, or snack bar, was where the drive-ins made most of their money. Pizza, hot dogs and soft drinks were available. “The food was horrible. It was like cardboard. It was expensive and terrible and we ate it anyways. I also remember they didn’t sell beer. They’d sell ‘near beer.’ They called it malt beverage. When we were in high school, we did not drink beer. We’d never heard of pot. No one drank. It wasn’t something we cared to do,” Dorman said. The 50s was also the era of door to door selling. Avon, the make-up company began in the 50s. “I remember selling Christmas cards and seeds. It was about then that Avon was created. In the

50s, one of the ways women could get out of the house and into the workplace was by selling Avon or Tupperware,” Dorman said. The 50s was an era of conformity to modern society’s standards. “[In the 50s, there was] very much a double standard. Teenage girls thought they would go to college or work until they got married. House husbands would have been unthinkable. The idea of girls being primary bread winners was unthinkable,” Dorman said. The 50s teenagers embraced conformity for a reason. People were afraid of being black-listed as Communists, or “Reds.” McCarthyism ran rampant; no-one wanted to be called a “Commie” “Generally, the stereotype of everyone being like everyone else was true. The penalty for being different was social ostracism. There was tremendous pressure to conform,” Dorman said. Today’s teenagers do have things in common with 50s teenagers. “[A similarity is] hormones. There are a lot of superficial differences, but underneath, they’re the same. Their ears still go shut when you yell at them,” Dorman said.

photo courtesy/MICHAEL DORMAN

I remember it was a very solemn period. We were sheltered. It was hard to know that there were people lilke that in the world.

, e v o l , e Peac k c o t s Wood

talkin photo courtesy/DEBORAH FORD

CRUISIN’. In the mid-60s, Deborah Ford, David Crosslin and Snowball pose in front of his car. “[We would] ride around in the car listening to music. Anything to get out of the house,” Ford said.



Half a million people gathered in a rural dairy farm in Bethel, New York, for the musical phenomenon known as Woodstock. “Woodstock [defined my generation] because it brought so many people together without violence, changed the type of the music [we listened to] it showed the world that there were a whole lot of us out there,” Deborah Ford, German teacher, said. For three days enthusiastic concert-goers endured rainy forecasts and huddled in tents awaiting the performances of Sweetwater, Santana, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, the Who and Jimi Hendrix, which shaped and revolutionized the world of music and inspired a feeling of peace, love and unity among the youth of America. The 60s generation influenced multiple facets of the American culture and society. Throughout the early 60s, much of the fashion was conservative. Women were not allowed to leave the house in anything other than what was deemed a suitable dress by their parents and school administration. “When I went to college [in the 60s], they didn’t allow women to wear long pants, [they] had to wear dresses. Even on weekends, or anywhere on campus, even at the post office,” Sarah Kittrell, digital design teacher, said. The later 60s clothing and hairstyles were an unique statement. Jeans and tee-shirts were not

acceptable to the parents of 60s teenagers. Men and women of the late 60s embraced their natural appearance. Both genders wore their hair loose and long and they embraced jeans, furthering the revolution of personal freedom. Tie-dye and paisley made their fashion debut during this decade. The 60s have also become synonymous with the development of heavy drug use. Abuse of drugs was a new but extremely prevalent unease of life at that time. Most popular of these drugs were marijuana and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). Young America also rebelled by protesting the United States political and military issues. After Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. Lyndon Johnson took over the presidency. “I learned President Kennedy was shot. [Back at school] I remember it was a very solemn period. We were sheltered. It was hard to know that there were people like that in the world,” Kittrell said. Johnson’s administration did not share the same liberal views that Kennedy’s administration represented; therefore escalating the war in Vietnam. As the war escalated, the government drafted 18 year-old men to help fight in the Vietnam war. Both the drafting of soldiers and the war caused an upheaval among the adolescents of the U.S. Protests and rallies expressed the aversion to



the war. “The Vietnam War was a terrible thing. I had classmates that were killed. [Even now] there are still a lot of unanswered questions [about the war],” Kittrell said. With the consistency of these protests, crime rates increased. Riots broke out against the police force in major cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago, forcing the National Guard to maintain the peace. Civil rights protests were the most to draw attention to violence. Many black protesters remained in libraries and restaurants refusing to leave until they were served, causing police to remove them by force which sometimes led to death and injury. Invocators for the civil rights movement were assassinated by citizens who strongly disagreed with the integration of races. Political figures such as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. “Everything [now] was influenced by the 60s, the fact that everyone wears jeans, music that you listen to and peace signs. People have been wearing things I wore in my childhood,” Ford said.


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post-it notes debuts in 1980

average income in 1969

I remember I asked a girl out for lunch for one day and had to ask her to pay her own way. That was the end of that releationship.


DISCO DANCING. Cheryl Race poses for her high school yearbook in the 1970’s


Cruising around in a 1973 Chevy Nova, then teenager Joe Finger would go to friends houses to hang out. Meanwhile, teenager Michael Glester cruised around in his 1970 Chevy Nova where he traveled to sports fields. Sitting in front of the television, math teacher Joe Finger watches President Richard Nixon give his famous resignation speech to the public after being implicated in the infamous Watergate scandal. “Watching his resignation speech, I remember thinking how it was nothing we had experienced before and that nobody, including the president, was above the law,” Finger said. The Watergate scandal was a series of illegal activities in which President Nixon was involved that included five men breaking into government offices to delete documents. The perpetrators were not caught until they broke in a second time. The story spread over every local and national news station making everyone who watched the news aware of the scandal. “Honestly, after the whole impeachment situation, it was just a relief for him to be out of office, much less in jail. We just wanted to move on from the entire Watergate scandal,” Cheryl Race, English teacher, said. Teens drove their cars to the Orange Avenue

drive-in, located where SODO is now. The teens watched a movie on a giant projection screen from their car while listening to the movie’s audio on the radio. A few classic movies were released in the 70’s which teens could watch from the drive-in. Some of these movies include The Godfather, Star Wars: A New Hope, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Saturday Night Fever. Star Wars: A New Hope sold over 178 million tickets when it was released. “I remember going to see the first Star Wars in theaters because I enjoyed the sci-fi theme. It definitely took the whole sci-fi theme to a new level by being on the big screen, and it’s special effects were really good,” Finger said. Seventies style included plaid pants and long hair for males. Race used to wear bell bottoms, wide belts and velvet pants. Another fad included ironing jeans. Make-up consisted of eyeliner, pink frosted lipstick, green eye shadow and long straight hair. Another popular hair style included that of celebrity Farrah Faucet, which was a flared out look. Both males and females wore this look. “I certainly don’t dress the way I did then. I would be embarrassed to be seen in a bright green leisure suit which I wore then,” Finger said. When trying to escape from parents, Race would go down to the basements of friends’ houses, like


the cost of the

Decade brings “ new hope” photo courtesy/CHERYL RACE



in the popular show today, That 70’s Show. “Back then, in the North, everyone had basements. It was a way to escape from the folks’ upstairs,” Race said. Working at a family shoe store after school and on weekends, English teacher Michael Glester refers to himself as an early Mr. Brady from The Brady Bunch. Although he had a job, money was an issue for him. “Money was tight for me. I remember I asked a girl out for lunch one day and had to ask her to pay her own way. That was the end of that relationship,” Glester said. A major event that ended in the 70’s was the Vietnam War. Although it ended in 1973, the return of the soldiers brought [conflict] to the citizens of the U.S. with attitudes being split towards the soldiers return. “My sister’s friends died in the war, and it was always on the news. It was really horrible to have to watch it. It was very polarizing,” Race said. The 70’s made a major impact on society today, with the major events like the Vietnam War, which people compare to today’s Iraq War. The 70’s style is making a comeback as well, with items like bell bottoms and high waisted pants returning. The impact of the 70’s may seem little but it has had major effects upon today’s society.


MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •

Economy “ influences decade


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Dressed in loose shirts just off the shoulder, tight fitting pants and feathered hair, teens of the 1980’s dressed to present their own style and level of creativity. One of those free-spirited teens was biology teacher Annette Montgomery. “I curled my hair half the year and the other half I had a perm. People remember me by ‘the girl with many different hair colors’ because I would change the color of my hair all the time,” Montgomery said. “But my style was more preppy and casual. I didn’t wear too much make-up and I usually wore my cheerleading clothes or jeans.” The 80’s brought with it style as well as classic movies and new genres of music. Movies such as The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink made their debuts. The 80’s also introduced artists like Madonna and bands including Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer who took on the name of the “Big Four.” Although teens valued their jelly shoes, bulky jewelry, florescent colors and wide range of entertainment opportunities, saving money was on the top of their list. The recession that hit in 1981 was thought to be the worst since the Great Depression, paralleling what economists have said about the current economic crisis. “We didn’t have a lot of electronics like people do today; we had the basic stuff. I didn’t go shopping, you bought what you needed to buy and that’s it,” Montgomery said. The recession, which started as the result of a



the cost of one U

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policy by the Federal Reserve System to control high inflation, began in July 1981 and ended in November 1982. “We were very poor. My family had six kids and I had a job by the time I was 14. I worked all through high school,” Robin McCormick, HOPE teacher, said. When Ronald Reagan became president in 1981, he introduced an economic policy popularly known as Reaganomics. The four key points of the policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce marginal tax rates and income from labor and capital, reduce government regulation of the economy, and control the money supply to reduce inflation. People lost jobs due to the recession. Twelve million people lost their jobs in the 80s compared to the 4.2 million since the 1970s. The main industries impacted included housing, automobile production and farming. Eating out at fast food locations such as McDonalds and Burger King cost more than today and families of large numbers found it difficult to afford the food. There were no dollar menus or combo meals. “We never really ate out. Frozen pizza and canned Coke was a huge treat for us. My parents would usually cook dinner,” Montgomery said. Along with Reagan’s new economic policies, his administration dealt with another prevalent concern: drugs. Reagan vowed to fight for drugfree schools and workplaces and helped to expand drug treatments and stronger enforcement. He spent roughly $1.7 billion aiding the War on Drugs effort. First Lady Nancy Reagan helped form the National Federation of Parents for DrugFree Youth and in 1984 she launched the “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign. The campaign gained wide spread support through television talk shows sitcoms including episodes of Punky Brewster and Diff’rent Strokes. “I remember Nancy Reagan saying ‘just say no’ and that was the first time the issue was really brought into the light. We heard it and we knew to say no but it wasn’t like now. The drugs were things like heroin and you didn’t think about doing that stuff anyway,” McCormick said. While concerns over the economy and drugs changed America’s outlook, a disease struck the

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72,504 the number of AIDS related


Pop culture differs; prices rage

deaths from 1981-1988


It’s inevitable that every decade things get more expensive, music and movies change and the style that is considered “in” is subject to change at any moment. Penny candy and five cent pops are a thing of the past in today’s economy. While the classic horror movies used to be the height of the thrill, they are laughed at by today’s viewers who are used to the digital quality of movies today. While Madonna seems to follow her listeners throughout generations her fame today is nothing like it was in the height of the 1980’s.

1950’s Bread- $0.14 a loaf Milk- $0.82 a gallon Top music artist- Elvis Presley, “Love Me Tender,” 1956 Top movie- 12 Angry Men, 1957 Candy bar- Clark Bar $0.05 Clothing/StylePoodle skirt photo courtesy/ANNETTE MONTGOMERY


HOMECOMING. Annette Montgomery poses with her escort Rich Gilmore, quarterback, at half time during the homecoming game.

Bread- $0.20 a loaf Milk- $0.97 a gallon Top music artist- The Ronettes, “Be My Baby,” 1963 Top moviePsycho, 1960 Candy barMilky Way $0.12 Clothing/StylePedal pusher pants

country that had never before been witnessed. In 1981, the first AIDS case was reported in the US. and increased rapidly throughout the 1980s. Reagan faced criticism for lack of funding for the growing epidemic. People originally believed it to be a disease contracted by gay white men. However, those theories changed as the number of people diagnosed included Hispanics and women. “Literally the world was just in chaos; people were so scared. No one was sure how it was transferred. We heard AIDS and it was like a death sentence,” McCormick said. Despite fears brought on by AIDS, drugs and the economy, the 1980’s balanced crisis with music and entertainment to complete a decade later generations would mimic.

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$29,943 average househol d median income in 1990 s

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1970’s Bread- $0.58 a loaf Milk- $1.15 a gallon Top music artist- John Lennon, “Imagine,” 1971 Top movie- The Godfather, 1972 Candy bar- Mars Bar $0.65 Clothing/Style- Bell Bottoms

Although it may not seem long ago, the 90’s have a number of differences compared to today. “The problems then for students weren’t much different than they are today; a lot of my friends faced problems with drugs and alcohol. One of my friends had a baby and another chose not to have hers. I stayed active in sports and after school clubs in order to stay away from those problems,” Jennifer Weeks, chemistry teacher, said. Most problems with students had to do with doing well in school and trying to maintain strong grades throughout the years. After school activities varied for each student. English teacher Robin King and her friends would go to Taco Bell and hang out, listening to music and eating tacos in the parking lot. Weeks and her friends would go to Bailey’s Pool House, formerly located where Metro Muscle Gym is in downtown, where they played pool and darts. English teacher Jewel Patton spent most of her time studying and received the Bright Futures scholarship after graduation. The 90’s introduced a large amount of music, television and movies. King enjoyed watching shows like Beverly Hills: 90210, Dawson’s Creek, Full House and Seinfeld. “The reason that we all watched Beverly Hills: 90210 is because it showed a different style towards everything with what they did and how they dressed, and we all kind of wondered if things like that really happened in other places,” King said. Patton’s favorite movies included Titanic, which sold $128 million in ticket sales during its reign in theatres, and The Lion King, which sold $313 million at the box office. King and Week’s favorite rock music from the 90’s was Nirvana, Alice N’ Chains, Pearl Jam and the Grateful Dead. The 90’s also introduced a pop craze with artists such as *N’Sync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Destiny’s Child. Britney Spears’ debut album sold more than 25 million copies worldwide while Nirvana sold more than 50 million albums. A major event of the 90’s was the death of Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana. “Kurt Cobain’s death was a shock to everyone.


e national debt in 1980




I remember that whenever we would receive a page on our beepers we would run to a pay phone to call that person back. It was quite ridiculous.

I know a lot of my friends cried because he was so young. It definitely made an impression on a lot of people,” Weeks said. The styles of bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam introduced a more grunge look to the public. The styles of more preppy students were from stores like Tommy Hilfiger and Espree. “I remember that everybody wore flannels. They were huge then. I definitely wouldn’t wear those anymore,” King said. The way students talked has also changed, with different vocabulary and terms being used then. Phrases from then include “That’s so rad” and “Dude, that was the bomb”. “I definitely talk differently, I use a much wider vocabulary that shows I have an educational background,” Weeks said. The vital items that one cherishes today such as iPods, cell phones and laptops weren’t prominent items yet for public use. Listening to music today is as simple as the swipe of their finger on one’s iPod, but in the 90’s one would have to switch out a CD on his Walkman in order to hear the songs from that album. The use of a computer was only capable if one had a computer at home, which not many people had; instead, one would have to use the computers located at the library. Instead of carrying a cell phone, one had a beeper, which would give a name and number to call back. “I remember that whenever we would receive a page on our beepers we would run to a pay phone to call that person back. It was quite ridiculous,” King said. King worked in the gift shop for Orlando Regional Medical Center as her first job. She worked at Shoney’s and Outback restaurants, as a waitress during her senior year. Patton worked at Looney Birds, which was on Curry Ford, for her first job. Money wasn’t tight for me because I had a job.

Bread- $0.71 a loaf Milk- $1.60 a gallon Top music artistMadonna, “Borderline,” 1984 Top movieStar Wars: Episode V, - The Empire Strikes Back ,1980 Candy barMarathon Bar $0.87 Clothing/StyleLeggings and shoulder pads

1990’s photo courtesy/JENNIFER WEEKS

ROCK ON. Before moving in, Jennifer Weeks helps her friend paint their college dorm room.

I worked mainly for money to use for fun,” King said. The 90’s was the start of the race towards technology. After the 90’s America took a leap into the new millennium which took its name into effect giving off a whole new era with laptops, cell phones and iPods which were unlike anything else.

Bread- $1 a loaf Milk- $2.59 a gallon Top music artist- The Spice Girls, “Wannabe,” 1996 Top moviePulp Fiction, 1994 Candy barTwix $0.92 Clothing/ StyleBaggy jeans



MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •


College basketball wrought with talent TALENT SHOWS ACROSS THE BOARD By BRENDAN HALL

Going into the tournament there is often a clear favorite, a team that has showed more skill, poise and toughness than any other. Yet with so many teams filled with talented players, anyone could come out atop the rest as the NCAA Men’s Basketball Champion. From the early season favorites such as North Carolina and Connecticut, ranked one and two in the preseason poll respectively, to the surprise teams like Louisiana State University and Missouri, on any given night a motivated team can pull off an upset. Throughout the season the number one team has continuously been getting knocked off, starting with North Carolina’s home loss against Boston College on Jan. 4 and continuing on until the final week of the season where number 1 Connecticut lost to then number 4 Pittsburgh. More than just great teams, there are two clear power conferences that provide thrilling games on almost a nightly basis. The Big East has had eight teams ranked in the Associated Press Top 25 at one point during the season, with Connecticut and Pittsburgh holding the number one spot at least twice during the season. Six teams in the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) have been ranked at one point or another. North Carolina, Duke and Wake Forest have been at the number one spot. With talent wrought throughout Division I basketball, there will be plenty of teams on the verge of making the tournament. When it’s all done this should be a tournament that does not disappoint.

All teams after first round are predictions by Brendan Hall

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MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •




Teams out-play area competition

a column by BRENDAN HALL

shots. She also has seven recorded steals. “We should definitely win districts, but we have to be prepared for States. It’ll be very difficult,” Wall said. Other top scorers are: Laura Zuluaga with 16, Blake Johnson with 16 and Amelia Wall with 13. “We work really well together and have multiple strong players,” Johnson said. The boys are facing more challenges than the girls. They are struggling with lack of experience. Nearly half of their players are playing for the first time this season. However, at 7-4, the boys are still contenders for the district title. Three of their losses came in the Wildcat Invitational against Palmetto, 4-11, Gulliver Prep, 4-18, and St. Thomas Belen, 1-18. The top four teams make it to the district tournament, and the boys are hoping to be included in that group. According to senior Zachary Askey, the team’s strength is their camaraderie and friendship. Askey scored five goals in a 29-0 defeat of district foe Freedom. He leads the team in steals, 27, and assists, 6. Both Askey and senior Matthew Sheehan want to lead the team to a run in the district tournament. The team has already recorded four district victories over University, 14-5, Freedom, 29-0, Gateway, 12-4 and Timber Creek, 13-2. Askey and Sheehan both scored six goals in the game against Timber Creek. Junior Mark Hendryx is also leaving his mark on the team with nine goals and 23 steals. Sheehan, however, believes their most important district victory must come against Cypress Creek. “We will either lose to Cypress Creek at district finals or win and make it to the first or second round of states. I’m hoping we go further than last year’s team,” Sheehan said. Both the girls’ and boys’ district tournaments will take place April 25 at the YMCA Aquatic Center on International Drive. At the midway point in the season, the girls are headed for a possible district title. While the boys face more challenges, they too could do the same.



A students’ niche, his driving force in middle or high school, the outlet that will propel him or her to college and lead to a better education and life, gone; all thanks to Orange County Public Schools. If OCPS chooses to remove middle school sports as well as freshmen and junior varsity athletics from high school, there will be repercussions far beyond what they can imagine. The role sports have in the lives of thousands of students translates in both their behavior and academics. Sports are a motivating factor in life and school. By removing these there will be shortfalls not only in the budget, but also in the grades and attitude of students across the county. The school board has many different scenarios on the table, but by cutting all middle school, freshmen, JV and a few varsity sports the county will save approximately $7.3 million. On the other hand, over 200,000 students will be unable able to participate in sports. Athletics are one of the major reasons students who would otherwise be causing mischief stay out of trouble. They keep students off the streets and provide a positive and healthy atmosphere for kids to succeed. Sports in school help prevent students from being active in detrimental activities such as gangs, as well as surround them with adults and students that have a positive influence. For many less-fortunate students, sports teams are one of the few groups of friends where they can feel comfortable and safe from harm. More than just keeping students out of trouble, sports help people stay in shape. Athletics give kids the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity they need everyday and more. Looking more towards the future, removing high school sports could have a tremendous effect on athletic scholarships. For many students, an athletic scholarship is the only chance they have for going to college, some even have a shot at making a career out of it, though the probability is less than 1 percent. If the students can’t showcase their talents for college scouts, they are going to have a more difficult time getting recognized. A freshman coming from middle school who has a shot playing at a higher level won’t be able to practice and prepare for college. Removing sports could drastically affect the future of students all around the county and some of them will decide to leave due to the decisions made by the school board. More affluent students could choose to go to a private school, move to a different county or join an outside league. Yet this poses a problem low-income families who don’t have the money, especially in today’s struggling economy. It is unfair to stick families between a rock and a hard place where they would have to make a decision on whether to give their child an opportunity for an athletic scholarship or not because they don’t have the money to move or join a team. The removal of high school and middle school sports means so much more than just money in the budget. The school board needs to take into account the life-altering repercussions of their actions. This decision affects the futures and safety of students throughout the county and any consequences as a result of the decision rest solely on the board’s shoulders. That is why it is essential they think long and hard before making a decision or else OCPS could become the laughing stock of the nation.


With an experienced core, the girls’ water polo team is working to match and improve upon the success of last year’s team. At 9-1-1, the girls are ranked third in Orlando Sentinel’s Super Six. Their only loss was to Gulliver Preparatory School, the defending state champions. The girls are looking to make a return trip to the state semifinals. “Our strength is experience. I have seven very experienced seniors that have played for four years and have played in the off-season as well,” coach Rosalie Creighton said. One such senior is Emily Hester. Hester has scored 26 goals thus far and recorded 20 steals, leading the team in both categories. The girls have two goals for this season: to go far in the state competition and to beat Winter Park when they face off Fri. April 17. Last year, the girls were second in their district and reached the final four in states. “We want to make it again. We’re better than last year,” senior Sara Wall said. Winter Park has become the girls’ most competitive rival. Creighton is married to the coach of the Wildcats who beat the girls 14-2 last year. “They’ve always been good, so we have a big rivalry. We played with them over the summer, and they’re not as good as last year so we have a chance to win,” Wall said. Winter Park is one of the few teams that the girls are worried about. “We don’t have too many weaknesses. We will probably be one of the best teams in Central Florida this year,” Creighton said. The girls are showing no mercy against area teams such as Gateway, who they beat 22-0, and Osceola, 18-0. They beat Freedom 32-1 on March 13, with their highest offensive output this season. Wall has 19 goals on the season in just as many


PASS & SHOOT. During a match against Ocoee, sophomore Alexa Rossi searches for an open teammate. “I absolutely think that we will win districts. I feel like we are a step ahead of the other teams in our district,” Rossi said. The girls beat the Knights 21-1.

*All results as of 03/13/09 photo/ERIN TACHI

Small teams, big heart By MARGIE MERWIN, Special to Hi-Lights

“ROW HARD… ROW FAST… ROW BOONE” is the chant heard most Saturdays as the crew team enters their 22nd Sprint Racing Season. You may have seen the team around campus in their orange and blue Boone Crew jackets and wondered “What is Boone Crew?” Boone Crew is a rowing club, comprised of students – men and women – from ninth through twelfth grade. Four teams make up Boone Crew: Men’s Novice, Men’s Varsity, Women’s Novice and Women’s Varsity. They practice at Turkey Lake every day after school and compete almost every weekend in the spring in regattas in high tech racing boats with four or eight rowers plus a coxswain (pronounced koksn) barking out commands. The team has already competed in five regattas this season, bringing home medals in four: Feb. 14 – Novice Regatta, Turkey Lake Park, Orlando, FL Women’s Freshmen 4 – 2nd Place - Silver Women’s Novice 4 – 3rd Place - Bronze Feb. 21 – Opening Day Regatta, Palm Bay, FL Women’s Novice 8 – 1st Place – Gold Women’s Varsity 4 – 2nd Place – Silver Men’s Novice 4 – 3rd Place – Bronze March 7 - Miami International Regatta, Miami, FL Women’s Novice 8 - 2nd place - Silver Women’s Freshmen 4 - 2nd place - Silver Women’s Pair - 2nd place - Silver Women’s Freshman 8 - 3rd place - Bronze Men’s Lightweight 4 - 3rd place - Bronze March 14 - OARS Invitational Regatta, Turkey Lake Park, Orlando, FL Men’s Lightweight 4 - 2nd Place - Silver March 21 - Hood Cup, Turkey Lake Park, Orlando, FL places unknown, went to press March 20 The State Championship is in Sarasota on April 25 – 26. There is also a summer rowing program and fall regattas, as well. It’s not too late to join. Visit for more information.

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MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •




Facing off against the Edgewater Eagles (3-6), the girls lacrosse team will have their next game on March 24, at 8 p.m. on Norton Baker Field. Forced into double overtime, one of the closest games and biggest accomplishments for the girl’s lacrosse team so far was when they beat the Apopka Blue Darters, 16-15, on Feb. 17. “A lot of girls stepped up to play at a higher level during that game,” senior Taylor Miller,

cocaptain, said. Although coaching 32 girls of different lacrosse backgrounds is challenging, coach Nicole Padgett finds it rewarding in more than one way. “Watching individuals improve throughout the season and witnessing a group of individuals come together to truly become a team [is rewarding],” Padgett said. The team consists of girls of all grades and varying skill levels, ranging from no prior experience to seven years of experience. “We have a lot of diversity and cultures on the team; we all

get along and we have a great coach,” sophomore Francheska Russo said. With a 4-3 record, the girls lost their game against Lake Highland Preparatory Academy on March 5, 7-16. Lake Highland is ranked in the Top 20 in the state of Florida. Although the lady braves are not ranked, the girls feel proud of where they are now. “We make good use of what we have,” junior Melissa Townsend said. “Our program isn’t too big, but we pull together and we still have fun while being serious about games. We make it fun.”

Although the girls are improving with each game, Padgett believes there are always things that need work. “[We need] for our defense to improve their double teams, for the attack to have more assisted goals and for the girls to continue to have fun playing lacrosse,” Padgett said. The team hopes to end the season with a 7-6 record, and for them to do well in the district tournament. “We have bonded as a team,” Russo said. “On the field it is like we are one person and when we are off the field we still remain a team.”


HUSTLE. In the game against Freedom High School, junior Carolina Garcia is about to craddle the ball. The game ended in a 10-3 win.



GET OPEN. In the game against the Dr. Phillips Panthers, senior Steven McCann gets open for the ball. “It relieves stress when you get aggressive pushing people to get the ball,” McCann said.

Tomorrow night at 6:30 at Boone, the boys lacrosse team will take on the Edgewater Eagles (3-7) in hopes of gaining another win. According to coach Elliott Whitton, Boone plays in the most competitive district in Central Florida. The Winter Park, Lake Highland, Timber Creek and Boone teams are in the top four in the District of Central Florida. These matches are providing for a tough season and require the boys to practice independently during the weekends in order to be successful. “The most important thing I require of my players is a winning, positive attitude in the classroom and on the field,” Whitton said. The team lost one of their toughest games on March 3, 6-19, against the undefeated Timber Creek Wolves. The team also lost to Winter Park on March 17, 1-8. The team’s other loss, 4-17 was from Lake Highland Prep (8-3) on Feb. 24. “Looking back we always think of things that we could have done better. Defense and offense could have improved by thinking more quickly

and effectively to control the ball,” Whitton said. They will face either Timber Creek or Lake Highland again during District play, for which they are rigorously training and working together. “I think our team could improve this season by working better together because some people’s personalities clash because of egos,” Tyler Dingman, junior mid fielder, said. The ability for the boys on the team to ignore their differences to work successfully is one of the most important abilities of a team. “The most important attribute a good team should have is good chemistry and the ability to work together in pressured situations,” John Kissick, freshman forward, said. The boys defeated Ocoee (6-4) on March 13, 7-6, with goals by sophomore Andrew Conley, freshman Chris Chavez and senior Steven McCann. The team was also victorious against Olympia on Feb. 2, 17-11. On Feb. 20 the boys played the Lake Howell Silver Hawks (4-5) winning 8-2. In order to succeed, each player must go into the game with a positive mind set, especially when the boys are facing challenging teams like Timber Creek and Lake Highland. “If we are playing a tough team, we don’t go in with the mind set that we are going to lose. We just do our best and focus on our skills and plays,”

sophomore Tyler Maschinot said. On March 13, the boys also defeated the University Cougars (4-5), 15-1. Before each game, the boys gather to discuss their playing strategies and goals. “For our team to prepare for an important game we scout the other teams and find out what plays they are going to use. We try to anticipate what the other team is going to do,” midfielder Dallas Humphreys said. During practices, the players run an offensive drill where they catch and throw a ball one hundred times to sharpen their speed and accuracy. They also try to anticipate what the other teams will do. Playing mostly a strong offensive game, the players make it a priority to put their scorers in the position to make a goal. “Our team’s strengths include skills of maneuvering the ball and getting our players closer to scoring a goal,” Whitton said. Recently, two of the team’s top scorers were injured and it is unclear whether they will be able to finish the season. The team has brought up players from junior varsity and current varsity players must step up to cover for the injuries. The team will play two top teams Hagerty and Episcopal Jacksonville over Spring Break in order to prepare for Districts.

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High prices cause club shortfall C



Open 7 days a week 7:30 a.m. 3 p.m. Located at 63 E. Pine St., walking distance from the Orlando Public Library $5-$20 To try: The Home Run Belgian waffle


With a majority of its customer count being business people, the Breakfast Club feeds the early risers of downtown Orlando. Despite the welcoming environment of the building’s interior, including the green cushioned booths, lighting hanging above each table and the assortments of floral decor, the prices aren’t as friendly. With Florida being popular for its production of oranges, they charge $3.50 for a so-called “large” glass of orange juice. However, the tangy orange liquid is easily downed due to the pleasing affect it has on one’s taste buds during the meal. In this increasing economic depression, wallets are looking thin especially those in the back pockets of high school

teenagers. The friendly face and positive attitude of the speedy waiting service doesn’t make up for the sparse dishes they present. Minimalism is taken literally when it comes to the portions. The bland presentation of the food translates into the taste. For example, the $5.25 french toast meal presents a simple three slices of butter-topped bread. The toast sits alone on the platter bringing the minimalistic theme to a whole with a noticeable lack of powered sugar and light and fluffy texture that a plate of french toast should portray. In contrast to the negative impact of the lack of food served, if on a time crunch, the small portions may allow one to be in and out quickly. Breakfast makes it convenient for students to go out and eat “the most important meal of the day” before going to school. While a list of breakfast dishes

are obvious, lunch meals are included in the menu, available at the same convenient times. One can order anything from a grilled turkey club sandwich ($8.25) to a cheesy chicken quesadilla ($7.95). True to it’s name there is a wide variety of breakfast dishes listed on the menu. Those that stood out were the Floridian French Toast ($8.25), the Enchilada Omlette ($7.95) and the Sunshine Scramble ($7.95). The Breakfast Club restaurant is stationed at the center of busy downtown Orlando. Convenient parking is located across the street from the Orlando Public Library on 101 E. Central Blvd for just $2. The overall experience of the Breakfast Club was overall graded as average. Due to an absence of presentation, the restaurant is not one recommended. This is one club not to join.

SNEAK peaks

Upcoming Concerts The Devil Wears PradaHouse of Blues 7 p.m.; $14.25-$27.25 Fall Out Boy UCF Arena Wed., April 22; 6 p.m.; $57.00 3OH3! with The Maine House of Blues Tues., April 18; 6 p.m.; $13.25- $16.25

Upcoming CDs


BREAKFAST IS SERVED. Ordering one pancake with a side of grits, a biscuit and orange juice made the final bill $5.95 for senior Laura Uncapher. “It was simple and my least favorite was the biscuit,” Uncapher said. “It wasn’t the kind that I normally like.”

March 31- Flo Rida R.O.O.T.S.

Unorthodox story challenges faith SUGGESTED


SIMPLY THE BEST Book: The Shack Author: William P. Young Price: $ 14.99 Publisher: Windblown Media ISBN: 978-09647292-3-0


Seated at a table with a robust black woman, a calm Middle Eastern Jew and an eccentric Asian woman, Mackenzie Phillips is mystified by their claim: they are all God. On the New York Times best seller list since June 2008, The Shack by William P. Young tackles tough faith issues. Centered on a struggling, doubting Christian, the story retells his lucrative journey that returns him to faith. His journey will generate a new perspective on one’s own beliefs. Built around the abduction of Phillips’s youngest daughter Missy, Young starts the novel four years after the event. Phillips, grief stricken and angry,

returns to the shack where police discovered the evidence of his daughter’s murder. Met by three unorthodox manifestations of God, Phillips spends the night in the shack with the three. While being guided by them through question-and-answer conversations, they help him overcome his struggles with his daughter’s brutal murder, his broken relationship with his deceased father and his floundering faith. Delving into the modern Christian faith, Young sheds light on the questions that have perplexed generations of believers like God’s plans and confusing logic. Young guides the reader through the tribulations every Christian experiences

while providing the answers to God’s mysteries; it is like a faith guidebook. The emotions Phillips experiences, such as feeling like an ant burnt by a magnifying glass, are relatable to anyone who ever wonders about the idea of a Creator. Young forces the reader to examine and question every facet of the human world. From anarchy to the idea of religion, Young’s versions of God do not leave any issue untouched. Despite the complex faith issues, The Shack is written in a simple, easy-to-understand format. This style helps the reader understand the often intangible answers that the representations of God share. Phillips’s journey through faith

is unorthodox and hard to grasp at times, tackling hard issues such as the paradox of free choice and predestination, but Young words the ideas in clear, unambiguous language. Although a strongly Christian book, the story of Mackenzie Phillips is both relevant and intriguing for non-Christians. Similar to the Haleigh Cummings and Caylee Anthony cases, Missy’s abduction is now something people encounter regularly on the news. Its relevance to this generation makes the horror and grief that surround Missy’s disappearance closer and more personal to the reader. Missy’s disappearance creates mystery and suspense, while developing Young’s main

character Phillips. It turns a possibly monotonous story into an intriguing read. Young takes the world and turns it on its head. The originality of Phillips’s tale makes The Shack hard to put down. It is the strangeness in Phillips’s journey that makes the book interesting and compelling. Deeply theological and philosophical, this book is not for the shallow or those searching for a fun read. The story line makes the reader think while the subject matter compels the reader to dissect himself and his faith. Although The Shack provides a lot of answers, it will leave the reader with an onslaught of probing questions.



Rashida Jonesas Peter’s devoted fiance Zooey Andy Samburgas Peter’s gay brother Robbie who offers terrible advice Sarah Burnsplays Hailey, Zooey’s quirky best friend

March 20 Duplicity

Rating: PG-13 Genre: Drama/ Action Director: Justin Lin A crime brings Dom Toretto (Vin Disel) back to Los Angeles. He and Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) reignite their feud.

Manhunt turns tedious Cast 2note Jason Segelplays Sydney Fife, a lonely womanizer who becomes Peter’s best friend

Rating: PG-13 Genre: Action Director: Alex Proyas An elementary teacher (Nicholas Cage) opens his son’s time capsule to find a note predicting the end of the world in numbers.

April 3 Fast & Furious


Paul Ruddplays Peter Klaven, the awkward and gawky relator who’s on the hunt for a best friend

March 20 Knowing

Rating: PG Genre: Family Comedy Director: Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon Susan Murphy (Reese Witherspoon) is hit by a meteor and becomes an unusually tall super-hero.

Rating: R for pervasive language, including crude and sexual references Genre: Comedy Director: John Hamburg

the call. After building up enough courage he dials Segels number, only to get his voice mail. While leaving the message he stutters and stumbles around making an utter fool out of himself. This is one of the painfully awkward scenes, dispersed throughout the film, which don’t help it along its quest for comedic success. The acting is mediocre at best. Rudd’s performance is lacking compared to his cameos in other films like Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Rather than coming off as funny, he gives an awkward and gawky impression, which is unappealing. I Love You, Man does have its bright spots. If viewers can get past the crude and boring jokes, there are some truly funny lines. When Rudd cuts loose under the Venice Beach boardwalk, yelling at the top of his lungs and frightening the people above him the audience will be unable to control its laughter. Despite the few genuinely funny moments, most of the time viewers will be praying for the end credits to role. Although I Love You, Man is a rough, painful film, it might be worth watching with a group of friends. It ranks up there with the mindless dribble of Step Brothers and is sure to inspire laughs from immature high school students.

Upcoming Movies

March 27 Monsters v.s. Aliens

I Love You, Man


April 9- Lady Sovereign Jigsaw

Rating: PG-13 Genre: Drama Director: Tony Gilroy Corporate spies (Clive Owens, Julia Roberts) team up on a con job to make $40 million.


In an attempt to become the next Superbad or The 40-Year-Old Virgin, comedians Paul Rudd and Jason Segel team up in a comedy about male best friends. However, unlike its predecessors, I Love You, Man is a tedious film whose crude jokes turn sour within the first 30 minutes. It is filled with pitiful acting and mediocre laughs, but is likely to delight high school audiences. Peter Klaven (Rudd, Role Models) is a hopeless romantic who opens the movie up by proposing to his gorgeous girlfriend of eight months, Zooey (Rashida Jones, The Office). Peter, an emerging real estate agent, is a popular man, but has never been able to maintain a close friendship with another man. This serves as the basis for the plot of I Love You, Man: Peter’s quest for a best friend and a best man for his wedding. Just when the audience has given up hope on Peter’s quest, he meets Sydney Fife (Segel, Forgetting Sarah Marshall). Sydney is an honest and confident man and quickly catches Peter’s attention. After a series of “man-dates,” the two become best friends. In one scene, Rudd picks up the phone and debates on whether or not he should make

March 31Prince LOTUSFLOW3R

Upcoming Books March 24 True Detectives

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Jonathan Kellerman $27 Two detectives strive to maintain friendship among a world of crime. Set in Los Angeles this book is by the acclaimed author of Bones.

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Broadway superstar, discovers who killed her former roommate. As she hunts down the truth behind the murder, the killers come after her.

E N T E R T A I N M E N T 15 MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009 •


Orlando boasts artsy character local favorites of the city beautiful


There are 300 lakes in Orlando Orlando is named after soldier Orlando Reeves who was killed by an Indian arrow to the head in what is now Lake Eola park, legend says Orlando was named in 1857 The city of Orlando has more than 5,180 restaurants

The heart of downtown Orlando, Orange Avenue has been a bustling centerface of the city since the beginning. Continuing its legacy, this strip of road is surrounded by what Orlandonians call downtown, and home. Orlando is not just a tourist town--Kissimmee was built for that. Orlando is a bustling hub of artistry, musicianship and everyday popular and common culture. Unlike middle school, high school students are more independent as to where they can hang out. The accessibility of the city is opened to new drivers for them to explore and find their own “off the beaten path” places. Orlando is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. There is Little Siagon, Parramore district and the Conway areas that make up some of the demographic differences that create such a unique city. However, the economy has hit downtown hard and can be seen in the sudden halt of movement in condominium construction as well as the bankruptcy of the Plaza theater. This is an introduction to high schoolers as to the hip and never outdated places where true Orlando citizens find their niche.


SAK COMEDY CLUB. Located in a parking garage on 380 W. Amelia Street, this house of improv captures the hearts and laughs of an all ages audience. Perfect for special events, groups, or just an inexpensive date idea, SAK offers two nightly shows. SAK also offers improv classes for those interested in being a part of the show. Admission is $5-$13 depending on show.


MILK DISTRICT. Located on Robinson between Primrose and Bumby, this newly budding hipster district is already making a mark on Orlando. Fueled by entrepreneurs, this subtle yet growing center for everything chic includes: Etoile Boutique, Covert Skate Shop, Beta Retail Gallery and Vinyle Richie’s Wiggly World of Records. These shops fuel Orlando’s underground scene.


CENTRAL STATION. On the corner of Central Boulevard and Magnolia Avenue in the heart of downtown, Central Station’s “Rock Bar” is a local favorite that houses all-ages shows. Spanning from hardcore shows to DUB reggae, Rock Bar is a local hub for music lovers. Senior Barry Rigby plays solo shows frequently. Central Station is open from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.


LAKE EOLA One of the longest standing attractions of Orlando, Lake Eola, is a magnet for the eco-friendly. Farmers markets rein the lake on Sundays. Lake Eola’s staple is the swan boat which costs $12 per half hour. The current “millennium fountain” was installed in 1957.

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From the formation of clay into pots to the colorful strokes filling a painting, the art classes on campus provide a creative outlet for students. “It is a good break from academics and responsibility. Art gives you a sense of release and gives you something else to think about for a while,” senior Quiana Dempsey said. Artists are constantly exposed to different influences, and they use a variety of mediums to communicate and express their ideas with the world around them. “Art is the first form of communication. Some students can’t always verbalize what they feel but they can sometimes paint or draw it better,” Maureen Maurer, art teacher, said. The Reservation is home to a plethora of art classes including photography, drawing, painting, ceramics and jewelry making. “Art lets me be creative and show off my

CLAY CREATION. In the Ceramics II class, junior Solimar Gonzalez forms a pot on the wheel. “Art shows people what I am capable of and that I am talented at other things. If I didn’t have ceramics, school would be stressful because it helps me relax,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez made a Grecian inspired pot from the wheel.

imagination,” senior Keri Chastain said. On Friday, April 10, students will showcase their talents in the the annual art show. About 200 art students will enter at least one piece and other students will be able to visit the show throughout the day with their classes. The show is second through sixth period. “I think it is a great opportunity for students. It shows them that sometimes making art isn’t enough you have to market it,” Maurer said. In addition to the show, refreshments and entertainment will be provided. The jazz band will play as well as a hip hop band. About 50 selected artists will also be creating chalk art images on the sidewalks for the duration of the show. Lanyards and jewelry will also be on sale. “Art puts color in students’ lives. It is as important as being able to walk and talk. Young people cannot conceive a day without it such as living without music,” Maurer said.

IN THE LINES. In Drawing II. senior Anthony Viera fills in his assignment with watercolor. “Art expresses my unique style because artwork is who I am. It expresses me and contains bits and pieces of things I imagine,” Viera said. Viera is currently working on a cartoon version of the moon as cheese. photo/ALEX PORTEE



LIGHT IN THE DARK. In Photo III, senior Theresa Bruno captures fellow senior Shannon Howell in a moment of laughter. “I chose Shannon because she knows how to capture the viewer. Whether her face is goofy or serious, she can entrance the viewer,” Bruno said. Bruno’s photos will appear in the art show.


1. FLOOD OF EMOTION. Inspired by her Columbian heritage, junior Mayra Benavides themed her painting on religion. “I think art connects people and helps express your feelings and the feelings of the world,” Benavides said. Benavides is in AP Art Portfolio. 2. CONCENTRATION. Placing a string of clay, junior Edward Culberhouse creates a relief formed from clay extrusions. Culberhouse themed his relief around sushi and spent a week creating his piece.


MAN BEHIND THE MASK. Assigned to paint a subject with a mask, junior Natalie D’Amico combined nature and the assignment to create her painting. “I am actually a shy person but my art is colorful. It is just a different side I like to show,” D’Amico said. D’Amico is in AP Art Portfolio.


1. DIFFERENT STROKES. Filling in her sketch, sophomore Anna Hofer inks in the subjects of her painting. “[Art allows] you to make a statement in everything you do. You can create moods and express things through your work,” Hofer said. Hofer is currently in Paint II. 2. ROLL ‘EM. Rolling clay together, junior Carolina Garcia molds beads for jewelry. Garcia is currently in Jewelry I.

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